Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic? Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech) Tsvi-fest, 17 December 2009 Statistically

Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic?

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Statistically. Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic?. Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech) Tsvi -fest, 17 December 2009. What you’re about to hear. I. Review of standard inflationary scenario Where we are now The current paths forward - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic?

Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic?

Marc Kamionkowski(Caltech)

Tsvi-fest, 17 December 2009


Page 2: Is the Universe homogeneous and isotropic?

What you’re about to hear

• I. Review of standard inflationary scenario– Where we are now– The current paths forward

• II. Some new CMB tests of inflation (statistical isotropy; Pullen & MK, 2007)

• III. CMB tests of parity violation (Lue, Wang, MK 1999; MK 2008; Gluscevic, Cooray, MK 2009)

• IV. A new anomaly and possible explanation (Erickcek, MK, Carroll, 2008; Erickcek, Hirata, MK 2009)

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Inflaton potential

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Map of CMB

Sizes of hot/cold spotsUniverse is flat (MK, Spergel, Sugiyama, 1994)

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Primordial density perturbations

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Density field:

fractional density perturbation:

Power spectrum P(k):

Inflation predicts




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Inflationary gravitational waves and CMB polarization

Temperature map:

Polarization Map:

Density perturbations have no handedness”so they cannot produce a polarization with a curlGravitational waves do have a handedness, so theycan (and do) produce a curl

“E modes”“B modes”

(MK, Kosowsky, Stebbins 1996; Seljak, Zaldarriaga 1996)

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And one final prediction: gaussianity

• Gravitational potential (e.g., Verde, Wang,Heavens, MK, 2000)

with fNL<1 (e.g., Wang & MK, 2000)

Forecast that fNL as small as ~5 detectable by forthcoming Planck satellite

Gaussian field

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Current constraints (WMAP5,SDSS): |fnl|<100



Not gaussian

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Next steps

• Test whether ns differs from 1• Seek inflationary gravitational-wave

background• Search for non-Gaussianity

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II. But is there more? (Pullen,MK, 2007)

• Inflation predicts Universe statistically isotropic and homogeneous

• Statistical isotropy: Power spectrum does not depend on direction; i.e.,

• Statistical homogeneity: Power spectrum does not depend on position:

• These are predictions that can be tested!!

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Statistical isotropy

• Consider models with


• Most generally,

with L=2,4,6,…

(Note: cannot get dipole from SI violation!!)

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E.g., An inflationary model(Ackerman, Carroll, Wise, 2007)

• Spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry during inflation imprints quadrupole dependence of power on direction:

Then, temperature fluctuations,

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A powerquadrupole

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How to measure gLM

Lots of equations…..

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III. Rotation of CMB Polarization (Lue, Wang, MK 1999; MK 2008; Gluscevic, MK, Cooray, 2009)

•Electroweak interactions are parity violating, and inflation possibly due to unification of fundamental forces. Is physics responsible for primordial perturbations also parity violating?•Polarization E and B modes have opposite parity; EB correlation therefore signature of parity violation

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Rotation of CMB Polarization •E.g., suppose electromagnetic energy density has additional term (depending on quintessence field Φ(t)):

WMAP/BOOMERanG/QUaD searches: α<few degrees

Evolution of Φ(t) leads to rotation, by angle α, of CMB polarization as photons propagate through Universe (Carroll, Field, Jackiw 1998)

Rotation induces EB cross-correlation (Lue, Wang, MK 1999)

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How to De-Rotate the CMB Polarization (MK, 2008; Gluscevic, MK, Cooray 2009)

• What if rotation angle varies from one point on sky to another??

• Then observed polarization has nothing to do with primordial polarization!!! (This would be bad.)

• We develop technique (with mathematical similarities to SI tests) to measure rotation as function of angle, and thus to infer primordial polarization pattern

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IV. Hemispherical Power Asymmetry from Inflation(Erickcek, MK, Carroll, 2008; Erickek, Carroll, MK, 2008; Erickcek, Hirata, MK,


Eriksen et al. found >3σ evidence forpower asymmetry in WMAP

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Isotropic power

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A power dipole

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• Recall: Violation of statistical isotropy cannot produce power dipole.

• Must therefore be violation of statistical homogeneity

• …..need spatial modulation of power….

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Can it be due to a large-scale inflaton mode?

• P(k) ~ V3/2/V’, with V(ϕ) evaluated at valuewhen k exited horizon during inflation

• If there is a large-scale fluctuation in ϕ, then might expect variation in P(k) across Universe

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Problem:• If ϕ varies, then V(ϕ) varies induce large-scale density fluctuation

• Must be small (from CMB quadrupole/octupole)

• Cannot get large-scale variation in P(k) without violating CMB homogeneity constraint by several orders of magnitude (Erickcek, MK, Carroll, arXiv:0806.0377; Erickcek, Carroll, MK, arXiv:0808.1570)

• Why? One scalar field (inflaton) controls density perturbations (which we want to vary across Universe) and the total density (which cannot vary)

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Solution• Add second scalar field (curvaton); energy

density generated by one and perturbations generated by other (or both by some combination)

Curvaton Inflaton

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Explaining the power asymmetry

• Postulate long-wavelength curvaton fluctuation Δσ

• Keep inflaton smooth

This is now the curvaton!

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Model parameters

• R=ρσ/ρ : fraction of total energy density from curvaton decay

• ξ : fraction of total power P(k) due to curvaton• Amplitude Δσ and wavelength of long-

wavelength fluctuation fixed by amplitude A of power asymmetry

• R-ξ parameter space constrained by CMB quadrupole/octupole constraint to homogeneity

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Model prediction: non-Gaussianity

• Mapping from curvaton to density perturbation nonlinear

• Predicts non-Gaussianity, with fnl = 5 ξ2 / (4R)

• Current constraint fnl < 100 constrains R-ξ parameter space

• Asymmetry A requires some nonzero fnl

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Upper limitfrom CMBhomogeneityconstraint

Lower limitfrom fnl<100



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New Developments!

• SDSS quasar distribution/clustering restricts asymmetry to be small on smaller distance scales (Hirata 2009)

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• Concordance of small-scale SI with CMB anomaly possible (but just barely), but not easy: Requires isocurvature mode from curvaton decay (Erickcek, Hirata, MK 2009)

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Evidence for SI violation still tentative, and may be “ugly”


“Frequently nature does not knock with a very loud sound but rather a very soft whisper, and you have to be aware of subtle behavior which may in fact be a sign that there is interesting physics to be had.”

---Douglass Osheroff

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• Inflation does extremely well with CMB/LSS data

• Will soon have new tests (B modes; non-Gaussianity, etc.) with forthcoming CMB experiments

• But there may be more we can do…..• Implications of anomalies should be

explored---window to new physics?