1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. We are coming to you live from DCTV's studios. Today's segment is about my whistleblowing. In Dutch, the word for "whistleblower" is translated as "klokkenluider," or "bellringer". Today Maurice Jackson is our Studio Producer and Director, Jamie Fain is on Audio, and Mark Wesley is our Floor Director. This is the first show in over a year that Carmen Stanley has not directed in DCTV's Studio B. Carmen has left us in Mo's capable hands so that she could attend the funeral today of her friend, a young actress whose life ended suddenly in a so-called suicide, after Carmen's friend told her abusive boyfriend that she was ending their relationship. The boyfriend's father is a police officer. Today Carmen is burying her friend and helping mutual friends mourn the tragic death of this beautiful young woman. Background In our previous episodes we have been grappling with the bonds we share in life and death. We have also talked about our hearts, that join us together in a love that transcends our mortality. Today we are going to cover alot of ground, because things are happening all at the same time. Every single topic is actually about what we mean to one another. That is the central topic. I want to highlight the words that José Rizal, then Superior General of the Jesuits, wrote in the Minutes of the meeting at the Central Bank of the Philippines on January 3, 1949 at the end of World War II, with Dwight Eisenhower, and President Harry Truman present, when Rizal as Depositor deposited 1.7 million metric tonnes of gold and other precious metals and artwork in trust for humanity: "Proclamation and Declaration of the Gift of Love." This year we have been talking about hidden reality and about the Network of Global Corporate Control that was trying to keep the lid on things. The Network of Global

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on … · 2016-06-01 · 1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate

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Page 1: INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on … · 2016-06-01 · 1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate


INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. We are coming to you live from DCTV's studios. Today's segment is about my whistleblowing. In Dutch, the word for "whistleblower" is translated as "klokkenluider," or "bellringer".

Today Maurice Jackson is our Studio Producer and Director, Jamie Fain is on Audio, and Mark Wesley is our Floor Director. This is the first show in over a year that Carmen Stanley has not directed in DCTV's Studio B. Carmen has left us in Mo's capable hands so that she could attend the funeral today of her friend, a young actress whose life ended suddenly in a so-called suicide, after Carmen's friend told her abusive boyfriend that she was ending their relationship. The boyfriend's father is a police officer. Today Carmen is burying her friend and helping mutual friends mourn the tragic death of this beautiful young woman. Background In our previous episodes we have been grappling with the bonds we share in life and death. We have also talked about our hearts, that join us together in a love that transcends our mortality.

Today we are going to cover alot of ground, because things are happening all at the same time. Every single topic is actually about what we mean to one another. That is the central topic. I want to highlight the words that José Rizal, then Superior General of the Jesuits, wrote in the Minutes of the meeting at the Central Bank of the Philippines on January 3, 1949 at the end of World War II, with Dwight Eisenhower, and President Harry Truman present, when Rizal as Depositor deposited 1.7 million metric tonnes of gold and other precious metals and artwork in trust for humanity: "Proclamation and Declaration of the Gift of Love." This year we have been talking about hidden reality and about the Network of Global Corporate Control that was trying to keep the lid on things. The Network of Global

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Corporate Control is a humongous company that has been using the legal, accounting and journalism professions to do its dirty work, bribing and intimidating people in the centers of power all over the world. Four weeks ago we discussed Edmund Dunne's

"The Act of Atonement by the International Financial Services Industry, after Edward was the sole living plaintiff in litigation on suicided bankers whose employer had collected on Bank Owned Life Insurance policies. Trust In 2009 I told Mr. Eugene Miagkov, the Alternate Executive Director for Russia, after Svein Aas, the Norwegian Executive Director who headed the Board Committee on Governance, reinstated me as "Acting General Counsel", that I was there so that the Board of Executive Directors could exercise its powers under the Articles of Agreement. José Rizal and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos, created the World Bank and IMF to have a co-op of nations to settle without war and bloodshed at the end of 50 years what to do with this wealth. I clear my inbox every day with whatever has been left undisclosed. I do not have secrets. My consistent track record is there to see; I publish all attempted bribes, including this invitation to become an illuminati, which I received on October 12, 2013:


You are welcome to Illuminati

world, you have nothing to


about..because you will be rich

and famous in life when you

are initiated

you will be given a Illuminati

staff and ring that will help you

m any

thing you want to do, after you

will be ask to come for

Illuminati baptism

and there you will meet most of

our high members, you shall

live forever

and be a popular woman or man know all

over the world, if you are really ready to

join us you can fill the form and get back for initiation.

