UD. WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY By Mal! $2 00 per year, Smgle Coples 5 Cents IDe arms ,m~~ ~ro~~t poinit )Rtuicn), \ THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSiONAL DISTRIC.T GRO~::,T" POIN1E MIChIGAN, TH"lRSD,\Y ,\UGUST 6, 1936 L B OLDHAM, rubhsher Imers THE GROSSE POINTE PRINTING CO. puhh.her. PHONE LENOX 1162 V()L lo-NO 50 I l I You NEED NOT register if: 1 -You are properly registered and have voted during the last two years. If you intend to vote in the Presidential Election next November you must be a registered voter. The following facts govern votmg registration in Michigan. Study these facts: You MUST register if: 1 -You have never registered. 2 -You have not voted for two years or more, 3 -You have moved and failed to have the Township Clerk, or the Clerk in the City of Grosse Pointe transfer your voting address. 4 -You will be 21 years old by September 15 and desire to vote in the primary election on that date. Are Yon Registered To Vote This Fall? 2 -You have moved and notified the city clerk of your change of address. Any American citizen, native-born or naturalized, who is 21 years old and PROPERLY REGISTERED and who has been in the state six months and in the Township "" City Of Grosse Po1Ote 20 days, may vote. Michigan law requires the election commission to re- move the name of any voter who has failed to vote during any two-year pE'riod and THAT PERSON MUST RE-REG- ISTER to vote. Any person, now under 21, but who will be 21 years old by Septembe; 15, the date of the primary election, may register now. NatUl a1ized Ameri~ans may savE' time and trouble by having their citizenship papers with them when they registe,. Grosse Pomte voters must register at the Township office in the Munic,pal Building, 15115 E. Jefferson to vote in the Town.hip, ..vhich is open from 9 a. m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, To vote in the City of Grosse Pointe you must register at the C,ty Hall, 17150 Maumee avenue between the hours of 9:00 a, m. and 4:30 p. m., Sat- urdays, 9 :00 a. m. to 12 :00 noon. For the convenience of City of Grosse Pointe voters who find It impossible to registe. during the stated bme, the Clerk's office will be open from 7 :30 p. m. to 9 p. m. for the registering of voters Wednesday. It costs nothing to reg.ster. I August 26 is the final day on which voters may register for the next pr,mary electiOn September 15. ~ Registering now will save stand10g 10 line later. All those wishing absentee voters ballots are urged file application for same as early as possible. MOST PEOPLE ARE BOOK LOVERS- BANK BOOKS -'NO FOCKET500KSI J._~~ ........ ",:f.- "Da.rk and Bloody Ground" Kentucky 15 called the dark and bloody ground because It was the scene of frequent Indlan wars. Gomer Kr1se R€iPrulbhoan nOffi1l1ee for PIOSC-"'Cutlllg Attorney In 1934 Sat urdav annoullLced hIS cand~dacy f01"the Republ can nommatlOn for tlhat office ... t the pnmanes September 15 Kn~e has a long notaJble record 11 the field of prosecutJons haJvmg spent 12 years 111 the iPf"osecutors offioe He \'va<; arpo nted ASS1StaJ11tPros<8cutlllb t\ Horney n the fall of nnz by Paul ~ W "oorhlcs the yotwgest vvlho nad I everr been apPoll1ted to that office He C'M"'ly won recogll1tton In a campaIgn i dga1l1st V1ce and Immoral oonditlon wruch had sprung up 111 tlhe nelglhbor hood of our pUlbhc schlOols dunng the prohlbltlOn era 1 he hrst convlc+ on In Ml<oh.Iganfor vlOlahon ot state gambltng laws wa'i obtal11ed by Krise wthen a Jury return ((antI lUed on Page Four) Gomer Krise Candidate for Way n e County Prosecuting Attorney The Beaconsfield Drug Compau) at b401 Malek avenue at Beaco11J:>fieldare pleased to announce tihat MrQlngement~ have been m~de to extend a much needed service In the V1C1ntty combm lllg t Ie faclht1eiS of a sub post offia w1th t lat of a modern drug st-ore The ovvncrs James A Carano WilO resldes 111the nelg'hborh-ood and Harry Sla71usktt are w1d<>lyknown throughout the (;,-ro;,se pomte area You wll1 find all drug necess1ttes faY orably pl1'1cedand a prescnptlOn labora 10:ryequ"pped to extenC1careful rund ef fiC1ent serVIce REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Post Office and Drug Store Facillbes AVaIlable Returnmg from a bnef sOjourn at the Muskoka Lakes CanJ.da MISS Dorothy Mae GamJble of Grosse P011ltt' accompalted by her hance Mr Karl Ehlenrteldt of DetrOit and famlly Will spend the 1emamder of{the summer at Mullet Lake Mlclllga.n v..here \Ir and 'In l.hlc.ntE"ldt ma111ta1l1 the r summer re<;tdence The barbers of Wayne County antIc Ipate an early &cttlement Qt the StrJKf \\ 11,lOhoffic1ally opened Monday III \\ hlOh se" eral t!hJoTUsandJourneyma'1 barbers and Ul1ltedl Master Ba110el" partlcIpated m a movement to enfouct the 7 p n c1os1I1g agreement The balber shorps are sVlT1ngmgIn ( hne and It has oeel1 reported t at m.... ll nevv cartchdates Ihave deslgna:ted a de Sire to )oon tthe org«.11lzatIon-s m tl" mterest of shorter hOUr<; (.-ommtttee" have been appomted to ..,ee :If the new agreem"nt IS bemg It\ ed up to and fro'l11a survey of t e "urroundlllg terl1tory barbers 0& Gro e P01l1te and V1CltUtywelcome the OIb \ ~ervance of the dos-1l1gat 7 0 clock allCl are co operatl11g ------- Barbers Anticipate Early Settlement of Strike ltnquent real estate taxes \\ ere pa1d or reVIved 1n MIchIgan <LurIng last year 5 dnve J1hl'l )ear s dr-lve w111 'Urge the tax Va) ers who are on trlJe ten year plan to make the1r socond payments befure September 1st 111 order to keep the1r tax records clear and avo!d pe laltles It WIll also perSUade those not yet on the 'ten year plan- to come un(ler It fUi-ally It W111 'Poln~ out that due to ll111prO\eo bu mess cOJ1c1ltlOrns or dbtrl butlon of the sold1ers bonus, many taxpaye1 s are now In a 'POiSltlo:n to pay up tibelI' remall1111g rblalaoces on the ten') ear plan so as to save them '>elves 8 to 36 per cent mte.rest 01' fuLure payments \Vhen Abraham Lmooln wa'l once aSiked how he managed to get so mue t work done he reiPlled When I have somet'"tl11gto do I go aoo d-oIt M1.c 1 tga.n had a Job to do-and what a job' fo tlhe credit of oUl' state OIfl(:1alsbe 1t ~ald that our sta1e has gone 2.11<1 done It ' REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Aga111 tihe Statel 'OIf Mllchlg3.lnlead~ the way 111 busmes'Shke conduct ()Ifstate busmess Gov Frank D FItzgerald by 11I1S dec'1dmg vote wrl:etl the project v.as before the State AdmmI&trative BOdrd assured anO'tll1!e'r state WHilead vertlSlng campaJgn to e11laouragecollee hon of delinquent ta~s The Sta>te of Mlcl11gan Wtll spend ~27 000 for the new <:ampaLgnt-hat ""111 be conducted dt.rmg the month of Aug- ust The dnve w1ll be han'<1lod by '-'!Ilton M Alexander of DetrOIt, na tlonally k'l1O\\ n a'<1'Verhsl11lg man who conceIved and conducted last year s notably SUiCCeSlSful effort Thl"re IS no more iPress1U'gproiblem bef«e the vart:Ous states than that of colleetmg dehnquent taxes carned over from depresslOn years In some stcltes vanou:> pla.ns 'have been eoocted 01ly to rye extended or changed tlmt. and tune agam It remamed fro MIChIgan to make real progtes"l 111 cleamng U'P tIllS dISh esstrllg Iprdblem Reports are that seventy millIons 01 dollars In de~ Michigan Leads the Way in Conducting Affairs of the State It ,appears", though Joe Lou," wl!l be the underdog III the nexi COTOH h h ling battle \' h\ch w1ll take place MISS GL<\DYS S • \\ 0 as ,hartly WIth Jack Sharkey as h" be-ten tlhe guest of Mrs Chaunsl.Y TIt opponen Barson of \1anor Road leH Sunday -------- for her home m Norfolk Va , ADVERTISE IN THE REVIEW Built-In Buffet May Be Easily Remodeled C Joseph BelaIl\ler E1hs C WOO" ArnoLd Vv J a.cquemam and Richard F Helms have assoc1aJted themseh es for the pralCtlce of law und\er the firm 11aID{e\ of Be1a>nger Wood .. j,.:vcquem a1l1 & Helms, WIth 'Q'ffic-es locate~ at ~U1te 1456 Greater Penldbscot Bmld1l1g All parttes have been engaged Ul the acttve practice -of law In th1S city a good many years and have comlbmeu for the purpose {lIT tncreasmg theIr fa L1httes COlllSbtcnt wltn. a gener<lil C1V11 practice Announce Formation of New Law Firm Wonder 1£ 'rasslm' at the Oh mplcs 1S In anyVv ay sIID'llar to the brand of bull tossmg we have 111 OUf arenas v. here one gouges out an e) p or drops you In t le la p of a nngslder, or butts one III ~he stomach lIke a goo.rt:, or k1cks yo u m the fare Just a rough Ide' of the fine arc of "rasslm" as en" Joyed today. 1 he llg-ers are fig1htmg lIke real 11gerS agam WDnder how the reltlvcnatlo'1 took place The "ay the boy' are gomg at ~hlS lime they lock hke the champIOn' ot 1935 Presndent Roosevelt Illtends to campalgn m Mlchlgan th,S year Jess. 0 Nens ,et the pace for An\ennn ,tars at Olymjl'lcs We hope 1he rest of tlhe retlllue keeps up the pace set by Owens The Umted States mIght succeed III belllg crowned the champIOn of champIOns Nmeteen-year-old gIrl chose the comforts of a patrol wagon to that of a park benoh at Wllld- sor 1\udlsts are becommg mo",e n(( merolls m 1< ngland wlth the passmg »ears Germany IS meddlmg III the af- faIrs of Spalll Looks as though Illternatwnal comphcatlO1lJS mlght '5E't In Somethmg new m mathematics '\ d"l!v paper read Pennsylvama \sscmblv pledged to pass $50,500 tax program $45000000 of wh1ch 1S to be ,pent for rehef Flgure thai one out Mal y Astor s cllvorce case lS cle .... elopmg 111tO a moVIe merry go round 11l1)<:tng many famous names Gar Wood Jr sert anotiher new record for outboard mDtors Mon- day breezmg along at" 5744 mde .. an hour clIp ~ It ,eems that J m1 Farley lsn t very wt'll kno\\u He was con "de red Ul'Umportant m an Ala- hap1a to\\n H,s national fam<.. seems to have m1ssed Pomt Clear Bathmg beauty who had the au claclty to etller the water almost arowned and had to be rescued m a bathing beauh contest at At lanta C:aturrlay ,,111 be a bIg day for race horse buyers at Saratoga ~pnngs In fact tt IS oonsldered as the btgg-e,t gamble of the year -G-r-o-s-s-e-P-o-i-n-t-e--R-a-d-i-()----r---N-:-~-:-;-o--;-ity---:f-------j-J-' N-Ce-~~-~-:sf'~f:-~-c-l~;--c-~-t--f--T--O-:--~-S~-i;-~-:--~-:-:---"-t Baseball Gamel with Station Now Linked with I Grosse Pointe Voters: Court Commissioner I Urged to Register I Oldtimers Promises Michigan State Policell p::::r::h~:e~::e~\:::::;; I )tb~e;eo~e~~;;~s:~;:;e ~~~~e I ,h~:::::g~:o::e:.;,:::rT:tW:~ I Many Thrills for Sun. II or have nat voted dUring the past I ship has ann.orufJ1> cd that he will enter early date at the MUnicipal I ------- Norbert Dcnk TownshIp 'supervlsor Jules Bfrns Townshtp two years are urged to register I the race for 0. CUlt Court Comm1s , BUlld.Ing at 15115 E Jefferson I The Ofdtlmers have challenged the ;:,peedy Grosse POlmte Farms attorney Alfred Gars1...a PresIdent of Gros:,e Pomte Park PoltcL I as soon as possible at the City I ~10ner for the 13 lg term Mr McNally I avenue for the Fall Primary Elec~ I baseball team to meet them 111 senou cOlllhat at the Grosse POlllte ! Clerk's office at 17150 Maumee was urged by nu Lerou<sfnends to enLer - Ohlef James Dry"hlc chaIrman of rddlO board and John Des I avenue The offico .. open dady I (he race know~} tlrnat l1e 15 oapable I bon Voters may reg"ter with I Farms baseball field on Sunday August 9 It promIses to be the Roscher ch1("£ of (.lros"e Pomte s radIo ..,)stem ffiC't wIth OSCUl I from 9 a m to 430 p m and I and quahfied fo~"he office ~I their respective Village Clerks I game of the century and It 1" l11ierred that the oldtll11erS ha,e a untt! 12 noon on Saturdays I ~ any time before August 26th Olander COmnll%IOner of publIc saff-ty and Lleut C Scanada of I The office wdl he open on I I Vo'ers who have moved or 0 shght edge over the ,0ungst"lS ,,11llh IS cleeply resented the MIchIgan State Poltce rccentlv to dtscuss the pO'3SIblhtles of Wednesday evel1lngs from 7 30 I I have not voted In two years must I It pronlls€,,:,many thnlls as these old I W1t al11d crafty trlCks remlllllscent of a radlo hool<up \\1th the '\11cluga'1 State PolIce radIO sb:ltlOn, fo£" to 9 o'clock for those who can M I I re register The TownshiP Clerk's I warn'Ors buckle on bhetI' armor t'O go the da)s 'Of Cobb and Speaker depe1 l d M I not conveniently register during office will be open from 8 a. m torth to ... rush youthful spmt and Vl G I , t mg on the curves of a Hooky Dauss of rosse 0111 e the day time August 26th IS the ~ to 8 P It'~August 26th I tahty with memones of bygone day:> I I . yesten ear or the speedy dehverles of Arrangemelnts "" ere sattsfactonly --------------- last day for registering for the " i ma,de <;0that now lSrosse P01nte has al matn h,gihways has been wocked OU' prlmarle. I ----------- •• 100 Children Enjoyed WalteT Johnson of a decade ago '0 ( t f I d t t 'th th In oI'der to falcllitate speedy jush-ee and I I ------- P I' F' Id 0 Th daz.de the youngsters In fad tne wen y OUir1!C)llr ay con ac W l1 e ! 0 Ice Ie ay ru I h M 1 St t P 1 ff d G I prompt achon to protect the cltlz-en~ ~- ---,,- 45 VFW Posts JOI'n array of ta ent agamst t ese yoongsters Ic.llf,an ae 0 Ice a or mg ros~e and effect an earl ca,nture of cnm I Mrs, Alger's Generosl'ty IS stupendous romte the maximum m pattce pI'otec y '1~. h ' , (on at all hmes Should the servlCC' nals "ho menace our naoppmess V\lft} Grosse POInter Invents in Mammot PIcniC It you see dad out on t~ vacant lot, of ,tate be reqUIred In .he protectIOn ru(hless kllhng and wanton destru' Pretzel Bending Machine and Field Day Aug, 9 Mrs fred M Alger made ,t posSlble or In (I>e alley tossmg tILe old ball of the rights of Gros'e Pomte reSIdents lion 01 1)f"'Per'Y d I for one hundred cblldren from Gro"e around you kn<JM whot at means It It " o11y a malter 01 mmutes before Our ofhCla s are to bc commen e( 'Man has been uooble In a thou,"nd The 'Wayne County COUl,ClIVeterans Pomte Neighborhood Club and tile 15 111 preparahon for the b.g event 1 d II b f 'b d "h 011 thetr fOleSlghtedness WhlCh ma-de fI W d f 45 P t 'uc 1 aJ WI e or,. commg un er " IS I G years to Invent a maclllne to bOlld a a are gn ars compose 0 os s Frankhn Street settlement to enJOYthe The odds are In f,wor of the old, Ideal at ranc ement thiS measure poss~ble mkmg rosse pre"zel "WIllJ01l1.togetrer III a Mammoth PIC tImers Tbelr only fe o - •• thie ."CStl_ i:> p II t Mh fi t IL thnlls of Detrott Polloemen s ndd ....... -. ....v In the aiPprehenS>1oo of cnmmals mnte so c ose yOlO llIgans nes So said Rolbert L Belteve It or Not IllC and Fteld Day to be held aJt Edge tutlOn of nngers from the T~,o'ers or I Id b k hI> der aw enforcmg body and securing I(S Day at the State Fair Glounds la<t ~ sue 1 a~ M ups( an fro bl e~ dmur th co operahau so that yom praperty and Rlple} 111 hIS famous cartoon column water Amusement Park on Sunday Saturday tne Yankee' Venb,,1 battles are t.ng ers e a sys em () oc a; mg e hfe mt.o1ht be more closely ~'arded In The Dewollt TImes three years ago Augu,t 9th EdgC'voater IS located on The youngsters enjoyed the event place daJly ""out tl11S baltle of the ___________________. 0_ B dd t t f fat Horo-e" \Vest Seven Mlle Rood near Grand I Ib th and protected y In 0 WIS 0 e .~ ~ ,mIne )Sely "I'd WIll long remember the ages In oca eer eml'Ol"lums on e News D Igest Farmer, 45 year old mec1l1aJmcal en Rlver I:xaellent transplortatlon IS t wIb -.- "t bl byv.ays a Id the h].....il-. ways EnthUSiasm It It 1Sonly tlhn:xu,ghclosely lmkmg tlle generous ac lU11maure 1 POSSI e l';U g meer, read Rtpley s 5tatement aval1alble dS the Edgewater Bus meets f (h ' tt d' I fl IS rampant as Vhe <ia.te of battle ap- poltce and speedy commumcatl0n that or em vO a ern wltS annrua a aIr Larme1 alad an m<:pilraborn He J NELSON McNALLY all &rand Rlver street cars at Lahser I II b I !)roaCJhes the feM' of tam aJnd order can be in b t-o w l1ch a SPO!I't ent IUiSlasts oak nromptly qUIt h1s Job 111 a motor fetc He has loog oeen 1I1tea-csted111 pu h(' l~oad tn RedfOl d f d .• - Th 11 I stIlled 111tO the h.earts of ruthless cnm y d I k ,,_ orYvar eaC\!lyear e event Wl take p ace on sun'dav m<lils anu make Nhdlllgan an iUnfav tory and determmed to bend everv affatrs and 1S V\l ey nOWl tJllrough The adtl1ss1on b free P1C111C talbles ------- afternoon at 3 odock at Kerby FIeld ff tt f t th vI th t h d out the DetroIt area as a practtcmg k f Ih d or o'ble h"ntll"'g ,around f~r me~ ~f 'bls e or 0 per ec :e l\lUg a a I. and pal' ng or severa t ousan oars The four Grosse Pomters cantlpmg on Ke1"by road Don t mlSS tt It Ql .... ~ It:> v 'u 'V' I h d f f attorney hiS fra.l:crnal affihahons aml type puzz-ed t e mlf' s to men or centUrIeS IS a\a11a1ble wtthout charge at LIghthouse Par1k Port Huron \\-here prortn1Ses to be a real treat so why H d d r " t I f tu'" hIS r1ihtlanuhrop-1cam1\ltle'S oonng tht. TI P II b f II t e Jl OUiavpre- ze maJnu oc .t" le IcnlC W1 e In u sW1lnga \>.,e ventmed around were none other not wend YOlUrway to Keoliby FIeld t t th th t h d perJod of dep.ress 0111 11 0 II I ers are WISmg 'Uip e P'l- 0 1S oor 0 a m and WI conttnue ut tl than Leona Watko Gllly Gum Marge Sunday and applaUd the Vtctors who~ TI -.- tb t R It' th He IS secretary of the Good"fellows d Ie l'U1(;a a Ip ey ea-meu e ml 111rte \'.feetrhe and Betty BeaUiP~e 'WltlhtheIr ever they mil.g'Mbe as well as enJ-oy B b 'T h Euchre Club WlhH .. h has aIded many ..j C f u.ga 00 01.1. eo nocracy now IS an Races Games anllJ ontests (Jt -,Pltz dog a ball game wtllloh promtses many bl ' h I II dl tClffi1hc& 111 thl-b \re:a durmg t1tne~ of II f d V I cLS5em y 0>.1. W €Ie IS, iPU eys en es young and old \\ be eature - au M1SS Dorathey Staley of Bay CIty thnl1lllg moments belts aIr tubes and electnc motors distress fUrnl&hlllg Ihaskets of food to tble pnzcs v... 11 be awardecLto the wm has been the gluest of Mrs E Le ------- Farmer s L1ttle Mldget SLPer De needy f.amlhes e~pectally on suclh oc ner~-Come early and stay late-Never Blond Lake Huron the week end It has bet..n rumored tna t Harry Lu)...e Self Bendmg One Man PretLel caSlOns as 'I1hallksg1V111JgEaster and a dull nomel t ------- I A t t t 900 I tIC lrJstmas DIetrich o{ t 1e G1 av\ ood and prpara us urns ou comp e e Y The I dd1e~ Aux1hary WIll have The Review is the only adverluung Pegg\ Beals contelllp ate the d t I It He has been a "11emJber of the DetrOilt twtste pre ze s per mmUlte mooc... cll1r'ge of the ::>oft dnnks sandwlches memum haVing complete eoverage ID matnmcyual plunge somt tIme !'h..<nPtrlU<l.ls tJhe efficleucy o:f 15 p-v:nert Naval Reserve Tn Ird Batt~hon for the utc " _~ , I the Gros$.e POInte ch,trlct. next \v et... <: ~)1etzel benwnrg girl;, past 16 ye:ar<s 0'~%~11l!h.ihcts at prese.llt -'iSpectal tKkets for the thnlItnlg rIdeS l-,-, e ~ T t t (d "h 't an of-fic.erof 1111gh ranK Hts many sup l!L~t:lr::lmr::H';;,mm~ o ne umnl la e mll1luSw 0 can <:10\ S and amusements may be obta1n WIl:!JIlUl.:!Jl.:Jll:!Jll:!Jl::ILt t 'h tt ",,.. ~. porters aTe actlve 111 h1s 1l1tere~t urgl11g I apprec.t<i e e aI'lts ry nwessary uO <.>d at reduced pnces all day 111 the P1C- produce a svmmetrlcd.:l pretzel from a the t fnend." and votero; to elect Mr 1 t. Grove I [ d h th h fi \1c'\ally ao; urcmt Gooct Gornffil ump 0 oug, at as no SlJJgn>1F canre 1""e mall event wtll be held rat 7 00 Fa a 510ner rmel s ys pm'" 1 en the holder of the luch.y U1 t t t Mr MCNally 1S t1Je fdther of three '1 ess 0 COUt se one 5 OpS 0 co l 1un bct \\il11d1'1vealWay111a new Ford o;lder the astoundIng fact tha.t In 1933 <:mallSOl1Sand reSIdes at 1314 Nottmg \ 8 1 th 3 720 '"4 2' 'I ham a"enu<- Gosse Pomte Park 1<;a no ess an lY7 I ;, pre ze s ¥,f.,re Gec.rge T gh"" 1S General ChaIrman t 'd 'h t I h dd ta,.-.payer and has always 111tcrestcc WISc I, ,I 1S coun ry d. one ea s a 10 \\ 11 b as'llstercl by Harry Hoff T L L. t d Plm<;elf In tDe furtherance orf law and 'llat ngure [~e P0111tSout was t1WIS <.. nal 1 \{ tUnee Gerady VIctor B Ga "' h L tJ h OI'uer and the ~dmmlster1l1g of JUStlCL up wunng 'Pro IIjJ.li\J'nso lrnalgme w a~ 1 0 v.av I Pepperman Otto Herp1ch t as 1t should be adm1111,:,tered 1 IS n{)M Ma 1'. of Mr McNally s fne11lds WIll Rov Applema.n Clarence Doetsch p. bUllt 111 buffet wrtih .doors of eol Records of the iPartentoffice tn Wast, J \1 rv 1 [nver WIlham Scheuflch and Ih " "- f l_ be 1lterestc(J to know of hilSdeCISIOnto ored gla~s a1bave a waIst ihlglh s1elt mgton revea unureUJ<:; 0 persons [Iav<, Ch::trlc<;Pastor h I k enter t11l. contest for C1rcUlt CaUl t \-\111be found 111 moo out of ten thlOuse~ tled t OOlseve<; 1l1t-o nots trymg to A cord al lllivitatlon to all our read t t I d him T'h lcmntlS~loner ot W cLyneCounty bUllt durl111g a certam penod of AmeI'- 111ven !pI e ze Den 111gm<lic es e ~___ as-AI d a good tIme guar~nteed lean archltedme 'Dhese ihouses have first application for S1.lJC1. a patent was ----.- many good features, and recently there made In 1883 Patents on Farme1 S ha>s Ibeen a tendency among peTwns machme are now pendtl1g' \\luh large farruhes to buy t!hese old Farmcr bves dlt 37 LakeView avenue plac.es and remodel them I Grosse 1- mnte FaJrms, WIth ibiSwlrfe By removmg the glass doors from She 1(10esn t like rpretzels these lJluffets and pamtmg the slhelve.. the same coor as th'C ~OQI&work,With the wall In back of ti'nem a contrastmg I W h th I b e ear ose acrosse games shade .a more modern effect may e at Mack Park are fine entertam achIe"ed wtth little e'Xipense filnt Now that the games are Moderl1lZlatt011J £oods obtaIned at nIghts there should be a good throllglh an m~t1tutlOn mstlred by the d crow }< ederal Houslllg Adm1l1~stratlOn may be u<;ed to finance the remodehng of homes , '-------~~ ~ __ ~L _ ... ~~-1

