Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg. @ 6:00— LMC 25 & 26 No School Concert Info. Dec.20, Gr.1 & 2 Winter Concert Mar.19, Gr.3 & 4 Spring Concert Dear Janssen School Community, WELCOME Janssen School Community! We have begun the 2018-19 school year in such a positive way—The Janssen Way. Our staff and families have done an excellent job in ac- climating our students into Janssen. Thank you! I want to welcome each of our new families (5K and transfer students) to our school. We hope that your children felt welcomed and that we were able to answer any questions you had. We are very excited that you joined our commu- nity. To all our families, we look forward to seeing all our children suc- ceed as students and citizens. From day one, our staff began forming positive relationships with our students. It is so crucial that each of our students feels connected when coming to Janssen. We believe that when our students feel connected they can reach their potential—just like it’s stated in our district’s vi- sion: Students will grow as problem solvers to reach their potential in academics, arts, and co-curricular. With our district’s vision driving our behaviors each day, our staff will support our students as problem solv- ers to be owners of their learning. During our first two weeks of school, I have visited each of our class- rooms and I am very pleased with the positive classroom environments teachers have set up for our students and the level of engagement stu- dents are showing by reflecting and acting on their work. From our 5K students to our fourth grade students, the Janssen Way is evident in every part of our school and our students are making connections with each other and with staff. Not even the humid weather could get in the way of our great start. The last thing that I want to share with you is school safety. During our first week of school, we successfully practiced our safety drills and adjusted a couple of our processes based on what we learned from our practices. From our hallways to the parking lot, it is important for all of us as a community to be thinking: “safety always”. School safety is extremely important to me and we will continue to review our practices throughout the year. Please let me know when you have concerns about school safety. Sincerely, Hercules Nikolaou, Ph.D. Janssen Elementary School Principal September Issue, 2018 REMINDER Just a reminder that be- fore school supervision starts at 8:20. Your help is greatly appreciated in keeping our students safe.

Janssen Journal · 2018. 9. 19. · Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg

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Page 1: Janssen Journal · 2018. 9. 19. · Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg

Janssen Journal

Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter

Dates to Remember:


28 Noon Dismissal


12 2:00 Release

19 PTO Mtg. @ 6:00—


25 & 26 No School

Concert Info.

Dec.20, Gr.1 & 2 Winter


Mar.19, Gr.3 & 4 Spring


Dear Janssen School Community,

WELCOME Janssen School Community!

We have begun the 2018-19 school year in such a positive way—The

Janssen Way. Our staff and families have done an excellent job in ac-

climating our students into Janssen. Thank you! I want to welcome

each of our new families (5K and transfer students) to our school. We

hope that your children felt welcomed and that we were able to answer

any questions you had. We are very excited that you joined our commu-

nity. To all our families, we look forward to seeing all our children suc-

ceed as students and citizens.

From day one, our staff began forming positive relationships with our

students. It is so crucial that each of our students feels connected when

coming to Janssen. We believe that when our students feel connected

they can reach their potential—just like it’s stated in our district’s vi-

sion: Students will grow as problem solvers to reach their potential in

academics, arts, and co-curricular. With our district’s vision driving our

behaviors each day, our staff will support our students as problem solv-

ers to be owners of their learning.

During our first two weeks of school, I have visited each of our class-

rooms and I am very pleased with the positive classroom environments

teachers have set up for our students and the level of engagement stu-

dents are showing by reflecting and acting on their work. From our 5K

students to our fourth grade students, the Janssen Way is evident in

every part of our school and our students are making connections with

each other and with staff. Not even the humid weather could get in the

way of our great start.

The last thing that I want to share with you is school safety. During

our first week of school, we successfully practiced our safety drills and

adjusted a couple of our processes based on what we learned from our

practices. From our hallways to the parking lot, it is important for all

of us as a community to be thinking: “safety always”. School safety is

extremely important to me and we will continue to review our practices

throughout the year. Please let me know when you have concerns

about school safety.


Hercules Nikolaou, Ph.D.

Janssen Elementary School Principal

September Issue, 2018


Just a reminder that be-

fore school supervision

starts at 8:20. Your help

is greatly appreciated in

keeping our students


Page 2: Janssen Journal · 2018. 9. 19. · Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg

Check us out:

www.kimberly.k12.wi.us/schools/janssen-elementary, Twitter: @JanssenElem, PTO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janssenpto


If you are interested in volunteering at school,

whether in your child’s classroom or chaperoning

a field trip, you need to have a completed back-

ground check form on file with the school dis-

trict. Please keep in mind that these take 2

weeks to complete. If you are not sure if you

have a completed check on file or if you have any

questions, please contact the school office.


