International Conference on Sustainability Science

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  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science



  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    Table of Contents

    ICSS2010 Outline 2

    Brief Programme 4

    Key Note Speakers 5

    SESSION I - From complex thinking to transformational change: epistemological 10

    and methodological challenges for sustainability science

    SESSION II - Solution-oriented/transdisciplinary research for sustainable development 20

    SESSION III - Innovation for Sustainability: toward a Sustainable Urban Future 29

    SESSION IV - Global Sustainability governance 40

    SESSION V - Sustainability Science education 48

    SESSION VI - Synthesis, cross-cutting Issues and Future of Sustainability Science 52


    PANEL I - Industry and Academia for a transition towards Sustainability 53

    PANEL II - People to Science to People: experiences from civil society 55

    Ph.D. SESSION 60

    ICSS2012 at Arizona State University 65

  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    ICSS2010 Outline

    Francesca FarioliCoordinator o ICSS2010 Scientifc Secretariat

    ICSS2010 is a turning point for the consolidation of Sustainability Science. During the three days in Rome, ex-

    perts and scholars invited from the leading universities and research centres will discuss the crucial elementsof Sustainability Science through focused and output-oriented sessions. The second day of the conference, the

    Open Forum with stakeholders, will be dedicated to the dialogue and integration of civil society, industry and

    decision makers into the process of linking knowledge to action for sustainable development.

    BACKGROUNDICSS2010 is the second edition of the International Conference on Sustainability Science. The rst edition of

    ICSS, has been promoted by the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) of the University

    of Tokyo and co-organized by IR3S-UNU Sustainability Joint Initiative, in February 2009, as a follow up activity

    of the Sapporo Sustainability Declaration (SSD) of the G8 University Summit.

    The Sapporo Sustainability Declaration, prepared during the G8 University Summit, in 2008, recognized

    that sustainability issues represent an urgent political concern and that universities have a fundamental

    responsibility in promoting a transition towards a sustainable world. Following the recommendations of

    the Sapporo Sustainability Declaration, the rst International Conference on Sustainability Science, held

    in Tokyo in February 2009, gathered scholars from international leading universities and research centres

    to discuss the different academic approaches and to delineate a framework for integrating and structuring

    knowledge for sustainability science.

    The strong international participation and the growing vivid interest in Sustainability Science of researchers

    and scholars from the leading research institutions around the world encouraged the promoters of ICSS to

    assure continuity to the event. ICSS2010 intends to consolidate and develop further the process started during

    ICSS2009 in Tokyo. ICSS2010 aims to bring advancement in Sustainability Sciences knowledge structuring as

    well a consolidation and formalization of its research Network and solicit the active participation of the different

    stakeholders in a process of scientic co-production.

    OBJECTIVESICSS2010 has a challenging central ambition: to map and structure the existing knowledge, methodologies, and

    research priorities in Sustainability Science. This ambition is motivated by the necessity of contrasting the risk of

    dispersion and fragmentation that a domain with such a wide range of research interests such as Sustainability

    Science inevitably runs.

    The Conference has six primary objectives:

    1. Strengthen the framework of sustainability science and identify the epistemological pillars of sustainabilityscience, as well as discuss the methodology aspects.

    2. Present case studies of trans-disciplinary research practices to address the complexity of human-nature


    3. Review and discuss the current status of high education in sustainability science with regard to diverse

    visions, approaches, and methodologies used

    ICSS 2010 Outline

  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    4. Discuss the possibilities and challenges of an effective collaboration civil society, industry, policy makers -

    academia for a transition towards sustainability.

    5. Examine the central issues and challenges of global sustainability giving equal attention to the perspecti-

    ves of the South

    6. Identify specic and concrete activities and instruments to consolidate the collaboration among research

    institutions and Networks.

    In order to accomplish the objectives, the Conference has been structured in keynote speeches, Sessions and

    Panels as illustrated in the gure below. The sessions and panels provide venues to scholars and stakeholders

    to discuss, contribute and present knowledge, methods and case studies on challenging issue of sustainability


    Session I

    Session II

    Session III

    Session V

    Session VI

    Panel I

    Panel II

    Session IV

    From complex thinking to transformational change: Epistemological and me-

    thodological challenges for sustainability science

    Solution-oriented/transdisciplinary research for sustainable development

    Innovation for Sustainability

    Sustainability science education

    Crosscutting issues and Future of Sustainability Science

    PH.D Seminar and Poster Session

    Industry and Academia for a transition towards sustainability

    People to Science to People: experiences from civil society

    Global sustainability governance

    ICSS 2010 Outline

  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    June 24:Cloister Hall, Faculty of Engineering Sapienza University of Rome

    June 25: Cloister Hall, Faculty of Engineering Sapienza University of Rome


    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    Brief Programme

    Brief Programme

    June 23: Aula Magna, Sapienza University of Rome

    09:00 - 09:35

    09:35 - 09:45

    09:45 - 09:55

    09:55 - 10:10

    10:10 - 10:20

    11:20 - 13:20

    14:30 - 16:30

    17:00 - 19:00

    08:50 - 09:00

    09:00 - 11:00

    11:30 - 13:30

    14:30 - 16:30

    17:00 - 19:00

    09:00 - 09:30

    09:30 - 11:30

    12:00 - 13:00

    14:00 - 15:30

    17:30 - 18:00

    18:00 - 18:30

    Welcome remarks

    Message from General Director of Ministry of Environment

    Opening remarks

    Key note speech

    Video Message from Nobel Prize

    Session I: From complex thinking to transformational change:Epistemological and methodological challenges for sustainability science

    Lunch break

    Session II : Solution-oriented/transdisciplinary researchfor sustainable development

    Session III : Innovation for Sustainability

    Introduction to the 2nd day of the Conference

    Session IV: Global sustainability governance

    Session V: Sustainability science education

    Lunch break

    Panel 1: Industry and Academia for a transition towards sustainability

    Panel 2: People to Science to People: experiences from civil society

    Key note speech

    PhD seminar

    PhD Poster SessionLunch break

    Lunch break

    Session VI: Cross-cutting plenary and future of sustainability science

    Open discussion

    Announcement of the next edition of ICSS at Arizona State Universityand closing remarks

  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    Key Note Speakers


    ELINOR OSTROM is Distinguished Professor, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Scien-

    ce, and Senior Research Director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,Indiana University, Bloomington; and Founding Director, Center for the Study of Institutio-

    nal Diversity, Arizona State University. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts

    and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Sveriges Riksbank

    Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009, and the Reimar Lst Award

    for International Scholarly and Cultural Exchange. Her books include Governing the Com-

    mons; Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources (with Roy Gardner and James Walker); Local Commons and

    Global Interdependence (with Robert Keohane); The Commons in the New Millennium (with Nives Dolak);

    Understanding Institutional Diversity; and Working Together: Collective Action, the Commons, and Multiple

    Methods in Practice (with Amy Poteete and Marco Janssen).

    Making Progress in Sustainability ScienceElinor Ostrom, interviewed by Arnim Wiek

    Sustainability science is engaged in linking governance efforts from the local to the global level, moving forward

    from understanding complex sustainability problems to creating robust solutions for them, as well as developing

    strong teaching and learning approaches in this emerging inter- and transdisciplinary eld. Nobel Laureate Elinor

    Ostrom reects on the state of the art in sustainability science related to these key challenges in an interview

    with Arnim Wiek.

    DR HIROSHI KOMIAMA, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

    Hiroshi Komiyama became Chairman of the Institute of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

    and President Emeritus at the University of Tokyo in April 2009, after completing four-year

    presidency at the University of Tokyo. He received his Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral

    degrees all from the University of Tokyo in chemical engineering respectively in 1967, 1969,

    and 1972. From 1973 to 1974, he was a post doctoral fellow at the University of California

    at Davis. Dr. Komiyama specializes in chemical engineering, advanced material engineering,

    and global environment engineering. His research work and papers have received awards

    three times from the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan.

    Low Carbon Industrial Revolution

    In the 21st century, we human beings are facing a new paradigm: the earths limited resources, the aging of

    society and the explosion of intelligence.