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By Mal! $2 00 per year, Smgle Coples 5 Cents


,m~~~ro~~tpoinit )Rtuicn),\


GRO~::,T" POIN1E MIChIGAN, TH"lRSD,\Y ,\UGUST 6, 1936L B OLDHAM, rubhsher



PRINTING CO. puhh.her.


V()L lo-NO 50



You NEED NOT register if:

1-You are properly registered and have voted during thelast two years.

If you intend to vote in the Presidential Election nextNovember you must be a registered voter. The followingfacts govern votmg registration in Michigan. Study thesefacts:

You MUST register if:

1-You have never registered.

2 -You have not voted for two years or more,

3-You have moved and failed to have the Township Clerk,or the Clerk in the City of Grosse Pointe transfer yourvoting address.

4 -You will be 21 years old by September 15 and desire tovote in the primary election on that date.

Are Yon RegisteredTo Vote This Fall?

2 -You have moved and notified the city clerk of yourchange of address.

Any American citizen, native-born or naturalized, who is21 years old and PROPERLY REGISTERED and who hasbeen in the state six months and in the Township "" City OfGrosse Po1Ote 20 days, may vote.

Michigan law requires the election commission to re-move the name of any voter who has failed to vote duringany two-year pE'riod and THAT PERSON MUST RE-REG-ISTER to vote.

Any person, now under 21, but who will be 21 years oldby Septembe; 15, the date of the primary election, mayregister now.

NatUl a1ized Ameri~ans may savE' time and trouble byhaving their citizenship papers with them when they registe,.

Grosse Pomte voters must register at the Township officein the Munic,pal Building, 15115 E. Jefferson to vote in theTown.hip, ..vhich is open from 9 a. m. to 5 p.m., Saturdaysfrom 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, To vote in the City of GrossePointe you must register at the C,ty Hall, 17150 Maumeeavenue between the hours of 9:00 a, m. and 4:30 p. m., Sat-urdays, 9 :00 a. m. to 12 :00 noon.

For the convenience of City of Grosse Pointe voters whofind It impossible to registe. during the stated bme, theClerk's office will be open from 7 :30 p. m. to 9 p. m. for theregistering of voters Wednesday.

It costs nothing to reg.ster.

IAugust 26 is the final day on which voters may register

for the next pr,mary electiOn September 15.


Registering now will save stand10g 10 line later.

All those wishing absentee voters ballots are urgedfile application for same as early as possible.


"Da.rk and Bloody Ground"Kentucky 15 called the dark and

bloody ground because It was thescene of frequent Indlan wars.

Gomer Kr1se R€iPrulbhoan nOffi1l1eefor PIOSC-"'CutlllgAttorney In 1934 Saturdav annoullLcedhIS cand~dacy f01"theRepubl can nommatlOn for tlhat office...t the pnmanes September 15

Kn~e has a long notaJble record 11the field of prosecutJons haJvmg spent12 years 111 the iPf"osecutors offioe He\'va<; arpo nted ASS1StaJ11tPros<8cutlllbt\ Horney n the fall of nnz by Paul ~W "oorhlcs the yotwgest vvlho nad Ieverr been apPoll1ted to that office HeC'M"'ly won recogll1tton In a campaIgn idga1l1st V1ce and Immoral oonditlonwruch had sprung up 111 tlhe nelglhborhood of our pUlbhc schlOols dunng theprohlbltlOn era1he hrst convlc+ on In Ml<oh.Iganfor

vlOlahon ot state gambltng laws wa'iobtal11ed by Krise wthen a Jury return

((antI lUed on Page Four)

Gomer Krise Candidate

for Way n e County

Prosecuting Attorney

The Beaconsfield Drug Compau) atb401 Malek avenue at Beaco11J:>fieldarepleased to announce tihat MrQlngement~have been m~de to extend a muchneeded service In the V1C1ntty combmlllg t Ie faclht1eiS of a sub post offiaw1th t lat of a modern drug st-ore

The ovvncrs James A Carano WilOresldes 111the nelg'hborh-ood and HarrySla71usktt are w1d<>lyknown throughoutthe (;,-ro;,se pomte area

You wll1 find all drug necess1ttes faYorably pl1'1cedand a prescnptlOn labora10:ryequ"pped to extenC1careful rund effiC1ent serVIce


Post Office and DrugStore Facillbes AVaIlable

Returnmg from a bnef sOjourn atthe Muskoka Lakes CanJ.da MISSDorothy Mae GamJble of Grosse P011ltt'accompalted by her hance Mr KarlEhlenrteldt of DetrOit and famlly Willspend the 1emamder of{the summer atMullet Lake Mlclllga.n v..here \Ir and'In l.hlc.ntE"ldt ma111ta1l1the r summerre<;tdence

The barbers of Wayne County antIcIpate an early &cttlement Qt the StrJKf\\ 11,lOhoffic1ally opened Monday III

\\ hlOh se" eral t!hJoTUsandJourneyma'1barbers and Ul1ltedl Master Ba110el"partlcIpated m a movement to enfouctthe 7 p n c1os1I1g agreement

The bal ber shorps are sVlT1ngmgIn (hne and It has oeel1 reported t at m....l lnevv cartchdates Ihave deslgna:ted a deSire to )oon tthe org«.11lzatIon-s m tl"mterest of shorter hOUr<;

(.-ommtttee" have been appomted to..,ee :If the new agreem"nt IS bemgIt\ ed up to and fro'l11a survey of t e"urroundlllg terl1tory barbers 0& Gro eP01l1te and V1CltUtywelcome the OIb


~ervance of the dos-1l1gat 7 0 clock allCl

are co operatl11g-------

Barbers Anticipate Early

Settlement of Strike

ltnquent real estate taxes \\ ere pa1d orreVIved 1n MIchIgan <LurIng last year 5

dnveJ1hl'l )ear s dr-lve w111'Urge the tax

Va) ers who are on trlJe ten year planto make the1r socond payments befureSeptember 1st 111 order to keep the1rtax records clear and avo!d pe laltlesIt WIll also perSUade those not yet onthe 'ten year plan- to come un(ler ItfUi-ally It W111 'Poln~ out that due toll111prO\eo bu mess cOJ1c1ltlOrnsor dbtrlbutlon of the sold1ers bonus, manytaxpaye1 s are now In a 'POiSltlo:nto payup tibelI' remall1111g rblalaoces on theten') ear plan so as to save them

'>elves 8 to 36 per cent mte.rest 01'

fuLure payments\Vhen Abraham Lmooln wa'l once

aSiked how he managed to get so muet

work done he reiPlled When I havesomet'"tl11gto do I go aoo d-oIt M1.c1tga.n had a Job to do-and what a job'fo tlhe credit of oUl' state OIfl(:1alsbe1t ~ald that our sta1e has gone 2.11<1

done It '


Aga111 tihe Statel 'OIf Mllchlg3.lnlead~the way 111 busmes'Shke conduct ()Ifstatebusmess Gov Frank D FItzgeraldby 11I1Sdec'1dmg vote wrl:etl the projectv.as before the State AdmmI&trativeBOdrd assured anO'tll1!e'rstate WHileadvertlSlng campaJgn to e11laouragecolleehon of delinquent ta~s

The Sta>te of Mlcl11gan Wtll spend~27 000 for the new <:ampaLgnt-hat ""111be conducted dt.rmg the month of Aug-ust The dnve w1ll be han'<1lod by'-'!Ilton M Alexander of DetrOIt, natlonally k'l1O\\n a'<1'Verhsl11lgman whoconceIved and conducted last year snotably SUiCCeSlSfuleffort

Thl"re IS no more iPress1U'gproiblembef«e the vart:Ous states than that ofcolleetmg dehnquent taxes carned overfrom depresslOn years In some stcltesvanou:> pla.ns 'have been eoocted 01lyto rye extended or changed tlmt. andtune agam It remamed fro MIChIganto make real progtes"l 111 cleamng U'P

tIllS dISh esstrllg Iprdblem Reports arethat seventy millIons 01 dollars In de~

Michigan Leads the

Way in Conducting

Affairs of the State

It ,appears", though Joe Lou,"wl!l be the underdog III the nexi

COTOH h h ling battle \' h\ch w1ll take placeMISS GL<\DYS S • \\ 0 as ,hartly WIth Jack Sharkey as h"

be-ten tlhe guest of Mrs Chaunsl.Y TIt opponenBarson of \1anor Road leH Sunday --------for her home m Norfolk Va , ADVERTISE IN THE REVIEW

Built-In Buffet May

Be Easily Remodeled

C Joseph BelaIl\ler E1hs C WOO"ArnoLd Vv J a.cquemam and Richard FHelms have assoc1aJted themseh es forthe pralCtlce of law und\er the firm11aID{e\ of Be1a>nger Wood .. j,.:vcquema1l1& Helms, WIth 'Q'ffic-es locate~ at ~U1te1456 Greater Penldbscot Bmld1l1g

All parttes have been engaged Ul theacttve practice -of law In th1S city agood many years and have comlbmeufor the purpose {lIT tncreasmg theIr faL1httes COlllSbtcnt wltn. a gener<lil C1V11practice

Announce Formation

of New Law Firm

Wonder 1£ 'rasslm' at theOh mplcs 1S In anyVv ay sIID'llar tothe brand of bull tossmg we have111 OUf arenas v. here one gougesout an e) p or drops you In t lela p of a nngslder, or butts one III

~he stomach lIke a goo.rt:, or k1cksyo u m the fare Just a rough Ide'of the fine arc of "rasslm" as en"Joyed today.