Please be aware that emergency medications

that are provided for use during the school day

will not be accessible before or after school

hours. Parents and students must plan ahead to

have emergency medication available during

school activities such as clubs and sports. If an

emergency arises and a student does not have

their emergency medication available, 911 will

be called.


Human growth and development letters were

sent home the week of September 10. If you have

not received one, please notify the school office for

another copy. Also included in this newsletter is

a copy of the letter and grade level objectives for

your review.


At the Westside Elementary PTO meeting on

Thursday, November 8, at 6:30, in the library,

there will be a short presentation explaining Ti-

tle 1. They will share how our schools benefit

from these funds as well as inform parents about

our programs. You are invited to join us for this.


The Papermaker Scamper is a short one-mile

run that kicks off the Homecoming parade each

year. Students in grades 1-8 are welcome to run

this event. The run begins behind the bleachers

of Papermaker Stadium and ends near Kwik

Trip across from Kimberly High School. Stu-

dents run by themselves with the support of a

few Kimberly High School cross country runners

and teachers. Please fill out this linked form to

register your child for the 2018 Scamper.


Welcome back Janssen families! We are off to a

great start already this school year. As I did last

year, I plan on using this “Counselor Corner” in

the newsletter to provide families with infor-

mation, such as, what students are learning in

Life Skills, parenting tips, articles regarding

children’s mental health, or information on up-

coming events.

To begin the year, I want to give a reminder of

the services that I can provide for students and

how I can assist parents and families. For all of

our students, I teach Life Skills classes every two

weeks. These classes cover topics such as person-

al safety, identifying and expressing feelings,

problem solving, and career exploration.

In addition to Life Skills instruction, I can also

offer short term individual or small group coun-

seling focusing on topics such as family changes,

emotional regulation, skills for academic success,

social skills, and problem solving.

For parents and families, I may be able to assist

you in the following ways:

Finding a community counselor or communi-

ty supports for children who need support

beyond what can be offered in the school set-


Answering questions about mental health or


Accessing available supports if homeless

Finding parent or child focused books on a

variety of topics

Answering questions about our school or

school systems

Along with this newsletter, I am including bro-

chures that further explain KASD school coun-

seling services, as well as information on access-

ing mental health services in our area.

If at any point you have any questions or con-

cerns about your child or our school, please do

not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hav-

ing another fun and successful school year!

Katie McCormick

School Counselor

Janssen Elementary and 4K Center for Literacy


Page 3: Janssen Journal · 2018. 9. 19. · Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg

420 Wallace Street, Combined Locks, WI 54113 920-788-7915

The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental

status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected

Classes") in any of its student program and activities.


Hello families and welcome back to another

great school year. All of the students have eased

their way back into art by doing some kind of

drawing of their choice. The kindergarten stu-

dents are starting to read the book The Dot by

Peter H. Reynolds and exploring how to be an

artist using watercolor. They are also learning

how to move about the art room safely when get-

ting their paint, brushes, water, and paper tow-


The first graders are learning about horizon line

and how an artist uses it to separate the sky

from the ground in their drawings.

The second grade students are learning about

line and how all lines can be broken down into

either straight ones or curvy ones. They are cre-

ating a drawing that focuses on the use of curved


The third graders are learning about the artistic

style Post Impressionism and how to create dif-

ferent textures with their brushes. They saw art-

works by Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Hen-

ri Rousseau, Georges Seurat, and Paul Cezanne.

They also watched how the artist Bob Ross used

the brush in different ways. They are practicing

how to mix colors in preparation for an upcom-

ing painting.

Fourth graders are learning about mask making

as well as painting. They will be creating a

three-dimensional mask using a form and then

painting it and using additional supplies to deco-

rate it. Simultaneously they will be creating a

painting by adding white and black to a main

color creating tints and shades of that color.

