1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's show is live. Two days after our last live segment, I told you that Harry Riley said: This litle bit of buried news accounts for all the mayhem we've seen lately. The corrupted global system is in its death throes. Harry was commenting on the Global Currency Reset. Thanks as always to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Aliya Ja'Mari, Audio and Teleprompter; and Lolita Ratchford, Floor Director. I am giving you alot of information that is devastating for the insolvent Banking Cartel. Take another look at the liens on the Federal Reserve from the $ 2 quadrillion that the Fed owes us. You will hear some legal words in this segment. I am going to do my best to make it easy for you to understand what I am talking about because this story involves everyone. It is not so hard to follow, once you learn what is actually going on, but please ask any questions in the comment section on YouTube if there is anything that is unclear. What is hard is that you have to be open to the truth, because the truth is different from what you have been hearing in school, from the media, and just about everywhere else. That is because the Bankers who print your money are using the currency to bribe everyone. They are also using military technology to try and keep people from using critical thinking. That means thinking for themselves. Luckily, enough people, including about 70% of our troops in the US military, know that that we are talking about reality. How can there be such a disconnect between what is true and the lies of the Banking Cartel? We are talking about corruption, that is how. This corruption is going to end. On February 6th, we broadcast the latest live segment on DCTV before this episode. It was called Checkmate. I am going to summarize how we know that the group that is now working together, which is called the coalition for the rule of law, is stronger than the Banking Cartel, and is winding the Banking Cartel down. This week I am also going to tell you how the coalition for the rule of law is going to accomplish this.

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this ... Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of ... the Banking Cartel, who hacks into my computer

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INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's show is live. Two days after our last live segment, I told you that Harry Riley said:

This litle bit of buried news accounts for all the mayhem we've seen lately. The corrupted global system is in its death throes. Harry was commenting on the Global Currency Reset.

Thanks as always to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Aliya Ja'Mari, Audio and Teleprompter; and Lolita Ratchford, Floor Director.

I am giving you alot of information that is devastating for the insolvent Banking Cartel. Take another look at the liens on the Federal Reserve from the $ 2 quadrillion that the Fed owes us.

You will hear some legal words in this segment. I am going to do my best to make it easy for you to understand what I am talking about because this story involves everyone. It is not so hard to follow, once you learn what is actually going on, but please ask any questions in the comment section on YouTube if there is anything that is unclear.

What is hard is that you have to be open to the truth, because the truth is different from what you have been hearing in school, from the media, and just about everywhere else. That is because the Bankers who print your money are using the currency to bribe everyone. They are also using military technology to try and keep people from using critical thinking. That means thinking for themselves. Luckily, enough people, including about 70% of our troops in the US military, know that that we are talking about reality.

How can there be such a disconnect between what is true and the lies of the Banking Cartel? We are talking about corruption, that is how. This corruption is going to end.

On February 6th, we broadcast the latest live segment on DCTV before this episode. It was called Checkmate. I am going to summarize how we know that the group that is now working together, which is called the coalition for the rule of law, is stronger than the Banking Cartel, and is winding the Banking Cartel down. This week I am also going to tell you how the coalition for the rule of law is going to accomplish this.


The Banking Cartel has been trying its hardest to show that it is still in control. It has showed the opposite. Everything that the Banking Cartel has tried, has backfired. All of the Banking Cartel's attempts to steal the world's gold reserves and other wealth in the Global Debt Facility have failed.

Rick D links to agents of the Banking Cartel on his YouTube channel. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter7.6.17.pdf https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Any7Ay-N_wsF1uvpEq6GA Rick has said in the comment section for last week's segment: https://youtu.be/XpG7k63grrc "If even 1% of what Karen said were true she would have already been disappeared and


Here is my response:

Do you think I have any protection when this is what I am working on?



You are making a pretty big assertion with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF TO BACK IT UP. I have told you about a coalition for the rule of law, and backed this up with the software that came to me in 2004 from the person who wrote the program for the National War College. You don't like the program? PROVE IT IS NOT ACCURATE. You don't think this program is telling us the truth that we will land in WWIII without the US monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility? PROVE THAT THIS IS NOT SO. You don't think I have any protection if these assertions are true? PROVE THIS. As I said before, and I will say it again, we are in a reality where the coalition for the rule of law is winding down the Banking Cartel. Your stupid comment, made with no proof whatsoever, is FALSE. IT HAS BACKFIRED

In my tweet, I was able to provide the proof, and you will find the links in the teleprompter: First I gave links describing the National War College's Power Transition Model, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

together with two TED lectures by two of the political scientists who helped the US military develop this model for Ronald Tammen, then Chair of the Department of National Strategy and Professor of National Strategy at the National War College. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7zivANqb74 abdollahian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4P8DA23G9c kugler

The US military knows how accurate this model is, and that is why the US Marines declared war on the Banking Cartel when they attacked the CIA's branch in Langley VA on November 18th. The US military knows that the CIA represents the Banking Cartel and not US security interests.

