Tilt PKOPLli’s I'APEH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Annonnoemcnts under this heading most positively he paid for in advance don’t ask for a deviation from this rule, County offices, |10; beat offices, |5. 1 OK SI A I K AUDITOR: We are authorized to announce Mr, R- N. Harris, of Coahoma enmity, us a can- didate lor auditor of public accounts, subject in the Democratic nomination. ~FOK RAILROAD COMMISSIONER: Wo are authorized to announce Mr. A O. Webb, of Marion county, as a candi date for railroad commissioner from the second district, subject to the action of the Democratic noniiinting convention. FOR SHERIFF. AVe are antiiorized to announce Mr. Frank .1. Ladner as a candidate for sher- iff or Hancock comity, subject to the ac- tion of tin- Democratic primary, FOR TREASURER: Wc are authorized to announce Captain J. A. Fuvro as a candidate for Treasurer of Hancock cmr ty, subject to the action oi the Democratic primary election. fob CIRCUIT & CHANCERY CLERK Wo are authorized to announce E. H. Hoffmann as a candidate for re-election to the office of Circuit and Chancery clerk, subject to (lie action of the Demo- cratic primary election. FUR COUNTY TAX-ASSESSOR. We are authorized to announce Mr. F. C. Hnrdage us a candidate for re-election to the office of tax-assessor of Hancoek comity, subject to the action of the Dcm- ocrat primary. IT)It SUPERVISOR— HIST. 5 Wo are authorized to nnnonneo Mr. Louis S. Bourgeois as a candidate for supervisor from District 5 of Hancoek county, subject to llio action oftlio Dcm- cr.itte party. FOR JUSTicfi OF THE PEACE. We nr authorized to amiouueo John A. Arenth 8 a (ftmlidatc for re-edertion a n Justice of the Peace for district No. 5, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Wo are authorised to aunouuco Mr. R. Mendea ns a enudidate for Justice of the Fence from District No* 5, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOK COMbTABLK Dials 5. Wo are autbori/.oil to anuoiiuco Albert Carver as a candidate, for coiititublt* from District 5, subject to flic action of tbe Democratic party. Wo arc authorized to aunouuco Al- phonse Fayard as a candidate for ro-clcc- tiou to the oltice ofeoustablo from district No. 5, subject to the Democratic party. Til OS. L. KVANS, Corner Union and Front Streeta. ’T3'i3‘'Cm r -- 1 | —-■*] J TRY MY ICE CREAM SODA AND MILK SHAKES. City Echoes, Our next shciiff- Frank J. I miner. Bay St, Louis has lour denial offices. This is no mistake. Miss C. deMonlluzio Is home from a visit to friends in Louisiana. Mr, aud Mrs. 0. C. Hartwell were re- cent visitors to their summer home. Miss Rosa Ames, of Ocean Springs, is spending n|whilc with Miss Philo Monti. Clerk Hoffmann returns to-day from a trip through Hancock, registering voters. Miss Mamie Huron left Thursday even- ing for a slay with relatives in New Or- leans. Depot Agent John A. Green is again at his post oi duly after a seyere spell of illness. Miss A. Huron has returned from Now Orleans, ranch pleased with her stay In the big city. Mr. J. R. Guerra has opened the ice cream saloon near his place for the sum- mer season, Thu season for garden parties and cn- tertai uincuts is on. "Make hay while the sun shines. Judge Breath has been acting custodian •f the county clerk’s office during that officers absence. Dr. Q. L. Mitchell has runted the old post office building where ho is ready to meet his patrons. Mr, and Mrs. John T. McDonald and children from Pass Christian, visited rel- atives here last Sunday. The official management of the city is seriously contemplating the opening of Toulino street to Carroll avenue. Plans are being contemplated for a fes- tival to be given at an early hour for the benefit of the Catholic church. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gallery and family arc here from New Orleans, occupying their summci home on the Jordan. Mrs. S. Swoop and family are here from New Orleans for the summer sea son, occupying their beach dwelling. Mrs. D. P. Fenner and Miss Maud Venerablcs, of New Orleans, visitied Mrs. W. M. Chambers Sunday last. Hancock has a junior sheriff. Mr. aud Mrs. Cazeneuvc were made recipients Thursday night of a brand new boy. Tiic household effects of the W aycland residence of the late Numas Dufour were disposed of at the "Auctioneers’ Ex- change.” Prof. Combel held the floor, Mrs. Mary Smith, keeper of a refresh- ment saloon on Union street, was robbed Monday night of $4O cash. The robber has not yet neen apprehended. St: Joseph’s Parochial School Com- mencement. Tho annual commencement ol Si. Joseph’* parochial school Thursday eve- ning in every way worthy of that ln- atitution. The manner in which the youthful pupils, who seemed a neat of violets, acquitted themselves showe 1 long and careful trailing. The pro- gramme, which consisted of songe, recita- tions and dramaf, was quite interesting and held firm the attention of the large gathering. A special mention ot little Mis* Barham Marti must not bo omitted j for tlic way she captivated her audience in au entirely original dance. It would tax The Echo’s fund of intellect to speak deftervinglv of each participant so it will simply compliment thorn collectively. Miss Klaucho Avery always kind anil accomodating, c msented to grace the affair with a choice recitation; her abili- ties as an elocutionist are too well known for comment. Professor Combel’s Hand furnished the music. Following is the programme: Brass Band. Opening Chorus-“ List to the Convent Bells, pupils. “The Ma Sweet Family”—Comedy— Ma Sweet, Miss L. Comhel; Baby, Miss E. Lament; Elizabeth Eliza, Miss A. Lar- disLed; Betsy Belinda, Miss R. Becker; Armity Arm, F. Bnrrathii; Caroline Cor- delia, Miss L. Carlson; Angelina, Miss A, llotfmann; Fiddlesticks and Eliza Jane, Misses V. Bangnrd and E. Fa,yard; fllori- ana Gadabout and Mariana M. Ring, Misses 11. Ennis and Frances Todow; Je- mima N. Strong, Miss O. Ames, Parasol Drill, by sixteen Junior pupils. Brass hand. “The Cost of a Promise.” Seone 1 Mrs. Conner’s Cottage. Kathleen, Miss Uettie Walters; Mrs. Conner’s, flier mother) an invalid, Miss E. Koningslow. Scene 2 Public park. Granny Oilligen, (old apple woman), Miss J. Cazenciive; Gypsies—Loda, violin player, Miss M. Comhel; Zola, dancer. Miss L. Guerra. Little girls playing in tho park—Misses R. Tuilnry, K. Carver, M. ami T. Piori, A. Iliffminn, L. Bontemp, L. Toncrey, A r . liillinuiiK, J . Fable, M. Marti, M. CJn iiitinj, E. Laurent, BnioS hum]. Scene 3—Mrs. Rnyalton’s Sitting Room. Mrs. Royalton, Miss A. Fayurd; Ethel, Miss A. Sherges; Lucille, Miss R. Parilla; Madame Felice, (maid to Mrs. Royalton) Miss A. Ruiseoh; I’opsy, maid to Ethel ami 1 ue.ille. Miss B. Marti. Scone 4 Magistrate’s office. Magistrate, Miss C. Spolorne, Scene 5 Mrs. Koyalton’s Room, Finale. Brass hand. Fancy dance, Miss M. Combul, M. Strong, E. Fayurd, It. Ennis, Recitation, Miss B. Avery, Final chorus by pupils, “God Ever Glmious.” Short Stops. Politics are waxing warm. Some people unite the meaning of Itee coinage with free lunch. The man that will lie will steal. Be- ware of the advertiser who'll mis-repre- seut his goods, “The sound of silver tickles the ear,” said n 10 to 1 orator. A straw can tickle Ihe ear of an nss. An attempt to run n candidate in’ op position to Hon. E, J. Bowers is being frustrated by the intelligent people. Visitor —“I suppose your greatest trouble is to get advertisements for yonr paper?” Country Editor—No; the hardest part is to get the pay i from the adverti- sers.” An advertisement in a newspaper should nut ho allowed to remain the year round unchanged. The old timer, who runs a small, standing ad of the “Hill Julies, Grocer; the