cwreboard ’'K 'S £»“' ‘““- K Jiisi-.- -------- r iAC iiift ■AinJ Oci- ^B in d weather Btatloi matie by thc-i ^ K d iy » . E. L- Yuravj jjj, jDcf o th e r CAA ^ntly to discuss^ .«o/thed«rca8c 11 jitGoodinjf and th< it TVrin Falls. Vurai}urM<J-M»7t> 2o lure conferred wlU 'K u . toBitnsniUns or ^ jjsanum Home al ^ .rfiUte W h*vln(f thi I iomt to help keep ihi Oftjtoff. M «5B t^i :ll{d and Emp'fe ftlrllnej aoilnj field M-tt-eom. B bat 009 both lines by- ffl. W n Fal(». hoK-crer L ” iioUi Dnitid and WmI waaibTn IM X at * <1(0ind hM been Krmed • test >leld« In souUieni I tCAAMtupktOoodlos IMDWd to eompjelo the atrosi Burley to-Boiw, I icrter. hiiih frequency t- ,iMo-4iuuaied.nt.bQt}i ~ i BslM and. there no cjBttd iar « betm at UilnKs aoodlng. city xoa. Ooodlng no long- Ale la eonllnue to remove I I (be Held durlns the n i minafter of Jo»Hn U kirned last rrlday w.wommnnfirtl, Ibc B uld Uiere aro faetlf- I^A itrput pow lb handle Uaporartly. but that l^^tnon the Adajlnbtra- j^ K in u ld havB to b« eom- ■ ^ K r (uliable pemumenl be provided. f e r e . price of'%0 ci stock salo ' prize animal ^H jlrbbcrt Blastoek to]) prico-o£. j^BFceanininlR ^vcro so }65!>.<15 f o r .2 1 H d 1622.47 for 11 |:^H |(s,T «ln Falls counly' ; ^ ■ ^ 'U m c d tlis iu>]e nn i3xtu and ihnnkcd ^Bia]others tor their «ut>> Prterwn, Buhl. wo.i tftteb^cotnmlttee -and r^BTIoM T nd' TeiJ' Slcvcr. taded the sheep and AuiiUnn with sales «f# John LauTcnce, nnUonal BRrlcuIture .^► -ffwen Dalsb._ countjr ^KKtr.!. «l Uie nnnual m I b ^•W fd hlRii.Kood o r b e t- o: county fnira. compnny top- ^■iJ'cn wllh a bid ot LJ^r 1^'Pound hoR con* R.j-Fowicf. Kimberly. “ < Mnsl(;nor» and buyers. ^Pwpt>pniind were Hob- "■^'^tcr.-inaBpEndenr «=my. 30', eenu: Ray Oa^tly. KImbcfly • Bank ■j n cfOLv nobby Bon. ^ Fowler, Inclrperdenl «fw y. rj cents; nobby ta.-ldsho-PscJt!ns—c « n , £■>,_}. c«li.r.n 1)___ »g Club Has Hraal Elections fltclert preM- w 5>oalkr mdlriK dub at i « *« dlrtctora Wcdnc.^. /ormcr -prHiaciir ‘-3 h? 5uc£ceda_uamcti S S ”""" o'cre omenR “* litter fteiccted fll- ^;ilnltlnted planning-tor r-™CTJr.im ot club ncllvu - '■j.'-i aimouncrd Ihnt a Mill b t hired lo !^ » P c n m itr n cldt-. garters for:: ^“locralsSetup iH ' will <( **^Uon coordinator, i Death (or 1U 81C ~rr~izM ^t r, ;JBE = = = - ' AK, ome<>i at. C«»W Nrt Contem] !ttoT.F, •port in ( -Stfips arc bein^r taken by the civi Btatlon from Goodin? to Joalin field y thc-i'egional CAA office in Seattle m thp nviaiion industry and the arm Yuravich, CAA planmiiK engineer, a CAA o/ficinls have met with the G< scilss the move and have Informed case m ---------------------------------- ■;r Plane W M fl SaldDoi ae'^toc An airplane with pilot an( ftlrlinea from California io Barky, h tt-eom- In the Salmon reservoir rcRi' iiawiw a’Petaluma, Co nd West aeronautics association static ; _____1 inir ,hQ_would‘have to 'mako 1**^’ position ag about 14 nDJcTi I'urmed Neither of tho passenftei louthem ----------- -S Yankees Even IH-Seriesr^Defeat- leam at ' • m i city Dodgers 7 to 1 «mS?B BRQQiaYN. Oct 3 Cft-Vlc Rat- M the chi’s three-hit pltthlnu and vaunted Yankee power displayed In Joslln * ««*run sixth JnnJn? savo the Prldav New '^ofk YankcM a T to 1 Ulumph over tho Brooklyn DodKCra^today in I [nelll- two sfcono ffoine yj UlFitri«-World handle Series. The victory evened the *e- lUt that rles at one Rame each. Inlslro- A creva of 33.75X flUlnjr every w com- Beat In compact EbbeU tleld, saw flument Ra«hl stop the Dodger batter* _________ Ml PH« ». W ll-ll » f*feO cents pound /oh a J,226-pbum : sale Wednesdt^y a t tho T\vin Falls inimal, consifmed by Darrell Sweet, astock for the Twin Falls “Bank and T rico-of-,48 cents. _________ _________ i .•cro sold Wednesday for ?20,260.22. ] or ,21 — ^ ------ ;---------------------------- Jury Hearing ^ I T l— ^ " 1 .“ Appeal rfom ! ' Justice Coiu-t V Jnony bead Thursday morning In IP the district court trial ol Robert C. n «®‘M Drown. Uuhl. charnfd with disturb- vrcnce, th^ j];, an aPDcal culture from Castlcford Justice court where county Brown-recBlved-lhe-maxlmummls- . demeanor sentence o( six months In iJ Jail -and. tt-*JOO-tlnc-ftt)m Justice )r bet- B. 'A. aillett, father-in-law of' the complalninR wllne.vv Mrs. Delores i top- OJJJelt. Drowi'j sJat^r-Jn-Jaw . . First wllneas eallcd by AsslsUnt w Prosecutor William J. Lansley was Mrs. OlHclt. Sbe mW Brown cawe suycrs. to,her home on Uie-nUht In fjues- Uph, knocked on the door and endenr wlnrtow'and wanted to“ertttrr8he ''■Jzl Mid-she told him to ko aft-ay pr “ tttik jhe would caU the police. She said she feared he^ would ju t cndent bor and asked Uis nelRhbor lo call ^«°py Marshal Emoo" Drj'ant. •Vlont-Bhnubrthe TieJBfibor.- lett's request about 1 a. n . Auit:3.~ ’oillett listed his official capa- clUes In the vlllnse as Vbllce Judee. U U S Justice of the pence, notary public presl- nnd vllIaRe clerk. tCe stild he re.td :lub at tl'e complalrit to Brown In the pres- cdne.i- enee of Drj-ant. Under crowcxnm- IJI3ci»r •»nathm-&y--Dcf«i«-^tton«y-J~W. iTntn>.r. Tnjlnr, Ollletl admitted he did not tell Drow^ he ebiild httvo an at- riect- tojTjcy.-JISTiilBJltted-refuslng-to-alr- low Brown to chanRC hi* pica after nmonR Judgment had been entered. He also Duff.. nrtr>)|]tfri no evlrtfnce was prHcnted Irrctor In court In the presence of lirown. ed dl- but said he heard plenty before. He •wla he had tatted about the caa# m;' for with tho compliilning wllnr.«. ncllvu tc«»u..i>d»» ru« *• c«i8i.» » hal a - “'“ “ Chamber of Co *r ““ “ BrFairiBij rinal arronBemcDta have ^ejj P SV“;* '" “de for appearwice of PMj h ^ Splialymy's a!l-j[lrl-.orChe.<itfB and r“ m. chofus -in Ta-tn .ralis £ -nowanJ Moffat, «ccreUry-man»8e? gMTy. TwJn FWH'Chamber of c ^ “« , 1 , an- announced ■ WurtdiJ> ^ ,11. be / The troupe of 36 mu»lcl^-TU " arte™ «PW ar-to -Tw1r..Fo11*. umlff .^9 sponsorship of the Io«J Cotiimeroft. D«n- Moffat sold thn filmed n-the and chon^-IU jiresent tw 'B...to Kt the Twin rails hlRh , strict 8mnaslUm:The'llrst-»ho*-*«vO? ator. *£ floo p. m. aal * A Regional Newspaptr Serving idal atj >n4 iW Nmt>ip«, iplates A From Gooding e civil aeronnutics authority to move field, Twin Ftills.-The recommcnda- eattle to WashinRton and if no obje> e arm ed force.*!, the ipovo wiil be m ade ;er, announces. the Goodinp: cily council on several oc- rmed the city the move is contemplat- ife ^board lown in Valley at and two passengers aboard, flying ley. WS8 mimng Thundjiy afiemoon r rcRion south of Twin Falls, la, Calif., resident, radioed tho civil station at Burley nt 11:07 a.m. say- M ko li forccd landinij.-He gavo’ his }}ei1oinHwcJFof Ro^crion. . senders was identified. Tho pilot’s -------- last name was listed as Beck by the Burley CAA office. ___ ALa.pm, noJmce of tho pUn> . had been sighted by a stato police 3 cII p - ear-and two unall-alrcralt-whlcb hadJalDcd In th# search. - •/\ I Th® P'*” ® • V -*• at Burley at 11:37 aJn. Ic Rm - Pl'ot gaTe-no-r«soMVtr-llie id me radio why he was«allemptlng tho jyed in isndlnj. vs tho N. E. Arbuckle, chief of communl- rlumph cations at tlie Burley CAA sUtion, xlay In sidd the pilot reported he could seo "WOTJir «^rWr«K«nrt anrt wmild attempt to Ihe *0- fly over It and make hlsUmdlnj on U._ 8. highway BJ. every Early search ettorts wer* concen- d, saw trated south of Hollister and west batter* 0^ highway. Names of tho plloU al) _______ (C««Um»< «m Pu« U C«l»»a Tl a^@ iszE Sale ■pound steer highli^hW tho annual Falls Livestock Commission com* ! weet, 17, route 1, Twin Falls, waa 1 and Trust company. Tho transaction | ).22. Buyers paid ?18,982!S0"/or 57 s ' t r Diver Equipmert 5 ^- EotJBody_Search_ J Found at Tacoma / iX*l HAJIEY. Oct. 3 - The diving j equipment which was supposed to ; ■t«U- haTe-«trlTed-tt>-Pemt-Iato last-w cet« ng In to' ftim rtiirw iren-Tor Dr.-*vaidj t ert C. Puendellng'# body but' which dls- 4 slurb- appeared en rout« from BoUe to the 0 ippcal Jake, his been located la a garage I where in Tacoma, Wash. t ••nils- -8herUl-L..E.:0utn-Bald-he.had e «w In been Informed by Dr, M. j; Fuen- i usUm deling, T»-in ralts, husband of the f ■I the dead woman, that the e<julp[nent f ciorej had located but that no-ln- “ • fomiitJon hsd been recdvcd on ^ Istant how II arrived In Tacoma Instead of ^ 1 was petUl lake. Wesley Johnson, Coeur *] cawB d’Alene, tho dJw who wm to use S flues- the equipment, has.left for Tacoma and to try to unravel the mystery. c « nr Dr- P^ende)ffiF'CTa~lo~TSe- V. “ . . 1.1 ‘‘‘'■In* equipment after Lamolne c Stci'cni. Twin P#ai. had recovered T „.(rh. ^ e of hU daughter. Busan R - *-,1 rueudtllnit, 0. ^lih^a^hoHiewad^ lo dreg on BepU 30. The doctor's wife U .. _ and dauBhter_were drowned In a W boaUng accident at tho lake on Aug. « 1: 3.— ^ ------ ^ .......................... JH Chance Said Good g X For Visit by ‘Ike’ r Jam- POCATELLO. Oct. 3 WWRalph a ■OantH.Jimnock county.itepubUcan _ 1 not clinlrman.' said Wednesday ‘pros* , Bt- pecis-look-.Rood'' for.Dwlsht D. o-al». El*enhower_tq a whistle atop Hi after Pocatello lBje"in OcEbbert to . aliO He said he'dlseuwed tentative la •nted arrangements tor a visit by Uie OOP en ^owiT pn=rid«iWaJ—fwmlneo— Stn«' 1- . ]>e Chairman William S.-Campbell. eri "c#49 A stale headquarters spoke.iman 0 In DoJif saJd )l hadTio InfonnaUon tii n • about Uia powlbU visit.- Commerce Slates tiBd^l-Gii-lOrchc been p. a . Each will be, one and one- tlo PhU half l«ur* in duraUon and will con- ^a and slsl of popular and ?drelty num- f|U ber*. - -■ . . *hi: age? Tickets wtlPbe jwld only aflhe “P tree, Twin'Palls* Chanilici' of Oomnie*-ce * office. Mail-orter-for uek*u-/m receive prompl attinllon, according ^ to Moffat.—ITT.. , - —— tf of ^ » r 7 p«r*oo piirchaslng a itlcket I ‘ will be assured of a teat. Only get house-<ap»elty-*alM-«Ul b o im * ^ he added. ; •' fUg hool Moffat uld thi chamber board pea l.ic of dlrectori is cxiremely happy to U8 Fti I . . ' TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. T I Lad Achi« ’' iV i^ giM i move enda- )bjc> made oc- iplat> iy lying XDon Gen. Dwight D.' Elsenhower IbtrM 5 a crowd on haod lo neet the OOP *i Beck Clly. liUeh. “Ike" told Ws audleoee th. ^ train for a tnlle' afler eriteringTBe^n aboard. (AP wtrephoto) rs;—^Prelude CHEJU ISLAND, Korea, 0< Biion. prisoner of war island Wednes< d *eo planned mass cscapo of 5,884 ‘PttO - Maj.-Gen. Thomas W. Herren seen- was to be a signal for a maa: west moved In and "broke tho back ■ Herron said the priBoners : __Added Jiu ’o rs * . Are=SeIected “ le In T.F. Court b nufll Thirty-five addlUopal Jurort to h aerra during the present term of <51*- n trlct court were aeleettd Thursday w aa by Probata Judge 8, T. Hamilton, c tion Bhcrlff 'Je*» Carltoa and Cotinly p Clerk T. W. SUvcra. ij' —Judge Hugh.A.,BAker.ordered the b • 57 siidWonal Juron on tho bcUcl. that h tho original supply wlU b« ln*uf- flclent bccausb of failure-ta-re?ott n and excuses. The Juror* axe to re- ^ ' port at 10 a.m. Oct. S for the trial ,U • of Dr. 0, W. Hose, charged with 5, 'l l _ ptrformlnB an aborUon. Twin Fails resfdentc ore Vfr^tola ni n a Andrew*. 308 Jackson » tr« t; V. C. „ , , BallantiDB. 1508 Maple aUtet; Mr*. „ iving jtufe Sush, 231 Ninth svaaue east; y to Denton. 250 Fourth avenue «• ea*i:-Mn„Mary-Lou ftnslcr. «n ' iTaldl Tourthnrcnuc north: BolphPmmer, dls- 4IB Third *tre« west: H. R. Qranl. I the 053 Blue Lake* Boulerard-northj-J. b, rage H..Qrlcve, 403 Buchanan *t«et: H. JJ L. IfogMtt. M17 EIC»fCflth sveoiw had east: Mr*. Mildred Holmea, Colonial uen- apartmenu: Emmet Kall.-361 ,Sev» - the cnth avenue north; A. L. Knight. . nrnt 813 Main avcnue south; H. O. Lau- ■,n terbach. 105 Buchanan street; Mra. it WUllam Middleton. 137 Pierco aireet; ki J -t Mr*. John Pence. 335 Sixth avenue east; Mr».-W. D. SUver*. 187 East- «i lond drive'; and JUrry Yaw. 330 »f „.i„. Fourth avenue north. v. to Other* are Paul V. Bandy. Maroa; ti Claude Brown, route 1, FUer; Mr*. TSe- MerTe'ETJj^'rtmprp'Crrclcr-J'.-M. w Dine Cagle, routo 4. Buhl: Donald P. th ered Plcta. Hansen: Pmnk Dostal. Buhl: at uan Roy Ea*tman, route 3. Flier: MaU wi rife tMr^^Wrfciov«r^vlt^TOlccS7 ^ n a Murtaugh: Joseph T. Kudlac, Lu> I iuc cenwrK.'W.-Lehman.-route J. BuhJr '*■ £>on W. McKllllp, Kimberly: J . M. = WSiyHtaui i-AllrolalgrT-JgmearrDr — , Pence, BuW; Jm le Plckctt. Mur- [• Uugh. and George Walt, fouto J, -------------------------- Hr ; a Hunger Triumphs — n-Prison-Strike a D. SALT LAKE CITY. Oct., 3..t?N- Itop Hut^er triumphed over. ix«r orgar- jj Jve Inmates of Uie UUh state prlsoh ^ OP ended a M-hour >Jl-down strike. Jlie' ■ -■Prli'on MnMnl, .nlrt thP pH «'n. ^ era agreed to end Uielr protest al lan 0 p. m. Later they poured out cf ” , Ion their cells for their first full meal ■” ^ ^ ftlnce Sunday. Only 50 held out. *" es Concert » chestra, Chorus i le- tlon of ttle naUonally-acclalmod alt Jo'l ,n- tracUon, Ha said the board'hae^rc- 4“ ; m- fused lo sponsor Ito other road shoWa that they felt wo'uTd'nbl-be C j,e up te a-detervlng SUndard, • - •te Tho musical organUaUon.U cur- «>i' •111 TenUy_appearlnR-ln- mjUor clUaa nj and la belag « oao ot the g rejto t concert attracUons In the oUl linB.-toe,-8aidzJhBrrMHn m ilf^ow *W ■, will bo the only Idaho preseniaUon, -- ac^rtl^ ^io Moffau fUght entcrtalnmenl'Broup .to-ap- l«f rd pear tn Th-fn Palls recenUy.-Horace on to Heldt and his show played ia iS^’ln turn *. Falla la«..jiov*ab*fc ^ ...... 10, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1952 c h ie v e s Goal er ibtradocM lltUa Jlmny W oUak, 1. to I GOP iresldenUal standard btartr at Bay " leaee the boy bad ron alanplda hU fpetlaj p: glETontaUrtrBf Bay CKy. H« ir u liaiiled ' ' _________ « ____________________ ~ ------ U; Reported as deto-Escape” | rea, O tt 2 (fl^— Rioting on this i^ednesday was only a prelude to a ar 5,884 Chinese reds, Am erican au- Herren told correspondents tn c ^ o t ^ a mass breakout but U .S. troops » : back of tho planned wvolt.” ^ iners planned to join communist ti ------- guerrillas in tho mountains if Vi a they oscapcd. . ' « il ______ Wfty..4r nf TtftOnp nrltonm ” 1 werBUUedor»oundtdiat«B]r.Moro ? >Q'' thtw inn ftOiCT ....... - « BtreasoaDfcU' '' - Hema polntod. 'out that tho £• IT l breakout -waa planned .for Oct. 1, ® Uia third annltersary of the tound- “ n to log of ths' Chlnesi communlft » If dls- regime. ir*day col .Richard D. Boerem. Oatailo. , Ulton. Calif, commander of the Cheju city otinly pw camp, said PW command head- Quartera. learned -of the planned rd Ihe break last Aug. 34 ani) tmmedlaUly I that bejan mniunjr plans to atop It ----- insuf- iiB said tho diehard roda la coas* fe?ott pflond-7-wer#'«uppo*ed-to-thio« — to re- rocks at American guards ai a I tr™ ilgnal for reds In tho nine other . with compounds of Uie camp to break o u t “ , Wednesday the rloUag eomtou- is1 fs»«“ nlits tn-comt»und:rUu»ir'»-t«i« aQ rage o f rocks at 80 U. 8. tnfantiT- ^ Mr*. Uid It was then the American B'’ ve^ue TtUlUM wlU] * roU«7 ot ot -*SoereasaldJiehadJoldJh?Jrpqp« iwier. jjgt attacJcad---------- ®° The aoldler* stormed tntolhri com- Mi pound -wlth-bayoneta and rtflea and fo. routed tho defiant Chlneae from . „ behind walU and from out of IniUd. ing* and trenche*. th : lUds PooghlBaek-- - SO Lau- The reds fought back wllh rock*, bil Mra. sharpened teat-pole spears, crude treet; knlvea and barbed wlf« XlaUs.--------- ,’enue Ooerem said some red prl«ners East- ver^ so fanaUS'they ‘Qupt coming I , 330 after they were hit once and had b« to be shot again belort they would Istj a rea: »16IJ7' ^ ------------ r ------- Mr*. Today V. a troops entered and 2 P.-M. wsnibfd-eTfiT-PW-M«pound-iai Be; d P. the Island. The army said no Incl- the 3uh1: jdenta developed and the situation art MaU was stable. i^Ar- ■— _______ ed iS : D riY e tE in e d _____ g s ir -" T tfte rM is h ^ ■'•Leo C. Oambel. 3S, Preston, v a s Job tlntd tas by Probate Judge Henry P« W. Tucker at Burley Thursday cn a S charge ct reckless driving. He was , arrested at 8:M j5jn. Wednesday by ocr k fi. Bute-£ntrnlmfiv^h3n^niilcr.aoil »o'' , I r L. W. Johnson FolTs^ng an aecJs ^ dent one and pne-half miles north ^ of Burley on highway 30. ' «ho '*aamb«l"TPar'drmnrT:orth.-*p»- . proachlng the HeybUm bridge, when _J he collided headon wlUi a car driven tiy"i ;e5tle~Can’cm. g urle/ .- P emago- / J ’ f „f to Bowcufs •.car’ tras estimated at taJO and damage to Oambel's car at tXO. . . ___ In Rupert Probata JudRC Jake . . 'Wall announced that on Saturday he tlntd Trinidad Lopes »1S and tt Ii costs. on a charge of ’running of e through a stop srgn. Lopet'wu ar- ett 1 rested by State Patrolman Marvin day |G Bnyder. Howard O.TCellerwaidteil ttftfi tor failure to yleld’lhe right of way Mid following a mishap on Sixth slrteL at I Jf£.i5.to appear tn polJca court oa “n Oct.«. ~ Sail ;'X, Oertxude A. Robinson'. 341 Third two iw et east, paid a fine of »IO-«nd-M IMJ costs'In TVln Palls • poUco ' court Ros< iuei Thursday for' failure to -yield -the now the xiKhfor way.'Sh'o was'cited l^.clty the. the olflccTS after a minor accident oa MIct 3 ^ * t^.ateaaa.TOt. ______- , MlcJ » FtEE 6T0CKADB chan ,r^ ?T. J)IX..N, J., 0CI.-3 .Ifl—Thlr- -TO «D- Sen 'loiaien'eaciped'tnmi-the prla- niinj Ace on stockade at 7 t Dix today by preb ttln tunneling 23 feet trom their bar- watc ___itcki_to. an outalda fence.-_______ ■_ lUU Nine IrrigaUd Idaho Coun _Rui^W I Stalin I Offici H WOSCOW, Oct. 2 '(U.R)— Prem the apiCUfatic countries. But “i sary todeatroy'impcrialism,"he Stalin in'tho first sim ilar expo 1 b diBlntcgrating. In an attem pt after World war II, tha'capitalli li' Local M an ] I — ^North Ida Vaino Asjctt, 44, p a rt owner H company, T>vin Falls, w as killed' rock crusher nine miles north o p i The accidcnt occurred at a hi the contractors on GrangeviUe-1 A 12-inch drive belt broke a t tl Aslett on the head, knocking h: ‘ Ke was taken-ta-«TGotton* ~ hospital,, where ho waa V etuj pronounccd dedd on arrival. «Ied _ Ur. Aslett. who had been auper- ____ vising ft road constnicUon Job at the Ume of Uie accident waa bom -------Nov,UnKrTrat-Lava-Hot-SprtniK- — Ha had resided In Maglo Talley for the pait M yean and had boen-aa-- ------ wcJ*{edaa»difK{or»Jth thoAalett 99 ConstrucUon umpony for the past “ I al* years. Before that time, ho had ““ ' - iinitti near Ooodlsg.- Mr. Aslett ^ « u a member 'of the LDS church. ^ this He U furvlved by hla p a rtn u , Mr, to a acd Un. Dars Aalett, TvJn Palli; cai an , nine broUier*. Leon Aslett. Jerome; ni, * Dualna Aslett, Dietrich; Marvla n« Aslett, St. AnUuny; First Ueut. c« •rtOt Worthing A »lttc- MTVUHL Bfe-U» X)pa umy tntelUgeace aerrlce atatloa tn Bt San Pranclsco, and Theo, Melvin, ho Art<U..Oale and GarUi Aalett. all tic n ist Twin Fall*, and three alaters, Mr*. «o IS if Vera Robbins. Eden, Utah; Mr*, aa; Ada Biggins, Kimberly, and tlra. It Wanda Bay, ftcatello. Ono alster aal “ .. T>imer*l'*enlW>rtDT>6Tittd-at X *>- <ha P-n* Satunlay Iq tH ^TvlD FaHa "O rt. 1 cnortoaty chapel *lttj B fi^ J. P. •>! „nrt. Salih in e h a^ mtennent will be ^ made in the Twin FaUa oeoeterr. ^ I “Ike” AssaOi S ------ Truman ja EN ROUTE WITH TRUMAN^ ^ >-Presldeni Trutnan said today mn> istration’s point four program ^ againrt^fftoniach-eommunism— 22 of world prosperity. Address r ot of 3,500 at EpHrata, Wash., ■ W« first stop of the day on a « coast«to<oa8t-8tumplng-tour» am- Mr. Truman aafd tho point -- ^ four program-to help poor, - - ^d. hungry-peopjo abroad to help e themselves was comparable In ^ -- some ways to federal aid-Iri ^ «k*. big reclamation, irrigation jOei »nd .power projects in the ge: Qera west. ling Re said world peace always had ^ had been Uie goal of DemocraUo admin- * juld IstnUon*. ------------------GOP*-OtanlodfaT?------ and Mr. Truman again aiucked the |*^V ■■" n^piihiii-i>nn ^elng unmindful of ^ ncl* the peoples’ lnterest*becaus« Ufty '" t Uon are controlled by “blg-tlme lobbies." . 'RepubUcan* as a whole have rot- " ___ fd In ^ e majorfty of coseg against ^ Ing ott af'ter his favorite whipping ®. , boy--tt;e--iiwl-/or-nothl»ff—flOth P —H ^ 'd -U )* DemocraUo_.UckeLot Oov. AdJal E Stevenson and Ben. TO5 John Sparkman U Uie "best the *™" nry party haa ever offered.- .. ® n. Aids fltato AiplranU ^ ras He also plugged for top sUtoDem- bT ocratlccandUates.nep. Henry Jack* ““ J id4 son for the U S. senate and Hugh x t- Ultchell for governor. J™ rtii 'Mr. '^•umsa's DamocraUo toad aho* waa In high gear. and.dniwJnB A] ^rorrft- a.i hff lashed back «» |CwU»«rf .« r«s» t. c«liii« s> ■«« fen ■J XvaiiiaUfe’ Ex=M Great to See Sal ^ In a flood of mixed tmoUon— If Ing of anUclpaUon and memory-Evcr- him »r- ett M. Swcelcy left by platie Thura* II p I'ln day for the tootball game ori Sat- ], I: led ttftfay bctwuefi tha-ynlferslly o t e*a}' lay Mlchlw...arid_8U>;itord_unlver»lty five :CL at Pali Alto. tem'i oa “Mngs wlJl ba different, for him did ’ — 8atuTd»rthan-Uify-wera-.when:tho ...Ba Ird two Uams’mil for Uie first Ume In goldi -M 1»Q3 In Uie nr*t Touroament of betw irt Roses game. On that day Sweeley— ced^ lie now a Twln-Xalls attom cy-playrf uhloi Ity the whole BBiiie“ f« ,-» vlctcrtoua' clscb on' Mlchlgaii. Ob Uils trip he’ll be .^ of..U Michigan rooter.^___ • “ ' . Uie 1 'But Umt.^h'r^r*call*r-ha«n*t trts\ changed the game of footbail'ssucb. 31t, 1 Ir- •^Oh. Uieyl'e' added some trim- presl la* Rilngt; the-g«me Is more opan,:and dlrec by probably fniertalnlng to a* gi J - watchwbut the . fundameatAla are Sw lUU the aime.” ha aald. Bund ho Counliei , Won’t Ai n Promi cial Red —Premier Josef Stalin said today tho . But “in-order to eliminate the inevit sm," he addedj lar exposition of his views In two year« attem pt to cover up their decay, stim capltalist~Muntfles are rcaOrtlnfTtorB’ ,n Killed in ! Idaho Mishap I ; owner of the Aslett Construction ** I killed Wednesday at tho company’s cc north of Grangeville. ^ at a h/ghway project opcratad by igeviUe-Nezpcrce highway. tI ?ke a t the st«el lacings and whipped eking him Into the conveyor bdts. tj, tton>— — "— - r:n® •S ‘Truth Squad’ s r« To Leap-Frog s ^ T fu m a irT o T ir! ?,wt WASHHlbTOM. O ct.'3'»i^Tn» — RepubUcan naUonal commlUee hai dispatched a nylng -Inith aquad- « ».i,(h t« leap-frog ahead of and behUid ” " l f “ Pesldent TfumaaH currefit whistle* ff itop tour. * k Mr, Arthur Z. summerfleld, Republl> **' Phalli; can national chalraian sakt Ust — •ome; nuht Mr. Tftiman had forced th# ^ arvla RepubUcan* to taka “this unpr*. “ Ueut. cedented atep.- . . ^ oa tn sutea lower* U»o high -offie# be “ elvln, holds to the role of batchet'-opera'. .. t, all tlons dealing.In dlitortloni, trre- „ Mr*, aponaible alander*, and. I regr«*-Uj “ Mr*, say, poUUcal prevarlcaUoas, tbkn ? tlra. It la time to act,* summerfleld alster aald in a ttatement. nuJa. Ha lalrt tha_foiir-man "truth S equad” avuld aaka m sJor^U nr u -tS k j]>««6hM-aUnt|^t-:atops acd.vonll t. TfTi. hold daytSaWt.nein coaferaneei „ 5*K aJowttS^wvy'-: R Ui be aceomjianled by a or a,, raaearch-aBd aecrttarlal ita lt th ------ • • ' * *' *. ails Far East 1 an Explains Pfl UMAN; O ct 2 (U.R) EN ROUTE ^ today the admin- (U.R)—Dwight D. ] •ogram was aimed if there must be [iniffm” ^**11 * «yn!n*t Aiiiamt.” Addressing a crowd Ito think the whit ish., / * sa o” A d la i R e v ises ai w l^ S p e e c b P la n s S' help BPRiMOPnii), in, Oct. 3 » - of 0 in Adlal E. StmrenioQ. wim Qen. K< 1 Dwicbf D. Elsenhower nldln« his k - home campaign base, began a oom- tfon jOeia overhaul of radlo-televlsIon th e speaking pUna today so u to work ™ la at le«t four more “flrcslda ^ D e m o c r a tic prealdentlsl *“ nomUiee •went on about poUUcal , and offldal buslseu u Republican ■o,« Elsenhower »hlsUe slopped J toward town for an early afternoon ^ ^’swrouTO^dn't plan to go down to Courthouse square to case the ,T!,L oppoalUon campaign. But he did let ,,, ^ sUte employes have an extra hour " j ni-- ott at luncn umB'ft Ulji «tlo-wanl»- -83 ^ ed.to,eoul(UttendJhfl^lly. ElMn., hower had politely turned down ~re . If Stevenson's polite InvltaUon' to kv iBnch-at-the-minoU execuUv* man. tea ‘ton- ---- OTO Stevenson and his aides- were L . busy wIUj what Porter McKeever, -bc puhUeny director ter VoJuateen for ,.v . Steveojon, said was a major refor- „ i, u sh «n»Uon ol *hola radlo-TV pro* n : ----- fra«-for-the-^aat-monlh-of-Ui» tal campaign. put fjng At least four morv fireside chsta 7 ifltk ars'plamied-durlDc.-the-campalgn, it 1 ijM c h ig a n G rid ; S a tu rd a y ’s G am e in— If the jldwairtor-a memory serve* rer- him •correctly. Mlchtgsn used calf i-h, irs< II plt^ers against Stanford oa Jsn. lat- 1, 1(01. They all pUyed the full ^ ot eajnft-nmalMaaciany.aJ four and taen slty tlve pUy* a minute. Swecley al> ma Umated at tnd and fuUbact and now Um dld aU Uie punUnsr for Mli±lg*n. w u tho ...Baturday'a janTt, occasloi^ng the mar : In golden. annlvorsary''ol 'this rivalry boU. of between Uie two schools. wUl^pre* y— ceded by a Michigan .alumhl rt- union Prlday night la'.San-'Pr*n* oua' clscb?T?hen^*«ley' snd anoUiw . » >.a of..the three surviclng^UD&«QL£t the 1903 e l e ^ , W1UI« Heston, ones- the great halfback now ruLdlng In-Wll* the- ch.' ai, Mleh, wui' Join the unlM»)ly pJiaJ m . president, Harlan II. Hatcher, and P# n d director of athliUca. Frli* CrUler, peac to as guests of honor. fonr sre Sweeley wUl return to Twin Falls ne»d Sunday night, cond r -------------;— -— -"I; FINAL edition -^7— “ PRICE tc E tna' Lttack, lises in d Paper ly tho Sovlet'unlon will not attadc inevita'bility of wars, It Is aeceik I years said the capitalistic, systeia , stimulated by loss of markets rtorBnch-dsviccs^s-ihe-Mtrsh^— plan, war in Korea and re^ armament, he said. They art “acting Uka a droitnlAK man clutching at x'ttzaw," be cook mented. ; P Streaaei Peaee SUad - StaUn west to patoa (a aoert that Uis Sonet union poses m threat «t tlon *^^jguedlh»olil*locapltall*tita ly’B coutrle* la Intaaslfytnrand-lmplW- - Uie capitalist lyitera.facea m ntual . death by decay. ' by Tbt eoA l reoeraUsilffle gtn Us views in a 50-pan artlcl* lo tha- auUioHutlTa aeDl-montUr*ma(i> alna Brfaberlk. political onaa of Its. tiu Qommanlit party eantial ecn« - r : mlttee.-------------------------- ______ •_ _ ~ ' Tbr~ctpiiaiSttrtoaBtrlt§ am - - much Dolao ia their pnpacaada' about the anrettlveaeaa of th* ir donotbelUiteUthem**tTea,baaaU. m- bacaus*. they, oon ildgr-th a .Boriri union's peace potldca and kiwir T T tbe-eeTtet-tako-ltaaif «fll-fiot-at«— JLi. tacfcth^ _ _______ TTI'Tnia TVrMmW«n. *7t/oUtfin that-, tha JseiltaUatP of war amon« capitallat oMotriM remalna true,** Btalln laid. order . toellaJnatotbelaentabUltyofvM; It U^nectasary to deatro* ttp a r l^ .• w Stallnl artlcl*"’n s ' -' -Economlo Pnblaiaa of SodaltBB fa ^ the TJBSB." ltt« u wrHt« tn iw lf ■ P**" toque*Uonapat»’iiliabTTanlc-aafc . ,11 '^ Ha used the aama neUtod:to s tn ^ aoexpoaitlonofhUnnntvDraas ago. Tbat.'tim e.h« dlaeunad guage problema in ttaaSovM ialail' ^ in a dmUar artkla.in Bcttbartk..' ^ BU proanmoanenta M ar. *nr« oonaldered e*HcUQr alrrffleiint onll Tttll liriptinllTl ; mtmlat' pazt^cetuyM itpBa IMfc Hit «tatamaot ef £ii vlairs vC b* 7 a ona.prtht.baa*.<^.dladnii^'a) '' the congTftai. . .' . . ....... . ;t Policy; Poiiit4Goals IE WlTH EISENHOWER, Oct. * bt D. Elsenhower said to d ^ th at Bt be w ar in Asia, “let It be A sia^ ana.” **We don’t want the AsIaitf e white Bian Is thelr i! n ^ ," 'W r‘ . said. - ............. The 60P presidential. cao« _ • dIdate made the remark In » , whiatJe^tiprspcficlmtrrecj^ 18 tur,ni.HewaareItmtlngW5 oft>sta^ position that Sonth .- ien. K o r e a n s should bear" ths ^ brunt of the Korean war. --atfll«■;Xlselbo*efBaJd•thffU^tt-T-, ^ might hare arolded two World v u f . ^ and the Eortan conflict U U had ' been properly nrepaied, epIrltOaUy, I,,, economically aiid tnlUtaiUy. '1^ ' Adflsea StndeaUi ^ Speaking at Ohampalgn. SL, ba^ S fore a crowd flUed with DWrariltr >w of •ailnol*' students, Bmbowef— stressed the nle of youth la tha fu tu w -o f- t h a world,------------------- “Never lose sight of your own d ila duty to parUclpato In Bovemmental affair*,''he aald. He told them to submit to tha •TltuaUsUc rouim# ol JOVUfUBUt"'” and-aaid-they-«uld-not~afford't»— ^ “repeat tha error*" occurring In this “ country In Ito past. —-“HadrHhfrr-Pnlted^Stataa .b w — — propqty prepped~fn~ut»l7rftad— ere taken greater precautlona In <><«« decade of. 1830-40, we might hara arofdad'tbo dilemma oi var,” M ** said. Ho referred to being etron* apint-__ lh» ^ 11y— putting the mUltaty last, tta •Bu'a'* weather luck wM boldlnf. rn. It waa a-cmtaHlay,-: --------------- '.i— __ Sf ■i*ni«tT.p»ryti~^>itn— w r a dt»» - — mlsaed at the university and at th* publlo thus fweHln( . crowd. . . Sptaka rreo Tiala Slsenhower Doka from 'tha r e a r --- e platform of hu train, spotted on elevated tncks :«Ith the crowd.' standlnc In the atreet belovbia. H f n was.tha nitt of atx cpeeehc* ^1 kheduledforthellllnolibamftana* ing today. Re w u pUchlnc bard for " the atate'a 27 electoral Tdtea. P rw uieat Tm m tn carried the staU to J* IMS by aSfiOO vota.’ but B«b. ad how en rim . Adlal-S.-6toTenaon, n- w u elected soTOBOr by a far heavier margin. Thla year .th^ atato la a ry hoUy'ZiBtaited Pattlsgrotmd. - -=— -i- ■; T 'H u ftin F a ll ir . OOODINO. Oct, Paikaf,^ 3f w ho^c^ortha nJaU-tft;a»4 tnm I- the potufflw aiul tn':ttpoir.la'tir~ • 1« the .Ooodlng Cou^^ Ma&uatlal^hoa* _ S ^M rS /w ho aUo.li imtlea rf tha ri peace. fel> Inm the loading plat« v form, at tho depot at 7-pjn/-Wed« — Is nesdoy. Hosnital oftldala ttport hU coadlitoxlu'fairlygood.*. , •••(■ '

iplates Rui^WWon’t AiLttack, iiift !ttoT.F, A From iVi^ I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF164/PDF/... · ippcal Jake, his been located la a garage I where

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■ c w r e b o a r d

’'K'S£»“' ‘““-K J i i s i - . - -------- r

iACi i i f t


^ B i n d weather B tatloi matie by th c - i

^ K d i y » . E . L- Y u ra v j jjj, jDcf o the r CAA ^ n t l y to d is c u s s^ . « o / th e d « r c a 8 c 11 jitG oodin jf a n d th< i t TVrin Falls.

“ Vurai}urM<J-M»7t> 2o lure conferred wlU 'K u . toBitnsniUns or ^ jjsanum Home al

^ .rfiUte W h*vln(f thi I i o m t to help keep ihi ■ Oftjtoff. M «5B t^i

:ll{d and Emp'fe ftlrllnej aoilnj field M -tt-eom. B bat 009 both lines by- ffl. W n Fal(». hoK-crer

L ” iioUi Dnitid and WmI

waaibTn I M X a t * <1(0 ind hM been Krmed • test >leld« In souUieni

I tCAAM tupktOoodlos IM DWd to eompjelo the atrosi Burley to-Boiw,

I ic rter. hiiih frequency t- ,iMo-4iuuaied.nt.bQt}i ~ i BslM and. there no

c jB ttd iar « b e tm a t

U ilnK s aoodlng. city x o a . Ooodlng no long- Ale la eonllnue to remove

I I (be Held durlns the

n i minafter of Jo»Hn U kirned last rrlday

■ w .w o m m n n firtl, Ibc B uld Uiere aro faetlf-

I ^ A i t r p u t pow lb handle Uaporartly. b u t th a t

l ^ ^ t n o n the Adajlnbtra- j ^ K i n u l d havB to b« eom- ■ ^ K r (uliable pemumenl

be provided.

f e r e

. p r ic e o f '% 0 cis to c k s a lo '

p r iz e a n im a l ^ H j l r b b c r t B la s to e k

to]) p rico-o£ . j^ B F c e a n in in lR ^vcro so

}65!>.<15 f o r .2 1 H d 1622.47 f o r 11

|: ^ H |( s ,T « ln Falls counly'; ^ ■ ^ 'U m c d tlis iu>]e nn

i3xtu and ihnnkcd ^ B ia ]o th e rs tor the ir «ut>>

Prterwn, Buhl. wo.i tftteb^cotnm lttee -and

r^ B T Io M T n d ' T eiJ' Slcvcr. taded the sheep and

AuiiUnn w ith sales « f# John LauTcnce,

nnUonal BRrlcuIture .^► -ffw en Dalsb._ countjr ^ K K tr .! .

«l Uie nnnual m I b ^ • W f d hlRii.Kood or bet-

o: county fnira.compnny top-

■iJ'cn wllh a bid ot L J ^ r 1^'Pound hoR con*

R.j-Fowicf. Kimberly. ■ “< Mnsl(;nor» and buyers. ^ P w p t> p n iin d were Hob-

" ■ ^ '^ t c r . - i n a B p E n d e n r «=my. 30', eenu: Ray Oa^tly. KImbcfly • Bank ■j n cfOLv nobby Bon.

^ Fowler, Inclrperdenl « fw y . r j cents; nobby ta.-ldsho-PscJt!ns—c « n ,

£■>,_}. c«li.r.n 1)___

»g Club Has Hraal Elections

fltclert preM- w 5>oalkr mdlriK d u b a t i « *« dlrtctora Wcdnc.^.

/ormcr -prHiaciir‘- 3 h? 5uc£ceda_uamcti

S S ”"""o'cre omenR

“* litter fteiccted fll-

^;ilnltlnted planning-torr-™ CTJr.im ot club ncllvu - '■j.'-i aimouncrd Ihnt a

Mill b t hired lo !^ » P c n m i t r n cldt-. •

garters for : : “locralsSetup

iH ' will

<( **^Uon coordinator, i

D e a t h

(or 1U 81C “ ~ r r ~ i z M ^ t

r, ;JBE= = = - “ ' A K ,

ome<>i at.C«»W N rt

Contem] !ttoT.F, •port in (-Stfips arc bein^r taken by the civi Btatlon from Goodin? to Joalin field y thc-i'egional CAA office in Seattle m thp nviaiion industry and the arm Yuravich, CAA planmiiK engineer, a CAA o/ficinls have met with the G<

scilss the move and have Informed case m ----------------------------------

■;r P la n e W M f l S a ld D o iae'^toc An airplane with pilot an( ftlrlinea from California io Barky, h tt-eom- In the Salmon reservoir rcRi'

iiawiw a ’Petaluma, Cond W est aeronautics association static;_____1 inir ,hQ_would‘have to 'mako1 * * ^ ’ position ag about 14 nDJcTi I 'u rm ed Neither of tho passenftei louthem ----------- -—

S Yankees Even IH-Seriesr^Defeat-leam a t ' • m i

city Dodgers 7 to 1«mS?B BR QQ iaY N . O ct 3 Cft-Vlc Rat- M the chi’s three-hit pltthlnu and U»

vaunted Yankee power displayed In ■ Joslln * « « * ru n sixth JnnJn? savo the

Prldav New '^ofk YankcM a T to 1 Ulumph over tho Brooklyn DodKCra^today in

I [nelll- two sfcono ffoine yj UlFitri«-World handle Series. The victory evened the *e-

lUt th a t rles a t one Rame each.Inlslro- A creva of 33.75X flUlnjr every w com- Beat In compact EbbeU tleld, saw flument R a « h l stop the Dodger batter*_________ Ml PH« ». W ll-ll »

f*feO cents pound /oh a J,226-pbum : sale Wednesdt^y a t tho T\vin Falls inimal, consifmed by Darrell Sweet, astock for the Twin Falls “Bank and Trico-of-,48 cents._________ _________ i.•cro sold Wednesday for ?20,260.22. ] or ,21 — ------ ;----------------------------

Jury Hearing^ „ I T l — ^

" 1.“ Appeal rfom ! ' Justice Coiu-t

V Jnony bead Thursday morning In IP the district court trial ol Robert C. n «®‘M Drown. Uuhl. charnfd with disturb- vrcnce, th^ j ] ; , an aPDcalculture from Castlcford Justice court where county Brown-recBlved-lhe-maxlmummls-

. demeanor sentence o( six months In iJ Jail -and. tt-*JOO-tlnc-ftt)m Justice )r be t- B. 'A . a ille tt, father-in-law o f ' the

complalninR wllne.vv Mrs. Delores i top- OJJJelt. Drow i'j sJat^r-Jn-Jaw . .

F irst wllneas eallcd by AsslsUnt w Prosecutor William J . Lansley was

Mrs. OlHclt. Sbe mW Brown cawe suycrs. to ,h e r home on Uie-nUht In fjues-

Uph, knocked on the door and endenr wlnrtow'and wanted to“ e r t t t r r8he ' '■ J z l M id-she told him to ko aft-ay pr

“ tttik jhe would caU the police. She said she feared he^ would j u t

cndent bor and asked Uis nelRhbor lo call ^«°py Marshal Emoo" Drj'ant.

•Vlont-Bhnubrthe TieJBfibor.-

lett's request about 1 a. n . A uit:3.~ ’ o ille tt listed his official capa-

clUes In the vlllnse as Vbllce Judee. U U S Justice of the pence, notary public presl- nnd vllIaRe clerk. tCe stild he re.td

:lub a t tl'e complalrit to Brown In the pres- cdne.i- enee of Drj-ant. Under crowcxnm-IJI3ci»r •»nathm-&y--Dcf«i«-^tton«y-J~W.iTntn>.r. Tnjlnr, O llletl admitted he did not

tell Drow^ he ebiild httvo an at- riect- tojTjcy.-JISTiilBJltted-refuslng-to-alr-

low Brown to chanRC hi* pica after nmonR Judgment had been entered. He also Duff.. nrtr>)|]tfri no evlrtfnce was prHcnted

Irrctor In court In the presence of lirown. ed dl- but said he heard plenty before. He

•wla he had tatted about the caa# m;' for with tho compliilning wllnr.«. ncllvu tc«»u..i>d»» ru« *• c«i8i.» » hal a -

“'“ “ Chamber of Co *r ““ “ B rF a iriB ij

r in a l arronBemcDta have ^ e jj P SV“;* '" “de for appearwice of PMj h

^ Splialymy's a!l-j[lrl-.orChe.<itfB and r“ m. chofus -in Ta-tn .ra lis £

-nowanJ Moffat, «ccreUry-man»8e? gMTy. TwJn FWH'Chamber of c ^ “ « , 1 , a n - announced ■ W urtdiJ> ‘ ^ ,11. be / The troupe of 36 m u»lc l^-T U " arte™ «PW ar-to -Tw1r ..F o 11*. umlff .^ 9

sponsorship of the Io«J Cotiimeroft.

D «n- M offat sold thn filmed n -the and c h o n ^ - IU jiresent t w 'B...to Kt the Twin ra ils hlRh ,s tr ic t 8m naslU m :The'llrst-»ho*-*«vO ? ator. *£ floo p . m . a a l *

A Regional Newspaptr Serving

idal a t j >n4 iW Nmt>ip«,

iplates A From Gooding

e c iv il aeronnutics a u th o ri ty to m ove f ie ld , T w in Ftills.-The rec o m m c n d a-

e a t t le to W ashinR ton and i f no o b je > e a rm e d force.*!, th e ipovo w iil b e m a d e ;e r , announces.th e Goodinp: c ily council on s e v e r a l oc- rm ed th e c ity the move is c o n te m p la t-

i f e ^ b o a r d low n in V a lleya t a n d tw o passengers a b o a rd , f ly in g ley. WS8 mimng Thundjiy a f ie m o o n r rcR ion so u th of T w in F a lls , la , C a lif ., residen t, radioed th o c iv il s ta t io n a t Burley n t 11:07 a .m . s a y -

M k o li fo rccd landinij.-H e g a v o ’ h is }} e i1 o in H w c JF o f R o^crion . . se n d e rs w as identified. T h o p i lo t’s-------- last name was listed as Beck

by th e Burley CA A o f fic e .___ ALa.pm, noJmce of tho pUn>

. had been sighted by a stato police 3 cI I p- ear-and two unall-alrcralt-w hlcb

hadJalDcd In th# search. -• /\ I Th® P'*” ® t®• V -*• a t Burley at 11:37 aJn.Ic Rm - Pl'ot gaTe-no-r«soMVtr-llieid m e radio why he was«allemptlng tho jyed in isndlnj. vs tho N. E. Arbuckle, chief of communl- rlumph cations a t tlie Burley CAA sUtion, xlay In sidd the pilot reported he could seo "WOTJir «^rWr«K«nrt anrt wmild attem pt to Ihe *0- fly over It and make hlsU m dlnj on

U._ 8. highway BJ.■ every Early search ettorts wer* concen- d, saw trated south of Hollister and west batter* 0 highway. Names of tho plloU a l ) _______ (C««Um»< «m Pu« U C«l»»a Tl

a ^ @ i s z ESale

■pound s te e r h ig h li^ h W th o a n n u a l F a l ls L ivestock C om m ission com* !

w ee t, 17, ro u te 1, T w in F a lls , w a a 1 a n d T r u s t com pany. T h o tr a n s a c t io n |

).22. Buyers paid ?18,982!S0"/or 57 s ■ — ' t

r Diver Equipmert ■ 5 - EotJBody_Search_ J

Found at Tacoma /i X * l HAJIEY. Oct. 3 - The diving j

equipment which was supposed to ; ■t«U- haTe-«trlTed-tt>-Pemt-Iato la s t-w ce t« ng In to' f tim r tii rw ire n -T o r Dr.-*vaidj t ert C. Puendellng'# body but' which dls- 4 slurb- appeared en rout« from BoUe to the 0 ippcal Jake, h is been located la a garage I where in Tacoma, Wash. t ••nils- -8herU l-L ..E .:0u tn-B ald-he .had e «w In been Informed by Dr, M. j ; Fuen- i usUm deling, T»-in ralts, husband of the f ■I the dead woman, that the e<julp[nent f ciorej had located but th a t no-ln- “

• fomiitJon hsd been recdvcd on ^ Istant how II arrived In Tacoma Instead of ^ 1 was petUl lake. Wesley Johnson, Coeur *] cawB d ’Alene, tho d Jw who wm to use S flues- the equipment, has.left for Tacoma

and to try to unravel the mystery. c « nr Dr- P^ende)ffiF 'C T a~lo~ TS e- V. “ . . 1.1 ‘‘‘'■In* equipment after Lamolne c

Stci'cni. Twin P#ai. had recovered T „.(rh. ^ e of hU daughter. Busan R - *-,1 rueudtllnit, 0. ^lih^a^hoHiewad^ lo

dreg on BepU 30. The doctor's wife U . . _ and dauBhter_were drowned In a W

boaUng accident a t tho lake on Aug. « 1: 3.— ^ ------ ............. .............— JH

Chance Said Good g X For Visit by ‘Ike’ rJam- POCATELLO. Oct. 3 WWRalph a

■OantH.Jimnock county.itepubUcan _1 not clinlrman.' said Wednesday ‘pros*, Bt- pecis-look-.Rood'' for.D w lsht D.o-al». El*enhower_tq a whistle atop Hiafter Pocatello lBje"in OcEbbert to. aliO He said he'dlseuwed tentative la•nted arrangements tor a visit by Uie OOP en ^owiT pn=rid«iWaJ—fwmlneo— Stn« ' 1 -. ]>e Chairman William S.-Campbell. eri"c#49 A stale headquarters spoke.iman 0

In DoJif saJd )l hadTio InfonnaUon tii n • about Uia powlbU visit.-

Commerce Slates tiBd l-Gii-lOrchcbeen p. a . Each will be, one and one- tloPhU half l«ur* in duraUon and will con- ^ aand slsl of popular and ?drelty num- f|U3« ber*. - -■ . . *hi:

age? Tickets wtlPbe jwld only aflhe “Ptree, Twin'Palls* Chanilici' of Oomnie*-ce *

office. M ail-orter-for ue k * u -/m receive prompl attinllon, according ^ to Moffat.— ITT.. , — - —— —

tf of ^ » r 7 p«r*oo piirchaslng a itlcket I ‘ will be assured of a teat. Only get

house-<ap»elty-*alM-«Ul b o im * ^he added. ; •' fUg

hool Moffat u ld th i chamber board pea l . i c of dlrectori is cxiremely happy to U 8 Fti

I . ’ . '


Lad Achi«

’ ' iV i^g i M im ovee n d a-) b jc >m a d e


iyly in gXDon

Gen. Dwight D.' Elsenhower IbtrM 5 a crowd on haod lo n e e t the OOP *i

B e ck Clly. liUeh. “Ike" told Ws audleoee th. ^ train for a tnlle' afler eriteringTBe^n

• aboard. (AP wtrephoto)

rs;— ^ P r e lu d eC H E JU IS L A N D , K o re a , 0<

Biion. p r iso n e r o f w a r is la n d W ednes< d *eo p la n n ed m a ss c scapo o f 5 ,884‘P ttO ’ -

M aj.-G en . T h o m a s W . H e r r e n seen- w as to b e a s ig n a l f o r a m aa: west m oved In a n d " b ro k e t h o b a c k ■

H e rro n sa id th e p r iB o n e rs :

__Added J i u ’o r s *

. Are=SeIected “le In T.F. Court bnufll Thirty-five addlUopal Ju rort to h

aerra during the present term of <51*- n trlc t court were aeleettd Thursday

w aa by Probata Judge 8, T . Hamilton, c tio n Bhcrlff 'Je*» Carltoa and Cotinly p

Clerk T. W. SUvcra. ij'—Judge Hugh.A.,BAker.ordered th e b

• 5 7 siidWonal Juron on tho bcUcl. th a t h — tho original supply wlU b« ln*uf-

flclent bccausb of fa ilure-ta-re?ott n and excuses. The Juror* axe to re- ^

' port a t 10 a.m . Oct. S for th e trial ,U • of Dr. 0 , W. Hose, charged with 5, ' l l _ ptrformlnB an aborUon.

Twin Fails resfdentc ore Vfr^tola ni n a Andrew*. 308 Jackson » t r« t ; V. C. „ , , BallantiDB. 1508 Maple aU tet; Mr*. „ iving j t u f e Sush, 231 Ninth svaaue east; y

to Denton. 250 Fourth avenue «•ea*i:-M n„M ary-L ou f tn s lc r. « n '

iTaldl T ourthnrcnuc north: BolphPm m er, dls- 4IB Third * tre« west: H. R . Qranl.

I the 053 Blue Lake* Boulerard-northj-J. b, rage H..Qrlcve, 403 Buchanan * t« e t: H. JJ

L. IfogMtt. M17 EIC»fCflth sveoiw had east: Mr*. Mildred Holmea, Colonial uen- apartm enu: Emmet Kall.-361 ,Sev» -

the cnth avenue north; A. L. Knight. . nrnt 813 Main avcnue south; H . O . Lau- ■,n terbach. 105 Buchanan street; Mra. it

“ WUllam Middleton. 137 Pierco aireet; ki J - t Mr*. John Pence. 335 Sixth avenue “ east; Mr».-W. D. SUver*. 187 East- «i

lond drive'; and JUrry Yaw. 330 »f „.i„. Fourth avenue north. v . to

Other* are Paul V. Bandy. Maroa; t i Claude Brown, route 1, FUer; Mr*.

TSe- M erTe'ETJj^'rtm prp'C rrclcr-J'.-M . w Dine Cagle, routo 4. Buhl: Donald P. th ered Plcta. Hansen: Pmnk Dostal. Buhl: a t uan Roy Ea*tman, route 3. Flier: MaU wi

rife tM r^ ^ W rfc io v « r^ v lt^ T O lc c S 7 ^ n a Murtaugh: Joseph T. Kudlac, Lu> I iuc cenwrK.'W.-Lehman.-route J. BuhJr '*■

£>on W. McKllllp, Kimberly: J . M. = WSiyHtaui i-A llrolalgrT-JgmearrDr — , Pence, BuW; Jm le Plckctt. Mur- [• Uugh. and George W alt, fouto J,

-------------------------- Hr

; a Hunger Triumphs — n-Prison-Strike a

D. SALT LAKE CITY. Oct., 3..t?N- I top H ut^er triumphed over. ix « r orgar- j j

Jve Inmates of Uie UUh state prlsoh ^ OP ended a M-hour >Jl-down strike.Jlie' ■ -■Prli'on MnMnl, .nlrt thP pH «'n . ^

era agreed to end Uielr protest al lan 0 p. m. Later they poured out cf ” , Ion their cells for their first full meal ■”^ ftlnce Sunday. Only 50 held out. *"

es Concert » chestra, Chorus ile- tlon of ttle naUonally-acclalmod a lt Jo'l ,n- tracUon, Ha said the board 'hae^rc- 4“ ; m- fused lo sponsor I to o ther road

shoWa th a t they felt wo'uTd'nbl-be C j,e up te a-detervlng SUndard, • - •te Tho musical organUaUon.U cur- «>i' •111 TenUy_appearlnR-ln- mjUor clUaa n j and la belag « oao o t the

g r e j to t concert attracUons In the oUl linB.-toe,-8aidzJhBrrMHn m i l f ^ o w *W

■, will bo the only Idaho preseniaUon, -- a c ^ r t l ^ ^io Moffau

fUght entcrtalnmenl'B roup .to -ap - l« f rd pear tn Th-fn Palls recenUy.-Horace on to Heldt and his show played i a iS^’ln turn * . Falla la«..jiov*ab*fc ^ ......

1 0 , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 , 1952

c h i e v e s Goal

er ibtradocM lltUa Jlm ny W o U a k , 1. toI GOP iresldenUal standard b ta r t r a t Bay "leaee the boy bad ron alanplda hU fpetlaj p: glE T ontaU rtrB f Bay CKy. H« i r u liaiiled

• ' ' _________ «— ____________________ ~ ------ U;

R eported a s d e to -E sc a p e ” |r e a , O t t 2 (fl^— R io tin g o n th is i^ednesday w as on ly a p r e lu d e to a ar 5 ,884 C h inese reds, A m e r ic a n au -

H e r r e n to ld co rre sp o n d e n ts t n c ^ o t ^ a m a s s b re a k o u t b u t U .S . tro o p s » : b a c k o f th o p lanned w v o l t . ” ^ i n e r s p la n n ed to jo in c o m m u n is t t i------- g u e rr illa s in th o m o u n ta in s i f Via th e y oscapcd. . ' «i l ______ Wfty..4 r nf TtftOnp nrlto n m ”

1 werBUUedor»oundtdiat«B]r.Moro ?>Q '' thtw inn ftOiCT .......- «

BtreasoaDfcU' ' ' • - H em a polntod. 'out th a t tho £•

I T l breakout -waa planned .for Oct. 1, ® • Uia third annltersary of the tound- “

n to log of th s ' Chlnesi communlft » If dls- regime. ”ir*day c o l .Richard D. Boerem. O atailo. , Ulton. Calif, commander of the Cheju city • otinly p w camp, said PW command head-

Quartera. learned -o f the planned rd Ihe break last Aug. 34 ani) tmmedlaUlyI th a t bejan mniunjr plans to atop I t ----- —insuf- iiB said tho diehard roda la coas* fe?ott pflond-7-w er# '«uppo*ed-to-thio« — to re- rocks a t American guards a i a I tr™ ilgnal for reds In tho nine other .

w ith compounds of Uie camp to break o u t “ , Wednesday the rloUag eomtou- is1

fs»«“ nlits tn -co m t» u n d :rU u » ir'» -t« i« aQ rage o f rocks a t 80 U. 8 . tnfantiT - ^

Mr*. Uid It was then the American B'’ ve^ue TtU lU M wlU] * roU«7 o t o t

-*SoereasaldJiehadJoldJh?Jrpqp«iwier. jjgt attacJcad----------®°

The aoldler* stormed tn to lhri com- Mi pound -wlth-bayoneta and rtflea a n d fo. routed tho defiant Chlneae from . „ behind walU and from out o f IniUd. ing* and trenche*. th: lUds PooghlB aek-- - SO

Lau- The reds fought back w llh rock*, bil Mra. sharpened teat-pole spears, crude

treet; knlvea and barbed wlf« XlaUs.---------,’enue Ooerem said some red p rl« n ers East- ver^ so fanaUS'they ‘Qupt coming I , 330 after they were h it once and had b«

to be shot again belort they would Istjarea: »16IJ7' ^ ------------ r -------Mr*. Today V. a troops entered and 2

P.-M. w snibfd-eT fiT -P W -M «pound-iai Be; d P. the Island. The army said no Incl- the 3uh1: jdenta developed and the situation art MaU was stable.i^Ar- ■— _______ ed

i S : D r i Y e t E i n e d _____ g

s i r - " T t f t e r M i s h ^

■'•Leo C. Oambel. 3S, Preston, v a s Job tlntd ta s by Probate Judge H enry P « W. Tucker a t Burley Thursday cn a

S charge c t reckless driving. H e was , arrested a t 8:M j5jn. Wednesday by ocr k f i . B u te -£n trn lm fiv^h3n^ n iilcr .ao il »o'' , I r L. W. Johnson FolTs^ng an aecJs ^ dent one and pne-half miles north ^ of Burley on highway 30. ' «ho

'*aam b«l"TPar'drm nrT :orth.-*p»- . proachlng the HeybUm bridge, when _ J

he collided headon wlUi a ca r driven tiy"i ;e5tle~Can’cm. g urle/ .- P emago- / J ’

f „f to Bowcufs •.car’ tras estimated a t taJO and damage to Oambel's car a t ■ tXO. . .

