' ' ' "" 'V ' i . ' - " . IS i - - , - - rririvmtfiw it rw y r 7 'Sss&r - .i-- j- T--T- yr i -- rt ; '"i yy?Hvy -- y- If PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FRIDAY . OCTOBER 15, 188G. Advertisements. 1 I I i I! 4 . t 'I VOL. V. NO. 245. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLUHKD ETery Morning Except Sundays. V BSC R IIT1 0 NS : Daily P. C. Advkrtiskr, one yar f 00 Daily P. C. Advkktiskb, six months 3 00 Daily I. C A ivkk tiskr. ttiree ruonthi. 1 .'0 Daily I. V. Advkktiskk, pr moutfi 60 Wkkkly I. C Auvkktiskk, one year S 00 F t Uca Subscription, W. 1. C. A. (iiicladln uoataej 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance Birthday Jubilee -- OF- His Majesty the King To all Hawaiian subject an JJ friends of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, His JtajtJhty'a loyal subject, contemplating with grateful heart the continued reign in good health of our beloved Sovereign, which has been Youchaafed us under the blessings of the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap- proach of the anniversary which mark the fiftieth year of His life an era in the life of Baler which in any lud is to be recog- nized among the people as a titting occasion for marked rejoicing and festive jubilee do nrite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends of the Nation, to join with us m a loyal and loTing celebration of the Iittietli Uirthdav OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING, -- ON TIIE- - lGth Bay of Xovemlcr Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, God willing, we may all unite in demonstrations of lore and. foal ty to our Beloved King, TAUL P. KAN OA. JNO. M. KAPENA, L. AHOLO. JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH, JNO. L. KAULUKOU. HEEIA AGRICULTURAL COM- - PANY, LIMITED. rpaE ANNTAL MEETISO OF TUK STOCK-- 1 holder of the Heii Agricultural Company .Limited;, will be held on WEDNESDAY., October JO. 138S. at 3 o'clock p. ax., at the office of ii. S. Uriabaaia It Co.. Queen street, Honolulu. A. GARTEN BEKtf, Sacretarr Heeia Agricultural Co- - tLimitsd. Houoiulu, October 11. l&M. Ioc20 THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (UmitMl . Kee constantlv on han-1- , for sale. STEAM. fc'AMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general aMaorruieiit of B.K IKON. ly E. K. Mayhew, CONT11ACTOU AN1 BUILDER. & llot-- l Street. Honolulu. 11 1.. ;Ol'P.s:te Fashion stabies). l. O. COX 3 15. BELL TELEPHONE 53. I AH worn in my line failht-iil- done. Plunn and ' tuade. Jouhmg in ail details d.ue short notice. Oood wori Aiitl low otiirw. is r motto. :4!e-.i.- 5 TO LET. i? AL AM V TWO NICE CCTTACIES IN RO- - ; Uo'Laae. for rJO and ittO per month re-- j V'w mauir at Hyman Bros., gueja - j 284 t: 7ING W0 CHAN i 0C. Fli HAndherchieK any .taIe ttern. Fiiil Ci;car in wxes of .50 o. Xh i hat s ar of a superior quauty to any l,lanr bea o2ered for sale la tbese W0 CHAN Jl CO., 1 i 13 If i 1 n S:; i i 9 If Pviiijtrtismtitts. Wm. O. Irwia. GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS) Draw Kxchaage ou the principal parts of tlie world. Will receive deposits ou open account, tua&e collections and couJuct a euer&l banking ttad exebaue busioess. Deposits bearing Interest rcelved In their Sav Ip.ks Department subject to published ruin aad rwula:lo.is. "7o'3tf M. PHIIilPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealer in Iiutort'Prt Boots, Shoes, Mats, Men's FurniHh-In- g and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu. H. I. Utf-w- tf CLAC8 SPRSCKSU fa. . uiiri. WM. G. IBWIN & Co., Hi A It FACTORS au.t Coinmi-islo- u S AUhNTS. Honolulu H. I. MACFAELANE & CO-- , WHOLESALE DEALERS AD EV f eral Jobbers in WINES and LIQUCKS. o. 12 KaaliuiuAiiu Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf H. HACKFELD & CO., E.VEKAL COMMISSION AGENTS. G 11 tf Queeu St., Honoiuiu, H.I. T. W. UAKItS. r omjtsKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Tmportem A Otuimivlou MercIiantM. X. uueen street, tionoiuiu, tx. 1. 14-- tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. tf Hyman I3ros., 3H4iueeu street. 11 ou 1 ii 1 11 . Soie agents for W. Puke SnsdfcCo.'s celebrated brands of Cross Cut Smoking Tobacco AND CAMEO CIGARETTES. The latter containing one holder to every cl mj -- ette, and therefore every snioier can keep ) hand clean. I XT' As we only sell to the trade, protection of j 5r;c is guaranteed. :uo oc'JO j OTICE GIYS NOTICE THAT FROM AND IHERE3Y date I will not be responsible for auv debts contracted without the written order of "nivMelf or wife. SAMUEL PARKER Ho'nolulil. September li). lStl. 37H dec 11 Clunese Hawaiiaa Iatellizeace 05.ee : T"HE UNDERSIGNED LS PREPARED TO FUR- - A nish Chinese -- erva.ata tor every aewnpiiou or work, incluuing house servants, stewards. cooks, waiters. garUenem. carpenters, etc.. etc. j CHINESE lA'TF..tPKtTI. A svecillty. Accounts collected and general! commissions carefully nd prv;mptly executed. Otlie?: Corner Nuuaan and Su'sui streets. W. SAX ENG. Honolula. September 11. 3VJ-ocf- J'J To the IPuiblic. The Pacific Transfer Co.. Office with C. K. MUler, 4- - Merchant street. Bell Telephone 377. Telephone 31. drrriUrtnrntjei. BOXE MEAL!! The undersigned are now prepared to re- ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck A' Ohlandt San Francisco; The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 2'J.IS " " Silicious Matter 4.65 " " Lime 31.70 " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " " Osi le of Iron S.5 " " Carbonic Acid 1.89 " ' Alka Salts 52 " 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands, sstf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. L iii. f J. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Kook, Xmi. Flat and Lnbel PMTt. B iit tie it lioart4. Twiue, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT. 2D3 LoIJesiortr Street. Ielephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. H.-Spe- viHl Attention ;iven to Iirxe C'ontraets. 5 tfAw The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Bt-al- e and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR... Presi'lent JUS. MOORE . .S jperintendeot GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN 1 all Its branches; steamboat, steamship. Land Engines and ii'ner?, iiih Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges aad .Steam Tujis constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be eaipioyed. Speed, ton- nage aad draft of water guaranteed. SDiAR illLLS AND s Uf A R-- A KING MA- CHINERY made afti-- r the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work coouected therewith. WA TER FIFE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made lu suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRA UX.IC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water I'ipe made by this estahlisnment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, th&t iuality of work being far superior to haiid work. SHIP WORK, ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for tho I"a- - c.hV Coast of the Heine safety Boilttr. PUMPS Direct Acting Pun; ps, for Irrigation or City WcrKs' purposes, bui.t wiiii the cele- - brated Davy Valve Motion , superior to aiiy other pump. J. N. WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. U, upstairs, spreckels Block. :'Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) .'Hse.(0-lyd-- L. G. SHESOTICII & CO., Commission Merchants an; Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and drieu: manuiacturera of Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas. Linj-s- . Pine Apples. iciiy Lemons. Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of ail kinds. Dates and Smyrna Figs. ?rf-ki:i- Fn.nt Or export a specialty. Long ct. peneuww in shipping to China. Australia, Mexico, eutral America. Eastern states, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported d'rect ny wry steamer. Branch House, san Frar.risco, P. O. box U;M. Honolulu. H. I.. P.O. box 120. I 113, 415 and 417 Washington itret. opposite Post Oface: 412. 114 and 41tS t street. 479 7 SAN FRANt BEAVER SALOON. NO- - 1 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder t Co.'s; H. J . Noite, Propr. i OPEN ro 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. I FI&3T-ILAS- S Lr.CHES, COFFEK, TEA, SODA WATER, UM.KU ALE, CJiLTti i and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain aad Fancy PIPES personady selected from the Mitn :facturerj. aad a Lar?e V.irVty of BKsT QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lov-- rs o BILI-lAltr- ? will flnd an Elegant mm at m j iiVlti ft Hit 1 t iuaa on the Premises. T7ie Pronr.etor vouid tie pieiied to reir a ea.l from his Frvnds and the Public generally So may desir a LrS'CH, A SMOKE. OR A OA.ME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE. 3ldrfrttsemtnts. SUN FIRE OFFICE F L O S D O . E S T K B LIS HE I 17 10. T JL description of property at the current ratts of premium. Total sum Insured hi 1SS3 - - 327. 33:1,700 Cliiiun arraujffd by the local rtouts, aud pad with prompiitudd ar.d liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Trlbui.s recosmico G. W. Macfarlane &l Co., lOddcwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL - 10.000.000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Insurance ui U leterlitiou Ilre be effected at Moderate Kates of Fri-i- a uoi, bv the undersigned. WM. O. I RAVIN & CO Managers for Haw. Islands U IM I O IC Fire and Muriiie Insurance Co. Of Xew ZenliftiKl. CAPITAL. : t O.OOO.OOO: Established an Aijeiiey at Uaviuur for the Hawaiian lslauds. tiie are prepared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, ou favorable terms. Marine risks on cargOj freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. LoHes promptly adjusted A payable. Si-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN & CO. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Vo. 60 .Ynuniiii Street. Honolulu, II. 1. Particular attention paid to repairiTi?. 2'-- tf JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alakea Street. Will furnish tsuinates and make cou traits for aay dejriptiou of wMd buildings. Jobbing of ail kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest. 25 tf Tahiti Lemonade uni'h CI j j j Table Waters. -- Erate.l j (ilNCJES ALE. LEMONADE, j GRENADINE. FLA1.N SODA Absolutely lure. As supplied to the principal families in Hono- lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. 3i5tt Ivoliala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON' HAND. Fancy drinks of every description j a specially. i Ii. EC. Webb, j djtwly Proprietor. I W S. LUCE, WIXE and SPIRIT MERCHANT. tampbeU BiMk. .tferctuiiit t.. ir ts just received tnese celebrated Sranita ot Whl4k'.eH in i:ise q & ( s s KENTUCKY WHISKY, (Jm V TUART KENTUCKY WHISKY, McKENN.CS KENTUCKY WHISKY MALTED RYE WHISKY. And in Bulk. OLD CROW" WHISKY, " HERMITAGE " WHISKY. "NEW HOTE ' WHISKY. BEL AIR" WHISKY. Spe.-::i-l attention drawn to N AGLEE' FINEST OLD Pt'P.E CALIFOP.NIA BHANDY. S" Fall Une of the hen bran 's 'd Cban:pajtse, Brandle-- . vv SNtde. etc.. aiav ianil. ATTOB.YETS.AT-LAW- . CURSNCr w. VOUTKT V Ashford A Atbfortl, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS. ADVOCATES, ETC. Ottlce Honolulu Hale, adjoining th Post Office. 27dAwtf BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AND CECIL PuMlc. Campbell s Block. Merchant street M. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- , And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance 00 Merchnnt street, Honolulu. H. I. 405 tf J. M. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Estate In any part of tbe Kio Real Bought, sold and Leased on Comiiii&sku Loans Negotiated and Legal Doeuments Drawn No. 27 MERCHANT STHELT, Gazette Block. Honolulu. tf WEXXEfi & CO. 2 Fort Street. Have on band New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pius. Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver aad Gold Plate, Eleg-an- t Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing In all Its branches. fCT" Hole AgentJ) for King's Eye Presejvers. Metropolitan Market KINO STREET, G.J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR Choice! Meat fruni Fluest IIeri Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at th Lowest Market Prices. All meatu delivered from this market ar thor ougly hllled Immediately after killing by means rf Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all Its Jolcy properties, and jj GUARANTEED TO KEEP II5UKR AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLEDMKA- 14-- tt JOSEPH TINKER, Family Shipping liutclisr. CITY 3IAKKET, NUUANU STREET. All order Promptly attended to. Telephone 2i9, botli companies ,IOcF.Pn TINKER w!snetv Inform bin patrons j and the puUlc gT.erally that h arlSl dn rr his noteri Cambridge Sausages, FbrK fvry afternoon Viiws the hours r,f 3 an-- "i r. m. CORNED BEEF an-- ! FICKI.Fr TONGUE il'-nri- i on hand. 3f MONTHLY PA Y3IENTS. All accounts for Ail rert!!r,if and Jn Prln:! tie at the Pacific Commercial A ''.Ttlsr OfTre wzv, from th; dao i firoueitod f.r pay. ! tr.ent monthiT. S. L. ITAXLKT. John Bract-NCK-. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importrs and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS ilO Front St.. San FraucUco. 57 tf ft w ISAAC K. DAVM. H E.N it Y COWKI.t DAVIS &. C0WELL. JiANUrACTCKKKS OF Santa Cruz Lime. TMFORTERS OF ENGLISH FtlRTLAND 'E- - X MK.N T, FLA 41 Kit, FIRE URiClvfS, FIKK CLAY, Kt. 211-21- 3 DKl'MH Street, bt. Oay and Wasl.tiKUni, P, O. Box ,292. HAN FRANCISCO. 525-m-- J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and It Fine street, San Francisco, CaJ Agents for Klrby's auta Cruz TatiDeriwi. Hoi Harness and all other kinds of leather. l&vses ly H. H. ELLIS. J. W. M1LLF.B. ELLlSifeMILLEK Wholesale and Comnils.-tlo- n Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SFE.R STREET, Between Market and Misdoo.HAN FMANiJISCO W Order Mollrtte.l. 42dec2-l- y Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIOXEER WHITE LEAD, PACIFIC RUBBER PA 1ST, PAINTH, OIL'S, WINDOW ULAHH nod A R- - TlsT" MATERIALS, 21-2- 3 Front ht t t Sun rnutU(i 424-t2i-l- y C. MAIN. E. H. WINCHESTER. 3Iain & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importers of Hamest, Saddle. Itrldle, Wlklpw, COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. Nob. 21. 218. 218 and 221 Raltery Rtret, San (Francisco. Illu traied caialogne nent on application. mch20 PROVIDENCE RIVER BRAND OF Cove Oysters Ar gnaranteed to be of the BEST quality. Our " rOPL'LAR " brand of I'IXEaPM.W are not excelled. FAIT & WINEMtENNEU, Packkkr, Baltimore, Md. C. O. YOUNG, Anent, 2S Pa is street. Hn Francisco, C al. 9 umiunnn RESTORED Th4 rrrunn that Thousand tnnnnt gei rttrnt of HEitlSAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAS-J00- 0, anii Ifiemullnf abum. dafair or txt'ttrt, U omng to a eompheatirm tailed PROS TA TOR RHEA. DR. LlCliimt .VFOORATOR the O.SL Yc a re for PROS TA TOR RUE A. Price. $ 1.00 pr paekore, 8 ptrkajet, flO.'O. Guide tit Health and Adireu LIE -- MtO DISPEXSA R Tfor bete of Iff , M Geary St., San Franci$eo, Cat. i').J-- Dodge, Sweeney & Co., Kan Fraiirleo, l a I. WholaI rtalri In Butter, Ch-es- , Ird, and all kinds of provlnlonn. SOLE AGENTS FOR I.ibby, .McNeill A I.ilbjs tunned Meats. If. .M. fnpee' (F.aKle Brand) Clilcae Hams. Ffcnry Vrbajf' Canned Vienna and If am .Saitaice, And it. W. Hume's 4'I Iif"' Rrnnd of fanned Salmon. lr io h'10 frT G. 31. Josselyn X Co., Importers and 'A'holitI Leal(riilti Ship Chandlery, 3 and (O Market St Man Francisco. A(rnw for Taonfn ."heati,!n Metal fsnnfHi-ior-ri- i r.'ompan v. .'2i '- -i y WATERHOUSE & LUSTER, Importer ot Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE 'MATERIAL. 1 to 22 Reale Street. San f'rnurisco. 1:77- - !yV7 Emplovmont Ofico- - r.vrif.iHKlXKI) fX AH MfjVf.Ti INTO TTIK f,f!',re r,t M r. J f '.. W ,iernH e , v h m he will le prepare'! it, f irnih Jioiiif r.ild 'erv..r', co'l.'"t ol,m. 1o A niclo f hir,e li, f sj, urid n LEVI STRAUSS k CO., It and 1H Ptlry mrtun Frnf!v fa!. Importer, r.f VrT',fn n1 rorr)' I'rye'od. Ifclery. Lii'lie nd (ienfn Fir'dMriK fie!. Jol Proprietor rd Ma'.nfiV t'irer. .f . :ed PaI-FN- RIVJKTttr) CVjTfltX. 179 !ow t: Quen & EUinhur-j- streets, WHOLKbALK A RkTAIL Dealers Ui HAY AND ;KVIX. Telephone No. 17a. Goods deliveret? promptly. Islanil Orders feolirlled. 91lf EUEEKA ! We have receiveii a consignment o the moi-- t tonomical and Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and Butter producer ill use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per renL of nu ritive matter; this nwarly 3i per cent. 100 Its. o this meal is equal to 300 Its. of oata, or 31 Jts. of corn, or to 767 Its. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lot to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well aa our c.sual supply of the best kinds o Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corji, Etc., Ete. LAINE c CO. IS tf 1 John F. Col burn, Importer and Dealer in Hay and G-iain- ? Corner Kin? and Maunakea Streets. delivered promptly. Mutual telephone :47. i tf TELEPHONE 55 pt irnT, lbs i.Tl Alakea, near Qneen St. L.i3 21-- tf Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson. Smith & Co. Samt)le bottle free. TRY IT. tf J. LYONS, rVnctioneer AND General Commission Merchant. Masonic Block. Queen St., Honolulu rnitnre. Stock. Real Estate ai Mercuanitlse properly atv-nrte- to. Sole Aarenl for Sfgrir.au & Enrone Merciiaiidiss. nt-t- f j . 1-- 1 . SOPEPu Mjcssor to J. M. Oat, Jr.. & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian GnyJJe Elor;k. .Hereliant t. Ifonololti. If. I. JOSHUA II END Y Xacliirte "Works 3fo. X5 to .51 Fremont Street. s KN FRANfl'CO. M.mu'.ic irer o? Nv and deierj .r Second- hand Boiles. Eoanes an?l Machinery Cjt F.v-r- y I;eor'pt.on. Have connta.iiJy ir, sr.iot Xerr and Serr.n- .ar.d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, machinists- - tool.5-- , rp.p.lgatino and pumptn.-- ; machinep-- y PIPTNG. PIPE-FITTINli- ETC. Ca'.ior'.T and prTce :'j5ia tor-vard- cpTi appd-cat''- ". fely I am ."uily prepared to do all fclad of Iraywe. haailn or moviiijt worn, ail ot wuica I rai ua:-an:- e to e.tecnte ftiitoimly. W 1 . F. ;RAHAM. P'retor NUCANU STREET. , V

