7 'iliil "liill itmiiliii Iii iiii III m~~ f" ;l;l m~ t 11'\ ~",,' I WE PRINT IT AS WE GET i .~=::~~ ,\!.J,,~~ \!J}ro,.,~t 't!""Ottt t J.l'tUtt", F~~~~:.r~W ~~~~~~~:::::~L 2T:!:H~E~H~O~M~E:..!N~E~W~SP~A~P~E~R~O~F:..!G~R~O~S~S~E:..!P~O~I~NT~E~A~N~D~T~H~E:..!F~O~U~R~T~E~E~N!T~H~C~O~N~G~R~ES~S~I~O~N~A:!:L2:D~I~ST!:!R~I~CT:!.. ~::m=lll:l!llll~=llllllll~ VOL. 13-No. 21 L. B OLDHAM, Eubhsher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939 By Mal! $200 per year, Smgle CopIes 5 Cents r Major Burns Henry Post News New England Women The place we were dickermg Ior on Mack avenue IS definItely out Last mmute reports from our heatmg and electrical engmeers were the decldmg factors It would reqmr~ a several thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don t gIve up hope Clarence and Leo Schwartz plumb- mg and electrIcal experts extraordm- ary SIgned up last meetmg and we are waItmg to tntroduce them to the Post Turn out the 18th you two The attendance kitty IS gro'\i\mg and IS now well worth gomg after Our demon Insurance agent, Jack Sutton, has promlsed to make the next meet- tug we would ltke to see more of the od lrr"rs 51,1..,1a,:,Leo Harnson Fred Ell, Ernte Edge Art Done and a host of others Try to be there the 18th, and take the kItty home WIth you The Boy Scout troop sponsored by 303 WIll be our guests at the January 18th meetmg along WIth the WlVes and sweethearts (d any) of OUf members. Come down ladles and get acquaInted. Entertamment WIll be prOVIded for all. A good chance girls to gIve the Aux- Ihary a plug Comrade Chaplain Whately was so deeply engrossed In a Sons of the LegIOn manual he completely forgot the meebng Could have been the en- VIronment (bar to you) of course We are patiently wa tmg for the numerous house VI armmgs to be gIven (we hope) by the Conrades who are bmldmg or have bUIlt new homes Comrades Vi/ell, Baldwm and Cramer we are waltmg Dues are past due so why not get yours 10 to help put our Post over the top We 11 se seeIng you T E X Arctic Priest Takes Church With Him Completely equipped with an altar, tins new Fokker amphihIan plane wIll carry Reverend Paul Schulte back to the Arctic, where he IS known as the "FlyIng PrIest." Long a mIssionary In the north country J Father Schuite ~et!!m!tdto!!l.o Unittd states to purchase t!!.e~)V pbAe, Trombly P.T.A Meets The next meetmg of the Ladles AUXilIary of the Fleet Reserve Asso- clatIon WIll be held Monday, January 16, at 8 p m 10 the Veterans BUIldmg 704 East Jefferson avenue After the busmess meetmg the so- CIal committee, headed by Mrs Ira Mason, of Barrmgton road, Grosse Pomte has arranged for a supper and socla1 hour Fleet Reserve Ladies Auxiliary to Meet Monday, Jan. 16th J Lee Barrett, a member of the Grosse Pomte Board of Education has been elected a dIrector of the new NatIonal ASSOCIation of School Board Members The aSSOCIa"10nwas formed recently at ChICagO J. Lee Barrett Elected Director of School Board Members Assn. Mr E A McFaul radIO commen- tator for the IndustrIal MorrIS Plan Bank, Will speak at the Trombly School Parent - Teacher ASSOCIation meeting on Wednesday, January 18 HIS subject WIll be "You Sald ltl' Teachers wIll be 10 theIr classrooms from 7 30 to 8 p m for conferences WIth parents At 8 15, Boy Scout Troop No 86 sponsored by the Trom- bly P T A WIll have a short candle ceremony and presentation 10 the audItorIUm ThIS wlll be followed by Mr McFaul's talk The program commIttee has planned an mnovation for the March meetmg Be sure to come and hear about It Refreshments Will be served In the gymnaSIUm after the busmess meetmg Lochmoor Community Club Party Jan. 20 FIve hIgh school mUSIcal organ1za. Club also under \1r Fmch s dlrectton tIons w1l1 partic1'pate m the choral 'FaIr Ellen 15 the story of a Scotch concert to be presented Fnday evenmg battle Betty Underwood 33 WIll smg at 8 15 o'clock In the HIgh School aud~ the soprano solo, and Donald Bhss 33 Itonum the bass solo The Girls' Glee Club and GIrlS The program WIll con-c1ude WIth the Chorus, under the dIrectIon of Mr presentatIOn of GIlbert and SullIvan s John E Fmch, WIll gIve 'Song of operetta Tnal by Jury' by the A Man II a cantata by R1chard Kountz Capella ChOir directed by Mr Wllltam ThIS cantata represents man's reactIOn J Watkins Charles Modrack 12B, to the vanous -emotIonal forces of WIll s '1g t~e Judge S $010 "nn Matgretta whIch hfe IS composed Ehzabeth Flemmmg 111\. the p1amtIff s solo Keydell, HB WIll be the SOlOIst The GIrls' Select group, also dl- Mr Fmch and Mr Watkms both rected by Mr Finch WIll smg 'Rose predIct a fine concert and pleasurab 1 e MarIe' by Fnml and 'Serenade' by evenmg ThiS IS the first time a can. Romberg cert of several cantatas has been 'Fair Ellen" a cantata by Burch g ven ongmally wntten for an orchestra and AdmiSSIon IS 15 cents \\ lth 5 A and later set to a text, w1ll be sung by 125 cents wlthout All seats WIll be the GirlS' Glee Club and Boys' Glee reserved Two Cantatas and "Trial by Jury" Will Be Given Mrs Harrtet M Booth of PaCIfic Fnday January 20 at 8 o'clock the avenue who opened her home Wed .. Lochmoor Commumty Club Will spon- nesday last for an all day semng meet .. sor a hard time and dance party, thIS mg of the sewmg group of Detrolt bemg 1ft the Mason School EI~ht \rl1e Colony National Society of New Eng. and Mack Modern and old time dal1c land Wmen will be hostess Saturday mg, games, also an evenmg of fun evenmg January 14 to members and IS prom1sed by the master 01 cere- friends of the Colony at a benefit .. monIes and commIttee m charge bridge party Proceeds Will be de .. voted to the phIlanthropic WOtk oI the Come all 10 old clothes or costume SOCIety \rts H S Hart tS Se\v111g Please bear out the old hard tlme sPlr- 1 chaIrman and Mrs Grace Hau"'er 15 It1 You've h had hard bmes 1hls IS d, chaIrman of evenmg partles p ace to s ow It and be In SOCIety Be ------- good lookmg skmny, fat or otherwlse Mr and Mrs A Mark SmIth, of but by all means be there and try to Canterbury dnve entertamed the early WIn a prIze In order to have a good part of last week at a buffet dmner to crowd If you see someone who IS beau 150 guests m honor of Mr and Mrs. hful tell them so Ii they are not tell Eugene M Zuber of MUlr1and avenue. them so anyway Come have a laugh who are lea\ mg soon to make their get your thr1l1s, spend the evemng lmd home 10 Chlcago forget your bIlls We WIsh to thank all people who have supported our club 10 the past year Mrs Charles L Palms, who had been the guest of friends In BaltImore, IS now 10 the Pomte on an mdefintte stay Wlth her son-m~law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Wilfred V Casgraln, of Gros.e pomte Blvd. Sconng baskets m spurts, Gros&e Pomte's cagers defeated Mt Clemens 31.11 Fnday mght WIth Bruce Bock. stanz pacmg the attack WIth 11 polOts The Bathers started the SCOrIng on Chapman's basket, WIth Smith sank a long one to even It up The Mt Clemens players came back WIth a goal ~ ~ozen and a foul by Pingel before - tl.e Blue DeVIl defense sbff. ened to hold them pomtless for the remamder of the half Grosse pointe put on several ralbes WIth SchrIever and Bockstanz each gettIng two goals 1U rapId succesSIon befor.e the first quarter ended NeIther team was able to get a smgle POint tn the second quarter, and the half epded WIth the score 11 5 In Grosse Pomte's favor The Blue Devll's attack perked up In the second half, nettmg eIght field goals and four fouls whtle thell' de- fense held the Bathers to SIX POInts The revlsed Blue DevIl team seemed to work better as a unIt and should 1mprove as new ?layers gam experl. ence Gordon Tanner and Charles Marzolf were brought up from the reserves while Jack SchrIever was playmg 1n hiS first contest Schriever, m addlhon to nngmg up SIX pomts, was a standout on defense usmg hIS heIght to a good advantage m break. mg up the Bathers' attac;k Bockstanz Leads Team for Scoring Honors with Eleven Points The next meetmg of the RIchard School Parent - Teacher assoctatlOn Will take place on Tuesday eventng, January 17, at 8 15 p m 10 the audl. tOrlum of the RIchard School The speaker WIll be Mr Montague Clark personnel dIrector of the U S Rubber Company HIS topIC wIll be ~Education and BusIness" Mr Clark has hade WIde expertence m speaklOg to both pubhc and proIesslOnal audl" ences He IS a stlmulatmg and force .. ful speaker The RIchard School chorus under the direction of Mrs Ellis WIll glH several numbers Parents WIll V1S1t the rooms flom 7 30 to 8 15 Parents and !fIends of RIchard School chlldren are mVlted to be persent Richard School PTAMeeting Total for Month $3006500 51928 00 6768200 106944 00 3948600 10694400 64,41600 15232100 7360700 13627000 63581700 $1492 456 00 Estimated Cost $1,00000 1700 00 586600 1,46000 237500 100000 395000 380500 200 00 $2535100 4 1 4 3 1 2 8 3 28 Norbert F. Denk in Rochester, Minn. Norbert F. Denk, genIal sup- ervlsor of Grosse POinte Town- Ship, IS ,oJournlng at Mayo Brothers In Rochester, Mmft, to get In .hape for the forth.. coming electIon campaign. Mrs George L Cole IS back m her home m Cazenovia N Y after her month s VISIt w1th her parents Mr and Mrs Stewart W Munroe, of Balfour road. The Grosse Pomte ArtIsts AssocIa- hon IS glVmg the first of a serIes of teas and crItiCIsms for Its members on Saturday, January 14, at the home of Mrs John Pears The annual exchange WhICh wdl be held m the sprmg at the Alger House, IS looked forward to WIth a great deal of enthUSIasm Those resIdmg In Grosse Pomte who are mterested m art and who WIsh to become members should get 10 touch WIth Mrs John Vogt, or Mrs Franl ... Lmdeman, the preSident for the nec. essary mformatIon Bldg. Add'n. &: Alterabons I All Grosse Pomte boy scouts cubs, parents, frIends, and those Interested In scouting are Invlted to attend SCO'\.lt executIVes, Robert Kales, Ben Marsh and George Wilhams wlll be present In addItIon to the eagle awards at least twenty three boys WIll be award- ed mef1t badges RecogmtIon WIll also be made for first and second class advancement Supenntendent of Schools Edwin R Van Kleeck will gIve the presentatIon address easy one to achIeve and congratula I Life Saving, SWImming Claa.e. tIons are due to Dale Buerstetta, DaVId Contmued Edgar, Ben Orr and John PenOlman LIfe saV1ng and swunmmg classes ThIS wlll make a total of fourtet..n r for Grosse pomte boy scouts are bemg boys from Troop 25 to receive the continued as before at the Grosse eagle awards Pomte High. School tank Tuesdays at 7pm Roy J Koch, Red Cross Llfe Saver, 1S m charge oI the mstructIons Boys must brIng own towel and SWIm. mmg cap New boys must get ~r. mISS10n of faml1y doctor or of Dr Warren, health commlsslOner, who has regular hours durmg the day at the hIgh school Gold Wn5t Watch Lost Dave Walton of Troop 44 left hIS goLd wrIst watch 10 the locker before the hohdays Anyone who found the watch WIll be rewarded by returmrtg It to Dave 5022800 61,81600 105,48400 3948600 115 295 00 6341600 148,37100 69,80200 13607000 63581700 $146710500 5 6 10 4 10 6 6 6 14 3 No New E.tiInateci BUIlcbngs Cost Z $29,06500 Sugar Cane Harvesting Is Modernized Notice! Grosse Pointe Park BUILDING REPORT Southcastem Women's Club Modern Trend WUI Be Setting at Senior Prom High School semors WIll dance to the mUsIC of Don Gordon's orchestra at the class prom on Saturday., Jan. Grosse Pointe Swimmers uary 21, In the school cafeteria Each WUI Go to Wyandotte 1OvitatIon will admIt two couples to the prom and the hours for dancmg Wyandotte tank men wIll play host are from 9 to 12 A modermstlc set- to the Blue DeVIl SWImmers next Frl- tlOg IS planned I day at 3 30 o'clock They WIll attempt The commIttee chaIrmen are Gen- to gam revenge for the beatmg whlch eral chaIr-man, Robert Lob, decora- Grosse Pomte handed them last year bons Enc GottS(halk, orchestra, Don to the tune of 57 27 Rosselle, refreshments, Jean Ktlmer, ltghtmg, John Hern, and tickets, Jean DIxon News from Grosse Pointe _______ Artists Association Southeastern Women's Club wtll meet Monday, January 16, at 5t Mark's MethodIst Church Program ChaIrman Mrs Watson Ford w1l1 present Judge Joseph A Moymhan Hostesses WIll be Mrs Mtles Sutton, Mrs B M Smtth, Mrs Albert Marcus 1938 January February March AprIl May June July August September October November December TOTALS 1 1 38 to 12 31 38 75 Pretty leanette Peltier, Calun miss of the Bayou Teche In the Evangeline country, Louisiana, helps her father get his sugar cane to the warehouse. In sharp contrast to the old manner of harvestIng cane is the new Thomson machine. Screwl straighten the cane so that rotatmg kwves can lop off the tops. It then cuts the cane with a three-Inch spaced blade saw at Its bottom. The tops of the cane are .ent through the chute. The harvester cuts about 20 tons per hour. New classes In dancmg are now bemg {armed at the Elame MarIe Arndt Dance StudIO These courses I w1ll mclude mstructlon for begmenrs and advanced chlldren and adults 10 I all types of dancmg mcludmg jUnIor and semor adult ballroom dasses and also classes for men and women 10 tap and exercIsmg Dance for health pleasure, pasbme and popularIty The Arndt Dance StUdl0 IS a school of dlgll1ty and d1stmcho.Q., a school of the hIghest standmg m dance culture, endorsed by the Danc10g Masters of AmerIca, Inc, ChIcago Assn of Danc. mg Masters, and Dancmg Masters of MIchigan Information gladly granted. Lenox 7639. See advertISement. By H THOMPSON STOCK (ASSIstant DIstrict Comnussl0ner) On Thursday mght January 12, a Court of Honor will be conducted by Chfford Lockwood, dlstrict commlS. Sioner for Grosse Pomte to recogmze the progress made by the Grosse P01nte scouts and to make awards for thelr achIevements The Court of Honor W1ll be held at 7 30 p m at the Grosse Pomte MemorIal Church gymnaSIUm The outstandIng feature of the eve. nmg WIll be the awardmg of eagle badges to four Grosse Pomte boy scouts from one troop-troop 25 of wh1ch A V Lancaster IS the scout- master and W E ChrIsU,n and Charles Haynor are asSIstant scout- masters The eagle award IS not an Grosse Pointe Scouts to • Hold Court of Honor Veterans to Stage Show St. Joan of Arc Party Jan 18 For the be5t results U5ethe Groue POInte ReVIew'sclaSSIfiedcolumn. The Gen R A and Co! Frederick M Alger Post No 995, Veterans of ForeIgn Wars WIll g1Ve a muslcal comedy at Grosse Pomte HIgh School on February 17 Director Roy Kaul s calhng a meetIng Fhday evemng for those parttclpatlOg Any members wIshmg to take part are requested to report Detroit Garden Center The Rosary SOCIety of St Joan of Arc 1S gtvlOg a card party 00 Wed~ nesday afternoon January 18 at 2 o'clock m the re-etory All games 'W11l be played Refreshments WIll be served Woman Organists' Club to Hold Contest Pursuing Its efforts to encourage young women orgamsts In thelr studIes and In the playmg of good mUSIC,the Woman Orgamsts' Club of DetrOIt an- 1'l.cttt1Ce-s i'lre fifth lnnua.l contest for young women organISts The contest, WIth cash pt1~S wdl be played m De- trOIt on Tuesday evenmg May 23 The test pleces are (1) Prelude and Fugue 10 G major hy Johann Sebasllan Bach (Vol II Peters' EdIt100) (2) A composItl0n of the contest .. ant's own choos1Og not to exceed five mmutes playmg time For full detaIls regard1ng thlS con- test and for apphcation blanks, please address all commU01cat!ons to MISS Margaret E McMdlan, 12621 Gnggs avenue, DetrOIt On Thursday, January 19, at the Alger Museum 32 Lake Shore DrIve, at Z 30 o'clock Mrs Frederick W Campbell a member of the ExecutlVe Board of the DetrOit Garden Center, WIll talk on .'Blrds In Our Gardens II A set of sltdes prepared by the MIch. Igan FederatIon of Garden Clubs called 'lWmter Magtc" WIll be shown by Mrs Campbell These shdes conSIst of very beaUtiful pIctures of Winter scenes all over Mlcll1gan WIth many P1ctures of the bIrds In wtnter and telling how to attrad them All ledures of the Garden Center are free and open to the public Grosse Pomte's basketball team w1l1 travel to Wyandotte next FrIday to take on the Polar Bear squad m Its thIrd league game The Polar Bears always put on an excltIng game WIth their fast breakmg type of play, but In past years the Blue Dev11 defense has usually rIsen at oPportune moments to prevent the Wyandotte attack from gettmg too sertOus Last year's scores were 32 22 and 29 25 In favor of Grosse Pomte Little IS knO'Wn of thlS year's Polar Bear team ex.cept that It lost to Mon. roe by one pomt Coach Geary W1ll probably glVe hIS younger boys plenty of opportumty to play In tins game m an attempt to bulld up hIS team for next semester when three of hIS regulars wIll leave Boys who Will graduate or become In. ehg1ble at the end of the semester are Don Beever, Harold Lee and BIlly Scott The game WIll take place m the Roosevelt HIgh gym 10 Wyandotte -and will follow a reserve game whIch starts at 7 15 o'clock Grosse Pointe Defense Will Receive Test From Fast Attack Stare 'Em Down, Says Veteran Umpire '.rbIs extremely important never-tlarken-my-tloor-agaln pose IS some- thing that every umplrl' must master, so that he can toss players out of the game. Brons Howard (right) .Is learmng how from Umplfe Bill McGowan, ace of the Amer.can league stal!, who conducts a regular t.e.el ~ wolYd.:be .!JlD~!e .. ----- AU my gal frIends are gomg Insane and stormmg the doors of a local halr-dressmg shop -a one and a half hour treatment for $3 DO mcludmg steam cabmet, a Swe{hsh scrub that leave~ you tmghng and then a mas. sage eIther reducmg or relaxmg de- pendIng on your figgah Here's luck to your gettmg an appomtment I Bmg Crosby the other day, an- swered a question on hIS weekly radIo hour that has puzzled me for ages, .IWhat 18 the good of double feature mOV1e programsjlll Answer "You can t come In, In the middle of both" I was stammagasted the other eve- nmg at dmner to see one of the most ChlC young matrons 11ft a beautIful httle cold quaIl from her salad plate, and wrap It carefully in a handker- chIef, and put It even more carefully in her evenmg bag On bemg uked a'bout thiS rather dottled behavlor she l10nchalantly re.plted, .IOh, I am too full of food to eat It now, but won't It be diVine for breakfast tomorrow ,,"\lngl" ~:fter dinner games are gettmg to be tJtOro and mor~ popular I was mtro- lSueed to thlS one the other mght, "lied Il ln dear s1ght" Remove four Ii five personal objects such u key ~, wrIst watch, ete fr.otn lame of tour guests Show everyone the ar" td:c1es,then depart to another room and hKie these baubles In clear Sight, luch •• a gold penel! along the edge of a WoldP1ctureframe The lucky person Wlho finds all five gadgets gets a smal1 '.kltty'" prev10usly collected from each parhclpant It IS remarkable how dlI. ficu1t ~t 15 to find a black powder box mlxed skIllfully m wIth charred em~ hers It IS also an excellent trammg for hus-bands who have never been known to find anythmg A Washmgton hostess for her pet chanty collected from the Flrst Lady of the Land foretgn embassIes and legatlOns thelr famous tned reCIpes Here IS the way you make RUSSIan Borshch. Heads of 4 leeks 1 oman shced * lb beets * Ib whIte cabbage leaves * root of parsley WhIte part stIck of celery MOIsten wlth two quarts of can .. somme two or three tablespoons of the JUIce of grated beets Add one small bunch of fennel and sweet mdr Joran four pounds of beef ~ semI- roasted duck Set to cook slowly for four or five hours \i\ hen about to serve cut the beef mto fairly large pieces and the duck mto small shces Flntsh the soup wIth 7i Pilt of beet (Contmued on Page Two) Grosse Exaggerations? W.e are off laches and gentlemen to • tyro~eolummst's impreSSIons of what goes on before and behmd the seene! 1n Grocery pOInte Try not to mtss A Pryor too much Among the ChrIstmas cheer that Santa left In my stocktng was the story about the young man who gave hiS papa, a famous alphabettcal tycoon, or do I mean t)7lphoon, a five foot self. supporting shovel Etched on the shmy $hovel shield was the followmg j He also serves who only stands and walts"