___ In Rupert Probata JudRC Jake. . 'Wall announced tha t on Saturday

he tlntd Trinidad Lopes »1S and t t Ii costs. on a charge of ’running of e through a stop srgn. L o p et 'w u a r- ett 1 rested by State Patrolman Marvin day

| G Bnyder. Howard O .T C ellerw aid teil ttftfi tor failure to yleld’lhe right of way Mid following a mishap on Sixth s lrteL a t I

■ Jf£.i5.to appear tn polJca court o a “n O ct.«. ~ Sail

;'X , Oertxude A. Robinson'. 341 T hird two iw e t east, paid a fine of »IO-«nd-M IMJ costs'In TVln Palls • poUco ' court Ros<

iuei Thursday for' failure to -yield -the now the xiKhfor way.'Sh'o was'cited l^ .c l ty the. the olflccTS after a m inor accident o a MIct 3 ^ * t ^ . a teaaa.T O t.______- , MlcJ

■ » FtEE 6T0 CKADB chan ,r^ ?T . J)IX..N, J., 0CI.-3 .Ifl—T hlr- -TO «D- Sen 'lo iaien 'eaciped 'tnm i-the prla- niinj Ace on stockade a t 7 t Dix today by preb ttln tunneling 23 feet trom the ir bar- watc ___itcki_to. an outalda fence.-_______ ■_ lUU

N ine I r r ig a U d I d a h o Coun

_Rui^W I Stalin I OfficiH W OSCOW, O c t . 2 '(U.R)— P r e m

th e ap iC U fatic c o u n t r i e s . B u t “ i s a ry to d e a t r o y 'im p c r ia l i s m ," h e

S ta lin in 'th o f i r s t s i m i l a r expo 1b d iB ln tcgra tin g . I n a n a t t e m p t a f te r W orld w a r I I , th a 'c a p i t a l l i

li' Local M a n ] I — ^North Ida

V aino A sjc tt, 44 , p a r t o w n er H com pany, T>vin F a l l s , w a s k i l l e d '

rock c ru sh e r n in e m i l e s n o r th o p i T h e acc idcn t o c c u r r e d a t a hi

th e c o n tra c to rs o n G rangeviU e-1 A 12-inch d r iv e b e l t b r o k e a t tl

A s le tt on th e h e a d , k n o c k in g h: ‘ K e w as ta k e n - ta -« T G o tto n * ~

hosp ita l,, w h e r e h o w aa V e tu j pronounccd d e d d o n a r r iv a l .«Ied _ Ur. Aslett. who had been auper-____ vising ft road constnicUon Job a t

the Ume of Uie accident waa bom-------Nov, U nK rT rat-L ava-H ot-SprtniK - —

Ha had resided In Maglo Talley for ■ the pait M yean and had boen-aa--

------ wcJ*{edaa»difK{or»Jth thoA alett9 9 ConstrucUon um pony for th e past “

I al* years. Before th a t tim e, h o had ““ ' - i i n i t t i near Ooodlsg.- M r. Aslett ^

« u a member 'of the LDS church. ^ t h i s He U furvlved by hla p a r tn u , Mr, to a acd U n . Dars Aalett, T vJn Palli; cai a n , nine broUier*. Leon Aslett. Jerome; ni, * Dualna Aslett, D ietrich; Marvla n«

Aslett, St. AnUuny; F irs t U eut. c« •rtO t Worthing A »lttc- MTVUHL Bfe-U» X)pa um y tntelUgeace aerrlce atatloa tn Bt

San Pranclsco, and Theo, Melvin, ho Art<U..Oale and GarUi Aalett. all tic

n is t Twin Fall*, and three alaters, Mr*. «o IS i f Vera Robbins. Eden, U tah ; Mr*, aa;

Ada Biggins, Kimberly, and tlra . It Wanda Bay, ftca te llo . Ono alster aal

“ .. T>imer*l'*enlW>rtDT>6T ittd -a t X *>- <ha P-n* Satunlay Iq tH ^ T v lD FaHa "O

rt. 1 cnortoaty chapel * lttj B f i ^ J. P. •>! „nrt. S a lih in e h a ^ m te n n en t will be^ made in the Twin FaUa o eoete rr . ^

I “Ik e” AssaOi S ------ T ru m anj a E N R O U T E W IT H T R U M A N ^ ^ > -P re s ld e n i T r u tn a n s a id to d a y mn> is tra tio n ’s p o in t f o u r p ro g ra m ^ a g a in r t^ f f to n ia c h - e o m m u n is m — 2 2 o f w orld p r o s p e r i ty . A d d re ss r ot o f 3,500 a t E p H ra ta , W a s h .,

■ W« f i r s t s to p o f th e d a y on a « ™ coast«to < o a 8 t- 8 tu m p ln g - to u r» a m - M r. T ru m an a a fd t h o p o in t - - ^ f o u r p r o g r a m - to h e lp p o o r , - - ^ d . hung ry -peop jo a b ro a d t o h e lp e

them se lves w a s c o m p a ra b le In ^ - - som e w a y s t o f e d e r a l a id -I r i ^

«k*. b ig r ec lam atio n , i r r i g a t i o n jOei »nd .p o w e r p r o je c ts i n t h e ge:

Qera w est. •ling Re said world peace always had ^ had been Uie goal of DemocraUo admin- * juld IstnUon*.------------------GOP*-OtanlodfaT?------and Mr. Truman again a iucked the |* V

■■" n^piihiii-i>nn ^elng unmindful of ^ ncl* the peoples’ lnterest*becaus« Ufty '" t Uon are controlled by “blg-tlme lobbies." .

'RepubUcan* as a whole have ro t- " ___ fd I n ^ e majorfty of coseg against ^

Ing ott af'ter his favorite whipping ®. ,— boy--tt;e--iiw l-/o r-no th l»ff—flOth

P —H ^ 'd -U ) * DemocraUo_.UckeLot Oov. AdJal E Stevenson and Ben.

TO5 John Sparkman U Uie "best the *™" nry party haa ever offered.- . . ®n . • Aids fltato AiplranU ^r a s He also plugged for top sU toD em - bT ocratlccandUates.nep. Henry Jack* “ “ J

id 4 son for the U S. senate and Hugh x t- Ultchell for governor. J™r tii 'Mr. '^•umsa's DamocraUo toad

aho* waa In high gear. and.dniwJnB A] ^rorrft- a.i hff lashed back « »

|CwU»«rf .« r«s» t . c«liii« s> ■ « «fen

■J XvaiiiaUfe’ Ex=M

U °Great to See Sal

^ In a flood of mixed tmoUon— IfIng of anUclpaUon and m em ory-E vcr- him»r- ett M. Swcelcy left by platie Thura* II pI'ln day for the tootball game ori Sat- ], I:led ttftfay bctwuefi tha -y n lfe rs lly o t e*a}'lay Mlchlw...arid_8U>;itord_unlver»lty five:CL a t P a li Alto. tem'io a “M ngs wlJl ba different, fo r him did ’— 8atuTd»rthan-Uify-wera-.when:tho ...Ba Ird two Uams’mil for Uie first Ume In goldi -M 1»Q3 In Uie nr*t Touroament of betwi r t Roses game. On tha t day Sweeley— ced^lie now a Twln-Xalls a tto m c y -p la y rf uhloi Ity the whole BBiiie“ f « ,-» vlctcrtoua' clscb on ' Mlchlgaii. Ob Uils trip h e ’ll be .^ of..U

Michigan rooter. ___ • “ ' . Uie 1'B ut U m t.^h 'r^r*call* r-ha«n* t tr ts \

changed the game of footbail'ssucb. 31t, 1Ir- • Oh. Uieyl'e' added some trim - presl la* Rilngt; the-g«me Is more opan,:and dlrecby probably fniertalnlng to a* giJ - watchwbut the . fundameatAla are Sw■ lUU the aime.” ha aald. Bund

ho C o u n lie i ,

Won’t Ai n Promi cial Red

— P re m ie r J o s e f S ta lin sa id to d a y th o . B u t “ in -o rd e r to e lim in a te th e in e v it sm ," h e a d d e d jla r e x p o s itio n o f h is v iew s In tw o year« a t te m p t to co v er up th e i r d ecay, s tim c ap lta lis t~ M u n tf le s a re rcaO rtln fT torB ’

,n K illed in ! Idaho M ishap I; o w n er o f th e A s le t t C o n s tru c tio n ** I k illed W ednesday a t th o com pany’s cc n o r th o f G ran gev ille . ^a t a h /g h w a y p r o je c t op c ra tad b y

igeviU e-N ezpcrce h ig h w a y . tI?ke a t th e s t« e l la c in g s a n d w h ipped ek in g h im In to th e conveyor b d t s . tj,

t t o n > — — " — - r : n ®

•S ‘Truth Squad’ s r« To Leap-Frog s ^ T f u m a i r T o T i r !

? ,w t WASHHlbTOM. O c t . '3 '» i^ T n » — RepubUcan naUonal commlUee hai dispatched a nylng -Inith aquad- «

».i,(h t« leap-frog ahead of and behUid ” " l f “ Pesldent TfumaaH currefit whistle* ff

itop tour. *k Mr, Arthur Z. summerfleld, Republl> **' Phalli; can national chalraian sakt U st — •ome; n u h t Mr. Tftiman had forced th# ^ arvla RepubUcan* to taka “this unpr*. “ Ueut. cedented atep.- . . ^

oa tn su te a lower* U»o high -offie# be “ elvln, holds to the role of batchet'-opera'. . . t, all tlons dealing.In dlitortloni, trre- „ Mr*, aponaible alander*, and. I regr«*-Uj “ Mr*, say, poUUcal prevarlcaUoas, tbkn ? tlra . I t la time to act,* summerfleld

alster aald in a ttatement. „nuJa . Ha lalrt tha_foiir-m an " tru th S

equad” avuld a a k a m s J o r ^ U n r u - tS k j]>««6hM-aUnt|^t-:atops a c d .v o n ll t . TfTi. hold daytSaW t.nein coaferaneei „5 * K a J o w t tS ^ w v y '- : • • RUi be aceomjianled by a or a , , raaearch-aBd aecrttarlal i t a l t th ------ • • ' * * ' * . —

a i ls F a r E a st 1 a n E xp la in s PflU M A N ; O c t 2 (U.R) E N R O U T E ^

to d a y th e a d m in - (U.R)— D w ig h t D . ] •og ram w a s a im e d i f th e re m u s t be [iniffm” **11 * «yn!n*t Aiiiamt.” A d d re s s in g a c ro w d I to th in k th e w h it ish ., / * sa

o” A d l a i R e v i s e s a i

w l ^ S p e e c b P l a n s S 'he lp B PRiM O Pnii), i n , Oct. 3 » - o f0 in Adlal E. StmrenioQ. wim Qen. K<1 Dwicbf D. Elsenhower nld ln« his k -

home campaign base, began a oom-tfo n jOeia overhaul of radlo-televlsIon th e speaking pUna today so u to work ™

• la a t le « t four more “flrcslda

^ D e m o c r a t i c prealdentlsl *“ nomUiee •went on about poUUcal , and offldal buslseu u Republican

■o,« Elsenhower »hlsUe slopped J toward town for an early afternoon ^

^’sw ro u T O ^ d n 't plan to go down to Courthouse square to case the

,T!,L oppoalUon campaign. But he did let , , , ^ sUte employes have an extra hour " j n i- - o tt a t luncn um B 'ft Ulji «tlo-wanl»- -83 ^ ed.to ,eou l(U ttendJhfl^lly . ElMn.,

hower had politely turned down ~re . I f Stevenson's polite InvltaUon' to k v iBnch-at-the-minoU execuUv* m an.te a ‘ ton- ■---- OTO

Stevenson and his aides- were L . busy wIUj w hat Porter McKeever, -bc puhUeny director ter VoJuateen for

, .v . Steveojon, said was a major refor- „ i , u sh «n»Uon ol *hola radlo-TV pro* n:----- fra« -fo r-the-^aat-m on lh -o f-U i» t a l

campaign. putfjng At least four morv fireside chsta 7 ifltk ars'plamied-durlDc.-the-campalgn, i t 1

i j M c h i g a n G r i d ™

; S a t u r d a y ’ s G a m e

in— If the jldw airtor-a memory serve* rer- him • correctly. Mlchtgsn used calf i-h , irs< II plt^ers against Stanford oa Jsn. lat- 1, 1(01. They all pUyed the full ^

o t eajnft-nm alM aaciany .aJ four and taen slty tlve pUy* a minute. Swecley al> m a

Umated a t tn d and fuUbact and now Um dld aU Uie punUnsr for Mli±lg*n. w utho ...Baturday'a ja n T t, occasloi^ng the mar: In golden. annlvorsary''ol 'this rivalry boU.

of between Uie two schools. wUl^pre* y— ceded by a Michigan .alumhl rt-

union Prlday night la'.San-'Pr*n*oua' c lscb?T ?hen^*«ley ' snd anoUiw . » > . a of..the three surviclng^UD&«QL£t

the 1903 e l e ^ , W1UI« Heston, ones- thegreat halfback now ruLdlng In-Wll* the-

ch.' a i, M leh, wui' Join the unlM»)ly pJiaJm . president, H arlan II. Hatcher, and P#n d director of athliUca. Frli* CrUler, peacto as guests of honor. fonr

sre Sweeley wUl return to Twin Falls ne»dSunday n igh t, cond

r -------------;— - — - " I ;

FINAL— e d it io n - 7— “

P R IC E t c E t n a '

Lttack, lises in d Paperly th o S o v le t 'u n lo n w ill n o t a t t a d c in e v ita 'b il ity o f w a rs , I t I s a ec e ik

I y e a r s s a id t h e c a p ita lis tic , s y s te ia , s t im u la te d b y lo ss o f m a rk e ts r t o r B n c h - d s v i c c s ^ s - i h e - M t r s h ^ —— p la n , w a r in K o re a a n d re^

a rm a m e n t, h e sa id .They a r t “acting Uka a droitnlAK

man clutching a t x'ttzaw," be cook mented. ;

P Streaaei Peaee SUad - StaUn w est to patoa (a a o e r t tha t

Uis Sone t union poses m th rea t «t

tlon * ^ ^ jg u e d lh » o lil* lo c a p lta ll* t ita ly ’B coutrle* la In taaslfy tnrand-lm plW - -

Uie capitalist lyitera.facea m n tu a l . death by decay. ' b y T b t e o A l reoeraUsilffle g t n U s

views in a 50 -pan artlcl* lo tha- auUioHutlTa aeDl-montU r*ma(i> alna Brfaberlk. political o n a a o f

I t s . t iu Qommanlit party eantial ecn«- r : m lttee.--------------------------______ • _ _

~ ' Tbr~ctp iia iS ttr toaB trlt§ a m - - much Dolao ia their p n p a ca ad a ' about the anrettlveaeaa of th*

i r donotbelU iteUthem **tTea,baaaU . m - bacaus*. they , oon ildgr- th a .Boriri

union's peace potldca and kiwir T T tbe -eeT te t-tako-ltaa if «fll-fiot-at«— JLi. t a c f c t h ^ ■ •_ _______ TTI'Tnia TVrMmW«n.

*7 t/o U tf in that-, tha Jse iltaU atP of war amon« capitallat oMotriM remalna true,** Btalln laid. order . to e lla Jn a to tb e lae n tab U lty o fv M ;It U^nectasary to deatro* t t p a r l ^ .•

w S ta lln l a rtlc l* " ’n s ' -'-Economlo Pnblaiaa of SodaltBB f a •

^ the TJBSB." l t t « u w rH t« tn i w l f ■ •P**" toque*U onapat»’iiliabTTanlc-aafc .,11'^

Ha used the aama neUtod:to s t n ^ a o e x p o a it lo n o f h U n n n tv D ra a s

ago. T b a t. 'tim e .h « dlaeunad guage problema in ttaaSovM ia la i l '

^ in a dmUar a r tk la .in B c ttb a rtk .. ' ^ BU proanm oanenta M a r . *nr«

oonaldered e*HcUQr alrrffleiint

o n ll Tttll lir ip tin llT l ;m tm lat' p a z t^ c e tu y M itpBa IMfc H it «tatam aot e f £ i i vlairs v C b*

7 a o n a .p r th t .b a a * .< ^ .d l a d n i i ^ 'a )' ' th e congTftai. . . ' . . . . . . . . . .

;t P o lic y ; ■ P o ii i t4 G o a lsI E W lT H E IS E N H O W E R , O c t . * b t D . E ls e n h o w e r s a id t o d ^ t h a t Bt be w a r i n A s ia , “ l e t I t b e A s i a ^ ana .” **We d o n ’t w a n t t h e A s I a i t f e w h ite B ian I s t h e l r i ! n ^ , " ' W r ‘

. s a id . - .............T h e 6 0 P p r e s id e n tia l . cao «

_ • d I d a te m a d e th e r e m a r k I n », w h i a t J e ^ t i p r s p c f i c l m t r r e c j ^ 1 8 t u r , n i . H e w a a r e I t m t l n g W 5

o f t > s t a ^ p o s it io n t h a t S o n th .- ien. K o re a n s sh o u ld b e a r " t h s ^ b r u n t o f t h e K o re a n w a r .

--atfll«■;Xlselbo*efBaJd•thffU ^tt-T-, ^ m ight ha re arolded two World v u f .^ and the E o r tan conflict U U h a d '

been properly nrepaied, epIrltOaUy,I,,, economically aiid tnlUtaiUy.'1^ ' Adflsea StndeaUi^ Speaking a t Ohampalgn. SL, ba^S fore a crowd flUed w ith D W rariltr >w of •ailnol*' students, B m b o w e f—

stressed th e n l e of youth la th afutuw -of- tha world,-------------------

“Never lose sight of your own d i l a duty to parUclpato In Bovemmental a ffa ir* ,''h e aald. •

He told them to submit to tha •TltuaUsUc rouim# ol JOVUfUBUt"'” an d -aaid -they -«u ld -no t~ affo rd 't»—

^ “repeat tha error*" occurring In this “ country In Ito past.

—-“H adrH hfrr-Pnlted^S tataa . b w —— propq t y prep p e d ~ fn ~ u t» l7 r f ta d — ere taken greater precautlona In <><««

decade of. 1830-40, we might ha ra aro fdad 'tbo dilemma o i var,” M

** said.Ho referred to being etron* ap int-__

lh» ^ 11y— —putting the mUltaty last,

tta •Bu'a'* weather luck wM boldlnf. rn. I t waa a -c m ta H la y ,- :--------------- '.i—__ Sf ■ i*ni«tT.p»ryti~ >itn— w ra dt»» -— mlsaed a t th e university and a t th*

publlo thus fweHln( . crowd. . .

Sptaka r r e o T iala Slsenhower Doka fro m 'th a r e a r ---

e platform of h u train, spotted on elevated tn c k s :« Ith the crow d.'

‘ standlnc In the atreet b e lo v b ia . H f n w as .th a n i t t of atx cpeeehc* ^ 1

khedu led fo rthellllno libam ftana* N£ ing today. Re w u pUchlnc bard for

" the atate'a 27 electoral Tdtea. P r w uieat T m m tn carried the staU to

J* IMS by aSfiOO vo ta .’ bu t B « b . ad h o w e n r i m . A dlal-S .-6toTenaon, n- w u elected soTOBOr by a far heavier

margin. Thla year .th ^ atato la a ry hoUy'ZiB taited Pattlsgrotmd. - -=— -i-

■; T ' H u f t i n F a l lir . OOODINO. Oct, Paikaf,^3f w h o ^ c ^ o r th a nJaU-tft;a»4 t n mI- the po tu fflw aiul tn ': t tp o i r . la 't i r ~ •1« the .Ooodlng C ou^^ Ma&uatlal^hoa* _

S ^ M r S / w h o aUo.li im tlea r f th a ri peace. fel> I n m the loading p la t« v

form, a t tho depot a t 7-pjn/-W ed« —Is nesdoy. Hosnital oftldala ttp o r t hU •

c oad litox lu 'fa irlygood .* . , •••(■ '


A prairram in ob ,.J- Uoiiftl N w ,papu7 5 ?J

-fctturpd ^ u r v l i , noon lu ^ ® *

Theron Uddie « ..j! cr the D f,„ c i N e ^P>« «p««k«. H*Urmed u o

tor e n t tm in m M tln ^MW*, and IreftdTO ^

ssjr -Uddle p rw n W e...

rtndership nurrfn ^ wmlc p .rw ^ ^ front p « « j o i S , palnUd mil H u t

rBtorS'iK:o?the*el,^uUUon“ 'S

erotiword p u a la i«i J . LIddle ‘emphMiJrt is- Die eltl«n'» »dvinti«? trw ao to n n fo rm iU i] commliilon nbtimin. „ ll enUUed to holdTtiJ- he declired. }]e U d ^ ehould p « K « .h«h«Bi «Mlon« »rc conductrt.

Pollorine hl» u i . B, bers. Bdopitd t raoSa ipprMlnllon fct given Klursnls e tts tib s Ncki. Skit U kt % D tieret New».-M(pj^—A ocom p»nrlnrtaJ itcConnlclc. lnttn ^ ~ of the DttCTtt Xm They were lntn«*i»4 » Dfa.iheu, Jocal . Brown w u prognai tix Die daf.- J ^ d Ingrkhu)

membcri, Albert Cotam

yofquUt, sltnpioi-‘„a Ch*rle»S. Looney witSn transter from Abcrte

G G P ^ j■VASpeni

‘w A S fim o fc n v M i

b y \» Ilepubllaa o m tod&r of iqu&nderlciEll tlon r e t r t * : ^

Pr&nic C. I lW r n e s chAlmtMt of /the Rot tton&l'.'comml(^ eeg

- "U nleu there l i i nkllonal admlnli:n:t( a ffairs handled brUii m inistration vtU seita worM."

H ilton Mid boUi to Republicans in oa BtancM In which IhtTl in j ■vflterttM wuib 'b uncounted .^lUcat ri M“ W ltheduailon iU rt Und«d to. SoR t Ma

for tra in ing^ J Pit>m 1044 to m i

per centorcAMtlnraCi "m&lBdmtnUtnUoa Bit acceptance, or oubltiie Uvlty by VA pertMal’

■ ■nrBEElTti® BO iaE,.O ct.JU tEtfl

c u e s were r r p ^ t l health departfflitl Ml the year’s total teJ*l a wom&n. '40, isd i p San dpo'lnt, and i tq.li

i T ^hN DW

y e n

■ P A V/EK- j q j L e j L u x S

o y e w o y yourcKItfi •h r iif rn o i b lks nov ' illo o u f le/eeH oM .#^

g reo fe th ^

IE Y fA R 'S f l « A N D tHE^r INSURANCE

I n c lu d K l V J H l P U K C H iSI

P R IC lm r r r m m .

i t t t l

■J tSED"

............—PAGE TWO :

I J u ) ^ H e a r i n g

A p p e a l F r o m [ T

I J u s t i c e C o u r tI I I • ' i F r a f t n ChitlI I I Orrtlle Brown. C»*Uefonl fire|il chief, u id . he went to the OlllettI I I borne wlih Officer Bryant. He saidB n Brown told tAcm » person had ■'| j r right <0 rUIC hU reUtlvei. The fire

' I U chief admitted Brown'w ain'l doing| | | L ’ anything wrong when Bryant ar-J j • rlred. He u id no arre it was made,

but they would ha re arrafted Brown•'• • ‘ had he re4l«l«d ihelr offer tha t he NOW :nr

„ r ride to town“wtth them.-.ThB'fire atrajficd• ! ■" chief laid they lefl'Browa' llTlOTn'I T with a friend.

ij I .The (tale retted iU c a u a t 11:10 _ • _I I am . when Drysnt w u not pre*ent V - n r i l r iI I to testify. Taylor called the defend* . J L a l l l V *I IP ant to the itand. *I I I Brown iald hU wife was in town > A r i AH i with.hli parents and their two ehll-i t i ' drtn on the n ight In quutlon. ile 1

l i f t Mid he tslked with Mrs. OlUett on I J n H fI V the telephone and learned her hin-I P band w u In California. The d c . imI I fendant claimed the Invited him lo t lupert f J her home to U lk lomethlng o»er. He Meanwhile. » said this was B;30 or 10 p jn . and 4.3 m Wed

i he went to her home about 11 p.m. njjeiied CarJ Ii --------BB>wn-»al4-*’h«a.he Icnoclted <in, tn - the aliHhil Ura. Olllett's front door he heard . . n .

her talking to a msn. He said the jdsho-.-Falls llghU went<’out.and he went to.the j,urier I

I back door and knocked. He aalit ,u},I Mn. Olllett came t6 the door, told • . •

II . him l l w u a poor Ume fer him to J !® //} } " J? ; « be getUng there, He nald she'Called

him an Improper name and a.kcd ; ; him to leara-or ahe would caU the

Tlie defendant aald he waited awhile for police to arrive, then start- of l^e f ln t a

' ' «d toward Cattleford when he met The Y anks'S ira n t and On'ltle Brown. He said they finally t

; tU v took him to aee Mr.. Olllell had failed UI “ but ihe'would nofCgn a-eomplalnt leonng oppoi

Re denied calling Mn. Olllett names Dodger pltchiI or making loud noUes. behind the ba

II Later that week, Brown said ha w u In conttai MW DeputpSIiem r Curtis P n o r In ■ jie gave u p :

I Mountian Home and Pryor sug- he finegeiie^nie go to Oastlefonl and' see the bisei'foU

about a complaint there. Brown gnih,said he went to see Justice, Olllett. ty jw or Ha admitted OlUett rearf some-

- I h l a g from some papers, bu t claimed g j "he didn't undentasd It oU except T>ir«,io pnt t a t Mn.-OUlett w u -c U Jm ln r he Mahtle‘ c r ~dliturbed the peaca. After Judgment moodllni LPw u entered. Brown w ld Bryant ad- S c

• ' Tlsed hlmvM-chaljge hla plea, but roUini IBI ' OUlett w o u m t let him. Brown isld MeDauEald )'

*fter they took .him to JaU. Bryant S n % 'lunested an attorney. lUschl P

Brawn said he thought the finewouM be tlB or lao. »e also said hU *

- ' irlfe h u - f i le d a dlvoive u t lo n srooklm (N)a ^ ln s t him since the event occur- c a , 3 , ____red. He claimed the OlUette sent „ ___

I his wUe to Kerada. Portions of the snlder, c f __

I I 'Browni claims w en itrlcken on Compnneils.OZAogley'a motion. Pafko, I f ____

I Under crt«-examlnaUon. Brown Hodges, lb _admitted HsltliJg several bars In rurUlo, r f —Buhl and O utleford beforej going Ersklne, p _to the Olllett home. Asked by Lang- Loes, p ------lay U the |10 or lift lint* Drown a-N elion-------

___referred -to M being topoeed by Lehman, p —I OlUett were thoee Brown paid in

— thepasV,-Bnnra-answered. •'I-dldn’t — .....eay that.- '• a -^ alkcd fo r

Juror* are \ t r a . Grace Wegener, „ . f Mrs. SUa OeoHe, Ilm er.O . Reich- —

ert, M n. Waller Day. t . Herbst and Drookl>T» —I Zenda A. Olsh. H. P. You wlu ex- __ -------

cuied for the term for poor-hear- £ P Q J * ^ g

M r s . W i i t e r P a i d

V “ L a s t H o n o r H e r e m m n d e d toiPuneral services, for W n. Jesale m the b

I Scott Wlker were held Thunday Borne men 1afternoon In the White nTortusry line* »» the <

. chapel with the -Bev. Denald B. fires In 8,000 aI Blackstone officiating. peared to beI -------Mre. ArA,-Ann)Id-w»(.lolst--*nd. stage.-I organ muilo w u played by M n. 0 . Air observer { W. Albertson. blate In the K i • Pallbearers were K. O. Lauter- eald the iltui

bach. BcoU.McMuter, .Bos* Pen- dawn today. T nlngton._ArUi,ur_ Dockw_lts,..Prtnk Plre Dlipatch'

-M sgal-and r ra n k H enry.- - IVpo55n>^ woi Burial w u made tn the Twin n i l s troUed by Frli

. c i . j M a n HCBTing Slfttcd Jay Johiiite BDliLSY, Oct. i-A ndrew Jack- 5?’® " “"iJ' 1 '

•on Luckelt, a Negro, a llu MeMn "V ■ I Jonea, Is belt« held In Cassia coun-

I I Burleyj_wbo claims Luckett tried to <

| r Bank and T rust company. The I II check v u made payable to Lucked M n o -

| l M d ^ c M r t e ^ e name .of Albert L.

I I T i l e H o s p i t a l | £ ^ 5 ™

in VlslUng hour* a t Magic Valley neral home wli'M Memorial hospital are from 3 to 4 lord W. Soger, and 7 to 8 p.m. sen officiating

..•'.APSlCtTRD.,,• Mnt Wlllla Menser. f a r - —nw nflH nxr

I i irls. Mr*. Ephrlm Andenl, Mr*. Cad-'die Womach, William Spain, Norma Petereon and Shanol Robargc, aU “Twin Palls, '

t M n. Jim Hodge; t ’O.’Kaven and I Jimmy Beverly, all T «ln Falls; Mrt.

(I Cleo Thaniert and daughter. Han- T w rv p a h

I . : ~ s ;------------------o o t f i r a - f l u i

I ^ • — p. Smllh. InB3 ! * . _ W e a t h e r ‘n .^ h e - T .n n i

t ' • Ph»{n tip a^id AP Rejwri* J o ? ^ M ^ a I 'J i Magtc V alley-Clear ten lih t atid d m

. Friday. Lo*ienlghtS8.4S: h im Frl- ^ - ^ t M c h a__ day near 81. Twin FalU tfmperatnre p ^ w lc k s o n I

■■ --------- o „ ‘i — .___ u.___ T o . White mortust

------- :-------- H «■- - ' t w in PALL

1; := = = !! !i; ■ 'S a s = ^ s I f ':.1 , K f-Yi.rl ___ r ______ :« M ' W hite'm ortua

r r l i u y r - - —

BU H L inr--i.1 j'oru»i-d-------— \ ^ L f ! t4 • August Johnse-V“ Ftii u Y J T u n z r Z :z lT " ~ 1 2 --------pnn.--Friday a1 ' P»B n .B .iK o________ IT »* funeral home ••

KL roou.________ ___ »i n Titus', pastor <----------------Uon-.«h,Urch..fil

l i ^ Z Z Z Z Z T IQ. n • be made In Pie

- - Keep , the. White nag I T n im i . :________fll.BaictyJSying.

[T Poini- In-C

-H a a t Republicana . ■: “doubtlar T3 ^ prophets" forS J the "sound p

< ministration. ^ «am

The Preside;* N . ' h lseontention

^ Dwight. D. nNow th ree d a v i w ith o u t a th e presidepcj

a t n l l t ' U m h .- ln X K r sSBsIc £ J ^ l n S w ! 'V w e v . ' , , fundamenUla

I — ■ i > Saying the c■ coRununlst s i

1 ankees Jbven Series, Defeat Dodgers 7 to 1

( r r « I -.,. On.) ■ ‘ l i .* ? with a fuperb mound performince.

Meanwhile, the Yankee*, beaten JL “ *** ” . 4.3 in Wednesdays fln t gsme. shelled CarJ Enklne'oft the mound

rany‘^whl!l*Bruy'‘" M s r t * r * f ^ rJdaho-.-Falls player, connected off of 4 00Crelief hurler Billy Loea for a home- 'y ,run with two on base. controlled by

For that one Inning the Yankees guard." th e '“a looked like the old-time “murderen your Grand C row" tha t uted to mop up 111 op- ‘useless pyram position. But It was Just.the climax ‘power In the to a serlei oL scoring threats tha t Feesaw Yankee runners on bsse In each "My' how mi of the f ln t alx Innlnga. to est," he sali

The Yanks were leadlnj M when they finally broke loose alter they h a /fa i le d to cash 'In on several ;

iconng opportunities against the Dodger pitcher. Enklne. wild and behind the batten m ojt ot the time, w u In constant trouble. - ' He gave up live hits six walks fifo re he finally w u removed with Pw^jidfr the bise>-fuU and-non»-miHR-thfr m ^ ^ r f th u s iu

^ ■ In Spokane wlThe boxKore: . fun day mark

Hew York (AJ AB R H PO A M ontsM ’s Hui Bauer. RF 4 0 ' 1 S 0 yeren whistle-Rl«uWi.S8_____ ____* -® 0 ?_2- .tana-am l Id ihMantle, CP 6 3 3 3 0 q k iWoodllng, LP 4 1 t 3 0 j j i , addressBerra, C ' 3 0 3 10 3 ,pp]Collln ..lB ’ i ? ; } ovations bcf«eMcDougald, )B 3 3 1 0 1 kane police ch Martin, 3B . 4 - 1 3 0 1 mied the armolUschl. P 3 0 0. 0 0 and another 31

ToUU 83 7 10 37 7 “" y a d m l n i-------- criticized for 1

Brooklyn (N) -A B R H POA Truman said “1Cox. 8 b ------------------ 4 0 0 1 0 doubledly .JusUReese, a s --------------- 3 1 1 3 5 however, I will

aiT----------- 7 fl n 7 1O j « p . n , i l . . i _ = J 0 1 T J S n

ffi&'inizzs; s ;!Loes, P - - ---------------- 0 0 0 0 0a-Nelson-----------------0 0 i) 0 0 ^ ^ * • * " ‘* .^ '1i . h | . v . . p —

TV,..!.____________ sa L a_ 3 J7 J3 billion dqla-Walkcd for Loes In 7th ilebt.-

■ R *New Y ork_____ !__ 004 US OOft- 7 _

— — . n i x . . D a j n g (

2 Forest Blazes GOPiCuirbed in Idaiio rp

8ANDPOINT, Oct. 3 IB-Two dan- A T U !

surrounded today and victory w u In sight in the batUe with a third.

Some men were releued from the jiean* wm in lines u the tampaign agslnst the H arry B T nfires In 8,000 acres ef timberland ap . p f f J I peared to be entering the mop-up audiences Ww stage.- •

Air observen checking a UOO-acre through Idahoblate ln the Kanlksu national forest „ r T rum ansaid the altuatlon looked good a t (srH eU sdawn today. There waa no wind and L j J v,lBh di Plre Dbpatcher Rom Cnjwley aald

Man Released*:Jay Johiiiton w u released fr6m w hat he la dc

the county'Jail earlyjrhtin>dayun- drew a blit n der an order by DUtrlctJudgo Hugh estimated bet» A. Baker allowing Johniton to pay Trumiin told a fineofU 00«ndt74 .2)'co itson the Slsenhower wiInstallment plan. Johnston has been bu t tha t as 1 In jail since hi* arrei't Feb, IS fer better thnn Uiunlawfully killing deer. the old fninrd.■ He paid 1100 of the fine and will He said Adlirem aln-ot llberty for SO days. The eratio-prenldenliberty continues as Ionic as he re- follow In h is f<

___ - Trum an added

Magic Valley "

■' ' ' Is- ‘'having somBURLEY - Funeral fenrices for cans" on his

Ezra Fairchild will be held a t.2 p.m. El.tenhower's c •MondsyrirJ>lrCnll«h'*-Durley-+o-- ahouid read neral home with LDS President Wll- Instead o t ‘'La ford W. Sogen and SIdiJO' A. Lar- The Preslder sen officlaUng. Burial will be made ^Ir.i. Oracle P( a t Bailn. Ins her service:

------- bnd."—8H 08H0NB—Q ram ltlp -w rrlerr —M n rP fcs t-a r for M n. Cleo Mtser>y will ibe held leaden Joined : a t the. Shoshone cemtteo’ a t'II a.m. Troy. M ont. Priday, The body will be a t the northern Id ahBurdett mortuary .fm n lo a.m.-to • • • -------ll-ftJiU-Prlilayr-lDB-oKieiab-^iU - i — — officiate. ^_____ •• ^ A s a IV I.

.TWIN PA L IS-nm er» l serMces , for Valne Aslett -will be cocidiicied a t 3 p. m. Saturday In tlieTii'In Falls A 'a M orcanxanm nry .chapel by LD3 Bishop J . his home a t 'l l :**• A rrlircd emplcIn the Twin Falls cemetery. m m t firm he


wic“ n““"oS aSS'™°;2" T W IN P A U a^ riv M ld tr ltM lo -MUton-L. Powtll win be hfM , i IIa .m . Friday a t Sunset UemcrUl Aliu<ka: Cecilp a rk -H ie Rev. E.,Leslie Rolls «tii ’>»d Mrs. Harofficiate.-Prissd* may dali at the *'White' mortuary until 10:30 a.m. Cowan. .MlasouFriday,-------------------------------- :— H unta .ca A ngt

— children.■BUHLEY— Funfml, feniees for F:iiieral a frrlAugust Johnson will be held at 3 3:30 'p. m , Satiprm.'F lrlday a t McCtilloch'a Durley »'ard LDS chapfuneral home wiili the R<v, Roy l . Frederickson piTitus', pastor of the flurlry Chrlj- be m ide In 8uUon-«hUrch..fiffIclaUns.-Iiucial.»il\^ un<ler-the-dtrebe made In PleasanfVuw cemeic'rj-. mortuary.

_____ J _____________ _______ ' ''._____


Truman Tells g', Point 4'Goals In Gdast Trip

PUer.a t Republican crtUc*, labeling I h m -■'doubting Thomases and- false rayn ien t Asipropheta't for falling (0 acknowledge The ^ f e :the "sound prosperity" of his ad- r tsu filed w. mlnlstraUon. ■

Ilam men Theme «lSeA9 plu*The President hammered aw sy> t attorney feei

hls eentenUon tha t GOP Candidate J . II. Barnes Dwight D. Elsenhower is unfit forth e presidency beeau*e of his mill- 'Visit B«laU?iHUT background^apd w halM r.T ru- M rt «ian-calla-hU-i<ta]>iIlLy!lo.grasp.tKa. children.—Befundamentals of a civilian economy, week w ith he

Saying the cost of defense against 'a . Z. Roblsotcommunist aggresrian come* high. H. P. RoblsiMr. Truman added’ th a t Elsen- home after Ihower's Idea tha t federal spending y t-E uaU s, V can be cut rtmstlcally la “sheerpoppycock" and "the lowest kind of Keeralter t«”demagoguery,- Recruiting

Seeff* a t C U te valley towr"If we really want to destroy our- ‘n m n d a y by

selves,’* he said, “the way to do It navy recruitla to encourage the agKrtsson to ^e would bethink th a t we cannot afford what jea^ ne portIt takes to atop them. Can you . . . .g ^ „image a greater InvluUon to the „oo„K rtm lln m an to announce' that w# Qoodi-B nos c a n t pay for mere than so much forrational de fw e? " _ _ _

The President told an overflcnr ^crowd of 4,000 In Spokane, W ash, 1 / 0 6 1 1 T last night the former gentral Ucontrolled by the Republican -old A fguard." th e '‘'»ame fellows who called ^your Grand Coulee development a ^ D l o « i‘useless pyramid' and aald It w u 1 l a l U ‘power in

-My' how much crow theyVe had to eat," he said, "and I'm sUU feed- ing I t ’to them." '

Mn Trtiman w u sisted to moveInto-PorUand. Ore,.shorUy after , J"*® midnight. He will dellrer two os/or campaign addresses en roule-atSeattle and Tacoma, Wash.—u well *u 11.. b r l« reu- p l.tlo m M U . t £ ' . “2 S i ; “

Everett, and Kent; W uh. ■ ... . ,

In Spokane where he wound up afull day marked by dedication of 5,®“M ontana’s Hungry Horse dim and,

HU ad< SZ r‘i ^ ‘’lUirrnipUd 38 ^ '{ ^ ‘ “ “by ''Umw by applause In addition to guhl Mra Oovations before and afUr. The Spo- u n Powell Jkane police chief said 4.000 persons' w M Petemfilled the armory, with 1.SC0 outside Mrs. L. 1and another 3,MO lining the streets. . • w„,

"My administration h u . b e e n crlUcUed for a lot of thinm," Mr.Truman said “and some of ll Is un- ' _ _ _doubtedly .jutUfled, In one rcipect, _however, 1 will yield to no sdmln- H i m p mistratlon In the history of this coun- ■■■ W » * C iatry! Ahd t f l t t U tiie VAy W n w g — jcreated the b u ls of sound pros- .-a U L rperlty for all our people" 8H0SH0N1

H e ternled. chnrgea of "govern- eenlces for Am cnt dcflclta" and "national bank- ^UI beruptcy" aa "sUle RepubUcan lies.- cemetery atThe . tru th U, he said, "during th# the dlrecUonl u t six .fiscal years we have pro- u j a offduoed-*-bud^e^-aurplu^-o^-n♦arJ^ —Mr».— Mtsrfour billion dqliara.and reduced the Monday foUaipublic d e b t- - w asthedaugl

* * . * * - Shoshone. TT^ ^ Burdott mon

Dapis Gone if■ GOPer^Win^- | S

Truman Says------- ByJThe A suelaltd P re u ------- brethera-ond

HelU canyon and Libby dams . -------wUl be "ou t the window" if Repub- ., - - P o -llcans win In November. President A »H arry B. Trumjin - told Bonnen j „ „ u^ijbsFerr)' and Sandpoint tralnslde . hiondv noseaudiences 'Wednesday u he c»r. fined t3S andr led ~ h tj ',‘atitstle-Blwp" csmpxlgir the pMce bFthrough Id ah o ;’ peared In pol. M r . ^ m a n aald he'd been fight,- .e su n ^

Ing fCTHeUs canyon dam, a pro- qwI cafe’ ear:posed h igh dam on Snake, river ivbbs oaidn o r t h _ a t ^ t t - a n d _ a d d e d _ ^ potient.-Jeangolng-to-keep rtght-on-flghtJfg for -avenue e u t.':

and »3 coals.At Bonnen Ferry'h# aald. "I think highly of .•Ike.'-hut-nikT him In t^e army where he kno«-awhat he la doing,- Tha sutement J r e r i Tdrew a big roar from-the-crowd —fwoliTw bi^im ated between 3JOO and 3,000 tiow have £Trumiin told a Sandpoint crowd yjn, ^ ty hiElsenhower w u a “good general. John Lelser. ■but that u a pollUclan he's no The Texai 1Iwtter thnn Uie other memben of retaining walthe old guard." atorage tanki

He said Adlal Ste\-ea'on, Demo- »ue at a coateraUo-prenldential nominee,-would - <111® Twin 1follow In his footsteps as a "lobby- plans to Insta

Truman added th a t the Republican ond avenue :party would be the 'lobbyUU" for U liSO.the intcrcsta and Is "controlled by ------thB big boys,"............... .................. HAll

fs- ‘'having some fun wlih Repubil- John Olmstecans" on his tour. He declared puMts of MrEl.ienhower's campaign train sign llKcr Mondayshould read ’■lieeh-<mtr-w«*«hbof^ ■ —Instead of "Look ahead, neighbor." E W C T

The President urged election ot *Mr.i. Oracle Pfo.it to congrrM, say-Ins her services are "needed mighty .. Jbad." t (t

pfost-and-otherrldahu .•leaden Joined the Trumarj train a t • y .] i iK rW TToy. M on t. and rode across northern Idaho.

lsaJVl."RoIton Js-y Claimed by Death

A.-ta M organ ^ i t o n , O . 'dled a t n,n,9 ^ h «^Is home B f l ia o - * . m. Wednesday. ^\ retired employe of a rxjad « u lp - ,^irnt firm, he came to Twtn F.1IL1 r .trom Calllom la in lfi38. '

.He was bom July 17, lees. in _ _!>itla.«kl, T e n n , arvl .w u married M MJuly IB. 1838. a t Idaho Falls. Mr. H Bolton was a member of the LDS

Sunlvora Include his widow; seven J oTlUSO* :hlldren. Mr*. Harold ArrinRton,Itobert-Bolton, Rebecca Ann.DoIton. ---------- — .->nd Jam es L.- Bolton, a ll. Twin " ' n f t i l 'Falls; Ray B. Bolton. Juneau, U U 19 'Ma.'<ka: Cecil M. Belton. Oreiron, |nnd Mrs. Harold Bales. Eureka. WwWTn:sllf.; tw o .* la tm ,-M r t, Leona _ -vX at=owan. .Mlasourl. and Mrs. ‘Siclla . U unta.ca Angcleis. in lc lg h t m n t

’ Fw eral afrvlcea Till be held at1:30’ p. m . Saturday in the fourth . . ■ . ■»-ard L oa chapel w ith Bishop J. C.' J - W - t -FYederlckson presiding. Burlnl will . ■ ■ ■ ■» made m S u n u t Memorial park V t ^jn<ler-the-d lreo tion-of-th t_W hite _nortuary. , ' ' ' . ' ' . ratiat tU

________ • ■ _______ J______ _____ ;_____


,^ J jg n EallaJ^eMSJuBirth Focfeft* B«b- A 'da iigh te r-w u bom Wednesday ■ Pete Wen Bl,M aek-Vallcy_llcmorl*l hoipltal- Wettnesday I to Mr aad Mrs. VlrgU Champlis, poUc« coUrt FUer. ’ - of disturbing

P a y a en t Asked ’ _____ ! _____M arriage J J .The Professional Adjustment bu- A xaartlage

rtsu filed suit in JusUce court Wed- by th e cournesday against D. H. Jensen asking G ran t. Eder81S8.59 plu* Interest. co*U and $50 Tw in Falls, attorney fees on a promissory note.J . H. Barnes represents the bureau. 8al« Slated

— •' , ■ O roup flvi'Visit B«laU?es Women's as

Mrs. Lloyd M. Ollkey and two nim m age sala ildren.-B oIse~ iM L -Y isltlag. thU * t 233 Shoih week w ith her parenU, Mr. and Mr*.'A. Z. Robison, and her.tro ther, Sgt. M an Jailed H. P. RobUon. who h u returned R alph Mihome after two yean of aervtce 'a t Wyo.. w u coTU EusUs, Va. Thursday wl

— — _ pay s flM ojReeraller i« T rave l...................................

Recruiting r is lts j to three Magic A rrire . in L Valley towns w e r e announced M n . J . A.,•niursday by MMO Oeorge Walker, rived in Lanavy recruiter. Chief Walker said for by herhe would be available Friday a t the Parish , afteiJemme potlofflce trom 10 until M a«le Vsllc11:30 a . m. A t WendeU postoffice She w u fkrfnxn noon untU 1:30 p, m. and day night.Ooodlng postoffice , from 3 untU 4 -r m — _________________JExsoeWUCfr

Expected I

Open House Tour £fSOT°ir.“i/Tl* -fcT TT PhlLaelphl,,Of Nurses Home Planned by Guild “

PIsni for a tour of the Magic Val- Eeleaaed to ley Memorial hospital nurse* home Bobby Kel were discussed Tuesday .by the ho i- leased to U, i

g tal guild execuUve board, reports for parole ' argaret McAtee. guild president, rested by I Guild members will gather a t 'th e Palm er a t 1

hospital a ssem b iy -ro o m -an p-jn . Ing- to the MoMgy-for the tour. MUi McAtee p a r o l e d Wi u id nur*es are holding open house ano ther car, for guild member* In appreciation of the guild's aid la redecoratUig th e Civil Bolt FI D u n a hom e A civil suK

M n. Carl Harder. Buhl, hospital Johnson agsi bo<rd-fnemberr-»UL-«uUlne.th*-«ld. m ju U n Ju sU contributed' by the giUld and th e collect 8Si.fiO county' commissioners toward' the u th e result redecoration project. The women th e ir cars or who helped to redecorate the nurses Ju n e IB. She lounge will se r\ 'e -u hostesses. Mrs. suddenly to A .-J ; Pe*vey,-Twln Palls, Is tour the accident committee chairman. She will be ley represent assisted by M n, Vem Anderson.Buhl. Mrs. Oeorge Davis. M n. Mil- M arine DUcb (on Powell. Mrs. Clyde SUger. Mrs. s/SgL ' Dor W. M. Peterson. M n. Eugen Shelley w R . f i and Mrs. L. L. Dreckenridge. charged from

A brief buslncH meeting will be a fte r servlns held prior to the beginning of the m onths. Sei tour.— w ith the fir

------------------------ -- K orea from £

Funeral Rites Set For Area Woman rlneMT're!

SKOSHOKE, Oct. 3 — Graveside T rial Change lenlcea fer Mrs. Cleo Meservy, S a l- trial olmon, wUl be held a t the Shoshone w ith selling cemetery al 11 'a jn . Friday under cense, which the direction of the Burdett mortu- v a s ordered ary. LDS eftlclals'-wlll officiate. by District ■; ■' 'M n.'' 'M eiervy ' dItd"'Ui"' flaliiiun’ 1jccause~oI - i Monday, following a long IllneM, She. -Mo^eley.'s^tt waa the daughter of A, M, Anderson, e . Ja . Raj't Shoshone. The body wm be a t the change but Burdoti mortuary from 10 a jn . to .Aaslstont Pi 11 a jn . FWday. Langley.

Surviving besides her father a re _____two aona. LeRoy Me.iervy, W ater- bury. Conn.. and Richard Mescrvy, H n i l S A Salmon: four daughters. Mra. Pearl ■“ • ^ U O C . O em rd . M n. Ruby Nelson. Optil T Meservy' and O am ett Meservy, a ll " J -I Salmon, aix g ran d c h ild ^ and nine BURLEY, ( brothers-ana-elaters. . tcnnlncd~orti

------------ Barlgar's hdit

-Pair-Fined- -.'Ivan Dobbe, 38. Falrlleld. received hrolfo out and

a blMdy nose *md w u sutaequerttly by nelghb<fined .f i s an ^ M cMts for^isturbing. on-thi>.back-ithe peace by . fighting when he ap - the rear wallpeared In police court Thurtday as kiichen. No dthe result of an altercation in th e of th e damagOwl cafe’ early Thursday. T he fire was

Dobbs paid h is fine aa did. his op - and w u oDt b-I>oti«nt.-Jeao-Oafford.--13SH-Maln w tih - th rrr ltr'avenue e u t ' She also w u fined 13B blaie.and »3 costs. City offlcen made,the A t 9:40 a,mA xru ti________ 1.__________ departm ent ai

■■ W est's home 0

Permits Asked S.'.'JSa";T »’0 new building perml'l appl'ica- ‘" '.S S ? '

lions have been filed at the TwinFalla c ity hall, according to Mr*. ” -I5,*.nJohn Lelser, c ity clerk. . - P l a in s

The T e x u company plana to build •retaining walls around lu ga*oUne r»nch two inatorage Unks a t 219 Maxwell ave- Burleynue a t a coat o t tS.OOO. « l » t between- The Twin Palls-Wells ^lage line* firo-w u-dccUplans to Install a 10-by IJ.foot over- _ _______head door-ln4t*-'flatnR^-.t-lM Sec- TT—P - f H 'ond avenue north . Estimated cost

“•“"l------------_._RetuiHAILEY Gt'E.STa

John Olmstead. OrnnKeviiie. were JFUMU of Ntr. nnd Mrs, John Dol- Itgcr Monday and TMerisy.

* Also among piirtlclpann a

Blaacr and Ei

clfie rsllroafl'x Va Sc

S V f f f T^e'i-Crcek. I.

- ^ e r* '* M eneh thing aa aa Idl* Get Ei rumer. They're ait buiy. Globe Seed i

' Twmo In ■ ■

KTFI 1 ^} m 8 l30 p .m . TONIGHT


d o n b l a n d i n g

VfwW 7rav*t*r AiHw •!___ __ *VXQABOMD'i HOUtL*

broacJcoit forX im A

O T F A L L S , H I A H a ' ' .

i e « 8 J n _ B r ie f ^ I ^■ Pete Went! forfeited t3S bond ■ja'^e

W ednesday by failure to appear in IV n T l poUc« court In sn n r tr - to -s chargeof disturbing the r**'‘ i BOT?^. Oc

T--------- ' - W es tC o u mMarriage_L>tens(«___ _____ ___ , ready accqm ;

A marriage license h u been issued peeled to bby th e county clerk to Harold L. rtsllty by ApG ran t. Eden, and Betty. Russell. Ovin HidTw in Falls. Empire and

_____ . acer In BolsSale Slated US. »!<>■ O roup five of the Presbyterian holding up 1 Women's association will hold a airlines oper rummage sale Prldayand Saturday I.a t 233 Shoihoatitr tit.son th .,^ ___ _c o ^ l a ^ u_____ ______________over senlofltjM an Jailed Equlpmi

R alph Madridge. « . Laramie,Wyo„ w u committed to the city Jail Weil C « tThursday when he w u unable to ± ^p V * f l n ; ,o l« O f o rd ^ B in e a a . cow-Pullmw,

A rrive, in L ./L ' 'J t o . J , A. Chrislophenon h u ar-

rived in Los Angele* to be cared JW the ^ 1 ter by her daughUr. M n. Helen Parish , after being releued from Magic Valley Memorial hospluU •

SS J'S.l"”'” “ 'd»y n ig h t to

JExP^ w U e d i T — — —,—...... -avaitin.—The-•Expecud to arrive todayT Tlhe

heme of Mr. and Mr*. SturgeonMcCoy are Ihelr son, C. T. McCoy. c / ‘7 j,aV e dPhiladelphia, and Mr, McCoy's sis- ^ter. Madge McCoy, Lai.aastfr, 0 . dllfennces'w

’Miss McCoy will remala here for .^pri)an Indefinite visit. gcbei

------- New BcheCBeleaMd to Manhsl n-orked out 1

Bobby Keith Rljg* hai been re- nightleaaed to U, S. Marshal £ , M. Evans pullman.for parole violation. H e .w u .a r - The new ac rested by Deputy Sheriff W— ■other-'-roundP alm er a t Evans' request. Accord- Uoije-Rnd-Uing- to th e 'Cierlff.-nigga was on jn j Doiae at.,p a ro T f ro l^ e r get charges and stole - seme -haveanother car, about a rec

- ------- North IdahonCivil Bolt Filed • spend only ti

A civil suit WM flled.by Darlene instead of flJohnson against Charles L. Spack- schedule, andmnw In rmirt W»lni>v1av to Wli- n wnlrt_]collect |S5.fiO In damages pIDs costs Jrom Boise «u th e result ot a collision between g n le West (th e ir cars on Shoshone street e u t uie with conJu n e IB, She claims his car swerved th# changesuddenly to the right and cauaed time, and thithe accident ’ Beckwith and Lang* IMllman-Mos<ley represent Miss Johnson. — —

M arine D U c li a ^ i^ W s l l f d ^S /S gt'D onald K. Taylor, eon of n I

Mrs. W. R. Stevenson, h u been dls- r a C K chorgcd from the U. 8. marine corp.i m r^ A n n a fte r serving three yean and 10 m onths. Sergeant Taylor ser\-ed w ith the first marine-division In K orea from Sept. 15. 1850, to Nov. 4.1951. A t the Umo cf hli discharge, Jhe was o a the Inspector-lnatructor “ V . union Ktnff a t Fre!no,Callf,..tmlnlng ma^ rlne corps reser^'lsts. . ^hlca

TM.1T h e trial ofR o« Moseley, charged ^ ^ 7 c “ n S «

w ith selling liQUor without a U- cense, which was .slated for Monday. “ ™ was ordered continued .-Wednesday J | by District Judge Hujtb A. Baker r . , t ti» . - T i ^ s - r ^ - i h - e . - m n s S - ;o f ; ; o i ^ ^ m ^ i « U cneley.'jjttonitys.£ ..L ,.R w rbcrn.. ore Dremlum- E .M. RajUom argued for the change but was nol ow«Mcd bji medical c ■Assistant Proeecutor WliUam J. ____

More EHouse Damaged Loes

By Burley BlazeBURLEY, Oct. 2—Fire of unde- stock-killing ’

tcrm lncd-ortiln-dam aged-C hftrles ■norUieSat“b r Barlgar's home shortly before noon County Agen Thursday,..Tilt.rcsldcnccjs.locnted norted- todar. in th e MOO block of Oakley avenue.

No one was home when the fire ^ ,broke out aiid the alarm w u sound- V,ed by. nelghbon. The blaze started' on-thc.b ttfk pofch.«nd-clImbed up the rear wall of the ^ulldIng td the loaoa. kitchen. No wtlmsle h u been made o t th e damage.

T he fire was reported a t 11:53 a.m. and w u out by 13:30 p, m. Ten menw tth-thrrrltnes-ofhoie-fougnrthB...........b laie. ------

A t 9:40 a.m. Wednejdav tha r a n i ^departm ent answered a call to Floyd ^ B . l W est's home one mils e u t and three Imiles north ot Declo.-Orcase on thestove United and.setjire lo the c e l l - _____Ing and alllc. Damage w u estimated attSOO. .

A t ’ll.I5 a.m. Wednesday children 1 playing with matches set fire to a | B J baled straw itack at Orant Beck's ranch two miles south and three west of Burley. Damage w u estlniat- ed a t between «1,SOO and *3,000. The ^ ilre .w u.dccU red out a l 10:20 p.m . ____

UrP.-Ofdikers—Return toHomes.

F a lls .‘ were home Thuraday-frera Sun Valley and the conventiorf of Union Pacific Old Timers. - <_The.81iidajin(LM r..and.M r». M , _____W, Henne.v'ey. Kimberly, attended the full three-day convention sched­ule.

Also among the local convention piirtlclpann were Mr*. Benny Link.

Blaacr and Elmer Crawford.N early 1,000 memben from.the 31 —

Old Timers clubs In the Union Pa­cific railroad »yiiem attended, the A festi\Tttp^ Mgh Tghti *‘f r t — ^ the barbecue and square dance a t Trail.Creek. lodge and the annuU M . banquei, ' •_______________________ U m ,

G et more E ll . wlih Basler M uh. ’ l I S Globe Seed A Feed Co._ Adv. ...................


Bb b m - I__

H 3

■ V , 41

AirlineMerge I f g ^j ^ i a i e a - b y - y ^Minor Details

. u she driveBOISE. Oct. 3 MU-The merger of [yjttJe in gul

West C ouaiB T E m ptre Alf lines, al^ something axesdy accomplshed_cn ^oper,- Is ex- Welker grinptcied to become aa operational have alreality by April 1. T uesday.. .

a r m Hicks, vice president of la t, model «Empire and general traffic man- pied chromeager In Boise .under the new set- _ , t u r . . . Hiua lald. today three fac ton were ptaring in *tholding' up an integraUoa of the smaU.-blackairlines' operations: candy bar ■

I, Dlfferencu between the two Hdwege havcouncils of the Airlines PiloU union . c ieriov'efienloflty, ' ' • 'store s&etch

3. Equipment differences between h a t fo r pr the p la n e i owned by Empire and. parking metWeit C ou t. a t Commerci

3, Lack Of n igh t lighting a t Mos- . Mscow-Pullman. ' noylng f ly . .

..u, * h, SS-””"•aid, th e two lines will conUoue lo * ____n y the ssme roQtes u they did before tha merger went Into effect.Hicks aald this would take unUl

Re u i d a hearing I4, scheduled T y i . AIn Chicago Oct, 37 for the pilots . ^union to work out the seniority , ^ '■ fl-ratlnga-of the pUoU on the merged - I y i i-•yilem.-The-7 ilois-bld-«n~vtrtou* — * J -L 3 ± 'night* on the b u ls of seniority. , ,

Planes owned by Empire and West .v c o u t have different types of radioequipment,.dash paneU and other 1differences which wlU be m tde uni- ‘J;, ‘ fonn by -April 1, Hicks said, ,

Scbedule. HinderedNew schedules also cannot be f.^®“

n-orked out untU It is poMlble to . ,make night landings a t Moscow- «« “ 'f . 'Pullman. . received tne

The new acheduJe wUl Include ari- P'*"®■other-»’TOund-trip—fligh t—hetiween passing nveriBoUe-and-Uwlston. he sa ld,T eav B i ^ , ins Doiae s t J : l l p . m.-eemo Have'complained, he said, however, anc

about a recent change enabIWi ‘n®North Idahoans flying to Boise to Arbuckle lispend only two and one-half hours piece Beech<instead of flve^ u under the, old and silver ccschedule, and return the same day. -------

Boise w is n « e ss^* * to "^ 'le ^ 4 J J f l t i C g n le West Cout-Em plre 's sched- m J . . uie with connecting airlines since A r U l the change from daylight-saving Ume, and the Inability to land at IMllman-Moscow after dark. m ln l iw s ol

- ■ . cpunlrics weit t r I f A P n / r , ' day to be plaW«l»outof-Meat ^

Packers Averted Js'S'JrlCHICAOO. O c t 3 A}V—Armour and v.-.'y and Icel

conpany averted a strike fit 13 ot Its j^ue beforeP(K):lnK_ptanta today by extending Nations sisstIts oid contract with the AFL Amal- in New York ganated M n t Cutlers while negotl- n ^ as beatlng a new one. - • proposals foil

The union, representing about jcan auggejtl'

outside Chicago, had threatened to t,y naming ni strike inte yesterday If the old con- in tlie Korea trort w oj not extended, palrlallon of

Tha contract explre<rraJl"AiiB.-ll. ____and the employes have been without W p r * a ccntracl while negotiations were I J X i l C G I being conducled on a new one. . - m —E arl-Jlnierson.-iininn-pr«tldflnt. — | n _ | < i l said m ajor 1huc.» In the negotiations are premlum-pfty-for-eaturday-wofk —Et-MANTI and Innannce for -lugritU lattoa -M licemta-hi aad medical cate. '

More^Halogeton_“ crJS,.^ Lo“cated in State

AifEIUCAN PALLS,.Oct 2 W - He was found A new Infe.itatlon of halogetoo, tlie clde. stock-J^im g wee^. h as been located _ n iih a r a 33 horUicoat or'Ameilcan FallsTPoucr pu .-to 'Rico County Agent SUrllng Schow re- here Dec 3#’p o r t e d - t o d a y , ------------ --- — ment w lth 'U

Schow said control measures ore porently ,w u being undertaken, in -cooperation tempting to w ith th e Union Pacific railroad money whenalong whose route the deadly plant ___ _ = ------w u foaod. ~ ~ READ TIM E

F i r e s to n eF U l l S IZ E ____

- - B T c y C L E'17 47.95

. . . ' " < :U S T O }I B R S A T I S F

A venue.South —

" 7 ' ' ' ' T H U R S D A T . 0

Seen Today 1Fellow on top of ladder p a irin g

aeon sign-OfJOOP. hall. .,.„5yom- • . p an driver a«Uag'<juite unconcerned ' ' J J Y u 's h e drives Oate model car over J ~bottle in gu U o '.. .M a n ' mumbling a pragram something about Y w kee*.. , Ous Uonal Ne«-jp. Kelker grinning ancV a n n o y in g w.a. -featurec he-U have all his teeth pulled nexl Thursday noc Tuesday. . . Entire rlght_*lde. ot the Kiwacls , late model car caved In. ....Crum- Th#,..n t . pled chrome strip from auto lying m o t ^ l ^ t t e r . . . HUIoween jlecoraUonsap- pearing in store dlspUy.wlndows. . . [?*8^ U . black pup inlfflng discarded *'n S dy bar wifapW- • • « » • Arnold Hdwcge having trouble with smaU ne ' w n . , . Clerk in womens,clothing 'S ^ 'i& e tc h ln g -ln lo wlndo* to get h a r^ ^ n it ' h a t fo r prospecUve customer. . .Parking meter in front of Chamberof Commerce offlee bent a t peculiarangle.'. . Man In car balling at an- Wddle prenoylng f ly . . . And overheard: “Oh, readership «write something about the ball wmlc pate,Bame “ *ro'’t Pi* pointed out

Plane Missing'In-Area, With

_3JMen Aboard(rnai P»*t o»i) commission 1

operating the search planes were Is enUUed tonot immediaUly available. he declared.

K arl R. Lpwla, state patrolman should prolesa t-Ihe port of entry sUtlon south itMlons are <of Hollister, was of the opinion the Following Isearch should be shifted e u t of the ben. odopiechighway. • appreciation

He said th a t shortly before he given KIwanIreceived the report of the'missing News, Saltplane from Burley he'heard a plane Deseret New pawing <^verhead.ta,the m rCiHQa-nl -AocompanjBuclty, McCormick,

H e la ld he did not see the craft, of the Dehowever, and could not be lure It They werew u the missing plane, Dfa.iheu, lo

Arbuckle listed the plane u four- Brown w u -place Beechcratt Bonanza of red the day..u L a.!j!v crc o ter._ ,. I n n .