1he llg-ers are fig1htmg lIkereal 11gerS agam WDnder howthe reltlvcnatlo'1 took place The"ay the boy' are gomg at ~hlSlime they lock hke the champIOn'ot 1935

Presndent Roosevelt Illtends tocampalgn m Mlchlgan th,S year

Jess. 0 Nens ,et the pace forAn\ennn ,tars at Olymjl'lcs Wehope 1he rest of tlhe retlllue keepsup the pace set by Owens TheUmted States mIght succeed III

belllg crowned the champIOn ofchampIOns

Nmeteen-year-old gIrl chosethe comforts of a patrol wagonto that of a park benoh at Wllld-sor

1\udlsts are becommg mo",e n((merolls m 1< ngland wlth thepassmg »ears

Germany IS meddlmg III the af-faIrs of Spalll Looks as thoughIllternatwnal comphcatlO1lJS mlght'5E't In

Somethmg new m mathematics'\ d"l!v paper read Pennsylvama\sscmblv pledged to pass $50,500tax program $45000000 of wh1ch1S to be ,pent for rehef Flgurethai one out

Mal y Astor s cllvorce case lS cle....elopmg 111tO a moVIe merry goround 11l1)<:tng many famousnames

Gar Wood J r sert anotiher newrecord for outboard mDtors Mon-day breezmg along at" 5744 mde

.. an hour clIp

~It ,eems that J m1 Farley lsn t

very wt'll kno\\u He was con"de red Ul'Umportant m an Ala-hap1a to\\n H,s national fam<..seems to have m1ssed Pomt Clear

Bathmg beauty who had the auclaclty to etller the water almostarowned and had to be rescued ma bathing beauh contest at Atlanta

C:aturrlay ,,111 be a bIg day forrace horse buyers at Saratoga~pnngs In fact tt IS oonslderedas the btgg-e,t gamble of the year

-G-r-o-s-s-e-P-o-i-n-t-e--R-a-d-i-()----r---N-:-~-:-;-o--;-ity---:f-------j-J-' N-Ce-~~-~-:sf'~f:-~-c-l~;--c-~-t--f--T--O-:--~-S~-i;-~-:--~-:-:---"-t Baseball Gamel with

Station Now Linked with I Grosse Pointe Voters: Court Commissioner I Urged to Register I Oldtimers Promises

Michigan State Policell p::::r::h~:e~::e~\:::::;; I )tb~e;eo~e~~;;~s:~;:;e ~~~~e I ,h~:::::g~:o::e:.;,:::rT:tW:~ I Many Thrills for Sun.

II or have nat voted dUring the past I ship has ann.orufJ1>cd that he will enter • early date at the MUnicipal I -------Norbert Dcnk TownshIp 'supervlsor Jules Bfrns Townshtp two years are urged to register I the race for 0. CUlt Court Comm1s , BUlld.Ing at 15115 E Jefferson I The Ofdtlmers have challenged the ;:,peedy Grosse POlmte Farms

attorney Alfred Gars1...a PresIdent of Gros:,e Pomte Park PoltcL I as soon as possible at the City I ~10ner for the 13lgterm Mr McNally I avenue for the Fall Primary Elec~ I baseball team to meet them 111 senou cOlllhat at the Grosse POlllte! Clerk's office at 17150 Maumee was urged by nu Lerou<sfnends to enLer -Ohlef James Dry"hlc chaIrman of rddlO board and John Des I avenue The offico .. open dady I (he race know~} tlrnat l1e 15 oapable I bon Voters may reg"ter with I Farms baseball field on Sunday August 9 It promIses to be theRoscher ch1("£ of (.lros"e Pomte s radIo ..,)stem ffiC't wIth OSCUl I from 9 a m to 430 p m and I and quahfied fo~"he office ~Itheir respective Village Clerks I game of the century and It 1" l11ierred that the oldtll11erS ha,e a

untt! 12 noon on Saturdays I ~any time before August 26thOlander COmnll%IOner of publIc saff-ty and Lleut C Scanada of I The office wdl he open on I I Vo'ers who have moved or 0 shght edge over the ,0ungst"lS ,,11llh IS cleeply resented

the MIchIgan State Poltce rccentlv to dtscuss the pO'3SIblhtles of Wednesday evel1lngs from 7 30 I I have not voted In two years must I It pronlls€,,:,many thnlls as these oldI W1t al11d crafty trlCks remlllllscent of

a radlo hool<up \\1th the '\11cluga'1 State PolIce radIO sb:ltlOn, fo£" to 9 o'clock for those who canM I I re register The TownshiP Clerk's I warn'Ors buckle on bhetI' armor t'O go the da)s 'Of Cobb and Speaker depe1ld


Inot conveniently register during office will be open from 8 a. m torth to ...rush youthful spmt and Vl


, t mg on the curves of a Hooky Dauss ofrosse 0111 e the day time August 26th IS the ~ to 8 P It'~August 26th I tahty with memones of bygone day:>

I I. yesten ear or the speedy dehverles of

Arrangemelnts "" ere sattsfactonly --------------- last day for registering for the " ima,de <;0that now lSrosse P01nte has al matn h,gihways has been wocked OU' prlmarle. I ----------- •• 100 Children Enjoyed WalteT Johnson of a decade ago '0( t f I d t t

'th th In oI'der to falcllitate speedy jush-ee and I I ------- P I' F' Id 0 Th daz.de the youngsters In fad tnewen y OUir1!C)llr ay con ac Wl1 e ! • 0 Ice Ie ay ru I hM 1 St t P 1 ff d G I prompt achon to protect the cltlz-en~ ~- ---,,- 45 VFW Posts JOI'n array of ta ent agamst t ese yoongsters

Ic.llf,an a e 0 Ice a or mg ros~e and effect an earl ca,nture of cnm I Mrs, Alger's Generosl'ty IS stupendousromte the maximum m pattce pI'otec y '1~. h ' ,(on at all hmes Should the servlCC' nals "ho menace our naoppmess V\lft} Grosse POInter Invents in Mammot PIcniC It you see dad out on t~ vacant lot,of ,tate be reqUIred In .he protectIOn ru(hless kllhng and wanton destru' Pretzel Bending Machine and Field Day Aug, 9 Mrs fred M Alger made ,t posSlble or In (I>e alley tossmg tILe old ballof the rights of Gros'e Pomte reSIdents lion 01 1)f"'Per'Y d I for one hundred cblldren from Gro"e around you kn<JM whot at means ItIt " o11y a malter 01 mmutes before Our ofhCla s are to bc commen e( 'Man has been uooble In a thou,"nd The 'Wayne County COUl,ClIVeterans Pomte Neighborhood Club and tile 15 111preparahon for the b.g event

1 d II b f'b d "h 011 thetr fOleSlghtedness WhlCh ma-de f I W d f 45 P t'uc 1 aJ WI e or,. commg un er " IS I G years to Invent a maclllne to bOlld a a are gn ars compose 0 os s Frankhn Street settlement to enJOYthe The odds are In f,wor of the old,

Ideal at ranc ement thiS measure poss~ble mkmg rosse pre"zel "WIllJ01l1.togetrer III a Mammoth PIC tImers Tbelr only feo

- •• thie ."CStl_i:> p I I t M h fi t IL thnlls of Detrott Polloemen s ndd .......-. ....vIn the aiPprehenS>1oo of cnmmals mnte so c ose yOlO llIgans nes So said Rolbert L Belteve It or Not IllC and Fteld Day to be held aJt Edge tutlOn of nngers from the T~,o'ers or

I Id b k hI> der aw enforcmg body and securing I(S Day at the State Fair Glounds la<t ~sue 1 a~ M ups ( an fro


e~ dmur th co operahau so that yom praperty and Rlple} 111 hIS famous cartoon column water Amusement Park on Sunday Saturday tne Yankee' Venb,,1 battles are t.ngers e a sys em () oc a; mg e hfe mt.o1ht be more closely ~'arded In The Dewollt TImes three years ago Augu,t 9th EdgC'voater IS located on The youngsters enjoyed the event place daJly ""out tl11S baltle of the___________________. 0_ B dd t t f fat Horo-e" \Vest Seven Mlle Rood near Grand I I b th• and protected y In 0 WIS 0 e .~ ~ ,mIne )Sely "I'd WIll long remember the ages In oca eer eml'Ol"lums on e

News DIgest Farmer, 45 year old mec1l1aJmcal en Rlver I:xaellent transplortatlon IS t wIb -.- "t bl byv.ays a Id the h].....il-.waysEnthUSiasmIt It 1Sonly tlhn:xu,ghclosely lmkmg tlle generous ac lU11maure 1 POSSI e l';U

gmeer, read Rtpley s 5tatement aval1alble dS the Edgewater Bus meets f (h ' tt d' I fl IS rampant as Vhe <ia.te of battle ap-

poltce and speedy commumcatl0n that or em vO a ern wltS annrua a aIrLarme1 alad an m<:pilraborn He J NELSON McNALLY all &rand Rlver street cars at Lahser I II b I !)roaCJhesthe feM' of tam aJnd order can be in b t-o w l1ch a SPO!I't ent IUiSlasts oaknromptly qUIt h1s Job 111 a motor fetc He has loog oeen 1I1tea-csted111 pu h(' l~oad tn RedfOl d f d .•- Th 11 IstIlled 111tOthe h.earts of ruthless cnm y d I k ,,_ orYvar eaC\!lyear e event Wl take p ace on sun'davm<lils anu make Nhdlllgan an iUnfav tory and determmed to bend everv affatrs and 1S V\l e y nOWl tJllrough The adtl1ss1on b free P1C111Ctalbles ------- afternoon at 3 odock at Kerby FIeld

ff t t f t th vI th t h d out the DetroIt area as a practtcmg k f I h dor

o'ble h"ntll"'g ,around f~r me~ ~f 'bls e or 0 per ec :e l\lUg a a I. and pal' ng or severa t ousan oars The four Grosse Pomters cantlpmg on Ke1"by road Don t mlSS tt ItQl .... ~ It:> v 'u 'V' I h d f f attorney hiS fra.l:crnal affihahons amltype puzz-ed t e mlf' s to men or centUrIeS IS a\a11a1blewtthout charge at LIghthouse Par1k Port Huron \\-here prortn1Ses to be a real treat so why

H d d r" t I f tu'" hIS r1ihtlanuhrop-1cam1\ltle'S oonng tht. TI P II b f II te Jl OUiavpre- ze maJnu oc • .t" le IcnlC W1 e In u sW1lnga \>.,e ventmed around were none other not wend YOlUrway to Keoliby FIeld

t t th th t h d perJod of dep.ress 0111 11 0 II Iers are WISmg 'Uip e P'l- 0 1S oor 0 a m and WI conttnue ut tl than Leona Watko Gllly Gum Marge Sunday and applaUd the Vtctors who~

TI -.- tb t R It' th He IS secretary of the Good"fellows dIe l'U1(;a a Ip ey ea-meu e ml 111rte \'.feetrhe and Betty BeaUiP~e 'Wltlh theIr ever they mil.g'Mbe as well as enJ-oy

B b 'T h Euchre Club WlhH ..h has aIded many ..j C fu.ga 00 01.1. eo nocracy now IS an Races Games anllJ ontests (Jt -,Pltz dog a ball game wtllloh promtses many

bl ' h I II dl tClffi1hc&111 thl-b \re:a durmg t1tne~ of II f d V IcLS5em y 0>.1. W €IeIS, iPU eys en es young and old \\ be eature - au M1SS Dorathey Staley of Bay CIty thnl1lllg momentsbelts aIr tubes and electnc motors distress fUrnl&hlllg Ihaskets of food to tble pnzcs v... 11be awardecL to the wm has been the gluest of Mrs E Le -------

Farmer s L1ttle Mldget SLPer De needy f.amlhes e~pectally on suclh oc ner~-Come early and stay late-Never Blond Lake Huron the week end It has bet..n rumored tna t HarryLu)...e Self Bendmg One Man PretLel caSlOns as 'I1hallksg1V111JgEaster and a dull nomel t ------- IA t t t 900

I tIC lrJstmas DIetrich o{ t 1e G1 av\ ood andprpara us urns ou comp e e Y The I dd1e~ Aux1hary WIll have The Review is the only adverluung Pegg\ Beals contelllp ate the

d t I It He has been a "11emJberof the DetrOilttwtste pre ze s per mmUlte mooc... cll1r'ge of the ::>oft dnnks sandwlches memum haVing complete eoverage ID matnmcyual plunge somt tIme!'h..<nPtrlU<l.lstJhe efficleucy o:f 15 p-v:nert Naval Reserve Tn Ird Batt~hon for the utc" _~ , I the Gros$.e POInte ch,trlct. next \v et...<:

~)1etzel benwnrg girl;, past 16 ye:ar<s0'~%~11l!h.ihcts at prese.llt -'iSpectal tKkets for the thnlItnlg rIdeS l-,-, e ~

T t t (d"h 't an of-fic.erof 1111ghranK Hts many sup l!L~t:lr::lmr::H';;,mm~o ne umnl la e mll1luSw 0 can <:10\ S and amusements may be obta1n WIl:!JIlUl.:!Jl.:Jll:!Jll:!Jl::ILt

t 'h t t",,.. ~. porters aTe actlve 111 h1s 1l1tere~t urgl11g Iapprec.t<i e e aI'lts ry nwessary uO <.>dat reduced pnces all day 111 the P1C-produce a svmmetrlcd.:l pretzel from a the t fnend." and votero; to elect Mr 1 t. Grove

I [ d h th h fi \1c'\ally ao; urcmt Gooct Gornffilump 0 oug, at as no SlJJgn>1Fcanre 1""e mall event wtll be held rat 7 00Fa a 510nerrmel s ys pm'" 1 en the holder of the luch.y

U 1 t t t Mr MCNally 1S t1Je fdther of three'1 ess 0 COUtse one 5 OpS 0 co l 1un bct \\il11d1'1vealWay111a new Ford

o;lder the astoundIng fact tha.t In 1933 <:mall SOl1Sand reSIdes at 1314 Nottmg \ 8

1 th 3 720 '"4 2' 'I ham a"enu<- Gosse Pomte Park 1<;ano ess an lY7 I ;, pre ze s ¥,f.,re Gec.rge T gh"" 1S General ChaIrmant 'd

'h t I h dd ta,.-.payer and has always 111tcrestccWISc I, ,I 1S coun ry d. one e a s a 10 \\ 11 b as'llstercl by Harry HoffT

L L. t d Plm<;elf In tDe furtherance orf law and'llat ngure [~eP0111tSout was t1WIS<.. nal 1 \{ tUnee Gerady VIctor B Ga"' h L tJ h OI'uer and the ~dmmlster1l1g of JUStlCLup wunng 'Pro IIjJ.li\J'nso lrnalgme w a~ 10v.av I Pepperman Otto Herp1ch

t as 1t should be adm1111,:,tered1 IS n{)M Ma 1'. of Mr McNally s fne11lds WIll Rov Applema.n Clarence Doetsch

p. bUllt 111 buffet wrtih .doors of eol Records of the iPartentoffice tn Wast, J \1 rv 1 [nver WIlham Scheuflch andI h " "- f l_ be 1lterestc(J to know of hilSdeCISIOnto

ored gla~s a1bave a waIst ihlglh s1elt mgton revea unureUJ<:;0 persons [Iav<, Ch::trlc<;Pastorh I k enter t11l. contest for C1rcUlt CaUl t

\-\111be found 111 moo out of ten thlOuse~ tled t OOlseve<; 1l1t-o nots trymg to A cord al lllivitatlon to all our readt t I d him T'h lcmntlS~loner ot W cLyneCountybUllt durl111ga certam penod of AmeI'- 111ven !pIe ze Den 111gm<lic es e ~___ as-AI d a good tIme guar~nteedlean archltedme 'Dhese ihouses have first application for S1.lJC1.a patent was ----.-many good features, and recently there made In 1883 Patents on Farme1 S

ha>s Ibeen a tendency among peTwns machme are now pendtl1g'\\luh large farruhes to buy t!hese old Farmcr bves dlt 37 LakeView avenueplac.es and remodel them I Grosse 1- mnte FaJrms, WIth ibiSwlrfe

By removmg the glass doors from She 1(10esnt like rpretzelsthese lJluffets and pamtmg the slhelve..the same coor as th'C ~OQI&work,Withthe wall In back of ti'nem a contrastmg I W h th I

be ear ose acrosse games

shade .a more modern effect may e at Mack Park are fine entertamachIe"ed wtth little e'Xipense filnt Now that the games are

Moderl1lZlatt011J £oods obtaIned at nIghts there should be a goodthrollglh an m~t1tutlOn mstlred by the dcrow}< ederal Houslllg Adm1l1~stratlOnmay beu<;ed to finance the remodehng ofhomes

,'-------~~ ~ __ ~L _ ... ~~-1

Page 2: ,m~~~ro~~tpoinit )Rtuicn),digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...UD. WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY








/ ,,It

• II





and enjoy




Thursday, August 6 191(,-- ---- 7::T.., '"' ~

Bohemian BEER


VVe are "\\nt1rJJg 111 belalf of our:tello'\v patIents who l1ldu1ge In th'1shobby AlthOrUgn '" t ha V" :tormed adub 111ordeif to excral~ge "t<lmps '\\-Jthone another we find that our sourceof supply IS lImIted

Stealll'3hlp VlblahonVIbratIOn IS the bugaboo of the

passenger steamshUJ b..ulders Andthe larger t.be ShIP the more acutethe problem Bmlders 00 not knowthe exact cam.es of VIbratIOn

L.ltest Fas.tnnnabI(' CreationsM...-st Modern and Popular Methods



2nd Floor \'unc!> & Judy Theatre lJI4gNI 3753

Grosse POinte Reprasentatlve ofOgdvle Sisters, Hall" and Scalp Spetlahst'l




SectiOn of Exposition Ground~

Vacation 1 In e IS {painting Tune

Come Home to Newly DecoratedRooms

M6dern ArchItecture, broad boulevards, compactness, gayety ':and~olor dIstlngwsp the Great Lakes EXpositlon 1D (~leveland. H~e Js::/aportlQn of the grounds seen fro!t1 the iur WIth the 1\utomotive~b~housmg the latest deSIgns In AmerIca's motor cars This VIew gi\1.. ta.n,ml're••,0n of the l~ndS<:'$n~ and d~toratlve feal\lres of. the lI(OllnAA,

-~ - - ------'---- - --... -..... """"'-'"


DR CHARLLS C MERKEL ofLev.lston Road has deCIded to takethe fast way to Europe m order tohear some kCitures he IS mterested In