!.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don

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Page 1: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don


'iliil "liill itmiiliii Iii iiii IIIm~~f" ;l;l m ~ t 11'\ ~",,' IWE PRINT IT AS WE GET i.~=::~~,\!.J,,~~ \!J}ro,.,~t't!""Otttt J.l'tUtt", F~~~~:.r~W!,,~g!~~~~~~~:::::~L 2T:!:H~E~H~O~M~E:..!N~E~W~SP~A~P~E~R~O~F:..!G~R~O~S~S~E:..!P~O~I~NT~E~A~N~D~T~H~E:..!F~O~U~R~T~E~E~N!T~H~C~O~N~G~R~ES~S~I~O~N~A:!:L2:D~I~ST!:!R~I~CT:!..~::m=lll:l!llll~=llllllll~VOL. 13-No. 21 L. B OLDHAM, Eubhsher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939 By Mal! $200 per year, Smgle CopIes 5 Cents


Major Burns HenryPost News

New England Women

The place we were dickermg Ior onMack avenue IS definItely out Lastmmute reports from our heatmg andelectrical engmeers were the decldmgfactors It would reqmr~ a severalthousand dollar layout to put the placa1U repaIr Your Permanent HomeCommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don tgIve up hope

Clarence and Leo Schwartz plumb-mg and electrIcal experts extraordm-ary SIgned up last meetmg and weare waItmg to tntroduce them to thePost Turn out the 18th you two

The attendance kitty IS gro'\i\mg andIS now well worth gomg after Ourdemon Insurance agent, Jack Sutton,has promlsed to make the next meet-tug we would ltke to see more of theo d lrr"rs 51,1..,1a,:, Leo Harnson FredEll, Ernte Edge Art Done and a hostof others Try to be there the 18th,and take the kItty home WIth you

The Boy Scout troop sponsored by303 WIll be our guests at the January18th meetmg along WIth the WlVes andsweethearts (d any) of OUf members.Come down ladles and get acquaInted.Entertamment WIll be prOVIded for all.A good chance girls to gIve the Aux-Ihary a plug

Comrade Chaplain Whately was sodeeply engrossed In a Sons of theLegIOn manual he completely forgotthe meebng Could have been the en-VIronment (bar to you) of course

We are patiently wa tmg for thenumerous house VI armmgs to be gIven(we hope) by the Conrades who arebmldmg or have bUIlt new homesComrades Vi/ell, Baldwm and Cramerwe are waltmg

Dues are past due so why not getyours 10 to help put our Post over thetop We 11 se seeIng you T E X

Arctic Priest Takes Church With Him

Completely equipped with an altar, tins new Fokker amphihIan planewIll carry Reverend Paul Schulte back to the Arctic, where he IS knownas the "FlyIng PrIest." Long a mIssionary In the north country J FatherSchuite ~et!!m!tdto!!l.o Unittd states to purchase t!!.e~)V pbAe,

Trombly P.T.A Meets

The next meetmg of the LadlesAUXilIary of the Fleet Reserve Asso-clatIon WIll be held Monday, January16, at 8 p m 10 the Veterans BUIldmg704 East Jefferson avenue

After the busmess meetmg the so-CIal committee, headed by Mrs IraMason, of Barrmgton road, GrossePomte has arranged for a supper andsocla1 hour

Fleet Reserve Ladies Auxiliaryto Meet Monday, Jan. 16th

J Lee Barrett, a member of theGrosse Pomte Board of Educationhas been elected a dIrector of thenew NatIonal ASSOCIation of SchoolBoard Members The aSSOCIa"10nwasformed recently at ChICagO

J. Lee Barrett Elected Directorof School Board Members Assn.

Mr E A McFaul radIO commen-tator for the IndustrIal MorrIS PlanBank, Will speak at the TromblySchool Parent - Teacher ASSOCIationmeeting on Wednesday, January 18HIS subject WIll be "You Sald ltl'

Teachers wIll be 10 theIr classroomsfrom 7 30 to 8 p m for conferencesWIth parents At 8 15, Boy ScoutTroop No 86 sponsored by the Trom-bly P T A WIll have a short candleceremony and presentation 10 theaudItorIUm ThIS wlll be followed byMr McFaul's talk

The program commIttee has plannedan mnovation for the March meetmgBe sure to come and hear about It

Refreshments Will be served In thegymnaSIUm after the busmess meetmg

Lochmoor CommunityClub Party Jan. 20

FIve hIgh school mUSIcal organ1za. Club also under \1r Fmch s dlrecttontIons w1l1 partic1'pate m the choral 'FaIr Ellen 15 the story of a Scotchconcert to be presented Fnday evenmg battle Betty Underwood 33 WIll smgat 8 15 o'clock In the HIgh School aud~ the soprano solo, and Donald Bhss 33Itonum the bass solo

The Girls' Glee Club and GIrlS The program WIll con-c1ude WIth theChorus, under the dIrectIon of Mr presentatIOn of GIlbert and SullIvan sJohn E Fmch, WIll gIve 'Song of operetta Tnal by Jury' by the AMan II a cantata by R1chard Kountz Capella ChOir directed by Mr WllltamThIS cantata represents man's reactIOn J Watkins Charles Modrack 12B,to the vanous -emotIonal forces of WIll s '1g t~e Judge S $010 "nn MatgrettawhIch hfe IS composed Ehzabeth Flemmmg 111\. the p1amtIff s soloKeydell, HB WIll be the SOlOIst

The GIrls' Select group, also dl- Mr Fmch and Mr Watkms bothrected by Mr Finch WIll smg 'Rose predIct a fine concert and pleasurab1eMarIe' by Fnml and 'Serenade' by evenmg ThiS IS the first time a can.Romberg cert of several cantatas has been

'Fair Ellen" a cantata by Burch g venongmally wntten for an orchestra and AdmiSSIon IS 15 cents \\ lth 5 A andlater set to a text, w1ll be sung by 125 cents wlthout All seats WIll bethe GirlS' Glee Club and Boys' Glee reserved

Two Cantatas and"Trial by Jury"

Will Be Given

Mrs Harrtet M Booth of PaCIficFnday January 20 at 8 o'clock the avenue who opened her home Wed ..

Lochmoor Commumty Club Will spon- nesday last for an all day semng meet ..sor a hard time and dance party, thIS mg of the sewmg group of Detroltbemg 1ft the Mason School EI~ht \rl1e Colony National Society of New Eng.and Mack Modern and old time dal1c land Wmen will be hostess Saturday

• mg, games, also an evenmg of fun evenmg January 14 to members andIS prom1sed by the master 01 cere- friends of the Colony at a benefit ..monIes and commIttee m charge bridge party Proceeds Will be de ..

voted to the phIlanthropic WOtk oI theCome all 10 old clothes or costume SOCIety \rts H S Hart tS Se\v111g

Please bear out the old hard tlme sPlr-


chaIrman and Mrs Grace Hau"'er 15It1 You've

hhad hard bmes 1hls IS d, chaIrman of evenmg partles

p ace to s ow It and be In SOCIety Be -------good lookmg skmny, fat or otherwlse Mr and Mrs A Mark SmIth, ofbut by all means be there and try to Canterbury dnve entertamed the earlyWIn a prIze In order to have a good part of last week at a buffet dmner tocrowd If you see someone who IS beau 150 guests m honor of Mr and Mrs.hful tell them so Ii they are not tell Eugene M Zuber of MUlr1and avenue.them so anyway Come have a laugh who are lea\ mg soon to make theirget your thr1l1s, spend the evemng lmd home 10 Chlcagoforget your bIlls

We WIsh to thank all people whohave supported our club 10 the pastyear

Mrs Charles L Palms, who hadbeen the guest of friends In BaltImore,IS now 10 the Pomte on an mdefinttestay Wlth her son-m~law and daughter,Mr and Mrs Wilfred V Casgraln, ofGros.e pomte Blvd.

