JANU ARY 2017 · PDF file2 JANU ARY 2017 PARLIAMENTARIAN 3 T ... a firm believer in astrology. First, i ... geeTa Singh Executive Editor reeTa Singh

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This edition of Parliamentarian gives me a mixed feeling.

On the one hand, i for one am not a firm believer in astrology. First, i

strongly believe that it is for us to do the job that we have been trusted with by that one supreme power. Work is what matters. idly speculating about the future is not my cuppa. i have wondered how some stars and stellar experts can play god by predicting what lays ahead. Do they know all?

And yet, strange new realities are emerging at a pace that is overwhelming, and apparently some people, even some animals, had predicted these would take place. The shocking victory of right wing extremist Donald Trump is perhaps one of them. Astrologer sanjay Chaudhry from india and Craig hamilton from Britain had both foreseen that. how? i do not know.

Demonetisation landed on us like a tonne of bricks and again, sanjay Chaudhary had predicted it while working on the future of Trump and hillary Clinton. he says he had foreseen a massive change for the indian currency coming.

The raison d’être for running this cover story is not that i have suddenly turned believer. indeed, i got to know about these predictions only after we decided to carry this cover story, once the scholars shared their views with us. The raison d’être is that irrespective of my belief systems, i have also a responsibility towards the readers, and millions of indians today, in the era of currency ban, want to know what will happen next.

What will happen to PM Modi? What about his lieutenant Amit shah? Will Arvind Kejriwal get them relief, or will Mamata Banerjee thwart the BJP? Will the miseries of the common man

go away any time soon or will the birth of a so-called cashless economy be the longest labour pain the country has faced after independence movement?

We have been able to get some of the topmost people to write for this edition, thanks to our Design Editor satyajit Datta, who has a keen interest in astrology. KN Rao, sanjay Rath, Craig hamilton, sanjay Chaudhary, Ajay Bhambi, Visti Larsen, sandhya Ahuja, Buddh Prakash soni, Acharya Parmanand and Partha Bhattacharya are giants in their fields.

interestingly, while thanking them profusely, i need to also thank Octopus Paul, Orangutan Tuah, an unnamed parakeet and Monkey Geda, who have wowed the world with their own, other-worldly predictive prowess. Their predictions are amazing, and as the question has been rightly posed, are they flukes or is there some strange and mystical cosmic connect that gives them these special powers?

These are for me open questions so far. it will be interesting to see how much of the predictions of the stalwarts play out in the days to come. i shall keep half an eye open to watch that. What i am sure of, however, is with the momentous predictions carried in the following pages, our intellectually superb readers will also keep an eye, or perhaps both, open to see if these come out true.

May be they will come true, may be not. That will not change my position on work and on astrology, but if the predictions come true, my respect for the scholars in this edition will surely increase manifold.

Wishing you all a very happy 2017, and merry reading.

Year-3 Issue - 25Edited, Printed and Published by

Tridib Raman on behalf of NTI Media Ltd., owned by NTI Media Ltd. and printed at

Symmetrix Prints (P) Ltd. B-87, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II

New Delhi-110020 and published at A-126/K, Paryavaran Complex, IGNOU Road,

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RNi. No. DELENG/2014/56253

The shock victory of Donald Trump, the pain of currency ban and many such other events have made people to look into what lies ahead in 2017

Editor-in-Chief Tridib raman

Senior Editor Sharad gupTa Editor-at-Large

SujiT ChakrabOrTy

Managing Editor geeTa Singh

Executive Editor reeTa Singh

Design Editor SaTyajiT daTTa

Consulting Photo Editor Sipra daS

Books Editor Sanjeev

Associate Editor manOj mehTa

Assignment Editor rObin keShaw

CFO Sanjiv raman

Copy Desk praSann pranjal, SaTyendra kumar Singh, anupama yadav, Shivaji dubey,

puneeT dubey, SfOOrTi miShra

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I N T E R S T E L L A R 2 0 1 7


03 EDITORIAL intersteller 2017 06 qUESTION hOUR Q&A session from the Parliament 08 POLITICAL BUzz Juicy incidents of power play 11 OPEN fORUM Your opinion matters the most

PEOPLE l POWER l POLITICSwww.parliamentarian.in jAnuAry 2017


12 AN UNCERTAIN WORLD Modi’s nemesis 18 STARS SPEAK Predictions on Life, & Death 20 ASTROLOGY A gift of the Vedas

22 DIRE STRAITS india in 2017 26 NARENDRA MODI his future in 2017 28 RAhUL GANDhI Forecast in 2017 30 EvIL ASPECT Modi’s detractors and their fate 37 vARUN GANhI in 2017

82 LAST WORD Fire Before Peace 80 NEWS BREAKERS in the news for all the wrong reasons76 fILMY ASTROLOGY Charms for the Charmers

38 2


: Worl

d War ii

i? 42 STELLER CONSPIRACY BJP and Congress in 2017 46 SULA CAKRA The Mystique of Death 52 WORLD PREDICTIONS Europe, Us in flames 54 ANIM


TORS From the Other Realms

56 PhOTO fEATURE Vivek Nigam 66 vEDIC ASTROLOGY Your predictions for 2017 70 TAROT Your predictions for 2017


established the National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change (NAFCC) to assist states and Union Territories to undertake projects and actions for adaptation to climate change. Rs. 182.27 crore has been sanctioned for 18 projects for sectors including agriculture and animal husbandry, water resources, coastal areas, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

JNU RESOLUTION QUERY FROM Gaurav GoGoiis the Government aware that there are grave differences between the students union bodies and the administration of Jawaharlal Nehru university (JNu) in Delhi? Has any direction has been issued by the Government to the university to give importance to the opinion of students in the decision making process?

REPLY FROM MOs DR. MAhENDRA NATh PANDEYJawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has informed that there are no grave differences between the students’ Union bodies and the administration of the University. however, there are a few conceptual differences which can be resolved amicably through dialogue and discussions. University administration holds meetings with the students’ Union bodies on various issues from time to time. The students’ representatives are given due importance for their participation in various bodies / committees.

UNIFIED TRANSPORT AUTHORITYQUERY FROM Feroze varuN GaNDHi, DHarambir bHaleramis the ministry of Transport planning a unified transport authority to manage the transport policy in the country? is the ministry planning to decongest cities and provide a smart mode of

PROTECTING ANCIENT BOOKSQUERY FROM Hema maliNiDoes the government have any plan to promote tourism in those places where some ancient books / hand written religious books etc. are lying in the country? and are such rare books are lying in Sadhu ashram and Kamahi Devi, Hoshiarpur?

REPLY FROM MOs DR. MAhEsh shARMAThe National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM) documents, digitises, preserves and conserves only the hand written and knowledge based materials which are at least of 75 years old. A Manuscript Conservation Centre (MCC) was opened in sadhu Ashram, hosiarpur to conserve and preserve manuscripts in the state of Punjab which was closed in 2010.

CLIMATE CHANGEQUERY FROM KaliKeSH NarayaN SiNGH DeoWill the minister of environment, Forests and Climate Change be pleased to state whether the Government has evaluated the impact of india’s intended Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC) commitment on the development agenda and if so, has the Government allocated funds towards adaptation?

REPLY FROM MOs (iNDEPENDENT ChARGE) ANiL MADhAV DAVEindia’s iNDC is comprehensive and balanced, incorporating all its development priorities. india’s contribution take into account its commitment to conservation of nature along with development challenges like poverty eradication, food security, universal access to education, health and energy etc. The Government has

transportation across the country?

REPLY FROM MOs PON. RADhAKRishNANAt present, there is no such proposal under consideration of the Ministry. Urban Transport is a state subject. Government of india has issued National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), 2006, which encourages safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable public transport in the cities.

GOLD POLICYQUERY FROM uDiT raJ, a.T. (NaNa) PaTil aND r. vaNaroJaDoes the government propose to ban gold coin import and manufacturing, has it set up a working group to review the regulatory policy of gold? Does the government proposes to set up a National Gold board?

REPLY FROM MOs, ARJUN RAM MEGhWALNo, Madam. A Working Group on Gold issues has been constituted on 2nd August, 2016 under the sub-Committee of the Financial stability and Development Council to examine and clarify the inter-regulatory mandates and roles among the agencies dealing in matters concerning gold. it will examine the existing framework and identify gaps; provide a platform for cross-regulatory dialogue and knowledge sharing on key priorities in foreign exchange management issues related to clarify the regulatory gaps if any.

RELIEF TO FARMERSQUERY FROM ram CHariTraHas the government received various suggestions to provide relief to farmers in the upcoming budget of the pre-budget consultation meeting held recently; (and) whether farmers’ representatives have sought provision of sufficient funds?

REPLY FROM MOs, ARJUN RAM MEGhWALYes, the government has received suggestions from the representatives of agricultural sector to provide relief to the farmers in the upcoming budget of the pre-budget consultation meeting. The suggestions relate to schemes like Jan

J&K OFFICE BURNINGSQUERY FROM KTS TulSiare any other public institutions apart from schools being targeted and burnt in Kashmir valley in the recent months? What steps have been taken by government to provide assistance to the Jammu and Kashmir Government to handle thismenace? Have cases been registered against those who were involved in burning Government properties and schools?

REPLY BY MOs hOME AFFAiRs, hANsRAJ GANGARAM AhiRYes sir. During the civil unrest since 8th July, 2016 till 8th November, 2016, 39 Government Establishments have been burnt and 39 Government Establishments have been damaged apart from schools. To bring normalcy in Kashmir valley after the civil unrest since 8th July, 2016, Prime Minister and home Minister have regularly reviewed the security situation in J&K. Prime Minister also held an All Party meeting and home Minister has visited srinagar two times and met the Governor, Chief Minister, all the political parties, various organisations and associations as well as the senior officials. home Minister also led an All Party Delegation on 4-5 september, 2016 to srinagar and Jammu and met the Governor, Chief Minister, various cross sections of people of the state including all the political parties, various organisations and Associations as well as the senior officials. Distribution of Essential Commodities like food grains, sugar, milk, fruits, vegetables, LPG, kerosene, petrol etc. was ensured to meet the needs of public at large. sufficient stock of Essential Commodities was maintained in the Valley. Availability of doctors/para-medics, medicines, ambulances, blood banks etc. was maintained round the clock.

Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, timely sanction and release of credit, institutional loans to dairy and poultry, interest subvention and issues related to money/credit availability due to demonetisation. . The currency made available to cooperative banks during the period 22nd November to 30th November 2016 was Rs.1816.65 crores.

GENDER EQUALITYQUERY FROM e. T. moHammeD baSHeeris the government aware that gender equality has not been adhered to in employment in the police force of the country and what steps is the government taking to change this?

REPLY FROM MOs hANsRAJ GANGARAM AhiR“Police” and “Public Order” are state subjects as per entry 2 of the list ii of the Vii schedule of the Constitution of india. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state Governments/ UTs Administrations to give adequate representation to women in the state Police Forces. The Ministry of home Affairs has issued three advisories between 2009 and 2015 wherein states/UTs were requested to make enabling provisions in the relevant recruitment rules for increasing the women representation in Police to 33%.

RAIL RADIO QUERY FROM KirTi varDHaN SiNGHHas the railways has introduced/proposes to introduce rail radio service as onboard infotainment in mail and express trains and if so, the number of radio stations that would be put into operation and the details of likely initial and recurring cost in this regard?

REPLY FROM MOs, RAJEN GOhAiNYes. As announced by the Minister of Railways in the Railway Budget 2016-17, it is proposed to provide train-borne entertainment by installing Public Address systems. Details have not been finalised as of now but no expense is envisaged by the indian Railways as the radio services are to be operated by selected licensees, through commercial advertisements.


RAMAYANA MUSEUMQUERY FROM JaNaK ramDoes the government propose to develop an international museum and research centre dedicated to lord rama and events from the ramayana? What has been the progress so far?

REPLY FROM MOs DR. MAhEsh shARMATill date the ministry has not received any proposal on Museum on Lord Rama and Ramayana in Ayodhya. however, Ministry of Tourism has received a proposal from the Government of Uttar Pradesh for Rs. 154.57 Crore under Ramayana Circuit of swadesh Darshan scheme.

BANK ACCOUNTS ISSUEQUERY FROM viSHambHar PraSaD NiSHaDis it a fact that a large number of people do not have accounts in banks, whether it is also a fact that those citizens who do not have their accounts are mostly women; and what are the arrangements made for such people after demonetisation?

REPLY BY MOs FiNANCE, ARJUN RAM MEGhWALUnder the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana, 25.68 crore accounts have been opened across the country till 23.11.2016, out of which 13.33 crore accounts (51.91%) are of women. Banks were advised to organize special camps to open new accounts for the workers not having a bank account. Banks have organised 90,441 camps and opened 937,963 new bank accounts.




AiiMs, globally known for better health and multi-speciality

treatment, seems to be sick by itself. The present director MC Mishra (retiring on January 30, 2017), famous for his arbitrary decisions, has done something flabbergasting this time. he made his close aid Dr Umesh Kapil the head of Gastroenterology Department. Dr Kapil belongs to human Nutrition Department. Notably, the required eligibility for the position of the head is MD (Medicine) and DM in the same field. however, Dr Kapil does not have these requisites. sources exclaim that Dr Kapil comes in the list of inefficient doctors. This is why in 1997, the then head of department Dr Ramesh Tondon had recommended his removal. What has shocked the AiiMs fraternity is that in the history

conversation with the top judges. The tenure of the present chief justice of the apex court, Justice Ts Thakur, ends on January 3, and Justice Kehar is slated to take over from him. sources say that the new czar is close to former law minister hansraj Bharadwaj, who in turn is famously friendly with swamy. so the latter can trust Bhardwaj to create a win the confidence of the new CJ Justice Kehar.

MISSIon Sc for SwAMy

sOME earlier decisions of the Modi government might take a new

shape. it is said that Modi had assured the ultra-active subramanian swamy a post in his cabinet. But time went by and there was no sign of that. it is now being said that during a crucial meeting with the PM, the reckless swamy was given a key assignment. he is to remove the stress that has developed between the Modi sarkar and the top judiciary. it is already well known that the PM is peeved with the incumbent Attorney General. And the name of a prospective new AG, supposed to a key Amit shah man, has been more or less finalised. it is a matter of time before the old one is shown the door and shah’s man ushered in. swamy has now been tasked with opening up a

MAhAjAn’S Ire

ThE otherwise friendly Lok sabha sumitra Mahajan gets pretty upset

with members whose performances are not at par. in fact, she does give them a piece of her mind. Now, MPs dying to go on foreign tours as part of this or that committee is nothing new. But Mahajan insists that they cannot miss out on the already decided purpose of their visits. Recently, she summoned two such members to her chamber and gave them a dressing down. One of them is a young MP of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party from a hindi heartland state, who had flown to Norway for a tour. But it is learnt that instead of attending the committee meetings, the gentleman was found most often roaming a known fashion street of Oslo.The second case was that of a lady MP from another party, who had been to israel and Australia. And she organised a big bash in her hotel room. such was her frenzy that she got completely

fogged out!

iT is now clear why PM Modi raised the bogey of fog for cancelling his

rally at Bahraich in Uttar Pradesh. The fog was less atmospheric than political. it is learnt that when the PM landed at Lucknow, he was told less than 10,000 people there, so the PM quickly decided to refrain from attending an embarrassing situation. however, he did agree to give a phone-speech, so state party president Maurya took the phone, held it up to the loudspeaker and Modi spoke his mind.

BABA’S trAck chAnge

ThE gestural and postural changes in Baba Ramdev’s body language

suggests that not everything is not hunky dory with the Yoga icon. The strange statement of declaring West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee as “PM material” could be his way to hit out. They say that the sangh is a bit unsettled by the Baba’s aggressive marketing policies for his FMCG operations. The Nagpur triumvirate – Mohan Bhagwat, Bhaiyaji Joshi and Dattatreya consider Ram Dev as nothing but a businessman donning the saffron garb.

next fInMIn?ThE corridors of power are agog with

the informed rumours of a major reshuffle in the Modi government’s upper echelons immediately after the coming Uttar Pradesh state polls early next year. The ruse for the changes will be ‘bad performance. And if the Rss has its way with swaraj as the next President of india is consented to by Modi, then it is possible that Arun Jaitley may be made the next foreign minister. Two names are flying about for the finance minister’s post: the powerful Rss heartthrob NitinGadkari, and rail minister suresh Prabhu.

thAkur hIt-outWhY is the saffron high command

upset with BCCi chief Anurag Thakur, and why did he have to change his political track? Thakur’s political guru suggested that he gets closer to BJP boss Amit shah’s son Jai shah. it is not suddenly that Jai was seen sharing a convivial time with Thakur and BCCi mandarin Rajeev shukla in Florida, UsA, during a T-20 match between india and West indies. it is learnt PM Modi too was sitting in the same privileged box. But the moment the camera picked them up, Modi realised the game and asked Jay to stay away from cricket bosses.

