Itntroduction to UML 1 Introduction to UML Part 2

Itntroduction to UML 1 Introduction to UML Part 2

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Page 1: Itntroduction to UML 1 Introduction to UML Part 2

Itntroduction to UML 1

Introductionto UMLPart 2

Page 2: Itntroduction to UML 1 Introduction to UML Part 2

Itntroduction to UML 2

Building blocks of the UMLBuilding blocks of the UML• As part of a model you have:

– 1 1 modeling elementsmodeling elements– 22 relationshipsrelationships between the modeling elements– 33 diagramsdiagrams that group and visualize the modeling elements

and the relations between them.• E.g. class diagram:


Department OfficeLocatedAt



1..* 1..*


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11 Modeling elementsModeling elements

• You have modeling elements for:– 1.1 Structural thingsStructural things– 1.2 Behavioral thingsBehavioral things– 1.3 Grouping thingsGrouping things– 1.4 Annotational thingsAnnotational things

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1.11.1 Structural elementsStructural elements

• Identified with nouns, e.g. Person; Typically representing static parts of the model. In UML you will find 7 different types of structual elements:– 1.1.1 ClassClass– 1.1.2 InterfaceInterface– 1.1.3 Active classActive class– 1.1.4 ColloborationColloboration– 1.1.5 ComponentComponent– 1.1.6 NodeNode– 1.1.7 Use CaseUse Case

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- x : int- y : int

+ getX() : int+ setX(aX : int) : void+ getY() : int+ setY(aY : int) : void

1.1.1 Class:1.1.1 Class:Describes a Set of ObjectsDescribes a Set of Objects

Pointx : inty : int

getX() : intsetX(aX : int) : voidgetY() : intsetY(aY : int) : void

Rose: The icons , and can beused instead of +, # and -

Rational Rose 2000

class name





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Encapsulation -Encapsulation -Also Called Data HidingAlso Called Data Hiding

• Encapsulation: hiding the the implementation of the data hiding the the implementation of the data from users of the objectfrom users of the object. Users are typically objects of other classes.The users don’t see if the data is stored in fields, calculated or if they are retrieved from a database, they only call a method.

• Encapsulation is achieve by never letting objects directly never letting objects directly access fieldsaccess fields. Fields should only be accessed through the object’s methods.

• Making the fields privateMaking the fields private (or protected) ensures encapsulation. If you want objects of different types to access the fields, then make public methodspublic methods (or package accessibility) for this purpose.

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A method is an implementation of an operation.

A method specifies the algorithm or procedurethat produces the results of an operation.

Operation Versus Method Operation Versus Method (C++ member function)(C++ member function)

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1.1.2 Interface:1.1.2 Interface:A Named Set of Operations A Named Set of Operations That Describes Some Behavior That Describes Some Behavior (No Implementation)(No Implementation)



isEqual(otherObject : ISortable) : booleanisLess(theOther : ISortable) : booleanisGreater(theOther : ISortable) : boolean


interface - iconic form

interface name stereotype

interface - expanded form


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Itntroduction to UML 9Interface, HiA by J.P.Nytun 2

An Interface Can Be Seen As a ProtocolAn Interface Can Be Seen As a Protocol

• An interfaceinterface is an agreement on behavioragreement on behavior.

• A classclass which implementsimplements an interface agrees on supporting the specified behaviorthe specified behavior.

• An interfaceinterface can also be seen as a definition of a roledefinition of a role, classes which implements the role are able to play that role.

Example: The auto-pilot of an airplane can act as a pilot the same is true about some humans. The auto-pilot and the human is quit different types of objects, but they can both play the same role. Many different types of objects can implement the interface, so the interface is not the same as a “class to subclass from”.

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1.1.3 Active Class1.1.3 Active Class



Active class: describes objectsthat owns their own thread;The behavior of this objectscan be concurrent with others

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1.1.4 Colloboration1.1.4 Colloboration

Colloboration: describes a colloborationbetween roles to achieve a particular goal.A collaboration can represent animplementation of a use case or a particularpattern.


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1.1.5 Component1.1.5 Component


Component: a physicalpart of the system whichimplements a set of interfaces.

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Different types ofDifferent types of Components Components (in(in UML UML))• Deployment ComponentsDeployment Components: this components can be assembled to form a complete executable system.

Example: A complete executable application, a dynamic library (DLL), a JavaBean, a COM+ object.

• Work Product ComponentsWork Product Components: this components are the basis for making the deployment components. They are not a part of the executable system, but results from the development process. Example: Source code.

