Numer. Math. 61,235-260 (1992) Numerische Mathematik Springer-Verlag1992 On mixed finite element methods for linear elastodynamics* Ch.G. Makridakis** Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece Received January 11, 1991 Summary. We construct and analyze finite element methods for approximating the equations of linear elastodynamics, using mixed elements for the discretiza- tion of the spatial variables. We consider two different mixed formulations for the problem and analyze semidiscrete and up to fourth-order in time fully dis- crete approximations. L2 optimal-order error estimates are proved for the approximations of displacement and stress. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 65M60 1 Introduction The problem The purpose of this paper is the construction and analysis of finite element methods for approximating the equations of linear elastodynamics using mixed formulations of the problem for the discretization of the spatial variables. For simplicity we shall consider the following initial-boundary value problem: Let f2 be a bounded domain ~N (N=2, 3) with smooth boundary Of 2 and let 0< T <~. We seek a vector displacement function u: f2x [0, T] __,~N, satisfying - index notation and the summation convention will be employed throughout (1.1) i~i--c~j(CijkZ C~ t Uk)=fi in 0 x [0, T], u(x,t)=O on dQ• [0, T], u(x,O)=u~ f~(x,O)=u~(x) in ~, where the elasticities Cijkl , l <i,j,k, l< N, the body forces per unit volume f~, 1 < i< N, and the initial displacement and velocity u ~ and u 1 are given functions defined on O. (Here dots denote differentiation with respect to t and Oj= ~3/Oxj.) For a discussion of the physical background of the equations of elasticity (cf. * Work supported in part by the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation ** Present address: Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Numerische Mathematik 9 Springer-Verlag 1992users.tem.uoc.gr/~makr/papers/M_nmath_92.pdf · Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece Received January

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Page 1: Numerische Mathematik 9 Springer-Verlag 1992users.tem.uoc.gr/~makr/papers/M_nmath_92.pdf · Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece Received January

Numer. Math. 61,235-260 (1992) Numerische Mathematik �9 Springer-Verlag 1992

On mixed finite element methods for linear elastodynamics*

Ch.G. Makridakis**

Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece

Received January 11, 1991

Summary. We construct and analyze finite element methods for approximating the equations of linear elastodynamics, using mixed elements for the discretiza- tion of the spatial variables. We consider two different mixed formulations for the problem and analyze semidiscrete and up to fourth-order in time fully dis- crete approximations. L 2 optimal-order error estimates are proved for the approximations of displacement and stress.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 65M60

1 Introduction

The problem

The purpose of this paper is the construction and analysis of finite element methods for approximating the equations of linear elastodynamics using mixed formulations of the problem for the discretization of the spatial variables. For simplicity we shall consider the following initial-boundary value problem: Let f2 be a bounded domain ~N (N=2 , 3) with smooth boundary Of 2 and let 0 < T < ~ . We seek a vector displacement function u: f2x [0, T] __,~N, satisfying - index notation and the summation convention will be employed throughout

(1.1) i~i--c~j(CijkZ C~ t Uk)=fi in 0 x [0, T],

u(x,t)=O on dQ• [0, T],

u(x,O)=u~ f~(x,O)=u~(x) in ~,

where the elasticities Ci j k l , l <i, j ,k , l< N, the body forces per unit volume f~, 1 < i < N, and the initial displacement and velocity u ~ and u 1 are given functions defined on O. (Here dots denote differentiation with respect to t and Oj= ~3/Oxj.) For a discussion of the physical background of the equations of elasticity (cf.

* Work supported in part by the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation ** Present address: Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

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236 Ch.G. Makridakis

e.g. [16]). We shall consider two different approaches for the mixed finite element approximation of (1.1). First, in Sect. 2, we shall discretize (1.1) in space using its "displacement-stress" mixed formulation on appropriate finite element spaces and analyze the semidiscrete problem and fully discrete approximations thereof, based on up to fourth-order rational approximations to the cosine (cf. [6, 8]). Next, in Sect. 3, we shall consider the "velocity-stress" formulation of (1.1), proposed by Geveci [15], in the case of the scalar wave equation. We shall use mixed finite element discretizations for the space variables and base the time-stepping scheme on up to fourth-order accurate methods generated by rational approximations to the exponential (cf. [5, 7]).

Notation and preliminaries

Employing standard notation, for s= 1,2 . . . . we shall use the symbol H s to denote the Sobolev space HS(t2) N or H~(f2) N~N, as the case may be, with corre- sponding usual norm tl'll~; we let H~ be the subspace of H ~ with elements that vanish on at2 in the sence of trace. Let (-, .) be the inner product on V=L2(f2) N or L2(O) N• with associated norm I1"11 and H =H (d iv ; t 2 ) = {z~LZ(O)N • div z~ V}, where

(div z)i = t3~ zlj, i = 1 . . . . , N.

We let RN=IR N• be the space of second-order real tensors (N x N matrices), R~ be the space of symmetric elements of RN, and H~a be the subspace of H with symmetric elements. Fouth-order tensors will usually be denoted by bold- face capital letters.

We shall suppose that the elasticity tensor C---C(x) corresponds to a linear elastic material, i.e. that its components Cijkt - the elasticities - satisfy

Cijkl = Cjikl = Cklij

in f]. Hence, for antisymmetric second-order tensors 09, there holds Co9=0, and we have C [ R N ] = C [ R s ] c R ~ . We shall also assume that the restriction of C to R~ is bounded and uniformly positive definite in O, i.e., that there exist positive constants #o and #1 such that

[AO T~ij'~ij~Cijkl(X) TijT, kl~]A 1 7~ij'~ij, VrERs, xeO.

As a consequence, if A =(aijkl ) is the inverse of C in R~, it will satisfy, for some positive constants p~,/~'~, the inequality

frO Tij Zij~aijkl(X)'Clj Tkt~#~l "Cij'Cij, Vz~Rs , x~O.

Letting tr=(trij ) be the stress tensor defined by aij=C~jk, (31Uk, we can write (1.1) as

(1.2) i~i--Sjaij=f~ in O • T],

tTij = Cijkl ~l Uk in l] x [0, T],

u(x, t ) = 0 on ~f2 x [0, T],

u(x ,O)=u~ f i (x ,O)=ul(x) in O.

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 237

It is well-known that the problem (1.1) - or (1.2) - has a unique solution (cf. e.g. [14]). Moreover, under standard smoothness and compatibility conditions on the data, one can prove e.g. that

m + !

ue n C " + ' - k ( [ 0, T];HknH~) , k = O

where m is a nonnegative integer depending on the data. Thus, we shall assume in the sequel that the data of (1.1) are smooth and compatible enough to allow a unique, smooth enough for our purposes, classical solution u of (1.1) - or (1.2) - to exist.