SuShMA Prez?

AFTER the successful kidney transplantation, the ailing

sushma swaraj seems poised for a major role to play in politics, possibly a Constitutional post. Modi wants this. And scuttlebutt is that two key Rss players, Bhaiyaji Joshi and Dattatreya hosabole are strongly pitching in

to anoint as the next President of the country. Being who they are, it is natural that the Rss top brass is silently siding with them. But there are hiccups. some sections are pushing current Lok sabha speaker sumitra Mahajan for the slot. On the other hand, southern Rss biggies feel that this around someone from the south should be given the top job. Two names are being touted, but for chief justices. The first is KG Balakrishnan, and the other is Kerala governor P sadashivam. insiders say that the sangh feels that in terms of health or tactic and her unique ability to communicate, swaraj should be the right choice.

of the institute, this is the first time that a head of Department was appointed but without the director’s signature on the order, which is a must as per the AiiMs Charter. sources reveal that the entire drama engineered by Dr Mishra was to sideline Dr Anoop sarai as he is the best person for the post. ironically, on the one hand there is an outcry of shortage of doctors in AiiMs and on the other, experienced doctors are being dispatched for administrative duties. And a private practitioner has been made a member in the selection body. Despite this, Dr Mishra is lobbying for service extension.

drunk and smashed things up her hotel room. The incident came to light when the hotel asked the indian Embassy to cough up the repair charges for the damages. Mahajan wrapped her for this, saying that when an MP goes abroad, he or she represents the country, is the country’s ambassador. hence, the image of the country also takes a beating. she made it very plain: MPs visiting foreign countries must be extra cautious about their activities, and in fact, she has also informed PM Modi about this.IL




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likely on the machinations of party boss Amit shah. On the other hand, NCP supremo sharad Pawar’s recent tete-a-tete with the PM should be a clear signal enough: something is cooking between BJP and NCP. The BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) polls are on the cards and BJP wants to win it in its own steam. To counter the sena, therefore, it will need a powerful state party, hence the NCP. Plans seem to be that the PM will himself make an extensive tour of Mumbai, may be addressing constituency-wise rallies, of which six have already been planned in detail. And with Pawar and Modi having smoking the peace pipe, it seems Pawar’s covert support will buy him a warmer space under the BJP sun in the Modi government, may be in the Cabinet too.

MAhA khIchdI

iN its efforts to find newer friends in Maharashtra and jettison its

now-warm, now-cold state ally shiv sena, the BJP seems to be slowly elbowing out the former. This was evident from the fact that sena boss Uddhav Thackrey went all out to meet the PM during his long stay in New Delhi recently, but he was served the proverbial cold shoulder, most

AnAnt ScAlded

ThE now vanquished titan of BJP, octogenarian LK Advani organised a

lunch at his home arecently. his old loyalists Anant Kumar and Ravi shankar Prasad were there. The real spice at lunch was on how to make Advani the next President. his loyalists opined that he is apposite for the job. A couple of senior ministers were to push the proposal to the PM. scuttlebutt is that Kumar was given the main responsibility but failed. That is why suddenly Advani rebuked him in Parliament for failing to run the house in order and for repeated adjournments.

uP tIcket StreSSiNFORMED sources say that while

Rajnath singh and Kalraj Mishra are being sidestepped in the issue of ticket distribution of UP state polls, it is the UP state body which is ruling the roost. sunil Bansal is calling the shots. he is said to be the now blue-eyed boy of Amit shah. Even the state party secretary Pankaj singh, Rajnath’s son could not have a word edge-wise in the choice of his own seat. They say this peeved Nagpur and Bansal was given an earful, and then only did Pankaj get the seat he desired. Rumours are that it is only after this that state head Om Mathur started distancing himself from the ticket distribution process.

is it a shot of Presidential

diplomacy of honourable President that he is inviting regional stalwarts in Rashtarpati Bhawan as his guests? Just a few days back, Thackeray family was the fortunate one. As per the sources, Uddhav, Rashmi, Aditya Thackrey became guests of President and enjoyed the honour. in past several other regional stalwart also

became special guests of President. The experts connote it as PR exercise of Pranab da and also claim that his soft corner towards Modi is an aspect of his strategy.









oPen foruM

leTTerS To THe eDiTor

Crazy Layouti have been introduced to Parliamentarian about four months ago. it is always a relief from the other boring magazines, especially with the rapidly changing design. But you guys have gone crazy with the design in this edition. i just cannot think of a design that you have given for the Contents Page.asutosh mishraPatna, Bihar


The Parliamentarian’s second Anniversary

Edition (December 2016) is in my hands. it is an excellent issue with great informative articles about the 50 Top Change Makers of india. This makes it real a Collector’s Edition.i also thank you for featuring my Nature’s Glory portfolio. The captions for the photographs were very appropriate and your great knowledge about the master painters of the past. My picture on Page 70, captioned “PURE VAN GOGh” is the greatest compliment i have ever received. S PaulNew Delhi


i have received a copy of the Parliamentarian for

December 2016. it is an excellent magazine, with some great articles and a fabulous series of photographs of the legendary photographer s Paul.

Letters to the Editor must include writer’s full name, address and home telephone. The content may be edited for purposes of clarity or space. Send

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Editor, Parliamentarian819, Wave Silver Tower

Sector-18, Noidawww.parliamentarian.in

Two things are very interesting. First, the captions for the photographs, and second, every article in the Cover story section has headlines with just two words. This is an exceptional change.But i am amazed how you can give such a well-written, superbly designed magazine with such expensive paper at just Rs 100. i am a little worried if you have enough money to pull on for long at such costs, especially at a time when all the better known magazines are cutting down on size and paper quality. i pray that you are able to sustain for as long as possible.mrs Krishna ChakrabortySalt Lake, Kolkata


Congratulations and thank you for the very

great effort made by you and your team in bringing out an excellent magazine. The choice of the top 50 change makers was correct and made for a good year-end special edition.

The articles on demonetisation was very informative, as was the sankar Ray article rise of the rightist parties across the world. is demonetisation good? i do not know, and only time will tell. But through your magazine i want to convey to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi that though a lot of money has come into the hands of the government, it should not be blown up clearing the government’s old debts. Rather, some of the money should be kept aside for the spread of education to the farthest corners of our country. And it is also important to educating the masses on economy so that in the future such mess is avoided.Usha DattaMahavir Enclave, New Delhi


Nothing could be more appropriate than this

article. i am neither pro- nor anti-Modi, but as days go by, it is becoming clearer that he did not think, nor prepare the people for the demonisation, yes, that is my term for this absurd currency ban. Modi just did what he wanted to do and is now dishing out new terms such as cashless economy to hide his abject failure. Jyotsna DasNew Delhi


Congratulations for 2nd Anniversary issue. Refer

to “Modi as hero & Anti-hero” (Parliamentarian December 2016).Modi is now famous across the world. some of the world leaders wish to copy him as he has emerged a powerful

leader. Modi has proved that indians are best known for taking the lead. Modi knows that economic progress can solve national and international problems, for which peace and are a must. To fulfill promises and deliver the goods, Modi must safeguard and make officers to deliver honestly -discharge their duties. Now it is time he walks the talk.Lata NegiChandigarh


Neo Fascism (December, 2016), gives deep insight

into the emerging political world order. The reference to Bolshevik Revolution adds unique dimensione. The rise of neo-fascist forces is indeed a threat to multiculturalism. The electorate seems to be repeating the mistake of early 20th century when the so-called transitional stage of ‘Proletariat dictatorship’ never led to true ‘Communism’.Aman DubeyChandni Chowk, DelhiPrez




economy uncertainity

ALAM SrInIvASAlam Srinivas is a business journalist with nearly three decades behind him, working for The Times of india, india Today, Outlook, Financial Express and Business Today. He is the author of Cricket Czars: Two Men who Changed the Gentleman’s Game

iT’s an uncertain world. Each day, beginning from the moment we get up and until we go to the bed, we grapple with choices. We evaluate

the odds of each of the choices we have for taking any decision, and then decide which is the safest, riskiest, or pursuable. Despite our belief in taking rational decisions, we do behave irrationally and sway with the herd. Most important, we always, invariably, deal with odds. We are only human, so in an uncertain world, we seek certainty. There are no provable absolutes, as former Us Treasury secretary, Robert Rubin, believes. But it doesn’t stop us from believing in them.

if we need to understand this constant tussle between the subconscious knowledge that we don’t know enough about, and the conscious desire to strive IL









for certainty, it may be crucial to understand the difference between Rubin and his one-time friend and colleague, the former Us Fed chief, Alan Greenspan. in response to the former’s belief – “all is uncertain” – Greenspan retorted that that it was “inherently contradictory”. his logic, as penned down in Rubin’s autobiography, In An Uncertain World, “it asserts that uncertainty itself is certain”. Rubin agreed that the “basic assertion of uncertainty is unprovable”. But it left us back where we started – nothing is provably certain.

This, in a nutshell, described the mindset of Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he embarked on the rough and tough demonetisation road. he soaked in all the information that was available, but never did he think that no one ever has all the information that one would like to have. More important, as Rubin put it in his autobiography, i “seldom did i (or anyone else) have enough time to think everything through”. in fact, it seemed to Modi that notebandi (currency ban) was the only choice with a high degree of certainty; it had the potential to kill several birds with a single ‘black’ stone.

Twenty seven months after he became

FOOT In MOuTHThe grandiose electoral promises of growth, development and Achche Din (good times to come) seemed like words that could neither be spat, nor be swallowed. They were stuck in his throat, a constant reminder of what he hadn’t achieved. On top of that, there were the issues related to black economy and the black money. he had promised to bring back illegal money stashed abroad; it never happened. he confidently espoused that he would eradicate corruption;

everyone could see that money exchanged hands like it did before.

Demonetisation seemed to be the perfect panacea for these ills. Notebandi was the Brahmastra which looked like a hissing serpent and was used by Lord Rama to kill the ten-headed King Ravana in Ramayana, to cut off all the painful heads in one stroke. With blessings from his mentors and gurus – Lord Ram got the weapon from sage Agastya – Modi embarked on the grand battlefield to fight the Mother of All Wars. it was the arrow of destiny which could help him remain in power for 10 years, even 15 years.

MACHIAvELLIWith uncertainty over BJP’s electoral performance in the upcoming assembly elections in Punjab and UP, Modi needed to attack the weakest chink in his opponent’s armour – moneybags. Like was the case with his own party, he knew that regional satraps like Mulayam singh Yadav of the samajwadi Party and Mayawati, the Bahujan samaj Party supremo, sat on mountains of cash to finance the elections. The ban on high denomination notes was a sure-shot way to disable this power. Demonetisation would make the cash redundant and unusable. it was a perfect plan, a perfect machination to kill the opposition.

To borrow from what Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said, Notebandi would create a ‘New Normal’ in politics. his political enemies scampered around to deposit their cash in the banks, and were unable to withdraw more than Rs 24,000 once a week. Even this was left at the whims of the banks, which could decide to dole out

even less – Rs 5,000 or Rs 10,000 a week. if the worst happened, they would be left with little to spend in the elections. Obviously, it would impact the BJP as well, but Modi felt that the demonetisation rhetoric would carry him to the finishing line.

LOuD-MOuTH rHETOrICWhat lay in Modi’s favor were two factors – the claim that he did what the Congress didn’t do for seven decades, and the assertion that he’s the one who has the guts and the nerve to demolish the corrupt edifice within society. As he explained at a recent BJP meet, several committees talked about high denomination notes, and several leaders highlighted the perils of black money, but no one dared to do anything much about it. Only the 56-inch chest was able to tackle it head-on – and in one stroke.

Obviously, when life is uncertain, and when we can only strive for rationality, the rhetoric changes on a minute-to-minute basis. On November 8, when Modi announced it, he claimed it was because of black money and terror money, including fake notes imported across the porous borders with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The Maoists and militants in Kashmir ran parallel, illegal governments to mop up money from the public, which was legitimately the government’s revenue. They traded in cash, in Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes.

in a month or so, it was clear that the black money logic won’t wash. By early December, over 80 per cent of the outstanding cash in high-value notes was deposited in the banks. it was clear that

the Prime Minister, Modi faced several dilemmas and challenges. Politically, he had lost Bihar, despite the wins in Maharashtra and haryana. The Opposition’s Bihar strategy – Mahagatbandhan (Mega-coalition) of several political parties – was shaping up

before the Mahasangram (Epic war) electoral battle in Uttar Pradesh. Economically, despite the low global prices of crude and other commodities, huge amounts earned from the auction of natural resources, the growth rate was inching up, but too slowly.

Politically, he had lost Bihar, and despite wins in Maharashtra and haryana, the opposition’s successful Bihar strategy of Mahagatbandhan seemed a huge threat for UP polls

notebandi seemed to Modi like the Brahmastra to kill off all his rivals and all his woes and let him come out to win the Mother of All Wars, when all seemed lost

Modi was grappling with all his failed promises and needed to shore up his falling image

it seemed to him that using the black and terror money garb, the move could save him

Very soon, it was evident that the ruse of black money would not work, and people suffered hugely

as an afterthought, Modi changed the rhetoric to cashless, something he never said earlier


economy uncertainity


the entire outstanding amount – some Rs 15 lakh crore – in such notes may come back. so, where was the black money? Unless, of course, the income tax agency could pinpoint it, even if it was in the banks. But that could take months, even years, and wasn’t worth it. Experts contended that the quantum of fake notes was a mere Rs 400-500 crore, as per government’s own estimates. so, even this was highly flawed logic.

DuMPED SLOGAnso the rhetoric had to change. Cashless, or rather less-cash, was the new mantra. The war was no longer only against corruption and terror. it was also against, and possibly more so, against the use of cash, which allowed people to be corrupt. Digital transaction was the new buzzword; Modi announced flamboyant schemes to reward those who opted for e-transactions. A person could win up to Rs one crore; a few days ago, a private e-payment platform, PayTm, had already announced a similar amount.

At the BJP meet, Modi went a step further. it wasn’t just about the creation of a cashless, or less-cash, economy. it was about a societal lifestyle that he dared to dream of. he expanded on his grand vision; he dreamt of a day when the smallest of the citizen could get a loan from any bank in six minutes without the need to submit any documents, and based

on the digital trail she left behind in terms of her purchases and incomes. he dreamt of a day, which he said earlier, of a day when a beggar would swipe a card.

GrAnD AFTErTHOuGHTCashless was possibly both a forced agenda, and one that surfaced as an afterthought. We explained the latter observation earlier. if media reports are true, the decision to ban Rs 1,000 notes was in the making for months. The one to simultaneously ban Rs 500 was decided at the last minute. Within days, the government realised that it wouldn’t be in a position to pump enough new notes into the system. Thus, the pain to get cash would only increase daily. so, the

‘cashless’ slogan, had to be re-engineered. in addition, the government took a

decision, possibly later, that it wouldn’t pump in as much new cash, as was available earlier. sources contend, and shaktikant Das, finance secretary, hinted, that the amount to be pumped back would be half of what was there before. Thus, cashless weaved in seamlessly with less cash in circulation. The pieces fell in place, and the zig-saw puzzle seemed solvable, despite the various and changing uncertainties. Certainty and rationality seemed to be within Modi’s grasp within a few weeks.

What was beautiful about demonetisation was that it, albeit in an uncertain manner, promised to offer

some rational sense in economic terms too. it seemed to help rev up the economy in the medium term, lower inflation in the short term, and solve the stressful problems in the banking sector in the medium and long run. it’s a different matter that in an uncertain certain way, as former Prime Minister Manmohan singh quoting economist John M Keynes, said, “in the long run, we are all dead.”

ECOnOMIC rATIOnALE Almost everyone agreed that demonetisation, or cash contraction, would contract economic growth. But the predictions differed widely. The Reserve Bank of india cut down the 2016-17 forecast by a mere 0.5 per cent;

economy uncertainity

Well, there was another benefit too. Over the past few years, the banking sector was riddled with bad loans, or non-performing assets (NPAs). This threatened to bring it down; the fate of the public sector banks was completely uncertain. in his Budget speech, Jaitley had to promise recapitalisation of the banks to boost their balance sheets in a bid to reduce the NPAs to manageable levels as a percentage of overall lending. Once the banks were flushed with money – deposits of high denomination notes – there was little or need to recapitalise them. Once they lent more, NPAs would automatically come down. What a wonderful way to tackle uncertainties in a certain manner!