— I----------TX — 1 members, All

■ ^ ' N a t i o n s i l C M ^ t c . . yofqu i^^^ 's

Truce Proposals a tra n s fe r^OSJX). Norway. OcL 3 (tFJ^Forelgn - y i

ministers of the.four Scandinavian 1 . | - |L F < cpunlrics were reported reliably to- w V /JL f da'y to be planning discussions on an -m r i American proposal fo r'end ing 'the • V A Korean war. . -v n .

Informed quarters said the foreign 'vn ministers of Sweden, Denmark, Nor- vrty and Iceland will confer on the ^ J f n>nnh issue before leaving for th* United Nations assfcmbly'session, opening in New York U tir thi* month.

I t w u believed here the U. 8 . , , ^ ^ 01 proposals followed an earlier Amer- - „ _ n lean auggejtlon a t Panmunjom th a tTn rB enoioK tB ' tn ie t u u u Pi'a i tga- “ “ ie« thby naming naUons not partlclpaUng national ad In tlie Korean war to supervise re- affajr* hand palrlaUon of U, N.-held prisoners.-, ministration

dfficer Sentenced —In-Bithorn-Deflth inr^«ra—ElrMANTB,-Mexl0OrO«lra-«>)—A-

O hIhg#O uM ‘M B » sfip lh fm ilU !* 5 8 ^ ^ 5 2Pioneer baseball league In IMl.' _ J J n S n ln g . '—TOJge Aurcllano Acuara sentenced Fit>m 1044 the policeman. Ambroaalo Cutillo per cen t of o Cano, to eight yean in state prison. "maladmlnU;He w u found guilty of simple homi- acceptance, ccide. tivlty by VA_D Ithara..3S,.ft native.of.8an.Juan. J___ _ . . ------Puerto 'Rico, w u shot and killed 'n iRhere Dec. 39, 1051, during an a rgu. BOISE,.Ocment w lth 'th e policeman. Ife ap- case* wereporently ,w u stranded, and w u a t- health depatempting to sell hU car to raise the year’s umoney when he w u arrested. a woman, '4__- • Sandpoint, JREAD TIMES-NEWS WANT AD8,^cow.— —

I y o i T can^1 — A B R A N Ii NEW

E _ I 0 l e

___________ K l x j j u j l sJ

I j L o j^ o iro y y o i w T (I& C h rJifrn o i bl

_ -------- w hi/o o u f leffli'____ I h . g reo fc i

—— —


' In c h d H T H e P U R

• • - p u i c t


[)uth - ....., -------. -

_ _ _ _ _ _ / ^ I ' _ • . . .

i1 f W i ® •

I jtedat Sale

5 sgS.'5““;i> "OMgSSt P«BM; “ x r -1 :,i iT r ti .

^PirHn* eemp»fir. 3* .

r. BrUl «>a com-■S,?I)»rtl O-HiiTow.

' S wmpaW. 31

! f'^: Win !>«»»«• i 5. ^ PiilM company, 23 I 5 JltCoy,Jil»l'o PaeUnj I . f l ^ : BUI Slonemet*.

ri PitUM company. 2S I

2 S .0 4 etnu: FTttJ Me-1 pifUnf compsny. 31 I

'. aoBcfflets. Ctrl Wocler,- \ z rifllWcCoyi John Pence. - I - D«n)thy Brown, I: I .M rrmpiny. M ct'na. •

J o is t ind buyers snd i ^ „ n Q nu M«I, I \ «4 UolTiC. r t « n u ; I ] WB. Buhl. AlbcrUon-* - ‘ ^ «n ti: DUl Bon. J

Piler, Albertson's ■* ar tf eenti:“ Ronnls f Atm o . Jenlclnj Chev- ^ c e j i t i r A S irW flU r “ Bit 's ide' M irtet. 35 •

artte Br»nn, FUer, Km*

•vT.t, TTcln Fnlli. Aimour uy, a eenu; Toniniy _ nta independent _ e ^ , jJHicenU; Cwl j , I dependent Paeklag H ceata:' Mlko Tejon, pwri>nt Packing com- «ti: Wayne ^aiih . In - jj pKilng conlpany. 35

J P l tr c e ^ I tr , Idaho j,i e w r^ rJ fn W - reHdUbben. Filer. Coaat „ cpiay. J3'V cenu: Gary ir, eaXeway slote*. 36 jj,

tsBa cwla; Sally Thomp- g« la] tsmpany. 35 eenu; di Rri, Idaho Department u, t x Hoy Smith, Burley, pi War compflnr. MH «[ I iUfn. Burley. Indc- ,*!ftsinpnnrr3«-cnrtsr wI* Independent pack- *;


- « n U : tnX ' Independent <

lOM ornw u'«< *pn Fall*. Annour m i cents; Helen t. U, 8. m irlntVUbum Hodgci, tnures. 3S cents; s{,Uow>r company, cot Dean. Armour atm cent; Joan ticiepondeoUPaek-. —cents. pn-Bulil.-Safaway let

Darrell Sweet, pocompany,' 35W pe

. Rogerson lioiel. coI Durfee. Almo, 'mpaoy,.M eenu ; qunberly. S terlbg exM cents. mlnbcrly, Indepen- po)any, 34W cenU; m:mo. Drive Way itaTTftrrcrinprarfl; ~Dclmas Beaver. T

icUng company, x!«Mdla. Paul, Bill — ; Darrell Sweet,

34!i cents; .8ateway_jto7e3.Tiylor, Almo. in - M: companj-. 34H toleet, Swift and PfU. M :l(t and company,.Taylor. Albert- fa

S3'j cents; Kaye In.In Falls Livestock C< iaa}v,30- cents:ffw y storci, 35 berhflilrOem-atatc M:

30 ecntij Ann Ci nt Pftcklng com-Phllip McIntyTe. M28 cenLs. «nd-Uo dg

Slated_ * t DeathOct-2«^-A nln- qu tonlRht Into 'the fli

W e Lup-erTSi: nc Cromwell said. Hi and killed early , , ^ Ig ja n ^ h u n ^ g ^

. ot OratiKcvllIe. “ trlft Bud Taylor slh ^of the BC

Arnold HawklM, in tho leg while h butt* lookout r. Ills condition 1’ at a Orange-

■ fourth

_ce Note Sxpiosion I"l^DcUe pcUc« i

'C.iecond home. • lan wlihln a week i •>omlng;------------1■ hsmb w u made I

li t h t u a , Vj» I

J - " ' ...... •'

, 2,^ 'l952 -

r - - - —[s" i l ie ,,lode-cenu;|rWny7oT>

eom> for kr BUI id HI


us. 91 In*


Pack- ] 0-- ndent Fred

irrow,:ents;cklngsftB .



Kier.- B h i ' I t / W W I i i M M l l H i'ence. ■ rovn,

m"i, fat i t « k aala m o r d WcdocKUy wh enu; ? a n iiu « i U>e u lm a l fo r tb o T w ia l aon'* --------- :--------- :------ ".— "

2 Prober Says II-M any in FilmT

Industry RedTiour L o g - - ^ o E i i s ; Cttiu.. Oct. a m"J” ' - A member of tho house commlttefl

on un-American actlviUe* w ld to- day the Investigating body’s Illcs contain the nam es of 300. to 400

:gan, .,[^p-, movie maker# and Hollywood star* beUeved to bo communists or fellow tnvvelem,

• " Hep. Donald Jackson. R-. CallfH daho here for the committee's public In-

Tcstlgatfon of red InflltmUon Into -oast gouthem Callfomlft entertainm ent

and profcMlonal circles, told a lun- Jj " cheon yesterday:

cHW . "Cammuniats knew. UUkl lo f iiU l;klng js f jy hamlet from Podunk to T an-’mp- ganylka and the sm allest film fan ■enls; dub. tha t motion pleturcti werement their best medium for propagandairlcy- purposes and they w ent rtgh t toMH work on 1C' ,ndc- , Jackson did no l identify any oftn tt r Uii r t « rMru ~oi"say if m ey uuuld- -'ack- appear a t tho committee’s hearings

idcnl • He lald the communUta used the “ •prcsUgft". pf the Hollywood aam ei j,

nour and aLio received money from them. >' lelen i i Attorneys Dodge ^irlne Committee membera wound up v ages, two days of quesilonlns j i Rroup of ^ rnts; attofncyj yesterday Jn ft .try to un* « lany, cover n red cell of lawyers. Eighteen nour attorneys refused to answer ques- ^ Joan tlons about their political beliefs. >, 'aek*. _ I h B _ 18_atto tncj-a_ lo ll0ffed_the_ jj

pattern set Monday when alx col* ^ sway ]eaAUos-aUo-rcfusc<l_ta_itatc_thclr..« weet, political beliefs nnd engaged In re- - MW pented and healed exchanges with

loiel. commlttec membtni. ilmo. The committee brlcHy considered 1«la i i i qut«lonlng..tha-fl{tofBeyf_jn_s<'«-rt f trlb g executive «e.«ion b u t changed lU

mind when .eoun.iel fo r the sub- a' pen- poenned lawyers protested the com- b enu; mlttee “no longer dared to carry out o Way Its lawle.is purposes In the open." n rarfl;~7 -........................... -

S Hagerman People h

«S Travel, Entertain"(«3 . HAQEHMAN. Oct. 3 — Mr. and •: in - MrsTRalph M iller le ft Wednesday ,- ’34H to v ljlt their daughter, Mr*. Robert and Pearson, and family a t Hillsdale, ^

Mich.-, nnd relaUvos In Iowa. jany, Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue and Bert- family. Santaynei:. CaU f, are ^ I t - Kaye Ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. w . jjitock CondlL............... ..... .........................^ f(ents: Alnnon I 'e Roy Butt*, who h u ^ », 35 been vlslUn^ .his partm tJ, Mr. and 3tate M S.-tniudo-ButU,-ha*-T«tumedJo. - Ann Craig airforce ba*e. Selma. Ala. com- Robert 5. Haycc«lt. »on of Mr. and - il>Te. Mrs. Joseph Haycock, left Wednes- j , 1-Uo da? for lyiumbus. O - after vUltlng j ,

Mr. and Mr*. R um Vedder. ForitS el

i Wash.. visited Mra. Mary Frailer c. Wednesday. ^

th Inquest Planned rPOOATEUXJ. OoL.3 ^ A » In-

n In- quest wa* planhed today In tho u»i*) 'the flc death of Ouy Bnyder, «1. Bm * r s i : nock-caunty-cu tuner Ar th u r -^ - lid. Hall aald. w ,early Shyder wa* struck a week ^

rvllle. ■ ■

^kltu. ■ S ^ ^ S S E )—while ' ; ^jkoutIttlon - -tnge- -

3Urth . '

^ m - l __ ' y TO

made ' ^ K I ^ ^ 3 u ffnied iB * ^ ^ g W r - ' -ubon ' '

Mtf/'-In a ^ ^ ■ i V h L

O l E N W O - R r o l S n t U l l l f c S f *

- .....— ------------------------------------------- --

YontS CcVs R eco rd ; — --------------------------- ' . ' • r {■■ - • . •...................

w |F ‘

■4«Md^-<n>-D*mU-&wt«irH|bir4;r-M«ita-l^ lay when It wa* sold- for SO ccnt« » poand. Twin Falb Btnk aod Trus t company. (St»l

r------ - -------------- 1 ^Fair Warning

„ DALUS. Oct. 2 m - I t b m o il ~J __ -Impnrtsnt nn nny tu rn oTer_ _

a test paper .for a qul*. tmtll- • :>r1 >lven the tUnal. SMU freshm en - . U .were told Wednesday.,

Then Cfiemuuy Prcl. Ogden a w Balnc law a boy do-Just thaL Ittee - Balne-lcetured the boy- a t

W- length on tha unfalmcM o f 'o n e . flies student seeing the question be-

fore the olhcr*.----------vood ..Qei ready-get set." Balne •» or ,t*ld.

He whipped out a pistol and fired a t th# boy he had >een

= lecluflng. .Btpreastonlew. ho looked a t

nent the boy and told the atarUed *“" • class:

-I was using a blank th a tc io r ------ ----------------------- -- -ran- ’ , ' '

«« Wife of D ea n ) Thinks R e d s ing* -H o ld iio g^ M a i-

the sfjlKELEy, C alif, Oct. 3 UV- * ’«• M «. William P. Deim. saddened by lem. the "long alienee" from a commu­

nist compound where her general "P husband Li held prisoner, said today

P she doubted that he. or any prison­i n ' er, was getting maJL

Mrs. Dean, whose hw band waa awarded the congre.«!onal medal of

'• honor after he wa* captured while -“ 1®- Il8hUng-al«ig~»lde_hU_tr6opa_ln.« * August, 1050, said she haa had no

word Irom h lo In-wven months. _ _ Kith Lvag Slleoee

- I t has been Just one big long *1* ered lence-no word a t all," Mrs. Dean 'cret fiOld>

mb- a t le u t once a month, b u t I don't om- bcllcre ho or any of the (UJJ.) prls- out oners with him are getting the

u" mail.-— —Mrs, Dean said a t har-htaaeJierB.

ahe likewise haa had -no word-from-C her hujband from any other aourtes • since the received three lette rs l is t i n Feb. 31.

Arm r lose* CooUet . ..Bho BBld.lhe.^Penuieqn_ln 'Wa.ih- li'gton has been unable lo Rlvolier

, j , any Information on the general, In- • dlcallng the army also has lost con-

j tac t wllh him. - - ----- •1 ,, Dean, commander of th e 0 . S.

w 34lh division, Waa captured Aug. 35,' ” ■ 19M, after roaming the K orean hills y .., for-aame-20,daya^wlthout food to

elude the communists,

- — C l a s s e s - H e l d ----------and - k f t c HOM. Oct. 3 -M rs . Thomas UM- Jacobs. Mr*. Babert Jonaa and Mra. ting John Sabala aro aaiiLiUng the Rev.

F^thM-T*. A^Jleei'an.ffljQfltetftwrn- 'fit*, cluises which are being held a t the ■“ « ’ Catholic rectory here every Tuea-

day aftemecn. T hirty grade school .. chUdrtiufxe-enTolled.______

In . D r. E . D onovnn M a tts o n raf* C hiropractic P h v s M a n ■ lan* o t t j c k I io u h s

—— B-tA n -nfi g tq y lies. WtC. m . Xrm br AppalolalMC

ago t a Ho. Uaeoln rM n» 1» me* JEBOHE.IDAnO

— A n -d ld . _ K entucky T rad itio n

/^K E N T U C K Y ^ ^ T R A I G H T | r 7 W(IT n^uin - '

^^COAVPAKKj ^ I O U l.S V aL E . K lf ._


rd Price lor Ste^,l(

,« t. 1 T -U V.ll. S.U OTtW ind. Rftbrrt Blaitock. lell, Twla Falla,

(St»ff-phD lo.CBiT>Ttnii________ , wll= ^ = = ^ ^ = = = = » ^ an— I RSAD TBIES-NEWS WANT APB. (8i

<n —

til ^

■ 1 — ^ 'H ■■ ;l

H V 'I M

^by ^ | i | y | i | U | M y i i ^ Q

day K J U U m m | l J A J l | l U a | ^

was W 1 V i1 iy i ly 4 l^ K ( |j |21 of ■ranrsnHh iie H U I I U L W

°° l l l l l B g ^H b b M U mi H g




Ira. V V H n Bt

im - ^ ^ ^ ■ 1 —the



CoP e r t n e H o t e l B n l l d i r

'<• B b h w b w b w w


^ , ( J r a n d ^ ^

11*, Bill BoDnleh»«n. left. Filer, and Ko| . w ia g o i^ e h u n ^ I,MO-pegiu» pe

DB. (8Uff pheto-cngtaTlni>______________

> R T ^ A Y “ N I G J ^ T

ordnel Jer ; ^ - F p i-E - J O X A a N :P SVBl

n i l d i n f f ; - .

lion Bought by Stdn


_ W --]

a ^ K ^ n ^ lM m a d r & M ^ ^ ^ a ib u c k T a & i : rieer p'oreliMd by R u u M stf a t WedaeMbT*! <ir U was JuJgem he 1 i l p — d al>aai»l«»a -« t

■ ■ r ' W A T E R P R O O F

■ I b U S T P R O O F

I K S H O C K - R E S I S T A N T

h o e x i

HIT U N T 1 1 ^ . 0 0 p . I

ewelers.'■ S V B I N C E - W ? 3 -

)tdre -1



rS aaUl




, « n

« 1pro


u dC afiJT cS tlW nrT tO T rm iiiijF rr^ — idaeadjtft 4-H, FPA fa t aiork •»)«: The

.« «h. TSrtn W.ll. fair. [ | >

>lart*4 M ikew •■>

______■ cobo' n c t ’j f- •^___= .B . S n c ^ 4 n d J

■ Pleaaeaendnie| . ' — L . _ i ^ A : i r j n E d a r ^I , O l / -O A / O l i ■ « r te' W . . W . - W - HAMB ---- r -----------• .'.ADDRSSS _ .

•' .Twin FaUs I STL*-p h b b b b h Ib ^SS^B^®

-■ ’ . . ■ '•t •'

----- -------------- PAGE THBEB_______________ - -

; LiberalPaityrj-^

in Jap BallotTOKTO. Oet. a m - Prtm lw -

‘ S h f g e r t l TaaWdaY coMemtfr** thinking U berai party waa retanud • - to power today by an aralaneh* of consenraUve. The eommunUtt were shut out wllbo^il a alngle seat ^In Japan'a new paxUcnent.'

More than ISO wartime leaden H purged by Oen. Douglas UacArthur

n»de Into tha lower- houia of Ih* d iet en the conserraUve UndsUdv ’ emphaxln^ Japan'a erowl&g aw ar^ flew cf the Btnlel thresL

lloli MajorllyFinal but unofficial Ubulatlon* {f

i cave the llberala 240 »e»U. 4S-le»-------; than they had In the last diet, but

aUU a wotting majority ltt tb e -4« . , ' aeat house.

The progresslres. whbee pollcia*'glAt>1» fQllnw thnA. nf th« irhinU ,____had B5 aeala. the right wlnv loclai*1st* .57 and the left wing ooclallst*M. O ther votea w e re tcattered ' among IndependenU and splinterparties. .........

101 Bed Aiplnuii* ' . 'The communlat* put 107 candi­

dates In the field, pedlctthg they «vuM Impnrre on ths 23 «e*U they had in the laat diet. They did not

i " In big city area* cu t Into, the leadS of liberal* had built up la the rural^ province*.

» 0« t more K gn with Segler Haifti,^ Qlebe Seed « Feed Co. Adf.

I " j J o r s T s h o e i n ^^ y t r f l r i t da** work X • i l --------:----- Phcoa Bt4*B____ — t —_ 1?•-----h-h-Mmtn~—i—* - --------JM i K lib lw lf'R oad— I -------E. ) | Twin Fall> ............ Trt«>« ^

■ i j H

isT jn f E U B a .T w iN .r A L U .d lln d $ — — — d o » » p « jn u a t . . i .iw t B r»1T -3»w a m tatpfw f-w *«eh-=-— ^ S ^ r ie * of only tt9J»-plua t a t . I . J^ ^ ^ S te n c e ^ .O O - * « e U tu _ . ■ ■ ■ . .

_____________— I ■ ■■— '■ . .'.CSS — " ' i -------- '■ - ■ • 7 -

• - - : - • .-gtafa-- ------- R ir yew.AccounU. .Employed — .,■ / P • ■ a g ? ------:-------- ------- -— — ' • '

™ s d a y , o c i o i ^ - W -

“ “P l e « e r e t iZ Z r r '* ' ' '^ Kfourth

known u

h»< J-iufc«dM S S i i W I ^

T^e rour nifa. h».«u W:re fltlcd * ia ” P « * « c p l 2 J ^ * 2 ntcks »nd Uie from under

_ Mr. VJihon tJasrt J h

»>a«.bly »ince . But they

fne muf(}er of b o th - * f 5 ® L* » v e « t r u c k m i 7 2 ? 5 ' Ko lU i t people, • - • 2 r

^«Vfnh«ltsx. (omi - 'W P»pers. In roimraiT ^o r x a n i r t d - i n a - n i t i S ^ e ^

coKiMlce U

U tr ts untble ■ ■ . » * ’! I « P l t buit^e el*cirle chair J ? » $ a p o u p of c ltuen j lat« WUlIam 2 k S ? « 2 » £ c l U « n v“ «J action ot Tu a a .^ !^ '

__ r t V E D - ^ ^ ^ ^SHOSHONE. Oci r » »

quilt. traa-,ient. » u [ Z M S ; M c o iu Mond»y br P w e -P ra n fc - Dice o a T B ** IntoxkiUoii. DolfluS l ® * " to pay the f i n e t n a i i i ^ W j In the county jiU.

— D r r J r C r H a a i g ^ _ O j t e o p o t f t ( e M ^ ^

9 to U - u i i J . J t a j B j s WcdsakUr t> n W TaVH _ ,T w i .r ^ i4 4 , '^ tb e

1 1le fuel- M


MJ B — . - U i g — J t t ;


f ' ' f AGE.FOMt .

i- ■ , r ' E J t ‘ i r r « . ; ; K > K S J s i s - ^ ’^ , w mI i:nu»^ cl«M m U B.I1W *>>*111, l l l l . « , l ^ »<irt hAVe «] aftk* In l ^ . r t l k l4tlM. a»4<r U* *<t •( Ktnk I. ]III. of dr>'

. r e « ! l i l S ! f f l “A * , W . v * , c , S T k ^i*r u>. BMiu -.------------- — ; }•»» x rea

■■ ^ n r M A 1 L -P A T A B L I IN ADVANCB

\ Wllkli I4*k. tU ZUt CMUr. !««••«•< , , T mI iij • — \ ^ 5 m i" ? ? - ' • ^" . ^ p ||U »i __________ - , JJ,

f t , r .4 . r lM»« cl IkU ftM r punu.iil I» S.c. W-IOI M»h<. Cad*.- ~ ' y l^T tnN il pr,nimr.UTIiftV U »«y- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w B « T -ii0t . L t0A T c o . r i f j c . . e n b o w t

_________« :i H«rfcW BU»«1. lUn rnatlK ». Ct»f. WhlCti• “ a n d i r

B L O O D S P I L L E D I N K O R E A T o tc n : ■ " W h e r e . " O t o r g e W a s h l n K t o n o n c e n a k e d ,

I " I s t h e m a n t o b e f o u n d w h o w i s h e s t o r e -I m a i n I n d e b t e d f o r t h o d e t e n s e o f h i s o w n s e c o n d

p e r s o n a n d p r o p e r t y t o t h e e x e r t i o n , t h e n e n b i ab r a v e r y a n d t h e b l o o d o f o t h e r s , w i t h o u t f c r a e r

[ I t n n i f i n y y o n » m t n o f f o r t t o r e p a y t h e d e b t o fI h o n o r a n d g r a t i t u d e ? " B c s i

‘ T h a t ' s a q u e s t i o n e v e r y c i v i l i a n s h o u l d a s k « p « « c h, h i m s e l f e v e r y d a y h i s c o u n t r y I s e n g a g e d I n h e a i u ; a n y . w a r . P a r t i c u l a r l y l a I t a q u e s t i o n t o b e t a v M Oj

I I a s k e d i n t h i s t i m e o f t h e " f o r g o t t e n w a r " I n, 1 K o r e a . , U u i u ' ».

1 T h o K o r e a n w a r I s a b r u t a l , b l o o d y b u s l - t t i e r uI : n e s s , b u t b e c a u s e I t h a a b e e n l i m i t e d i n , JI B C b p e , c i v i l i a n s h e r e a t h o m e h a v . e a u f f e r e d “ I : T ^ n t h l n y w n r t h m g n t t n n t n g I n t h a W f tT . o f

1 m a t t r l a l . d e p r i v a t i o n . " H a v e y o u c v e r T H a H n S ' T h o w e r ii i— t h e - c o u r s e - o ' f t h e K o r e a n w a r , a s k e d f o r e o n f e r e : •— r o n i t f t l i l n g a t a s t O i e o n i y - f a b e f o l d b r t h e -

I: c l e r k , " D o n ’t y o u k n o w t h e r e ’s a w a r o n ? " “ ™T o o m a n y o f u s a r e u n a w a r e o r f o r g e t f u l j t n s e r i M

: ' o f t h e t e r r i b l e t h i n g s o u r ^ o u n g f i g h t i n g m e n “ k i s <3iI. a r e g o i n g t h r o u g h o n t h e s h e l l - r i p p e d K o r - t i u t co i

1 _ _ _ > n n h i l l s . W a n e e d t o b f t r e m i n d e d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _§ u c h a r e m i n d e r c o m e s - f r o m t h e d e p a r t - t o m i t

m e n t o f d e f e n s e , t h e R « d C r o s s a n d t h e f e d - ■ m m ce r a l c i v i l d e f e n s e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . T h e y a r e - i m d e q i

- t h e o r g a n l M t l o n s o p e r a t i n g t h e n a t i o n a l 5 ? ^*?ll b l o o d p r o g r a m f o r t h e b e n e j ; i t o f o u r w a r

. w o u n d e d , t h e s i c k a n d I n j u r e d c l v U i a n a h e r eI a t h o m e , a n d t o b u i l d a p l a s m a r e s e r v e f o r d n b e

u s e I n e v e n t o f a f u t u r e n a t i o n a l e i i i e r -

■ n a t i o n a l b l o o d p r o g r a m k n o w s b e t t e r J "t h a n a n y o f u s t h e v a l u e o f b l o o d I n t r e a t - m f t o t n I n g t h e s i c k a n d I n j u r e d . B e c o u s e o f - ^ h l n v r * » i 5 m u a• h m i l d - h e e d I t s p l e a t h a t t h e A m e r i c a n p e o - * p ] e b e c o m e n o t J u s t o n e - s h o t d o n o r s b u t

* “ r e g u l a r " g i v e r s — r e g u l a r l i k e p a y i n g t h e r e n t j o « i « n iI f t r f f i f t w i n g t h w v f l M n / » f l n l f t r l l l c ^ g o i n g t o . jm U lD iI . t h e m o v i e s e v e r y c o u p l e o f w e e k s o r p l a y i n g t o u a w e, g o l f e v e r y S a t u r d a y . • • , i * ij F o r r e m e m b e r t h e r e a r e a b u n c h o f g u j s T h ^

• i n K o r e a w h o - w o u l d g i v e t h e i r i m p e r i l e d q u e n t l y n e c k a t o b e h o m e p a y i n g t h e t e n t o r m o v r t n g t n d o n i; t h e y a r d . T o « a y n o t h i n g o f p l a y i n g g o l f o r -

— t a k i n j t i \ e i r g l r i s t o t h e m o v l e s . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tm d e ? ” '. . Q e o r g s . W a s h i n g t o n d i d n ' t k n o w a b l o o d nir-na

I t r a n s f u s i o n f r o m a c h e r r y t r e e . B u t w h e n r t e « < ) t>: h e m e n t i o n e d " t h o b l o o d o f o t h e r s " o s a " i k e "

• 1 t h i n g w e s h o u l d n o t r e m a i n I n d e b t e d f o r , h oI | i ' s e e m s a l m o s t t o h a v e b e e n s p e a k i n g w i t h ^ , 4 " ^I I f o r e k n o w l e d g e o f t h e s e a u t u m n d a y s I n 1 9 6 2 . « t , e n h i

: “ C A T C H ” T O S O L ^ O N T n m: I n t h e i r s e a r c h f o r a n e w f o r e i g n p o l i c y ,

I s s u e o r f o r m u l a t h a t w o u l d h a . v e g r e a t p o p u - — l a r - a p p e a l a n d - w l n - t h e m - m a n y v o t e s , - R e - - - c e m T " n

n p u b l i c a n s t r a t e g i s t s a n d a d v i s e r s t o O e n e r a l H e n a E l s e n h o w e r h & T e ^ b e e n l i s t e n i n g t o a n y s u g - a u s u g e s t l o n t h a t s e e m e d t o m a k e s e n s e , a s w e l l

. « a l o t t h a t d i d n ’t . '_ _ _ R e c e n t l y a n " e x p e r t " c a m e i n w i t h a p l o n - - c h t a n r iI ■ t o ' e n d t h e K o r e a n ' w a r I t l o o k e d a s t h o u g h u o n s o t

I t h a d e v e r y t h i n g , i n b r i e f t h ® p l o n w a s t h i s : / h # iI L e t ’s a n n o u n c e t h a t w e a r e p u l l i n g o u r

t r o o p s o u t o f K o r e a . I f t h o U n i t e d S t a t e s j , o t i k c o — p u U e a " o u t , " f t i r t h e o t h e r U n i t e d N a t i o n s p r o e ln im

w o u l d a l s o p u l l o u t , c o n v i n c e d t h a t i t w a s , t i o n a l p s h o p e l e s s w a r t h a t n o b o d y c o u l d w i n . A n - “

n o u n c e m e n t o f t h e d e c i s i o n t o p u l l o u t , ^ , ' h o w e v e r , w o u l d b e m a d e i n s u c h f o r m ' t h a t t h s ' i j n i i

_ _ I t w o u l d . n o t b e . a . c o m p l e t e s i i r r e n d e r . _ _ . . f « t i o n j. I t w o u l d b o a c c o m p a n i e d b y a s t a t e m e n t '

t h a t I f t h e N o r t h K o r e a n s o r t h o M a n c h u r i a n s , o r t h e C h i n e s e C o m m u n i s t s o r t h e R u s s l o n s h » d .< i im

a d v a n c e d o n e I n c h b e l o w t h e p r e s e n t b a t t l e h e e x p « l i n e , t h e U . 3 . w o u l d d r o p t h e a t o m i c b o m b no n P e k i n g , M o s c o w a n d / o r a n y o t h e r d c s l g -

• n a t c d c o m m u n i s t - b l o c c i t i e s , - •I t w a s f i g u r e d t h i s w o u l d b e a b r a k e t o s o u t l i J

p r e v e r i t ' a h y f i i H h ' e r a g g r q s s l o n a n y p l a c e I n h r r e . S e t h o w o r i d . • _ ' . f t i u w e r

T h e ' p l a n ' s o u n d e d s o g o o d t h a t s o m e o f t h o ’p e o p l e w h o h e a r d I t w a n t e d t o t r y t o s e l l i t

! t h e m a r r w h o ' h a l l - t h o u g h r i t ' u p - j n s r s m l l B d ' i J I a n d s a i d t h e y s h o u l d n ’ t d o t h a t , b e c a u s e

I . ' . . m a d e I t u n w o r k a b l e . . . ■ ,. ' ^ ^i M a y b e t h e r e a d e r w o u l d l i k e t o s t o p h e r e

, : a n d t r y t o f i g u r e ' o u t f o r h i m s e l f w h a t t h a t : | ] c a t c h I s , b e f o r e r e a d i n g t h e n e x t p a r a g r a p h , u m i y ’ a j j : - ‘XTie - c a t c h - t s t h a t t o a n n o u n c B t h l s - p l a n - a a - - i t o p p i j t i j t i : [ y . S i “ p o l l c y “ w o n l [ i m e a i m b a n d o n i n g c o m - U ' t r o . — p l e t e l y - t h e - A m e r l c a n a n d - o t h e r U , - N . - p r l s - - l | i— o n e r s - o f w a r - n o w - h e l d b y t h 6 ~ c o m m T m n t g . ‘'

! I H U N G R Y F U E L E A T E R S - r r - - - - - - - - p c « t a i t jW _ _ _ I t , . w U l b e 1 0 5 8 b e f o r e n i i e U n i t e d S t a t e s

*).■ . . h a s J e t a i r c r a f t t r a n s p o r t s o p e r a t i n g i n c o m - L o y i i i j j i i n j e r c t a l a v i a t i o n , a c c o r d i n g t o ' C . B . S m i t h , - w h o h u

| i p r e s i d e n t o f A m e r i c a n A i r l i n e s . A n o u t l a y o f ' l a H i 2 5 m i l l i o n d o l l a r s - o r m o r e w i l l b e r e q u i r e d '< . f o r d e v e l o p m e n t i n O i l s s i x y e a r p e r i o d . t u p p v 11f : - . . . . - T h e f i r s t J e t a i r l i n e r s w i l l c o s t f r o m •3 m i l - m e » t « u

' l i o n t o 4 0 m i l l i o n d o l l a r s a p i e c e , a s c o m p a r e d o f d « m » r w i t h - a b o u t 1 . 6 m i l l i o n d o l l a r s f o r a m o d e m }g “ i ^ ,

i; t r a n s p o r t p l a n e t o d a y . ' .j j “ B i g d r a w b a c k ~ t o J e l _ t r a n s p o r t ' d e v e l o p - _ ;_ _!{ ■ m e n t l s t h d t j e t s ' c a n ' t b e o p e r a t e d p r o f l t a b l y . ’ F o r t h j j — - F u e l - e o n s u m p t i o n : o n : i : b l g - t r a n s p o r t p o w e r e d - - p u w i c a i i i I* b y c o n v e n t i o n a l r e c i p r o c a t i n g e n g i n e s i s a ■{: l i t t l e , u n d e r n i n e p o u n d s o f f u e l p e r m i l e .111 - . r o r _ a _ j c t - o f t h e . s a m e j s l z c i t w o u l d - b f l - o v e r . .' v e a " m r ; . 2 0 . ' p o u n d s p e r m i l e . • ' . - - c o u r s e , t

b e c a u s e J e t s o p e r a t e b e s t a t h i g h a l t i t u d e s . f U i o n . m t ' t h e i r . f u ^ \ i r e , u s O ( W l l l p r o b a b l y b e o n . l o n g

t - ' . ' h o p s - ^ t t r o s s t h e c o n t i n e n f l n f i v e h o u r s o r - ' w i i 'o . , ^ 'e l e s s . W e l l , h

T i t e B r i t i s h a r e a b l e t o o p e r a t « t h e i r h e ’-' a cnJ e t t r a n s p o r t s t o 'd n y , f a r a h e a d o f t h e A m e r l -

- c a n a v i a t i o n I n d u s t r y r o n l y b e c o u s B ' o ' f - s u b - - -{ } ,y io ’ : ; ^ — • B i d l e s - ' t < ? _ t l n - g o T e n u o c n t i O w n B f l - a i r l i n e s . — zctho-Tt

. . . . . . : ' ; ■ : - i


'WHuaiuKTr-W ASmKOTOK-Tb* Bf»nlwnrtr-/orCM,ffel!«i9T - O r tlu ive »on ':* .ns* ;e*-e«np4l*n rletm r by U ielr t « l l c i r ^ Mo f th e leftU rtle bu t poUikiUy l«pr»<fli(;alD m q A chetoa Into th e d e U U o( -Wbo { o l s t Intoth e E o r r u w tr? " • . I .

Z re a -m o re th an tho Iw ie t of comJpUon and th e ■ ■»w r- ..L :C T tiw w h l« h co»t of according to - rC

n«tJon-iriae tampUn** o f w nU - gj,Uie 130X«0 easualUes a lready i M e n

In thU "police acU on- a n d yj,M - ^ - - ihB pro»p*ctl« dl»patch e f m ore b e ta* Im

“ tftH f»r-off pen ln iuU m ay |» id hedeterm ine the ouuome on Nor. 4. j n e ujgj,

r j l G < * « S z ' r noteworthy th a t " t t e ' h im - w alked aMU ihlRed h li itra te«y to u to of h l i i

M J a g g ^ r V - h l i h l l t h t Uili QUfiUan. U rie ly u n - Bw&ke..' the mriutnce o ( - th e Dewey- And I- ^ ■ - l ^ r ^ H . D u I l u p t m p . «hl<h k M l u upon.A«l» p ie ehal

u the m ajor foreign problem. A t. -«onAl ln<- U ra t I t pcrplfied and pa ined o th e r , M a ite t- c

t* r T» A » ___ id T li* n r -* h » -h a d -u r8 e d - th a l.E le .- p eo p le -*enbow er coseestxate on Europe and (he m iddle eaat, buAlneu.w h leh Uj«y regard u more r t u l to nationa l K cu rlty s i i t I

. a n d iro rld peace. Moreorer. there are few, AilaUc m ore . ITotera In the U. 8 . a h iin tln .

B u t EUenhawer h lm ie lf tu n e d down th l i p ropouL W hUe wT o r on# Ih lm , th e f a r eaitem, dlffleultie* a re -awo- gtm nbledcU te d peculiarly w ith Truman-Aeheson diplom acy, tre e waTSecondly, h e bellete* the ir record hers 1* m ore ru l - in cM s inne ra b le th a n th e ir poUelei In weatem Europe. Aa tee th e J fo rm e r C hief of S ta ff in d 6KAPE com m tnder. h e shou ld be In t poilUon to know. - '

K E 8 P 0 N S IB IU T T — A forthcomlne Eisenhow er N O IN speech will deal In detail with Acheion'a charge th a t p^ .h e jB ia t ahare reipow lblltty for Uie N orth K orean o r e e t i r InvM lon of o u r sone. He will re re il how M r. T n i- j j , „ . m tn ’i m lUtary economlei made It Impoaalble for U»e c o iu m b i. r t S . to keep « itro n g American force th e re ,, or to . b u ild an array of naU rei rlTallng the i ra r m achine th e R u asltn i c reated norUi of the :a th parallel. i . . _ j ’, .

H a will p o in t ou t U iat Uie T rum an naU onal do - ^ u t vou a fe n te budget fo r th e crlllcal :847-l«M period totaled on ly 48.1 bUUoa doU an, or about ha lf o f th e am ount

•req u ented hr t h e -<o tn r r h M i n tf - r t r f f rw t t t e H - g i e n -.h o v e r headed fo r a whUe. D uring one W blte H o u m ...............conference, th e record! ahow, U r. T rum an aald h e

tu ro of dofenw ,- n o t Uie real th ing . T T J vI n May, IQU, "Ike" reported to Mr. TVuman th a t

A m erican s treng th In .Korea , had b e en 'ao depleted “It Is doubUul If we can continue Uie occupotlon o f ^t h a t country,” T he PenU gon re<iue*l for a m inim um *o f 40,000 lo ld le n there w u w t to 30J300. They p ro . fo o u fh

-y ia^ -o n ly -th F ta feB T p o U cT p re lo cV ^ war* •to m area.

■ M eanwhile, no a ttem p t was m»de to o rja n l ie , t n J a 'a n d equip • S outh K o rean -defeue force becauM o f ' ?Oj# lack of funds. This, of course, wu* Uie only pro - j n u a th a t would have, enabled UJ to wlUidraw w ith- o u t m aking a vacuum the reds would have filled. j th in k

D N B E A D Y -A i Of thU u m e date, Uie arm y hadonly SS3,000 m en, although cong reu had au tho rlted «vu. h n n ii698,000. T ho moUiUOIed fleet and a ir force ntso were m t f a r below ttre n g lh because of ^Vhlto Hou5o Injlsteneoon economy. A t UUa same Ume. however, M r. T ru - to km a o tn d Acheson were U klng on tnuiuiry respon- o u - ijves.

- s i s m u a - n t i u r Tuu u uj Tu i i ey.----------------------------- w f ^ o nT h e leo fT tp h le il distrlbuUon c f Uie army ahowi « jd

gTtphlcally how unready It w*» for local or_large- ah o t th e rsca le action: f a r c u t , 1U,000; Europe;SB.OOO; o ther* t h a t th e nforel«n aa lgnm ent* , 104.000; A ustria and IV lejle . 15,- the catUe

J)0 Q L jrn lttd -flU U !sU S 8 m jU > o u t.m it.iiiia rtfr n t.th a ___________toUkl wer« noncom bat troops.

i n tubm ltU nf Uie 1MB budget, the Pentagon asked fo r Ifl J bm ion dollars, 1 JM.OOO m en tn d fiS t i r groups.T h e Prt«ldene allowed 142 billion dollars (nibse- o i mquenUy c u t to IS J blUlon doUars by the W hite H ouse), jcand only 48 a ir u n lu . • oh

W hen Uie N orth Koreans a tttcked In Ju n e , IPiO. know the-Uia...aim y -h ad -fa lien -to -l.4 S S jo o ...w lrit ly ,ac a tii;rfrt f o m e d - u

u nder Trum an-Acheson-M arshall obllgaUons. T hus con t e l l ;raw -rtcn ilta *nd-h tsU l7-fedtrall*{d-gB ard-tm lts-flrrt- ca re o f U faced the red onrush tn E o rta . _ - -

" Ik e - anU clpatei no difficulty In documenUng Uils „program o f weakness. wlUidrawtl and braggodoclo. ‘ "As In his BalUmoro ipeeeh pledging ■•»ecurtty t n d ' P e tsolvency.- h e regards him self a s a superior authority ’when he Ungles wlUi^Acheson, Ho waa Uierel - ^ '^ 0 1 1 j

TD H ! E LEM EN T-A chew n asked 'for I t when h e "PP**’’hurled against -Ike“ tbe fac t Uiat h e .h a d once « « « recommended a Pacific defense perim eter th a t ex-

_ c ludrt Korea a s a «phere of A merican m ilitary con?_ ^},t t m T 'W 'T s r i r u i i » < r f f i h u c h .s , : w l ! ;

H e n o te i th a t his suggeiUon wa* made a s early iJaJ August, IMS, a t an execuUve a u f f sei.'Uon.i.ind , h . subject to Mr. Trum an 's approral. Moreover, n l th a t tim e aU C hina h td no t become • R uislan puppet, and -»hi Uie adm lnlstraUon had not w ithdrawn support from

• c h i« i i r i c a i n j i n r w c a t n » T i r w o T n r i i 5 r ^ - r 5 o ^Uon govem m ent wlUi U«. red*. LatUmore advisers In th e sU te departm ent lUII w ere-referrtn tr to the » boobv d ChlneM eommunUts u "agrarian reform ers." • •’

B u t ellmlnaUng K orea as an American 'outpost did' n e t become Jaiow n-and a setUed policy unUl Acheson - -v - • proclaim ed It In his famous speech before th e Nn- tional Press club on Ja n . n . 1950,- only five monUis FAbefore the invasion o f South K orea. * - " . . . i

• • • w h etherU. N. ISSUE—Aeheson's a tU ek on - f te " also m ikes

th e U nited NaUons a campaign luue . cheering the. fActlon_?*leli_l}ellevea the D. fl, glvc.i m ore th an It -------------,geU from th a t body. T h is-sen tim en t Is s trong in

Uie middle west.T h e s e a e ta ry of s ta le argues Uiat, alUiough h e ie « 5

had-d lsm ljsed Korea as of firs t m ilitary Im portance. . ' k3 & h e expected any Invasion of U iat counUy to be re- -alsted n n t by Uie S outh K oreans, and th e n by a

. U. N. force. He described Uie U . N. aa no t "too weak • reed-" In opposing R u u lan a c g reu to n

In ' Uie firs t place, a s "Ike" will re lo n , th e re was no ..-South.-Koreaa-army-for-Uie-reBson's-already-!lrted-------

h rre . Secondly, Uie U. N. cculd no t have BRteed t o . « S l i answ er M r. T rum an 's emergency call for Inten-en- Uon in K orra . If.Russlft h sd n o t been boycotting the ^M curlty w uncn ta^June^^lSM. H ad Stalln'n m an been

- S B ^ ^ lu W e t io n ," ' * " '* ^ - I

’ ' NO T H E tPIN O T IIE lil CAUSE W hatever H arry Bridges m ay b e ~ a communist, a

fellow -U tveler c r a tauch-mlU gned lorallst. th e re c er. ■ M ] ^ UUUy. can be no. S)-mpaUiy w ith the p ro te s t work

-stoppages on the docks of w est c o ast p o ru . .— I f - e w t -m a irh ia -T n jo y H l~ th B ~ iC T in m i 'e n n g ~ pro i«U on-o f-de tnw rtU c-p roce»se i,-lt-U -B rt(Jfw .'H U '

.k tU zneya-ha i-e -u tsd -every 'dev loe-tnd -sub le rrug^ -a t.- ■ - it; ■lllflr ftitrm and to -auu re -h ls -co a tln u ed -re s ld en e e -ln - — y p - * - ‘-thls-TOunaTrandT»18j t s aiB i«ir huT>tMrgrven"op:------- \-p c rtu n lty -to -««p ltln -hU -T t«w i-and ac ilen t, l U -g a s------------- ^•convicted of perjury and th a t oonvlcUon now has b««i-upheld by 0 .8 . n in th c ircu it court of appeals. s * / ^

Loyalty to a boss is one th ing . Loytlty to a boss -who h a s b««n convicted m a c o u rt of lusUce o i a per.Jure r In regard to Uia u e r e d oath of A m erican '

^c iu ien ih lp u aooUier UUng en tirely .- - »Longshorem en will do well U Uiey confine the tr ' 4

suppo rt (and I t Is not unanim ous) to w hatever le ;a l •- m eans Uiey have to prove Bridges Innoc^pj, Instesd ^of dem anding th a t courU subject the law to t special ■ — I S InterpretaU oo lo U ielr fa 7 o r.-O ra c o a S ta te in u n . £ (Salem.) . .

________ 1K T 8 ..1A K IN 0 C B .-W O N D E Jt-^ '.F o r the record, the Jou rna l was perhaps th e .n r .tt ■ ■ ■

putrilcnUgn-ln-ldaha-to-TUPpOTt D w lght-D .-Ebenhm rfr- — L J Ifor P ren d tn i, ijeMuie we w anted none of th e Tl.fi. ■ ■ ^ McCArUiy, Jenn rrc row il tn Uie W hite House, W e uenton ult-*! Ike to wm sKainst th a t crowd a t Clllc.^6J. V

Vea. Ike won with' i» —no t w ith th e Jou rna l jlone , of \ u j , course, but w ith these who w a n t id ’Dew-blood. nt«-rUlon. In the (30P. , ............... _ n « a i

A na now ]k« h i t blcised J e n i i t r . kli-'ed M cCnrihy. I < « e i slept with T art, and m ure otlCM repudU ted those uirJittlio.li he i»-on 111 Clilc-iBo,' .......‘ w w \

Well, hinvbe he <ior*n't need u s a n r more. Maybe MMJihe’.i a citich to win wl-Jiout us- B u t next iJovem tjc r ' r j * rm ay tell q uiu anoUier stor>-. ' • ' *,J^ ,':_5:oriJi'llh .hU J r lc a d i, N o tv jie joins hU enemies. _ihr lo.-rrj. Now. w hat does th a t m ake.h lm T 'A nd U . : - 'IC iio -rana '.Journ il (flol**).----------------------------------1 l a H H I

. " 1 ■


-POT ^ P E

ShotsI of Tucson^ “ .-----------------------------------' showed IB

- FOUND, THE PIACEI CTlsU t lDe*T Shooter: IW rei

I seem to recajl reading someUilng U»« curre. a few years bact^aboursome hunter of tw o r bem» loss In Uie Selway forest. He said he slept between two bears On a one n ight tnd on anoUier eight he August . walked around a tree, keeping count Vicente : of h l i round trips. Just to ke?p de* and 1 ■w&ke. - . Ubrada. %

And 1 seem to recall lou of peo- gtner^-sl pie challenged Uie hunter's per- pawns^p sonal Integrity for his statemenis. ded dow M a ite r-Q t_ la c t. . l_ w one .of. the “ )«

btiainess. they leftB iit I won't laugh *at him any* tienent of

more. I have Just returned from Th# neaa hunting trip In the Selway forest, tomer fouWhUe we didn't see any bears. I store tndstumbled tcrou a place where a ed and btree waTcIWed by »-paUi worn IB not raiseIncMs In solid rock. You could sUll and shoisee the foot-pruiu In the rock. ■ Prank Esi

N.O. SkepUe They, b(Tsrta Falls) quarter*.

NO INTEnnnPTTON E m iE B death. TlDear Pot Shots: ' tumbW a

OrceUngs Jitters: Maybe 1 should showed Uihave given Adlal and Jack Hall leos a< U Columbia. However. Z once hearda rea l old man say, "When you ex- In a r ipress your Uioughts to yourself, you In Uie Tuiare n o t only talking to a sm art man. coe W. Wbut you are listening to a (m art man "In thetalk." _ footprlnu

Enough sn a? ' •--------------------- prln u .wer--------------------- H ibim atta '-B any— *t-tha.ea*......................... ' (Ourry) receptaele.

_________ * * * absence i

D ear Pol Shots: ■ sUver-mouIn answer, to.UiB arUcIe (Send coutremen

Them to Korea) whoever wrote the th a t robbe article and doesn't have forUtude "Exclten: enouBi to sign ihelr name sure _ rhaanVenough-forUttde-t<ntB iid-np------and -be ahol a t '

I, for one, was to the f ln t and I second wars.'boUi And I eUll like to h u n t deer. And anyone who thinks th a t deer are pets should go to Uiehills and aee if-Uiey.caD pet.them .-------

I th ink everyone who goes hunUng deer goes for me meal as well as Uie sp o r t I belle\'c Uiat a t Je u t half cf the hunters who go after deer have been In the army, or the sen-lee a t least. B ut that doesn't mean th a t we have to keep on aliootlng people ell our lives. I don't consider shooUng a .,•attf-TorTooa-ir mnrderlng-the-an-------—Imal v id ' l l some of them were not ahot there soon would be so hiany th a t there wouldn't be any feed for the catUe or sheep,

(ISIO Almo St.)" (Burley)

OUR BULLETIN BOARD Eaga Toiew, Paul—We understand

Uiere's one In Rupert, but v e don't know the name. However, we’re In- -fom ed-Unr^lnnl»-V«lt«ii,-Surl(]rr ^ can te ll you all about It. T hat lake i care of tho rew estr------------ ;------------- -------- 1

. WORTH A PBIZET Dear Pot ShoU: (

M ajor Hoople Lin't so shorpl He missed 13 games last week In that football gilesslngtcoiitesL I t would appear th a t anyone could break even wlUi a 5CJ J0 record Just by . guessing

I t you w on't use my name. I l l ad-m lt-tha t-lt-m lgh l-ta-s lm p ler.and — -------gel better r a u lu if a fellow weuld blindfold himself before choosing the winners, ...s

I t should be worth a prize. Last week while Major Hoople was miss- ^Ing 13,.I managed to mtn-l9rnctcnl» — -------Ing 'to my score sheet. You c a n t do tha t good InUnUonally.-Don't I geta booby prise? “ -------

N. O. Oaetser(Twin Falls)

FAMOUS LAST LINE " . The valne all depends on w hether I 'm boylot or telllnc." .


-HyNTERS- IW e Arc Paying

. ' . H ighest Prices,for

D « e r '& Elk H id e i\_


T A L L O W C O . j

E u t of c i t j ■ Phono IH - I

■■ ■ ■ ■ \ ' - ■ ■'

w F A i a s , i s a n O ' ■ ~ ■


P E G L E R ’S A l_ W Uam _ZeckeodBrf, a rich aad leading d t o prominent Hew York real - « t» l« Medcan. J ^ dealer and a>U b«al" In h is poUUes. bofwr aniT Is a grandson of ' • pioneer, clUteo b r l« the s* of Tucson, cf th e same name, who Not omj w showed InltlaUve and courage In a P e P ^ ^ crlsU Uiere la '1B73 reaembUng the current reignof tenor In- N e w - | f f l | g | |

August . e v e n l n ( ' t ^ ^ R ^ | rtm m iffden Vicente H em an- l . W L - S H d « and hU wife. = ' . « a S M

u!?ii wMch raUief-Uian,Uiey left open, h o p tn r- to ^ te t'th e benent of ^ UtUa draft.

■me next monilng. an early cus- lomer found the doors to boUi Uie store and the aleeping quarters clos- ed and locked atid. when he could not raise an answer by pounding , and shouUng. called Consuble Prank Espana and the sheriff. a rc h 's 3.7-1

TTiey, broke Into the sleeping -row»rd t quarter*. Mr. and Mrs. Hemande* ^

death. The furniture had been nurchases.an tumbled about and otjier evidenceahowed the vlcUms h id resisted as .jrifHfti'*” ]long u Uiey could.' , • been one of

* * private IssueIn a reminiscent story published in ArUona

In the Tucson Cltlxen. tn IMS, Jtos- sonora. MexJcoe W. WUlson, wrete: • _ Cold, hides, t

"In Uie adjoining room, bloody staodanlmedfootprln^ M d ha^i^^ a ^ ^ ^ f ^ g - ^ yid^^e a

iV . r^tf rf th» i»>nh lu illlirn m ereeeplaele. Neighbors verified Uie Co, promise i absence of considerable Jewelry, chandlse. on scVWU' tireaniu“ aiwl“ » valuiariT T T T m r tn t silver-mounted saddle and Its ac- gold, coutrements, establishing the fact Tbe broUie th a t robbery was the moUve. cf 20 wagoni

“Excitement .ran high and the country from

mEnjoy a house Furaace~volon

- J i O N E Y J


- S y«VfrODY?VWth-S ^ G E T S T O T H E B O nO M ibFIrti

J —OnI)rSiegl8r’s-exclus

_ Compare before you-----------* ? o e ry - fen td f-y o u r -M O N i

p ie g le r hea lcr-d o esn 'td e lm a t the flo o r outlet (han any

^ h e a te r regardless o f m ake


h B g. 1 ^ 0 1 M ain Ave. W .


5 A N G L E «d llie n s . b o th A m erican u u l tb e d e ^

M eHean. Jolhed In « * p r * « ln t- th e lf b ofw r a m r th e l r d e te im in a U sa - to brtog the assassins to qu ick Justice, sta ined bill Not only w ere , th e H e m a n d e t a a n "assoel nooulsr young couple, w ell liked by chivalrous { ^ classes, b u t U ielr k llU ns w as th e S aguarlps. culmlnaUon o f a serlea o f b loody th e n ig h t i ttroclUes th a t the law .tW dlng; c i t l - h ls -o w n f zens felt m ust be brough t to a n end . h a d washe< There w u a feeling th a t . t h e co u rts a n d chang< had been 'to o len ien t I n dea lings h idden the w ith m urders a n d oUier v io len t o u t- . *-Saguaji| Iswry. ■ ' lo took a t

'A cltlxens* ccm m lttee f o r l a r e s t l - w u iso n 'a si laU oa and «eUon w as fo rm e d a t dow n and once, w ith th e w ell.know D m e r - gn a cc o a p chant, WlUlam' Z eckenddrf. a t i ts done th e 1 head, to rtm down Uie murderers p im Q^ne and deal with Uiem by direct action the street. raUief-Uisn, through Uie courts. I t n id tedup . w u T lo re w ^ r t-T ig U a n M -M jiip - i e U r M t< UsUon such as w u known In the r n s e i cou!( CallfemU gold days or Ui8 Moot*na ^ gtola Alder gulch diggings where tbe ^^ere Uic vigilantes were secreUy omQlxec}. theihad Uielr elected officers who were junknown to the general public, the ir ..jh e mo secret passwords and the ir w arning £ ,u n d a - a sign to cuUaws,' «uch as Alder ^urlei Oulch's 3-7-TJ. ,.i . ' t ~ - TWDUlaUon

-Toward evening-iVie following■«

purchases.and. In p a r e n t , offered t bill showing blood stains." .

-incidentally. Uils bUI m ay have « ® .« n been one of Mr. Zeckendorf's own prlvale Issue which waa legal tender 0‘ “ * In ArUona territory. In parts of Sonora, Mexico and In California.Cold, hides, hay and beans were the tJie many c stsodanl media bu t they were du ra - past eseapi ly and Uie currency of Ufo Zeckea- t r l c ^ or

^V'lll.rn T . T^riei^rtnrf As CaplngJrilOCo, promise lo pay bearer In m er- "He aske chandlse, on demand." 6, 10 or and with a

jold. a t onee. In Tbfl broUiers had driven a train work h td b

ef 20 wagons through Uie Apache door wlUi f( country from the end of th e San ta three murd

Mhouseful of heat vi ^lomnerfaeaHor^cl Y J I A C I U U

a ^ J - lS H EA TERS |

[_!; __

s S r r i ^ N E r s i E e i i S i ^ ^ ^

f c O F T r t t C O I P

o x e l u s i v e - p o f e n r e t f ^ ^ ^

tlfiAIMAKEIUdoes=it— re you buy any heateri

newri t de liver n w n . a n d h o tte r h e a t n a n any o ther com parable s iz e i m ahe o r .p r ice!


>ONSf/w- Ph,rs Ft

;-----------r - — ' — -TH D RSD A Y ,

^ i ^ ' a J J l e l T j r i n » tent U ie re ^ p i, wer. store. Today, uhder the ownership fourth r ^ rt ihrEuiniou Mi uia a,Sr£ the management of tbe Zecken. while und^- dorfs- grand-nephew. Harold Stein- had sufc« ield . U U a ahlnin* InsUtution la In securiS the d e ^ coimUy. ^ Ume he «-•

T he-w offlan .^erlng the biix>d- thestained bill said ahe had got It from T h e foujan ‘'associate,- In Mr. WUlson's » tre fitteschivalrous term, who was known as ropes wenSaguarlps. Be had beea out most of necks and tthe pighi And when he relumed to ^rom under hU-own 'flop In Uie momlnc- hehad washed his hands several times Mr. w il«and changed his clothing. Be h td **tl«s that,hidden Uie cloUies he took o f f . . slderably al. *-Sagu^pa was taken la chains °u t theyto look a t Uie m urdered. couple." JU™ Newuison'a story conUnues. “He broke 1*11 “ “' “' rdown and confessed Uiat he' tn d ?,**?*^ck t n aecocapUce named Cordova had done the killing while a a aecom-

IpUee named Lopes, stood guard In'm e street. Cortora and Lopes were S r i " '■Dlckedup. Cordora-s footprlnU e*. f„'teU y Batehed” lHeT)I6MyT)rinU. c r l i ^ iu ” 'Lopes could not be Induced to talk. T?ih !L .Tha stolen arUcles were found um - *' where Uie Uiree criminals hsd

had-been divided^ the el«ciM<-The rooming after the murder, poup (,{.y

Llbrada - and ,V>e*nta Hem aades jate wiiiia were buried. PracUcally the enUre clUietiv cor populaUon attended the funeral action

_ m ia t_ A ttm io e a ._ th .» _ T lila im ._______gaUiered a t Uie courthouse p la a SHOSHOwhere WUUam Zeckendorf told Uiem qulit. traa-,of the confession pf Saguarlpa. of U cosu Mithe prints being those of Cordova P»«e-Prarand of the discovery of the loot. He intoxkaUoiialso reminded Uiem of the presence to pay U ie;o f 'a large lawless element and of in Uiecounthe many criminals who had In Uie —past escaped punishment through C e tn o ntrickery or leniency In the courts, OUbe Seed nr thrnnyh fill and w .caplniT Into Mexico. "■•'He o ^ 'e S 'i h s t ahiiuld be done w r r :and with almost one voice tho clU- O sfeo

to- h ing fha-nmrdawCT- Ola t onee. In a^UclpaUon, a frame- 9 to la •work h td been set up near Uie JaU w «is«urdoor wlUi four ropes suspended. The »»three murderers of the Hemande* . *

w s S P P e w u U 4 ■ I I I

at with so little fu trtheTpricenof-irhea4UIAMNT

■ . ^ ^ r i h n n t a i i a y . ( I

FURNITUR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — ! •

|jrJ panel

“^oolFeeste • prepo#«l

Itt » J ^ « to e s < } » y *nd t f W ^ ^ n U l O c t . 13 .


^ .i^t be W >* - ‘ i r i . n u »u'l *

*u"?oJJicw* Mid It


* S iT « o c lu H o « v l t .S5V import f « w u M I 6t w l pnxlueU i

* “Snrontn .nd U»d to ;llbtrt M * ;

Tlfwi or other

SuUllM Ibould M «»D# S V d c M * w l growBrt

J a fortlsn »h«piaen1 4 pniucUon e«U . ., * * *ices Ordered^ iBuytJ:S:Wotrf •

rtjtiwnj inlliury RrvJcca- 1 MaUe vool unleu the i 0 n tbin 10 per cent high- (M low luppert level e«* lWthe»lrtcuUure dep#rt-

gM.produced wool U n o t J fft>»!n Ottte UoiJU when Ij deftn»e igenclei.- the I tovd procedures p ^ t of-{erel«t>-*ooL

I T)3egfiteJ BtkU. S .io r : r s i a ^ g :S t -^ l j t lc e negoti&tor* .[ 6* tfnlltd NiUoni .toduy ^ Awmu »nd cowardly mas- itSlAt and WQUDdlnjr C ht- Siulu jiilsoren'Of vb i lii “ tbsd prliontr of wnr cnmp ®;

ijjrUoners we B klllfd and * a Tounded Wednesdey , osku Midler irunrd* en- ", 9a i 7 to break up the “

tto rorb lJd tn *ISB were celebrallne'the tifloiry of the Chinese stHiMtne, «uUiorl> pi

them to donon- rl' . ■ 01agbt proteit wm mnde -tbKOen..Nam It. chief r.IkVtte nrfiollaUoru. in IbW Rt k liaison of- *'

iMrficldent of muiM- a m -belles all your iJBoLi' for fcriiim B'io ~

Imrprtwnem.M n ti iBlniUeo’ It^ > w deliberate IntCT- ^

awijUww and proves15 tint your. side, which ■SW toV'erinR war erlmta• fc determined to be the “ 5^^K5PJ?’LoL.A ^_»>id S nblheTcryend." ~ ■M the United Nations ^ •r 'full re.ipon*lblI(ly, for S Bs«qutn»» arlsInB from — 1 bWdent,- . ^ NaUoni wam«S re- Wdniu wch aa yeater-^ be expecttd' from die- il, =®U«>UoneriirUJI.-of.- "

Ihe red* would capa- ittea lor propajanda pur- _______________ . It

I. Spud Curbs " med-for-Huge- S OSS to Farmers iWIIONY. Oct. S -A lton o ^ >t«te tupcrintendnil of ^ faifUcOon. Mid tiii>t nlffhe -

n srsn a lce river valley Tl ^ a jear Bgo_when_Uie £

appliM cohlrola on tftw.” ^^ J-sp e ee h T it-T T w e tte f - =» nuhD Republican work- ic “ “ e mmlnlAtrBtlon “com- b] J^ardKl the fact that the P “W had been 'Mur* for sev- k « IM that favorable prleei g ^ ^ lg 'J ^ .w l^ lU first •

F ^ n r o m u ^ ^' ‘‘•"e ie" Jensen, "Is aup- p

LyColumbla valley author- iiiKllclne. lltlU can- »

“ leDamaged { Avoiding Crash

g O N t Oct. 2 _ A 1953 ^ ^ k u p - l r u c k wa, dam- e«, o t . j t a when

^ » > » e n l . Siehfleld.-ilriT- -^ Pickup, wa»- travelln* *’ ^ l h * i y ,.h tn Edwin II.

