J THE EVENING JOURNAL. MONDAY. OCTOBER is. 1908. 7 1 (STALWARTS EAT REPUBLICANS ROAST OYSTERS PLAN MEETINGS ROOMS FOX RENT. SHERIFF'S SALES. fiiTiïîffji'rr^r^'iî^v'i î ;tnrerr~x SHERIFFS SALES REALTY hlT üT'TTfrfT'irrrr A f* iharik sot. so; and w* hack ut. writ of Levurl Ends to in*' rtlrncleiL Vr Philadelphia. Rooms. 2J, 36. 50c. Geo- will be exposed to public -.tie at :>• tletnen only. al-lT Stanton Hotel in the Village of Sinn* I ton, Mill Creek hundred. Now Castle poll RUNT t NFfRNIBHBD KOOMfl county, Delaware. 1 tor rent. No. 7ID W. Eighth at. o!Mw writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me »11- rerted. will be exposed to publb' aale at the court house, on Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, In the elty of Wilmington. New Cuslle county, Delaware. (freight received tor all s^Mwbat attention and forwarded protap. ÎTSTTeweîTralM -ed hv beet routes. JfcatiO. bath WtttgSß-iSSay Æ OMphi* »t «.00 p. m. d9J.y. suna*> ptod. xc^s ! qgao Kygsocas REAL ESTATE FOR REWT. g ON MONDAY, j ON THURSDAY. THR 26TH DAY OK OCTOBER. 190*. p THl AND BAY OF OCTOBER, 190S. . At JO oclock a. m.. At 10 u « rock « . tno following clencTlbcal n ul cRtalo. v!«r following described real \ig; All th.il old corner ts%ern «land and j All of the right, title anti Interest of wt «of land with the buildings theroonjz^ the »aid .William (Jreen of. In and to all erected. »Honte ip Stanton. Mill C'reoli j that certain or parcel of Intel. «Hu- lulred. New «asile County, and Style J a ted In the oily of Wilmington. New iaa- pr-liiwnrc. which Is bounded und de- Ils county and Stats of Delaware, bound- scribed un follow*, to wit: 1 T31J .IQ SALK **d and described ns follows, to wit , Heglnnlng at un «*kk corner stone of X ...... , .. , ..4.* ...... _* nn Beginning at a point formed by the in- Intul. now or late of William ÜouUignt*?; ! ^ Do aold ni J7;* V n terneut Ion of tha euMierlv ;d<)f of Shipley thence h\ said flouthpalr s land north i .,,.,1'^ .»1 » .m! h^ri 1 na. 1 , Htrect with the southerly side of Third Mghty dear»-. « and thhiv-ilvc minute■« A full ajd ' hei*•«?/nUorî? £21 cansarranged somany political meetlnga street; thence eouthcrly by said side of *•»•« four hnndr*.: .ml nimiy seven Oet. ! fooda, p*rtoi and chumher furniture, hej. aa flàve been planned for thercmalnlrgi!fhlpley street, elghty-two feci and HuhJu rt »lone on the v «terlv Hide of a 1a iT .'kitch*.Am,ni, n« Bn-lit' mini inches to a corner: thence easterly, par- themee alone the westerly side thereof | J|**n.«l1* î, J1iî;*,.a VÎT. YV .Va allelwlth Third street, forty-live feet to *»*uth four imgrees ami fifty minute** ca I•{*** »,Î.U,T. 1 a. ÎL .".IVi?*11 «r!L w corner; thence nortnort) parallel with tv'o hundred and ninety-eight fret- to njJ1**1* J*1''"Li «• «VAritw« j Shipley street twenty feet 10 a corner, corner of W. Ilayra Dlok«\» lot; thence | rugs. waning, china, glass ware and ; thence easterly parallel with Third street, by sold Dl* k va lot h. part and portly .A«ft»!?,* îîîî « v? - thlrten feet, nine and one-half Inche h> other land now br late of Krolfy Kclpe. bBjue «»-o.i."JîLTl a corner; thence northerly parallel with 1 tn*a# n. xt ihr.-.* <vursc* to wit Sioi'h «nd many «rtUh .. Bhlpley street, fifteen fet and five Inches 1 alxty-three degrees mid forty minutes ^JiAî ,,ot on rghlbliton tin d%> ^ to a corner: thence westerly parallel wllhlww two hunuivd «•»<* fm*tv.ni«â r*»m tn -a. ol uim., Third street, seven feet to a corner; |w stake again.* thence northerly parallel with Shipley sued attache«! I street, two feet and three Inches to n corner: thence worn Third street Twelve feet to a comer; ly-ons iuh n thence northerly parallel with flhlplay 1 teen degree* uru street forty-live feet to the said southerly j ninety feet to a ( j side of Third stret •thereby westerly tl '»K HKNT KKHNIÄHKD KOOMfl, aecond floor. Gentlemen only. Private j family Call Ddmarviu phone No. 8fl4, ply ut No. I*JW Jeffers«»n st otf-IO-l2 r REAL ES I ATE. ut lading 1»- Wm. Casey and C. F. Lynch Entertain Friends at Pennsgrove Rallies Being Arranged Every District of the in rough rates snd bll-s BORaa W. BUSH * SONS CO.. m . Worth Wbarvrx, Thlladwiphla WllmlnS^ TVF.'VE DOT IT. OR IT IS NOT TO BE HAD. Collecting of Renta a Special!f. O H. HATDBN, eurceiMor te Hayden * ValU Tenth end Monrut St*. WE t.L OET IT '3 the PUBLIC SALES Both Phone*. State WILSON LINE TO PH11Ä. " street Wharf. and freight. FOR RENT N. B. Cor. Front and King v From Fourth PASSENGERS Sat Spaalal schedule during FoundersWeek In another oolu m Not for many year* have the Republl- s*»-. »for* and hoime ......... ............. .BI O* ?»!i St., <1 rooms ana hath.. Gil , hurt'll Ht., ; rooms ............... •i'J hh St.. » rooms and bath.. .1- Boat 3.1 flt., » rooms ................. 71f; West 3rd. s room*........................ S Harrison. 6 rooms end hath -"G Orange St., 7 rooms .................... !3? Goneord st,. 7 rooms and baUt.... 20.0# oi.vnrlch r.trk, 7-r*om house, with one ache of land ............. Oysters, fat 'n chubby. Rrandywlne water, without mash. Trimmings They werent printed menus, bm j weeks of the preevnt cnmpalKn. Rallie* I that's what they would have looked like are to be held in every election district j had they been handed around at an I throughout the State, end-of-season oyster roast at Penns-1 °he of the highest meetings will he grove yesterday. Fourteen Single i held at Kleinere In Ectors warehouse to- Taxers. labor unioniste, Democrats, : morrow evening, when there also will be Republicans and other-, whose aftilla-'a flag raising. A parade w-lll be held lions might hot be so important were j through Elsmere prior to the meeting, on the steamer Ulrica yesterday morn |rhe Mill Creek hundred mounted club Ing when she left Wilmington for the Jersey retreat. of William Casey and C. F. Lynch and were bound for the Columbus Inn, Pennsgrove. for a days company with the succulent rcast oyster. Not such a jolly party had invaded the grove for a long time and the weather united with Messrs. Casey ano Lynch to make the day a most delight- ful one. The hosts demonstrated their thorough skill as roasters of oysters, and an Jjour or more was devoted to the molluscs and the trimmings that usually go with them. After the fest there were songs by . . . Thomas Coucill and other entertain- £ J'hn*' ' r' °f . Washington; 8. 8. Penncwill, William If. } Iloald. Herbert L. Bice. Dr. Heart Pipes an«l James A. Anderson. Music will be , furnished by the Columbia Band K.OO ....... S.oo 4 GO . 10 00 . 13.00 1 U urs flwul forty minute* mi forty-nine feet to the northwest earner of a small barn or «ta- ble; routh Ktxty-iwo decrees and elgh- wosterly parallel with j teen minutes wem one hundred and for- feet to a coPber; 1 ty-ons f^>t to a corner; and i*outh nlne- anr! forty minute* east ■orner In a line of Ken- •i, and and theiue J Jnmln W. Dickeys lot. thence thereby hirty-nlne feet and the next two courses, to wit: South «lx* ly-elfbt degrees went one hundred and R'Dxed and taken In execution as the Seventeen and two-tenths feel to it stake; end south twenty-two degrees and twen- ty-five minutes egst nhu-tv-llve and sevn tenth* feet to a corner stake In or ner.r the northerly »Id» of the old Wilmington 1 use for* nnlmai oS.lJ.15.19.fl and Christinas Turnpike; thence nlon or near the said nuriheriy side s and tttteen min a and twenty-nine '".n* WARNER LINE Delivery Lowest Kot«, J MILTON MADDOX. B02 bnlpley Bt. y Ill.If BALE OF FURNITFRB, ON FRIDAY. OCT., l«th, at 1# I m.. ut No. <«•* Mouroc at., hPlouelng to tho lab* Kll**heth Dugan, consUtlng of household m Quickest Between pOR RENT ■> ill participate. The »peak** They were the guests s. Pennewill, William H. Heald, Daniel o will be 8. Wilmington, Phllodelphla, Mew York and Boston. .a I lenrant. il II A Tl................. . H2.M fin I "mad 7 T[ * H ............................. THI Rennett. 7 R A n .............. is.no mi rs-mnii. i; |{ i-nn |«2 .K 7 R b ................... u!o# _______ 'ï!.? !■!"'!' "■ 7 R * b ............. ;.............on Salk hoT nE iiorhr. good Appfc 'wiLifiNotoN trcSt'ctf'" '*"tk',r m' dArd^..OWRn,r Evening ____________ ' o6-t goo#, clothlnk. 4c. executor. by Win J. Flail Hastings ami Harry A Brown. Tp-cli.lf. Mr. Hrald and John P. Nlloda will, address a meeting of the Taft Club at Stanton. John W. Patterson. ,#a well-known col- ored lawyer of Washington, loft this af lernoon to speak at meetings of the col- ored Republicans In Lewes. Milford and Brldgeville. On Thursday night the Sixth Waul He. 09-12-13-14-16 Ha» connection nnd through rate» ill interior points. Steamers sal dsflv except Sunday, at 6 p. m from Sur » Walnut St., Philadelphia, ami of Market Bt,. Wilmington. ------------------------ ,-------- FOR SALK. nine* Inches to the plarc of beginning. property -of WUltam Oreen, and to lie «old by fBNRT 8T«rrORD Sheriff FherlfP* Offre, Wilmington, Delaware, October fi iF hV loot iwm. ntor.ta t Jourmil « )ffb o. thn« *f 1 - ---------- souih slxty-tlvo Ileg.c. s nnd tUtcn min- ; WOR 'AM: Jim PHINTINC. LOW I _ BM Van Buren at., 10 moms and Jules west one hündrcib und twenty-nine ! I prices for rush Inner«. Knvclnnes. porch " nnd Ihlrly-slx humlre.lihs f, et to « ç;u-: Wllheud«. uoichemla. card., tags, «1.60 |UH W. Jtst HI.. roorot and porch n«r Iron pin In or nest the raslorlv side ihousiind Farm and Home In.', Hhtplev IS* ''uncord Ate. 9 rooms and norch of the old limestone rood ih.-m-e nions at. .S'-lin 13M W nth Ht., s rooms and porch or near the cnslerlv side th.-rcof n rlh .................................................. ÏW»Market »t. II rooms and norch twenty-four sud cm-h .U degr..... w,s. CM Adum»HI « rooms P - TUE UNI? UjJv Vi I? mV-tcV,in isn, one hundred fn3 slx.v-one fee. to a cor- I BUSINESS OPPOHTTJNITrF.S 1^ K 7llf Ä.'.* 7 roomî.' rtiS S3NP DAY Or CK rOBEH. INN, n<*r atuke jidjacent lo laud of Betibet» _____ _^ rj lloti^na with tnrire lof»Ctivmfmi ni.h. il. fAnrtw* At V ° c,,,oclî T* "V«» KaUerthwalff ; ihet» ' by the ln*t uani-'.tp t aJÎTvbU To k-U OH AN UK HVHi Ka.*nrduon Park. Prloo'iCorner and Shell- ' I .C, UWI,I '!rs" remaining ihre, com , k John T. M.UIltis Ina, Prlr.'rrs. Hub-' pot Cork. ,.Tnt,.1cj!r,,,n Jot or "f lB"11 wl,h ""m*1v: north slxty-om degiees and : h,r BlnmD* Cat nrloaa 1 Ap,.rtnicnls cen'rallr locals,! he buildings th. reon erected, situate In mty minutes . m one hundred ..... ! ii'ir 1 nr.es____________________ H^o^es and offices^ In the city of Wilmington aforesaid, bound- ty-soven and one-third u*et t•» n »topo !------ - » ------------- rattouM Ifunv nth#»- ed and deacrlbed as follows, to wit ; north twenty-tlv« grets and five min- LOST AND FOUND Beginning al a point twelve feet west- utes west four hundred and twenl oily of the Intersec tion of lands now or and Orm-h Of feel to n eorner and itorth ( nJT uriMVpn irnnM unwr r»\r formerly of Mingo I^w. Howard T Wal- Mxty-one !