Economic Impact of Demonetisation

Contraction of economic growth. The cutdown forecast for 2016-17 is said to from 0.5% to 3.5% The black economy would become white, at least ostensibly so

If the experts are correct, and if cashless, or less-cash, took off, the economy would get a boost in 2017-18

It was a pain for a few months, two or three quarters, for substantial gains over the next few years

The growth, as per some estimates, could be around 8-9% in the election year – 2019 – which suits Modi’s ambitions

The informal sectors, which are not genuinely reflected in the GDP, would become a part of the white economy, and boost growth figures

The banks would be flush with cash; at the last count, the figure was an addition of Rs 12 lakh crore

Modi changed his stance and started selling the grandoise dream that he wanted to see one day that the beggar on the street would be using a card swiping machine in a cashless economy in the country

Manmohan singh said the impact would be a 2 per cent cut, and Ambit Capital said that growth would be less than half of the earlier estimates – a drop from 7.6 per cent to 3.5 per cent. But there were huge economic upsides too.

First, once the stashed cash found its way to the banks, the black economy would become white, at least ostensibly so. if the experts were correct, and if cashless, or less-cash, took off, the economy would get a boost in 2017-18. it was a pain for a few months, two or three quarters, for substantial gains over the next few years. The growth, as per some estimates, could be around 8-9 per cent in the election year – 2019 – which suited Modi’s ambitions. Most important, the informal sectors, which are not genuinely reflected in the GDP, would become a part of the white economy.

second, the banks would be flush with cash; at the last count, the figure was an addition of Rs 12 lakh crore. They could then use this money to extend more loans, which would be converted either into productive assets or expenditure, which would propel supply and demand, and positively impact growth. The theory is simple: more capacities, more supply; more money with the consumers, more demand. A double-whammy in a nice way. it’s a different matter that banks’ credit contracted from 7.9 per cent to 6.6 per cent in November 2016.

Once the banks have cash, they will lend more, and so this is Modi’s beautiful way of tackling all uncertainties in a certain manner... if it works, that is, but banks are claiming they do not have cash for even basics









stars speakGlobal astrological predictions on everything that touches Life, and Death,

from some amazing brains of astrology and mystic sciences

Astrology has been made an issue of disrepute by fly-by-night, half knowledgeable cranks. Its substance, however, is far deeper, as the pages ahead will show, with the top stalwarts making surprise predictions about civil strife in India, a likely World War III, demonetisation demon eating into our country and civil unrest in the US and Europe. Astrology is a super science that deals with 96 per cent of the Universe that science cannot even fathom. This Cover Story is not to hurt any feelings or beliefs but just to act as a guidance. We have used the North Indian horoscope in all our stories. And the predictions are those of the stalwarts, and

not necessarily of the Parliamentarian.

n e w y e a r a s t r o l o g y s p e c i a l 2 0 1 7


shoulders. But then these are times rife with pseudo spirituality.

Coming back to the ‘horoscope’ –What is one’s horoscope? it is the exact blueprint of the skies at that very second, minute, hour, date, place in which a person takes birth. Or the soul manifests into a physical body. Basis that blueprint or astronomical transit, an astrologer predicts what is happening in his 30th/ 35th – 60th year, etc. hence, basis the birth an astrologer can cover the full life span of the native - then the stars/ planets must be posited in certain houses for a reason - that reason being the karmas performed in previous lives/ lifetimes

if this is not ‘prarabdha’ then what is. Astrology, in fact is the true manifestation of prarabdha. Prarabdha is responsible for our very birth. The womb one takes birth from is the first mark of destiny.And Astrology mirrors that.

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It is not the grahas or nakshatras alone that produce auspicious or inauspicious results. All that is the result of karmas

done by oneself -Mahabharata

There are in fact three types of karmas, sanchita (accumulated karmas across lifetimes), Prarabdha (the effects of one’s karmas which brought about this birth which have already begun to germinate and bear fruit in this life) and Agami/Kriyamaan (current karma done in this life which will bear fruit in future lives)

The Mundaka Upanishad, a primary, mukhya upansihad embedded inside the Atharva Veda, explains this concept of karma beautifully. Only when one attains self-realisation are the sanchita and Agami destroyed. Prarabdha still remains. it must be worked out or enjoyed. it must be exhausted. Only on account of Prarabdha does this body continue to exist even after the attainment

The approach to understanding the cosmos has to be both transcendental and physical. And as shri KN Rao, my jyotish guru says, ‘ Jyotisha is a beautiful bridge between the para and apara vidya. Apara vidya is all textual knowledge, subjects like music, maths, grammar, etc. Astrology is also an apara vidya, but one which can easily fuse into para vidya, or transcendental knowledge which is beyond all limits of experience and reason, which is, beyond intellect, mind and sense. The knowledge of Nirguna Brahma. The birth chart, or natal horoscope, will give predictions of this stopover, interim resting period of ones journey, which is this current lifetime. Only yogis can see beyond this - into past

…ØæðçÌáæ×ØÙ¢ âæÿææÎï÷ Øžæ…™ææÙ×Ìè狼ýØ×ï÷Ð

Âý‡æèÌ¢ ÖßÌæ ØðÙ Âé×æÙï÷ ßðÎ ÂÚUæßÚU×ï÷H That which is beyond the perception of the five senses and is concealed in

the past and future can also be known practically through jyotisha. You have

created that shastra, Sukdeva tells Maharishi Gargacharya

-Srimad BhagvatamI T is for a reason that Jyotisha is referred to as the ‘eye of the vedas’. it is a lens through

which one can perceive the knowledge of the finite and infinite.A route to understand the divine forces at play and see an underlying order in the apparent chaos of life.

samskaras and manifestations of the next lives. Tools like Dreshkona and Dwadashamsha vargas are used by astrologers for a peep into the past, present and future. But these should not be considered infallible. An astrologer has his limitations. An astrologer who is not a spiritual seeker and is deeply materialistic will have further limitations and will only misguide. The subject has anyway fallen into the hands of charlatans and there are very few who would pass Parashara’s test of a true, good astrologer. There are actually some 10 qualities mentioned in the Brihat Parashar hora shastra on the same. BPhs is an elaborate textual work which was created in the 7th/ 8th century by sage Parashara, father of Vedvyasa who was the compiler of the epic Mahabharata.

While the world at large is trying to dig into their ostensibly missing roots. in india, we have a gold mine of ancient wisdom. But the current generations are discarding it, believing that it lies in the realms of superstition. The fault lies more with us/ this current generation who are not passing these heirlooms only to regret later. The responsibility of sound ‘breeding’, ‘grooming’ lie on our able

new year astrology special india in 2017

By MAnEEzA AHujAWith over 12 years of experience in Astrology, she is also an adept in the Kundalini Tantra, which has been learnt

in the Guru-shishya parampara. She is an MBA, with over 16 years of experience in the corporate world, and has worked with the likes of Ogilvy & Mather, McCann Erickson, Hindustan Times Media Ltd. She is now full

time into astrology, writing, blogging, giving astrological consultations.

You can look her up on facebook/ twitter or connect on [email protected]

of self realization,like in the case of great saints or yogis. The potter stops rotating the wheel but the wheel will continue to revolve on account of the momentum of the force previously given by the potter. Even so, this body continues to function on account of the force of prarabdha which has already begun to operate. You cannot withdraw the arrow that has already been discharged. it must work on. Even so is this Prarabdha.

The Mahabharata says, just as a calf recognizes its mother, the cow, in a herd of cattle, so do karmas done by one in past lives, recognize the doer and ‘meet him in person’ in this lifetime. Astrology and karma are interlinked to the belief in the transmigration of souls.

A lot of people who meet me, say that astrology is fatalistic. if this is to happen it will. Then why am i making an effort? Remember, without effort or initiative, an event will not propel forth from the womb of another event. Thus if you were destined to get ‘A+’ and you do not make an effort you will have to make do with, perhaps a ‘B’ grade. Even for destiny to manifest fully you must act. And kriyamaan karma cannot be forgotten - for it is that which will become prarabdha or sanchit later.

so how do certain planets effect us more during certain periods of our lives.The chart or horoscope per se is a static manifestation, it is the dasha which gives it dynamicity and it is the transit that adds a certainty and precision of timing to this dynamic effect of planets.

Remember the dasha will ripen the fruit but it is the transit which is the courier boy/ or delivery mechanism of the fruit.

Dashas are of various types. These could be Parashari or Jaimini, nakshatra or rashi based, etc. Ancient scriptures refer to many more dashas than what are currently available with us.

it is the dashas that help in bringing forth the results of previous karmas. They are already there in their seed form in the horoscope, they sprout with the impetus given by the dasha and transit aids it. The horoscope remains as is - unchanging for a lifetime. A lot of inquisitive people ask - hasn’t my horoscope changed from the time i was born. Well, not really. it remains the same. however, it is the dasha which brings forth a certain aspect of the horoscope, a clear manifestation of certain yogas which will bring auspicious or inauspicious results at a certain life stage. And it is the very dasha which shifts a person’s life force to a newer, different realm. And life brings forth intricate interlinked threads which entwine our destiny with some others. Which will bring certain people and connect you to them at a certain stage in time. Why not earlier. Well it is the interconnected astrological aspect and an impetus given to the same by the dasha and transit which will lead us to our long lost friends and foes. The rin-anubandhan of past lives which will be meted out in the here and now. Will close this brief and esoteric introduction of astrology with another shloka from shrimad Bhagwat

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·ý養ØðÌ ·¤S×ñ ÂéL¤áSÌÌæðù‹ØÑ If planets were the very source of pain and pleasure, even then, the ‘ajanma’

soul does not suffer on account of them. The effect of the planets is limited to this

physical body, for the ‘atma’ remains unaffected by them.


A S T r O L O G y

the eye of the vedas

It IS dAShA which brings forth a certain

aspect of the horoscope, a clear manifestation of certain yogs that will bring auspicious or

inauspicious results


direstraitsCurrency ban is the major issue in hand, and the intial euphoria amongst common people about black money being hit will very soon evaporate

kEy HIGHLIGHTS play, what with more than a 100 people already dead. There is more coming from the honourable judges, just wait.

Year 2017 can be divided in two parts, the first from January 1, and the second from March 28, (start of new hindu samvat 2074).

saturn, the slow moving and biggest cosmic player, will ingress to sagittarius from 26-1-2017 to 25-1-2020; it will transit over the 8th house of the Natal horoscope of india. Also, the Moon-Rahu dasha will commence on 31-1-2017 to 2-8-2018. Collectively, the Mundane effect will be

can say that the demonetisation scheme announced by PM Narendra Modi on November 8, 2016, and the resultant financial meltdown may last much longer than anticipated. The initial euphoria seen amongst the common people, who were happy with the attack on black money, will be over soon, as can be gradually seen already. Now i can say that the scheme may face interference from the judiciary, as it already has, with the supreme Court ruling out the government peal that it is not the legislature’s prerogative and the judiciary has a role to

N OVEMBER last year. The heat was on. in the Us, with a bitter

twitter war raged between hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The speculation market was rife. The Us mainstream media had virtually handed over a victory to Clinton. i was sure, though, that Trump would win. But along side, what i could clearly read a major downturn for the indian economy: the issue as our currency. And as i saw it, there was trouble, big time, ahead. Astrologically, i

the BJP will suffer a major setback, losing key members

currency ban will bring in a lot of distress, including job losses

A cabinet reshuffle is slated for april and top guns may fall

08:57 Sat ketu


01:29 Ash

13:31 Ubh 13:31 Ubh

9:10 Ubh

18:51 Bha

25:33 Bha

08:57 Mag

08:57 Sat

25:31 Cht 03:37 Mul



HInDu nEW yEAr 2017, (Samvat 2074)

venus (r)MercurySunSun



jupiter (r)




4 10



Birth chart as per Hindu New Year 2017 reference to 28th Mar 2017 at 08: 27: 00, Delhi India

By SAnjAy CHAuDHryHe ‘trumped’ the US mainstream media by predicting on November 1, 2016, that Trump will become the American president. Bang on! Earlier, in June, he had predicted that BREXIT will happen. Bang on! This science graduate from

Punjab University had also predicted the outcome of India’s seat-seeking in NSG. Bang on! With 20 years of experience

behind him, he is one of India’s most sought after astrologers, though he considers himself as a humble

student of astrology. He may be emailed at [email protected]



congress will re-emerge and form successul alliances




N: D


h PA


new year astrology special india in 2017


borders will increase, especially with China and all these problems will cause general discontentment all over the country.

interestingly, though the ‘babas’ and gurus have been ruling the roost over the past few years, the next year will see the chaff separated from the grain, and the true spritual men will shine while the fake ones will fall.

PArTy FrOnTYear 2017 will see major shifts in the political arena. The worst sufferer

will be the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (founded on 6th April 1980; 11:45 hrs; New Delhi). The party may suffer a severe setback in first quarter of the year.

Distress within party members may lead to to many of them shifting loyalties. Then, the leadership will be forced to become less complacent with their brute majority.

COnGrESSBy mid-January, 2017, the Congress party, established on 02-01-1978; 12:01 hrs in New Delhi will come out with a new strategy to remain visible in public domain. The party may tie up with a prominent female politician for the upcoming

Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. Congress will also go in for successful tie-ups in the upcoming assembly elections. But March to May 2017 is going to see the party president sonia Gandhi seriously suffering health-wise. how Rahul Gandhi manages to handle the situation on the face of resistance from the entrenched old guard will be an intersting thing to watch for india’s political observers.

deMonetISAtIon And other ISSueS

vIMShottArI dAShA*

BuSIneSS And econoMy PolItIcS In 2017

shrinking of income for the common man. There will be major business failures. This will be a painful period due to enemies taking the upper hand.Job losses will be common, and overall,this will be a period of mental agony aggravated by health problems.There will be a little respite when saturn becomes retrograde and enters scorpio again from 21-6-17 to 27-9-17.

The positive impact of this transit will result in people becoming more spiritual than materialistic. interestingly, there will be lots of positive activities regarding land dealings. Then, there is going to be a big political change in Tamil Nadu politics in February of the coming year.

Gold, copper and crude oil prices will hit new highs. And in the corporate world, in the ongoing Tata sons corporate war, the elder contender may lose.

ASSEMBLy ELECTIOnSA detailed analysis can only be done once elections are announced or notified by making the respective charts of that time. But one thing can be safely predicted that due to the saturn transit there will be a definite change of guard in all the assembly elections and the new government will be revengeful of the previous people in power.

The hindu New year (samvat 2074) starting from March 28, shows there will be medium rains resulting in unexpected rise in food prices. On the legislative front, many constitution amendments are clearly on the cards, and you could expect a major cabinet reshuffle in April, some of the big people’s heads rolling. Overall, 2017 will be a medium year in terms of economic activities. Tensions on international

1. financial slowdown may last much longer than anticipated2. The initial euphoria will be over soon3. The scheme may face intervention from the judiciary4. Overall the chart shows lots of problems in the coming months5. Income could shrink; major failure in business6. Painful period due to neighbouring enemies taking the upper hand

7. Job loss will be widespread8. Overall a period of mental agony with health related problems9. There will be little respite when Saturn becomes retrograde and enters Scorpio again from 21-6-17 to 27-9-1710. Interestingly, there will be lots of positive activities regarding land dealings11. The positive impact of this transit will result in people becoming more spiritual than materialistic12. There is going to be a big political

change in Tamil Nadu politics in feb 201713. Gold, copper and crude oil prices will hit new highs14. In the ongoing Tata Sons corporate war, the elder contender may lose15. Due to Saturn being in transit there will be definite change of guard in all assembly elections and the new governments will be revengeful of the previous people in power

Hindu New Year 2017, 28th Mar 2017 at 08: 27: 00

*Vimshottari Dasha assumes that the maximum duration of life of a native is 120 years, which is the aggregate duration of all nine planetary periods

**Shadbala is a powerful source for calculation of planetary strength




The hindu New year (Samvat 2074) starting from 28th March 2017 shows the following

observations for the first few months:1. There will be medium rainfall resulting in unexpected food price hike2. There will be lots of amendments to the Constitution3. A major cabinet reshuffle may take place in April 2017, with some senior members losing their cabinet berths4. Overall a medium year in terms of

economic activities5. Tensions in international borders will increase, especially with China6. There will be general discontentment all over the country7. Learned/Spiritual yogis will be honoured by the society and the materialistic/fake yogis will be discarded8. Interestingly, pollution and smog

problems will be far less compared to previous years

MunDAnE OBSErvATIOnS:BjP (06-04-1980; 11:45

hrs; New Delhi): Severe setback in first quarter of 2017. Distress within party members leading to shifting. There will be less complacency.

COnGrESS(02-01-1978; 12:01hrs: New Delhi): By mid-Jan the party will come out with new strategy to become visible in public domain. Congress may tie up with a prominent female politician for UP assembly elections. Successful tie-ups in assembly elections.