-other .i ^ o n l o Uie hiBhway. J

*m ae( ta hU tnitk .*a.-i injured. >;

i g j ^ l clarion-invtiUgaled, 1


5 ^ 8 BoROla. ,

-> ^ - * 0 Uih B

____ ;__,

r “D r o h ? ^


read- . flue- tld «*ai7 asprice

• • « r * l drone plaw

:n t6 f ■ CWool -v lt - '' - T - ; '■--

wuJcfducu ' '

other I as- dOD0 Twera pmeo


-Theres- Drone brsaa fet loielher. Fnm le

TlTCT “C»pl-Tl*l®*P ralirney.-Capt nebtri-J.the Comdr. James Smith,


^ s - N a Y y V “ N e w -


... ...........WASHINGTON. - (N E A )-- - ‘n je [«B _ jiory behind the navy'a iupp<^ ly *

new television eye guided mta^le. ^ uied » effectively in Korea, P

9 T one of the moJt incredible chapter* o• - of World war : l ■' r c “ Tho»e on Uie Inside know the

mW'Ie l* not new at all. It wM u»ed ^ ^.T- a«ccc«-sfully aRatnst the Japanese

Xor 3CT"da>'s~ln""10Hr Out wuie of- — atjr* opponetili twna«e<l to get It >"

ujied. ?rS f’ The result was that much of the , “■ I^iilnmfnt being mnde ready for an

"‘mn aJJ-out atiuoc Bgainsi juij«w j,, wft.1 dumped In the ocean. The file*

I ,_rt were burled. The projtcfa peraonne / i " , were dlabanderi. And ll wasn't tin.ll

after the Korean war etortwl that , ?{;* the work bcRan again. jl>

The navy’a announcement of the-------Tnl»«e'"-M*cocfi*-fro«»-tlii*-r«portef..

who has known ttie osloundlnfi de* “}• the tilir for -yeftr» ,-to -tc ll-the 7 vho1e «lne.ie story of ihe development of thi* tit tiorl- potent weapon. It Is a slory, that non- rivals the famous Billy MlUhcIl case «

of llie pos^-World war I era. • • ’--------------------------------------------- *

Taft-Thinks High " s ll': Voter Interest Is « n - GOP-Victory-Sigtt j.

CLEVELAND. OcU 3 iS . - S e n . Robert A. Taft said tonight he thlnka it a algn of a Republican

^ victory next month thnt "people are ^ 7 mSrYliiRf?i{«l ln'poimir:ilra*-thryhirh ever have been In tlie |ia.<f .fil J} ftftord votera rcBlitratlon In Ohio ‘‘Tw- nnd m any other place*-are resulla,

aald T^ft, of -a detemlnaUon ^ the.part.o!ourpeopleajlst,U Pft^ ^

dm,, eliminate from our government tMaoelalUaUon the people resent fron « '

; the bottom of their heart*.” ^t«>» “ SpeSahB -to-U xint-BM -in^bm “

■ of the Rlpon club, ah organUaUon « « - of Greater Cleveland Young Re- "

*ter- publicans, Taft said the OOP can jw wln_the elecUo^reporU are_en- J"

• eounglnjr.’" - “apa- nut. ho ha.Mened to add. “*« » n P " - not alfcnl the cpverconfldenee of

■ iM J-w e’ve go ltop utonth ek lnd oi ‘campaign aa though we are .^nsost certain of losing U we didn t.

J Earlier Taft.told a'new* confer-ence he thought Prealdent •nwnsn-* “

Stetenaon' would help - General ElMnhowM. a r Q Taft aald -name-calling" byman create*-reaentment among tlie

a “o"f «

® Mission Program s ' SetHere Tonight b.ttter ---rho'W rM rrahd4«r*-J»ia.06l-- ^

t the Park Church of the Na»rene at sev- k special mlsilonary *«nlce.

irlces Tho Rev. Mr. Calloway..formerly first • pastor ot Baker. Ort.-wrteo ■*

raakt -thJ^tifctTpr«W enl ol _

dls. MrToalloway has Deen-miltr *p- —aup- polntnienl to India. n ._ ,- wiUior. n . » m . , Mr. m a . M n. O JM W j ;can- y)l> ■ttintrthi'nrartatarti -pjm b. ------ - of

k W----------- — FARMERS-MKT----------- folBHOSnONE, Oct. ®i °P

a the trt^ounty Farmen; Dn“>" ^Jerome. Ooodlng and Lincoln ^un’ «t iu m et'at #:30 pm. 8 *tuiday at aa

I S h courthouse here. g;

R » l E'TlUe »»d T

- T rw t C o a p aa y . weaday L . ■ . j

. rerrcwaWti*— u nal r

(eUng M o-i. 11.In H. •8irTEMD6R « , . _ . U -

- C i l J . l-kk™i.llfl-UUlDI«»-*"

P la n e s ReaUy 01

H Ule plaw WM thla ea-flthter. Net« the t e l ^ .

'rom left to rtflil ara Drb'nTplaoe grave eter<S^i»««i enJ Hem. iJlt*. nhfel^-WW - h

agifnat Japan when U t i wm. damped li

iv—G uidedM issil I War n , but W(

The .events th a t lead up to the ' ' The K orean-m iu lU -attaclc - beg an _ ia Sf r t l - 1938. Capl. Robert P. Jones, bow mi M t planning offJcer f o r ' t h e navy’a . . .f c j guided mlaille program, and Capt. *lc ii,r« Delmer .8 . yahmey. now retired and • ■

an executive for a large electronics wt ih . IWn- aalgned by the navy to ®!

develop drones a* fleet anU.aireraft targeta. “»1,.They-<ucrxJderf-and..Tron_com=. ~

> It mtndatlons u a result. Jonea waa .intrigued by tho posslblllUea of the

.h . dcvlce. and aUyed with I t after- • an *** ****‘ " making crude c*-

'"*? Tiuck on a siauon wagon driving' .M along the beachea of »hwall. o„l?.j. At the start of World war II. ag■ Jones and Pahmey went to Capt. ,ihe Oscar Smith, a top planner on tho afi

staff of Adm. Eme.it J. King, with exr t , ; (h 'nn^TaSrto'W ake a-w rapon -co t -ofi,„ i. of thedrone.SmlthsawlupoM lbm- su

ties and sold KlnB on the I d e ^ pli .h,t In approving lu King wrote. "This. • •L , 1* one secret weapon which we want sll

. • 10 use In force oo first employment th' ___ asaln.il Hie cne/ny." trj

••Project. Option" was the code g«, name for IU with Smith as Its head an1 and Jones and Piihroey helping him. K'a During the next months, the tele- J b vision e>-e was added, production w__ iiinrted on ralhe t crude wooden mis-,1 1 rtlCS;aTlg:w ctt»J:eie J njnrt._SmW i. “ -

jone.i and Fnhrney were convinced ™

man 3*0w T n V o r t r f o ^ W e ” “f"

. 1 of wor-wenry pKinc.i Into mlviUcs V:° for on all-out attack on remnanU ™ of the-Jap-flee t and mainland.— „

But opposition »n the navy mount- “, ed to the project In-dlreot propor- ^

^ Uon to lls Ihcrea.'ilnB success, i n ^ Iptta o l M s. BmlU) got Mme unlU

^ cut.to.thfi.Pnclfle.-On_J.u3y_30.j0R ^ in a dramaUo te st on G uaflalM t^ ml

^ before the big brass o t the Pacific two missiles blasted giant holes In ^

^ the.Y amaiukl Maru, a beached Jap { j Irtlah tc r. _ _

The most asbnfshtogr p a rt c f !««M whole story U th a t the official

recommendiUon to King which * finally, killed tho project, prepared

b f tho aid aUff a t Pearl lUrtwr. ) waa sen t on May 20. two months oc before the test. I l read In part: bli

" * -There Is no present or proipeeMVB a.~ employment-for-unlta-oUhojpcciai.L“ - air task force (which It was then •

called). The acUve theaters of war are no t approprinto plflce.n for such yc experimental development worK. joi

Thla^ ^ vmert’S -h i!(» i 'officers and enlisted men. vo

W - ' l l la recommended th a t aU unita ^f-be decommissioned and tha t per- ,

1 ). aoanel.-eqUltimant and fftcmU angv

Jth » M l ^ r a d lo * ^ h t contwl w “ ^ , l reaaonaWe tcale be aailRiicd ta duty ^

in aupport of more Im porunt com- .,1, ponents of the program."

u ThU got to King before the fa- ^ ^ verable-Teport a •

If, was Junked. th,r i _D eton j the official death noUce ar- « '^ rived, however. Jones su-^pected It

was coming. He went to Gen. Claude ” Larkin, commander of a lrm fi In „

— -thTnTrU irnrgoiomoiis. with ^ o v l^ ^ of the Guadalcnnal tcirt. LarUn

— foJd-Jofjea-ha -s-aalaL Jt- c p w a iof operations began Sep. 37. loW. .j,

for Records of the « mis.iUes -whl^ ^ un- were launched ineJude such remark* .

a t as "knocked-out ahli.arlcraft f*n- ^ placemen-U on Fallale Uland M t - ^ e r e d . . . oblterated llghthouM

^ a t Cape St..George.,N ewwhich waa being used by the enemy 0 a rad a i towel.’' ' ,,,_7 l n h la . o fficial; report, Larkin icnite;______ . '



MVA. - ■ • I .

- . -TIM ESJ^EW 3.J W I N :

Old Stuff - T

v '-‘. ! : • / , ' ■•!.••'•---------- 8 6V Pre*

^ ' V gS{■■■jjjljjM ;mi



«TP In noM. te^^

■ ^ n whe ciiit part ing.’


fidatrialpartJurySina a l

____ : sir'B grave awalu thla barge-load of m li. {riei

I when (he p r a ^ n wm killed. This j,ori aped la the Paclfle. mln

• * * * * . emt

isile-H anes-^fi Were Scrkppedthe '"A large number of mlssltei *ue-,.Jg 5Ctdcd,ln_pa.vilnB througli_areas of _ jow medium to Intense anti-aircraft firery't . . . the misslic Is capable of precl- Tipt. tlon attack . . . with minimum risk (!hliind • ■ • highly successful technical ml*- Aslijlc*' slons were carried out In *o ad- todi■ to mlmble manner." dele•aft In a final Veporl to King, Jones A

and Smith said: tore^ 'The'effort to get thJs remarkaWa of (

weapofl-lnto-tiie-war-ln-quaaUty-has. A-all: j~ failed. But the weapon Itself has g iu

not failed. The opposition atem- med from officers.in-key positions

j” ’ who did not obserk’e It in combat, con;

celved Ideas stem not {o appreciate spet the possibilities of so novel a weap- peoi on. Similar objectlonn were raised ([lor

n . aplnst the Monitor In 18«." fcn( »pt. jone* helped to revive the project peo, tho after the Korean war starled. As • t rlth executive officer of a carrier force ed ; ont- u» Kuiea. ht feifr-the -n eed -for t m ilU- such a^hl.iille. And he sold the pid

planners on Its Ttvlral. ' "R■his Between the time Uie navy'* mU. ant slle was scrapped and Uien revived, rq, Blit the eervlces s)>ent five billion dollar*

uj'lng lo develop other types of »de guided mLvilles. without perfecting ;ad any of them enough for ute In Ire. Korea. A•le- •Oscar • Smith, looking back » jjor Jon the experience, says: ., lj . "Tlie real tragedy of the thing 5 ^ tm, Jj.lhflt.thc-U._S.,haajo»l w much

\*aluable time and experience In the practical use of guided missiles. It

OM takes this kind of me of an opera- tlonal mls.ille for the development of tactical nnd strnteKlc doctrine. In ” ,

^ Utcre 1 rw.suhstJUiio-forlts ariusl „?? use. ThU has been lost. ,

“Maybe .the one we had wasn'l u ^ good aa -some that they aay ace

comlnK VP’- Dut » e hsd had a ®5* chance-ti*CQWtin«-li2rdfvclcipmtnt

is would have been greatly Im- ! lr pfwed and tn the meantime s«! l i »vuld—have_hfld_Bn..operational [’“* mUsllfl In our arsenal."

M GOP Is to Blame £ Sii For High Prices, S S Sparkman Says £»r. EN ROUTE W m i SPARKMAN. t« ths Oct. a w —Sen. John J. Sparkman •“

blamed "six-star general" Robert ■ A. Taft nnd other Rcpublfcan lead- I

:10' w*Xoe.4Ugh-prlccs.iind.l!iflatlon._ ^ **n Tho DemocraUc candidate for ’ *5 vlcc pre.ildent. touring upstate New J'i* Y ork-heavily Republican - told a n ’f*' fonun In Utica Inst night: I.'T!® "If 1 were a Republican. I would . »L nn more mrnMnn Innnllnn-thnn-I. _1

would mention a rope In tlie house . ““ of-ft-man-who-has-twen hanBPd.^ — nnt. Sparkman concentrated his at-

hnd persuaded Oen. D*-Jght C- EUcnhowcr. the GOP presidential

’ nominee, to ih lft campaign policies c at their recent “luirmony" meet- u

he ing in New York City. ,^ “R en un^rtnenro^ jnraftiun?* —

- s ^ n unall mttfl- “W a f gooii i im - ij r . they? You couldnt get one.“ • (

jde AREA MAN RETURNS “ in SEATTLE. OCU a «\_CpL Ilarley

V. Knirn, m J tcbon street. Twin _ Un PalU, U among the U i patsenger* bat aboard, tho nai7 transport Predcr.— Icfc-PUnstdB-Tliie-rhen'yriaiir-from — Icl, thfl fa* eaiu . • Irk*

i M E j


n tm iE

P « j r . ■ ■ ' ' '


'nc Broadcast ~ I Brands Demos ^ I *"SsTl^'PM-tyM '■"*'• o e t 3 ®^-J^)nRerr j Rep. Clare Bootii Luce told a tele-

vWon, audience Tuetday nigh: eoat- • ?.‘!2 i j \ munUU have been "growing and « » • ' . ; j th rtring Ja ih* o(»*nI®a et {*# *■** . ' I Dettocratte party" for 20 yem . ■i J .-Soe,.urge<J.fuppoTt o f RepuliUcan 'v i Prealdenual caudldata D w ljhf D ' •d asenhow er because - th e lafety of •J w y ? an . liomBn and • child in

_;'-i Amene* depend* on rooting out the f S . _ J traltora In our gortmmenU* tlie■ K a r ^ Pracram . t .ie■ . M n. L u c e ^ o m e r - Repuiuitan JitJ■ reprtsentallve from Connecucuu 7im■ narrated a 30-mlnute television■ ahow on the NBC network »p<m. };«•5 ■•orej W JheR ep ub llcan national #j)» m eoBunJilee. uerTonO TentarT-abont

comnuDlsu in goremroent w u in- *;JJ ter*per*ed with film ahots th.owlag ^

ip i wltne&ses teiilfyiRf before eongrts-6 tlonal InvestlKaiing committees. . ‘iJ ^ - S h e saw fe a jd e n t Tiuman and

Oov. Adlal Stevenson, Oio Demo- ‘I*cratlo pfwWefiOai nominee, do net ItS

^ apem to recognlic cofemunUt “rats* ii»m When they see them; -nie Demo, ii*■ cratlo administration, the a id . ap* iis ^ paitnUy.haa 3 o.iJanJor.ratcatch- *>«| : ‘l ~t . ' l cite* niM AU !:«•U Mrs. Luce mentioned that flteven.■ ton, under aubpoena. made an af. *i** M ridavii used by th« defeaw in the■ trial of Alger Hlaa, former aUte de- T>■ partment official wavlcted of per- K l■ Jury for concealing eommunln Uc*.m •Slwenwo sajzj,Iff th e af/JdaTJt tha t — ¥■ ^ f w .ss he knew BUa had a good 1

H 3 . - •A 'S 'f HIM >» m JaU. « 5 p n F ------" all the poaWoTTltr-Trrj-pinperfaf —

friends-despll* the excellent char- ■8de>-w<«n«^(ve».4ilm _4llU t:lU ^

"* Jiorantly and honaitly, br hleJj. minded but gullible men like Got* emor Stevenaon. ahe aald. '------------Uon --------------------------- . *peni

~ fieds^Launcli— ,"i d ‘Peace’Parley;"S ,„J?of:Ear JEast E"eel- TOKYO. Ocu a rn-CommunUt i^L! rt«k China opened-Ra much-pubtlelted lU- ^ la and Pacific peace conference •d- today amid fanfare pJedgfng the I t j Th

delegates to work for world peace. rtsul . A Pe'Plng, broadcast jnoni- progi to r^ In Tokyo aald the first wjulon appo

>ew of the eoarerenee wag held Jn Ua- - t

■-?r _ “Ofoad Character" , ochlt'■'n>U fuUy demonstrale»4hat tlie can

>»U conference U of a very broad rep- aid."^ .sm u tly rhri n L c t c a t i ^ c t Z ^speaker Kuo Mo-Jo. S S Speoples In the Aslan and Pacific re- an e Blew lake to heart the cau« e f de. lalJa

Jed striving for budg

, r ^ The conference unanimously eiKf,^ ed LIti NlHg-l, China. <j tu secre- 7^ -taiv n u er»t:--PHp4w^L^ L . _ ,BK «ewi

Picked for suhordlnata potta-were:, Rene* Changr*. India; Tougo Ka»

S '* ! ' k - k «i™ .£ V , ? "‘fo. RuMia: ^ OUa Prabelwskl Erte- “ '* mela. Chile: Lous Hobhulgen Unit- , ° l ed States; 8 . Kal. PakUtan. and

Won San En. North Korea.“ Cnrle B « d . N«ta of r

■ A Peiping broaiJcaal monitored In* Rong Kong aald a telegram of con- fiS*

ilns w>m Dr. Jollot Curie,luch r * " ” ' «‘»i‘nnan of the World

: “ Pelptag aald a team of. languag*“ * experts a re giving tJ m u J Ia n ^'.In t™n*>Mlona of speeches Into Chi- m ^ ne-’c, EnglUh.Ru.uJnn.Spanl.ih.jflp.!Z^ uncsrtina'Korcmi:---------- :------------------

Also sStcndfng the canfcftiree, m - ^ \ „ dio PciplnR aald. were 3( observers «

and rcprcscntntlvea of such organl- d » “ “hcll. A, „ t -i«d(Li'cdcnHJon of Trade UnionsIn,, and Uie World Federation of D ^ o ^ ------s , cratle Youth._________

D i n n e r S e r v e d — ---------rk e t c h u m . Oct. 2 — The annua: ' •

social dinner of Our U dy of the Snows Catholic church waa held at

. - TtaU-crcck.cabin In. Bun Valley.) Sunday evening. Mrs. Ed B ennett.'-----V « Mrt. Paul Barrett andJO Mrs. John Sabala were the commlt- .AN, tee In charge.nan ■ ' ' —---------- tt>

rad- 11 ■! J I a I r* j ■

K . N O W ! S . 3»H| H w m V !V , —

lu S K O lO t^ ^ * / .^ T ^55i^^ C titT O O N ■ ■

I ' —'LATEST WORLD N ew s____ I A<

f NOwfl?? I }

iiil L

. \

Twin Falls RadioKLDt KEE!P

r , - ( iu » T O O O T C i* » ) - - n t n jaL O O T ci f f J M ttenm l sbM nstf. 'CM I taOKSOlT(r n u isoA Y . * .» ^■* >««• i i u ^ m n r:r?!iss:w«“r«ie« iB tnU an . I rti l4 ii JSoirv » . *® li l t m ill* liwta. X SilO Drow*

l«il« • « C. m i »<« ‘J-r«H 7Va«lJ ‘i!!SST£S —Df ’ !o' mIn ntlDAT•.■. U i>« 'PuM O rib^» iM’C4n M r n r « r u u T

iH i(aUr> roUlm tise *OS W«rU K*i» Taaa-Ceaatrr f m «iM Altra Ckock a

‘h lit •K.nm Arr»i»b . Ti«» K m . W itWIt, <M >U.b CtmS. >(•«• liM A U m iaM ka,n lit l«tk« Nrw. TiU 'CBS K m“ i«0 'U n iU u t a*k *i»e •Artbw Oatfra

HO KlU KaUndtr . ItlM ‘W n^ W«rr«ial __________ iijW «0»M1M u*at^ I iX » .W r C1.4 f*H» *U Hn> I 1S> Nilstrn^* 8tr«9bMk l 1*0 •Ho» Pnka.i t 1 M tWMkl K.TIN l i t ‘UiklMUr, , I l» ]Vi-.,U .iWriM :«0 sLUS Con(»r«*’ 1 iH iWctld tUrlM iM. U<lodr Hir«li4i

^I’TiSsiisa: a ' S ^ S ' S S K J S asJU";"”

I » Den AlUn. n*«a :M •NortiuMt m. 1 S Crartn Ouli ISS 'Slrr* Altra Sk0 m T- r. n . I'oetlalU lO» •flra. ClMmkn p . 4llt t l lm lu « v , <S0 *ror*inl Amr

iiM k-UI-Vtri, •««, «:S« *Ur. Km t:«» •Carika^* t t Basrtl I«i00 WMtktr in tH

rn !k I lM tu illfit m ioi f. ei»» « t OiOO »U3-Co«f»^»be .

J Bankers End Lo “Parley; Blast'

15 — l-'axespCoils ^ A w m

wound up Its TBth aaoual eonven- ( a n t ^ Uon with a bla it a t federal tax and orgai

•pending poUcles, government bu. feder reaucracy and foreign aid. Ta:

- , In a terlea of tcaolutlolu adopted confi a tlh a lao se of the R u r^ d a jrT a iW Mjsai the bankers alto com m end^ the a ^

r fWaral admlnUtratioo fo r. «h* t Tb they termed "progrtsa made In co- Tolvt operation between the treasury and atatu

,1- the federal-reserre systeni which seasn ) t has allowM a m o n flexible market ja : , , for government securities and'fOr the

other ^ U e s ' a s » e a -Aid 11I»ppol...llrf- -

in The foreign policy ttatem ent said R ? .result* of Uie foreign assUtanee ^

[ll- p r o f f ^ "have been somewhat dU- ,on appolnung.” ' ' ^la- "T h t mutual defense prteram h u le; moved slowly." tha reaoluUon aald.

••Few of our p a K H lf-» tm w e m iv r * “-* , achieved aound eeonomlea which he can go forward wiUioul continued ~ •p- aid "M T^e declaroUon u ld tho U n l^

re- an example of exw**lva spending, “ PjJ le- InflaUonanr monetary policle* and f - ‘ tor budgeu seldom balanced."

Eoeaam y‘‘Vital*.' * Under these condlUon*. the itate- ^ "It ^ m

tressed,ln_every poatlbla way. We K j |mu*t balance our budget through K j the curtailment o t governmental

i r expenditurea."The jti tem en t caUed -tbe exee** —

““ p n t lu U x a -m e tl h u a lu l method * •of raUlng money fo r government u iuse.* which "Indoeta carelestnes* In „expenditure* and to tnerea** co«U ■(

“ * and stlmulatea InRaUon." \ '®; A *peclal plank on "bureaucracy"

called for a reducUon In Uio number Iof-penoaa-on-tha_fcdcral-payR>U, \eatlmaled by the banker* a t an mil- A ,

1 A u t o T h e a t r c i

S" — :ENDS TONITE_ S p e n c e r T rocy^ ; ■ h i f i w l ^ H - T a y l o r - ^ V

"Father's Little I S Dividend" LS — U ND-------- _

= "Torxon's Peril".CA RTO O N S


to u g h o b jc Story o f Pn i- d e n t S tu d e n tp n d D oclor W ith D eligh tfu l M anner!

- ~ jB M S B 3 3 m r -F E oracw n xnu

- —— d-P-regmnv_____ A d v e n tu re A lo n g C o lifo m io .1 3 O u tlow C oost!- • -■

I F irs t Show~-7 :3Q

—S ^ P E G IA L U i j Wolcott- , I Marciano- |i

- F ightPietates ( IS U N D A - ^ M O N D A Y |

r 11

adio 'S chednles ' ® EE!P K TFl AM-PM ^tLOOTCUfl)- tIZT* snx><M .1-K B a) ------

ESI™Iprd rtirkoBM t:M iltor Xec«n n V

^ ' i m s ? iL’SSW iSsSll2Jr“u«- "b w<«tk«r - *iUUr<»4>v Bmw-Tb m ^ a ciMk Oik iiM la u b t It aua *1!K » ^ *»0 aUob •»< K«r . , oH iS S S S t o '

u*at ! ; !i*

f l^ t r« ra f x m l’! ; s ; s s s s J “ S t

drn.r^4a> SlMiDr. r»«l .IB H m t i l t KllMTcte KU»W>* detiIt •Dm ilM sW tUaM -TmlM “1ikliM UaA (>S8 XUot> ^It. Mimw . *i**iN,wi«f W«lr „vmomm SflS iHVkeri ^

« »rt* c u ^ ^ o « T _ io«.T* Altra Sk(>« tu* SK-rUMa EdlttW . ' prM1. ClMnkntr (Its kllcbkB* >Ur ■»•«! AmrtUa llW »}|lt r»r»ii«-•illTboBU ’ * M rro a O M £ ria l tlos

------------------- t M . n . . . » . i a j r g t i i _ .u »tbtr KfMrt *il« OvT LaaSu4* ^ ^llrkt Mtlotlm ]0;t« xj«ba a a*.n* HUJ S.CAafkifaca lOiH.l^nme* Walk

Lodges Warned j - OLGambler Use„ SS

For Tax Evasion St«i - lo d tw *nd f ra te r^ _ io e lB tle i A

31. gamblertf aehcma to tiae Deeproflt- to® nd organlBUo&a aa » fron t to beat tha Twl JU* federal wagerlne tax. —

Tax o f tld a b dUcloawI a t » n m g led conftrezKO U iat they hav i eomt ■ CK M fs a m n e a ir t-T lo a ir e i ie r o f - tb * — the aort. moeUy tn IniUtna. i* t Ttiey aald tb a t the aocitUea in-eo- volvtd could lose their taz-«xcaipt __ind autu* and be tub ject to tax as- Ich aeasmenU for the-wagera handled.- - ket James OuUirle. acting chief of for th e 'b u rea u T apeclal r* e k e tw tn '- -

veaUgaiors. aald m any nmhler* went ou t of bualneu o r ven t under m

. . ground -after la s t November, vben ■ “i Uie government pu t » 10 per cent ^ ^ 7 tax on wagers and m »M oocupa- - ']*' Uonal t u on the bet taker*.

T h e y have coma up again ta £he« noapreflt o r g a s iu tln u and ^ > n Ue-Ht9B-»t." b e «»ld.____


paper* were fUed Wednesday for 5“ Mining fomn^nv. 1>»lrflHrt, _

cap lta ltod for *3.000,000, by Charles % B. Faraday, J r , Thomas K. Mellen

and John Roweit, a ll Mountain Home. ____________________



C A R T O O N — SHORT . .

r-- ■mgmmxg oigii nihitZ Iw c lo u t .B o b f ; )


" ----------- lL_ZC0HP»a0N-|AWOmNWnHADi

'i : lllfBBBigPHARlE 4.W


‘I k e ’ S m e a r e d ' T | | J B y P r e s i d e n t , i i

T N i x ^ o n Q a i m s - BAICKANIICUa. T a, Oct. 9 (A -. H

Seanuchard K l:^ aald last slgbt ■ Prealdent 'lyuman'a "inotutraaa at*

» teavtr to blana hU aOnlnlain- ■- tlon'a M lorea abroad oo Owlght D,... X l«nho««> '> ia.,iha ncKt TlcioBl ! ■- etaeaf ta history.- . . O j

Tha lUpubUcaa Tloa snUitetlal I H eaadidate'a lUtemeat draw applaoM ^ >-«nd a fsir jsbal yalla-tnan tta trrarllow aodleoca in the IflOO eepa»»% hlgb aehool aodltorhsa.

^ iUsxandrU 1* just aeroat tb*«. kenac m er horn Waahlngten.--------

•Rl ttUnk that B arryftuaan,-of . -- an people," aald Wxoa. -would t r j

to t u a S n b zmiiht BaanbowwH» rapuUttoa malta a whote- nattoa-Tlaa <p-i8-»%fatwMa.wrath,"

. U m OkUfonkla aenator. rastn** t a f hi* cam palfs a fla r a thr»*-day

-I V<a&e.{iU|lD| MMr

HU diarfs l iu t Trumsa v u ter- — lo«.toLjiln _tb» bIam».oo..ttJ*_C!Oi*_ C

' presidential candidate. apparenUy referred to ths President's aster- Uon Tuaaday that EUcnhower did

‘ in 1M5 by '%]{a»9ars" In asUauttar Rtuslan intenUona, '

Motorists Jailed MC. T.~ e U r s r t T irla TUb; was k f l l

committed to the ooonty by l l |n - J Justice of . th e Jeaca 0. X. Rndy,. iM _ Buhl. Wqdneaday w bto b r - n t n - H I n ^ a to pay a fine o f t35 and O IHI

5 7 Mlei AUO comcttlttKl tb JaQ l a lies e( • I I I

i J B 5 3 S 8 i l s J |J.. mDsroNirs p | |u - DolaT R obertson 'In ...... - f l i



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EUitic hiHrti. Doubln ititchw! - _ «,{>* .... Kn«:________rr_________________ cS?---wn»fonV " I 25 ' ' " .. ...__’ ______________-■ - ■■ - — . ^ , , .2Oft I......—

^ Tw o. . . MEN’S W m W ort : ( r m ] W o o r s k a te r s . i ”** C O TTO N TOE SHIRB ' _ ' ■ '

~~ o °n - —J 7 OO--------- SmallrMedium-and-tog :: --------------"-■ __ Green, Wine. Red, Navy 0*47 Reinforced Neck. ^ M m N Removercator .

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thi» new and loriou j chan i( Itwki J w ith c x tn jfl)ooiu“ “ k i l conccntrated, In '™ Y e t’ Sejo Milk coo W I tiled n u lk . ' ’

i f l f l l* 9 tf itb S E fI

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I __P A C T i J g i n . '■ -

IP : American-Music> i ' For Junior CliB rj .. A aerfcin

l i i l u th» j e u ’t itud r for the junior lor Oct. t n f - miuto cluhi ipoBiowd by V u Twta w r t atl l l ^ Palli Mualc club. The proBrwn out- awI'OieJ1111 ■ lioea for the year will Include um g a tI l f ' and danc« and U m t» a < of muale T tu ;iU l will tM ftudled. aceortlni. o Mra. duel b j »H U : Oren Boone. adrUer of th* erianU Ann M«

' I « ' ‘ laU cn .' ■ ■ cuaiedth,1 iil Early American'.folk muUe and and the

I " A.nfn tiM will be ha tu rtd and th e in Uie ba' D an meetJfga *U1 Include /tudy of

' ,► Indian rouilc. Plumed durlni the ^ * ( ■n y t*r are protrasu by m eaben. re« V J I I I i

• ^ ■ eortUnn of authentic muilc and t •»i | ‘ • danca moTle*. aa well u prtaenu* Y V eC

r ; tljjn of papera by meaber*. •,I 1 A dflre for new nwmbera l» belnr | nI 1 a tm sed thla year and the onanU a- _^I 0 »rm h«« bMn'-fllTMri ipta two . M C M

II n croupi. the Junior and th i Jurenlle U th a Ma l l l n ' dIrUioni. Mra. Boon* la adrlaer of Kardy ba Un the Juvenile jroup and'Mr*. K. V. parenti. J ( H u ■ Bhew will be the new Junior eotm- ard. Declt B B aelor.H fn -T hem em berahlplaopentoyouni- I J_ _ ,U ra .in le re a t« l- ln /n iu 2 c ..w lie th e f

f l i ' er not they 1i«t» muilcal talent. ™T tnU U re plana are to hold meeilnga

' 1 .Jn private homea with lodal houn f -I ■ following and the year’* events will

I I B T W g h fw w ^ b ra -w w ie re s tm r: , lo be held early next year, OuUi?ret[I Tha feaUval will be la prepar*- The brI; I tlon for vtate itudent audltlona fown atylII ‘ which will be held In Pocatello to t lonr poln

Ml : . alx claaasKlcatloni, pUno. organ, train. Heri ' TloUrC rlotlncetlD and men'a and ed alllc 111

: r 1, w o m e ^ 'v o ice . Bcholanhlpi are pearl tlirI I ) < twaxded to wlnnen who will par* eamatloniI 1 Udp«t« In the dlJtrlct contest and buda. The

I I ; rouos mualelana tntereited In the chief belo1 • aiidltloM muat b« membera of tha and wok

I ! ’ the National Federitim 'of Uualc Theibrli I i j , elubj. ■ baraPrle it ] ( I_______purpye of Hi» (dera tion, accord- a ttm on,

I w o rto g w laU en muilc club* and „ b ' i ' other musical organlxatloiu to a id nuriev lu

' I I and encourage mmlcal educaUon: to .make music an lateiral • part of everyday life: to encourage and ad- Tance m O K ls^tr ttX iT rrm a lc A t w bo-*l»-i a r t 'a n d to promote American ar> The hrli Uita, and to uphold bUb musical afternoonatandarda. — ------- cho««_».b;' At thU week'a mecUv of the Jua- coraagea w r ---------------- ---■ .A recept

Members Attend ■ Special Program

” EDEN. Oct. 2->Junlar dleaner and Mn! tlrla and Junior M-Men of the Mr and M Ha«ltoiL l-P3_»anl attended atake v n thi-M.ir chaaUty ttW BrpnJcnuir-»t-ftupert ■hriRjrooir Monday. The program locluded-an Barbara organ prelude by Delay Campbell, the guest Bup«r»: invocation by Coleen Nlel- ^ a«n. Paul: numbera by the Rupert ^«lrU' chonu; Kltcilon* by a trio ^ , .n lu t i from Heytjum: golden ihcaf by

I Ludean Anderwn. RuperU „ "Mr*. UM ona«j-ma.i, prejldent of

the TWMIA. gave a talk on chaaUly. S ” PreaentaUon of booklcta wa* made by Sarah Krivanie and benedlc-

s"rSe”Acequia,------ — -----------------^ Newcomb.

■; Pair Honored .BAOERMAK, OoL 3-T he 33th with red i

weddmg anniversary of. Mr...aQd of rcd .ro j Mra. Ralph Miller., wax celebrated w u spent

I Monday night with a dinner a t th e park. Wyo home of Mr. and Mra. Ward Marah. Valley.

The cake In honor of th* occulon The eou] w aa'U ked by Mr*. Howard Marsh, a t Heybun

Care of Your C■ ' .By ANGELO PATRTeacher* ar* being uked to lake carr?? Thi

need*.'alnco unfilled nerds are like- healUi cur\ ' ' 1/ lo cause physical lilne.ues of one b« m ost n

« | aort or another. Nntyrally. the.ie ot class i n e ed rv ir7 trom ehltato cWia.'eacn' te ae h tr r-* aecordlAg ta hi* nature and .hi* continued i

I home TiacksrSTlirdr*” ' -------------- eUCrprOBTiOne child will crave a i le ro n , ttie ex&mlr

another will want thInM other chll- Such cw

f dren-havw -and-w hk/i-iie-cannot- teachcauo. have. One wlU praise and applause cireer. Incj while another, ahrlnkmg from the terlally for attention of strancers. will suKer' soon 'th a t 1 from -any marked-noUee.-ParenU thelwclght and teacher* are ».«kfd to study Impoeed oi each child so a> to meet his peciillivr ences, new emotional needs.’ in this wsy wo JusUnent, i hope to improw Ute heslth of the nono -of w children and promote thetr growth dlspoaaL through happlneu. If-w o rt

' Although teacher^ ere counselled to stay in- about this study of Uie Individual « 'ant the child there are few nrovUinns for teacher*. t<

[ iUaJ atudy. Theclilldren of iHelirsT TnUsrceaje two year*, the beginners' grade.t. atraw. We are likely -to be very Urge elas.i«a the time, and U Is In Uiese grade.i that this extra teacli

.. _rnrtfuLstudy-And-consequent.tr»aU~. the trained

i , Bchools In the big cities and lamer demands uiI towns. U Is not unaiual to have ers or lose

I I 11 claases numbering trom <0 to M. callon are, • ' The, tencher'i first duty, aa laid cla»j>room

I j , ■ down by the Kliool authorltlei ment them‘ backed by Uie, parents. 1* to teach of study.

, • ' Uie fondam cnub of learning, the■W three R's, tftid whntevtr additional ii-*I . aubjecta the .course requires. Dut

' I how can a teacher study tha emo- -int.m 'i n .jl tJonaljieeds of any one child wlUi j*

I ;• 'aucK J ^ o a d 'o f work as ilie m ust k y I

f t r O E T CI Look Ahead.||!— —B(B-Ready--—1-|I B.uy.FueTKowL;I III__ ' _____ W « h a w trh i

I ri _ _ N a . 2 F 0

| | - ' ' N a s w

I '

..............., . , . . •*. .

\usicSeleGted“ ■ EjrX labs'"S fudv Hi iU rn o r 'c n iU 'th ^ a 'M n tio d lg r 'e h u re n r ioam’ alfrtinn o f-jftlcc n -W u .ach rtu ln l rwi/w tor Oct. 35 seaslona. Junior* will rwla meet a t T.to p.m , with M n . Shew out- and>the Juvenile group a t 2 p .m . a t toag a place to be announced lAt«r. luslc Tha program fu tu red • vloUn M n . duet by Kaye Angerbauer apd M arr u il- Ann M eM l. John Hughe* - dls?

cuased Ui« hUtorr of the navy band 4s d and the placem ent'of InstrumenU Ihe In the band.^ ^

li! Girl From DecioWeds Von H ardy H P

in Church Rites B g ''lira .n lle Letha Mae Leonard and Von U ro r r of Kardy b u been announced by her . V. parenti. Mr. and Mra. Jonea Leon.u n - ard. Oeclo. Kardy U the eon of Mr. M/

and Mra. Ray Wardle. Rupert. The . . . daIM- l i tr . A . M. T hom u of the P i n t J . Monr,h*f MeUiodUt church o( Durley read treUiedim L tha wrDoe bafore garden flow en aad-M n

arranged by M n. Robert' P . PU h- Mia* Me,u „ er. m ch e l U w lt ami M n . Don Tiler itit..III Adams. Tt>e tall tapers were lighted fradnalrm r by-D eU rea-K ow lta-andr-D elofe* -acheol. f

O llUfret aet. (8tin - ' The brida chose a whIU satin p —ona gown atyled with k fitted bodice. ^io r long pointed aleeve* and a church ^ O U;an. train. Her fingertip veil of Import- .. _ind ed allk Illusion wa* held by a seed , Sare peart t la n and ahe carried white I —lar- carnation* centered with red rose- '■ind buds. The bride carried a handker- b u r LCthe chief belonging to ,L*Prlel Seamon demonstnthe and w on a watch borrowed from be held 1

The'.brlde'a attendants were Bar- Catsia co bara Fries, maid of honor, and Mia* agent.

broUier of t h e i r l d e g r ^ . a e m d and a paa best man and Robert Ruasell, served, TfBurley, uahered. ' M n. Johr

_» Mr*. Wayne Newcomb waa sololat. Those taccompanied by Mr*. Clyde Wardle. w

ir» The bride'* mother wore a blue * • cal afternoon d reu and M n.' Wardle

chose.a .b lick .taffeta gown. T heir P o r o rn - coraageg were white camaUotia. i N c u c f “ A reception wa.i held in the Declo ’ - " K J r

recreation hall following the cere-mony. About 300 guests were re- OAKLFeelved by the newlywed pair, their Lewis R.

Y*| parent* and attendants and Mn marriage cand M n. Olen Briggs. Rigby; Mr. H. O n n t I

le r and Mra. Bob Bell. Richfield, and Keber Eva;iie Mr. and Mra, Norman Briggs. Rigby, couple « c

brothgrn-in.ltw nnd sisters of the the Salt Le rr ■hrinjrOOmr^'---------------------------------- 'M rrand-^ Barbara Moffett was In charge of SepL 3d'ai“ '■ the guest book and gifts were a r- *vard LDS**• nnged" by Bonnie Anderson. Loul.ie »<“ masUV Den'cy. Dorenn KowlU and Gernl- program w

dean Hatten. H ie wedding cnko H"*“y was served by Mr*. A rt Tyler and I>arlcne B

- Mra. Robert Steven.r Punch was LaRue W served by Mra. Joe QUUeres andMrs. Norman Wood. ■ • f e'<l *nd

i°® Lovell Turner was master ‘of ««ber J. E„ ceremonlea for the program present- ^

“ ■ ed by Oeneal Rich)ns, U is Adams. by— Ila-D nT T lnston-and-M r*—Wayne- ^ 1 :

Newcomb.• For her golng-away ensemble.'Uie ^ ^

— bride wore a navy blue taffeta dress ith with red aece.worle* and a eor*agend of rcd.rojebudt. The wedding trip r U r | it<d WM spent In Yellocstone naUonal : D # 'he park. Wyoming. M"onUna. and Sun D y Iih. Valley. m J n t an The eouple wlU make th tl r home■h. a t Heybum. . • |

1 P r lt ti wen/ —»l .1 I Ai'endrup.

our Children^ c.s;".s3E L 0 PA T R I Ij------------------------------------------------------ Mrs. VcIce carry? The examiner will not ask Caiif,, nnd al. thl- tfftflifr Hhuut ihf finQtlniinl liouprfil bv e- healUi curve of her cl.-vs-i, but he will hooa n l n le be moat meticulous In the m utter Daniels hoi se ot class averages. The classroom .:M' te*ehtr*“ nlarie3.'TitntiioUon*r even------- r ; - •it* conUnued emploj-ment are based on L .V 61— eUCrprogressTiraliown-ljy-the-teala —BElXEVi n. Uie examiner Rives their pupil*. netli Becek 1. Such conditloai are whnt make bent of the at- teach£M jorD ‘-fhfJ-''V<T_{«?k_pn.W7fl. Jiounc«L tt M cireer. Increajied salaries help ma- Charies T. )e terially for the time being, but very the group cr- soon 'th a t lift of spirit sinks under The subjeciU thelwclght-'Of-the .lmpoiilblfi-taaka _ 1 -----------ly lmpo«ed on them. Drives, confer- ‘ R t r f l vr ences, new orders, entail slud>-. sd - • U l l ll i-o JusUnent, Ume. equitxn'ent..training... Linda 6 u ie nono-of which I* at the teacheri' th ltn blrU •ii dlspoaaL party for

It-w o really want good .teacher* mothers Ekfd to sU y in-the aciiuoli.. It we really home of hftl «-ant Uie *chooL% tlirough the RaUibun.ir teachen. to give such ser>lce5. we --------r—JT JnUsrceaTeXiKmsTBrMlftneiniOur T ’T l X—:.v straw. We must provide the place. r t i L s C Jea the Ume. the equipment and the J ,,1b extra teachen needed tor the work. St»'. the «pi‘.->i«iut< Tf n» .-iinnnt ^

cT demands upon the cla-woom teach- YVB ers or lose Uiejn. New Idea* In edu- R ;

callon are to be welcomed, but the W ;Id cla»j>roora teacliera cannot Implc- / / ; .■M ment them all and teach Uie course A •A of study. • - y - I

Put ’."sm." m ! r A l r t < . r ' T / . ' { 7^

'« h a T . w h a t Ton n tw l

TO. r & 2 S T 0 V E W . 2 F 0 R N A C E . . . . ' H

T O . S F I J R N A e E — ~ M

[EEeT -

■' ■ ■ ' I

_ • Bride-Elect' LDS

will panlclpaBhew Oulldmgn . a t acUvliles

wereriolln IngforoU arr

dl*3 meeband --------«eeU y 'isenu ^ m y ■

w u In c:* ‘ me. M U dee

thli seu Louder

\ / wblch mforU ied

-es K ’- ' .

' talent'll]eon- reffts

Mr. N A aJlE MONNAKAN .The . . . d»uibter ol Mr. and Mti. r .P in t J . Monnahan. Fllrf; whe U be- read lw U > ed«-JakeP rt.dek ..enefK r. w en «a d-M fi.-Jak . -Prsdek. BobL S ‘i*„ -Uh- Mia* K eaiiahaa U a g rad u U ef ^Don n ie r iiltii tchoel Mni m e t k w*» orlmarv ' lited tradtuiled from CuUeford high ni-nn g, oeea -* ch « l. No wedding daM -ha*-b.«i.

aet. (Staff engravlDg} ^alks anda tln , ' " i *lr»cd alice. ^ • I I A s. ouUlne f'

C o u n c i l M e e t lunowee;- e ' , r i - • J day of UK ,.,S e t for Friday

oae- ' In attendBURLEY. Oct, 2 -A district bom* Relief

mon demonstration council meeting will curtains rom be held Friday In Twin Fall^ , ac- Bishop Si

__cording-lO-Mflt.. HgrjnBcrOtllriipnf ui-outun3ar. Catsift county- home demanatntloa teriaU to Mia* agenL Tlie meeting will begin a t 10 chapel. rriv a jn . In the Idaho Po»^r auditorium y,

" e £ Mrved* F ?aw «d ^ b T a .U lk hrM n. John Hayes. “

sUt Those attending will be offlcen month ■die, of Uie council And rep r^en ta ito J in addl

of ^icl^ cotmiy home demonstrWeW tiw .'the '

Reception F e te s - S !rS tcio ’ .^-Newlywed Pair SW™]re- OAKLEY. Oct. 0-M r. and Mn. leir Lewu R. Crltchfleld announce Uie U r. marriage of the ir daughur, Inga, to , V Mr. H. G rant Evans, son oJ Mr. and Mr*. openi.m d Keber Evans. Wenatchee, Wash, Tlie mo at Mu tby, couple exchanged voto Sept. 32 In the M-M<U»e the Salt Lake City LDS temple. « n t the--------- Mrrand-M»,-Evana-wer«.honor«d e itrd s ta .I of SepL 3d 'a t a recepUon In the Uilrd ' Coneiata r- ward LDS qhurch. 0 . Edsel Tholen will be 1

w u m u te r o( ceremonies for the priesthood •nl- program which Included a prayer bynice the bride's father; vocal solo by n i,n(] Darlene Bateman; saxophone lolo, rQrl6 Kiu LaRu* W hittle; a Ulk. Ramana ,n(j Adams; vocal solos by &ild Criteh- n r g . . field and H.’ G rant.E i-ans; U l t

‘of Keber J. E\'ans. and praj'cr by Ros* OOODI: n i . Adanu. Background ■music was PresldenU

played by Mrj. L «Ia Marlin and fast wasJJia_Mftiy_Eoultmj_______________ .tM-SmE.

The newlywrils will make their Ernest ilhome Ja L o t A n g ela dent for

^ p Francis I

Parties Reported ‘S-Kinal r-k \ i i - Mrs-WUlun By Filer Women

FILER. Oct. 3 -M r, and Mrs, R .V. The am Click held a buffet supper and officers ol canasU party Sunday evening, lary will b

—1 Prltes went to Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Uie new o;A i^ndrup. Mrt. John

~ SiyaiCTniccrAriJMdeitleit'of.Toni preiJclent, Oie.'e, T*'ln Falls, wnx honored a t member, a.shower given by VeldaTtecas and u m tfu f Susy ushj'lm ia. Games were played. vrH

— ' Mrs, Verda Daniel*. Richmond, c „ V i t d isk Calif,, nnd Mrs. A. M, Bowlen were * inL liouDrfil by Vnmcn of thr nelnlibor. • “illl hood n l A birthday .“party a l the O p m } ter Daniels home. IV IC IIIIsm ___ * ♦ Q

on E ^ n t Planned KAOERlsla “ BEtX EV U Er-O ctr-^—Mr>;-Kfn'. UiB-Junior

netli Beecker. who enteruined mem- lor M-Mei >ke bent of the Civic club last week. an. leaders, at

Jioi«ce(L tl«{_X flrca{_s.iu itc iliiii meH lne-h la- Charies I. Dnugherty will address ning^ Eld 'ry the group a t the Oct, 21 meeting. City.—t l i r ler The eubject will be "Idaho Poresx" Oleaner le Iks ------------- ....................................... - -A tUndln

5: .'B irthdayF eted SK'Bhi g . . . Linda Sue Rnthbim celebrated her Mrs. Ralpl :ri' thltn birthday anniversary al a Mn. Amo

party for her friends and ihelr II. Gold, tra m othen Saturday afternoon a t ihe Larry Hi lly home of her moUitr, Mrs. Marioti rr. Bob Miie RaUibun. iLso attent

4 | < f c f m r m T m 7 w '

mi. -._____ —a

J! I f in ™ I I taste I

iB m l

. • . b a sb ig h l b«iib«n Uste.

. oncommonly goocJ..a Ulram^^alka-'Rhlstef-

Mflr w wggesl n f(Tf JTO and pur ftifnds?

V hlU M W A im i ' lO N i WC, flOllAi lUlNOtl -


LDS Auxiliaries . Bel -Outiine.Rrdgrarh'- t i ! - —For=liaJL& asoa — ^

BH06H0NE Oct. J AuxUlarr parUclpaUon plans In the LOS - j m builduig fund procnun and group acUvlllcs for. Uie coming month ( were outlined at a correlation meet-Ing lo ro fllcen M d U achersof su**- . V Ularlei of the church Monday night, l TTie meeting was held following the [weeklypriesthood meeting and W. i ----------r. Stlmpson. bishop of the ward, . w u In charge.■As money rablng projects, the M U decided’ to hold square dances thli seuon, Mr, and Mr*. KemieUj Louder will ouUlne Uie program V i-blch may.jnclude a te u o n ticket f i r - | t . for the dances, p a

OUier projKU considered by the Sunday school primary and Relief sflclfty tnfliided.thr moothly-cook- *d food sale by the Relief society, a ■ f t g u talent'ihow, noveltrahow .and sale L o -g W ef refreshments a t cnteruinm eols.

, _ .Lewis Holley spoke on-prepsra- k l ' tlon of *"'l“ Sunday school and ME

attendance a l prayer nieeilngs a t ILeyaoi •H’ the Sunday school session wIUj

O lenn Sorensen presiding.Mr*. Wllll-s U raen conducted Uie k A : ~ ~

primary' department seasion. M n.’ / V H i J i Olenn Sorea'en and Mr*. K enneth .1 1 _

••■* tm iO ir'w ere-aB lgned 'thriicrlpture- — F i e i Ulks and Mn, Lewis Holley w u u - Trmm.

----- i signed a Ulk. The October, aeUvltyouUlne for Uie primary includes a Halloween party Uie l u t ‘meeting day of the monUi. M n . M. J . Dllle

IV gave Uie teacher-Unlner JcMon. L. “' T. Sorensen, bishopric adviser, w u

----- 1 In attendance, miloma Relief loclety m em ben .discussed , **“ * " will eurUin* and drapes for the chapel. '

^^ao Bishop S h ^ ^ w

lUoa terinU to finish deewaUons in Uie

11 M n ' r r r " t «h., “ MIA meeting whero assembly pro- »nd U e ‘ gram a.uIgnmenU were made and ^ p ami

special. acUvlliea ouUined for- the

In addition Ib 'the monUi's actlvl- tiM.-the wsrd Gold and Q r e ^ ball ^ S

recreaUon will b« held O c t 8 uhdes the direction of Mr. and Mr*. Ken-

— nsth-Louder.-ward-donce-dlrecton; P*“ J'-ai J. The Improvement Era will be the A late

I I r subject of Uie opening exercises for |------------Oct. IS and Mrs. F t N, Stowell, auke

^ Era director, will be In charge. C V e T, to Dave Warner will be director of ^iir*. ihe opening exercises for the ‘'meet 1 Q Tim me at Mutual" program Oct. 32 and1 In the M-Men and G leanen will p re. —

sent the prognvm for the opening GOODHir«d eicrelae5_Ofl. .2g,-- chapter, cilrd • ConeiaUon m eeU ng^or October EonoTSfr}[en will be held after Monday night worthy gthe priesthood meeting OcL 37. makes he:rby * * . * ter Satun

* Parley SponsorsBreakfast-Event.

toss OOODINO. Oct. 3 - 1110 P u twas PresldenU' parley annual break- “ ^and fa it was held Tuesday morning n t A banqi___ the home nt Mr, O. D. Heller. Mrs. grand metieir Ernest i l .Melds w u dected . prcal- '

dent for U ie.coming year, Mr*. 'in«elal clFrancis Marlalt la vice president a t 6 pjn.and Mrs, Donald H. Kelley, secre- with Mrstary-Ueuurer. matron, a

. Mrs. William H. Schrclber presided P“>ri a t the meeUng and Mr.v A. O. Clem- ' ' '

ons «as acUng secrcUry. Get Moi.V. The annual party honoring u n it Syrtip Dai

md officers of the Perry Byam auxU- Ing. lary will be held during October andIph the new offlcen will plan the event. C v /L

Mrt. John W. Clouscr, J ^ io r past u X l'oni president, w u welcomed aTTTnew V T lien i

a t member., ' nlng Idi’"Jl Hostesses Include Mr*. Ray Alban, will be i

Mn. SUnley O Smilhi Mrs. Fred fi. Boise Ai“’'J' Craig and Mr*. Heller. Mrs. Ma

♦ ■ . fitie arts

Members A ttend Gooding M eeting

HAOERMAN. OcU 2 -M em ben of fna Hn^l en'. Uie-Junior a ieaner-B lrU -and -Jtm - -»nr-tBtir ■in- lor M-Men. accompanied by Uielr „sihU M ,n . leaders. aUended the LDS chastity j i i Ci«fUacJn:^?«P5t{RS_Mcodflj:_CTC=.•ess ning^ P d a ^ Jo y ew en . Balt Lake '

X " Oleaner leader, was special speaker.------- A lU n d ln » -fro m -h « re -w e re -Jan e t-----------

snd. Janus Sherwood. Mrs. CharlesRalph Sberttood. Thelma Hulme, _

her Mrs. Ralph Hulme. Irene Claiborne. fa Mn. Arnold Claiborne and Mr*. D. I

leir II. Gold, class leader. M Ihe Larry Hatch. Junior M-Men lead-lo:i rr. Bob Molony and LeRoy Bevln* , T .” '• *Lso attended. PlalfU i

- J i S - - ' s j e a B - .Ika.mirf.- , old I *IDuifrUnd!? ----------- ■

lUA. IIUNOII - ................................ ........... -

r W I N F A L L S , r o A H O ' - ’

Betrothal Told _ H ogt

*,” d MEUIA JOYCE KULM ■I a t (Lcyaen phelo.ttaff eofTavlflg) • duced wei

• s r sMiss Kulm Tells M

SS- —Her-Engagement-“ ■ JEROME. Oct. 3—The angagt- wendtll. i

’ ment and approaching marrlaf* chapter ® • of Melba Joyce Kulm h u been an- prwent fr

nounced by her father, John Kulm. Ooodlng, L Mis* Kulm *111 m a rrr Lou!*' A. can Palls.

^ Relnen. son of M r*.. J. LlghUey, a lunch Los Angele*. * *onlc temi

^ Miss Kulm WM irad u a t^ l freni grscd ma' Jerome high school and attended Boise. *s i Woodbury college In Loa Angeles, gmup ” i

P ahejwM_emnloyed_as aecretary.to. .g'ff.'j* 7 ^ thB-tFuyenn-Bunock-a-wilahirB-ae-

parUnent, store for two years. The Pl»'>'’«‘ » brJde-to-be h u been y e n d ln g the

and U employed • In the office of C. P . SmlUi. county a u e ^ . M «

Reiners U a graduate cf Wood- jolir bury college and post presidtnt of joremlltre

L,,i -Sigma Phi Nu fraternity. He. U members - j j r emjrfoyed-ae-aMlBUnlr^upervlsoMf- utymsnf-. ^ Uie .producUon control. deparUrienV prfjtoa ai

of Howard Hughes' A lrcralt com- ^ *hooi.pany.at los^Angele*.------ ------------ by-Mrs. W

Uie A late fall wedding ts planned, terooon fc for 1 — lAie « i Ike p . • , follosing I

Events P lanned To Fete.Motron i h ^

ing GOODINO. Oct. 3-Co»mopoUUn Si'S'*'lrt J chapter. Order of E u te m Star, will

5m EH HSrSfrirH nifr-Jahe'.W heaU ey. " ' IT ; '" fht worthy grand matron, when she

makes her official visit to the chap- ' *y ter Saturday. R v ^- A luncheon for offlcen and pa.st / niaUons of Uie chapter will be held P r o

, a t noon a t the home of M n . A. W. ^ I U I t B iM W jind WlU be -foUowed.by.a 6H0SHC

, Fchool <61 msmictlon a t 3 p jn . at elected fo UiB Masonic temple. Music club

nt A banquet honoring the worthy held Sundi [rt. grand matron will be given a t C churc ;n r ] m . ai'U iB ' i o u f 'M h u ia the -wtnmmit Ir*. special chapter session will' begin the 11- s ;n t a t 6 p jn . a t Uie Masonic temple who'will bi re- wiUi hfrs. Doris Clouier. worUiy lor club s<

matron, and Worthy Patron Harry elected pre 1 Skjold presiding. . vice, presliin- • . ' ¥ ¥ ¥ .w rcun-;

Get More Milk with Bm ler Sweet Allen n it Bymp Dairy RaUoa. Globe Seed adv Be^!

a Exhibit s i a t ^ i ““ "'‘ew • Tlia second annual prlte-wln-

nlng Idaho school a rt exhibit *."'“ '5 '“’'. in . will be shown Oct. 18-28 In Uia 1,?.^* fl. Boise Art gallery, according to X**

Mrs. Martin 8 . Mickey. Moscow. Ope^haw

_ Musical g"• Tlie exhibit ha.-! been selected from school a rt brought to Uie ^

g federation's conventions and will 7, again be Judged in Boise. Follow-

Ing final selection. Uie art works 5 ^ . "-wnr-tDur-itr6-ft iiti-f tiiin tra j’' i 2 'exhibliM by any federated club.

W Mr.,ke . pounds In

i ------------NEW-FAtL—' -

DRiESSES^ New arrivals In smartly styled wool Jersey*,

plaid* and velveu. Slzc.i 0 to IS,

- — 8 ;9 9 H 1 ; 9 9 — :^ PO PU LA R N E W ' ^

I C orduroy JUMPERS M

\ So pracUcal and so popular for Khool ^ and business. In sises » to IS. '

6 . 9 9 - 1 0 . 9 9

S ' B 'a C K GABABD^^^NE a

I “ “ s k t r t T b l"W lih noveltyWltA ihd Irimi------Long ilec

, mlng. Sizes 3< to 30, pastels. 3

- ^ 9 - ^ . 9 9 — 2 t 9

_ LOVtl Y BLACK NIGHrtayon knit wiiHlovely hce and nylori trlmm

I ' Sizes 31.to 40 ...... : .......... ..........; _____........



R o sa n a J_ __J_____L „ J . J j5.5-.!MMN_AVENUE-V/

j H a g e r m a n A r e ai!2 r ha p te r Is Host __ _1V: To OES Leader

~ H X a B a iA K rO c t—5 - A - » p o d a l-------- ^of B u e n n a n Valley chapter

■ ' No 7* bel<l Saturday eveninghooartrj th e official vUlt of Mr*. -

■ l ^ e Jane -WheaUey, MuIUn. woriuy grasd m atron of the grand .

■ chapter of Idaho; O rder ^ B u t« n M j W '. Sur. and J tr .th e exempUfScaUctn of W M r l i i rttu*Uitlc work. •■'*“ * Honored ju e su a t th e m eetlnf tn- — ■ —

- . eluded Mra. Elsie Redfleld. Idaho ■' Falls, p u t grand m atron ; Jay Red- •

, , V field, Idaho Fall*, and Fred & •

i ton. WendeU, p u t s ta n d patrons; jsck Simpson, W allace, associate gnnd patron: 'M rs .- l^ u ra Fry. I *

Boise, grand Eleffta;_.Mr*._ .C lara -------f lMassey. Ooodlng, grand representa- 1 1 tlve of Indiana; Mrs. Hazel Russell.Hagtroan, grand represeatatlre pf — re&ssTlTBRla; Mrs. Zula Pkkerlng.B o 'p e r tT c liU rm im f-th e ■ 'n n in c e -----committee, and Mr*. D o r o t h y I ■ Ftahin, Pocatello, grand chapter

PiMlding worthy matron* taUo- ^ ig) • 'duced were M n.,D orU Clouser. Cos* -

mopoUtsn ctoapttr N a 38. Ooodlng;Mr*, m n c e * Lamb. S tar of the We»t chapter No. 3fi, Wendell, and

5 Mrs. Adeline Snyder. Naomi chapter , No. 4, Albion. •

p i t WnrthT pntmnn n rfUf n t tnrlilil^il .»Harry Skjold. Ooodlng: Ed Oschner.

ag»* Wendtll. and Stanley W alten. PUer ,■age chapter No. 40. O the r guesU were an- present from Buhl. Rupert. Wendell,

ulm. Ooodlng, Albion, Pocatello. Amerl- 1, f A can Palls. Wallace a n d Flier.Uey, A luncheon w u a e rv ed .In .tb e M a-------------

sonic temple In honor of the worthy ■ram grsod matron wlUi M rs. Laura Fry. ided Boise, *s anoUier special gueat'The eles. gmup w u en tertained with a hu- V to morous reading by Mrs. Charles R. ~-g.i,. T 7 R x r e r c = a B g 7 ^ a m m n r = e i r ■TJie pUnned and prepared by the past

matron* of the chap te r w ith Mr*. — thn- i^Jtflbtr.tA .iA ^bnionan '.-nia la lcil . !f by Mrs, J. R . Aussell. Mr*. Sylvan ’ Miller. Mrs. E L. Chaplin, Mr*.

. Maty Prozlcr and Mrs. M, K. Slane..Mn, Jolm W Jones ossbted the

t of comnilttee.'Serving tlie meal were = • 4 members o f Job's D aughters. Pat

NtJw snf-i^U -Rae-^eym ant-O aroV m 4](Alent, prfjtoa and R'uUi Bell. ■','------ ----om- Ji xhool e f InsirucUon conducted V o - ' /— by-Mr». Wheatley waa-held th a t af----- -d. terooon for .officers nnd members.

Uie refreslimenU were served ^following th e evening meeUng. Mrs.Wheatley nnd Mrs. Redfleld pre- »■tided St th e coffee and U a serv*

^ ices. Iilrs. Adeline P lru h served as iyAt n chilmun o( the com m liue. which L '^ t _ Included Mr*. K u e l Haegcle. .Mrs. ■

, Be.vle B. Abbott, Leo Bell and Mr.'u n ahd Mrs. Paul Dye. . I t S 'i f — --------------- O k

Officers Elected H By Music Group; '5™

‘SJ Practice is Heldy .a SHOSHONE. Oct-2—Officer* were "■

at elected for the Jun io r Fedjrated / i Music club n t a meeting o t the group I

thy held Sunday afternoon a t the local t e U?S church.TBF -Wcnrrimitioiis wert ' pluie d -nmonc — — .gin Uie 11- and 13-year-old children „iple who'will be graduated in to Uie Jim- thy lor club soon. Patrlcln Shortt was ' pie rry elected pre.sldenl; DeAnn Opcnshaw,

vice, president; K rb tlne Soretuen.•wrctnn" LcL.ind'D llle. lib rarian.. ‘ n _ and Allen Thome, ircn-wrcr. .

The election cfialrmnn tor the day w u Bernice Drusen, Boise, past

—, president o f the Ideiho Federated .Music clubs and a local mu.sic tcncli- er, . . . . . pie

- —DiirtnR-the-bii.'tnenn-mfftinB.-It — — ~ ! WAS dccided to Rive prize awards for Sot

attendance. Miss Drusen conducted p]athe music pra^Ice with DeAnn .

, Openshaw and Conrad'Tliome act- J Ing accompanists for the group, , .