Then I attached correspondence with the Japanese and Jacek Kugler, one of the political scientists whom I worked with at the World Bank on the Power Transition Model. The Japanese know that the only way that the US military will have enough money to defend them from China is with the Global Currency Reset, deploying the US monetary gold reserves. Just to let you know how real this all is, when I tried to attach Jacek Kugler's 6/11/14 email to me https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter11.11.15.1.pdf

(Jacek Kugler wrote this to me when I was living in Japan), the Banking Cartel, who hacks into my computer and PC, tried to prevent this. It took me twenty extra minutes and help from the other hackers on the Coalition for the Rule of Law (who are protecting me and who are protecting my computer, and who are much stronger than the Banking Cartel).

I will tell you how the corruption is ending. It is ending as all of the villages and towns end the corruption in their local areas. These villages and towns are going to issue local currencies which their stores and restaurants and farms and other businesses and services are going to agree to accept. This is a barter system. There are many examples of local currencies to draw from. Local communities will learn about advantages of increased employment and growth of local communities from neighbors. http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5978 http://blog.supplysideliberal.com/post/56754781054/silvio-gesells-plan-for-negative-nominal-interest








http://guildofindependentcurrencies.org/ UK conference april



During the Global Currency Reset, the Monetary Agreements provide in Article 4 that when local currency represents 20% of the currency in circulation, the member countries will receive additional allocations of gold from the Global Debt Facility.

I have been working together with a big team (the Coalition for the Rule of Law) to defeat the Banking Cartel. When a critical mass joined the Coalition, I started telling everyone that we were in a new reality. The Banking Cartel did everything it could to interfere with my message, but reality is reality, and the Banking Cartel became even more vulnerable to being shown up for the bankrupt liars that they are. That is what I mean when I say that everything that the Banking Cartel is trying backfires. Now the Global Currency Reset is very much a work in progress. It is 90-95% likely that we are going to accomplish the Global Currency Reset. It is true that I have protection, but it is also true that I am on the front line as this battle to free humanity wages. I just found out that the scalar weapons that are directed against me are causing atrial fibrillation, and after this segment I am going to my cardiologist. This is what I mean when I say that I am the canary in the coalmine.


When I talk about the Development Committee, this is a decision body of 25 ministers of finance that run the World Bank and IMF. The votes of members on the Development Committee are weighted by the size of the economies of the countries. This chart shows the votes:

The United States casts the largest vote. It has been agreed that until the US Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect, I cast the votes of the United States on the Development Committee. Each country is going to establish the mechanism for returning to legitimacy. In the United States, the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of 1789 govern.

As increasing numbers of villages and towns issue local currencies, they will be able to replace the company that thinks it can run their countries. Simultaneously, the Development Committee is going to wind down the Banks in the Banking Cartel. The currencies issued by the central banks will be exchanged first for national currencies and then the national currencies will be exchanged for currencies out of gold. The Development Committee, in coordination with local communities and ultimately legitimate member countries, will establish mechanisms for the currency exchange.

The Development Committee is going to agree on the procedures for validation of the claims for currency from trading partners outside the borders of member countries. These claims will be paid in the stock of the companies owned by the Banking Cartel. The Development Committee will agree on rules to prevent concentration in the global banking and financial services industries and for valuation of the respective shares of stock. The amount of currency to be exchanged in the Global Currency Reset is unprecedented. Lessons learned during the process are going to be shared, all the


while taking into account the Articles of the World Bank which prohibit interference in the political affairs of any member. The decisions in the Global Currency Reset will be delayed until there is sufficient confidence that these decisions are free from influence by the Banking Cartel and the Black Nobility. One of the first tasks for the Development Committee is to determine the indicators that show the degree of influence of the Banking Cartel.