THE POSITIvE IMPACT OF ALL this will be that fake ‘babas’ and gurus will lose their popularity and only genuine ones will stay

In THE OnGOInG COrPOrATE WAr in the Tata Sons Group, the elder of the two rivals is most likely to lose out in the year 2017






1.44 1.33

Moon Mars Mer jup ven Sat

ShAd BAlA**

08:57 Sat ketu


29:42 Vis

22:32 Vis

01:59 Dha 01:36 Mul

05:26 USh

05:07 Mrg16:08 PPh

16:08 Sat

18:37 Has

21:06 Jye


DEMOnETISATIOn (8 Nov 2016, Time: 20:10:00)











6 12



The above is the Birth Chart with Reference to Delhi, India



new year astrology special india in 2017


new year astrology special narendra Modi

What 2017 holds for the 14th Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi

The same Yuddha will rekindle the conflict in Kashmir after the December 8, 2016, and will continue till January 1, 2017. there will be a lull from January 27, but a serious assault will ensue on the border until February 16, paving the way for peace till May 30, 2017.

in July and August 2017 clashes are inevitable and taking a marked toll on human lives, which might plunge the country into large-scale conflicts from end september 2017, and well into 2018.

The PM’s health does not escape scrutiny in 2017. The immune-system and hearing is likely to deteriorate. These may have already been affected and chances are of further deterioration in 2017. Especially post-October 2017 the Chakra Daśā of Kanya poses a threat to the PM’s life. however given his current Vimśottari Daśā of Chandra until 2023, we are fortunate to have the PM’s company for many more years to come. The seeds sowed in late 2016 and most of 2017 will be reaped in 2019 when the next national elections will take place, during the Chakra Daśā of Tula. These are likely to ensure his re-election and another five years of Modi as Prime Minister.

08:57 Sat ketu











Mercury (r)


rahu (r)

ketu (r)

jupiter (r)


10 4



Chart for Narendra Damodardas Modi, D:O:B: September 17, 1950, 9:35:00, Mehsana, India


56rooting for modi

and money, and the parivartana Ketu, to create a massive change which will shape the country for the next 18 years, and bring local trade and currency in india a huge step forward into the 21st century. This will happen with changes in currency, as well as technological leaps in the way daily trade is performed.

The country, and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), will be under the pressure of the demonetisation changes until May 2017, after which trade will return to normalcy in india, with the adoption of modern technological advances that enable continued daily trade, regardless of cash and currency.

The ruling party faces the strongest challenges in the five months from November 2016 until end of April 2017. india will be burdened with cash-shortages on one-side, and the threat of war with Pakistan on the other. The party’s policies will not reflect well during the five assembly elections in 2017, where the BJP is likely to see a significant setback in favour of Congress. however, due to the blessings of Śrī Śiva Ugraliñga, the BJP will persevere and prove to be the strongest party for years to come.

Therein begins the next leg and legacy of the PM in india. The direct yoga of sūrya and Budh is also a Graha Yuddha showing a battle ensuing to rescue the treasury and the people of india, as well as ensure the further development of land and infrastructure. This is meant to be funded through an initiative to reform the tax system for the people, an act which will keep the income tax department busy until late 2018.


Modi’s policies will harm him in the next five assembly polls

currency ban woes will plague the people till at least May 2017

An escalation of the conflict from September 2017 till 2018

By vISTI LArSEnVisti Larsen resides in Denmark and has been a

professional astrologer since 2004. During his higher studies, Visti came under the tutelage of Pt. Sanjay Rath, belonging to the tradition of Shri Achyutānanda Dasa. Larsen has been with rare titles such as Jyotisha Pandit,

Jaimini Scholar and Jaimini Sūtra Custodian. He focuses on election predictions, and his accurate predictions about

Obama’s presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, as well as that of Trump in 2016, are just a few of his credits. He runs

his personal website at: http://srigaruda.comF ROM the teeth-grinding border-conflict in Kashmir to the cash-crunching

demonetisation in india, 2016 presented a tumultuous year for the Prime Minister and his 1.2 billion people. Narendra Damodardas Modi, born september 17, 1950, in Mehsana, india. Two timings of his birth have been given: 11 AM and 9:35 AM, of which i have found the latter to be more accurate depicting Tula Lagna and Nākra Navāmśa Lagna.

The previous year was coloured by the PM’s Chakra Daśā of Karkataka, bringing a focus on water and rivers, especially in the border areas. Due to Nīca Chandra with Mañgala, the lives of the citizens and military would be at stake in the border regions, and due to the Dristi of Yuddheśa, military conflict would be a marked feature several times during the year. With Yuddheśa in Kumbha, the conflict over water would ensue in the mountain regions, pointing towards the issues over the year in Jammu and Kashmir, escalating from september 2015

to October 2016. Due to the Kuja-sthambhana Yoga upon Mars, the health and welfare of the PM would also be in question during these trying times.

With the PM’s Chakra Daśā changing to simha past October 2016, the shadow of the border tensions continue with the Dristi of Yuddheśa. however, simha marks the events which will ensure the PM’s legacy forever. housing the Chara Ātmakāraka, Śani, a great achievement, which seeks to ensure his political future, is set in motion.

Daśānātha and Rajyeśvara, sūrya, ruling the wealth of the land, has formed a yoga with Budh, the ruler of currency

2727JANuAry 2017 l PArLIAMENTArIAN

THErE WILL BE BE GrAHA yuddh, or Battle, to rescue the treasury and ensure further growth and development




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new year astrology special rahul gandhi

Madhyāyusha or middle life, indicating a longevity of at most 40 months or 3 years and 4 months. This coincides with the current government ending in september 2017, just 20 months before its full term. During this time, the Śūla daśā of Aries is the most difficult stretching from November 2016 until April 2017. Aries houses the conjunction of Śukra and Chandra to form Rudra Yoga that will threaten the end of the party, and cause immense criticism of its policies. During this time Rahul and all parties in the opposition will enjoy more popularity and support, as public dissent increases towards the current government.

however, due to the position of Chara Ātmakāraka Rāhu in the Lagna of the

T hE setback of the indian National Congress Party (iNC) in 2014, was major and

uncompromising, sending Rahul Gandhi and his party into political obscurity. Rahul’s political influence being little, and his media presence drawing comparison to a substitute-teacher, whom everyone likes, but has little say in matters.

Rahul Gandhi, born June 18th, 1970 at 9:52 PM, Delhi, india.

Another source cites his birth on the 19th at 2:28 PM in Delhi, which changes both his Chandra Rāśi to Dhanusha, and his Lagna to Tula. Based on his sister’s chart, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, he cannot have Chandra in Dhanusha, and instead must have this in Vrishchika only, thus confirming his birth being the former option namely the 18th of June. Despite the setback in the general election, Rahul’s political career has yet to ebb. The Chakra Daśā of Makara began in 2015 which seeks to initiate his political ascension. in 2016 and 2017 he will rise to the highest position in the indian National Congress party, and will likely become its President, a role which will be important for the party’s future growth.

With Rahul’s Ātmakāraka in the mātrabhāva, his political ascension depends on his mother’s good will. The party’s president, sonia Gandhi, has held the helm of the party since 1998, however since the advent of Rahul’s Jupiter Antaradaśā since March 2016, the health of sonia has

deteriorated rapidly and will see further decline until August 2017. his mother’s political interaction is going to be meagre, at best, in this period, but favour Rahul’s further influence in the party.

The first half of 2017 will be a riveting year for Rahul and the Congress party, with an opportunity to strike a severe dent in the image of the ruling BJP party. The incumbent, Bharatiya Janata Party’s swearing-in chart of the government, shows

08:57 Sat ketu














rahu (r)

ketu (r)

jupiter (r)



1 7



Chart for Rahul Gandhi, born on June 18, 1970, 9:52 am, New Delhi, India



An astrological analysis of the Gandhi scion and vice-President of the Indian National Congress, Rahul Gandhi, by visti Larsen,a Jaimini Scholar

swearing-in chart, Viparīta Ayusha yoga is formed to give new longevity to the party, and extend it from Madhyāyusha or middle life, to Dīrghāyusha or long life. This will ensure the government’s continuation, but will require a sacrifice. A powerful supporter from the past will either recede or die during this time, which will lift up the incumbent party and allow for its continuance until the end of term. in the days of compiling these predictions, this scribe has noted the unfortunate passing of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, a once powerful ally and supporter of the BJP in two general elections, and whom had showed support for the BJP during the recent elections, without forming alliances with any party. An event likely to extol the effects of the Viparīta Ayusha yoga, and ensure the continuance of the current government.

Five assembly elections in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur are the battlefield for 2017, representing the North, south and East of india. With the strength of sun and Mercury in Rahul’s annual chart, ruling the eastern and northern states respectively, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh as well as Punjab, will see a tide turning towards Congress. Manipur in the east will likely stay Congress, as Goa does not seem to side with the Gandhi’s.

Rahul’s own health also becomes a focal point in the second half of 2017. his birth chart points towards afflictions to the head, in the form of migraines or pains, as well as issues in the small intestine or urinary tract. These issues would likely be instigated by the adoption of certain vices since the recent summer, and curtailing these caveats through mantrajāpa of Śrī Vishnu is highly recommended.

Due to Kuja-sthambana in the same chart, the Gandhi’s do need to increase the security of Rahul in the years to come. The year 2019 shows risks of accidents and injuries and with Śani’s entrance to Dhanusha, his 7½ years of sade sathi has begun and will require regular Rudrābhiśeka puja to curtail its negative effects.

re-engaging rahul

SInCE THE ADvEnT OF rAHuL’S jupiter Antardasha, Sonia’s health is fast going down, paving a larger role for the Gandhi scion


rahul’s own health also becomes a focal point in the second half of 2017

rahul and all parties in the opposition will enjoy more popularity and support

rahul will rise to the highest position in the indian national congress party


new year astrology special Modi BaiterS

eVil aspect As india country is in the grip of

many transformations, and there is a simultaneous sense of joy and gloom among the masses. The

Prime Minister is getting both the pull and the push. The Opposition forces are sharpening their swords to destabilise the momentum of the present ruling party and its supremo Narendra Modi. What do the Planets and the

Nakshatras (constellations) related to the the Opposition towards Modi tells us?

sandhya Ahuja (Tarot) and Buddha Prakash soni (Vedic astrologey) analyse on the 10 people who may aspect (caste an evil eye) on Narendra Modi. in many cases the correct date of birth for these politicos was not available. so the analysis was done on the basis of Numerology, Tarot Reading, Angel Reading, soul Communication and Face Reading. We bring you the gist of their lengthy analysis.

SAnDHyA AHujA ACHAryA BuDDHA PrAkASHSandhya is a Numerologist, Crystal Ball Gazer, Past Life Regression Therapist, Soul Communicator, Tarot Reader, Angel Therapist and Reiki Practitioner. She is Practicing for many years and guiding many of the top celebrities. Her email: [email protected]

A Palmist and Nadi Jyotish Shastri, he is also a Face Reader, a custodian of the Vedas, Face Reader, practitioner of Vedic Astrology, Horoscope Matching, Birth Chart Reading, as well as Career Astrology. His email: [email protected]

Mighty 10 against him... Will Modi survive the

collective onslaught or crumble?




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new year astrology special challenging Modi











TArOT FOrECAST At the tarting of the year Priyanka may expect opposition or power struggles. Views differ. Arguments arise. Lack of clarity in issues. There also can be some hidden health problems. But soon after, she shall experience positive results and ample success in career. By mid-year she again needs to take care of her health and emotional front followed with new ventures and fresh proposals. she shall experience abundance and harmony in work. The end of 2017 brings victory her honour, public acclaim and reward. Legal triumphs and business expansions are clearly on the cards.

She seems to be headed to get a mixed bag of good and bad

priyanka gandhi Vadra

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTW.r.t Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 12, 1972 Time of Birth: 01:59:00Place of Birth: Delhi, IndiaAs Venus Mahadasha is going on and Mars is debiliated, she will not reach the summit in politicals. As Mars is in Pisces, problems at work area and health issues

(blood-related) is forseen. sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the 3rd house is already bringing her Rajasva (Royalty) but this Raj Yog is not complete due to debiliation of Mars. Family issues and tiffs with

husband is also seen. she seems to be no major threat to Modi, posing only a 30 per cent challenge.








CruxShe may start 2017 plagued by problems but soon a rise startsblood-related health problems are seen in the first half as well as laterher raj yog is not complete due to the debilitation of mars

Needs caution against cold, as well as motormouthing

arVind kejriwal

TArOT FOrECAST start of the year indicates being loaded with incomplete tasks. Needs to keep balance as soon things will get substantially better, but should stop being a motormouth. A good year professionally, but stress will be taking a mighty toll. Mid-year brings new beginnings and stability. he should step out and see how others see him from a logical point of view. There is need of discipline and avoiding rigidity in opinions. security in all forms is at high ebb. Good news at the start of the 8th month. he may interpret something as bad which would actually turn out out to be good. Expect success and victory.










Cruxhe is much more of a threat to modi but needs balanceThere is no threat to his remaining power as of nowhe needs to be cautious about his statements, especially about women

vEDIC FOrECASTW.r.t Date of Birth: Friday, August 16, 1968, Time of Birth: 23:46:00, Place of Birth: Hisar, Indiahe is having Venus Mahadasha, with Jupiter

Antardasha. shani in Aries will peak his fortunes but a sudden instability can lead to his fall. Lagnesh Moon may affect his reputation. Mars in Cancer will always make him suffer from cold-related ailments. Opposition from near and dear ones is also foreseen. he should be careful what he should speak specially about women force, which can make them feel offended. Need is to make himself more disciplined. his percentage of challenge

TArOT FOrECAST beginning of the year indicates that he may be tempted to escape from a situation that is not working for him anymore. Beware, do not become victim of betrayal. The second month brings him recognition and improvement in work. he will be in an authoritative and stable position. he should not be rigid in his opinions and try to stay focused andf there will be some inspiring unexpected news. By mid-year he will feel restricted and trapped in unhealthy relationships. The 9th month brings new beginnings. The desired position you need is forthcoming but take care of what he speaks in his

his fortunes will rise and dip throughout the year

mulayam singh

interviews and to the media. he will reap rewards of his efforts. End of the year brings a very positive time period bringing prosperity and abundance & good news about future. Overall a good year.

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTW.r.t Tuesday, November 21, 1939Time of Birth: 21:50:00Place of Birth: Etawah, Uttar PradeshMars Mahadasha, Rahu

Antardasha. Lot of health issues are foreseen. his wealth may be affected. Graha Kalesh and a downfall is foreseen. Challenge to Modi is 30%




ke Sa




Cruxhe’ll change his stance because the present one is not workingmid-year he might feel restircted and trapped by circumstancesThere will be family trouble and even a political fall is foreseen

he will survive challenges and end the year on a high

nitish kumar

TArOT FOrECAST start of the year brings re-unions and harmony. Later half brings threats and challenges. he will be defending himself and his opinions. Extreme hard work is indicated. But this is only for a short period. Later there will be authority and success. he will initiate new projects. Little bit of challenging time in life again. should not be rigid, only then he will be able to keep a balance. some delays in work. Current tensions will soon be resolved. But there is strife and misfortune again coming up. soon he will get cooperation from public and fellow-workers. Will bring positive results. Take responsibility of his actions.














CruxThere will be renuions an harmony in the beginning of the yearhe should be careful about what he says as the masses may not like thisSome of his own people may go against him, posing a threat

he will enjoy a very strong sense of uniqueness and enjoy high self-esteem. There will be a very auspicious time near the end of the year.

vEDIC FOrECASTW.r.t Thursday, March 01, 1951, Time of Birth: 13:20:00, Place of Birth: Bhaktiarpur, Biharsun, Jupiter, are in good positions but Rahu in the same Bhav will creat Guru Chandal Yog. he should be very careful with what he speaks. Or else this may lead to his downfall. he will enjoy his position. some of his own people might be agaist him. Good time for spirituality. Opposition against Modi is 20%.


new year astrology special challenging Modi





Meve ve



TArOT FOrECAST start of the year signals prosperity and abundance. she will be heading into a positive cycle. A powerful person is likely to support her. Work wise, later she will feel stuck. she would face insecurity. she will be engaged in conflicts and disagreeing with others, leading to tension and hostility. she would be facing challenges, stress, defending herself. There will be the beginning of something significant. hard work and sincerity is adviced. The 9th month brings relief. Work will be appreciated. Later she again faces a period of frustration. Put efforts and wait for the right time. Towards the end of the year

She will face some bit but will be the real challenge to Modi

mamata banerjee

wards end, a legal situation may arise. But she will be able to balance. End of year indicates unexpected good news.