    Japan has experienced these problems ahead of the rest of the world, and is currently looking for proactive so-

    lutions. Hence, I proposed Vision 2050 in 1999. The Vision 2050 consists of three pillars: (1) Improve energy

    efciency by three times; (2) Double the use of renewable energy; (3) Establish recycling system of materials.

    The Japanese government conditionally conrmed that Japan will submit to 25% GHG reduction by 2020 on

    1990 levels under the committee of ministries. Mr. Ozawa, Minister of the Environment of Japan, said The

    25% GHG reduction target is challenging but also helps Japan to draw its growth strategy. The target is

    achievable. 55% of Japans energy consumption occurs in daily life activities; i.e. household, commercial and

    transportation sectors. The remaining 45% of consumption occurs in the manufacturing sectors.

    Key Note Speakers

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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    In addition to GHG concerns, we need to address many problems under the paradigm. I proposed a concept

    of Platinum Society. It is a society where environmental problems are solved and elderly persons can live a

    lively life. Development of Platinum Society enhances competitiveness of industries and supports economic


    To realize Platinum society, we need to launch a new action in community bases. I proposed Platinum net-

    work, an experimental platform for developing Platinum society in collaboration with local municipalities.

    We can lead the world in terms of addressing global warming and creation of new industry, by expanding

    Platinum network based on cooperation among citizens and application of the latest technologies such asphotovoltaic power generation, fuel cells, heat pump and eco-cars, etc. Platinum network may furthermore

    promote cooperation within communities in the world in order to achieve an entirely new urban development

    model throughout the world.

    PARVIz KOOHAFKAN,Director, Land and Water Division, FAO, Rome

    Dr. Parviz Koohafkan is presently the Director of Land and Water Division of FAO and

    has a PhD. degree in Ecology from University of Sciences and Techniques of Montpellier,

    France, and an engineering degree in Agronomy and Natural Resources Management from

    university of Teheran, Iran. Specialized in integrated natural resources management and

    sustainable development, Dr. Koohafkan is the author of several books and publications on

    biodiversity, agro-ecology, climate change and sustainable development. Dr. Koohafkan is

    the pioneer and coordinator of the UN Partnership Initiative on Conservation and Adaptive

    Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) presently implemented in more

    than 20 countries.

    Poverty-Food Insecurity- Environment Nexus: The Challenges of Sustainability in

    AgricultureThe recent nancial crises followed by the food and Climate crisis have attracted increased attention to the im-

    pact of globalization on poverty, food security, environmental degradation and threat to world peace, stability

    and security. Entering the new millennium, stark contrasts exist between the availability of natural resources

    and the demands of billions of humans who require them for their survival. Each day almost a quarter-million

    people are added to the roughly 6.4 billion who already exist. Yet the stocks of natural resources that support

    human life--food, fresh water, quality soil, energy, and biodiversity--are being degraded and depleted. Of the

    worlds one billion hungry, 95 percent are concentrated in developing countries and of the worlds 1.2 billion

    extremely poor people, 75 percent live in rural areas and depend largely on agriculture, forestry, sheries and

    related activities for survival. Despite large scale urbanization, extreme poverty continues to be mainly a rural

    phenomenon. For the rural poor, globalization and the increasing pressures of large industry, markets, and ur-ban consumers have, on balance, been detrimental in many places. These trends have forced small producers

    and farm families out of agriculture, or led them to excessive intensication and specialization and increased

    vulnerability to price uctuations, the vagaries of weather and pest and disease outbreaks. The concept of Gre-

    en Economy has emerged as a sustainable solution for present and future generation that includes conservation

    of remaining natural resources and greater consideration of environmental goods and services while addressing

    poverty and hunger. While the challenges of sustainable development and poverty reduction are formidable,

    we have greater human capacity and ingenuity than at any time in our common history. With the right policies,

    investments and political will to reach into poor communities we can meet the formidable challenges of our

    century. Maximizing benets and minimizing tradeoffs will require careful science and innovative institutions.

    Getting the science right is a critical rst step. This requires understanding the relationships between farmers

    actions and their environmental consequences, as well as understanding the socio-economic motives and con-

    straints facing suppliers and beneciaries of environmental services. Equally important are the institutional in-

    Key Note Speakers

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    novations needed to link suppliers and beneciaries. A paradigm shift from high to low carbon foot print society

    that internalize ecological costs and improves energy efciency by encouraging new research and development,

    creating local markets with increase employment in rural areas is needed to overcome the present unsustainable

    growth based on false economic theories.


    Miguel A . Altieri received a BS in Agronomy from the University of Chile and a Ph.D in

    Entomology from the University of Florida. He has been a Professor of Agroecology at UC

    Berkeley since 1981 in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management

    ( www.agroeco.organd Dr. Altieri served as a Scientic Ad-

    visor to the Latin American Consortium on Agroecology and Development (CLADES) Chile

    an NGO network promoting agroecology as a strategy for small farm sustainable develop-

    ment in the region. Currently he is advisor to the FAO-GIAHS program ( Globally Ingenious

    Agricultural Heritage Systems) a program devoted at identifying and dynamically conserving traditional farming

    systems in the developing world. He is also Director of the US-Brasil Consortium on Agroecology and Sustai-

    nable Rural Development (CASRD) an academic-research exchange program involving students and faculty

    of UC Berkeley, University of Nebraska, UNICAMP and Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. He is also the

    general coordinator of the Latin American Scientic Society of Agroecology ( He is the

    author of more than 200 publications, and numerous books including Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable

    Agriculture and Biodiversity, Pest Management in Agroecosystems and Agroecology and the Search for a Truly

    Sustainable Agriculture.

    Agroecology: the scientic basis for a biodiverse, productive, resilient and a re-source conserving and use-efcient agriculture.

    There is an urgent need to promote a new agricultural production paradigm in order to ensure the production

    of healthy and affordable food for an increasing human population. This challenge will need to be met using a

    shrinking arable land base which is also required to produce biofuels, but with less petroleum, less water and

    nitrogen and within a scenario of a rapidly changing climate, social unrest and economic uncertainty. The domi-

    nant industrial agricultural model and its biotechnological derivations will not be able provide answers to such


    The agroecological paradigm emerges as the most viable option to design and promote the agroecosytems of

    the future that necessarily will need to be:

    Multifunctional: in addition to providing food and ber, such agroecosystems will produce ecosystem,

    cultural and social services,

    Resilient: capable to resist and recover from extreme climatic events and other shocks

    Productive and diverse, exhibiting diverse crop-animal combinations in time and space with high rates ofrecycling and land equivalent ratios

    Efcient in the use of resources and with high energy ratios

    The basis of local food systems closing the circles of production and consumption

    Such agroecological systems are the foundation for a durable strategy of food, energy and technological sove-reignty. The science of agroecology, which is dened as the application of ecological concepts and principles to

    Key Note Speakers

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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems, provides a framework to assess the complexity

    of agroecosystems . The idea of agroecology is to go beyond the use of alternative practices and to develop

    agroecosystems with a minimal dependence on high agrochemical and energy inputs, emphasizing complex

    agricultural systems in which ecological interactions and synergisms between biological components provide

    the mechanisms for the systems to sponsor their own soil fertility, productivity and crop protection

    Thousands of small peasant and family farmers in Latin America and the developing world already practice

    this kind of agriculture, offering uncompensated, environmental, social, cultural and economic benets to lar-

    ge sectors of rural and urban areas. In Latin America, new approaches and technologies involving applicationof blended modern agricultural science and indigenous knowledge systems and spearheaded by thousands of

    peasant organizations, NGOs and some government and academic institutions and are proving to enhance

    food security while conserving natural resources, agrobiodiversity, and soil and water conservation throu-

    ghout hundreds of rural communities in the region.

    These successful agroecological initiatives constitute spaces of hope that need to be scaled up via horizon-

    tal and participatory processes following the guidelines of the campesino a campesino model. In this pro-

    cess of massication of the agroecological paradigm, agroecologists play a fundamental role in systemati-

    zing the principles that underlie the success of such initiatives, and to translate such principles into practice so

    that they can be converted into appropriate technological forms appropriate to the needs and circumstances

    of thousands of farmers. Agroecologists also have the social responsibility to inform and motivate decision

    makers to promote policies conducive to endogenous and sovereign rural development paths, including the

    access of farmers to land, water, seeds, education, research, local markets, etc.