Sconng baskets m spurts, Gros&ePomte's cagers defeated Mt Clemens31.11 Fnday mght WIth Bruce Bock.stanz pacmg the attack WIth 11 polOts

The Bathers started the SCOrIng onChapman's basket, WIth Smith sanka long one to even It up The MtClemens players came back WIth agoal ~ ~ozen and a foul by Pingelbefore - tl.e Blue DeVIl defense sbff.ened to hold them pomtless for theremamder of the half Grosse pointeput on several ralbes WIth SchrIeverand Bockstanz each gettIng two goals1U rapId succesSIon befor.e the firstquarter ended NeIther team was ableto get a smgle POint tn the secondquarter, and the half epded WIth thescore 11 5 In Grosse Pomte's favor

The Blue Devll's attack perked upIn the second half, nettmg eIght fieldgoals and four fouls whtle thell' de-fense held the Bathers to SIX POInts

The revlsed Blue DevIl team seemedto work better as a unIt and should1mprove as new ?layers gam experl.ence Gordon Tanner and CharlesMarzolf were brought up from thereserves while Jack SchrIever wasplaymg 1n hiS first contest Schriever,m addlhon to nngmg up SIX pomts,was a standout on defense usmg hISheIght to a good advantage m break.mg up the Bathers' attac;k

Bockstanz Leads Teamfor Scoring Honors

with Eleven Points

The next meetmg of the RIchardSchool Parent - Teacher assoctatlOnWill take place on Tuesday eventng,January 17, at 8 15 p m 10 the audl.tOrlum of the RIchard School

The speaker WIll be Mr MontagueClark personnel dIrector of the U SRubber Company HIS topIC wIll be~Education and BusIness" Mr Clarkhas hade WIde expertence m speaklOgto both pubhc and proIesslOnal audl"ences He IS a stlmulatmg and force ..ful speaker

The RIchard School chorus underthe direction of Mrs Ellis WIll glHseveral numbers

Parents WIll V1S1t the rooms flom7 30 to 8 15 Parents and !fIends ofRIchard School chlldren are mVltedto be persent

Richard SchoolPTAMeeting

Total forMonth$30065 00

51928 006768200

106944 0039486001069440064,41600



$1492 456 00



1700 005866001,46000


200 00





Norbert F. Denkin Rochester, Minn.

Norbert F. Denk, genIal sup-ervlsor of Grosse POinte Town-Ship, IS ,oJournlng at MayoBrothers In Rochester, Mmft,to get In .hape for the forth..coming electIon campaign.

Mrs George L Cole IS back m herhome m Cazenovia N Y after hermonth s VISIt w1th her parents Mr andMrs Stewart W Munroe, of Balfourroad.

The Grosse Pomte ArtIsts AssocIa-hon IS glVmg the first of a serIes ofteas and crItiCIsms for Its memberson Saturday, January 14, at the homeof Mrs John Pears

The annual exchange WhICh wdl beheld m the sprmg at the Alger House,IS looked forward to WIth a great dealof enthUSIasm

Those resIdmg In Grosse Pomte whoare mterested m art and who WIsh tobecome members should get 10 touchWIth Mrs John Vogt, or Mrs Franl ...Lmdeman, the preSident for the nec.essary mformatIon

Bldg. Add'n.&: Alterabons


All Grosse Pomte boy scouts cubs,parents, frIends, and those InterestedIn scouting are Invlted to attend SCO'\.ltexecutIVes, Robert Kales, Ben Marshand George Wilhams wlll be present

In addItIon to the eagle awards atleast twenty three boys WIll be award-ed mef1t badges RecogmtIon WIll alsobe made for first and second classadvancement

Supenntendent of Schools Edwin RVan Kleeck will gIve the presentatIonaddress

easy one to achIeve and congratula I Life Saving, SWImming Claa.e.tIons are due to Dale Buerstetta, DaVId ContmuedEdgar, Ben Orr and John PenOlman LIfe saV1ng and swunmmg classesThIS wlll make a total of fourtet..n r for Grosse pomte boy scouts are bemgboys from Troop 25 to receive the continued as before at the Grosseeagle awards Pomte High. School tank Tuesdays at

7 p m Roy J Koch, Red Cross LlfeSaver, 1S m charge oI the mstructIonsBoys must brIng own towel and SWIm.mmg cap New boys must get ~r.mISS10n of faml1y doctor or of DrWarren, health commlsslOner, who hasregular hours durmg the day at thehIgh school

Gold Wn5t Watch LostDave Walton of Troop 44 left hIS

goLd wrIst watch 10 the locker beforethe hohdays Anyone who found thewatch WIll be rewarded by returmrtgIt to Dave


105,484003948600115 295 006341600







No New E.tiInateciBUIlcbngs Cost

Z $29,06500

Sugar Cane Harvesting Is Modernized



Southcastem Women's Club

Modern Trend WUI BeSetting at Senior Prom

High School semors WIll dance tothe mUsIC of Don Gordon's orchestraat the class prom on Saturday., Jan. Grosse Pointe Swimmersuary 21, In the school cafeteria Each WUI Go to Wyandotte1OvitatIon will admIt two couples tothe prom and the hours for dancmg Wyandotte tank men wIll play hostare from 9 to 12 A modermstlc set- to the Blue DeVIl SWImmers next Frl-tlOg IS planned Iday at 3 30 o'clock They WIll attempt

The commIttee chaIrmen are Gen- to gam revenge for the beatmg whlcheral chaIr-man, Robert Lob, decora- Grosse Pomte handed them last yearbons Enc GottS(halk, orchestra, Don to the tune of 57 27Rosselle, refreshments, Jean Ktlmer,ltghtmg, John Hern, and tickets, JeanDIxon News from Grosse Pointe_______ Artists Association

Southeastern Women's Club wtllmeet Monday, January 16, at 5tMark's MethodIst Church

Program ChaIrman Mrs WatsonFord w1l1 present Judge Joseph AMoymhan

Hostesses WIll be Mrs Mtles Sutton,Mrs B M Smtth, Mrs Albert Marcus

1938JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprIlMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTOTALS1 1 38 to 12 31 38 75

Pretty leanette Peltier, Calun miss of the Bayou Teche In the Evangeline country, Louisiana, helps herfather get his sugar cane to the warehouse. In sharp contrast to the old manner of harvestIng cane is thenew Thomson machine. Screwl straighten the cane so that rotatmg kwves can lop off the tops. It thencuts the cane with a three-Inch spaced blade saw at Its bottom. The tops of the cane are .ent through thechute. The harvester cuts about 20 tons per hour.

New classes In dancmg are nowbemg {armed at the Elame MarIeArndt Dance StudIO These courses

Iw1ll mclude mstructlon for begmenrsand advanced chlldren and adults 10

Iall types of dancmg mcludmg jUnIorand semor adult ballroom dasses andalso classes for men and women 10

tap and exercIsmgDance for health pleasure, pasbme

and popularItyThe Arndt Dance StUdl0 IS a school

of dlgll1ty and d1stmcho.Q., a school ofthe hIghest standmg m dance culture,endorsed by the Danc10g Masters ofAmerIca, Inc, ChIcago Assn of Danc.mg Masters, and Dancmg Masters ofMIchigan

Information gladly granted. Lenox7639. See advertISement.

By H THOMPSON STOCK(ASSIstant DIstrict Comnussl0ner)On Thursday mght January 12, a

Court of Honor will be conducted byChfford Lockwood, dlstrict commlS.Sioner for Grosse Pomte to recogmzethe progress made by the GrosseP01nte scouts and to make awards forthelr achIevements The Court ofHonor W1ll be held at 7 30 p m atthe Grosse Pomte MemorIal ChurchgymnaSIUm

The outstandIng feature of the eve.nmg WIll be the awardmg of eaglebadges to four Grosse Pomte boyscouts from one troop-troop 25 ofwh1ch A V Lancaster IS the scout-master and W E ChrIsU,n andCharles Haynor are asSIstant scout-masters The eagle award IS not an

Grosse Pointe Scouts to •Hold Court of Honor

Veterans to Stage Show

St. Joan of Arc Party Jan 18

For the be5t results U5ethe GrouePOInte ReVIew'sclaSSIfiedcolumn.

The Gen R A and Co! FrederickM Alger Post No 995, Veterans ofForeIgn Wars WIll g1Ve a muslcalcomedy at Grosse Pomte HIgh Schoolon February 17 Director Roy Kaul scalhng a meetIng Fhday evemng forthose parttclpatlOg Any memberswIshmg to take part are requested toreport

Detroit Garden Center

The Rosary SOCIety of St Joan ofArc 1S gtvlOg a card party 00 Wed~nesday afternoon January 18 at 2o'clock m the re-etory All games 'W11lbe played Refreshments WIll be served

Woman Organists'Club to Hold Contest

Pursuing Its efforts to encourageyoung women orgamsts In thelr studIesand In the playmg of good mUSIC,theWoman Orgamsts' Club of DetrOIt an-1'l.cttt1Ce-si'lre fifth lnnua.l contest foryoung women organISts The contest,WIth cash pt1~S wdl be played m De-trOIt on Tuesday evenmg May 23 Thetest pleces are

(1) Prelude and Fugue 10 G majorhy Johann Sebasllan Bach (Vol IIPeters' EdIt100)

(2) A composItl0n of the contest ..ant's own choos1Og not to exceed fivemmutes playmg time

For full detaIls regard1ng thlS con-test and for apphcation blanks, pleaseaddress all commU01cat!ons to MISSMargaret E McMdlan, 12621 Gnggsavenue, DetrOIt

On Thursday, January 19, at theAlger Museum 32 Lake Shore DrIve,at Z 30 o'clock Mrs Frederick WCampbell a member of the ExecutlVeBoard of the DetrOit Garden Center,WIll talk on .'Blrds In Our Gardens II •

A set of sltdes prepared by the MIch.Igan FederatIon of Garden Clubs called'lWmter Magtc" WIll be shown byMrs Campbell These shdes conSIstof very beaUtiful pIctures of Winterscenes all over Mlcll1gan WIth manyP1ctures of the bIrds In wtnter andtelling how to attrad them

All ledures of the Garden Centerare free and open to the public

Grosse Pomte's basketball team w1l1travel to Wyandotte next FrIday totake on the Polar Bear squad m ItsthIrd league game

The Polar Bears always put on anexcltIng game WIth their fast breakmgtype of play, but In past years theBlue Dev11 defense has usually rIsenat oPportune moments to prevent theWyandotte attack from gettmg toosertOus Last year's scores were 32 22and 29 25 In favor of Grosse Pomte

Little IS knO'Wn of thlS year's PolarBear team ex.cept that It lost to Mon.roe by one pomt

Coach Geary W1ll probably glVe hISyounger boys plenty of opportumty toplay In tins game m an attempt tobulld up hIS team for next semesterwhen three of hIS regulars wIll leaveBoys who Will graduate or become In.

ehg1ble at the end of the semesterare Don Beever, Harold Lee andBIlly Scott

The game WIll take place m theRoosevelt HIgh gym 10 Wyandotte -andwill follow a reserve game whIch startsat 7 15 o'clock

Grosse Pointe DefenseWill Receive Test

From Fast Attack

Stare 'Em Down, Says Veteran Umpire

'.rbIs extremely important never-tlarken-my-tloor-agaln pose IS some-thing that every umplrl' must master, so that he can toss players out ofthe game. Brons Howard (right) .Is learmng how from Umplfe BillMcGowan, ace of the Amer.can league stal!, who conducts a regulart.e.el ~ wolYd.:be .!JlD~!e ..


AU my gal frIends are gomg Insaneand stormmg the doors of a localhalr-dressmg shop -a one and a halfhour treatment for $3 DO mcludmgsteam cabmet, a Swe{hsh scrub thatleave~ you tmghng and then a mas.sage eIther reducmg or relaxmg de-pendIng on your figgah Here's luckto your gettmg an appomtment I

Bmg Crosby the other day, an-swered a question on hIS weekly radIohour that has puzzled me for ages,.IWhat 18 the good of double featuremOV1e programsjlll Answer "Youcan t come In, In the middle of both"

I was stammagasted the other eve-nmg at dmner to see one of the mostChlC young matrons 11ft a beautIfulhttle cold quaIl from her salad plate,and wrap It carefully in a handker-chIef, and put It even more carefullyin her evenmg bag On bemg ukeda'bout thiS rather dottled behavlor shel10nchalantly re.plted, .IOh, I am toofull of food to eat It now, but won't Itbe diVine for breakfast tomorrow,,"\lngl"

~:fter dinner games are gettmg to betJtOro and mor~ popular I was mtro-lSueed to thlS one the other mght,"lied Illn dear s1ght" Remove fourIi five personal objects such u key~, wrIst watch, ete fr.otn lame oftour guests Show everyone the ar"td:c1es,then depart to another room andhKie these baubles In clear Sight, luch•• a gold penel! along the edge of aWoldP1ctureframe The lucky personWlho finds all five gadgets gets a smal1'.kltty'" prev10usly collected from eachparhclpant It IS remarkable how dlI.ficu1t ~t 15 to find a black powder boxmlxed skIllfully m wIth charred em~hers It IS also an excellent trammgfor hus-bands who have never beenknown to find anythmg

A Washmgton hostess for her petchanty collected from the Flrst Ladyof the Land foretgn embassIes andlegatlOns thelr famous tned reCIpesHere IS the way you make RUSSIanBorshch.

Heads of 4 leeks1 oman shced* lb beets* Ib whIte cabbage leaves* root of parsleyWhIte part stIck of celeryMOIsten wlth two quarts of can ..

somme two or three tablespoons ofthe JUIce of grated beets Add onesmall bunch of fennel and sweet mdrJoran four pounds of beef ~ semI-roasted duck Set to cook slowly forfour or five hours \i\ hen about toserve cut the beef mto fairly largepieces and the duck mto small shcesFlntsh the soup wIth 7i Pilt of beet

(Contmued on Page Two)

Grosse Exaggerations?

W.e are off laches and gentlemen to• tyro~eolummst's impreSSIons of whatgoes on before and behmd the seene!1n Grocery pOInte Try not to mtssA Pryor too much

Among the ChrIstmas cheer thatSanta left In my stocktng was the storyabout the young man who gave hiSpapa, a famous alphabettcal tycoon, ordo I mean t)7lphoon, a five foot self.supporting shovel Etched on the shmy$hovel shield was the followmg j Healso serves who only stands and walts"

Page 2: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don


Page Two TIrE GROSSE POINTE REVlr.W Thursday, lanuary 12. 1939



HATS •••

Fgrmal Dressesand Coats

atExceptjollally I.QW


~o much llutour for Sll little.H.ts to lI'll"l,. t<>pyour p.rtyfrooks. Pill bO"e.. toqllC",

berets Styles to flatter evil.,.fali'" As low as $295

LingerieNeglig 8$

Costume Jewelry

Felix FrancoisBEAUTY SALON

Ogilvie Sisters Groase Pointe RepresentativesPunch & Judy Theatre Bldg, NI. 3153

• • Your Permanent .hould be charmingly bldlvid1J.l~creatively ad~pted to a~cent your personality and charmFehx and hiS staff are creabve rq.aaton l)f the new mocJ.e.