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Try and get back immediately

so that will can start the

initiation now my phone

number is +22893056118

to which I responded:

I have a personal relationship with the Board of Executive Directors. The Network of Global Corporate Control tried to blackmail some the Executive Directors after they fired Paul Wolfowitz for giving a huge payraise to his girlfriend Shaha Riza. Some of the Executive Directors had patronized the same house of ill repute as Elliot Spitzer, when Spitzer lost his Governorship of New York. I reported this effort to blackmail the Board of Executive Directors to the Dean of the Yale Law School, to the US Congress, to the Treasury Department, to the Missions to the UN, and ultimately to the rest of the World, and reminded them of the Power Transition Model, that said it was in the US security interest to observe the rule of law, and that corruption would bring on disaster and WWIII. Many whistleblowers are disclosing confidential information. I have been simply doing the job of a lawyer who works for an organization that issues bonds on the capital

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markets and is required to end a cover-up. I have been trying to get the financial statements of the IBRD, whose 180 billion dollars worth of bonds are traded on the capital markets, to be accurate. I did what a lawyer in a company that issues bonds on the capital markets is supposed to do. When you look at the correspondence that I have uploaded on my website, you will see that this is a huge sting operation. I went up the internal corporate ladder, and then I went to the US Treasury, and then I went to the US Congress. I went to all the states' attorney generals, I went to all the governors, I went to the auditor of the Federal Government: the Government Accounting Office, (now known as the Government Accountability Office, and to the club of government auditors: the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, I went to the US Congress and its various Committees, including the Senate Judiciary Committee, I went to the regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board, to the International Organization of Securities Commissions, I went to the International Federation of Accountants, I went to the National Press Club, I went to the 3,141 counties, and I went to the rest of the world. When the agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control inside the World Bank locked me out, I bought a World Bank bond, and I sued. The job of the World Bank legal department is to carry out the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank. These Articles were written with this special mandate in mind of returning the world's wealth to the world's peoples. The Board of Governors settled my lawsuit in 2012, and the Judicial Conference of the US, which is headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, ignored the settlement. The courts in the United States are mere administrative proceedings, and the Judges, including those in the Supreme Court, have betrayed their oaths and they are not sitting in the courts guaranteed under Article III of the Constitution of 1789. This is because the US is under martial law, and has been under martial law ever since 1861, and has had a second secret constitution foisted on it by the Network of Global Corporate Control in 1871 hidden in the Act that created the District of Columbia. Anton Scalia's sudden death without an autopsy is an indicator as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, "There's something rotten in the State of Denmark." Scalia's life ended just four days after my calling Scalia and Thomas and the rest of the Supreme Court out for refusing to acknowledge this martial law. Was Justice Scalia considering bringing the US back under the Constitution of 1789? We will never know.

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I do know however, that my teleprompter was erased from my computer hours before the broadcast on February 23rd to delete what Justice Scalia said about Article V:

The founders inserted this alternative method of obtaining constitutional amendments because they knew the Congress would be unwilling to give attention to many issues the people are concerned with, particularly those involving restrictions on the federal government's own power. The founders foresaw that and they provided the convention as a remedy. If the only way to get that convention is to take this minimal risk, then it is a reasonable one.

I told Barack Obama that his nominee to replace Justice Anton Scalia, Merrick Garland, could not have been worse: https://ia800207.us.archive.org/0/items/Twiter3.20.16/Twiter3.20.16.pdf

"Merrick Garland was on the three judge panel that affirmed the District Court opinion in my whistleblower retaliation case. The Court cancelled oral arguments two days before the oral arguments were scheduled, and then issued an opinion which ignored the applicable law that the Appellate Court was required to consider the case de novo. Merrick Garland then refused to admit that he was not presiding over an Article III Court under the Constitution of 1789. Meanwhile, the Board of Governors of the World Bank (188 Ministers of Finance and Development) settled the case before the clerk issued the mandate. Bottom line, no wonder the Network of Global Corporate Control wanted to replace Judge Scalia before he went on record that the United States is in interregnum, with an illegitimate government. The legal profession has puppets like Merrick Garland without any ethics or morals to try and create a false front to hide the secret martial law.…"

The group that I have been the most relentless with is the legal profession. I have said that the lawyers, through their collusion, and the deep cover-up, have forfeited their right to regulate the legal profession, and that it is so bad that we must consider whether we even need a legal profession going forward. But I have not left out the accountants or the journalists. Power Transition Model Because of the power transition model from the US Department of Defense, that came to the World Bank in 2004, I knew that coalitions would form and after the UK Parliament started publishing my and Elaine Colville's testimony, that ultimately we were going to succeed. Philip in the UK asked the Rt. Hon. Justine Greening, Secretary of State for the International Development Department, to let him know why she would not answer my letter offering the UK its monetary gold reserves to replace the paper currencies issued by the Bank of England in a Global Currency reset, in which the country debt, and scam interest charged to UK citizens would be offset against the 2 quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles bonds owed to the Global Debt Facility.