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Each year we start with a reminder of what PBIS stands for and what it means for Janssen. PBIS

stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. PBIS is an approach to discipline that creates

safer, more effective schools by reinforcing positive behavior and preventing and addressing problem be-

havior. PBIS consists of several tiers. Our tier 1 team focuses on our whole school community by creat-

ing universal expectations and behavior lessons, a positive rewards system, as well as yearly behavioral

themes. The tier 2 and 3 teams work to address issues and create re-teaching lessons or interventions

for small groups or individual students. We plan on sharing monthly notes in the newsletter that give

you updates on themes, news items, and celebrations.


Our theme this year is a carryover from the 2017-2018 school year. The theme will continue to be

“Sports!” but with the new tagline “Team up with the Janssen Way!” Teachers will be working with their

students on how to work better with others and the importance of working together in a respectful and

productive way.

Monthly Character Trait

Along with our yearly theme, we will also focus on a character trait each month. Each morning during

Morning PAWS, we will have a Paws and Think that emphasizes this character trait. The teachers will

also be discussing this trait with their students during community circle, and exploring how the trait

connects to our overall theme.

The character trait for this month is Responsibility (with a focus on organization for the begin-

ning of the school year).

Club House Winners!

Another carryover from last year will be the opportunity for students to earn Club House Seats in their

specials classes. A Club House Seat is earned if the class has shown the Janssen Way for the entire spe-

cials class. Each quarter we will be having different contests to see which classes earn the most seats.


Each month teachers will be selecting a student as their classroom MVP. This will be a student who has

consistently showed the Janssen Way and acts as a good role model for his/her classmates. The MVP will

have their picture taken and displayed in the “Bulldog Hall of Fame” near the from office.

Quarterly Celebrations

All students have the opportunity to earn dog bone tickets, which we then collect in a bin by our main

office. With every bin the students fill, they get one step closer to a whole school quarterly celebration.

These celebrations could be anything from a dance party to a guest performer. Details about these cele-

brations will shared with students on a quarterly basis as the rewards are earned.

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Children should be kept home from school when they don’t feel well. It is important to get the rest they

need to recover, and to prevent the spread of germs to other children and the staff. If you are unsure of

when to keep your child home, please contact the school nurse or your family medical provider.

The following symptoms may suggest a communicable disease. Children who have the following symp-

toms should be kept home from school until a doctor has seen them, they no longer have symptoms indi-

cating a communicable disease or they have received treatment for at least 24 hours for certain diseases.

Fever: An oral temperature of 100.00 or higher indicates a fever. If your child has a temp of 100.00 or

higher at school he/she will be sent home. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of

a fever reducer (Tylenol or Ibuprofen product) before he/she returns to school.

Strep Throat: If a fever is accompanied by a sore throat, stomach ache or head ache it may be strep

throat. Strep throat is diagnosed by a throat culture obtained at a medical clinic. If your child is diag-

nosed with strep throat, your child must be on appropriate antibiotics for 24 hours and fever free for 24

hours without the use of a fever reducer (Tylenol or Ibuprofen product) before he/she returns to school.

Vomiting and diarrhea: If your child has an episode of vomiting and diarrhea at school, he/she will be

sent home. Anyone with these symptoms should stay home until symptoms are absent for 24 hours.

Eyes: Pink eye or conjunctivitis appears as a pinkish sclera (white of the eye), it is usually itchy and

painful. Drainage or crust may form on the eyelids. Student may attend school unless he/she has a fever,

behavioral changes, or is unable to avoid touching his/her eyes. Antibiotics are not required for return to


Skin problems: Rashes and infected sores needed to be diagnosed by a medical provider. Many skin

rashes such as impetigo, scabies, chicken pox, Fifth disease or Hand Foot and Mouth disease are very

contagious. Students may return to school once the rash has been diagnosed and treated for 24 hours or

cleared by a doctor. Open sores from illnesses such as chicken pox and impetigo may need to be covered

at school with bandages for several days.

Cough: A cough may be a sign of many different illnesses. If a cough is accompanied by a fever, sore

throat, body aches or any other symptoms you should keep your child home. Any cough that lasts for

more than several days should be discussed with a doctor.

Lice: If live lice are found on a student at school, the student will be sent home for treatment. The child

may return after a treatment and no live lice are found on the head. If you discover lice at home, please

contact the school nurse to discuss the best way to get rid of lice and determine when your child may re-

turn to school.

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August 2018

Dear Parent or Guardian:

It is important that our youth have knowledge about human growth and development to understand body

changes, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and make healthy, responsible decisions which fit with their personal

values and yours. It is important for you to be the primary source for information and education, and our

schools will provide support to assist your efforts.