* gtees :md thirlV minute* . vm i T 081 -HTKATT.O FHOM HOME ON lace and the PnllAdelnhl*. Wilmington eighty-five an.I three-niiurttrs feet ••• the lv Thursday, bhiik oollle pup and Baltimore Hall road respectively ami place of beginning Containing four and ,c»un.rii tn Mrs l* (Vandecrtft lAtxj locate«! on property line of said rallroa.l ninety-elgl.t hundredth* acre* of land. . ,PI . 1 9*4*«nuegnn. » ««v. company; thence south four degree** be the an me nu,ri* ,(*Broome st. nineteen minutes east, ami parallel with 8elz«*«l and taken In execution r. the line of land now or lute of Mingo | property of William J Armstrong. Law. two hundred eight and seventy-one Anna B Armstrong, his wife and i t s., i one hundredths fx-et to a point; thence and to be sold by meetinir Tn» "°.uth eighty-four degrees, ihlrly-nlne M HKNIU PT'»nnD, Sheriff. mrmA* nrinr ♦»*** ^ minute* west parallel with property line »berlfTs Office. Wilmington. low,re. paiade prior to the meeting will start of said railroad two hundred and eight October 9(h. 1908. 09.13.1M9.23.36 from headquarters. No Ss»9 Walnut sirtet an8 »^venty-one hundredths feet to a The Seventh Ward Republican Ctub wilt S^Ue^mTnu.^'wJ'aid SSïtei with have a meeting on Wednesday night *t|Ra^ Hne of land now or late of said avenue and Lincoln street nnlM,ngo ,'aw* lwo Hundred and eight and 7y. . -,n'oln "'reel on „venty-ono one hundredth* feel to a Wednesday night, to be addressed by Mr. I point an property line of said Railroad Pennewlll, Walter H. Have» and DavidiCompany, located two hundred and eight J Reinhardt On tl,» feet and seventy-one one hundredth* feet vi-T n! ! *nme cvenln* the 1 from the point of beginning nnd from Ainth «ard Republicans will have a thence along said property line of land meeting at Concord avenue andMarket °f sal<i R«lTro»d lo the point of hegln- *treei in be ..j..,.,, .. . _ nlng. Containing within *ald bound* one street, to bo addressed by Sylvester D. aere of land be the same more or less. Townsend, Jr., Herbert !.. Rice, W. G "Ith the privilege of jhe use of a lane Jones and Reuben Satterthwalte. Jr twelve feet wide extending along the T.,« tr.f.n re Jr- easterly bpundry of this lot, and situated ihe Fifth " ard Tieald and Pennewlll'be!ween this lot and lha land now or lato Club will have a meeting to-morrow night of Mingo Law at No 207 Weat iriphth . . Betted and taken In execution as th, 7 , e,t '• be *d- property of the Lehigh Valley Spring in essea ijy several speakers. Company,'a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and to be sold by HENRY STAFFORD, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Wilmington. Delawkra October 5. 1909. pOR RENT Boston-Savannah By Sea. SHUHIFK S BAUS-liV V1KTUL OF A writ of A1». Levari Facia*, i *tl. will be exposini to Public -ab*. at th* Four! House, on Marlut street, b-*we' n Temh ami KI*Vt«kth *lrt#t*. It) tn* i1)' of \Y ilnilnglon. New Castl* couafty, !>*»- awais. me dlifo* yf a publican Club will have a hi g rally in the Odd FellowsTemple, Orange street above Tenth. llprchant» *nd Miners Trans Co (Heamshlps from Baltimore and Phll- Afl^^t^oute to Southern and Eastern ?P(nost Coastwise Trips In the World." Send for Booklet. City Ticket Office, 106 8. Ninth St., Philadelphia. Fa- General Offices. Baltimore, Md. Among the speakers will ment, after which nuolts were resorted to and some extraordinary scores were made. The party returned to Wilmington on the evening boat. Besides Mr. Casey and Mr. Lynch, " riR,lt * B«nd, the Newport Band. k,. those in the part wore W. E. Johnson, 8t.^llnr* cholr an1 Mr* c- »■ h-Jos E. Donahue. W. S. Hemphill, H. A. i wm sin*: AI1 club* "> the city are re- Bchen, C. E. Given. W. H. Dixon, p. jested to take pari. State Committee. Hammon. Alexander Carney, Winfred n,an Charles H. Colbourn. w. H. John- W. Campbell, Thomas Coucill, Hugh ,on' Pr(,*ldent of the Sixth Ward Club, MoGinley and A. H, Savior. ancl George W. Anderson, chairman of the executive committee of that club, are In charge of the good business lo- nouM«. O O OOODP3N, •«! Kcol roatat© and In«iinifH*e X3fi Market lit H-'th Phon*«. n* i AL ESTATE FOR SALE U'lK 9Al,R.- «upre; ciutvenlvm II -A DESIRABLE location. Nine rooms, two bath». 2f.xlf.il HESt- - the - . end E SAYLOR MAKING IMPROVEMENTS OUT- 81 LV KU Iwarlng initials F. Mc . «lato on coin, | Howard If retumiHl t-* FÎVHNIWQ t JOFRNAL OFFICE. COIN 101» P.R ACKLLT. MmflRon Mr«*«t. puntfv. pr*;ni*fji. L f**f. Apply on ol-lm oLMt 1 COMPLAINT MADE TOR SALE PROFESSIONAL I . 800 west sixth st. IM................ Ar.ye-rv^ÎNv-.-^..-.____ * rofttY)«, bath urn! «wit: hot wgtw AUTFMAH HMITH. ATTOKNBY-AT- j . c°fn*r property; e»relient retail law, Imp removed to Uouinn Wo. 711 JV*/* busIne*« extnbllched. Thl* t* a bar- and TU Word nidg. *2«-lm «a,n APP'V _ 1 T. F. McRVIMTY CO.. 623 W. Fourth 01. ABOUT DRAINAGE SHERIFF^« BALE-BY VIRTI'K OF A writ o| Levari Facia«, to me directed, will be exponent to publie ^vile at the Stanton Hotel. In the Ylllogr of Stan- New Casl,e^Counl>v Delaware, HELP WANTEDMALE. THH WTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 190«. V^MfO^lT^PthnTTTTr^ÄUiTl^ABL»-I ,lln,h a. At 10 oclock a in., •» bodied, unmarried m#n. beiw.-cn ..gea IIS (IimIbui i, *ln 8'- the following described real estate, viz; I* SJd *>• o.lloan» of the United blaj,»*, Rinden Si All that .-ertaln lot, brick messuage, of good characier and tenip-jrnlo hold'». I Those three iielong to one nsrtv- de«lr» nhurvea. store biaises und marsh me»- J*1!*» raa "P'»k- "ad and wDlt to sell all Hood Investment PM»ke us nn dow thereunto belonging, slluate.lln md 1 .""b, I^r Information «pplv R*- offer Apply ment. Make us an near the village of Christiana In New 9,îl3fl- V*' N,L l*«h flt . 130 N*. T p. McFVTT I Y CO Castle county. Plate of Delaware, bound- *lh Bt.. I lillade.pl.la. Pa ; No. 7 N |i4 *2«.tf r.•>* xy Fourth S' ed by the main street of the said village. < nmden. N. J ; Cor. Broad and Frsnf ' Fn"r,B at- by land of AbraliauV P Shannon, land of f'a-Jr#nt2!î: N J-i corner <th and Mar- | James Dolton, land formerly of Thomar > krt 8f*., Umlngton. pel.; flli> Penn Bt.. Weber, land of Heister Egbert and I Re'-dln- Pa.; Mountain City Uldg.. Pott«. Francis KHpn. the Christiana Creek. v"-«. wharf late of Thomas Webber and by -------- ------- ------ ---------------- lot No 2 hereinafter described: also all WAI'*'TEDABLE-BODIED that certain other lot of land situate In *y tween ages 19 and 36 ft ______ the village of Christiana aforesaid ad- fine Corps Must be native horn or have joining No. 1 and Nn. 3 hereinafter de- first papers Excellent opportunity lo see scribed, bounded by lands of Helsler Eg- the world. Good puf. C olhlng. rations, bert by lot No. 1 hereinbefore described, quarters, medical attendance free. Apply by land formerly of Robert McCartney U S, Marine Corps Recruiting Sla- and by No 3 hereinafter described ''on. PostolIVce Building, Wllnllnsfon. No. 3. Also all that certain other lot cel. o3-28t of land situate In the village of Chris- tiana aforesaid bounded by the public road leading from Christiana lo Wil- mington, by land of Helsler Egbert, by No. 2 hereinbefore described and by land formerly of Robert McCartney, number one hereinbefore described containing twelve acres more or less. No 2 contain- ing one acre of land more nr less and No 3 containing one Mere, three roods and twenty-nine perches of land The su last mentioned lot being inure particu- larly bounded and described ns folows: Beginning on the easterly side of the highway leading from Christiana to the city of Wilmington at the corner of a lot ofjand formerly of the heir* of Wit- hy the said south seven- ( R. Sayl»y, »f th» Labsr Herald, is making extensive improvements at hi» Flint'ond In a few days will have a much enlarged space for his machinery. An al- ley way. thirty feet long and five feel wide will be taken In by the building of a party erable routine business was wall between the work roonr^p of the Her-j acted, bid»and Hardcaetle and Bons picture store. | In addition .to giving the Saylor Plant1 ^ drainage in GuVer avenue, and the moreroom this wall will be excellant tiro pyotoctlen. The repairs will be completed In o tew days. 1 Delaware The Board of Health held Its weekly meeting this morning at which consld- trans- eî«-tf A complaint was received regarding matter will be referred to the Street and Sewer Department. Secretary Wlgglesworth said that the street in question was owned by, private per- sons. The complaint was made by residents In Tenth street. Secretary Wlgglesworth reported that seventeen properties had been connected with the sewer since the last meeting. The board acted on three sewer complaints and eleven minor complaints. The'secretary was empowered to ad- vertise for bids for trousers and over- coats for winter use by the officials. fTOR SALE OR RENT 1 Fatally Kicked in Football Game. OANONSBURO, Pa., Oct. 12Wil- liam M. Potts, a football player, ig dead here today the result of having boon kicked In the head during a game October S, between the f'anonsburg soholastlo eleven and the Canonsburg High School. He never spoke after ^elng hurt. Jyl-îm Nice tbree-gtory lieuse over Washing- ton.Street billige 9 rooms nnd bath, and In good condlifoil Make an offer. CHART.RES C. KTII.TX, toil Market Sir.*» fOpnosde Court Housok MEN RE- or It. S M«- DEATH TAKES MRS. o9. aT-eod-tf MARY A. SANBORN FOR SALE . , Wo have unite a number of v»rv de- ■trahie properties, well located, that would require only a smell amount of cash to purchase. See us todav. MANY VIEW BIG RACING AUTO * Mrs. Mary A. Sanborn, widow of Dr. Al- bert II. Sanborn, died at the residence of her son. Andrew E. Sanltorn, of {Jo. 113 West street at 11 oclock last night. Mr». Sanborn had only been 1)1 since Wednesday and the cause of her death attributed lo heart weakness and feebled condition generally. The funeral will take place on Thurs- day, Interment to be made at Forest Cem- etery, Middletown. 1) HELP W A NT E O—FF-MA L il, XtfANTED-THREE LADY CANVAS- vv sers. Commission. 