~ to ~3ReductionOn All Fall tlnd Winter


Are you f!~agingfor the SQuth?


. • . with vivid aocessoriesand distinotive s t ,. I i n lI'Sizes 11-44. As low aa $5.


Grollse Fointe Kindergarten School33 Ridgemont Road , Grone POinte Farm.

MARGARET L MILLIN, DIRE;CTORA closely graded school for chtldren 2 to 6 years of ate

Spnng Semester, Jan. 30, 1939 Enroll Now ell.ll NJ. sou



• Play ~I*S• :BolOch 'fOll'S• B"t~ins S'lit.• Hats! Mterno,oll greaJell• Fqrmala! AccessorililS

Village Woman'lSHOP

MA~tJgJlIT~ M. BA¥I~1701i K@r~btnr~l!!",Qr@I~@ '@iBt.

NI. 1115Z

WI' .. '"lll 'III U1IUIIllI IllllIll! I I 11111111'''11'III III II II I1111II I'n'lll


IIHaven't you heard he IS a ctlratod" IlfMy he 1S th~ last person I everthought would have JOIned the church'

I overheard a tIpsy gent the othermght confidmg to hts frlenel, • Yaknow pat, I1quo-r affects a lot of peopledIfferently, but ya know It makes medrunk II Out of the mouths •••

If you a.re fond 6f fishIng, quadshootmg or horse racmg go rapIdly tothe nearest book.store and start stocktng your hbrary WIth books by JohnTalOtor Foote the most dellghtfutst01'tes Imagmable, both for old andyo~ng

Talkmg to J Edgar Hoover theother mght I a,ked Just wh.t th. be.tk,dnappmg ellquette "'.s from thepomt of vltW 01 the person k'dnappedE. s',d one ,houl'll be as pollte asl':lo.s$1ble as there tS really no sense In

bemg Tude as you are completely mth.'r power MO$t ,mportant of all "to keep your Wtts about you rem em ...berll18 any od'll sound,-(one m.nhelped the f G' m,ep, by recogmz:ingth. cheklU8 of pool balls) Aft.,&earchtng fleven hundred po()l ..ro~nlllthey dIScovered tlte desper.'llo.,' hIde.ont aem.mber S!'uklUg Vo'C" Gooda'llvICe but h.re. hopm!: no oM hasto take ,t

• • •Mrs Albert C D'ckson left 4.r

home Q-nWashmgton road last Thur$-day for WashIngton where $he WIlt

meet her father Claren-ce G Clarke• •

Mr and Mrs Thomas Cover IIIwho have been the ~ests of MrsCover S father, EdWIn HeWItt Brown,of Neff ro~d have left the Pomte lJnq.are now settled once again II} theIrhome

• • *Mr and !4rs ~en.nth M Burn" of

RIvard Blvd enterta.lned FrIday eve~nmg at the D A C at a surprIse dm ..ner dance gIVC:nm honor of Mr ;;andMrs FrederIC A Sebe of RivardBlvd who are lelJ.VJl1~Sunday for a.SIX weeks' YI$It In San FranCISco

(Continued on Page Ftve)

by JUntor members of the group durO'mg the pro-a-ress of the evenmg

A colorful program has been ar.ranged to begIn at seven o'clock Witha formal processional led by twe vepa~es, carrYlOg flags of the UnttedStates of MIchigan and of the LoUisaSt ClaIr chapter An Invocatlon bythe Reverend Roger Eddy Treat, pas.tor of Bushnell CongregatIonal churc"tw,ll be followed by birthday greetmgsfrom the chapter s regent, Mrs Wal~ter C Pomeroy

The speaker 01 the evenmg w,lI bePr Ralph L Lee of the department01 publ'e rel.llons of .Ge,er.1 Mot.ors Corporatton who has eho~en ashts tOPiC; f Collective IndIVIdualism lJ

'Mrs George D Schermerhorn, n ••tion.l orgaUl.lng '.cretary general ofthe D A It and 'Mrs Sessle HoweGe.gley st.t. regent, w,ll he gue,ts oftho ,peaker

Mr$ Freclene Ze1gen dtrec:tol' of the$oCli:ll department, 1$ general chamnnnof arrangement, a"lSte'll by I>!rs AI.Ir~d E Pattersbn .nd 'Mr' W,lhamHeberhng Holme' and tb. members(tf the ll:Q<::laJeQmm~ttec

Amon~ the pall"es In the pr""esslona!w,lI be !4r, !4"" lIreden.k Uttln!!,clta,rman 01 pages .",sted hy !4anol'l'lr~oke Mr~ Theo'llore E Wmkler'Mr, Jam., Emerson Mormon, Mr,J,lIred WIlson Cr"J,b Mrs Hum.phrey. Sprmllstun, Mr, fre'll "Lindbloom, I>!rs EII,worth KramerMrs (: Clark Ross, M.,y and llettyOwen and Mathllde Warner Jly MJ,RY JANll: STOll:T:l:t'1.

T1-le HistOrical pageaat of gowns of Jack McLeod of Grosse Pomte haspast rc~ents w111 dI~p!a.y trea~ure;9' nCfatly be~n cP0sen CQeh::.unnan ordres", never bolore pUbhe1y modele'll the Cap,tah,t Ball to be held M.rd,It will b~ staged ij.nd~r th~ dtre~t1ap 17 at the Mlchigan QUIon The ball l'of Mrs Hansel I;!wJght WIlson who a~l anl11.J.al gance gIven by th~ 5ehoolWIth Mrs LeRoy Vandeveer has writ- of Bus ness Admlnlstrcttlon Mr Macten amusmg little verses te mtracluce Leod IS a member of the .1umor t1as~each hlstonll: gown All the gowns at th~ University of Jl4tchtg,anwere once worn by wamen who pla~ ed !I' * *thetr Important part In the soctal hfe Gordon Falrbalrn 1936 graduate ofof DetrOit many pi whom ltke Mrs Gro~se P(~)1nte Hlgh school, has beenHemry B J~y ~nd Mrs He~tley Gnen elect~d to the Scroll honor soctety ofare st~ll ~~tIv~ tIi. th~ ~ffalrs of today Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOne demure lIttle frock was once the where he tS now a JUnior He ha:.propefty €If tht lp.te Flenne iStod4ard been treasurer of Teeh Engl11eerl11gand e~me t!!? DetrOIt In " c€lver~d N fews or two yearsWallpq GOWnl w'll I,. modeled hy • • •Mesdam., Ralph WettIng Charl!s An' ¥'SS N L Dodge of Graaovlewdrews $tllCf,ft Nynrral1y Ch4'fGrd Wtl New York who has been spencll11g thehams Harry J ennmgs and Deuglq.s holiday season wlth her nephew andGm.p The playlet pas been wntteq fanFly Ralph DE:ldge Johnson on Not-aro~nd the central figure of grand tmgham road left last week for Westmothe:r Loutsa 5t ClaIr whose yGUng Falm Beach, Flagran4daughter excttedly tells her of * * *her antl£lpated I first trIp tl!> Wash Robert and Carol Rohe have ream.$101'l. WIth the D A. R 's II ThiS re.. turned to theIr studIes a.t ''''esterncalls early days to the gru.dmother State HIgh School ~alamazoo! after\yafEt renmllscently turns the pages of sp.endtng the ChrIstmas holt days Withan album and one by one figures of their grandflarents Mr and Mrs Jthe ~ast step forth Among those who Helmers on BarrIngton roadwIll trjp In pioneer calico or SWIsh n .. !I' ..

Vlctortan elegnnc:e ,are Me&5,ames I },!r and Mrs Jerome H Rem!ekRQb1l1 Grey FIrth Ro~ert ¥t;lrphy Jr Qf New ¥ork left 5une1ay fer tbelrCarl H RIce EcJwq.rd SlCOrs~l, V.l11- home after a week s .vmt wttb MJ:"ham F StreH Fr~pk L Scott J1', Remtck's mother Mrs Jerome HJ~ne F;mkson a~. Mrs W H Greg Reml<~ of R,dge'rpad

9ry ***-------

MISS J,essle R Cray left last weekGrosse Exaggerationa fQr h.r homo m Mmnenapohs after

(Contmued frmp Page OJlf:~ spendINg tW9 we.e~s ~s the house guestJutce, @f more, according tp tast.e and Iof 1fr ?-nd Mrs Edward F Wnght,cplor, pre$sed thr£!qah cheesecloth a of Umverslty Placehttle chopped parsley and fennel Put * * *tbe beef and duct< fn th~ soup Dr .n<J !4rs E C Baumgarten .nd

Serve very sma:l1 pastry tarts filled thetr $01-1 Tom, and daughter Pa.,.wlth duel:: forcemeat separatelY~UJte tnct.,. returne.d to thelr home on PernO'hot berton road after a VISIt In HollywoGd

Also serve sep$.rately-sauceboat of FJ~sour c:rcam, lightly whipped

I as-ree :\Il1th WInchell when he saidhe had always thought that GraCIe 'lfasthe stlly one 10 the Burns and Allengr()UP

Heard 1n Grosse POInte, IIWhat sFlack Tasselberry dOIng these day~ ';l

I heard today that ~hen one of ourfamous Am~rlcap. busmess men wentto Russta he left stnct Qrders not tosend any messages about hts busIne<;sor p~rSCIpal aff:prs tlnless absolutelynecessary The- nece$$~ty arose and h1$

popr perplt'lxed secretary was 10 aQ,fther how tQ cod~ a very private mes~s~ge of great nnport,ance He at lastsent It 1-P trt1e Amencan slang WhlChWiS nothIng but 'Abracadabra to theRusstans" Smart il



Facsimile Newspapers Transmitted by Radio

StaacUnga Jal1l-Ult')" 3

St,n'llmg 01 NeighborhoodClass A basketball l"lIue

afternoons for gIrls from 6.10 years ofage Wednesday classes are for glrl~10 to 16 years old We also havegymnasIUm classes for both boys andgIrls, handcraft classes, tap classesboys and gtrls basketball, Woolworthdances every first and thlrd Frtdayand theatre parhes every second andfourth Fnday Also cookmg classesand art classes We have general bad~tnmton every day and fencmg for any.one mterested In these actlVltles p usmany Qther mterestmg groJ.1.ps toonumerous to hilt Any of th~ abovegroups may be Jomec1 by obtammg amember$h'p Jumors 25 cenls year,senton. $J Q() year. and mtermedlah~$,$100 a ye$r

CAMP FlU GIRLSAre you mtere,'ed ,n th. work Camp

Fir' Girls 'llo? If '0 why 'llon t YOucome to tM Cluh Friday alternoonsat 4 0 cloek an'll get acquainted'

The Gvesse F~)1nte Domesbc Employees Club wlii ~old Its elect~on ofQfflctr~ at ~ meetmg Tuesday «vemngJanu.ry 17

W L l'ctaanllm Z Q 1000Ind"n' Z Q 1000Wolverm.. 4 I I SOO1\ V IiIlue P,"11I 1 1 $00Samt' 0 2 000Ess'" 0 Z 000

The NeIghborhOOd Club 1"lIye ke~tmov'nll at a fa,t pac. a' tbe ,.,ondrpund got under way Th. Ind,.ns ledby Capt Leo pesrocher and 119b AI.lard who .cored 8 7 pomts r<ipeellvo,l,y remamed IlJ. a tie for first place bytr0unetng the yGUngeF Wolvfl'tne ag&'fegatIel.'l. by the scqrE: of 42 18 TheX V Blue l'Jevlls a mucb ,mprovedt~am s111ce Its first game came backs~ronS' In the second half to hand theSamts Q:$ second defeat m two startsQy the cQunt of 36 21 Dtck Bogy-cQntowa~ the star of the eV€l'Ung With 11POInts Conrad made 10 for the 10seJS

Th~ Rangers a$'aln led by the f~stbreakmg Blil Harms, no.ed out theEssex A C by the !'liU raw margIn offpur pomts 3026 Harms WIth 18pomts was by iar the outstandmgplayer on the floer H~rms was aIdedv~y much by the excellent passIngand defenSIVe play €If Cook

A head ,nJUry forced eO€lk to leavethe game In the latter p~rt of the thirdQU4rter At thts pomt the Rangersbegan to slGW up and were limIted tosifll,:POInts In the secot'ld half afterholdIng • 24 1Q lead at the mtel'mls.Slon Jt Morgan WIth lO POint$: and DPowers with ntne were hIgh pOlllt mepff>r the I'Osers

St. Ambroae PlIorilihBowling Leag~

The Colon .. 1 b.lIroom of the De.trott.Le1apd hotel WIll be the scene onJanuary 19 of the brtllla11t forty SixthbIrthday dInner of the LOUisa St CIa rchilpter, Dau~hters of the AmerIcanRevolutIon Thl$ affaIr WIU honor pastregleots of the chapter some of whose,owns of past eras WIn be modeled

!.ouisa St. ClairChapter, D. A. R.

W LBadg~n '! 28 14Pant4ers 24 18aeave.. 23 19

,I Tigers (I lle) 22 I~Bears • to ZZ€ub$ , (J lle) 19 22LIon' , 17 25W Qlv~, , 14 28

H'$'h ,con, of D ... mber 20 1~38W Dea .. ke 235-197, 0 Ntl!1 231 201,M~s$ar,d 212, Fr Rqss 204, Dunne203-190, G.rska 200 Ormon'll 196,Rehm 194, Cornllh, 123, W.'ll. 192

.Hllih ,core, qf January 3, 1939 WDeBaeke 215, V DeBaeke 202 Mey.er, :zq.o, Ormond 197, Denk 194, De.10nn.y 191


i ~-,iilililill (J!i1i



2' 6" " 6' 8"


eor. Hayea and Wilahire

Pingree 2131

Combination Doot

Ro. W~Ql.75e Sag

We Me'l!llfe and l!l~la11


Drape, CleaneclJlJlJivi<j!!-', ~l!J,,~iveWer~


Leno" 82751/727 K.. ch,o.~ at A,hlaDcl


Storm SashfiSc

CABINET MAKERReprQducbonl of Ine fUl"mturlll mad,

to oreler-A.oy .ly1... ,....ledR._ ",e1 1\.liI,jolll.,. • $p.... llJ


1'1'0 Pop"lar """hi".Ie" \\I ....W. Comh",. QllIl1it" """ Low 10111.. ,

I KORTE BEAUTY SHOPP!I~ Mack ot Won. ...." NI. 7178

R.. N.a.!,!" 36U F,tzJ!"" I~S24838 Alter Rd. 3733 l!:. S.IfO\',oD


Olf ••• H....,. , + M. to I 10 N.