I will describe again the Banking Cartel's attempt to steal the world's monetary gold reserves and other assets in the Global Debt Facility that we discussed in the last two episodes Here is where the Banking Cartel threw the book at me and the rest of humanity (including the world's militaries) in the Coalition for the Rule of Law:


On the 24th of January, the Banking Cartel threatened me with Interpol if I did not agree that its agent TIBURCIO VILLAMOR MARCOS TALLANO TAGEAN IV was entitled to the world's wealth and monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility. I said no, and tweeted:

Standing up to Interpol and the rest of the Banking Cartel, which has NO JURISDICTION OVER ME OR OVER THE WORLD'S WEALTH https://ia601504.us.archive.org/27/items/Twitter1.24.18.2_201801/Twitter1.24.18.2.pdf

Again on February 1st, 2018 the Banking Cartel tried to ignore the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement governing the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility.

I said: "You are trying to confuse people by calling your lies facts. I have already told you on January 24, 2018 that the world's assets in the Global Debt Facility cannot be accessed by you without authentication. Neither you nor TIBURCIO VILLAMOR MARCOS TALLANO TAGEAN IV have received this authentication.


[A]ll of their claims, including those of Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano Tagean IV are barred by the statute of limitations.

To Interpol, the CIA, and the rest of the Banking Cartel: You are trying to confuse people by calling your lies facts: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.1.18.pdf

Two days before this segment, Tiburcio Villamor Marcos tried again to steal the world's assets through posting lies on Facebook. I called him out, and he took his lies down from Facebook. So I tweeted the screenshots of the lies that Tiburcio had put up on facebook:

Ending world corruption. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.18.18.2.pdf Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tagean Tallano IV has absolutely NO VALID CLAIM over the assets in the Global Debt Facility.


Let me remind you how just last week I referred to the FACT that Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tagean Tallano IV has absolutely NO VALID CLAIM over the assets in the Global Debt Facility. Nothing has changed in the intervening week. It has come to my attention that this agent of the Banking Cartel is continuing to misinform people and PRETENDING that he has a valid claim, whereas he is simply lying. The Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement retains its validity over the world's assets on deposit in the Global Debt Facility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf

Links to the lies of this charlatan are at the end of this tweet.

I posted at the back of the teleprompter of last week's segment on DCTV a picture of the papers that I filed, proving that the Federal Reserve system, (those are the private Bankers that print the Federal Reserve Notes) owe the world 2 quadrillion dollars.

How is it many of you know nothing about the Banking Cartel when it is shaping your very understanding of reality? That is because the Banking Cartel has used its ability to print your money to hoodwink you and to make sure you don't find out about them. The Banking Cartel has been very effective in hiding, but we have gotten through anyway. When you look at the close to three years of archives of this Series on YouTube, you can see that the Banking Cartel's secrecy, and the secrecy of the

Black Nobility at their center, is blown. https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes


By now, it is well- known that the Banking Cartel exists. Here is a quote from an editorial in the January/February 2018 newsletter of the CATO Institute. "[T]he scapegoating of villains -- whether its the bankers" For those people who don't know CATO, they are listed in wikispooks. Wikispooks is now called the Institute for Globalization and the Study of Covert Politics https://isgp-studies.com/about I have a link to IGSP's website in the teleprompter.

Not so many people know that the Banking Cartel hides reality, or what the Banking Cartel does with the internet search engines, or weather modification. This is where the critical mass is so important. Once enough people know about these things, they are not going to continue.

As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, it is my job to collect the money that the Banking Cartel owes us. I know what to do with this debt. I and the other people in the coalition that includes the militaries of the world are making these bankers deliver on their promise to pay.

I filed a protest with the Universal Postal Union in order to collect our $2 quadrillion. The Federal Reserve System and the other bankers set up the Universal Postal Union to handle big debts like this. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. That is a saying which means, "If something is good for one person, it is also good for another person. " So what we are doing is we are using the system that the Bankers set up to collect our debts to collect the Bankers' debts to us. We are turning the tables on the Bankers. This debt that the Bankers owe us is so big that the Banking Cartel is bankrupt and we are winding them down.

Yes, Harry Riley is right. The corrupted global system is in its death throes. In the rest of this segment I am going to tell you what has been happening as the people I represent, and I represent everyone, start collecting the Bankers' debts to us. I will finish updating you next week in the pre-recorded segment.


https://twitter.com/Lynn4duvall/status/965044789350682626 https://twitter.com/KarenHudes/status/965164566165454854

On Valentine's Day there was a major breakthrough. I only realized how big this breakthrough was when I saw how hard the Banking Cartel was working to ruin it. This breakthrough will stand us in good stead as we move forward to wind down the Banking Cartel. Yes, we have a huge job ahead of us, because we also have to explain what we are doing to alot of clueless people.