it rw rririvmtfiw r 'i - eVols at University of Hawaii at …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38310/1/...W. SAX ENG. Honolula. September 11. 3VJ-ocf-J'J To the IPuiblic

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rririvmtfiwit rw y r 7'Sss&r - .i-- j- T--T-yr i -- rt ;'"i yy?Hvy -- y-













VOL. V. NO. 245.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


ETery Morning Except Sundays.

V BSC R IIT1 0 N S :

Daily P. C. Advkrtiskr, one yar f 00Daily P. C. Advkktiskb, six months 3 00Daily I. C A ivkk tiskr. ttiree ruonthi. 1 .'0Daily I. V. Advkktiskk, pr moutfi 60Wkkkly I. C Auvkktiskk, one year S 00F t Uca Subscription, W. 1. C. A. (iiicladln

uoataej 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance

Birthday Jubilee-- OF-

His Majesty the King

To all Hawaiian subject an JJ friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, HisJtajtJhty'a loyal subject, contemplating withgrateful heart the continued reign in goodhealth of our beloved Sovereign, which hasbeen Youchaafed us under the blessings of

the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which mark thefiftieth year of His life an era in the life of

Baler which in any lud is to be recog-

nized among the people as a titting occasionfor marked rejoicing and festive jubilee donrite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends

of the Nation, to join with us m a loyal andloTing celebration of the

Iittietli UirthdavOF


--ON TIIE- -

lGth Bay of Xovemlcr

Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, Godwilling, we may all unite in demonstrationsof lore and.foal ty to our Beloved King,





holder of the Heii Agricultural Company.Limited;, will be held on WEDNESDAY., OctoberJO. 138S. at 3 o'clock p. ax., at the office of ii. S.

Uriabaaia It Co.. Queen street, Honolulu.A. GARTEN BEKtf,

Sacretarr Heeia Agricultural Co- - tLimitsd.Houoiulu, October 11. l&M. Ioc20



(UmitMl .

Kee constantlv on han-1- , for sale. STEAM.fc'AMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalaMaorruieiit of B.K IKON. ly


& llot-- l Street. Honolulu. 11 1..

;Ol'P.s:te Fashion stabies).

l. O. COX 3 15. BELL TELEPHONE 53.


AH worn in my line failht-iil- done. Plunn and '

tuade. Jouhmg in ail details d.ueshort notice. Oood wori Aiitl low otiirw. isr motto. :4!e-.i.- 5


Uo'Laae. for rJO and ittO per month re-- jV'w mauir at Hyman Bros., gueja- j 284 t:

7ING W0 CHAN i 0C.Fli HAndherchieK any .taIe

ttern.Fiiil Ci;car in wxes of .50

o.Xh i

hat s ar of a superior quauty to anyl,lanr bea o2ered for sale la tbese







i i




Wm. O. Irwia.



Draw Kxchaage ou the principal parts of tlieworld.

Will receive deposits ou open account, tua&ecollections and couJuct a euer&l banking ttadexebaue busioess.

Deposits bearing Interest rcelved In their SavIp.ks Department subject to published ruin aadrwula:lo.is. "7o'3tf

M. PHIIilPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealer inIiutort'PrtBoots, Shoes, Mats, Men's FurniHh-In- g

and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street.Honolulu. H. I. Utf-w- tf

CLAC8 SPRSCKSU fa. . uiiri.

WM. G. IBWIN & Co.,Hi A It FACTORS au.t Coinmi-islo- uS AUhNTS. Honolulu H. I.



o. 12 KaaliuiuAiiu Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf


T. W. UAKItS. r omjtsKLT

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Tmportem A Otuimivlou MercIiantM.X. uueen street, tionoiuiu, tx. 1. 14-- tf

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. tf

Hyman I3ros.,

3H4iueeu street. 1 1 o u 1 ii 1 11 .

Soie agents for W. Puke SnsdfcCo.'scelebrated brands of

Cross Cut Smoking Tobacco


The latter containing one holder to every cl mj --

ette, and therefore every snioier can keep )

hand clean.I

XT' As we only sell to the trade, protection of j

5r;c is guaranteed. :uo oc'JO j


GIYS NOTICE THAT FROM ANDIHERE3Y date I will not be responsible forauv debts contracted without the written orderof "nivMelf or wife. SAMUEL PARKER

Ho'nolulil. September li). lStl. 37H dec 11

Clunese Hawaiiaa Iatellizeace 05.ee :


A nish Chinese --erva.ata tor every aewnpiiouor work, incluuing house servants, stewards.cooks, waiters. garUenem. carpenters, etc.. etc. j

CHINESE lA'TF..tPKtTI.A svecillty. Accounts collected and general!commissions carefully nd prv;mptly executed.

Otlie?: Corner Nuuaan and Su'sui streets.W. SAX ENG.

Honolula. September 11. 3VJ-ocf- J'J

To the IPuiblic.

The Pacific Transfer Co..Office with C. K. MUler, 4-- Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Telephone 31.


BOXE MEAL!!The undersigned are now prepared to re-

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck A' OhlandtSan Francisco;

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 2'J.IS " "Silicious Matter 4.65 " "Lime 31.70 "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " "Osi le of Iron S.5 " "Carbonic Acid 1.89 " 'Alka Salts 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands,



St. L iii. f J.Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Kook, Xmi.Flat and Lnbel PMTt.B iit tie it lioart4.Twiue, Etc.


2D3 LoIJesiortr Street.Ielephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

H.-Spe- viHl Attention ;iven toIirxe C'ontraets. 5 tfAw

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Bt-al-e and Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR... Presi'lentJUS. MOORE . .S jperintendeot

GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN1 all Its branches; steamboat, steamship.Land Engines and ii'ner?, iiih Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges aad .Steam Tujis

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be eaipioyed. Speed, ton-nage aad draft of water guaranteed.

SDiAR illLLS AND s Uf A R-- A KING MA-CHINERY made afti-- r the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work coouectedtherewith.

WA TER FIFE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made lu suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRA UX.IC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater I'ipe made by this estahlisnment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,th&t iuality of work being far superior tohaiid work.

SHIP WORK, ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for tho I"a--c.hV Coast of the Heine safety Boilttr.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pun; ps, for Irrigation orCity WcrKs' purposes, bui.t wiiii the cele- -brated Davy Valve Motion , superior to aiiyother pump.

J. N. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. U, upstairs, spreckels Block.

:'Agent for Hawaiian Islands ).'Hse.(0-lyd--

L. G. SHESOTICII & CO.,Commission Merchants an; Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and drieu:manuiacturera of Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas.Linj-s- . Pine Apples. iciiy Lemons. TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of ail kinds. Datesand Smyrna Figs.

?rf-ki:i- Fn.nt Or export a specialty. Long ct.peneuww in shipping to China. Australia, Mexico,

eutral America. Eastern states, etc. TropicalFruits Imported d'rect ny wry steamer.

Branch House, san Frar.risco, P. O. box U;M.Honolulu. H. I.. P.O. box 120. I

113, 415 and 417 Washington itret. opposite PostOface: 412. 114 and 41tS t street.

479 7 SAN FRANt


Opposite Wilder t Co.'s;

H. J . Noite, Propr. i

OPEN ro 3 A. M. TILL 10 P.I



CJiLTti i and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain aad Fancy PIPES personady selected from

the Mitn :facturerj. aad a Lar?e V.irVty


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lov-- rs o BILI-lAltr- ? will flnd an Elegant

mm at m jiiVlti ft Hit 1 t iuaa

on the Premises.

T7ie Pronr.etor vouid tie pieiied to reir a ea.l

from his Frvnds and the Public generally

So may desir a


H. J. N0LTE.



E S T K B L I S H E I 17 10.

TJL description of property at the current rattsof premium.

Total sum Insured hi 1SS3 - - 327. 33:1,700

Cliiiun arraujffd by the local rtouts, aud pad

with prompiitudd ar.d liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Trlbui.s recosmico

G. W. Macfarlane &l Co.,

lOddcwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



CAPITAL - 10.000.000


Insurance ui U leterlitiouIlre be effected at Moderate Kates of Fri-i- a

uoi, bv the undersigned.WM. O. I RAVIN & COManagers for Haw. Islands

U IM I O ICFire and Muriiie Insurance Co.

Of Xew ZenliftiKl.


Established an Aijeiiey atUaviuur for the Hawaiian lslauds. tiieare prepared to accept risks against Fire

In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,ou favorable terms. Marine risks on cargOjfreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

LoHes promptly adjusted A payable.Si-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN & CO.


Manufacturing Jeweler,Vo. 60 .Ynuniiii Street.

Honolulu, II. 1.

Particular attention paid to repairiTi?. 2'--tf


House Carpenter & Builder,31 Alakea Street.

Will furnish tsuinates and make cou traits foraay dejriptiou of wMd buildings.

Jobbing of ail kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 25 tf

Tahiti Lemonade uni'hCI




Table Waters.--Erate.lj



Absolutely lure.

As supplied to the principal families in Hono-lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. 3i5tt

Ivoliala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Fancy drinks of every description j

a specially.i

Ii. EC. Webb, j

djtwly Proprietor. I


tampbeU BiMk. .tferctuiiit t..ir ts just received tnese celebrated Sranita ot

Whl4k'.eH in i:ise







Spe.-::i-l attention drawn to N AGLEE'FINEST OLD Pt'P.E CALIFOP.NIA BHANDY.

S" Fall Une of the hen bran 's 'd Cban:pajtse,Brandle-- . vv SNtde. etc.. aiav ianil.





Ottlce Honolulu Hale, adjoining th PostOffice. 27dAwtf

BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- ANDCECIL PuMlc. Campbell s Block. Merchantstreet



And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance 00Merchnnt street, Honolulu. H. I. 405 tf



NOTARY PUBLIC.Estate In any part of tbe KioReal Bought, sold and Leased on Comiiii&sku

Loans Negotiated and Legal Doeuments Drawn

No. 27 MERCHANT STHELT,Gazette Block. Honolulu. tf

WEXXEfi & CO.2 Fort Street.

Have on band New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pius. Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver aad Gold Plate,Eleg-an- t Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing In all Its branches.fCT" Hole AgentJ) for King's Eye Presejvers.

Metropolitan Market



Choice! Meat fruni Fluest IIeri

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at th

Lowest Market Prices.