    Agroecologists must also educate consumers, because their participation and support for this new type of

    agriculture will be crucial and essential to their livelihoods, as the quality of life in cities ( access to safe and

    nutritious food, water quality, conservation of oral and faunal biodiversity, carbon sequestration, microcli-

    mate, etc) is increasingly dependent on the presence of an agroecologically based agriculture in the urban


    Natures thresholds have been overwhelmed by accelerated agricultural economic growth and the extreme

    modication of landscapes by monocultures and extreme use of polluting agrochemicals. Agroecology provi-

    des the scientic basis to revert such processes and restore a more biodiverse and resilient agriculture capableof producing food an ecosystem services so vital for the survival of a planet in crisis.

    The scientic community should endorse the emerging agroecological grassroots efforts, and become part of

    the growing awareness about the need to design a new agriculture that enhances the environment, preserves

    local cultures and associated biodiversity, promotes food sovereignty and the multiple functions of small farm

    agriculture. The immediate challenge for our generation is to transform industrial agriculture by transitioning

    the worlds food systems away from reliance on fossil fuels, develop an agriculture that is resilient to climatic

    variability and promote local forms of agriculture that ensure food sovereignty and the livelihoods of rural



    Dr. Corrado Clini is Director General of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea of

    Italy since 1990. He is Chairman of the inter-ministerial task force of the Italian Government

    for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Chairman of the G8 - Global Bioenergy Part-

    nership since 2006 and Chairman of the European Environment and Health Committee

    since 2007. He is Member of the Clinton Global Initiative. He is Visiting professor at the

    Department for Environmental Sciences and Engineering Tshingua University Beijing andVisiting Professor at Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

    Key Note Speakers

  • 7/29/2019 International Conference on Sustainability Science


    JILL JGER, Sustainable Europe Research Institute

    Jill Jger is a member of the European Sustainability Science Group ( and a

    well-known author on sustainability and policy. She has worked as a consultant on energy,

    environment, and climate for national and international organizations. She is also a senior

    researcher at SERI in Vienna, Austria. She has served as the Executive Director of the Inter-

    national Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, and as Deputy

    Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Her main eld of interest

    is in the linkages between science and policy in the development of responses to global

    environmental issues.

    Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability Science

    In Europe, in particular, sustainability science is implementation-oriented in areas dealing with persistent pro-

    blems of unsustainability that have a high level of complexity. The focus is therefore on the design and running

    of processes linking knowledge with action to foster transitions to sustainability. In order to do this, however, a

    number of barriers must be overcome. Taking a strategic approach towards specic implementation is still consi-

    dered by many to be going beyond the remit of science. Current peer-review and project evaluation procedures

    generally do not support this type of work. Funding is generally not available for the long-term, implementation-oriented, goal-searching processes that are needed. Scientists rarely have a mandate to engage in this kind of

    work and academic institutions rarely give credit for these hands-on strategic processes of engagement. Some

    recent discussions on overcoming these barriers will be presented.

    Key Note Speakers

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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010


    SESSION IFrom complex thinking to transformational change:epistemological and methodological challengesfor sustainability scienceChair: ARNIM WIEK, Arizona State UniversityCo-Chair: FRANCESCA FARIOLI, Sapienza University Rome

    Background Paper


    The Second International Conference on Sustainability Science (ICSS) has the central aim of mapping and

    structuring the existing knowledge, methodology, and research priorities in sustainability science a eld that

    seems to become more and more fragmented and disperse. ICSS 2010 aims at mitigating this risk by producing

    tangible outputs for the consolidation and advancement of sustainability science.

    This Background Paper has three functions:

    outlining the central theme of the session, the current state of knowledge (literature overview), and openresearch questions

    guidance for the invited speakers to prepare their contributions

    ensuring an informed and productive discussion at the conference

    Central theme of this session

    About a decade ago, the emerging eld of sustainability science has been introducedwith some ambivalenceregarding its epistemology and methodology (Kates et al., 2001). In one stream of its early reception, sustaina-

    bility science has been conceptualized as an advanced form of complex system analysis. Turner et al. (2003a)

    state in a prominent article on sustainability science and vulnerability analysis: The emergence of sustainabi-

    lity science builds toward an understanding of the human environment condition with the dual objectives of

    meeting the needs of society while sustaining the life support systems of the planet. (p. 8074; cf. Turner et al.,

    2003b, p. 8080). The epistemological goal is enhanced understanding, the methodological approach builds

    on advanced analytical-descriptive tools.

    Yet, at the same time, Clark and Dickson (2003) spelled out a more transformational agenda according to

    which the research community needs to complement its historic role in identifying problems of sustainability

    with a greater willingness to join with the development and other communities to work on practical solutions to

    those problems (p. 8059).1 This agenda does not imply that sustainability scientists would solve problems or

    take decisions on their own, yet, it clearly points in the direction that the epistemological goal of sustainability

    science needs to be broader than understanding coupled human-environment systems. The transformational

    version suggests that sustainability science goes beyond the questions of how our coupled human-environment

    systems have evolved (past), are currently functioning (present), and might further develop (future). As a so-

    lution-oriented endeavor, sustainability science addresses the normative question of how these systems ought

    to be developed in ways that would accomplish a variety of value-laden goals, for instance, to balance socio-

    economic needs and environmental capacities (cf. Gibson, 2006). To this end, sustainability scientists engage

    with a broad range of stakeholders to develop joint and coordinated strategies for how to solve sustainability

    problems (van Kerkhoff & Lebel, 2006).

    The co-creation of uncommon types of knowledge is required to succeed on this pathway. These types com-plement descriptive-analytical knowledge (where are we) and provide sustainability actions and transformations

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    with direction (where should we be) and operational structure (how do we get there). This quest is challenged

    by critical issues of uncertainty and dissent, as well as asymmetrical power relations that give particular interests

    more weight than others. These and other challenges have trapped sustainability science to remain in the safe

    space of conventional knowledge production (descriptive-analytical knowledge) and to support the system-

    analytical stream of sustainability science mentioned above.

    In sum, the eld of sustainability science is still emerging and it is still characterized by the challenge of how

    to move from complex systems thinking to transformational change. This session reviews the current state

    of the debate, addresses some of the open research questions, and facilitates a synthesis discussion on how tomove from problem analysis to problem solving and what epistemological and methodological challenges this

    endeavor entails.

    This session is not intended to continue the common theoretical debate. It confronts the theory with empirical

    studies in sustainability science by posing the question in how far we truly advance in solving sustainability pro-

    blems as opposed to only enhancing our understanding of these problems (see section 5 below).

    Current state of knowledge

    Sustainable use of landscape and natural resources, mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change

    affected regions, or precautionary governance of emerging technologies are complex sustainability challenges

    that have driven the evolvement of a new scientic paradigm, i.e. sustainability science, over the last decade

    (Kates et al., 2001; Clark and Dickson, 2003; Swart et al., 2004; Komiyama and Takeuchi, 2006; Turner and

    Robbins, 2008). Thereby, sustainability science is inspired by concepts of post-normal and mode 2 science

    (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993; Gibbons et al., 1994) and employs corresponding research paradigms such as

    participatory, interactive, transdisciplinary, transacademic, collaborative, and community-based research ap-

    proaches (Kasemir et al., 2003; Bckstrand, 2003). All these approaches have in common that they endorse

    research collaborations among scientists and non-academic stakeholders from business, government, and the

    civil society for addressing issues of sustainability. This evolvement can be understood as a response to two

    developments that led to the proposal of a new social contract for science (Lubchenco, 1998; Gibbons, 1999):

    First, to the asserted claim that science ought to address and solve demanding societal problems, a claim that

    is renewed in the context of the global environmental change debate (Liu et al., 2007, p. 646); and second, tothe indication that traditional disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches as well as applied and consultative

    (extractive) approaches with restricted stakeholder engagement tend to fail in coping with sustainability chal-

    lenges (Gibbons, 1999; Kerkhoff and Lebel, 2006).