He 1l take off on thF Hmdenbu1\g on,:,uncla} August 9 stay III Germany 101cl couple of weeks take the :Sremellhack alld be 111 DetrOIt agaIn on Sevt1 That s modern travel for vou DI1ferkc1'!' only regrd 1<;that he s g0111J:{too late for tlhe OlympIc Games

ho doubt a good IT any subscnbershave n thelr homes stam~ collectl0'lS111 wI-->ch some mcr-"'hLr of the famIly"al'> once greatly Intel (>ted but hd:>negkcted for years Other:. ITay haveold envelopes 1t1 tht11 attic., ,vmchwould be of mtere::.t to some of the

atIenf<; who collect ntll e envelOpesor cov(>rs a" tfru.y '\1;' called StIllother surbsc"1bers ma ... thLm"lhes becollectl11g <; d.IrpS 1nd Ban. r1upl catesVI1 ch t ftev do not need

Ilasmucl ciS the llaJonty of T Bpatients cure reql.1 re two or mOl e year:.,)au can rcad ly t1l de st'lll 1 how thiShobby I elps to makc ~'" hOlt!" ~(,em

Mrs DadJe Sloane IS k6CIpllllg tl e <;hOItel'smart crowds at ~ar loga Sprll g<; for If any of yc.,u rea 1t IS '1avt.. anythe racmg season DetlOit COINClOUS ta np~ 01 plhlla.tehc :.UPD11C"'.>to <:enJShe IS Scen 111her box at the trark I us trey V\Ill reCelVf) t Ie w1.1le 1 (1rtedevery rldy a11d !has been enterta111 I g tha J...~of tlh~ many hosp la Iztl lollece>..tens1Vely Over flhe week end sJ1e tor~ In tIllS sanatoflum"as hoste ..s at a luncheon for a group The tuberculOSIS sa ut1rIUm IS atof fas 110ncliolc Lasten c.rs the group Tv.elft11 strcet and Tu'OedoItst I tc1udll1g MI dnd vfrs Harold E ITalboltt Deep Wens

* * * I Several all wells m the UnitedMR AND \1lb )) J DO\O\ I.I-[ States have been dnlled to depths

of Lakeland Ave "'ltl the r sar.J Jane g eater than 10000 feet or about11tH and WillIan s who havl S1>Lnt two mIles and equ pment permltsthree veeks cruI~mg 111GeOH{ldn B.:l.y dnlhng to more thaI' 15000 feet, or

nearly three mIleson theIr boat the PatnClall "dUt nedhome fr la)

• • •MP Al\;D MRS PHILIP KI,[BALl WA f50N formerly of 17430\faumee Ave WIth theIr Son DaVIdhave mo, ed to hett new IhO.ffifdt l~Oi\Iaumec

* * *MR A'iQ MRS CHARLCS BBOHN of Wiluut1er Blvd I eturneJFI'1ldJa} from an extenSive f UIopeantnp They ,".ere met In 'Jew Yorkby 'their daughter \1r Ge r",e MI ndlcott of i'v.1'1umee Bh d w 10 IS at tVfanchester Mass for the ::.tl1l)Iner

• • •MR A'\D MRS RUS~U T S

SWE..ET who have been the buc'lt" O[\ifr and Mrs Herbert Ely of Bl:>h pRQad for 10 da} s t;rturned to "heirhome In Sprmgfie d Mass flu""da)

.. ..DR \ \)) M:RS FRED 0 I EPLEY

of Three MIle Dnve rcturnL 1 ~atU1day from a two weeJ..." motor trIpthrougth MichIgan and Oh (1

Painting and Decorating

IT uberculosis SanitariumMen \-vemen and cll1lare I '\-ho 1re

1 hospItalIzed for long perILld., usually1 take up some hobby to lc1p whJ1e a" aJ

T f 1 f G the weary hours Tne most popular ofe 0 OWIng persons rom ro.,se11 b U t the,!,e hobblcs :>stamp cdlec-ttng Thl-.POlllte are el1Jr'o ed m l' e mverSI Y

\1 h s one pdshmc that I" De ml ted by QUI'(:If Ie Igan summer seSSlOn phYSICIans 1I1asmuch as It does not 111

\; lrg1l11a r...neg~loff N ta Vlrg111<- valve strenuous e.),.eIC,!,t dud can ev€'1I CUfltl" Helen \fcCarth} Thom'ls be pur ued by thOse \~ho are perman

Groeh I Jo n \iVI11s Cmlde WIlls Jl ently beallddenJ C "" Ihdms H L \\. eckler B "\Varrtn Jr Torn \;Valsh RJolbeitSwanson FranCIS 1vfare ro G C Man~on W T \fac I eod Jr ClarenceMe<;sner \1 J Schbsslcr C S Goddlllhdwlll I\. Ieghoff G A Kuechenme.,tcr P H Hernmg R( bert hen.neay.r1aro d Husband R J Het ~el F-d[Jc",Bacon J \V Barnett WIlham Burnslde dnd Vv 111 Delbndge

Strangest Horse Race IsHeld tn Italian Village

'lhe stlangest horse race lD the\\orlrI the historic: Pallo of Sipna Isrun round the cathedral squarl' ofthl"! little town every AUgust usuallyIn the presence of the king of Italy andhis family The horse" represent different communes of the town whichshoulder the cost of organint1onborses and jockeys The event is anpxtraordll1ary affair fOI therp arE' bofouls R1dprs may strike at ea('h otheranrI at their opPool';nts horses oftf'lllO(JH'YS faU off' and the rldf'rlpssmounis odd to tile confu~lon Inc.lu-ental1v thp tact> may be woo bv anan1mal wh l"!e JO('j.,r>yhas fDllen andCflnnot contlnup

Before the event each tlOrse lsblessed by the otnClatlO.b pI1e~t andthe wmmt g hOlse rlCE'lve~ tllousd.ud..,of pats .the jor\..py receives a kbsfrom f>very girl In h1s commune HE'marl able scenes and banquets followin "hkb tho Winning jockey [s fetedand the horse w th gilded hoofs takesth€" plute of I onor at the Ileac] of thetubh A spotle%ly clean mallger 1~fll\\ ~ 1,:11(] for him

State Flag of Ohu:.1he flag of Ohio is the ouly pen

nant sha'Ped flag among all the &tateflags Ihe law makIng it the ofhclalensign of the Bncl!:eyp ~tatl' wasadopted In 1902 Tht> outet quarterof the field IS swallow tailed dIe odditself consisting of five stripes-threett>d and two wlllte-red at the bottomand top At the stafr end of the heldis: a trlan6ular blUe canton with thebase resting on the staff and the apexI('-al.hmg half way across the field Onthis cantoll is a llr.!.e Circular 0 inwhite wsldl' of ""hlrh Is a t"f'd disk"eveotppn <;tar~ Ippre"!~ntlng aU ofthe statf'S at the tlme of Oh10 s entrance Into the Union appear gronpedstound the cfrcular 0' All of thf>sPstars Ilre five pOJntnd

Thrifty MmerRemarl{able pr..ocedure w~s followed

by a Johannesburg gold m~ner accordlng to a Writer in tlle Montreal HeraldHe tooh. a bath every llIght col1ec~edthe l:l{'dlment and Dut It III n tank After

IdOing this for 20 years he panned'tile sedtment amI found it contaiDedabout 20 OtlDCf'Sof gold worth nearly$QOO It \\tlS deCided to be lost property whIch was diVIded equallyamong toe mine ... where (he mab hadworked a' leWUId i)f 10 per cent beIng glven to tbe ingoIllouS ann. per<;-everant mIner

Find Grim RehcsGrim link With the Wars of the

Roses 500 years ago was found atStamlord LlDcolnshlre when '30 s telf'tons "lthout heads werp uncovpreddUling road widen In,; operations Sol\oll

the '.footreal gerald All the l.,eletons al.e thOSe- or men of unll~\lalphJ sique fhey were found near theSite of a church that was dt-stroyedtn IJGl Tla(lttlon told the st lry ottl e beheadmgs wbt 11 the Red Hoseparty conqueled Stamrotct TIleItud..:l ",ere alf found ill a slnble glave

Coast Guard Founded In 19151.he UOlted ::'tates Coast Guard was

created in 1915 by an a~t of congrv'lsWhtch c6mlnned the reveuue cutter~erVH::e aIld the Hfe saving serviceBoth of tli€se units were adminlsterpdas dlVISlOllS of the 'l.reasury depd.rtment and theIr SUCCf'ssor the loastf"ld.rd Is under that department also01 QlUallly the lonst gllard has DO

tllrect connectwn WIth ""1he navy hntthe Preslclent is uuthotlred 1n timeof war or otller emergency to OJakeit a Q at of the navy

Authors J::c:c:entriclheartauber-t the mastei' at ').exquisite

style lolled hlmal'lf l,,"~olent}y on thecarpet whenever 6e eouTii nOl: trnd theexpresslOn to his taste Shelley usedto toast his head bf'fore an open fireto gtdn tnsP1rahOn Voltaire couldnever begin work unless there was ane"",act dozen of pencils WIth sharpenedpoInts at hIs SIde DIckens deJ1gI1tedIn ornamentlflg hlmsel! WIth costlyJewelry

The NordIC Racerpe NOrdIC race 18 chIefly m

~candInavla Holland, North Germany and Great ~ntam



The Detroil.t Indians amid the ~IueStar-s porwe(rful la!DrG-:951eteams, w 11clash In tlhe seasOJ!ls first lllght gamt-Sunday wnen they iP'lay at Mack ParkThe game WIll start aJt -8 15 'P m

The teams have played heretoforeon Sunday aftea-naon hut ~eel thatmany Detrolters who J1,ave never seenthe game because 01' t'hle lnconvemef1c-eof the afternoon games, would takeadvantage of the Thlght sessIOn If It1<;successful tile rest of the season ~game" WIll probably be pla'ylid at mg'ht

The fndlans are one erf 4{he m-ostpo\-\-erfu.l teams In the Detroot '4QcrosseClub and when they deJeatecl tf~ ChJppe'Wa All St~t's two weeks aJ'Q wel t.g1Ven the apPQrDu1Uty to pja51111 themltlal lllg'ht game A slm1\at defea~of the Chltppewas by t'he ;alue Starslast Sunday gav£> them t'l\e !PIght tooppose tile 111'd1<.>.us t

Vvhen the t~0 teams tak~ the fieldtwo former CaI\ac\lan stars wl11 he atthe helm of them Norm Brodour,>quat de:tense man of lIS team 1S mandger the IuJIans whIle Ray Brodeurmanager of the Blue Stars plays eItherLentel or rover posihon fow hiS team

Both were arch rivals In Camadlanlacrosse <CIrcles and each time the)have faced each other on the field a~pectacular beS:.IQn has talken place

t"flag bove Old GloryThe chure ""pennall.t a blue cross

un a white !lel<l '" the only flagoermltted to llY ab.r:....::.l<l Glory

Two Powerful LacrosseTeams to Play at Mack

Park Sundar Evening

Four Persons SeekEach Elective Job

If rcc",rds q.£ the Deip~rtmeDit ofState represent an aJtcurate samrphng'Off (politIcal actn!tv tlhrou~~out the"tate am average of 43 persons art.c\y:11dat(.<; "or mery electIve Dffi~e tobe filled next November qrvllle rA.tv..ood Secretar;! of State PDll1ts ou

A total of 2.30 caJndtdates for UnlteelStates Senator Governor LleutenallGovernor Congres'5 and the State L0bslatUite have filed t'he1r petItlOns w ththe Secretaty of State" The vac.ar1C1esto be filled by el"",on total \2 t lUSthe aVe1:"'1genumber of oandn.4ates toreach

In 1934 "'Me 217 cand,,!ates filedtheIr pehtlons ongmally SIX Vv:t.thqrewhefore the de<iJdhne for that prlV1legeIn 1932 the record !breakIng num'berof 245 calJdldaltes hra.d presenteq. t 1ernselves for COnSlQJeratlOr:Lof voters 111

elt.ctlons for wlh.lch pctlbons are filedat the oa..pltol

Candldate~ whose cfustrlcts are whrollvcontamed wlthln anry one tCounty filLthe 1 petitIons WJJth tlhJ~r county clerk:.1 hus 11sts of ca:ndlcj.ates for Congre<;spubhshed by the :Qejpq.rtmerut Oif Statt.O~l1t reference to t>ru~l1st 14th 14th1Jth and 16th Congressional mlstnctsall cO"1ta-llled 'W'1t'hrnWayne County

Slmrlarly candJtdates for the statesenale from the 1st 2~d 3rd 4th 5tb10th 16th 171h ISW' 2!&t and 22nd,!,tate senatot al dl1stnct9l tHe With theIrrespective oounty de.rks

Of the 100 seats tn the state Houseof Repre'!'entatIves candldlates for but14 Qf them flle tihel1'"pet~tlOns WIth theSeci etary o;f Stat;e ~~~


gres.s was 10 seSSIOn ! 1 he entll e hrbrreJtto '\V'lll be sung 111 Nvml..er of Bird SpeciesTl1e human. mind cannot grasp the Enghsh Y Is ~onstantly Growing

enotm ty of 1lhlS tremendous sum It :::runday Augu>st 16 Dr Waitel How many kinds of bIrds mhablt1'; more than $150 for eV1e:ry man DamroSCl 0 New York WILl condu.ct Hlr ~lob,e'l Dr I:rnst 'Iayr an<;werswoman ana chIlo 10 the Ulliteq. State:, the 1\JatlOnal Hlgh Sc 1001 orchestra tl is question In the latest Proceedingsor stated a110tfrter way It equals $ZiJ 8.1d tl e 1hchlglan I-hgh Sch{Jo1 ChoTus (f the Llnnacan society in ~ew Yorka mlllute fOil"every tnlUute since the dUrIng the regular weekly broadcast Ilnne (Lionaeus) the SwedIsh natbIrth ot Chnst SUdh extravaganJce IS over the '-lBe 1Jetwork Although Dr ural:,t listed only 117 species In thealmost crmllnal It mOltgages t1he hfe Damro<;c11 has rprevlOusJy dlre-cted the first edition (1735) of hIS great work

f t d t~ f Sy<:ttema Naturae the startmg point ofa evelY C/ IZen.lJIan pawns [le uture ~atlOlIal Hlglh School Orchestra thl~ hsystematIc ornHhology During t eOIfchl1dren yet unborn v.l11 be IllS first VISit to Interlochen two centuries since intensIve explor

It I'.>st rthng that the Seventy foortl SpeCial pn.paratlOt1s are bemg made atlon of the surface of the globe haslongre,!,s spent mare han the Seventy to dc.commadate the large number of vastly increased the number so thattrIll q Vv e, t1ms see ;naeased expendl tOUlrlsts <!Ind resorters expedC'C! to fill III 1909 Sharpe s catalogue of the bIrd'>tures from yeal to year under the ~ e\v h t k f h' I ""n to of the world taunted about 11:'1000dlst r .,. -t t""'.l> C t e ne wor Oi Iguways eal".,,,,Ig h loth)ea 1 hIS h~wevef 1<;at 'PIatural de I Interlochen Eaoh year muslO 10rvers tlOct species Since t en severa\ ~libj)ment as l)ureaucra-cy more firhily er sClentifi'C J..!:l.tlmates haye been pub

'I h J< trom all parts of the Umted States I shed notln~~addlt10ns atld)'the tendestdu IS e~ It?e~f i 1 b B .'gather 1n t Ie famous Inter oc en 0 #1 ency to spht specIes into geographicto near the y".tng hJgh school mUSICIan" Iaces aod SUbspecIes has grown conplay theIr <;ummer concerts fUSing the defimtlOn Studymg all

-------- these rejecting doUbtful cases andmaking varlOti':l aI1owa-nces Doctor'\layr concluqes tbat the total numberof birds in the world known at thepresent tIme is about 27000 claSSifiedIn about 2500 genera He addsThere 1s no reason not to J>eileve

that an average of 200 vahd nf'W formsWill be qescrlbed during the cormng25 years whlen would brlllg the numbl'r of known birds I1P to g2000 in theyear 1960 From then on the progresswill be slower and I do not believethat the number wtll ever reach 40000

~ni~rican Band Mastersto Convene at TraverseCity Au¥ust 6th to 9thMUSluans atten<fung tihe ~atlOnal

MusIc Camp at Interlochen are preparlllg for Ole of the mObt outstancLlllgtwo VveeJ...serle" of concerts e'Ve<t'<ittempted In the calItl.,ps eIght year hIStory

1 he American Bandmastel'S AssoclatlOll wtlj convel11e III Traverse CltvAugust 6 9 and Will lm::lude a numberof leadmg Amenaan and Canad~anband dlrec or"s AlreadW the followmg1; a'Ve an~lOu>tlced t>hey WIll take part 11

the conv~ntlo!11 program Frank Slm<..nJlrector of the famous Armco BandGlenn ClIffe ::Bamum qlrector of tht\Jorlhwe.Jtern Umverslty Band Helbel t L Ilarke dIrector of uhe LOJ!l~Be~op Cal \1:umclpal Band LleutJ J GagnIer director of the Ft D~eIa MunicIpal Band Capt Char1e,s£) "'0111 c!lee,t<lr ~~y the' R-o;,al 22MRegIment Band of Qp.ebe'C Cana..daand ,,\ alter 1vf SmIth of Boston Mas::,

Band COd1!Perts!by the NatlOnal HJg I

:::'chool Band wrnch m'Cluc1es ZOOcrockmu,slClans from all parts of tihe country'\-ltl play each evemng at 8 o'clol,..~during the COlQvc,nt1{lrn

+"0 mghts August 11 and 12 campmembers wdl stage 1:lhe opera • Faustunder the dlrectlon olf Robert Korstv01 ....e teadher and opera plioducer fottne CmClOnatl Consezvatory of Musu..

- il;J ~

Aloma Theatre


Speciahung in Kelvlnator andFng'uuure ServIce


No Estimate ChargeDUNCAN & MacNICOL11927 CharlevOlx at Wayburn

~"gh", Sun '"T 2 1150 f1't.I"lay.u. • TR. :/:8006

1~1 o,arlevoixAve.~ f W1*):\",;Comer of Waybum

ADMISSION, ADUL'J'S aoc~ ~ ;41;..