Dr. C. J. LO(:KEPENTISTGAt • ~l/llep

I!I...,. • "'tltI!M!'tPh"". t.,u"" ~ u~ If'! J*''''_II

Gro""e1 F'lc!Of Olf.qBotw_ ~to ..... Jl"UOD'~~~

i £, ill

i 1£ 11 II



ll.oidea.-l30S Bu.ki"'h....T1!"edo}.1717



Lenox 5885

E:JectricMotor RellaII'DUNCAN " McNICOL14927 £h .. 1•• 0", .t Wayq"""

Nlghb, Sun &:

Ty, 2.1150 T~oh2~;6

Have your Films printed at Leach',


fprpaerly American J,.eglon HallMac;kand Nell R~.

Available for 1011oc""sionsPhone U:. 1l8~

&LJ£i iL : 11

William Lyon Phelp.Presents "Favorite"

The RedIscovery of Man by HenryC Lmk (Ma9mlllan)

I m a Stranger Here Myself, byBook Lists for 1938 Ogden Nash (L,ttle Brown)

1 Down the MISSISSIPPI by Major RWhat are the' ten best I fictton and :Raven~Hart (Houghton Mlffhn)

nOn fictIon books of 1938' It 15 Im- Dana and the Sun, by CandadepossIQle to announce a hst of 'ten best Stone (Dodd-Mead)books of any year says WIlham LyonPhelps author and Me time professorof ltterature at Yale UU1verslty But'he contmues • It IS not dIffIcult tomake a bnef catalog of favorites" Hepresents hIS selectIOns In the JanuaryISSUe of the Rotarian Magazme, 10 ISecause of the weather It was rteceswhIch he conducts a regular book re- sary to postpone the tce frohc t~ll thlSVIew section comIng Saturday January 14 (that IS

IfBIIty" Phelps as he IS Widely If the Ice IS In good shape by thatknown, espectally at Yale has read time) The events WIll be Rates for10 OOQ dIfferent books and stl1l avera both boys and gtrls ages as followsages 250 a year though he has 're. I tmy tots 5-7 8 9; 10.11' 12-13 14.15,tIred" Accordmg to a bIographer In 16 18 Tandem races for both boysa tecent lssue of t,..1fe magazme he and gtrls ages 12..15, 16 17 :eroOPlha~ proba.gly done more than any hv .. I race for boys ages 15..17 Char\(~t ncetog figure to Inculcate the AmerIcan I for boys ages 1~.15 Push~me racemm4 WIth a reverence {or the wrJtten for gIrls ~ges 10 15 Enter at deskan'll ,poken word' before Friday, January 13

l1ere's hts 1938 list of favorItes In ---.:-'The Rot.rI.n THll:ATItIl PARTY

Flct.J.on Boys-GIrls-don t miss the lH&,restament by R C. Butchmso. show at the Ne,ghborhoo'll Club ev.ry

(Farrar & Rmehart) other FridaY ThIS Friday night JanD L I uary 15 WIll be featured several films

Ch awn(Mm ylolne)sse by Mary Ellen I we are sure yotl WIll enJoy~se acmt an .....--

The Door of L,fe by En,d llagnold 1 Dues are now payable .t the dub(W11ham Morrow) and anyone Interested in J~In1P.~ ;nay

Images In a MIrror, by Slgnd Un!!" I enter any number of tnterestIng classesset (Knopf) I for a very nomInal fee Worpen ~

The Yeo1rltng by Manone Kinnan meblJ craft classes are pew bemg heldRawlmgs (Scrlhner's) lat th. club every MondaY and Wed.201'11 Horne Week by 'Mmn,e fl,t. nesday evemngs from 79 p m All

Moody (Juhan Messner) I wQm.en are welc~m~ te;, l~m ThiS IS ~Km'llhng, hy Nevl1 Shute (W,lllarn good way to ,tart a ufieful hObbY

Morrow) Sewmg classes are h~1el. f.lp. TuesqayWar 1» Heav-en by PhIlIp Barry ~_~~ ~_~~_

(Cowa,d McCann)The Kents by LeGrand Cannon Jr

(Farr.r & Rhinehart) IThe lluccaneers, by EdIth Wharton


~enjatnm Franklin, by Carl VanDoren (V,k,n8)

l.lSten I the Wmd, by Anne 'MorrowLIn'llbergb mare01lrt Brace)

AlQn~, by Rlcbard E. B) rd ()'ut.nalll',)

I>!y l{u,band ~ Gabnlow'lsch byc;:'I.r" Clemens (Harper's)

The Greenwood Hat by J M Barrte:(ScrIbner's)

M.y Mtnl'1 a KIngdom, by GeorgeTbomas (Dutton)-----_G , _


\.ilt" M 51>

Page 3: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don

I •


rIi IJrI




I ,I

Page Three

Ca.b.&; eo...,.4Sc••

of J esusl and taken from the story ofJesus' first mlracle, Will be d1scussedIn the sermon on the cODung Sunday,January 15 The serVIce WIll takeplace at 11 15 a m The Sunaay Schoolwlll meet at ten o'clock

Real Economy In Modern MUSical InstructionPAUL DeCARLO


Piano and AccordionPhone MUrray 5733 For Interview



•50c Called for and Delivered

Imperial Cleaners and DyersTU. 2-3000 Mack at Nottingham

Men's 3-Pc.


Quick PressingService

Me.aiah Lutheran

Let Jaclamec help deCide the hair stylehest SUitedto your personahty, then giveyOIl a lovely permanent, guaranteed tf,)BITe latlafactlon for :many months

JakimecBeauty SalonLENOX 9230

It.Beaconstield at Jefferson

l'Whatsoever He Salth Unto You Have ,.our Falmt! printed at Leach'.Do It I' ThIS word of Mary spoken ReView.

Southeast corner of Kercheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loeberlpastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue TeleM~ho.. Lenox2121

William G. Stamman,Deputy Village Clerk

The Voting Booth in the Municipal Building situated on Jefferson Ave-nue between Maryland Avenue and Lakepointe Avenue in the Vlilage ofGroase Pointe Park for Voting Precinct No 1 which shall embrace all terri-tory South of the center line of Kercheval Avenue for ita entire length in theVillage of Groue Pointe Park.

The Voting Booth in the George Defer School situated on KerchevalAvenue between Nottingham Road and Balfour Road in the Vlilage ofGroase Pointe Park for Votinr Precinct No.2, which shall embrace all terrI-tory North of the center line of Kercheval Avenue for ita entire length inthe Village of Groue Pointe Park.

Voting Precinct No. I, embracing all territory South of the center lineof Kercheval Avenue for its entire length in the Village of Grosse PointePark, at the Municipal Building. situated on Jefferson Avenue betweenMaryland Avenue and Lakepointe Avenue in the Village of Gorue PointePark

Voting Precinct No.2, embracing all territory North of the center lineof Kercheval Avenue for ita entire length in the Village of Grosse PointePark, at the George Defer School. situated on Kercheval Avenue betweenNottingham Road and Balfour Road in the Village of Groue Pointe Park

3 Village Commissioners for two-year term1 Village Clerk for two-year term

You are further notified tliat the polling places for said Prim-ary Election shall be open from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00o'clock' in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, at the followingplaces, to-wit:

You are further notified that if you have not already registere'd,you may do so by appearing before the Board of Registration uponthe above mentioned days or by registration with the Village Clerkany day up to and including Saturday, February 4, 1939•

You are further notified that at said Primary Election candi-dates will be nominated for the following offices:

will be in session on Saturday, January 21st, 1939, and Satur'day,January 28th, 1939, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock in the fore-noon and 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, in therespective voting Precincts, to-wi t:

You are hereby notified that the Board of Registration for thePrimary Election to be held in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park on


Tuesday, February 14, 1939

Notice of RegistrationPrimary ElectionGrosse Pointe Park, Mich.


Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

Avery ..modern miss is BeverlyAnne Barneburg, four-month-olddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. FrankBarneburg of Boston, who recentlyboarded an American Airlines planefor San Antonfo where she visitedhergrand~r. ~.i~ ..."'1~

j The uttle White Church aroundthe eorner" Radnor avenue (Lmcolnroad) at Mack avenue F EStern,pastor

Sunday school at 9 30 a mDlvtne serVlces at 10 45 a mThe newly elected church offlcers for

1939 wIll be mducted mto their re ..spechve offIces at Sunday s serVIces

The subject of the sermon Will beI Parents and Chll<iren"

The Y P S wlll meet SundaYI Jan ..uary 231d at 5 ~ m

Mt Ohve extends a cordial lnVlta-

hon to all Its serVlces




Sectioi11. It shall pe unlawfu1 forany person, firm or corporabon toconstruct, erect, place, use or abandonany Ice shanty, fishing shanty, houseshedl shelter or other stru'Cture or obstrucbon upon the frozen surface ofLake 5t Clalr wbhm the boundarIesof the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park

Section 2. Any such shanty, fishmgshanty house shed shelter or otherstructure or obstructIon constructederected placed, used or abandonedupon the frozen surface of Lake 5tclalr wlthIn the boundaries of the VI1~lage of Grosse potnte Park In ViolatIonof the proviSIons of thIS Ordmanceshall be removed and confiscated

SectiOn. 3. Any person who sha'lVIolate or aSSIst tn the VIolatIon of theprov1S1ons of thts Ordmance shall bepUnIshable by a fine not to exceed$100 00, or by ImprIsonment 1n the Vtl-lage or County Jail for a term not ex-ceedmg ntnety days, or both such fineand ImprIsonment may be Imposed tn

the dIst:rebon of the court For eacfJ.daY' that a violabcm of thIS ordmanceshall be permItted to eXist, the sart1eshall constItute a. separate and dls ..tlUct offense, and shall be so puntsh-able

Section 4. Att ordlnartces or partsof ordInances inCOnSIstent wlth theprOVISions of thlS oNhnanee ate ht:rebyexpressly repealed

SectioJ:1 5 ThIS ordlUante shall takeeffect twenty days from the date OlItS enactment

Passed January 6th 1939WILLIAM G STAMMAN.

Deputy Vlllage Clerk

TO PROfilBIT the placing ofIce Shanties, Fishing Shantiesor Other Structures or Ob-structiona upon the FrozenSurface of Lake St. Clair with.in the Limits of the Village ofGro..... Pointe Park.

Mr and Mrs George H Va.wter ofBedford road, left todaY' for FortLauderdale, Fla where they wlll stayuntil the first of A~rd

the best of whIch are dIsplayed FIveof a set of seventeen woodcuts on the1~1fe of the Virgin," produced shortlyafter the tUfn of the centurYI are alsomc1uded

Durmg Durer's second. SOjourn 1U

Italy he dId the I SlX Knots," whichare embroIdery patterns copied dl~rectly irom engravtngs In the styleof the Academy of Leonardo da Vmcl,one of these, the I Fourth Knot I IS rep-resented There are alSO two of thefive cuts, deSigned In 1510 to completethe 'Great Passion' setles the fDe-scent lOtO Limbo lJ and the IlResurrec-bon" Other magmficent examples ofDurer's techntcal perfection 10 the artof wood engravlOg are the Tnmty'also known as the Throne of God'(1511)and the St Chrtst~her' of thesame year

To complete the selection of woodeuts, one of the tllustrahons to Frey-dal s History of HIS Tournaments andMasquerades" executed for the Em-peror Maxufilhao, has been added aswen as the woodcut portratt of Durer sfrIend, "Ulrlch Varnbuhler" (1522)who became Chancellor of the chlefeourt of Justice under Maxunlhan

A beautIful Sliver pomt drawmg ofDurer s brother Hans slgned anddated 1503 provtdes an mtimate andfirstMhand ImptesslOn of the ease anddlrect manner In whlch the masterdrew As A M Hmd one of theemment authonties on the history ofthe graphIc arts, has stated, "Durerwas above all others the arhst whoseevery hne IS laId Wtth conSCIOUSthought •• He recognized the truestlImlts at the medIum tn whtch heworked never allowed technIcal vtrtuoStty to have the better of the centul:um of sIgnIficant c-ompo91t1on, andestabhshed a balanced style whIch re~mams the most perfect model of thehneMengraver's art t)


From New York to Florida via Canoe

Frank Murphy, with a typieal Irish grill, threw a",ay hIs map afterar!'lvlng In MIami, Fla., after a 1,5&O.nl1letriP from New York VIa theInland water route. The three months' triP cost hIM $40, and was madeIn an 18foot canoe eqUIpped WIth a four foot mast aud three squareyards of saIl,

"l •

2~clit. 2cea. Sc


TU.2.2149NI. 2553

1.lb.pk ••

We Deliver


• lb. 17~clb. 2S~c

lb. 23~clb. 32c




Ib.28c3 c~ 48c3 1>.... 10c

fit. 37cl2c

.... d. 8cpk ••




Bohemian BEER

Open Enala •• Till 9,00 P. M.


.alra 1&&Caft

M Durer corresponds, In "the North, tothat of Ius s!lghtlyolder nahan con-temporary, Leonardo da Vmc1, In theSouth, as one of the prmclpal guIdesm an age of humamstIc reasontng

Born In Nuremberg In 1471, wherehe dIed In 1528, the background ofDurer's a1't was steeped In the tl;'adl"tlOna1 German GOthIC style of that re-markable city The present e:;<hlblhonaffords a most Ideal opportunity tostudy the entIre range of Durer's a<:bVlty as a graphlc art1st, revealIng hISdevelopment irom the medieval can-vent10ns of the prenous epoch to themasterful reahsm of the new WIththe exception of a few Items the wholebody of hlS work on metal IS repreMsented Of the 102 copper engraVIngsletchmgs and <l.rypomt~, commonly ac-credIted to Durer, there are, as themost extraardlOary feature of the cur-rent showmg, mnety seven on VIewOf the woodcuts, a more hmited yetequally characterIsttc group has beensee1ded..