What was the breakthrough? I accused a woman in Alaska named Colleen of being a

sockpuppet when Colleen was actually a real person. It took a couple of days for me to

find out that Colleen was real, and during this time Colleen became very angry at me for

my false accusation. Once I realized my mistake, I apologized to Colleen. After I

apologized to Colleen, Colleen understood that this had been a misunderstanding.


What is it about this simple misunderstanding that is so important? A sockpuppet is a fake account. YouTube uses alot of sockpuppets to try and undermine the points that I make during the DCTV Series. So what was on the line was my credibility. It is very important for me to be credible, and to show this by admitting when I make a mistake (and apologizing for my mistakes).

The Banking Cartel used a sockpuppet to try and interfere with me and Colleen. The Banking Cartel's sockpuppet went on for four long complicated pages. The ultimate lesson is that we can work together with each other, and we can clear up misunderstandings when these misunderstandings happen, and that the Banking Cartel is not able to stop us from working together. This is important.

On Feb 14, 2018, at 7:14 PM, Karen Hudes <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Colleen, I would like to share stories one day. In the meantime, I am thinking of posting this correction and public apology. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.14.18.pdf You don't need to apologize for anything. Our burden is shared, and I am the one who gets to try and explain what is going on. If I don't tell people where I have it wrong, I am only in the way. Do I need to sleep on it, or should I post the correction tonight? Best, Karen

From: Colleen <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 11:06 PM

To: Karen Hudes

Subject: Re: I’am ,Colleen


Thank you for that. I can only imagine how difficult of the

Burden you have. Please excuse my behavior. I have tried so hard to figure this out. I can

only use

The love I have for everyone. You are very brave and I only know that we are all the

same and we come from one. Blessings to you. One day maybe we can share stories.

You will prevail,

Kind regards always


OUTTRO Has corruption in the world's money system confused people so badly that they do not know what is real and what is fake? Is this confusion real, and if so, will it end? That is what today's episode is about. Stay tuned as we see whether the corruption is there.

We must be doing something right for the Banking Cartel to be trying so

hard to confuse everyone.


I only learned two years ago that I am the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.27.16.1.pdf I represent everyone in putting an end world corruption. I did know all along that I was fighting corruption. I simply learned gradually the extent of the corruption, and also what everyone who has gone before did to set up a system where we could win this fight against world corruption.


Two days ago, I said that someone who was supporting Donald Trump was so badly duped that they could not understand my message that Donald Trump was an agent of the Banking Cartel and a traitor who was trying to land us in WWIII through a unilateral surrender. The surrender is because the 134 countries in the Group of 77 and the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) use gold to pay for trade since the Federal Reserve Notes are just worthless paper and so many Federal Reserve Notes were issued through quantitative easing that they have most of their value. The US currency has to switch to the US monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility for the US military to remain viable.

Trump's treason -the top Media Tweet:

I blocked Rhonda Kazmierski. A Trump supporter is so badly duped that they are not going to understand my message. Donald Trump is an agent of the Banking Cartel and a traitor who is trying to land us in WWIII through a unilateral surrender with the unconstitutional and worthless Federal Reserve Note.

Rhonda does not understand The Top media Tweet:

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.2.18.1.pdf https://twitter.com/KarenHudes/status/959484476794507265/photo/1


Twitter Analytics deleted many of my Top Followers. Maybe the Banking Cartel didn't want me contacting them.

Of course there were questions. , asked me Karen, U stated “Donald Trump is an agent of the Banking Cartel and a traitor who is trying to land us in WWIII,,,” can U please explain EXACTLY how he is a traitor as opposed to past Presidents? Benjamin Franklin sold us down the river when he renegotiated revolutionary war debt to fall due in 1871. Since then, our Constitution was replaced. JFK and Lincoln were assassinated by the Banking Cartel = Federal Government. US military defends our Constitution now


On page 5 you can read exactly what I tweeted to that traitor in the White House 3 days

before the US Marines attacked the CIA's branch office in Langley, Virginia:



The traitors in the US military are not in charge and neither is that imposter, Donald Trump. The Banking Cartel is desperately trying to steal the world's assets in the Global Debt Facility at the World Bank and IMF. They fail miserably each and every time. As I already explained many times, there is no way for the Banking Cartel to steal the assets that are in trust for humanity. José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos knew what they were doing. After 50 years, there is no way for anybody to prove that they are the owners of the world's assets because they have not proven this before 50 years went by. This is according to the Roman concept called the Statute of Limitations. José Rizal deposited the assets into the Global Debt Facility on January 3, 1949. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.4.16.2.pdf Any and all possible claims for the wealth of the world are stale. I am now sharing the good news with the world's militaries that we are in a peaceful process of cleaning up the corruption in the world's money system. The salaries of all of the world's militaries (civil servants, police forces, local governments, even if they are working for illegitimate governments) are paid from the Global Debt Facility. We are now waiting for the people of the world to catch on and get themselves caught up on reality. Replying to @WhiteHouse

.@WhiteHouse Jim Mattis and Donald Trump are both traitors and liars.