Finest Stock in Town” variety in his local paper, dis- covers to liis cost that people do not go I)' - the curd but do go by the store. Waveland Whispers. Mr. D. Fatjo, representing a Louisville (Inn, was here this week. Mrs. John P. Doerr and little daughter spent the day hero Wednesday. Mr. Koca and family are occupying the palatial Chaffe residence this season. Mr. Olus Bourgeois took a business trip to the big city this week. Mr. J. if. Benedict came over Wednes- day to remain during the heated term. Mr. Peter Helwcgo [and family are spending a few days In New Orleans. Mr. R. Tanneret and family came oyer this week at May’s Villa, their summer home. Mr. Charles Durleux and family are pleasantly located at the Claussun real deuce. Mr. Loeb has purccascd the "Allien” property from Mr. Barr, and, with bis family, will reside there this summer. A Traveller’s Ingenuity, There was a passenger aboard the south-bound train over the Louisville and Nashville road yesterday morning whose bump of ingenuity is well devel- oped, and who has an eye to comfort while travelling. He Improvised a spark arrester, and while it was crude In ap. pcaranco and make it served to fulfill all that its projector intended for it. The arrester was nothing more than a piece of plain pine board, about two feet in length and six inches In width. After raising the car window, the board was set upright iu the corner nearest to the engine at an angle of forty-five degrees, and throughout the rundown from Mont- tfpincry the inventive passenger was not annoyed by sparks or cinders, for every lime they came bis way they were warded off by the arrester. Others on the car who suffered from the annoyance of sparks and cinders envied the happiness of the embryo Inventor, and no doubt In- wardly promised themselves to supply themselves with pine boards when they again go truvelling.-Mobllo Register. Mr. H. F. Slnirall, a clever representa- tive, 1s here from Vicksburg endeavoring to organize a branch of Woodmen of the World. The plan and workings are libe- ral and the inducements for life insurance arc good- Saturday, July the twenty-seventh, has been selected by the Ladies’ Mluerva As- sociation of tbe date on which their next benefit entertainment will take place. “The veteran firemen of Bay St. Louis have requested Mr. Geo. W. Maynard to become foreman of the local company until Its thorough re-organization. Edw. C. Gardebucd, Secretary.” Mr. I’, Goesling, of the New Orleans Bakery, says lie is now prepared to fur- nish his patrons with all kinds of cakes, pies, butter rolls etc,, also the very- best bread in town. Major Tidwell Is demonstrating to bis friends what can be done with Bay St. Louis soil lu the way of gardening, ills vegetables have truly beeu .favored by nature. Rey. J. W. Hannon, father of our local minister, will hold services at .11 o’clock to-morrow—Sunday—morning at at the Main Street Methodist church. A substantial proof of the “Tourist Art Gallery’s” successful work and sat- isfaction is judged from the big business The proprietors are enjoying. The galle- ry is located near the depot, and prices are marvellously low. Corinne May Uonito. A Now Orleans correspondent of The Echo sends the following clipping from Iho Jewish Times of that city. Miss Uo- nito was a regular summer resident of Waveland and possessed the regard of a wide number of friends! ‘God smiled upon hot and she slept Always self sacrificing, bearing her suf- ferings nncomolainiugly, always bringing [tic sunshine of happiness Into (ho home circle, in the llrst blush of womanhood she passed away into the great beyond. Death came to her relief on Monday morning, Juno 3rd, and bore her away, Of her, words fail to convey most charm- ing and loving attributes, for in her was centered a mother's love, a father’s pride and joy. Without display she was borne by loving hands to the sanctified pre- cincts of the Fonuguoeo cemetery, and 'midst Nature's choicest creations, horuti- fnl flowers, she was laid to rest, the fair- est flower of them all. Rabbi Max I lei jer offered words of con- solation; sympathy and prayer that as- suaged the poignant grief of thoso who loved her so well. The following gentlemen, dear friends of the beloved dead, acted as pall bearers: I’arke C, Hands, Wm. D, Rollings, Jr.; Emanuel Goldsmith, K. E. Sexton, Dan Uonito, Arthur Joseph and Ered Sutter.’ Thu closing of St. Hose’s Parochial School (colored) took place Tuesday evening, and, as usual, the splendid train- ing powers of the sisters of St. Joseph were fully evidenced. This school Is largely attended and is In charge of Sister Si. Peter who is ably assisted. Very Rev. Vather Lcduc nud Rev. Father Al phouse were masters of ceremony. Both were the donors of medals and some val- uable hook premuims. The will boa garden party and dancing to-night given on the grounds of Mrs. C. Gardcblcd, for the benefit of the K, of Honor Lodge,, No. 3883, of Hay St Louis, One of the prominent features of the affair will he the production by a number of home people of “Mrs. Lester's Soiree,” a comedy lu three acts. The editorial management acknowledges the receipt of complimentary tickets. No brighter little girl in Bay St. Louis can be found than Geraldine Ames, the 9-year old daugntor of Mr. and Mrs. William Ames. She is a very apt scholar, has already made her First Com- munion, and Thursday evening was awarded the only gold medal offered this year al the convent school which was donated by V. Rev. Father Leduc. Mr. McQraw’s new schooner, Mlzinti, last Sunday sped the bosom of the water with a splendid breeze and made fast time. It was Interesting to watch the schooner of Mr. L. Ollvarl, the Lavrana, following closely the clipper built |boat. Crowds of spectators watched the run, and from the Interest displayed one could have imagined the race was between the Valkyrie and Vigilant. Mr. J. F. Cszenenve has an advertise- ment in this Issue. This is sufficient proof that your trade is wanted, aid, to keep it, fair and square dealings will pre- vail Mr. Cazcneuvebas an immense and complete stock. The annual commencement ekerc'ses of the Academy of St. Joseph occur on the morning of Thursday next and the College will entertain with their exercises the same evening and the distributional premiums on the morning following. AN INVITATION Is defined by Webster asc “calling or requesting of a \ person’s company to visit” X That is what I wish of you. 7 Your company is requested v at my store, and if you w ish / anything in the lines of Dry Goods, Notions, Hung, HATS, SHOES, ETC., it will be my pleasure to suit vyour taste and your purse. MM S My $l.OO Lady Button Boot C °ne of ipy thsusand bar- C gains. New goods constant- j ly received to satisfy my big - /v/ . S trade. JOS. F. CAZENEUVE, Front near Union Sts. LETTERS FROM THE FBOI'LE. To the Patrons of the Public School of Bay St. Louis. In reply to an article appearing in last week’s bane of the Onlf (Coast Progress criticizing the action of three inenihers of the Board of Trustees, when voting for teachers for the next term at the last regular meeting of the Hoard: namely Dr. VonGohrcn, Messrs Thiery and Hart (although Dr. vonQohron chairman of the Hoard did not vote’ftt all) and re- questing them to give their reason to the patronsol said school, why they ignored a petition signed hy a great many pat- rons of the primary department of said school, to the effect of retaining Mias Lena Driver in her position us second assistant for tho next term, we will state the following: Daring tho past scholastic, year we have had reason to complain of the dis- harmony existing between tho teachers ol said school, there has