Princess ComesAcrps\l


The Law in HerHand!!

,••••••••• , •• ' ••• k •• !••••••••.



The Country BeyopdPlu, WARREN WILLIAM and

JDNl\ ~RAVIS 111

Times Square PlayBoy

ADDED-A SpeCial Wesleln forSaturday Matinee Onl~



Under Two FlagsPlus VIHEELER and



M ,\RY ELLIS 111

Fatal LadyPIt s PHIL RElGAN arud


~aughin~ Iri~h Eyes

AitendanQe at the Great Lakes ExrnOSlhon has passed tlhe mf1hon markwIth VISItors commg from everry stateIn the Ul1lon BesIde" OhlO the statesof ~ew Yock PaJl1rnsylvarula Ml'chlganand Indmna have been most heavtlyrepresented alccordill1lg t'O surveys conducted on parking lots near the LXPOSlttOll

The Farms wo lOVeit' Hazel ParleSanda) 9 to 5 wltn the VISItors gettmgall the r runs In the first lU1l11g CarlVan De f'ltte dId the hurhng and afterRubber Stamp Waste the b<ct1c first mnnng he settlea do""

and How to Stop It and iP¥e but four "attered 111t"-- Grosse Pomte collected 10 hItS four

g0111(gfor extra bases A reed home1 Un by Gregg a trIple by center fielcjeSl!non a tnple by Perry who was out Gypsy Race Much Mixed;tryIng to stretCh It mto a homer TnI~ Fourteen Dialects Usedlut looked very mu.ch hike a Clrtt.lt The gypsy r*~ is now ~ rfrv muchblow buJ Hazel Park d d a smell JQ0 mixed Qne wIth elements of theof fieldjn~ <lnd relaynng to get Pen-y blood of all o~:t~e (,o\Jntrl~~~ whictJ.out I1lchc:> from the plate Shortstep they ~ha,e reslded and gYPsJes fromSlPencer got a double and s111gle and one part of the world may present

characteristics and appearances quite"oored Ihoth tunes Spencer- has been dIfferent from those of another i)arthlttllllg regula;r all year besdes dOIng notes a correspondent in the Clevea good Jab 'OIf fieldIng WIth botJh land' Plain DealercatChers hltt1Jlg over 400 It IS ne'Ce~ The Dnglish word gypsy reflects thesar; that lbo1h play tl11e whole game so old bel1ef of many countries that thePerry played "lght field WIth Harms gypSIes were tgyptlans In otl1erbehmd tit e 'Plate and Gregg who 1Sal"o countnes they wel e caJled lartarsluttlllg' abo, e 400 played seco11id bas" J. he old agreement of the trddlUQDS

concermng them was that they hadBorth bovs played a p ..rtfect game 11 come to Europe out of the e'lstthe e unaccustomed ~oslt1ons Fm,t lIodern Inquiry has revealed a good

I baseman P Itchard maJC1eone orr the deal of then' true hIstory however

I best plcl\ s of the day when he oaug:h and has estabhshed that the race Isand held a "lard hIt b'1e drIve that Wet::' orIginally fr6m northwestern Indialabeled a dlouble 'VhIrd baseman BJaiUer Bands of the lllhabltants o! this re~lopped a Slzzllrog grounder and turned glon w~re driven away from theirIt mte the only double pIa) of the d1.Y l'fOIDeSRhnd set



I0 nort ern nva elS w I .0 /"

:Ne>..tSunday IS Qldtltners Day T~ ( d n u on tpem lD fhe "l1nth centuryGrosse Pomte }.anus team IOf todd' O;hes: forbears of the modern b~psy

: WIll play tlH:"Farw~ team Qf yesterdaJ mo,ed mto xrabul1stan. and Persia andrillS vull be well worth s~emg for al nltlmately filtered t1frough Syria fntotIll" payers are old tIme resJdlents 01 Cgypt and norfhern Afrfca and throughGros<:c POl11te Tlhe YOUlI1l~stershad Turkey tnto Europe 'lhere are nowbetter not pttcJ to tlhe<;e Iboys throug 1 14 or more dlstmet q~al~cts of tj1~lrlhc mIddle for they wuU kiSS vhe old language 1n CUlopeav countties-Illdl

1 f b Tilt cat1ng thelr WIdespread distrIbutiOnatpp e 01 e>..tra ases ey are ge _trhg P""';\.cIce th1S we"k so they w111bllr shape ThiS game WIll be played at'1 6 clock WIth Esser Bras the guestJf the p'esent Farms team at 1 oiCloL.G-ro~se IOl11te ha.d a tough time to beaLEs"en tne ea"her part of tlhe ye1rCor dhey are a fast peppy te'Rm All InC:u ladY s en crtaIll1nent offere<1 at Kerby FIeld sll1!Outd1t be missed by youngor old

By Representahve B Carroll Reeceof Tennessee

The electlOn of a Repubhcan Congress will put an end to the msane orgyof walSte and spending WhllCbno courtry save ours has ever witnessed andll1sure Its sequence--a brala.nced bu'C1816t

1 he Seventy fouf'tih Cong;re:;s JustadlJoua-ned set an all hme record hllghfor spcndmg Und~r 'the wihnplasp ofan autacrahc PresIdent It apprJQipnateqmore to'ln 20 b 11IQn dJollar-s or- 70 nulhall d'OUals a day fQt' eaJch d~y COil

These VlSltors most of whom havebeen {rom O'titslcL-eMetre;po1ttan CleveIa.nd have found tb tlhett s:tmp:nse that:;d great deal can be seen here f'OT ,enhUlle ("ost The VISItors a:lso have foundthat one should not make the mIstake V\r lllie a Relpubhcaal Corgress Will seeof tryulg to see the entIre ExpOSition talat no CItIzen goes hungry (If" unIn a tew !hours or even 10 one da) clothed It WIll stop these moreasl:rugi)They nave dlSiCOVel'ed i.hM there are fantastiC and profitgate ex;pendltures 01many thmg,!, to see "MIdmuah enterta n the New Deal the mam pUr[pose atment to enjoy \'\llt1oh IS to <'et up a permanent dIcta

Thele IS a WIde selectIon of eating torshlp b) tihe bureaucrats 10 Washmgpla.t-es rangmg from the meV1table ton\menca.n hot diog emporiums to dlnwg ThI" €J:lectlOn WIll determme If ot.rlooml'> wItn the most mglllfiedt aJppOilnt government 'WIll operate alorg COJ!lstlments In Lhe Streets of the World are 1 tutlO11al 111lc.s and If the mstlil.ltlOnpLcturesque forel1gn 1 estaurants and t nder whcih we have flourlslhed tor 1,)0..ares where appetlzmg food 15 served years sJIJall !be preserved The Ne'Aat reasonable pI Ices Deal Congre<,s under the c1JofnJrnatwucf

T1hewe are many free entertamment 1.n autorrahc PreSIdent <ilbc11Ca1~dIt<:features 1l1J the <elX)poSlhon In!l:ere3t con'SitltutlOnal pO'wf'!"S WIth tlhe re,!,ult109 and m"tructlve exhubuts fill vh~ that a betre<iUCI~tlc government IS bemgLakeSIde ExibliblltlO!!.lHall the Automo estaibh"hed 1rt Amencabve BUllldllg the Hall olf Progres~ Unless the Repuibhcan Congress sdud otne" exhlblt bw1dmgs RaiCLlohwd 1 eturned th1S fall to recapture 1tS COI

J offers a doseuiP of the country s lead l'>t1tutonal duhes <Mldmdependence (Ifmg mdlO 31rtlsts at thel1r II;n aadcastlOlg actIOll tillS bureaucratIc government1 hel e al e free lb<IJnd concerts CiVcry Will be madE' completeaft{'1rnoon and sympihony concerts eVeI} Tne d.bcjlCatlon of 'Power by the legISeven1l1g In the symplhony shell on tue latIve body has peen the forerUnl1C1'"ofpla7a The Ma!l'me {heater presents every dlctatorshlll? anJC1of every comsWlmnllng and epVlol1g enterta1lllm.ent mUlUshc government A rulbber sta n')and a style slhow Genera.l adltmsslOf (ongrress IS the announcement of theto tlhe ExposltlOn IS $0 cenlts With a mOl;;i1 collapse of the peDplespeCIal puce of 10 cents for ohJJ.ldlen -- -----unger 12 Qn Chlldxen s Day each Gros~e Pointe Far1psMoruday chlldrcn are adm,ted for five Defeats Hazel ParkC(,11tS each and 1113.lc1diltlon aqml3'SIOnpnces to a score of concessIons mSldethe grotUnds are droppe4.. to a nIckelfor the children


For Sale


~- "'i' '<>.l'1Yft:..,. ... f' l-">¥~

Adequate Facilities for"FUNERALSLARGE OR SMALL

1\IlodernChapel15033 Kercheval at Maryland

LENqX 8415Martin E. Miller



WANTED-ROOM-Gentleman, 40, q\net hablh,

WiSheS roo1l:l lB strictly privatefamIly. sleeping :Porch If possiblePltone Murray 6026between 6-7

Plans for AhY Type B\llldlng

Wm. F. Frahm lenox 2458Specifications and Detailed


Origin of Words "Cow," "Bull"The words •cow I and •bull' are

probably imitative the root Idea of•bull' being a suggestion of its bellowing while j cow which III eallyEnglish and Scotch is pronounced"coo" is im1tatiye of the lowing callto the calf

Re:view LinersFlat For Rent

Page Two-Penalty for Embe.zlement IMillion Have Attellped

Most stal!:s pumsh eF.1pl'zzle,ment Great Lal-es Evpositionand !fraUd larceny Wlt~ eclual se- .....venty, but a 50year prIson term ISpossIble in ~nqlal\a for certam em-bezzlers, whIle a ten-year maXl-tnum IS the lImIt for larceny Thevalue dlvIsIOn between grand andpellt larceny ranges from $15 to$50


SIX ROOM I JWFR BLAT-3 bedrooms garage slcte nrl1ve Fr1lg1dalre

ne"" 1y deLol a1:ed actults preferred Ap!ply at 1115 Beacol1>sfeld

lusiQess Directtry

LOS1'-Blcvde1, at Grosse POlt teE arms pIer puUmaru make plue and

SlIver sIze 26 Reward Return tv 7Meaaow Lane no questions asked



Rehudt Used BicycleLawnmoweh 'Sharpenet(

Crosse POinte Motor It Bike Shop423 Lakepo"'te NI. !!A78• C Verbrugglte We buyu.ecl bicycle.


A'ITRACfIVF two rooms a11<dlOr,! ate bclth rn.gJd'afre bU'stnl0Ss cO'tl1Ple


preferred must have rcferel1'Ce~ 2534Plubp Ave

Lost and Found

CO,1 WcTFI- T WOMAN wants dayv.o[k 1J.24 M<pt'ylanc1 UiPstaars

, DAY WORK Wanted..-Excellent reI

terence 58N Qunstom neat Harper

and Conrnol,!,

cl1fLDREN carel! for 10 vour hOTee'\.cehel t references MadIson ,,743


ORfCNTAL RUG 8"IQ-,Sa.rouk perfpct cond hcm, also mlscellane9l,J

arttcles l,Jldgara 3056

\VHITE SEWJNG MACHINE-Ing{rod condition $10 00 birdseye maple

<lre.;s1l1g table 4'400 e1ectnc fireplacE'logs $1 00 Apply 1522D E Jefferson'\pt 318 iT SAILBOAT sluop brand new

rwlll l'>ellfor Lost On cash deal, n-eedmoney NIagara 7423 ~

lOR SALBr-DetrOlt Jerwel <:tove aid,ralnut dmctte table and [our chaIrs

AJI m very good condlttlon r-e&SonaJ:)l95 Oak Stl ett

Aparbl)~nt Wa~tedW I.'IfED-By S,pbember I.t !,,,fly

fU'fnLshc.d or f!lr01'!'ihed apartmentCall Grosse P01fJ..'te Department ofHealth or 1 u>..edv 2 0318

- -- HELP WANTEDWA'\ TE.D -1.espoolSlblf woman to

houwCikcelp fo" t~ .rooys age.d 8 3.nd\ 12 yedr,!, ror l(} riajs ~1.Sept whnle parl ents (;loreaway PhonIC N1agara 3365

I GIRL for genelal h;;;-;~k Mond ....v

ITueda\ Wednesday andl Fnda)

Home iI1lglh<: $500 per week Ca 1~d 8165 _

Work Wanted

Page 3: ,m~~~ro~~tpoinit )Rtuicn),digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...UD. WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY


Termmal of Gota CanalGothenburg 15 one of the termi-

nals of the Gota canal, Wh1Ch wmdsover 240 mIles through the heartof Sweden sometImes followmglakes, sometlmes flyerS, some-bmes a canal so narrow that treesat the SIdes of the banks brushthe small steamers on the waterAll m all 56 mIles of canal supple-ment the natural waterway ThesevarIOUS lmks were completed morethan 300 years after the proJectwas firCJtconce1ved and J.ndertak..en

Egypt's GoldEgypt of long ago derived great

quantIties of gold from the Sudanand It IS estunated that m th~days of Rameses II no less than$400,000,000worth of gold wu tak-en from there annuaI~y

Smce thiS column threatens to stayon the stage, another httle true inCIdentmtgot be added

A young mam and woma.n were Sit-tmg oue 111gh.tnn a rnea1"by calfe s.t,ppmgtall drmks when the girl es'Pl'ed ajoung man at a nearby tlllble Callmgher escort s atterutlon to the youngman she asked "Wasn t he a stoogefor 1he Drru11lkardl sihow?'

~ure now I remember"'Vv ell ' conclUided the gIrl, u1f that s

all that s \-\tong wlt1h 111mIhe Mn t beas bad as he looks I"

Speakl1"'g of the MlOh-lgan theaterrem111ds me of the plctUPl.'"etJThat wasthere last weeik, Suzy' The ohara-c-ters portraymg a v. atr hme story, aredressed espec1ally the women, U1 1936dress styles Some stuff, eh, lad?

Devlab 19 a bit from mUSIC, but stIll<;ta}1l1g'on the stage, there 15 tlhe oneabout the l1laSiter of ceremOnies who\ ISltea. an Insane a..sylum on a !tour 0"1InspectIon

One of t.he 1l1mates qwetly oame upto hun and asked Who are you? '

Im Hardy BellyliWiglh, rep~ed theM C

W1I0;> repClated the mmate, sqUl!1t-1l1g all eye

Hardy Bellylawgih tJhe master ofceremomes ail: the 1hohlgan theater

In con..fidencc the mmate wlh1sperf"dto the M C Oh don t worry aboutIt, you II get over It I was Napoleonwhen I first came In here J '

So tl-te other mght I attended a oon-cert at Belle Isle thmkl!11g that forOl1ICe I would enjoy e;nd appreCIateO'W;:,ICthe way It should !be recewed

SeQ.1T1ng a oa.noe I paddled to the..hell pushed up close to the hank<:ettled myself 'Comfortably on thecushwns an'Cl ltstcned

Gazing at the stars (try\tng to !p1ckout Venus) mv eyes <;UldJdenlyfound«nother pa1r of eyes, those of a htt eSIX yedr old glrl She stood a<s ItbraJcmJg agamst a fWll1d arms akImbofor a mmute then asked the compltcat-Ing questJOn Whatona <1.om?

After plagu111lg me for what seemedan mtermma'ble tIme the chIld s mot"1",rcalled her a\\ ay Just when I was debatmg WIth myself whetlher or :not Ishould st ut s'\\ mglng a paddle

Then there was the fellow who an ......hored beSIde me d.nd played a JPlhonograph dUrlng 1ntenms~lon

T 1at \Vas almgrht, !but lit1 hstenmg IfaIled to perce1ve tlhe water that had<;eeped mto the Iboart and alWoke to mysenses With drenched !pants

A girl across the canal took my m1l1doff my wetness when slhe :hollered\1USICI Do you call that musIc' If

) ou ask me, some .gIuy lust lhtad a fit andgot up there rand wa.ved hl~ arms I

I paddled <liway wondermg where Icould go to find peace 1l11dmUS1C* * .oj<


Last fall tih~s column attended a<;)mphony concert With all the M1ttCI~patlol1 and ent11>USlaSmof a born <:lasslcal musI'C Im,er Tihat S how I felt wponent~rUlg the hall But before tbe even1ng s program !had !been played I wasmore than con:V'1ncedrthat l>istenmg overthe radIO was mUlCh better Also recalled that even tihose band concertithat I used to hsten to (w~tIh a hot dogm one ha.nd and a lbottle of 'J?OP In thoot~r) <at Belle Isle had mooor concerts beat a mIle

In the first place .If my seat hadheel11 mudh I.fartih"'r back a balconywould have had to be butlt under me(R1ght t"1en and there I should ha ..efollowed my 111dmahon to !;IO d'O)W11stan sand Jmn a smoker 11l the base~ment audltonum) And no sooner wasI uncomfortably seated thtan I reahzedthat the peolPle slttmg arouM meweren t genume mUS1'Clovers

Two g1rlS sltbng at my left dId nothn5" all durmg the program but cnohclzeother women s hats and dresses t"1eman In front -of me chewed gum (or~omeuh11lg) so Vlgor,QIusly and smackmgly I felt Like tellmg h1m to go up011 the staJge and Jam the drummera young fellow on my rllglhlt hummed

\tV ar 100 e",er} hme the guest artIsttcnored a number a.ncLtwo newsbOY3111 {he rear furmsihed the remamderof d1verstf1ed Interrurpt10ns

On<.. {)It them stood up l1l1Jgled h 3

mckel<; d.ud pen01es and srtarted forthe aisle

Where ya gom? the otlher asked, Out he answered I can t waste

my time n~e, I got 1JraIpersto sell


Page Three------------------------ -.