Ending world corruption.


Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tagean Tallano IV has absolutely NO VALID

CLAIM over the assets in the Global Debt Facility.



https://twitter.com/Lynn4duvall/status/965044789350682626 https://twitter.com/Lynn4duvall/status/965044789350682626 https://twitter.com/KarenHudes/status/965164566165454854

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 In the last two weeks there has been a major breakthrough. I only realized how big this breakthrough was when I saw how hard the Banking Cartel was working to ruin it. This breakthrough will stand us in good stead as we move forward to wind down the Banking Cartel. Yes, we have a huge job ahead of us, because we also have to explain what we are doing to alot of clueless people.

The Banking Cartel's attempt to censor me has backfired. A big lie is not the truth. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.13.18.1.pdf


The Banking Cartel deleted my response to Shapie Mau's comment. On February 10th , I replied to Shapie Mau on YouTube, and I copied people in my social media:

What I am doing is explaining to you that we are in a different reality, all of us, including the Banking Cartel. When people understand the implications, THERE IS NO GOING BACK. We in the coalition for the rule of law (including the world's militaries) are in charge, and not the Banking Cartel and its agents. I speak for the coalition for the rule of law, and have been telling you that I will not get out ahead of decentralized humanity. The action that I am undertaking on behalf of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, is to replace the corrupt currencies with gold from the Global Debt Facility. I explained what you all are supposed to be doing in the DCTV Segment that was supposed to air on January 16th, and which I uploaded here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kMmvfBKUjA

Please see the teleprompter for links https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt1.16.18.pdf


Get a study group of at least 3 people together. This is for your own protection--these people are going to signal to you when you are acting "out of character" to help you become aware of military scalar and Electromagnetic Frequency weaponry. This is very real, as referred to by Poland's Minister of National Defense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgVs4-m0lNY

Here is also a link to some of the patents for the Electromagnetic Frequency weaponry: https://amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter9.10.16.pdf

the Banking Cartel broke this link three times, and I finally uploaded it on Internet Archive: https://ia801500.us.archive.org/11/items/Twitter9.10.16/Twitter9.10.16.pdf

Work together to figure out what is actually going on as opposed to lies. Develop your critical thinking. Then work with local merchants in your villages and towns to create local currencies. Stay informed during the Global Currency Reset, form a small group, fight corruption in your local community and help introduce local currencies.

You are not independent of the system. You are in control of the system, and are

winding down the Banking Cartel.

The Banking Cartel's attempt to censor me has backfired. We know that the Banking Cartel is especially vulnerable once people realize that we are in a different reality, and the world's militaries realize that the coalition for the rule of law is in charge and not the Banking Cartel or its illegitimate puppet politicians. The world's governments are illegitimate, because the Banking Cartel has replaced the Constitutions, and replaced the legitimate governments with corporations. The Banking Cartel thought that a lie, if it was big enough, was not a lie. The Banking Cartel didn't think we were smart enough to tell the difference between a lie and truth. The Banking Cartel was wrong.

Here is what my tweet looked like:



Well, YouTube just put my response to Shapie Mau back. That was predictable.

Banking Cartel, putting the comment back after you censored it makes it even more sensitive. People know that you are corrupt, and attempts to conceal your corruption do not work. People can still see how you are censoring me and my message. So when I tell people that this information you censored and then restored is at the heart of my message, it doesn't do you any good, does it?

One other piece of information about a recent shill attack in an attempt to defend Donald


Once a critical mass knows that the Banking Cartel suspended the US Constitution, and that Donald Trump is a mere puppet of the Banking Cartel's, do you think that @MistyDoll187's attack is harming me and helping Donald Trump?




Network of Global Corporate Control

Re: The US' Monetary Gold Reserves

Karen Hudes Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 1:12 PM

To: Mr. Gerald Lane

Cc: Mr. Richard Lopez, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Lane,

I understand that you are Allied Barton's account manager for the World Bank and for other

government agencies. Officer Lescano of the DC Police instructed Allied Barton on July 3, 2015 to

admit me to the World Bank headquarters unless Allied Barton produced a valid, enforceable barring

notice, signed by the duly authorized authorities: the Board of Governors or Board of Executive

Directors of the World Bank and IMF. [All the powers of the World Bank (are) vested in the Board of

Governors.] [The Executive Directors shall be responsible for the conduct of the general operations of

the Bank, and for this purpose, shall exercise all the powers delegated to them by the Board of

Governors.] Article V, Sections 2(a)&4.