been a conflict of authority for some time, as to who had the command, and who had to obey, and to what extent. This state of affairs went even so far, that the continuation ot the classes np to tho times prescribed by law became difficult. Through the influence of onr county superintendent this matter was settled and school eon tinned for the form. However, later, when tho Hoard of 1 rasters deei .od to hold commencement exercises, to show to the patrons of the public school, the progress made by their children during tin hist session and it T.eooming “occ’.sury to prepare Hie Hindis of tho different departments for tho occa- sion Miss Lena Driver refused to assist the principal of tho public school and in so doing. Ignored entirely the wishes of the Board of Trustees, The patrons of the public school who have signed the petition mentioned above very likely were not aware of such occur- ences and certainly will understand why we did not wish to retain the services of Mims Lena Driver for the next term. U. C, Hart, secretary. C'has. Thiery. Dr. L. H. VonGohrcn, president. The foregoing communication was just handed us hy Dr. VonGohrcn, just previous to onr going to press. The immediate attention of ihe city hoard of health Is directed to an accu- mulation ot kitchen refuse and yard gar- bage directly against the south side of the post office building, under the sec- ond window. County Assess >r Bordage has about concluded the labors of his office, and will soon take a trip through the countv to look after his political fences. 00 YOU want to STOP TOBAUUOT Von rail ho Unroll While Using I t, rii habit id using tobacco grows on a man until grave diseased conditions arc liroiliiccd. Tobacco causes caucer of the month and stomach; dyspepsia; loss of memory; nervous affections; congestion of the retina, and wasting of the optic net”e resulting in impairment of vision, even to the extent of blindness} dizziness, or vertigo; tobacco asthma; nightly suffo- cation; dull pain in the region of the iicart, followed later by sharp pains, pal- pitation and weakened pulse, resulting in lata,l, heart disease. It also causes loss of vitality. QUIT, HEFOHEIT IS TOO LATE. To quit suddon’y is too severe a shock to tlio system, as tobacco to an inveter- ate user, becomes a stimulant that his KRSS*.. craves, “HACO- CIIRO is a cicntitlc and reliable vegeta- ble remedy, guuianteed to bo perfectly harmless, aim which as been in use for the hist 23 years, having cured thomauds 01 habitual tobacco users smokers che.wcrs and snutf dippers, Aon can nseall the tobacco yon want while taking “IUCCO-CIJRO,” it wili notify you when to stop. We give a written gnarantes to permanently cure any case with throe buses, or refund the money with 10 percent interest. “BACCO-OURO” is not a substitute, but a reliable and scientific cure—which absolutely destroys the craving for tobac- co without the aid of will power, and with no inconvenience. It leaves the siHtem as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or bo* m w" 1 . by 1,11 dru KK't* at #1 per box, (thirty days treatment and gnaran- teed cure,) $2.50, or sent direct upon rc- fm' 1 '!" 1 eI "J bix tw cent stamps For box lok, et and proofs free. laUiekji t hetuical and Manufaetnrtmr Cos. manufacturing ilieinistH, LaCroaae, Win. Gt. A. LEVY, Welcome Store The moat progressive and up to date fttoro in Bay St. Louis. Full value re- ceived for your monev. Dry Goods, Shoes, HATS, ETC. Cotuoi Front in 1 Muiu Sts, D. B. HEAL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all Sea Coast counties. Officei Union near Hancock streets, bay ST. LOUIS, MISS. Holstein Ball, Major. The services ot my registered HOL- STEIN BULL, “MAJOR” are offered at ?2.60 per season. D. C. Younger, Arlitgtnn Dairy Farm. Louisville AND Nashville Limited Express Daily in Pullman Veslibuled Cars to MONTGOMERY, BIRMINGHAM, NASH- VILLE, LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, PHILADELPHIA, ATLANTA, ”.VASH INGTON. time TABLE. GOING SOUTH:- No. I—duo 3:16 p, m , daily. V 3- 5:47 a. m .daily. ' 5 ]. m., daily, Sunday. * " 6:48 cx.et GOING NORTH. N((. 2—due 9:32 p. m. daily 1- “12:36 a.m. daily. 6- “9:87 a.m. daily. Sunday 8 ‘' s:Bßl ’- U 1” Uharles Marshall, Superintendent. John A. Green, Local Agent. N O. Ticket olHce, eor, St. Charle and Common streets. G. L. Travis city ticket agent. Depot ticket office, foot of Canal street, A. E. Ladner, depot ticket agent. John Kilkeny, nix *. D V- Paßsen K e Agent. C. P. At more, G. P. a., Louis- ville, Ky. 8 $lBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap- plies through us for the moat meritorious patent during the month preceding. Wo secure the beat patents for our clients, and the object of this offer is to encourageinventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time wa wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be eaaily slid up and down without breaking the passenger’s back, “sauce-pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock?' “bottle, stopper, ' and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; andthesesimple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. rr is not so hard as it seems. Patents taken out through us receive special notice In the National Recorder/’ published at Washington, D. C., which is the Dcst newspaper published in America •n the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub- scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder,” containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits ofthe invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitor* of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. tar* Rtf trend—editor 0/this paper. Write/orour SQ-Pagepamphlet, FRt.E. HENRY’S HOUSE, 433—St. Charles Street, near Poydras New Orleans, La. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, LODGING AT REaSONAIILE RATES HENRY HELLMERS, Prop. LrGulf co 1 1 1i< Irj c n licHtd. fTT AT?T TTV’C South America WilAAilA * and India Rem LIFE edies for Colds, “• " Coughs,Dispep TONIC sia> Liver > Kid- * ney and Blood. Roots and Barks, boiled to a Syr- up and contains:— Chinchona, for Fevers. Podophillam, Liver. Sweet Flag, Liver. Gengian, << Stomach. Bonsett, Blood. Licorice, Throat. Sarsaparilla, << Blood. Senna, Cathartic. Glycerine, Lungs. Syrup, •• Throat. FEW REFERENCES.—Cured. S. W. Blighter, N. O. Catarrh. F. R. Store, * •< Sam Blane, Neuralgia. M. F. Jones, Mobile, Headache. Salle King, Eutau, Blood Poison. James Ayers, Dispepsia. Sam Dalton, N. O. Burrows Bright, Liver. Will Strong, Stomache. Frank Strong, Constipation. Charlie Beals, Chills. Ben. F. Birch, Throat. Mrs. S. F. Allen, Nervousness. These are all home references. We ask you to try one or two bot- tles. Cost reduced to 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Ask j'our drug- gist or send to 709 Camp St., New Orleans, La. Southern Agent. fi p p D BWft mnaw i t I I fl ■>D OLD MWM J f PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT liAIAHHH. MIIIBH 5 5 AND POTASSIUM ijFIRQIIHITF* I P Wakes and CYSPEPSU ~ f I MpusCures t I In Blood Poison “f** 5 £ Rheumatism f % T~z —rr eMsesS?f3“XS f I and Scrofula # V mrn I Aberdeen, Brown County" \ X P. T. I’, purines tho blood, bullde np Cap*. J. D. Joi n,tor- ' W O tbo weak anil rtobllituted, pivot *- n on. strength to weakened nerves, expels *v allyhomU may concern' t , X X dlseso, giving the patient lieekh end th* w '> n, 'crfat protJldll W ■W happiness where sickness, gloom? p v,' ,or eruptions or Cheekin'*! Tk v feelings and lessttnde flrst prevailed. offered for several years witti m A— .-I - sightly end.disagreeable enmtiu£ W 9 For primary, secondary and tertiary bnown rei 1 V syphilis. for blood poisoning, mercu- Sr. u ?