4 year-old-kindergarten through twelfth grade human growth and development objectives guide learning in

our schools. These objectives were designed by a committee of parents, teachers, administrators, and

community members to be developmentally appropriate and were approved by the Board of Education. The

objectives for your child’s grade level are printed here along with our philosophy for your review. Your

child’s teachers will provide opportunities throughout the school year for your child to learn these

objectives. To provide the best learning situations, we connect this information with other things about

which the child is learning. Because of this, human growth and development learning may occur throughout

the year when it is most appropriate, but there may be times when the learning is more focused.

Films related to the physical and emotional changes that occur with puberty are used in grades 4, 5, and 6.

When the class is viewing one of these films, the teacher or counselor will notify you in advance so that you

can have the opportunity to preview the film. We encourage you to take time with your child to discuss the

film together after it is shown in class. This discussion provides another opportunity for you to share your

values and expectations and to understand your child’s perspectives. We have additional resources to help

parents connect and speak with their children about human growth and development issues. For more

information about available resources, speak with your child’s teacher or counselor.

If you have any questions or concerns about what your child will be learning, please talk with your child’s

teacher or counselor. If you prefer that your child not participate in human growth and development

instruction, you need to make that request in writing to the teacher or school principal in advance and an

alternative educational opportunity will be provided for your child during that time. Students whose parents

exempt them from instruction related to human growth and development will still receive instruction on

other health-related topics such as basic hygiene and sanitation, the effects of controlled substances and

alcohol on the human body, symptoms of disease and the proper care of the body. Instruction is also

provided for elementary students on effective means by which students may recognize, avoid, prevent and

halt physically or psychologically abusive or intrusive situations, such as child abuse, child enticement and

sexual abuse.

If you would like more information about the district’s health curriculum, including the complete human

growth and development curriculum, or the instructional materials, please contact me at (920) 788-7900,

Extension 4181.


John Schultz

Director of Student Improvement

Kimberly Area School District


5 Year Old Kindergarten – Grade 4

Page 10: Janssen Journal · 2018. 9. 19. · Janssen Journal Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter Dates to Remember: September 28 Noon Dismissal October 12 2:00 Release 19 PTO Mtg

August 2018


The Kimberly Area School District recognizes human growth and development as a lifelong educational

process. The responsibility for this education belongs first and foremost to parents, church, and community.

The district recognizes the obligation of the schools to support and supplement this aspect of education.

Since students are in school for a large portion of their lives, it seems appropriate that the school offer to

assist parents in these areas.

This human growth and development program has been planned with the active, constructive involvement of

parents, teachers, students, community leaders, and administrators with approval by the School Board.

The Kimberly School District is committed to provide human growth and development instruction as part of a

comprehensive education program. Human growth and development instruction refers to the process of

growth in the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social phases of individuals and their human


Human growth and development should not be an isolated special facet of education. Sequential, well-planned

units appropriate for developmental needs will be integrated through the 4K-12 curriculum. Our goal is to

provide accurate information in a non-threatening environment which includes dialogue between parents,

students, and teachers. This accurate information will allow students and educators to use correct

terminology when referring to human growth and development topics.

The Kimberly Area School District recognizes its responsibility to promote in our students positive self-

concepts, healthy interpersonal relationships, and responsible decision making. This curriculum will help

students examine their own attitudes and behavior in relation to the norms and values of parents, church,

and community.


1. Identify and use the basic steps of the decision making process.

2. Identify people they can trust.

3. Recognize there are feelings.

4. Identify their feelings.

5. Recognize that they get to decide who touches their body.

6. Identify appropriate and inappropriate touch.

7. Know that family members take care of each other.


1. Apply the basic steps involved in the decision making process.

2. Identify adults they can seek out for help.

3. Identify and express their feelings.

4. Identify appropriate and inappropriate touch.

5. Recognize that they get to decide who touches their body.

6. Identify changes a human goes through in a life cycle.

7. Identify the different ways living things reproduce: plants come from seeds, animals come from eggs.

8. Explain how adults in a family provide for a child’s physical, mental and social needs.

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August 2018


1. Apply the basic steps involved in the decision making process.

2. Communicate feelings with others.

3. Know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch.

4. Recognize that they get to decide who touches their body.


1. Apply the basic steps involved in the decision making process.

2. Communicate feelings with others.

3. Know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch.

4. Recognize that they get to decide who touches their body.

5. Recognize that some animals grow inside the mother’s body and some hatch outside the mother’s


6. Recognize that human beings grow and develop inside their mother.


1. Apply the basic steps involved in the decision making process.

2. Recognize that peers and peer pressure can influence decision-making.

3. Communicate feelings with others.

4. Define sexual abuse.

5. Identify and explain physical, social and mental changes which occur as they approach puberty.

6. Identify hygiene practices necessary for changing bodies.

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I need help with school-based services.