The US member of the Board of Governors has made it clear that it is the Board of Executive Directors

that is responsible for interpreting the Articles of Agreement. http://www-



I have followed up with Mr. Lopez on this matter; Allied Barton has had over two weeks and has not

produced such a Barring Notice. Instead, the World Bank's webmaster has tried to erase and then

obscure the contact pages for the Board of Executive Directors and the Articles of Agreement of the


International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on the World Bank's website.


I am the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The

Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have delegated to me, along with six of the World

Bank Executive Directors, the signature authority over the Global Debt Facility containing the US' and

rest of the world's monetary gold reserves. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.23.15.pdf This

is because the Board of Governors knows that I will refuse to exercise this authority in the absence of

their prior approval as I have demonstrated time and time again. The Board of Governors in this past

six weeks has invalidated four separate attempts of the Network of Global Corporate Control that owns

Allied Barton to steal the assets in the Global Debt Facility


I have informed Ms. Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington, as well as Messrs. Rushern Baker III, and

Ike Leggett, President, and President ProTem of the County Executives of America (which accepted the

US' monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility administered by the World Bank), as well as

Chief J. Thomas Manger, President of the Major Cities Police Chiefs' Association, that Allied Barton is

not performing satisfactorily under its contract with the World Bank.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter7.21.15.2.pdf Allied Barton is insubordinate and in contempt

of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. Allied Barton has no legal authority to prevent

me from returning to my desk at the World Bank or to steal the US' monetary gold reserves.


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:37 AM

Subject: Our telephone conversation

To: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Lopez,

Thank you for returning my call to Allied Barton. This is the political science model which I discussed

with then Senator Chuck Hagel, and which is 90-95% accurate, and which says that the coalition for the

rule of law, which I represent, is going to defeat Allied Barton and its shareholders:


As I mentioned to you, the internet has told everyone what happened at the World Bank on Friday,

when Allied Barton's guards ignored my valid security badge, (staff member 18096) and prevented me

illegally from going back to my job as Acting General Counsel of the World Bank and Legal Counsel

to a trust fund containing the world's monetary gold reserves, the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-

666. There is no enforceable barring notice, which must be signed by the World Bank's Board of

Governors in order to be valid.


I have tweeted this comment about what happened on Friday at https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter7.4.15.pdf I have 40,000 direct contacts on my social media; my posts are often shared with an even wider audience. I am on twitter @: https://twitter.com/KarenHudes, on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/karen.hudes.10/ and many of the posts are at http://www.frank-

webb.com/karen-hudes---updates.html . Tomorrow at 6:00 pm EST I will be broadcast live on a

television series on DCTV, "The Network of Global Corporate Control" , which is livestreamed over

the internet at http://dctv.org/Live archives are at https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes

I will go to the World Bank today and I expect Allied Barton to honor my valid security badge since

there is no enforceable barring notice.


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

February 16, 2018

Short answer: this stationery means that the World Bank and IMF are already "on board" for

the Global Currency Reset; it is the Banking Cartel that is withholding the world's gold.



ICSID disputes do not involve the World Bank; they are between nationals of the World Bank and its member countries. You cannot sue or arbitrate with the World Bank at ICSID. The World Bank already agreed to the Global Currency Reset to use the world's monetary gold reserves in the world's currencies. I have gotten jurisdiction over the World Bank and IMF. I sued the World Bank as a bondholder, and that lawsuit was settled by its Board of Governors. http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf After the World Bank's Annual Meeting in Peru in 2016, it was agreed that I now speak for the World Bank and IMF on matters involving the Global Debt Facility containing the world's monetary gold reserves and other assets http://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.8.16.1.pdf (and represent the US on the Board of Governors so long as the US Constitution of 1789 is not in effect).

This is the press release on behalf of the Board of Governors about the Global Currency Reset: https://web.archive.org/web/20160309220518/http://presswire.com/content/1324064/board-governors-world-bank-and-imf-announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies



KarenHudes Do you think I have any protection when this is what I am working on?