‘ , ?T!* n, ?, n Hl r P-P-nasose? W ■'W r r“‘ f! ul flim v. nialnrla. dyspepsia, and ‘°ur ely corod, “• W * n n'i blood and skin dticssca, like (kßgnadby) J. D. .iohijrtqo X X blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, * Savannah and. W dm tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, U l> r.. u . - ** T enema~we may say, without fear of Cancer Cured, \ A contradiction, that I*. r. P. Is the beat Jbtftmoa* tVmniAs , - fIP # Moo.l puriHor In the world, and makes ssmmowy /vom tas Mayor of dsyu<n.7<x, \ positive. speedy and permanent cures Dsqbm. Tug., January 11 man m A I" all oases. Bros” W II —amamams—as— On.: Cmlltmn-l have tried your*? \ \ ladles nbooosyntams are poisoned P- P. for s disease of the skin, nnmiis m cA and whose bloodle In an Impure eonul- known ss skin rartrcr.of thirty vr ~,t T ype tlon. due to menstrual Irregularities, stsmllng. and tonnd grunt relief- m X V sro neonllarly bonoflted by the won- purifies the blood snd removes ail iS m dorful tonlo and blood cleansing prop- rltatlon from the seat of the 5i,!,,. T ortlr-i of p. p. p.-prlokly Ash, Poke end prevents any spreading oti!2 X Root and PotaUlnm. sores. I have taken Bvoor sir bottil! m R? —II ■——■■■ ■■■!■■ ■■ ajjfl feol PODfWnt that another rouS \ BrßiwoyntLD, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. £“•?* f t V? ro * has also relieved A a —I can posit in the highest terms of 2* *Bdlg#tlcm and stomach W your modlei oo from my own personal trouble#. Yours truly. 0 \ Knowledge. 1 waa nflccte<i with heart OAPT. w. M. RT7BT. A xjh diieann, pleurisy and rheumatism for Attorney at Isqw, W OW 85 years, was treated by the Tory host \ Book on Blood Diseases Roliefl Fret f f DRT7OOIBTB SRLL iT and ohoertnlly say It has done mo more . annas V gotid than anything 1 have ever taken. LI PPM AIM DDfIQ X loan recommend yoor medicine to all 1 * * '• n 'Uo, fl tp above dj., *ea. BT PROPRIETORS, \ "a. Bprlngfluld. tirusa County, Mo. llppmsa’aßloek,isvasnah,j W by T. L. Evans- nimii§ 11 1870. J. m.(ikiii) A. Gerdes & Bro.. Sail Makers & Dealer in Colton 111 Galvanized Iron and Brags Sblp and Yacht Hardware *nH i, i / bar and Leather Clothing. Coppo Paint ol all Brands Nautical liwinin.lt hooks, Ship Pell Clocks, Oyster T ongues, Anchor chains, Windlasses, Etc! * '"M 306 and 307 Jul'a Street, New Orleans. MOBILE DOOR SASH & BLIND FACTORY MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sasli,Blinds, MoiiMiiigs, Door aod Window Frames, Plain and Fancy Mantles, Dealers in Builders’ Hardware, Window Glass, Putty and Pure Mixed Paints. F. (LJURNER & CO., Cor. St. Anthony & Water Sts., Mobile L. A. deMONTLUZIN, Chemist and Pharmacist, DKAI.KII IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PATENf MEDICINES, PERFUMERY TOI- LET ARTICLES, ETC., SPECTACLES. CANDIES. Cigars and Tofaaccj. Soda and Mineral Waters, Front near Main Streets, liny St. Louis, Miss. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY- J.P. FOSTER, Bronzcr, House and Carriage PAINTER, Louis, Miss. Don't Hlop Tobacco, The tobacco habit KfowH on a man nn< til Min nervonHSVHtem m seiioouly aftected, impairing health, comfort and liapinnett. To quit suddenly is too novel* knck J* the system, ns tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimulant thut liia system continually craves. Baco-Cutn "J title cure for the tobacco habit, In all in forms carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Herlin I’liyaiciaa who has used it in bis private practice since 187-2 without a failure, purely vege- table and guaranteed perfectly uarmleee. You can use all the tobacco yon want, while taking Baco-Cnro, it will no il} I®" when to stop. We give a written *n- antoe to permanently cure nuy cimc . three boxes, or refund the money "j per cent, interest. Knco-Cnro i " substitute, but a scientific cere, an* cures without the aid ol will I ,0 " e . with no inconvenience. It system as pure and irec from 11100 ' , the day you took your hist ck smoko. Sold by all with in ironclad guarantee,at $l.O0 perk l !*} boxes, (thirty days treatment,) ¥*• > . sent direct upon receipt of P ll0*- , six two cent stamps for sample M*, . let and proofs free. Eureka C Sc Manufacturing Company, Mann, ring Chemists, La Ci-hkhi:. V> iw - - ||T& Aisj^hT! GiVe-MlfA DtTichenors mjfr Antiseptic \\ ach> like a JjW CtajrVMorbusefivL VsmSm Railroad lii*W> nn.Wi n ..,u^., tndTtb^ loe cold beer constantly on hnd‘ Jlav St. Louis. Miss. ■m. the rules Are: No loud- talking, no indecent expressions w ill-le l fl(l j one drunk and violating decency bo permit'cd to remain in the h |n( j The rules are quite rißidlv cut in the penalty for neglect dieted. -AMKs i DIRECTORY. - -a Our Lady oftlio DiitrCatliolic church hirst Mum every Sunday at 7 o’clock, a m., secondMuss tlO o’clock u. id. Ves- pers every Sunday eveningnt 4 o’clock. Very 'ftev. Father H. Loiluc pastor; Kev, Father Alphonse Keittcl, ass h i. u' p inter. St. Clare's Chapel, (Catholic.! —Maes every Sunday and holiday of obligations at 8 it. m Mam Street Methodist church—Preach- ing every aecoml and fourth Sunday* in each month nt II a. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed- nesday evening at 7 o'clock. Kev N. B. Hannon, pastor. Christ Episcopal church. Cedar Point —Services every first and third Bandar of each month, at 11 c. n. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Kev. Nelson Ayres. Hector HAY ST. LOCKS FARMERS’ ALLIANCE 1405, meets every ttrst, Saturday of each month at 1lay on Philip scUoolhonse. 11. Laixich, president,Samuel vonDrozkow- skjr, seerstarj Knights of Pythias—Morrill Lodge, No 111, K. of P , meets Ist and 3rd Tuesday night of each month, 7:30 o’clock. John L, Henderson, 0. C. Jno. A. Breath, K. K. S. Knights of Honor—liny St Louis Louis, No. 3883, Kmghts of Honor, meets Ist and 3rd Thursday of each month, 7-30 p. m. F, t. Bordage, Dictator. W. F. Delcnze, Reporter. Ray St. Louis Lodge, No. 122, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, meets every Monday night nt 8 o’eloek. Jocoh Heitzmann, Noble .Grand. Oeo. H. Combe), Seretnry A. W. SCOTT, Real Estate A*m Insnrance Agt, All Losses Promptly Pnid. w. %.%. Office nt “Noohwood” cottage Main St., HAY ST. LOUIS, MISS. K, J. TURNER, Physician & Surgeon, Office t Head of Union street, next to old post office building. BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS. OHice Hours—town 8 to 10 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. ro. jjJILG. L. MITCHELL, DENTIST. Office: Front Street near Booktor Avo nne, Bay St. Louis, Miss. Oilers his professional se rvieos to the citizens of Bay St,Louis andtlic surround- ing country. Terms reasonable and satis- faction guaranteed in every instance. J. A. & J, O. Mauffray, DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnish- ing Goods. Shoes. Etc- Fine Dress Goods and Gents Fur- nishing Goods a Specialty. All our goods arc new and of the last designs and we at e selling at re- markably low prices. Give >is a call and we will please you. Tho Senate, Store on Front head of Main Streets. B. HT LOLLS, MISS. EW MORRILL, Insurance-:- Agency FOR MISSISSIPPI coast, * BILOXI, MISS. Representing the strongest ana most liberal companies In the world. Liverpool & Loudon & Globe Insurance do..lns of England. Royal Cos., Liverpool, Eng Phoenix Ins Cos. ...Brooklyn, N Y Phoonix Assurance Cos London. Eng Hartford Fire Ins Co.,..Hartford, Conn Mechanics’ & Traders’ Ins Cos. N. ().. La United Udderwritero Ins Cos., Atlanta, Ga N O Ins Association, New Orleans St. Paul German lus Cos., St. Paul, Minn Losses are paid cash without discount, and without waiting tbu, usual CO days