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25 May 2016

Dear Philip ,

Thank you for your email to the Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening, in

response to an earlier piece of correspondence. I have been asked to reply as I work in the Department

for International Development (DFID). DFID is under no obligation to provide a response to the letter

referenced, and has decided not to do so.

Yours sincerely Lyndsay Cox Department for International Development

I then reminded DFID that I had testified in the UK Parliament:

"Failure to correct the internal control lapses and corruption that I have reported is

about to result in a state of permanent backwardation in the gold markets, interrupt the

financing of world trade except through barter, and plunge the world into a depression

from which recovery is unlikely. I have repeatedly reminded the FSA and the UK

Parliament that the World Bank receives funding from UK taxpayers and bondholders

and is subject to oversight by Parliament and the FSA. Instead, both Parliament and the

FSA have abdicated their responsibility to ensure that the World Bank's financial

information to bondholders is correct. Today's dire circumstances call for immediate

and forceful intervention in the hope that time still remains. "

I reminded DFID and The Rt. Hon. Justine Greening of Elaine Colville. Elaine is a

Scottish whistleblower who used to work in the World Bank's Private Sector agency, the

International Finance Corporation: Elaine didn't mince words: She testified:

"There is no integrity in public life. The system of complaints handling in this country is

not fit for purpose. It is all 'capture'. A 'club' of vested interests that no one is minded to

break up -- extending to Parliament itself. The result is a culture of systemic cover-up.

The mantras of 'governance', 'regulation', 'accountability' and 'responsibility' are all false


It was when Elaine and I succeeded in publishing our testimony with the UK Parliament that the Power Transition Model from the Department of Defense started predicting, with over 90% likelihood, that coalitions would form to end this corruption, for that is

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what we are dealing with. What I didn't know was the extent of the corruption. That's ok, because I have help from the coalitions that the power transition model predicted would form. That is the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the G-77 (134 Developing Countries), Germany and Japan. The Battle Against the Network of Global Corporate Control. There have been many victories. One victory was when General Dunford, (the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who thinks he is above the law and has the right to be a dictator to follow instructions from the Network of Global Corporate Control) had erased my response to Anna von Reitz from my computer. Three hours later someone put it back and I could show how Anna von Reitz had failed in her attempt to steal the gold in the Global Debt Facility for the Network of Global Corporate Control. Because this is a sting operation, the agents that were trying to help von Reitz also were exposed: Benjamin Fulford, Field McConnell and the Abel Danger operation. One of my favorite "tweets" https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.28.16.pdf mentioned this dirty trick, and listed a few other dirty tricks of the Network of Global Corporate Control's, including a warrant for my arrest, signed by Bertrand Badré, Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the World Bank. That document, which Badré signed on February 15, 2016, also stated that he was dissolving the Global

Debt Facility in order to steal the world's assets from the world's peoples. Badré was

Acting President of the World Bank on that arrest warrant. Badré has left the World Bank. I knew this was going to be a battle that could be won because the power transition model from the US Department of Defense predicted that a coalition for the rule of law would form and that this coalition is stronger than the Network of Global Corporate Control. The lies of the Network of Global Corporate Control are exposed, and the Network is exposed. The Network of Global Corporate Control requires secrecy in order to continue in power, and this is not there. Vitali, Glattfelder and Battiston showed the existence of the Network of Global Corporate Control in 2012. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf We, the coalition for the rule of law, have the international monetary gold reserves. I filed the liens on the Federal Reserve Banks on behalf of the Global Debt Facility. I also filed liens on the agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control that were preventing the Global Currency Reset. Just before the Spring Meeting, I spoke to the office of the Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, about the fact that Dorsey Hile in the Anne Arundel County Tax Recording Office refused to give me a receipt after I paid the recording tax on the lien against property owned by Cathy Lanier. Lanier was providing a corrupt business environment in the District of Columbia and preventing me from going back to my job in the World Bank as Acting General Counsel and Overseer Mandate Trustee. The District of Columbia is risking the jobs in DC of its largest employer, the World Bank and IMF. Governor Hogan's office was impressed that I was able to get the minutes of the World Bank's spring meeting approved by the G-77 (134