Let now we V. The first equation of (1.2) gives

(fi, w) - (d iv a,w)=(f ,w).

If we denote by eij the symmetric tensor eij(v)=�89 we have tri~ = Cijk~ e~(U), and consequently e~j(u)=aijk~ trkt. For x~Hsd, by Green's formula and the symmetry of Z we can write the second equation of (1.2) as

where a(a,~O+(u, divz)=O, z6H~ d,

a(a, Z).'= ~ aijktOkl ZIj=(A o ", X).

Combining these relations we obtain the "displacement-stress" mixed formula- tion of the elastodynamics problem (1.t)-(i.2): Find (u, ~r): [0, T] ~ Vx Hsd such that

(1.3) (i~,w)-(divtr, w)=(f ,w), VweV,

a(tr, Z)+(u, div z)=O, V;t6H~d,

u(x,O)=u~ a(x,O)=ul(x) in O.

The finite element spaces

During the last decade many contributions have been made in the area of mixed finite element discretizations of the corresponding to (1.3) stationary prob- lem, i.e. the equations of lineal elastostatistics (of. e.g. [1-4, 17, 21-23]). A basic difficulty for the construction of effective mixed finite element spaces for this problem is the requirement of symmetry for the elements of Hsd. In [3] Arnold et al. have constructed a class of high order finite element spaces for N--2 . Letting Vn, Hh approximate V and Hsd respectively, they use for H n composite elements to ensure that H n c Hsd, and that V h, H h satisfy the so called commutative diagram property (cf. [3]) (see also [17, 21, 22]). An alternative approach has been taken in [2] and [23], where nonsymmetric approximations for the stress tensor are used and a weak symmetry condition is imposed using a Lagrange multiplier (cf. also [1]). Finally, in a recent paper, Arnold and Falk [4] change the mixed formulation introducing a new variable, the "pseudostress" p, which

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238 Ch.G. Makridakis

is not symmetric any more. If we know p then the stress tensor a can be calculat- ed directly without differentiation.

Here we suppose that we have at our disposal a couple of finite element spaces Vn and Hh that satisfy the assumptions (FEI), (FE2) below. These are satisfied by the spaces of [3] and of [17, 21, 22]. Furthermore our error analysis can be applied, with proper modifications, if we choose for the space discretiza- tion the formulation of Arnold and Falk [4] (cf. below). It is also straightforward to see that all results and techniques of the present paper can be applied to mixed finite element discretizations of scalar wave equations.

In the sequel therefore, we shall deal with finite element spaces that satisfy the following properties. For h > 0 (spatial discretization parameter) consider a family of couples Vh, Hh of finite dimensional subspaces of Vand Hso, respec- tively and suppose that:

( F E I ) For w H 1, let ~=Ce(v) . Assume that the pair of " elliptic projections" P1 v, fil 1 ~, ( P1 v, 1"-11 ~ )~ g h • H h, of v, ~, exists uniquely a solution of the stationary problem in Vh x Hh :

(div H 1 ~, w) = (div Ip, w), V w e Vh

a(Hl~b,z)+(Plv, divz)=O, VZeHh.

(FE2) For r integer, r > 2, the elliptic projections satisfy:

and if ~ = Ce(v) (D I IHI~-~I ] ~chSItOlls, l ~ x ~ r .

Summary of results

In Sect. 2 we consider the semidiscrete problem resulting from (1.3) posed on Vh • Hh and prove that the error of the semidiscrete approximations (Uh, Oh) is of optimal order in L z, i.e. that

HU--Uhll + IIo-Ohll <ch r,

provided Uh(0) and fih(0) are taken to be, respectively PI u~ and P~ u 1. Next we construct fully discrete schemes of second and fourth order of accuracy, that are based on rational approximations of the cosine (cf. [6, 8]). In each time step the calculation of the approximations (U", ,~")~-(u(t,), a(t,)), t, = n k, n=0 , 1, ..., J with ta = T, requires the solution of a linear system with positive definite matrix. Moreover, we prove that the approximations satisfy

max (llu(t.)--U"lI+lla(t.)--F."ll)<c(hr+k~), v = 2 , 4 , O<_n<_J

provided the initial approximations are accurate enough. In [12] Cowsar et al. consider the analogous mixed formulation for the scalar wave equation. For the semidiscrete problem they prove an optimal-order L 2 error estimate, for the approximation of u, taking as uh(O) and tih(0 ) the L2-projections on (the analog of) Vh of their initial data. Moreover they show the stability of a condition- ally stable two-step fully discrete scheme.

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 239

In Sect. 3 we consider the "velocity-stress" formulation of the problem (1.3): If we v = fi then the pair (v, a): [0, T] ~ V• H~d satisfies:

(1.4) 0), w)--(div a, w ) = ( f w), Vwe V

a (6, Z) + (v, div X) = 0, V X ~ Hsd-

a(x,O)=Ce(u~ v(x,O)=ul(x) in O.

This formulation has been proposed by Geveci [15] for the discretization of the scalar wave equation. In [15] Geveci analyzes the corresponding to this formulation semidiscrete problem for the wave equation and proves optimal convergence results for the error of the semidiscrete approximation. Here we first prove that the semidiscrete approximation of (1.4) in Vh X Hh satisfies an estimate of the form

IlV--Vhll + [la--ahll <ch',

provided IIv(0)- vh(0)ll + II~(0)- trh(0)]l = O(h'). Next we consider fully discrete schemes that are based on rational approximations to the exponential (cf. [5, 7]), of order v=2, 3 or 4. Let (V", S") be the approximation to (v(t,),a(t,)) generated by these schemes. If in addition to (FE1), (FE2) we assume that

(FE3) div H h c Vh,

we can prove the following error estimate

max (llv(t.)-V"ll+ll~r(t.)-S,"ll)<=C(hr+k~), v=2, 3,4. O<_n<_d

if accurate enough initial approximations are given. Note that (FE3) holds for the mixed finite element spaces that satisfy the commutative diagram proper- ty.

In [13] Douglas and Gupta analyze the superconvergence of semidiscrete mixed finite elements for the equations of elastodynamics. Finally for work on semidiscrete mixed finite element approximations to parabolic problems cf. Johnson and Thom~e [18].

Arnold-Falk discretization

In [4] Arnold and Falk approximate instead of a the (nonsymmetric) pseudo- stress tensor p defined by

p =(C+flD) grad u,


(recall that a = C grad u), where Dr = t r ( r ) I - T T, t r (z)= ~ vii, and fl is a positive i = 1

constant that has been chosen so that C+flD is invertible and so that the inverse B satisfies

[22 ZijZijN~Bijkl(X) ZijY, klS~#3 Tij'gij, VzeR N, xEO,

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240 Ch.G. Makridakis

where #2, #3 are positive constants. Since now div D r = 0 , Z~RN, the first equa- tion of (1.2) yields

ili -- t~j Plj =f / ,

so that (u, p)r Vx H (H = H(div; f2)) satisfies

(1.5) (//, w ) - (div p, w)= (f, w), ~/w E V,

(Bp, z)+(u, divz)=O, Vz~H.