j Blood “f** Dry Goods, Notions, Hung, f · TiltPKOPLli’s I'APEH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Annonnoemcnts under this heading mostpositively hepaid for in advance don’task foradeviation

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Page 1: j Blood “f** Dry Goods, Notions, Hung, f · TiltPKOPLli’s I'APEH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Annonnoemcnts under this heading mostpositively hepaid for in advance don’task foradeviation

Tilt PKOPLli’s I'APEH.

ANNOUNCEMENTS.Annonnoemcnts under this heading

most positively he paid for in advancedon’t ask for a deviation from this rule,County offices, |10; beat offices, |5.

1 OK SI A I K AUDITOR:We are authorized to announce Mr, R-

N. Harris, of Coahoma enmity, us a can-

didate lor auditor of public accounts,subject in the Democratic nomination.

~FOK RAILROAD COMMISSIONER:Wo are authorized to announce Mr. A

O. Webb, of Marion county, as a candidate for railroad commissioner from thesecond district, subject to the action ofthe Democratic noniiinting convention.

FOR SHERIFF.AVe are antiiorized to announce Mr.

Frank .1. Ladner as a candidate for sher-iff or Hancock comity, subject to the ac-tion of tin- Democratic primary,

FOR TREASURER:Wc are authorized to announce Captain

J. A. Fuvro as a candidate for Treasurerof Hancock cmr ty, subject to the actionoi the Democratic primary election.

fob CIRCUIT & CHANCERY CLERKWo are authorized to announce E. H.

Hoffmann as a candidate for re-electionto the office of Circuit and Chanceryclerk, subject to (lie action of the Demo-cratic primary election.

FUR COUNTY TAX-ASSESSOR.We are authorized to announce Mr. F.

C. Hnrdage us a candidate for re-electionto the office of tax-assessor of Hancoekcomity, subject to the action of the Dcm-ocrat primary.

IT)It SUPERVISOR— HIST. 5Wo are authorized to nnnonneo Mr.

Louis S. Bourgeois as a candidate forsupervisor from District 5 of Hancoekcounty, subject to llio action oftlio Dcm-cr.itte party.

FOR JUSTicfi OF THE PEACE.We nr authorized to amiouueo John

A. Arenth 8 a (ftmlidatc for re-edertionan Justice of the Peace for district No. 5,subject to the action of the Democraticparty.

Wo are authorised to aunouuco Mr. R.Mendea ns a enudidate for Justice of theFence from District No* 5, subject to theaction of the Democratic party.

FOK COMbTABLK Dials 5.Wo are autbori/.oil to anuoiiuco Albert

Carver as a candidate, for coiititublt*from District 5, subject to flic action oftbe Democratic party.

Wo arc authorized to aunouuco Al-phonse Fayard as a candidate for ro-clcc-tiou to the oltice ofeoustablo from districtNo. 5, subject to the Democratic party.

Til OS. L. KVANS,Corner Union and Front Streeta.

’T3'i3‘'Cm r -- 1 |— —-■*]



City Echoes,

Our next shciiff- Frank J. I miner.Bay St, Louis has lour denial offices.

This is no mistake.Miss C. deMonlluzio Is home from a

visit to friends in Louisiana.Mr, aud Mrs. 0. C. Hartwell were re-

cent visitors to their summer home.Miss Rosa Ames, of Ocean Springs, is

spending n|whilc with Miss Philo Monti.Clerk Hoffmann returns to-day from a

trip through Hancock, registering voters.Miss Mamie Huron left Thursday even-

ing for a slay with relatives in New Or-leans.

Depot Agent John A. Green is again athis post oi duly after a seyere spell ofillness.

Miss A. Huron has returned from NowOrleans, ranch pleased with her stay Inthe big city.

Mr. J. R. Guerra has opened the icecream saloon near his place for the sum-mer season,

Thu season for garden parties and cn-tertai uincuts is on. "Make hay whilethe sun shines.

Judge Breath has been acting custodian•f the county clerk’s office during thatofficers absence.

Dr. Q. L. Mitchell has runted the oldpost office building where ho is ready tomeet his patrons.

Mr, and Mrs. John T. McDonald andchildren from Pass Christian, visited rel-atives here last Sunday.

The official management of the city isseriously contemplating the opening ofToulino street to Carroll avenue.

Plans are being contemplated for a fes-tival to be given at an early hour for thebenefit of the Catholic church.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gallery and familyarc here from New Orleans, occupyingtheir summci home on the Jordan.

Mrs. S. Swoop and family are herefrom New Orleans for the summer season, occupying their beach dwelling.

Mrs. D. P. Fenner and Miss MaudVenerablcs, of New Orleans, visitiedMrs. W. M. Chambers Sunday last.

Hancock has a junior sheriff. Mr.aud Mrs. Cazeneuvc were made recipientsThursday night of a brand new boy.

Tiic household effects of the W ayclandresidence of the late Numas Dufour weredisposed of at the "Auctioneers’ Ex-change.” Prof. Combel held the floor,

Mrs. Mary Smith, keeper of a refresh-ment saloon on Union street, was robbedMonday night of $4O cash. The robberhas not yet neen apprehended.

St: Joseph’s Parochial School Com-mencement.

Tho annual commencement ol Si.Joseph’* parochial school Thursday eve-ning in every way worthy of that ln-atitution. The manner in which theyouthful pupils, who seemed a neat ofviolets, acquitted themselves showe 1long and careful trailing. The pro-gramme,which consisted of songe, recita-tions and dramaf, was quite interestingand held firm the attention of the largegathering. A special mention ot littleMis* Barham Marti must not bo omitted jfor tlic way she captivated her audiencein au entirely original dance. It wouldtax The Echo’s fund of intellect to speakdeftervinglv of each participant so it willsimply compliment thorn collectively.

Miss Klaucho Avery always kind anilaccomodating, c msented to grace theaffair with a choice recitation; her abili-ties as an elocutionist are too well knownfor comment. Professor Combel’s Handfurnished the music. Following is theprogramme:

Brass Band.Opening Chorus-“List to the Convent

Bells, pupils.“The Ma Sweet Family”—Comedy—

Ma Sweet, Miss L. Comhel; Baby, MissE. Lament; Elizabeth Eliza, Miss A. Lar-disLed; Betsy Belinda, Miss R. Becker;Armity Arm, F. Bnrrathii; Caroline Cor-delia, Miss L. Carlson; Angelina, Miss A,llotfmann; Fiddlesticks and Eliza Jane,Misses V. Bangnrd and E. Fa,yard; fllori-ana Gadabout and Mariana M. Ring,Misses 11. Ennis and Frances Todow; Je-mima N. Strong, Miss O. Ames,

Parasol Drill, by sixteen Junior pupils.Brass hand.“The Cost of a Promise.” Seone 1

Mrs. Conner’s Cottage. Kathleen, MissUettie Walters; Mrs. Conner’s, fliermother) an invalid, Miss E. Koningslow.Scene 2 Public park. Granny Oilligen,(old apple woman), Miss J. Cazenciive;Gypsies—Loda, violin player, Miss M.Comhel; Zola, dancer. Miss L. Guerra.Little girls playing in tho park—MissesR. Tuilnry, K. Carver, M. ami T. Piori,A. Iliffminn, L. Bontemp, L. Toncrey,A r . liillinuiiK, J . Fable, M. Marti, M.CJn iiitinj, E. Laurent, BnioS hum].Scene 3—Mrs. Rnyalton’s Sitting Room.Mrs. Royalton, Miss A. Fayurd; Ethel,Miss A. Sherges; Lucille, Miss R. Parilla;Madame Felice, (maid to Mrs. Royalton)Miss A. Ruiseoh; I’opsy, maid to Ethelami 1 ue.ille. Miss B. Marti. Scone 4Magistrate’s office. Magistrate, Miss C.Spolorne, Scene 5 Mrs. Koyalton’sRoom, Finale. Brass hand.

Fancy dance, Miss M. Combul, M.Strong, E. Fayurd, It. Ennis,

Recitation, Miss B. Avery,Final chorus by pupils, “God Ever


Short Stops.Politics are waxing warm.Some people unite the meaning of Itee

coinage with free lunch.The man that will lie will steal. Be-

ware of the advertiser who'll mis-repre-seut his goods,

“The sound of silver tickles the ear,”saidn 10 to 1 orator. A straw can tickleIhe ear of an nss.

An attempt to run n candidate in’ opposition to Hon. E, J. Bowers is beingfrustrated by the intelligent people.

Visitor —“I suppose your greatesttrouble is to get advertisements for yonrpaper?” Country Editor—No; the hardestpart is to get the pay i from the adverti-sers.”

An advertisement in a newspapershould nut ho allowed to remain theyear round unchanged. The old timer,who runs a small, standing ad of the“Hill Julies, Grocer; the Finest Stock inTown” variety in his local paper, dis-covers to liis cost that people do not goI)' - the curd butdo go by the store.