All meatu delivered from this market ar thorougly hllled Immediately after killing by meansrf Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all Its Jolcy properties,and jj GUARANTEED TO KEEP II5UKRAFTER DELIVERY THAN FREHHLY-KILLEDMKA-

14-- tt


Family Shipping liutclisr.



All order Promptly attended to.Telephone 2i9, botli companies

,IOcF.Pn TINKER w!snetv Inform bin patrons j

and the puUlc gT.erally that h arlSl dn rr hisnoteri

Cambridge Sausages,

FbrK fvry afternoon Viiws the hours r,f 3an-- "i r. m. CORNED BEEF an-- ! FICKI.FrTONGUE il'-nri-i on hand. 3f


All accounts for Ail rert!!r,if and Jn Prln:! tieat the

Pacific Commercial A ''.TtlsrOfTre wzv, from th; dao i firoueitod f.r pay. !

tr.ent monthiT.

S. L. ITAXLKT. John Bract-NCK-.

Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importrs and Jobbers of Fine


ilO Front St.. San FraucUco.57 tf ft w




X MK.N T, FLA 41 Kit, FIRE URiClvfS, FIKKCLAY, Kt.211-21- 3 DKl'MH Street, bt. Oay and Wasl.tiKUni,

P, O. Box ,292. HAN FRANCISCO.525-m--




12 and It Fine street, San Francisco, CaJ

Agents for Klrby's auta Cruz TatiDeriwi. HoiHarness and all other kinds of leather.

l&vses ly


ELLlSifeMILLEKWholesale and Comnils.-tlo- n Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SFE.R STREET,

Between Market and Misdoo.HAN FMANiJISCOW Order Mollrtte.l. 42dec2-l- y

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



TlsT" MATERIALS,21-2- 3 Front ht t t Sun rnutU(i

424-t2i-l- y


3Iain & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers of

Hamest, Saddle. Itrldle, Wlklpw,


Nob. 21. 218. 218 and 221 Raltery Rtret, San(Francisco. Illu traied caialogne nent

on application. mch20


Cove OystersAr gnaranteed to be of the BEST quality.

Our " rOPL'LAR " brand of I'IXEaPM.Ware not excelled.

FAIT & WINEMtENNEU, Packkkr,Baltimore, Md.

C. O. YOUNG, Anent, 2S Pa is street. HnFrancisco, C al.

9umiunnn RESTORED

Th4 rrrunn that Thousand tnnnnt gei rttrnt ofHEitlSAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAS-J00- 0,

anii Ifiemullnf abum. dafair or txt'ttrt,U omng to a eompheatirm tailed PROS TA TORRHEA. DR. LlCliimt .VFOORATORthe O.SL Yc arefor PROS TA TOR RUE A. Price.$1.00 pr paekore, 8 ptrkajet, flO.'O. Guide titHealth and Adireu LIE --

MtO DISPEXSA R Tfor bete of Iff ,

M Geary St., San Franci$eo, Cat.i').J--

Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,Kan Fraiirleo, l a I.

WholaI rtalri In Butter, Ch-es- , Ird, andall kinds of provlnlonn.

SOLE AGENTS FORI.ibby, .McNeill A I.ilbjs tunned

Meats.If. .M. fnpee' (F.aKle Brand) Clilcae

Hams.Ffcnry Vrbajf' Canned Vienna and

If am .Saitaice,And it. W. Hume's 4'I Iif"' Rrnnd of

fanned Salmon. lr io h'10 frT

G. 31. Josselyn X Co.,Importers and 'A'holitI Leal(riilti

Ship Chandlery,3 and (O Market St Man Francisco.A(rnw for Taonfn ."heati,!n Metal fsnnfHi-ior-ri- i

r.'ompan v. .'2i '--i y



1 to 22 Reale Street. San f'rnurisco.1:77- - !yV7

Emplovmont Ofico- -

r.vrif.iHKlXKI) fX AH MfjVf.Ti INTOTTIK f,f!',re r,t M r. J f '.. W ,iernH e , v h m hewill le prepare'! it, f irnih Jioiiif r.ild 'erv..r',co'l.'"t ol,m. 1o A niclo f hir,e li, f sj, urid n

LEVI STRAUSS k CO.,It and 1H Ptlry mrtun Frnf!v fa!.

Importer, r.f VrT',fn n1 rorr)' I'rye'od.Ifclery. Lii'lie nd (ienfn Fir'dMriK fie!.Jol Proprietor rd Ma'.nfiV t'irer. .f .

:ed PaI-FN- RIVJKTttr) CVjTfltX.179 !ow t:

Quen & EUinhur-j- streets,WHOLKbALK A RkTAIL

Dealers Ui

HAY AND ;KVIX.Telephone No. 17a.

Goods deliveret? promptly.

Islanil Orders feolirlled.



We have receiveii a consignment o the moi-- t

tonomical and Valuable Feed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer ill use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per renL of nuritive matter; this nwarly 3i per cent.

100 Its. o this meal is equal to 300 Its. of oata,or 31 Jts. of corn, or to 767 Its. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lot to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well aa

our c.sual supply of the best kinds o

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corji, Etc., Ete.



John F. Colburn,Importer and Dealer in

Hay and G-iain- ?

Corner Kin? and Maunakea Streets.

delivered promptly.Mutual telephone :47. i tf


pt irnT, lbs

i.Tl Alakea, near Qneen St. L.i321-- tf

Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson. Smith & Co.

Samt)le bottle free.TRY IT. tf



General Commission Merchant.Masonic Block. Queen St., Honolulu

rnitnre. Stock. Real Estateai Mercuanitlse properly atv-nrte- to.

Sole Aarenl for

Sfgrir.au & Enrone Merciiaiidiss.nt-t- f

j . 1--1 . SOPEPuMjcssor to

J. M. Oat, Jr.. & Co.,


Hawaiian GnyJJe Elor;k.

.Hereliant t. Ifonololti. If. I.


Xacliirte "Works3fo. X5 to .51 Fremont Street.

s KN FRANfl'CO.M.mu'.ic irer o? Nv and deierj .r Second-


Boiles. Eoanes an?l Machinery

Cjt F.v-r- y I;eor'pt.on.

Have connta.iiJy ir, sr.iot Xerr and Serr.n- .ar.d

WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY,machinists- - tool.5-- ,

rp.p.lgatino and pumptn.-- ; machinep--y


Ca'.ior'.T and prTce :'j5ia tor-vard- cpTi appd-cat''- ".

felyI am ."uily prepared to do all fclad of Iraywe.

haailn or moviiijt worn, ail ot wuica I rai ua:-an:- e

to e.tecnte ftiitoimly.W 1 . F. ;RAHAM. P'retorNUCANU STREET. ,




CoEEercial Advertiser ;


Pacific i"The I.. .C :


TL-- - il'u-tra'e- d map o: Ocean Mir. 1,

on which Mr. J. D. strong hi beenvv..'ik::: :!!. his return from the trip inthe Vv'aialealt-- . is now on exhibition atthe Jcvernment liuii-liiir- . The work isdone from skctchos takt-- on the spot inwater colors and oils, and gives a truth-ful idea oi the island, the wreck, and theree: surrounding it. In the center is a


; : k - i..-

TI.- - - ?.;:

i.ht :Vr

Ladies' "A h:!i c tr.ki per '..ij street.! The hook ...f

EVERY MORNING. kid .ove. bestat N". - L- - Fort

-- :o:-the-- . tr.ao ot tr.e nd showm; the posiucns

i'.?. Price.AlX.O'.'.C AM' T'.'r.:


Tt uaiers:r-e-i oStt tit tile, ftt lcwst ctrtttWHITE XES, ANGELICA,





tek.ms or srRsrpjpno,i oo tent-- .

--V The zzii:.g of I lorPer L.:n;Li...Six njcsrhnPer conth

i N. 1 has be.,k

'on. rnancervto Thursday

aLK for Maulat 10 C k.

eveuir.r. Oct be r --'lit.The sta:nc-- r W. G. Hail

and Hawaii thi- - iaorni:.iThe laail closes a!

The Kcyai Mail steamship Marlpo-- a will:at'ir-li!V- . A rr JA. frum TheIV' FKEETH PEACOCK.

CrKabcript Jou .Payable Aluaj i nAdraace.

CoiTiCutdcfctWr.s iroru ali pr:s of the Klig-JvS- i

will al nys oe very ic epic bit.Persons ril In nv per: of tti Ct-itf- l Sitats

cati reix'.i tti f s,i!.v.-rit-ti"- Us: "ay Po:Office money order.

Jlntttr intended t it puMi.-atl-ci- i i:j ti.r e lite-ria- l

colcrana shout J he a. to' E&IT'iJi pAtrnc CO.MMW.lAl. A ijVi.i-.Tl- .'

EejB:nes5 ciarn u n iefctkin au-- i

h e tiddre.ss-- i siir.;iy" P. C. AfcVEKII'i K."

And not Ui in. livid. la!


Ani. en route to .'run Franciso...ane Chinaman named Won ; 'm 1. O. Box 504.

of the h:u?e erected by the HawaiianGovernment, the four coxunut treesplanted, the fiai staff, and the two watertanks traced in position to catch thewater from the roof of the building,which is of corrugated iron. To the leftof this is a small plan of the entire reefwith the pv..sitions of the four vesselswreckvd on tlie island since 137.

Suito' lading those art a scries of watero-Io- r sketches iilutratiii? the shrub-bery, tbio creeping vine.- - which crow onthe beach, a careful painting of

thf wreck oi t!i.- - 1 .nnotter Castle, and afull length view of the island as soonfrom a distance. The largest sketch is aview of the south end of the island, tak-

ing in the two sand islands, and a partf the reef and lagoon where the Ion-r."tt- er

Castle lie-- o

One of the A'oorigines" is a spiriteddrawing f a fine sea bird found there.Then is also a detail picture of the housew' h the ll'uwaiian rlag waving above it,..nd in the distance a view of the tentleft on the island by the crew of theIhinr.otter Castle.

The combination of artistic and map

Just received, ex Lapwing, a large consignment o!

Genuine German CologneCIG--A J&.Buy Them! Smoke Them! Enjoy Them

Th-- y art- - a perfect luxury iui a preventative of .icknfsf. Buy theiu as von can aflorJJolUr's wortb. by the box, or evra a tUousan l at a time. It is iavinj money.

t iTHE Prepared by Juhann Maria Farina,

was eo:nn.:tteJ tr the In-ran- Aluna yv-terJ- y

on the I'r. W't-V-b- .

Mr. J. Ly.. fi will hoM Lis ca.--h

at 1'J k this when hewill utfvr ;i varit- - i a'jrtiaent :.f K-- iv

A line lunar rainbow wavjihlt la-?- t aftvr duk. Iti"orj:i'j I a i:o:ij'k-t- r sjian the hMV'n.

Unire--t-- i ki.l lovt-.-- . ladiv' un-ier-

pink, white, i Tea;:! and biue rah:nt-r- j'.:tre'-eive- by a::;' r. at J. I-

Tlie iat m .. r f Iln-in- e ''.:!. pany No. '

had a drill la-- t evt-nir.a- : at tho curin-- r :

:t'. u and rvrt -- trvets. A lare nutnbtrpco'lf v:tnv. ed tht wr'ul.

7 he jury in tht- - ca-- e oi the King v.George 'eijdon.chare't- - with a i.To

Commercial Advertiser Gegenuber dem Julichs-Pla- lz Cologne, Gemiany.n-- :o:EXGELBBECHT, SOX & CO.,

HOLLISTJMan til av Hirers, 2E & CO.,J. If. (J AT A Mtrrlia.-i-t

C'JtYsJTAL .h.IA WOP.K." IfnieJ sirt-t-- t

T. fi. TURlM P ri'trii drawing forms a most interesting en- - First Street, San Francisco, Cal.clival. orvue-ii- i ui a vvraa i i'Uui iai

cvvniiisf. ntei:ee wa dvtvrrvd.Tht re w:l! bv the al -- ervK e at t.

lOO Fort Street.ithedral th'N ewnii!Andrew' at

j semble. and the Hawaiian Government' are to K-- congratulated upon ossessingj such an altogether satisfactory piece ofi work.

o"vh. k. conducted by the Tdrhop vf Hono-lulu, who wid deliver a brief addrenFRIDAY OctoU-- r l'th.

1 ...?'. .nr- r i i

A Co. give notice that they have disposed j

of their business to Mr. John H. .roper, for j

whom they ask a continuance of patronage, j

Durfy--- Malt WLisky i- - the very K-- t j

stiurala::t for invalids suifering from wast- -

in.r diseases. It tnav be used bv evervone

l'olice Court.r.KKcKF. POLICE .TVsTICE rICKEKTcX.

Thi-kspay-, October 14th.

Ah Wa. cliarged with being a commonnuisance, was reprimanded and dis-

charged.Wong Gee, an insane ierson, was- com--


Great Reductions in all Departments,


Tlie Legislative Assembly, uponyesterdaj", was net by a newwith His Excellency Mr. Gibson

jStEW goods.Premier. Our l'arljarnentary rcr-v- rt wiii w:h full confidence of Wneficial results

successor to J. M. j mi t ted to the asylum,ale papier mache cases.

suilicientiy explain what tc.'k ujwjn ' Mr. John II. Soper.that occasion. The proceedings were Oat. Jr.. it Co., has lorertainly unique, and a novelty compared f..rnamtnts oi every de-cri- pi .on, historical j Gonsalves A Co. vs. Jose A. Dias. As-wi- th

anything that has ever before been cards and a lare iuantity of picture? suit- - j eumpsit for $100 So. Continued by con- - NEW GOODS.ab;e for scrap 1..oks.presented to an intelligent people in the

To make rcoiu for a largp and var:ej of goods, tultable for the celebration ofICth, to arrive w ith Chas. J. lsbel on the steaiuehip Alarueda, on

October SSth..Dr. J. Le-lv- v Smith. M. I.. Fort Plain,N.Y.. writes: "I have used your Duffy'sPure Malt Whi-k- y, and am convinced of j

its great purity, and its value a a stiniu- -

lant to be prescribed." To Arrive per Steamer Australia

way of representative government. How-

ever, we presume it was the t.-e- thatcould le done under the circumstances,and as Mr. Lilikalani declared that theCabinet was the handiwork of DivineProvidence it would be profanation onour part to criticise it.

Seriously, the new Cabinet has certainelements of strength which, if projerlydirected, may prove beneficial to the

sent to 21st instant.The same vs. J. Bento Ignatio. As-

sumpsit for $52 41. Mr. Jno. Austinfor plaintiff. Judgment confessed. Costs.

2o.Elizabeth Robson vs. Y. Anin.