    Regardless indisputable success, a variety of reexive and meta-studies indicate that sustainability science ef-

    forts have not yet unfold their full potential (Cash et al., 2003; Blackstock and Carter, 2007; Wiek, 2007; Ro-

    binson, 2008). Although being experienced, committed, and equipped with the best intentions, sustainability

    science teams have a hard time to perform in line with the new requirements and to achieve their goal to move

    from analyzing to solving sustainability problems. The referenced authors argue that these shortcomings are to

    a signicant extent caused by incompatibility with the established research institutions and paradigms in place

    (rules-in-use). It is assumed that epistemological and methodological standards for issue legitimization and pe-

    er-review tend to undermine key features of sustainability science. Albeit we might adhere to some transitional

    rules and formats at the early stages of an evolving eld, it seems to be timely to move forward in establishing

    new rules and paradigms that adequately respond to the new features of sustainability science.

    Epistemological studies have initially pursued to establish a functional typology of knowledge differentiating

    and linking (a) analytical (explanatory, systemic, system) knowledge, (b) anticipatory knowledge, (c) normati-

    ve (orientation-guiding, goal, target) knowledge, and (d) action-guiding (transformation) knowledge (Burger

    and Kamber, 2003; Grunwald, 2004; Grunwald, 2007; Wiek, 2007). More recent studies have focused on the

    uncommon knowledge types, namely, normative knowledge (Schultz et al., 2008) and strategic knowledge

    (Loorbach, 2010).

    Methodological studies have initially developed frameworks of how to link knowledge to action in sustai-

    1 The concept of solving sustainability problems and solutions for sustainability problems respectively does not follow a simple command & control

    approach, but is based on participation, coordination, iteration, and reexivity (cf. van Kerkhoff & Lebel, 2006).

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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010


    nability research (Ravetz, 2000; Scholz et al., 2006; Robinson, 2008; Loorbach, 2010) and later focused on

    particular methods in sustainability science, such as scenario analysis (Swart et al., 2004; Guimares Pereira et

    al., 2007) and sustainability assessments (Bojorquez-Tapia et al., 2005; Gibson, 2006; Ness et al., 2007). Re-

    cent studies have explored the methodology of post-normal science in sustainability science (Farrell, 2008) and

    suggested new methodological approaches to problem structuring (Ness, 2010).

    Open research questionsAs with any other academic pursuit, the credibility of sustainability science relies on conducting empirical rese-

    arch using sound epistemological and methodological foundations. In addition to purposefully and thoroughly

    applying methods, a good understanding of the specic strengths and limits of the methods as well as a critical

    appraisal of the knowledge generated are required.

    The key question remains What type of knowledge and how do we generate knowledge in sustainability scien-

    ceto comply with the ambitious transformational program that has been set forth?

    Specic epistemological questions address: what type of knowledge is generated (analytical/descriptive, anti-

    cipatory, normative, strategic knowledge); does the generated knowledge fulll the promise of leading to real-

    world solutions and transformations; what is the reliability and validity of the knowledge; how credible, salient,

    and legitimate is the knowledge generated? Etc.

    Specic methodological questions address: who interacts with whom, when, on what, how, and to what

    extent in sustainability research and problem-solving (stakeholder selection, balancing inputs, intensity of

    collaboration, facilitation, mediation and negotiation, etc.); what features do qualify the applied methods

    as sustainability method; does the participatory seeting allow to produce different knowledge types that

    lead to real-world solutions, e.g., methods for problem identication and structuring, system analysis, sce-

    nario construction, option analysis, multi-criteria assessment, strategy building, evaluation, etc. and/or their

    combination (that sustainability science must be created through the processes of coproduction in which

    scholars and stakeholders interact to dene important questions, relevant evidence, and convincing forms ofargument (Kates et al., 2001))? Etc.

    Session contributions

    This session calls for epistemological and methodological contributions on sustainability research guided by the

    question What type of knowledge and how do we generate knowledge in sustainability scienceto comply

    with the ambitious transformational program that has been set forth? We are interested in truly epistemolo-

    gical and methodological contributions reecting on the epistemological and methodological challenges related

    to sustainability scienceinstead of studies that simply apply or propose methods in sustainability research

    (cf. Blackstock and Carter, 2007).

    Each session contribution is asked to analyze one or multiple empirical studies in sustainability science and cri-

    tically reect on (and make and argument for) how these studies transition from complex systems thinking

    to transformational change and actually do sustainability problem-solving. Thereby, the session showcases

    a spectrum of current empirical sustainability studies and explores in how far they fulll (or not fulll) the

    promise of sustainability science (do we actually solve complex sustainability problems as theory and society


    The following framework allows to analyze and to compare the epistemological and methodological compo-

    nents of sustainability research as well as to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in order to indicate the

    current state of the art as well as future research directions in sustainability science.

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    Each contribution should:

    1. briey introduce one or multiple empirical sustainability studies (with or without involvement of the

    authors): the topic/eld, collaborating partners, duration, etc. of the study/studies

    2. elaborate on

    a. what sustainability problem was addressed in the study/studies analyzed (what features do qualify

    the problem as a sustainability problem)

    b. what sustainability method was used; what participatory setting was applied (who was involved and


    c. what results were accomplished; in how far the problem was solved

    3. reect on

    a. the quality of the process and the results (transparency, inclusiveness, validity, credibility, etc.)

    b. the type of real-world changes and transformation that have been accomplished in the study

    4. reect on potential improvements if the process or results have not fullled the expectations (what

    could/should have been done differently)

    A good example for the type of meta-studies we are calling for can be found in Blackstock and Carter (2007,

    pp. 346-351).

    Structure of the session

    1. Arnim Wiek, Arizona State University, USA: Introduction

    2. Katharine Farrell, :

    3. Fridolin Brand, ETH Zurich, Switzerland:

    4. Petra Schweizer-Ries, Saarland University, Germany:

    5. Barry Ness, Lund University, Sweden:

    6. All: Synthesis of session results (including future research agenda)


    Bckstrand K., 2003. Civic science for sustainability: Reframing the role of experts, policy-makers and citizens

    in environmental governance. Global Environmental Politics 3(4): 24-41

    Blackstock, K.L., Carter, C.E., 2007. Operationalising sustainability science for a sustainability directive? Reec-

    ting on three pilot projects. The Geographical Journal 173, 343357.

    Burger, P., Kamber, R., 2003. Cognitive integration in transdisciplinary science: Knowledge as a key notion. Is-

    sues in Integrative Studies 21: 4373.

    Cash, D., Clark, W.C., Alcock, F., Dickson, N., Eckley, N., Guston, D., Jger, J., Mitchell, R., 2003. Knowledge

    systems for sustainable development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 8086-8091.

    Clark, W.C., Dickson, N.M., 2003. Sustainability science: The emerging research program. Proceedings of the

    National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 8059-8061.

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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    Farrell, K.N., 2008. The politics of science and sustainable development: Marcuses new science in the 21st

    century. Capitalism Nature Socialism19:68-83.

    Funtowicz, S.O. and Ravetz, J.R., 1993. Science for the post-normal age. Futures, 25, 735-755.

    Gallopn, G.C., Vessuri, H., 2006. Science for sustainable development: articulating knowledges. In: Guimares

    Pereira, A., Guedes Vaz, S., Tognetti, S. (eds.). Interfaces between Science and Society. Shefeld, UK: Greenleaf.

    Chapter 2.

    Gibbons, M., 1999. Sciences new social contract with society. Nature 402, C81-C84.

    Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P., Trow, M., 1994. The New Production of

    Knowledge. The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage.

    Gibson, R.B. (2006), Sustainability assessment: basic components of a practical approach, Impact Assessment

    and Project Appraisal 24: 170182.

    Grunwald, A., 2004. Strategic knowledge for sustainable development: the need for reexivity and learning at

    the interface between science and society. International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1, 150-167.

    Grunwald, A., 2007. Working towards sustainable development in the face of uncertainty and incomplete

    knowledge. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 9, 245-262.

    Guimares Pereira, A., von Schomberg, R., Funtowicz, S., 2007. Foresight knowledge assessment. International

    Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 3, 53 75.