Waveland Whispers.Mr. D. Fatjo, representing a Louisville

(Inn, was here this week.Mrs. John P. Doerr and little daughter

spent the day hero Wednesday.Mr. Koca and family are occupying the

palatial Chaffe residence this season.Mr. Olus Bourgeois took a business

trip to the big city this week.Mr. J. if. Benedict came over Wednes-

day to remain during the heated term.Mr. Peter Helwcgo [and family are

spending a few days In New Orleans.Mr. R. Tanneret and family came oyer

this week at May’s Villa, their summerhome.

Mr. Charles Durleux and family arepleasantly located at the Claussun realdeuce.

Mr. Loeb has purccascd the "Allien”property from Mr. Barr, and, with bisfamily, will reside there this summer.

A Traveller’s Ingenuity,There was a passenger aboard the

south-bound train over the Louisvilleand Nashville road yesterday morningwhose bump of ingenuity is well devel-oped, and who has an eye to comfortwhile travelling. He Improvised a sparkarrester, and while it was crude In ap.pcaranco and make it served to fulfill allthat its projector intended for it.

The arrester was nothing more than apiece of plain pine board, about two feetin length and six inches In width. Afterraising the car window, the board wasset upright iu the corner nearest to theengine at an angle of forty-five degrees,and throughout the rundown from Mont-tfpincry the inventive passenger was notannoyed by sparks or cinders, for everylime they came bis way they were wardedoff by the arrester. Others on the carwho suffered from the annoyance ofsparks and cinders envied the happinessof the embryo Inventor, and no doubt In-wardly promised themselves to supplythemselves with pine boards when theyagain go truvelling.-Mobllo Register.

Mr. H. F. Slnirall, a clever representa-tive, 1s here from Vicksburg endeavoringto organize a branch of Woodmen of theWorld. The plan and workings are libe-ral and the inducements for life insurancearc good-

Saturday, July the twenty-seventh, hasbeen selected by the Ladies’ Mluerva As-sociation of tbe date on which their nextbenefit entertainment will take place.

“The veteran firemen of Bay St. Louishave requested Mr. Geo. W. Maynard tobecome foreman of the local companyuntil Its thorough re-organization.

Edw. C. Gardebucd, Secretary.”Mr. I’, Goesling, of the New Orleans

Bakery, says lie is now prepared to fur-nish his patrons with all kinds of cakes,pies, butter rolls etc,, also the very- bestbread in town.

Major Tidwell Is demonstrating to bisfriends what can be done with Bay St.Louis soil lu the way of gardening, illsvegetables have truly beeu .favored bynature.

Rey. J. W. Hannon, father of ourlocal minister, will hold services at .11o’clock to-morrow—Sunday—morning atat the Main Street Methodist church.

A substantial proof of the “TouristArt Gallery’s” successful work and sat-isfaction is judged from the big businessThe proprietors are enjoying. The galle-ry is located near the depot, and pricesare marvellously low.

Corinne May Uonito.A Now Orleans correspondent of The

Echo sends the following clipping fromIho Jewish Times of that city. Miss Uo-nito was a regular summer resident ofWaveland and possessed the regard of awide number of friends!

‘God smiled upon hot and she slept - ”

Always self sacrificing, bearing her suf-ferings nncomolainiugly, always bringing[tic sunshine of happiness Into (ho homecircle, in the llrst blush of womanhoodshe passed away into the great beyond.

Death came to her relief on Mondaymorning, Juno 3rd, and bore her away,Of her, words fail to convey most charm-ing and loving attributes, for in her wascentered a mother's love, a father’s prideand joy. Without display she was borneby loving hands to the sanctified pre-cincts of the Fonuguoeo cemetery, and'midst Nature's choicest creations, horuti-fnl flowers, she was laid to rest, the fair-est flower of them all.

Rabbi Max I lei jeroffered words of con-solation; sympathy and prayer that as-suaged the poignant grief of thoso wholoved her so well.

The following gentlemen, dear friendsof the beloved dead, acted as pall bearers:I’arke C, Hands, Wm. D, Rollings, Jr.;Emanuel Goldsmith, K. E. Sexton, DanUonito, Arthur Joseph and Ered Sutter.’

Thu closing of St. Hose’s ParochialSchool (colored) took place Tuesdayevening, and, as usual, the splendid train-ing powers of the sisters of St. Josephwere fully evidenced. This school Islargely attended and is In charge of SisterSi. Peter who is ably assisted. VeryRev. Vather Lcduc nud Rev. Father Alphouse were masters of ceremony. Bothwere the donors of medals and some val-uable hook premuims.

The will boa garden party and dancingto-night given on the grounds of Mrs.C. Gardcblcd, for the benefit of the K,of Honor Lodge,, No. 3883, of Hay StLouis, One of the prominent featuresof the affair will he the production by anumber of home people of “Mrs. Lester'sSoiree,” a comedy lu three acts. Theeditorial management acknowledges thereceipt of complimentary tickets.

No brighter little girl in Bay St. Louiscan be found than Geraldine Ames,the 9-year old daugntor of Mr. andMrs. William Ames. She is a very aptscholar, has already made her First Com-munion, and Thursday evening wasawarded the only gold medal offered thisyear al the convent school which wasdonated by V. Rev. Father Leduc.

Mr. McQraw’s new schooner, Mlzinti,last Sunday sped the bosom of the waterwith a splendid breeze and made fasttime. It was Interesting to watch theschooner of Mr. L. Ollvarl, the Lavrana,following closely the clipper built |boat.Crowds of spectators watched the run,and from the Interest displayed one couldhave imagined the race was between theValkyrie and Vigilant.

Mr. J. F. Cszenenve has an advertise-ment in this Issue. This is sufficientproof that your trade is wanted, aid, tokeep it, fair and square dealings will pre-vail Mr. Cazcneuvebas an immense andcomplete stock.

The annual commencement ekerc'sesof the Academy of St. Joseph occur onthe morning of Thursday next and theCollege will entertain with their exercisesthe same evening and the distributionalpremiums on the morning following.

AN INVITATIONIs defined by Webster asc

“calling or requesting of a \

person’s company to visit” X

That is what I wish of you. 7Your company is requested vat my store, and ifyou w ish /

anything in the lines of

Dry Goods, Notions, Hung,HATS, SHOES, ETC.,

it will be my pleasure to suitvyour taste and your purse.

MM S My $l.OO Lady Button BootC °ne of ipy thsusand bar-C gains. New goods constant-j ly received to satisfy my big

- /v/. S trade.JOS. F. CAZENEUVE, Front near Union Sts.

LETTERS FROM THE FBOI'LE.To the Patrons of the Public School

of Bay St. Louis.In reply to an article appearing in last

week’s bane of the Onlf (Coast Progresscriticizing the action of three inenihers ofthe Board of Trustees, when voting forteachers for the next term at the lastregular meeting of the Hoard: namelyDr. VonGohrcn, Messrs Thiery and Hart(although Dr. vonQohron chairman ofthe Hoard did not vote’ftt all) and re-questing them to give their reason to thepatronsol said school, why they ignoreda petition signed hy a great many pat-rons of the primary department of saidschool, to the effect of retaining MiasLena Driver in her position us secondassistant for tho next term, we will statethe following:

Daring tho past scholastic, year wehave had reason to complain of the dis-harmony existing between tho teachersol said school, there has been a conflictof authority for some time, as to who hadthe command, and who had to obey, andto what extent. This state of affairswent even so far, that the continuationot the classes np to tho times prescribedby law became difficult. Through theinfluence of onr county superintendentthis matter was settled and school eontinnedfor the form.

However, later, when tho Hoard of1 rasters deei .od to hold commencementexercises, to show to the patrons of thepublic school, the progress made by theirchildren during tin hist session and itT.eooming “occ’.sury to prepare Hie Hindisoftho different departments for tho occa-sion Miss Lena Driver refused to assistthe principal of tho public school and inso doing. Ignored entirely the wishes ofthe Board of Trustees,

The patrons of the public school whohave signed the petition mentioned abovevery likely were not aware of such occur-ences and certainly will understand whywe did not wish to retain the services ofMims Lena Driver for the next term.

U. C, Hart, secretary.C'has. Thiery.

Dr. L. H. VonGohrcn, president.The foregoing communication was

just handed us hy Dr. VonGohrcn, justprevious to onr going to press.