Among his -earbest work With thegraver IS IT/he ProdIgal Son It WhIChpreceded by about two years hIS firstdated plate (the' Four Naked Wom-en" of 1497) and WhICh With Its pene~tratmg reabsm and emotlonal ardor ISone of hIS best known pnnts After1500, the master's style rapidly reachedmaturIty, as eVldeneed 10 the presentexhibItlon by such celebrated master-pieces of thiS perIod as the f Sea Monster," f St Eustace," the decorabveI Coat of~Armsto and the Nativity"

Two trips to VenIce, one tn 1495 andanother In 1505-1507, brought to theyoung Durer an understandmg of theItahan gemus for <l.eslgn as well as adeep mterest In the antIque Among

j the outstandmg engravtngs producedbetween h15 first and second Journeys15 the I Adam and Eve,' dated 1504mto which a perfectIon of techmqueand a comprehensIon of the aspectsof claSSIcal beauty are combmed In

such a way as to form Durer's own"",== ..e~L..... .J1 Ideal of "man and w-oman drawn ac-<:ordmg to a canon of proport1ons"The two engravmgs, one small andone larg-e, of flHorses" demonstrate hiSproficiency In rendenng the ammal aswell as the human form •

In the -eXhibItIon, the complete seriesel .txteetl -eniTavulgS, known as thel'cQPper ..pla.te PasSIon" '(1507 ..1513), 15

dtsplayed ~ogether In a brdhant setSImilarly; all nIne of the small engravlOgS; dep1cttng the IIVlrgID. and Chtld,"whIch Durer executed between 1511and 1500; are also represented

W,lhlO the yoars 1513and 1514fallthree of Durer's most ambitious, andudoubtedly hIS most popularly }t:nownengravmgs, the 'IKmght, Death andthe Devtl/, '5t Jerome In HIS Sutdy,Uand I Melancholia," all handled WIthttemendoul power and depth of feel-

"'tI'Am011g' the five examples of en.

engraved portraIture, a field In whichDurer atootl. pre-emment among hIScontemporaries, the small 'CardlDalAlbrecht of Brandenburg' (1519)andthe •Phllt~ Melanctholl.' (1526)standout as pOSSibly the. most chara'Cterfulanti mCl$lve

Durer e~erunent.ed WIth etchIng be-tweon ISIS and 1518 On. of themore suct.fsS£ul of h1S lUXet<:hmgs oniron, five or wbleh are on view, 18lIThe Cannon,u dated 1518, a plate re~markable for ItS sturdy bne and broadexpanse of landsearpe He also at-tempted three drypomts, one of wh1chliThe Holy Trtmty' of about 1512, hasbeen <:hosen for the exhibition, as anexample of hIS exp1oItatI0I1 of thlSmed1um, WhIch was not to find tts full-est ripenmg untIl the tIme of Rem~brandt

In the field of ",ood engraVlng.themfiuence of Durer wU felt by prac-t1cally all the graphIC artists of hlStune in the North Unhke. modernartIsts, Durer des1gned the blocks, butd1d not cut them hunself A persist-ence of <:ertlm GothIC detaIls as. wellas the newly lOspIred Hallanate mflu~ence, are to be seert 1n the 'Men'sBath," done about 1497, the earhestexample of Durer s woodcuts m theexh1bttton, and also m the magnificentilApocalypse' stnes, of 1498, three of

PINI',SQuality Market

15210Mack Avenue

tho gr.at Phl1ad.l~h.. colloetor, MrLessmg J Rosenwald, who has madeslmllar contnbutlOns to Detr01t exhl-blt10ns 1n the past The present loanconstitutes the most Important exlll-bItton of Durer's ~raphic work everbefore shown 10 DetrOIt

The. career of Albrecht Durer asseen In hIS prmtsl marks the rapIdtransItIOn £rom the late medleval con-cept of hfe and art In Northern Eur.ope Into a renaissance perlod of mtel-lectual cultural and socIal revttahza-bOll PaInter, engravet, traveler andsctentlst, Durer typtfies the perfectllman of the RenaIssance" IIi whom thecurlOslty and seH absorbed questlomngof hIS age fo~nd theIr most profoundexpresston In hIS contInual strIVIngtoward sCIenttfic truth regard1ng thephYS1Caland spmtual character of ma."and hts envU'onment, the personalIty


Cabbage lb.HUBBARD



Fancy Frozen Scallops, Shrimp, Fillet of Sole, Fillet of f1ad.dock, Sea Perch, Fresh Bonelesa Perch Fillets, Fresh Fillets,and Smoked Fillets.



Lu.e SIze Cahfornia Seedle.a

Oranges do•• 23cFLORIDA JUICE

Oranges do .. 19cWAXED

Rutabaga lb. 3c:

We carry Ready.to-Roll Pie Cruat All you have to do iaroll it One package is enough for 3 one.crust piea



Smoked Ham S:~~b~~d •MILD. SUGAR' CURED

BACO N by th. pl ...














15&23 E. J.«•.,on


"When It Doesn't Cost Any Mort!Wh)' Not Have The Belt"



51 Oak St, In rear


w. spedahze In

Curtains and DrapesAll shirts with ianul,. laundry,

Deluxe finIShed. 1413ea.Pb ... e LE. 4233 498 Coplin

Free DeliveryFAMILY


llilbs. S<)C• All Flat Pieces Nicely

Ironed,b>el. f1andkerchiefs• All Wearinr Apparel

Returned Ready for IroningW. Do All Kind. of Leunclty

We Also Specialize inCurtains and Drape.


15205 Mack LE 4233



Nearly one hundred and fifty prmtsby Albrecht Durer one of the greatmasters of all tIme in the art of woodand metal engravIng, will be on VIewm an exhlblhon at the DetrOit Insti ..tute of Arts from January 3rd throughFebruary 15th These prmts, all ofwhleh ate Impressions of superb qual~lty, have been genl!rously loaned by

Exhibition of Printsby Albrecht Durer at

Detroit Art Institute

Thursday, Janu~ry 12. 1939

Page 4: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don

'j "1 ,*'i\!k"~~

Thursday, Tanuary 12, 193911I

-- - --Suit-Tennis Queen



No Dog Fights for Fido, He Wears Glassese 0

Fox < Farmer-Wins-$532,153

Though dogs, as a rule, have excellent eyeslght, some of them have heen known to he shortsighted. Atthe request of a patient, Robert Muller, Geneva optICIan, worked out a speCIal set of glasses for her dag.Plctured at the left Is the Swiss dottor measurlOg the distante from one eye to the other. At the right Dr.Muller Is lOsertlng a VISion test lens 10 the frame. The Inset shows Fldo all decked out 10 hls new spectacles,ready to 1'0 'Dromenadmg WIth his mistress

Jewish Children-Await1\.doption nyBritish Families

The announcement by President Roosevelt recently of the completion of plans for the trammg of20,000 college students annually as clvl1mn pilots, with a consequent Increase In the natIon s aIr force, hasproved eXCItIng to aircraft manufacturers. Above IS a VIew mSIde the North AmerIcan AVIation, Inc , plantnear Inglewood, Cabf. The baSIC combat and 0-47 observatIon assembly hnes are seen, With 0-47 WIngs VIsi-ble In the foreground.

Two hundred German JeWIsh refugee cbddren are as happy as they can be under the present cU'cum-stances. PIctured at the Dovercourt bay holIday camp, HarwIch, England, shortly after their recent arrIvalflom Germany, they awalt adoptlon by BrItlsh famlhes. T~y range 10 age from 12 to 17 years.

Returning fronl a sojourn of five months In the far north of Alaska, on Ushlga! Island, which she leasellfrom the government, MISS Kay Baker, West VIrginia soclabte, arrIved In Seattle WIth 20 foxes that she hadraIsed. Center 111set. Margaret Ayer Barnes, PulItzer prIze winner in 1931. who with Edward Sheldon, bed"rIdden writer, was awarded damages of $532,153 for the plaglar!Sm of theIr Broadway success, uDIsbonotedLady" The court held that the movie, uLetty LInton," mfrmged on theIr play~ At the rIght: MISS MargueritaMadden, 16, Boston, winner of the guls' national Indoor tennis title in recent New York matches. _



Member of the house of commonsat Ottawa, Mrs George Black 73was elected to that pOSItIon threeyears ago. Though elderly, she ISas actIve as she has ever been Attendmg the Alaska Yukon PIoneersannual banquet In Seattle, she sna1"~kled wIth JOVIal humor.



Methodlst Episcopal Illshop Ar-thur J Moore, returmng flomShanghaI to hIS headquarters In SanAntOnIO, Texas, declared that morethan 100 mISSIons, hospItals andschools have been deshoyed III thewar between Chma and Japan HAcentury's work has been d!S5Ipat~cd,' he saId


I ,I L £2~'\ IJ \ w

I Beneath the two men standIng onthe sculptured chIn of Abraham Lin-coln III the Mt. Rushmore nationalmemOrIal near Rapid City, S D, is Ia drop of 2 500 feet Size of the pro-file may be estllnated by COMparmg Ithe whole With the men standmgen l!'ec~

In addItIon to other badmmtonhonors, Mrs Del Barkhuff of SeattleIS the present natIonal champIonshIptIUe holder. For her conung toursIn defense of her tItles In Spokane,Los Angeles and New Yorl", shewlll travel 10,000 mlles.



Happenings of the NationsAviation Industry Spurred by College TrainingHines Conspiracy Case to Re-Open

Bovine Triplets Are Honored Guests

Rare in bovme VItal statistICS is the birth of trIplets In thIS photograph Clalence KInl) Jr IS sllOwmg off SUSIe, CharlIe and Tom, normal,healthy OffSPlJ.llg of Betsy, a holsteIn CtJw on the KlpP farm near Manctta, Pa. At tre tIme the 11dUle was taken the calves wele 18 days old.

Scientist Explains Functions of Brain

Tennis Champs Hold Friendly Session

, ;

The retrIal of James J. Hines, charged with conspiracy in the NewYork pohcy racket, wl1l begIn January 9, before Judge Charles C NottIn General SeSSiOns. DIstrIct Attorney Thomas E Dewey w1.l1~esumeprosecutIon of Hmes, who is pIctured hele WIth hIS WIfe. ,

Don Budge (left) and Ellsworth Vmes, the nation's top notch pro-t'essJOnal tenms players, pay a SOCIalcall on Allce Marble, natIonal am a-teul smgles and doubles tellms champIOn, at a New York hotel ,"hereshe IS apuearmg mghtly as a plofesslonal smgel. Budge, who recentlyturnee: pro, IS on exhIblhon tour WIth Vmes.

Page Four

T.be annual fly' boys' mmstrel showWIll be produced m the Hannan gymnUIUm before a capacIty audience Fnday nIght, January 13 at 7 30 SponBored by tl\e boys to benefit theIr clubwork the show prom1ses to be one ofthe outstandmg entertamment featur~s of the season

WIth a black-faced chorus of fiftyboys, a concert orchestra WIth twentyboy mUSICIans, a harrnomca band often boys ane!. a dozen song an.d gagart:l-sts, the cast WIll offer a w1de rangeof fun and fancy

The boys are beIng aSSisted by theFord Mountameers, Jerome and R1taGladys song and dance artists, andMISS MIldred Russell vocahst 'IrWllham Saunders WIll act as accompop"t

The boys are all busy thiS week puttmg the finlshmg touches 011 the rsnow and dlstrlbutmg tIckets amon ..theIr friends A capaCIty crO\"d ofparents and lJtterested fJ1ends al e expetted

Scandinavian MissionChurch

English Pianist to BeSymphony Society

Soloist January 21stAlec Templeton, brdhant young

English pIanIst who has been blmdsms:e chIldhood, wIll be presented asSOlOIst wIth the DetrOlt SymphonyOrchestra, VIctor Kolar conductmg atthe two concerts of Saturday, January 21. In Orchestra Hall Templetonwillappear at both the Young People spr6gram at 10 45 a m and the popu1ar prIced concert at 8 30 p m

In pomt of popularity TempletonestablIshed a. recOld last seaSOn whenon one of the wmter s blttelest mghtshe caused hundreds of loyal followersto be turned away from the box officeNothIng lIke 1t had happened In yearsof DetroIt mustc

AcclaImed a true genIUs' In Eng-land, "L'empleton was born of SCOttl:'1parents tn CardIff South Wales Hewon the BrItIsh Broadcastmg Corpor~atIon prIze for composItlon at the c1.geof 13, was awarded the Royal Academvof MusIc L ARM (Performer 5

dIploma) and contmued his studIes atthe Royal College of MusIc The London Dally Express sponsored a cantest which he won over a field of mOl ethan 8,000 entrants drawn from theentIre Umted Kmgdom The next fewyears were spent concert12:mg throughout EurOpe

In the Untted States Templeton hasappeared wIth great success 10 nearlyall of the larger CItIes and throughhIS work on the radIO 15 known tomUllons who have never seen h1m HISpU-Q-ll'sbed works are many and are'Wtdely performed

Templeton has chosen to play Saturday nIght Rachmamnoff s SecondConcerto In C Mmor, h1S largest localaSSIgnment to date The work Will beused to close the program m order topermIt Templeton as much tIme as 15needed to entertam the expeded capacIty audIence WIth hl5 art of ImproVIs~tton

K.olar wIll lead the orchestra mGluck's tuneful overture f Iph1g'en ain Auhs,'" Ghere's SymphOnIC Poem"Th(: SIfens,' Haydn 5 Serenade and afirst performance at these concerts of'fE$panhartem," a picture m mUS1C ofN~w York's Harlem by the Amencanorganist and Ford Sunday EvemngHour offICIal, Wdham J ReddIck

EdIth Rhetts Ttlton WIll lecture atthe Young People's concert whIch w1llInclude a demonstratIon of the orches-tra's strmg sectIon Solos Will be afered on the VIolIn VIola 'cello strmghass and harp Among the compOSltIons to be played w1ll be SamtSaens' I The Swan," BOSSI s f EveningPrayer," 'Fschalkowsky s. "Valse' andcfCaprlce Espagnole' for full orchestra

Templeton Will contI Ibute the thlrJmovement from the RachmanmoffConcerto and amuse the children wlth• number of ImprOV!Satlons new toOrchestra Halt audIences

"Y" Boys Minstrel atHannan Friday Night

Peggy MItchell, daughter of Mr and The SIze of thIS bram is not supposed to indIcate how some peopleMr Randall M Mitchell of Cadleu'\. teel the mo"mng after. It IS merely an O\elSIZed model of a bram show-

s "ng tne prmemle sensual areas It IS be1ng explamed to two Boy Scoutsroad, 15 now back at her stud1es at I by Joserh Bracco of the New York Museum of SCientific Industry atthe ConnectIcut CoIlege for Women Ia recent meetmg of the Amerlcan ASSOCIationfor the Advancement ofat New London, Conn I after her ex SCIence In RIchmond, Va~CltlUg hohday.,

The Scandmavlan MISSIon Churchheld Its first Sunday service at Defer$(:hool audItoflum January 8 We wereall pleasantly surprised at the largeattendance The meetmg was openedWIth a. half hour song serVIce Soloswere sung by Mr Wesley Slotter andMrs E Wahlborg and a duet by MrSlotter and Mrs Simonsen Dr FI edKrumbhng, a miSSIOnary for 13 yearsIn Chma, was the speaker 1\ ext Sun'day we WIn have the pleasure of llstenmg to Rev R Rowe There w1ll bespeCIal song serVIces every Sunday

Sunday School Will begm at 10 a 1dchurch at 11 Wednesday evenlllgthere WIll be a Young People s meetmg and chOIr practIce, at 7 30 and8 30 respechvely

We extend a hearty welcome andask you to come out and worshIp wItnus


. "

Page 5: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don


$ 3,410 ~'l1i,5

~ 10000lIeo115~:JO37,3'l$' 422330(1OQ

$ 27S7ar.fS




1480 &910147 9S6 0010 iJfl9 DO(15 Q38 03


$ 797,13? 41611 8M 69477,91626233161 {)3


Page Five. ...