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developing countries, which I did at the Washington Embassy of Colombia. I also visited Austria's and Pakistan's embassy for approval of the minutes). The minutes on the Global Currency Reset were ratified by the Tokyo embassies, the New York missions, and the Washington embassies. As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the world's wealth, it is my job to make sure that José Rizal has not misplaced his trust in the United States to preserve the world's wealth for the benefit of human civilization. The United States, minus the Federal Reserve, is united with the rest of the world's nations, and together we have placed the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the rest of the Network of Global Corporate Control into receivership in the Global Debt Facility to be carved up and wound down. The world's peoples are replacing that scam called fractional reserve fiat currencies with national currencies minted from the international gold reserves on deposit in the Global Debt Facility and with local currencies issued by villages and towns. Country debt is offset against 2 quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles bonds issued by the Fed in the 1930's together with the compounded interest that has been accruing ever since then. In 2004 Jacek Kugler came to the World Bank with the National War College power transition

model. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4P8DA23G9c

Jacek told me that we were in danger of a nuclear war in the middle east. That model started predicting in 2010 that the Network of Global Corporate Control was mincemeat, this was after Elaine Colville and I disclosed the corruption in the international financial system to the UK Parliament 3 separate times. A UK citizen asked Justine Greening, who serves as the UK's representative on the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors, what her response was to the offer from the Global Debt Facility to replace the Bank of England's paper currency with currency minted out of the UK's gold in the Global Debt Facility. When DFID responded in a letter of May 25, 2016 that "DFID is under no obligation to provide a response...and has decided not to do so," I emailed DFID and tweeted people to remind them how Elaine Colville and I had reported DFID's corruption to the UK Parliament General Dunford I refuse to do any business behind closed doors, and disclose exactly what is going on, with no holds barred. On December 31, 2015 https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.31.15.pdf General Dunford tried to intimidate me, and then followed up by attacking me on January 8th with military scalar technology. I made a full recovery, so then Anna von Reitz attempted to steal the world's assets for General Dunford and I foiled that attempt on January 17, 2016. So then the Network of Global Corporate Control tried to use the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, to steal the world's gold. Lagarde signed an Agreement with the Vatican that was witnessed by IMF's then General Counsel Sean Hagan on January 24, 2016 to steal from the members of the Bretton Woods institutions the international monetary gold reserves that are contained in the Global Debt Facility. The Board of Governors voided the Agreement on February 1, 2016 because it was not authorized

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https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.1.16.2.pdf I already mentioned Badré's foiled attempt to steal the gold on February 15th . You see, things are not working out for the Network of Global Corporate Control. There are other battlegrounds. Declassified emails now reveal that NATO killed Gaddafi to stop Libya from having a Gold-Backed Currency. Before the 2011 civil war, Libya produced 1.6 million barrels of crude a day. Now oil production is one-tenth that amount, because conflicting sides are blocking exports. There are now two central banks in Libya. The Tripoli-based Central Bank of Libya prints money in the UK. The Tobruk-based central bank loyal to General Khalifa Haftar in Libya's east prints money in Russia.

We began this program talking about love. There is a very important kind of love that is part of self-love. It is knowing and tolerating our own foibles.

The world's international financial system is going to transition from corruption to

honest money. The Network of Global Corporate Control is bankrupt and the

fundamental corruption is exposed. The information about the Global Debt Facility and

that country debt is being offset against the Treaty of Versailles Bonds worth 2

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quadrillion dollars is now in the mainstream media in Greece, thanks to the Greek

Research Institute. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.21.16.pdf This is

making it impossible for the Network of Global Corporate Control to stonewall parallel

discussions with the Governors and Adjutant Generals of the 50 states, and with the

Taxpayers in the US, concerned about Puerto Rico's debt.

There are many people who have realized that something is fundamentally wrong with

the international financial system, but they are unwilling to move to correct this system

because of the depth of the corruption. I am here to say that this transition is one which

we must undertake, because the old fractional reserve fiat system is no longer viable.

Further delay is not a viable option either. That is why I as the Overseer Mandate

Trustee who votes the shares of the US on the Board of Governors and Boards of

Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF, and represents the United States on the

Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on

the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, am going to view the accounts

of the Global Debt Facility on the interbank screens. I intend to provide access to the

Adjutants General, Executive Directors, and others to ensure that the accounts remain

secure and intact for the intended beneficiaries, all of humanity.