Number of JoblessReported by Groups

The fil st hgures showmg the number of unemployed M1dhigan pet'yleaccordmg to general occupa.bonalgroliP<; WC1"eIssued todiay !by MajorHoward StaTret Statlet DIrector of theNatIOnal Reemrployme'lt Servlce

The an<atY!Jlswa~ made of the 180 677persons seeking work ~n prIvate mdu~try throilug!h tlhe NRS MIdl11gan officeson July I accordIng to Major StarretOf tJ11s number 9; 208 weriCI <lictua.ll).unemployed and most of 1lhe rema'1l1t!erwere worlang on WPA aJnd other l' edeJ'al prroJects

A further analYSIS of boo vanousgroups WIll SOon be reported whtdh ISexpeoted to be of mterest and use tomany «,)ommumty groups, Major Starret'",d

The figures areGroup No of UnemployedCratftsman a'1ld sktlled 44,278PhYSical 11lJoor(heavy) of,! 258PI'Ioc1nlcttonworkers (mach) ~1,870ProductIon workers (manual) 20 793Household or domesttc 9609Clencal (noll maohme) 9,203Personal serVIce (other) 7'62Mamtenance 5,551Sales ('"SIde) 3,75~Students 3,012PhYSical labOT (ltght) 2,733ProfeSSIonal workers 2309ClerIcal (m<lichme) lA03A.dmmstra.tors S'UipeTVIS0ry 1 36£Sales (outSIde) 1264Tedhnlc1ans 1,132Ullclas<;llfied 1,082Sales (related <:ervlce) 96CSemI professIonal 295Unemplo)"ables 158

llcec em Qlllees s:tacted last weekWith tractors and plows to furrow dc~19nated plots preparatory to the actualplanhng Whldh W111 srt:art in S~rtemibelBetween ;y5 and 40 tJractor-plow Untte;

are 111operatIon on tiwo SIXihoort' Shlftseillc.h wor1nng day' G A YOUng 111cnarge of the Mlehlgan State Forestrycamps announced today

Furrov. <;are cut tnree to four mdhesdeep dCloen-cltng on SOIl condittlOns,"even and one-lhalf feet apart Thetre"" wlll be !planted tne same dlstanC(l'd.part III ea>dh flOW or 800 to the acre

1ihe remamder of the 25000000 P~neseedlings available at the HtgIg'lns LakeState NUl sery Will be plal1il:ed [boy the(Ce camp.:- next sprmg Mr Youngsd.ld

State Forestry cee camps !have alrea(~y st trted p>rep-arratlOrus for wl1atWIll be tJie laf'gest (all tree plantmgprognm S1l1Cethe camps were estabhshed 111 Ma) 1933, WIth an eJq)etCtedolal of J 2,00 000 Norway Jaok and

'VVlhlte Pme to be plwted on 16000actes

MIchIgan fed all state m the nat1011last year m uhe at.'UiIUlberof treesplanted

At least 14 of tihe 22 State Fore.:-lr'camps, all located In State Fore,t.!>Will partIcIpate m the 'P'r'QIgram 1hept..lllt1ng IS 111 co <liPeratloll1 WIth tneScate lorest diVISIon of the Department of ConservatIOn

Fall Tree PlantingPreparations at CCCCamps Are Underway

,Ie ruty of Allega.n, M1clhl1gan, nextSunc(Ja, AuguiS1: 8 UmpIre Hea.dlqruarters \vtIl be at Allegan At thIs headquarters wIll be Ioaated the Deputvlhlet LJmp re an EXlelCt.tlVeAsststautAss~stallt m ,.Jhtarge of the con1:lrolgroup a551::>tal1t 1-11dharge of Blue opl..ratlOns as<itstant 1U charge of RedopE'rations aSSIstant for all O\PcrahoosaSSIstant In charge OIf maP'S. halSCJl('[heel With Blue and Red HeacL-t{udrtet s

{, mt umpIres W1l1b-e assigned to allun "tis Atea or contact umpires w111beIn charge of area.s wnere contact bet'i\eerll hostile d.orces 15 estabhshedH.egular reports at frequent 1nterval~w111 L1C madJ~ from all umpires to theUmpire HeaJqllM'ters

f lag ~lgn lIs WIll be largely employedby tlne ump-lres In exerCiSing t'hiellr control An auva l<CUlg'column of troopson ~eemg an umpires red flag displayedIII fran1: of It kno .....3 that some SltUa.tt01leXI~ts th1t makes Its fUIither OOIva"1celmposslble

In each SlhlatlOn the um?tre will decide ",hat ,",ould occur under the eXistmg ClJndlhons A force tlhat mm e~mto pOSItIOn Without Suffi:clent 'C'O"ferIS penahzc.d by the umpIre W'lth ihcd.vycasualties

On Judigmg the 1"lesult of al1 aenal1ombarc1tll em the umpire conslder~target records of bombmg planes, a1tlt Ide- at \-\'hlCP planes were flymg antiaIrcraft adllVlhes of uhe ground forcc<.md sllntlar comht 0'115

ThiS l.Jorchuated umpire system I!

the fmal stcp tru.':\t brm.gs home the fed IIf'ssons of the maneuvel1"s

- ,

TlUs corps was 3dectea ,from officerscarefully clhosen for tmelr prOfeSSlO>lalquahfila'trlOns Whenever possIble t'heofhcers select for 'UmpIre duty weregladuates of tne Gen>etral and Spec1al

"ervlce Schools

Ohlef l,mpue Bngadler Gener IIHerron pomts out that hostale fire ISthe 'Pnllclp~l bctol" of war whIch ISabsent 111Army maneuvers The urnpire S\ stem WIth It,5 decls~ons 5'uwhe~tihlS f",ctor of dlanger

Thb 1.cl.'O'!dlng to Gener<al Herro'1IS the- first and 1pnncl,patl iUnictlO'u orthe UmpIre Tlhe second l1nportanttunrt10n Qlf tlhe um.pIre 15 InstructIOnal

Durmg the plhase of the SecondArmy m1.neuvers wlh en !beglll1S 111 the

UmpIre assIsted 'by Llet1ltenant ColondP Hayes Deputy CbleJf UmpIre, Willd reet the Conps 0Jf 125 umpires

~Cool, Comfortable and Beauttful



Available at the

LADIES ATTENTION! ! !Dehcate Gar>nents Cleaned the Acme of PerfecttonMasterpIeces of Dry Cleaning Art IS the concentusof 0pIDlon of some or Grosse POlnte.s 80clalleaders


Yau '" tll step along whh a 'radiant sml1e In a swt thathas bE'en cleaned and pressE'd the superior SquareDeal way

For Careful, Consi:ientious Workmanship




ump rc dec1slons ratDer than s'1otand shell dete:rm11le the tl-de of batde111the S cond Army rna,nem ers

1 hiS week 1U t~ POI t K lOX Kent 1..r.ckyarea. umpIres are determl11111g'thesuc ..e s of the V Corps 1n Te<pulsmgthe Red m"aders tirJai JPusih noa'ttll....ardhorn rel1n~sc.e

~ext ,\eek the vr Corps CO<llSlshngof Reguta1'" Arm'l, troops and the NahOI al Guardsmen from Illmols M1chl~all a 1{1\1\ lsconsm WI 1 face the ho,"ttle forcec; Agann the umpire systemWill go 111to actIon

Bng1.dler General C D HerronCh1ef of Staff Second Army as Ohlef


1I~;]I ELLAJ.STONER i~ ...... BEAUTY SALON II~"' LENOX 2909 mffij 15231 Kercheval at Beaconsfield! 2nd Floot' ~


Army Maneuvers inMichigan Planned

for Next Week




IF, for any reason, you faIled toput your taxes for 1932 and

pnor years on the 10-year planlast yeat, you can stlll do so bymakmg the first two payments,WIth mterest at 4%-plus a smalladdltlonal charge on the paymentyou mIssed last year.

tage you won by commg underthe ten-year plan

1 Note: {! If you have not yet put your bdlCk 'll

taxes for 1932 and prIOr years onthe 10 Year Plan there IS stdl tImefor you to do so

:J3y Order o/7{ugmented7{dmin istratioe :J3oard0/ 8tate 0/ ~ichigan

t \ • t

2nd Paym.entlO ..Year Plan




JUST a year ago your state andcounty offiCials were engagedin a great dnve to encourage

the property-owners of MIchIganto clear the1r tax records

It IS estlmated that over half amllhon tax-payers took advantageof the spec1al conceSSlOns thatwere made for theIr benefit

Back taxes for 1932 and prloryears were put on a ten~year plan,and the first tenth-part was paIdNow the second part, agarn tenper cent, is due

You must now make th1S sec-ond payment, With a 4% mterest

~charge, m order to keep the advan-

Thursday, August 6 19,6-------------------_._------




Page 4: ,m~~~ro~~tpoinit )Rtuicn),digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...UD. WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY



I ,

'Thur,day, August 6,1936

lIfe work to Ignorre etO'\vded conetltIons111occup.atIOns

call Crosse Pointe Printing Co.,Len'ox 1l~, for job Printing.

\tv hy urge our bDYs and gIrl<; toplan for' a CClTtaIn oCcutpatlOn whenevcn today tnere 1S an over SUipply of\\orkers n It? Major Starret a9kedThere arc many VocdtIOns demandmg

ldentI" 1.1 o~ sltmht atPtttudes and Qlb'11tIes We should eltminate the crowdedones In our sllggeshons to boys aDdgirls TlJ:1eseyoungsters may Igl"'OW uprace star competItlOn low wages a'1(1unemployment beoause of our adVIce

InformatIOn l;YnLch the Umted Statesl:' mployment SerVIce IS gathermg willaId In vocatIonal tra111111gand gUIdau('eaccor mug to Major Starrrelt

We are keepn g a pC'!"'Pe1ual countat the unemployed he saId We 'alealso .allalyzl11g statIstIcally the maktupof the mass ot uncm,ployed wal ken ..md~tudY1ng occupatJonal spelClficahbnsand stamdaI ds WIth a VIew t'O facIlffat11Ig effectIve placement and the tflanstet Olf workers from one OClCiliPd.t1ontoanOl1.her

h c\ er befo'I'e m tlhe tllStOry of trheu111ted ~'batcs has the gro'Vernrt1~nt11a.de such an attalC'k on the whole 1.1ll-

emNoyment problem Wihen the Wag4ne~ Feyser Act ¥.as apPl1o'Ved 1tn 1933\~e as d. natIon ded1cated QJU~selve.g:tohelp1l1ig every 'Une~loyedJ [han an iwoman 1ft ttmt m(\st nnpQ~taillt hufuallta ...k of ,ndltng a JOb We: are gatner1l1g the facts and figure<; on unemplo:.\'-ment ' (


Men's 3-Piece 79c Ladies' PlainSUITS DRI;;SSES /

"" ~ * r-J( ~"";:7'Cash and Carry ......j t

Imperial Cleaners &.Q~Mack at Nottingham , ~ ~J::.lib4~.3000

... 'J i

Major StarretAddresses WayneUniversity Students

Add.ressmg Wayne Umversnty students In Deholt Major Howard Sta.net::,tate DIrector of the hatlOl1al Reemploy ment Servrce sala thcre is toomuch temptation 0'11 ther part of eldel sV\.hen adVISing young people 0111 theIr


Grosse Pointe Township.


You must be registered in the Precinct in which you reside inorder to vote at the Primary Election to be held on Sep,te~ber 15th,1936.

If you have not registered during the past two (2) years, you arerequired to re-register.



j I LI fjQllfN III

dents who mqUlre at tlhe bureauStUde>1I<: are I11vlte'C1-to use the facl1

Ihes of tlhe bureau whetiher they ar-0plUiI:unllg to enter the U111versity ofDetlort or '1ot Prof HC\Jrbreclht de'c1alcd L.1ke'\'<<;e StudC1tS \\'ho ha\enot Qf>filltely deCIded to cnter 'Colleg.J.re l11vlted to v slit tlhe bUcr-ClaU and dlSCUS:>\\ It 1 the counselors the advailltages of a college edUGatlOn It 1S t 1

constant end~vor of the staff .to as.Jlsteach student applymg at the b'U1I'edlto I eaCt1J"11 e W1se,:,t decIs10n that ca I

Grebel1C r-" UnGer Green ~pfl;i be made III tlhe hght olf Ih~s or herBoughs A httl~ house ill COIll1-e'Ctlcut particular problenb he sal.Jserved a~ a "ei11~ and healer to rrne. T b II d 1 t

'" ~ "'i.- { ne Uleau WI prrov::t e comp e e 111author whb lost courage :and faIth' formation on tihe Varw'1.1Stypes of stu'\\ hI1e huntlng a job m New York Tit},; dent aid prowded at the U of D t 1record<; ler ex:penences 111 makmg a cludlllg the student note plan of tUllIO 1

pea(,eful home aJnd hVl11g rout of a pa)fi1ent the placement bureau anddIlapIdated week end cottage the N Y A employment ptlogram lhe

Bnnley-'Away to the Gaspe A gayly cooperalive emlPloyment for engmeermformal accou11lt of a mOitor triP from

lng studtl11:s and the sbutdent loan fundCOllnectlcut to QUe/bec and then aTound The burca\l 1,:, located on the LtvernOlsthe Gaspe Penmsula whIch ltes sout'IJ. Md\-nchols rood camiPUS tn Room 10ieast of the mouth OIfthe St Ldwrence m the SCIe Ice buddtng the only U111

RIVer verslty bwldlllig facIrg LlVernOlsRosmal1'--Mother OIf(1:he Bnde ThepreparatIons for a weddmg and thewedmng Itself form tihe bac~ound 0+

thiS story of love young moderns arndEllglts1. famlly Me

!lump'trey _ Green Mountams toSIerra,:, An mformal account 0& a leISurely and economlcal motor triP from"crmont to CahforOla and ba'Ck, byboth the ~outhern and noothern routes

Landau-Sccrets orf the White LadyI'he cLuthor wat. the Brttlsh officer whocontroLled the s e c r et otga.11l~t101"knOwn as Tne Whtte Lady crurl11lgtne V\- orId War Tm.s b'O'ok tells the1l1s1de story of tihe organlizatIon andgIves In d~tal1 the stOlIes of some of1Jhe famous sp cs Who gave thelr hves111 tne cause

Clason-The FIfth Tumbler A gemRland mlld mc:mnered Il1lstory profeswrolves a baffling and comlPhaate'Cl 111.Ir

der ca ...eOdkley-1 "]pt Heart of Prorvernce De

,;crI0111g the beauty rDmance and h1"ory of Provence 111Southern France

Grayson-Gunston Cotton. An ad,enture mystery 'Vi lDl1 Mr Gu,nStO~lCatton an Lnghsh secrct semeeagent who lS a romanilC character aswell as a bnlllJ.nt detectIve


iBeaconsfield Drug Co. II u. S. Postoffice Substation

15401Mack at :aeacons'6:eldI Prescriptions Our SpecialtyIWE DELIVER TV. 2-227~

~~_0_ - - - - - .... ..-o~

I AUGUST SPECIALS I• Shampoo and F!ngerwave 3Sc I

CROQUIGNOLE PERMAl'<ENT WAVESStudent Counsel Bureau I Reg. $2.00 Value for $1.50 Reg. $5.00 Value for $3.50 IOpen Two Days Weekly I ' VIOLA PERMANENT WAVE SHOI?S tfor U. of D. Students I 15309Mack at Beacondield 14132 Kercheval at Eastlawn

over Smlt;h's 2 Doors East of LibraryFor the bcncfit of studrents who ale I NI 7535"\ LE 48:13 ),i"-,-. - - - _"""'r.~ _.....,~_o_~....__ I'~...,.p. .... _0 ~

¥. brkl11g dUrIn~ the summer the Stt,l _~ _c..ent Counsel Bureau olf the Ln1VersIt}of De lot WIll be open every Tuesdavand Foday evenmg from 7 to 9 Prof} au! P rial breclht dJrcctor of the bmeau has announced

1 he bureau b open da,I1}.from 9 to 4and S ....tllHl>ays unttl nOon to dISCU~<;"'Iuh prospectIve students all the problcm<; that artse on the e;ve O'f gOl11g tocollege Vocat ond.l gUIdance and obJectl"e mformatIoll on the various field:.of actlVIt\ for WhlCh a college edu'Caton prepar e<; IS prov1ded for all stu

IIIII • II II 111111II 1IIII!.l..!ru~~!l!l!!J.!ilill!J.!mrnrnru!.l!J.!!l!.l.!!.l!.l.!W!J.!!.l!l!!l'!l!!J.!ll!lJ!.J.!!.J!l.!~~ti!l!~ll!l!n!l!I.!1!~!.l!IDU!llMil~~~!OO.!~~~l!J.!!l.!!!l.!~!.I!l!!l!J.!!l!J.!. ,!J!l!,• "iTiTiiliTiiTiTiiTiTiiliTiiTiTiiTiJiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiliTii1iTiiliTIi[iIifiTrifiiliffiiTiilUITiTii1iTtiTiTiilifiiTiTijl'i1iiTilii1iJiililiiTiTiiliTi~iJiTiiTiliiji'Tiil1llilililiiTiTiiliTiiTiTiiTiTiiliTi ". _ ~ .- I_,;;;t";; J ~ ....i ....~ ~ t


~ ~'*' !l!!~ a ~ITo the Qualified Electors ofGros~e iI Pointe Township, Michigan. :1:':

~ Registering and transferring of registration at the office of the ::N Township Clerk in the Municipal Building at Maryland and East :=~ Jefferson Avenues in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park will continue ••~ every day from 9:00 a. m., to 5:00 p. m., (Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. toI 1:00 p. m.) up to and including August 26th, 1936.