Contact and speak with a teacher, principal, school nurse, school coun-selor, school psychologist, or other school staff regarding concerns.

Kimberly Area School District

Intermediate Schools Phone Number

Mapleview 920-788-7910

Woodland 920-730-0924

Accessing Mental Health Services

in the Kimberly Area

We understand that accessing mental

health services for children can be

challenging. We hope this pamphlet

helps clarify options available for

your family.

Middle School Phone Number

J. R. Gerritts Student Services Dept.

920-788-7905 920-423-4105

Elementary Schools Phone Number

4K Center for Literacy 920-423-4130

Janssen 920-788-7915

Sunrise 920-954-1822

Westside 920-739-3578

Woodland 920-730-0924

High School Phone Number

Kimberly High Student Services Dept.

920-687-3024 920-423-4162

United Way PATH counseling services are available to grades 7-12.

Please contact your school counselor for a referral.

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I need help for my child right now. I am concerned about my child’s mental health, but

it is not an emergency.

Has your child harmed or threatened to harm themselves or others?

Is your child out of control? Are you unable to safely care for your child?

I answered YES to at least one of the questions

above and/or my child appears to be experiencing a

mental health crisis.

I answered NO to all the ques-

tions above and my child does

not appear to be experiencing

a mental health crisis.

Contact 24/7 Crisis Intervention

920-832-4646 (Outagamie County)

920-849-9317 (Calumet County)

920-233-7707 (Winnebago County)

Crisis Intervention has trained staff

on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week to respond to mental health


Call 9-1-1 or

go to Emergency Room.

If your child already has a counselor, it is recommended that you

follow up with that professional regarding any crisis situation.

Has your child already been in contact with a

mental health professional?

If the child has a physician,

contact the physician. The

physician may be able to

assist or be required for a


Do you have medical


Contact your mental

health provider

Check to see if your employer

has an Employee Assistance

Program (EAP). If so, contact

the EAP for initial support.

Call the number on the

back of your insurance

card to check mental

health benefits and


To learn about

medical assis-

tance, contact the

East Central In-

come Mainte-

nance Partnership.


Community Mental Health providers if you have no


Outagamie County Health & Human Services:

920-832-5270 Calumet County Human

Services: 920-989-2700

Winnebago County Health & Human Services:


Helpful Tips in Finding a Community Mental Health


Options: 1. DIAL 2-1-1 or 1-800-924-5514

(free 24 hr. info & referral) www.211now.org

2. Contact your school counselor 3. Consult with your primary medical provider

* Remember, children do best when

families, providers and schools work

together as a team. Parents may con-

tact their school office for a release of

information form in order to establish

confidential communication that will

allow for a more seamless support

system for your child.





or or



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Rev. 8/28/18

NEW! Updated Plan for Excellence available at www.kimberly.k12.wi.us/excellence

We arePlanning for Excellence



KIMBERLY Kimberly Area School District

View the Plan online: www.kimberly.k12.wi.us/excellenceRequest a hard copy by calling (920)788-7900

Plan for Excellence:• Created with feedback from

parents, students, community members and staff.

• Combines input with District data.

• Outlines our vision, values and goals for student achievement.

• Shares our story and will guide our District’s future.

• Tells the community what children who attend our schools will get when they come here.

• This is our promise to you.

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Join our team as a Sub! Do you enjoy working with children while maintaining a flexible work

schedule? Have you considered becoming a substitute teacher?

The Kimberly Area School District is seeking talented Substitute Teachers who want to join a team of

ambitious professionals who help all students succeed. Sometimes, our educators are away from

their classrooms for things like professional development or when they are ill. That’s when we need

talented individuals to continue providing a high-quality education to our students.


Current Wisconsin Educator License

-Or- Substitute Teacher Permit.