For the space discretization of these equations one may use tensor products of the spaces used in the mixed finite element discretization of scalar elliptic equations (cf. e.g. [10, 11, 20] and the references in [9]). There exist such spaces satisfying the assumptions (FE 1)-(FE3). Consequently our analysis of Sects. 2 and 3 can be applied - with the obvious modifications - to analyze semidiscrete and fully discrete temporal approximations of (1.5).

2 Displacement-stress discretization

We first consider the continuous in time finite element approximation of the solution of the problem (1.3). Let (Uh, ah): [0, T] -~ Vh • Ha be such that

(2.1) (/i h , w) -- (div ah, w) = (f, w), V w ~ Vh,

a(ah, Z)q-(Uh, div Z)=0, V Z ~ H h ,

uh(O) = u ~ c~h(o) = u~,

where u ~ and u~ are approximations of u ~ and u 1, respectively, in Vh.

Discretization operators

For thepurposes of the error analysis we introduce two discretization operators D and D, as follows: Let D: V~ H h be defined for v ~ V by

(2.2) (/3v, ;0 = (v, div Z) VXeHh.

It is straightforward to see that the above relation defines/3 uniquely. In fact, the element D v ~ H h is the solution of a linear system with a dim H h x dim H h matrix with elements (~'i, ~kj), where {~,i} is a basis of Hh. We also define the operator D: Hsd--~ Vh, given for "C~Hsd by

(2.3) (D z, w) = (div z, w), V w E l/h.

We consider now the operators

D/3: V-* Vh and /~D: Hsd ~ H h.

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 241

Note that D/3 and /3D are symmetric and positive semidefinite with respect to the U-inner product in Vh and Hh, respectively. Indeed, (2.2) and (2.3) give forv, we Vh

(D/3v, w) = (div/3v, w) = (/3 v,/3w) and consequently

(D/3 v, v)=(/3v, /3v) >= O.

Analogously, for z, ZEHh w e have

and therefore (/3D z, Z) = (D z, div Z) = (D z, D ~0

(/3Dz, z )=(Dz, Dv)>O.

Finally we observe that for wc Vh, Z~Hh there holds

(2.4) (/3 w, ~0 = (w, div Z) = (w, D Z).

Semidiscrete approximations

Using these discretization operators the problem (2.1) takes the following form: We seek (Uh, ah): [0, T] ~ Vh x Hh such that

(2.5) fih -- D ah =fh,

/3Uh q- A ah =O, u ~ ( 0 ) = u ~ a ~ ( 0 ) = u 1 ,

where fh is the U-projection of f in V h. The operator DA-1/3 is symmetric and positive semidefinite on (Vh, (', ")), and thus (2.5) has a unique solution.

We now prove the following result.

Theorem 2.1. Let (u, tr) be the solution of problem (1.2), and (uh, ah) the solution of (2.1) with initial conditions u ~ = PI u~ and u~ = P1 ul. Then

{ {i )1 2) I[u(t)--uh(t)l[ + Ha(t)--ah(t)t] <ch r []u(t)[j,+l + ][/~(s)H 2 ds .

Proof We shall compare the solution of the semidiscrete problem (2.5) with the pair (P1 u, H1 a)~ Vk • Hn defined in ( F E I ) . Let

P1 u(t)= w(t), 1I 1 a(t)= ~(t).

Then, denoting P: U ~ Vh the L z projection operator onto V,, using ( F E I ) we have

fr ( t ) - D ~ (t) = ff ( t) - - n i i ( t) + fh (t)


(2.6) /3 w(t) + A ~ (t) = O.

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242 Ch.G. Makridakis

From these relations and (2.5) we obtain the error equations

~(t) -- D t/(t) = P fi (t) -- fi) (t),

/3e(t)+ Atl(t)=O,

where e = Uh--W and r/= ah--4. Differentiating the second equation with respect to t we obtain

O'(t) - - D t/(t) = P fi (t) - - fi) (t),

/3~(t)+ Afl(t)=O.

Taking the L2-inner product of this system with (~, r/)~ V h • Hh we have

(~', ~) - ( D t/, ~) + (/3 ~, t/) + (A O, ~/) = ( P / / ( t ) - - ~ (t), ~).

Since (D t/, ~)= (t/, I3 ~), using the fact that A is symmetric we have

d dt {l[~ll2 +(A r/, rt)} < IlPiJ(t)-gf(t)[12+ II~lb 2.

Hence we conclude, since A is positive definite on Rs

~ t {11@tl2 + Ilep[2+(Arl, ~/)} < IIPii(t)-fc(t)[12+2{H~ll 2 + IleH 2 +(A n, r/)}.

By Gronwall's lemma and (FE2) we therefore have

N~( t)ll2 § lie( t)ll2 § [l~/(t)ll2--<c(ll~(0)ll 2§ lie( 0)112§ ll~l(O)ll2) § i Ilft(s)ll 2ds" o

The particular choice of the initial data gives that H~(0)[[2 + He(0)l[2 + 1[~/(0)]]2 =0; hence we obtain the desired result using once more the assumption (FE2). []

Note that for given v ~ H 1, Ply, I I I ~ = H ~ Ce(v), can be computed as the mixed finite element solution in Vh X Hh of a stationary problem. For the efficient solution of the resulting linear system we refer to [9] and the references therein.

Fully discrete approximations

For the time discretization of (2.5) we shall use rational approximations to the cosine. Specifically we shall consider rational functions of the form, cf. [8]

r(x)= 1 +Pl x2+p2 x4 l+qlx2q._q2x4 , ql ,q2>O,

where we assume that r(x) is a fourth-order accurate approximation to the cosine, i.e. p l=q~- l /2 , p2=q2-ql /2+l /24, and that, for stability purposes, the pair (ql, q2) belongs to the stability region ~ of the q~, q2 > 0 quarterplane of Fig. 1 of [-8].

