Introduc)on to Computer Graphics 4/11/13

Introduc)on*to* Computer*Graphics*csce.uark.edu/~cwt/COURSES/2013-01--CSCE-5053--Adv... · Computer*Graphics*is*aboutanimaon*(films)* 4/11/13 3 Major driving force now . Games*are*very*importantin*Computer*Graphics*

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Page 1: Introduc)on*to* Computer*Graphics*csce.uark.edu/~cwt/COURSES/2013-01--CSCE-5053--Adv... · Computer*Graphics*is*aboutanimaon*(films)* 4/11/13 3 Major driving force now . Games*are*very*importantin*Computer*Graphics*

Introduc)on  to  Computer  Graphics  


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•  Mo)va)on  /  Applica)ons  •  Graphics  Pipeline  •  Shading  &  Aliasing  •  Other  interes)ng  topics  •  Conclusion  

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Computer  Graphics  is  about  anima)on  (films)  

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Major driving force now

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Games  are  very  important  in  Computer  Graphics  

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Medical  Imaging  is  another  driving  force  

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Computer  Aided  Design  

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Scien)fic  Visualisa)on  

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To view below and above our visual range

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Graphics  /  Rendering  Pipeline  •  Graphics  processes  generally  execute  sequen)ally  

•  Pipelining  the  process  means  dividing  it  into  stages    

•  Especially  when  rendering  in  real-­‐)me,  different  hardware  resources  are  assigned  for  each  stage      

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Graphics  /  Rendering  Pipeline  •  There  are  three  stages    

– Applica)on  Stage  – Geometry  Stage    – Rasteriza)on  Stage    

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Applica)on  stage  •  En)rely  done  in  soPware  by  the  CPU  •  Read  Data    

–  the  world  geometry  database,  –  User’s  input  by  mice,  trackballs,  trackers,  or  sensing  gloves  

•  In  response  to  the  user’s  input,  the  applica)on  stage  change  the  view  or  scene  

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Geometry  Stage  

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Model Transformation

Modeling: shapes

Shading: reflection and lighting

Transformation: viewing

Hidden Surface Elimination Rasterization Stage

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An  example  through  the  pipeline…  

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The scene we are trying to represent:

Images courtesy of Picture Inc.

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Preparing  Shape  Models  

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Designed by polygons, parametric curves/surfaces, implicit surfaces and etc.

Defined in its own coordinate system

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Model  Transforma)on    

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l Objects put into the scene by applying translation, scaling and rotation

l Linear transformation called homogeneous transformation is used

l The location of all the vertices are updated by this transformation

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Perspec)ve  Projec)on  

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l We want to create a picture of the scene viewed from the camera

l We apply a perspective transformation to convert the 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates of the screen

l Objects far away appear smaller, closer objects appear bigger

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Hidden  Surface  Removal    

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l Objects occluded by other objects must not be drawn

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l Now we need to decide the colour of each pixels taking into account the object’s colour, lighting condition and the camera position


point light source

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Shading  :  Constant  Shading  -­‐  Ambient  

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l Objects colours by its own colour

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Shading  –  Flat  Shading    

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l Objects coloured based on its own colour and the lighting condition

l One colour for one face

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Gouraud  shading,  no  specular  highlights  

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l Lighting calculation per vertex

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Shapes    by  Polynomial  Surfaces  

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Specular  highlights  added  

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l Light perfectly reflected in a mirror-like way

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Phong  shading    

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Rasteriza)on  Stage  

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Rasterization and Sampling

Texture Mapping

Image Composition

Intensity and Color Quantization

Geometry Stage


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Rasteriza)on  •  Converts  the  vertex  informa)on  output  by  the  geometry  pipeline  into  pixel  informa)on  needed  by  the  video  display  

•  Aliasing:    distor)on  ar)facts  produced  when  represen)ng  a  high-­‐resolu)on  signal  at  a  lower  resolu)on.  

•  An)-­‐aliasing  :  technique  to  remove  aliasing  

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Aliased polygons (jagged edges)‏ Anti-aliased polygons

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ü How is anti-aliasing done? Each pixel is subdivided (sub-sampled) in n regions, and each sub-pixel has a color; ü Compute the average color value

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Texture  mapping  

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Other  topics:    Reflec)ons,  shadows  &  Bump  mapping  

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Other  topics:    Global  Illumina)on  

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•  Wide  range  of  applica)ons  •  Op)mized  in  hardware  •  Classic  approach  gives  good  results  •  Open  Research  Topics  

– Photorealism  – Constrained  devices  – Real-­‐)me  

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