IT3.Taxonomy of Learning.ppt

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  • 8/11/2019 IT3.Taxonomy of Learning.ppt


    Taxonomy of Learning

    Syarif Husin

  • 8/11/2019 IT3.Taxonomy of Learning.ppt


    Learning Objectives

    Understand the taxonomy of learningDescribe the taxonomyUtilize the taxonomy in methods oflearning

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    Key Questions

    What is taxonomy ?Why do we need the taxonomy inmedical education ?What are the most popular taxonomyof learning ?How are their taxonomy of learning

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    What is taxonomy ?

    . . .

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    Why do we need thetaxonomy of learning ?

    Determine the goals of learningprocessGuidance of instructional designDetermine the students achievement

    Guidance of assessments andevaluations

    After the training session, the learnershould have acquires new .

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    What are the most popular taxonomy oflearning ?

    Bloom s Taxonomy Gagne s Taxonomy

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    Bloom s Taxonomy

    3 Domain of educational activityCognitive (knowledge)

    Mental skill Affective (attitude)

    Growth in feelings/emotional area

    Psychomotor (skills)Manual/physical skills

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    CognitiveKnowledge and the development ofintellectual skillsRecall or recognition of specific facts,

    procedural patterns, concepts6 major categories

    1. Knowledge2. Comprehension3. Application4. Analysis5. Synthesis6. Evaluation

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    C1: Knowledge

    Recall/remember data or informationKey words:

    Defines, describes, knows, recall, list,names, states

    I know The ritual activity to clean the penis iscalled circumcision

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    C2: Comprehension

    Understand the meaning or interpretation oftopics.

    States the topics with one s own words Key words:

    Comprehend, explain, gives examples, interpret,review

    I understand Circumcision is a surgery procedure that cuttingthe preputium to clean the smegma

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    C3: ApplicationUse / apply the concept to a new situation orto solve problemsKey words:

    Apply, use, adopt, demonstrate, illustrate, show

    I demonstrate circumcision procedures1. Antiseptic2. Anesthetic3. Cutting preputium

    Dorsum method

    Circum method4. Stop bleeding5. Suture wound6. Wound toilet

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    C4: Analysis

    Breaking the topics in to parts:understanding the parts, analyze /distinguish between partsKey words;

    Analyze, break down, compare, find therelationships, infer, select, identify

    I can see the comparison I analyze steps of circumcision, Icompare both of cutting methods (dorsum-circum), and I found that circum method

    more simple, faster, but higher risk.

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    C5: Evaluation

    Judging/asses the value of the topicsKey word:

    Accept, appraise, conclude, critique, judge, evaluate, justify, summarize

    I can judge / I conclude

    I conclude that dorsum method isbetter for the amateur and circummethod is better for the master.

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    C6: Synthesis

    Ability to formulate new idea/ creating a newmeaning/ creating something new by putting

    part to a whole oneCombine, create, compile, design, plan,reform, revise, produceI can create I can create a new combination of circummethod, that safer but still simple and faster

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    The manner in which we deal with topicsemotionallyExpress the feelings, values, attitudes,appreciations, enthusiasms, and motivation5 major categories:

    1. Receiving phenomena2. Responding phenomena3. Valuing4. Organization5. Internalizing value

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    A1: Receiving Phenomena

    Awareness, willingness to hear, selectedattention

    Key word: Ask, follow, name, select

    Examples Attendance to the lecture

    Listen to others with respectListen for/ remember the name of newlyintroduced

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    A2: Responding to phenomena

    Active participation to part of the learners.React/ responding to the phenomena

    Key word: Answer, assist, present, report, tell, writeExamples

    Participate in discussionGives presentation

    Ask the question Answer the question

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    A3: Valuing

    The worth or value a person attachesto a particular phenomena

    Key word:Complete, demonstrate, join, invite, share

    Examples: in debateShow ability to solve the problemPropose to improvement

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    A4: Organization

    Organize value into priorities by contrastingdifferent value

    Resolving conflicts between themKey words:

    Adhere, alter, arrange, combine, modifier,prepare, organize

    Example:Prioritizes topics effectively to meet the need ofall members

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    A5: Internalizing values

    Characterization according valuesystem that control behaviors

    Key words:Perform, practice, qualify, revise, solve


    Change behavior in light of new evidenceRevised judgments, value people forwhat they are, now how they look

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    PsychomotorPhysical movement, coordination, and useof the motor-skill areaRequire practiceMeasured by speed, precision, distance,procedures or techniques in execution5 Major (Dave s)



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    P1: Imitation

    Observing & patterning behavior aftersomeone else

    Performance: May be low of qualityExample:

    Copying a work art

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    P2: Manipulation

    Being able to perform actions byfollowing instruction and practicing

    Performance: begin to follow the goalExample:

    Creating work after taking lesson/ readingmanual

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    P3: Precision

    Refining, becoming more exactPerformance: Few error are apparentExample:

    Working and reworking, so it will be justright

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    P4: Articulation

    Coordinating a series of action,achieving harmony and internal

    consistencyPerformance: Consistence to their ownstyle

    Example: Producing a video thatinvolve music, drama, sound ect.

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    P5: Naturalization/Origination

    Become natural, without needing to thinkmuch, and some times special

    Performance:Highest level of performanceExample:

    Style of Michael Jordan playing Basket BallStyle of David Beckham kicking the ballStyle of Zidane / Ronaldinho controlling the ball

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    5 Domains

    1. Motor skills2. Attitude3. Verbal information4. Cognitive strategy5. Intellectual skills

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    Motor skills

    Bodily movements involving muscularactivity

    Starting a car, shooting a target.Swinging racquet

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    Internal state which effects anindividual s choice of action toward

    some object, personChoosing to visit art museum, writingletters with poetry words

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    Verbal information

    Labels and Fact:Naming / making verbal response

    Vocal or written response : name, talk

    Bodies of Knowledge:Recalling a large body of interconnected

    factsParaphrasing the meaning of textual material/rule/ regulation

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    Cognitive Strategy

    Control his/her own way of thinking &learning

    Engaging in self-testing to decide howmuch study in need

    Answering the responded questions

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    Intellectual Skills

    4 Levels:1. Discrimination2. Concrete concept3. Rule using4. Problem solving

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    Making different responses to thedifferent member

    Example: distinguish colors of trafficlight

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    Concrete concept

    Responses in a single way to allmembers of particular class of the


    When hearing Indra Lesmana Music , he

    knew the music is Jazz music

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    Rule Using

    Applying a rule to a given situationUsing antipyretic to improve the pever

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    Problem Solving

    Combining lower level rules to solveproblems

    May involve generating new rulesProcess: trial and error until the one tosolve the problem is found

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    Make 4 MCQ from topic of adultlearning which consist of C1-C4Bloom s level cognitive.

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