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 243

Let now k > 0 be the (constant) time step, t .=nk , n=0, 1 . . . . . J, with t j=T . From the approximation property of r(x) we have, for any smooth function y=y(t) ,

(I--qx k2 82 + q2 k4 84)(y n+ l + y"- ~)= 2 ( I - p ~ k2 82 + p2 k" 8~) yn q-O(k6 y(6)),

where y" = y(t,). Using (2.5) we have

82, uh =Dah+fh and

8~ Uh = 82, D a m + 82fh = - - DA - ' D ii h + 82fh = - - DA - ' DD ah -- DA - ' Dfh + 82fh �9

Motivated by these equations we may now discretize the first equation of

(2.5) as follows: Denoting by 2; x Hh the fully discrete approximation of

u and omitting terms of O(k6), we are led to (t.)~

~ ( t . ) /

U ~+1 - - 2 U " + U ~-1 - - k 2 D ( q l X n + l - -2pl Z"+q~ X ~-1) - - k 4 D A - l b D ( q 2 z~ n+l --2p2 Zn-l-q2 Z~ n-l)

=k2(q~f "+ ~ - 2px f" + q ~ f ' - x) + k4 DA- ~ b(q2f"+ ~ - 2p2f" + q2 f "- ~) 3_~ ~2 ~,. - k * ( q l - 1 2 J J ,

where f " :=fh(t.), 62f ~ = k- z ( f ,+ ~ _ 2f" + f " - 1). For the discretization of the second equation of (2.5) we just obseve that

it implies (k2 ql + ka q2 DDA - 1)(Du~,+ 1 + A a~ + 1 -- Du~,- 1 -- d a~- 1) =0.

Using these equations, we can now state the fully discrete scheme that defines

( U ) [U"~(u ( t . )~ For some l _ < n < J - - 1 , let the approximations X sVhxHh ' \X"] \a(t.)]"

X ~ Vh x Hh, O<j<= n< J- - 1, be given approximations of {u(tj)~ Define then - \ ~ ( t j ) ] "

X. + ~ ] as solution of the linear system

[U "+ U" V "-1 .

where R~, R2, S are linear operators on Vh X Hh defined by

I - k 2 q l D - k 4 q 2 DA-1DD~ R1 = k 2 q l b + k 4 q 2 ~ D A - 1 ~ k 2 q l A + k 4 q 2 D D ]'

S=(/O - k 2 p ' D - k ' P 2 0 D A - ' D D ) ,


=[-k2k I - k 2 ql D - k 4 q2 D A - l bD] R2 q l b - k 4 q 2 b D d - l b - k 2 q l A - k 4 q 2 D D }'

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244 Ch.G. Makridakis

and where by F" we denote

F,=(k2(qlf .+ l _ 20 , f , + q , f , -1))

+ (k'* DA-'D(qzf "+'- 2p2f" +0 qzf"-')-k4(ql- l~z)62f ") .

/u We see that at each time step the calculation of k,y,+~] needs solving a

linear system with a positive definite matrix. To see that R~ is positive definite

on Vh x Hh with respect to the inner product defined for (wll, (w21eVx Hsd by \Zl] \~2, I

W 2 ,2,

/w\ let [Z)e Vh X Hh, and observe that

((RI (zW),(7)))=(w, w)--k2 ql (DZ, w)--k4 q2(DA-1DDz, w)

-1- k2 q 1 (D w, Z) + k4 q2 (DDA - 1/~ w, Z)

+ k2 ql (A z, Z) + k4 q2(DD z, Z).

Since A - i is symmetric we have, using (2.4),

(D .4 - ~ ~ O X, w) = (x , ~ O A - ' t~ w).

Hence, since A is a positive definite,

W,W (;)+0

Note on implementation

Regarding the question of solving the linear system

(a) (2.7 a) RI = b

on Vh X H h we make the following observations. Letting

(2.7b) k2 qx A Y+ k4 q2 DD Y=, Y,

we see that

(2.7 c) X = D A -1 ~'+a

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 245

and I'+k2q, DDA -a ~-+ k4q2 DDA - 1DDA- 1 ~_~,

where ~ = b - (k 2 ql D + k4q2 DDA - 1D)a. I f Lo:=DDA - 1 , then the above linear system becomes

(2.7 d) (I + k 2 ql Lo + k4 q2 L 2) Y= ~.

Hence the compu ta t i on of (X, Y) requires the solut ion of the linear systems (2.7d), (2.7b) and comput ing X by (2.7c).

In the special case where 1 + q~ x 2 + q2 x4 = (1 + c~x2) 2, c~ > 0 these are the schemes cons t ruc ted in [-6] - the system (2.7 d) becomes

(I +o~kZ Lo) z ~'=~.

Then, if we assume that (FE3) holds, we m a y conclude tha t to compu te ~" f rom the above we have to solve two systems, with symmetr ic positive definite matr ix , of the form: Find YI~Hh such that

(AY1,z)+c~k2(div Yl,div z)=(bl,Z) ~/ZGHh.

Analogously , the system (2.7b) has the form: Find Y~H h such that

2o~k2(Ay, z)+~x2k4(div Y, div Z) = (Y, Z) VZ~Hh.

Consistency of the Scheme (2.7)

In the convergence p roof tha t will follow, we shall compa re the app rox ima t ion

U" ,, . . (/)1 u(t.)]= [w"~ For this purpose we est imate [ , ] to the elhptlc p ro jec t ion" \ii1 a(t,)] \3"] \z//a"\ first ~7")' defined by

.,(: ) Using (FE1) we see that for every n (2.6) implies tha t 7"=0 . On the other


(2.9) a .=(w .+12w.+w. -1 )_k2D(q l ~.+l _ 2 p I ~ " + q l ~ . -1)

_kg DA- a ~D(q2 ~n+ l _ 2 p 2 ~n w q 2 ~n- 1).

To est imate the first te rm of the r ight -hand side of (2.9), we write

(2.10a) w "+ 1 _ 2w" + w"- 1 = p (w .+ 1 _u.+ 1)_2P(w._u. ) + P(w"- 1 - u " - l) + p(u.+ 1-2u"+ u"- 1)

= , a ] +P(u "+ 1-2u" + u"- 1),

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246 Ch.G. Makridakis

where ( F E 2 ) gives that

(2.lOb) ][a'~ II ~ Ck2 hr sup ]IO~ u(s)]]r. sE[t n l , t n + 1]

For the next term of the r ight-hand side (2.9), we see, using ( F E 1 ) and the definition of D that for WeVh

(D ~", w) = (div ~", w) = (div a", w) = (D a", w),

i.e. D~"=Da". Hence using (1.3)

(2.10c) --k2D(ql ~"+l - -2Px ~ " + q l ~ , - 1 ) = _k2D(q l a,,+X 2pl a . + q t an-l) = -k2pO2(q l u "+1 - 2 p l u"+ql u "-1)

+ k2 (q l f "+ ' - 2 p l f " + q l f ' - ').

Finally, for the est imation of the last term of (2.9) using again (FE1) , the first equat ion of (1.3) and the definition of (w", ~"), we first have

(2.11 a) DA- 1DD ~" = D A - ' DD a" = DA - ' b(O 2 P u " - f " )

=DA-1D(P--P1)O~ u"+DA-1DO 2 w " - - D A - ' Df"

= D A - ' D(P--PO 02 u " - D O { r - ' Df"

=DA -10(P--P~) 02 u" -PO~ u"+f~2)"--DA-' Df".