• Execution ComponentsExecution Components: this components are created by an executing system. Example: a JavaBean created during runtime.

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Web ExampleWeb Example





Menu.javaCould be an execution component,

e.g. Produced by a servelet

Deployment component

Working productcomponent

Deployment component

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1.1.6 Node1.1.6 Node

Node: a physical element that represent a computational resource(e.g. processor and memory).


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1.1.7 Use Case1.1.7 Use Case

Use case: describes a sequence of actions that yields an observable result for an actor. With use cases you can structure the behavioral things in a model.

Registerfor exam

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Extensibility MechanismsExtensibility Mechanisms


EventQueue{version 2.1}


length():int«helper function»



tagged value

{add runs in O(1) time}


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1.2 Behavioral Elements1.2 Behavioral Elements

• Describing the dynamically parts of the model. Behavioral elements are identified with the help of verbs.– 1.2.1 InteractionInteraction– 1.2.2 StateState

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1.2.1 Interaction1.2.1 Interaction

Interaction: A behavior that comprises aset of messages sent between a set of objectsto archive a special purpose, like in a sequencediagram.

User Oven-control -unit Oven-light

Set temperature(250C)

Heat on light on

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1.2.2 State Machine1.2.2 State Machine

State machine: A description of the differentstates an object can go through in response toevents. Events generated by the object is alsoshown. An activity diagram is a special case ofa state diagram.

One State An Other State

SomeEvent / SomeAction()

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1.3 Grouping Elements1.3 Grouping Elements

• You can group elements with the help of packages.

• [1]: ”A package may own other elements, including classes, ..., diagrams, and even other packages.”

• You can use packages to orginaze your classes (interfaces,..) and your diagrams.




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1.4 Annotational Elements1.4 Annotational Elements

• You can add comments to a diagram with the help of notes.

A comment

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2 Relations2 Relations

• You have 4 different relationships:– 2.1 DependencyDependency– 2.2 AssociationAssociation– 2.3 GeneralitationGeneralitation– 2.4 RealizationRealization

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2.1 Dependency:2.1 Dependency:

• A relationship between to modeling elements, indicate that a change in the destination may effect the source.


add(e : employee)

The method add has an employee as argument, soCompany-class (source) is dependent of the Employee-class (destination).

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2.2 Association:2.2 Association:• This relationship indicate that there is a connection

from one type of objects to another type.An important type of association is aggregation which indicates that one object contains objects of a given type.


Department OfficeLocatedAt


1..* 1..*

* *

composition or strong aggregation

ordinary association



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2.3 Generalization:2.3 Generalization:

• A relationship between a more general element and a more specific one. For example: a bird is also an animal.



A bird is a specializationof an animal.

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2.4 Realization:2.4 Realization:

• UML: ”A semantic relationships between classifiers, in which one classifiers specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out”.




The class Snake implementsthe interface Movable.

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3 Diagrams3 Diagrams

• A diagram is typically a view of a part of the model, showing modeling elements and some of the relationships between them.

• A diagram do not have to be complete, some elements may be missing or presented in a simplified fashion.

• UML: ”A well-formed model is one that is semantically self-consistent and in harmony with all related models.”

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There are 9 types of diagrams inThere are 9 types of diagrams in UMLUML


Dynamic views Static views








Use CaseDiagrams


Some part ofthe model might not be visible on

any diagram

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3.1 Use case diagram3.1 Use case diagram


register a person

edit a registration/delete a registration

navigate/viewthe register

”include”view next


view previousperson





use casesystem boundary

include relationship

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Use Case Diagram - One More ExampleUse Case Diagram - One More Example

Make/edit course Lecturer

Student Register for course

Register as studentPerson



Register for exam

InstructorWorking with courseCourseParticipant


”A use case is a specific way of usingthe system by performing somepart of the functionality.Each use case constitutes a completecourse of events initiated by an actor,and it specifies the interaction thattakes place between an actor andthe system....”

I. Jacobson

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3.2 Class Diagram3.2 Class Diagram

name : Stringdescription : String

name : Stringemail : StringhomePage : String



name : Stringdescription : String


Student StudentCourseProfile

finished : boolean

Course1 *Person

1 *tech. responsible for






responsible for

When a student register for course a StudentCourseProfile

object will be made!