First I am going to give you links describing the National War College's Power

Transition Model, together with two TED lectures by two of the political scientists who

helped the US military develop this model. The US military knows how accurate this

model is, and that is why the US Marines declared war on the Banking Cartel when they

attacked the CIA's branch in Langley VA on November 18th. If you want proof of this,

just look at my social media. I am attaching links to my social media at the end of this



The US military knows that the CIA represents the Banking Cartel and not US

security interests.

Then I am going to show you some correspondence with the Japanese and Jacek Kugler, one of the political scientists whom I worked with at the World Bank on the Power Transition Model. The Japanese know that the only way that the US military will have enough money to defend them from China is with the Global Currency Reset, deploying the US monetary gold reserves. And you think I have no protection, when this is what I am working on?

Just to let you know how real this all is, when I tried to attach Jacek Kugler's 6/11/14 email to me (Jacek Kugler wrote this to me when I was living in Japan), the Banking Cartel, who hacks into my computer and PC, tried to prevent this. It took me twenty extra minutes and help from the other hackers on the Coalition for the Rule of Law (who are protecting me and who are protecting my computer, and who are much stronger than the Banking Cartel).

The Power Transition model was developed at the National War College. It predicts how coalitions will form using game theory and opinions from experts about the positions of stakeholders (groups that influence a problem). It is 90-95% accurate https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

I am also giving you links to the TED talks by Mark Abdollahian and Jacek Kugler. Mark Abdollahian helped Jacek Kugler develop the power transition model for Ronald Tammen, then Chair of the Department of National Strategy and Professor of National Strategy at the National War College. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7zivANqb74 abdollahian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4P8DA23G9c kugler

Jacek Kugler




Karen Thanks for the continued confidence Jacek Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 10, 2014, at 8:57 PM, "Karen Hudes" wrote:

Dear Jacek,


Thank goodness you came to the World Bank in 2004 with the power transition model. Torkel Patterson is a member of the CFR close to Prime Minister Abe. Best, Karen

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Follow up to our meeting yesterday Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:46:50 -0400

The power transition model does not lie.

From: [email protected] To: Japanese Journalist Subject: Follow up to our meeting yesterday Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:45:21 -0400

Dear Izumi, Could you forward the email to Fujita san's aide and then follow up by phone to see if he got it. Hopefully this will answer all of Fujita-san's questions.

Karen Hudes@KarenHudes

Humanity's love for itself and the power of the internet are

beautiful to behold: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.10.14.pdf

12:22 AM - 11 Jun 14

This is to my followers in the social media (20,000 folks): The offer of gold in the Global Debt Facility from the authorized signatory on the trust fund to mint gold coins to replace paper currencies before they crash, taking humanity into another dark ages https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Monetary+Agreement1.pdf the existence of the coalition to restore rule of law (see dialogue in American Bar Association Journal: http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/sovereign_citizens_plaster_courts_with_bogus_legal_filings/#comments ) this power transition model which predicts a currency war if we let bureaucracy hold us up http://philosophyofmetrics.com/2014/02/18/sdrs-and-the-new-bretton-woods-part-six/comment-page-1/#comment-584 http://www.gold-eagle.com/article/brics-gold-source-belgium-bulge


Can the power of the internet save humanity? That's up to you guys. I can't do this by myself. Can you get yourselves into gear and get your governments to answer their mail? https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/em+banking+tokyo.pdf This dialogue in Google+ explains in plain English what is going on. If you don't understand, then get yourselves organized into groups and talk about it. Don't expect me to draft a sample letter and I am too busy here in Tokyo to answer my mail now. Best, Karen Isee Futility8:26 AM +Karen Hudes You can't just say "everything is backed" and solve any problems. It really doesn't do anything unless you say every central banking created dollar in existence is worthless overnight. You then have to force everyone to earn every "real" dollar all over again. You certainly can't use it to back the hundreds of trillions in counterfeited central bank reserve notes out there. All the savings and retirement accounts would disappear overnight. You can't separate the "earned" money from the "manufactured" money. There is simply no way so all the paper has to simply lose all its value overnight. You can't use the gold to back it that is for sure. I have no clue why you think the "world's militaries" have any credibility whatsoever. They have been part of the military industrial complex since Eisenhower left. Same as the Treasury.... you can't tell where corrupted government employees leave off and Neocons, sociopaths, war mongers, corrupted contractors, bankers, and puppet appointees begin. I simply don't get the roll out of all this. Show less Karen Hudes9:17 AM I am not "backing" currencies. The gold is in the coins. If you don't understand, then try to figure it out.