'Musical giinies Were- played.. . ' -7 -ReTrtSinWcIiirttdr c—m fTT)S'~T.TrX----------TT“ W. L. Openshaw. n club adviser,

M n. M. i ,p i l le Is the oUier mother *dtadviser for tlie group. MeeUngs

' nre held a t 3 pm . the fourth Sun-day-of-each m o n th .------ — -------------------------

, * * * mIn IDSl Uic average per capita ___

^ pounds In Canada.

iESd wool Jersey*, ^

. beause

nV l q 'n - ' ____ ^

J L O U S E ^ - Ipisteli; 33 ' m T j

— 2 t9 9 - 3 ^ 9 - - J f

:k n ig h t gow kis ^idnylori irlmminf, ■ . 2 9 9 “ ^ \____


ia S hop IA V E N U E -W E S T - :- -

- i

T m m s D A '

[PEACHI made itfitliiSKO Ii

i CREAMY PE/P fw i— jh»n< h ill— in

fas pic p a n a m ix tu re o f .... ......... IM cupiw. C R ltn. . ----------- ----------------

D rain Tvejl and» v c juicc fro m .........................No. 21^

i.t ned CLI

Save a /ew peach » lic« to ja rn ish lof , pieccs.

or Soften in im a ll bow l— then - — ed placc in pan o f ho t w ater....... l l^ ie a i f

IP ■ V " V4cupi! . ,S c irm ix n ire u n til ;celjtin i j dissolved.

[f M ix u n til sm ooth, th e n 'W add d ijjo lved ge la tin ...... _ ._ .3-o^^ lcg

______________ a p j \

W h ip ICC co ld m ilk w iih cold rotary

U ______ AddJRd-nhipJiill------- -_L _ iuW ejp ,

fold in c u t-u p 'p e a c h ^ P u t into c---------G arn ijh top w ith iliced peachcj and i

if desired. C hill.

No Baking, little (Everybody w ill ta lk about thi* new am

. be au se i t ta jtes even more glorious chan 1 w ith Sego M ilk , it's loaded w ith cctni richnes*. B e a u s e Sego M ilk is concenti as o rdinary b o t t l ^ m ilk. Y et Sefto M

. than any o th e r fo rm o f bottled milk. •

Better Meals y\t L

Are Eas/W ith SI

■ ■ ' I .

2 . IS I

■StocksK s ATACLANC? i

I^G«3;*?sru,- ;K k uJ , •*" ***"•'


-“'ryi, Hrw «u »S H ';r “••fteiiM . <!"'"'**■ "•.r*

r»«aIIT f o i l STOCKS . . .

!! tes* \ ;B ’ 5 ! o S . . » - S '

' :s'I, S io 'i? " " « ■

- l!'i,KS'.';<“ 'i ;=^: g r — i;,i ■;

HS l‘h"llP« I’«‘ •*

I i;!) ftT r«ifUf ‘ ‘jroir i, i;

•-i'fi S?i"c.—>!f ■I u „ i i Ca t lS "II « OuW Sul 10C4 •'

■ Ifi IT.'."*..- !!ii ‘»SI; ”s..'sr Si > sss:t: ?:.»i..::* Ju i Ul. Altlln« !T»i •' MS Un Alrcrift ai>,h’ u b Babb« «>4 »:UliUSSmtIt *■

■I U U S SIMl l<Sr IIK w>lfr**n 27S

l i i /E " P iio'* Wnllortk •'

" ip TOW ccia------ •'‘ n S T r .'S lw i ,. tH |!.n , uub Id. sof / ) j; »*>

W. Jj

>|VM I 0<-----------------fjl ,,

—----- 7~ «■“ III' ................ ;J 'Ji >1.i— ---------------- }'■ ; eJ, —- ---- -----*}”• 5 •e


>kn< Ai>kUI<4 PintTJ ij. Elc k*

Vin Falls. . 1 stock Prices rfcl Twin Falls UvMtock '•

r ^ M by' Ihs T w ltf - 'B’-tcl ComtnlMlon com- , « 'e ' l h r « s i l U “ cf-Ui8- im ion 'eale : m.■------------- - ,„----------------- - Ji:'•— ....... _ ,tn .o o - 20.oo <•W CulU n__jn.00-13.50 ----------------------------------- --------- C..- - »2«3 i top

*DOL ill

K : \ , I k? , »f ;iii;r.r. m .o; Mmdi 110,s: mi IlU ll; 'OM. IJS,(1H:y . . . t t v i"

----------------------- ■ ii-i

leads North ~• Oa 3 V _ s tn le Repub- t tsw K'JIIlam S.- C»mp- 5' ^ n!i mitnUon north - m

of ~prrVy 'iflltlitul ■ one -^ Bepubiicftn Job» ihLi ol “ ih# people ih a t cr

T^tin Falls^W tlT O C *

J:----- —__IJ5.W5. I.so o

^ ~ ’ ' I-—ns,oo. ».oD (

‘• •n n .- l .- -------------- - L.

2 . 1 9 5 'i

ets and Fi* ’•* * * ■.,

i i z j i i ^ e s t a c k 7'• OCDCK

^ OCDEN. 0«l. I i« —(USDA)~Ctltl. iC E :

aumr bull! l'.»»<la,«0; »W n : t :kea't (oanmUI tad lze-9M Ib. *l»ui>ilrr c

««1>M {i,»ft.it.ce, IHon m UIiI* ; i | r » Mrir »1f. U I

SKms> Mlablt <.DOO;'Dot nubllih>d; I r.- wklBf iu»i)r t» •»r»n*! u u IVWn«J«r '“*“ ■ lii“ Ji*In'»Srf/c3 «ioI« ■’ »uihw 'lV i^ I

.................. .........FOETLANO. _ ~ .- i____ rOrtTLAND. Oct. 1. CUlUi laUbU J» ; lU idf: tool i.i:» li>.• ra« frd tl««ra IV.Mi (** ulllllr ‘I"'* li.CO.

j*!lltr..l»Bd.c«n^reliI e«l»«» U.OQ.ta.W. I•• cholr.-»riJ (

4 .irf ptlo. »1 lb. W».'l p.11 lij.bj 5J.1U: iMloft. f*o4 «M tSol» woolrf Uirbt It.SO.'J.co; td Uw aa fnd«n x>U H rlri (Md *oJ ,lBL^ tbdM l,».«40, _______ .° wtr* I.nfl AN'GELen I..rtllr to s AKQELES. 0<t I (/IW rSSINl- |Mcond OlUi ut*bl« MC atmcti (UatfrteC >

b/w*»i»>T« Sl.M rtu 'urraw> l«.t0-ll.09> f<« bull! uillllf mil I

« 'u b iT m 'r ’«m »««lir'.nd ,ooi 1 Jo?* *'l*M«*t*lVblf'T«l nboil •ItiJr; tholf i

N .^ ..adU -hu^ tr»-^ :O t:M Jh!,.20^-. .!■ I * SbAp'MUbli iKin»J good »nd chokf,hold. J*«; ofcr iliLihttr ItiAbt tullr l.CO loor >l«J, _________ j

DENVER i■ i i i BENVCB. OcL i W>-f'JSDA»~<»lll.B •i’.iiu'ii.rl"

ilodr to «Mk: ulllllr ra«> It.M.jT.M: < j 5 '’ tommmltl U <hole« «Bd (Ituihlrr 1

« i . W r V ' i i p ’tw o ,o .„ : ;

|?l> “ sb V I'i.Mil! »«> «U^II>W: W .dn..l i l t dir and prim* •lauihWr limbi■« :i-00; food *Bd (hole* r*«lm t>rx*lr j ji- «.<(>.ri,«C| tuli »nrf utlllU tU atiltf tw tt 41 •I t ' OMAHA ’J*__ OMAHA.-? fS - «k2J*’!j»o.j7a ibL i» jo .jo jo ;j ,

ai^ C«1LI> >JP0; utv*« 2901 at*Tua eholc* - and-k«l*i‘-f»»d*-»»4 *U«f» »~1 b««en

, , 2 . ilaadr t« tUonfi •«iBio*rel»l la lew.ebole* ( locu »t»»dr U» on* l««d eholt* lo prim* !‘«lit >rr»ind l.lTi lb. ■(**» t i . ' l : cholc* to i;iZ low ptitn* lin n M.T».;s.tS: lOod to lo» t i ji i choir* (Ixfi f«ireholc* hiKrri

31.M: coramtrcUl and (ood l).M.:i.iei i „3J towj »„ii 01 M low*r: mo*ily uUlltj cowi 10»* IHJ-U.OO: luxli^r and f»*dtr cUmx n-A’ iteidjr with t i ran itlrvet to d*altr*. iil{ Shtrp «00; all elaaiM (anirallr (t«*dr: )jii; ’jJ?? aiKACO. OM.'"? 5■JjnJ- -Mlafcli "t .tw ; » 4a~t«w»-»a-laittb«tt4- C.» s itSTM'i “ buMh'/ti s‘«.S.»aJ im’ ' : o ii

lU. ly t j f l j a LAi^t unil*r >» Ibi. mo.Ur »fni; Catt!*'t>Ubl* I.O^vciUr* 9441 tliushirr4| d ilMra and htlfirf sradlns (ood ami hallrr I'11^ (allr t i td r U M hrshrr; klaili tr t iin t (

eoT.mfrelil and b»low wraki «wj and pbuilt al«*dr to iO lo«*r: othtr c liiin p----- ilfiilr!-«hok*-f*d-»l»»r» and r**rllnat c

I»d and cholc* htlftn iH.OO., « j|:j!; S S M r . K S ’l S S!:™:

iihi«7 i.Ubla 1.tOO: altadr to SO hlihrr

” • ::,40<:6,DOi n il ts <holea aUu(tiUr fwmA .M ----------- ---------------- ;

I J* KAKHAg c r r r '>•'* KANSAS CITY. OtI. J (UP) - Iton

MOO: ho(i ]>-T( lc><r.r< moat cholc*“ ■*! IlMM'Jb*. ai.}W9.«. -------- fl

Cam* i.OCO: <a1rn JO;- *call>r*4 MlM i i i l i alauibi*r rtiU* lUadr lo *«tl>r In a IJ' I clnnup trad*i tlauihur a lxn and h«ir>ra ci ” • ® “ fih’i , J.eOO: tarab. .iron* I. » M«hM.s ;2' 5 cMf» ti, pumt fj..»ljr aorlfj I) Jlu „ |V J Coloradoa iUD.

ir “Potatoes-Onions- "IDAHO rALUl

IDAIIO FALLS. OtU 1 |UP)-^Hrilnit. , . . 'v mndtiaic. mwlrral* wir* DQulry: (air.

.ll.-htlr Vrakrr; Ilu..rl lack c>l. U .

*?2' iw> IV. ••tk 113 I mHlum lo ltr*«" J.J.V- '?*’• J.JO: imall ta m*<Jliim J.MJ.W: w*hn

— I •tin<l>r>S ft> S.00: US t :.:S-UO; (0 Ih. „ ••fk p.pcf. US 1 M J4J0; 10 lb, tack US. I m»ih 4,10: In maaltr tonUlnrri

Idaho atanilarda nab ),M, /----- — -x5 j!r!l-3.?o'”u"5''5.5“'!*.js:'M Ih, lack US I

rawr J.;i.3,So: Imrlap f*w J.W; 10 Ik — 1 iirlr-U:)-1'mnh-4.«i-4,lti'ln->nMU<.wiu _ ,tnrV >aln..a. 4JJ-iX. ' ,rwltf —------- n n c ro o---------SL»s;- ,S' tiS?’.X-A:!ZrST.S: I

mrula JiO. Suppll« hravy. d.mand .low. j,Jl in n '"TrVek*.al'M*aWl’'’ lba,)l IJ.ho Runi.li ®l

us lA 4.(M.«0;. ahuwlrxi ■pott*l .ackt In33.00 ocra.lnnal'<,tli bak». 10 ounc. mUltni|Tn20.00 c r «.M; W..hlr«U:n Iluiicl. US t .h.— ,w-50 a"2t60 l.Ur< VS I .»IU> IW ! i/.O;

UsSA” ^^V°VVwhU«'us'lA iT l'roiturra ttTt.)'rnu»Vr.. la„ n l Wa»hln«Uin t.oSJ.in; few <M: t‘il« cfl

fl'Biin''j,»-«!oS; McClutl'' &>lof»Jo f'w

Wa.’hlBii'i"' Spinnh n'" er«'f» •iwii’ir.i j-Vii JC

5,io; f , . _:^;v_whii« iV sj*j"}loVi'flVh CallfMnIa l ,» : _

‘I"P* >00: mWwf.1 madlurn r*llt>« fl^h^)rth- :.M; Jalf <i«m» :,0«; poorer l»« ai I,.rf. i r

ihful ■ ■ T A W ItnS TO-MF.ET.,"SnF ~ 5 H UbH0Kg . Oi:l.- a - A- rowUag. <,f UiLi of the North^M*. Shoshone Farm- dl lh a t cr*’ Union will be held « ' WO P - ^ nn lined Friday a t tha Gomci »chool tiulU- D(

alls Ma rk e ts liBtl

DEANi .•« w N». \ - — - — 1;:» "

_____ • e i

!.?» Calorad.fawl, t Ibi. and orrf ^ .00 L«hor»^lowl, 4 1^- and o»Jr --------

!iSl- ^ujis m n T . c ^ ; . T r ‘^ - - ~ p = f

^ o ls To:?;«o ^ « 'I 4.00 lOb. daaiar . • - i

. ICO POOU , | | j br uni

•’r ;5 AA ...... -..............................:^u Ca

W.49 hlJilum li __ L"L—L——— ■ '~ a ?B.rt; Small A ------- ----------- ----- <l-7'.M ^k'*'-1n iraila'‘(lir««l -- " 6X1

ilhiM d«Un auoMJ , .

Finance. f“ i z z G T a i n ~ i t :

a'S 5uas-'™"' •'"J

Ss!"!;!. I . ; ! , *'lihKl; hither, p«.,ml.ri ;m u K lower f.W a r (a «, Miher. Unirfbet rr« ^ ta ,,litdr: I eeni lleeenVaf i.isi.: aortwan.l* "^ “■'"'•rtrd i» », hither, Noiembar J.66>4. p0 I’ier oVli.* pouada

. « - i c , , i c A , » ; ' S S T S i ' S ~ . ™ ^ ••■j> ch oi'? “ J';'’’* »'

nominal 1 miltlnf IJW ll J**d IlOO; H>11 .,„I huMrr-lwrltht nominal; "u

fin^i CI.ICACo"ircV’? U t ”J:" “• . Wh... ....... . ‘='“*£ iSl; i:s:; i:!K i;!K »

r a J S „ ii;!; }i!,i f ! a S "' anil Dk 1.(1 I.cm t.itV ^('Md' Mir 1,::!. i,;i 1,::^, f,

.Mu-------l:xi,__ _____________i .: : '. . .rcalr*. Julr^ l.T... u i . . n i,'.. J'

»°io* siar !k'J, [I'lj___;*J5j „■'----Tl‘r------- 'I lllj-------------- ;«4C .HV, "

. •»'S ■»'•. .nv l -p-r J.«| l.*(i.i I.HU Mar S,«i4 SOu>: u j l?

. juir- I,s:<! i.M* :m ; I.g;\^Ollla ---------' un. KASHAS OTT CBAIK ~nden KAM!A.S CITY, Ocl. 1 MV Whaat 41)1T,M: «p ‘i-t: So : hard ad dark hard i.SIVJihler M*: Si,._ J. : Nn, I r*l S,S»W.

rs.: i.*: ■“ '■Ats!!; iri.'tags*'''! ' -

Ig W iaay ” ■ ■Butter and Eggs

1 . - sholc*--------- ■ -BAS-FBAKcmCO-----------,'f.K -

• „ s a;a.iOi ilnsl. Oaiiln-4!-t>.-1a"™‘ ClilCAROI. CHICAGO, Ocl. t iui-i-i.i»* pouUm«adr: Vark.1 Headir: 2» Itjicka. Prla* thanf.*lamna .Inc. ynunli)ri Piiikt: llrarr xounc 2i

"ciieAe'Tfltijl. d.l.l« «m-47 « n u a .. pound; l(in«horn. proc«a»»d loat

.H ». S-li. ,r.d . A 4T.MJ D M.J4:iwer: fluUerl 4M.'0e pound.. Uark.tTl.adr iO-ITO lo firm. >1 .core :»S t.nii a poond: 52 loallr r"’:oV*^^» »** *'m * "

idlnr Ilw »/»!iJj"law 'eA /« «0-m'sand per ctni A and onr » : mnllumt M.tl.O taiin per <enl A and over 4SI ; alamlarda SMS; rllnia current rrcclpla U; dltUca l2].chKk(.2I.

P o t a t o a n d O n i o n

K L F u t u r e s _■JTJ (C onrtw B. W. Menoberti anS - - - Compasy. Etk* EtUx. Pbon* SMI

itora xnvm ncn osiosS.h0l« « ,« VI.h. 12.41 low. K.:« ck>i.I 909aalaa '* " ‘" ’’'liECEMBEn OSIOS* ' in « i :.»0 hlih, 12.11 low .nd cloa.i arren ilfara can Iradnl.

jANUAnr osinsBih^ : |],o« hUh, I2.‘J> bw, IKI clota: ITS

«r» "■'■'' PCIIHURV OSIONB ,___I IS.2S hk-h. IJ.l» low. n .:i «loaa; JJ

r - r a " A r a : : . ^ a ‘j^^?-’r n o ^ -■' NOVEMBW I'OTATOES ^

Inita " . noT '"' NOVUMiini TUllKEVS

' f - i f t " « »

r i AnothetSuitA,sks- ”v Ban on Extensions

COBUR D-ALENErOcrrrci—___ roiinlv Prnw tilor William D, Mc-

Farlnnd has filed suit In’ disirlcl ihii» court nciilnst the v lU w of Edily-iiow. wrkJj)B'"tIiff“ 7PpSn5-ef--two„rti crdlncincej exlcndlnj lU llm lti to acka Include'tM tflvem*.- "'I"' McParlana w n ■ tlmllar. cast M,„ Infit monlli aRnlnat ilie vlllaBe of iii'-i Atliol. He Mked the court to declnre I’j j f void ordlnnnccs exttnilinK ihe JlmiLs J . , ; on the south abore of Lake Coeur ■h«Hi d'Alcno to Includc two eslablWi-

menta on the oppMll* .ilcle of the ; ‘r„i lake. He salil the taverns nre lo- t.ii* cnted 15 and ID nillei by hlgnway .1'” from EddyvllJei HniJt*, .

TJic ordliiancts Dcrniit Uie csub- llshmenu lo secure llctnic.t for .Mot

nOh drink. ..

? European.Ciiange S Is Declared Need

I BOISE, Oct. 2 iW—Western Europe• : j . m ufl cimnge JU eeonomJc iy*K*n i,» . I f the Marthall plan li to b« an

elfectlve force asalnit communlJm.- . Tliat.'«:a» the.»tattmenl.je.si«n!ay

Jas. < ,f-i>«nl.l-l-Ooa5>-SaU le_ialonal.•m- director of tha bureau, of employ- '.m. m ent lecurtty, fn t Ulk before the iW- DoUe F edcnt BiiHnmmen'* u » -

elation,— - O oTdy .erved r y t a f Wltn-m rrco*'

nomle cooperation administration.He aald virtually no atrlnss rere

attached to the Marahall plan al**— i Tin arlflrrt' tha t_i!Qmniunlst nubver-

»lon could be foujht only by injfrr?- ;•;* Inc the “dynamlej of the Amerifan

syatem Into the economy of weiiffn Europe," _______________

' ' Feeding SessionsiisT ’lanned for State•fflj SfOSCOlV. Oct. 3 tn-Dalflnced• te »lirnr76r~better-T}mi1tr7=feeUliiR-• ** Kill be dlscuiseiS • i t n series ot

rlx achools for Iilaho feed draiew.•Tsr 7Tf|rt~MnTllli—Vnlvnri'tv iflj»no

extcn.Mon poullrj'ij^an. w id todayi- - J iic KhooU, iponsored br ih®

br university and the Tdaho F«ed D ul-ers-atubclatJon,.-ttlll S y i i',point,- Oct. H. Lewiston Oct. 1*.

ii« CalJisell Dee, 8; Twin Falls Dec. 9, jtc PocatellQ.J}«..lQ.UilB«xtturs.Defc.1W » ■.... . .■■■..:= ^ T -.,f ■ , I a-._____ .!

0«1 Mor* Milk wUh nnilet-Saael iK 6yru9 Oftiry lUUoa. Globe Seed »dr ^

, •, ■' ) . '■

T l t l E S - N E W S , T W I N

- Peak T h o u g h t

^ J B .a sse d J u J 5 2 _ . J R e c o r d - ^ E o l i d . J

—WA6H1.N0T0N. Oct. J nn^THo ^. , pubUc health service aald today tho j

:f la 19S2 rtcord.brcatinc polio outbreak . i . o r probably has pa-viedlu p e a t1.,k I ' rtportfd 3.538 new ca.ics tn th e i th. week endtns 6epl. 27. a deereue or

»«rr CJ3 frorn the previous week whenJher. Ofcurrtd.1 ‘t Tlie weekly report of the aervlco ower said Ihe lOprr cenm rop In the new ,

report "probably mark.^ the turning j* lo^ . point of the Incidence this year." q i

■ 1,000 Over Reeortl' • h i A tabulation for the .lB52 pdUo

; — ••disease year"—brgltmlni: In April— ^ ii. showed 3T.B20 cases Uius far. com-

. pared with 32.10« In all of 1M9. th# hi'___ .wor»l_preyou.<_i'ear. The natlona) hein.l! total la-M y r ir w ir m f f r c a M j:------»^ _ ‘n ic^U a_j>£aK _cnm tJiiW _ih ls u

year. In the past 55 year*, only twico betoie had U been reached-later Ai than the thlrd'weck In Septeml>er.

10.. All BeeUona Dip,, i . DecTfanes were noted last week In ' in i ' all lecilons of the country, the .42^ health Raid. * Sl<'V’‘ Miawestem states and California » ' .«Hi had the most new caiea In the cur* t* •JSS rent report. Minnesota reported 570; to •i}!*- -lillno!».-3«r Miehltanr-SMf-OWOr

‘ 243; loR'o. 213, and California, 187.,f( _________________ th;5J|* READ TLMES-NEWS WANT ADS. Di

ill M d i J i T A I^ ■ T i m [ 4 s I

i '

19 Ilk A n r t* l* * f* n a n 4


« ra<h«t4 4«t . ■ _ •

•IM. NO. II FITS TIIF.se KO.V a»ltk M. t>. )I4S.*1 2> CChrj.l.r (All). HIT.Il Da.t,U . f .rt(AUli 19J4.4J Naili «i JH9- Ilad.II (IldaKI l-achanl «et.a n u M Ji-.n iia c ; « n

j l s . ___m a.M c.dni»{-<Aii)_________________

a it ^M -jiof ' . .



<1ot ^



' d l - S I Z E .FOR ■ ' •:r- M O ST CA RS ________ ■ 1 J^ - t D w - s 5 - ^ = -------------- — ! : •


O th e r S iso s P ro p o rtlo n o t« ly L---------------------- :------------------

*.Coita Only SSe per M onth of .CniHR. _ _ ^ _ ^ C X iC t_ f O T _ y « |t _ ^ f l_____

- * « or More lleaYy.duly • "Chtm no riatea* IQQ Amp.hr. gapaclly er

no .♦ Therc'a a 80-Menth_G«uw»aUed I-' _ *«7 C ar A . Duy'To<

fl- ' II* *

el - - i f ^


. N ■ '

r v ; ^ FALLS. IDAHO '

t ■ Early ■ S

2BEOUU Oct. a Chrlit-

maa K aton camo.earlr JaK orta — - -ttW -Te*rr*lmo*t belor# lh* fi« t- —

J v sl O . _ c h l n e « redi b r » d c « t C h ru M

_ m u caroli in E n iliih WedneTn % 'd ay n lcht'toraU led-troopi neat I ' '

' th e panmunjom ' oa the western 8®' realc .fron t. • *. »>'

- J f « an old red propaganda Use trtek to foater hociealetoesa. we

of I I

rvlce Cattle KiUed ”new OOODUiO. O ct »~ThreB head of hrlnliMf a t t le were Injured. Wedae»d»y pn

morning when they were hit on the tloihighway by a t n i * driven by Bra- »n(

KiUo ton Thlbftult. Jerome, two of the edcatUe httd 'toJ« .kU led. _ _ i

»(!)■ TTUbatilc^ was drtfine aoulh entha hlpiV ay 40 when be earn# ^upon a tod

anal of cattle belne driven by C ^ l off;------« 8 W d .- T h e y - u ionge<Ua J tyniin. _ Jthis Leo and Carroll The mlihap »«i

wico" *‘* n n T m i5 B t« d -b r '6 h e r» f -Ktmt giitla u r A adenon. Iber. ------- 1-------- - tla

Bids to Be Asked tth e BOIS6. Oct. 2 (tB-The Boise re- b»l

flenaJ office of the bureau of reela-im la n a tio n learned today th a t bid Invi- cmcu ri U tloas for alteration work a l Ar- 3T!S70; row w l^dam jan^^e R ^ e river will ^

u id “ «the bfd* «UJ be htued from tha he

KPS. Denver pfflce.____________________ ^

A Factor


1. KO, T* FITS T7IKSE CAM-IMT.JI ClHTOlat (All)> »4t.*l---------- -. rent (AID) I99MI. I»t>.4 KO. « r i

• lladMn <Ail)t I947.>I in«.4T DtMertum KSI Tacbard 2M. lll l 1191.91 Ttriapl.M (AUl


t o m OLD b a i t e e W i V ? ; ; ® . ® "

h ef.Cnaran-

'» C h em -S ef 'lelly er More | , T

--■ -X j F


T Staff CutsTfor Fy A H o s p ita ls J

isJ_ S la t g d N p v .4 'iT] ' WABHTOQTOy.^-Ort- a « - — -‘5rn Some a j5o employe* o rT etenni ad-

mlftlatratlon hospitals will be die* . a , charged, the agency announced lat*

Wednesday. The dlssU«aU wfU be . _ I effective Nov. 4. j

'T h e VA 'aald the ttdlicUons, la , n hoep iu u and two domltUar? fa* _ cUlUes. are -a atep d e ^ ^ lo help

d of hrJM the apeney within tuad i ap . d« »‘'»y prop rla ted -by eonjreaa 'fp r opera, the tion of lU department of-medicine »«

Jra- and auritry la the year whJch'Btart- «Uie ed July 1.

Thoee to be.dlacbarjed are In the 'M i&nlttlMleiUYertpeeSti MeTricts. eu»- u ;

« a todial and maimenaaeeTatik*. a VA in:w i official told rfporlM i rw nan. tn r luded m the special eervlceiibap Miup are library,” iiw eaiJ6h~M il' Or:«lUt Blmllaf-emptoyaa-and.ebapk lns------ D t

Doctors, nu;sea, denUiU and dleU. VA tlans are exemttfd, iMt some may

d be offered transfers from .one VA hospital to another to n a lc ta ln a

. n . balanced ataff. ,Kla. Tho VA reported il bad 178.034 i.nxl- employes on Aug. 31, of whom 138,- o®Ar- 3TJ were engaged in medical pro- w twm grams. Including operation of ISS «<

1. ho.ipltals and IDS clinics. ]M A “ OfncHB-ialdTJie-lirBttlriown-W r Votha hew many empJoye* wouId^be dla- bu

charged a t each ot Ihe sUUons to fra

ictory-Fresh Bottery foi

7 ER

/ m

•14.47 Dndaoa * ' 47 Taekard OliS» Packard (Al ranllaa (All)

119247 BiUh I H *<'• ’'*• '*>r ■■ —i# Q 5 i 3 i f * e ^ Olac (Alhi f e § S « B B i Blita.si Chrr*- N f i S « 9 ^ B P i l.rCAIDi

i*j m : Natk

Siili';, ”^J'anllae'l

TX THESC CA1lll-lt9». H v H B S

• 1149 Packard M l FaaUac UUI)



--------------------------- ---------- I ^ W- A S ----------

..............II O tf iir SIm i P r

, *Co*U B3e m M( - Barrlce fo r Mw

^ ” * t l « f~M ore-nc f . I AmpJir. CapacI

U rf lor V en r C

' ■ - A • - ■ ■ • ■ _ _ _ _

Noted ^- p R iN c r ro N .ii . J » o c t . 3 u ^ -5 ; ' thfrPilneeton- , Ahimni .Wertiy cnntaln i _

4 folksy lt*m:I ^ "Aeeonllni to t .n»w paper

• .clipping. Ad Stereneon w ai putt T - uWD_fOTrPmldent (0 ,-a > --b r,a _ Hi^ »” “P «>“« « ^ Chicago last

July.- -II 1 ^ Btarenson, b e tter known “ outalde th e ' Princeton class of

1»23 as Adtal. la the DemocrsUo s. In presidential nominee,f fa. ________________________'helpI ap . b« cut waa not yet avidlable.

The VA'i budget re ^ e « t tor lU icine ned lca l activlUes was reduced by tart> congnas by iS U S M i. to MTO^IS.'

834. - ■ ■9 the 1716 VA alM said U eaUmated the m - »99>£3 averafe daily-paU ent load

a VA In Its hoepiiab would have to be reduced from' a planned 103J300 to

Mcei OTJOO becauM ot the budget cuts. “a W O n Aug. s r ih e re were"fl133rT»~L------£in ,A u(. SI 17.838 paUenU were InileU- VA bosplUls. an offfcfil said, may ------ ,

■ Dates Sett8 034 HAOERMAN. Oct. 9 — Vacation 138,. dates for Hsgerman schools were pro. se t a t a meeting ol-the school board

; iSs Wednesday night.P U P ^ will have; only two days.

dll- bu t ChristmM vacation will run u to from Dee. 24 lo Jan. 6.

y for Every Car at- Bit

m i

P AOriitr M cm f

★ C o th O n ly t t t d S«rrl<

' ^ 4 5 o r M oi

aek"rt’ai««r{ lait ★ Ther«'i a .M*t ii) te ry t o F I t

NOj M FtW TOMB CA*#- lil.41 ll*iidaaB (aIdi

— >4a>4a VII- -


Ixet P ra p o r t lo n a t^ ty Lew PrU cd

^ a M onth ef Guaranteed lo r Most c a n ' J

Uore n e a ry d tily K atee i 110, . . ^ . f. Capacity e r M m \- a ^ . Mnnll. n n a > ^ m j^ w .t-_________r VflBT C ar . , . g*T*. ,

i n r _ fr e e 403 i l I l J ^ B A R k lN g . -

>• ' '•*

A P A G E N l N g ; '

~ ? a v S t8 T o l3 ^ Of New Duty , per For Schools

.* » R lL A io )» D re ..i> c tJ .tf t= O o l-_ _ 1, ^ - le tts -h m new rtsponslblliUei to * —

changing ^ i d . th e ir gor enilog ^ boards lrosM4 au te* were told b a n . .

of Wednesdsy, wfch * u epfdemto of •Uo Amertcanitm* U sted 'm one of tb« '

needi of students.K n . Donthy D. .Eoughtoo. Red

—^ Oak, la., p u t president of U»a Gen­eral rederiU an^f W o a e n l Otobi,.

r lU offered the Americanism presfflp- 1 by tion lo addreaalsf tb e opealox sea* .318,. Sion ot the XUi annual m eetlai of

the AuodaUon of O orem lnc B ouds J tj.* of SUte DMversiUes. w S Also taking not* of world, a ffa irs- -

j * T l Sdgar-W. Bm lth;'president o t ta « — y, Ortgon sUt« board of hlgber educft*

tian. ssid ^ ^world w

J*?* einUssUon has ever «perienced’ ~ ™ “ * and trom It will come a new. eoclal

ordo- which can be culded only as ___ knowledge la d li^ bu ted ,______________. ■ CAKDID/VTKS * a n r r

ation l is w YORK. Oct. a m —American Vegetarian party an-

>oard Bounced today th a t Danlel-J. U u r- p ^ , San Ttanclsoo, haa been named

days, the party's, candidate for Preildeo,U Ivlng- <it-the-Pnlted.fltat«a-ltt-the fall elw^—

run Uon. n e replaced Herbert 0 . Hold- ridge, who resigned.

Big Savings Now!

n r l r l p b


■ len P ro p ertfo n aN ty Low P r k t J. ■ ■ .3 ,

« O nly 6 5 c p « r M o n tfi e f G uaro n* S c r r l c t fo r M o s t C ar*

»r M ora H ta ry - d u ly " C h tm - S * t^ H n 0 0 'A m p .f i r . 'C o p a c } t7 d r M o n ~ —

a ' l a 24-M oRtfi G tfa ra i itM d To F it Y o u r 'C a r * • • B uy T o d ay !' - f ™

— -

I KO. II FtTS TnnSE CAM-ItJT- TRY . 91 dxiralct <AQIl 194T4I

Kard (AUli 1I9M7. 191941 UadM* (All)l >*I7-4I M am tri li l t PatiaH 9#».SHi 1M441 TampUM OUl) I


m iA I N AVE; W. '

1-T«ns la

CisUtford Uld

s | ^ S lpi»nlns m tenn .J?^ ■o.«hMuIe > Yj2 « n • lali fonieSJ Iwn the v»:i«7t5®? ■^CA »nd the T n ,^ «Wlo iwclmonTiiS pUmiiniiSul' ■ prtsWtm; u”


Dinner IsHi,»«OflTACOH. Ocli « n . K.M, e , £ , ' - <'lin k Umlly dinafrk Iw In honor oJ m, un verurj'.ol h« j*u»«

« « Mr, »na Un, L I ind f»i^y, Werulti^ M nrD ilT A aim i-^^

Otl More MIQrrtttj, gynip D>tfy iu u » a .(J

-------- ----- -weens... 'leosant Did



“ 1 f lran. | « 7

tots l.piscottontieeperi

2 for II


Cotton Sf«fl i s . U h * ! " ' '

I ” * ”- ...........

s s i g

* £ -= r * “ '.In,one28<0j


j I Magic V alley 's • ^ --- -S q u o re -b a n c e - ■

Clubs to M eet{ ll -&ture dftnctrt. wlED aii eje to- "[ ft rsrcf the coming /«i2 vid *lnur II ll Khedule of pATlln. tn brlnBlnt outI!] their (ancy outnu Uld pr«cUc!ns up. .,II J . on Ihelr calU M Ihe calendar brtnf« .ll -them closCT to-’-'*quftre dariee Unie.“ ^! j The Circle Eliihien of Burley have • . ''I ]l planned Uielr (Inl fquare dance ofll i« ' Ui» «ea*on at 8:30 p.m. Prlday In■ the Durley Grange hall at Spring- ••i ' ■ dal*. n«x Allen. Burley, wilt call_lortheevenl._;.* n) Another Durley club, the Heel andI J Toe group. «Im hai aeheduirt a '•V4 ll---tneellng for B;SO pin. Prldoy ln the ----•;..I Overland Inn. Callera will be Cora and Woodv Eitej. Burley; Eitjle • Diyley. DeclcJ; and Clyde Rlchlni, -

---Heybum.-------------------- .1_____'Tlie Frontier Squarti ot Haielton 'ij . will hold the Ilrtt iQuare dance of j, • tlie »eaion Friday evening al the .V - HiMllon high Khool with tkiyle 'Anderaon. Ha*elton. as the caller BABDAland another Friday dance U plannedby the Bellei and Beaux of Malu *Jn Uie Malm Orange hall, FoyOalU- . _her U the caller. RnrnnOther Magic Volley clubi which *-'UI UU hare alarted the fall Krle* of dance* i I Include tha Magic Bquarra and Ihe Cng'■ I •■Bwtnna'BJippjrrorictmtHTly: —ucvBuriI I Arthur Rol


' f BURLEY - The Udle» Literary ^I ' club will meet Oct 10 at the home the Herbun r - er Mrs. Alma Hoiyo.k - - “'employe..11 # ♦ * nrimfr BidU| MILNEH - The WSF club will,1 • meet Tue.iday nt llie home ot Mra. „rvK;e Rutt---pamuai-Warr.-iIri_llarjQrle_ail-. _rhe veddi!K ' Jenple. Casala counly home dem- ,y II onilratIan_ agent. *111 atlend the

i Salnlpaull *club wllThold a wegt J 6^001divy meeilng at 3 p.m, Monday wlUi Colli f Mn. Uoyd Mawn. 2« Eighth ave- rUll ..J; . ..nu« easL Featured will be a aale ot CU».

BI L. r— j n 03

[ - ■niB regular meeUns ot Dan Me- I Coolc circle No. 3, Lndle* of-the I ... arand Army ot the Republic, will J*” .“wf,

in American LeRlonhall_ flr»t ward :D|| ' 8M0SH0NE-Mn. MatllB Jane i?? ^nil ■WheaUey.- Mullan. worthy- grandm i . matron of Uie'ifrand chapter of ijj?,®II Idaho, Order of Zaitem SUr, will r II make her oUlclal vblt.to Ui# local “** iII chapter Friday. A Khool of In-M atnicUon will ba held at 3 pin. „|l ,*t the Masonic temple tollowlng a 5 cS»”f WIra, 'cafe. There will be a neaslon at flP ■ pjn. at Uie temple. The eveningJ U banquet will be at 0:30 pjn. at UieR ManhatUn cnfe and breakfajt will '■W be held at 0:30 ajn. Saturday at HumorouiIII • the home of Mra, Prank Clem by ed by Cora I pait matron.1 of the local chspler. Kennedy. A I „ * * * Bagley.]| I noyal Neighbors of America.will Jay Call. PliJffl hold a social meeting at 6 pjn. Frl- tented-byPiI n day In the lOOP hall honoring Mrs. bone numb< il k- Allro_Pnr\’ln_ltnmr<lftk,.fllam .aus. r«ii. ■II R per'ljor, AlKndlng the rally will be Pajj n iln memben from Buhl. Burley, llalley, <L>unni efU)| Hansen and OoodlnR and Uie prg. miuica]R I amm will be furnljhtd by. atltnd- w- v• B Ing cam[M. Luncheon, will be Mrved. v.n ^nr i : Lodge membert -may bring guesSa .-nchiaed-Wand penons Inlerealed in Jolnlog I the lodge are a»ked-to conUet Mr1 R. C. AdamMn. telephone nn-R.Twin FalU officers will wear formal kj Bowns to Uie meeUng.

- r r r - i .

I —Officers-Elected •

OOODINO. Oct. a-Mrt Clinton t.u w, Oakley has been elected pre*ldent ^

ot tho put aalforu ol Coimopfillitn i , chapter. Order ■ of, Eft.’item Star.Mr*. A. F. Janiea b the iftw »ec-

M arian Martin I:______Pattern_______ |____

p z ® = - 4

U f e - i- f l

1 _________

I ■ ■ . T a r i w . s i :if jf ' • . • -1 8 .

jj t y J

;{ HALF.SIZE STVLE,1 Ifa cut In halt-aJiesl A patl*mjf designed cspecklly.laJlaLier-woman__•Ir with short, fuller’ figures. Such ai|;. 'ttllef—no more alterntlon pmblfitijj[ • ni-rtrr rfvtir «l>i« nnrt «>tr III _____■fi , lovely clawlo dress, to wear every-1 Pattern £KM4: Halt al«» l«it;'W47 '24H. SUe I8'i Uke» i' o~«rds 3g-lnch; Ht yardi con-i . ,•—lif . TliLi easy >t«« use pattern gives i' J .“perrectnt—CokWeliT'lUuilrated;--------V' ]; chart shows you every step, i . f


' ' Send thlrty-tlve cents In coins for,. thlii patten) to Marian Martin, care .------------

t plainly your name, addrrij, xoat, _i...liic uoil »lyle number,}' , •

!:, r $ y , r '------------------ V,— ' ~

n . Sets Date • Distric

« - C hrlsU an'7In the Meihi

lUt wm«.-attend'up. Ooodlng. V,gi field and H<

October s u tve . In Boise wer

' UeuL ReiIn ‘Twin Falb5 l ‘ 1 chosen lo (

. ' . i P . v v y * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I the navy In.'• Fl-»nce, .Man

* ■ •Irlv Alaska, Uie 'no -- said tha t "tl-« \ f everywhtre,"

“ • • - ■• •• t ...... - afcVhoUhan- --------------■■■ ■'■ ' ♦‘''‘I’W l w ««ld 'iPf

;A ; v - V - ’ b* kTpTtls|, ■ . -it ■ children wh]h . ■ . / good. I t peoi

S “ "Tu'!.'?™™,"?,™” “Si* - * * ' ■ * * MonlgomtJ, " W W W .. ml»er>':

„ Barbara Rol5e?ts~ o ilnndard:

;S Engaged to Wed ' N'S’of/ice,-HCVBUnN..Ocl. j:= fc r ;n d Mrs. W r ^ n n - i n

- Arthur RoberU announce Uie ap- pre.Hdeni; a preaching marriage of Uielr claujh- ' ' 'l« prc.Mflcn ter,.Baibnra Jean, to Lyle Draper, correjpemllni son of Mr. and Mra. Vem Draper, ReQua, Wen Paul. tnry, and Mr

■y Miss RoberU was graduated from ome. tre.i.vuri'® the Heybum high school In 1S52 and Ooodlng re

Is employed at Doyd’s . In Burley, efflilencj’ nw„ Draper attended Paul schools and Uie past yrai

Is employed by Uie Rupert Auto The Rev. Cservice, Rupert, the Gooding

‘*- —T he wedding Issoheduled-for-Sun- dr«iud-Uie■' day. symposium In® ■ If If If . panel, dbcuj

: Jerom e Society's.? Fall Social Held; -s,. i — Sbow-to seR ted ------ ^JEROME/-Oct.- 2-T h e ' opening- miin;-Mrs. I■ fall social for Uie Jerome second H. PJJoWs.1 ward Relief sKlciy was held Mon- >, day n lsh t In Uie recreaUon hall of \ / • ' i

the church. Dinner was prepared by VlSltOr first ward Relief society members .

. and served by Mia Maids and'Junior A t IJ* OleaDers. . ; . The program w u arranged as an . « N O\ ArUiur Godfrey, u len t sho>? wlft: Mrs. Allen J '} Mrs. Mel Delucla .icUng as mlSr M l» Jo to . K' tress o t ceremonies and George An* i ^ a y a t a s■ dnu . as Oodtrey, Included on Uie the Olenns Fi ;• program were dance selecUoni by of their wns, ‘ » class of Mrs. Roy HalverMn's s tu- OM£

“ was presented by Gary Towle and a Ban Dl<: comic dance was given by Monty **'*” ■- and Frank Giles, Callers wen t Humorous readings were present*r ed by Cora Weeks and Mrs. Herb

Kennedy. A solo was sung by Mer- ^ ‘“* ”or?llvln Bagley. accompanied by Mrs. .

I Jay call. Plano selecUons were pre- .nd. sented-by Pat Newman and a trom- Rm tt »i, m -bI. bone number wss played by Jay ^

’ Mrs. Dale Munk gave singing Im- D l s C U I> ILaUoiu of radio and movie stars’ and musical pantomimes were pre* BURLEV. C■ sented by Marvin Drake and Gene J^ p e « »nd ' '• Van Wagoner. The program was the subject d* concluded-wlUi a skltby Mrs. Ber- Uia Newman. Mrs, J. 0 . Tllby, Mrs. ' ‘l

* Herrick Drake. Mrs, Lji?an Hale ; and Mrs. CalvloJJeal----- 1 --------

In charge of arrangements foT I* !) ■ the affair were Mis. Herman Hall. ^ “ “v m ™, n . ™ . „ .nd Uri.

- Newman.-Jr,.-program:-Mrt, MI!o ^ t Uie grou Bwaimton. Mrs. William BuUet and j(, dlscuMlon

' Mrs. Lila Welgle. food. • SmtUi'* "The

Ii F m

_____ j a t m i ; ______________ ^where Uils P a l l a r # Jthese tlstlerlDC' coat drr.v^s in blsck a n d ' / f iJ ^

• r td faille. In sltei 13 to • -/■!:?*;^ 1 8 . ■ -■ .■ • - ■

n 8 - = “ , ' ' , | | j

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' ‘ TI

. District Session Leode Features Speech .fy (

I ^ ^ y Army Officer I “ "rSS'I ChH .l).h"T .m i>!nncc' o*lon M lI in Uie MeUiodbt church In OoodlngI wms -attended by delegates IromI Ooodlng. Wendell. Jerome, Fa-I field and Hagerman. PUns for UieI October aute convention to be held A buffet dI In Bobe were made.I . LleuU Ree .Monlsccne of Uie

1 France, .Manila, Uie tar Paclfle area. a Alaska, Uie Canllan. Egypt. Italy,1 said tha t "the proWem-of alcohol Is K a n ^ o p e I everywhere," He also noted Uiat last ^of Q year more money was spent for >»“ ■ I alcohol than for whools. The jpeak. ^a . f f gald -;Prr»nnal_«ta_ndarj1i_mutt 1 be kept h ljh by parents teaching w u u w ^ U children why these Uilngs are not member in I good. I t people are not educated to «r»-

be good then we may have to legls- matron, pa Ikte U iem.tolt." - .Monlgomery atntcd. 'Crime, prob- ^lemi. ml»er>': These ere the results ho- otileohol.-alongwlUilnridellty. laek 0>t «MUnj of lUndardJ. -dbhonejly In high El«',t ptacea," Boise, and 1

£ ' New of/icer.i clwted apSr No?t prMWe'iii; Phronla , Ourbach. Commllteii. •vice prc.Mdcnt: Mr.-i. Charits Flick, "!*"***"* r correjpendinif secretary; Mrs. E. S. r ReQua Wendell, recordlnR stcre-tnry, and Mrs. Frank Peterson. Jer- Jn ome. tre.i.vurer. uonaiad Ooodlng received th* standard ofefflileno- nwnrd for Uie district tor U«vln d Uie pant year. . IVieXIU0 The Rev. Ocorge Allen, pastor ofthe Ooodlng Methodist church, ad* icQTI- dr«iUd-Uie group on Uie alcohol ounqHOf symposium held rccenUy In Boise. A- panel. dbcuMlon on deparUnent j,■ W lm e^" M n ." s a d i f w '^ n S M ^Hulda Beemnn and.Mr«. Jessie Pal*'"riie commlttce arranging Ua1 covered dUh luncheon al noon In* t auded:Mrs.'-A...U.X'lexiiagchaltV. r m«n;-Mrs, Ida; Baldwin and Mrs.-

1 H,PNovb. KonH: conducted U Visitprs Honored '1 : A t Dance Party, KINO HILIi. Oct. 3—Mr. and Uia commut i- Mrs. Allen Gilbert and Mr..and teiVed as a< .' Mr*. John. Kelley were hosu Sat- Square dai . urday at a square dance parly In gram wlUi / • the Olenns Ferry city hall In honor F. N, Stowel , of their sons, OMS I/c Ernie Oil- Refreshment , bert- and OMS 1/c John Kelley. Also officer*.. -honor«d-wa*-S«aman-Wesley-3ur>.______ncr. San Diego. Calif. Tha Uiree f., ': men are on a 20-day leave, DOQCallers were Mrs. Kart Carnahan, rkobiion Allen Gilbert and Leo Triple. A . 8 orimai■ poUuck luncheon wai served. Out- ^"3 ot*town gucals Included Mr. 'and rng jj. Mr*. Orvll Potter and family.■ Richfield: Mra. Roselle Potter, of U Ooodlng. and T/SgU Jake Tennant.Scott field -air bn-.e. III. Dle 8h

. * * ____ Uie music. TDiscussion Held berUon, CanBURLEV. Oct. 2-“Federallst CT‘PrW Papers nnd Uio Constitution" wm , ™ the subject dLwussed by Uic Orest flaWrda;Books group laat week In Uie-elly---------hall. Dbtrlct Judge Kales £. Lowe Prnni led Uie discussion. • ' ' '-'y*The group’s second year will sUrt UNTTV. O Nov. H, wheh a' new aeries of books sored Uie j will be read. Anyone wbhlng to Jnln Sunday eve may.contact Mrs, Lowe, who wul were given t provide booka tor new members. Baker. Janei •AfUie group’a next meeting ocf and M«. Fl' 10 dlscus.ilon will be of Adam Stoker plliyei Smith's "The Wealth of NaUons," panled by At

' of new— |a^^H K |;aS |tr'i_____

' - ...... j i

— • j p ^ F s s i ■ ■


Leader Honored Nuptia .By OES Chapter Unite

- -RICHFTELD. 0« .-3 -M r* rM *ttle - I T r r " r Jane WheaUey. worthy g jind mat- /V lO n u ron of Order of Eost<m Star; msde m u r t a u q

her official visit to lUchtleU-chsp- nose. dausht< i Mf-OTnT-HonaByr-A-TCJiesnJrin^ Fred .BoseTl “ itnJcUan.Jor officer* was conducted wsyne. Allan• Jn tee tltew ooo. lolloweil i r »" and tb s . M. . Informal Ua with Mrs. R . J, Lem- mn. In a cert■ mon presiding. - day aftemoor d A buffet dinner in Uie lodge rooms bride's uncle i

preceded the evening meeting, u n . j . M. StepherW. 6 . Kohl, chaplain, gave the Invo* QwainePerkl)caUon and Prank, Pope, the-welcome service.

. toast. Mrs. Frank Pope presented ^ h - bride'si? Corsage* to Mrs. W h?aU ^ and Mrs. „ j ,P Benjamin Haubrlch.'Rlchtleld wor- “ erakirt an■ Uiy matron. - . ' jointed-

. During Uie evening meeting, Mrs. length veil w Is F lank . Pope. Martha._was-honored Med-pearUar It tor her a’ork as a chapter member j3ibie, borrow ir since 19M. Twin Palls, ai> R. J . Lemmon, who *erTed as,t worthy patron during the'avenlng, \ t«m «f

m s s S a c s m w i - i r r i n - D z s,t member in January. ,.5,5 j,er coi a Mra. Harold Maxam, associate

matron, paitnted, a gift trom the _, chapter to \h l worUiy grand mat-

.. and- ushers y J OUier honored fuesu atUndlng ^ Bob Selli k Uie meetlng were M n. Laura F i t. <jghUng Ui h grand Eleeia, Adah chapter. No. 8, perklns. Hai

Boise, and Mrs. Doris Clouser. wor- bridegroom, iUiy matron. Ooodlng Cosmopolitan cjiy_chtpler No. 3t. _ j ___________ 33ic_hrlde’a:

Committee, m cnarge of arrange* blue and whit t menu were Mrs. Elmer Swaiman. cessorlea. M:j‘ Mr*. Blrk Albert and Mrs, Ed bJack crepc gi,J Schbler, deeoraUon; Mr*. C, M. jorles. BoUi , Prtdmore. Mn. W. 8. Kohl, Mrs.

Donald Rowe. banqUet ' • Virginia St«,f * * * bride, served

”■ Mexico.Travelog- S n S S ''! Featured a t M e e t s ™ ;

«• S ’m ir r oBlaine stake MIA special Interest Petklnj

• class Saturday night a t Uio^local jju^laugh hlg: „ LDS chapel. husband

J Khool hr m g

■PeletionT"C4rty,-«akB special in* siiowera forterest leaders. Olenn Sorer«en. capcsShoshona,-YM41lA superintendent. ^ 3 ,coM uct^ we . Mrs. ■n.mmy 1

Beverly-Tanner, carey, ja w a, out-of-townhumorous reading wid Kennetn William Jackll

, Cook, Carey, »ang two solo*. r . McFarlandGeorge' H. Pittman, Dietrich, led M rs., p a n e l :

1 tha community slDBlng and C6ok Heybum, and1 K i ^ as accompanist ' Perkins and <• Square danclnic followed Uie pro* *> gram wlUi Alrln Scow, Hailey, and r \ r t l r t > i / i < r F. N, Slowell. Shoshone, a s callen. L /6 l 6 Q Q l

1 officer*. Event

Board Meets S.;"5,/E’ 8B05H0NB. Oct, 3 -A Blaine u,e second dbt■ stake primary board meeUng was women's club*; held Saturday afternoon a l the j,i„ . nehcr *e‘ local LDS chspeL . aUng and re:■ Mt*. Pearl Tolman. Carey, was In for the conven ' charge of U16 meeUng wlUi Mrs. tja te s from ' ’ BerdlnarPeck, Carey, and Mrs._M, dub .________

J . Dille. Shoihortc, In 'charge ot xhey rcporU Uie music. The Uocher-tralner les- Brown, Nampn

• wm waa giini by Mrs;-Oh>dy*-Al— 'flsni."Mr*.'^!i berlaon. Carey. Mr*. Verl Blmp.ion, shone, was-el Carey, presented Uie .wrlpture, Mr.i. II. J. Hall

, The board meeUngs are held tho t guest and 1; last Saturday ot-eaoh monUi. venUon.: _____» * . ___________ ___*:

Program Given LawiUNITV, Oct. 5 -T h e M A spon* SHOSHONE

I sored the program a t the LDS Kenneth Loa-d I Sunday evening services. Talks daughter. Mar 1 were given by Dean Tesgan, Larry birthday annU

Baker. Janet Baker. Lenny Jones held on the li : and M «: F loren« 'P tW rw nrC arol Speeiarguejts'1 stoker pliiyed a violin solo, accom- enlA Mr. and

panled by Arlene Ka}’le. Pocatello.

m ADVANU>)lflS^ ilUR'

\ - s ■

\ z i i i ^ ^M AA


Toull find uie pick of Uie taslilon crop. . __aelecUon of frocks Iq tha newest and un

-------- awf-rictUAutum'h ihad**... . . an(1-st.sitl:injs to you,

'‘. y i 7 . _ 5 0 ^

I A wonderful collection , / M \ : : f I . of new Fall dresses In Im-.-'U-Jf all the newest and lov* - - A------- llest—of— fabrlcj— and—------— M

styles. 8^.1 8 to 30 and / j ^ K * . H ., 12-a toaV .s,- ■■ . , • / M y :u \ \- - PRICED rB(wij :■! -

■$29.95 m ' " .


— _ _ —

n K ;-m L S , IDAHO ^ ...

Nuptial Services pastor Unite Miss Rose, vVed

“ Man Frorn A rea I— -—MURTAUQH. Oct. 3 «* Barbara FILSl. Oct.

Rose, daughter of Mr. and_Mr*. J . old Hooley. » Fred .Bosi; became'^tEa~briae o f marriage (iTTl Wsyne- Allan Feikln*.. *o&. o l. Mr, u . Kauffmanand J ta . M. M. Perkin*. H tzeU Honderifh. T.ton. In a ceremony pertom ed Bun- a t Uie Kooleyday afternoon a t the home o t the F. Good, patUbride'* uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. nonlte ctiurcft,J. M. Slephens. Twin PaUs. Bishop Uie presenceQ ^ e PerklQs. Murtaugh. read the les and closeservice. Attending fr

Tho bride's gown was of white Mr*. LouU La:uU n styled wlUi a lace yoke and Joe Slatler. /overskirt, an • Empire collar and and Mr*. Pelong pointed-sleeve*. Her baUerlna Kans.. rue*lstengUi veil was held by a tta ra of and Mrs, Ctlf.iieed'pearUand ahe carried 4 white -TIieRev. MBible, borrowed from Joan Capes, of the Flier ETwin Palls, and'ft crescent bouquet The’couple w;cf red ro .^ . . farm norUi of

XTiiM nf hnnnr »a«-MamMLRas«. --------------r -*jb te r ot Uie bride. Bridesmaids p . wcro her cousins, Norma McFM- r O D T i e r land am) Dora Lee Stephens. f . ■

Best man was Reed Perkin*. Bax- EnQQ< tlton, broUier-of tha bridechjom. % ;and- ushers were EUgena SUnnetl JHIOME. < and Bob Sellers, boUi -Haaiton. Alphons iKrt

UghUng Uia U p ars-w u-ilarilyn ^ o w c e Perkins. Haiellon. abler o t Uie daughter, uw Ann.ll. H.irat B.lt W.jn.jV. Wl U ke City, was soloist, - Mr*. Wren w

Tho hriri>’«-iTv<ihfr wore a. n n ^ Airman Wldri blue and white dre.is wiUi'bTaci ac* alr'tofe*, w tr ces.iorlea. Mrs, Perkins chase a He has been s bJflck crepc gown with black acccs- Mich,, for twi jorles. BoUi wore corsages o t red Is planned tor roses, * 1 —

Virginia Stephen*, cousin of the bride, served Uie wedding cake, as- ^ ,sbicd by Myron McPnrlanJ, abo ^cousln-of-Uie-bride.-Ohnrlene Ross, - f-m m manother cousin, was In charge ot the / ■ I I]guest book and punch wa* eerved I % illby Oeorge IMye McFarland. I 11 U• The bride's golng-away oulilt was 1 wmua navy blue suit wlUi gray and red \ BOttUCIscgtMcrlM. 77ir~nfwl}-ged3-wlU V!*mal{« UlMr nome imW M limr---------------V ----------

Mrs. Perkins was graduated from ' \ -Murtaugh high school in 1050 and ^ w e e her husband trom Hazelton high school In 1B«. _He Is employed by

Slwwera for Uie couple were given - - - : by Joan Capes, Twin Palls; Mr. and Mrs. Burl Egbert, Ilene Egbert and Mrs, Tommy RuUedge. • ''

Out-of-town guests »er8~ M rS .'.......... ...........WllUam Jacklln, Ooodlng; Mrs. W.R. McFarland, WendeU; Mr., and • .Mrs. parrel McFarland and son.Heybum. and Mr. and Mrs, Duward Perkins and children. Burley.

DelegotesAttend Event a t Payette

-S n08H 0N E .-O ct.-S -M rs.-R .-O .--------------Neher and Mrs. W. H. Dickinson / < ^ atiehded the iwo-day convenUon o t / ^Uie second dbU-lct Idaho Federated J - ' - V /■* Women's club* a t Payette last week.Mrs. Neher terved on the nomln* \ r ‘aUng and resoluUon* committeesfor the convention. Both were dct-egates trom the Shoshone Civic / ' ■;club.__________________ •_________ I j j __

They reported' that-M rs. O: M, v ,BrowTi. Nnmpg. waa elected presl- ’ ;'aSllL"Mr*.'^!llflJll TllUllie. Bliu*---------- shone, was-elected treasurer ai\d 7 <jMr.i. H. J. Hall, state president, was ' ' ' - \ g . a guest and speaker a t tha con* ■ mvenUon. i / m

Lawn Party fSHOSHONE ocu 3 -M r, and Mrs, ' | • 7

Kenneth Lowder entertained their daughter. Marilyn, on her elgliUi ^ J k birthday anniversary with a party held on the lawii a t their home.Special guests were h e r graridpar-enta. Mr. and M n. R R. Jackson, t -Pocatello. _ ■ ' ' -----

(A STORY IM... j— 1 ' i

IG N E W To..’Co,Sryle Paj

< ^ F 1 N D Sle tasliion crop In ih b grand Honeywddenewest and saiartest labrlcs - - - »l««p«rs. «k

, . . ,a n d :«t.satlya«a*ohaifa,..;_____ ___ fo r*xtra-»

_________________- - -

■ t i

M ^_ Coi?on FlB g f • r o i ' ■ \ > 2>pc. Pgj

V - ;.u?____ \ ............................... -HoneyiwcVI*,B l — ___ I • • style,gripper■ ■_ f , V l>oailonn*Ieti* ; ......yL j front, pockei,

i /

p S ^ T F i i e r r ^ f ^Wed in Naropo

JJ Kauffman, lo thc 'R tv . Samud LDS church.- Jfanderifl>. FUw. Tuesday erening sacrament aer' a t me Kooley home.'Tha-Rev. Dave at Uie ipeclal: F. Good, pastor of theJJam pa Men- to recelre the. nonlte ctiurcft. read the ceremony in certificates me presence of.Uie couple'* famll- , 4g a were p les and close friends. by Mr*. Verla

Atlendlng frorn FUer were Mr. ghd. Chancey WUli Mr*. LouU LandU and Mr. and Mrs. Ooodlng *Uki Joe Slatler. Also present were Mr. awards^ wera and Mrs, Peter Priesen, Wlehlla, Shlrley'and E Kans.. rue*t* a t Uie hooiB-'of- Mr; and Oirol Ste and Mrs, Clifford Slatler. Beverly and J- -Tlie R«v. Mr.-Hondrrlch.to.pa»ior trljt.'and.Sand of the" Flier East Mennonlte church, son.- June VI T he’couple wilt be a t home on his Ten.ion. BeUy larm norUi of Piler. ' Nelson Beac: « _ M — »----------------- JU ftara ..Vipf- n • • , Chandler, RerFormer,Resident c.nni.wpr

- • ■ I . \ i , t Leona Davis, 1Engaged to Wed “j^dlir^i

JEROME, Oct, 3-.MT. and Mrs. sueen Alberts Alphons Bernard, . MftyviU*,-Wb.. rus. — announce Uie engogement of Uielr pujmlre sp daughter, Gloria El(ilne, to A 3/c achieving got Wayne A. Wldrig, etin of Mr. and UclpaUng in Mr*. Loren Wldrig. Comellu*. Ore. Mr*. Dsle Du Airman Wldrig. betore.Jololng Uie tnson. glrU' s< a lr-to reerw ira-restden t ofjerom e; couriselor In 't He has been sUUoned a t F t. Custer, Dale Cheney Mich., for two years. Tha wedding and Mrs. Ret Is planned for Noy. I S . _________dIcUon.

for little tcSEftRJ Honeysuck

toddlers B

cuddly 1Toosty wofrnjofid eocrive liltio siccpci

___ • ^ blonkets off! Trea■...... .. ....................shrinkoge. Yellow,

Siies 6 months, 1, J


ToU’ Cotton Ski fttte* Co*Style Pofom os - SIm

1.98 ' 1Honeywdde deluxe eoflon E M pflM n-m»>e«pen, (te«cad on both tldftt l im p tn t Dod^ • * " ^ “"''>c-Tf»oied tof v f p p s r a E Sfnmifnwn 3% >hrintog«.\<. g. s»flf. Pojfef a

Q ....... ................