N o w using the definition of D,/~ and ( F E 2 ) we obtain, for co~Vh,

(2.1 lb ) (PA- lb(P- -P~)OZtu" ,~o)=((P-POO{u" ,DA- 'b~o)

<= C h ~ 110 2 u"ll, IIDA -1/5 (o II,

Next, for the terms containing second derivatives o f f we have in view of (2.9), using that q 2 - P 2 =(qx - 1/12)/2,

(2.11 c) (q2f t2~" + 1 _ 2 p2 f ~2~" + q2 f (2~" - l) = q2 (ft2). + l _ 2f~2~, + f (2 ) , - 1)

+ (ql -- 1 /12)(f r -- 62f ") + (ql -- 1/12) 62f ",




(2.11 e)

k 4 IIf ~2)"+ ~ - 2 f ( 2 ) " + f ~2)"- 1 II <=ck 6 sup 1104f(s)lL, S ~ [ t n - l tn4 1]

k 4 llf~2)"-g2f"ll <~ck 6 sup II O,4f(s)/I. s~[ t n - a , t n + t]

Finally, since the cosine scheme that we have in mind is four th-order accu- rate, we have

(2.12) l iP( I -q1 kZO2t +q2 k4O4t)( u"+' + u " - ' ) - 2 P ( l - p , k2 0,z + p2 k*O, 4) u"lj <=ck 6 sup 110 6 u(s)H.

Sff[t n - 1 tn+ 1]

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 247

Combin ing (2.9), (2.10 a-c), (2.11 a-e) and (2.12) we conclude

(2.13) a n = k 2 ( q l f n + 1 - 2 P l f " + q l f " - 1 ) - t - k 4DA -1/~(qzf ,+ 1 _ 2 p z f , + q z f " - 1 )

- k 4 ( q l - ~ Z ) ( ~ z f n d"


(2.14) ](d",m)l<cl(u,f)kZ(k4+hq(lle)N+kZllDA aDcoll), V(OeVh,

with c , ( u , f ) = c sup (]1~? 2 u(s)ll~+ 1)? 6 u(s)]l + ]10~f(s)H). The Eqs. (2.8), (2.13) and se [0, T]

(2.14) contain the consistency p roper ty of our scheme that will be required later.


Let E" = U" - w", Z" = S" - - 4" and, for 1 _< n _< J,

~n=iiEn En-ll[2+k21lZnq_Zn-ll[2+k2 iizn zn-~ll2

+ k 4 l ID(Z"+ Z"-~)l[ 2 + k 4 [ ID(Z"-Z"- t)l[ 2.

We are now ready to state and prove the following op t imal -o rder convergence result for our scheme.

Theorem 2.2. Assume that so , S1 are given elements of Vh X Hh, chosen so that

(2.15) DUJ+ASJ=O, j = 0 , 1


(2.16) ~1 +k 2 ilEO[]2~ck2(k,, +hr)2.

Then, for every n, 2 <_ n <_J, X" e Vh X Hh exists uniquely as the solution of (2.7).

If(q1, q2) belongs to the stability region ~ of Fig. 1 of [8], and in addition ql > 1/4, and k is sufficiently small, there exists a positive constant c, independent (if k and h such that:

max (liE"l] + ]lZ"ll)<c(u,f)(k4+h r) O<n<_J

and max (Hu"- U"ll + Ilrr"-S"ll)<c(u,f)(k4+h%


Proof. We have a l ready seen that given , \ Z , - 1 ] we may compu te \2,+11

as the unique solut ion of the linear system (2.7).

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248 Ch.G. Makridakis

Subtrac t ing (2.8) f rom (2.7) and using (2.13) we obta in the er ror equat ion:


where d"~Vh satisfies the es t imate (2.10). Next, take the ((., .)) inner p roduc t of bo th sides of (2.13) with the vector

Z" E" + l _ E " - 1 ) + 1 __ 2 ( p z / q 2 ) Z n + Z n - 1/ ,

and obta in

(2.18) ( E n + I - - 2 E " + E " - X , E " + I - - E " -1)

- k 2 ( D ( q l Z " + a - 2 p l Z " + q l Z " - I ) , E " + I - E " 1)

- - k 4 (DA - 1 D D (q2 Zn + 1 _ _ 2 P2 Zn + q2 Z n - 1), E " + 1 _ E " - 1)

+ k2(ql ~ ( E , + 1 - E " - 1), Z , + 1 - 2 ( p 2 / q 2 ) Z " + Z " - 1)

+ k4(q2 D D A - 1 ~ ( E n + 1 _ E n - 1), Z n + t - 2 ( p 2 / q 2 ) Z " + Z " - 1)

+ k2(ql A (Z "+ 1 - Z " - 1 ) , Z , + 1 _ 2(p2/q2) Z" + Z " - 1 )

+ kg(q2 ~ D ( Z n + 1 - - Z " - 1), Z , + 1 _ 2 ( p z / q 2 ) z n + Z n - 1)

= ( d , , E , + I _ E . - 1 ) .

Put now # = 2(p 1 --(Pz qO/q2) and observe tha t

(q , /~ (E, + 1 - E " - 1), z n + 1 _ 2(p2/q2 ) Z" + Z " - ')

= ( E , + 1 _ E " - 1, D(q l Z "+ 1 _ 2 p l Z" + ql Z " - ' ) )+ # ( E "+ 1 -- E " - 1, DZ")

and (qx A ( Z"+ I - Z " - 1 ) , Z , + 1 - 2(pz/q2) Z" + Z " - 1 )

= ( Z "+ ' - Z " - 1, A (q, Z "+ ' - 2 p l Z" + ql Z " - 1))+ t t (Z .+ 1 - Z " - 1, AZ") .

Using (2.4) we have

(q2 D D A - ' D (E" + 1 _ E " - 1), Z" + 1 __ 2 (Pz/q2) z n + z n - 1)

= (E" + 1 _ E " - 1, D A - ' DD (q2 Z" + 1 _ 2 P2 Z" + q2 Z " - 1)).

We now observe that the second c o m p o n e n t of the vector equat ion (2.17) gives for 1 < n < J - 1,

(k2 q , + k4 q2 O D A - ' ) ( ~ ( E " + ' - E " - I ) + A ( Z " + ' - Z " - I))=O.

In view of (2.15) this implies that for O < n < J

( k2 q l A + k 4 q2 DD) A - 1 ( ~ E n + A Z " ) = O,

f rom which since the ope ra to r /3D is posit ive semidefinite o n n h , q l , q2 > 0 and A is posit ive define on R~, we have for every n, 0 < n < J, that

(2.19) D E " + A Z " = O .