Have an Associate’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree but not a Substitute Teacher Permit? Contact us at (920) 788-7900 to learn more about pursuing training to obtain a Substitute Teacher Permit.

Substitute Teachers new to KASD are supported by helpful District

staff at each building. The District uses an online Substitute Teacher

System (AESOP) where you can view and customize subbing

positions you are most interested in for your subbing career. KASD offers a competitive daily pay

rate for our substitute teachers.

Are you ready to join a team of talented professionals who help students become community, college

and career ready? Complete an application through WECAN (Wisconsin’s K-12 hiring website) by

visiting https://services.education.wisc.edu/wecan.

Learn more about the Kimberly Area School District at


The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate against candidates on the basis of race, color, creed, marital status, sex (including transgender status, change of sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender transition, gender identity or sexual identity), pregnancy, ancestry, political belief or activity,

military or veteran’s status, arrest or conviction record, use or non-use of lawful products, religion, national origin, age, disability, or any other status protected

by law. Concerns or questions should be directed to the District’s Compliance Officer, the Director of Human Resources, at Kimberly Area School District, 425 S Washington Street, Combined Locks WI 54113. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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September 13, 2018

Dear Kimberly Area School District Families,

We are committed to promoting the social and emotional well-being of our students. By working together with United Way’s PATH (Providing Access to Healing) for Students, we are now able to provide the opportunity for school-based counseling services to students in 5-year-old kindergarten through 12th grade. New for this year - services have been expanded to be available to students younger than seventh grade. We believe this will fill an important need for some students and families.

The United Way’s PATH for Students is a partnership between United Way Fox Cities, Catalpa Health, Family Services of Northeast WI, Inc., Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, and the Kimberly Area School District. The purpose of this collaborative partnership is to offer mental health outreach and treatment services to the students in our schools.

Counseling is an excellent way to learn new skills, develop self-confidence, become more aware of others’ views and experiences, practice new behaviors, and better understand how to deal with the problems life presents.

It is our belief that the combined commitment and expertise of our respective agencies, the knowledge and services provided to youth throughout Northeast Wisconsin, the credentialing of our programs, and the strong history of quality outcomes will allow for improved access to quality mental health services for students and families in our District.

If you are a parent and think your child may benefit, or if you are a student and feel you may benefit from counseling, you are invited to contact your school counselor for further screening.

If you have any questions about mental health resources for students, you can also contact me at (920) 788-7900.


Tim Fosshage Director of Pupil Services

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Online apparel now through September 23rd



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Dear Parents, I’m excited to tell you that Janssen is participating in Crayola ColorCycle this year – an amazing new program devised to turn used markers into energy! Janssen students and teachers will be collecting used markers that are ready to be discarded. The markers will be sent to a facility where they will be converted into clean fuel. This fuel can be used to power vehicles, heat homes, cook meals and more! Please help support our efforts by sending your kids in with any used markers you may have around the house (non-Crayola brands, highlighters, dry erase markers, Sharpies). A drop off box is located at the school to deposit the markers. Thank you in advance for participating! With the help of parents, teachers and students, the Crayola ColorCycle program can keep tons of plastic out of landfills each year. Sincerely, Samantha Wendels Questions? [email protected] Learn more at http://www.crayola.com/colorcycle

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Order your Janssen, Kimberly,

MLB, or NFL cups now

through October 5th!

Kids you can keep the cup you brought home!

Show it off so everyone wants one and people can order by

scanning the cup! Order forms with

checks payable to Janssen PTO are due back Friday,

October 5th. As always if you don’t want to sell items a donation directly to the PTO is always welcomed and greatly appreciated.


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Birthday candle cupcakes are available for purchase in the office. They’re $2 each and will be delivered to your

child on the day you choose. You can color and decorate it! Please turn your cupcake in by the 20th of the month

prior to delivery for laminating with your child’s full name, teacher’s name along with the date of delivery.

Thank you,Janssen PTO

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Join us for Tom’s Night! September 25th from 4 to 8 pm 3301 E Calumet

Make sure to mention Janssen in the store or in

the drive-thru while placing your order!

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Join us for the first Janssen Visitors Day!

Did you miss meet the teacher? Does your child have an adult they’d love to share their classroom with?

Is there an excited grandma or uncle who wants to tour the building?

Join us for Visitors Day and let your child be the tour guide!

On September 27th from 4 until 6 pm.