Analysis of ethical aspects of Coca-cola BY:ROHIT GUPTA KAPIL SHARMA ANOOP G

Introduction and CSR

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8/3/2019 Introduction and CSR

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Analysis of ethical aspects of Coca-cola




8/3/2019 Introduction and CSR

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The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest

beverage company, refreshing consumers with

more than 500 sparkling and still brands.

It is the largest beverage selling company in

India facing tough competition from Pepsi co.

Coca-Cola India Private Limited sells

concentrate and beverage bases to authorized

bottlers who are authorized

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Corporate social responsibility

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What is corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is the action

taken by a firm that appear to further some

social causes beyond the interest of the firm

and that which is required by law and ethics.

Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in,

self-regulating mechanism whereby business

would monitor and ensure its support to law,

ethical standards, and international norms.

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business would embrace responsibility for the

impact of its activities on the environment,

consumers, employees, communities,

stakeholders and all other members of the

public sphere.

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Business benefits of CSR

Human resources

Risk management

Brand differentiation

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Coca-cola CSR Practices


To socially and economically empowercommunities around our operations, by creating

enabling environment , for the betterment of communities through sustainable projects


At Coca-Cola, they are committed to contributetime, expertise and resources to helpcommunities in partnership with local leaders..

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CSR Guidelines by Coca-cola

To work towards attaining the most efficient and

optimum usage of water.

Endeavor to achieve Net Zero w.r.t. groundwater

i.e. to strive to recharge ground water equivalent

to the same used in our operations.

To strive to facilitate equitable access of clean

drinking water to communities around theirplants and support protection of watersheds in

such areas.

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CSR Guidelines by Coca-cola

To have measurable goals to conserve the

environment in collaboration with local


Endeavor to recycle all o solid wastes

materials including PET articles.

To Strive to conserve energy and would

comply with national and applicable

international standards/practices

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To Dispose and manage bio solids, as per law of the land and prevailing regulations, to minimizethe impact on the environment and adoptenvironmental friendly practices.

ToWork for practical sustainable solutions fordisposal of bio-solids and other wastes and helpspread awareness of the same.

To attempt to establish partnership withGovernment, NGOs and communities and otherrelevant agencies, to launch and manage projectsin communities around our operations.

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ToWork closely with bottling partners and

share resources - technical, human and

financial for the sustainable development of 

local Communities.

To Promote Healthy and active living/lifestyle

in workplace, in marketplace and in


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CSR Activities undertaken by Coca-cola

Involving employees in blood donation

camps, health camps for local communities

around the bottling plant, education support

to local community, etc in association with

NGOs like Red Cross.

Donated generously to Chief Minister's Relief 

Fund during the tsunami tragedy besidesworking on location to help the victims.

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CSR Activities undertaken by Coca-cola

The Company employs 88 people with

hearing and speaking disability, who work as

Special Inspectors at its Neman plant near


The "Abhyaasa Project" (Systematic on-the-

 job training) in particular, undertaken with the

objective of enhancing technical skills of casual workers

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The Coca- Cola Foundation and Coca-ColaIndia announced a partnership to implementwater conservation projects for a better life

for children. Support my school project -The campaign

aims to develop over 100 healthy, active andhappy schools in rural and semi-urban townsby improving basic amenities andsubsequently generating monetary resource