    Kasemir, B., Jager, J., Jaeger, C.C., & Gardner, M.T. (2003). Public Participation in Sustainability Science A

    Handbook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Kates, R W, W C Clark, R Corell, J M Hall, C C Jaeger, I Lowe, J J McCarthy, H J Schellnhuber, B Bolin, N M Dick-

    son, S Faucheux, G C Gallopin, A Grubler, B Huntley, J Jager, N S Jodha, R E Kasperson, A Mabogunje, P Matson,

    H Mooney, B Moore III, R ORiordan and U Svendin 2001. Sustainability Science. Science, 291, 641-642.

    van Kerkhoff, L., Lebel, L., 2006. Linking knowledge and action for sustainable development. Annual Review of

    Environment and Resources 31, 445-477.

    Komiyama, H., Takeuchi, K., 2006. Sustainability science: building a new discipline. Sustainability Science 1, 1-6.

    Liu, J., Dietz, T., Carpenter, S.R., Folke, C., Alberti, M., et al., 2007. Coupled human and natural systems. AM-

    BIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36, 639649.

    Lubchenco, J., 1998. Entering the century of the environment: A new social contract for science. Science 279,


    Modvar, C., Gallopn, G.C., 2005. Sustainable Development: Epistemological Challenges to Science and Tech-

    nology. Report of the Workshop on Sustainable Development: Epistemological Challenges to Science and Tech-

    nology, 13-15 October 2004, ECLAC, Santiago, Chile.

    Ness, B., Urbel-Piirsalua, E., Anderberg, S., Olsson, L., 2007. Categorising tools for sustainability assessment.

    Ecological Economics 60: 498508.

    Ness, B., Anderberg, S., Olsson, L., 2010. Structuring problems in sustainability science: The multilevel DPSIR


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    framework. Geoforum 41: 479488.

    Ravetz, J. 2000. Integrated assessment for sustainability appraisal in cities and regions. Environmental Impact

    Assessment Review 20: 3164.

    Robinson, J., 2008. Being undisciplined Transgressions and intersections in academia and beyond. Futures 40,


    Scholz, R.W., Lang, D. Wiek, A. Walter, A., Stauffacher, M. 2006. Transdisciplinary case studies as a means of

    sustainability learning: Historical framework and theory. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Edu-

    cation 7: 226251.

    Schultz J., Brand F.S., Kopfmueller J. & Ott K., 2008. Building a Theory of Sustainable Development: Two

    salient conceptions within the German discourse. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Deve-

    lopment 7: 465-482.

    Swart, R. J., Raskin, P., Robinson, J., 2004. The problem of the future Sustainability science and scenario analy-

    sis. Global Environmental Change 14, 137-146.

    Turner, B.L., Kasperson, R.E., Matson, P.A., McCarthy, J.J., Corell, R.W., et al., 2003a. A framework for vulnera-

    bility analysis in sustainability science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 100: 8074-8079.

    Turner, B.L., Matson, P.A., McCarthy, J.J., Corell, R.W., Christensen, L. et al., 2003b. Illustrating the coupled

    human-environment system for vulnerability analysis Three case studies. Proceedings of the National Aca-

    demy of Sciences USA 100: 8080-8085.

    Turner II BL, Robbins P., 2008. Land-change science and political ecology: Similarities, differences, and implica-

    tions for sustainability science. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 33: 295-316

    Wiek, A., 2007. Challenges of transdisciplinary research as interactive knowledge generation Experiences from

    transdisciplinary case study research. GAIA Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 16, 52-57.


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    Chair: ARNIM WIEK, Arizona State University, School of Sustainability

    Dr. Wiek is an Assistant Professor at the School of Sustainability at Arizona State Univer-

    sity. He has conducted sustainability research on emerging technologies, urban develop-

    ment, land use conicts, resource governance, and climate change in Europe, Canada,

    USA, Sri Lanka, and Costa Rica. He carries out research in close collaboration with non-

    academic partners from government, business, and the civil society. He had prior research

    engagements at ETH Zurich, the University of British Columbia, and the University of


    From complex systems thinking to transformational change: Epistemological andmethodological challenges in sustainability science Introduction to Session I

    About a decade ago, the eld of sustainability science has been launchedwith some ambivalence regarding its

    epistemology and methodology. In one stream of its early reception, sustainability science has been conceptua-

    lized as an advanced form of complex system analysis with the epistemological goal to enhance understanding

    and the methodological approach to apply analytical-descriptive tools. At the same time, a more transforma-

    tional agenda has been proposed according to which the research community needs to complement its hi-

    storic role in identifying problems of sustainability with a greater willingness to join with the development and

    other communities to work on practical solutions to those problems (Clark and Dickson, 2003, p. 8059). This

    agenda points in the direction that the epistemological goal needs to be broader than understanding coupled

    human-environment systems. As a solution-oriented endeavor, sustainability science addresses the normative

    question of how coupled human-environment systems ought to be developed in ways that comply with a set

    of commonly shared goals.

    The co-creation of uncommon types of knowledge is required to succeed on this pathway. These types comple-

    ment descriptive-analytical knowledge (where are we) and provide sustainability actions and transformations

    with direction (where should we be) and operational structure (how do we get there). As sustainability science

    is still emerging, this session reviews the current state of the debate, addresses some of the open research que-

    stions, and facilitates a synthesis discussion on how to move from from complex systems thinking to transfor-mational change, and what epistemological and methodological challenges this endeavor entails. The session

    confronts the theoretical debate with empirical studies in sustainability science by posing the question in how

    far we truly advance in solving sustainability problems as opposed to only enhancing our understanding of these



    Coordinator of the Research Unit Energy, Environment and Development at CIRPS-In-teruniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development, Sapienza University of Rome,

    PhD. Professor of energy sustainability at Marconi University, Rome. She has conducted

    research on energy for sustainable development, sustainability assessment and policy im-

    plications (CDM and bioenergy). Her approach aims to bridge research, practice and policy.

    She forms part of experts for indicators development and good practices for the Global

    Bioenergy Partnership and BEFSCI FAO project.


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    BARR NESS,LUCSUS,Lund UniversityBarry Ness is a researcher at the Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) at Lund Univer-

    sity in Sweden. He received his Ph.D. in Sustainability Science from Lund in 2008. Barrys

    past research experience has focused on amongst other areas understanding the myriad

    tools that exist for assessing sustainability and structuring complex sustainability challenges

    through multi-scale and level perspectives. Recent research focuses on the governance of

    large-scale land acquisition projects in the Global South for food and biofuels production as

    well as the epistemological and methodological development of sustainability science. Barry

    is an Earth System Governance Fellow and has an active role teaching in the LUMES Masters program at Lund

    University, with particular ties to the energy, methods and sustainability science courses.

    The EU MATISSE (WP 6) project as a catalyst for transformational change?

    The presentation concentrates on how the EU FP6 Matisse project, and in particular work package 6, moves

    from complex systems thinking to transformational change. The analysis nds that no single sustainability

    challenge of the Ebro River Basin in Spain (object of focus) was necessarily solved. It does show however that

    insights were gained through the creation and application of a participatory agent-based gaming tool made up

    of system dynamics modeling, GIS data (e.g. hydrological) and different agent (cultural theory) types. Sociallearning in the more specic forms ofsustainability learning and transition learning took place through use of

    the gaming tool by stakeholder groups; social learning amongst work package partners (interdisciplinarity) also

    occurred through the fusing of the engineering, natural and social sciences in the creation of the gaming tool.

    Suggested improvements for the work package include amongst others the earlier delivery of the gaming tool

    in order to create more sophisticated insights into participatory processes, as well as augmented boundary-

    spanning efforts by project participants and funding organizations in sustainability problem-solving efforts.

    KATHARINE N. FARRELL,Autonomous University of Barcelonaand Central European University

    Katharine N. Farrell is an Ecological Economist and Political Theorist, holding three honours degrees and one

    degree by research and is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha. Her work focuses on the political economy of knowledge

    in environmental governance, ecological political economy, inter- and transdisciplinary research methodology,

    and the role of time and tradition in processes and principles of economic production. She is currently a Post-

    doctoral Researcher with the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University

    of Barcelona and a Lecturer in Ecological Economics at the Central European University, in Budapest.