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTW.r.t Date of Birth: Wednesday, January

05, 1955,Time of Birth: 12:00:00Place of Birth: Calcutta, India (Based on Prashna Kundli) she will get lot of support from the public. she should be careful with

some health related issue of water element, kidney and throat. she will get Samajik Pratishtha. But she should be careful from attack from unknown forces. her opposition to Modi is 90%.







CruxShe may suffer some disturbances but will have public supporthealth problems of throat and kidney are indicated end of the year will bring some unexpected good news

This will be a successful year for the good human being

sitaram yechury

TArOT FOrECAST Year starts with slight disappointments but suddenly time flips over. Whatever you do, don’t take it as initial success. You have to strive to stay on top. Time signifies achievement. All your efforts will be finally paid off. Will get new opportunities and securities. Be resourceful and practical. There will be reunions. You are a dreamer who can be easily discouraged. Don’t worry, you will get the good news you want to receive. Work projects will move a head in a positive way. You will set a new venture. There will be new rewarding partnerships. You will make good use of your power and will make













CruxStarting with a bad phase, he will soon see better daysa new, rewarding alliance is forseen and there will be a new venturemay suffer back-stabbing but will be over all very successful

difference in the greater world. End of year brings slight fluctuations. some options will make you indecisive. Need to focus. Don’t spend too much time with your head in the clouds. stay focussed.

vEDIC FOrECASTW.r.t Planetary positions thru face analysis. he is a good human being and thinks a lot for society. he should be careful from ssomach and gastric issues and also may suffer from lethargy. he may get back stabbed by close friends. he is blessed with a good intuition and can himself foresee many events. he may give 40% opposition to Modi.

TArOT FOrECASTNew Year brings abundance and fresh energy and a very positive time. Turn for the better, in terms of fortune and wealth and a new position with new set of responsibilities. someone will try to frame you. There might be of illness or litigation. Be patient. soon this period would end, bringing a positive time and position. Mid-year brings very auspicious time. Your radiant energy is what will get you through tough times and help you succeed. start of ninth month, you will face a change. sudden reversals can happen. Projects and plans could come crashing down. But, you will have

his radiant energy will see him through in all his travails

naVeen patnaik

the resource to tackle this. soon your co-workers shall support you. Take care of your health but as the year ends you will face conflicts at work.

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTW.r.t Tuesday, Wednesday, October 16,

1946, Time of Birth: 17:30:00Place of Birth: Cuttack, Indiahis Venus Mahadasha is running with Chandra Antardasha. he may face issues of bone and bone

related ailments. he will get very good public support. he may create a substantial challenge to Modi. his will pose 60% opposition to Modi.








Cruxwill have lot of followers and victory this year. Can stand against modihe will be in ruling position in the year 2017will not do anything potentially good for the country

he is the second most serious threat to Modi, after ‘Didi’

akhilesh yadaV

TArOT FOrECAST start of the year brings things probably better in your working world. Expect positive moment in relation to finance and fluctuations in mood. Third month of the year brings you a difficult situation. Later, problems are overcome but struggle continues. You may be struggling with an issue. Please work within the rules as it is a period of setback. Mid-year points to happiness and success. Expect the best to happen. You will have something better coming your way than you would have thought possible in terms of your position. By the end of the 9th month, there will be conflict at work. Be cautious with contracts. As the












Cruxfrom third month he will face a major difficult situationin mid-year he will taste a level of success he never thought possiblehe will be appreciated and make a great headway in career

year gears towards end, you will get new opportunities. You will be appreciated are likely to make great headway.

vEDIC FOrECASTW.r.t Sunday, July 01, 1973Time of Birth: 12:00:00Place of Birth: Saifai, India (Predictions through Prashna Kundali)sun, Chandra, Ketu, shaniMe in Good position gives him lot of Rajasva. he will have no any health issue. he is very good natured (milansar) and devouted to society and wants to do good to the society. his family battle will continue but great support from wife. he will pose a massive 80% threat to Modi.


new year astrology special challenging Modi






TArOT FOrECASTThe year signals new beginnings. You have unlimited potential. But second month brings you illness or a bad phase. You will face loss and traumatic emotional experiences. You will be holding yourself back. Do not fear the unknown. Many blessings reside for you. You have the power to change your situation. You will soon enjoy a new passion and feel balanced. There will be a period when you will feel dissatisfied. Focus on what you want. There will be lack of clarity in issues. stay calm and give your co-workers the benefit of any doubt. Work cautiously. A difficult situation

Reversal of fortunes is seen... her property could be seized


seem to have reached its peak but, it will soon end. Can face illness or injury. But as the year ends it will bring new opportunities and celebration. You will experience harmony and integration in all sectors of your life. Overall there is loss

and reversal of fortune.

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTW.r.t Friday, April 27, 1951. Time of Birth: 06:30:00, Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India

she may get blamed. Property may get annexed by government. and property loss may happen. health may remain a cause of concern. her opposition to Modi will be a serious 75%.








CruxShe will face loss and a traumatic emotional experiencea difficult situation will reach its peak, though she might tide itfrom the second month she will suffer bad times and ill-health

This is not the most charming of years for the Andhra CM

n chandrababu naidu

TArOT FOrECAST in the start of the year, emotion and passion rule your nature. You will not be able to end projects that you started. But, as the first month ends, you recover from hardship. signifies stability and achievements and celebrations. You could also purchase property. But brings some health problems. The next month also brings you stress and competition at work. start of fifth month brings victory and journeys and positive expansion of projects, later bringing delay in financial gains. You will face disappointments. in every area of your life you may expect opposition. Coming to end of the year there are









ve ju



Cruxhealh problems and stress at work are clearly indicated mid-year there could be opposition in every area of his workTowards the end of the year there will be a radical transformation

indications of a radical transformation. seek advice from an expert.

vEDIC ASTrOLOGy FOrECASTDate of BirthTime of Birth: 06:30:00

Place of Birth: Hyderabad, Indiahe is running shani Mahadasha with the Antardasha of Mercury. have to be careful about travel specially thru air. in terms of health he should be careful about blood related diseases. Though very active, due to shani giving Neech Dristi, in the coming year he may selve work for tomorrow. he will get a lot of respect from family and society. Opposition to Modi is 75%.

new year astrology special Varun gandhi

happy days aheadA conjunction of mahadashas and yogs are going to make varun to rise to the top


Mars (r)Asc


venusMer (r)

Saturn (r)



ketu (r)

jup (r)



10 4



D:O:B: 13th March 1980, 22.02:00, New Delhi, India



By PArTHA BHATTACHArjEEPartha Bhattacharjee is a renowned astrologer who follows the NC Lahiri System of Jyotisha. He correctly predicted the tenure of exactly four and a half year when AB Vajpayee’s NDA government was in power. Partha Bhattacharjee has

served many in the field of astrology from guiding both corporate and people in government.VARUN GANDhi’s

horoscope is a very promising one. he is running the planet Jupiter’s

Mahadasha with the Antardasha of Mercury. Brihaspati or Jupiter has made him a very successful politician. Let me go a bit further to the year 2020. My prediction on the basis of details his birth parameters is that, before December 2020 he will gain huge political popularity and status. Jupiter is in the house of Aditya or

sun. Venus is in the house of commander- in-chief of celestial cabinet that is Mars. This will give him major political strength. he may achive something very big, may be a big ministerial portfolio. For the next 10 to 12 years, he will keep on progressing and do a lot of good for people. By his chart it is clear that he is a non-controversial leader, because of which he will get a lot of support from not only his own party but from many other political parties, and those will, i

see, be completely unconditional support. in all places he will be in the top position. he may not be able to flourish much by just becoming a normal politician getting any ordinary potfolio, but whenever he gets a higher position, which he eventually will get, he will soar high up in life.

The retrogration of five planets is a huge advantage for him. These planets are suppoting two houses. he will always remain protected. Jupiter the Raj graha is sitting in Raj Rashi which will benefit him in political career and wealth.

Varun Gandhi also has Budh Aditya Yog which is formed by the conjunction of Mercury and sun. This yog makes him become a good political strategist. This yog also helps him to take correct decision during emergencies. 2017 will remain good for himelf. Venus is the 7th Bhava in Aries, will give him lot of materialistic benefits.


Before december 2020, he will gain a major political status

Because of his nature he will get support from all parties

Jupiter and raj graha is raj rashi will bring him success and wealth


big war in 2020By kn rAO

He has in his possession more than 50,000 horoscopes, perhaps the largest individual collection. Between 1993 and 1995, KN Rao visited the USA on five lecture tours. He was Chief Guest at the Second

Conference of the American Council of Vedic Astrology in 1993. Rao is the disciple of Jyotish Guru

Yogi Bhaskarananda, whom Rao describes as the last of the Rishi astrologers. F iRsT the attack on

Pathankot army base, then the attack on Uri army base… reportedly

by terrorists, but Pakistan-supported terrorists, nonetheless. Then came the reported ‘surgical strike’ by the indian Army in Pak occupied Kashmir, flattening several terror bases there. Pakistan and the UN denied it

But is that all? Just border skirmishes? A surgical strike here and there? There was a surgical strike by india inside Myanmar territory to finish off Naga rebels. But the one with Pakistan is different. it is almost war, slowly creeping on the two countries and with China too, and by 2020, it will be a full-fledged war that will last long and have a devastating consequences.

The mahadasha of Moon, the third lord, with saturn, Venus, Mercury and sun in the third house of indian independence horoscope aspecting the ninth house, along with Mars from the second house, ushers in a period of achievements in so many fields, particularly in space and

new year astrology special neighBourS

the three nuclear armed countries could trigger WW 3


Surgical strike on Myanmar is different from the one we saw

What looks like border skirmishes is almost war

china will not desert Pakistan and will be involved

communications (Mangalyan and the PsLV as evidence), but on the negative side are skirmishes with neighboring countries, including China, some of them serious enough to look like a war.

The occasion to write this is a prediction circulated virally about a serious war between india and Pakistan from 15 October, 2016, where one astrologer has predicted a very definitive action by india to put an end to Pakistan’s nefarious

The situation in the Indian subcontinent is already serious. There is political and economic crisis in both India and Pakistan. China is playing foul, supplying Pakistan with nuclear utilities and selling submarines to Bangladesh. Now it seems the border skirmishes will blow up into a full-fledged war soon. If that happens, a global conflagration is most likely, predicts the fabled astrologer KN Rao


new year astrology special Border iSSue

designs to be a constant irritant by bringing up the Kashmir issue time and again. This alarmist view created panic, and ABP hindi news channel asked me about it. i said that it is like a kabbadi match (in which raiders from one team go into the other’s territory, followed by the opponents raiding them), which has been going on for more than six decades, in fact, ever since Kashmir acceded to india in October 1947.

nOT ALArMISM… rEALITy!i did not feel it necessary to take an alarmist view, but future years will show more serious border clashes till it leads finally to a war in 2020 which will be a culmination of all this a cataclysmic war

Writing this became necessary because the issue of india’s surgical strike in Pakistan Occupied Territory on the night of 29 september has become a hot controversy in the political circles of india. india has the antardasha of Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and saturn in her independence horoscope. Pakistan’s situation is worse than india’s, because of the mahadasha of the seventh lord, Venus. This will cause both, border skirmishes, as well as revolts in places like Baluchistan, where rebels now get open support from india, and some international sympathy from UsA.

The result of it all will be that the border clashes will look like seeds of World War iii. Now look at the four Chaitra shukla Pratipada horoscopes of india and draw your own conclusions after reading my comments against each of the horoscopes, birth, navamsha and dashamansha.These signs also indicate a series of devastations in both india and Pakistan, such as earthquakes, starting in 2017.But in the meantime a first rate crisis involving freedom of press have engulfed Pakistan. A major newspaper, Dawn, ran a report that the civilian government has warned the army that Pakistan is facing

growing international isolation.

MEDIA CrISISThe Pakistani army has been back-seat driving its civilian governments throughout its history, so a civilian government telling the mighty army such a thing is big news and should be taken as a warning. Only China, its all weather friend, will stand by it because of the latter’s hostile relations with india. There is no doubt, as is also visible astrologically,

that China will not miss this chance for creating trouble for india and india’s border skirmish with it will resemble a war.

That Pakistan is alarmed has been evidence from the fact that Cyril Almeida, a Parsi of Goan origin, who wrote the piece, is being hounded. he has already been put on Exit Control List, and may be shot dead in 2017. The social media is agog with this.

The Prime Minister, Nawaz sharif, is

reeling under the impact of the leaked Panama Papers, which mentions that he and his son own offshore companies. For a while he has received a reprieve from the Lahore high Court which did not allow the petition on this to be heard. Border issues only helps him distract public attention from his failures.

Western powers, United states of America and Russia are busy selling their armaments globally on a very large scale and never want peace anywhere in the world, as it does not their arms industry. United states of America has been involved in at least three wars in every decade in the history of the world since the conclusion of the second World War in 1945. it is fatuous to expect peace to prevail in the world we inhabit.

DrAGOn’S CLAWSThen there is the ultra-islamic thought of Muslims wiping out all other religions of the world. so expect peace not to reign in the Asian sub continent. China has stuck to its string of Pearls strategy of surrounding india, recently selling Bangladesh some submarines. so there may be more border trouble once moderate sheikh hasina government is replaced and fundamentalist Muslims come into power. Even the isis and Pakistan have a huge presence in Bangladesh. Against this background see the horoscopes given here of hindu New Year for 2018, 2019 and 2020 the year of these skirmishes becoming menacing.

Rashi- Mars in the fourth house with the sixth lord saturn, also aspecting the

seventh and tenth house shows continuing border clashes looking like a regular war.

The navamsha is more ominous with Mars in the fourth house aspecting saturn in the seventh and getting aspected by saturn in the fourth house shows the seriousness of the situation.

Dashamsha - Mars, exalted in the eighth house and aspecting the seventh lord Jupiter, the seventh lord in the second house and aspecting saturn in the eleventh house and also getting aspected shows a secret plot to surround india and wage war is clear here. Rashi Mars in the eleventh house aspecting both saturn and Jupiter and Ketu in the sixth house shows more serious situation this year.

Navamsha - Mars aspecting the sixth house and saturn aspecting the seventh house and both sixth and seventh lords confirms it.

Dashamsha- Mars aspects the seventh lord, Venus, and saturn aspects the seventh house here.

Rashi- This is very serious here with exalted Mars and saturn in the seventh house as happened in October 1962 when sino-indian war took place.

Rahu will be entering Vrisha and that is a serious threat of disturbance to peace internally in india and the communal poison will be spreading all over india. Navamsha- Mars again in the twelfth house aspecting both the sixth house and the seventh shows a secret plot which can be between two countries not on friendly terms with india.

Dashamsha- Mars in the lagna with the seventh lord Jupiter is indicating a very serious situation here.

(Courtesy: Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, July-Aug 16)

the PAkIStAnI ArMy hAS already been criticised by its civilian government that it is facing increasing international isolation, and now, only Pakistan’s all-weather friend China will stand by it because of the latter’s hostile relationship with Pakistan’s perpetually bitter rival India

there MAy Be More border trouble once the moderate and friendly Sheikh hasina government is replaced by a more fundamentalist Islamist government in Indian’s eastern neighbour Bangladesh3



Asc Asc Asc

India 2017 D1 (28 Mar 2017, Time: 08:27:00, Delhi, India)

navamsha (28 Mar 2017, Time: 08:27:00, Delhi, India)

Dashamsha (28 Mar 2017, Time: 08:27:00, Delhi, India)

venus (r)

venus (r) venus (r)Mars Mars MarsMercury

Mercury Mercury











jupiter (r)

jupiter (r)

jupiter (r) Moon





























3 3


Asc Asc

India 2020 D1 (24 Mar 2020, Time: 14:57:00, Delhi, India)

navamsha (24 Mar 2020, Time: 14:57:00, Delhi, India)

Dashamsha (24 Mar 2020, Time: 14:57:00, Delhi, India)

venus venus







MercurySun Sun










jupiter (r)

Moon MoonMoon



















9 9













cruxMercury and Sun in the third house of Indian Independence horoscope aspecting the ninth house, ushers in a period of achievements in so many fields, especially space tech1. Dashamasha shows that there is a secret plot to surround India2. Mars, in the 11th house and aspecting Saturn and Jupiter indicates a serious situation3. China is sticking to its plan of surrounding India and has recently sold submarines to Bangladesh4. Western powers, USA and Russia, are revving up their war economy and hence it is fatuous to expect world peace


By Dr. AjAI BHAMBIWhen the cinema industry in India seemed to be sinking

after Amitabh Bachchan’s near-fatal crash in a shot in the film ‘Coolie’, no one but Ajay Bhambi had said he would rise lrom the ashes like a Phoenix. He did. Pt. Bhambi, one of the most respected names in astrology worlwide,

also predicted the assassinations of Indian premier Rajeev Gandhi, Pak premier Benazir Bhutto and the

ascendence of Sonia Gandhi in Indian politics

INDiA’s Lagna is Taurus. Moon-Mars is in transit till February 8, then Moon-Rahu will operate throughout the

year. This will create utter confusion among people of india. Financial crisis may give rise to unrest. The government’s adamant attitude will be matched equally by unhappy crowds demanding money, their money, on the streets.