603 W. iSlh SI . between 6 and 7. o!2-lt Killed In Motor Accident. Si NEW YORK. Oct. 12 Martin F. Donly, Jr., of the City Auditors office and son of the Tammany leader of the Second Assembly District of BroWyn. was instantly killed early to- day by the plunge of a speeding motor car from Howard avenue. Brooklyn, to tho Long Island Railroad tracks, on Atlantic avenue, twenty feet below. DINSMORE Ä CO, 105 W sth st. FOR SALE Sinking Atesian Well. Henry Blouth is sinking an arleslaft well In the yard adjacent to his brew- ery at Front and French streets. Thomas P. Harper of Jenklntown, Pa., is doing the work A has been reached and Philip F. duPonfs Peerless automo- bile, which made such a tine showing an en-|jn the Philadelphia races on Saturday and finished fourth attracted much at- tention on Market street this morning when Mr. duPont drove Into town with it. The car was In racing trim. Just Mrs. Sanborn was a native Delawarean a* *t appeared In tho Falrmount park born near Mt. Pleasant and was a daugh- c,> an<1 the number 3" was ter of Andrew Kllason. a prominent mem- flnted 011 lhe front tn white. As It ber of tho Isclsloture She has been re- ,0o<, ,n fr<'nt of the offlL'e of H,ld«on Siding with her son on West street since and Co,nPan>'' brokers, at Eighth and >"* and only last Tuesday accompanied .. , . ««racted the atten- hlm on several calls. On Sunday a week °n °f 8 l8rr,Cr0WdMr duPon, ago aecon-mnie i hv m u k, 5 V a ,nd J Montelth Jackson went out for ^ded hT™ w K ; *he * a spin In the car. and the cyack of ChUrCh 0f tho exhaust me- - ......... air caused M _ ember. pedestrians to stop and take notice as reiniivran*>rn * he 0nly *urv,vln* the auto went down the street. George Davis, a Wilmingtonlan, drove a-------- race on Saturday, lie was In the Apperson car and was lead- had some trouble with a cylinder that put his entry out of the race. His many spirited brushes with the victorious locomobile won for i No. 1010 Washington street, on« of the best rentrai locations In the i-lty; 0 large rooms nnd bath ne» bu-k build- ing aud Interior remodeled. Just like new; open sanitary plumbing and aleam bait. Immediate possesstdlr Must b. be appreciated. TNG. Eighth « BUSINESS CARPS. 11 \irM. 1). WILLIAMS CO. , *31 Orange 81. Boating, Spouting and Healing. Metal and mmpcsltlon rooffne. Hot Air beating on J ventilating. Ing promptly done. Pbonao. depth Aim i of 63 feet J s -en it Il«nalr- Ojg-Iv CHAR and Jeffrr EB W t, n streets rock found. Tho well Is being drilled through an The Street and Sewer Department forces t,|rt excavation that did not produce are busily engaged just now in work on w»ter in sufficient quantity. The old tho otreets and everything is being rushed well was dug fourteen years ago. so as to have tho work finished before ----------- ----------- - 1 1 t> Rushing Street Work. FOR SALE 3 new three-sloiv buildings, In an elegant nnd Improving location Street to have Improved paving rooms and ballt, with nil All rnllro'id fnilllile Will sell on easy terms lo make them sell. II r i Evans; thence partly of land above described, degrees and one-quarter easf Irn ; thence by said laud above do- » STOKE FIXTURES We pay more and »all cheaper because ,, rapeu»ti are »-nil. Furniture ohas hurlock. !h «n 1 lo;»!*r ( ' IlEEN RE KG' * ZËM EljfnH Elrs'-claas Paper Hanging. Scrap- ing and sizing without extra charge. We are doing rooms from 12 16 up. 012-lm. 709 MADISON BT. w ANTED 2d hand lo ty-five perches scribed the courses and distance» as fol- lows; North nineteen degrees and Ihr.-e quarters of a degree east five perches south seventy-two nnd a half degrees east forty perches and two-tenths and north tblrty-slx degree* and three-quarters east three perches and nine-tenths to a corner of land formerly of Deborah Bel- cher In a line of the first described lot; thence by said Belcher, alias OIckKon's lands north sixty and three-quarter de- f :rces west forty-one perches and five enths and i^orth seventy-one and one- | quarter degrees, west twelve perches and two-tenths to (he eastward!»- side of the ..... ...... , . ... aforesaid highway; thence along the [ , *î»e,ïïr** 58 held by the estate of Joshua same south eight degrees west eleven ( '®"°f «be township perches Snd thirty-live hundredths lo the °iQWjf n« Df-wter »..o.. l a , will be plsce of beginning Containing one acre J«*'d *? Ben « Auction Store, three roods and twentv-nlne perches of *1,. Wllqtlngton. Del. land. The whole of the three tracts PSISAJ' ,af* m-' Davis the plaudits of the crowd above described. Containingfifteen acres , »,u"u Lynchburg Traction & Light Co.. Hundreds of Wllmlngfonlans wit- more or les», c,îî,r Sî.hnrl.Vn Tlu/'i^n.kVc»™; nessed the races Among the auto- .hS^l.mln^^«.'^* fl cJl^soÄS bond* Iviki^mer? mobile parties from this City that had|pany, a corporation exlrtlng under the Urban Railway to., Des Moines. Iowa, parkins space along the home«tretch ••*» of the R»«t* of D^lnwwr«. Admin- ? i>cr r<n» Ini mort*<«Ko bond course »-er.- v 1 Connnhle and r.ertv Islrolor of Bsmucl D Forbes deceased, bom Trai tlon < ompauy j per cent. 1st course were F L.tonnahle and party, „„.„„op and terre tenant, and Inbe | mortgage bond 13-sn Wilmington City Elmer Mitchell and party, Joseph Ban- apb) by Electric Co. » per cent. 1st mortgage croft and party. Robert S Bancroft and HENRY BTAEFORD. Sheriff J".,*!®* TracV,,n rot Jni' nartv and \ Rothschild nod nartv RheHtfs Office. Wilmington Tu-lowsrc 1 «na, 6 per cent general morlsasr« bond pan>, ana a. itoin** nna umi part>. October 9 190^ o»-I2«15-19-92-*h* »D «hsir** Nutlon*! Dank of 1\nmlngtun __________ 1____ J______________ _______ 3 ___ & Brandywine ntock. 40 share* First rfa- Government Bid. Opened. Bids for furnishing pipe taps for »III be exposed to public sale st the iBf* LONDON. Oct. 12Unless especial general use were opened at the office Court llm}«. ;.r; M irkot s|.e..t, J-etwc.n jVaWioTIÄr CtÄ^Silonsl Ä Prominence is given to womans suf- of the Fourth Light House Districtof Wilmington New Casile i-ouruy Dei- Jid'O',1 •'"ck. I shares Durham frage In KingEdward's speech at tho this morning. The bidders were the aware. .... Jtock Terms aVsal#"1, N Cconlraon r. assembling of Parliamentto-morroye, following. Woodward and Brothers, ON BAT I RDAV. OC TOBER I. 1 H, PKW. THOMAS k. JEFEERIS. the suffragettes will turn loose thsir *5.50; Duncan Brothers, 15 60; William t))p f0|)awinE firserllwd nai .- late vis- 'JOS H. BALDWIN, "dogs of war" again and they promido 16 -,nValterS anJ SHn8, phl,ad*lphla*»> 'Xrb'd r,brlok" d^elUng there m A"Vone having stock to seliP may*°hve harass the government more than in . 'a . . , u aroéted* BumberM eti silusted*ln the Ht?,hm entered at this sale by applying to any previous campaign Bid* were also opened for furnish- nÎw C*s county ,.nd «"dh;,m « 8«n brokerage auotfrneers. Deputation« of women willlisten to Ing gas pipe railing for use at Horse- «late of Delaware, hounded and de- K.\'r,, « ,h.*, of DeUws?e"lt«Tro«d he »neech and will hasten from the shoe Range. The bidders wore the »crlhcd os folio»* lo wit •'l' ** 1 ,re ' > n , p„rli»msnl chsml.er fa make o renart Reirtniiliig 111 lb.-southerly side of Fifth ' o*-I0-U-l«-16 j I arligment cnamter tj make a repart following. street, between Poplar street and 1.- m- to the "womens Parliament" at Cax- Jehn Maneely, Philadelphia. »69.90; hard strict at the distance of *lxty-four REGISTERS ORDERS ton Hall - '•' dt -ed Cnmnany. Wllmlng- . loot from the easterly side of Poplar street H............ to .mi.f , u,. .„r ton, »76.S»; The Fairbanks Company. I a"d •* !»»•; * l,Lr' 'h" J1 REGTKTEU 8 i iRDLIt frlLittl/» ihVt one» ,1?^ ,i!»it ... * , . . . .. . « tw#en lhe hou** on tnU ki anil tin otrirt* nf th»* nf wiiIh m 1 frrnr»*ttM will at one* uoicm their lm- Philadelphia, 177.46; Dolawnre Hard-; hou» adjoining on tl"- west ; theme New (»»île ' ■ounty.' l *1,. Sept 28th.'flog portunlng* of premier Asquith tourgo ware and Supply company. Miming-| southerly parallel wllh fWar «treet | t lh,, appllcailon of George A. El- suffrage legislation ton. 179.55; Hunter and Dickenson through 'he tenlie of said party » ill uot|. executor of Rebecca Kirk, lute of PnmiMiiv Phllaiieltihia 194 77- Froe- ÿrHy-aaven feet to the northerly side of Hrandvwlic hundred. In sold county, de- I iteAih»,- Phil Âeioiiin f -if^* .'heir.-* o**ie'riv "dv Vh- "Vi '•'a'"'1- " ord'-rsd and directed by ihel the women wiu descend on the Houoo Hch Brothers, Ihlhtneiphla, ?S«.u2. lar Mtrret. tneine ©usterij o> tn«•»■un \v*ui« that th*. evguhi.ip 1 . __ . . . . . ... . SpeakiiK.n Supply und Pipe Company, nortjjorl» sld- of said «lb t and l»r»ljj! jiSSSSffd glv' "nÛilc ùf gmmhi ?' Commons In a rush which will b. WAminfftrin It. 90 Llfth street fe©t to a «nriu r. t»»rn TeMtânientafar upon lit«* vsUM* of hut a prelude to a Feiler of daily Ä ni"neh-Imyd drïif l-y *!? °" Parlism"n(t 'Hr,,,f and now or formerly of .Martin KVmifh .«]- J^ÎÎS ^thlnfortv dmyï faîtm ihe dote re«ldanOfi* of ministers, joinIn* thl* lot on the east forty-neven j ;,r h Tetters In six of tho most nubile The suffragette* admit th*t they «*- ClVl hsitae? aniMhence*<t hereby wc'priv I »SS* 'hating*'dlma.H, °"Ct "tt,e ,r°m *5* orlThcomn* ^lU- stxleen fee. lo lb- place of beginning. 2Haln*t theCMatc prSselîf th.^îme* m'nt »nd Mr8Emily »rummonri. ofi- be held on Tuesday afternoon at fj 'îlW^uJdmerropîrtijt poVîîLA"!andalsi".» ose !?a',*P; !?dÄ»V h** "'°U o'clock Interment will be In St and privilege of .he *nld ihrec fed wide th^ rTmc tS-VLëUtcd w?thln ilS. *ame war to the knife James cemetery. He leaves a widow alley «« fully as lhe !l,l.nJ,> ,',i^ herHofurc pcrtfxi in The ßXnlng Journal, a news- been held and enjoyed by owners of tho*>e | paper published In Wilmington. Dal,. i und to bo continued therein three weeks. (e. o. d.) if Contain 9 conveniences. Nicely papered Price* reduced Cops' Outing at Idle Hour Home j A number of the city police fopco The werk of paving Delaware avenue ; who are enjoying their long day off started for the Idle Hour clubhouse at Grubbs Landing this mornnig, Sorpe of the cops left by train, while others rode fhe trolley cars. Fun and relax- ation is fhe main object ot the outing. Plent yof oysters, an Immense roast of heef and liquid refreshments will be I served Athletle sport* will be a fcat- celd weather sets in. The work In Van Buren street was completed Friday. I'HAHI.BB C KURT'/,, )#ll Market St, !0;>jh>*Uc Inurf ltcu-e) with IBtuIItblc was begun this morning. o3-m-tu-lh Celebrated Solemn High Mass. Solemn High Mat's was celebrated in pt. Patricks Church yesterday Father John A, Lyons, vicar-general | pf the diocese, delivered the sermon in ! the evening. Evening services will be i held In St. Patricks Church during 1 urp of 1he «vent, the month and many visiting clergv will preach This evening the Rw fAI OßFfi WOMAN Father Connolly of .Middletown will UlYIrtltl preach. The services*-have been large- ly attended since the first of the month. PROPOSALS EXECUTORS SALE EXECUTORS SALE Rev. p ItOIuaALBU1D8 WILL UK x ceived al the office of County Engi- neer Wilson, at tho New Castle County Court House, until October 18. for build- ing bridge across Rllver Run. Ht. ifeorges hundred. In accordance with plans and specifications on file The tommltiee re- serves the right lo reject any and all bids. By order « ROBERT McFARLIN, President New Castle County Levy Court. : i:- ESCAPED CONVICT AGAIN IN PRISON IS COMMITTED State Detective Gillis Captures Jacob Lofland, a Life Termer CLAMORING FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE XI Dur- Ruth Griffith, colored, was arrested Saturday afternoon after she had overturned a atone in the house occu- pied by her father at Railroad ave- nue and Liberty street .and had done other damage. The woman was exam- ined as to her sanity and was yester- day committed to the state asylum at Farnhurst. Patrolman Jakubowski made the ar- rest. The overturned 'stove set fire to the kitchen, but the blaze was soon extinguished. Gilding St. Peters Cross. Astride a small beam high in the air, a painter is today gilding the cross on the dome of St., Peters Church at Bixth and West streets. His perilous position attracts considerable atten- tion, but he works with the apparent stolidity, of a man with bis feet on the ground. h State Detective Harry I. Gillis made a good capture when he landed Jacob Lofland. colored, behind the bars at the police station hero to-day. is an escaped prisoner from the Georgetown Jail, where he was serving a life sentence for murder. Hejvas ar- rested early this morning at TUdgely, Md. The detective found him fully slumbering and surprised man to tell him he prisoner. Lofland was sentenced in the Sussex county court In 1903 to life Imprison- ment for the murder of Husan Haz- zard. a colored girl He shot off her head with a shotgun. ç iyp ifn CThHIfC ! After serving two years of his time, jA|J 1VIK. J I KALI33 I Lofland oaetped and since that lime has been roaming Ho went The man Many Wore Baptized. Several persons were baptized Fauikland yesterday, the number com- prising those who have become con- verts during the evangelistic meet- ings held in this city at Fourth and Broqmo streets. I rf® at peace- awakened the / was a ! A LABOR NOT WITH GOMPERS, Away your time look- M Mng for bargains In Ki Furniture. Ptoves A »to. ways on hand at the ß rloe .that saves you I per cent. "NOB V KVHGTXR RI E. 4th St. D. & A. Phone 635. If the speech is antagonistic, or even non-committal. Carpets. Al- over the country, to Rldgely from Baltimore about two weeks ago and Detectlvb s- j Gillis learning of his stay there, went and 1 after hitp. j Lofland will be token to the county where he went to register. While in workhouse to serve out the balance of *he metopolis. Secretary Strauss saw j his time. At the time he was Incar- quite a number of leading men in labor i crated at the Georgetown Jail the organizations. Ap a result of his talk* long-termed prisoners from the two with thefn. he said to-day: [ lower cöuntles had not been removed While I am not making and predic- ; to the workhouse here, lions because they might be attrobutel ito partisanship. I will say that labor I is not being lei by Gçmpers aud his coterie. The labor men recognize that they did not receive from the last con gross the recognition that they asked for. but they realize that the adminis _ frations has done everything possible >n }e application of Henry P. for them, and that every law in tho Brown' of Philadelphia, an attorney, last twelve vears for the benefit ot I representing the Manufacturers' Na- labor has been passed under a Rc- : l'ona' Bank of that city, the holder of publican administration: and the lead- of •« bonds of the Diamond era are appreciating that the party'^tBte se0' Compaq. JudM Bradford that has done thing» for them Is a bet- in he UD,'ed S,ates Court °-day sued an order directing that the bank be paid Its dividend ot 40 per cent, on the bonds as declared some time ago. The amount? which the bank will re- ceive is 64.600. When the dividend an the bonds was TO SIX MONTHS id^lar®dB0ç.,t,"?'a«v >• **»*•'• ! phla bank held book accounts of the j Diamond State Steel Company, which Judge Bradford In the United States had been surrendered to It as secur- Court to-day. sentenced Clarence S. tty for loans the Same as the bonds Morris, colored, accused of taking were given, and these had to be ilrst disposed of before the dividend on ths bonds could be allowed. By United Press Leased Special Wire. WASHINGTON. Oct. 12Oscar Strauss, secretary of Commerce Labor, has returned from New York L- Death of Newport Man. Thomas B Galloway. 66 years old, a well-known resident of Newport, died there on Saturday. The funeral will I Husar HELD FOR DISORDER AT SOCIALIST MEETING lands and premise*. Seised and taken in execution as the property of James Black, administrator of Jane Duncan, deceased. Mortgager and terre tenant, and to be sold bv Henry btaffobd sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Wilmington. Delaware, October 3. 1908 o6-9-12-I5-16 Death of J. S. Jones. John S Jones, died on Saturday at Barksdgle, Md., near Newark. ----- funeral will be held from White Clay Creek Church on Wednesday after- noon at 2 oclock. Carriages will be at Newark. PHILADELPHIA BANK GETS NEARLY $5,000 Given under the hand and seal of office of the Register of Wills aforesaid, at Wilmington, In New (SEAL) Clistle county aforesaid, the day and year above written. FRANCIS M WALKER. Register of Wills. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Letters Tes- tier The MEDICAL PHIT.ADEI.PHIA. Oct. 12.At a hearing orderly In every way, the thirteen meo and a girl arrested during the disturb- at the meeting of Socialists, to he«» Prof. G. F. THtEL. 535 North sixth st. ^ Raa ■HT.' TR*AT*FM th* s-lr ^»rnnloBd Mir* Air Sprein«- Blood Jol.nn «'kero rn*t rsrr. All Prf»»le PI.#«.»«. Iieetoet, Ab*M>e. Wtâk■**»»*. V.«oat Pe-lilllt*. T.mt Manhood. lirai n., I.o.sea, f a rlr**e*le A HI rift nr*, <n» fnltln« IM«'» k Bladder, Ramil Shrunken Orf»"«- I* C pr*rtlml .% n yr«r* h»»|»ltnt *in*ri*nr* In A»r»»«y. •) f«r B«*k. t*IU nil. *ip4Mlnf fit j * Conn b-tudt. hacrrrj «unmnirrd. Mali n SHKHlFFß SALKBY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Th« (>KU*A> tamentary were In due form court house, on Market »treet. between Iunto the undersigned, on the Tenth »md Eleventh street* In tho city. °* September, Aj. p 190*. and of Wilmington. New Castle county. Ibat all persons having rtalms against Delaware the estât« of the deceased must present the same, .Rily allefteâ, lo the said Ex- n or before the 29lh day of September. A. D '.909. or abide the Act of Assembly In *ucb case made and pro- vided. <■( New Castle Man Injured, a nee their Presidential candidate. Eugene V Debs yesterday afternoon at Labor Ly- ceum Hall, Sixth and Brown streets, faced James Whalen, of New Castle, was taken to the Delaware Hospital this morning suffering from a scalp wound received in an accident in Vandever The man was employed by » x-1" r «Irr fall ir writ* ON HATtUDAY. THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1908, At 10 oclock a. m.. the following described real estate, vlx: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land with the two-story dwelling house thereon erected, situate In Christiana hundred, aforesaid hounded and described as follows, to wll: Beginning at a point In the middle hue ot Qlenrlcrt avenue at the distance of fifty feet westerly from the westerly »Id* 1 Howard street; thence northerly p»r«!- Boward street one hundfed and ecutor. Magistrate Ladne* at the Third street and Fairmoutu avenue station this morning. The girl, Celia eParleteln. seventeen years old. of 509 Noble street, was accused of assaulting a policeman. It was raid that she slapped Zugermaum. a policeman <Jf theThlrd District In l^i* face whsti 1rs attempted to force her back from the d-sw of the ton. around which the crowd hod gathered in their efforts to gain admissloa to the building. She was held under 6600 ball for trial on the charge of assault. The boll was promptly furnished. Tho thirteen mon were held under 6400 ball each to keep the peace, all ot which was furnished, and they were allowed to depart f**»eral At- tempted to contradict the policeman» to0- tlmony as to toh trouble, but wore prompt- ly stopped by thn Mag «trot» a Every Woman i* uitfTVBUMl auci tbuold know* aboiu the wenrltirfai avenue. William Hill and Company. Ho left the hospital after his wound was sewed ter Jrtcnd to labor than the partw that has only promised. t: V GEORGE A. ■LLIOTT. E«q Executor, gt- A. EHlott. Esq.. At- W11 in ington. MS 1 i Addreas. Q<»or torney-at-Law. *30-9t-eod I l up. "^vi.Lîïïr.ï,"8,sr; MORRIS SENTENCED BmIM o*t conveu- lent. It cldxnat* m Del < Injured at Todd» Cut. Andrew Johnson, .a workman, was Injufed while at work today at Todd s Cut. The Phoenix ambulance Was called and Johnson was taken to his home. No. 1808 Spruce street. His injuries were not serious. LIST OF PUBLIC SALES. I 1 f t k tcrar drngwinT for It. ^ cannot supply tLo rn* % It V K !.. A'-Cfpl no Other. l»nt eend «uinip for illnitntted book§Pi*le«l. full prrtlGtilar* ami directlmi« in- walnabU v> ladle*. MARVEL < O. d.AliMiSUbtwMjfEWYOU1L. ». U, ---------- rj* j twenty-live cents at the Dover post- ntiiOrttd I Lit o r'lLLv) office, to pay thes costs of the case and Time diamond ROi.v». be ImprUoru'd in the county work- l*adlr«t Ask your Druulit for /A iM » hl.«j|»p«.(frf l»laini>ntlT{rand/#V\ 1*11 la in Hi d and 4s«l<l . rt illl« \V/ T'fiJd hoi«», »«.le t with Bin« Hi' txj*. \/ HJ Tffkfl no olh ». Buy of tobp » dr A.k«* nfi f Jf OIAMOND It KA.M» I* I LI H. for *0 October 16.Executors Sals of Stook and Bonds, of Estate of Joshua Jeffcris at Stidham a Sons Auction Stars. 111 East Fourth St, at 10.30 a. m. 1*1 with twenty-five feet to a corner: then-.', erlv parallel with Glenrlch avenfis fifty feet to a corner: thence southerly parallel with Howard street one hundred and twenty-five feet to the aforesaid middle line : X I lient i h -t enl and them - th< r . by easterly fifty feci to the place of be- ginning. be the contents thereof whuti| they may. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Harry Green and Grace F Green, his wife, mortgagor», and to be «old by Postal Clubs New Officers. Local Branch, No. 44, of the Na- tional Association of Postoffice Clerks at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, elected the following officers: Moreland, president; J. A. Van Horn, cice president; West Trotter, secre- tary, and Frank FhaJen, treasurer Big Tomato Yields. H From three acres, J. R. Slitter, of Schucks Corner, gathered 1200 bushel* of tomatoes, while George McVey, of Belair, raised 2100 bushels on flve acres IA W. C. T. U. Meeting. The monthly meeting of Hilles W C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. James Moflltt, No. 2609 West Eighteenth street, to-mefrrow after- noon at 2.30 oclock. I house for six months. , The court said that It toojc into con- sideration 1fact that thé defendant had pleaded guilty and that he had al- yemknow*.B«,i.saint.Ai*»..R.iubi. ; ready served flve or six months in SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYW.ILRE ! prison awaiting trial. W J HENRY STAFFORD. Sheriff. Sheriff* Office, Wilmington. Delaware, 06-8-12-15-19-23 October 6. 1908. « f i , t