The immediate attention of ihe cityhoard of health Is directed to an accu-mulation ot kitchen refuse and yard gar-bage directly against the south side of thepost office building, under the sec-ond window.

County Assess >r Bordage has aboutconcluded the labors of his office, andwill soon take a trip through the countvto look after his political fences.00 YOU want to STOP TOBAUUOT

Von rail ho Unroll While Using It,rii habit id using tobacco grows on aman until grave diseased conditions arcliroiliiccd. Tobacco causes caucer of themonth and stomach; dyspepsia; loss ofmemory; nervous affections; congestionof the retina, and wasting of the opticnet”e resulting in impairment of vision,even to the extent of blindness} dizziness,or vertigo; tobacco asthma; nightly suffo-cation; dull pain in the region of theiicart, followed later by sharp pains, pal-pitation and weakened pulse, resulting inlata,l,heart disease. It also causes loss ofvitality.QUIT, HEFOHEIT IS TOO LATE.To quit suddon’y is too severe a shockto tlio system, as tobacco—to an inveter-ate user, becomes a stimulant that hisKRSS*.. craves, “HACO-CIIRO is a cicntitlc and reliable vegeta-ble remedy, guuianteed to bo perfectlyharmless, aim which as been in use forthe hist 23 years, having cured thomauds01 habitual tobacco users smokersche.wcrs and snutf dippers,Aon can nseall the tobacco yon wantwhile taking “IUCCO-CIJRO,” it wilinotify you when to stop. We give awritten gnarantes to permanently cureany case with throe buses, or refund themoney with 10 percent interest.“BACCO-OURO” is not a substitute,but a reliable and scientific cure—whichabsolutely destroys the craving for tobac-co without the aid of will power, andwith no inconvenience. It leaves thesiHtem as pure and free from nicotine asthe day you took your first chew or

bo* m w" 1.by 1,11 druKK't* at #1 perbox, (thirty days treatment and gnaran-teed cure,) $2.50, or sent direct upon rc-fm' 1'!"1 eI "J bix tw“ cent stamps

Forbox ’ “ lok, et and proofs free.laUiekji t hetuical and Manufaetnrtmr Cos.manufacturing ilieinistH, LaCroaae, Win.

Gt. A. LEVY,Welcome Store

The moat progressive and up to datefttoro in Bay St. Louis. Full value re-ceived for your monev.

Dry Goods, Shoes,HATS, ETC.

Cotuoi Front in 1 Muiu Sts,


Practices in all Sea Coast counties.Officei Union near Hancock streets,

bay ST. LOUIS, MISS.Holstein Ball, Major.

The services ot my registered HOL-STEIN BULL, “MAJOR” are offered at?2.60 per season. D. C. Younger,

Arlitgtnn Dairy Farm.


NashvilleLimited Express Daily


Pullman Veslibuled Cars—to—



No. I—duo 3:16 p, m ,daily.

V 3- “ 5:47 a. m .daily.' 5 “

]. m., daily,

Sunday.* " 6:48 cx.et

GOING NORTH.N((. 2—due 9:32 p. m. daily“ 1- “12:36 a.m. daily.“ 6- “9:87 a.m. daily.

Sunday8” ‘' s:Bßl’- U 1”

Uharles Marshall, Superintendent.John A. Green, Local Agent.N O. Ticket olHce, eor, St. Charleand Common streets. G. L. Traviscity ticket agent.

Depot ticket office, foot of Canalstreet, A. E. Ladner, depot ticketagent. John Kilkeny,nix *.

D ‘ V- PaßsenKe ’ Agent.C. P. At more, G. P. a., Louis-ville, Ky. ’ 8


$150.00 every month given away to any one whoap-plies through us for the moat meritorious patent duringthe month preceding.

Wo secure the beat patents for our clients,and the object of this offer is to encourageinventors tokeep track of their bright ideas. At the same time wawish to impress upon the public the fact thatIT’S THESIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS

THAT YIELD FORTUNES,such as the “car-window” which can be eaaily slid upand down without breaking the passenger’s back,“sauce-pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock?' “bottle,stopper, ' and a thousand other little things that mostany one can find a way of improving; andthesesimpleinventions are the ones that bring largest returns to theauthor. Try to think of something to invent.

rr is not so hard as it seems.Patents taken out through us receive special notice In

the “ National Recorder/’ published at Washington,D. C., which is the Dcst newspaper published in America•n the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub-scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.We also advertise, free ofcost, the invention each monthwhich wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousandsof copies of the “National Recorder,” containing asketch of the winner,and a description ofhis invention,will be scattered throughout the United States amongcapitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to theirattention the merits ofthe invention.

All communications regarded strictly confidential.Address

JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.,Solicitor* of American and Foreign Patents,

618 F Street, N.W.,Box 385. Washington, D. C.tar* Rtf trend—editor 0/thispaper. Write/orour

SQ-Pagepamphlet, FRt.E.

HENRY’S HOUSE,433—St. Charles Street, near Poydras

New Orleans, La.


HENRY HELLMERS, Prop.LrGulf co 1 1 1i< Irj c n licHtd.

fTT AT?T TTV’C South AmericaWilAAilA * • and India RemLIFE edies for Colds,“• " Coughs,DispepTONIC sia> Liver > Kid-* ney and Blood.

Roots and Barks, boiled to a Syr-up and contains:—

Chinchona, for Fevers.Podophillam, “ Liver.Sweet Flag, “ Liver.Gengian, << Stomach.Bonsett, “ Blood.Licorice, “ Throat.Sarsaparilla, << Blood.Senna, “ Cathartic.Glycerine, “ Lungs.Syrup, •• Throat.

FEW REFERENCES.—Cured.S. W. Blighter, N. O. Catarrh.F. R. Store, * •<

Sam Blane, “ Neuralgia.M. F. Jones, Mobile, Headache.Salle King, Eutau, Blood Poison.James Ayers, Dispepsia.Sam Dalton, N. O. “

Burrows Bright, Liver.WillStrong, Stomache.Frank Strong, Constipation.Charlie Beals, Chills.Ben. F. Birch, Throat.Mrs. S. F. Allen, Nervousness.

These are all home references.We ask you to try one or two bot-tles. Cost reduced to 25 and 50cents per bottle. Ask j'our drug-gist or send to709 Camp St., New Orleans, La.

Southern Agent.

fi p p D BWft mnaw it I I fl ■ ■>D OLD MWM Jf PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT liAIAHHH. MIIIBH 55 AND POTASSIUM ijFIRQIIHITF* IP Wakes and CYSPEPSU ~ fI MpusCures tI In Blood Poison “f** 5£ Rheumatism f% —T~z—rr eMsesS?f3“XS fI and Scrofula #V mrn I Aberdeen, Brown County" \

X P. T. I’, purines tho blood, bullde np Cap*. J. D. Joi n,tor- ' WO tbo weak anil rtobllituted, pivot _„ .