Moon has occupied the third house. Moon is involved in Pravajra Rajyog. Wonderful Rajyog. Moon is in operation at the moment, Moon is not very comfortable in this sign because this sign belongs to Venus and Taurus and Moon and Venus are not very comfortable with each other. Moon belongs to young people. it represents something new,

new year astrology special BJP, congreSS and aaP

Sonia’s ill health will pave the way for rahul to control congress


there will likely be an emotional upsurge in the country in 2017

the youth, disillusioned with Modi might start an anna-like Movement

amit Shah and BJP will suffer because of Modi’s flippancy

The stars are aligned against the Bharatiya Janata Party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his trusted lieutenant, party boss Amit Shah. The result is an expected violent mass unrest, with disappointed youth to the fore. Modi is shifting from project to project without completing any. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi is on the ascendence and will rule the Congress in the near future

ConspiracyThe Stellar

indicating tremendous changes ahead. so the country’s ethos will be tampered

with and emotional issues will take centrestage in 2017. Youth will get awakened and some movement, some unrest will take place. Agitation, revolt, revolution. something like an Anna Movement will be seen in 2018, but the seeds will be seen in sown in 2017 itself.

Youth are being used and not getting any benefit. This government has come to power with their support but they are now largely disappointed with it. This will cause a lot consternation all across.

BHArATIyA jAnATA PArTyLagna is Gemini. sun’s mahadasha is in operation. sun is placed in the tenth house, which represents power. But the


Moon. Sadhe Satti (the 71/2

year cycle) of saturn is also running at present, that is

why he has taken such a risky decision of demonetisation. saturn in Moon in his chart creates problems for Modi. he should have conducted himself in an organised manner. saturn tells him to go slow but Moon directs him to run faster and faster, causing him to trip on the way to his future.

COnGrESSLagna is Capricorn and right now Jupiter and Mercury are in operation till May 2, 2017. Then Jupiter-Ketu will operate till the end of the year. Congress will gain momentum after April 2017. Ketu-Jupiter

new year astrology special BJP, congreSS and aaP

third house is occupied by four planets and the lord of the third house is placed in sixth and eighth from itself if you count from both sides. The third house indicates prowess - parakram. in sun’s dasha, it seems BJP may drop from its present position. They hoped their prowess will increase, but they have themselves jumped into a well. sun and Mercury are in operation from 6/6/2016 to 13/04/2017. Mercury is in ninth house and debilitated and afflicted by Ketu. An afflicted Mercury brought down BJP’s popularity from top to almost its nadir in this period. sun-Ketu will operate from 13/04/2017 to 19/10/2017. This will create a chaotic situation among the leader and the party cadre. subtle opposition to Modi’s leadership from within the party, might also emerge.Modi will continue to be the PM but murmuring will start against him. From 19/10/2017 to party is likely to recover its ground.

AMIT SHAHMy prediction about Amit shah is based only on Moon chart. Moon is in Aries and Mars in debilitated in the fourth house. Neech Bhang Rajyog has taken place between Moon and Mars. That is why Amit shah has achieved so much in his life. sun is also debilitated in seventh house. This indicates that he is man of determination and has the ability to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. he has no

limits of hate and love. he can change his philosophy and statements to suit the occasion. in all eventualities, winning is the only criterion for him. saturn is in eighth house which creates bad omen and Jupiter is in sixth house from Moon right now and Rahu is in fifth. All these transits are not very favourable. 2017 may create problem for his leadership.

if you compare the charts of Narendra Modi and Amit shah you will find cementing (nexus) of stars. his lagna is scorpion. And debilitated moon is placed in lagna along with Mars. Mars is involved in a Rochak Panch Mahapurush Rajyog. Due to presence of Mars, a Neech Bhang Rajyoga of Moon has taken place

which has elevated him to Prime Minister’s chair. Unfortunately, Mars which is responsible for Neech Bhang Rajyoga of Moon (debilitated and breaking, the time when a yoga neutralises the effects of a debilitated planet), is itself debilitated in the Navama chart. This situation makes Mars extremely weak. That is why PM Modi put his entire career at stake in 2016. Demonetisation is a big gamble he has taken. his actual rise on the national scene started from 2009 when Moon mahadasha was in operation. Mars has given all its power to Moon. he has been shifting from project to project.

are in operation till July. After that saturn will operate till the end of the year.

SOnIA GAnDHIsonia Gandhi’s health will be a matter of concern and she may not be able to participate in party affairs as actively as it used to be. she will have to take special care of her health in the second half of the year. Rahul will play very important role in the coming months. he will gain momentum in 2017 and after April, his role will be bigger in the party and will gain a lot in stature. Rahul will become the supreme leader of his party. Congress will regain lost reputation in 3017 but will still not be in a position to dislodge the Modi Government at the centre.

ArvInD kEjrIWALArvind Kejriwal is in politics by default.

As there is good strength in his chart, he seems to be Karmically getting all the success whatever he has till now.

But he is sure to achieve more. he is the sort of a person who is loved

and hated at the same time. he has Neech Bhang Raj Yog by shani. he may get ill reputation but he may come out of the same. his real time starts in 2019. he will learn his lessons in 2018, especiaslly keeping his words in control. Right now, he is running by default. he is having a roller coaster ride at the moment, but is on a tight leash. From 15th of January Mayawati’s fortune will dwindle, but as of now it is fine. in coming time, Rahul Gandhi’s horoscope matches with Mulayam and his son. There is a possibility of coalition of Congress and sP as sonia’s horoscope doesn’t match with Mayawati’s. Demonetisation will be beneficial for Congress and Mayawati. For government formation sP will emerge, however, Mayawati is likely to appear in strong position. Consequently, Congress will be on brighter side. According to me Akhilesh will win.

neech BhAng rAjyog had elevated Modi to power, but he lacks the vision to finish his projects, and incompletion of his promises is buying him a bad reputation, which will eventually lead the disillusioned youth of the country to go against him and a major social unrest is foreseen

08:57 Sat 08:57 Sat ketu ketu


12 10

Mars (r)



Mars (r)

Asc Asc



Saturn (r)

Saturn (r)





ketujupiter (r)

jupiter (r) Moon











Sunday April 6, 1980, Time: 11:15:00, Place: Delhi, IndiaMonday January 2, 1978, Time: 09:00:00, Place: Delhi, India












Saturn (r)Moon






jupiter (r)








Thursday October 22, 1964, Time: 12:00:00, Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

3 2


Saturn (r)












December 9, 1946, Time: 21:30:00, Place: Lusiana, Italy

he doesn’t wait for completion of a project, he shifts to the next project. That’s hampering his reputation. This is happening due to debilitated Mars. he doesn’t realise the energy needed to complete the project - whether it’s swachh Bharat, Make in india, Bullet Train, smart Cities, Rurban india, or even for that matter demonetisation. he is thinking very fast and feels projects will be completed in due course, hence in his chart Moon-saturn are in operation from 1/12/15 to 2/7/17. Mars is debilitated in D9. On top of it saturn is detrimental for scorpion lagna and is a bitter enemy of



Śūla is short for triśula (trident) which is the weapon held by Śiva (and Rudra). Sun represents Śiva in all signs of Mars indicating the violent Rudra known for their strength

and proves in battle. [The stronger among the 2nd/8th lords becomes the prāņi rudra (primary rudra) while the weaker one became the aprāņi rudra. Death can occur during the Śūla daśā of the signs having the rudra or its trines or its seventh house. This very principle is used to determine the exact constellations where the triśula (trident) is seen. as such, the trident has a long staff and three spear heads. The cakra used for this purpose is the sarvathobhadrā Cakra with 28 nakshatra.

The nakshatra occupied by the sun indicated the bottom/end of the staff and this can be used to kill. The three śula or the tips of the trident are represented by the constellations in the exact trines (9th constellation reckoned in the direct and reverse count from that of the Sun) and the nakshatra exactly opposite (15th nakshatra). These four nakshatra are the śula nakshatra and the start of a disease when the moon transits this naksatra indicates death, more so if the śula daśā is also one of these signs or aspects. This what is taught in the classical literature and in the tradition. Śūla chakra need not be limited to death but to every kind of physical and mental suffering. like any other tool, it becomes useful only with some practice.

The allocation of the graham to the points, staff and spikes of the triśula (trident) has been my research based on close scrutiny of a number of charts. I have finally solved the most valuable links that define the nakshatra at the time of death, which in essence

new year astrology special ŚūlA CAkrA

Śūla CakraBy SAnjAy rATH

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Odisha, which traces their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Shri

Achyutananda). His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Odisha and authored many books on Jyotish. He began his studies at a tender age, and achieved the depth of Jyotish only found among those who have been trained in the ancient. His website is srath.com

Death comes when Rudra leaves the body, and it can be accurately predicted with Śūla Cakra





N: D


h PA



nakshatras after it (nos. 14, 15 & 16) and the nakshatra before it (nos. 12, 11 & 10) are placed outside the body and are dangerous but never fatal. Similarly, the other nakṣatra are placed in the trident and we find that the nakshatra Hasta (13), Uttārā arudha(21), Uttārā bhādrapada (27) and Mŗgāśirā (5) are the life threatening nakshatra.

The dangerous śūla daśā of Gemini was from 1941-50 and Gemini aspects the third house from lagna and al are also aspected by Rāhu (rāśi dŗṣţi) indicating the possibility of a duśţa maraņa yoga (bad death). Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 at 5:17’ Pl IST at New Delhi by Nathuram Godse (Gemini lagna). The Moon was in Hasta nakshatra at that time transiting the fatal bottom edge of the trident. Śūla analysis: The ārushha lagna is in Cancer conjoined Rāhu and Moon who are always fighting each other just like Jinnah (Rāhu) and Nehru (Moon). The seventh ārushha has Ketu, 3rd from ārudha has the Sun while the 9th from ārudha is vacant and has Jupiter as its lord. Gandhi used to worship Śrī Rama and chant prayers every evening in the gathering at his ashram and residence indicating that the Sun (Rama avatāra) would become the dominant

helps us to determine the exact cause of death when used with the other rules titled *Rath’s Rules* after late Pt. Jagannāth Rath and are listed in the book “Crux of Vedic astrology- Timing of Events.” Śūla Cakra is also used with the Maņukashuka Daśā to time terrible experiences.

The staff of the trident is composed of seven constellations - one nakshatra of the Sun itself and the remaining six are the three adjacent nakshatra on either side. Similarly, the heads of the trident are supported by two constellations, each one on either side of the sharp points representing the elongated base.

These constellations can cause great suffering but not death. The remaining twelve constellations are considered ‘safe’ and indicate speedy recovery. The Śūla Cakra is used to determine death and other dangerous transits. Use of Śūla cakra: In cases of ill health or a journey being made to the place of death, it is important to ascertain the beginning of the disease/journey to prognosticate on the results of the disease/journey as being fatal, dangerous or mild depending on whether it is in the sharp edge of the trident, near it or in the body of the trident respectively. If there is no ill health nor is a journey being make, then the date of death will be indicated by the Śūla cakra. Otherwise, use the Śūla cakra with the starting date of disease/journey and the navtārā cakra to determine the date of fatality.

If the sun has any association with the houses of death (3rd/8th from al, aK or lagna), then the Śūla cakra will surely give the date of fatal disease/journey. If Rāhu has association with these places of death, then the navtārā cakra will give the fatal date.

Navagraha On Śūla CakraDifferent parts of the Śūla cakra are assigned to different planets and the navagraha can be worshipped in the triśula itself.• The nakshatra occupied by the sun is

assigned to the Sun itself• left spike point is ruled by Mars• left spike rod is ruled by Venus• Central spike point is ruled by Moon or Sun• Central spike rod is ruled by Moon or Sun• Right spike point is ruled by Jupiter• Right spike rod is ruled by Mercury• Saturn is assigned the staff• Rāhu is assigned the nakshatra after the Sun• Ketu is assigned the nakshatra before the Sun

Śūla cakra indicates the time when Rudra will leave the body. Śrī Rudra is the form of Śiva who holds the mind, body and soul together. When he leaves, the concerned parts degenerate and is destroyed leading to death as prāņa shall also leave the body subsequently. The period between the śūla (poke of the triśula) and death can be long as in years or very short as in seconds depending on the nature of the planets involved. Generally, if the śula hits in the lower parts of the spikes or in the staff, which are ruled by benefic planets, death does take time but is peaceful in the end. If śula pokes at the points then death can be instantaneous.

The planet indicator of the śula also show the real reason for death and reason as to why Śrī Rudra leaves. The death planet indicator will generally be found in the 3rd or 9th house from āruṣha lagna or in the 1st/7th house from al, whichever is the strongest as these houses rise in the last part of life [Jaimini Sutra]. Strongest is to be known from the fourth source of strength [Jaimini Sutra].

If both benefic and malefic planets are placed, it shows that the native is given the option of choice of path of life (which is really a test). as one lives (Karma) so shall one die. If the planet is also associated with the fifth house from lagna or mantreśa or the said planet, leads to the

world of the mantra Devatā.

Timing Death with Śūla Cakra mahatma gandhiMahatma Gandhi was hale and hearty and did not suffer from any disease that cause ill health. The eighth house from al and lagna are fixed signs indicating death in the place of residence and journey shall not be made. In such cases, the date of death shall be taken as the beginning of the śūla (trident) that causes death. The Sun occupies Hasta nakshatra (no. 13) in the chart of Gandhi and this constellation is placed in the bottom of the trident in a triangle indicating death transit. The three

Śūla cakra can be used to find the time and cause of one’s death


rudra is Shiva form that holds the mind, body and soul together

Śūla cakra indicates the time when Sri rudra will leave the body

When he leaves these degenarate and get destroyed, causing death

new year astrology special ŚūlA CAkrA


Position of Sun in

Natal Chart

Death Inflicting

Dangerous Disease Safe




















1711 23










14 16



Śūla Cakra IllusTraTION


























11 23









14 1620


Navagraha ON Śūla Cakra





























26 28


Śūla Cakra Ofmahatma gandhi











jupiter (r)







October2, 1869, Time: 7:30:00 (4:38 east), 69 E 36, 21 N 38





planet in the due course of time. at the moment when Nathuram shot Gandhi (30 Jan 1948, 6.00 pm Delhi) the moon was in Hasta nakshatra which is the No. 1 nakshatra of the śūla cakra indicating that the Sun or lagna is the main reason of death. The lagna indicates name/fame and also how one has applied the intelligence. The Indian government announced that it would not pay Rs 55 crore to Pakistan and on January 13, 1948 when the Moon was in Śravana nakshatra, Mahatma Gandhi started a fast to compel the two governments to come to an amicable settlement. Jinnah was not bothered but Jawaharlal Nehru reacted instantly by announcing that India would pay the money. That was the day when Nathuram decided to assassinate Gandhi. Thus the immediate reason was clearly ‘political assassination’ which is ruled by the Sun. On the date of death the tithi was pañcamī ruled by Jupiter the ātmakāraka aspecting fifth lord Saturn by rāśi dŗṣţi [only rāśi dŗisţi should be used in this analysis]. However, neither Jupiter nor Saturn associated with the Sun in rāśi chart, but in the navāmśa Sun and Jupiter aspect each other. The indications are weak for us to say with any certainty that he has gone to the abode of Śrī Rama.

Rāhu was responsible for the destruction of the lineage of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and as indicated above, the navtārā cakra shall indicate their fatality dates while Śūla cakra shall indicate the beginning of the end.

rajiV gandhiIn the chart of Rajiv Gandhi, the eighth house from lagna and Ārudha lagna is a dual sign indicating the death during a journey.Therefore, Śūla cakra shall be used to determine the beginning of the fatal journey while the navtārā cakra should indicate the date of fatality.

Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on the night of May 21, 1991, at an election rally at Sriperumbudur near Chennai (Madras) by Dhanu, a woman suicide-bomber She detonated an explosive device, hidden in a belt she wore around her waist. It went off as she bent down to touch the victim’s feet, killing the Indian leader, the “Human bomb” herself and 16 others on the spot. Gandhi had arrived there at 2200 hours and was blown to pieces a little later.

Śūla analysis: The ārudha lagna is in Taurus which is vacant and so is Scorpio the seventh from ārudha. The third and ninth have the nodes with Rāhu getting an upper hand as a greater malefic, being in the 3rd house. The Sun is in Maghā nakshatra which is nakshatra No. 1 in the bottom of the trident. Rāhu will indicate Rudrā leaving in the Nos. 2, 3 or nakshatra which is Pūrva Phālguṣi, Uttārā Phālguṣi or Hasta. Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated when the Moon was in Pūrva Phālguṣi nakshatra No. 2 in śūla cakra, which is the first in the Rāhu group of three nakṣatra. The next step is to look for connections between mantreśa is Jupiter and no planets are in the 5th house.