Messrs. Kinney & Peterson for plaintiff.Plea of general issue. Assumpsit for

1S0, for the rent of land in the burntljrtion of the city, which had not beenpaid since tlie fire ; $30 allowed for partof land cut off to form a street. Verdictfor 1"0. Costs, 3 70.

rTp "I I f Ci 1 T W A -- c- r--

The Popular Millinery Hou:-e- . 104 Fortstreet, expects an entire new stock to ar-

rive on the steamer Australia on Fridaynext. Lock out for the opening: day. N.

..S. Sachs, proprietor.The following have been elected officersrountrv: and we sineerelv hore that

--FoR-.' of the Hum aula sheep fetation Company:such mav be trie case. If the statement i' .' President. A. Haneberp; ice President,

of tne Premier is to be accepted hterallv, ( .1 . . Glade; secretary, II. i. dade;.'the change has len a good one, although TreaUrer. J . F. Hackfeld. Honolulu Rifle.

7.'he Honolulu Rifles will hereafterthis assurance does not seem to reflect The Popular Millinery House,No book ever published contains so muchI drill regularly on "Wednesday and Fridayspecial credit upon himself, but if it is to

be taken in a Pickwickian sense, as the ; jing lhe Hawaiian Islands in such smallpublic will be apt to do from previous ; comra.es as -- he Honolvh" Alma.nac am-- I

experience, the outlook is not altogether; Dhuxtoky. pri :e. 5o cents. j

so consolatory. However, we honestlv i' ; et. Dow vt Co. have received, ex fe. fe. I

hope for the best. We are prepared xo jAutraIia mu?k. in,truci;cn v,,k.. folios


evenings of each week, in accordancewith an order issued by the Captain.The following apiointment.s have beenmade : Geo. C. Stratemeyer to le FourthSergeant; Fred. Wood, First Corporal;J. II. Reist. Second Corporal; W. S.Reals, Fourth Corporal. The companyw ill drill this evening at their armory. aST. S. SVCI-IS-, Proprietor.

pve the. Premier credit for good inton- - f ruuic j,.,by carriage-- , whi-- k brooms,tions and accept his declaration reg-ird-

- liamond hat racks, wagotis. small slates,ing the Cabinet in good faith, "that rustic frame:-- , luneh baskets, etc.. etc.

and prudence will be guides ofeconomy rumore.j that tLe Hon. j. M. Ka.their Ministerial action, and that their '

:oUecKir f;eneralt wi;i go back to hisadministration will be for the dignity of j cllJ 10.,;tiou a, p0,tmaster Ceneral. andtlie Throne and the best welfare of the th.it tlie linn Ci V. i will b

O. D. riiEETH. W. V. PEACHX'K.

FREETH cfc PEACOCK,Wholesale Mine ami Spirll .MerIiaiitt.

3rMP.S. M ELLIS' dreHsmaking establishment on the premises.

'23 IS'iiiiaiiii street Hoiioliilm, H. I.

Tlie 1'rorosation.;; His Majesty the King has signifiedhis intention to prorogue the LegislativeAssembly (Saturday) at 11

o'clock a. m. As is customary uponsuch occasions, the public will be in-

vited by proclamation to attend theclosing ceremony.

people." If that promise be verified, a Collector General. Also, that either the!good deal should be forgiven, for if there I Hon. J. E. P.u-- h or Hon. James Keau w ill

be anything needed at this crisi., it is bf" api-oine- Marshal of the Kingdom.-- :o:-

! Sole agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEl'HANT " GIN, Pellisson's uncolore.l,unsweetened, pure old I5RANDY onlv two qualities shippd, 7 and 10 years old.

! Hv. W. Smith ct Co.'seconomy and prudence as guides of Min- - ;

isterial action. Ieatli of Israel I'islifr.

QUARTERLY BUSINESS'It is in favor of Ministers that they Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mr. j

will te unfettered by ihe Legislature, j Israel Fisher, who has been an inmateThe Legislative Assen-'ol- v will be pro- -' of the Rranch Hospital. Kakaako. fori

A Canal fb Tap Niagara.Engineers pronounce the project of tap--

THISTLEDEW WHISKY,We orlc--r for sale at reduced figures, a larjre and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SIT1HTS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.

373I. O. Box 501. Telephone o. 216.J, Til. WISEMST,

eneral Itusiness Ay:'iit.

Campbell's Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu.ESTABLISHED 1S7VC

Eooks anJ ac-ouii- ts and collections attemleil to promptly.

Bell Telephone 1T2. l H J3- - Mutual Teleilione 372.

rotrued on Saturday, and thev will not ' the past four v.ars, died from the elects pin f". TCT i7 means or a canal" entirely practicable, and experts have de- -

therefore be surprised from day to.ir- -

isoii. On Wednesday aiternoon-

j tiared that not elsewhere within thelay by projMjsals for exenditure of someone on the premises heard hint; known world are there such natural ad-publ- ic

money which no responsible breathing heaviiv, and at once " ive in- -' v;iatases for the creation of a gigantic

,,cu,ive wouM venture o .,,- -'

fornliltk. u. T,,." ! T&liSgXS "SSjmend, but which nevertheless would i dxr of his cottage, which was fastened j power, if so much shall be wanted, at aprobably le approved by the As-- by a button on tlie inside, was broken, minimum of expense. Lake Erie and allstemblv. This is no sliuht advantage. ! and on enteiri" the room I'M er was

' the reat uPI,er lakes would be the mill-Th-e

;w K-,i- v hav .i,.l.v o carry W Ivin,-- o ,h wthini i Kai r'f, "and laOuo" tluracout the various contracts entered into. and insensible. Heheavily was dressed The supply of water can never be dimin-an- d

gie effect to the bills passed during i in bis best clothes. Medical assistance' ihed by drought; no spring floods nortlie session in' a faithful and earnest ! wa called, but he lingered until 4 feshets. w"i11 tear away the dams, for

, - ,1 there will be no dams. The supply of wa--as Mr. Gibson has promised, to dk whenspint, o yesterday attern-x-n- , he; ter be uniform, uninterrupted, and

satisfy the entire country an. 1 earn for ! breathed Ids last. He has tried on three practically unhmited. At the ordinary

DAVIS & W1LDEE,Importers and Dealers in

Staple atitl Fancy Groceries, I'roilnre, I'rov h'oiih hixI Feed.

ilSTo. 52 Fort street.Particular attention if called to tht fact that all trolls in our line re WARRANTED FRESIi

and of choice quality. All Importations sa-- so re'v.late J as to avoid accmuulallotiS of old Block.


LEW I & CO.,themselves an enviable reputation. , previous; occasions to end his existence; capitalized value of a horse-powe- r this j

There is no imdiment1 in their wav, bv taking The deceased had: aaa about rAW,000,tHW to the. . : tenal resources of the country. Chicagoand wethereiore anticipate a record of a o:ten told Deputy Marshal Dayton that News.

111 Fort Street. Importer atitl Iealer In

Staple aiad Fancy Grocerie:I'agraninl's Iot Uistrous "Triumph.

tniccosstul, earnest and economic admin- - i he would kill himself, and left instnic- - '

it ration. This is what the country ex-- : tions that when be was buried his' :o:-One ot Pasranini's most disastrous tri- -

AND- -. . it is almost worth a sacrifice j luneral should be wry qui. t, and that j umphs he had when playing at Lord IIol--ot principle, it not of Hdl-res'c- t, to ac- - his remains were to be carried to the land's. one asked him to improvise

on the violin the story of a son who killscemetery by a back road. Fisher was

.7 ftween ;) and years oi age. Coro-- ,nari fall3 in love with a gLrl who will notnor Dayton i 1 hold an ii:p;et this' listen to him, so he leads her to a wild

Ice House DelicaciesReceived Vy every stfaaier from San FraiiCi.eo, emJ-rac- i r.fj all var:eti- - the u;arket ftfforJ.

WOODLAWN DAIRY Bc'TTFR. in brick", an.t either choice Island Butter, alwayt on Laud.Paily deliveries to all of the city, W'aikiki and the valley.

country site, suddenly jumping with her

FEESH GOODSBv every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

I3i"ovisioiis , Etc. Etc.Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. L'40. P. O. P,ox No. 2t7.


inorning, when additional facts will nodoubt be forthcoming. It was notdeemed necessary by the doctors to holda post mortem examination.

Iloth Telephone. o. l lO '2tf

from a rock into an abyss, where they dis-appear forever. He listened quietly, andwhen the story was at an end, he askedthat all the lights should be extinguished.He then began playing, and so terriblewas the musical interpretation of the ideawhich had been given to him that severalof the ladies fainted, and the salon whenrelighted looked like a battlefield. TheArgonaut.

Supreme i'otirl. HERE WE COME TO THE FROSTAT I M M !5 K K s- - MR. JUSTICE Jl'I'I", n:isIMNG.

Tlll KMiAV, October 14th. --With the finest custom-made- -


romplish it. To tliis end, ami in thisdirecticn, we promise the new Adminis- -

tr.it ion our cordial sujpMrt.Outside the Ministerial statement the

work done was Ireneficial. The Currencybill was passed. This is an imortar.tmeasure, and will assuredly prove ofgreat advantage to the business interestsof the country. The IJrewery bill wasalso passed. This is a new and desira-ble departure in economic legislation, i

The old law ennitted beer to be importedand consumed, but did not j m it it to :

be brewed in the country. The Actpassed by the Assembly authorizes afranchise to be granted for brewing beer


upon terms that are fair to the promotersand the public. A brewery should pro-vide a cheap and wholesome beverage,suited to the climate, in place of thepoisonous spirits now generally con-sumed.

Other bills w.-r- e considered andpaed, and a committee was appointedto wait upon His Majesty the King, and

Clotliins; and Furiiishinr Goods-- AT- C '


Where lllood hounds Are of "o Use.People who talk of using bloodhounds

to track Apaches in Arizona don't knowwhat they are talking about. Dogs inthat arid country give out sooner thanmen or horses. Dogs require water andwuuld perish in a campaign where menand horses would escape. Besides, oftenfur fifty miles at a stretch the whole sur-face of the ground is covered with cactus,through which a do could not tiavelwithout torture and ruin to his feet. Dogs

Ever brought to these Island-- , ai.d which we will sell at the following LOW FRK.'ES:

K0 dozen Boys' Wool Suits. f-- suit s2 5o upwards.I(t0 dozen Ur.y Jersey Suits, per s;;it $2 5'" upward.

75 dozen Men's Fme Eusims Suits. suit S3 upwards.75 dozen Men's Fine AI1-W,- 1 Suits, per suit Sf upward.M de.zen Men's Fine Iilaek Drw Suits, extra value, per Ftiit il'i nt wards.

PR) dozen Men's Workins Pants, per pair, ?I upwarls.OTICE W. H. ALDRICH.JGeneral II u sinews Ageut,

might be hauled along in wagons and j

turned loose where the trail is lost, but forsuch use as could be made of them in or- - j

d.naiy countries the scheme is wholly im-- j

practicable. Inter Ocean.


S.-N- Castle vs. C. C. Coleman et ahH. C. Avery for plaintiff; Mr. V. Y.Ashf. rd for defendants. Assumpsit.Plaint 1:1' allowed one week to tile brief.OCToiitK T1.KM MR. JUSTICK VKKSToN,

I'KKsIL.INO.Cieorge (ilcr.don wa charged with 1- -in;

a gross cheat. Mr. Rosa for theCrown; Messrs. P. Neumann. W. A.Whiting and C. Creighton for defendant.He had been previously arraigned atthe eptember term ! the Circuit Courtof tlie Third Judicial Circuit, held atWaiohinu, Kan, Hawaii, on an indict-

ment charging that he did on JanuaryS, lssrj, obtain V under false rtensesfrom G. W. C. Jones, general schoolagent at Paha! a. Plea not guilty. Thejury on that occa-io- n failed to agree,and the "prosecution ordered the venueto be changed to the SupremeThe case was hend before the foreignjury, who after some deliberation foundthe defendant guilty.. - Judgment wasreserved. i

A H.s removed to J. I. Dowett's store. en et.ard YiChtinK Arsociation will be hell at j

tbe Iolani Club House on FRIDAY, the l'th in- - j wter? he will attend to any l.usioess entrustedPer order. j to tis car.sunt, at p. m.

W. M. GIFFARD. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY.l.r3octl5 Secretary. i

' Orders for milt reFj-ectfv.l'- solicited, audt att-r.tio- a given to tL- - delivery of the

t same.

.Air.', au turn cne line 'i .ien s ana M sy.

SHOES.lf0 dozen t rdar.ndrid Shirts, per piece sn0 npwards.1 00 Men's Fine Undershirts, per piece 50 e upward.100 dozen Men's Fine Whitf L're-- s Sliirts, per p,ece Si 2" upwards.100 dozen Men's All -- Word Wt-rkin- Shirts. p-- r piece 1 50 upwards.

50 dozen Men's Straw Hats, per piece 7.V upwards.75 dozen Boys' Straw Hats, p r piece "0e to ?1 Dn.

We are confident these price- will satisfy the ino-- t exacting. We c.rj'iU

what we mean ! Any unsatisfactory article may be returned and the r.acheerfully Bemember the BLUE FRONT, corner Merchant and r

inform him that the Legislature wasready for prorogation. When that hastaken place, the country will have anassurance that no other legislath e sur-prise is in store for them.

?Iit!:ttioti of l'uiiishment in Cbina. ;

The Pekii.ger J'eitun he trs that a Chi- - '

I'.esc writesentenced


..' .c-- W,nj;tzi was receatly ;

q irlere 1. because in one i

. work he ha. enumerated'

" veral of the departed Chi- -

s, which is strictiy against i

'.".ette. His punishment was. j

'iiii t-- i decapitation, andi. allowed to live until

iXew rhotoirrapli Kooms.the mimesnesethe '

howtr.hifieXt autur.


The Hons. Kalua and Kaunaniauo a:;-- i

Noble Bush have been appointed by Presi-dent Walker as a committee to wait uponHi Majesty the King, and inform himthat the Legislative Assembly awaits HisMajesty's pleasure to prorogue.