~Colfon’Frahne)otf® Honeysucl 2-pc. Poiamo. Flonnol.H

— 1.69------

^ o aH onn .le tte trim on j a t i . l _______lor thl> to l.l Pipfront, pockels. 4.8. ■■ 'w r« rtlb l« eolic

- _ L 'L - ' 1 '

— - - ™®SDAT, ocG o S i n f S t a k s ^ s ^ Fdl |^ £ ^

O f f ic e r P r e s e n t s S e t b “^ A w a r d s t o - G i r l s v'5i"^«iiiWENDELL. Oct. 3-Emerson Pug. organSunn.t alre. lUgerman. member of Uie CisUefoM L“ Qoodiog-stake .lUgb-CmndLoLjha.LDS church.- waa speaker -at Uie eordbg to S lacrament service of WendcU ward necuUve dtrer at Uie ipeclal mertlhg tor MIA girb “d Country to recelre their'awards. *mch Uieie c«Certificates ot award and ccr- fOlUan 1 ilgts were presented to each girl >"{(111by Mr*. Verla Lancaster and Mrs. Jf-hedule ev( Chancey WUlard. president of the II"" e Ooodlng suke YWMIA. Receirlngwera Marcia McBride, »'»S iheShlrley'and Evelyn Peterson. Joyce and (Jirol Stephenson. Lois -Taylor,Beverly and Joanne Sprenger. Be\-- siiir erlf;and.Sandra Klns.-DonM Nel-. d«f- son.- June Vipperman. Della Ste- »ndM.J ' ren.v>n. BeUy -Jo. Parker. S ha” ®?Nelson Beach. Carolyn Nen. conlmnc?vinnerman Welch, Joan „Chandler, Renee ohrAntrWeavtn —----Connie Joy Prince, pSula Woodland, nihnci Leona Davis, Deloris spencer. Mar- ‘-'Inrie llyn Hanson. Irene Stanger. Joyce ilDRTACOH, LandnUi. EdlUj Dean. Verda Rost. Mrs, KelUi b EUeen Albertson tnd Beverly Bar* «lUi a famUy ,

rus. — - . — In honor cPugmire spoke on the value' of nlverurj-.ol her achieving goals and oUien par- Mr. and Mrs. L. UclpaUng in Uie program wera OUier om-of. Mr*. Dsle Dunn and Joyce Steph- «re Mr, and 1 enson. girU' sextet, and Dale Dunn, and family, Wi wuriselor lh'Uie-TVendem:tihopilt- Mn.-Ti*irADale Cheney gave,Uia invocaUon • -----and Mrs. RcM Taylor. Uia bene- Ort More Mil dlcUon._______________Bynip Dairy lu

little tots 'n in-betweens., eysuckle means "Pleosonl

j le r s H o n e v s u e k le - 2 -D c r ~ s l i

Idly brushed cottonwofmofd cpmfort*c’ut forlha ' - liltio sleeper who-kicksontJ tosses - ts off! Treated for minimum ■ige. Yellow, pink, bluo'or mint green. I months, 1, 2, 3, 4. - ■


_______ sleep

1 - / 7 J U .o Soors Crodil / i -'/s’ . vi/ Purehaso Coupon Bookt. ' 1 “V / P The Eaty Woy to k / / / , Buy On Credit • k

^ . McksWrtnirlr m m ^ x m e m m r n Baxtiewabttt2 - r c S t M f M

1.49g—p <wi nagj’ te Haiaywdfcs<»«peot Oo>e** bcct h*t----9ipp«r don#*, «ta*Se dpop r/lK i f. Portef eobcx. M.______[ / / /

Cotton S- '■ ■

________§ : J

HoneyiucfcltTCoftonT Elanrielotie_Eflianiai_

1;98—^•oirttd prW. In qvoHry , ■cetlOft. . ..H«doII>r, p u r th a w d - -- .W thlnolot Piping Wm, lo«xn»«rtlbl« eollof. 4- .

5 [ A R 5 ' - " ^*" . ■ ' ..V. . ... r '

• • ,j-

J l e y t o


. 'K K S ^h,«i tl» T“'ln W » Si

IIsJTje. Iticlufling

teoUttKt, Ooodlnif ' 5 " b a . . H 0im u ’

p Wlld»“ '

g^rifibfST.;^ I U n « n soti to H«y- j

. ^ en the ronil Jor a

j ^ t ^ E d e n l o r f t b f t t - |

“S“S.n MJ 'Kl-W 'V Uie top Jour tfanw. to leidff* '

a i in » 6ls »■»>■•4 J,KSie ip<>n two wins < ae« h » co alfrtn eep lfly { ■^m . Butley and Ooad- m irlnJ «nd one Ue cdch. 1 a b u ii'o 'siniM In the abai It h u two games on c

fn x jriw T O ??«c5 --— ] V I. T I'.!.

_____ ; 4 } ‘j(| • *

er foi- Sale; ; Is,Braves : Iw Interest ;IrORK. Oct. 3 I ^ I U Ip h ('■ iPitU bursh Plr»U»‘ slUK- \

Is on the block At.d ' N»tlonnl lensue dubs

intwe.ittd In him. PH w d ittd Prcis ImiTtS ,^ K t h i t Rcneral mannter ,,

or the Pirates h u ^■ t x n the teven*Ume Na- gH t a tuune-nin king Is 'o r .■ i l j h e j t bidder. f,■ citame time the source c ■ o x M 9 Cuba and Boston

exprcucd ln te r» t but -i^ B i t ' t h f l price pu t on \

H ^ l h e . W « g r ^ I l l c l ! . -

^ E i ^ f s e r . there L theH i a » m r y . He » iii-P '’jd , ^ B u e o n . a one-year p a a d ^ f c ^ n i j o r s only to .etun^ ■ U ia ln r} - . . . V^ H i l S jjnncrs.'U iU year w^ ■ o tQ 's nnnk Gauer tor (i^ K a b l l «oA hts low ut gi

&lx yenrK bulfigure of 2H In b<

■I&TJucsT:■(iimebackOct. 2 < in-n>ke ti

^ ^ » m a n fiR e r o t the Cln- ol ^B 4«ld^0M iA jauM M u:£t^H tkm ate mnnaRcr of the P'

hntts.^■ liU nnird, seneral mun-^ fc m c k e y o r the DuwiBHlrt Bi

when he wilt nnme■ a ^ g e r to AUccccd Billy V H

quit the Bue poil M■ ' J t i n last SMurdny and W^ ^ g ltrr rd b |nb nf "Imiihlr ft. ■ » a i lh e Pirates. In herc-loT^

jtrles wiiii Rlckcy. h '

I Times-)

|lDCASTIN(• Major Rboplt’i

B • Choice■ J J * ' Oreeon■ JG-lt _

t t -UCLA■ J ^ l o n 38-21 ___■ ^ ' a t ■ Mlrhlcan

^at Cnllfornla


m i i t , 5 ,.,3 ___

■ cir* use■ 21-J _ ■ ^ V o i in s ■ BYU■ _ ,;o -i3 ; . ■ t iv u fe TcnnfMce

27-31 ___^ ■ L & m e Texas .

H -ia ___R ? ? ! at '• Vt’yomlns,

S-.4ie . J0.6 ___nr-nv>r



« Illinois■ , 21-13 ___■ Inillana

J3-1■ ;k “ -nice

---------------H.13— ___

■ Jrrom# . >- •

• -I

B J,- 1S52

E o ^ K o ^ ^

ridiM on[~ es Slated

: w ith g r id a c t io n F r id a y n ig h t w hen d th r o u g h o u t t h e R rea . T h e ac tion 'a lls B ru in ta n g le w ith th e P oca tc llo h e W c n d e ll-M o u n ta in -H o m e c la sh a t ud in g ■ ^

°S" StatfiJIen Take 813 Fish From

0.“ ; -V alley^nil—HAILEY; Oct. 2—Slate eonterra-

llon-.cfJlctr» assisted by valley ; ihB »Port«iien took 813 fish out of the

Richfield cftM l (Wedncjdny lo prep* i Brailon fofclcftnlng Uie canal.

1v “-*t U ilngioiO iV alL elctulc device to ■ ,%, * *tun the fish w U u t tiiey could be ;

” Iliwd out o t Uie iiream . Uie crew ,for •" Tliey moved a th ird-of Uie way ■

r ^ " . down Uie of- I'he canal which' "j win DC d'eniittl. The pnllrc ilreteh U ,

[I-htJr------------- *3 and M miles iong. j Uams. The Jlsh were iransporud to the I revise O anncti fUh hRtchfr>- by tnicic

where they will be held for ievi;rnl , ) wins dsy» for objcr^’otlou. AfUr tha l , e piAv um e ot ttieni will be kept for , Ooad- brood itock-nnd th e remtiinder re- reach. In M “8'e re«ervolr. i in Ihe L. W. Oftver, Onnnett hatchery les on offfctal, sa(« Che average reJght of ]'

Uie fUh caught wo« about two j -------- poim d»rTht-latgeat-talien-inlgh»d i. v ,~ r a t f iw(jird r? ie ----------------- --i^ r : ; : 'J'iie cffw tM t tUl lllll out ul Uic 1>« ; stream between the dam and where ? ;; U crosses U. 8. highway 63. Last■4 i« year. 850 fish were taken out of the r!J J> Urcnra ln the name area wlUi the »“f - r f f imKCAt-wrttliliiiL- elgtit pounds. t

- 'm rty -flve o l-the JWt which got y , too near the "ihocker* were killed;l o . They have been taken to Ui« s ta u p

jehMj a t O oodlng ......................... IMen taking pa rt In Uia work be* h

aides Oaver were MarUa LuUier, o• jlale cbniervatlon officer from-Jei'* a

ome: Clyde Mutthews. siate-eon- Cf *er\'ftUon officer from Shoshone; y't ' Robert In 'ln , stAte fl.^h biologiat ouniKh from Jerome: H. I k Mlsseldine. from «X *!" the OanneU hatchery; Ralpht nt ii Vatighji,. prevtMfnt at tne OoOdJng^ ,,u , nod and-Oun club: Oeorge Roesjler. f(

president of Uie Shoshone Rod and d— V .. n im r liib; Charles Wemleke. Sho-

shotie; William OiTeml, from Ui6 7state bird farm a l Jerome; Don An- 1

* derson. Ray Mark. U s SteTcnson,? Sep rroehllch and Taylor WUllanu, 1“ •‘'f all Sun Valley: and four broUiera J

from Ilazelton, J. A., Don, Abe. andource c#l Crumrlne. 1■osion ----------------------- — J

■■"Hunters Told „RIcl!- /~v i» n *■ 1-1 eir s ^ F M a p - E r r o r s - ; ;.pnjd , n o is n . Oct. 3 Ml—Ifawley WU. »«

p a « district four fWi and game .luper* te 9 l«n ,jjo r , notified the game deparunent

Wednesday .he.wn.i being flooded ir year »■}»! Jjj/julriM from tiumcr* con- M

r for fused by nn error In the 1052 big fli owc/.t game rnnp«. P‘1 but lie reminded them lhat there will ly IM in be no Kcnernl deer or elk Keason Uils «li

• year on ihe nortli fork of Uie Bis_____ ^ * .t river nnd Twin Brldge.t creek ™»c are lui sliovin o m n c m n p .- l t^ l l l - '3> be open only for the Big Lost

rlfer**pfrtaHfeer-hunt Nofr-J-ft— , ; T lie . area for the special hunt ’S]

LliVe should Include the drainage area* Cln- of-Uie North ^ rk _ o f the Big Lost

rJvff nnil nil lunil!' wUliln the Kamo- . t the pre.wrvc boundariM lying norm ami'

wc.1t of the SI* Valley-Chilly rood. ^

iMm SEEKS NEW YORK TEST ^iivmc NEW YORK, o t t . 3 tfr-T he New “Dlliy York Yankee.i announced Wednes- ...

day tha t center fielder Mickey y- poii Mnntlc. under .orders to report to and his MIeml. Okla.. draft b c u d J o r

juJjlc. a phyalcal examination next Mon- j,,.rc-lorday. had applied for Ufnnlsslon to ]„ckcy. have the tests made here^________

l e s - N e w s -. ur<

ING CONTEST sioplt'a Your Cbolce Score 10)

« r. riti

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„ -------------------- - — . — 7 - ^

-----------------------------— ----------- - peliifli

____________________________ ae<■" - «Ili

'*• ______ and

V____________ ■ i '

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------------—----- ^ T• lurl

——:------------------------- ^ his.Jen

-------r - r : --------------------------------------- -----, . exp

----------------I --------- - eaurlnl Plainly) ..noon rrlday or brought to Tlmes-^^•• o

■ ........ Cla:

Wyoming, Utah S; GriddersLead K Skyline Loop

HALT LAKE CITY. Oct. J L t- It A 5 P»Mlng of UUh's Don RydaUch t l , C and Uie all-around performance of

. • . • Chuck. Spaulding high-.UshUd Mallstlcs releajed here from

111 Sfcyllfif conference commUtlwi* er'j olfice.

___ , 'n if au tb t lM - h ow»ver,.'dlrt notinclude ia.ii .week-end'.i perform- a n f« by Colorado A and M and

erva« Denver. Both school failed to turn /alley in ihelr records in time for Uie f Uie release, ihe comniluloner'a office prep* expUtned.

Rydaiiet). who completed U out of M 1 ° ” P*“ »» agalnal Idaho l u i *ef.k-

. . *•* conference'sother pa««ra wiUi a net gain of 313 yams. LoVon Satterfield o f ^ r i i - JiBm_YQung._w H h 12 completed

'hicn p iue j In » attem pts and Don Bur- » roughs of Coloraflo A and M with

nine completed toues In 15 at*) the Icmpl-i-were.nexl in line, truclc Spaulding. In Wyoming's flril

game of .tlie year, picked up 83 ina i y»ffl5 In j j ines from rushing. piUh- rof ed 11 patjcj wlUi four completions

f good for 53 yarda and punled-elBht Umes for an average of 48J.

:hery Carter Cowley. laM week'a punting n of leader from Viah. dropped to fourUi

two place when he hat< hla only twogh»d punt*— blocked__last__ .week.^end,..------- Sp«uldlng-held-lop-ipot-follow»d by- •

here w ith.n « 3 average.Laal Alex Burl of Colorado A and M[ the remained the IcRdlng ball carried

the with 133 net yards in I t tries. Mon* tana'a Bo U lrd waa u e o n i fflth » .

. got yards in 2S carries. -llled; UUh Slate's George Hotchkissila u paased Uie Skyline's paw xnaggera------ for the second atralght week whenbe. be caught six pastes agalnal College

Jier, ot the Pacific for a toUl of U passesJet'- and 130 yarda. Wyoming’s lUrryeon- Oeldlen tw k aecond place with (9one; yards.on one pa*j. Don PaterMo ,jgial of Utah, wlih five catches, was Uilrd ^:rom with 51 yards. Ialph John Callard nnd Chuck Spagnolt,dJrs Ijoih of Denver, were tied witli Burljler. tor worlng iibnors wiUi two touch*tn d downs apiece.}ho. • ----------------------------

£ MicliigairSfate' r K Rated as No. 1 '

Football Team S........ NEW YORK.-Oct SW'-MiehUin': ^

___ atate's mighty Spartans, who haveesiabTlafted a come • iromTTjchtnd' ~

^ games, nre ihe front-nmncrs in the "J" [fill. »«n5e of picking Uie jiation-* No. 1 w s vrllent The pre-seaaon choice of Uie ded iporta writers and broadcasten. to on-' Michignn su ite--w a s e.itabllshed , , big firmly in the top position by 83 ex-

perta parllcipatinR In the first week- *•11) ly Aaaociated Preas ranking poll ^ Is ilnce Uie 1053 aeaaon started.- r .,jjlg IJJInol*, Iteel choice ot only tour , eelc voters; moved Into second place

aheftd.ot-Mocylnn(l wuli 05 poinu _ . . . to 383 for the Terrapins. ^

WaryJand. a close second lo Mich- " Igan S late in Uie pre-scojon poll. . gUII wtia flrsfcliolce on seven bal- ^

. . . lota. Texas and Southern California "*g. each j-ecelVcd..flvc_f|r»i.-ii,lace^voiM Tj

^ 'onR ^rvcn 'oU ie? tcanu.“ ■ Other* in Uie f ln l 10 Uils week 'T

were California. Texas. Georgia \ . . . . Tech. Soulhem California, Wlscon- . . »ln, Kansas and Duke. Tlie second f 5*' 10: Tennessee. VlUanova. Prlncelon.

UCLA. Ohio su ite . Virginia, Tllce. MlMlsailipl. N olrr-D ame and Okla- I homa. The la»t two were ranked III high *n the p re-seaaon ratlngi^hul Jun

and’ Colorado. the= j -A -Jicavy-achcdulc Uila. Wffk_ln* pin

dlcatca tha t lurther changM In Uie— ranklnga may i* In orde; a lu r 8«l- you

urday'a tusalea. _ we' The big ones, cia indicated by Uie it."

rankinga. are Illinois (No. 31 a«a/n»c ,F Wisconsin <No. 8) and Duke <No. Mm

■ 10) against Tennejsee (No. 11). The fra;( in t of these may be the game that CIcrtecJdfs Ih t Big Ten ehamplonship #p;and »ome midweaiem olaen’er* be* Ret

' llcve Wisconsin h u Uie better leom. 6The aecond piU UiB Southern con- icet

— ference favorites against a tra- nin rilUonaf rival which was ranted fiMf o n

=” ir r th ^a tlb tra tr^ h fr^ n d -o f- th a rfg». t<j_ular 1051 seaton. fuM

— —oU iar- Inp tfama_face_qppo»ii!on tfiBl te nlm oil es slrong. MjcKisan wer State UiUes on Oregon Stale, which Slyi came clone lo wrecking Uie Spar* all- u n s ' pcrlect rccord last year, Mir>-- ablj

■ land laces Clenison in what has been gla<tabbed the "aiispenslon bowl" gsme si

■ bc tfjae both ore Umporarily barred ary frOto SouUiem conference com- vidj

• petition, p ih e ra are California v*. afte Aflnneaotit. Texna v*. Kolre Dame. Jsnj aeorgia Tech vs. Southern Mclh- chaj odist, SouUiern California vs. Amiy are and Knni.-ia \-a. Colorado. are

' -------------------------- - Uiat

WahirV ndals-Go— m ' Into Teughpr Work Sr • MOSCOW. O c T T W ^m in rtw rt^

ball coach Babe CUrfmari switched, " signals during Wednesday's prsctlce M.«lon and pu t his man through conucl work to sharpen Uicir nn*

' nlng plays, . w • ' ,He.alM de\-oted some Um* lo both

-■ p i n “ offcns8-and defense lo itioy Uie team for Saturday's hanircwn-

• Ing game w ith Oregon. He ,'sld_ jreaerdiur_heLJlaantd-tO-ayold.con*, _

la c i work all this week.

ground ih ls :y tar. C urfm an .u il tu t __he dooan'l w an t to Uke-any chaatfi on lhat icore. '

Two men'were- sidelined with In-. ._.• Juries today, Jerry Ogto who hue-

his f (» i m pracuce Tuesday and Jerry Leigh, third string uckle who broke his nose in, pracUce. Both are expeetetl to be « a d y to play o? Sauirday. ■ '

Gel more Eggs wilh Buiifr M«h.J Ofc-AdT,----- L m

T lM E S - K E f f S , T W IfI

ah Youngest]



_n_ot W y ^ | | H ^ r _ j H

and ^ H r turn ■ H ' J l l l l f

Uie ■ r M l H —

u tof . . j « L ;;e(.k- 1' |M f f l A _ 'nce's -------f3l3

leted . . . .

with i i h e i l ' .at*





TiedIon-t t »


I ^ Robert Itoren, IS-year-old «on e t Mr■‘<’2 acquired Ihe dlsUnetfon of being Itie y

b(lnr dawn a Big Uom mennUln sheep,, la Ibr nig Horn crags country. He has h

3url ^ huntera who drew permlUtfh- ■ * * . * *

_Jerm ne-Y outhITo Bag Big Ho

JEROME, Ocl, 2 -R obert Boren, bac: IS-year-oId son of Mr. and M n. Olb CkH

1 Boren, has acquired the dLsUncUon whc oJ being Uie youngest hunter In ,T Idaho'to kill a Big Horn mountain Mejsheep. • - .......- . .......... UiB

ifnrt- —W hcaj’oimiLBoreii and his faUier one [I!:,, applied lor permita in the hum Uiey forli ^ Tna iiu Idca-where -Uie-B ic ^^om -Mta n cr»K5 were located. They- simply a m

fiUcd In the appMcaUons aJong beii with others for deer and ante* tooi tope. Younff Boren' drew a permit t^lp for the shftp hunt. However, his T fsUicr dlfl-Jiot draw, a.i only « Uir«

**■ permits were Issued In Uirec dlvl* »"> * „ alon*. and Bob wasn't so sure he oam

could make Uie Wip wiUiout his * '« father..But he did make the trip to the to i

Big Horn crags about 100 milei “ « D“ n«Ui.of.ChaUliln,Id»ho’»prloiiUve »«JJ ^ area. He went by car to tho Oar X “

V?.* ranch,al Meyers C ove.'n ie remain- fitr of his trip was made by horse*

n ^ “ dec'

S fiamsdGoulfe £ Win Pro Title, ™

Coach Claims »Ice. andla- LOS ANOELE6. Oct. a W - J . ccd Ifunpton PooJ.. named to succeed *aJn lul Jumbo Joe Stydahar a« coach of Tl Tin the-Los-Angeles-Rftmsr-aaya-hB-ha* Dor?

the personnel lo win anoUier eham- retu: In* pinmhlp, . d»yJie *‘Tm ndt'^aylnB■we^I win It. mind they »l- you," Pool ha.’itened lo explain, "but W

we do have the men who can do checJie it," .:— -TU.----- ■ ----------------- -two-isc .Pool If tbe lllttt plJat a t the cJub one,? {0. since iU National Pootball Icngue the . he franchise was moved here from Uoti lat Cleveland six years ago. He was with lip appointed Tuesday by owner Dan pern le* Reeves a ftt r Stydahar's resignation, shee; m. Stydahar said Pool, whom .he se- To n- lected as his as.ilstant, wanted to Jusi ■»■ tun the club, “the whole worka-his to U

own way." and lhat he asked Reeves

fu'ed in back 'hlm up. as Ito>l "f B^kfd for a -showdown and U timean went a g a fc t me.'' said Ihe mas-'iJve pefl«eh Stydahar. one ot the 'p ro league's Sitir* all-time great hnemen. " If s pmb- Uiaty- ably good for the ball club. I'm P'™en gUd 1 Roi out-,"- U'fif ne Stydohnr received hi* 1052 sal-ed ary ot 115,000. plus'»7,500 a.i pro* ( j f l n- Vided In Uie contract he signedi»- after hl^ Rams knocited over Cleve* ^le. Jand Ja\: H'inJer and von tl>» world's «•’'<il- championship. He aald Wa plans itolf’>■ are uncertain. Uiat coaclilng staffs Ui' '

are full and ihnl-hc Li no t parUc*Ularly Interested In a college Job, ■’'I

_ Los AnRcIrs has lost four s tralliht BorhWniEJr lllCliidli i! lt!i—ffnrt—IcsgtiT ®nd-

k conte.<t last Sunday lo the Cleve- H»nlland Browns. 37-7._______ _________a ^

:|mcoTT-M/» ■ . . . . . OFFICtAL- CHAMPION

Id . •ill * Round-bv-Round

!i • ~ C f i m a f i c ' A c f f « j n il i .'I . . . ' . " .............. ........


' H M f f i i l J s ’u

t w i n f a l l s . I D A H O

;est Hunter l7i


^ T "eh


I f: ■■ ^



to a! i n B l H ^ ^ S K 9 K ^ K £ ) K H sout

p e r . ™ Cl

n ot Mr. and Mr» Qlb Boeea. Jerome, ig the roungnt hanler la (he lU te te , In aheep when h» rtcenlly made the kill _ le has heard alnca he got his ah'eep (hal permlU made a kllL (Staff engraving)

* * * * . '

th Is Youngest wS Horn Sheep gl»d

:en, back, along wlUi hla guide. Beir 316 Ooe. and H. P. Van A lU. Blflckfooi,Ion whom'he had never seen before.

in .They traveled 20 miles from Meyers Cove lo the middle fork of

. . , UiB Salmon river and autyed Uiere her onB day Uien went down Uie initiate . hey fork about 35 miles where ihey orn « tah ll:h fd-c»m p nn . l J i f _ n ld I ^ ipiy a mountain. Elevation was csUmaieJ one betireen 10.000 and 13,000 feel, u it«. took Uiem three days u> make Uie rnit trip on horsthack. h-i<ihis The first day of Ihe’ hunt Uie 45 three sUyed logeUier but did not see ,• , *

Ivl. any game. On the return trip to he camp. Van A tta went down one _ ’ hit side cf the mountain nnd Bob nnd

Uie guide Ul# oUier side. Van AtU Uie sot hla ram and dJd m l se t back »„• to camp unUi long afltffdarlr. The dve second day the Uiree left camp early " “i* . X in the momtnifio‘r«rlrre-V an Alla'# J**™

il".' ” 1111* w»a Bob's lucky .day. After__ checking on Uie killed anlmai they ‘*0*^

decided lo -wan the lop of Hit- . mounUln belore returning lo camp. .- - iU tJ i? rW » -^ lP p .- lh e y -» p o tU d

o n - U im f n id g e Uff(n-«rTO. four lambs and a ram. Tlid animals

, were obliging enough for Wan A tU ^ ’ to Uke two pictures and for Bob to

gel his 'JO-Ofl up lo- his shoulder. — He shot a t a distance of 75 yards and hit Uie ram behind the shoulder -

- J . —M hU father had taught him. ThB e<d gaJmaJ weJ/fhad about JJOpMn^ds; J _

of Thai was a rough day on young hat Der«i as It waa 10 p. m. before they.■m- returfted to eamp. They went all

. day without food and water, Uiough Ind they had eaten wild.raspberries. - - but When they cheeked out a t the do checking staUon a l Bennett's ranch

- -tw o-days-lalerrthey-»«re-U ii_Ilrit,-------lub ene.i to cheek out »'IUi game. BoUi • lue the guide'and-the men a t the sta- om Uoti a.uured young Boren tha t .he, ' vas without a doubt, was Uie youngest )an person lo ev*r alioot a Big Horn - on. sheep.in Idaho.K - To Bob the whole experience was ‘ to Jmi anoUier hunting trip to add t

hl.« to the many he has already taken. i • vcs His father taught him the proper 1 ra - lio rf '.s run when he was hardly - r*.

as large as the gun and since tha t P time, he has had many hunUng ex* I.-

fve perlence.C ' I,e'i Since his return. Bob has heard lb- Uiat only five of the 45 who had - i [■m permlt.1 were lucky enough lb gel

Uieir sheep.

»• GolfT»o first flight matches have &en

j]-j scheduled for. Sunday In best ball golf tournament now In progresa at

I lj Uie municipal country club.I ,. In Uie first one. Dr, Olen Ho.w

and Jim Norfloel will lake on Doug ;ht floriase and Ear! BarcM.-TJi# Jee-

^ ank lowers aBalnst'Bll7Ande«!oa and "Pop" Anderson.________^


o u n d H ig h l i g h t s ________

f f o n i n : S / o » r - M b H o n ^ — —



- » ■ I

Snider’s GiW w ^ ^ e m

- V BROOKLYK, Oct. 2 ( f l ^ u k e lop and Joe B lade, the big BrooWy in the f i r s t cam e of the world «ci

“ And I m ay use him, too, in the

I Series Odds Drop I fintw YOBS. OeU 3 lH-Odds I

on me New York Yankees to win Ithe worM eeriea ilwpped to * t - to & Wedneaday foUowlng Uie Brooklyn Dodgei*’. «-3 tlctory Intha opening lan a . ' ' — V w«u

The Yanka had entertd Ui« »e- aiKk• rla» Uie choice a t a lo », 5i?ui

The American league cham* CB,f,

with Vic Raachl optxMlng the i<,ih<i Dodgers' Carl Ersklnti

PCCfootball Teams Showing k

C Tniw

Tight-Defenses SLOB A N o S ja . Oct. a Ofi-Pa-

cific Coast conference football leanu.v which have lost only one lundi game outside of PCO play so tar. are kmoc showing' unuitually strong defenses, stntfciclcs from the PCC commix-

The average yardage given up by POO teams in the ir lirs l two weeks of acUon U 343 yards a game, 55 yards under iho IBSI average. u>n^

tops pass defenders, giving up bul 77 yards through the a ir In two con- tesu . •- d ra g o n S(a te~ Ieada -{ n -(o ttt-(^ tense'. J7i# Beavtra haVe-Ulld-fSu to an average ol 171 yards a game. r . Ur. Southern California ranks second, _ .

|d giving up an average ot 187.2 yardsH per game. .............................. _______M California shovi the way for PCO

clubs In offense. -The Bears have x. r i , averaged 413 yards, running aod r. An ■® passing, In th e ir flrsl two game*.

They top rushlng.cftense with an jj," p , , Impressive 337JS-yard game average.' Washington Is the conference's No,

I'p a iaieg te tm . Averaging » 8 yards }i,nii, a game in the olr. >'■ ”ii

Quarterback Don Heinrich c t jj- Washington w u the PCC's top In- »■; j,r

— dlrlduaI-t*lnerr-Helnrlch-ha*-com*- pleled 98 of 42 paasu lor 336 yards, good enough to top the conference

„ In pas-ilng and toUil offense;' , Another T-formaUon quarterback, p J ,; ,

Bab OarrctC of fllanfooJ. IralJed o. s - „ Heinrich tn bolh paasing and toUl »*•’"} offense, a a r re t l connected on 18 J7-£.| ®! passes In 30 tries for 239 yards. He

lost 17 yards 00 the ground, culling .‘I* his toUl offense to 219.

The top ground gainer rushing ts u, n i ^ -fuliback-Jolmny-OUxaa'ikl ot-CoUi {-J;*;

fomla who picked up .315 yarda In ^8 u . 'c t h . atlempCs to r t.te i'd a-y trd average. 2. An

OUier individual leadera were halfback Bill Earley ot Wuhlngton,II passes received for 183 yards and , „

^ two touchdowns: Jay Buhlet of Ida-” ho, 187 yards on six kldtoff returns; o'. (Wx,5 De* Koch of SouUiem California, J. nn, , 40.8*yard punUng average: v jjm 5- {jt X Sears of Southern C a llfom larjll

yards on 10 punc refums; and Jim 7au PsalUs of SouUicm California.'. M

,4 yordj on three pass Interceptions, r. n.i‘ ‘ Earley.'O lw w skl in d Teddy TJar-- n -s rt J , JaskJ each haveacored three touch-

dowm. Bln«B<

Tom Miller. Duke university Uckle, ‘S la Uit sotvof E. E. <Rlp) Miller, U. 8,^ Vi«vaf «fmffmy~«t.<l«t|inc—athtetlc Utnik I, director and former Notffl Dama u «miete.____________ . ■ &.K!


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t /. I t f f l i


: V ' aV : ' . ‘

is a World. Series i$ o m *nm ai, t o n the first crack or I

____ _ i t ’a a tom er, aad,:beba!l‘a beaded

E vary Hma, < « t "P -of •-]know it's a 7 Croiiti d rink^tod ri|Iit

_ ■ Sea£ram’j 7 Croffii. Blended WhiskBy. 81

' ^___ •


SnlSe^’s g a m e -w in n in g h o m e B rooklyn rookie r ig h th a n d e r w h o t a vorld Bcries, jg - re a d y to > g o a g a in tod0, in th e la te in n in g a i f i t ' s a c lo se ba ' — ----------------------------------------------- - boi

B MKN'B HINOa I.KAOUa - - tO“ » . . . « . m .• - .d a ;

» " . r r = r ! ! i iS i f , ;Kiuh --------------------It» Ml t< ■ If* Whi

;rn. r.iH» ------------_ } is SI U l Ul loo;" i l . - . * " ------ u , |J i t l of

- I t . t t t i l SIS nol T .U U ---------^^_Tu> T l* 'u i « i i

i g ^ ^ r i i i E!s S*^ J «

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isi !fi iilii;[.“V T1.UU ----------1-----SOS « l 141 JUS B

...t t ;.™ s S---------------m III js t m ^

nnd Zir.-ir.Z-:.,i!a. toi J | | . Ml Yos ^ t I iikT? -, . 7 __^

177 T oul*---------------- IH »H i « ii i l bloien- „ *«• *M. «l

ii*"w.*t. ~ r r ~ m Its 1 > !m thaf e H l f f i . - -- - - r - » h £ r f ! - j j ? JjJme. r .* u r^ i---------------- i i l . . i l i _ i l_ « o tor

T .U U ______WOUgm MtNOK LSACUB T k

Touu ------ « • » • « Xnla HtniUtp __________J»l l « J I i l l

It. HiuCi. -------------- ISl JJS 1 * uo p

1.”! ! ( - i ? £ '- f = = = ; i ! ! i.1 W !1! H«■>. c-Ji.ima ________

TeuU _IU Ul SU IHIUna Fall

* -------- r : — a !!! !!! i! “ ■>lea p, nw«p*... ................i « 1)7 j»o MS Ungu r «• ----------- !«■ 1“ i*» »• cllclj|9 r-c .m 7-.... ji* Ji* J i SIStn» T » lil i---------------- 101 150 Ml lU I _T

___ J7I j :i i n lu: Is I!, Tijior ::___ m Z i i s l i t 101 111 Ogd,11. I . Unnn --------------- M II »4 ! « CUSI

on, - O,nd Cl.. 0. J.«Um ClnTrri.l t o i

S s S — illliS iKl a i. Bninlr* _ 04 II »• »I4 B

A n«odn!r _ _ _ _ _ JI i«i I ii i*s ceni13 B. 0 « -m r -----------37.Jlm „ ------------«o M Ml JIM M'4'M .t.n.w ., _ J Z Z M r , S.. i i : —

R. Ililnrlth _______ 1 * UO 101 UT 3. TJf.- r.-8rttTfciniWi_— —I a - iu _ m _ s u jj^B » • j ! , ! i j ! | T.

n«B« lu a ---------------------‘ Touu -------- ------- » « 101 J

S, ri«n*w A. 7Ue HtiKltoip - ,...,-------.,S»-1H J IIM I

I ' K v i r ^ r z r i i t r i I ««*M. D.r»t 111 IH »1 40T _TO

- V

H e " h o i n e - T u i i S “:—

ries record... . jcrack o l tha bat, yew know "u d e d r i^ tM t o f th e p a i k l .

op.ofa.p«rl»ct drink, ;e u tod n |h t out of t ^ world! .

USkiy. 85,8 Pmot. 65% Gn'ni N iuW Spirits. S:

? A G B - i s f a y w j H

h o m e ru n -w a s -a -“ re v e n g e ” ' rho ta m e d th e ’ m ig h ty Y a n k e e ! - - H kin to d a y “ if ne ed e d ." ’ ■ose b a ll gam e," s a id t h b D odgers* ' H “ b o u n c y ' m a n a g e r ; C h a r lia M 1 D h cu c n , in th e p a n d e m o a ia m |M I o f B r o o k l y n ’ s c e le b ra tin g I f l a d ress in g room .^ ' 'J o e has to ld m e h e ' w a n t s | | | |

to w ork . If h e feels o k a y , to - , [ n s;s d a y I m a y call-on h ifn ." I ll11} Snider,- Ui» -husky 'c<&t«rflaUa.„ jffl l u whose giant poke in tb« alzth ln«

nlng broke open the ball-gaiae la M 1!: Brooklyn'a fator, said he hit a alld- U l; ITS Ing fast bair thrown by Yankea H n

pitcher Alnmiynelijt--------------------IIItIM ~1 got a big charge out of tt, J H }»• too," he added. "In Uie first gama H Ju of Uie world sertes In 1M9 Ray* H III nolds sUijck me out Uiree-Umes. H i ; ;; t fwore I’d ge( even, and I did to* HJ," day." ............- B■ -■nie most relaxed undrtaMd aUi* ■ _ iB

Jn iBto In the Brooklyn quartera leem--' H O l ed to be Slack, the 330-pound Mor* W *;* gan BUto college graduaU whose M III Uralsu-rfliff nllfhlnff ranled_th9__IMy 140 Dodfcera to Uie NaUonal league tlagT^^jn 7^ Bul hs wu tar trom relaxed, big B)

Joe-tnaUtad....... , Ru’*i “It wasn't aaay. Don'A ever le t ' UBM anybody UU.you Uiat," Kb said.____ Iffllit -Nerrousf Waa l nervoua? I'm 111 f " always narvoui out there, My ato- Wa_ mach- w u fuil-of buttertUoa.'!---------4IS Black aald cm McDougald. rorm- ffil

erly ot Twin FsIU, gave him Uia RIB most trouble but ba worited hardo H I

4(0 on the Yankeea’ aquat racelTtr, H n Ml Yogi Berra. ;.................... j | |«» — WK hAfaimg t l n M a dooMt f l i i»• blow at hU crlUcL [W

'PlrU I was second fueaaad for IB}*]m Uiat magailnB article of mine la Ultf

ill tor (tarUng Black today. Tb« boyi b I— hid to gwMlow boUj.? - --------— m

,r, Billings Tops n I Pioneer Loop m ill Attendance ' - Buo POCATEIIO, Oct. 3 fl^Piooaer H

I ^ e offlciaU announn that BU* M411 llngi led tha league la ttte& da^ M Ul Usi ssason wiUi.*- totat-oM O ^ — WITT paying coieooiera. M l

The oUier Montana taaa, Oraat MFalls, waa aeoond wlUi 1U.039 tana W

*i compared wlUs 103,1B2 in IMl. BU* i l llu Ungi had a alteabis locreaw In Uia H I•I click ol Uie tumiUlBs, too, as 90W ■ [ S( mare tana watched gamei ta ' l*U -

— over Uie prevloua year. .B I Ul Tha only decreaaei In atteadanco . ■ !

wffe notodln‘Sa3fI«k* O l t r i a d - r B I m Ogden..The Beea recorded 03.930 ■ ! !4s customefa during the paat year com* B I

-p^-wiUt-lM/ni-lo-lUU-Ogdan— H lu bad only S(,8Sa paying tani In IfiU H— compar«I wlUi B 3jii In ttSl.; W III .-OUier team flguru.abowtd.that . IK

Maglo Valley had 85,7TS. Pocatello IS n< M,7U, Bolsg 8S,4«„ and Idaho M ia | 1*» t t ,M . ---------- ------------------------Fit Boise ahowed «lmoet a 80 per.■» cent increase In attendance. Only

37.80 tans turned out In 1B81 >hlla IM S8,48S watched Uie Yanks la IMl

ill jL -?i^ l.— ........ .. . iM i“ m «S[« T«*4lt _1________S4S lao ^ tU tlMITS ' T iitn C«k«MtlM

s f g s --------------- !i i l i ”s s

ar 7v>uu ___ " w 'm 'T M itu

V hBrSiwToVoUT u e td o Y N o r ,4 lh

-V>\ . . I



pirits. Seairan-OIsiilliii Corp.,N,y.

o c o a j , *

Given 0 *

!<!• The £ lJ B ie .^ .^ W » riM d-AUne. K o J o T I * ? ® !

Won. 0 « r u « ^ « *

IMl Ruby. Rigby pordm, Luke

•“ <1 lo m tn d DYU/

PS. Srnip D i)„ p


TURDJwa Days Lefti Ivantage of i]!BMQAINS!

'ory SavingB!-''

sseV a l u e s t o 16.95

. 9 . 9 JV o lu e s to M . 7 S

.18.91or tftllored thd d r^ ~ ^I. crepu and other )ra >nd pAltcnu.''

r\mAny others h&rt tm)kea siu nnso, but C 3 ^ ^ H

____ ONE fiHOW^B

BRAS a -GIRDll Vi Pril

Broken b b Ml t in u c d Mylei u I a t stock. ~

* E

SEFMUliumIncludinjr j « A t t f c . J a n d other I tto i

_ s}zc loU g a m r c g u T a r i i ^ r ™ ™ * !

Special Purcliau . K

W O O L m ,

m lle cholM of

V O r C O A ^ K

: ivo jpg° £~~^K

..... ........ -_

■- ■ P A G * TW ELVE

f ! Forest Users I L = ^ !dJa5® u gh t4MI .1 , ; .Against Fires

Ml ' RAOET. Oct 3 -W lth th tBj tenilon ot the doml f in seuon inU Idaho br aoY. U r Jordan,H euperviior ChMrlet L DuichertrJ

. fire wutlen or tho Btwtooth niUon** ai forest pntectin <Ui(rlet,

11 ] asked for eooUnued coopenUon brI ” . to e it users.I ^ Users this year hare bean extreme** <t I ly careful and have started Ter7 rev

rircs. Daugherty aald. He alio asks jitt. hunters te be cartful with c a n p * ^ ^ ^ ^ H

: '1] |l rir«a and to retrain from snoklni .(J ill... —whUe-in- the-woods-trareilni-

hunUns. CampTlres should be built kllJi only on sol) cleared ot all Innimsbl*U ln BiaterUls such as leaves, needles, HM tvlfs and* Ktsss. and should be com*

l | | | l er mixed thorou(hl]r with m ln era lT ^^^ H H l i sou. Smokers should moke H n 'at campsites or a t stoppinc ,places

H I on traiU In the woods.H R Dau(hcrt7 aald vohmteersl l | l ' . local rire duty should leare Ihtir ^ ^ Hlllll names and addresses at the forest f} !r office. This coopersUon U needed

I now because the regular prottcliTO Are ortanlsatlon h u been dtpleUd

____ with returning to aehool or to ether

Tha feruUr atks rire wardens Inthis vicinity to discourage all per- These Imil burning. When permits are rwalaresIssued the tires must be superrised WfOMadsclosely and each peimittee should -----------ba warned that should hU tire get .away ho irill be liable tor civil dam* I a l i f

____ aaea and supprtwlon certs. Anfrne XJCTUtreceivlDg a burning permit will be Iaxpeeted to have men and equip* ’ I « p :ment necessary to control the tires, * J W iDaugherty said. .

ZZjBIaineXD^Jtoi^h^ Hold Specif Meel; I Jected U

. - * ‘KfJ:; g V - S]S Ic — ~ S i7 at* tha-IUthneia-toa-chapel(I . for members of'the Blaine stake T^o rewh ------U -M enT and-Junlor-M -M ehr-i l Emerson Pugmire, Hayennan. w u P ° ^I I --------- speaker with Valdo Benson, presl- ® I H B ----- dent of Blatn# stak«, presiding and■ ■ Mr«. Burton Thome, Bhoshone.■IB conducting. Preliminary rousle. w uM ill by Darlene Bwainston. Rich* }Uiffl Held, and a girls* sestet from Rioh* comcrcnec.i m •*"*• T*** Gleaner shesf w u . ----- -I I H V f Ardllh Johnson, Richfield. He msdeU U Prayers wera given by Qlenn Ing rUt re■ ■ Borcnsen, Shoshone. sUke. YMUIA of Oevsn.n i l lupefintendent, and BuTord Kirk- tory earllei ffiIB '~^indrCaTey.~k~knembe7'Drth('naks sis ot senM I f high coundL the party’sl l f f t The meeting was a feature of the mlttee.WJK. flake program for the two' age ’Ifto resoUfBI groupa with Mrs. Keith Relnstrom. armamentIH I • Richfield. Jimlor Oleaner leader; ecnnomic sf l J and Mra. Curtis Park. Richfield, aid from tM n Qleacer leader. In charge of ar* roll&wing /U 1; rangements. Ploral decorations tea* iW I tured colors cf tha aga groups.

iH B ” ^ ' / I victory for11 Bean Carryover s u I r Listed in Keport’i M t BOISE. Oct. a WW-TTia BtpU I 3’<»0 foUo' :H !|Ir carryover of old crop beans in Ids- struggle li ' DJB ■ ho comreerdal storage w u j j per ta-een left

cent as la rg au May l-whlle carry* th# Labor ,r • owr of diy peu was 73 per cent “ w r *na ' i of’the May 1 holdings. ' —

' I The U. S. department of agricul- | | t t i «I£ ' ft ture reported llT,ooo.bags or Great V .lA ll,C)K ------ Northerns,-87.000-plnto8.--*7M - - 'P a *.I S small reds and 107,000 bags of other £ U fM _ _ T ^ J t “ - « « - ‘«-h«'>d Sept,,!---------BURLEYn • The carr>-orer of old crop peas, nMkc *lft■ excluding Austrlans, amounted toI f 1 9 ^ bags of A1aska.i and’ olhcr r . f l , . n | smooth green peas, 1.000 of Can*

adas, Fint and Best and 182^0 | ^ . ^ crolherTarleUes..ao.Ur-sccd w e S ^

j!l -------------------------- Co-chslrr

I New PastorII • RAILBy, OcL 3-HaUey'and Sun ,®‘I Talley a n to have a mlnlsltr, be- Ortdse: MrII ginning Dec, l. The Rev. Cljfle Wll- « ” • Wilfo: I son will arrive at thnt Ume from Among c

UI Lincoln Heights BspUst church. tro<liie«l »t n ' Spokane. He spent some time st the ence Phllili■ Baptist camp | t Culey last lummtr. commlailon■ ' The Rev. Mr. Wilson received his Or\'l)Ie SetH ____BA dejTM from_ Roosevelt coUege. cundldsta 1B I Chlcttgo:' His' bachelor of iheoloio' Blaine Curl

degree trom the Northern BapLbt date: Woo<! Theological semlnaiy.'Chicago and resentative

— s^JeMM4-has-s*rvedTa*-pa.itoi-of -C harle s-^ M *• churches there and a t Cniard. cuisedthBs M l Calif., and C sm u, Wash. of the psrtjm . ^ . nier. TtrinI A r r i v eKW SHOSHONE. Oct a - Absentee -------------B ballots for the general elecUon aro UECn available al the office ot Mrs. SHOSHO:n Claude Chess, county auditor. LIcuL OenffW „biaioU wera printed this Mrs. E. E J

a .TV-twfwi » snd.JO-.pplIca- *«.been-ast j : -------Ucn5-haTB'b«mHnde for he bal* tor In the sI j ' .^ots -ana.more ara expected.. . craft.comps.

_ _ n o p tn Early.^^ * T ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^


iiii' -f j j ! 'SPECIAL THIS W E C K ~ V | f ^ ^ ^ ^ H | j l f |____ ■

||^ 1 r4Xn.U1.lB ( « I« , i „ „ ■


I S t O C k G R O V C O B IM ISSIO lj



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Ion* 'has







\J ft Thest threa resldenU ot reat« S. Twin Yal! •re rural a reu for tha ComDnnlty Chest fallowlnr Iwd WedMKlsy. U f l t« rtght art' M r. and Mrs. E. L.ruld ----------------------------------------------------------------

£ Laborites Get I IS Lecture, Snub -a S

7 todny bro

Anti-U.S.Bid _S‘i»___ M onrrA xm g. England. OcL 3 tlr^ n m_A (IB-Britsln’s Btrlfe*tom U bor parly n ,„ .d B l rejected today an anti-American, j.-n.mite •IJ snU-rearmsment. resolution follow*^ IngA.stcm lectura by psrty_leader,

P i Tho resolution, which cslied“ for U i* _ _ an-end. to American aid, wss pro- m i a l l posed bv the left-wing forces of j -m

.1 Aneurin Sevan. i S IVAtUee delivered a - dry, scliool* .

„ mastertih lecture on faeU of tho in- OIXDIN ternatlonsl situstion to IJOO dele* county fair gates at tha annual Labor party ^

;2 conference. . ’ Pfdlm inarj------- Ir.~~.-1UB

d. ■ Ha made no mention of tha grow- nn Ing r llt resulUng from the tactics . Th®3A of Bevsn. Sevan scored a hlg vie* mcaiw or rk- lory earlier thU week by winning

tha party’s naUonal executive cc*n- {<»■ U«*WcJie mlttee. ln«cMlngtga The resoluUon ssid ' Britain’s re- - Lasi yearim. armament program threatcDPd lls “ '* *ler; economic ststniItyTrn'd"ad(led if iil to-hava be<rid, aid from thrf United States meant ?**;*• ^ir* roll&wing American torelgn policy. Members,,, Ado Locwcr•*• Union Support Robert E. I

Although the w te was a technical Duller, nil*victory for Attlee nnd his modcr* Ernest- E. Iates. I t TU won' to a Inrce extent Clarence V,through tha support of the bitterly H. E, Hnrt

i r anti-Bevan trade unFonljIoc. ' "Roy Irons.L ^ Last night Br,-sn told a rally ot >—, I :,000 foUowei* Uie real poliUcal r p - ; ,1* . struggle In Brltsln now. was be* -s-rili t t ta-een left and right forces within , AU3I0N.

the Labor party instead of between Bailey and ; a it labor and Uia conserraUves. In Pocatclli

------------------ '■------ ; Mr.1. Lolf

Officers Selected-. iiS'cir S For Demo Group .-------BURLEY,-Oot. J-M ra.-H erm an-------------------“ • Bfdkc. wife of the DemocraUc can- « — ■ ” didato for prosecuUiig attorney In l U

Cassia county, wss appointed- sec* I R ‘JT rctary-treasurcrotUiaCasslacouti*" ty . DemoCratlo cchtnil committee — by Hackney,

Co-chslrmen of th e ' DemocraUo f l f«'0(nen's orgnnlullon also were H h s I chosen. They .are Mrs. Willlnm K 1Ram*e>\ Burley; Mrs. Prank 01.«n.

fl. Bridge: Mrs. Roy Esmea. Elba, and ■[], Mrs. Wllford Bftfiers. Oakley.,in Among candidates for* office in*;h. trodueed a t Uio meellnc Were Clar* pj^ u m i y i ne cnco Phllilpn, cnndldato for eoiinty •r. commliilon trom tho first dUiUict: ^ i . i M j | | lb Or\'IIIe Sears, county commlasinn le. candidate Jrom _tlie_lhlrd-dlstrlc t;-.!>• Bialno CurUs, state senator candi- "Lit date; Woodrow Barloa-, state rep- ] J i - \ •id resentative candldste, and Bedke. ^ ___of ■~<Jharle9~\Vhlttaker; Ruiien, Bli~ " 5— — —d. cuised thB.slite orgsaltaUonal-plan -- _____

of Uia psrly while Mrs. C am a Pal* , .. mer. Twin Falb. reported on pro- . , . gress of women's organising acUvi- Ucs in Ute fUth d isu ict ..

re BECOMES AUDITOfe . - jL s S a■i. SHOSHONE, Oct. 3 - Second '

LIcuL Oenff McNee. Mn of Mr. and •

1* tor In the a!r fores, a t Huglies nir- _ craft.company, Culver City. Calif.

.T U R D A Y - 1 ^


R O W E R S ^ ^ S I O » L X Q ._ _ _

W ArNE B E l i ■*- son!'- 0 * b « _ _ _ _


-A ;:,- ^

■ - ............................ ' ■ ■ , ' T i


t« a. Twin Tails, are canvaaslng their Woods. ' Chest following the opening of the drlva srtd feat! . and Mrs. E. L. Bracliett and Mrs. Anna photo*cn

_ Not Yet I „ T \■SYDNEY, Australia. Oct. 3 Ifl / I

} —A mighty blast .befora dawn X today broughl Uie people of Pori _

d Onslow, on Australia's northwestcoast, tumbling out of Ihelr beds I

~ ~tjfy H n y - t o - s r ^ p ^ ^SH^ turned oul to be only a barrel of I

dynamite touched off by prank-

I . pr'“ F i n a n c i S T l e p o r t " ~

Is Made for FairIn! ■ OOODINO. Oct. 3 -T h e Gooding ]j. county fair board mel Tuesday eve- rty nlng a t the courthome to hear a

preliminary financial report by Mrs.L im ni Lucke. treasurer, on the 1083 fair and rodeo. n

les . Tho group discussed ways and C X < l( . 'means or improving the Oooding

county fa ir for 1953. Plans wera jnadftJo.provirift more-exhihlL.spaca - _ B i l to r livestock and other meaai for | * increasing interest and attendance,

re- - Last year's program was reviewed and the attendnnca was reported

jjf to-hava been in keeping with olhcr n t years.y. Members' or ihe fair board ara

Abo Locwen. president; Mrs. Lucke.Robert E. HigKlns. secretary: A. H.

;nl Duller, Bliav Ed Bltlerll, Wenrtell;T* Ernest- E. Fields, William Pyle and n t Clarence Well». Ooodlng, and Mrs. , rlv H. E. Hnrtlev. Melvin Olhsan and

• ■Roy Irons. Wendell, c t . — ■ — ^

?. Trips Reported •'In ..A U 3I0 N. Oct. 3-M rs . Wendell A I H Icn Bolley and Mrs. J . H. Mahoney were. . , __

in Pocatcllo Tuesday.Mr.1. Lola Baumgartner has re- ________

turned from a business trtp to Sail -------------Lake City.

P >


i m wp-

K= m .

switch to Q' CAIVUT USOVZ IIENOED WHlS«Y . t ( . l MOOI'

t i m e s - n e w s , t w i n f a l :

d A r e a f o r j E o m m i i n i t y j

ilr Woods. They attended a klekotf banqact Toe va Nted feathers and Uteratore to be nsed tn eann oa phalo*engT»ving|

I iSfewrrhI E S H I P I N S H O R E i^

1 BLOUSESWc havo ju ^ received a new s

I*. ever-flo-pcpular Ship'n Shore ]have been, waiting for. The 1 could happen to a pretty s

I fashioned. . . custom detailed.,Irs. ■ • .^ 8 .. - .

M Exciting New

I Foiav ts-ice.

led Pretty little formals arriving’«■ tho pre-holiday festive season.

models to mako those special occite. special.

•lij Injiddition, new shipments arcnd ■ our regular stock of nationally

' quality women’s wear.

"" R E A D 'r p E M iiW w A ?

) N ^ 1 t ) U O U l l lW


I Calvert and feyII

g © .4 2 f f S S

g n - A n i A i t o n i e /

RE,«andyou’ll^ ^

» ( i i s i s f f !• t ( . l MOOI' • 451 oiWH NEUrtXl SHKTl CAlVtSf


i i m i t y j G h e s t -


St the rei daycvenU


‘ ^ tcachen. :fuperlnten Schaefer mothei«-a

' teachen.. ^drma Slevers. anertMr«. Lorln

f banqact Titeaday night and recdved ' ' ■ l s nsed tn eanrasalog ihelr areas. (Staff ■

rrivals! •

IS ^ved a new shipment of those Aip'n Shore Blouses that -you for. The nicest thing that-

a pretty akirt. Flawlessly R l m detailed. . ever lovely. I J I

ISIs arriving just in time for live season. Gay, sparkling ie special occasions even moro Brokei

ular atipmenta are arriving daily in reduccif nationally fnmous'lihes in ...........sHghtl;\T. mg.



r m ~A sp<


’OU’U D|Scn»/e« r event' " m e n c e

“•c, eajy^vayl g

SNIFF, ''>’« «nd fo y ■ or In 11" W '' tf t* T , " ' ’

^AST£c., oti«■ b ro rjd to

rrooharshnejT ' (jI Reg

S | ; k! j H(• ------------- ----------------------- ^ — —...■.thfl-

«omt TdP A yf p— ----- L : ---------------- :---------_TliJ«.f|ne

l y ^ i '• r ' . outilnmll rfc fi. f'," ' ». thM sprri

E m I' EniiKC. 15/iS iu S . ' ' f e S ' . i S : P a ll Shari

inun CAivtsr oiSTiuit ou/ I

p T A f o r B e U e v u e S ' S

M a t the regular PTA meeting Mon* ^

I V-W(I ‘ ^Turing tha program Mrs. MUton '. SHOSHiI Scha«(«r, president, welcomed the Church hjI teachen. Uarvey M. Strouda, unit work andI fuperlntesdest. responded. Mrs. cense testI Schaerer introduced the room Earl Clay)I mother*-and father* and nptesen* M n. CbI UUves of this group Introduced the porarlly. 'I teacher*. work TueI ^drm a Rae McKercher. Elva George < GI Slevers. and G arth Sims sang. Rob- UieretoMI e rt D rag tr played » piano aolo. • —■ M n. Lorln Price gave two readings, READ T I



s M- — -CIbse-Out— ——

O n e lo rg e g ro u p of

BWES '•. V o tu e i to 7 .9 5

2*99 ^Broken lots tfrom our reg* ular stock of better blouses . reduccd for clearance. Some w ^e c

■■ slightly soiled from handl- ing.

= ------ O N E G R O U P — '

SKIRTS^ m a or thcso were specislly purchs

J from our regular stock, and all arcwonderful selecUon to choose from.

Two Special Group

CO AG r o u p N o . 1 . . . R e g u24.7S-J2

A special purchase from Uio manufacUirer knott-n lines brings you Uiese smart new savings. We have alio added In these grou

_ _ —COiiU.taken. fronj_rcgular-*tock-and reduc event.

- :-------------- G r o u p - N o . - 2 - , - . - . - R e g u l

3 4 . 7 5 . 3In these wonderful coIlccUons you will f

• bouclE.%.nccdlc polnt.s and many other pop all smartly Btyleii i„ i,|ri, i„ ,,ion. u e sure Uie selection Li complete.' '

20th A nnivcnary


Regular 1.19 Rivoll ‘

H O SIERYBuy ono poJrofH ose o tl .1 9 - ~

- —Tlil» flne Rivnli hoiC !.•; renllvflnoutilnm llni v.ilue at 1 lo- «nd- Smartly

.. th is sp rrb l :oili Annivcr.-r.™ of* ' fer mskci it a rcsl b .r M '« « » « *' EniiKC. 15 dtuicr m „u a subsUiP a ll sharirr _ ,, ., '

' famous WHITf S: - RgqUL-AR^rSD---------^

: ......... '’" m ir ir n l in tMropa aTw rtlie war.fncllon clou, coat Is fun to jiw ro r .« a i.

' A ll Salen F iiia ir ' N o


, TmmsDAY,

WUllams. Baibar* Wini«w.. _ Uelba W ilUanu. Mabel WllUatna I n f i I tn d Karen wni&lm t 'sang u did ^

■fl Shirley Ivto a n d Shall* ivte. The f l i J : girls Chorus, u nde r the airecUon of ^ Strouda and tccompanlerf by-Mr»,^

£ . Woman Hired S ? .';on '. SHOSHONE. • O ct. a — Mrs. Id*be Church haa been hired to do ottlce d'Alene iJit work and assist wlUj driver’s li- ijton Onr*. cense teats a t th o office of Shertfr _im Earl CUyton. .n* Mrs. Church h a a been hired ttm - ONriYbe porarily. CTayton aald. Bhe began Ruby.

work Tuesday morning, rtplseing Gordon iva George > Sparks who haa worked lo attendb- Uiere ror»Oie p ast few weeka. .


F A 1 R “ “ *

i m sJ ^ A T U? I Only Twa Day

__Taice 'Advantag---- GREAT-BMi

_ . A m iv tr ta r u Savin

I O n e G r o u p - V a l u e s I

6 . 9 8 9O n e G r o u p - V a l u e s f

10.98.11^ An unusually fine aelecU'on of tailo’red aii ^ wide choice of wools, taffetas, crepes and ( 1- . . . and all in amarC new colors and patten

rs ,

eeially purchased fo r this event, many cUiers h . and all are grand bargains. Broken slzo ran. loose from.

. . I ______ <

ial Groups o f____ _ — n n

A I S - ". . R e g u l a r 3 9 . 7 5 ] /

- ♦»— ^ t in u e d e l manufacUirer of one of our wen* U lar St0( s smart new coats a t truly great in these groups m any of our own ick-and reduced in -prlco fo r-th is-------------------

* - . - R e g u l a f ' 4 9 . 7 5 — -

' » 3 9 ‘7 5 1 / jIS you will find tweeds, tlceces, Tnolitrlino my other popular novelty fabrics, in c lu d ln j lion. Be sure to shop early whila a n d otnt

■______________sizc lots, r e g u la r *

One Group o f Special Pu


SUIT2 A M . 3^

Smartly alyled suits In a wide choice of P ■ 'w arstcds; H anneb and other novelty

make.i i t pos.ilble for ua to offer >-ou these w a substnnUal savings----- - ’


ter tlie wnri this free 'n ca.sy ail wool I )A -tu r o r - ^ c o ld weather-acUvlUes..... ^

N o E x c k a n g ^ ! ^ Nojpp^^

o iir fb ^

S j ^ i d e n t

^ ^ R S S » ^ '*®^' i S H P 2 b w * » » ^ 1 S

iWtndi » ^ 5 ^ n U y «U.

E t im " ® W* »!*««*>•u l i ' f ' i . i Bf Ur. Trunun'* G h ® ® ^ S i ^ « h o u t U j

" ^ H o ^ j S u a t tfte RepubU-• B i S S i tw »P*

■ c « w ^ uBOunt lo r rtc*

m)bate-o^Will■ X . to proteta the ot W l^ tM w u S i i t a in probttl« I I H t f brUonUi K lnurond **^tfbo «rt “ ''“t

^ t iQ L Sluter h u acncil i K v i l U r dKllned. Hov-

> B m 0 nat»* KlpKr’* *ttor.

ilfd Stpl. w J ' -WttlUr Q.

f [M T n O, Derlsfcs namtd ‘ « T ^ w ; W*l)cer andr i ^ C n l D 1^1^: ^I«Ui;-Tirln Plslli;

j I K eQi Jercne. and J . C.

^ M S ^ u d t s M.175.M- In - ' H i ^ i ) OR the perwn o:- K S W u S i L o L e t M.- K e t« Mines compmy, *nd

tg tlna t llie con*

I H ^ tU d»t« u t fo r the

;»ers FinedH r Oct 3—Probate, J n d n ■ ^ i t i tUied'seven motorists H i s s of the motor veMeJs

H b U r . route 3. RuptH, _^B 4a-U id_13_cosla on n

^■EtSurt lo dlaptftjr llcuue ^ ■ n nhltlns. Rupert. «'U ^ E | 3 on a chor^o o t tall*

J^ H i t tnller lleciue; Prank tlO and $3; Pennaii

^ K i r t , lU and (3 costa; - ^ E b c o . Rupert, $25 and-

Reyes, Rupert. HO k ^ H a uid Ro7 Z. Uirson.- :M ^B pind *3, oil on chargcj

^ B n r rc lg b c e d trucks.'

m tei'ial Held-i ^ H M > - T h e fall Pretby-

K-M hcM W«(t> 10 vom en pres-

^ ^ K taEoII was In charst worship jirogram'.

on (ellovstilp, p rom m s.

^ ^ ^ H b f M e o n was served Aid. Mrs. Prcd by Mrs. Mary

a. U Taylor, m a c liu lo e . vonU p

^ H a b Reported3-M r. and Kirs.

U ^ B f V r ^ d f lh o - P a lb n u e - Annie Gray. Btum;arlner ]ett tor

Sunday.and his guest,

M ^ ^ K k l t Saturday to enroll ^ ^ n ^ o ^ t a h . •

. Oct. S-TU # Cady^ ^ u y . H a jen n a n .' wa* B htnrday by Justice o( ^ ■ R u k Dice tor permltUng

/ - ^ P t a k f to t e d r tra i wlUiB hUhvay n one mUe

•ottuB*. The a r m t w u

^ p m g w a WAlfT AD8.

J t o l y

OF- f c n J G K Y

y o u ^

^ t a s t e !


■ituit / 4 | H H ^

..■"ilum iuojrfi- ■ « l u d T { -

m Z w Vi R ^ « w ; n E t - * . 8 t o n i - ~ r ,

E R Z .1 D 5 2

im — Cac u t

f a .9l e i t : '

de<Uct- ' ^ W c a M M M l i g g W f f n a ine dara. wer pro*

unm n U lo

,tly caU. ipeech.'

'ruffian's lOUt Ihs

ears ap> r tc .

sjngrtjarire nua l ' -

is, to do

----------- The army « d a « ie « corp* hai lur an siemle aliell lo clow nppo ri ef

FTBTlflj grtnaat, MA. w)Ui • Will and powder charr^ are loaded tnte »*■*«■ ihU opmilBrnay*mUs-1>s-perforBi

, wm o t ______________probate ' •

S j A t t e n d a n c e R e c i j S L A t C r a t e i ’S _ o f.Ja t Je . OAREY, Oct. 2 - C n i m c t the

9 : Moon topped aU previous attendance 1 named r«ords thU year, A P. Houston, cer and superintendent of the MUonaljDM* sBUhpp lunent, announced Tliursday. The 1 PallJ; Ktson-ottlel»}lT efoeed Bept, 30.—

1 J . C. yjy . ^ jjjj p jp j j j j j greater than i.fti- I.. th« attendance'tn lMff, In JW9 tha . ^ n M ‘’J’ automo.of etoclc . . _ — ' I ■■■ -I

" I P f ! w^ jn d n

f X * a Full c u r, h e rr in g b o n e twill .