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ROOMS FOX RENT.SHERIFF'S SALES.fiiTiïîffji'rr^r^'iî^v'i î ;t nrerr~x

SHERIFF’S SALES REALTYhlT üT'TTfrfT'irrrr A f* iharik sot. so; and w* hack ut. writ of Levurl Ends to in*' rtlrncleiL Vr Philadelphia. Rooms. 2J, 36. 50c. Geo- will be exposed to public -.tie at :>• tletnen only. al-lTStanton Hotel in the Village of Sinn* Iton, Mill Creek hundred. Now Castle poll RUNT t NFfRNIBHBD KOOMfl county, Delaware. 1 tor rent. No. 7ID W. Eighth at. o!Mw

writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me »11- rerted. will be exposed to publb' aale at the court house, on Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, In the elty of Wilmington. New Cuslle county, Delaware.

(freight received tor alls^Mwbat attention and forwarded protap. ÎTSTTeweîTralM -ed hv beet routes.JfcatiO. bath WtttgSß-iSSay Æ

OMphi* »t «.00 p. m. d9J.y. suna*>ptod.

xc^s ! qgaoKygsocasREAL ESTATE FOR REWT. g


THl AND BAY OF OCTOBER, 190S. . At JO o’clock a. m..At 10 u « rock « . tno following clencTlbcal n ul cRtalo. v!«r

following described real \ig; All th.il old corner ts%ern «land and jAll of the right, title anti Interest of wt «of land with the buildings theroonjz ̂

the »aid .William (Jreen of. In and to all erected. »Honte ip Stanton. Mill C'reoli jthat certain or parcel of Intel. «Hu- H» lulred. New «’asile County, and Style Ja ted In the oily of Wilmington. New i’aa- pr-liiwnrc. which Is bounded und de-Ils county and Stats of Delaware, bound- scribed un follow*, to wit: 1 T31J KÎ .IQ SALK**d and described ns follows, to wit , Heglnnlng at un «*kk corner stone of X ...... , .. , ..4.* ...... _* nn

Beginning at a point formed by the in- Intul. now or late of William ÜouUignt*?; ! ^ Do aold ni J7;* V nterneut Ion of tha euMierlv ;d<)f of Shipley thence h\ said flouthpalr s land north i .,,.,1'^ .»1 » .m! h^ri

1 na. 1 , Htrect with the southerly side of Third Mghty dear»-. « and thhiv-ilvc minute■« • A full ajd • ' hei*•«?/nUorî? £21cans arranged so many political meetlnga street; thence eouthcrly by said side of *•»•« four hnndr*.: .ml nimiy seven Oet. ! food a, p*rtoi and chum her furniture, hej.aa flàve been planned for the rcmalnlrgi!fhlpley street, elghty-two feci and Huh’ Ju rt »lone on the v «terlv Hide of a 1a n« iT .'kitch*.Am,ni, n« Bn-lit' mini

inches to a corner: thence easterly, par- themee alone the westerly side thereof | J|**n.«l1* ‘ î, J1 iî;*,.a VÎT. YV .Vaallelwlth Third street, forty-live feet to *»*uth four imgrees ami fifty minute** ca I •{*** » ,Î.U,T. 1 a. n» ÎL .".IVi?*11 «r,î !Lw corner; thence nortnort) parallel with tv'o hundred and ninety-eight fret- to njJ”1**1* J*1''"Li«• «VAri„tw«

j Shipley street twenty feet 10 a corner, corner of W. Ilayra Dlok«\» lot; thence | rugs. waning, china, glass ware and; thence easterly parallel with Third street, ’by sold Dl* k v’a lot h. part and portly .A«ft»!?,* îîîî « v? - f«thlrten feet, nine and one-half Inche h> other land now br late of Krolfy Kclpe. • “bBjue «»-o.i."JîLTl

a corner; thence northerly parallel with 1 tn*a# n. xt ihr.-.* <vursc* to wit Sioi'h «nd many ‘ «rtUh ..Bhlpley street, fifteen fet and five Inches 1 alxty-three degrees mid forty minutes ^‘JiAî ,,ot on rghlbliton tin d%> ^to a corner: thence westerly parallel wllhlww two hunuivd «•»<* fm*tv.ni«â r*»m tn -a. ol uim.,Third street, seven feet to a corner; |w stake again.* thence northerly parallel with Shipley j« sued attache«! I street, two feet and three Inches to n corner: thence wornThird street Twelve feet to a comer; • ly-ons iuh n thence northerly parallel with flhlplay 1 teen degree* uru street forty-live feet to the said southerly j ninety feet to a (

j side of Third stret •thereby westerly tl

'»K HKNT KKHNIÄHKD KOOMfl, aecond floor. Gentlemen only. Private

j family Call Ddmarviu phone No. 8fl4, ply ut No. I*JW Jeffers«»n st otf-IO-l2

r REAL ES I ATE.ut lading 1»- Wm. Casey and C. F. Lynch Entertain Friends at


Rallies Being Arranged Every District of the

inrough rates snd bll-s

BORaa W. BUSH * SONS CO.. m . Worth Wbarvrx, Thlladwiphla



Collecting of Renta a Special!f.O H. HATDBN, eurceiMor te

Hayden * ValU Tenth end Monrut St*.


'“3 the


StateWILSON LINE TO PH11Ä." street Wharf.

and freight.

FOR RENTN. B. Cor. Front and Kingv From Fourth


Sat Spaalal schedule during Founders’ Week In another oolu m

Not for many year* have the Republl- s*»-. »for* and hoime ......... ............. .BI O*?»!i St., <1 rooms ana hath..Gil , hurt'll Ht., ; rooms ...............•i'J hh St.. » rooms and bath...1- Boat 3.1 flt., » rooms .................71 f; West 3rd. s room*........................

S Harrison. 6 rooms end hath-"G Orange St., 7 rooms ....................!3? Goneord st,. 7 rooms and baUt.... 20.0# oi.vnrlch r.trk, 7-r*om house, with

one ache of land .............

Oysters, fat 'n chubby.Rrandywlne water, without mash.

TrimmingsThey weren’t printed menus, bm j weeks of the preevnt cnmpalKn. Rallie* I

that's what they would have looked like are to be held in every election district j had they been handed around at an I throughout the State, end-of-season oyster roast at Penns-1 °he of the highest meetings will he grove yesterday. Fourteen Single i held at Kleinere In Ector’s warehouse to- Taxers. labor unioniste, Democrats, : morrow evening, when there also will be Republicans and other-, whose aftilla-'a flag raising. A parade w-lll be held

lions might hot be so important were j through Elsmere prior to the meeting, on the steamer Ulrica yesterday morn |rhe Mill Creek hundred mounted club

Ing when she left Wilmington for the Jersey retreat.of William Casey and C. F. Lynch and were bound for the Columbus Inn,Pennsgrove. for a day’s company with the succulent rcast oyster.

Not such a jolly party had invaded the grove for a long time and the weather united with Messrs. Casey ano Lynch to make the day a most delight­ful one. The hosts demonstrated their thorough skill as roasters of oysters, and an Jjour or more was devoted to the molluscs and the trimmings that usually go with them.

After the fest there were songs by . . . „Thomas Coucill and other entertain- £ J'hn*’ ' ' r' °f

. Washington; 8. 8. Penncwill, William If.} Iloald. Herbert L. Bice. Dr. Heart Pipes an«l James A. Anderson. Music will be

, furnished by the Columbia Band

K’.OO....... S.oo 4

GO. 10 00 . 13.00

1U urs

flwul forty minute* mi forty-nine feet to

the northwest earner of a small barn or «ta­

ble; routh Ktxty-iwo decrees and elgh- wosterly parallel with j teen minutes wem one hundred and for-

feet to a coPber; 1 ty-ons f^>t to a corner; and i*outh nlne- anr! forty minute* east

■orner In a line of Ken- •i, and and theiue J Jnmln W. Dickeys lot. thence thereby hirty-nlne feet and the next two courses, to wit: South «lx*

ly-elfbt degrees went one hundred and R'Dxed and taken In execution as the Seventeen and two-tenths feel to it stake;

end south twenty-two degrees and twen­ty-five minutes egst nhu-tv-llve and sevn tenth* feet to a corner stake In or ner.r the northerly »Id» of the old Wilmington 1 use for* nnlmai

oS.lJ.15.19.fl and Christinas Turnpike; thence nlon or near the said nuriheriy side

s and tttteen min a and twenty-nine

'".n*WARNER LINEDelivery Lowest Kot«,

J MILTON MADDOX.B02 bnlpley Bt.


FRIDAY. OCT., l«th, at 1#I m.. utNo. <«•* Mouroc at., hPlouelng to tho lab* Kll**heth Dugan, consUtlng of household


pOR RENT ■>ill participate. The »peak**

They were the guests s. Pennewill, William H. Heald, Daniel owill be 8.Wilmington, Phllodelphla,

Mew York and Boston..a I lenrant. il II A Tl.................. H2.M

fin I "mad 7 T[ * H ............................. THIRennett. 7 R A n .............. is.no

mi rs-mnii. i; |{ i-nn|«2 .K 7 R b ...................u!o#

_______ 'ï!.? !■!"'!' "■ 7 R * b ............. ;.............S«on Salk hoT nE iiorhr. good Appfc 'wiLifiNotoN trcSt'ctf'"

'*"tk',r m' dArd^..OWRn,r Evening ____________ '


goo#, clothlnk. 4c. executor.

by Win J. FlailHastings ami Harry A Brown.

Tp-cli.lf. Mr. Hrald and John P. Nlloda will, address a meeting of the Taft Club at Stanton.

John W. Patterson. ,#a well-known col­ored lawyer of Washington, loft this af lernoon to speak at meetings of the col­ored Republicans In Lewes. Milford and Brldgeville.

On Thursday night the Sixth Waul He.

09-12-13-14-16Ha» connection nnd through rate» ill interior points. Steamers sal

dsflv except Sunday, at 6 p. m from Sur » Walnut St., Philadelphia, ami

of Market Bt,. Wilmington.

------------------------ ,--------

FOR SALK.nine* Inches to the plarc of beginning.

property -of WUltam Oreen, and to lie «old by

fBNRT 8T«rrORD Sheriff FherlfP* Offre, Wilmington, Delaware,

October fi


loot iwm. ntor.ta t Jour mil « )ffb o. thn« *f 1 - ----------

souih slxty-tlvo Ileg.c. s nnd tUtcn min- ; WOR 'AM: Jim PHINTINC. LOW I _ BM Van Buren at., 10 moms andJules west one hündrcib und twenty-nine ! I prices for rush Inner«. Knvclnnes. porch “ "

nnd Ihlrly-slx humlre.lihs f, et to « ç;u-: Wllheud«. uoichemla. card., tags, «1.60 |UH W. Jtst HI.. I« roorot and porchn«r Iron pin In or nest the raslorlv side ihousiind Farm and Home In’.', Hhtplev IS* ''uncord Ate. 9 rooms and norchof the old limestone rood ih.-m-e nions at. .S'-lin 13M W nth Ht., s rooms and porchor near the cnslerlv side th.-rcof n rlh —.................................................. ÏW» Market »t. II rooms and norchtwenty-four sud cm-h .U degr..... w,s’. ♦ CM Adum»HI « rooms P -

TUE UNI? U jJv Vi I? mV-tcV, in isn, one hundred fn3 slx.v-one fee. to a cor- I BUSINESS OPPOHTTJNITrF.S 1^ K 7llf Ä.'.* 7 roomî.'rtiS S3NP DAY Or CK rOBEH. INN, n<*r atuke jidjacent lo laud of Betibet» _____ _^rj lloti^na with tnrire lof» Ctivmfmi ni.h.

il. fAnrtw* At V ° c,,,oclî T* "V’«» KaUerthwalff ; ihet» ' by the ln*t uani-'.t p t aJÎTvbU To k-U OH AN UK HVHi Ka.* nrduon Park. Prloo'i Corner and Shell-' I .C, UWI,I '!’rs" remaining ihre, com , k John T. M.UIltis Ina, Prlr.'rrs. Hub-' pot Cork.,.Tnt,.1cj!r,,,n Jot or "f lB"11 wl,h ""m*1v: north slxty-om degiees and : h,r BlnmD* Cat nrloaa 1 Ap,.rtnicnls cen'rallr locals,!he buildings th. reon erected, situate In mty minutes . m one hundred ..... ! ii'ir 1 nr.es____________________ H^o^es and offices^ In

the city of Wilmington aforesaid, bound- ty-soven and one-third u*et t•» n »topo !------- » ------------- rattouM Ifunv nth#»-ed and deacrlbed as follows, to wit ; north twenty-tlv« 0« grets and five min- LOST AND FOUND