A CO5- -toasekeepitg. Will be let cheap. Cen- - j "vVFR NICBOL'S STORE. FORT STREET,trally located. Fossessioa given ty the end of V next the shoe tin Oallerv. Pictures. Port- -i.vin ti.cy too will be exe--

tut Pli'.-u- a tiif". J tte month. For further particulars apply at this raits and View. Firt-cla- s work. Satisfaction joe. or to J. E. Wiseman. Business Agent. guaranteed. I14ir2 . A. CiONaAXVEi. ti



fivcrtiiscmfat?.favor of indefinitely vo.-tponin-jr the rtfAUTHORITY. llawaii in members. The only other lawwhose object was simil.ir, tii.it he knew of.was the fourth section L: the Civil Code,prohibiting the Ministry from selling thepublic bonds. He did r. t know whetherthe honorable numier were awaro f it.but during the late negotiations for theloan tlie Water Works were spoken of assecurity. If they wanted to know what thatmeant it was simply this: It may lead toforeigners fixing the rate to be paid for ourdrinking and bathing water. Is it r:oimuch better to keep aii th: property in- -

from Hamakua. Hawaii, with 1G3 hides. Pannedthe steamer Lehua off the lslanu of Kahoolatv eat iiii Juit;bt oa tb l':tb. The Mtatiier KilaufiHon was to leave Paauhau Wed neuday af ternovnfor this port.

The bark ENinore has completed dischargingher coal and wm removed into tbe stream Octo-ber 14th.

The schooner Sarah'and Eliza brought 470 bagrice from Koolau, Oahu. October 14tb. She leaveagain to-da- y.

The schooner Haieakala arrived October 14thin ballast from Pepeekeo, Hawaii. Reports veryrough and rainy weather at Pepeekeo. She willleave again

Tlie MikRdn 1a rariy.Tho Mikado tea party at tho Y. M. C.

A. hall last evening by the teachers ofthe Surday school of the second congre-gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral was abrilliant success-- . The hall was; packedin every part, and many people wereunable to gain admittance. A stage hadbeen erected at one end of the hall, andwas most elaborately decorated withJapanese fan? and other ornaments, andpresented a very effective appearance.Thc following was the programme:Trio "Three Little Maids from School."

Misses Rhodes. B. von Holt and Rose

at ion. :tini it t- - only proper that thevhave time.

His F.xcelif!iiv Mr. (iih-o- n accepted themotion to inijourn to 1 o'clock. Tbe Min-

sters would prepared by that hour.At 10:in tin- - Hou-- e adjourned to 1


Ailernuon SeIon.The Hon-- e rea-sembl- ed at 1 :2V.


Mr. Brown, from the Judiciary Commit- -

tee, presented a report on" An Act relating j

to certain specific rights of the people to j

amend section 1.417 of chapter ii of the j

Civil Code." The committee find the bill j

is unconstitutional and interferes wnnvested rights, ami recommend the bill belaid upon the table.

(.Signed): J. L. KallukoC,Cecil Brown,J. K. Kaunamano,G. B. Pa loh at".

Mr. Keau moved the report be adoptedAgreed to.

Mr. Brown also presented the followingreport :

Hon. J. 8. Walker. President LegislativeAssemblv, l.st; ir: As one of the members of the Judiciary Committee to whomwas referred the petition of certain taxpay-ers and residents of the district of Puna,island of Haw aii, that the seat of the Hon.E. Ktkou be declared vacant and his election be set aside, respectfully beg leave toreport that after consideration of the peti-

tion and also of the evidence forwarded tothis House by the Hon. E. Preston, one ofthe J ustices of the .Supreme Court, taken inthe case of Rex vs. E. Kekoa and another;and also after taking into consideration thedecision of the Supreme Court in banco inthe said case, I am of the opinion that theprayer of the petition should be grantedby this House, and therefore recommendthat the seat of the said E. Kekoa be de-

clared vacant. Cecil Bkown.Dated Honolulu, October 14, 1SS.The honorable member said the other

members of the committee declined tosign the report.

Mr. Dickey moved the report be adopted.Mr. Keau moved the report be accepted

and laid upon the table.Mr. Brown said that Mr. Kekoa had vo-

luntarily left the House and not appearedagain. Judging from circumstances, hehas resigned. His object in bringing thereport in was so that the Secretary mightgive notice to the Inspectors of Electionto hold a new election so that the people ofPuna may have a Representative. Theyought to adjourn with a clean skirt.

Mr. Thurston moved the ayes and noesbe taken. Agreed to.

The report was received and laid uponthe table on a division by the followingvote :

Ayes Gibson, Aholo, Kaulukou, Kui- -

helaui, Kaae, Kapena, Hayselden, Keau,Lilikalani, Baker, Amara, Kaulia, Pahia,Kaunamano, Nahinu, Kaukau, Kauai 17.

Noes Bush, Kauhi, Brown, Wight, Kalua, Richardson, Dickey, Thurston, Pae-haol- e,

Dole, Palohau 11.

PROROGATION.1 1 is Excellency Mr. Gibson presented the

following resolution:Resolved, That a committee of three be

appointed by the President to wait uponHis Majesty the King and inform himthat the House awaits His Majesty's pleas-ure to be prorogued.

The resolution was adopted, and thePresident appointed the following com-

mittee: Hons. Kalua, Kaunamano andBush.


The President announced the followingcommunications, which were read by theInterpreter:

Hon. J. iS. Walker, President LegislativeAssembly .Sir: It having pleased HisMajesty the King to appoint me Attorney(ieneral of the Kingdom, 1 deem it myduty as Representative elect for Hilo,Hawaii, to tender my resignation.

J. L. KAfLiKor.Hon. J. S. Walker, President Legisla-

tive Assembly Sir: It having pleased HisMajesty the King to appoint me as Min-

ister of the Interior, I therefore desire totender my resignation as Representativeelect for the district of Lahaina, Maui.

Ji. Aholo.new ELECTIONS.

Mr. Kalua offered the following resolu-tion :

Whereas, By the appointment of Hons.Aholo and J. L. Kaulukou as Ministers,

and their seats as Representatives are de-

clared vacant,Resolved, That the Secretary be in-

structed to notify the Inspectors of Elec-

tions for the districts of Hilo and Lahainahold new elections.

Mr. Thurston moved as an amendmentadd the words "and also Inspectors of

Elections at Puna." His reason for thiswas that during the next two years itmight be the serious duty to elect a King, as

and Puna should be represented. Theywould not want a man with such a char-acter as Kekoa to help to elect a King.

His Excellency Mr. Kaulukou said thiswas a matter that it was proper should bedone. But the report is laid on the tableand the only way to rea:h it is to recon-sider the vote.

Mr. Kalua said he was not in favor ofthe amendment.

Mr. Keau moved the previous question.Agreed to.

Mr. Thurston's amendment was put andlo-- t.

The resolution was adopted.SESSION laws of ls.

Mr. Lilikalani presented the followingresolution :

Resolved, That the Minister of the In-

terior, after the Laws of this session areprinted and bound, send a copy in Englishand Hawaiian to each member.

The resolution was adopted.RESTOr.TlON OF CIVIL RIGHTS.

Mr. Palohau presented a resolution thatAssembly petition His Majesty the

King to restore civil rights to all personsconvicted of an offense.

Mr. Dole asked if it included all personsstill in prison.

Mr. Palohau said only those who hadserved their sentence.

Mr. Dole said he was opposed to thisresolution. It provides for evervone who

an habitual criminal. Mr. Palohau j

should prepare a list. He moved it be in.definitely postponed.

Mr. Dickey said the bill was interferingwith the prerogative of the Crown. Theyhad no right to tell His Majesty who torestore civil rights to, no more than His aMajesty had a right to come and tell themhow to vote.

Mr. Kaunamaiio spoke in Hawaiian in for

lution.The resolution va indefinitely post- -

poneu.ORPKR or THE KY.

Mr Thurton moved the order of thedav. --Agreed to. j

EXEMPTION FROM TAXES LILL.Third reading of an Act to exempt per-

sons from personal taxes and taxes onpersonal property at Kalawao.

Mr. Thurston, moved to insert "and

Mr. Palohau moved to insert "and allother lepers in other parts of the King-dom "

Mr. Dickey said there should not be anylepers in any other part of the Kingdom.

Mr. Palohau said he had assessed lots oflepers on Kauai.

.Mr. inurston asked wny lie did not ar-

rest them.Mr. Palohau said it was not his business.

Why did not Mr. Thurston go and arrestthem?

Mr. Kaunamano snid there were lots oflepers in the districts just as bad as thoseat Kalawao. In the district of Ilamakuahe knew of eleven lepers in a bad condi- -

tion. He did not tax them, for fhey wereabout as bad as a corpse in a eorhn. InKohala he came across five helpless cases.

Mr. Hayselden said that the Sheriffs hadinstructions to arrest them and send themto Honolulu.

Mr. Kaunamano said that might be, butthey were talking about tuis resolution.Why should not these lepers in thedistrietsbe also exempt ?

Mr. Kalua said he was sorry this amend-ment had been proposed. Here they wereproclaiming to the whole world that thecountry was full of lepers. He wasashamed of it. Here, Mr. Kaunamanosays all the districts on Hawaii are full oflepers, and Mr. Palohau says the same ofKauai. Why exempt these people, whoare hiding away, from taxes? Kalawao isopen to them, and they get well fed andclothed there.

Hon. Mr. Bishop said their sympathyfor lepers sometimes led them to saythings that were not wise. He did not see thata man with leprosy should be exempt fromtaxes any more than a man with consump-tion. This bill includes dogs and horses.It was not a good thing for the lepers atKalawao to have so many dogs as theyhave. We have heard complaints fromthe lepers of insufficient rations. It willalways b? so if the dogs are allowed totake a part. You see a man with half adozen dogs, and he has not the heart tokill them. The Board of Health shouldexempt a certain number of horses, butthis sweeping exemption he did not believewas a good thing to do for the lepers.

Mr. Dole understood it was proposed torelieve these people from taxation becausethey were deprived of their liberty. If anylepers were living away from Kalawaothey had their liberty. If they have thedisease badly they ought to be there; butif only in its early stages, then they hadstrength and were able to work. The com-

pulsion brought to bear upon these un-

fortunate people in sending them to Kala-wao would be less irksome if outsiderswere subject to taxation while those at theSettlement were exempt. If anythingwould make it easier to send them thereit would be exemption from taxation. Itis the professed policy of the Governmentthat all lepers shall be segregated. Of-

ficially there are no lepers outside Kala-wao. If these reports are true they formone of the strongest condemnations of the aBoard of Health which it is possible tostate. If honorable members are aware ofthese things it is their duty to inform theBoard of Health and instruct that bodj' toremove the lepers to the Settlement. Tothink that these people are scatteredthroughout the different districts, some ofthem perhaps not knowing what course totake, neglected and exposed to all thehard-ship- s

incidental to their condition, is farfrom satisfactory. The Board of Healthwas established to see to matters connectedwith the public health, and especially forthe purpose of supervising the lepers, andyet here are these people all over theIslands. It seemed to him they had betterleive this amendment and pass Mr.Thurston's.

Mr. Paehaole was in favor of passing theamendment proposed by Mr. Thurston.The other amendment would not work.If lepers outside the Settlement were ex-

empted from taxation, other people whohad diseases resembling leprosy, such assore eyes, would say to the Tax Collectorwhen he came round: "I've got leprcsy;yoti must exempt me." Therefore hewould be in favor of limiting the exemptionto such lepers as were in the Governmenthospitals.

Mr. Palohau's amendment was lost,while that moved by Mr. Thurston pre-

vailed. inMr. Hayselden moved that the bill passamended. Agreed to.


Third reading of an Act to regulate thecurrency.

Mr. Hayselden moved that the bill pass.Agreed to.

GOVERNMENT PROPERTY CILL.Third reading of an Act to prohibit the

Minister of the Interior from disposing ofGovernment property or chosen in actiondevoted r.o public purposes.

Mr. Thurston moved that the bill pass.His Excellency Mr. Aholo moved its in-

definite postponement.Mr. Brown was sorry to note this mo-

tion as the first act of the new Ministry.He thought the bill ought to be passed.He cared not who the Ministry might be,they ought not to have this power. Sothat if any pledge was entered into withregard to the national property it wouldonly he done with the consent of the Rep-

resentatives of the people. There is noth-ing in the law as it stands to prevent theMinister of the Interior from doing this.One knew not what future Cabinets mightdo; therefore.it is only right to deprivethem of such a power. It is too much dis-

cretion to leave them. The House hadjust passed a law to provide for floating a

new loan, and if the Government, after do-


this, were forced to pledge the WaterWorks, what would the country say then?He wanted to prevent the possibility ofanyone coming into this Kingdom, andsaying : "e want these W orks as security." He was sorry that the first act of thenew Ministry, especially the Hawaiianportion, should be an attempt to infringethe rights of the people.

Mr. Dole said he was surprised thatbill intended to protect the public prop-

erty and the independence of the countryshould have to look to the white members

if defense, while it was opposed by th I at

NOTICE.yfABTEKLY mVIDFNn or THKFK 1x11..A Uri tr tth.ire will l i il.l nt.-- n kln 1 !er of

MiLter straiu-slil- IV in patsy on I'KlPAV. Octo-ber 15, lso6. h. 11. UurtK,

1S3 oct 15 Stfnry.


This absolutely pureCIDElt h manufac-

tured in the orchardone year before plac-

ing it on the market,and generates its owngas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for saleby


Australian Mail Service.


Thrjaew tud find Al steel itetanshlp

MAEIPOSAMOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will to du

at Honolulu from (Sydney nd AuckUuUon or about

October 23d,Anil will leave for the ahve port with ruaJln andpasHeiiKera on or about that date.

For freight or vnuHtme, having NUPEI1IOKACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (t. Irwin & Co.,AGKNTN.

For Sydney and Auckland.--St4- "Mi.

The new and fine Al Bteel atMuniihlp


Of the Oceanic HteaniMhlp Company, will bdue at Honolulu from Kan Francisco

or or about

Octcber 30 thAnd wTf Skfe prompt dlnputcn with inajiosvpamengers for ill at.'CV? pCTt3. '

For f.elftht or piiHHaife, having K U Pi; il O Jt AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AOF.N'TH


P lire Malt Whisky


Medicinal XJse.NO FUSEL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated

IN l'8E INHojl tala.

Curative Institution.,Inflrninrifw,


Prescribed by Physicians K vry where.


IP lire Stimulantlor the Sick, Invalids, Convalescing Patient


Awarded FIRST PRIZE GOLD AtWorld's ExpoHltlon, New Orlssng, La., lisd,

For Excellence ami Vutity.

Maciarlane & Co.,Sole Aiieutff


zxr. ar. GOTO.AND Sl'ROEOV. LEPROSV AIHYSfCIAN Office hours at Kakaako, from

9 to 11 a. m. every day except Sunday. Will visitpatients at their residence by requeHt. All otherdiseases treated at his office, corner of Pu nch-ho- wl

and Beretacia streets. Office hour, from 1to 5 p.m.; Sunday s, from 8 to 12a.ro. 112a?r2

.It has ple-ts:- i His Majesty ta ELlng to ap-

pointHI9 EXCELLENCY WALTER MCT.RAY GIBSONTo be Minister of Foreign Affairs and Premier,vice His Excellency Robert J. Creighton, re-signed.