    Seeing is Believing: a meta-assessment of the methodological and epistemologicalstrengths and weakness of a consciously self-reective participatory modellingexercise

    This paper is a contribution toward a comparative assessment of applied sustainability science projects, which is

    being carried out in collaboration, amongst the panellists for this session. Following specications issued by the

    session chair, and additional criteria drawn from the authors own empirical and theoretical work, it considers

    the structure, results and overall effectiveness of the applied sustainability science project reported upon in

    Serrat-Capdevila, A., A. Browning-Aiken, K. Lansey, T. Finan, and J. B. Valds. 2009. Increasing socialecologi-

    cal resilience by placing science at the decision table: the role of the San Pedro Basin (Arizona) decision-support

    system model Ecology and Society 14(1): 37. The aims and objectives of the project are rst reviewed and thenconsidered within the context of the framework provided to the session contributors: what qualies this work as


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    asustainability science; what sustainability science method(s) was/were used; what results were accomplished;

    in how far the problem was solved; reections on - the quality of the process and the results, the type of real-

    world changes and transformation that have been accomplished through the study and potential improvements.

    In keeping with earlier works of the author, this is structured to address two aspects of effectiveness: 1. metho-

    dological concerning the overall epistemological robustness of the empirically entailed aspects of the work

    and 2. political concerning the democratic legitimacy and accountability of the politically entailed aspects of

    the work. The example is found to be of high quality on both counts. The paper concludes with reections on

    possible reasons for this and also raises some cautions regarding problems of quality that do arise with the ap-proach taken in the study project.

    FRIDOLIN S. BRAND, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

    Dr. Fridolin S. Brand is working since 2009 as a postdoc researcher and lecturer at the

    Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED); Natural and Social Science Interface (NSSI) at

    the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in Switzerland. From 1999 to 2005

    Fridolin Brand studied biology and philosophy at the universities of Mainz, Greifswald (Ger-

    many) and Perth (Australia). From 2005 to 2009, he worked at the Chair of Landscape

    Ecology at the Technische Universitt Mnchen in Germany with a PhD on Resilience and

    Sustainable Development: an Ecological Inquiry.

    Moving towards a solution-oriented mode of sustainability science: Evidence onopportunities and challenges from two case studies in Switerland and Germany

    Sustainability science can achieve progress if it moves towards a solution-oriented endeavor, which implies

    shifting from pure complex systems thinking to also targeting transformational change [1]. Based on evidence

    from two case studies, the CCES-MOUNTLAND project in Switzerland and the Risk Habitat Megacity Research

    Initiative in Germany, I will formulate several hypotheses central to achieve progress in sustainability science in

    terms of solution-orientation. First, in order to get a better understanding of how systems ought to develop,

    sustainability science needs an intense academic discourse and transdisciplinary learning process on building

    a well-founded Theory of Sustainable Development. Such theory building opposes hundreds of stipulative

    denitions of the current literature, as it aims to provide good and convincing arguments for every layer of a

    theory (i.e. idea, conception, rules, guidelines, applications, special concepts, monitoring) [2]. Second, we have

    to nd ways to enhance knowledge integration of different types of epistemics (e.g. scientic and experiential

    knowledge, utilizing and relating disciplinary knowledge from the social, natural, and engineering sciences) [3].

    Third, sustainability science should establish a transdisciplinary mode and carry out transdisciplinary processes

    involving scientists, decision-makers and the overall public. This includes joint problem denition, problem re-

    presentation, and the development of orientations for sustainable transformations [4]. This presentation willalso highlight further issues illustrating chances and pitfalls for achieving progress in sustainability science.

    [1] Wiek, A. From complex thinking to transformational change: epistemological and methodological challenges

    in sustainability science. Background paper for session 1 at the Second International Conference on Sustainabi-

    lity Science ICSS 2010.

    [2] Schultz J., Brand F.S., Kopfmller J. & Ott K. (2008). Building a Theory of Sustainable Development: Two

    Salient Conceptions within the German Discourse International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Deve-

    lopment, 7 (4): 465 482.

    [3] Scholz, R. W., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Walter, A. I., & Stauffacher, M. (2006). Transdisciplinary case studies

    as a means of sustainability learning: Historical framework and theory. International Journal of Sustainability

    in Higher Education, 7(3), 226-251.


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    [4] Scholz, R. W. (in press). Environmental literacy in science and society: From knowledge to decisions. Cam-

    bridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Prof. Dr. PETRA SCHWEIzER-RIES als Juniorprofessorin,University of Saarland/University of Magdeburg, Germany

    Petra Schweizer-Ries is a social and behavioural scientist who has been working on rene-wable energy technologies for over 15 years. She worked with the Fraunhofer Institute for

    Solar Energy Systems (ISE) from 1992 until 2002, where she founded an interdisciplinary

    work group on rural electrication. Since 2002 she has been a Junior Professor for Environ-

    mental Psychology at the University of Magdeburg, Germany. There, she leads a research

    group working on different social aspects of energy distribution and introduction in rural

    and grid-connected areas. She currently represents the chair for Sustainable Development

    at the University of Saarland, Germany.

    How to support complex sustainable development processes Research on energysustainable communities

    Unsustainable energy systems result in global emissions, rely on resources with limited availability and accessi-

    bility, and imply high risks for public health and the environment (e.g., coal and nuclear power). Sustainability

    science is concerned with the question of how to transition from unsustainable energy systems (supply and use)

    towards sustainable ones that do not deplete the energy resources available. At the same time, sustainability

    science aims at facilitating these transition processes in ways that community change supports social develop-

    ment (empowering end-users) and not bring about unwanted consequences (misbalanced power structures).

    This requires thorough research on transition strategies that account for coherence, efciency, and sufciency.

    The talk presents community-oriented research on energy transitions with case studies from Africa, Asia, Latin

    America, and Europe. The studies deal with balancing technical solutions and social distributional issues within

    a developmental process. The analysis identies success factors and failures concerning socio-technical systems

    change via scientic co-production of knowledge (action-research).


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    SESSION IISolution-oriented/transdisciplinary researchfor sustainable development

    Chair: PIM MARTENS, Maastricht UniversityCo-chair: SILVIA MACCHI, Sapienza University of Rome

    Background Paper


    It is clear that in making the concept of sustainable development concrete, one has to take into account a

    number of practical elements and obstacles. Thus there is little doubt that integrated approaches are needed

    to support sustainable development. Questions as to exactly how such integration underpinned by the right

    research - should be conceived and put into effect have so far been the preserve of a select group.

    In order to realize the high level of expectations, a new research paradigm is needed that is better able to reect

    the complexity and the multidimensional character of sustainable development. The new paradigm must be

    able to encompass different magnitudes of scales (of time, space and function), multiple balances (dynamics),

    multiple actors (interests) and multiple failures (systemic faults).

    This new paradigm emerges from a scientic sub-current that characterizes the evolution of science in general

    a shift from mode-1 to mode-2 science (see Table 1) (Gibbons 1994). Mode-1 science is completely acade-

    mic in nature, monodisciplinary and the scientists themselves are mainly responsible for their own scientic

    performance. In mode-2 science, which is at core both inter- and intra-disciplinary, the scientists form a part of

    a heterogeneous network. Their scientic tasks are part of an extensive process of knowledge production and

    they are also responsible for more than merely scientic production.

    Another paradigm that is gaining increasing inuence is what is known as post-normal science. It is impossibleto eradicate uncertainty from decision-making processes, and therefore it must be adequately managed through

    organized participatory processes in which different kinds of knowledge not only scientic knowledge come

    into play. As a result, those making policy are as well informed as possible about complex social problems of

    major importance.

    Table 1: Several properties of mode-1 and mode-2 science

    Mode-1 science Mode-2 science

    Academic Academic and socialMono-disciplinary Trans- and interdisciplinary

    Technocratic Participative

    Certain Uncertain

    Predictive Exploratory


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    The research programme that is beginning to emerge from this movement is known as Sustainability Science.

    Sustainability is characterized by a number of shared research principles. Shared here implies a broad recogni-

    tion by a growing group of people who in a steadily extending network are active in the area of sustainability

    science. The central elements of sustainability science are:

    inter-, intra- and transdisciplinary research

    co-production of knowledge

    co-evolution of a complex system and its environment

    learning through doing and doing through learning

    system innovation instead of system optimalization

    Simply stated, this new model can be represented as co-evolution, co-production and co-learning. The theory

    of complex systems can be employed as an umbrella mechanism to bring together the various different parts

    of the sustainability puzzle.