Beginning al a point twelve feet west- utes west four hundred and twenl oily of the Intersec tion of lands now or and Orm-h Of feel to n eorner and itorth ( • nJT uriMVpn irnnM unwr r»\rformerly of Mingo I^w. Howard T Wal- Mxty-one !* gtees :md thirlV minute* . vm i T 081 -HTKATT.O FHOM HOME ONlace and the PnllAdelnhl*. Wilmington eighty-five an.I three-niiurttrs feet ••• the lv Thursday, bhiik oollle pup and Baltimore Hall road respectively ami place of beginning Containing four and ,c»un.rii tn Mrs l* (’ Vandecrtft lAtxj locate«! on property line of said rallroa.l ninety-elgl.t hundredth* acre* of land. . ,PI . 1 9’ *4’ *«nuegnn. » ««v.company; thence south four degree** be the an me nu,ri* ,(*““ Broome st.nineteen minutes east, ami parallel with 8elz«*«l and taken In execution r. the line of land now or lute of Mingo | property of William J Armstrong.Law. two hundred eight and seventy-one Anna B Armstrong, his wife and i t s., i one hundredths fx-et to a point; thence and to be sold by

meetinir Tn» "°.uth eighty-four degrees, ihlrly-nlne M HKNIU PT'»”’nnD, Sheriff.mrmA* nrinr ♦»*** ^ minute* west parallel with property line »berlfTs Office. Wilmington. D« low,re.paiade prior to the meeting will start of said railroad two hundred and eight October 9(h. 1908. 09.13.1M9.23.36from headquarters. No Ss»9 Walnut sirtet an8 »^venty-one hundredths feet to a

The Seventh Ward Republican Ctub wilt S^Ue^mTnu.^'w J'aid SSïtei with

have a meeting on Wednesday night *t|Ra^ Hne of land now or late of said avenue and Lincoln street nnlM,ngo ,'aw* lwo Hundred and eight and

7y. . “ ‘-,n'oln "'reel on „venty-ono one hundredth* feel to aWednesday night, to be addressed by Mr. I point an property line of said Railroad Pennewlll, Walter H. Have» and DavidiCompany, located two hundred and eight J Reinhardt On tl,» feet and seventy-one one hundredth* feetvi-T n! ! „ *nme cvenln* the 1 from the point of beginning nnd fromAinth «ard Republicans will have a thence along said property line of land meeting at Concord avenue and Market °f sal<i R«lTro»d lo the point of hegln-*treei in be ..j..,.,, .„ . . _ nlng. Containing within *ald bound* onestreet, to bo addressed by Sylvester D. aere of land be the same more or less.Townsend, Jr., Herbert !.. Rice, W. G "’Ith the privilege of jhe use of a laneJones and Reuben Satterthwalte. Jr twelve feet wide extending along the

T.,« tr.f.n re Jr- easterly bpundry of this lot, and situatedihe Fifth " ard Tieald and Pennewlll'be!ween this lot and lha land now or lato

Club will have a meeting to-morrow night of Mingo Lawat No 207 Weat iriphth . . Betted and taken In execution as th,7 • , e,t '• be *d- property of the ’’Lehigh Valley Springin essea ijy several speakers. Company,'’ a corporation existing under

the laws of the State of Delaware and to be sold by

HENRY STAFFORD, Sheriff.Sheriff’s Office. Wilmington. Delawkra

October 5. 1909.

pOR RENTBoston-Savannah

By Sea.

SHUHIFK S BAUS-liV V1KTUL OF A writ of A1». Levari Facia*, i *tl. will be expos ini to Public -ab*. at th* Four! House, on Marlut street, b-*we' n Temh ami KI*Vt«kth *lrt#t*. It) tn* i1)' of \Y ilnilnglon. New Castl* couafty, !>*»- awais.

me dlifo*

yfapublican Club will have a hi g rally in the Odd Fellows’ Temple, Orange street above Tenth.

llprchant» *nd Miners Trans Co (Heamshlps from Baltimore and Phll-

Afl^^t^oute to Southern and Eastern

?P(nost Coastwise Trips In the World."

Send for Booklet.City Ticket Office, 106 8. Ninth St.,

Philadelphia. Fa-General Offices. Baltimore, Md.

Among the speakers will

ment, after which nuolts were resorted to and some extraordinary scores were made. The party returned to Wilmington on the evening boat.

Besides Mr. Casey and Mr. Lynch, " riR,lt * B«nd, the Newport Band. k,. those in the part wore W. E. Johnson, 8t.^llnr’* cholr an‘1 Mr* c- »■ h-Jos E. Donahue. W. S. Hemphill, H. A. i wm sin*: AI1 club* "> the city are re- Bchen, C. E. Given. W. H. Dixon, p. jested to take pari. State Committee. Hammon. Alexander Carney, Winfred n,an Charles H. Colbourn. w. H. John- W. Campbell, Thomas Coucill, Hugh ■,on' Pr(,*ldent of the Sixth Ward Club, MoGinley and A. H, Savior. ancl George W. Anderson, chairman of

the executive committee of that club, are In charge of the

good business lo-nouM«.O O OOODP3N,

•«— ! Kcol roatat© and In«iinifH*e X3fi Market lit H-'th Phon*«.

n* i


«u’pre; ciutvenlvmII -A DESIRABLE

location.Nine rooms, two bath».


HESt-- the - . end ESAYLOR MAKING


OUT- 81 LV KUIwarlng initials F. Mc . «lato on coin, |

Howard If retumiHl t-* FÎVHNIWQ t JOFRNAL OFFICE.

COIN 101»P.R ACKLLT. MmflRon Mr«*«t. puntfv. pr*;ni*fji.

L f**f. Apply on ol-lmoLM’t 1


IM................Ar.ye-rv^ÎNv-.-^..-.____— * rofttY)«, bath urn! «wit: hot wgtwAUTFMAH HMITH. ATTOKNBY-AT- j . c°fn*r property; e »relient retail

law, Imp removed to Uouinn Wo. 711 JV*/* busIne*« extnbllched. Thl* t* a bar- and TU Word nidg. *2«-lm «a,n APP'V _

1 T. F. McRVIMTY CO..623 W. Fourth 01.

ABOUT DRAINAGE SHERIFF^« BALE-BY VIRTI'K OF A writ o| Levari Facia«, to me directed, will be exponent to publie ^vile at the Stanton Hotel. In the Ylllogr of Stan-

New Casl,e^Counl>v Delaware, HELP WANTED—MALE.THH WTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 190«. V^MfO^lT^PthnTTTTr^ÄUiTl’^ABL»-’ I ,lln,h „ a.

At 10 o’clock a in., •» bodied, unmarried m#n. beiw.-cn ..gea IIS (IimIbui i, *ln 8'-the following described real estate, viz; I* SJd *>• o.lloan» of the United bla’u» j,»*, Rinden Si

All that .-ertaln lot, brick messuage, of good characier and tenip-jrnlo hold'». I Those three iielong to one nsrtv- de«lr» nhurvea. store biaises und marsh me»- J*1!*» raa "P’'»k- "ad and wDlt to sell all Hood Investment PM»ke us nndow thereunto belonging, slluate.lln md 1 .""b, I^r Information «pplv *« R*- offer Apply ment. Make us annear the village of Christiana In New 9,îl3f‘’l‘- V*' N,L l*«h flt . 130 N*. T p. McFVTT I Y COCastle county. Plate of Delaware, bound- *lh Bt.. I lillade.pl.la. Pa ; No. 7 N |i4 *2«.tf r.•>* xy Fourth S'ed by the main street of the said village. < nmden. N. J ; Cor. Broad and Frsnf ' Fn"r,B at-by land of AbraliauV P Shannon, land of f'a-Jr#nt2!î: N J-i corner <th and Mar- |James Dolton, land formerly of Thomar > krt 8f*., Umlngton. pel.; flli> Penn Bt..Weber, land of Heister Egbert and I Re'-dln- Pa.; Mountain City Uldg.. Pott«.Francis KHpn. the Christiana Creek. v"-«. P»wharf late of Thomas Webber and by -------- —------- ------ —----------------lot No 2 hereinafter described: also all WAI'*'TED—ABLE-BODIEDthat certain other lot of land situate In *y tween ages 19 and 36 ft ______the village of Christiana aforesaid ad- fine Corps Must be native horn or havejoining No. 1 and Nn. 3 hereinafter de- first papers Excellent opportunity lo seescribed, bounded by lands of Helsler Eg- the world. Good puf. C olhlng. rations,bert by lot No. 1 hereinbefore described, quarters, medical attendance free. Applyby land formerly of Robert McCartney U S, Marine Corps Recruiting Sla- and by No 3 hereinafter described ''on. PostolIVce Building, Wllnllnsfon.

No. 3. Also all that certain other lot cel. o3-28tof land situate In the village of Chris­tiana aforesaid bounded by the public road leading from Christiana lo Wil­mington, by land of Helsler Egbert, by No. 2 hereinbefore described and by land formerly of Robert McCartney, number one hereinbefore described containing twelve acres more or less. No 2 contain­ing one acre of land more nr less and No 3 containing one Mere, three roods and twenty-nine perches of land The su last mentioned lot being inure particu­larly bounded and described ns folows:

Beginning on the easterly side of the highway leading from Christiana to the city of Wilmington at the corner of a lot ofjand formerly of the heir* of Wit­

hy the said south seven-

( R. Sayl»y, »f th» Labsr Herald, is making extensive improvements at hi»

Flint'ond In a few days will have a much enlarged space for his machinery. An al­ley way. thirty feet long and five feel widewill be taken In by the building of a party erable routine business was wall between the work roonr^p of the Her-j acted, bid»and Hardcaetle and Bons picture store. |

In addition .to giving the Saylor Plant1 ^ drainage in GuVer avenue, and the

more’room this wall will be excellant tiro pyotoctlen. The repairs will be completed In o tew days.


The Board of Health held Its weekly

meeting this morning at which consld-



A complaint was received regarding

matter will be referred to the Street

and Sewer Department. Secretary

Wlgglesworth said that the street in

question was owned by, private per­

sons. The complaint was made by

residents In Tenth street.

Secretary Wlgglesworth reported that seventeen properties had been connected with the sewer since the last meeting. The board acted on three sewer complaints and eleven minor complaints.

The'secretary was empowered to ad­vertise for bids for trousers and over­coats for winter use by the officials.

fTOR SALE OR RENT1 Fatally Kicked in Football Game.

OANONSBURO, Pa., Oct. 12—Wil­liam M. Potts, a football player, ig dead here today the result of having boon kicked In the head during a game October S, between the f'anonsburg soholastlo eleven and the Canonsburg High School. He never spoke after ^elng hurt.

Jyl-îm Nice tbree-gtory lieuse over Washing­ton.Street billige 9 rooms nnd bath, and In good condlifoil Make an offer.

CHART.RES C. KTII’.TX, toil Market Sir.*»

fOpnosde Court Housok


o9. aT-eod-tf

MARY A. SANBORN FOR SALE. , Wo have unite a number of v»rv de-

■trahie properties, well located, that would require only a smell amount of cash to purchase. See us todav.



Mrs. Mary A. Sanborn, widow of Dr. Al­

bert II. Sanborn, died at the residence of

her son. Andrew E. Sanltorn, of {Jo. 113

West street at 11 o’clock last night.

Mr». Sanborn had only been 1)1 since

Wednesday and the cause of her death 1»

attributed lo heart weakness and

feebled condition generally.The funeral will take place on Thurs­

day, Interment to be made at Forest Cem­etery, Middletown.

1) HELP W A N T E O—FF-MA L il,XtfANTED-THREE LADY CANVAS- vv sers. Commission. 603 W. iSlh SI . between 6 and 7. o!2-lt

Killed In Motor Accident.Si NEW YORK. Oct. 12 —Martin F.

Donly, Jr., of the City Auditor’s office and son of the Tammany leader of the Second Assembly District of BroWyn. was instantly killed early to- day by the plunge of a speeding motor car from Howard avenue. Brooklyn, to tho Long Island Railroad tracks, on Atlantic avenue, twenty feet below.