Iolani Palace, October 13, 14W. l",4dwtf

It baa pleased His Majesty the Kins? to ap-


Minister of the Intel ior, vice His ExcellencyWalter Murray Oihson, resigned.

Iolari Palace, October 13, l",5dwtf

It Las pleased His Majesty the King to ap-point


Minister of Finance.Iolani Palace, October 13, 184G. 150 diwtf

It ban pleased His Majesty tbe King to ap-


Attorney General, vice His Excellency John T.Dare, resigned.

Iolani Palace, October IS, feH6. 157diwtf

It has pleased His Majesty the King to restorethe following named peron to their civilrights:

D. Kuhiwana, of Ewa, Oahu.Kibohina, of Ewa, Oahu.Lui, of Ewa, Oahu.Nola, of Ewa, Oahu.1. W. Kaliema, of Ewa, Oahu.Loamaikahiki, of Ewa, Oahu.S. K. Raonehu, of Hilo, Hawaii.O. P. K. Mokaweliweli.of Hilo, Hawaii.F. Palokiko, of Hilo, Hawaii.Edwin Thomas, of Hamakua, Hawaii.John Kalie, of Lanaina, Maui.Iolani Palace, October 12, 1&8G.


All water rates due on or before term endingDecember 31, 188C, must be paid at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works before the 15th day ofNovember, 188C.

Parties paying rates will present their last re-

ceipt.CHAS. B. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.Approved;

WALTER MURRAY GIBSON.Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, October 11, 1386. 13:Jnol5dw

The following is the list of Tax Collectors ap-

pointed for the year 1885;

Hawaii.Hilo F. PahiaHamakua HaalilioNorth Kohala D. II. NahinuSouth Kohala George BellNorth Kona ElemakuleSouth Kona J. Nahinu

"Kau H. S. MartinPuna Puaaloha

Maui.Labaina Kia NahaoleluaWailuku John W. KaluaMakawao ..Geo. E. RichardsonUana . . JosepaMolokai and Lanai " ..Keaweolu Kaina

Oaliu.Honolulu Geo. It. LuceEwa and Waianae Lot. II. LaineKoolauloa H. KauaibiloWaialua KauwaluKoolau poko J. e

Kauai,Hanalei Jno. KakinaKawaihau KaiuKoloa ObekaLihue S. NaanaoWaimea J- - Kala I

Niihau J- - KealePAUL P. KANOA.

Minister of Finance.Finance Office, October 9, 1880.

132-- d vl


ARRIVALS.Thursday, October 14.

Stmr C R Bishop. Nye, from Hamakua. HawaiiScbr Haleakala, from I'epeekeo, Hilo, HawaiiShr Sarah and Eliza, from Koolau, Oahu

DEPARTIUKS.Thursday, October 14.

Stmr Waimanalo, Nelson, for WaimanaloAm bark Hesper, Ryder, for Port TowDsend,

W T.Schr Luka, for Hakalau, HawaiiScbr Leahi, for Hanalei, KauaiScbr Waioli, for VaialuaScbr Wailele, for Kuan, MaulScbr Rainbow, for Koolau, Oahu

VcmhcIh LeMViusr To-Ii- y.

Stmr W G Hall, for Maui and Hawaii, at 10 aSchr Sarah and Eliza, for Koolau, Oahu

Mel in Port lroui Foreign Iort.Am bk Elsinore, G W Jeuks, from Newcastle,

N S WAm S S Surprise, J Roberts, from San Fran-

ciscoGerbark Paci&o. C Altininn, from BremenAm bktne G J Winding, from San

FranciscoHawaiian bark Thomas R Foster, I" W Rugg,

from Newcastle, N S WAm tern W S Bowne, A H Paul, from San

FranciscoAm bktn Ella, E C Rust, from San FranciscoAm bktne W H Dimond, E D Swift, from San


VtHelH Expeeleil from Foreuu 1'ort.Brit ship Hos porta, J Bai.ock, from Newcs-tle- ,

Brit bari 'jleugaber, Kolieston from Liver- -

pooi, uue k-:-1Am bark t aibarien, (1 O PerUI:is from San

I'rarcis-co- , dae at Mahukona Sep 30Au. bark Martha isLtr, from Glasgow, due

Jan 15-3-

Am bark Hope, D W p Penballow, from PortTow use nd, dti- - Oct iiii

Brit bark Ircacrag, from Liverpool, due Octo-ber 15-- 1

Brit bark V H Watsou, from Liverpool, dueOctober

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Benson, sailed fromBontou August 7th, due December o

Haw fcChr Jei'.ioe Walker, B Anderson, fromFanuing's Island, due Nov 10-2- 0

Haw LrU Stsr of Devon, Alfred Lovell, fromJalnit, SSI, due Nov 20-3- 0

Havr schr tieueral S'.egel, Sanders, fromFrench Frigate Shoals, due Nov SO-3- 0

KM S S Mariposa (Am;. H M Hayward. fromthe Colonies, en route to San Francisco, dueOctober ;Mrd.

R M SS Alameda (Am). H G Morwe. from SanFrancisco, en route to the Colonies, due October

"im bktne George C Perkins, II Akerman, fromSan Francisco, due October 14-1- 7

Am bktne Discovery. John Lee, from SanFrancisco, due at Mahakona, Hawaii, Octoberaa-2- 8


From Hamakua. Hawaii, rer steamer C. R.Bishop, October 14th A Moore and 35 deck pas-sengers.


The barkecUn Eureka has been repaintedblack.

The steamer C. R. BisLop arrived October 14th

tact? Suppo-m- g it should go into thehauls of a foreign Government, whatwould become of it? Did they not wish toreserve this right to the House as towhether it should be leased or mortgagedor not? We know not who the Govern-ment may be from day to day. It may bechanged a dozen times before the next ses-

sion of the Legislature, and tken the pub-lic property might go into the hands offoreign capitalists. Owing to their havingpassed the Loan Act it was especially im-

portant th-- this great power should bekept in the hands of the Legislature.

His Excellency Mr. Aholo said that as faras he was concerned he certainly would notcountenance anything of the kind. Thegood of the people would be his good. Asto mortgaging the Wafer Works, it mighthave been proposed; he did not know.The present Ministry know nothing aboutit. It was true there might at some timebe a Ministry under the control of capital-ists. Perhaps they had just got rid of oneof that kind. But the present Ministrywas appointed by His Majesty and theAssembly need have no apprehension.There might be a change of Ministry. TheAssembly had better take that into con-sideration when the change comes. Wehave had Governments in favor of dispos-ing of the public property, so much so thatwhat there is now is but a remnant. Asto the transfer of the Honolulu WaterWorks, he would consent to nothing of thekind. The interests of the people are hisinterests, and he did not propose to put aloop about his own neck. He was not infavor of making over any of the Govern-ment properly, ami if it were the intentionof others, it would have to be done withouthis consent.

Mr. Brown said he thought that His Ex-cellency misunderstood the position.

The motion to indefinitely postpone thebill was carried on a division by 1(5 to i.


Second reading of an Act to license thebrewing of malt liquors in the district ofHonolulu.

Mr. Dole moved that the report of thecommittee recommending a substitute billbe read.

The committee's report was then read.Mr. Hayselden moved that the reading

of the bill in Hawaiian be dispensed with.Agreed to.

Mr. Thurston moved that the bill passto engrossment. Lost.

Mr. Hayselden moved that the bill beread section by section. Agreed to.

SectioH 1.

Mr. Hayselden moved that the word."ten" be inserted before the word "years."

Mr. Dole moved that the word "fifteen"be inserted. He understood that an enter-prise of this character required a largeamount of capital to start something like$s0,000, as much as a good sized sugarplantation. If the license were only forten years it would afford very small en-

couragement for anyone to go into it. Ifthey encouraged such a thing at all in-

ducements should be offered to do it uponlarge scale.Mr. Hayselden said he would have been

very glad to support the suggestion, butthere was no guarantee that the licenseewould spend $so,000, or even a cent.

Mr. Dole pointed out that the bill pro-

vided that if malt liquor were not manu-factured within twelve months the licensewould be forfeited.

Mr. Hayselden said he knew that, but itdid not say whether it was to be one barrelor mere.

Mr. Dickey moved that the section belaid on the table.

The motion was not seconded.The motion to amend the bill to fifteen

years was then put and carried, and thefirst section passed as amended.

Section 2.

Mr. Keau moved that it read "one hun-dred and fifty dollars each year." Car-

ried.The section passed as amended.Section 3.Mr. Keau moved that the section pass.

Agreed to.His Excellency Mr. Kaulukou asked

what goods would be likely to be admittedfree under this Act?

Mr. Dole: Hops and barley.Section 4 passed without debate.Section 5.Mr. Dole moved to insert the word "ten"

the blank, indicating the alcoholicstrength. He had been requested to do thisby many people outside. Ten per centwould be sufficient for all purposes. Morewould make it too intoxicating.

Mr. Brown moved that it be "fifteen percent."

Mr. Dole said he made this motion in theinterests of temperance. If a good, mildbeer of a low strength were manufactured,those who wanted to drink would drinkthat instead of gin. If it were made fif-

teen per cent it would be very intoxicating.He was credibly informed that most of thebeers of commerce were below ten percent proof. A beer of that strength wouldcheer, but not iuebriate.

Mr. Dickey did not believe it would re-

duce gin drinking at all. It would only in-

crease intoxication in the country. Wherenow only meu drank, women and childrenwould drink then. In a few years theywould see that it had done a great deal cfdamage.

The motion to insert the word "fifteen"was lost, and that to insert the won! "ten"was carried.

The section passed as amended.sections ti and . passed without debate.The titl and enacting clause were

passed.Mr. Hayselden moved that the bill passengrossment. Agreed to.Mr. Brown moved the third reading for

Friday. 15th instant. Agreed to.At 3:"5 the House adjourned to 10

o'clock Fridav morninsr.

Martinelli's cider is the best and purestmade.

Messrs. Wing On Wo it Co., of Mannakea street, betr leave to notify the publicthat they have ju-- t received a large quan-tify of XXX and other choice brand ofManila cigars, of the best quality, for sale

moderate primer

ine steamer C. R. Bishop will be laid up fortabout a Hionth for repairs. She will have a newten-to- n boiler put in. This new boiler has bees '

manufactured at the Honolulu Iron Works. The j

C. R. Bishop will receive in the meantime a gen- - j

eral overhauling.The steam schooner Surprise will be ready for

service withi n a fortnight. Either Captain Wein-bart- b

or Harry Swinton will be appointed to hercommand. Chief Engineer Boyd of the loststeamer James I. Dowsett will be the ChiefOfficer.

The Hawaiian bark Thomas R. Fester has brnmoved to the berth formerly occupied by tbebark Elsinore, where 8h will finish discharijlui,'her coal.

Messrs. Hut Ier & Bruce are at work repairingthe Hammonla. They expect to finish repairingher about the middle of next week, and willthen put her under the Hawaiian flag.

ine steamer Waialeale will leavefor the Hamakua coast, Hawaii, under commandof Captain Weir, with Captain Chaney of the C

ll. lisliop as pilot. The Waialeale will take theC. R. Bishop's route while the latter vessel willlay up for repairs.

I he steamer W. O. Hall sails at 10 o'clock thismorning for windward ports, via Keauhot, thelanding for the Volcano.

Hawaiian Parliament.

Legislative Assembly One IliuulredMini Twenty-aeveiit- li nay.

Thursday. October 14th.

The House met at 10 a. m. Prayer bythe Chaplain. The following membersanswered to the roll call : Their Excellen-cies Gibson, Aholo, Kanoa and Kaulukou;Hons. "Wilder, Kuihelani, Hush, Kaae,"Walker, Kapena, Parker, HaystMen,Keau, Lilikalani, Baker, Kauhi, Amaru,l'rown, Ivaulia, Pahia, Kaunamano,V'ight, Nahale, Nahinu, Kalua, Kaukau,

liichard.son, Dickey, Kaai, Thurston, Pae-haol- e.

Dole. Kauai and Palohau. Theminutes were read in Hawaiian and Eng-lish and approved.


I lis Excellency Mr. Gibson said: Mr.President The duty devolves upon me ofpresenting to this honorable Assembly theMinisters of His Majesty the King. Inconsequence of a decision of this honorablebody the late Ministry deemed it theirduty to tender their resignations to HisMajesty, which they did in a body yester-day afternoon. It has pleased His Maj-

esty to call me again to take part in thecounsels of the nation, and he has alsocalled my colleagues who have taken theirseats with me. Of my colleagues, honora-ble gentlemen well known to all of you, itis unnecessary for me speak. In timespast it has frequently been complained ofthat men of no experience in the country'saffairs have been appointed to the Cabinet.This can no longer be said, for these gen-

tlemen, men of the soil of the country, aremen of experience m national affairs,knovvn to you all, well fitted to dischargethe duties called to by His Majesty. Itwould be presumably unnecessary at thislate day, in the very last days of the ses-

sion, to be outlining anything like Minis-terial policy, particular!' bearing uponlegislative action. But this Ministrypledge themselves that the various con-

tracts entered into, the bills passed at thissession, will be carried out in a faithfuland earnest spirit, and that economy andprudence will be the guides of their Ministerial action, and that their administra-tion will be for the dignity of the throneand the best welfare of the people.

Mr. Dole said In view of the announce-ment which has been made of the newCabinet and the resignation of the old, itwould give me great pleasure to be able tocongratulate the House and country onthe choice of His Majesty and the policyof reform if I could do so. Two of the gen-

tlemen, who are well known to us, are forthe first time in their present positions, L.and it is too soon to judge them. Theyare on their good behavior, as it were.They will be judged by their future acts.One of the new Ministers, His Excellencytlie Minister of Finance, holds the samepo.-iti- on that he held in the old Cabinet. toWe have merely known him for twomonths, but he is a man of integrity and a toman of business. In regard to His Excel-lency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Icannot but regret that His Majesty shouldhave seen fit to render the policy of theeld Cabinet or Cabinets a permanent one,Ly placing that gentleman at the head ofthe new Cabinet. That gentleman makesthe feature of the two old Cabinets whichhave characterized them, and which coniesto us from the old Cabinets' worst features

inconsistency, the want of firmness, thewant of policy. Of course the Appropria-tion bill has parsed and is a settled matter,a:id it is too late to talk of economy or ofextravagance except in connection withthat bill, which is one of extreme ex-

travagance. But I belie' e I represent thefeelin-j- s of a large part of th nation w henI say that the announcement of this gen-

tleman as head of the Cabinet, after theexperience of the last two years, is a greatcisappointment.