I z IV O R FC SU ITSt::° m n lc w ith smooth a-way tipper tro il Pennaii takes plenty of rough weait E 1 costs; 3 ito < a . ;

s , r - • ■■■-. 'Lursonr-----T o D ^ tin n y fwllt

" SU N T A N PANTM d -

r * - ^ „ 7 ^aipres- M ofehm g o rm y h r lll

SU N T A N SHIRliowshlp. Perfectly matched with the pan ' served * * * lengthl e itj■a. Prcd f , .,,. . , . ^ ^

lor. m a H eavy f o ro i t g ree n

BOUtDER eOREd An extra heavy welRht cotton ^

the wearl They're SantorlMd . .

d Mrs. B 2 rrs= 2 sa

^ M odlum w o ig F t coHm

" UNION SUITS..Just right for the sta rt of coldei

> enrou . ] j„ j ^Mvea . . . with long leg

, _ SpecfaJ p t i e e d

FLANNEL SH1R1Slitting A special purchase brlnss you Usd'wJta -----»hln*-»t-roch-» low price.-BrlghoemUe forUed. U to 17.

X. w.AH le a th e r , w c i rm o d e --------

WORK GLOVES.i At a spkla lly 'Iow price tor nov

will give you plenty of senlce. W

B lanke t lin e d

DENIM ju m per ;Ideal tor cold momlngj now . . . the short zipper front siyle. . . or

W oife rn c u r

"FOREMOST" JE:n our heaviest U or. denlml Th Banforized so Uiey won't th fln i 39 to 38.

T /a h h H ftin ff w c i fe rn .

—DENt/^HlRIS...------ ln-heftvy-8-o*r-denImlJhty_hAvt

SUy puti Snug fit ac the waLM .

H eo ry d u ty

4 BUCKLE 0'SH(Built lor niBged wear! Here’s wh»

___ colder w eather. FuU cut • ■ •

M e n 'i 8 " o il ton

-HUNTINGJQCflThe popular 8* topiM iher uppers . . . heavy duty ct

= " • - . _ ; i U ^ v q l u e , j « e n ' i

■ I WORK SHOES™;-v -tv5”S!o-J‘J, VUPPOT. « t» 11- . --------1-

C a n Pil e Atomic Si

!>u lU T dM ttOa a a a u is c t c r afUOerr »l port ef fTtmad troepa la mU kla4s ef »e*thei w)Ui • eJrlUaa gm iierT expert ■! Ute U o r^ri led Into the weapon'* brcceh by m tans e f a perfBrmed-t>rtouiarTBB-nB| «-e n tia-»t«iml

Record Is Broken oiMoon Momunentot the bUet w ith 38,037 persons. TMs year iidujce wer# 3l.73< cara with 74j n ouston, perwna.JjDon* The attendance lo JJM w»» 29J r. The per cen t greater than last year v h e n 90.— S i m penons ln 17,063 automobiles

r than P«sons-ln 14.163 cars reguteretf a t >49 the monuxRfnt Jjeadousrtem Jtomo* Although the nbnuinent.bAa been

j N F V S^rlll . M M -0 ^

S::777:7T77r 4i6 9!r frofttt Extra heavy-Weight twUl th a t earl - EonforUnl' shruukt Grey or tan .

kNTS,?/... . 2 .9 8glvp you t^^B^lM you need. SantorUed

IIRTS....... ;2 .4 9he pants! T hey have d reu type collar h i eizea H to 17.

DRDS 4 7 9otton 'ft'oric p a n t . . . tha t really takes iMd . . . and mercerizcdl Sizes 2S to 44.

S x wr colder weather. 'Choose ahort sleeve*, ong legs. E cru only. 3S to 48.

11RTS......-1.8 8 -. you these f irs t quality, M tton flannel .-Brl8ht,'-brlght-platda you’U-lUte.-Ban*__

E r Wor nowl They're tough horsehlde th a t vice. Well cut-for n sood fit.

PERS ■ ■■3 .9 89W . . . and Inter on tool cRooio irom T • . . . or tho long bu tton front. 36 to 48. ---- ---------------- - ■■- i w.' '. ■' ] . ..Il-J'. 1--TM •

' JEANS. ■ 2 .9 8 IIm! They're anug-tlttlDg style ; . . and thrtnkJ Rela lortxd a t itra in poJnU. j-

- ---■v--rrrr-^W.r r .-rr--- n n j-m rTr«<r,r,T.s;a

ty_hnve white front snap fa.itne n th a t r waLM . '. . fancy yoVe^Ov. i i ’.i to ‘17. -

SHOES... ■.S.9 0re's what you heed for muddy fields. . .. . easy on.off fit! 6 to lU

q£ c l ^ J 0 . 5 0 lgives you more prottcUonl- Oil u n

duty cord sole. 6>se< d to 11.

f shoes . . . ‘Scout“type' th a t will give :ujn rubber-sola hrown; leather,


i S h e U " ]

lew pleee which Is wpsile of deUterlot re«tber, day or nltbt. Above at Ihe Aber. *»7» rf, tbe rSB Is test flrtd. The preJeetiJ*IS c f a bydrauUe power rasuner. altheaih Trt««alt-i«nM*^boiit-t*-inlk*-(NEA-*ele—

closed orilelslly.-the area sUII la [ l open and vlsltsn will .be permitted

to tour tha area until snow blocks . the roads. There will be no charge

* . n t to visit the monument now until-------- BexfiprlnF------------------- -------------s year Houston,-together with Robert c . 7 4 jra Zink, ranger, will be a t the monu-

ment throughout the winter.u> » J —:-----------------•w hen •• FINEO

^ Tuesday by JusUea of the Peace Fruik Friuea on a charge o t drtriag

I been without a chaulteur's license. ^

■■ I_______f la <*rr>

i P W t li f 4 ^

r:; T w ill G a b a r d ir S U R -C O A T S

1 2 . 7 5^ .Pine grade .gabardine . " ' made ot-rayon acetate s

that .keep • I t 's 'sm a rt g ■■'•i looks season after sei

Extra warm wool quUt lii :'J\ iMreoUar,

^ — R«d P la id V lju n tin g Jaek (

r t f -1 2 ^■ -'.J Heavy wool plaid . . . trt

2 * ™ to resist woter and \iL i ^ .Plenty of pockets. Bright

^ :„V L-:. pliiair~Bi«~lhU^OM -t»

4 -L 'nel .•■?• -. , 1a . --------- ^ ---------7= - ^ -------

la t ^ B ^ M b I m C E a

s s s : .'--I -.-.h

)hi L . ' ' t ' ' '48. B W P a | B i g \ ^

' ■ B s S ^ S b T

I- u j ’

> m ms r - h - T - r ' --------

) |

r f U.,f'.-SHOP-^-=-^ I FRIDAY r. 'flL9iOO " Twin Falls Store -r

^ •

■ t w i n f a l l s , I D A H O ;

D e t e r m i n e d V e t I g W i t h B a r D e s p i l■ _ -A lilA ^C allt. bc t..3 «Jh=.Bartcfp phr■ - Baa B la d u m h lp .r t i te d . '^ foot on to ■ - B n > r t» r ru rg U lH « :w r t^ n to - ih e - -■ deecrted street ot tb li (h o st town iu ,■ ' and pmnlsed to “lUclc U «il"'come „ ,■ l ia l : o n a n e e n J M m h - » i t e r .— .. ■ - H e c k .1 paid. « « J» 0 for the■ plwe." Ihe stulfcom t* te m owner «■ d Jd . T doh't think X .bare to get y f ■ - ottt.- • ^■ ' Blankenship. 37>r«ar.<ld former mu■ n a iy chief petty oftlcer, has the v■ only bualneis left In . thU S anu ,■ C la n county r tlta n . ' "f.■ Ererythlng else, tncludlnc the "■ tM toffke, wai shut'down when the■ . SaoU Clara valley v a te r coniervi- m tloo dbtrtct starteil eonstrucUng a } a dam th a t will put % Uke right over

Alma durtng th« rainy MMoa. - ’ ^ Ben's business went ao well, what , Ii

4 with the thirsty construcUon work* ihl) '--3 e n tolUng under the bo l summer We - tun . ha decided It would be foolUh Uoi

ta move.OTit now. • - mei

t - l “ r«eived an"eTlctlOT~noU57 U« he said, "but I had » Uaae and I shl: didn't think h a « .to le a n . So. -1

srTStAiH ^ ~ w mnltted

S HIGHEST PEIir t 'a P a c k e d o iT yoiulonu-

LONG PR^ ----- ea!H Tw te-F idto-i«-^ae

^ O tD iW E A T Ii

la r d in e S h o r t C o u o c k )A T S JA C K E T

7 5 ^ — 9 ^9 0 ^«rdlne . . . iHere'a cold.weather oomfo seetalo nylon . ' amart good looks . ,- thrl smart good- Penney price. These hani ifter season. aome jackete are tailored < 1 quUt lining, . smooth gabardine with war;

wool quilt Unlng.

la id S h e a r lin g L tn e dJ a c k e t G a b . S ur-C oot

7 5 ^ 1 8 ^ 5I . . . treated A new process brings you i

and wind. "aU nylon shearling lining . , s. Bright red famous for warmth, plus llgltroM -bdo re ------- w eight— Sm art— gabardli

Jacket, In brand new colon


| k - ~_ ..............(

. 1


■-- T W I L L _

To match tlie Jacket*. Smooth * water repeU ent-llnU h..i_ft»^—

- . . r— . . , . . i u r tilm i.,:____ - l» 7 0 , .

^et P l a n s t o S t a y j s p i t e D a m P r o j e c t Simt*SS h* told me ^ t

""iiOiey were going tff'iinuB iisuu t tom wllhout-glTlng ua a dime, my moth- his

^ er and J,lhe_s*ld. - M-Everybody i e f t “ M W n ,- * ^ » . 'i

mused, ‘ u l I atayed."- - - H>-' Blankenship caid th e dam would — -

be finished In about » month “but I'm going to sUck I t ou t ontU the

w er decides one w ay or the other.* ■ ■ ' The Oeorge Osmer eaUte. holder of the lease on tlxe U re m property, claims • Blankenship took, out only

}?• a one year extenalon'of the lease,^ which e ^ lre d la st June , a a "nje case has been taken under OTtr advisement la tha Jm tlce eourt a t .

- Lae a«t«*.-CaUf. < - rhat ,I f the court deddee I s Btanken* | wk* ship's favor... the 6onsem tlon dls< aner Wet wltt have to a ta i t ccademna-. ollsh Uon pioeeedlngs and aiake a settle* |

ment fer hto property.- I f lt.<teddes . ' 157 I h T T S S n r n o T f i ln a B r iB I ^ — nd I ship win have to Thcate—or nrlm.Bo. - B a conceded the thing that.wor* .

A T O E S i

:' PRICES PAID! i“your~6wn place

PRODUCE» - & 8 e d r - S v e n ln 2 s - 2 7 » l< .W — —

w m

K I S 0 E i s i



0 - 8 . 9 0T comfort. .• t h r t f f '': A t';«n-e»pecially. low. price,

ese hand* Qood^looktng smartly tailor* iiitoed o t ed Jacket of lustrous g»b*r- rlth warm dine. Shirred waist etyle.

W arm wool quUt linins tool

tined— ^ W O O L M E L TO N Coat JA C K ET

5 —gs you aa M w l fcr everyday oc workl lining . . Leather reintorced a t the el* plus U g h t' ' boWs . . . around the pockeU,

'gabardine_____and cuffs. Dark bluel Smoothiw colors. tipper f r« it. ■


D O U B U E -Q U IL tE D ..^ ;-= ^ S S U R -C O A T S H

1 0 . 9 0 8 ^ i « 1

RealTwo layers of warm quilting warm

,,wilh a weather side of hea\? Ajack

colora boys like! Fur collar,' wannl

W O O L P t ^ l D ________ W lM A C K IN A W M o

8 . 9 0 w BHusky

In bright new cqlor combinations br-rr ha lt U kel-lhey 're double breast*' Made ed . . . belted styles. Warm wool heavy lining, , color i

-SlM»-a.8h..._______ 5.90 ' 5I«»

• B o y s ' G abard in e- — F u r-F lap C a p s - ^ -

oth ■ I n new color* to a i a t ^ ; u ^ , tJ O ^ ------^Jaeketa. perfectly.-------1 - 0 0 -------cr 9 Bm ait fu r trims — ■ f

Mea him mnt Is the poealbUlt^of rain after the dam Is buUC The 190-tooi hUh earth dan could t>aA j

. up a lake three mile# long aad haU- ber ;C l tell* wide over Alma. . . dai

Meanwhile, Blankenship tatended ' ®.® to take care.of hla .clientele. Swa Tn__ _ when_Jhe dsm la finished tod the prerro t t ousifucUon worktn'ie»v^=Bto-8«d- ne> oth* bis business wouldn't fall off. mueh. wU

Most ot hU clltnU, h* aald pnmd*^ ly,-tre^.'Wtdy euitomet«*-wbO:il'f*- —C

tn-the surrounding area. - Glc ^ d — .—p------- ---------------------------

I - t a i 1

. ' ' ' ” ■ J

_ L _ _ _

d L \ \ W / \ ] / u / - V I /

t U N l ^


f -nr. price.

tailor*IS g»b*r-st etyle.Iny tool'

T O N - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | l -

S t v 4 Men's Depill Smooth , \ I f

O W S T O O !!

S A T I N T W I L L ...................H O O D E D S T Y L E ’

1 0 . 9 0 ia - 1 6

lu a l he-m ta rtrUngt B tlra Boywarm alpaca pile Ilnlngl Here's glosajacket hell wear In the coldest' ‘war

- ■ - .nrf »1»T unug and. COUlwarm: T 7 .. . e h

W O O U : P U I D 'N ' M o l t o n S U R - C O A T

9 . 9 0 10-1S

Husky Jackets that take *the Smcbr-rr out ot cold tero daysl It'sMade ot thlek wool-plaid-with ' resliheavy reprocessed wool solid. Uniicolor sleeves and back yoke. . bad

5iie» 2-B....^;i______ 6.90 . Slx<

i M E N ^ S -R E DP U I D . C A P S

i;.' Bang ecrduroy with smooth ^ Q ------ croKB-Unlni.-Ear - f - l Q ------- *' '_mpsiol4down____ I M , ' , p

■ ■ - '.IT ^y. PAQE TH IBIE^ ' r •

S a u b M i k * - 7ek BURixr.ocLS<.iuaeea>af0« .’Lf- bert of the dsSalei elsa m M t.uS- "

day ereninc at the OatbeOa peHik ed h J l w lth'ttdr. BdTlMf, t»* .1Wr. ~ .t ea Tnnds j. ODrtseolL -Jdha-OeTto •



V I/ 11/ III-IA, f r , )

S r

St. Floor

aaaaam -------- '•— ;

. Satin TwHI __ J . °'C ouack Jaektt6 . 9 0 4 . , B

Boyi* thrlft-prtced Jackete otglossy satin twill, lined with j(lwarm-wool quilting. Tltlck fur — liwU^. Bottom and cuffs ere jfl

GABARDINlE I~ c o s s A c i c ^ - ;7 . 9 0 1 M 8 ISmooth. lustroug ftalsh . . . and illIt's water repellent . . v crease- fflresistant. Thick. wool. quilted ^Uningl Knit wrlstletsl -Bhlrred. i

backl 9

, S k e i 4 -a .....______ i___ 6-90 I

: M«ri'i RflYortiHif | ^ H unting_C iapi_ lu .= :;^

~ H -h e a v y - t ia ~ d ^ - tn » U rtU -= .— S . . . or corduroy, (rorsi tnilde

— out-to B tta -i-----------T '*1Q r*^—. ttdhUBtlos

W W D A T i o o t o ^ ®


If wfilN^H'’t i M V S W l l i l U l H ^ K



mDnal words or • 3ade'Recii)e'is~:

c t o f J S D s H s i l l t W

, Y i n u . u i w « «

L I K t B t W - ^

I a Tti ^ «M



i i ■ T ru inan Aims. . f j New‘C rack at. ' j ^

H ,Preif7rU /S.I H ■ PretUent Tnimwi took mother R fif,I I R cnck at tbt natlon'a prcu Wednet- kNm/llm dar Qlcht. etpccltlljr the local11 V 6pokesaan-R«Tlew vhlch hs calird \Mf.19 j —u he did m IMS—one of the tvoI I « “wont p a ^ in th e U. fl.“| i y Ttuman toM a capacity crowd In .m m g lfif j f l • *he Bpokane annory “we hare pro- I W rM>f>| duetd « budiet tu rp lu i oC n e u tr m 'n ,t l . four blUlon doUart and reduced Che■ - pubUe debt." but aald you'd never t l » k ,

'• « | gueu H *>T readlDB the paper*. ■> (1 1 ' BlaaU PaperI. f l ! -Eipedally.- he aald, lookln* uph ■ ■ from h li prepared t « t . "If you readk b Mh»l aeeond woret paper In the • (I U U. B.—'nia. Spokesman-Revlew. ,I M • *That paper never told the truthl l l l i In politic* In 11* life and wouldn't ___ 'H f f ----- know'lh^ Inllh lf J l met i t eomBi

UQI The Berlew. a RepubU an paper V.! ■ fupportlnc Oeneral xitenhowtr, h td •l l l l no comment Immediately but ealdI I I H probably would take editorialIIIB notice e f th a lU tem en t later.- \ k .H jP W ofit In U. 8.[ti* Io 1941. whliUe-stopplns throufh 'll]r>i here, T n im an tlnsled out tha n t- l}|1|> view and t^ia ChluKo Ttlbune ajllb ^ i------the "two woret-papert-ln-th*;OOun- —■Hit I try” and aald they gave the people -- -I l i a consreu -tsoth) In the - 1 0 2II I hUtory of the nation."II I HU IMA comment came after a *IMf Review reporter-aakad the Preil>. i j [ den t:.“How doea I t feel to be in a '

y Truman b u been erlUcal In h it , v \ ^| ] | t------e ttrT tnrtour-of-w hafhe:calla-“the —

I t one party preat." >

Il Stamp to Honor ^

J ; .T7. 0. poiCofflce honor* the nation'*>! : aewipaper boy* Saturday with a r £ g ^ m l

« three<ent Jtamp commemoratlns \sSOBm


their aervleea to community -and - g S E l

' - ih ta U m p i 1 0 on publlo tale here

Saturday and in poitoffleei In other Bolte nntloni- parti or th l nation later, next week. eept. 35 by___The l in t n«w ita rap honorlni the tu r ta u of lm

bojr who'deUvert th e paper to your were on thaatep will ba aold her* a t a ceremony wanted crlniIn the m n k l ln Inatitute Saturday. -------Tha u ie will be made by Poitm attcr - d /Oeneral Jease M. Donaldton to a DIFmiCH

— aiwiPSPW boy................ ... - - tlOOwaaclet“ tored by the

Hearing Slated on K m Extradition Plea n.>ur..,..

------BuibE . o e t r - 3 - a > ^ .- 8 r - J u a a rChate A. Clark wlU hold a hearln j «“

— oa.lh fll^u ia to fJC aaia tau lho tlU eato retum Thoraaa and Margaret . --------------Yount on charset of burglnrlxlns th t 6ao t«nU , K anj., bank Dec. JO, OR. G E O ! 1«»L OP

TT. B. A tto n e y Jtihn A. Carver vitual Act • aald the beartaf would be hold a f .

t«r Judf* Clark re tu m i from north Idaho, vba ro be U holding QourL-

Th* Y ount* ware anetted In- the .

...... -


’■ yer K m j If

in ^)- vjgfr

!d N \‘* ( ^ \ \

r .................... ............- • ■ \r Bolte nntlonti fo ru t near Lowman• Bept. 33 by a K juad'of le ftd tra l - 'I tu r ta u of InTMtljaflon a |en ta .T hey ' C f fr were on the r e r * lU fo f lO’m 'o if ------' wanted criminal*.

~DANCE HELD ' k D iF m icH , Oct. 3 -M o rt than , tuitirik - tlOO wa* cleared a t the dance tpoh- c.tAie e

tored by the PTA for tha hot lunch ” ^ pro ram here. Raymond Robertson and BUI Faulton were In ehtrf<.

I Natural ( i t U I»u poliwnouijthan

. faetured g ti contain* carbon moa-: CTMt__________________________ _ J t S g S i i i t ^i . _________ _____ .TV'; DR. GEORGE p. SCHULER

0PT0METB18T Vltual Acalytlt CoDUct Len*M

’ rhone UM < l i t Malo Nortb . . - .............Twin FaQi ------------------

I L . . . >.

kM SiifMotkCOiFREE CJDPOH I S P p i S l I B F j

f / j

• • _ TH

What Inflation?


■ jm M[_ li T* y r : ~ -> >v>w >»•>--—/

I S C m iU H G ^S e a s o n in g S a ils I H t a

>> .JuitJhUeltilFIflf«quility-On!ofl. \M W B S - Gtillc, Cdety. Stvor SUt Seuoa!a|. | * | H l




SPECIAL GET'ICQUIUNII Buy new Surf.- the de tha t gives you a sweet

mor«-washes for your■ ■ the tilg. cconomy-stoe

of Bweet-cIcanlnK SurfH B n save 20c on the v e ^ n< B jQ IjB ' of your favorite coffee. P p i ^ Use the free coffee coi B | ^ on top of every yelloW' a p Y ------^-------- package of new Surf. •

j —Mysury^


» - NewD —- — —— ------- Bur

WASmNO’ _ D. HoUlt Wh

_ ilw rtai.*toS!

— real l h* creatV 1— - ■ * tlon* la h it <i v ^ Dr- J*ck C

^ . of Idaho, fl health , teryli

X—— grant*, w u. f ^ o t the burei

1 \ and yitemal

• ) Boclate buret

_ J aaapctate chle

H W M c f c i d i ^


ctffeeIIM I ^

........ .. ...........

mET-ACQUWNTED OFFER: tPDO 4-p!e«Burf.- the detergent:youasw eet«rw ash- ^ H w > '(too ways I n rs t. get--------------------les for your money-witti ':onomy-&toe packaRc . .leaning Surf. Second, ^ ^ H l ln the v e ^ next poundvorlte coffee. . . H H I■ee coffee coupon ' , - every yellow-bandf new Surf.----------- 'W jitfiy'

^ ' M M \, . - ' • : . ] ' • ‘= v s


New Deputy for Budge Bureau Chosen On V(

WASmNOTON;' Oct. 3 (iW M ark BOISE. Oe D. HoUlt who ba* been chief aanl> can h e ^ i * taJT *nilneeriBj"Bfflcer In 'the 'jjub^ nt*day-*“^ lie health terviee’* bureau of i u t« had been <»i

» « ? P P p t5 ^d.d_eBUg.

Dr. o u t . L .'A nd*rtca , chief ofthe bureau, ^ n c e d thl* in re- r t i reallng creaUon of four new potl-tlon* la hi* office here. - t

Dr. Jack C. Haldeman. a native or evaded enof Idaho, formerly chief, of the « r i to redhealth , terylce'a dlvltlon of 'i ta te ipendlof aa(grant*, w u named aaeUUnt chief —of the bureau for regional office 8EBVand u te m a l operation*. \VENDEIX

Dr. Jeaeph O. Dean, formerly a t- Rwen. flremisoclato bureau chief, fo r tla f f and Red A. Roteim^^nageatnt tarvlcet, wa* named UlaraeRoteiaaaoctate chief for program develop on board a 1meat. e u t. .-

"Pawnr P y toh la t Myir ~


f l ! s


104hrilling days in thIVinipotUtlon and lodging paid for you aad erapa

_ Thrta U iwyw t jpcm l WHthoiitrimrn^w

of Btses In PJsadtna for jra anJ compa

---------Il; U U* AaplM vU Vnlltd. ShvotM'i p tiBtdiMCoiidFrluvlBstTKUtUcuh. Bet* Be*l tad il

- — '' ' .............................................

: ^ C O H T E S r I

Budge Applauded I On Voting Record / f I. B O I8 E .O e t.3 '(IU -8 U t* 'R * ^ i ... - .I . 1 |: CM hetdauarur* a n a o u n ^ W ed. - \ ^- ,Sd»y-ih»l-n«P- H i m e c J f J H d n -------\ » ® »commtoded bjr. the Con. V •

: U« tot M.■ i t ^ on what are regaroed aa con*■ trorerilal Utues, which certain pther- memben of the houte have itr^ d led 1 cr evaded enUrely. etpeclally in re^• ^ to redueUon of govemment> ipendlaf and taxei" ■.

I 8EBVING tt l BAST , / n r l i aWENDELL, Oct. 3 - J a w e i JJ*

- R»en. fireman, ton of Mr; aad Mr*. •>I Red A. Roten and butband of Mra. <I u ^ R o te n .aU W e n d eU .U K rv ln g \■ on board a landlnc'ahip In the far 1

eu t. - S

- 7 7 ^ - T H 0 $ E - ^ ;Mr s c u f f s ) :

.SberKm nmmmWn

Complete this sentenc lessT''l!ly'fOTt^pef

....... t

s i n the-Hawaiian Island!you aadCCTopanlon plui 5100 cuhapendingnoney for a

tthwtriwwrKwt_______ .^JwfiUlflftl.Wtiklkll___ Xajc

^ ^ E M i m J J a j L W B i k B n d a l tlia .T onm ii

III a n i Air Lims.

Be..flo*l.adll„f.W eu.R«.P««l, '

e n t e r TH IS T HR IL L IN G

.A m ™

ti l ’* CMy! I t ’s fun!' For y e a rs S p c n been giyincwtsipm homcmakchi moa: ninft jdnfl! M artha M eade '# r e d p

lfWlh.Anmvcrsary ColebraUon by-t«ll which Sperry orM artha M eade R c d i like bMt. nnd,-In ju s t a fow words, L ook for rrcipM in a ll S p e r ry sac: Jspcrry packages, in daily nc,wjpapcn

r r t% BtTTi nt-,. nT *'”** ttibBiIitwJ imd

J E « e l > touy n u n bi

'S i ' ■I W I . ‘V‘* »tl*lnillw tSd•f lm An, '‘•''-i'’'' «“‘l. D«pikjit* prie.1

■i !>»»«• Ill* phT T ^ hiamii, ■ ‘ e*a b« Ktaffwl*

J : . I . ' 1 . ' L

. - ____________________r a r o s D A T i (

y h o a m u m t o j _____________

, b H x e p o e k e t d r e i i J|M7 with lurortia* K n ^

\ r « d f o u c h t t

) *9’ T «— f -----BrMi*4ntfr-At<tumrv —

In I h i i t i s b o n a i r d r a t i M ^ O U . . . g r a y a c t f a t * e n d

v o y o n -w ith o n I n l i r e i t i n g m M . J b I \ r o u p h t e x t u r e . . . g i b n i 1 p o c k e t s l i n e d In/ s t f f o r I ie « r e d r o y o n s t i s f f e t a . . . w l d e f i ^ ^ V n f l n\ s k i r t m a d « m o r e B s 0 M ^ ® u f l

( e x c l t l n p w i th

\ c r i n o l i n e p 6 t t i e o o t . | ^ 9 | | ^ n H | ( 1 2 t o 1 8 .


WTES> sentence in 25 additional md iiit^MiTFMarth^Meade'Recl

h pra ii^ ff

Islands! ^ ^ ^ —ignoneyforaachwtaair.

'tlUUI__ XaJe7UtlT*fotittaaddtaeMl_UTftalaR>tM

; tliaJonminiinl___ ^

rLinis. yourcholctofJSDsil

HoltjirtadiBdrlimorouttui*'" r»iU«ifaM»i»wtdi efpfcwrM,TV,r*dto r*tU»Bh|p|i«u


D ii^ < ro c lp m « t«

I fow words, why. i.c»ei»fink}*tti7*<wl*<* Sperry sacks, onyn^w^popcnt p o m c J A l tn r n r R U L I t t N rtb d a ib fnmsM. Ud. .UUmnt *•«!.« I*i*l”«r “} if fm rllf Bomy n

------------------wtodr.Addpwrwo.. — --------- ----S tS S S ^oa-wijh. bflt wtik »»di 'g S E S S K i h -------------------------------^« ttibnillW ita<« »»of -lUiUst. ^h AnBl»»Tt»nr ConUit.

D«piH»t*prie»iint*»4 -ila b*e«ei Qi» j ep«f«y

t C o v e r sl ^ ^ o r e s t

^ p ” r . r Kto t lu t e t-

■ L ^ cMoiejMtoB w

B ' ^ ^ i r e to be to- ■ ? j2 ? M t to c M where® S J 5tST^»» «-roust be

K r J T B e f o iu a rt Ueble.

ecipe control, be

by the b w ■ g i S to t te M ini-

■ f f . n d l l l . n . c j . 1Ite Ut* U>d MT9 ex-

B f c s v ” ' ' ' -

iS ' i^ E l a e U i T picturing th e

u m Cltuens tn t (uecesafiU

rlihta to th e K |6 u t « U tn»Tlt» river ■ ^ ir id ao d iy noon to U » < t » T v a ^ ilU Rotary

H ^ t C. K. Jone« oon> ^ K R ^ m t h e ■bseneeof ■ o a , praldent. R lch v d

cl»inDU3, obU laed

^ E T n T m i id r t i tC T 'A t^ ^ E n n S UeOrath ordered ■ ^ u tubpoensed Into K J ^ d t th t t thejr were

n m n m e n t w ater K e i o t t d (h e 'w fttm '-o r

li fe r fo r lirJ-

K l u t , C m p Pendleton.t ten. m llu o f . th e

^ K ^ S a i of water « t H tc td e r v u Utued.^ K t s i ippetied to th e tr ^ k U Q r u tn d tlna lly ot>* ^ E i t n g vltA ft deJen fe

department. Po l- ■ c d m n c e thS'iaraee-de*

B a S t - p r t a e iL _ » nd th e

H r f l h e R otarr elub «U1 rt’cnJn^

■ a n g s A w a y ■Cap Gun in ■ s V - B a t t l e^ ■ a c B c o , Oct. a i tw o ^ ■ isded todny In ft Cun^ B ibnc lM O 'a ruh lonab le

tecUon vrUle Via ^ ■ M o n e stood'between

w ith h b own

^ ^ K w t t d In the btazlnff the child b u t

^ ■ i k i d a l t . sherttf's o f- ^ ^ B ) b v , nnd Edward M. ^ ^ K t e o M h s ^ b o y ^ j c ^

r ra n k H unra - ^ ■ k a c h o t t and D eputy

Tcnt to lAiclch’a ^ ■ s n htm wllh ft c ou rt

pjtyment of a $50 eoiirt coals.

MEETS3-T he MYP m e t t t tfte H ansen

^ K U e th ad b t church w ith Ur, and M n . H ugh CMte pltng for th e

eropj-toboeco. cot* ^■ *W l»-accoutit for moat

CvoUna'i ca^h la rm la*

p y

I TegUa

I ^ J f e e .

1 “ .-Eveiiyioct

iT,i3ra, ' . ......AreaSoUCt)

estIn-lhe. ■ M W h M w B w l ^ M a l ^ O B W xtend*Idaho p i » | I L ^ ^

a th e > j::rv .

i WWb um - .o t th e I

where t ex*

Uablo.I cost '



exist ' t e x -II th e ''* * > " " j I H I f r « f k V i ; V n R n i-iald .. •- i \ : r iV’-; .’ «■•

Clean L. Bodllf. r iih t, UalTcnltr

b coaotr. talki with Ftoya Wolfe on » ft loorce of a • lo a d e r '’ i n t . Soil txo

, . f»rftB ew aatlbIoU e(acbaiaurrom r<lub * * * *K Soil in Cassia Te ■rtiS Of Supply for ‘to t* ry XmiV BiaiTV OP IDAHO. Mo»----------epir. Octi 9 Idaho'i rlfh'.l»Ta tfill, ;

ood- wWcIi pM iicca potatoes famed n c e r t thro\ig»iout the nation, now ts being chard tcited for a n e w . posalbllltr — the ta laed source of a 'wonder drug."

Attr- BodUy.-tlnlverjltyof-Idaho exten* rdered »jon «gent for Cauia county, sclen- i tnto tUU of the Lederle laboratoriei, 'Were PearlRl»er.N.Y.cbtalnedsoUsam- wftter plea near Burley. Belected for the ' « ~ o f feuhB w iS W IanrofT loya Wolfe; ■ f tiTi’ one of the «ut«’« top p i^ to growm i

and ft member of the Idaho Pototo : lleton. eomnilalon. ‘L ’!l5 The hUhly-producUva.soU.of.the '

• farm has given Wolfe an average j yield of 300 sftciu ot potatoes to the

, acre for 39 year*. His father. Bert. i r ® r had ouUtandlng yields on the land :

£ .» f o r l l years before him. SoUeamplei l irom the Wolfe farm wilt be given

i t t o t w tenstfen iB om to ry -w na-ln -ttiB -h i th a

f I like ’em green cy I FiAV-ll-PAC p a din 1. • ^ttle\ Btin ■-.;-'inable .1 !e th s tween

isrd M . •*

a a m - B K t i o f e y S y ^ r T " ^ ' i ■•,

S Scou rta 150 • . ..coals. V \ --------------7'—----- :

■B nght g r e e n . . . a n d o n so

" m e t d ish fo r a n y m eal. B udget*

B aby_G rcen_L lm a B e a n ^

^ _ _ _ T t y * e m ! T h e y


a la*!^

I i T n s i ^ i »J u I m B *1|k

l$ ™ a l“gular■ n n l t a m»tehlM»ll°« l l

ne . TTial'twhy... . .

■ ■' 0 . i a t i . m t _ ^ ^ m m


Contains Drag, ■ ^


H M :

renlty of Idahn ezteniloo n e n t la CtaaU re OD whose f in s ta U «ert eondacUd u Soli samples art being In ltd la the s w t ^

* * * *

Tested as Source or “Wonder Drug”Mot- quest for a new anUbloUe luch as

L-toU. mtri“fmy/-faamfd A tew year* *jo, a tsmpJa of eoH b« from Mluourt »as received a t tha - me Ledetle laboraloriej. BclentlsU pro-

cesMd ll aa they hsd lens of thou-

jctien- to g ^ M a« S to r?n p r^M tto S lerB u t iclen- from this soil an Interesting golden «rie9, mold ippearcd. Test tube expert* sam- m enls' produced amastng nsulta. r the T his new mold clfteUvely prevented Volfe; thegrovthofstaphyloeoceifstrepto- ow m cocci, ind a vliilety ot geims'calted ■otato bacilli. ThU later property was m ost

Important as It acted agalnit many I the dirrertnt dUeoscs that had ' long enge both h m u u and animalj.o 'the This golden mold Is now known as Bert, aureomycln. H ie drug has saved land hundreds of thousands ot lives since

nples 1(0 dlicovery.given --------------------------—tJlB-TlSlAO TIUES-NBW8-WANT-AE>6»-

en and ten d e n ilc e ~ W )0(frs ’( j m ! i S N ^ I

oh s o te n d e r ! A pe rfec t side

u d ge t* sav ing to o ! FJav*R*Pac

cans 52VC u p to 6 3 ^ w aste.

T h e y ’r e w o n d e r ^ l ! •


B B |

m J

coun tiprodne»8 .- - - ^ ^ y ^ -

DS Cofifes!


4-H Recognition S Meetings Slated

M O ^ W , Oct. a iJu-Three meet*^ ^ V W -* h lc h th#-*ork.ot 4 -a club -.

n l« d ■wQl be held In Idaho next • SlWtl?i.C, C.OCounotft»h,^uu>elate ffiiTctor o n n * T m ivem ty-onfliho " extension service, announcfa Wed­nesday. , _

They *111 be Bt Bntnett. Nov. 11; Burley. Nov.. 18. »nd Pocatello,'not.1». A tourth dUUUt. meeting jn

Wax No More...SO E A S Y T O '

“LASTIC GLOSS!”1 O Q eovcra ;U ^ U tiO aq. f l.' ;

_ - . • New anti-slip naor protector 1• Flowi on easily, no buffing ~ i• Dri es to rich luster In IS ■

minutes i, • I^iUU ecuffln. water staini J

- P a in t' praW—DowntUlrs filer* J

CgflfibWsQrfs, j

1 1 ^3 r ® d l l5fI fts A I A M r y r V £ M


S o l

f' i l y

- - J - C

T o m a t o J u i c-. 5 c a n !

l o Y S T E R S j y j

\ MM- j 7 ^

LI V -8 J U I C E ^v:

S N A C K M o K t l ' i I.

S H R I M P g ; ; ; r I !PEA!S~?Lv°r'‘

S A U E R K R A U 1 G R A P E F R U I T C A T S U PD C A C

_ _ r G a rd e n R u n ........

H E B E A R f e M A C

There’s A n I. C¥ o c m , • o t m

V Eri> BniUsen V D M*rtet


• BtJELET VFI = = :i:J^en« t«y= S }r«> w ir^— tM»oai5- » / "^rlry rrlT e -»" ’ j-

» C A S iu r o i iD * ' S i“ V O * M Food Berrlei

- - • D ECIO — ----------------------« iwCBlV 8haw^ Market V PI

r V T O J i m L S . . I D A H O

— BoMem' Idaho wUl be *Anounce<t . Jaten___________^

e d ' M r s . D e n n i s D a y .« t - P u t s O n B l u e B o n n e t

J y E n j o y - F i H J J ^ ---------

'**** _

Mrfc Pentxli Day baa'joined th*' thousands o{ women who pul on S l v z B okkr M a rg ie (or r.N.E, .-Flavor. Nutrition, EeonomylUke

tor th in o W radio and TV singing ,r ilw"a“VUe,"7uJ7 Iw, wDl-loveHh*- — ^ delicate, tunny -m et taste B un i Bonnet adds to any food! You’ll

approciste lu nourlitunent, too. No otber-ipread (or br«sd is richer in . yearnround VJUmia AJ And you’ll

„ wtleonw Ita econamy. Tm poundso! Bmib Bokkct cost Uu tlian OM

— SES©- - - - - - - - - - ^

MILKi s : i d 7‘

l u i c e ; o Jc"1 ....28 cj “C A N r t l 3 ^ — — :-------------- ;

C>ys>otBoy4% 5*oi. X O ^ -------— CoTt............ A , C a n i _ O y C I

' Rflw-Poek. '* W .I Vegefabf#

reH'i toncli M e e t ............. ..............

je Plote ^ 5-or.)ken............................X Cent / j r f i

! Z ..^ U T ;S;L:.. 2 clV23(I I T Shaver's ^ 303 * 4 « p i f t I F e y . S e e H o n t J t Cons i S v i

. . . . ;.. 2 5^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' 1 1 3 5 (wACic^yaixEys paoGi

, I. G. A . Store Near 1« OIETKICn * RUPERT

V DleUlcb MercaBtUa V FoodlandV MeaehaiB’rt• FUEIl -

V FUer Meat Coapanyu_nnfiDI?.-Q » BHOSOONg__ :__vL J. C. PalntCT * ;ce. - - V Eeoa*my m

p iwcnnELo _ :_ V -8 h en jrt »V pipert »tarkei - . V Cardli^ F«

•' - • I

~ westerners


t raS*’*’??•E. %j ^Ike ^ Z J J . I-‘g» itf I - - lu n r y T yM nV \ l i i i i i l

& '*■ , ' ■yn'TaN■orl _______________ • .

i ■ K O U N T VI --------- ^ W h o l e - t

— 12^ u n c e — B

Lci. _1


3 9 ^ S ! ? 5 ~ 7 5 ^ |..:. . . . . ....2 ^?;;^ 85 c7 3 c * a % - 1 . 3 9 I 2 5 c - ^ & l ; 2 8 - ' 2 3 c * l ! l ^ . : l 6 3 c 1 3 5 c * l ! £ . s . - 99 c 5 9 c ^ ^ ^ ^ n s _ 1 .6 9 5

3 5 c - a r r 2 . 0 9 LIOGRES51VE - DTOEPEl

ir You -. j i

dland■ehass’rood Btora >‘i'U f ttk e t

ONE •u m r MitHcal— ___ . .-

'ALLSea f>odUner: . . .-TU*a Food Centes « p M M p p H p i l n u ^ lAatkat. ' '.U i^ 'F eed Mkt.


<TY KIST nl e - K e f o e l ------------- _ J


0E S L a_2PIE D al M ont*

S d n to P a u lo


i N n F a l l 'C r e p


_ M u m b e r r R t« i ie H -------- ---------

P o t a t o e s Po ni

N o . 1 Y e llo w 'S p a n lih

ONIONS ?..nd.._P ric es S u b je c t to Dolly t

E P E W P E W X y - O g W E D

_ ■ .'• C'• • _

■— .' V " 'P A C T P l IT E H W S - - r : s

K !• W i w h y l o m a n y W t t t a m =

^dtH doui A lbr» OotnwiH •' OUT m u ruvo> m ja rT n th a n t m th o tu to d W este rn '

-homes. Independentfaet*fladei» •■'Mked. "Why do you prefer the b n n d o to t tm e a ly D s a re t i^ : '*

The resuin Albers O etam d . I t Prefarred (or novorl

OWN n o e t u i A lben O t t i a ra - oven-mellotMd. . . the exclusive• Alijen proce« a m ru you «#..............» •■Jocked.ia’'soodDesi bo o th e r- o t l i CAS m atd il..Y es,:A lbcrf . O fttsglveeyounonTlihmentplMflATorl .* t i u u . c o n i A lbM O ita fo r a

_family_pt four cesU only-thfM ___________cen ts! -W M teinen know h t l > ...............ga ins, (oof - .

...mid/A*r ftef oU^lm* »e«rfF S ffoo(toes*...AUtlS ,* OMtaWoMdtoUOOATS,

~toh«r«wr o n v ^ or» MW

DUROATS! e n J U i m MTSI t :

l w y l u'».^2 9 c .

I ^Glarrf 5 7 c . .-

Sierra Pin# ^ '

_ J m E T S Q A E _ 1 _

R egular Sli#---------Bolh 5lx«_____2 h r 2 3 c

__N..acii 3 1 . ^ —

l i H l, ' S - T O M i ^ a : -

1 p ^ . : ^ .3 3 c

2 5 cDally Morkot Chonge


- - J _______ 't> . . X

‘S E B t a n ^ & ^ 'V *i w m Q 1M H w ^ * <t \ ^ U H i

nour c w i . I S

^ • w c v ^ r r ^ *

jv l w ^ y ~ \

>~.T,M.- g g . r iS p

n-< todo . i o ~ ^


' - j y ^ m

q M

y p | 9

^ ^ ^ / y T < j / t * ( ^ 1

? t" 3 N 9 B e > » > ^ BC‘> HISEVC5M>Vie>IH / —»ZZLEP0VD^tf^| \ WiCH>UiASl»**W , T«y - , 1S5W *

' A *

o t r o a / w K e m ^ ®x e u s r L £ ^ 5 J £ S Il5n JQU'SH£0MSCT*; » ,

^ I s f f l t l l

I '® " : THUmAT, OCTOPER Z. 1962

IACHOil ' t t U a o m jtt- ■- ' M R

. L suck bird „ V J ! f * - W ______ f tlw l? !

«. CrtShil tTM E lw ff

I t 0« up • u . OoMd ear HofglB» . n n t nimitw VL H«bf«w te ff if f i

«lUi two mnnir* IS ! l i ad idu «i. Wood/ pi»m - g p g g

4. Y»ii • 4*. zm I frlg lefrs. C o « - 48. Counti? to ' '

• . jgBSi «..«'55; ■■ “ I"I •- (ntk« . ^ VM*el oowK

J S:g5s?;;r’ aK ,^u.W « . CiviBUt K l f t l f d : ^ t l ^ m m

; | | | S iS f / ” ^ I K . 5 T^ raopMl


MdT)crws'iu«ft4 t5<m( i& T T H B W A R ^ OIPLOMrtTlC CORPfi,^^roePARTwSMT/ M M i s f t t a u i L P / t o o ^ l

^ D i e 6 » A c r ^

I APFOlOT WOMEf.)/ \ O f STROWO < { ' E -TO ALL IM S 7 c h a r a c t e rI • l w p o f I ^ A ^ t f ^ / ^ ; ^ c o u l t ) C W A S » / V

M l ----- F - R ? S T 6 - u r - t ? ^ 5 K - ^ A t 1 t 4 - A r t O A ^M ! i4 o p ^ 5


I I “Dr. London frave me a prescription fo H pressure. . . It’s & new budget that cuts;


i s — WT»ai-CC-PAVTONA » E A G H p \-------■ - «i t , I lo w PSOPlf UN.Bl OUUtP BV \ :.' ISl

■> Mw?u-wayip-Ptxnico»..Bin-": )- tfi - m „ . YOU A«l PlCFiatNT/.lMPPL* J W I

v \ DONALD DUCK D . [ ------ ,-------- -----

■’ ’ ‘mwjarft '*50■'' n WGR£‘«OW3• r —y W FOt r '

iiLL_____ _”.|'" ■__" '~'—^ ~ __ '■

RZ. 1962 . '■ ■'

” ^ u t '

Solution of P r r r l ^ P sn l* _oowK ' ' t lU « u ln *

LBodest ' 1 CBDbaili K f f / ^ l1 i* "* aufort T- UiUn* ta ~ | w l ' yt t e * ' ■ fc S S f

eon^tJos I t Bom «tf fbt

r~ n l~ n. Bingiog ««io* M W I — — 1— — -t t .- fz u r ra t-------------- r i ^ C ------

p l l g ix T *

------------------a s ^ „ ’T - - - S I D E '_ _____ I t V « j ^ I . _

f f l ^ M. lUwliailf*! r ^ '— -------- moremcnt_____ — ,40..U «B c o n .-----------------------:_


M 4I. Not thliU. nower -------------------

' r r r ,»— — - £!!S„<. iv-.’’’ ■ ^ | o

/#J ? 7 L


3 S 5 T - m t ‘S ^ E < ^ 0 , 6 1 « L * ^ B ~ ■TlCCORPfiJ# I JU6T < iiL P /to o ^ fR arteM B S R ep .'^ ^ j g

'(% - J I j i ^

TROWO < 4 ( \M lACTER ) ( a M IMFORTAJiT.i ? V \

'. ' By NEHEB

' ------------------------- tr^ . . " r

rescriptlon for my high blSbd v„ 3?!^! /f, et thftt cuts your spending in

n i . [ ' r COWIW TUI IHI Of'ftl.lN p g j T ^ - ] i7| TttDHBmMPCRM WlNTtK VAMTOfrt y •il HITM PAY. .CONPeHM'-»U;B u w j, - _ ! V I j ■ M P I>Wi XNP OUTLAW. .ANP ■)

I P»OMf»! TO MTUttN TK6 J ‘O . , — — ^ I C K S L / / —

'TM»j;3ifl’ 'too ) J Fweuu.'cu I IWGR£ «OW3yATWESJ, *v3 ^oSaS : \

'■;* 1

OUT OUR WAY — £J ' ,■' ' ZfTSALL Rl&HT W rrH \ •■ Js. THE DWLV. BUT 'jOO 1

^ BREAJC HIMOP ■ y^ BRJMfitMS iw * m e-V

- ; f e - l ^ g 4 * . g r A - f L ^il?S5s.^ I WREOt AMP SO / >Tll)

\ t a C f h W H V M O T H E gsger 6 <u.y ____


; j - - g —

> 4 , ’

/ & - f l

' m J MT W V J

M F- - --------------------- ------------—

"Would I Uke to trade places with yo night r*____________________________


, « g r ^ j f e J f f i j j ®

‘T hat reminds me—I'd better cnll Eth be home for dinner 1”

,.iN ftxmcAL-T ■ • I WA-'^-'wa”’ni! pfopLe op” tK VAUTimt 7 TUli BIAUTIFUL Kt&Of! U W J , ,. _ i{uiw i[R ,fO L*t.jk.vffrj K a j. .ANP ) OUMP Win. >R1M5 A TIPAL WAV!


■ By WAL'

w em w ay


^ B rW n jIA M S p s j ;______ _________________________ V • i f ' ': wrmN . _v s r . —

I w l

^ I B M ^ ^

•r* C '

n I j

■ aaA.y ________ ® wjrBy GALBRAITH s j

/ j ^ M p

Q i j L ' i

^ ■ _ 2 S l , ^ 5 l S remei

^ N ^ W E i j

A ®

Ci ___■ V

.ces with you and baby-alt to- * Pm lSi


' ' M . — s U i

U-) B y ®Y u P t i

y N T O

H i a L§^ m . A ^ v i I s f , j

X S T ,

E ® D ®

" U\ J .-G J

» A ^a

' s

ter call Ethel to say. I >von’t ? j t i ^^ tvTSH b nV »

Tl PfOPLS OP ^ I- " •SfAHPI R£40ICr. . ( • ^ —'. jk-vffre K t AK?y ..................a A nPAL WAVE OP c»“w g w k J*

S ^ - - i: 1__ _ B _ E



v5.Vs I ■ •.;••■;•.• ffl T. IvkCRDR/j - |CANAS£

" o C jI L J , p



' E i S ^ ^ ^ S S s m B e A rs '

-------IS--11 UJOt-.MOtfilTiM- 1 7 ? W 3 0 T O fI I - M w n « ■ w t wjMAvj u w : t .T C .

V ’ JSk

0 ^

T J t3 .

S rementff saphayou? But thati«35oQ a ftw ik h th c k id s r ’ l o n t ] o O Q iJfe

L n ' irriB


" i f f l P fL' 114

E .

Y ~ -P l > « r » A SNA2 2 V ) IM T IR E P 1 | f jC C I »t»N , 8UMBH/ 7 OP HAviNO I A F.

^ __ S h ft . . , F £ N C E _ . ! ^ _

B M :U 1G U l ^ ^

Y , f t ^ W — T , - —

" D ~ \^ M id f r Y V o U 5 T .3 f l r i ^ ] “ o n ’ mi


S f O L A W / ^ u N ^ / / / MT------ SaBCUSlVTRIWl-------- V ^ “ ■

f e e f l m w J H y J 5 Z 2 f y . -



E _ ^ K S ® 3 M a F E » a ^ ^

o M i

M w r a R c ^ S r ^ yH L KKSKnI; ' UKEO UE • » » 1 1

N W k P O w rw K r-^

o - 9 « G ( n W - : . 'T W ^ |B l i '« « l « » ‘TLTW n56- SETOH- ■ .■ «< TO 1 W IW l:

T U S fwe'd like t o b e ^ S a tu n to vI tin OUT tom orrow V ihBt!} a ^ a v


W ' \ j k / " V 'fsP lMtO 7 THAT* | | | (^O ISEf

it P / . ^ r a - V O H — HO«s» [ r a t / s 'w u ■ w k w o R B y

( . - c c u lp h e i p td c c o w r I ' THELOSTBuaVV.'HEfJALL J > > l * ^ P C l_____ ASPRS A-OCT^iWy ^ f WV5WJLEP,•5T/ ■®cs HAv€ PouWot’o fl V'TEWJsni ^ i / '

I D«o»s£W y r v o a c palBl^ l A /V rC N .r Jjh A5HAMSD C

3 P**---— P'SHUSO’V

nwiN^TOm » CH,0C1H;3 w a i a r c ^

______________ ^T O S D AY. (X

4‘T i - W L ^ J _ l - W T : i W » - I j \ 0 j a P S W V I w w n I w t S tS M t. NOUR C h S l

j i & .

rrtwiETneTBuE" 1 Sunday mornimj >~-t tfe


- - We . - HEV/ — - P l O N T - V S O - J r i

T H AT* ^

' ^ I S U S ^

/ii"im T O .ic?N . . > ^ k C - " 5 S^tw\^Rji£p„.wErj\ ___ \ I fy

0 ‘ P.r-NOW TWtr AH 6 U S BERXaAHOCCv o a c PRisNDs—AM a c w E U s r ir w

■ v , , o c i o B n t > M '

E l Eoli® i n U- Sj;

W ^ r s r i sK * l tlat«7-V ^ i f f ^ V o r k O l t y .

k S»H“■ j j w y w r f i .1

la IMl.■ “ L^S itn l P»« m S ^ v S “>< r t ^ ‘

■ y J S ' r S i M i■ * 2 u « 4i»Btf iniwteDcy

■ • J C - u J S . . He also .re*I t t U f f S ) mm lunn l»v i

■ L %»flrtienUtlvM IromK 3 S : Wyomtoj.

Malco uid N ew lt. *

» K i n r S v e s - - |

■fenrPmgram -K t , nirt Khool lUidenu T \* 1 , cfif "Mwlem*!"*' J

ifiurutDtn, put on ft la j wmedr. under

^ E | '^ o { NiUontl School

{(itured J 07ca tnd Joree Dupont pre-

iketchei. “Six- B-X4M7 ^■ i C W i DuPont- ?u

j^ L n a ta t of "Begin' Ihs ' ^Eini|Te(t<5p*nli2)i«!K> ''

br Joyc« on me ea:

^ ^ ^ - p w a i g - D M i t i } ^ *iA

K M d e i■ 5.0et..3- A report Irom « " B | oUlee »how8 th*i on « ^ K e in f (our &nd one-haK ■ y S jd lD B a i m DeSoUi «t

isd dHren by Churlei tni ^ K ^ c o U ld e d w lU if t im " ^ E ^ r e n t>x Drvlght D. c!& ■O KKllnf. U (

m n t vide In tnftklng B i - i n d BUclc itu t« d to u „ ■ m B n id J T E K im r w u ' r *

■ t o InvtiUgntcd the tc> ■ ^ w u Injured. .

B S i i ^ T O ^ A N T A D a ^

i ^ v i

v a riij w b cnjoying-Ughtar, mo 9 ^y. Use the ahortenini jW W e^n Oil People, of B*Me oil than any olhc B cpon DOW—save lOtf in

h m

• 'n « ~ •«■’M»

;.2, 1952

1 LongDrc® 1 DrMfht CMdiH<M M t wriOKTj'.

S 45 — iT o w t* . iwMt e w ^ potato f X nK ?* V w i i -w n t T _

nilU c ^ ' ~ l •‘JlUn* aitSOX. I • , V i 5

: T t ‘ — ^ ' i/f f l • I- W t> - \ AtK:. ],U»n *.' H H ■etr’f ••" B

k.™ k TDMSlUni ’ } k ‘ L I

, T n i t oH 10 t« * 0 9 i. Ih e t le d c 1 fond crop dWB*i»"erueioL'. !: .

v rf ' ■ — . *~V"' m? W ben Ibe prelDnred tnmD«r 4 n g |

m aboBt to "(Ct <ia( cf bkBd.'* Secrtt . i t • t h r te - n j r (aln -adm lnh tratloa t

h»d m»d« * lo r r e j and found -no «(d I— -ln-U>la j n t t m i P ^ g o me of Anuttt t

t m _ - —

T TEis “Tell AU’Hhool Go Much too Fat• nd ' By HAL BOYLE Ih ore- HOMETOWN, X J4^.. O ct.-1 » - to Six. Wilber F eebler Amfrtca'*- average

cltUen, Joined ft sroop reading a *h' ,ye<j notice his bo*» had Just pinned to ^ ,ce," the office ‘ ‘ ' ■ ■ ■ M | I B | | | '

the TTw noilce said; V ,!k . r r o oU ( s n p l o j r . ^ ^ ^ n H

rjh- ' ^ h e m f t n a « e > H n B [ r a K n ^

U ln h t th caliber ■ j ^ H p E a S - rom e m p lo y e # “

havfl I w n o f f e r w K t . l * ^half Bovemment Job# g j , b„ , ,3olo a t th ree t l m e f , 'irlei their present eaJary. We don’t.\ W .. -A JtftUraenl.of the firm 'i flnan-• D. clal pojltlon is attached. Allcntlon 1,1,

Is dlrect«d to the portions In red Ink. . ' ‘“The management also announces i„ ttiat If tt^ii »mp1nyn »li»h t<S stflrt jy, a private fund to help the firm ho

,7 meet its expense* their contribution# uu will bo sratefulty accepted. u t

"(iisned) The Boss" * «« D9. Wllhur shook hi# head. Later 1q wo

_ _ f •

f e S i

— n n - T h e 1?d!!Star, mnre-digeatibla meals ' _ rtaiing th a t ifl made, by pleToffiner, costliw^eg-— y other shortening. Clip lOli in ten secondai_______ _____

^ . Ij

{ A *


M |

Drought Creating Ri~ ' - i - ‘. ;.,;U Milk Q.J

»im tipwiw. [ U , J ’

- p ^ v ^ S S f e— MISS. aiA

T I',--- -i l-- ^ I *' ; p ric ,p j 1; : 1-

’ d n g f h t braarht a pr«dleU*a f re a Trie* Sb ’ SecreUrj of Atrleultara Chartei Braw ua d« stloa eanlmersy. Ceamerc« B ttrtta rr Cbwl 'no «(de«prud price iaercasaa.” HltbU|tit« ef nair# tappcrters f««l ih i m t w tend# t< wp

T 9 » n 5 ------ *-------------- % l f ------H i » a1 , Business May Far, Boyle Thinks 3

the morning he sneaked downctaln wmJ»— to get a haircut on. company time. Krt ®Ce Before attacking, with hit shean . " ' ft the barber bou'ed and handed him ft * «

sheet of psper covered with fljures,■ - m a t U this, Tonj-7" uked WU- “

H "My prolit-and-loss statement for ^■ the last 30 yean.” repifed ■njny.! ■ • "What do rcare-about lh a l» - ttld

1 ^‘i^?ll..a7;;~l:^u:^p±» • w yT }irBfm rrT y»ipinnhtm r-aaiti- - r ^ W Tony. "You will please note my ■ g car Jj f)ve_j<ar» oJi}_ind I am■ still using the same scissors I started■ business with. Ju it can't a fford 'ft —

new pair."7a8clnat«d. Wilbur studied the . • '

figures. After work he dropped Into hftJ ft bar acrou the street, w ith his bw,

I - martin! the barttsder held out a tom ‘°J> >)Iack notebook. ••\“*• “My income Ux payments for the publ fes iM t fUe years." he said. “The pol* u)ata rt Iftrlgpf »«y fif tn f f a __^” n hound's tooth—well, I’m cleaijeT wi! ’n# than a toolhless hound.-rou can to j

see no tax paymenLfor J84S. I itor want to go Into tha t In detail. I --**3

In worked for my brother that year. *Bm

s i n v i t a t i


i W e s s o n Oil

K V EN o - f r y /n s -

(— ^ N ow .UgtiU jrl y b rings ou t t i l

■ Easier quick-

No heenryBnko ligh ter

N ^ ' - b o t t e r ^ j ^ V ^ * S S i y > y finer vegetabl

e j ^ f o r b n

TAKE T H lT ^ i_ _ _ _ ^ T o r o i

rT vrrir ,



'J * • . • .. “


'Ruckus O

5 ^ I S!„ 4 *Md ^

f t

« fW p e „4 . r ,s§ i? ! T " . ... MTIf . - ■»•■■.

■ V a flf f iJ te lL in rft iw ta rc n .- a. I M nkrricn tp S t p t i . . .'-<■• s i r

• . ' . • - Di

‘ric* SUbUlnr EUl* A m all tha:t pries# ^ u u a deeUrtd I t w a « ‘l trna. MaUar r Cliult* Sswycr aal4 bU departmesi ^ Itits of (li« terrey'# f tn d la n are sJiowtj

t< sBppcrt tho r r i o t BU blllstfs « n »

SlffaThiKarEowTwlienTiB-works KI for a member c f hi# o«-n family be LeO: can't tten steal enougii to make Mrs.

^ hltn owe Uxe#." —g 6 tm Ister. when h e entered hi# Ins <

nelghboxtiood irocery #tore, WtitKir whai In wa* (Ji«(5 to tSo the bulch« And e. tcrlbbllng Uke mad. fl^hirt. **3'he ftsusewii'cs a re dcfflandirv l^ s I , ft a complet* accounting cf my fl*

nancei,* ho aald. m > ey e rtn started „ J " ' an ugly rum or th a t I wa# curlni my Jiuibsgo with a musUrd jaUs*

■— f dignime, Wr. Peeble. I w ant you to

M know tbs-XuU.truth.’.:-------------------*“ WUbur followed him Into the back jg pwrnrwi'erc th o -b u tc h p peeled to

l i 5 ^ ^ ' ; ;;^ . : °'IJ "You can see how eu ily things ^ get a t(ge ra t«d , can’(.-your-<{s*

mandtil the butcher. 1* “ W llburlaujhod-to hlmwlf all the •

way heme.f "DIt pollUeal candldaUa now7 have got tho voters followlns thtlr" biirr-your-hftj)kbook earopal^ni,'' he• tola hli wlfe. and-ftdded loklngly;- .,5 ..

"When are you going to give a ™ le pubUo^eport on your private fur k,,

>n to a viie and shook out • small J ,I itorm ot paper. _____________ . .I -*1510 fund 1# empty." sho said. •

J . "But I have 10 of your. 100s total- L _

t h n - 4 0 - J i


III S h o r f e n i n

= 1 0i th g - fa t - ta $ f -------------- ---------gtitcr S now drift'is flo fnwh', w mild. IE Dut t ^ fino flavors o f food^ you fry.

ffo<cgs / e i 5 'f e B a f f n g — —quick-motliod cakcs.— lighter,-tMticr J now, U jht«r S now drift 1b arcamier.' • .

io v y s h o r te n in g ta s to '\ghter pics a n d bisctilts, b«tt«r*tafiting r f i r you. Snow driftT s m a3a'of getable o ils—as digestible a s r « for bread. ■

^ O V F O N ■ [OUR GIIOCER, on 3 lb. can or.two ] ' n o w , lighter SMOl

, THE W 8 S S 0 N O il SKO* _ T e o i e c n > w « 'w f f l r « U a tU i» i iM i

. ' For rodooiptloa, flr« ceupen ta our mImsjS - r W «asw -O tt:» lf^rlft Sflki I

1llM «riratgl..fail rra*cUM.C«L|»e7<«A''.Cuit&atf B ust pay aoy saM ttx. CM]

e r 6 x p l r * t D « e « m b t r 3 1 . 1 9 5 2 ^

n r o r f a l l s , id a h o .

Church Holds g Rally Events

f BANS&r. OcL >—Han#«a Cora- . ninnity Mfihftdut ehureh obstrred

jU U / dsy Sunday by ortanU ln i "

»w»-na*-il4aics---------------A .|toup ol yotm# m a jrted couple*

■wlth-«mm-ehlldi«» » 4l-» n d -* u i-l — continue to meet- a t Uie parMiaaii with Frank Well# Aa th e Uachtr.ThU cJaa* rwelTod tho banner for th J moti new m im b an present .

second cla#fc w ltb Earl Bame# a* teacher, 1# fox 'boys of

. h lfb tcheolsga and older. Thl# clau also was wiU rep rw o ted .