DINSMORE Ä CO, 105 W sth st.

FOR SALESinking Atesian Well.

Henry Blouth is sinking an arleslaft well In the yard adjacent to his brew­ery at Front and French streets. Thomas P. Harper of Jenklntown, Pa., is doing the work A has been reached and

Philip F. duPonfs Peerless automo­bile, which made such a tine showing

an en-|jn the Philadelphia races on Saturday and finished fourth attracted much at­tention on Market street this morning when Mr. duPont drove Into town with it. The car was In racing trim. Just

Mrs. Sanborn was a native Delawarean a* *t appeared In tho Falrmount park born near Mt. Pleasant and was a daugh- c,’> an<1 the number ’’3" was ter of Andrew Kllason. a prominent mem- f“lnted 011 lhe front tn white. As It ber of tho Isclsloture She has been re- •,0o<, ,n fr<'nt of the offlL'e of H,ld«on Siding with her son on West street since and Co,nPan>'' brokers, at Eighth and >"* and only last Tuesday accompanied .. , . “ ««racted the atten-hlm on several calls. On Sunday a week “°n °f 8 l8rr,‘ Cr0Wd• Mr duPon, ago aecon-mnie i hv m u k, 5 V a ,nd J Montelth Jackson went out for ^ded hT™ w K ; *he * a spin In the car. and the cyack of“ ChUrCh 0f tho exhaust me- - ......... air caused

M _ ember. pedestrians to stop and take notice asreiniivran*>rn * he 0nly *urv,vln* the auto went down the street.

George Davis, a Wilmingtonlan,drove a-------- race on Saturday, liewas In the Apperson car and was lead-

had some trouble with a cylinder that put his entry out of the race. His many spirited brushes with the victorious locomobile won for i

No. 1010 Washington street, on« of the best rentrai locations In the i-lty; 0 large rooms nnd bath ne» bu-k build­ing aud Interior remodeled. Just like new; open sanitary plumbing and aleam bait. Immediate possesstdlr Must b. be appreciated.TNG. Eighth «


\irM. 1). WILLIAMS CO., *31 Orange 81. Boating, Spouting and

Healing. Metal and mmpcsltlon rooffne. Hot Air beating on J ventilating.Ing promptly done. Pbonao.

depth Aim i

of 63 feet Js -en ’itIl«nalr-Ojg-Iv

CHAR and Jeffrr

EB W t,n streets

rock found.Tho well Is being drilled through an

The Street and Sewer Department forces t,|rt excavation that did not produce are busily engaged just now in work on w»ter in sufficient quantity. The old tho otreets and everything is being rushed well was dug fourteen years ago. so as to have tho work finished before ----------- ----------- - 1 1

t>Rushing Street Work.

FOR SALE3 new three-sloiv buildings, In an

elegant nnd Improving location Street to have Improved paving rooms and ballt, with nil All rnllro'id fnilllile Will sell on easy terms lo make them sell.

IIri Evans; thence partly of land above described,

degrees and one-quarter easf Irn ; thence by said laud above do-

» STOKE FIXTURES We pay more and »all cheaper because

,, rapeu»ti are »-nil.Furniture ohas hurlock.

!h «n 1 l’o;»!*r( ' IlEEN RE KG' * ZËM EljfnH

Elrs'-claas Paper Hanging. Scrap­ing and sizing without extra charge. We are doing rooms from 12 16 up.

012-lm. 709 MADISON BT.

wANTED 2d hand

loty-five perchesscribed the courses and distance» as fol­lows; North nineteen degrees and Ihr.-e quarters of a degree east five perches south seventy-two nnd a half degrees east forty perches and two-tenths and north tblrty-slx degree* and three-quarters east three perches and nine-tenths to a corner of land formerly of Deborah Bel­cher In a line of the first described lot; thence by said Belcher, alias OIckKon's lands north sixty and three-quarter de-

f:rces west forty-one perches and five enths and i^orth seventy-one and one- |

quarter degrees, west twelve perches andtwo-tenths to (he eastward!»- side of the „ ..... ...... , . ...aforesaid highway; thence along the [ , *î»e,ïïr** 58 held by the estate of Joshua same south eight degrees west eleven ( '®"‘ °f «be townshipperches Snd thirty-live hundredths lo the °iQWjfn’ « Df-wter »..o.. l a , will be plsce of beginning Containing one acre J«*'d *? Ben « Auction Store,three roods and twentv-nlne perches of *1,. Wllqtlngton. Del.land. The whole of the three tracts PSISAJ' ,af* m-'

Davis the plaudits of the crowd above described. Containing fifteen acres , »,u"u Lynchburg Traction & Light Co..Hundreds of Wllmlngfonlans wit- more or les», c,îî,r Sî.hnrl.Vn Tlu/'i^n.kVc»™;nessed the races Among the auto- .hS^l.mln^“^«.'’^* f l cJl^s^ÄoÄS bond* Iviki^mer?

mobile parties from this City that had|pany, a corporation exlrtlng under the Urban Railway to., Des Moines. Iowa, parkins space along the home«tretch ••*’» of the R»«t* of D^lnwwr«. Admin- ? i>cr r<n» Ini mort*<«Ko bondcourse »-er.- v 1 Connnhle and r.ertv Islrolor of Bsmucl D Forbes deceased, bom Trai tlon < ompauy j per cent. 1stcourse were F L.tonnahle and party, „„.„„op and terre tenant, and In be | mortgage bond 13-sn Wilmington CityElmer Mitchell and party, Joseph Ban- apb) by Electric Co. » per cent. 1st mortgagecroft and party. Robert S Bancroft and HENRY BTAEFORD. Sheriff J".,*!®* TracV,,n r.° • ot Jn“i'nartv and \ Rothschild nod nartv RheHtfs Office. Wilmington Tu-lowsrc 1 «na, 6 per cent general morlsasr« bondpan>, ana a. itoin** nna umi part>. October 9 190^ o»-I2«15-19-92-*h* »D «hsir** Nutlon*! Dank of 1\nmlngtun

__________ 1____J______________ _______ 3 ___ & Brandywine ntock. 40 share* First rfa-

Government Bid. Opened.

Bids for furnishing pipe taps for »III be exposed to public sale st the iBf* LONDON. Oct. 12—Unless especialgeneral use were opened at the office Court llm}«. ;.r; M irkot s|.e..t, J-etwc.n jVaWioTIÄr CtÄ^Silonsl Ä Prominence is given to woman’s suf-

of the Fourth Light House District of Wilmington New Casile i-ouruy Dei- Jid'O',1 ■ •'"ck. I shares Durham frage In King Edward's speech at thothis morning. The bidders were the aware. .... Jtock Terms aVsal#"1, N C” conlraon r. assembling of Parliament to-morroye,following. Woodward and Brothers, ON BAT I RDAV. OC TOBER I. 1 H, PKW. THOMAS k. JEFEERIS. the suffragettes will turn loose thsir*5.50; Duncan Brothers, 15 60; William t))p f0|)awinE firserllwd nai .- late vis- 'JOS H. BALDWIN, "dogs of war" again and they promido16 -,nValterS anJ SHn8, phl,ad*lphla’ *»> 'Xrb'd r,brlok" d^elUng “there m A"Vone having stock to seliP may* °h”ve harass the government more than in

. 'a . . , u aroéted* BumberM eti si lusted *ln the Ht? ,h‘m entered at this sale by applying to any previous campaignBid* were also opened for furnish- nÎw C*“s county ,.nd «"dh;,m « 8«n brokerage auotfrneers. Deputation« of women will listen to

Ing gas pipe railing for use at Horse- «late of Delaware, hounded and de- K.\'r,, « ,h.*, of DeUws?e"lt«Tro«d ‘he »neech and will hasten from theshoe Range. The bidders wore the »crlhcd os folio»* lo wit •'l' ** 1 ,re ' > n "Î , p„rli»msnl chsml.er fa make o renart

Reirtniiliig 111 lb.-southerly side of Fifth ' o*-I0-U-l«-16 j I arligment cnamter tj make a repartfollowing. street, between Poplar street and 1.- m- —————————— to the "women’s Parliament" at Cax-

Jehn Maneely, Philadelphia. »69.90; hard strict at the distance of *lxty-four REGISTER’S ORDERS ton Hall’ ’ - '•' — dt -ed Cnmnany. Wllmlng- . loot from the easterly side of Poplar street —H............ to .mi.f , u,. .„rton, »76.S»; The Fairbanks Company. I a"d •* !»»•’ ; * l,Lr' 'h" ““J1 REGTKTEU 8 i iRDLIt frlLittl/» ihVt one» ,1?^ ’,i!»it... * , . . . .. . 1» « tw#en lhe hou** on tnU ki anil tin otrirt* nf th»* nf wiiIh m 1 frrnr»*ttM will at one* uoicm their lm-Philadelphia, 177.46; Dolawnre Hard-; hou» adjoining on tl"- west ; theme New (’»»île ' ■ounty.' l *1,. Sept 28th.'flog portunlng* of premier Asquith to urgoware and Supply company. Miming-| southerly parallel wllh fWar «treet | t lh,, appllcailon of George A. El- suffrage legislationton. 179.55; Hunter and Dickenson through 'he tenlie of said party » ill uot|. executor of Rebecca Kirk, lute of PnmiMiiv Phllaiieltihia 194 77- Froe- ÿrHy-aaven feet to the northerly side of Hrandvwlic hundred. In sold county, de-

I iteAih»,- Phil Âeioiiin ’ f -if^* .'heir.-* o**ie'riv "dv Vh- "Vi '’•'a'"'1- " *« ord'-rsd and directed by ihel the women wiu descend on the HouooHch Brothers, I’hlhtneiphla, ?S«.u2. lar Mtrret. tneine ©usterij o> tn«’ •»■un \v*ui« that th*. evguhi.ip 1 . __ . . . . . ... .SpeakiiK.n Supply und Pipe Company, nortjjorl» sld- of said «lb t and l»r»ljj! jiSSSSffd glv' "nÛilc ùf gmmhi ?' Commons In a rush which will b.

WAminfftrin It’. 90 Llfth street fe©t to a «nriu r. t»»rn TeMtânientafar upon lit«* vsUM* of hut a prelude to a Feiler of dailyÄ ni"neh-Imyd TÄ drïif l-y *“!? °" Parlism"n(t 'Hr,,,f andnow or formerly of .Martin KVmifh .«]- J^ÎÎS ^thln fortv dmyï faîtm ihe dote re«ldanOfi* of ministers,join In* thl* lot on the east forty-neven j ;,r h Tetters In six of tho most nubile The suffragette* admit th*t they «*-ClVl h‘sitae? aniM hence*<t hereby wc'pri’v I »SS* “'hating*'dlma.H, °"Ct "tt,e ,r°m *5* ‘orlThcom‘n* ^lU-stxleen fee. lo lb- place of beginning. 2Haln*t the CMatc tô prSselîf th.^îme* m'nt »nd Mr8’ Emily ‘»rummonri. ofi-

be held on Tuesday afternoon at fj 'îlW^uJdmerropîrtijt p“oVîîLA"!’an’d’alsi".» ose !?a',*P; !?dÄ»V ‘h** “ "'°U

o'clock Interment will be In St and privilege of .he *nld ihrec fed wide th^ rTmc tô tS-VLëUtcd w?thln ilS. *ame “war to the knife James cemetery. He leaves a widow alley «« fully as lhe !l,l.nJ,> ,',i^ herHofurc pcrtfxi in The ßXnlng Journal, a news-

been held and enjoyed by owners of tho*>e | paper published In Wilmington. Dal,.i und to bo continued therein three weeks.(e. o. d.)

ifContain 9

conveniences. Nicely papered

Price* reduced

Cops' Outing at Idle Hour Homej A number of the city police fopco

The werk of paving Delaware avenue ; who are enjoying their long day offstarted for the Idle Hour clubhouse at Grubb’s Landing this mornnig, Sorpe of the cops left by train, while others rode fhe trolley cars. Fun and relax­ation is fhe main object ot the outing. Plent yof oysters, an Immense roast of heef and liquid refreshments will be

I served Athletle sport* will be a fcat-

celd weather sets in. The work In Van Buren street was completed Friday.