    Integrated analysis of sustainability

    This new paradigm has far-reaching consequences for the methods and techniques that need to be developed

    before an integrated analysis of sustainability can be carried out. These new methods and techniques can also

    be characterized as follows:

    from supply- to demand-driven

    from technocratic to participant

    from objective to subjective

    from predictive to exploratory

    from certain to uncertain

    In short, the character of our instruments of integrated analysis is changing. Whereas previous generations of

    these instruments were considered as truth machines, the current and future generations will be seen more as

    heuristic instruments, as aids in the acquisition of better insight into complex problems of sustainability. At each

    stage in the research of sustainability science, new methods and techniques will need to be used, extended or

    invented. The methodologies that are used and developed in the integrated assessmentcommunity are highly

    suitable for this purpose.

    Roughly, there are a number of different kinds of methods for the integrated assessment of sustainability:

    analytic methods, participative methods and more managerial methods. Analytic methods mainly look at the

    nature of sustainable development, employing among other approaches the theory of complexity. In participa-

    tive research approaches, non-scientists such as policy-makers, representatives from the business world, social

    organizations and citizens also play an active role. The more managerial methods are used to investigate the

    policy aspects and the controllability of sustainable transitions.

    An example of an analytic instrument for the assessment of sustainability is the integrated assessment model

    which allows one to describe and explain changes between periods of dynamic balance. This model consists of

    a system-dynamic representation of the driving forces, system changes, consequences, feed-backs, potential

    lock-ins and lock-outs of a particular development in a specic area. Another analytic instrument is the scenario

    that describes sustainable and unsustainable developments, including unexpected events, changes and lines of


    Participatory methods differ according to the aim of the study and its participants. Thus negotiation processes


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    are mimicked in so-called policy exercises, whether or not these are supported by simulations. In the method

    of mutual learning, the analysis is enriched by the integration of the knowledge possessed by participants from

    diverse areas of expertise.

    An example of a new kind of policy instrument is provided by transition management (Rotmans, Kemp et al.

    2001). Transition management is a visionary, evolutionary learning process that is progressively constructed by

    the undertaking following steps:

    I. develop a long-term vision of sustainable development and a common agenda (macro-scale)

    II. formulate and execute a local experiment in renewal that could perhaps contribute to the transition to

    sustainability (micro-scale)

    III. evaluate and learn from these experiments

    IV. put together the vision and the strategy for sustainability, based on what has been learned (this boils

    down to a cyclicalsearch and learn process that one might call evolutionary steering: a new kind of

    planning with understanding, based on learning by doing and doing through learning).

    But now that the rst steps towards an integrated sustainability science have been taken, there is a prospect of

    making some major leaps forward.

    Operationalizing Sustainability

    Following publication of the Brundtland Report, numerous attempts were made to operationalize sustainable

    development. The most popular and common attempt is the triangular concept with the three pillars eco-

    nomy, environment, and society, which in recent years has in some contexts come to be referred to as the

    P3 concept of people, planet, prots.

    Economy refers to jobs and wealth; environment to environmental qualities, biodiversity, and natures

    resources; and society to health, social cohesion, and opportunities for self-development attributable to edu-

    cation and freedom.

    The pillar-focused approaches have gained great popularity, particularly in business circles, but they have often

    suffered from insufcient attention to overlaps and interdependencies and a tendency to facilitate continued

    separation of societal, economic, and ecological analyses. Alternative depictions stressing interconnections and

    consideration of institutional aspectsas in the SCENE model of (Grosskurth and Rotmans 2005) offer useful

    ways forward.

    Concerns with the poor and the weak that should be part of the sustainability debate do not feature prominently

    in the pillar approaches. These are, however, captured by the four principles of (Newman and Kenworthy 1993):

    The elimination of poverty, especially in the Third World, is necessary not just on human grounds but asan environmental issue

    The First World must reduce its consumption of resources and production of wastes

    Global cooperation on environmental issues is no longer a soft option

    Change towards sustainability can occur only with community-based approaches that take local cultures


    An interesting aspect of the above denition is the attention given to local cultures and community-based de-

    cision making, a strategy that renders sustainable development less technocratic.

    The requirements of sustainable development are multiple and interconnected. The main dimensions can be said

    to consist of maintaining the integrity of biophysical systems; offering better services for more people; and pro-


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    viding freedom from hunger, nuisance, and deprivation. To these one may add choice, opportunity, and access

    to decision makingaspects of equity within and across generations.

    Towards a transdiciplinary strategy for sustainable development

    A research framework for sustainability science will need to be further built on existing sciences and scientic

    programmes. Principal opportunities and policies for transitions to sustainability are multiple, cumulative and

    interactive. We need more, however, before we can study the sustainability of the interaction between the pla-

    net and its ecosystems and peoples.

    It should be clear that sustainability science will have to be above all an integrative science, a science which sets

    out to break down the barriers that divide the traditional sciences. It will have to promote the integration betwe-

    en such different scientic disciplines as economics, earth sciences, biology, social sciences and technology.

    The same can be said for sectoral approaches, in which such closely linked aspects of human activity as energy,

    agriculture, health and transport are still dealt with as separate subjects.

    The most signicant threats to sustainability appear in certain regions, with their specic social and ecological

    characteristics. In fact, a sustainable transition will often have to occur within the local surroundings. Howe-

    ver, sustainability science has to promote integration on a larger geographical scale in order to get beyond the

    sometimes easy but nally articial division between global and local perspectives. Regardless of what spatialscale is found most suitable for the investigation of any particular sustainability issues, gaining insight into the

    linkages between events on both the macro and the micro scale is one of the major challenges facing sustaina-

    bility science.

    Finally, sustainability science must ensure the integration of different styles of knowledge creation in order to

    bridge the gulf between science, practice and politics.

    In other words, it has to transcend existing barriers in sectors, scientic disciplines, and perspectives.

    Sustainable policy

    If we look at the consequences of this new vision of sustainability for policy, we can note the following. It is

    important for policy-makers both in politics and in the business community that specic policy aims along

    with their associated time limits are clearly determined. Several possibilities are shown in the diagram below

    (Figure 1). One of the options the policy-maker has and this is not so far from the current situation is to go

    for short-term goals and simple or cheap means of achieving them. In contrast to such an approach, a more

    pro-active, innovative standpoint can be adopted that pursues longer-term goals, taking into account develop-

    ments on different levels of scale and in different sectors. Unquestionably, sustainable development demands

    the latter approach.

    To facilitate decision-making, sustainability scientists must assist in the task of making concrete both problems

    and solutions on all relevant temporal and spatial scales. This means that sustainability at the systemic level

    must be assessed, bringing to bear the following procedural elements: analysis of deeper-lying structures of the

    system,projection into the future and assessmentof sustainable and unsustainable trends. Evaluation of the

    effects of sustainable policy and the design of possible solutions through sustainable strategies also belong here.

    Fortunately, integrated approaches to sustainability issues in such areas as environment and development are

    not entirely new. For example, research has already been carried out into the interactions between urban, rural,

    industrial and natural ecosystems in order to gain more insight into policy implications for the management of

    water. The search for integrated theories that combine different disciplinary strengths is an excellent way of

    creating a better basis for decision-making on sustainability.


    From an anthropocentric point of view, sustainable development is about human betterment or progress. It

    reects social consensus of what is unsustainable and what constitutes improvement, and therefore cannotbe translated into a blueprint or a dened end state for the achievement of which criteria can be derived and


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    unambiguous decisions taken (Voss and Kemp 2006).

    Sustainable development is often seen as being about protection of amenities (including cultural diversity), but,

    as this article argues, it is equally about continued advancement and creation: a better and more just world.

    Both the protection of amenities and the creation of new and better services for more people require innovation

    in governance institutions and in sociotechnical systems (regime changes). Attempts to achieve these objectives

    should be carried out in a prudent, reexive manner to avoid new problems and to make sure that actions taken

    lead to progress.