Mr. Lilikalani sa'ul that God had comec.own and been with his people and ap-

pointed a Hawaiian Cabinet, which wasreceived with unanimous satistact'i n.What God had done let no man puttsunder.

Mr. Brown asked the Minister of For-eign

theAffairs whether their Excellencies

Aholo and Kaulukou had tendered theirresignations as members of the Assembly.

His Excellency Mr. Aholo said he wasnot prepared to answer to-da- y, but wouldgive something definite on Friday.

Mr. Brown said he was glad to see threenative Hawaiians as Minister. He be-

lieved the proceedings of the Legislature isshould be carried out according t- - law andthe Constitution. The two new Ministerscould not occupy their seats until they hadresigned as Representatives. He movedthe House adjourn to 1 o'clock to-da- y.

Mr. Kaunamano moved as an amend-

ment that the House adjourn to 10 o'clockFriday morning. Xo doubt the new Min-

isters wished to take matters into consider- -

Makee.Chorus" Entrance of Kati-h- a and the

Mikado."Mi-- s R. von Holt and Mr. E. W. Holds-wort- h.

Duet "The Flowers That Bloom in theSpring."

Messrs. Tom Mav and T. R. Walker.Solo "Tit Willow'' Mr. T. li. WalkerSolo and Chorus "For He's Going to

Marry Yum Yum."Miss Pattie Rhodes.

All the selections were from the opera"Mikado," by Gilbert and Sullivan.The first number was finely rendered andthe pretty music ho caught the audiencethat an encore was persistent ly demanded.The "Three Little Maids" were elegant-ly dressed in Japanese costume, as werealso the members of the chorus, sometwelve or fifteen in number. Mr.HoMsworth caused much amusementby his impersonation of the Mikado.Messrs. Walker and May rendered theirduet in a very effective manner, andMr. Walker's song, "Tit Willow," whichis a composition of decided merit, wassung in capital style. The three ladysoloists, Misses Pattie Rhodes, B. vonHolt and Rose Makee acquitted them-selves beyond exudations, both withtheir acting and singing. Even- - num-ber was encored, and there is no doubtif a second performance were given theaudience would be just as large as onthis occasion. Mrs. T. 11. Walker ablypresided at the piano.

After the performance had been gonethrough, the large audience were servedwith refreshments, consisting of icecream, cake, etc. It is expected thatthe net receipts will not be far short of$200.

Read ldvertisement of Martinelli'scider.

Xetv Millinery Uooih.Miss F. Hirshberg, the jopular mil-

liner at the establishment of N. S. Sachs,Fort street, returned by the Australiafrom the Coast, whither she went for avacation and to purchase new goods. Inabout two weeks the ladies of Honoluluwill have the oportunity of inspectingthe finest stock of millinery goods everbrought to the Islands. They have beenselected by Miss Hirshberg personally,to meet the wants of her numerous cus-

tomers. During her absence Mr. Sachshas had the millinery department en-

larged considerably, and this will give abetter chance for the display of thesegoods. Miss Shay, an experienced mil-

liner, also arrived by the same steamerand will assist Miss Hirshberg in thedepartment.

To-.ilit- " Exhibition.Mr. J. F. B. McCleery, the billiard

champion, will give his first exhibitiongame this evening in the dining hall ofthe Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The gamewill commence at eight o'clock and willno doubt attract a large number of thelovers of this popular pastime. Seatswill be reserved for ladies. The admis-sion is fixed at fifty cents.


11 (f!) if

P :t3t hi

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity.

Strength omi v holosoi.ionoss. ilore economioalthan the oriir.:.rv l;in!-:- , nr; J cannot fiescM in rora-petit-io

i v.i-.- tho multitude of lcrvtest, Bhortweipht.alum rr'ho'jplmte powders. Sold only IBcans. Kovu iiAt.ii l'owi,-.- i Co.. luo YVali-efc- f

ti. Y.&u-w- tf


F.SSP.S. J. M. OAT & CO. HEREBY GIVEM notice that thev have disposed of theirbi.sineas to Mr. J H. Soper, for whom they be-speak a continuance of the patronage heretoforebestowed on them. All accounts due J. M. Oat,Jr. .t Co. on the 1st of October, 1886, will be col-lected by Mr. J. M. Oat.

Honolulu, 1, 18bC. 118nov5

OTICE!. 3. F. V.. MrCEEEP.Y, (n.MPION B1L-lia- rd

player, will give aa


In the Ur'e dining room of the HawaiianHotel

Friday Evening, Oct. 15tli,

At 8 o'clock. Tickets, SOc. will be re-1-

served for ladies. octlS j



lie t-- ;

COX DISC" Corrugated E. INXcIntyre ct Xro.,v.-i- n is arcIaEADY. XOW EEADY.sr-c- c sic e-t I.V1


1SS6. Groceries. Px'ovisions and FeedTfc IAjitnt of the. fcf the

Grtat River KaihroA--i Trip lieAacitst Flcuyb A Xl:eof FLU The EiJilc.

Third Year of Publication. 1886& la--l ro lOHNI?. ro?.T A"Z) EIXG TBET??.

tfoo-- i rv-':T-.i t tTrr pick: rrcia it- - EA:ra Sum ;J y,;THE HONOLULUe ad s

. -.d latiibter .ba --

pair,.irce sLe t:

FOR SLIHonolulu Piauiug Mill.

Ts. - tr , ,fcrrz-j- .


fc EUREKA,'' "PAKAGOX" .AND -- RED CROSS "CwUon Rubber 1J 11 el

FIRE HOSE,- -- . - - - - -c- -- -- -

a, ILLUSTRATED.Fur the Year of Our Lord XSStf, Containing anf.r:e sie w Win. G. inviii A' Iji Klvi: H.--, E:r tr:, H. L Tn.! Fir I,

i LCKzzg. K:tber Pttzf. t::.,

b- -t sever beyo-- i. Ca.ro. cr tl-.-e -- jrarr.Iisof Glzt, w that te --;crr- en tL-- i rs.iIroa-- i

travel were nov', divert:-- ? &r.i :i:crst-i;r- .ILari-- g & i'.artr---: or esrr.ig to

ourselves, " e - lite i :ir j :,rt.xr.:eaU3 02t seat &r.d zco-jr.t-- trier'.- - a a ra:.:-a- e

r.tuation, sr.i f.;r hv-r- a, frma. l till e--

e;.. we g'aztsl cz; of t?widows at ti iTirii of pa s-ort; a, with ii to5t.i?:y chr.g:,? c::,rsaid tcrzziS. Kz'-r.-r-r. ,jt. Is ulster

T:. r. l&m-- z L

--eaxlf rip. TLe cotton is plcke-i- . ory afew tclis rerra.:. in tie :ii? TLe s-- i-ar

case is being cut ai i c c;z.s.y.cartels aid cars to tLe ar fictc-rl- .

Tie Iczg staik-- s are ever;,- wL Pilittle tlg-bsiile- -i Arab Vv, is nttr

r cess, are jrrir.din? :L sac-- ,

crir.e stalks be: wee r :i-:- r zLLa'zizs.

W. T. V. SCHEXCK,Astronomical, Civil t Ecclesiastic! CalendTjl i, -- ". z.g ucijs Li 1? crepi a-- a i.s

7ear,TLe r ur.'.:i: hi dinnei witi

counts as-- i fears.Anl tU dark sizbu Lave raise i is ioselv


T V - .

rt; iiiriette is E'ckJ THE HONOLULU IBOX WOBKS CO.HaT ciuiplfli And offer for f b killoNluir Itoil-r- .

Official and Business Directory of Honolul a !

-- '3 s -- stterisz of wLie --iriiizs is tLe LJ-.- ij?.A.N'"LATi;ifitrr ose tLeupper ar.d tstier :rout Las & lon

dovecotes cf iears:g TLe rsaiiess svLoTOGETHER WITH-g- if-ci.-, carry: sg one je:r estence asd are iettisj

e frosi tLe iter-tiar-v.ir discha;end in tLe

thick arous i the juky orlLcei. XL air

1 PAIR COMPOUXD STEEL BOILERS1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. ( in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler. 12 ft. x 1 ft., also1 e1 OS O'repreg-sas- t w.th t: "2E- -

iLe ssgar lac or.es are vr...rs i r.e

are flLi--s tLe air w;th srraduatia essays,asd tLe asiijus purest; are welc-osn-

tLest cut 'vvitL es iiiive &ff-:- ,r' v- r tliszsired with vor.derir.gs oi wit tLeyare to do vits tLesi.

n4 ; a..Irses sot gs.t a Xra-s- te j .

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS. j

Great pains and expense Lave been gone to by the Publishers toniake this Almanac and Bisector v the most useful and eomprehen-- i

-- i o:si to caa at aiiAX itaaeis lOii to tr.e Hs-scas- -s.

TEE ?.oi'LE OE TH v;le.TLere were o:Ler pectilUritiea fr


.LKN c.otLer stjirLt,

grou.sd5 I sav at SFEEE,"asd ai I drove is toevery vrisdo at iewir wiu a yj.:.

:5coitusies oi . for tej

1 Seeoml-Haii- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x4 ft.i sjerr Apiiy to The Honolulu Iron "Works Co.


Lead gazis out isto tr.e world. If a rsastLeseeE rors..

tie pi

of a d jrkare Lar-il-

waats to feel Low rsuch iuterest attacLeiEoss. TLe sexes tisji-h-exoe- pt

by tLe-- :tS- i..crt; i3

fiDje iro; eacstear-

otse;or 's: btacse.

siye vorti ol the Kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It !

v.-i-L be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists, I

and is srusranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu-- jtries. j

Its Court aiid Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmora e nt. I

leas.rsticL sakedei-i- , or searlv s-- j.

to Lirs let Lira drive cioe to a seminary atas idle Lor-r- . He'll rir.d girls who wouldsot lookvi. 1 1 ia tows gaze lovingly nponL:so, as if i;.eir whole souls west out toLirs, I dos't care Low ug'y Le is. I droveis and f-- it all eyes upos rse at osce. Icould s-- t re.-.l-st it, I took out rsy hasdker-chief- ,

waved it is a kissed rsyLasd with a graceful sweep, asd everywisdow Lad its flattering whit handker-chief, every white Laad waftexi a kiss tote." San Francisco Chronicle.


eager glascje towards tLe pyrarsids cfSafearr&h, near old the Eiulti-tscisou- a

rsud tuts &si riilae-- s appear.Palrss is abusdasc everywLere plsniethersselves is tLe:r stately beauty. TheBoil ia beis ploughed is plaies for tLetew crop. TLe people are I to be

but everywhere '.ve .see tLest


Mariposa, 1,754 Packages;

Alameda, 1,922 Packages

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by expert vrriters, which are well calculated to beset trreat interest ittheir condition asd prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated.May Sth-P-er

May 22d-P- er3sittisg under walls, is the isd

.Salmon. To Arrive-P-er Consnelo. 332 Packages.

AM. ASSOETED& CO. GEOCEEIES,UdlUUlVJ;! tJLniM-l-i 'M untitles.

covered wits 2:es eyes. ear-- , face, hand",feet covered with fies. The asisial lifeiffi3 to rsove as slowly as if it had agesto do a lifetime of wori. The buffalo isvery unlike our ais.ost ob-o- te V.z-lh&d- zl

species. It is sees in tie fiilhsploughing with the old one-handle- d

plough of the time of rk-t.- oj turr.iu thewater-whee- l At a distance, and especi-ally when cooling in tLe water, it looksliite a pachyderm. Ia fact, il-- - brows-blac- k

tough hide, ungainly form and hide-ous face, to which the Lorn gives a sinistertxpression, make hirn an object of curiousinterest. Here and there we observeatepherds, generally children with fchep-he- rd

dog. .Some are Bedouins, with tentsof camel-hair- , black and d:rty. They haveCocks of sheep and goats, and often ra .edCocks. There are generally a donkey and

wmcn215217, 219, Bush street,

Stationers, I?rinteis,San Franciso.

X--itho &vaTjLie is

The .Sale of Attrci' Picture.Twelve years ago we used to sell little '

card ira prints of actresses and public peo-- ;

pie for as much money as the finest cabi- -set photo now costs. The sale of this kind ;

of work at present Is not large. Act-- '

resses are, of cour-- e, always in demand, j

but they must be well known and musthave pretty facs. I sell tea of MaryAnderson's pictures to one of any orher i

actress. She sells almost as well as Xeil J

son used to sell, and Xeilson's pictures sell ;

yet. There was the most popular womanwho ever lived. Everybody seemed to


want her photograph. Maud Branscombe !

and other beauties had their runs of favor, j

but none ever equaled Xeilson, and ail of j

them are now forgotten. Fanny Daven- - !

port and some others sell very well, but j

not as fast as Anderson. Among the menRobert Manteil is the lavorite. Babies' j

pictures were the rage awhile ago Loring j

tooic a lot of them but they are not !

nought now. Neither are the pictures of j

actresses in tights, from which fortunes j

were made when Lydia Thompson first j

came over here. Globe-Democr- at Inter- - !

view. j

"Will be Sold at the Lowest --Market Hates.ITour.

FAMILV" ''.a q iK.rt'-- r tkoBAKER'S! EXTRA ;Ira fcfc f scks.

Cs Me ilium Bread.AND

auk Book AXannfa.ctiaiei's. L. "W. IcCliesney & Son,a yellow dog and pienty of naKed children.

ly 42 ncl 44 Ctn-- n Mrt, Ilenolulu.Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement.IXTER-ISIAN- D

xellow nd white flowers are alreadythe meadows.

At various times on the railroad we ob-tained glimpses of tne ivLite and yellowAtands; and the peculiar masts of the da-Labie-

at an cJd anie, with their stillmore quaint sails. Kidges and plains ofsands soon give way to villa zes, whichare the sign and sibt of palm groves.On both sides of the vailey of the Nilelone, arid and tawny mountains appear.

to. 1S7G.Steam Navigation Co.I.imi tl

GEO. W. LINCOLN. 1886.

UILD ER.A National Type Uoe Exist.

Anna Bowman Dodd, in The Critic,LIMITED.discusses the questions of a fixed national

altnuizH orrnyHlPd Iron IMfiuK,


iney are pictures cot uauke the desert of : type in its relation to American litera- STEAMER KIXAU,uau um oi waose wuaerness tne liap- - tare, and decides that such a tvne drestan tame, .me are ine snaggy D'irnersof the frnitfud valley. For such" fences a.sare needed to separate the fields, the

j.-- - u ucLsis iur our nieraiure. snsays: --foreign customs, habits, language,neither affect nor influence us. It is the

T5 and 77 Kinp- - Sti'eet,BII Tlrpb.one No. 2T3.

MAS1LA" " " Honolulu,Mutual Trlrpboue So. 63.