*- non. ▼strength to weakened nerves, expels . *v allyhomU may concern' t , XX dlseso, giving thepatient lieekh end th* w '> n, 'crfat protJldll W■W happiness where sickness, gloom? p

v,' ,or eruptions or Cheekin'*! Tkv feelings and lessttnde flrst prevailed. • offered for several years witti mA— .-I - sightly end.disagreeable enmtiu£ W9 For primary, secondary and tertiary bnown rei 1V syphilis. for blood poisoning, mercu- Sr. u?‘ ,?T!*n,?, nHl r P-P-nasose? W■'W rr“‘ f!ul


flimv. nialnrla. dyspepsia, and ‘°urely corod, “• W* n n'i blood and skin dticssca, like (kßgnadby) J. D. .iohijrtqo X

X blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, * Savannah and. Wdm tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, Ul> r..u.-


** Tenema~we may say, without fear of Cancer Cured, \

A contradiction, that I*. r. P. Is the beat Jbtftmoa* tVmniAs , - fIP# Moo.l puriHor In the world, and makes

ssmmowy /vom tas Mayor of dsyu<n.7<x, \positive. speedy and permanent cures Dsqbm. Tug., January 11 man mA I" all oases. Bros” W■ II —amamams—as— On.: Cmlltmn-l have tried your*? \

\ ladles nbooosyntams are poisoned P- P. for s disease of the skin, nnmiis mcA and whosebloodle In an Impure eonul- known ss skin rartrcr.of thirty vr ~,t Type tlon. due tomenstrual Irregularities, stsmllng. and tonnd grunt relief- m XV sro neonllarly bonoflted by the won- purifies the blood snd removes ail iS m

dorful tonlo and blood cleansing prop- rltatlon from the seat of the 5i,!,,. Tortlr-i of p. p. p.-prlokly Ash, Poke end prevents any spreading oti!2 XRoot and PotaUlnm. sores. I have taken Bvoor sir bottil! m

R? —II ■——■■■ ■■■!■■ ■■ ajjfl feol PODfWnt thatanother rouS \BrßiwoyntLD, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. £“•?* f tV?ro* has also relieved Aa —I can ■posit in the highest terms of 2* *Bdlg#tlcm and stomach Wyour modlei oo from my own personal trouble#. Yours truly. 0

\Knowledge. 1 waa nflccte<i with heart OAPT. w. M. RT7BT. A

xjh diieann, pleurisy and rheumatism for Attorney at Isqw, WOW 85 years, was treated by the Tory host ■ \

Book on Blood Diseases Roliefl Fret ff DRT7OOIBTB SRLL iT andohoertnlly say It has done mo more . annas - ▼V gotid than anything 1 have ever taken. LI PPM AIM DDfIQ Xloan recommend yoor medicine to all 1 * ’ * '• n 'Uo, fl

tp above dj.,*ea.BT PROPRIETORS, \"a. Bprlngfluld. tirusa County, Mo. llppmsa’aßloek,isvasnah,j W

by T. L. Evans-

nimii§_ 11 ' ‘ ’ 1870. J. m.(ikiii)

A. Gerdes & Bro..Sail Makers & Dealer in Colton 111Galvanized Iron and Brags Sblp and Yacht Hardware *nH i, i /bar and Leather Clothing. Coppo Paint ol all Brands Nautical liwinin.lthooks, Ship Pell Clocks, Oyster T ongues, Anchor chains, Windlasses, Etc! * '"M

306 and 307 Jul'a Street, New Orleans.


Doors, Sasli,Blinds, MoiiMiiigs, Door aodWindow Frames, Plain andFancy Mantles,

Dealers in Builders’ Hardware, WindowGlass, Putty and Pure Mixed Paints.

F. (LJURNER & CO., Cor. St. Anthony & Water Sts., Mobile

L. A. deMONTLUZIN,Chemist and Pharmacist,




Cigars and Tofaaccj.

Soda and Mineral Waters,Front near Main Streets,


J.P. FOSTER,Bronzcr, House and Carriage

PAINTER,Louis, Miss.

Don't Hlop Tobacco,

The tobacco habit KfowH on a man nn<til Min nervonHSVHtem m seiioouly aftected,impairing health, comfort and liapinnett.To quit suddenly is too novel* knck J*the system, ns tobacco, to an inveterateuser becomes a stimulant thut liia systemcontinually craves. Baco-Cutn "Jtitle cure for the tobacco habit, In all in

forms carefully compounded after theformula of an eminent Herlin I’liyaiciaawho has used it in bis private practicesince 187-2 without a failure, purely vege-table and guaranteed perfectly uarmleee.You can use all the tobacco yon want,while taking Baco-Cnro, itwill no il} I®"when to stop. We give a written *n-antoe to permanently cure nuy cimc .three boxes, or refund the money "jper cent, interest. Knco-Cnro i "substitute, but a scientific cere, an*

cures without the aid ol will I ,0 "e .with no inconvenience. Itsystem as pure and irec from 11100 ' ,the day you took your hist cksmoko. Sold by all with in

ironclad guarantee,at $l.O0 perk l !*}

boxes, (thirty days treatment,) ¥*• > .sent direct upon receipt of P ll0*- ,six two cent stamps for sample M*, .let and proofs free. Eureka CSc Manufacturing Company, Mann,

ring Chemists,La Ci-hkhi:. V> iw - - _

||T& Aisj^hT!GiVe-MlfA

DtTichenors mjfrAntiseptic \\ach> like a JjW

CtajrVMorbusefivLVsmSmRailroad lii*W>nn.Wi n..,u^., tndTtb^

loe cold beerconstantly on hnd‘Jlav St. Louis. Miss.

■m. •

the rulesAre: No loud- talking, no

indecent expressions w ill-le l ’ fl(l j

one drunk and violating decency

bo permit'cd to remain in the h • |n(jThe rules are quite rißidlv cut in.

the penalty for neglectdieted. -AMKs i

DIRECTORY.■ - - -a

Our Lady oftlio DiitrCatliolic church—

hirst Mum every Sunday at 7 o’clock, am., secondMuss tlO o’clock u. id. Ves-pers every Sunday eveningnt 4 o’clock.Very 'ftev. Father H. Loiluc pastor; Kev,Father Alphonse Keittcl, ass h i.u' p inter.• St. Clare's Chapel, (Catholic.! —Maesevery Sunday and holiday of obligationsat 8 it. m

Mam Street Methodist church—Preach-ing every aecoml and fourth Sunday* ineach month nt II a. in. Sunday school at9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed-nesday evening at 7 o'clock. Kev N. B.Hannon, pastor.

Christ Episcopal church. Cedar Point—Services every first and third Bandar ofeach month, at 11 c. n. Sunday schoolevery Sunday at 10 a. in. Kev. NelsonAyres. Hector

HAY ST. LOCKS FARMERS’ ALLIANCE1405, meets every ttrst, Saturday of eachmonth at 1lay on Philip scUoolhonse. 11.Laixich, president,Samuel vonDrozkow-skjr, seerstarj

Knights ofPythias—Morrill Lodge, No111, K. of P , meets Ist and 3rd Tuesdaynight of each month, 7:30 o’clock.

John L, Henderson, 0. C.Jno. A. Breath, K. K. S.

Knights of Honor—liny St Louis Louis,No. 3883, Kmghts of Honor, meets Ist and3rd Thursday of each month, 7-30 p. m.

F, t. Bordage, Dictator.W. F. Delcnze, Reporter.Ray St. Louis Lodge, No. 122, Inde-

pendent Order of Odd Fellows, meetsevery Monday night nt 8 o’eloek.

Jocoh Heitzmann, Noble .Grand.Oeo. H. Combe), Seretnry


Real EstateA*m

Insnrance Agt,All Losses Promptly Pnid.

w. %.%.

Office nt “Noohwood” cottage Main St.,


K, J. TURNER,Physician & Surgeon,

Office t Head of Union street, nextto old post office building.

BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS.OHice Hours—town 8 to 10 a. m.

and 2 to 3 p. ro.


DENTIST.Office: Front Street near Booktor Avonne, Bay St. Louis, Miss.

Oilers his professional se rvieos to thecitizens of Bay St,Louis andtlic surround-ing country. Terms reasonable and satis-faction guaranteed in every instance.

J. A. & J, O. Mauffray,DEALERS IN

Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnish-ing Goods. Shoes. Etc-

Fine Dress Goods and Gents Fur-nishing Goods a Specialty.

All our goods arc new and of thelast designs and we at e selling at re-markably low prices. Give >is a calland we will please you.

Tho Senate,Store on Front head of Main Streets.



Insurance-:- AgencyFOR MISSISSIPPI coast, *

BILOXI, MISS.Representing the strongest ana mostliberal companies In the world.Liverpool & Loudon & Globe Insurancedo..lns of England.Royal Cos., Liverpool, EngPhoenix Ins Cos. ...Brooklyn, N Y

Phoonix Assurance Cos London. EngHartford Fire Ins Co.,..Hartford, ConnMechanics’ & Traders’ Ins Cos. N. ().. LaUnited Udderwritero Ins Cos., Atlanta, GaN O Ins Association, New OrleansSt. Paul German lus Cos., St. Paul, Minn

Losses are paid cash without discount,and without waiting tbu, usual CO days