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 249

Consequent ly ,

p(DZ", E "+ i - En- I )= /~(Zn, /~(E "+1 - E / l - ' ) ) = - #(Z", n (Z n+ 1 _ Z , - 2)).

Combin ing the above relations, we see that (2.18) becomes, for 1 < n-< J - 1

(2.20) ( E " + I - 2 E " + E " - I , E " + I - E "-1)

+ k2 (A(Z "+ ~ - Z " - l), q~ Z,+ ~ _ 2pa Z" + ql Z " - ~)

+ k4(~D(Zn+ 1 - Z / 1 - 1), q2 Zn+ 1 - 2 p 2 Z " + q2 Z " - 1)

=(d/1, E , + l _ E , - 1 ) .

Apply ing now to (2.20) s tandard summat ion techniques valid for such sym- metric, two-s tep schemes, cf. Sect. 2 of [8], we see that for 1 < M_< J - - 1 there holds

(2.21) ]IEM+ I _ EMIl +�89 _ p l ) ( A ( Z U + 1 +ZM), ZM+ I + Z M)

+ k2(ql + p l ) ( A ( Z , + l _ZM) , ZM+ 1 _ Z M)

q- k4 (q2 - - P 2 ) l i D ( ZM+1 + zM)II 2 q- k4(q2 -]-P2)l iD( ZM+~ - zM)I] 2 } M

< c ~ 1 + ~ (d/1, E " + I - E " - I ) . /1=1

N o w (2.10), (2.19) give the es t imtate

I(d", E "+ 1 _ E" - 1)1

<=ckZ(k4 + hr)([]E "+1 - E "-1 [I + k 2 II D A - 1 D(E "+ a -- E" - l)ll)

< c k 2 ( k 4 + h r ) ( l l E " + ~ - E n - 1 [I + k2 IID(Z "+a - Z " - ~)1[)

<ck3(k4+hr)2+ck(llE,,+l_E.-lll2+k41lD(Z.+l_Z,, 1)[] 2).

Since (ql , q2)~9~ and q~ > 1/4 we have, cf. [8], that the coefficients of all terms in the left-hand side of (2.21) are positive. Hence

M+I ~M+l<=c~l + c ( M k ) k2(k3 +hr)2 + c k ~. o ~n O<_M<_J--1.

Hence for k sufficiently small, (2.16) and the above give

M g M + l < c ( M k ) k Z ( k 4 + h r ) 2 + c k ~ •", O < M < = J - 1 .


By Gronwal l ' s l e m m a we finally obta in the desired results, using

M IIEM+IlI~ ~ I{E J+I-EjlI+ IIE~


(2.16) once more and ( F E 2 ) . []

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250 Ch.G. Makridakis

We describe now one choice of the initial values of the scheme for which (2.15) and (2.16) are valid. We compute 51, #~ using derivatives of the given initial data by the formulas

k 2 k 3 k 4 5' = u ~ ku' +~.. ~, u ( O ) + ~ ~, u(O)+ 45., ,~,4 u(O).

and k 2 k 3

~ = a(O) + k t?t a(O) + ~.T t?2 a(O) + 3.T 0'3 a(O),

and put U~ u ~ Z~ a(O) and U l=P1 51, Z l = / / 1 ~l. Then E~ Z~ and, using (2.6), since time differentiation commutes with the operators /3P~, AH1,

bUJ+AZJ=O, j=O, 1.

We have at once that HEll]__< Ilu 1 - 5 ill + I[(I-P1)(u 1-~1)1[ <=ck(hr+k4), and II 21 II < IIo-(k) -~1 II + II(I-/ / l)(a(k)-~1)il <=c(hr+k4) �9

Also from the definitions of D and H1 we see that

[I OZl I] 2 = (OH1 (a(tx) - da), OH1 (a(t 1)- t~l))

= (div//1 ( a ( t O - 61), D//1 (a(t~)-- ~ ) )

= (div (a(t 1)- dl), D//1 ( a ( t O - ~l))

ck3 IlDZ ~ I/.

Hence ( F E 2 ) gives (2.16).

Second order in time fully discrete schemes

To construct such schemes we consider a rational approximation to the cosine of the form

r ( x ) - 1 + Pl x2 l + q l x 2 , q~>0.

where Pl =q~- - l / 2 and assume for stability purposes that ql > 1/4. Then, for every smooth function y = y(t) there holds

(I--q1 k2632)(y "+1 + y , - 1) = 2(I--pl k2O 2) y" + O(k4y(4)).

In a similar way as in the case of the fourth order schemes we led to the

following fully discrete scheme for finding approximations of ( ~ / of [utt"'] g ~ T n \ / [ x , \

I, ,~ ( t.) ! \z,- /

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 25l

in VhXHh: let Sj eVhXHh, O<j<J--1 be given approx imat ions of \a(ti) ].

Then define \S" + as the solution of the linear system

' R ' " " F.' (2.19) R'~\S"+~}-2S' Z" t z~X,_~)= ,,

where R'I, R~, S' are linear opera to r s on Vh X Hh having the following form

I - k2q l D] R'I= k2ql b kZqlA ]'

S '=( Io --k;plD),

I --kZqlD] R'2= _ k 2 q l b klqlA],

and F.' is the element of Vh X Hh given by

F,,:=(k2(qlf,+l 2 p l f , + q l f , -1) 0

It is easily seen tha t since q ~ > 0 R'I is positive definite on (Vhx Hh, ((', "))) and therefore invertible. If we now let E"= U"-P~ u(t,), Z " = S " - H ~ a(t.) and, for 1 <_n< J, put

g.= I[E,_E,-~IIZ +k 2 HZ,+ Z.-XHZ +k 2 IlZ"-Z"-ahl 2,

we m a y prove the following result a long the same lines as the p roof of T h e o r e m 2.2.

<) Theorem 2.3. Assume that No , Z1 are given elements of Vh x H h chosen so that

~1 <ck2(k2 + hr)2.

<1 Then, for every n, 2-<n-< J, 2;" exists uniquely in Vh x Hh as the solution of

(2.19). If ql > 1/4 then, for k sufficiently small, there exists a positive constant c, independent of k, h such that:

max (IIE"II + IIZ"ll)<c(kZ+h r) O<_n<_J

and max (llu"-U"ll + Ila"-Z"ll)<c(kZ+h').