For further information, see



On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live



www.kahudes.net interviews: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Bibliography1.pdf

censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are




The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Saturday, February 17, 2018

I wanted to show you the heart of my 99 page tweet from earlier this morning. Lots of people are reading the tweet, even though it is a little hard to digest:



So, here is my comment:

Your article has not named the empire, as Vitali Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich

http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf "the Network of Global Corporate

Control." You are incorrect also that the "immediate future remains unclear, particularly for western

nations." We have been guided by an accurate power transition model that comes from the US

National War College, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf You are correct that "we

are now witnessing the final days of an empire which will be written about with historical clarity."

Your last point, "how exactly did they get away with what they did for so long and why did we not

see it?" We did see it, and by raising red herrings in the Alternative Media, the answer to your

question can be understood readily through this comment.


So, what I have been doing is to go to the Russian and Chinese embassies in Washington, and then to

contact the BRICS meeting in Goa, India last week

this comment on the blog The Sirius Report was never posted -- I reprinted it in 2016 in a DCTV

teleprompter, see page 7


The whole point about the power transition model and game theory, is that the people who can

influence a problem change positions in reaction to each other. The factor which is now bringing

down the Network of Global Corporate Control, is the awareness of the public in each of the BRICS

countries, as well as in the allies of the US that are subject to state capture by the Network of Global

Corporate Control, i.e. Japan, Germany and the US. Does Japan want to be defended by US military?

The Joint Japan-US Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement is keeping the US military

honest and there is no getting around that fact. That is why the Postmaster General of the US, Megan

Brennan, is still refusing to this day to deliver the priority letter which I mailed to the Japanese

Embassy in Washington. Karen Hudes @KarenHudes Sep 22

Twitter removed picture of cherry blossoms from my Tweet about Japan https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter9.22.16.2.pdf

When I booted up my computer this morning, this tweet popped up, so I'll remind you of the attempted nuke of Charleston again:


Sunday, August 27, 2017





There were four more comments, but YouTube has removed them. In the

meantime, YouTube hid more of my comments, and rearranged the comments to

put their shills first. That is why I am now using other social media to highlight

the Banking Cartel's lies and to put my replies back in view.

The Banking Cartel thought their mind control would make people so apathetic

that we wouldn't care that they tried to nuke us in South Carolina. They also

thought they were going to continue to rip the fabric of the United States apart

and divide us with their agent and fake President Donald Trump. They thought

we wouldn't know by now that they were causing the flooding in Texas. That was

why I just posted the list of countries that use weather modification



What a surprise! The Banking Cartel broke the link to the information about its

weather modification activities. So I am showing this to you again, this time on

internet archive and at the end of this post


I am also showing you some of my comments that YouTube is trying to hide, and

an email from Izumi Takahashi about directed energy weapons that are used by

the Banking Cartel against Targeted Individuals

Karen Hudes4 days ago

Patience Wright shared a three- year- old video that documents how Major General Michael

Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina were fired for refusing to nuke Charleston SC on 10.7.13.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PIa6JV8XRA&sns=tw The US military did not like what

happened either when Commander Heather Cole and General Dana Pittard were fired for

preventing a first nuclear strike against the Soviet Union on 3.15.15. The US military remains

loyal to the American people and to the Constitution of the United States. No these heroes who

refused to nuke Charleston were never reinstated. We are following up on this video to stop the

New World Order, and we are very much on



Karen Hudes3 days ago

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is a Vatican agent. The TDA is a trick and is being reversed, but you

will be getting yourself into trouble for applying. I have been telling people so many times not

to go to the side of Banking Cartel and that the Banking Cartel is not to be trusted. Here is an

earlier tweet about Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter8.9.17.2.pdf here is another link:


On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Izumi Takahashi wrote (about her aunt): Dear Karen, I, too, agree with her that she fell without reason as if she was pulled to the left and the attack was by some directed energy weapon. Anyway I believe she has strength enough to be able to recover and be able to walk again pretty soon. When [a Targeted Individual] , the guy who introduced me to [another Targeted Individual] saw me for the first time, he was surprised to see me using canes, and asked me if I had hip pain. Because when he was married, his ex- wife had pain on her hip. And after he divorced his wife stopped having the pain. And when he got a girlfriend and lived with her she had pain, too. And the night before I saw him the first time, he had pain on his hip for the first time, and thought hip pain was some kind of message,,,. So he was very sure the hip pain was caused by some directed energy weapon.


If banking cartel still think they can negotiate with you, they are very stupid. Don't they know your character? Love, Izumi

I have been knocked down many times by targeted energy weaponry. I now understand that I have atrial fibrillation, from a "markedly abnormal EKG" a couple of days ago. Also probably from directed energy weaponry.