Jupiter has no connection with Rāhu in the rāśi chart but they are conjoined in the 12th house in the navāmśa chart, just as in the case of Mahatma Gandhi. This shows the event was destined as the

navāmśa is one’s fortune and fate.The next step is to look for the death

and connections with mantreśa and said planet Rāhu. The death occurred on Navamī which is ruled by the Sun. In the natal chart we have the Sun conjoined Jupiter the mantreśa in lagna but they do not connect to Rāhu in rāśi chart.

pramod mahajanPramod Mahajan was a top politician and cabinet minister of India. In the morning of april 22, 2006, he was shot four times and fatally injured by his estranged younger brother Pravin Mahajan over a family dispute which has never been revealed by the brother. He succumbed to his wounds 13 days later. His brother was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment by the court in 2007.

In the chart, the third house from ārudha lagna has Mars in scorpion as the chief indicator of death which would translate to younger brother. Of the four bullets that were fired by Pravin Mahajan, the first missed and the next three went into his gut damaging several organs and were lodged in his liver and pancreas. Thereafter, the gun jammed and Pravin could not shoot any more.

In the natal chart Sun is in Svātī,



















August 20, 1944, Time: 7:11:28 (5:30 east), 72 E 49, 18 N 58




2 1














October2, 1869, Time: 7:30:00 (4:38 east), 69 E 36, 21 N 38


which becomes No. 1 nakshatra at the bottom of the śūla cakra. On the date he was shot i.e. april 22, 2006, the Moon was in Śravana nakshatra which is the among the three nakshatras in the left spike of Mars. It is evident that the third from ārudha lagna has been activated by Śrī Rudra and death is imminent. This sign Scorpio is the sixth house from lagna indicating lower stomach, but area of the body and intenstines, liver and pancreas were all damaged by the bullets. The presence of Mars aspected by Rāhu from aries, another sign of Mars (brother) by rāśi dristi shows the dushta marana yoga in the chart.The vimśottari period was Saturn daśā, Rāhu antardaśā and the Śūla period was Gemini daśā aries antardaśā. In both cases Rāhu was activated and would kill without fail.

Pramod Mahajan finally died on May 3, 2006, 11 days after the incident when the Moon was in Punarvasu nakṣatra and the tithi was sashti ruled by Venus. Venus is the lord of the fifth house of the rāśi chart and is the mantreśa. However, it is not connected to Mars in any manner in the rāśi chart but is aspected by Mars in the navāmśa chart.

In this case, just as in the case of Mahatma Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi, we have seen how accurately the śūla cakra points out the nakshatra when the event triggering the death process will bring. In the case of Mahatma Gnadhi, the planet was the Sun and nakshatra No. 1 of śūla cakra was triggered with instant death; in the case of Rajiv Gandhi the planet was Rāhu and nakshatra No. 2 was triggered with instant death, while in the case of Mahajan, the planet was Mars and nakshatra No. 8 (among the three nakshatra Nos. 8, 9, 10) was triggered. all we need to do is to take a careful look at the third house from ārudha lagna and we can point at the nakshatra that will rule when Śrī Rudra is to leave. Sun































23 25

1 3

Śūla Cakra OfrajiV gandhi


































28 2

6 8

Śūla Cakra Ofpramod mahajan




By CrAIG HAMILTOn-PArkErThe ‘shoot-from-the-hip’ astrologer and psychic medium is outspoken and has astonished people with the accuracy of his clairvoyance. He had accurately predicted in 2015 of ‘ lone wolf ’ terror attacks in Berlin, Rome and Paris, and also said Britain will thwart such an attack. The reality is now well established. He has worked with the yogis and

astrologers in India. His bog is http://psychics.co.ukIs the American Dream set to evaporate in 2017? Will Donald Trump triumph and hillary Clinton eclipse? how

will the much touted White resurgence impact the ‘greatest nation in the world’? Will Britain survive the BREXiT vote? And what about the seething anger seen almost all over Europe? On the other hand, is there any chance of positivity surfacing in the next year or two?

These are not political calculations, but what the stars tell lay ahead for the world. The year will be one of economic troubles

new year astrology special World PredictionS

The last Us presidential polls have been the most acrimonious ever, and the resurgence of a very belligerent White labour class was visible throughout. The stars say that United states of America will become politically divided between East and West. The poll results, that has shocked many will lead to gun fights and riots, (Correct 10/10... 10 Nov 2016 Riots) and there will be turmoil throughout 2017. The situation will worsen to an extent that neutral troops from Canada will have to be called in to quell unrest.

On the economic front, the states are

in for shock. To add to the political woes of Americans, the Us will experience a serious drought during the summer of 2017. The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse over America – something that has not been seen in the country during the last 26 years – will coincide with a huge stock market fall and long-term inflation. And on the international front, there will be conflicts between China and UsA as satellite computers are hacked.

EurOPE In FLAMESDenmark and italy will pull out of the EU as the Euro crashes. Year 2017 will see italy in serious economic problems. Economic chaos in Europe (and America) with riots in many European capitals and big cities, among them Rome, Madrid, Berlin, Paris and Prague. in these places, many people are suffering serious poverty and food shortages due to the failure of the Euro. A famous building will go up in flames as right-wing riots in Germany will spark memories of the burning of the Reichstag. Britain, which had faced a serious split within, however, escapes the worst of the international economic troubles and is seen as a safe economic haven. Britain, india and Australia will form an economic alliance.

OTHEr CLIMESJapan is slated to initiate an arms race in the Far East after provocation from China and North Korea. But North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un will be fall from power later in the year, or may between December 2017 and January 2018.

The vexed issue of Kashmir and Pakistan and China aligning on it against india is already there. in 2017, there serious threat of escalation of conflict between China and india over the northern border of Kashmir. A new war will spills over to Afghanistan as revolution erupts in Uzbekistan.

The alliance between Russia and UsA will partition syria. The country, already ruined due to four years of war, will be a The world will see unprecedented crisis all over,

starting 2017, including race riots in the US, right wing attacks as well as food riots in Europe, and possibly more wars, but the year will also see the beginning of march to the spiritual Golden Age

W O r L D I n 2 0 1 7

Crisis and redemption

scale in the coming years. its downside is that, just like immersive video games, it saps the inspiration from people and further enslaves the mind to materialism.

GOLDEn AGE COMETHMany of the above predictions are pretty gloomy but i feel that there will be a simultaneous growth in spirituality among the people of the world that will now start to lead us into a Golden Age. Conflict and hardship, added to growing environmental crises across the world, will bring good people together and ignite a desire to seek the true purpose of human life.

i feel that 2017 and 2018 are the years when miraculous spiritual things will be revealed to the world, as it finally breaks the yoke of the Age of Materialism. At

first, just a few will witness the revelations of the divine, but

eventually, people will experience the world in a

completely new way and directly grasp higher consciousness.

Many of the traditional religions, those that are dependent on blind belief, will fail and more people

will seek direct experience of the spiritual realms. Many

religions will encourage people to seek direct personal experience

of spirituality through meditation. The years ahead will be a tremendous

time to be living on earth. Great things are soon to be revealed. By 2050, the world will have entered the Golden Age when higher consciousness and miraculous living are possible. The time will come when people will come to realise that the collective future of the world can be changed for the better by our good thoughts and actions.

(Now lock me up and throw away the key, for I’m sounding like a religious maniac!)

kEy HIGHLIGHTSracism will divide the uS and there wiil be gun fights and riots

in europe, riots in rome, Madrid, Berlin, Paris and Prague

chinese provocation might lead Japan to enter into an arms race

People will turn to spirituality to welcome the golden age

and great social unrest with violent rioting and great suffering for the poorest in society. i believe that many of the following predictions will happen during 2017, but some of what i am seeing may lie further ahead – possibly within the next two to three years.

For one thing, the Us is set for major problems, wheter socially, politically or economically. i can say that hillary Clinton will resign from politics because of the release of documents that reveal her financial corruption and falsification of government documents.

In 2017 there IS A SerIouS threat to military confrontation between India and China due to the latter using Pak Occupired Kashmir against India


wasteland.From December 2017 – possibly into

mid-2018 – there will be a worldwide flu-like epidemic from a strange disease that attacks the immune system and will kill many in the third world.

For games buffs, there is some good news. Year 2017 will see the launch of new virtual reality games and cinema. This will be hailed as a great cultural leap forward and will take off on a massive

Economic troubles and

violent rioting

USA will become

politically divided

China-USA conflict as satellite computers are hacked

March to spiritual Golden Age

Japan to initiate arms race

Euro crashes and Economic chaos in

Europe. fire in a famous German





of flu-






new year astrology special SuB-huMan PredictorSW hiLE enjoying a trip to Chowki Dhani in Rajasthan with my wife, i, out of curiosity,

put myself in front of a Parrot Astrologer, i never believed in these things at that time. The green feathered, red beaked creature came out in a regal style and picked a fortune card for me. it got its reward which it anticipated and swiftly went back to its cage. The reading for me in that card was that soon i will have my own business and quite a few will earn their living through that business. i flashed the bird a a smile of disbelief, paid it the due honouring, and passed on. Me in business? No way! i was very happy and satisfied with my high flying job.

Time passed and my life changed, i did

to fame for correctly tipping Portugal to win the Euro 2016 football championship last summer.

DEEP SEA CLAIrvOyAnTPaul the octopus from Germany had a 100 per cent record of predictions in all the German matches in the FiFA World Cup in south Africa, 2012. First was the match between Germany and England.

Two boxes with the national flags of England and Germany were dipped in his aquatic home. Paul sucked open and put itself inside the box with the German flag. Germany won the match 4-1. second, against Argentina. This time too Paul backed Germany, and Lo! the team won 4-0. Third, match against spain. it was revenge time for the Germans who had

lost to spain in the Euro 2008 finals. But alas, this time the psychic squid deserted Berlin by sucking out the spanish flag. spain won 1-0, a repeat of the Euro 2008 final. A dissapointing end to Germany’s World Cup campaingn.

‘OrAnGuTAnS nEvEr LIE’The cute little ape, from shiyanhu Ecological Tourism Park in China, is the latest psychic critter to have gained fame since Paul the Octopus.

There is a proverb in China, “Orangutans never lie.” And it may well hold true, at least for Tuah. KUTV, reported that animals at the hogle Zoo in Utah have correctly predicted the super Bowl championship results for the past eight years.

This year, a 15-month-old orangutan named Tuah selected the Panthers by tapping a Carolina paper mache helmet.

The stats and this monkey are both in favour of the Carolina Panthers to beat the Denver Broncos in super Bowl 50. And this actually happened. Just check out the results!

so who all are these creatures. Are they really gifted by some supernatural powers or they are just some fallen souls who have lost their higher soul journey and are back in the lower echelons of evolution of the spiecies to pass their spiritual test, or they are just telling us humans to understand and believe in the cosmic conciousness and be one with the same? The debate is on.

So who Are theyAre they really gifted by supernatural powers, or they are some fallen souls who lost their soul journeys to pass

more spiritual tests?

In the world where human beings are trying to sneak into their destiny through human astrologers, evidence is mounting that animals, perhaps souls who slipped in their spiritual journeys, are also aligned to cosmic conciousness and can predict the future OMG!

Truths From Fallen realms

frequency, embedded in its body. This frequency acts as a guiding mechanism throughout its life. so the birds fly in exactly the same geomagnetic frequency and there is no accident. Just imagine you and i getting this frequency, and there will be no accident! so that means in the hierarchy of evolution, though birds and animals are lower to humans, but somehow it seems that the higher Conciousness have given them some intelligence so that they can be on their own and pass their test of evolution to survive in the race of existence. Around the world many stories were heard of many animals and sea creatures who are connected to perhaps some thing more than just Geomagnetic Frequency, and seem to have predicting coming events. here are some of them.

MOnkEy GEDA TrIuMPHSA monkey named Geda from China succesfully predicted the victory of Donald Trump in the Us presidential polls, just as many human astrologers did. Two cutouts of Donald Trump and hillary Clinton were placed in front of him, Geda jumped and kissed the one of Donald Trump and later picked Donald’s plackard. The election results muddled gerenal people and political ananlysts alike and many big astrologers too failed, Geda was 10/10. This mystic monkey shot

launch my own business and it helped me to serve society by employing people, but i had almost forgotten the sweet little parakeet, so ungrateful i was! (Da Kuan Shu, i ask for greatest forgiveness). so, was the little bird picking up my card a mere coincidence or was the bird in some connect with something higher? What’s the science behind this?

During my classes in Jyotish Alankar, we were told birds and animals can

predict many earth events like earthquakes and weather. Lots of scientific proof is available on this. Many say that if animals behave strangely, then some natural catastrophe like earthquakes will happen. it is also seen that thousands of birds take off together but they do not collide with each other. The science behind this is that when a bird comes out of the egg and is ready to fly, it gets the flash of geomagnetic

Top Left: Geda kissing Donald Trump’s statue. Top Right: Psychic Paul. Right: A common view in many parts of India. Left page, The cute little Tuah, the orangutan

By SATyA DATTAsatya Datta (a.k.a Satyajit Datta) is Numerologist, student

of astrology, Reiki Grand Master, Filmmaker, Entreprenuer and searcher of mystical truths. He also has more than

16 years of experience in media and publishing. He is also currently fuctioning as a Design Editor with Parliamentarian.

His email ID is [email protected]



O Da









vivek Nigam has an unerring eye for the unusual, and most of his photo frames, somewhat like legendary humanist photographer Henri Cartier-bresson, catch life at an angle that many lensmen would not have noticed. one of his prime attractions is people in motion, like this opening photo. it is amazing the way the motion has been captured as a silhouette with a blazing backdrop. or take the four pictures in the next two pages, which has motion in four different scenarios, self-explanatory once you see the pix. one of the cutest photos is of the muslim sibling in a ferries wheel. and motion in commotion is seen in the rickshawalla carting a huge Hanuman idol. recepient of numerous awards, the alumnus of Central university of allahabad is working with popular Hindi daily amara ujala


photo feature vivek nigAM


mORNiNg aT bhaRaTPuRgLIDINg CatCH quTub aND a KiTe

mOviNg The faiThful ‘mObile’ aT Taj

life aND DeaThmOTheR NaTuRe

photo feature vivek nigAM


photo feature vivek nigAM


TaRaNa mySTique tWO INNOCENtsThe fORbiDDeN PeeP


photo feature vivek nigAM

imagiNaTiON: SKy’S The limiT

feRRyiNg gOD

STReeT bliSSRaj TRaPPiNgSah! SOme fReSh aiR


photo feature vivek nigAM

femme faTale

Ram Rajya DuRga mai Ki...SiNDuR Khela jOy Of DevOTiON



mORNiNg aT bhaRaTPuR

By Dr PArMAnAnDA AryAHe is a renowned and trusted name in the

field of Astrology. He is popular for his simple but very effective remedies. He has 30

years experience in Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology , Vastu & Occult science. He is

PhD in Physics yet has been passionately conducting research in Vedic Astrology and Occult Science since 1985. Dr.Parmanand

was born in a family where astrology was in the blood. A well renowned and a strong

name in the field of astrology

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Aries Sign)With significant yogas like Budhaditya yoga and Vimal yoga in transit, there are indications that you can finish some important jobs during 2017. Yet, everyone will have to be careful about his health.