I'HAHI.BB C KURT'/,, )#ll Market St,

!0;>jh>*Uc I’nurf ltcu-e)with IBtuIItblc was begun this morning.


Celebrated Solemn High Mass.Solemn High Mat's was celebrated in

pt. Patrick’s Church yesterday Father John A, Lyons, vicar-general | pf the diocese, delivered the sermon in ! the evening. Evening services will be i held In St. Patrick’s Church during 1 urp of 1he «vent,

the month and many visiting clergv

will preach This evening the Rw fAI OßFfi WOMAN Father Connolly of .Middletown will “UlYIrtltl

preach. The services*-have been large­

ly attended since the first of the month.


Rev. p ItOI’uaALB—U1D8 WILL UK x ceived al the office of County Engi­neer Wilson, at tho New Castle County Court House, until October 18. for build­ing bridge across Rllver Run. Ht. ifeorges hundred. In accordance with plans and specifications on file The tommltiee re­serves the right lo reject any and all bids. By order «

ROBERT McFARLIN, President New Castle County Levy


: i:-


State Detective Gillis Captures Jacob Lofland, a Life



XI Dur-Ruth Griffith, colored, was arrested Saturday afternoon after she had overturned a atone in the house occu­pied by her father at Railroad ave­nue and Liberty street .and had done other damage. The woman was exam­ined as to her sanity and was yester­day committed to the state asylum at Farnhurst.

Patrolman Jakubowski made the ar­rest. The overturned 'stove set fire to the kitchen, but the blaze was soon extinguished. •

Gilding St. Peter’s Cross.Astride a small beam high in the

air, a painter is today gilding the cross on the dome of St., Peter’s Church at Bixth and West streets. His perilous position attracts considerable atten­tion, but he works with the apparent stolidity, of a man with bis feet on the ground.


State Detective Harry I. Gillis made a good capture when he landed Jacob Lofland. colored, behind the bars at the police station hero to-day. is an escaped prisoner from the Georgetown Jail, where he was serving a life sentence for murder. Hejvas ar­rested early this morning at TUdgely, Md. The detective found him fully slumbering and surprised man to tell him he prisoner.

Lofland was sentenced in the Sussex county court In 1903 to life Imprison­ment for the murder of Husan Haz- zard. a colored girl He shot off her head with a shotgun.

ç iyp ifn CThHIfC ! After serving two years of his time,

jA|J 1VIK. J I KALI33 I Lofland oaetped and since that lime has been roaming Ho went

The man

Many Wore Baptized.Several persons were baptized

Fauikland yesterday, the number com­prising those who have become con­verts during the evangelistic meet­ings held in this city at Fourth and Broqmo streets.

Irf® at peace- awakened the/

was a

!A LABOR NOT WITH GOMPERS,Away your time look- M

Mng for bargains In Ki Furniture.Ptoves A »to. ways on hand at the

ßrloe .that saves you I per cent.


D. & A. Phone 635.

If the speech isantagonistic, or even non-committal.


over the country, to Rldgely from Baltimore

about two weeks ago and Detectlvb s- j Gillis learning of his stay there, went

and 1 after hitp.j Lofland will be token to the county

where he went to register. While in workhouse to serve out the balance of *he metopolis. Secretary Strauss saw j his time. At the time he was Incar- quite a number of leading men in labor i crated at the Georgetown Jail the organizations. Ap a result of his talk* long-termed prisoners from the two with thefn. he said to-day: [ lower cöuntles had not been removed

’ While I am not making and predic- ; to the workhouse here, lions because they might be attrobutel ito partisanship. I will say that labor

I is not being lei by Gçmpers aud his coterie. The labor men recognize that they did not receive from the last con gross the recognition that they asked for. but they realize that the adminis _frations has done everything possible ‘>n “}e application of Henry P.for them, and that every law in tho Brown' of Philadelphia, an attorney, last twelve vears for the benefit ot I representing the Manufacturers' Na- labor has been passed under a Rc- : l'ona' Bank of that city, the holder of publican administration: and the lead- of “•« bonds of the Diamondera are appreciating that the party'^tBte s‘e0' Compaq. JudM Bradford that has done thing» for them Is a bet- in ‘he UD,'ed S,ates Court ‘°-day

sued an order directing that the bank be paid Its dividend ot 40 per cent, on the bonds as declared some time ago. The amount? which the bank will re­

ceive is 64.600.When the dividend an the bonds was

TO SIX MONTHS id^lar®dB0™ç.,t,"?'a«v “>• **»*•'•! phla bank held book accounts of the j Diamond State Steel Company, which

Judge Bradford In the United States had been surrendered to It as secur- Court to-day. sentenced Clarence S. tty for loans the Same as the bonds Morris, colored, accused of taking were given, and these had to be ilrst

disposed of before the dividend on ths bonds could be allowed.

By United Press Leased Special Wire.

WASHINGTON. Oct. 12—Oscar Strauss, secretary of Commerce Labor, has returned from New York


Death of Newport Man.Thomas B Galloway. 66 years old, a

well-known resident of Newport, died there on Saturday. The funeral will




lands and premise*.Seised and taken in execution as the

property of James Black, administrator of Jane Duncan, deceased. Mortgager and terre tenant, and to be sold bv

Henry btaffobd sheriff.Sheriffs Office, Wilmington. Delaware,

October 3. 1908 o6-9-12-I5-16

Death of J. S. Jones.John S Jones, died on Saturday at

Barksdgle, Md., near Newark. -----funeral will be held from White Clay

Creek Church on Wednesday after­noon at 2 o’clock. Carriages will be at Newark.


Given under the hand and seal of office of the Register of Wills aforesaid, at Wilmington, In New

(SEAL) Clistle county aforesaid, the day and year above written.

FRANCIS M WALKER.Register of Wills.

NOTICENotice Is hereby given that Letters Tes­


TheMEDICALPHIT.ADEI.PHIA. Oct. 12.—At a hearing

orderly In every way, the thirteen meo

and a girl arrested during the disturb-

at the meeting of Socialists, to he«»

Prof. G. F. THtEL. 535 Northsixth st. ^ Raa■HT.' TR*AT*FM th* s-lr ^»rnnloBd Mir* Air Sprein«- Blood J’ol.nn «'kero rn*’t rsrr.

All Prf»»le PI.#«.»«. Iieetoet, Ab*M>e. Wtâk■**»»*. V.«oat Pe-lilllt*. T.mt Manhood. lirai n., I.o.sea, f a rlr**e*le A HI rift nr*, <n» fnltln« IM«'» k Bladder, Ramil Shrunken Orf»"«- I*

Cf» pr*rtlml .% n yr«r* h»»|»ltnt *in*ri*nr* In A»r»»«y.•) f«r B«*k. t*IU nil. *ip4Mlnf fit j * Conn

b-tudt. hacrrrj «unmnirrd. Mali n

SHKHlFFß SALK—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the

Th« (>KU*A>tamentary were In due form

court house, on Market »treet. between Iunto the undersigned, on the Tenth »md Eleventh street* In tho city. °* September, Aj. p 190*. andof Wilmington. New Castle county. I‘bat all persons having rtalms against Delaware the estât« of the deceased must present

the same, .Rily allefteâ, lo the said Ex- n or before the 29lh day of

September. A. D '.909. or abide the Act of Assembly In *ucb case made and pro­vided.

<■(New Castle Man Injured, a nee

their Presidential candidate. Eugene V

Debs yesterday afternoon at Labor Ly­

ceum Hall, Sixth and Brown streets, faced

James Whalen, of New Castle, was taken to the Delaware Hospital this morning suffering from a scalp wound received in an accident in Vandever

The man was employed by

» x-1" r «Irrfall ir writ* ON HATt’UDAY.

THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1908,At 10 o’clock a. m..

the following described real estate, vlx:All that certain lot. piece or parcel of

land with the two-story dwelling house thereon erected, situate In Christiana hundred, aforesaid hounded and described as follows, to wll:

Beginning at a point In the middle hue ot Qlenrlcrt avenue at the distance of fifty feet westerly from the westerly »Id* 1

Howard street; thence northerly p»r«!- Boward street one hundfed and

ecutor.Magistrate Ladne* at the Third street and

Fairmoutu avenue station this morning.The girl, Celia eParleteln. seventeen

years old. of 509 Noble street, was accused of assaulting a policeman. It was raid that she slapped Zugermaum. a policeman <Jf theThlrd District In l^i* face whsti 1rs attempted to force her back from the d-sw of the ton. around which the crowd hod gathered in their efforts to gain admissloa to the building.

She was held under 6600 ball for trial on the charge of assault. The boll was promptly furnished. Tho thirteen mon were held under 6400 ball each to keep the peace, all ot which was furnished, and they were allowed to depart f**»eral At­tempted to contradict the policeman’» to0- tlmony as to toh trouble, but wore prompt­ly stopped by thn Mag «trot»

a Every Womani* uitfTVBUMl auci tbuold know*

aboiu the wenrltirfai

avenue.William Hill and Company. Ho left the hospital after his wound was sewed

ter Jrtcnd to labor than the partw that has only promised.t: V GEORGE A. ■LLIOTT. E«q

Executor, gt- A. EHlott. Esq.. At- W11 in ing ton.

MS1 i Addreas. Q<»or torney-at-Law. *30-9t-eod

Il up."^vi.Lîïïr.ï,"8,sr; MORRIS SENTENCEDBmI—M o*t con veu-

lent. It cldxnat*m Del<

Injured at Todd’» Cut.Andrew Johnson, .a workman, was

Injufed while at work today at Todd s Cut. The Phoenix ambulance Was called and Johnson was taken to his home. No. 1808 Spruce street. His injuries were not serious.


ft k tcrar drngwinT for It. ^h« cannot supply tLo

rn* % It V K !.. A'-Cfpl no Other. l»nt eend «uinip for illnitntted book—§Pi*le«l. full prrtlGtilar* ami directlmi« in- walnabU v> ladle*. MARVEL < O. d.AliM i SU btwMjfEW YOU1L.». U, ---------- r—j* j twenty-live cents at the Dover post-ntiiOrttd I Lit o r'lLLv) • office, to pay thes costs of the case and

Time diamond ROi.v». /« be ImprUoru'd in the county work-l*adlr«t Ask your Druulit for /A

iM » hl.«j|»p«.(fr’f l»laini>ntlT{rand/#V\1*11 la in Hi d and 4s«l<l . rt illl« \V/

—T'fiJd hoi«», »«.le t with Bin« Hi' txj*. \/HJ Tffkfl no olh ». Buy of tobp »dr A.k«* nfi fJf OIAMOND It K A.M» I* I LI H. for *0

October 16.—Executor’s Sals of Stook and Bonds, of Estate of Joshua Jeffcris at Stidham a Son’s Auction Stars. 111 East Fourth St, at 10.30

a. m.

1*1 withtwenty-five feet to a corner: then-.', erlv parallel with Glenrlch avenfis fifty feet to a corner: thence southerly parallel with Howard street one hundred and twenty-five feet to the aforesaid middle line : XI lient i h -t enl and them - th< r . by easterly fifty feci to the place of be­ginning. be the contents thereof whuti| they may.

Seized and taken In execution as the property of Harry Green and Grace F Green, his wife, mortgagor», and to be «old by

Postal Club’s New Officers.Local Branch, No. 44, of the Na­

tional Association of Postoffice Clerks at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, elected the following officers: Moreland, president; J. A. Van Horn, cice president; West Trotter, secre­tary, and Frank FhaJen, treasurer

Big Tomato Yields.H From three acres, J. R. Slitter, of

Schuck’s Corner, gathered 1200 bushel* of tomatoes, while George McVey, of Belair, raised 2100 bushels on flve acres

IA W. C. T. U. Meeting.The monthly meeting of Hilles W

C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. James Moflltt, No. 2609 West Eighteenth street, to-mefrrow after­noon at 2.30 o’clock.

I house for six months. ,The court said that It toojc into con­

sideration 11» fact that thé defendant

had pleaded guilty and that he had al- yemknow*.B«,i.saint.Ai*»..R.iubi. ; ready served flve or six months in

SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYW.ILRE ! prison awaiting trial.


HENRY STAFFORD. Sheriff. Sheriff* Office, Wilmington. Delaware,

06-8-12-15-19-23October 6. 1908.

«fi , t