(Continued on Page 51")


Mr and Mn Edward A M.cdonaldwere hosts Sunday morning at abreakfast for 70 gu.ests In thetr homeon Grayton road




"The Man oj a Tfr.ousandSongs"






J _; 1-::9 e::= ,£ u 1 _ wzLw~EPORT OF CONDITION OF

Grosse Pointe Bank


Frank Gillen

" -

Absentee VotersElectors unable to vote at the

Spring, Primary, and RegularElection due to absence from theTownship on account ofbusiness,vacation, or illness may obtainapplication for absentee ballotsfrom the Township Clerk.


LE.2177 15115 E. Jefferson

Pqbb.~ in , .. or""n ... ""0 • .;aUmacle lor "'. l'ed.,.1 Ref_ ".n!! ofthl$ dll,tl1.ct purs,u'JJt t.o the prOV1elO~Sof the Federal a••~e Act, anel b,.the CommisslOl1er ~f thtt Ban,iJ~f Depart.-nt pur.....nt to the pl'm,iotl.of Sec;tlon 8Z of the Michigan fiOUlCl&1 In.titUtlOllI act.


I Wilham R DeBae!<e C~,h.. r, of the ~bovo-n.",ed b~nk, hereby ~ertlfythat the above statement IS true to the best of my knowlec1$'e and. be1tef


Correct-Attest:, J05~Fj:l B ~£:H!egrMAN



STATE OF MI@T:W&ANg;OUNTY OF WAyNE",Sworn to and subScribed befOTelI'e tb" 11th d.y 01J.nu.ry, 1939

LOUIS C RENO,Notary Pubhc

My Colllmisslon Explr .. Dec 11, IQ39

CapItal •SurplusUndIVIded Profits ••Reserves

Demand depOSIts of mdlv1du;ls p.rtnershtpS, and corPQrahonsTIme deposlb of UUilvlduals, partnershIps a~d. cMpOr~hon$DepOSIts of States and pol1ttc:at llubdivunonsether d.po"ts (e~rtlfied .."d olileers' chee~" ete)

TOTAL DEFOSJrS ~3,40713804Other hablhttes


Lo.ns .nd dlscou.t~ (Inely4lnll' $10526 qvergnfh) •UnIted Stg..tes. 6Qverument obh$~bORS, dIrect and Ju~ranteeclOblIgations of ~tates and pohbcli-l $ubdlV1SlOnS •

Other bonds notes ;nd debenturesStock of feder.1 Reserve baskCash, balance wtth other b,nks mcludmg reserve balance, and cash

Items In process of collectionBan~ premIses ownedReal estate Gwned other than bank premisesOther assets


DECEMBER 31, 1938,

Mrs LOUIS Hart, of Winnetka., 111,left last week for her hom-e after VIS-

it1t1g her son and da.ughter"1n~ltw, Mrand Mrs Edward N H.rtwlck, ofTrombley road She was h~re 'Vls1tmg

In the Pomte over the hobdays


Christian Science

(Elontluued ft"'" Page OIle)The Dobbs Ferry a1ulU•• ",et for

luncheon F.t'1d~y at the Gro$se P01nteClub Cor. Buhl IS preSIdent of .begroup WhIle Ceha Demmg 1$ tre~sur«

~ '" '"Mn FTed M Zeder .nd hel' d.u¥b-

tel', Dorothy, of East J effersou ;venue,left Monday for New York, fro", (SEAL)where they WIll ~o to MtamI to spendthe remamder of the wUlter months 1

"The Governor of the Feast Ie;nor.ant, the Servants WIse" WIll be thesubJect of the sermon at the GrouePomte Lutheran Church, worshIpIng 1nthe RIch~rd School audttonum Ker ..chev~l and McKmley, Sunday m.orn~lng, January lS, at 11 o'clock preachedby tho Rev M Luther Canup D D,Nstor Th~ .nnu.1 cOPl1'"eg.tlon.lmeeting WIll fol1ow the sermon tITheTrionsformtnJ Power of Prayer" willbe the topIC tau¥ht In the upper ¥rad••of the Sund.y school at 9 45 o'cloc~,where we have classes for all Jrade$a~d ~11 ages

At thIS sosslon of 5und.¥ Schoolthe first report Wilt be gIVen of thefnendly contest {or new members andreS'ulanty between the boys and ~1rl$of the school ThIS contest WIll la,tfrom New Year to Easter Come ~t1.dJom our school and. gIve your familyrelIgIOUs tn~truct1on RemaIn for thesermon ~t 11 o'clock


Grosse Pointe LutheranChurch

TROOP 184At the Januf-ry 6 meetm$ In Chnst

Church Ch~'p~l, the girls deCIded eachpatrol shQuld gIve a play connectedWIth gIrl 5l;QUtS These wlll be ?re~sent.ed next week to the rest of thetroop =C N

TROOP 138Glf'1 Scout ortgtns ~nd regulatlQits

were explamed to tl-e gtr1s of Troop138 at theIr last meetmg Plans arebemg made fQr a trtp to GreenfieldVIllage some Saturday In the nearfuture KnIttIng WIll be resumed atthe next meettng -C H

TROOP 129On J.nuary 4, Troop 129 beld Its

first meetlng $£ the year Prepara~hons f~r the pot !uc~ supper to be heldthe followmg Wednesday were madeEach girl brou~ht somethmg for thesupper -M E T

TROOP 1%4The girls pf 'fro"!' 124 ~re pl.nams

a bazaar WhICh w111 be held 10 theh.lls of the Robert Trombly schoolen January 18 ThiS IS ~lso the meet~tng 1l1ght af the Parent Teachers ~s..SOclatton Everyone IS mVlted whacares, to buy any sf the haRdmorkmade by the girls -11 E N


I LIfe" Will be the subject of theLesson ..Sermon In all Chrlsttan SCI"

ence Chut'ches throughout the worldon Sunday, Janua.ry 15

The Ciolden Text (Proverbs 12 28)IS In the way of rlghteousneu 1$hfe anti In the pathway thereof there15 no death II

Among the Bible CItations l' thISp'lSage (John 17 3) "And thIS IS hfeeternal that they lmght know thet theonly true God .nd J esu. ChrISt, whOIllthou has sent"

CorrelatIve passages to be rea.d fromthe ChflShan Sctence textbook • SCt,.ence and :Health WIth Key to theScnptures," by Mary Eaker Eddy 111"

elude the followmg (p 410): "'fhlSIS hfe eternal' !Says JeSUS,-1S, notshall be, .nd then he defime. everlastmg Me ., a pn.ent !<l\Owledg.ofhIS F.thOT and of hlm.. ll,-theknowledge pf Love, Truth .nd LIfe"

Art mdlvIdua1tst Stefan ZweIg hasnever belong to a party or specialgroup, and has never accepted allYtttle or decoratIon He took: hIS degree 1n hlstory and philosophy In

Vlenna where he was born He hved10 Salzburg for many years but forthe past several years has hved In

EnglandT1ckets are avaIlable ~t Grmnell $




Ions, what we do when we drem-n,clalrvoyance, mfant prodlgles dmJbleand trtple personahttes In the samebody c1aIraudience, telepathy

Isles," both Book of-the-Month ClubseleetIons and best sellers HIS latestbook flConqueror of the Seas' was t

Literary GUIld chOice last Februar)The film versIon of IlMar1e AntOln-

Stefan Zweig to Speak I ette made by M-G-M and starrmg

T H 11J 1 Norma Shearer and Tyrone Powerat own a an. 8 has been a tremendous success HIli

- modern adaptatton of Ben Johnson sStefan ZWieg famous European bI~ IVolpone,' presented by the New York

ographer and novelIst, and the most Theatre GUild With Lynne F"nta tletranslated of hVlng authors, Will speak and Alfred Lunt, WIll soon be seenbefore the DetrOIt Town Hall In the on the streenFIsher Theatre next Wednesday, Jaruary 18 ~t 11 a m In hIS talle TheHIstory of TomorrowJ' he WIll dealWith the comIng hIstory of mankmdas propheslzed by the past

ZWIeg's books accd'rdmg to the Stabatteal Bureau of the League of 1'-T.i~

hons, ha.ve been translated l1"tO morethan 30 languages, mcludm~ surn un~common ton$'Ues as Chtne~e, Japan.ese, Georgtan and lndlan He 15 bestknown In the UnIted States for hIS twomasterful and amazmgly successfulbIographIes flMarle Antomette' andUMary, Queen of Scotland and the





Phone TU 2.2650


Scientific Reducing TreatmentsTHE TUNNEY flEALTH SYSTEM

Ladl.. ' BT.".hCOT.Jeff .... on .nd Copbn (2nd 1I00T) Opp. ClndeTell. Th ... l1"e

Phon. L... o. 0Il88

SKYWAYA Hall at Mack and Philip

AceOJDmodatUlI' Irem SO to 300couple. Ideal for dances, meetll'l",pal"tlee Can 'be seen 'by appoint........ Call NI. 9314.

pounds DurIng theIr voyage theLambs were wrecked many hmesspIlled en for-end tn the crashmg surf,attacked by crocodlles and by hostIlesavages, caught 1n a bayou forest oreFmally three years after they startedtheIrs became the smallest craft everto pass through the Panama Canal

Dr Anspacher a hie-long student ofthe occult wlll tell why he belIevesthat the dead communicate WIth thehvmg, and that the human persona.1ttysurVIves after death Durmg eachlecture he will relate a ghost storywhIch he hl1uself has Investliated andbel1eves true at the end of hIS talkshe WIll answer questions from theaudIence He wIll offer and dISCUSSlipeclfic caS'C5 of ghostly v1S1tabons,phantasms of the bvmg and dead, VlS-


100 Larse"

of the

~ U!J!!I W; I I1III111 Ultl;lllIlIIllW III W 11l1l1lJ III 111111111111111111;11'1111 i;11111111:: I I: I; 1I1!1I


None"No Job too Small,

Better Kind

Grosse Pointe Printing Co.Publishers of

The (;r6sse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval Ave. LEnox 1162



:::1l1l1l~1~1!lI:nmll~lIlllllllIii ItlllllfJll

.tl~1 tll litI litI t1tl:lllttltl:~tlt: 1tl:lIltPltl lit' ltilltli It; ; It:: It:: Itn ItUltl! 1;::=:;lIl 'lIl"' UtiU"llJ"ltllllllllltlllltllhlllllllllllllllllltllr£illllllllllUllllllllllltllClllllllIIlJUllJlttIJltlliIIt1J'ltl:lItl:t1lli; IltltlllllllltU U::lllll:lUU::lll 1lll;llIlIlJl:lllllltl:tllllll :IlI!:Illl:llll:lltlll: tl:llll:tlll:lllllli wmm~:: H



919 Barrington Rd.

Beginners, advanc ..<1, children, adults; private and class les-"ons in Ballet, Toe, Tap, Acrobatic, Ballroom for juniors andadults; ladies' exere-'aing and tap.

1.h r Class Lessons SOcents

Grosse Pointe's 01 dest and Most Popular Dancing School

Thursday, Januar)' 12, 1939


Dan and Ginge r Lambat Art Institu'te Jan. 15

the final two of four lectures onPSYChIC Phenomena" by the New

York dramatist and phl1osopher, Dr

Dan and Gmger La mb hero and LOUIS K Anspacherherome of 1938s best selhng adven~ For the1r dangerous 16000 mIleture book I Enchanted Vagabonds," three year voyage the Lambs deSIgnedWIll show thetr new IT tot on pIctures a specIal 16-foot canoe, the I Vaga.and speak on I From ~)an DIego to bonda' whIch wetghed only 130Panama 10 a 16 Foot (anoe on the pounds ThIS ~turdy httle craft wasWorld Adventure Sene'" platforn at seaworthy enough to let them saIl out ..the DetrOIt Instltute of Arts at 3 30 SIde the breaKer lme and each mghtnext Sunday afternoon January 1~!land through the surf Then entueOn Monday and Tues jay evenmgs duffel-salls paddles food, cameras,January 16 and 17, the "oenes presents plstQls and clothmg-welghed just 140




Page 6: !.J,,~~ J.l'tUtt,digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...thousand dollar layout to put the placa 1U repaIr Your Permanent Home CommIttee IS still ~ orkmg, so don




• lb. 35c• lb. 17c

• lb. 19c• Ib 17c

• lb. 27c• lb. 20c

• lb. 21c

3 Pk,.' Dc

344 Rlnrd BIYcL1S229 Kercheval A",elI.Ult

Murray 9340

Thursda y, Tanuary 12, 193

Barbara A nn Caulkms, daughtlMr and Mr s George P Caulkl~Rivard Blvd IS back at her stud~Wellesley Cf "Uege George and Iher two brc ,thers, have also ret~to their stue hes at the HIlls SchoLConcord, MiSS





17315 Mack AvenueNIagara 0054

15222E Jefferson Ave.MU 9057

BECAUSB of our ezctul", .... .,.......... ..... ..man thl& amlllUli paraftt.,1'Buy anJ' Kroger brand With tht,. .taL 14'" It 1lettV Orreturn unused pari ID orlptal cotitamu W. trill ",lace I,"FREB UI att;, brand •• _II, nprdl ... of prle.. \

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Butter lb. 28c


EGGS do•• 23c







Donna's Hair & Health StudioAll Branches of Beauty Culture

TU.2.2160 16912 Kercheval

Why Age Before Your Time 1

••. All Contribute to the post.holidayletdown Consult Donna for a shortcut to Southern Health, includingsun tan, through• Swedish Massages

• Salt Glo Rubs• Steam Table

Over FatigueExcessive Weight

Climatic Changes

every household.As long as we have to eat why not

eat the correct way? Whether thefood 15 raw, cooked or concentrated,shouldn t make any dl:fference, If wesatisfy our bdy's need

• Ib•




Beef Roast • lb. 27c BEEFPORK LOIN ROAST ~~'tSLICEDBACON.Leg-O-Lamb i~~~~R•NEW PACK

S,~ELTS • • Ib. IOc CHOPS.Chuck Roast of Beef

FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave 16117 Mack AvenuePhones. NI. 6500.6501 NIagara 0167

20788 Mack Ave, Lochmoor

If the person In the gro-cery de-partment fads to mentIon ClockBread before you pay for yourgrocery purchases-you can getBr free loaf ef Clock Bread ..

At Your Kroger Store-

Pillsbury' S 2':~'Jb81 cFamous For Flavor-Except 3 Kind.