Mr*. Halph SlauDona rtc«lr»d a . f lf t for the m eiab« b r ln f ln f ^n t h t [

■ '52alallatiorof"uftcheri“or’Bun' — day ichool claaso# and officer* of lh« ehurch w u oonduetad durlnx the worship swvlca. R uth R « d and Carol Wliion.- r«pTO*enUtJ»a# of the MTF, assijted Dr. O scar Sllfer In

' making InstaUatlona,' ' ^A fellowship dinner waa heltl d u r - -

the churih In chan* . .Durtnr the a f ta n o o s , th e ' ehU*.

d rtn of the Sunday school pretenled '- *-^blea\jx..un(ler_tlit_illrccUon.of__

Mrs. Clarence H oIUIIbW. David Wells ** was reader for the pafeanL Dr.* BUfer #poke briefly. F ran k WelU

and Ronald Kofoed played clarinet ^ duet# and eharon Maylor played l!_ .tba .ic«>rd!gPu- >________ _

" " - YIStTlNO A W Trks KINO HlLU OcU J - O le n n MUli,be LeOrande, la.. U vUlUng hi# aunt, _•i e Mrs. BUHe B. eudduth.___________

til# 1ns lUO. W hat I w an t to know U }ur what did you do w ith th e money. m And don’t tell me you used it to

fight communism Ar« you aubsldls- ins Ing that new blond a tenosrapher in (I. your offlcc?“[Ml Wilbur's mouth opened a n d closed

like a winded goldfUh. li! . “I deny all,’' he aald. " I will not

to with an answer. TW# trend toward financial nudl#m ba# r o t to stop um evhere.'ftnd It 1# r> i°V 'to atop —

^ __;

m p . . . . I. — .


£ SAVE V4M boit# odd-lot italloneTT p«r-

* sonalUed w ltb nanw c r tnlllaU.

“ J S -r -N O W 1.49rafiirsTJiffSfio h

lij- Under Bank 4 i T n u t - Phone 4M —

= ^ = = J

-»ry I

r 3l i n g mssfp

wn ild .lC S s

ifry. S

-■tastier ' ^ ■—nicT.'- - ™ ■ • ....................................

•tasting J g

■ '

I w o 1-lb. can's K WOWDHIFr ■ » ,, SKORrCNINOI CDUMO for jOi plot i t for S ^ f

L#SS»= ii= =im uftbtibewottpnroquM L: ',urMVMBiBormaUta: r « ^If, Sflki CemiMiny , .,- .-----n«7 !•» Av r ^ ) L "



a • ■ ■ftt •

he C ravflnsttsd . Color* a f b fu #- 8 t o 2 0 . R s g u l o r i y 3 9 ,9 5 - ,

O N EG R 91


le .M is!8i e n d ho lf size*ed Regularly 7 .9 6 fo 17.98 .....


!*• A tsofted p a tte rn s , co lors , 01Many iizes. R*fluJor 3 .9 5 vt


^ ______________________ u

i c o rA u o rted de ep t o n e c o lo n ,


" GIR[ A » Jo r le d fo b rIc s .S i ie $ 1 8 m i|| Regulor 2 ;98 to 1 0 .9 8 .—


COLPlain colored o n d m o t t l td 1 R egulor 5 .45 to 6 . 9 5 .........

"P I

: "D R100 Regular SIie — Rtaula

' 100 Large Regiila^

^ ■ U

------------------^ N 'lDork a n d p lain se am s .' 54-1! SPECIAL,.____________ : -------


“ —:--------- •A g o rted x o lo rr -S ltq s S.- M ;. . . Regular 59c V a l u e -----------


FABRIC a rI ____ FA~BRIc n t w l d n : S 5 3

L !ATHERS,RtBular4.95.t(

S O F T C•Assorted po ite l co lo rs . A sso i Regulor 2 .8 9 -----------------------

"COIT eo rose c o lo r-o n Iy ^ Ix « * -3 2 Regulor 2.98

. I

= SKIRT;________ 11- Assorffld'sly/es b n d c o lo rs .-51■‘ to 18. R « g .- 9 .9 5 - lo l^ 9 5 . . . :

f a t i f i i . . - y o i i r r a M o n M o w 's


TWEEDCOAirflreen, brown. S liw



tAYON BLOUSES:olors, o n d - i lm• 3.95 v o luM ----------------------------- n



GIRLS' DRESSES« 1 8 m onth i to 15 y e a n . '7 m Q ^


:0LLEGEC0RTiottltd p atterns. SIm s 4 to 14


'DRYPER"PADSR tgular p r lc t 1 .2 9 ............. .............

teg iila^p rlc t 1 .49 .... ............................... .


NYLON HOSEIS. 54-15 and 60*15 quolity


BRIEFSw - s i ^ r L . --------:----------------


: a n d CLOTH G1:S 5 'fe 3^50— ................

l t ^ 5 t o l 6 . 9 5 .....


r COTTON G0>3. Assorted sizas.


CORETTE" SLIPSJ l M a 2 - a n d - 3 4 . w I y ^ : - J p g g |


R ndBLOUSI1 ^ 5 . ? ; i i ! N O W 4 . 9 9

fAim StVSNTOIw. - I I

ALS I4 | «

rs-..-:-.— -J l o w 2 9 . 9 5 ^ IBETTER I

/4 to 1/2 Off ' I

iES ' I■ N O W ^ c

ISES ~N Q > A g : 2 . 9 9

NDS----------------------------- ---------------


l o w 1/2 Off

iH L Y Ii-

^ D S ~

h < O W 3 . 9 9 | I

D S ; ........... ..........I- . J --------------X 0 W 6 9 O

------------------- N o w r # o


E —

„ P a j r 9 9 e

«OiY— = 1ON ‘ ■

3 fo r 1 .0 0 |"— -

GLOVES I= = N o w a « e ™ ( l i 9 o ^ -------------1— :------- ■'.NOW 1 .29 ■ ' ~ |1

D W N S ~

N O W 9 9 e


tfsif c -Z 3 ^■ 9 9 f o 8 . 9 9

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H B B S B A T ,

**]" J SoKE?ibr?t=- ! »

5 f e s S r ^ C « !

II ■»!;■“ / 5 s ^ r ; N p S t f a ^JpS-iSrrW ^B 'S- j i A r : - , ; ! a . “^ « a

_ _ m srS [B * ‘, “J S T s g p t f c iS Z ^ r ^ s ®

f ~TaucEs m 'T r B


tl-DIOTi, In

£Tiu IU., lUlrrnxM. Ba luTl^^Cl

- ° tjr^ !'.%.A"“-’"nm c


^ M O N Ff T T n ^ y ?

I ■ P A R H ^ ^ EI Lnt.tamt-Us Im ^ H — I m l tra^ irsn ^ Ki aI DT.1U1. u«alttlM - S f V ‘

cQOiT*in.BLir»iaai^^ «" I ON- T tr r^ S iB S

I Onktsa BUi........

I loAKS I s ]

i u . S S 1 U ^• IDAHO FINAK<2K

‘ I rto».m^^Jn

r l H o M T l M p i o S ^ t '> I fAl'iaUA'O. 7iiaLiM~^^Har j— c o S o tE T E T w rn sa i^ B , '

r .f r j a . t e 'M gK nao»L Viiiu'i'°. TrM Scrrln. rMMaC^Hrr;

frriEunKjtrsaSTK^^BrulMl. <|U>M pn n w ^ ^ H .^^1, ti-iw'fcw-

_ bal Ktt.NB. ____

— 'waaS irM

J- 14T iaia Atfc 1

;, vfoiOT “r a s t f ^ K

li ‘" ' ’ call* w. i" Lem A. C h ip u iJ ^ t 1! ji»—

“S r^ s S s A s fC E C I L ® ' '



I X ii'Im*- n-"*

JSS '2i*>S^KflKtil. b*l«®'»'^ t r t, _,«,$ka,e-;:jS525am2.I’fiM }"•' ■,„d pa»i«*'»»- ■

O.I»M“ „^ t nlla«" ^


i.nawH: £2? i>«*s;will.

b«Oi ElA

"“S - 'l iS - '


! 1j J 'jjj.__pAGB-SK*HTBEf { .

I l f You Are N ot JM “ “ Don’t L ike ‘I

^ , - u i c t i u t o M P N n i ^ *

bn'C u u MOM peopto teeo___(r tMn>-- fl” '*’** *'**'"•----------------- Bl*ren»on or ElMhhower b e e o a O n f ______ •1 Preildent U ju it vb U u l th ln t ln t '

' br (he OctnocnU Mtd nepubUcftnt. ^ B n | | ‘ Jke’’ «nd AdlAl u e but tv o unon( ■ ■ ■ XD*nr cu id ld tU i. . _

The next Um« toenebodr “ T» ' I Uke Ike." or “rm a t d about Ad*UL" remcflibCT’ there ir e others who•re u r l n i ' I 'n (amblln' on Hun.-blen." or -IJarllnstoQ U a doll,’' or B ^ V"I'm e r u r »bout Kr«Jewikl." •

' «, Many old parUei.'and tome new r - r I t — o n e iru « ‘in'Uie'HeW-tWrc*nip»lin —■ n r T H

7 ll - • y ttr . AU have a legtl euidldiM , ■ f - ' » T -vlUi a Icttl. II Improbtble. chanot 1 ’ I St the White KouM. U m are, toffie i l kl or the minor p u t r c tnd ld iU i vho u n « 1U be on tome ot the bdSoU coneI II b Mor.l l l l l Tbe-Poor JpUnl partjr Is n tnn ln tH llf — it~ plj~ far» rnxn S e a o ciu rK r-J*H i l l - tu n e d Heiuy KraJewaU. Henry h i i 'B H nine chUdren and 4.000 p ip- The

H H Poor Man's party Is brsnd n ^ . ana | ^ ^ ^ H! ■ ■ - iu n d i lof such propotltlons M tree|n T | | milk lor'ichoorch ild ren »M'JBTer .I I I Uxes. " , . ^ . HOOPliS:

|f* 'f* The Orwnboclc p u ty . which once ----------------; j i ; electtd J4 eofJBTeMmm, U • d ir« t I I . de»ccnd*nt ot the psrty of the same U „ _ r

I l— n*"* tounded Jn >»74. Its b l g ^ u n a m

[I very Ie»' vottv-BlJi %i '<8. P A ' c|{ ------ n td - P r o th l r a SeBttJe-grocer,-li— i O SI ruiSHIhj on the wme old Brttnbaelt

p ls to rm -w hfn the countiy needs ^y HEmoney tor anything, print It. Proehl BAN AOT

•<ii 1 used lo run a b»nlc in MlnneloU, It Oeneml 1L I wjil h as been ftdvocaUng the green- this »Ul« In

I bw k theories tor some 30 y e m . ot the shoiI , The SoclsllJl party, to r .the tlrst has worn

II Ume In 28 years. Is ninnlns some* getting theII body besides Norman Thcraos. T h .« publican no ]{ ■ <enUemtn tln*lly has decided he Uon h « Ji 1 c s ijt mske I t In hU pUce on Uie hole In men I EoeUllst Ucket will be a neadlflg. ‘IS 'Iks'I -P»., lawyer named D a r l l n t t t o n onlycom euj

f lim ited'lo three terms In the Penn- sT e sM fr le i2.__«Tiv«nig I t g i a l a l i i r e .__________ m u r k e d i

• n r The Socialist worken party, s drove to his . l i t . .Iell-wln«Broup.toUowln5 U ie.te«h* in » car #i t j J I l i n V a o t the M saislnattd U on TroUr i6n i . and ei i n } | lyr. Is sUll'In'thBTtllB.-TTiclr'Ctin* tlKVB Ui UtlB i l ■— « itiaifi t t ra rre li DBb&'..Thg-ii|dn;t gu;hipg_tu]C I B B ■ tiulte Bet electM In '« • Among hU p « r foUu w 1111 ~ quaKtlcaUons tor Uie'Job U the tac t m onth tor <■ M — tha t-he-spent^-* tie tch-ln -JaU -tor the-other-p<■ n KdlUon during World war I I . try,"M ■-n i. .V ti.l» i l .n p«rly u in Ih .U l l l t»ce again, running » retired brlga- nowHjll dler general named Herbert Hold* o<,verror 8 b HH - -rWBe.-»ho. suddenly. »c(iulrcd„,Uie m vc jeu rlan philosophy six yews ago. 'W B h” s a vlount paclllst lit you can ■ ■ I be TlolenUy pacltlsUc) and. It e « t - ^ , ‘

i l ° " E E Sw H I The Prohibition patty has some “ ,1® ^ ^ " , n i l « r y serious Uilngs on lU platfonn, “ » * “ ^ f f i fP f— in addlUon to Uie expected an tl-al* ,®'U l i l eohol plank. I fh a s come out In la* i t t . Tor of Uie consUtuUon and economy

N l i ^ ^ C w n ^ R ^ n g on tR lT pliU orarUI a retornicd alcoholic named S luw t ^ ‘ II [| Hamblen, who sings cowboy nong* *"n I when he Un't ruftnlng tor Presl* "°‘®‘".jV, lllll dent. If you like quanUty wlUi your illSSl MnrflrtalJi—hB'a DTObablT the big- P**

lllll bV^ r ^d '^ lnlirnn^'" tojt* U * bMti l i , The Boclallsf U bor party Isa l l • inUUitr lett-wlhg party and, Uac- help to k « |H U Ing lU history back to 1814, U one B u t t ^ p!R ..-o I-U ie .o !d e s t.o f UiB minor parties, ^ o " PUDUI I f The soclallst-labor candidate Is a i“ “** * poUUcal writer named Eric Hass. ^ ‘I "w h o hfts'annouiicw Uiit h li n n t m ow -goM i

' act. when (and II) eltelcd. would «*? cf hU be to abrogate Uie consUluUon. ppucy. taxe

' ^ex t, he'd resign and turn over Uie P«1• «ecuUVe duUca to -a conunlltee of !« these i : imlon men. ‘lo '' ^ »«n

The Prtigrewlve party, which be- |M n makes — ta n -J n iw a and had Henry-WaUaee barefoot anfi

• s lU candidate then. Is back for crossing. anoUiw try. Uils Ume wlUiout A victory 1

Wallace. The former vice president to change pr has ^ c n supporting the goverrynent the future.

; 'lately , wliU# U iB 'P rc ^ re s f lV T i^ TOrp-to-baxo- I tUll has kind words to’ say i ^ U t wearing appi

i i . lUisslao p o lic ie s .......................V . . Log. cabin: I The I9S3 Progressive candidate, count prett

' Vincent HaUlnan, began his White plumbing ar — H ouM -c«mpalgn-(rom-.a-JaU^eU. -iannboy-to-] —The San rrancUco lawyer was.re* boy* now doi

leased In August atter serving a hind the pi — eent«nce for conKcnpt ot court, filv- th a t cost mo

eft him for his courtroom ncUvlUes while he was defending Harry

• Bridges^-Those are Uie ma}or minor par*

ties. There are others, more or less one-Tnan affairs. For Instance, there

I Is Bishop Homer Tomlinson ot the ; Church of Ood. who Is running on ' ^

a "Peftce on EarUj- tIckeU And ^_ th sre -U .E dK ard .Ii.,D 0dln.-0f_Neif ■

Vork, who calls himself Uie Spiritual . pait}-.-And Capt.. Don DuMont cf

New London, Conn., who calls him- ______ .self tK niepubllm ert can party.

So don't lei anyone bombooslo you Into thinking Uiat Uils race Is

- ilrlcUy between Stevenson and Eis­enhower; It's wide open.

= S a - o o t 3 ) a t 5 s : S B f c z ;

F o r F e e d - D e a l e r s

j MOSCOW. Oct. 3 W\-Daie* for D E N IM . six schoob for feed dcnltrs a t which n n tl SA?

r.i.T, tMOanccd-niiloni tor better animal.lAll feed WlU be dlscus,«d were an- p ic tu r e d

M nounced Wednesday bj- Reid Mer- t o 4 G—™ rlU, poulU^'man of Uie University,1 1 of Idaho extension scn’lce. >tf i The schools, sponsored by tha — ■H I, university and Uie Idsho Feed - ■[ l |j Dealers association, will be held a t ■[III Sandiwlnl. ^ U j ^ t o n . ^ J . ’ ' •

l l l i j f De«. 8; Pocatello, Dcc. 10, and Rex- I v i bUTE. Dec. a .

u f The surface of Lake Michigan Is • . --Im I more than 31 feet below tha t of

Lake Superior._________ '-

I jCA SH l d| ! F O B D E A D a n d

1 __________ ^ U S E L E S S ______ _____ ^

i \ A N I M A t S - .......................g

W P H O N E C O L L E C ^ ______ P

.. ___ • G o o d in p 4 7 " Rupe^rt S S ----------- 1—1 ST . T jv in 'F a lfa SIT''* ■' ^ 1 .

i f . I D A H O I ^ E 3 l i

| j . & T A U O W C O . Block

■ ■ ■ ' -

{ • • ______ ' ______ ,

Sfot Madlj f or A<] ike ‘Ike’, Pick Fro:

HOOr a S : BalUay fof Thcm aa. IIAMBLl

? H a n k L in g e rs in Te: . - P o s s ib le V o te-V ictcJ ny HENRY McLEMORE are equlpp< ll BAN ANTONIO. Tex.-Look!l as brellas.1 It General Elsenhower m ight c a n y Without .- this sUle in November even If none vtmiallie U

of the shoes he later,t has worn since la Mid• getting the one of the < I publican n o m ln a * ^ ^ ^ B f t . . ■ first major e Uon has had a ' I A l the a t hole In Uiem. place goes

“I f 'Iks' would ^ J of handclai1 only eome up with Then the

• a T e x u { r ( e n d n ^ ^ ^ ^ H » 3 l sU cts crytn m a r k e d as w , e l ^ p r e he

I drove to his home tersT v ttrf• In a car a b I o c k ^ B | ^ U | M and an olc ; long, a ad 'e a ld 'to aboul his i■ hnvB-wnitl-wtll----- ------------------ Ho-tntmii g^nhlng .tiDdft the bnefc srnl.,»ni!i m ciL.» poor folks would rota for him nex t cftmpaiitn t ( m onth for sure. And so would all aldo shake f the -o ther-poc r-fo lk s-ln 'U ie -coun - bacle.—

try." --------- At the e;’ My friend was referring, of course, whisked aw;■ to - th e now-cetehrated picture of; O overror 8 t«»enson. I t revealed the c u « ‘"c w

DemocraUo nomlnw w as pracU u lly a n a seiuU I• walking around In hla socks Insofar• as one fool was concerned. The ' ; picture may have cost him Uie.vote' o t t he shoe rtnalr .hop ow nen. biH■ as im portant as thU bloc o t votes

is 11 was’ more Uian offset by the TVlI thousands ot frlendi h e made wlUt J ^ J

this homely, common touch., T he hale-ln-the-shoe picture did*

n 't me. Indeed, It made m e sus- f5“, pect the govemor's-lngenulty-nnd- , led me lo believe It was the first aehool.I Ume In his Ute he had ever had a , hole Jn hla »hoe.Thoieol u s having Introduced

worn old shoes o tt and on since we cnaiiroen. pu t on our first pair, know th a t a in charge t slab of cardboard tUint from a shoe The next box is be.1t) blsckened 'w ith Ink. Oct. 28. wUl no t only msgiilse the hole but —help to keep out water, snow. etc.

B u t Uxo' Plcture got Uie Bovcmor ALBION,, more publicity than any picture «en ry Mol I taken cf■^lm tefore or since, and aecompanlei■ rum or has tl that i t has done him Hendersont mor« good in the key states than to °k o . Net1 any of his utterance* on forelBn Mrs. Hende. poUcy. taxes, c*mtpUon, o r the -----. K orean "pollee atMon." HEAD T M: I f these rum on are tnie, then ----------------

don’t be surprised It President T n i- LEGAL >. m an makes his whlsUe^stop tour ___________I l>arcfoot and sells m a lchu a t every H onc£ o r

; A victory for Slevenson Is certain *^kiTkv1;n th . to change prcsldenilal cnmpalgns ot JJ![; ”^*7', the future. Candidates are alm ost r i / n r * ka ' snrp-to-DttJO-thMfTippearon'shoddy - ka x u i.'sky r wearing apparel. “ casjon

Log-cabins-.are out, unless , you . count prefabrlentrd o n e s with RALrii ilow I plumbing and car port. So Is Uie , t . tt n r in. .lfcnnboy-to-PrMl4niVnppeftl.-P«rm- —---------- -—

boy* now don't get hom y hands be- Cautiijr or t» ihind Uifl plow: Uiey ride tractorsU a t cost more Uian llmou.tlnes and im m n titiid '





_ S k o j t L J a c k e t s ______ j- K-irit-Caf f»: NcrtnnirBottCTrsrsie:—

Satin* acctalc lininfrs . t . comfort plus. Colorfi oC FADED DENIM BLUE. COPPER / \ l / and SAND . . . (stylo ns pictured) . . . SIZES 3.1 / L \ ( r "to “IS—

’17.95J i IT

■ Suede SI/ / ' [ ) ' - n , Popular atyli

/ ( / M Ideal for th.pcnrance. Co CDppcr-

A lto HORSE._____ _ I I . * , I n B-

i D R P t O f l'A Block West of Postofficc

* L IQ A L

c From Others

I ' ’.' . V ■ m Tlie p


■ P ^ ’ ' ' T-W

tMM trp

yebUifc: Vt

^ ln m M C I . "■ J

in Texas.; Seese:Vietory b y ‘Ike’ l l

u , w ip p « i • I " ' f t j t a ; ;

■ ‘" n ' l . M i M “ S J i ' v

1 " T l S ‘“ S » . t M . t6> } » l :

■ auj^ny wck* for shoes, ^r.wisI isf .1* 5.»»• a l» u l his shoulders. _^ t-n a _ ih i

?Il aide shake Ilea pow«^er_do»n hU o rT -j^ v .i

s r r . r , r i s . ss « » » : ' " » "t 4 S Si . PTAMeets ', H n t r « u l . r =I ^

son WM held Tuesday w r in g W t-uthctan PTA a t U>e

\ “ K w cn .,r

" lnlroa««4 “ f S S T l S ” v2:S".; ; c h d n o tn , Mr.. L to n .rt > « f In charge of the program. .. of iiv<* The next meeting wUl JJtrSlWSii

Oct. 28._______________ :------------- - »nd-| UM"i'jr

t S i S n s g ii 2 | 2 ” SUalD TIMES-KPVS W M T M>3. JJ i;*

'S LECAt ADVtRTISEM lNTS- i g j , - ; .

I'i " “ ‘S

lU Ir'iTfult*. 1Ih RALnl IIOWAItO. B.f.nJ.i.1 ^*« STATg or IDAHO ) ___________Twinji\--------------______________ - .......................Wltnm-m


LEATHER ' f f i g- - ^ '¥ i g f c e t S ' . t a____________ —------------------------------ ---- TlilnJ l»

U R J A C K E T ■ H r s J - ; U A R T E R S

e ts — ^OTOtiTer~r^ ^ ^ _ ’ ' TT

CRUcrA.* w

11 .Al S H

S u e d e S U R C O A T S

P o p u la r bW>« <“H w i f o r t t a t d r « s ^ » p '« p - r , r a ; . % : p c n rn n c c . C o t e s o f S u n il p d 1

C o p p e r ^ j S u

SIZ E S' S O J C . n O -

“- ' i 3 1 “______ i S S t e i

i T a a i s : ®^ P h o n e 86

I Cvytitf St tlii

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N m :


' r a K . ^ '““'S“F S irJK l3- tkrw • » - ; ^ ».

t*tb.r . l i t l.wr-C .1 Ik. t.U(ss— ■- H iix u S 'B f htfld'gad*tl4™lUI"6r'llir Ts-scl*iw*1eii

uU Dlitfirt C««rt lU< lOlh U l «f “■____CAUlwrU-ALCXAHDM * DAVia. -1» iS S 7*.{'c.W«ll.r»>.I B«yt. 11. »■ »1 Ott. «. I»1L '

N oncz TO a t n iT o u T*~ S‘'*r;IM THE PH0 DA7I COURT OF, W H riHMSi IXt.

iU C. 0 . DUHA*. DeCTABtD. . .NOTICE IS HERknt orvEN kr ih« Noncs »Ad«l»Ulr«Ut» ct tk. . iim JpwUI tlwti*

J. •exkJU-O^lhunM. dtctuatf. ta tb( utd*Itcra c( ,n4 .11 t f t m s b . l u >UI>» Om Ttk Ur»t n lu l (h* uld dWMMd. to «itilblt Ibrm »<M al lahnl•Hui Ull n«c«Mr7 vMKhm. >llklB MT t t laM DIfirl■oatht «fltr Um (Iril p«MI<«Usa *f (kit <ki k««k4*ri«■mUm. ta tk* mU AOalalitntriz >1 tha Ids U»r«l»:ssA% rSL 'ssruis .

— “ r f f l E S i f f

P«r>u*nt to in ord.r of i.ld C«rt.

5 s ;S '_ Cll7 of Tw'ln Kail*. CouRl/ oC Twin r.llf. i“ A

1 E F £ S w liiK : t e - i i“ applltiUoB of aiMb»lli Snilk Ro»Und

D tlJ S«iu^Ur »lk l"sj of Dlr ter-.tU» .MART SAtMOM. CIttk [*«

RolwH N. W. lUll.lMB IJ* '••'"K J

'** rybiuki Otc. 1. 1. 1>. m :________^ k .^ iE d i'

; ; f f s J iS l iIK •'niE J-nOllATE COOKT Or TWI.S uIu ,*,TU'lill . FALUI COONTY. STATE OK IDAHO, " j i l t *2 7 jT iN TiiE jiA -n rn -o r TWB-raTATE o r

“ ■ LKWId M. 8HIT1I. P0METIMK3 f " , iT■m KNOWN AH L. M. SMIT1I. DECEASED. ‘.T* ‘"j,*” '

dScflW a< I

} S S '"3 ? .J’4"‘V“i r £ D i'S*• «Bj'for~nHtln» tha •vplktllon of ^Is, rh.b. t.mKol,r lor th, b.u.BC. lo k.r IQ of i<tltr« ttalmmrftiirr whan and whira C*fl»l

anr Pfrwn lnur«t^ mar •pt>«»r and j_ 7,wWUt *anu.l .ai.a................ - ....................

Dat«4 ScpUnbar !«lh. I«)2. n- . SALMON, Clftk 5 . ,*,Nim Atljjtnir (or'r»l*tlonir n!''3 ll

ALtAB SUMMONS *hS;'i*1*s‘^• IN THE 01.9111101 COURT Of TIIR . ‘at’r« <if


THK COUHTY OK TWIN KALU- BW« fby riiisT MEcuniTY hank or idaiio. scCi l ‘ f.

to lh« ako>* namtd dtlfndanti ' NOT as You an hmbr noIlllt4. that a ronpUInt - s«,M ;tos»

hat bMti filtd aiilnit rou In tha Dlitrlct tdalie Hoard < Coart of tha Elt tnlb JurikUl DUtrlet of Suia ef Utk th* SUta ot Maho. In and for (ha Coualr DntrtmMI ol_ 1*^ PoU Ijlalw.ptaad to aiW cooiplalnl olthls l»aMf dira 'ih.'**of tha amk* »f thla Bummooi. and reu Btnou iirfae

rs. *r« f<irtb«r nollllad that unlaaa rou as trnd.nui saly appatr and »ln.S aald complaint wlthls tha Nari/i. kson'y- Um.. harala .pnlfl-L lb. jlilnUK wlU r«J«t Na. rCK tay Judinifnt asalait Joa aj »rar*d la Idaka. liumnh, aald fomplalBL Na. K.rO-JHIJ. Thi. action It brauihl to fewloaa two ud Twin fal

mlaln'Boruaiaa aiacutad and d.llmad rropwiU ra s w . s ! i a ; s - ’3. ,4S;i.'e

— t:;KO.OS and tha othfriKurlnt tha pmnlfc mar- ba obu ^ »or»’ h«l. of aald C.n» Brraol In th. ptlB*' Ofpartmnt «f

<ImI turn of SI.JM.OO ind «»«flni tha from II. B. 1— fDllowlnr dMcrlbarl propntr. to.*lti at SbcahDna.« U t Jl. In niock S.. Willow U n. -vUaka.st e

Ann«i. Cltr of Twin Ktll>. Twin Kalla ba mad. lorin Cnunlr. Idtho. accordlns lo tbt offltlal to b« mUt V)K plat Ihtrwjf r*ford«0 In wilama « paninml «l II lit ' I'lata on vara 14. TTConla of Twin Ktitt Ttt lllbt b

Countr. Idaho. TOC»rriU:il >lth tht poula. or loM. tanrraanU. h.rrdlUmrnla and appur* waila dminlna ■"fankntai" th.r.Bnt»” k«l8nr1i!r-Dr"'l«“ No—>t4M4t

On. mort«a(t being r«cord«4 la Dock li t nm nlr In t: . .1 p « . 140. r^rdi to. Cngnlr Haeonl- p„ c.nl (I'V)

pan. Itl. rt«or<la of tha Counir RKordtra chack dtawn— OKIn. Twln-fklla County. Idahit paiabla ti ih........Wltnra-Rir hind and Ua anl of iild «r a DUdar'a. Dlilrkt Court U>la tth day of Saptanbar. rroapactl..

hJ ! ’?*■. ------------- T..w ..5iivnns. a»rk un*i‘''MS',-'M.%] l,1iAltorTiart for .|*]alntirf iKatl obtain ■IlnMInf at I’ocatallo. Idaho .III !,«r»bll.hl Sagt. 11. II. ZS. 0 tl>c >. m i lOUJodVa l'

'‘? a ? B?oK?Ai'W S” , M SWILU ETC. • MmpUt. Hit

IN THE PnonATTI court or tub whl<h thrr ir.COUNTS' o r -TT ’IN FALLS. STATE or tbi.k.tr.OK IDAHO. iarlad l( Ih I

W-TKK-UArmt-OK-Tlir. K.STATE OF wllh tbt CLAUDE OnOWN. DRaaaacI,. 'Hit mlnUniiI'uriutnt tn an urdrr of »!d Oiort. nada Ubor ampin,,

on tha Ttnth MOthl dar of Saplambat. 11.10 P<t Wjm.-antlM-U-bgtbr_tlitn, ih>t_rtHar.. ta.ill_utt:mitha Third lird) <Uy ol OcuWr. |PK. at oa Ihlirmia: o'clock r.M. of aald dar. at tha Coart “nja BilnlmumIn lha Clly of Twin Falli, Counir of Twin 11.40 fvr hmi Ktlli, hti ba«n appolnlol ai tb< lima and It l> tha r<jiplaca for provln* tb. Will <if atid ClaaJa way Olrtcl,inllrown. d<raaa«j. and for htatln* tha at- In lha akMI*,!plIcalloB et Dartht Drown (or tht laau* coutniclkn.tnca lA nari^ Dkwb ol Icttart MUnan< an allacma o

ma'iiy .SALUON.. rH oIr Clnk. Pttbllahl

C. m AUorner. ----------^

ri a . “ - a ; u - . . . : . . o , » , . ' “ 3ANOTHER SUMMCIS’S ' STATi; (ir I


CREETA W. fi«'TH- I'LAI.STIFF.RonrRT s. aMITH. df.kendant, you ari;''1

Till: STATE o r IDAHO SLNOS CnCET- fomrlalni t,aaINR.K TO T1IE AtlOVC NAMED DE> tbt llliirlilXoKKNDANTi . Illilrlcl ol ih.VOU ARK JlEntllY NOTIFIED That Twin fall, o

a romrlalnt bu b~n tlln) aolnil yoa rialnllll. anjIII Un niilik.1 Ouii l III 111, F .lw t^ «»Haa-aM-»lJ>i4iclal ‘ F'l'la U,“ * ’* br' ’h' "'"'in" '’ "iWabota namM plalntltt. and >o<? tn hafab* vnlna , n ii.dlracua to apPMr and pl.id te ih. uM compl.livl .ith rr rplalnt wIiMn twralr dart of tha t.r«lc« the rlalmlll , o( thla aummont. and tai art furlk.r TO" aa ria)a.lnctlllad that unlMa »ea »o ap{.Mr tnd Thla ii tnrtrari to tald conplalni .lihla tba tlm. plalnlllt lo ah.rain ap«lfla<t. tha rialniilt wUI Uk. atalml tK. i ,

o S ii s s . iThi.- I. aa action b> plaintiff lo taciirw 'S/.ALl -1.

a dccr.* ot <Jl»ore«'lrum riclendant and to DF_MIIT i fll ha., awtrrjad -to har aa her aapartia AlUitnr,. |jt pr Mrlr th. r»al an.| j.*r>pntl eropafty RaaliUnt at T« j.f «ld partial IbcalrJ ,n tha Suta of miUh; 0<i.

wiW'IUSS Hr band and thl' MsI af Ni:>Tll•ahl Di.irlct Court- ihla ;:tk day ef W Till: I'lli:fsa T. w.JuMUWl -KUIiCL.iJi

S '^T ,iT :*S ,SS’SJ»”,'-V to:KLKVr.NTH JUIIICIAI. DISTHICT Of tyalt.t lha rtl TlIK HTATB OK. IDAIIO, IN AND FOB with ih.

- TWIN -FALU COtTST\V • * tnenlha’ krt.f ItinACBTtARcnAY^^n.Ai^KF, .. ^

CAUL ll. DARCLAV. nKFENDANT.~ Aemlnlitn^THL STATE OK IDAHO M da im lln fi lluildlni. Tain

l-aul K. Barclay, ihti.ko*. namad Idaho, ihl. hai'Y«'."„'haT.by notliw Ih.t a con>pUlnt . r.t«l"'sVtV

hii Wn Iliad aaalnit rou'ln lha Dlatikt . Mll.’uri of th» Elr»crih JiidlfI.I Diatrkt ot * A(It:- Mala of Idaho, In tkI (or T-ln Kalla 11.(..voiy by ib» aboY. aaotd pUIaUU, «ad rullkh: l,}\,


U G A L A D VER TISEM EN TS „[te ya. ar. kmbr dInctW t« apm r aad I v 1 0 iph , M U wU Ma»lalal wtUli Iwtatr •od dan ef tk. aarrlt* •! tkb aaMk.r ram. ____u - mtMi aad you a n Jsnkcr. MdlM that ^ —T"■la anlaaa tm a« a p w r aa4 ptod la aald . « tMB cMnlalat Wltkln tb. tlaa. bml» *p«lfW. W A NS tk. plalallfl will tak. } « U » « lS . l . . l VV A l 'l

^ S lS lra i. B«tiJ <r»«5t» ' »BTlUj...-a jWllMaa ay kaod and lb. Mal af tb* | _ _

- • S E t J i .W T ’a n ^ . .D««tjr —Wetda _

Raiboni A RayWia A PoB(U. Xnaw <oI Attaraart f.r FUlnUlf. ------ f,----- Raaldltt al TwU Falk tad ’ ____------

rtkiiiki Oct t. I. II. a . t». im ^

K ’‘"i,atS'Lo';'s«,5SgR?»" ) p r J tDISTtlCT <**•

lha NOTICE IS llEREBY OtVEMi Tlat • DEAPLir a>. apxUI .lactiM wUI U bad aad b.ld In tk . U ai^ f ‘li . MttMr Low U tt IrrSiatlon DUlrt<t otl Tuaad

jVI ef saM Dliirtrt-tki-BwittoB"of •ehiBiiar —TkU"SiP« kit tk. bMBdaria. .{ Mid DUtyM by anoax* ,^4 rtjaelIh. IDI Ibanta Iba raal mUU bmlaaftar '{lIlBd Adarln dncrlb.4. and daacrlkod is a twolaUsa ,.d no la(tf . of lb. Bwrd or Olr«l»r« of aaU DliUlct ^ a rd I. U tr . WwMd oa tk. SUi dar ef Saptosbn, llt&mt n a t Iba *oUnf aball bo by wrlltaa £rron ah>

balM aad tk. ballol tkaU coaUla tba j ,. No tllcwordll ______ . Ikia >Far Ckaaft of »o«»dark» _____ _

of Attlaat Cktai. of UooBdariw

[|C 'T ^ L I^ I I^ 'f u tk^mcptlsaef balloU <^^n'^n^.'> ■- (hill M vpniil Bt'th* b n r af-lTM-^clock- —ind tympat

I’. M. of atld day and aball maala op«n buaband. tantu th. boar of T>M *'<k>.k P. U. ol aald ,rala(ol tha

10. day. «bn tkay akall U cloaod. tt our W--Tliat »aT«ra. te lr la t t» tM* at aald ” - k

alainloa iball-jaatMa tb. followlof ««all- Lfkallonal k

Sj] ^ lfho^"'**^U «t^ * ’ __ ku 't^lolloB 'D U U lcW r*”" ^ ^ * - —------

Ih, Ik.jaof. b locat*i. tad lb* awaar of------------ SpC(?; land wlUiln Ih* aald Mllaar Low LIU

IrrliaUoB Dlatritt. uTJCs aod”No p.r»oa aot poMsalni ta* abo>. w it- inW . VII lb. ^ fE"oLuTu

Edyar W. MoomuB; that Ika Yotin* plac* Call Loclla ot Dlractor'a Dl'lilon No. X aball ba a t JCuJoHUUCI

- . m i - ~ b p.rao» d«lrln, to ».U thall -JJftj,S i !;: r."mldl°al “?^lh.^J?i<A"au}i . i l m ^ r ^ -

ot th. SUM ef Idaho, a raaW.nt ot a couBljr y f l" A*'"' __ In ■■kicb It* tltaulct. ot a portioa Ibarao . ra»«.

Mllnar Uw Utt IrrUallon DlttricL 6EiL r - Jbat.tba laad to t> ann.ivl to tb. Mil* _ | u . Aj j s

Bar Uw LKl IrtlfaUoa UUIrkt l( ih, rUlMANtNl“ tan. b. tppro>rl br a majority el th . «S J S J ' J V l , ' ’S F S 5 fc:: T.r.i‘l"sFii!sKK LOST


. N. o? lllfhwar 10 HWUNtU N. oT ____^_ Hlth.ar to BKUNWt; N. J llUh. ; t 6 ^ A‘8 'a»

EARL D. SrjKRS, ' Intorm.llon-.Esra.;!..'«.5l5" ■" ".i.S”PuWUki s»pl. II, 11. M. Oct. IISI

** N oncr CF LKTTINC ^ H lInt . S.,M ptopoaal. will ba »ctl.«] br Ih. DIL D. 1C J( let Idaho Board ot lllihway Dlractnr. nf Ih. ,„ t. Talfh

silyt tiratllni lha roadwtr. a sitnl'inli bltu* •e« mlnooa aarlac. and a coarnl. tnd tla.1 ALL T jrWa« tindcntaa ca U. 8. M. B.Ht mllca In Call 3»1.h. Narada. kaown at Narad* Kadaral Aid tfILL do Im' U rtelKl Na. r-«0;.SISI, aod.d.71S.mllM.ln ?Call 02i;UIIB Idiko. known ta Idaho Fadcfml Aid Project i!)i i

Nfc K.FO.JHH:) In Clko Cogaly, Nar.da« aad.Twla fall. Cocnly. — liUnT. ‘ I• i FropoaaU conformliif u th . condition k«OX cutuin. (boT. aUtad will b. opanvl and pglilicly M»t- I hon.

rtad. • CUHTUM apui>w riiB«| a^lllctllona, form ot ronlnict. aan. phnnaI**, may., ba obUlna.r at tba olfica of Ih* ‘hiuMnr r ?

Dn«rtBnt t l lllihwtift. Rola*. Idaho and ,-■■■, ‘.I - , b . from n. B. Slarnbar*. Dl.Ulct Emlnaart t 8be.hai>«. Idaho. , »« »nd A.' -X-ata.»a-of-Fl.a.OolU« (H.OO)-'wlll WANTED cbl

b. mada lor cach act ol plana, paymanl homa dara.

p j i ;; k ««*>;■>«etaala daaoiid ba«l tor lha ilUU «t Jdabo. Iti attlii, h»accompanlfd by ta acrcpUbl. propoaal chtnle. auU

I* naranlr In aa abount nol la«a than Hr. Ilnhl.

?. i"K !■u •' “S ; ™.!

ir I K l . t r r a i ' . X - 'mbiddar on Ptojatta ln«ol>lnr F«lrral Kunda TVANTi.-|>T L-t !r'l!l‘ l? ’iI.",..‘“'A thraahln*.

- WIUoi,'Vf’'l.'i!?'‘'’ Spaclllcallon..

'* iMU 'aUarhH !? th?”'"^ “ l * HELP W• complcta lilt of uncompfaMd*wo*k' upon IIUU.HKKKKI'I

rr. whkh th^ ara praatnlly aniatad In Idaho Halph_t»rrlirC or Tlia rropoaal ma» be ra. WAITHta.\ n

J ' 'V* '"fonnalloo l« not illbmlllrt K»rr»r~n f"■n.'m lioltm'iasa paid t i all gniklllad “ iiJi’ni'i^li'y'il

s K s n s i s sly.. .ta.allJhtt:mcdlila-<naa_labac-aBnIn>ad. .. dara. AsbIj 1

a. labor arapIt-jM on thla contract ahall ba Irm fHK<pid J x i.’Jh.jJ^im.^oj^^th.^jta .1 iiifh.

In lha aliMi*,! tlma conilalaat w«h ici>*l , ' * 1 1 * - u- conalrMtllon. Ntccaatry agulpmcM and ESmtlKNcE n. an allactl.a ortaniiatlon will ba In.Iilid ‘'na.

J- —



IF e a r lf I e. n% w i^J_rLAiNTiKr,‘‘'^ “®’ LEGAL A

YOU ARi;''HT;RK!lVNOTirirD that a IN T1IK I'llO r- cmnplalnl haa h«»n fllwl aralnit v.u In KALLS COll^ ‘m irkV ofiffsu"i S 'ld ir- ''" , '^|ARHY^''pS S ll* !IJ tnTna“'',‘ci,*' nn'l(l«-tli,i d»r'?rOd"ir?

. . " and to/ hr.,In*

S » * k s T . - , T " ’- a ^ n T ^ " ''* njatllnt'IT ['*'•"'*/* CTlrJ "ciilrm

^ m TH.r .;'<‘;SA’T ^ " . '^ :^ 'l7 T " ^ ^rA^S's

-k -HKNliv J. IJIUlACt. l>t('Vw-y'‘

B wlOi Ihanmwarr j" " >I»;'a*riL lo ail,!;- rnenlha’ kr »rh«t*. -iihii

noiWa'i-' otllr^ail-; la-Wmml.li.i- -Atfmlnlitrtitli. t.l.h,, • i i . . ' - • • l - l - . - tv.iv,.3 : 'r i f^ iV .i,f

traMacIii.n o' lha bu.!n,., >''• I'an.at'tlIt . Datad S,pian.Wr V. ’♦!; ^ct . . IIKLEN h. IllMlAil Dated -Srp tni

• .1 ■„

. Classified 2 ■ Blcytl. »•

1 fw A N T AD R A T E SjM ___ (Baarf «» rgr^VRAKs'

\ T , ~b. i ! S J - ~ - » 1 S S i S

■' 7.*r:-3?“ S r r r " ^cooi

5 b o b b

‘*DEXDL1NES for-CtaaalfUd ralyi hi Moiwlay'a Ad.-* p.o». 8atardaja ______ __” - I— —SuBdara-l P.B Salurdaya

2 . TOP« mard I* lh« adtcnuw- MUST

« CARD O P t h a n k s NO!

■I* *bon‘*tn?'f^i^»ar^fM^Ui.ir klfld” k!».ctr —i„<f-,ympatlirdiirtnr-«>or-T»e«it Iom ol- .'.3 { s ^ ^ ; ^ h » r ' t s ; t : : s t u ' 'u i t s i r s i - =

. -----------Mr. aM Mrv Ira ll«.w«rth

.* • ---------- Mr.-aidMn.-UnaT-Waadlaad

------------ SPECIAL N O T I C E S ----------

It. ■‘& ! ° t l . C T ^ n a S * * " ‘°*- •cb J ',. .lit , fuLka llcat liom*.—4ll 2nd • T. a ...„ . Waat. I'hona »».NJ. - | ,

;! V."-------

" PM

° Du

- ^ , -daou work frn . Macbtnalaaa and cold l _ _ _ ^ **. —»>T,a, H.OO Haaoty ArU ActdCTiy.

■* LOST A N D FO U N D “*• LOhT: Utown wrurcnal boa (oatalolni .r r r r r '• knltUna. «nd .r plaaaa caU 441-H

s “ L’siw .a .r'L .a ii's;aed^Krank. L*a»« with Dr. OIH«pla. 5,7„t i'{J

ii STEAM BATHS S ,"™ALUNA'8 ataam balh and Biaaaasa. ITa-

“ ~~irr»Vi~t rm(iia. lan bib« i» , -tit i n iBa. -------------

»( " s c h o o l s a T r a i n i n g "kAK.N iloO.DV or mor* monlhlr In apara

lima at bom. addmtlni anralop*. br _ _• Int'J'riii lon’a^^lna'^lnicllona. Hhawwol HEI

, and Company. Drpt. ll-bO, lloz II, L ttArUnBtan 7«. Uaa>. Money back «oa> ______C2_

__________________________ A KASCINACH IRO PR A CT O RS T y ty iJ,'

1. DIL D. a JOIINSD.S. IS4 Third ar.au. Twin Fairi 1. raal. Talnhon* Sll’• t;Elt'y E ^ .p y li.u Dr..AW liar<iin. l i i r r ^

— S I T U A T I O N S - W A t m P ^ ------------^

:1 ^ c iii^a c if **“ n o rId ,ttlLL d„ ironlnr; and carT f or cbl).ini: n ~Call o:i;ui2.

WILL btrirtt jujir baau. Gaon* D*ntoo.

' CUSTOM apud Ilarlnlnr. Mont llcjtar. Uan-I- «an. Phona tll-RH. _________" HAY and atraw alaekliii or haullnf. D*anJ haullnf. Call tOtt-W, ___________ •»r IKUNlNUS^by hand or Iron.r. ny boma.

II WANTED cblWr»n-t0 U». cara of Is toy I horoa dan. Thona !tll.W.__________• CUKTUM potato dinint wilK two-rowditaar.. I'bona C;K.IH or Qiei.Ri.I HAY AND IIKAN htullnt. Haul inythlnf ^

T ^ han i?"M S ”ma<hanii. ’’Fhooa'oSW-HL ~ ~

J SEI’TIU unka and caa.poola cl.an«l. Llnaa BIJSINES• 'iJrrar! **** ' wTmloUHr CHi:r. Wlta tor club or cat. In or around «" track t “ Twin Falli; lo'yaan aiperlcota. Bix fOU LEASI „ M.A. Tlm>».N«w».________________ Mulnpad, |

: ::£•&,.'.''s-»,.-KseS otI ~^uhi.“ A.~I;rtr“WrSrFllrthtM.------------- Eaaj-tmm• WANTCDI Cualon, do.., and aKalla a»d - «“ ■»»» *■' thraahlni. John Daara aalt.propallKl OKFICC apa<

’ combine. Call 44.M Murtaush. or o:v2.RJ Include. I.l• Jeremfc________________________ tM4^-Klma HELP W AN TED — FEMALE

I WAITltta.\ naJiunJaJ^ Appir la paraon.

MlUULi;.At:KD Uilr w^car*^(o^alJc'rly' “ p T a ’DoiM

. a » l ‘A^eS^la. l_CnMMKRciUIIIL tor wtiirraa wott, K>p*Tlanca not LVaiiiKi'

! f«"l*K.?- 1«« Kl«b«MIDULKAliKU aalaaladr to aell wtllpat.er.

?t'H‘'K.'l'n‘‘ " ‘"‘• ' • r - -----------------I t^T'KltlK.SCt^D wtllrni. (ull or ptrt I

CMfa* sL''r,’’ **««•'“ " Ilnlal

- kxi’Kui>;sa;i. > .i„ „ .n - ,, || ‘ '“I

LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTS FURNNOTICE FOR prni.tCATins op THE ’ TIME An;oiNTfui.i(iH pRQv.__IN T1IK riio'llATK'(imillT o r tw in Twin Falla.

p ^ ; .f„. liis jsi' 'hiVot SLebpi'noto

f u r n i s h

w h jp d * ^i.Ai.ut: ro

Pu/i.hi k tw J tR 'c ls i

i nEI'ITOHii ^ MllUKRN-S-r-

I.s'‘rilV'' N U rS l.'tl S-KOOM’ part

.uJIr. 'Irr,i,-!. ,,, -Inua Nafth.--

.trV iV l?^i,V a s u u m n s :

Datnl ,S»p>nih.r 4th, us? • waUr. aaraiiJ<].‘;r;niiNr. haii.ky, bu. »Uai

' nick j.ru..m a■■.Mil: s . , u : . , ‘o 'k"rffl- ■JEV7;:;;.


_____ ' f ■ ' .

t h d b s b a t ,

I H E i r W a n t e d - M A U 7 ; ; ; ;

[ <'E~r• BOY -1»- a». am . .twimnWatloBt carrln’. C u ii^h itT

BlcytW *^^ *T . »a««a. App}y _H 17 1.

• i S i S

■ 2 g 3T im CoaJ aaUjT. *5 furalabrt. Ap^y LLLAN- . J p.m- BcraoB 1I.L.I b K ta i^

j »nrt>m iE N gm W A 8H BOY _ UNPUt•uUjkuomraSUEANCB PLA)t _Daad..an-^


b o b R E E S E M O T O R CO.{>edf. l>» *H At. N. riymooib a.aaa.

' — ■ . -I' ' OBlt. l'l,1,“ .

: — N e e d B d Jn u n c d ia te ly -—


Cbarrolat and B.IU- U.M "•« -------------» . » comaiUaka. pl« bmat pUb, .

J Contact Don Younf


" ^ W A N T E D “ •

,A CoBlraator ta bolld 11 n llti af (tBct _RalrraSaa!'IB l..al counlrir-^Unw-Toekl.— All- loTCTTLEffltltrlala furnubai ____ ar,«at. (n


rd • THE O. C. LAND i.^'N i.V■) St CATTLE CO. le to i ~

S. WILKINS. NEVADA llaa wchi■____ ■ !rt:s!01 ■ l« oil IH.- f«'nl*hb«Si I U on ■

it “ MOlii PARTS DEPARTMENT ------- fllT^ J________AsarsTANT_______

r, - .la BultliK:hf»Toiat, Oartffc. _ Leu.taia

r. ‘ a n u " ? ; i B t « r

--- ---------- N o rth flid e -A u 'to ---------- ■■—^ 1 I o ^ b L .


NEEDED*r I wanl to talk ta ll.maa, IM i. who

^ wtlUns. • ‘ •_______a** ------------- tt'l^-TttAlN VOO ----- aia^. ,

Don not Inlerfrr* wllh nraant Job. If HOMI “ tlacer.. amblllaoa. and In r» d btatUi fAl'iailNO , wrlu Uoi J1.A. TliawJiawt.----------- -i^,'il‘“ ^s I ----- ' n>!4

-------- CoSo iEtE;; HELP W A N TED — ^ J r - 1i; MALE & FEMALE tS t o

- T rrie n l , . trp». Asplr HI Main M,n«t Watt,’* — ■ cDFEBn:


FAIRFIELD i T & j S sll' • ' /ad ttokar

Ability ta Uaa typawrllaf dealrabl. A»«IIU. N.r. . •• 2.HCUlU>Uk ; Apply _

^ M A G IC V A L L E Y

; E D iT O B “ ■

TIME3 -N E W a-- . ■" "' ..TWIN rALLS,JDAHO_____________«

: b u s i n e s s o p p o r t \< n i t i e s • ■ -• WAKKHOUHE for’ra-,1. «.»o' Nice o ltl^ I ~ u i on track Emaat WhIla, Phona JT74.W.i ^OH i.RA3C -Dnra.in rauorastl'to ll; -

Pu“hf’*“*‘ 14TMala'i, KOON Chkkaa Inn. linall down payn.aL _________-----Eaaj-tKTO—^PCTlr*-4» - l*».iiat. w at- —

! I . , ..,.!! t . , 1. - . . wonI ncludw I.Wroom »ptrUB»at. lagulra Oa. badroa

M4^-Klmbarly RoaJ,_________ MUi. Tw*BNAP.ON Tool dtaltr wanlad for Mask baaaaanL

Valley Itrrllory. Calllnt M raracaa, wllb . 1 .• arak. alallona. TrotacUd twrllory. faecad. IJ,Reguira* I4 Inn panel truck and aotne CALLctplUl. Kirallent .oppoilunliy to nwn . . J_rkT JiS ;,rsa‘ssw !: iu:z=r , O, Po» m i. Ikilia. Idaho.________ L^—

COMMERCIAI^Otllf. Rulldlm. com. I I — pTiliI>-DioJarhr.ll>a-;Ufa.-|da.rni.r j .bcck' ooi

kilalo-Appllano. TS' rrontafa. tuhad faIMO KInbarly Rd. TbOB* II, Bgbl — aicalleot-^ ________ I OUT-OF-TO

________________________________ J*WltOOBlaaL IU

F cr Sals CI ______CONFECTION S n r______

w“tho"l*alot nacMnci.''-”* " |----- 7HEIS8 INVESTMENT CO. . . iiod J.b«d«

Jaroma, Idaho Pboat IIS Biodarn tll^ 1“ k i ILMO.

FURNISHED KOOMSItOOMS hr ?fak or month. Ill Illi a.*- >oma^

■K''05r - r e r W sn-«ui— T « » .T ;:S ,

ll-« DAY per weak. Hot wat»r taai. *"'*Tralla F.Bd Uoul. r

iCi“. .C i .- ~ ‘ I -^*jy?Ii.a*AtH?L*i*srKlm Hood. —!—• • "! SLKBPINO-Toon ln-prlT»ta bo«.*,-«roaa I

DlIIUUM. clot* la. priaau .Btiane*. klubn

1 ‘’I 'l'j?*JhinH o^S?FU R NISHED A PA RT M E N T S ‘•"1 “* ^ '

I LAKUE rooma. balb. laundry. UI Xiwa, tarartJAualliL______________ __________ oil fsmica. <

S 1100M8, upauln. Near library. Adulia.t-lvma wflaair. kllDUlW/cl«a^ln aptrtmanu. AdalU, Ml

MllDKRN-S-t..^. flaaa ponb. Adulla.~7i l --------------

S.UUUM apartment wlib fmnt and ______________anlrance. Clo.a In, Phona W».______ — —

1 KOOMS.-TBeiJmirooaid.-»ntrmnt».-ba*v -----iiiXinJ'. n , » .

U N F U I iN l iH tD A l - f S . . K l j r i -DHl'i.KX.-.l rwma .andr_balb. rhoa.- t i l l -H M ............... .I UOOMS. m04ffa.‘Adu|U. I'hon.

jiubEllN, kealad, |.room. Stuand liiif. aall-at «*!/ «' Phon. lOIJ.W ...nlnft,. -UAO

A+TltAt.TlVE .parVrf"^..‘E : ' ' WVESlwaUr, rarai. fornlahwl. l « l Tib A*^ ^

N rc k 's^ 'm ap.rtn..nl. elactrlc aloa. aTd , ^ * ! ! ! 'r»frl»Tr»ti'r. Heat futoUbad. Clc* la- La rhoa* UJML .

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I PICTURESI v a l u e s

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M Rn. 95m . B 9 . 9 5

n 5 - P e . C h r o m e


Ii ^ 2 Piece ^


Love Seat j


i p . , 1 2 9 - “

Ijt End Tables\ ' ' -R .9 7 i7 > 9 5 -------- O O kj ; T o 27.95

l i z z z ; l O i S O - H a s s o c k s —

. 1 l E a 9 5 ~

I ; - L P 5 0 O t t o m a n s

1 ONLY„,__17.95 I•3 ■ . ••1 • ■ .

; J ' ; . . . ..i.____I________:______________ w______________

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____ ALL-ARLE I Bedro m S u ite d'.'h n g ' 'tN E itsp R m a

r 3 Mottress nt Sprim |‘.98~ MIRROR ?.'ff “I™,"i

MIRRORS fS" I ' |S WallSheJveslIJ';; ^ Headboardsgj^ • 9 ^ Cedar Chest R‘eg??9.:

Nested Tables SS’sj510 COIL

pfc^ -JneispringMotlres Floor Laiiijin s'."

5 Dinette Set & >"'r Hundreds of

— L o c a t e d c) m emff f , USED TAG


i k i i ^ _ ^ 7 s ELECTRIC RANGE

| « 0 | D 23590 ELECTRIC RANGE


^ ------ 2J529-ELECTRIC-RANQE-

______________ .235B1 OIL HEATER ^







y ~ ~ -~ ~ 2 3 6 1 5 ~ P O W E R M O W ER~ ^ TABLE ONLY■ ' ' WOOD AND CHROi. 1, 20840 COMBINATION



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Q . 9 5 23550 WASHING MACHII

y 23589 5-Pc. DINETTE SET






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> . 9 5 ^ 81701 ASHING MACHIh


> c k s 3 : r “ a so srrw iU H m G .M A C H iV

t o n s

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We have jusH inis LL ARTICLES LISfTS u ite Res.'M9.95... 99.95 . 5

B« Spring 79I95 49.95 jZ Z ^ i ± . ....:7 .95 s

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yes ilsjJ 4.95..„„J.98 _ j

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^ M n ttr e s s t^ i 39.95 __

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M a t 2 2 9 S E (


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RIC RANGE 3 9 . 9 5 1 6 . 9 5

^ C ^ A N G E 2 4 . 9 5 9 . 9 5

■RIC-RANOE---------- 2 9 ; 9 5 ------ - 9 l9 5 ~

e a t e r ^ 2 4 . 9 5 1 4 . 9 5

lING MACHINE 4 9 . 9 S 1 9 . 9 5

)-PHONO 7 9 . 9 5 3 4 . 9 5

GERATOR 4 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5

GERATOR • 2 4 . 9 5 1 0 . 9 5

GERATOR 4 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5

riNG OVEN 4 9 . 9 5 2 9 . 9 5

RMOWER 4 9 . 9 5 2 4 : 9 5 ~; ONLY 0 Oi: i»AND CHROME 1 9 , 9 5 INATION o c iCOAL RANGE 8 9 . 9 5 ^ 4 4 . ^ 5

I IN G -M A C H m g -^ 1 9 .9 5 9 t9 S - ^

iTNG'MACHINI i69V9i5 4 9 ^ 9 5 “

ING MACHINE ■ 5 4 . 9 5 2 9 . 9 5

JINETTESET 3 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5

SERATOR 2 9 . 9 5 1 4 . 9 5

MATIC WASHER 1 1 9 , 9 5 7 9 ; ^ 5 -

MATIC WASh SR 1 6 9 . 9 5 7 9 . 9 5

G TABLE ■ 1 9 . 9 5 5 . 9 5

GTABLE . 1 9 . 9 5 5 . 9 5

T AND TABLE 3 9 . 9 5 = 9 . 9 5

ING MACHINE ' 1 9 . 9 5 9 . 9 5

ING MACHINE ‘ r M . 9 5 r 4 ’ 9 5

ROASTING o y E N : 7 i 9 3 5 7 7 : 5 0 t :

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‘ ^ m O T G i l5 1 2 ; i 6 r 2 0 ' G 5 i i g ^ - ^

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s C H A I R S 9 . 9 5 . . .

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j - 9 ^ 5 _ W A R E H Q U S t J E

^ FRE]JJ95 Coronado Ra1 0 . 9 5 D r a w i n g S a t . , 5 I

10 Qc, . Nothing to buy—Just 1 - r r ^ r r — ^ o w ^ a t^ G a ih b le s —i\’2 9 . 9 5 A u t o .

2 4 ; 9 5 z ! ^ ^ : ^ ^ ^ = ^

9 ^ 9 5 M a n y O t h e r S p e c i c

4 4 . 9 5 A d v e r t i s e d a t O u r S t

9 9 5 V ^ a r e h o u s e . _______________

7 Q ^ ^ r = p C A H P E T i W E E P E R S =4 y . V b Reg. 5.9B — O n l y .......................

2 9 9 5 MEDICINE CA BIN ETSR eg u la r 7 .6 9 - ............. ft..................

1 7 .9 5 ELECTRIC M O T O RS

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itory and look what r GO - WE LOSE^

WindoSpecial Axmi"Wilton

MODEL 620 ^I S S Repeating

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4 r Pin-Upfloor Ilegulir ^ AQ

.9 5 .........O*^o DinettiNew and Used mercl

AVENUE EAST' ' ' “' • ' ' ' r ~ * ~ ~ ’'* ~ ^ -U S E D 'T A G --------

IN AND '1 15205 WASHI>>

® 23554 WASHIN

s t o r e o r 20818 W ASHIN

v B M A V 8936 RESTAUI

do Radio 2355S ELECTRIi

Sat., 5P,M. 2356T BEDDAV

i y - J u 8 t r e g i s t e r 20838 l i v i n g i

m b l e s ^ V e s t e r n - “ W , - S F i i i

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........... Dcmonitrofor4ETS ^ o n....ft............. 0 . 0 7 REFRIGERATO

“ ........ 3L00 ’ REFRIGERATO


r“lfs',‘!:. 3.95 '"2I01H?: ^ 9 5 • Washer

' Bott typo 1 HEATEF

.................... 0 *0 ^

—;...........................................1 -DIVAN BED--

-----79^95" POWER M O V i

ITour Choit.- S.OO - -2 -O U T B O A R D M'

tte riu y sa t 22 mAuto

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W indow S h a d e s r S s U L t _

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A xm in ster R u g X 9.'’4M5- J ! CocklairCISaire r ? s ! ' i ‘4 .95, ^ 1J

C offee T a b les ! f ^ r i o '! 9r _ „ j

Pin-Up L a m p s '!r9° ^ t z 9i . „ .

f lo o j la m p s _ _ _ _ i;D inette C hairs io.so n 17.9s I

merchandise listed

AST, Open NoIT A O ----------------------------------------IBER I .rEM WAS

S WASHING MACHINE , 3 4 . 9 5 ]


8 WASHING MACHINE 5 4 . 9 5 . 29 - w a s h i n g - M a c h i n e — 3 5 (3 5 — 1

8 REFRIGERATOR 4 9 . 9 5 2

S RESTAURANT ,HOT P U T ! 5 4 . 9 5 1

5 ELECTRIC RANGE 6 9 . 9 5 ' 2I BEDDAVENO 3 9 . 9 5 18 LIVING ROOM SUITE 3 9 . 9 5 1

9 REFRIGERATOR 5 9 , 9 5 J

REFRIGERATOR----- ~ 8 9 ^ 5 5 '

I REFRIGERATOR ' 7 9 . 9 5 4 '

S >IA.PIO . 1 2 . 9 5 - - !

i-R A D IO ^ . . „ . 2 0 j i 0 ^

aWERMOWER "Dmonitrolor ,og_gg 7!EFRIGERATOR 1 2 9 7 9 5 ------9 i

SFRIGERATOR _ ’ 4 9 . 9 5 2^

: f r i g e r * t o . ^ ^ « - = ^ ^ S — ^ 5

:FRIGERATOR_. .....4 9 ^ 5

2 9 . 9 5 12)AL HEATER, n .« - . . 7 4 , 9 5 3 J

)NSOLE RADIO 2 9 . 9 5 4

ELL PUMP, not com pint 7 9 9 5 " 2 4

• 2 9 ^ 9 5 12 WERMOVER 4 9 9 5 2 9


jf -221 Main Ave. Eo / Phone 6 3 7

Twin Falls— . . \ f

- . . ' TOlmSBAT,


r ^ Q S IA I N - 9 ^

r ’V , ® <-<»J. 7 .9 5 ^ 4 . 7 0 .R eg . 3.39 •

,„._„5.98 iR c c u lc f T n a • . m

4 .5 9 ......... I T T O K f f l Q c n

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