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global

Corporate Control." We have been talking about the bonds of love which connect us to

each other and enable us to work together, to discover the hidden reality, and to win the

inevitable battles so that we, humanity, can all inherit our wealth in the Global Debt

Facility. It has been a struggle, but we are up to it, and we accept Jose Rizal's

Proclamation and Declaration of the Gift of Love. Until next week, I am your host,

Karen Hudes.

If time:

my email to the House Committee on Armed Services and letters to the Governors and their Adjutants General: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.26.16.1.pdf The Network of Global Corporate Control is powerless to prevent the spread of the news on the internet. This puts an end to foreign control over the US military. my letter to John Spencer about social media and the military: Fri, Nov 6, 2015 5:53 AM To: [email protected] Re: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/05/opinion/from-army-of-one-to-band-of-tweeters.html Dear Major Spencer, This is in response to your op ed in the New York Times bemoaning soldiers' access to social media. The real problem you are facing is that social media has ended the censorship by the now bankrupt Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and

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Battiston of ETH Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf Most Americans, and that includes soldiers, know that the New York Times is simply bankers' propaganda and nothing more. The US' international monetary gold reserves, set aside in the Global Debt Facility at the end of WWII, are preventing the US military from having to surrender unilaterally, despite Martin Dempsey's treason. The Global Debt Facility, administered by the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, is now foreclosing under the commercial lien which it has placed on Martin Dempsey's assets. Thankfully, social media is helping the US military to remain loyal to the rest of the country during this interregnum, predicted by a model developed by Ronald Tammen, Chair of the Department of National Strategy at the National War College. Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century. See also: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf Even while the New York Times remains mute, social media continues to inform the public how the US is implementing what John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan set out to do before they were shot. http://presswire.com/content/1324064/board-governors-world-bank-and-imf-announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666 "Is the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) an organization within the U.S. Department of the Treasury? Answer: No. The IRS is not an organization within the United States Department of the Treasury. The U.S. Department of the Treasury was organized by statutes now codified in Title 31 of the United States Code, abbreviated “31 U.S.C.” The only mention of the IRS anywhere in 31 U.S.C. §§ 301-315 is an authorization for the President to appoint an Assistant General Counsel in the U.S. Department of the Treasury to be the Chief Counsel for the IRS. See 31 U.S.C. 301(f)(2). At footnote 23 in the case of Chrysler Corp. v. Brown, 441 U.S. 281 (1979), the U.S. Supreme Court admitted that no organic Act for the IRS could be found, after they searched for such an Act all the way back to the Civil War, which ended in the year 1865 A.D. The Guarantee Clause in the U.S. Constitution guarantees the Rule of Law to all Americans (we are to be governed by Law and not by arbitrary bureaucrats). See Article IV, Section 4. Since there was no organic Act creating it, IRS is not a lawful organization. 2. If not an organization within the U.S. Department of the Treasury, then what exactly is the IRS? Answer: The IRS appears to be a collection agency working for foreign banks and operating out of Puerto Rico under color of the Federal Alcohol Administration (“FAA”). But the FAA was promptly declared unconstitutional inside the 50 States by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of U.S. v. Constantine, 296 U.S. 287 (1935), because Prohibition had already been repealed." In 1998, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit identified a second “Secretary of the Treasury” as a man by the name of Manual Díaz-Saldaña. See the definitions of “Secretary” and “Secretary or his delegate” at 27 CFR 26.11 (formerly 27 CFR 250.11), and the published decision in Used Tire International, Inc. v. Manual Díaz-Saldaña, court docket number 97-2348, September 11, 1998. Both definitions mention Puerto Rico. When all the evidence is examined objectively, IRS appears to be a money laundry, extortion racket, and conspiracy to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951 and 1961 et seq. (“RICO”). Think of Puerto RICO (Racketeer Influenced and

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Corrupt Organizations Act); in other words, it is an organized crime syndicate operating under false and fraudulent pretenses. See also the Sherman Act and the Lanham Act. 3. By what legal authority, if any, has the IRS established offices inside the 50 States of the Union? Answer: After much diligent research, several investigators have concluded that there is no known Act of Congress, nor any Executive Order, giving IRS lawful jurisdiction to operate within any of the 50 States of the Union." Please see my relevant tweet at https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.18.16.2.pdf 3