The Great Commission Global Prayer Movement Focus: International Leadership Consortium May 2013 See each monthly issue at http://GlobalPrayerMovement.org

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The Great Commission Global Prayer Movement

Focus: International Leadership Consortium May 2013

See each monthly issue at http://GlobalPrayerMovement.org

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Wednesday, 1 May All schools

Pray for the spiritual maturing of all our students.

Friday, 3 May All schools

Lift up in prayer the finances neededfor operations and scholarships at each school.

Thursday, 2 May All schools

Ask God to work powerfully in and throughthe recruitment of students for all seminaries.

MissionTo build Christ-centered multiplying leaders to launch spiritual movements everywhere.

GoalTo provide collegiality, communication and cooperation among member schools in accomplishing the mission.

StrategiesTo build leaders in spiritual multiplication, church planting, and reaching cities.To assist character and spiritual formation.To train for a team environment and building relationships.

Telephone: 407-826-2021 Address: 100 lake Hart Drive 2100 Orlando, FL 32832-0100

ACTS: Africa Center for Theological Studies (Nigeria) ALMA: Africa Leadership & Management Academy (Zimbabwe) EAST: East Asia School of Theology (in Singapore) IGSL: International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines) ILU: International Leadership University (Africa) JETS: Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary



yInternational Leadership Consortium

All classroom photos and IGSL Manila building photo (page 5)by Joel Dasalla www.internationalleadershipconsortium.net

A network of leadership development institutions with common mission

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Sunday, 5 May All schools

Seek the Lord with us for additional faculty where needed.

Saturday, 4 May All schools

Pray for the protection and ministry of students returning to their home country, where they will face strong opposition.

Tuesday, 7 May IGSL

Pray for continual good relations with the policeand military as they train all cadets and senior officers

in Christian leadership principles.

Monday, 6 May IGSL

We are praying for an additional teacherfor the Masters in Education.

Member SchoolsInternational Leadership University (ILU)

ILU-Kenya (NIST: Nairobi International School of Theology)

ILU-Nigeria (ACTS: Africa Centre for Theological Studies)

ILU-Zimbabwe (ALMA: Africa Leadership and Management Academy)

ILU-DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo)


International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines)

East Asia School of Theology (Singaore)

The Orlando Institute (U.S.)

Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (Jordan)

Institute of Biblical and Theological Studies for Eastern

Europe and Russia (Hungary)

International Leadership ConsortiumA network of leadership development institutions with common mission


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Friday, 17 May JETS

We are asking, seeking and knocking regarding fundsfor scholarships for students coming from outside of Jordan.

Thursday, 16 May JETS

Please be in prayer much for the funds to completethe finishing work of the new school building.

Wednesday, 15 May ILU-Burundi

We are grateful how the Lord has used Baselaand his leadership in getting the school going so well.

Tuesday, 14 May ILU-Burundi

Thanks be to God for allowing us to seeour first graduating class!

Monday, 13 May ILU-Burundi

Praise God for raising up permanent and part-time faculty to teach most of our subjects—at the university level—both

graduate and undergraduate.

Sunday, 12 May ILU-Burundi

We are thankful to God for the property we are gettingfor the school in the capital city.

Saturday, 11 May ACTS

May Almighty God raise up more Nigerianand West African English speaking students.

Friday, 10 May ACTS

Join with us in seeking God for funds to pay the renton the facilities and keep the school going.

Thursday, 9 May ACTS

Please pray for the Lord to send us one morefull-time faculty member for ACTS.

Wednesday, 8 May IGSL

Pray for our Iron Sharpens Iron student discipleship groups as they go twice a year for week-long

evangelistic outreach trips.

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Police Raid!Recently a bus drove up to the

Manila campus of IGSL, and out poured 13 officer instructors of the Philippine National Police Academy, plus four selected senior cadet leaders. They came to investigate the school, test us to see if our training might be useful in developing future police, fire and jail officers. We hosted them for a one-day leadership seminar, exposing them to our servant-steward leadership model. If they liked it, the doors would fly wide open to train cadets in the police academy. If they did not like it, it would risk any ongoing ministry on the police training campus. No guarantees. Trusting God, we took the risk!

The group was an interesting mix of believers and non-believers, and a Catholic chaplain for good measure. Attending our seminar were some rigid, traditional military hierarchy types--command and control thinkers--who were challenged to broaden their approach on how to lead. There were also some open hearted, reform-minded officers who totally “get” our approach to leadership! We did presentations, used case studies, and showed a film clip. Discussions became energetic, especially when we unearthed some hot issues. The tension rose as we faced some sticky moments. We wondered if we

had turned off some important people. As faculty, we prayed that the leaders would be open to what we had to share - this could change the leadership practices in the police department and lead to a great spiritual movement as well!

The CommanderAt the end of the day a general, the commander of the

academy, showed up and we held our breath. He gathered feedback, consulted with his leaders, and then asked us to be sure we give this training to all the rest of his officers and every cadet in the academy. This was followed up by a team of twelve made up of our faculty and students who trained 280 graduating senior cadets at the police academy - the Philippine equivalent of West Point in the U.S.

This wonderful situation follows years of our faculty and students praying for, and ministering to the Philippine Military Academy where many cadets have become new Christians. Pray with us that God will sustain this ministry and expand it among these influential leaders. Only God fully knows the roles they will have in helping to reach the world with the gospel.


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Thursday, 23 May ILU-Nairobi

Ask our Heavenly Father to allow us to havegovernment accreditation of ILU-Nairobi this year.

Wednesday, 22 May ILU-Nairobi

Pray alongside us for provision of fundsto develop the campus on the 50-acre property.

Tuesday, 21 May ILU-Nairobi

May God be glorified by providing generous scholarships for students coming from outside Kenya.

Monday, 20 May ILU-Nairobi

Please be in prayer for the implementation and acceptance of our doctoral program at ILU.

Sunday, 19 May JETS

Pray for peace in Jordan and the Middle East,thus allowing JETS to operate without interruption.

Saturday, 18 May JETS

May God grant us favor with the government to allow applicants from other Middle Eastern countries

to get student visas to attend JETS.

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Saturday, 25 May ALMA

May the Lord God prove Himself powerful byraising up two additional full-time faculty members.

Friday, 24 May ILU-Nairobi

Pray for implementation of our e-learning and learningvia cell phones, and for funding for materials and personnel

to handle those programs.

Wednesday, 29 May EAST

Pray for faculty preparing to teach in another language, which will facilitate establishment ofcrucial extension centers in East Asia.

Monday, 27 May ALMA

ALMA needs to expand the size of its library,so we are praying for provision of additional books.

Tuesday, 28 May ALMA

Trust God with us for the additional funds neededto complete our new classroom building.

Sunday, 26 May ALMA

Pray with ALMA for timely accreditationwith a university in Africa.

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Friday, 31 May EAST

Ask God to do something special in the recruitmentof students from the countries of East Asia.

Thursday, 30 May EAST

Pray about faculty support, which is high in Singapore, and for procurement of a long-term location

and buildings for the EAST Campus.