Campbell's 3can,25cSudan, Pure Black

Pepper • 2~1,~~25cVegetable Shortenings

Crisco-Spry 3 ~:n49c6 Famous Flavora

Jell-o Dessert .kg 5cCountry Club Soda or GJ'aham

Crackers • 2 ,;~.23c

ICii;e;eh Bread lo.f 1DcCoconut Gold

ILayer Cake ... ,h 15cI Yellow Laundry Soap-

iFels-Naptha 6 bar,25cITis~'iie . 4 ,oll.19c,JUMBO FLORIDA



Potatoe 10 Ib,. 2Sc Apple 6 for 25cFANCY OUTDOOR LARGE HEAD I C

Tomatoe Ib ISc Lettuce 2 for 15c


CONCENTRA, Ie as the name un~phes, a hl.ghly concentrated, dehydratedvegetable root and frUlt compoundThiS IS 111 capsule form and con tamsrhubarb, loya bean meal Insh seamoss, gravel root, and dehydrated cran-berrIes.

There are SIxteen maJor elements inthe body whICh must be fur111shed tothe body through foods If there IS anover-supply or a defiCIency of theseelements 10 the body, then that body11 abnormaL

The rhubarb aIds the ehmmatIon ofpOIsons from the body The rhubarbused In CON CENTRA IS the veryhIghest grade of the Chmese vanety

The soya bean meal I' the food sub-stance contammg a powerful ferment011 which IS an excellent dIabetIc foodThe Irish ..sea moss furnIshes Iron andIodIne Most vegetables do not con tama suffiCIent amount of Ifon and lodlOe

The gravel root IS a cleaner forour kJdneys, thereby el1mmatmg P01-60ns accumulated In the kIdneys, Justas the rhubarb does for the alImentarytract The Dehydrated CranberrIes 15 atable Item whose value 15 famIlIar 1~


High School Notes

2 Outstanding Artistsat Art Institute Jan. 18

The 'Grosse POInte Rotary Clubmade a tour of the HIgh school Mon-day

After obserVIng noon recreatIon, theclub vISIted all the floors mcludIng thebasement DInner was served tn theteachers' dmmg room at 12 45 o'clock

After dmner members of the clubadJourned to the audItOrIUm where theA Capella ChOIr, under the directionof Mr WIllIam WatkInS staged GIl-bert and Sulhvan's "TrIal by Jury'

the subJect, "The Most Beloved APOS-,tIe"

Young People's week wIll be ob-Iserved January 29 to February 5

The strong Grosse Pomte reserveteam kept ItS record perfect by over-powermg the Mt Clemens team 37 11before the Var$Ity game Friday

In WInning their fourth game of theseason the locals held the Bathers tothree field goals and five fouls whilethey were able to score seenllngly atwill

Grosse Pomte's sWImmmg team beata strong Fordson squad tast FrIday In

the home pool by the score of 43 38The home team receIved a break

when th~ Tractor 180 yard relay teamwas dIsqualIfied because a man left theend of the pool before the pflevlOUSman had touched

Two records were broken durmgthe meet, each team getttng oneCzeresko of For.dson broke the poolrecord In the 120-yard IndIVIdual med-ley by travehng the dIstance m 1 mm-ute 23 5 seconds Joe Conrad, GrossePomte free styler, swam the 220 In 2mmutes 28 5 seconds, whIch 1S the besttIme ever made by a Grosse POInte \SWImmer I

:For Its annual mld-wmter concertWednesday evel'lmg, January 18 at theDetrOIt Institute of Arts auditOriumthe In and About DetrOIt MUSIC Edu-cators Club IS presentIng two outstand-Ing artists Mrs Thelma Van EIsen-hauer DetrOIt's own soprano and MrAugust Maekelberghe, well-known or-ganist

At the recent performance of TheMeSSiah sponsored by Wayne Umver-Slty, Mrs Von EIsenhauer was theonly native Detrolter carrytng a prIn-CIpal role

Mr Maekelberghe has been .a member of the staff of WWJ and dunngthe past summer was guest orgamstat Cranbrook

Assisttng MISS Darts Lenz, generalchatrman are MISS Clara Ellen Starr,patrons, MISS Gettrude Fleml11g, housecomnl1tte., MISS Mabel Mickle pro-gram, and MISS Isabel Hoersch, tIckets

Mental Hygiene Topicof Trombly Study Group

Mental hygiene IS to be the subjectfor dISCUSSIon111 the class headed byMrs Helen R Sherman on Thursdayrnornm~s at 9 45 o'clock 111 the Trombly School library

It IS planned to use modern novelsto Illustrate the development of per-sonalIty, WIth panel diSCUSSions bythose members of the class who Wishto contnbute

Won't you jam? The regIstrationfee IS SO cents for 12 classes Besure to regIster for the opeol11g classon January 12

Society(Contmued from Page F,.e)

Mrs Ernest M Baker returned themiddle part of last week to her homeon Maumee Blvd, after spendl11g theholIdays 10 Bernardsville, N J, whereshe has her summer horne

• • •Mr and Mrs FrederIck C Burden,

of East Jefferson avenue, are now VIS-It1n, theIr son and daughter-m-law,Mr and Mra Frederick C Burden,]r,of Tempe, ArJz They wIll also VISittheIr son-m-law "nd daughter, Mr andMrs Ernest R May, Jt, of Sunshme,Wyo. befor-e they return home In the'Sprmg


J N CumtrmgsAmerican Federa-

Lochmoor ProtestantChurch

Fort PontchartrainChapter, D. A. R.

Ea.tminater Presby.terian Church

Labor Unionism Themeof Hannan Forum Series

Representatives of the C I 0, the~ F of L, the N L R B and theEmployers ASSOCiation of DetrOIt WIllbe the headlme attractions on a seriesof FIreSIde Forums to be held at ip m on the four .. Mondays begmnmgJanuary 16 $t the Hannan Memorl"lBranch, Y M C A Appearmg onthe program on separate evenmgs thespeakers WIll descrIbe the orgamzab6nand purposes of their respectiveunIons and agencies and WIll attemptto c1anfy the thmkIng of Hannanmembers WIth respect to may of thetroublesome problems Involved In cur-rent labor and untOn clfdes

The speakers are scheduled to ap-pear as follows

January 16-Mr Adolph Germer,RegIonal DIrector Committee on In-dustrIal Orgamzabon

January 23-Mr Frank H Bowen,Regtonal DIrector, National Labor Re-lations Board

January 30-Mr Chster M Culver,Manager, Employers ASSOCiation ofDetrOIt

February 6-MrReglOnal Directorbon of Labor.

The second sermon In a serIes onModern Meamngs m Old Doctrmes,'

bemg gIven by the Rev 0 W Bur-dette Olson at the Lochmoor Protest-ant Church Mason School on Vernterroad, WIll be preached next Sunday,January 15 and 15 entttied 'The Doc-trme of Man"

Worship serVIce 15 from 9 30 to10 40 a m followed by an adult''S andyoung people's Sunday school se~vlcefrom 10 45 to 11 15 As usual, Sundayschool w1l1 be held for all childrenfrom 2 11 years of age, from 9 30 to11 IS

The new senes begun last Sunday}by the Rev Olson, alms to more

clearly define old rehglous and phl1osophlcal concepts tn the bght of thenew generation Three mal e Will follow the one menhoned aboH Theyare as follows

January 22- The DoctrIne of JesusChrist"

January 29-"The Doctrme of SIn "February 5-' The Doctrme of Sal-

vahon"At the morntng servtce on Sunda)

January 22 the Sacrament of theLord s Supper Will be obsen ed

J.an Re,tn,ck, daughter of Mr andMrs Robert C Restrlck, of HamIltondrIve, returned last week to New Orwleans, La, where she IS enrolled as astudent at SophIe Newcomb College• • •

Members of the Marwle SororIty arebusy these days WIth last mmute prep-aratIons for theIr Sweater and Sku tdance to be gwen the evenIng of Feb-ruary 4 at the Bonnte Brook Country

Sunday school at 9 45 a m Club ThIS dance promises to be oneAt 11 am, Dr Carl E Ktrcher, of the outstandmg ones of the yeclr,

pastor, IS preachmg a sermon, whIch and It seems as though Just aho.!the as welt as the Elders are anXIOUs everyone IS ~otng to attend After thefor everyone to hear The sermon IS dance I'll tell you the names of theentItled, "The Power Lme" many Pomters present

Christlan Endeavor groups meet at '" * '"6 15 p m Friday Mrs C Gl1bert Waldo Jr,

At 7 30 p m WIll be the concludmg of Country Club Lane, left for the Eastservice of the 'Week of Prayer" serv- With her daughter Anne who \\111 re-Ices which the Eastmmster Presby- sume her studies at the Wheelerterlan Church IS Uhlh1J.g WIth the Ker- School In ProvIdencecheval Avenue Evangehcal, Grace • • •EvangelIcal, and Jefferson Avenue Mrs BenJamm S Warren spokeMethodIst churches Dr KIrcher WIll Monday at the Neighborhood Club on!lpeak on the subJect 'For Tll1ne IS the • The Gardens of ChIna and Japan'Kmgdom the Power' at a lecture sponsored by the DetrOit

Wedne,day evenIng we WIll study: Garden Center,

As a challenge and disarmIng gest-ure toward the supposed 11DXof Fn-day the thtrteenth Mra. JGhn C Shawsoctal chatrman of Fort PontchartramChapter, Daughters of the AmencanRevolutton has gIVen the name "LUckyBndge' to the benefit bndge partyplanned for members and fnends ofthe chapter, FrIday afternoon, Janu-ary 13 from two to five o'clock, at theInglestde club Tho "good luck" mottfWIll be carried out In the decorattons,prizes, and In vartous deVices used

cl Proceeds wtll be used for the chap-terts phIlanthropies

Mrs Glenn S Patterson, Mrs Ken-net LandIS and Mrs 0 Dale Reynolds,VIce chaIrmen of the SOCIal commtttee,are 111 charge of selectmg and dIsplay.mg door pnzes ASSistants m dIstnb.uhng these door prizes wIll be MrsHenry B Kellogg Mrs Glenn Ethn-ger, Mrs FrederIC L Wyckoff andMrs C Clayton Lamer

Mrs Donald G RobInson, also a.VIce chairman In charge of tables, 11

aSSisted by Mrs Paul J MeIser Oth-ers on thts committee are Mrs Rob-ert S Boynton Mrs Charles KCooper and Mrs Harold Larkms MrsLawrence E Lyons WIll arrange thetables and superVIse the decorations

Fort Pontchartram Chapter JuniOrs,headed by theIr preSIdent Mrs MerleJ ChurchIll WIll hold a baked goodssale 111 conJunction WIth the bndgeparty

TIckets may be obtamed from 'MrsShaw, or any member of her coft1m1t-tee

Mrs Church and the Juniors area1.'3;o111 charge of the program at thene'"tt meetmg of the chapter, FrIdayafternoon January 20 at Hotel Stat-ler the details of which Will be an-nounced later

LE 3478

Lenox 0707


Member of the NationalDeSigners Gudd


Maryland at Jefferson

GROSSE POINTE-Front room forone or two young men, breakfast I

and garage If d~slred Call NI 9081

Wanted to Rent

PersonalJIMMY ANDERSOA, expert stmon

tzer at Strittmatter's MobI1gas Se-Ice, Kercheval and Lakepomv

of Grosse Pointe

10 passed February 10, 1916 contains in

•Harry A. Furton,Village Clerk

by order of Village Council

For Sale

Work Wanted


Comp'lete Plumbing and HeatingStokers and Gas Burners Repaired and Installed

SUIIIpand Septic Tanks Serviced and Cleaned

TU. 2.3737 20752 Mack, LochmoorNight Calls - Pingree 2861.8787



A Ford Dealer oyer ZOyears - AUTHORIZED _ to .erve this district

Our Service Department is spacious, easy to drive in-auy to drive out-For your convenience our Motor CyclePick-Up will call for and deliver your car at no cost to you.J. F Ackerman, Mgr. Cliff Lewis, Service Supt.

15103 Kercheval at Maryland


The removal of snow and ice from sidewalks is requiredby Ordinance.

Notice to Residents:

Ordinance Nopart as follows:

Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisionsof this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceedingtwenty-five dollars ($25.00) or imprisonment in the CountyJail not exceeding ten days, or both such fine and imprison-ment in the discretion of the Court


That, in order to protect the children, McKinley Avenuefrom Kercheval to Ridge Road has been designated a one.way northbound street from 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M on schooldays.

Section 2. Where ice has formed on any such sidewalk,such owner or occupant, as above provided, shall within sixhours after the same has formed, cause a sufficient quantityof sawdust, salt, sand or ashes to be strewn thereon in sucha manner as to render the same safe for persons walkingthereon.

Section 1. No person shall permit any snow or ice toremain on the sidewalks in the front, rear or side of anyhouse, premises, building or lot owned or occupied by him fora longer period than twenty-four (24) hours after the samehaa fallen or formed

Review LinersHARTMAN Wardrobe trunk, cost YOUNG ProfessIonal man seeks room

$90 00 sell for $1500 excellent con In qUIet adult home good sectIongarage desIrable Box A Grosse

dltton Also chest of drawers, $700 Pamte ReVIew 15115 KerchevalMurray 3924USED Mahogany apartment dlOlOg FOR RENT

room set, drop leaf table buffet and FOR PARTIES-AutomatIc phono~fOUf chaIrs good condItIon, $20 cash graphs best orchestras, latest reeCaIl Tuxedo 2-2004 ords Grosse Pomte MUSIC NI 5864CROCHETED BED SPREAD or M' II

table cover wondersheen 126' by Isce aneous108', never used, wIll sacnfice LE GET YOUR HATS remodeled or4539 trImmed WIth straw for sprmg

Cleaned and Blocked E WoodwardHelp Wanted - Female DR 4168

GIRL to do housework by the weekhome mghts, famIly of two TU

2 1159

WOMAN for housework Call after10 34 Oak NIagara 3960

EXPERIENCED Laundress wantswork references NI 5638

COMPETENT mIddle aged lady willcare for chtldren evenmgs or durmg

the day Murray 2992EXPERIENCED Laundress WIll do

first class work In own home ah.acurtams references 3616 (.adleu"(Call NI 8212REFINED LADY as companion, free

to havel, can dnve car or housekeeper In adult famIly full chargecapable and dependable Lenox 2297AMERl(' AN WhIte laundress wants

work to do In own home Clothesseparately washed buttons replacedspace and eqUIpment to do best ofwotk, first class shIrt Ironer, deltveryserVIce TU 2 2779

Page Six

Room. for RentGROSSE POINTE-W,dow wl11 rent

lovely large room WIth kItchen prlVdeges to employed couple, referencesexchanged; reasonable TU 2 3129

FURNISHED ROOM Faml1y of twoWish to share theIr new modern

home, or rent room board optIonalgarage; maId serVice, near Jeffersontransportation Phone Fnday Tuxedo 2-1262



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