B For your convenience, the ofi4<eof the Township Clerk will be~ open from 8:00a. m., to 8:00p. m., bn August 26th, 1936.~~ Registration may be made with the Village Clerk in the Village~ In which you live, prior to August 26th, 1936.~I If you are not registered, or if you have moved f~omthe ad~ress~ at which you resided when registering, you are reqUired to registerIII or have your registration transferred.!E.m~~~~~~~~_go;==••~~~ ~'it= lllI=:u. -_!t!LuJ!l!!J!l!!t!LUJ!l!!l!!~!J!l!!J!1l!!t!LUill'!j!!Ll!00!l~J!l! !t!L~1SIiIi!(l!jj !I!l!:;rdl~'~_!I!l!!I!l!!IU~~HliriliiliTiiliiliifi(n1iliIlitiiIiiliiIi.lililiililiililiiliiliiTiIiili!iiliIiiliTiiliTii!ilii1i1iiJifil. I.timiililiililiiiiliifili f .'ilifi~


Scriptures Translatedin Anglo.Saxon in 900

Translations of the ScrIptures mt()Anglo Saxon were made as early asthe EIghth century though no com..plete Anglo Saxon Bible e\.ist~d 1('~

cordtng to an article in the Dett tFree Press In the rourteenth c(>n~tUlY Tohn W~cllffe transJat~d the T atmVulgate of St Jerome Into a completeDnglIsh I3Ible a verSIon eagerly re'ld,by the people But prmtmg was notinvented untIl 1450

Thereafter printed Bibles In th~ com..:mOD language of France SpaIn Italy,Bohemia and Holland appear.e,d N )tbefore 1525 however was even a partof the Bible printed in Dnghsh ThHIwas the New Testament translated byWJlliam Tyntlale from the Gr~elt andHebrew orIginals and published ontof Fngland at Worms There was ademand for an rnghsh Bible but Tyn ..dale was out of favor With the author..Hies Consequently in No\ember 153~MIles Coveraa]~ a clergyman of stand ..log and character began his transla ..tion strongly influenced by 'lyndaleand Martin Luther s German veISion

Dedicated to Henry Vln and IncJnd ..tng the Apocrypha the COver(1'lleBIble was PUblIshed late In 1'531 theyear tn which Tynda)e was arrf'stedin the Low Countries charged wltbheresy and the followmg year stran ..gled at the stakE" before hIS body wasbUlned


Scotsman First CoinedNickname "John Bull"

Englishman have to thank a Scots~man for their national nickname.This Scotsman was Dr Tohn Arbl..th-not whosf" satire' .rhe History of lohnBull (origInally pllbhshed as Law ISa Bottomless Pit') first appeared in1712 In this book whIch d.ealt WIththe polltlcal mtrigues of the time theFI enchman IS termf'd' Lf'wis Baboonthe Dutchman is Nicholas Frog andso on while England Is rf'presentedas thp bluff kind hearted fal-mer JonnBun '1 he book caught on and soonJohn Bull was the Dame for a typicalF'ngHshman the wOlld OVf'f The pop~nIll pIcturf' of John Bull m the old ..fashIOned gpntJ~man farmer's dresscamf' much latE'r appearing frequent ..ly In the p'lges of Punch in the draw~ings by ~Ir rran('ls Catruther<:; GOUld( [" ( C' ) the famous cartooDist

Unuflual Monumentsrrbe mJ.ritlm~ ('ltlf'S of HaPf'lx

aud r;:;t Jo1)ns havf' tdl~er on a ('ertam commerCial atmospheu" such asIdentifies our lal gt-r l.entpI ~ In theStates but T"ngbl:lh hIstory In the gUIseof monuments public bUlld1:p1ZSandmUSE'UlnSstill holds forth ~dlR. andGrand Pre caBed the Tvnng~llne countIY and lmrnortahzf'd by Longfelloware not mere naMes A C10<:;Scanstructed of founda tlon stonef$ marksthe sUe of tbe ~lcl churcb and cemetery Evangehil'e s W.ell strll standsOf the priest s garden nothIng J'.:jleftsa\e th(> ~mows p1mit'ea In an orderlylOW by the eArl;5- settlers The Memorw.l chapel 15 a <Jtone replica ofthe old frame- buDding and was €'lected With contrIbutions from AcadHlns"lC.lttere-d ull over the contlDent

AnCient Englneermg FeatsA sing e stone for (he coHn~sus of

Rarneses II was 60 ff'et b1gh andwf'lghed 887 tons ODe has heenfound weIghing 1200 tons No oneknows how the~ manipulated their\ ast weights Engineer111g opmIOn isdIvided between levE>rs,rocking ciadlesand incHne'd. planes: If weighted levelswere employed they were probablyplaced on eIther Side of a stone Laborers In great numbElrs pr€'!sed downthe levers and razsed the stone andwhile it hung suspenaed other worhersrapidiy pn~d esrlh beneath It

Meaning of OphluchusOphinchus occupies a large area of

the nIght sky 'lhe Greek name Op-hiuchus meaDS Selpent Holder andhe Is always represented as wresthngWIth a gleat snal~e inuch latger than11lillSE'lf thIS constItutes the cons tellatlon of Serpens He IS also shownas treading underfoot Scorp1Us theScorpion thus Ophiuchus IS regardedas symbolu:lng man s contest wlth thepowers of evil

AnCIent MoneySlabs of copper In Sweden, tea

compressed mto bricks In Chl11a,tobacco mIlk, cattle and salt wereall at one tlme used liS money


Blot'to Oid BehelThat a halt is a long hollow tube is

a common bellef in mans quarters Ityou look at one under a magnifymgglass you WIll be of the same opmion-This is why men for generatrons havehad the ends of theIr hair sInged aftera haircut to plevent • bleeding I AndSlDce women have been patronizmgbarber shops they too have come tobelieve that they ought to have a smgpafter each bob But the truth is thata hair is perfectly solld and cannotbleed Thus slOgeing is neither beneficInl nor harmful

How Committees Are ChosenThe national commIttee of both ma

jor parties are authorIzed by lulesadopted at the natIOnal conventIOns toname substItutes for the nomineesshould either die or be incapacItatedprioI' to the general election.

Extent of Roman Empire!J..he Roman empire at Its gleatest

extent under the Dmperor Hadrian,about 117 A D stretched from Scotland in the north" est to the Red seaand the Pelslan gulf in the sonth{'U'stand from the Caspian sea the Blacksea and the Danube l'IVer 10 the northeast to the Atlas mountains in thesouthwest



PrQlbalbly hIS most notaJble admeve-me1lt was dur1I1g' hIS term as ChiefI\sststan1: t'O the Rorarable Harry ....Toy l;\ hen gang oonttol rond gamgsters\II ere ehuunat"d from thts commuUlt)

Mr Knse was born 111 Cambna CoPennsylvaiTIla September 11 1898 waseducated ~t DIclkrnson College, Ul1lversIty of DetfiOlt and DetrOIt Collegeof Law worklIlg !hiS w~ tlhrougl"IQchool Upon ihJ$ gmduatlOn from tneDetrOIt (.ctllege of Law !hoe opened dlaw office m HastLt1lgs Ml'Chigan whe1 ewlrr.1hw tl1urty dAyoS he was electedPreSident. of the ~y County +ear AsSOC1atIon al11d one: l'illonth, ~ater tetu.rned to tJhe city of DetJ:'lolt -on 111v1tatlonof Paul W VO)(')flhles 'bhel,l Prose-cutl11<g AHorney to I!J.e,cOl111ea member 0 fhIS staff

He IS a memlber of OrleI1Jta1 LodgeF & A \{ Ki"g Cyrus Chapter DetWIt C01illlwndery, Moslem Shru1tThe Odd Feilaws Judge John raustPost atf tine AmerIcan Legton, and theForty and EIrglht

He IS marned anld has one son Edwa.rd FIsner Knse twelve years old

CampaIgn headlquarters hlave becnopened a.t 484 Pmobs'Cot BU11dmg

[)ur111g the lQlst week tlIe NatlOl1alReemployment SerVIce m M1ch1gan~ent .3 297 p<:1S0ns on jobs Major Howard Statret State Reemployment DIrector reportedl trodlaiy

Free EmploymentService Placed 3,297

During Past Week

JObs totalhng 2684 wete m prIvatemdustry and to !private contractors a,prevaIling v.ag'lc'S wnlle 613 asslgnment:.were to relIef wurk proJe'ats at secunt)w-ages In order to malke tlhese placements hUll'ckeds of 'Ptl1vate employersco Qper'alfed by sending m orders fOImen and women

Citizens OrganizeHousing Company

New a"lilcatlOl1JS for work were 3 030brIn~ll1g le total of the Clicttve file to193214 The plClicements for the weeke>..ceedcd ne ncw alPiPhcatJ!Ons

Y\t e e 1deJ.\ or to supply the type o:fIndlvIduJ.l the emploryer wants MaJOlStarret saId Tlhe serVloe \IS free toeIllrploycre and cmployer

Those placcd last weck mcluded 30/9men and 218 women Veterans In thegroups .numib"'red 165

The ~ atlOnal Reemployment SerVIceIS 'Part of the Umted States Dcpai tment of La,oor Thousands of regIs.tratlons by MLdhIgan unettlJPloyed filedb) hundredrs of class~ficatlons gwe enployen. an excellent oppo~tumty to select Just the workers tJhey need accord1llg to Major Stanett BeSIdes placH gpeople III prnate mdustry the NRS a,:,Slg11S them to 60 Fedcral p'i1lbltrcan'Cirebef projc'Ct<;

Suez Route Through LakesThe route chosen for the Suez

canal was largely determmed bythe presence of a cham of lakesOtherWIse It coultl have been builtfor a dlstanc~ (If 72 mIles only m.stead of the IW,--~-I';

Chureh '!JiIulli iu /llreelA church, 'lill" Ha~b", $prmgs,

MIch, IS an oBJect of CUrlOSIty tomany of the t0urlsts It was bUIltIn the center of ~he s,reet by theIndIans, who donated the land, sothat It could be seen from the oth~er end of the VIllage

l\Iewca<;tle Ind-The canst! UctlOn ofbet\\ een 100 and 200 lorw-pllCBd homesdurtng the prcsent summer dlnd f.ul ISthe amI of a new Jl0Uismg 'Corporatlon1 ccently formcd !by bus111ess and CIVIC

IC<i!deIs olf Ne\v'CastleWIth the city facmg a senOrtt<:'hOU<1

tng shortage bus1lless men have fellthat steps <;llOUld be taken to 111surethe bmlmng of a suffiCIent number ofdwelhngs to hcuse the exrstmg populatwn ~lIlce 1I1lcfuvIdJ~arlswere 'Unable 0

take the responslbIhty Df bUlltd:Ing solarge a number OIf hot.ses a gt'lOUP ofpulbhc spl1Ited cltIZienlS called uponlhomas McConnell ASSOCiated D1r-ector of the Inldllanapohs office of tne1ederal HOUSlllg Adm mstratlOll to aIdthem 111 tloh 111rg tlhelr prolblems

As a result a meetIng 'W1asheld In

~ew-castlc on ].:me 19 at whllch prehrnmary pl4111Swel e -a d for the IbUllldmgof 100 homes 111 blocks of !between .,IXauld eIght dwell ngs Present plans callror t\.r(' Immediate COl1stru(,tlOn of 10WInes sellmg for between $2 500 and$3500 I\.s +<he sales of these lmt alhouses are t.onsummated the companywt11 r(,cmploy ItS capItal U1 the canstructlon of addItIonal dwellIngs It 1Sl10ped tJhd.t by the end oIf tlhe summcrat least 100 houses WIll he oompleted

The In<>ured Mortgage System ()fthe Federal Housmg .AJc1JmrnustratlOrwI! lbe u<;ed as a baSIS for t-he !projectOperative oUllders commlrtments VIIII)e jbtallled by the new corp01atIOn 0'1e:Ldr hou"e construrcted and prospectnrchorne buvers WIn qwalIfy to obtam inIHu<fed mortgage loan on the oom",

1;\0 hll"h they des re to pUfichase

L Pct() 1 000I 6671 ~0vI 5002 3332 000

Team StandIngsW22IIIo

Neighborhood ClubActivities

gate surf arclng-a new dust proof m-expebsIV10 type (,omI1ltSSlOnCr Van\iV agonl;'r saId Lug.s on farn machmery ""Ill '(lJamage these road':> and weare takmg thrs step to prevent 1t

Results of game,:, played July 29Orok Cleaners 11 Iucuatl8 1Plates 5 McMIllans 5 (8 In.nmgs)Gros$1eJ Pomte Farms 3 Red Pelt

CatIS 1

r lfatesOak CleanersMc\1111ansGros.se POInte FatmsRed P('hcan,:,IndIans


The greJate',st quesho'll before theCIty CowncIl during the year of 1802was the Water !barrel Practl'Cd.lly theonly fine placed on 1fhe pulbl1c that yearwas from neglect 01£ thIS brOttne eqU'1.Pment and pr<llcttoally the only servtc.egIven by the t{JIcal government was man <tttempt to ke~p fresh unfrozenv.a.ter 1J.ll, ev-ery barrel


On and Off the Records

hI 1795 the NocthWest terntory ortg'mated a: cotir1: 'Wihneh ptofVed the mtelhgel1ce of tlhe early Amenca.n and vAucnas become one df tlhe most l1npor.tdntfuncttOns of out' governmeJ11t todayThIS wa", called the Onplhans' caurtIts JunsdDchon was slmlla.r to that atthe presenl1: pr-dbate 'Cowrt but moreextenSIve exe.rcismg care over alltrustees and execu.tors The courtserved the youth ot the. terrItory runtdISH when tlte Re'gls,er of Probate "ascreated

Was talkIng pbhtlCS wrtlh H.arold E.Stott and was SiwrptIsed to lle.a.r- thatthe !polItIcal ieiehmlqUie 15 pr8lbhcallyunchanged In the p-ast !hundred yearsand that <lit one tlIl1e the major partyIn MichIgan was catl1ed j The Demo-era tie Rep'ubltC&niS'

The Beer Premc and m.()OJ]hghtaffaIrS -are not new,. sald St'0ll In 1838the DetrOit p~'C'ts tarrIe-d ads a-sktIigpobt1c~l h<1p 'a:n<ll ~nn01lliflC1ng It~g"barbecues WIlh everythIng to eat ltn~drnllk oftered" free Elethon tentSl'Oll

v. as so taut tihat people! offered money10 pt.Vblrc statements to 'Colne !fromoth.er terrlitoMes land vote fur tlhe fa,VOl"

er c;a,11Idl~dlate Men fl!O'Ckeld !fromCanada to grQlb the free money

Today we fitl\d mucih the -same thl1'gdone exc-ep.t the !().'feign voter 1<;

bro'uglht t.n under cover Cilnd the freebeer cost ten cents a glass wh~'Ch wehnd out after Wle tet forty ml1es Gutfrom l1'O!w here and are f~I'Iced to paythe prIce for the ftee lunch

The PUt"chasing Department Q£ tlh.eOoutJ.!ty BtHl<1\mg merved Ilfito 'newquarlters They are rnodeTin well eqUIppetd and ready for up to-date servIce\Valter Gu1man and James RIchie heldopen house to more ~hQ1ntiWo hundredcount) elllployees

111e office-s are on tne fifth floor nexfdoor to tJhe Press Rorom 21111(.1' the first<llght tnat meets your eye on entenngIS a c1nor lettered pt'oml1nently BUl nsand Allen ASSIstants' Thlls m~ ornort have been one of }nnmy BurnsPtllbf~clty gags

She came ltltbi Henry A Mout-gomery s o'ffice and was cryIng Shehad taken out a ma:rrtage apphtahon

1:< md my finance she &a.t<i he halldlsJ.ppeared and Vi e toV'ed each on et

ThAs ractlon was the Iesuft of dam4-gereported on QI1~gravel road,:, In severalparts of tne state \. recently complete-dsectIon of M 150 from Rochcster tonthm Oakland County was 1"eported toha.ve strrreretl pa:tt..Iculatl) fractalSWIt!l lugs were the prmclpal came ofdam~e" the OommISSlOner saw. Mam.,t6nat}ce crews wl1l &0. Qrde"e'Cl.to watchfor l"IQTatnona '0£ 'tihe. warmn~ sIgns,al'lJdo1Iell'oers wIn be apprehended

(A large patt of' our farul +-6mal kefhIg1hway program proV1des 011 aggre-

'0MOlltg6lnery looked tbrough tlt:e fib

and- found no cert1Jfroa.te fo'r the d 5

tres~ed wooten Wlhat m1Olnih:dircf youapply {or the hcense r he &aIeL.

Her <lll"wer came betwee.n sO/b.s "Jremen bet deady, rt was Mll June 1925she' saId.