    Sustainability science, based on integrated assessment, may help to identify directions in which change is nee-

    ded. But the sustainability of new trajectories is not guaranteed. We need more reexive modes of governance

    to make sure that the trajectories are indeed sustainable. Sustainability science can guide decision making, pro-

    viding provisional knowledge about social problems, the desirability of new systems of provision, and the long-

    term effects of interventionsissues on which science has no denitive answer. We do not think that sustainable

    development can be objectied using mode-1 science. To try to do so would go against the grain of sustainable

    development as a deeply normative process that requires attention to long-term effects across various scales

    (e.g., geographic, functional systems, time). Sustainability may be understood as a specic kind of problem fra-

    ming that emphasizes the interconnectedness of different issues and scales, as well as the long-term and indirect

    effects of actions that need to be accounted for as part of decision making (Voss and Kemp 2006).


    Gibbons, M. (1994). The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in comtemporary

    science. London, Sage.

    Grosskurth, J. and J. Rotmans (2005). The scene model: getting grip on sustainable development in policy

    making. Environment, development and sustainability 7: 135-151.

    Kemp, R. and P. Martens (2007). Sustainable development: How to manage something that is subjective and

    never can be achieved? Science, Practice and Policy 2(2): 1-10.

    Martens, P. (2006). Sustainability: science or ction? Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 2(1): 1-5.

    Newman, P. and J. Kenworthy (1993). Sustainability and Cities. Overcoming Automobile Dependence. Wa-

    shington, DC, Island Press.

    Rotmans, J., R. Kemp, et al. (2001). More evolution than revolution: transition management in public policy.

    Foresight 3(1): 15-31.

    Voss, J.-P. and R. Kemp (2006). Sustainability and reexive governance: introduction. Reexive Governance for

    Sustainable Development. J.-P. Voss, D. Bauknecht and R. Kemp. Northampton MA Edward Elgar: 3-28.

    1Based on Martens, P. (2006). Sustainability: science or ction? Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 2(1): 1-5. & Kemp, R. and P. Martens (2007).

    Sustainable development: How to manage something that is subjective and never can be achieved? Science, Practice and Policy 2(2): 1-10.2 At the United Nations summit in Johannesburg in 2005, the P3 concept of people, planet, prot was changed into people, planet, and prosperity.


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    Chair: PIM MARTENS

    Pim Martens is Director of the International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustai-

    nable development (ICIS), Maastricht University. He holds the chair Sustainable Develop-

    ment at the Maastricht University, is a guest professor at Leuphana University Lneburg,

    and a Leverhulme professor at Aberystwyth University, Wales. Prof. Martens is project-

    leader and principal investigator of several projects related to sustainable development and

    sustainability science, globalisation, environmental change and society.

    Co-chair: SILVIA MACCHI

    Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Urban Policies at Sapienza University of Rome,

    Faculty of Engineering. Member of the scientic board of the Interuniversity Research Center

    for Sustainable Development (CIRPS/Sapienza), where she coordinates the section on Po-

    licies for the Empowerment of Women and the PhD Program on Sustainable Development

    and International Cooperation. Member of the International Network for Urban Research

    and Action (INURA). Referee for the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

    Consultant in the eld of Gender and Development to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    and other International Organization.

    DANIEL J. LANG, Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research,Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany

    Since January 1st 2010 Dr. Daniel J. Lang is Professor for Transdisciplinary Sustainability

    Research at the Department of Sustainability Sciences at Leuphana University Lueneburg,


    Daniel rst studied geo-ecology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany (pre-diploma) and

    later Environmental Sciences at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (MSc). He did his PhD at the Insti-

    tute for Environmental Decisions, Natural and Social Science Interface at ETH Zurich (Dr. Sc.

    ETH) where he continued his career as post-doc and senior researcher. In 2008 Daniel spent

    three months as research afliate at the Center for Industrial Ecology at Yale University.A core question of Daniels research and teaching activities is how scientists from different disciplines as well as

    actors from outside academia can work together and learn from each other in order to contribute to coping with

    the fundamental sustainability challenges of the 21st century. Relevant topics of Daniels research are sustaina-

    ble governance of physical resource as well as sustainability transitions of communities and regions.

    Challenges and Potentials of Transdisciplinary Sustainability ResearchUnderstanding and Further Developing Interfaces

    Sustainability science is an emerging eld aiming to cope with fundamental societal challenges of the 21 th cen-

    tury. There is broad consensus that approaching these challenges requires new ways of knowledge production,

    integration, and use that goes beyond established disciplinary and even interdisciplinary research. Transdisci-plinary Research aims at meeting this requirement in enabling mutual learning processes among scientists from


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    Book of abstracts ICSS 2010

    different disciplines and relevant actors from outside academia. In the rst part of this presentation better un-

    derstanding and further developingvarious interfaces, specically between natural and social sciences, science

    and society, qualitative and quantitative research, intuitive and formal approaches, is dened as key challenges

    of Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research. In the second part a concrete example of a transdisciplinary project

    is presented, which revolves around the development and implementation of a landll rating system in Switzer-

    land. This system is theoretically based on a systemic sustainability assessment approach (Sustainability Poten-

    tial Analysis) that was adopted and further developed together with key stakeholders form waste management

    to become a feasible, transparent and broadly accepted rating tool. In the last part some insights gained in thisproject are reected with regards to the outlined challenges of Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research. The

    project clearly indicates that theory and practice do not necessarily contradict each other, but sound theoreti-

    cal, methodological as well as process-related foundations are needed if the full potential of Transdisciplinary

    Sustainability Research should be used.

    Dr. PETER MOLL, science development

    Peter Moll is an independent international consultant and scholar. He has 20 years of experience with working

    in implementation- oriented research projects while specializing in managing interfaces between knowledge and

    action. This concerns stakeholder integration work, communication, and continuation work beyond the limits

    of a research project and programme. Clients include et al the Global Environment Facility, World Bank, UNDP,

    the European Commission, European research ministries and international foundations operating in research on

    sustainable development. Thematically the focus lies on Sustainability Science, Global Change (climate change,

    biodiversity, water, land use & land management) and Development Research. Peters work experience covers

    Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia.

    Implementation-oriented research: Lessons learned from the Coffee project

    The presentation takes the concrete work experience of a seven-year project on sustainable use of forest coffee

    resources in the montane rainforests of Ethiopia as a starting point. From this experience some lessons learned

    are presented that concern:

    options and needs for successful involvement of stakeholders

    communication for reaching beyond the science community

    strategies for bridging some of the many science - policy gaps and

    the concrete work with continuation strategies.

    The presentation will briey summarize the scientic work of this project and elaborate from there on those

    lessons learned. The idea behind this procedure is to provide as many as possible entry points for feed-back of

    the audience and for subsequent discussion on the questions raised as well as on possible solutions presented.


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    Professor CHRISTOPHER J THOMAS, Aberystwyth University, UK

    Chris Thomas is CIRRE Research Professor in Ecological Modelling, Aberystwyth University,

    Wales, UK.

    My group employs a broad range of modelling, analytical and geographic techniques (e.g.

    spatial modelling, Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and image processing)

    in addition to traditional eld ecological methods. Coupling mathematical ecology with ge-

    ography provides exciting opportunit ies to link theory to the real world. However, it is clear

    that the research agenda for many complex ecological systems spans a number of discipli-

    nary boundaries. A focus of recent work is on mapping and modelling malaria risk at landscape and continental

    scales., particularly in Africa.

    Co-authors. Christine Dunn is Senior Lecturer in Medical Geography at Durham University leading projects in

    the Kilombero and Jennifer Hateld is Associate Dean, International/Global Health and director of both the He-

    alth and Society Program and the Global Health Program at Calgary University, leading projects in Ngorogoro.

    Transdisciplinary approaches to climate change and disease in rural Tanania.

    Eco-Health is a promising model for development research, leading to more sustainable outcomes in

    improving peoples lives as well as the natural environment. This transdisciplinary approach is very well

    suited to applied, local projects, but can we also use this model to integrate complex environmental

    science into sustainable development, and at a range of scales (e.g. regional to local)? A good example

    of this challenge is in climate change, where complex issues in the science (e.g. modelling, scaling, uncer-

    tainty) mesh with complex interactions on the ground (e.g. culture, economy, education, food security,

    health, poverty, governance). As scientists, we need to devote more effort to this interface if we are to

    understand vulnerability and recognise opportunities to enhance adaptation and resilience. One prac-

    tical obstacle in the research domain is the perennial problem of truly integrating physical, social and

    economic science. Advances in spatial technology offer a partial solution