BaTE-- S Comma eJwa: nm to Mu!, and Kosa

cane, interwoven, rnaes a tolerable pre- - . Ameririan who infliicnrA n.l imr--.c- M

text of protection. It would not tarn a ; just of in the case of language, Germanesolnte"' rabbit. Everywhere are seen ' Swedish, and French lose themselves iastakes, indicating metes an-- hounds and our native English tongue,proprietorship, which Lave to be re ewed 'Thee facts 'ought to be proof enoughwhen the Nile fi'l divippears. Old weD that at least a national type exists, "itsweeps are seen, such ?iS were common in can not be argued awav. It is a tvne

Korsolola pt--r fwiicwinf srh.Jule,V'.ir:lii:j4 at Lai.jtiua, MuAla-a- .. Makt. ilaha-kt-r,a.Ki'-

. UUo acd :

u:i MONDAY. July 26. ls, andon tvery aiu-rji-t- M or: lay at 4 p. m til Klnuv;l; cair VOUANO TKlf. rcr;h:r)? Kf53- -hh.i f.n u,orr.:L?, Lere horses auJ

r- - in walsirg t c(iv-- VjVuU a.Vm Ilol"Efijve ajj.-- s in tne sa..ijir

a!i i til!, n.;,v l,y ci.-r-ai .

by t;U rLite wij Lar. two 5avan 5 tA... Littiti, ixl ih.-- VOLCANO HOUsfc.




f f



i l

I '

!- j


amiunio m ray boynood. fney lift the .ater which is neither English, nor German ror

Eeit Steam PipeBoiler Covering. -- :o:out or the sort sou to tne surface. The

CCTumiinde (


W:':' run :o Nawf SHELF HARDWAEIThe Kiiau arrlv in Honr.'uS D'3 Wasmea, Kminiriin'H on Vo'eano ir.ps. On H;:o iriv. a ill

LOCKS, KNOES.Iurt.;avs, asd rtrtara tii'r'Jay iA Th.V'I S, iujiit;- - i.T r &ir.- i-

rrencui. it is .American a new man, made,if you please, out of several old ones, butstill an entirely new person in the family ofnations. In action, in statesmanship, inmilitary achievement, this type has foundits embodiment in such men as Lincolnand Grant. Could these great men everbe tat'i,tfftiu.jh1,than Americans?"'

The Current, u '


M A CAt'LE Y com ic snder

.iENGER TItAlNS wi!i conct-c- t with theKiuau at Mauiikotia

Tlir K'iRaii WILL TOUCH at Honokaja and'

PaiUian 0:1 down tries from Hi-- for PAfesricT :

Eddy's & Jewett's Eeirigerators,PACIFIC ;f a aUna; is tirade froai lU sjore. j Will run rfsoUuly to Hazsoa. MaoI. AOd Kukui- -

! tae;e, Honokaa A.-.- PaAUiiau. Hai!. r .:trs Aad Ccc.;r. T.- - f- -.- lountAin Ire Cr-r- Frjiotri, mr tVirJm nc i ( :

Planters" Hoes, a tcperior arucle. Cu'I '"t' Pt.-Otr- iStCl ADd CAj s.TEAMER LIKELIKE.; I.orenzf-rj- . Con,ruatJ-r.- ,


! STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,Commereia Advertiser Fence Wire and Staples.Leaves nor.o.'uiu MuDday e! 5 p. m. fori "EIR. - C:cira AaderWUl run regularly to K&pae, KauaL Maxiila ar:d Si: Kcj.. TL s: i hutp t,;t. The vcrv tt .i

Good Land In the Staked Plain.And now it turns out, on examination, j

that the abused Staked Plains in Texas j

are good farm lands. I wrote the same ayear ago, and now Mr. Isaiah Troufoust,who has just spent three months examin- - J

ing the so-calle-d Staked Plains in the Pan- -

handle, tells me he has never seen a finerbody of cultivatable land as this sameStaked Plain. j

It is covered with buffalo grass," saidMr. TTonfoust, 'of the very best quality." ;

"And is it not a sandy, barren plain?'' Iasked. j

"No. It is equal to any land in Penn--sylvania. There are a few sandv bluffs !

K:pati;iu. e-- f ry wx-k- : KHicne, Mou2a3 and Sua j

- try o;hf r v -t Ketr.ri::n, '.p ut tbeAtovw ports, arnvtr.j 6t.-i- Saturday morniiigs. ;

For mails And jajEgers ou:y. T. P.. FOSTER, PregMJtmt.J. Eva, sretarv. 7ipT-l- v


PEIXTIXG OFFICE Kerosene Oils.Brry Ero. Furi;;:ure Varr.:.b

STEADIER KILAUEA HOC,(CAteerou. CoramAnder;,

For s;e at ti tcarif-- s rates l.y theIs prfArr IPLANTEKS, ATTENTION!W"J1 icave for IhaJna. Paanhaa. Ko- - PACIFIC HARDWAHE COMPANYfro. HAValau and Onoic-- a

along the banks of the North Canadianriver. It is generally a good farm coun- - ) Pommprpinl & ! Pfll Wnrvtry and is being taken up by homestead- -

ers. The cattlemen spread false reports

bottom of the well is, of course, on a levelwith the river, and, as I said, the river iseverything to Egypt. It is now quite low;still, the field.- - have ponds in them: butthe pond water does not seemIndeed the people use the water forislJJ purpose cooking, w?-- M v--

,.;r:'s":a favor oi Mir'--- " '

A PUGf OF fI.IK.After the buffalo, for number and util-

ity, come the donkey and catneb I hadno idea that the donke3" was such a 'uaiy"'in Egypt. Bridleless and saddleifss, hewill amble gaily with a family on his ver-tebra, lie is as patient and as meek as ifhis burden were nothing. Sometimes yoado riot see his legs and only parts of hisears when he is loaded down with sugarcane or grasses. I send you with this apicture of him loaded with only his earsprotruding. The camel Icjks as usual,"sinful, " and jnoves in a mysterious way,as if he grtrCged every time he lifted hisfoot.

If I should be called on to name themost vital element of Egyyt it would notbe the buffalo, donkey, camel, os.rich orman. It would be the tl.es. It was win-ter, but they were as as in thetime of summer or of the plagues. In theeighth chapter of flxo: us it is said thatthe Lord "did according to the word ofMoees, and he removed the swarms of fliesfrom Pharaoh, from his servants, andfrom his people; there remained not one." j

What a relief! uNot one." Tnat was :

near 4,000 years ago. They have accumu-lated since enormously. The infantiledeath rate is due mostly to flies. On th-- j

Tessel or in the mud-hut- , in temple ortown flies ! From Thinite. first dynasty,2700 B. C, to the time of the present cour- -

teouj and unselfish khedive files : The- -

ban, Bubastile, jjalte, Ethiopian. Mace-donian, Greek, Loman and Mahometandynasties flies! From the tinniest:buzzer to the biggest blue-battl- e

flies: Touching with dainty foot ;

and prehensile grip the beauteous eye-lash of Cleopatra; biting wiih chivairicintrepidity through the h.rne-.- s of God-frey da Bouillon, and pursuing with a :

"nipping air" Persian, Keraiani, Syrian, ;

and Koorn as they fiit through histr.ryflies ! S. S. Cox's I.ett-e- r in New YorkWorld.


and .Snmiifl Xolt.COfiEECTLV A.vn ITK rI?PTCH.SnffWM lo Dillinghatu A (.

Fort Street : -MULES !!about the Staked Plains. They want to !

keep it for grazing but towns are spring- - j

ing up all througa it. Eli Perkins in Xew f

York World. ! HonolulnSTEAMER MOKOLI1, j

i M'.Cirgor, Com mariner;. i

Leaves f'-- the forts every a:t-r- r ate '

Mfia'iay At 5 p. in.: i

Commfrr.rir.z August 2 To Lace:. KsbsIo, Pv-- 'i

koo, Lar.ainA. uio-.a;n- . to I.atairja. ;

I'uioo. K.-.-n a.'.j, Labi, arriving at Honolulu Sat- - i

uniay mon;;:?. j

C(.ni.r.e!:'-::,- j Au?nt 9 To K&'jnakaka!. Kama-- !'.0,Pukoc. a1awa. Waiiau. Kalauptpa. t

Ket'Jrr::r.i: to It: k cc . La h ai n a , Olr a:.i. I.a).a!;ja.Kariia'.o. Kaiir.AkA&A:, Arriving at Hoao-- !

lulu MtarJjy vuorr.ii.. '

Just rtceived, t-- r rig CONSUEEO,and .twHaving just deceived a Crmplete


Job Types ami Ornaments 18 Fine Youiio: Mules!U i



19" Tl will not be repons'b!e forany fright or pHca?. uri-s- receipt-- ! for. norfor bas?a? n.tjess plainiy rr.arkel. Notrspor.siM for ujoney or jewelry inless plaoed in Lumber '"and.Of the Latest Stvies. fr. in the ta-- st Ct Ie

brated Foundries of the United States,Which a.re offered for sale on reasonable terHiSApply to" Coal

Cjrant's Journal- - To lie Published.CoL Fred Grant is busily engaged in

editing the joi-na- ls of his father's touraround the worh". It is his present plan,seconded by the wi-h- es of Mrs. Grant, topublish this interesting narrative on hisown account. Under the contract withthe publishers of Gen. Grant's memoirsthe general stipulated that none of his pa-pers should be made public for three yearsfrom that date. It is not said whetherthere has been any misunderstanding withthe publishers of the present work, but itis known that CoL Grant is opposed to en-tering into any more such arrangements.The journal, judging from a generalknowledge of its contents, will be exceed- -ingiy interesting. It treats upon notablemen and things from the court of St. ;

James to the throne of the mikado. Phil- -adelphia Times. I

cnarsrf oi trie l"jrt-r- .

All po?-;;V- .e cAre win be taken of Live Stoc f;btit 31. G. Ili'W IN CO i rrS' h Dd B::iid" A Ii BCILIEPs HARLWAEE. Pa( ..u.ttii.ri, Itu, .AIlr ffi'jrh1 C saj-2- tf a -- poric r to iron, as5 cent bot ;ti:

tie Coiapaijy wii: cot Assume any rak of acodenSAM L i.i WILDER. President.

B. P.OE. Secretary.OETICE Corner Eort and Que-- n streets.

I cor.jr

!9--ly Mar 30



and Piswls, CoJt Winchester, ij Kennedy anJ Martia Mwm'lc Kiges. Reccing i

f ton. ssarp an.J Ballard sporting R:?.en. Agnta '

V. ureenr. Colt Parker And P.etr.SnKtc'n !

I Breech-loAlc- e Ioub!e run. Colt and Sr.;t!j t iTo all ""ssoti Jtistoss. .N.LTRRY 4 BRO., I!3 San- - ;

SsS-l- yHA WAIJAXS and FRIEXDSone of tbe Kentucky Van kees.

I was in a hotel in Washington a ferda;; s pat, when a man went by of noespecial appearance. Said one, mention-ing his name: "There goes probably theablest bu-ine- ss man in California." Said I:-- Where did he come from?" "Why, heearn fn:n Kentuckv. He was one of the

Jl A M All XEI

A Novel Flower on the Mhmni.A novel flower Las been f r.d on the

istbznus of Tehunntepec, at the San Josehacienda, some twenty-tw- o lef.u-- s fromthe city of Tehuar.tepec. Thi-chameleon has the favulty - f changir.g itscolors during the d.iy. In th n:.-rnin- itis white; when the is at it- - zenith it isred, and at niht it is hi This red


and enuiloymc only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we are

I prej. ared to turn cat

Lflter IIeal.Bill Heads.

nrcuiart.Xote II-;t-

ltilln of IjuliHjf,Conlrar(i,MorrsRS1 BIanl-.i- ,

I.Shipping i nirH t,

, In Hawaiian t Ei;.;-h- ,

laliiilar,HIaiik lirk4,

Ktoc-- Cfrtilicrtt".Buin' CnriK.

Meal (hffko.Milk Ticket.

Bank li-k- s

Orler. (

Irrias rtiti-at"- .


Blotllnsr 1'ads

And in fact everything which a fir;t-cla- ?

Isporler M ManufacturerVan! and a Kentucky Yan- -K;!ke- -

"Gj 1?.p. skin any Yankee on the globe.h'-- " letter.

The ttcdersst'te-- 0 ves notice that te will tir. atter.,:a:.c- - st the grannis from thisdate to tr.e 1'th of NoTer;; er. to receive thePjt'ts of a'.t vlo wiL to H; :f-- s their loyalty acdaioha for H:. Mi.ty ksug KlakauA, on thecveasien of the

: a treewhite-and-blu- e ti j .v- - r r .v s

about the .size of the -ja-yuv-another

peculiarity t;.:s ?.tr u.'.d

Of a!i IWrif.uon of

BOOTS & SHOEStT Orders from tbe other Is'.Ands gollc'.id.

It is b-- rr f. wait for a coal train to goby than to cr.twl under it while inv'ver is that

anyonly at con lo? ir givv uCentral America Letter.

So. 114 Fort SU, Honolulu.2(tftCelel3ratioii


His Maiesiv's oOili BiriMavj -- ' ' 4According to a New York medicalJournal one-hal- f of the adult men inAmerica living in our cities are bald- -


A Fish in a Flower lied.In a garden at Caledonia, X. Y., a bed

of flowers has been laid out. twenty-tw-o

feet long, to represent a huge trout. Thegills, fins and eyes are represented by dif-ferent colored flowers. Chicago Times.

'Furuislied or UnfurnishedTh rttcl1? rre'ecte-- w:ll Te dulv reei.-tere- d Stoves, Ranges and .Housekeeping Goods.I r.ev-'- y : .so ;:t-.-- d a favor out of theit. but I have secured a

: v by pc-ti- it Ju 1 Iafagan.

Cired for a tte free-wi- ll gifts of a loyicsj'ie to thesr EiLt". in accordance with the!

of our co-satj- and it is requefled that ;

rr.:-.- y r e ven ictsr?e of the endersigce-- i ' 4 COTTAGE OX LEXALLLO AST) Pltrnrr arcis eutiV a date pcs.--i le.I ti.at famished complete for tonsekeeriEc- - T"Ba ueposit of g;-nuin-e

The rooms that John Brown occupied at"Windsor Castle have been kept stricklyclosed since the death of that faithful ser- - !

rant Philadelphia Call.

JOEX A. CEMinXS.Msrlal cf Birthday Ctrertotles. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worki'.iu nas ien found on the beach cf horse acd carrls.?": larpe gardea. App'.Ttt.

CHA3. J. FISHEL,Cor. fcrt r.d Hotel ctado- -if i Ore. n