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252 Ch.G. Makridakis

3 Velocity-stress discretization


In this section we shall study fully discrete mixed finite element approximations of the solution of problem (1.4), the "velocity-stress" formulation of the elasto- dynamics problem (1.2). We first discuss the semidiscrete approximation of the problem (1.4). We seek (v h, ah): [0, T] ~ Vh • Hh such that

(vh, w)-- (div ah, W) = (f, W), V w ~ Vh 0 --< t < T,

a((rh, g)+(Vh, divz)=O, VzeHh O<t<_T, v~(0) = vo. ~,(o) = ~o.

where (v ~ a ~ is a given approximation of (v ~ or(0)) on Vh X Hh. Using the discreti- zation operators D and D this is equivalent to seeking (Vh, t~h): [0, T] ~ Vh X Hh, such that

(3.1) l Jh - -Dah=fh , O<__t<__ T,

vh(O)= ~o, ~(o1= ~o,

where fh is the L2-projection of f in V h. We now define the operator ~h on V h • H h as

Then the two differential equations in (3.1) can be written in the form

o [ v , \ _ ~ /v,\ [fh\

For the needs of the error analysis we define the following bilinear form on V• Hsd :

W1 , W2

Since A is symmetric and positive definite, ((., .))A is a inner product on V• Hsd equivalent to the inner product (( . , .)) defined in Sect. 2. Furthermore observe that


Hence, using (2.8), we have

((~hx. Y))A = - ((x. ~h Y)h. V X , Ye Vh x H h ,

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 253

i.e. ~h is antisymmetric on Vh • Hh. As a consequence,

((~h X, X)) A = 0 , V X E V h • n h .

If (u, a) is the solution of (1.2) let w(t).'=P~ u(t) and r t a(t). Since time differentiation commutes with the operator P~, letting z(t):=ff(t), we have

z(t)=P1 ti(t)=Pl v(t).

Differentiating the second equation of (FE I ) with respect to t we obtain

(3.3) (div~(t) ,q)=(div~r(t) ,q) , Vqe Vh, te[-0, T],

(A~( t ) ,Z )+(z ( t ) , d i v z )=O, VzEHh, tEl-0, T].

We shall compare the solution of the semidiscrete problem (3.1) with the element (z(t),~(t)).'=(P1 v( t ) , l l l ~r(t)) of Vh• and prove the following result, which is the analog in the case of the elastodynamics equations of the result of Geveci [15].

Theorem 3.1. Let (v, o) be the solution of (1.4), where v = f,. I f (Vh, Oh) is the solution of (3.1) then

Hv(t)--vh(t)]] + H(r(t)--(rh(t)]] <C([IvO--vh(O)][ + []Cr ~

{/ ~,2 +chr(llvollr+ {Io'-~ (I]o-(s)l]2+ jlfJ(s)[12)ds~ �9

Proof Let (z(t), ~(t))e Vh • n h be as above. Then ( FE 2 ) gives

(3.4) r - A--

Using now the definitions of z, ~ and Eqs. (3.3) we have

z z a z D~

where D ~ = D ~ and

(Sz, z)= -(A~,z), VzEHh, i.e. that

(3.5) -A- ' Sz=~.

Using (1.4) we get the relation

ph-q where P is the L2-projection in Vh x H h. Putting now 0 = \a h - ~], we have from

the above and (3.2) that

(3.6) OtO--~hO= - -PRt , t e l0 , T].

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254 Ch.G. Makridakis

Let E t be the so lu t ion o p e r a t o r of the co r r e spond ing to (3.6) h o m o g e n e o u s p r o b l e m on VhXHh, i.e. deno te by Wh(t)=Et W ~ the so lu t ion of the p r o b l e m

(~t Wh-- ~h Wh=O, W h ( 0 ) = W 0, W ~ G Vh • Hh .

Since ~h is antisymmetric on (Vh X Hh, ((', "))a) we easily obtain

IIIWnlll = lllE, W~ = III W~

Duhamel's principle gives now that the solution of (3.6) is

O(t) = E, 0(0) - i E,_, PRt(s) ds. 0


Since now

IIiO (t)l[l~ ~ IIIE, o (o)IllA+ i IIIE,-s PR,(s)]II~ ds 0

< IIIO(O)II[A + i IIIe,(s)lll,4 ds. 0

IIIR,(s)IllA = II~(t)--~(t)ll ~ c h r II~llr,

we comple te the p r o o f using (3.4) a n d that the n o r m s Ill'IliA and Ill" Ill are equiva- lent. [ ]

Fully discrete approximations

Since the operator ~h has purely imaginary eigenvalues it is reasonable to discre- tize (3.2) in time using rational approximations of e i~, x e R [-5, 7].

To this end consider a rational function ~(z) which is an up to fourth order accurate approximation of exp(z). Let ~(z)= P(z)/Q (z) where P and Q are relative- ly prime polynomials of degree up to two, with the following properties:

Ri 3v, l _ < v < 4 : Ie(z)-eZl<clz[ ~+~, z ~ , Ri i I~(z)l < 1, for every z ~ i R .

I t is a s t r a igh t fo rward consequence of R i i tha t there holds

Ri i i Q(z)+O, f o r e v e r y zei~,~.

Examples of m e t h o d s tha t satisfy these a s s u m p t i o n s are given in the fol lowing table [7], in which P ( z ) = 1 + p~ z + p2 z 2, Q ( z ) = 1 + ql z + q2 z2.

Approximations of e z v ql q2 Pl P2

Euler 1 - l 0 0 0 Crank-Nicolson 2 -- 1/2 0 1/2 0 Calahan a 3 - 2 2 22 1 --22 22 - 2 2 + 1/2 Pad6 2 - 1 1/2 0 0 Pad+ 3 - 2/3 1/6 1/3 0 Pad6 4 - 1/2 1/12 1/2 1/12

2=(1/2) (1 + 1/]~)

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics 255

A consequence of Ri is that for every smooth function y=y(t) and k>0 , there holds

(3.7) y(t + k)+ql ky'(t +k)+q2 k2y"(t +k) = y(t) + pl k y' (t) + p2 k2 y" (t) + O(kV+ l y (v+ 1)).

Using (3.2), observe that

) \an~ ~-- A -1 DD a d ~-- Dfh/"

Motivated now by (3.7) we obtain the following fully discrete scheme: Let

be ive. a..roximations of We define \a(O]" V,+1\

ll~Vh • H h as the solution of the linear system Z,+ ]

(3.8) V n + 1 V n

where d , ~ are linear operators on Vh x H h defined by


=Q(k~h)=/I-kZq2, DA - ' d \ --kql A 1D

= P ( k ~ h ) = ( I - - k 2 P2 DA - 1 \ --kpl A-1D

kqxD ) I - - k 2 q2 A - 1DD

kplD ) I - - k 2p2A-1DD '

and where by ~ " we denote

[k(q, f "+' -Pl.f")+ k2(q2f (')"+' -P2f(') ')] ~ - \ _ k Z A - ' b ( q 2 f . + ' _ p 2 f . ) }"

Since d = Q(k~h), if {2j}~21 are the eigenvalues O f ~ h , 2~eiN, j = 1, 2 . . . . . M h ,

then the eigenvalues of d are Q(k2s),j= 1, 2 . . . . . M h. Therefore, Riii gives that zero is not an eigenvalue of d . Hence, the operator sr is invertible and we

can compute \22. + as the unique solution of (3.8).