Gomer Krise Candidatefor Way n e County

Prosecuting Attorney(Contmued from P~ge One)

ed a gUIlty verdIct aga,mst Dave Cohnfot ma111'ta1l11t11g aUld operat111g' a gambltng estalbhshment

ControllIng ah:mg .fu1tesame hnre hetn cOiflJunct!on wlbh Judge- Thomas :MCotter df the Recotder s Court earnpalgned a@al11st vice condlt1oos III general tM eff~lCt of Wlhlch was soan feltand recag'nI1zed La:tet 111 cooJUl11ietlon"nth lionor"bie W McKay &kl!lman ofRecotder s COU1't, he conhnued hl.scampaIgn aga1.ust \ lee -cOt11d~t1Qlns m-cludIng t~l:e actiVItIes of bondsmen andmethods of the P'OJilce De3Jartmetlt\\ h~CJhresulted In many changes fOIr

~he pulbhc good.He was aJl)tpomted successively by

Robert M Toms James E C11€110rt andv. a:, ChIcf AS~lstant PrvSOCUllt1g Attorney dU!"lIlg the- term of Harry ST Qy now SUlP'reme Court Justice

At the cooclus!ou, 01£ hIS term a~Chief ASslsta.nt Mt" Toy J1Iad tthns 1..0'a~

Gomer Knse IS an Ihcmest fearlessleader Hoe has been III commandunder trYIng cIrcumstanoes He 1:,\ Igorous Jb pro.seouhng cnmll1!a.ls to<;atfeguard sO'Clety yet emmently fairm pros<tcutmg the vested! nglhits ofcIhiens HIS election wIll mean anhonest effICIent and mtell~ent admllllstratlon of trhe o:ffiJce of Prosecutmg<\ttorbey ,

Krise ..pent eIght years as trIal assIstant before be<:offiIt11gChief Asslstan.ttryIng many thousands of cases otf allt) pe!> anid securIng many notaibLe cenvlctIQns mcludmg nortOrtOiUs bandtt<;<;Uich as Jack Downey well tmlOlWt1 011<;tatIOJ1>bandit and murderer Isa'<1oleLoudiy compaulon 9£ Fr.ed Kl1ter 'Burke, ",,00 sUiC-0essfu1~eM up the~ay 1ewelry Company In tJhe Booikbandit qUeJell a11la many others

Durmg hIS term as ChleJf Ass1Stant...t wlucfl tome he had personal chargeand superVIg.JQ[l of aIt the AS<11stanhand theIrr prosecuttons he pers'On~1fj+rz~d and convIcted Gh.arfes LIgMese"and "\TIn am OI1le!l ry negro kllIers ofMartha kClingras a whde gtrl 111 therear orl a palahal reSl<feniCeon Pall1sler

Al'li) II tampibell brnigmg w,th l<11il a '\ verecord of undlIstprt1tedUlItegrlt')i from th6 He also tned a1lJd OouVl1cterd Ohtarlespr-&sedtftoc s 6'fhct <:l~st.s Fnis ~t 1fi't'O'the MI11chellt Cllnd Vm.ce'ue Lamona, thecrowded C1rcult "Court CommissIoners bdnappers 6£ I1t~ J ackJ.e TIbrom!psonrIng C<tmpbeU 15 n-e'W to p>o1lt'fCs an,rt' before Jl:1f1~c W MoK-ay Sktllman, twohas an atr of effiCIency a-nd: self MISer years after the cpmtn1SS10n .of thelion Whl!Ch b'eltes thte po.frt1ca:1 strtrfe 6f CIInl;ey and: the cenvlcbon o..f Jamesa campaIgn lb.ut 'WIh1chyou would ft Fera.nado the go bet'\\eren !by HonorIn vefy "'ell hl <>he of tile tn;po<tant abie JW;e. E Chenotcounty posts Campbell wlf1 worry Knse p1"oved 1}11'tnselfto be a vigormany of me old tnne cafl1lP!a1gners OIU-S camp'algluet agiamst VIce an(~

~ racketeermg havmg E;Lealtsurocessful onJudge Joe GIllIs IJ)'ersuad'ed Jad: tw.o aocaslons W1>t't the noted '~1eaner~

Cowan t6 take a we'eJk end: trn:p Vclllh anld dy.erS' rackrets," and It IS to l)elNm in fITs,cP'Vefle!d f'W-alg0il attto trader noted tlhat Vhere has been no new ootLeaVIng the nOtre and worty Oi£ De brea~ of t1,115racket m tihts 'CommUniftytrort the Judg-c sWggested a glaq1e of "'luoe luIYJa<:t SOlG,tlOU of tJhll5IProfb1embudge Wh1Ch CoWan readlly accepted three years- agothe game prog'res-se<1 nUDely car1s Pmce "vars oondluct~d ib-y the maJO'.reven!y' dr\ tiered, and ptay welt rnatdhed gasoltne and 011 compaIl1es were stampFmally Cowan dtS'Corvered the 1t1'PpOS en OIut by I<...rIsewhen enlforced bank<;1Ib'1e hand ntl'et !been delallt Not only rUlptcy and J;Utn £WCedl mde@enKlent<1<ea1tbut dealt to nhm COWan faced dec:ders No pnCe C'Ulthng W<W bMweehtmrteen heans He became ta>lkatIve gasOll1Ie dealets !has OOCUFr-ed,:brJ: WayneThIs IS a great Idea: of yours Joe County :.Ince the prompt actIon take1/:bncllge wh~le yQlti nd:e ooof fre."n by KrIse to protect the -small ahrd 111breeze<;, no warnes l1LotJhmg to ag dependent dealerghtvate (line. The shoe repaIr raCKet was hK\,-

The Judige hla1dno hme to' tetpfy for W1Se- extermmated when racketeersthe car g.ave a furrdt aild Cowan 5 \\ ere lirrc:.tr-d and taelr fake protechanG went :fiym~ aft over tlhe trader tlOn j;rfted if/om Inidepondent shQ1ps:.1he jul.1ge st!if h:""I', "phod true a'r hf,forts to estabhsh \a protectionbemg filled WIth Vlo1ent SOund wave,; r<l1ck-et Jll the DetrOIt woolesale {obacfrom thre hps 01£ tlhe seillot oo'Unty (,10 busmess farled because of prOO:lptaudttor laett01) by 1\.rIse Racketeer'S !had order

ed wholesale dealers to iP.ay weeklyTfactors Fol'hitlden on due, for protectIon lrOlll bDlalCker>

0'1A R d plallm'ng on cibt"'nlllg huge s~tns forI - ggregate oa s thClr effort. wJJe" oompl",nt was

~l1a:de to then Asslstani PfiosecuLoikrlse HIS alctlOn lIT eltmmat1l11g th"l"ackelt drew the !praJise O/f~11of the 111

tenderd VIctimsIt \0 as llls partIcular procedure to

5eek 1llIfOlm<ttlOn aJ1'i:dstamp out pro-posed rackets b~tiOF(e tlhey were arb.cto watn d. foot hold thereJby exlposll &a.nd clnnmatmg many rackeJts !bcfon ..tlhey roaohed pUlbhcIlY stage savH1gthe iaXipayer:. many thousands ofdollars

After havmg S1,)ent eight years m theactud.l trial of thousands of ca\ses hegtlllned 'CoiflsMerable eXlperIet1lCeIn thr AnCient Mystery Explainede>..ecutwe brandt of the office as Ohret The prophetIc delIrium aSSOCIat--ASSIstant diurmS' the four years follow- ed WIth the rehgious shrmes of an~

Clent Greece has a prosaIC ex~U1Jg'and soon proved 11.1sa.bIfrty 1.11 that pfanatIon Somewhere, near by,lme many tImes beulg called UlP'Onto were natural gases or vaporsact as Prosecuttlll$" Attorney durmg the • whIch, arISIng: from the SOlI, hadaJbsence of the Prosecutor the power of mtolOcatmg

Sta,te HIghway CoIlli1ll\1s..lOl'1er M llrla, D Van Wa:gooer tway Issued anorder to maintenance umt tl1roughoutthe ~tate to etect St~ H On frtink1J.ttes<;ur{;:U..ed WIth 011 aggregat~ forbtddmgmadl1nery equIpped \\I+h lugs- to usethem

I4(,}., 14MJMkdi \ ", 'lP~ 1

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1 hUfsday August 6 19,6 THE G l' 0 SSE POI NT E R L V I E W Pdgl FIve-----------------------------------












::;C'4 GP..QI,J-, ,!."'R~

J /<1,,' C ,.IVCH£St. "'" ~'\.7V'..I/NG

SSYND(A. '" e


\\"~ O."J







.. Ill' Gene Carr,.sAY, 1'HI S I-\I'\ND "15 SORt. FRLlM50C\-(IN' f-\IM 1'\t>1't11>. WOt-\'1' S\Opl\

Ann Hardtng You may sa.yI v.. em 0 England to get a",ay from Lt all

HERE 'N THEREC AN1 CI-\'" .51'oPI-\IM "fRUIilc:.RYIN' $~ .



/.Ii". U-f1LE. R:i".D .sCHOOLHOL\S~ 15!3i".1"1'E12. 1'HAN -(HE:. Ll1"1"L.E.-RE:A17Clll:t:B:.N _ ~ -

- By Fred Nordley

i1-\t=:N FERRETI''e\:>001'" tofI'/ ~E J>-.NDTIE\:> T\-\t=: "T\NOPREC10U'5 ONESINi"o A BR/'.CE 01'"MARlNERS KNoTS.

, '0



I/VIAYBE ( '""--~I'M 0/ /? lh

wraot-l G -f.t\I .. I ~< .~--. '"

~- By Ray I. Hoppman\\ 80! ND'f A 'THING O11efth~eoc&I E:)(CEPT' YDUI<! -rEMPEf<.!I AWO I'M 60lNG oro 014, SAVE. US "'ROM

SELl"YOlJFIN:J .,CAM'f-F1MO-',.!"-(HA,. RIGH" BRo'n.re:'RS

:;/\ ~,<JOW !/ ' WHO ALWAYS PIJ'fjI -n-lE BLAME ON

./" OTH'E.R.5 !

~ ~ ......

- BV L. Antonette

By Ro




I~J ~ISI gEE ~

~ ~J)

CQPVRGHT 9"36", ...NTNef'eATul1eSSYNOCATi to It




W\-lERE DID YOU PUT',,..? WH,< CAN',.. "t'b1.Jl.E'" M'< -n-lIN65 Al.ONE?.\" NEVER LOSE- AN'<'-HING IIZ"I~r

~111/'0~tL .... -,

1 WJ>-.<;:,E:.NE>AGEDIN e-)(~LOR\~6

CER"rp..\N C/'.\lERNS












'3WE.L l- - HAVE. .,ONI':. I<ITTY? ~ .,

KITTY WAS _ 0'50 Sl>\<E TI-IE "" V;:::;

WEALTHY "OK I,'; ~c Al "',-,I\CE WOULD. .(/ ~ rTAKE HER TO l ...ONE OF THE, \~ \: c'I3E ST PLACES' 1":11INSTEAD He:. \ I15 l:>AR6E:D JIN Ol-D DUPSAND TI-IE:Y'RE:5LUMM IN'"IN THE:A\'I\J.J5E- (';lJlI"\ENT 1 V, ':iPp..RK '


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Sp1nt WIll be the subject 0 t,eLe"son ::,ermon In all Ohnstlcl.n SC1enceOhure les thtoug!hout the world onSunday August 9

Amoflg the BIble 'C tatlOns IS tmspas:,clige (Jaha 4 24) God IS a SpIrItand H ey that wOlfsmiP hIm must worShIp um In SPIt'lt and 111 truth

CorrelatIve p8JSSJages to be rea{] fromthe ChnstIan Sc ence textbookSc ellee and Health WIth Key to the

::,cnptures by Mary Baker Fc1dy 1I1

elude the followmg (p 334) SpUI.beI1.g Crod there IS but one Spmt forthCl e can be but one Infil1lte and therefore orne God


ST()I\~l? C()4.LHeadquarters

LENOX 3470R.F. Meek Coal&Supply Co:

Established in 1898

2619Conner at Charlevoix

You can't go wrong with our FREE burning, OIL treatedScreened Cqal winch we recommend for the followmg stokers

• Auburn • Kolmaster• Combustioneer • Linkbelt• Fairbanks-Morse 4& Mastoker• Iron Fireman • Stokol

and many others-:- Stock up now before prices advance

24 hour service on printingand developing films.

I ••




YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that registration of qualifiedelectors in the City of Grosse Pointe will be held every day at the CityClerk's office, 17150 Maumee Avenue, from 9:00 a. m. until 4:30 p. m.(Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. ot 12:00 noon), up to and including

Wednesday, August 26th

IlDportant Notice

Messiah LutheranChurch

For th~ convenience of the voters who find it impossible to reg-ister during the stated time, the Clerk's office will be open from 7:30p. m. to 9:00 p. m. for the registering of voters every Wednesday upto and including August 26th.

If you have not voted during the past two (2) years you are reoquired to re-register, under the Permanent Registration Act.

Southeast corner of Keocheval Ml

J akev.ood avenues A H A Loeberpastor 1434 Lakewood avenue Telep1 o,e Lt:1lOX 2121

Next ~unda} August 9 the pastorwIll contmue the sermons on Textsfrom Acts The subject to be treatl"dWIn be Stephen s GlorIOUS Fa~thfhe suvlce "..,111 take plalce at 10 15() cloak v.hlk. iJhe Sunday School wIllmeet rt 9 15 a m

5 CU1)S stock2 cups rke2 tablc'ipoons 0 lYe 011salt dud pepper to tasteFry the !Wasned flee m the 011 (0["

other fat) then add the stock Whenne<trly 010 lie remove to back of starve'l..l1tdcook slOWlY Silr the rice hghthw th a perforated spoon t.hen placeover a hot oven until mOisture IS evaporate 1 and nee IS almost dry

A faVOrite RUSSian soup IS Boc'Cho<.JConsomme

Barchack Consomme10 one quart of strained meat stOLP-

ldd one 11"" beet scraped and fineI)chopped Heat and when colo['ed"tta n and serVe !hot

A dessert wh eh the Itahans offer ll'>

::. ., nlliar to our chocolate puddmgBudlno dl Cloccolata

2 cups mIlk3 e'&gs~ cup 'lugar3 OUllces ground macaroons

1,4 square um",eetened cho'ColateMake a 'Cus""Md of the eggs mt1

,>ug1't" and chocolate Coalk In a cLoubltbO'lI€'r unhllt tl-twkens Take ftom tihf'fire and aad the finely ground mac,roors stUrtog and beatmg the l1uxtureunt 1 It IS ::.mooth Pour mto a buttered11101dand ch111 tihorough1y on Ice

A German potato soup IS a goudrec pe to use wben thc rest ()If thec;ummer me \1 I'> to be 'Cold

Potato SOUl4 large potatoes2 latge OlNC'l1S

3 bay leaves1 quart m11k2 egg yolk" beatensalt and peppertoa:,ted bread 'Crumbsbuttf'rDOll the po atoes ontOns and Da)

leaves 111 salt water until drone Puthrnugih food press, add nul'k: eggyolk::. s lt and pepper to taste ~erv£WIth toasted buttered bread .cl"umbs











lb. 2Sc

lb. 21e


doz. 98c3 can.

doz. 98c3

• doz. 98c3

Now t5 the tune to buy en()ughsu~ar for all your cannIng

needs th.<; seas-::n

THE G R 0 S S 1: POI N T ERE V t E W , _ _ 1'.h,ursday,August 6, 193'5

, ~W ld L' G R d ~Ub!lC scbools iJ,ere was graduI'tcdCooks Tour of the or lIeut.- overnor .ea. I[from Ferns Institute ll1 1908 and frmr-- ! Seeks Re-NomlnabollJ the law school of the UlllverSlty of

The lIttle peasant woman entenng I -- M1c111g~nm 1913America for tlhe first tIme from the I If 110Illl1lated an-d elected Readsteerage 01£ a great 1ll1ed'" may come I Lleut G-0\ 'Thomas Read of ShetbJ.


c,ald 1 ""ill contmue to g1Ve the peop ebrmglng greater gifts '\\ho formally anil1loul1o'd hus candidacy' of the ~tate O'f MIchigan the same fuJl

'It to Amencan hOllS<e fl{)r the repuibhcan renommatron stat t me consuentlOUs servl/CC vhat has1!.....\',tt1 W'lves 1£ we are only ed today that he wIll carryon an m I c11aractenzed ire of}1c41 senate proll~~ U broadJmmc1ed to a,c teuslVe cam,palgn throughout the state ceedmgs dUrIng my prevlOus terms asr ~ cept her gIft O!f old \Vhlle Read expects to s>pend cQnsld'el heutenant g0V1el"110r

• world reCipes and able t1me In Wayne Cvunty irus plann"d _.,. food customs Itlnerary will take h~m to every sectlOn

Almost evcrY eel,,"',,> of the world of \I1ch1gan he sa1" Christian Science Churcl.has some natIve dl$'h tnat oos for ten Tlhte lIeutenant gorvernoM opened hIStur CS 10urlshed t!he people and bevome campaign wIth a speakmg tour m the1rachtlOnaI Tlhe natlOnal dIsh of t1 e upper penln~ula at W!ll1dht me he was1 urk l~ P laf and one whtch Amencan d. member of Gorv Frank D FJtzcooks ffilgnt well 111lc1udeocaaslOnall,7 gerald s offiCial entourage whIle tl e

PIlaf latter ,\:I;as tOUl ng that POrtlO11 of the

r..tate 11 ~he mtelest of 11115gubl.rnatonal campaign

A Hteran lepLlbhcan Lleut GO\Read 1'15 served hIS home dlstnct andthe sta.te as 1. whole over- a lO'1gper ad of ye1rs He W<lJS a member oftlhe legislature tn 1915 16 17 18 19 20aId 1t the Openll g of tlhe 1919 seSSIO1

wa:, "'lectecI Weal<ief OIf the house 'it

I epres<'l1tatn elS He wac; elected to theoffice of heutenant governol!' In No!6 1934

Born In Rochester N Y Read cameto Michigan and has 1ved 111 thiS state We Grow With You Why not Grow"ll1ce 1889 He was educated In t 1(. With Us? Advertise In The ReView

3 lbs. 45c

Fine forFricuse

and Stewing



SHORTENING~~~.22c 3;;:. 63c

100 poundlimIt to acustomer


Pork & Beansdoz. 98c3TENDER, STRINGLeSS

Green Beans doz. 98c3CREAM STYLE













3cans25C Short Ribs. lb• IOcCOUNTRY CLUB MOTHERS

Meat Loaf %.lb. 17c•





BREAD • 2 l~~~~s19c


Veal Rdast


3 largestalks

MichIgan Duchess Cooking

Apples 4 lb. IScMELO RIPE

Bananas • Ib 6c


Potatoes10Ibs. 2ge

my _1M ?






3 pkgs











Cantaloupes each IOc"CANDY KIND" SWEET

Potatoes • 3 lb. 19c




Chickens lb. 36cSTANDING RIB


Broilers • lb. 27c










Tuna Fish • 2 can.NEW SHREDDED



Page SIX

~aivageMaterial in saly<lig"l11g matcf'lal;, from OIbsolete andi::J ll1auequatc bndiges ~111duSing tlhls ma

Economy Program 1enal n bUltdmg new strUicturesSalvagll g has pOlll1ted the way to \\ ork was started t.l1m week on t11>e

economy In bndge 'Constf'uctlon 01 the lon::.tI uctlon of two new ibIlldge.. by the1xlrt of t l'e State hJJihrway d,e,partmcut I ,ta.te 11g1 'Way d.,jpartment USl1lg .,teel

The de.part1ncrut w1Iever posc;~hle 1S work hen a bndge tJhak formerlY Cd.r