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A Class DiagramA Class DiagramWith NavigationWith Navigation

name : Stringdescription : String

name : Stringimail : StringhomePage : String



name : Stringdescription : String



Course1 *responsible forPerson

1 *tech. responsible for





finished : boolean


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A Class Diagram - Mapping to JavaA Class Diagram - Mapping to Java

name : Stringdescription : String

name : Stringimail : StringhomePage : String


Course1 *responsible forPerson

1 *tech. responsible for




finished : boolean


public class Person { protected String name; protected String imail; protected String homePage;//// Navigation protected Course[] responsibleFor; protected Course[] techResponsibleFor;

public Person() { }}

public class Person { protected String name; protected String imail; protected String homePage;//// Navigation protected Course[] responsibleFor; protected Course[] techResponsibleFor;

public Person() { }}

public class Student extends Person {//// Navigation public StudentCourseProfile[] studentCourseProfile;

public Student() { }}

public class Student extends Person {//// Navigation public StudentCourseProfile[] studentCourseProfile;

public Student() { }}

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A Class Diagram - Example With InterfaceA Class Diagram - Example With Interface









public void read(){ terminal.print("Name: ");

name = terminal.readLine(); ...}







To different representationof nearly the same

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A Class Diagram -A Class Diagram -One More Example With InterfaceOne More Example With Interface




isLess(theOther : ISortable) : booleanisEqual(theOther : ISortable) : booleanisGreater(theOther : ISortable) : boolean



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3.3 Object Diagram -3.3 Object Diagram -Capture Instances and LinksCapture Instances and Links


Class Object

Possible object


noOfEmploees : intHiA: Company


object classattributewith value

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Object Diagram with LinksObject Diagram with Links

HiA: Company

Engineering : Department



Language: Department



Department OfficeLocatedAt




Class Diagram Object Diagram

Possibleobject diagram

Link - A link is an instance of an association,analogous to an object being an instance of a class.

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HiA:Comany Gimlemoen:Office

noOfEmploees = 600

Object diagram and Rational Rose 2000Object diagram and Rational Rose 2000

Rational Rose 2000 does not have object diagrams,but you can achieve much the same with a collobartion diagram

You can not specify attributes inside object;One solution to this short-coming is to use a comment!

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3.4 Sequence diagram3.4 Sequence diagram


<command r>

registeruser controllerViewer



setData(name, ..)

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3.5 Colloboration diagram3.5 Colloboration diagram



1: register()


1.1: data := getData()

1.3: setDate(data)1.2: ”create”

1.4: insert(person)

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3.6 Statechart diagram 3.6 Statechart diagram

StateChart for microwaveoven "control unit"

Simple microwave oven:- Power can be on or off- Time can be set after the power has been turned on


do/ display("Off")exit/ display("Time?")

Set time

do/ get numberexit/ ^timer.setTime(timeRead)


do/ display("Close Door")


do/ display ("time left")exit/ ^heattingElement.powerOff()entry/ ^heatingElement.powerOn()

[ Door open ] [ Door closed ]

Door closed

Door open


Time out

Power turned on

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Statechart for AppletStatechart for Applet










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3.7 Activity diagram -3.7 Activity diagram -Capture Dynamic Behaviour (Activity-oriented)Capture Dynamic Behaviour (Activity-oriented)

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Activity diagram -Activity diagram -One More ExampleOne More Example


product of activity

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Activity diagram - One More ExampleActivity diagram - One More Exampleuser controller person register

request registration

create person (object)

supply person-data

forward person-data

process person-data

insert person

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3.8 Component diagram -3.8 Component diagram -Captures the Physical Structure of the ImplementationCaptures the Physical Structure of the Implementation


Demo.html applet2.class




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Component diagram -Component diagram -One More ExampleOne More Example

Person.class Register.class


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3.9 Deployment diagram3.9 Deployment diagram


”network” LAN



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Multi-tier Architecture

- MVC -view:



j1:Jsp s1:Servlet






s2:Servlet j2:Jsp

b1:BusinessObject b3:BusinessObject

b4:BusinessObject b2:BusinessObject



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ReferencesReferences• [1] Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson:

The Unified Modeling Language User Guide.Addison-Wesley, 1999

• James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy and William Lorenzen: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Prentice Hall, 1991

• Martin Fowler with Kendall Scott: UML Distilled.Addison-Wesley, 1997

• Terry Quatrani: Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML.Addison-Wesley, 1998

• Ari Jaaksi: A Method for Your First Object-Oriented Project. JOOP - The Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Januar 1998

• Rational software: http://www.rational.com/uml/documentation.html