Note on implementation

For the efficient solution of the system

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256 Ch.G. Makridakis

we note first that if q2=0, i.e. d = I + q l k ~ h, (3.8a) can be solved directly using block elimination:

(3.8b) AY+q 2 k2DDY=Ab+ql kDa

X = --qa kDY+a.

For q: 4: 0, write ~r = ( I -~1 k~h)(I- O~z k~h), where ~1, ~z are complex in gener- al - the roots of Q(z). In this case in order to compute (X, Y) we have to solve two systems of the form (3.8b).

Another alternative for solving (3.8a) is a preconditioned iterative method, similar to the one analyzed by Bales in 1-7] in the case of Galerkin approxima- tions for the wave equation. The basic steps of this method are as follows: First, consider an equivalent form of the system (3.8 a),

b '

where ~r is the adjoint of ~r The matrix of the system (3.8c) is symmetric and positive definite. Solve (3.8c) with an iterative method in which the calcula- tion of an approximation (X p § 1, yp + 1) to (X, Y), given (X j, Y J), 0 <j < p, requires solving systems involving only a matrix A0 - the preconditioner - with certain properties, cf. [7], and such that A o l ~ , ~Vh• can be computed easily. In our case an appropriate choice of A o is Ao = ~ ,~'0, where ,~'o = I - ~ 2 k2 ~ for some real number ~, i.e. where

d o =(I q- k2 0~2 DA- l b 0 ) 0 I+k2cz2A-aDD "

J o is symmetric and positive definite on (Vh • Hh,(( ' , "))a) and thus Ao=~40 z. We conclude therefore that the computation of Aoa~b requires solving two systems of the form: Find (X, Y)~Vh • Hh such that

~ +k2e2 DA- l O ~ = a l

ATY+ k2 ct2 ~D ~=bl.


Since ~ = P(k~h), the eigenvalues of ~ are the numbers P(k2j), j = 1, 2 . . . . . Mh. Let {~j}~--"l be an orthonormal system of eigenvectors of ~h with respect to ((', "))A extended for complex elements as

W 2 ,wx

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics

If tPeVh• with t / '=~c;q~j , then Illdq'l][~= IQ(k,~,j)12Jcj] 2 J J

III~UlIIA= IP(k,tj)lZlcjl 2 . Hence, using Rii, we have . =

(3.9) II1~ '/q L, __< II1~ q'lltA, VtlteVh• .




<) We shall compare the approximations X" with the element \H~ a"]-'\~"]

Vh X H h. For this we need an estimate for 7] ~ Vh x H h, defined by

f Zn + 1 zn n (~ - - . a l (3.10)

We have

(3.11) ( a]~=( z"+l--z "+kD(q x ~"+1--pl r ~_[k2DA-a f(q2 z"+'-P2 z")~ y]] \~"+~-~"--kA-~f(q~z"+~-z")] \kZA-~fD(qz~"+~-pz~')]"

4" we have that As we have observed before, from the definition of z", D ~" = D a" and the relation (3.5). Hence using (1.4),

(3.12a) \ - A - t D z "] 8t~ ~" )-(fo)"

Observe also that using again (3.3), (3.5) and (1.4) yields

- D A - I fzn=D~"=Dd" and

(3.12 b) P0,, v" = -DA -1 f z n +fn.

NOW note that using (1.4) and (FE3) gives

(6, div Z)-(div ~, div Z) = ( f div Z), V Z ~ Hh, and

(~, div Z)-- (div a, div Z) = (b, div Z)-(D 4, DZ) =(fib, Z) -(fiDe, Z), VZeHn.



Also, using (1.4) we see that f b " = - P A O ~ a " , where P: H~d-~H h is the U-projection. Note that for z~Hsd we have

(A-~PAr, z)=(PAr, A-~x)=(z,Z)=(Pz,)O VZeHh,

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i.e. that A - 1 PA = P on H~d. We finally obtain that

(3.12c) - A -~/SD r -~/3f" =/3 ~ a".

The relations (3.11) and (3.12a~z) give

(3.13) \?u(a2]=P(I +kq~ c3t+kZq2aZt)\~r"+l] - P ( I +kp l c~'+k2pz~?~) va

+ ~ . , + p ( ( F l l (P,--I)(v "+' --v") a")) -I)(a"+ l-cr" + kql c3t a "+1 - k p l (?t

= , r , " + ~ " + r L

Ch.G. Makridakis

where, from (3.8) we have,

(3.14) IIIr~"llh_<ckV+l( sup Ilay+lu(s)ll+ sup s e [ t n , t n+ J] s e [ t , , , t n ~ 11

and from (FE2)

(3.15) IIIG"lllA-<_ckh'( sap II~(s)L+ sup II~(s)L). s e [ t n , t n + 11 S ~[ tn , t n+ 1]


We have now the following result:

<) Theorem 3.2. Let that (V ~ S ~ = (z ~ G~ Then for every n, 1 <= n <= J, S" e Vh x H h

exists uniquely as the solution of the linear system (3.8). Asuming that the rational

function ~(x) satisfies Ri, R i i and putting O"={V"-z"~" ~ ~ E " - ~ ] ' we have that if q2 =0

for v = 2, there exists a positive constant c, independent of k, h such that:

max 1110"lll4 <c(kV + h'), O < n < _ J

and consequently max (llv ~ - v"pl + Ila"-S"ll)<e(k~+h').


Proof Combining (3.8), (3.10-13) we have that O" satisfies

~10 "+1 = ~ O " - Fx"- Fz".

From (3.9) and (3.14), (3.15) we have

I I I dO "+ ~IIIA_-< IIl~O"lll,, + IIIq"lllA + lilts"IliA <__llls/O"lllA+ck(k~+h'), O<_n<_d-1.

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Mixed finite elements for elastodynamics

Hence, summing, we obtain

IIIdO"llh <llldO~ +cnk(k~ + hr), 1 <n<_J,

and since O ~ = 0 we conclude tha t

I I IdO"l lh< c(kV + h'), O<_n<J.

Since ~h is ant isymmetr ic on (Vh • Hh, ((', "))4) we have

I[[dH[I] 2 = ((H, H)) a + kZ(q 2 - 2 q2)((V~a 71, ~ a H))a + k4 q4 ( (~ 2 H, 9 2 H))A.

W e see easi ly t ha t q 2 - 2 q 2 = > 0 , so tha t for every H ~ V h x Ha there ho lds

Ill HILl,,_-< lilt4 HIIh. Hence we have

IIlO"llh<c(k"+h~), O<n<_J. []


Acknowledgements. The results of this paper are taken from [19]. The author is greatly indebted to his adviser, Professor Vassilios A. Dougalis for his guidance and support.


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