MOnEy New sources of income will be created and savings will also grow. But, you are advised to desist from entering into business partnerships or risky ventures due to the positions of Rahu and Venus. rELATIOnSHIPS There will be family harmony. There may be addition in the number of family members - either there will be a marriage in the family or a birth. The New Year will dish out a mixed menu for love birds. Married couples may have some differences in the beginning of the year and unmarried people may not enjoy good relations with people of the opposite sex. They might even earn a bad name from this. DOs White eatables should be fed to animals or donated on Friday. Prayers should be offered to Dakshinavarti Ganesha. sapphire should be worn in the middle finger. DOnTS Don’t eat rice, curd and salt on Fridays. Before starting any work, don’t unnecessarily discuss about it with those not involved in your work. Desist from showing off and altercations. AuSPICIOuS DAyS Monday, Thursday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 02, 03 and 08AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Yellow, Orange and Blue

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Taurus Sign)MOnEy First half of the year will be normal for you but the second half will be very good. You can retrieve the money stuck for a long time and even get hurdles out of your way. With Karmesh and Bhagyesh in transit and

auspiciousness of saturn, there are indications of new sources of income, but Rahu’s position might cause some worries as it could delay some important works. Your rivals in the workplace might impede your work. You will, however, certainly emerge a winner if you remain patient and work to a plan. Blindly trusting a colleague might be harmful for you. rELATIOnSHIPS The year will hide well for family affairs. There are indications of auspicious occasions and arrival of even a new guest in the family. Jupiter and Mercury will be exchanging places providing great relief to people bitten by love bug. This year will bring mixed results for women and students.

new-year astrology special Vedic aStrology

The eve of every New Year raises questions in most people’s minds about what next, what’s coming this year… fortunes? Love? foreign travel? Wedding? Education? Business? Aside of the more or less political predictions that informs this edition of Parliamentarian, here’s a general view of what RK Laxman’s ‘Common Man’ can expect, based on the position of Moon in the Rashi in your birth chart. If you do not know as yet, please try to find out now


Commonly speaking…

DOS Donate or feed green eatables to animals. Be cautious with your words. Wear red coral stone (Moonga) in your ring finger. DOnTS Don’t reveal your weaknesses in front of others, avoid altercations, don’t disobey elders. AuSPICIOuS DAyS Tuesday, Thursday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 03, 09 and 08AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Yellow, Red and Blue

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Gemini Sign)MOnEy This year will be satisfying in terms of business and job because of Jupiter and Mercury. You might not get too much money but money will continue to flow at regular intervals. Because of saturn’s sadhe sati (the

seven-year cycle) and Moon’s influence in the second held of the year works might be delayed or there might be some struggle as well. Don’t shy from hard work. The hard work being put up at present is bound to give returns that too with interest. Be cautious while investing because this is not the right time for risk-taking. Avoid indulging into wasteful works and keep emotions in check.rELATIOnSHIPS You will find affection from children and relatives but Planetary position favours people in love. Those who have attained marriageable age will get married this year. it’s a very auspicious year for students. DOS Fast on Mondays and donate or feed white eatables to animals, be on guard against hidden enemies and put on 12-faced Rudraksh. DOnTS Avoid extreme emotions, avoid risky actions and investments, don’t let your mood come in the way of achieving targets.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Wednesday, Thursday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 05, 03 and 08AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Green, Orange and Blue

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Cancer Sign)MOnEy Mercury and Jupiter are combining to bestow their special grace on you. This year will be especially beneficial to you from economic and political point of view. You will get various opportunities to reap profit this

year. it will also contribute immensely to your morale, stature, credibility and treasure. You might get sudden windfall or share in ancestral property besides cooperation of senior officials and people. however, negativity of saturn and Mars will result in

physical and mental problems. rELATIOnSHIPS Family atmosphere will remain congenial, but later half of the year might bring in uncalled for altercations with parents or teachers. Except for few initial months this year will be favourable for love birds. People already in love will find getting deeper. They will also find affection from near and dear ones. if you are a student, the New Year will bring you message of success. DOs: Light a mustard oil earthen lamp in West direction on saturday or donate to a sweeper. Wear an 8-faced Rudraksha and chant Gayatri mantra.DOnTS Don’t have a business partnership with relatives, don’t foul mouth or accuse somebody, don’t run around too much and avoid unnecessary tension. AuSPICIOuS DAyS Monday, Tuesday and FridayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 02, 03 and 07AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Red, White and sky Blue

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Leo Sign)MOnEy since Mars in transit and sun are favourable this year for our business and income, so what ever you are planning to do be hopeful that your business and career will give you better opportunities and growth. Unexpected

donation and fame, besides start of a new work, is anticipated. Women, especially working women, can expect a promotion or improvement in their situation.Negativity caused by Jupiter and Ketu might give you unnecessary physical and mental problems. But if you tackle problems with patience and calm, your income is bound to go up. You might get rid of an old loan, if you have one. rELATIOnSHIP Family life might see some ups and downs but your children will bring in happiness and peace. On the health front, you will get mixed results. Therefore, be cautious with your health and devote some time to your body as well. it’s a good year for love to blossom. if you have remained deprived of love or marriage so far, this year will certainly be fruitful. DOS Don’t return home empty handed. if you can’t find anything else, at least pick up a piece of paper, control your emotions and emotions, don’t harbour enmity with any member of in-laws side. DOnTS When travellimg, avoid a speeding vehicle, fracas and crowded areas, control your emotions and don’t express your weakness to anyone, be aware of strangers you meet, don’t get intimate with them. AuSPICIOuS DAyS sunday, MondayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 01, 02, 04 and No 7AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Golden, Yellow, White







(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Virgo Sign)MOnEy This year will bring mixed results or you. You won’t have to take much trouble about money. Even stuck money can be retrieved with a little effort. You will remain enthused towards new works the whole year. You

will get inspiration for an auspicious or spiritual work. Trust your strengths and works and leave a few things to time and be patient. Though expenditure on luxury will increase, yet money will keep streaming in. rELATIOnSHIPS A good year for family life. You might feel a difference in the attitude of some family members but you should use your brain and patience to solve family matters. Antagonism of Rahu will make you concentrate more on health-related issues. sometimes your own apprehensions about an unknown issue might find you in a confused state. Maintain patience and calm. This year has lots in store for the youth and women. For married people this year will remain pleasant. There will be warmth in personal relations. Auspicious year for students especially second half of the year it might bring in good news for students. Keep moving toward the target. DOS Offer water to the sun, avoid lethargy and dilly-dallying, wear emeraldDOnTS Don’t keep watch/clock that is not working, remove broken furniture from home, don’t let unnecessary things cloud your mind, keep your mind cool, don’t stay with wife’s brother or son-in-law, nor do let them stay with you. AuSPICIOuS DAyS Monday, Wednesday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 05, 03 and 09AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Red, Green and White

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Libra Sign)MOnEy This year is very auspicious for your work and business because saturn is in transit making a Rajyoga making a sthan Parivartan Mahayoga with the swami of Dhan bhav. Therefore, this year will bring in enough money,

luxury, promotion, ascension, respect and enhancement in stature. People in jobs will see beneficial transfers, sales or purchases of house and vehicle, streaming of money and good celebrations at home. rELATIOnSHIPS Antagonism of Rahu-Ketu and adversity of Mars will cause stomach ailments, tension caused by adversaries and economic issues might cause some disturbance but you will

manage due to your inner strength. The year is good for love affairs, and will give good results to youth and students. Will be beneficial for those who want to study abroad. DOS donate red eatables or feed them to animals on Tuesday, wear gomed (hessonite garnet or zircon) and maintain good relations with wife and her mother. DOnTS Don’t let unnecessary worries overpower you, don’t take family feuds seriously, beware of strangers.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Monday, Friday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 06, 02 and 08AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Light yellow, black and Blue

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Scorpi Sign)MOnEy First half of the year will be full of struggles and challenges because of various effects of saturn’s transit. Unnecessary expenditures, opposition from enemies and delay in important projects might disturb you. But, second

half of the year will bring in lot of good news. Beneficial travel, enhanced stature, expansion of work area, meeting a beneficial person and expenditure in social and luxurious things are indicated. health will remain normal and family atmosphere will be full of fun and harmony.rELATIOnSHIPS Antagonism of Mars and Mercury might bring hiccups in your partnership. Don’t be in haste in snapping ties or relationship with anybody as it might cause problems. This year will deliver good result to the youth and students.DOS Fast in Wednesday and plant trees, be cautious about real estate deals and help junior staff economically. DOnTS Don’t trust anyone blindly, don’t make risky investments, avoid multi-tasking.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Thursday, Friday and saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 06, 03 and 08AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Green, Yellow and Blue-white

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Sagittarius Sign)MOnEy The year can be quite advantageous for you but only if you use your own brain. There are indications of start of new works, beneficial change of place, auspicious occasions, unprecedented gains and deepening of

relationships. There may be long-term gains due to meeting with some important or political person. You can get rid of an old ailment on your own.

rELATIOnSHIPS Adverse moon is not too gainful for family life and health. There may be some skin or nerve-related problem and may cause mental agony and excessive expenditure. This may cause temporary disturbance but you will soon overcome this. People in love will the find first half of the year conducive to them. Young persons of marriageable age might get married with some effort. This year will see love blossoming in life of married persons too. students are likely to get good results in the first half of the year. Wasting time doesn’t portend well for your future. DOS Give up ego and be polite, avoid extravagant expenses and feuds, wear manikya (ruby)DOnTS Don’t take rivals lightly, don’t show weakness to anybody, don’t make close relatives business partner.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Wednesday, Thursday and sundayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 05, 03 and 01AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Red, Violent and Blue-green

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Capricorn Sign)MOnEy This year is more auspicious for you than last year which you have faced. You will remain excited the whole year about new activities. This year indicates a positive change in work area, a promotion in your job is

indicated. Also accumulated wealth is indicated. But sadhe satti (seven and half years of Saturn, before and after bhavas from the RAshi in which Moon is present, approximately 2 two and half years in each Rashi) of saturn in last few months of the year may result in excessive expenditure be prepared for the same. Great delay in important projects and certain other negative effects may also effect you. But, apart from this sade sati of saturn the year 2017 is good for the family and health. rELATIOnSHIPS There will be gaiety in your house and growth in your reputation and stature. Except for last few months, whole year will be conducive to love and relationships. This year will bring good results for students. A long journey too is indicated.DOS Light up an earthen lamp with mustard oil in the West on saturday, wear Ganesh Rudraksha, maintain your concentration.DOnTS Avoid enmity from any of your in laws, avoid tension and unnecessary running around and don’t be very angry or extra tolerant.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Friday, saturdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 6, 8AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Creamy-white, Grey

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Aquarius Sign)MOnEy Beneficial to you. small efforts can result in galvanising works pending for a long time. sudden windfall or gain of ancestral property besides cooperation from senior government officials.

rELATIOnSHIPS Lesser joy in your married life .There could be some health related issues as well. so do spend some time on your health and relations. Over dependence is not good for you. Time is good for love affairs. The year will be overall good for women and students. DOS Give a thought before embarking upon risky investments or works. Don’t trust anyone blindly, be on the guard against enemies in work place DOnTS Avoid lethargy. Don’t foul mouth or blame others. Don’t enter into business partnerships with relatives.AuSPICIOuS DAyS Friday, saturday, WednesdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 5, 6, 8AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Creamy White, Grey, Light Green

(For those people in whose birth chart Moon is in Pisces Sign)MOnEy Kalsharpadosh (when all the seven planets comes between or are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu, where Rahu is considered serpent’s head and Ketu is dragon’s tail) and adversity of Mars will make you

struggle a bit but favourable position of Mercury and sun will get you all you deserve. You will get enough money, luxury, promotion, progress, respect and stature only if you keep an eye on your targets. help from a big or government personnel and also of a windfall gain, change in place to a beneficial position and generation of new sources of income. rELATIOnSHIPS Mix results for family and health. second half of the year might bring in some skin or stomach-related issues. TMixed results may be expected for live birds. Will have lot of things in store for students. Do not waste their time. DOS Donate to a sweeper or light an earthen lamp with til-oil in nairitya direction, be in guard against your rivals and hidden enemies, wear 16-face Rudraksha.DOnTS Avoid risky projects and investments and also unnecessary altercations. AuSPICIOuS DAyS Tuesday, ThursdayAuSPICIOuS nuMBErS 3, 6 AuSPICIOuS COLOurS Yellow, Cream.

new-year astrology special Vedic aStrology









By SAnDHyA AHujASandhya is a Numerologist, Crystal Ball

Gazer, Past Life Regression Therapist, Soul Communicator, Tarot Reader,

Angel Therapist and Reiki Practitioner. She is practicing for many years and

guiding many of the top celebrities. Her email: [email protected]

new year astrology special 2017 tarot PredictionS for Sun SignS

Tarot is just not a pick of cards, its attuning to the cosmic conciousness to received guidance for on issues that seem to be puzzling, so here are some insights

on the Cards…

ruler: MarsElement: FireColour: RedDay: TuesdayLucky number: 1, 9Best for Marriage and Partnership: Libra

Strength: Courageous, optimistic, and honestWeakness: impatient, aggressive, and moodyLikes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, individual sportsDislikes: inactivity, delays, work that does not use one’s talentsPredictions and Guidance: First three months of the year brings opportunities, success and progress. indicates marriage and child birth strongly. Take blessings from feminine energies. The 2nd, 3rd & 4th month of the year brings drastic changes in life for better. Major transformation period. You will experience stability in career. Finances, relationships, healthy partnerships. This period again blesses childbirth. Whatever your heart desires, it shall be granted in the coming months. Projects will move forward finally. Wishes fulfilled. Proceeding further 6th, 7th and 9th month indicates to slow down. Caution. Don’t jump to conclusions. Put extra efforts to your work & if slacking off. Pull up your sleves before permanent damage is done to your career. if in relationship, this can be a make-up or break-up period. illness & injury indicated. Go to the roots of physical problem. Take talk therapy.

ruler: VenusElement: EarthColour: Blue, Pink, GreenDay: Friday, MondayLucky number: 2, 4, 6,11,20,29,37,47,56Best for marriage &

partnerships: scorpioStrength: Reliable, patent, practical, denoted, stableWeakness: stubborn, possessive, uncompromisingLikes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothesDislikes: sudden changes, synthetic fabrics, insecurity of any kindPredictions and Guidance: start of the year brings stability and efficiency. The first three months speak of harmony, power, partnerships, overseas travel, success, mutual affinity. Possibilities of reconciliations of broken relationships and a quarrel is resolved. Marriage can happen. Guard against mood swings as this can cause delay in sectors of your life. The 4th, 5th & 6th month indicates that current tensions will soon be resolved. Unhappy relationships will improve; financial problems will get over bringing prosperity & new goals suggest new career & business with foreign travel. Time of transition, enjoying such good time can make you fall into temptations, addiction and unethical behavior. You can be in a situation of being trapped. Obstacles will come up but a women will come to your aid helping you come out of this situation illness indicated.

AjAy DEvGAn A very auspicious year but to invest in projects with

great caution

rAnI MukHArjEE Wish fulfillment year.

Bring stability in her life and career

Aries Celebrities

vArun DHAWAn very auspicious year. Will get successfull hits in all

your movies

AnukSHA SHArMAYou will buy properties this year. Unexpected wishes

will be fulfilled

Taurus Celebrities

ArIeS tAuruS(March 21- April 19) (April 20 - May 20)

ruler: MemoryElement: AirColour: Green, YellowDay: WednesdayLucky numbers: 3, 8, 12, 23Best for marriage and partnership: sagittarius

Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, adaptable, ability to learn quickly, curiousWeakness: Nervous, indecisiveLikes: Music, books, travellingDislikes: Being alone, repetition and routinePredictions and Guidance: start of the year brings abundance fertility, expansion and fulfillment in all aspects of your life. Marriage or start of a new relationship can happen. Opportunities abound. in spite of this good time in the first three months you will feel to be self trapped by fears, insecu rities mental agony. situation is not that bad as you fear. Temporary illness indicated. The 4th, 5th & 6th months bring new opportunities. indicates happy memories. Past lovers connected. Will receive unexpected good news. But, read and check every

kArAn jOHAr New movies will be great hits in box office. Take care of your

health specially

SOnAM kAPOOr Years of more recognition

and fame. Take care of legal issues that might arise

Gemini Celebrities


document you sign. signs of betrayal. Period of uncertainty. Lack of clarity on issues. hidden health problems arise. But you will come out of this phase and experience harmony. Birth of child indicated. in 7th, 8th & 9th months you will be juggling to create balance in all sectors of your life. inability to cope up with relationship issues. Period of negative emotions but all this is temporary. You will soon be stable in life and enjoy success. indicates promotions. The last three months indicate sudden unexpected mishaps and ill health. Major changes in life. Period of detachment. But soon tensions will be over you enjoy new beginnings. Time showers material gains.

(May 21 - June 20)

ruler: MoonElement: WaterColour: Orange, whiteDay: Monday, ThursdayLucky number: 2,7,11,16,20,25Best for Marriage and Partnership: Capricorn

Strength: Tenacious, loyal, emotional, highly imaginative, persuasiveWeakness: Moody, pessimistic, manipulative, suspicious, insecure

rAnvEEr SInGHYou may be moving to a new position. Sign of turn for the

better in terms of fortune

PrIyAnkA CHOPrAYou will initiate new

projects. Opportunities will be plenty. Apply caution

Cancer Celebrities


Likes: Art, relaxing near or in water, good meal with friends, helpingDislikes: strangers, any criticism of mom, revealing of personal lifePredictions and Guidance: 2017 for you starts with warnings. First three months bring stress, ill health. Expenses will be high, there will be financial crunch. Time indicates burden connected with power. share your responsibilities. The 4th, 5th, & 6th month also indicate time of frustration. Make efforts. A period of self-deception and illusion. But in spite of all this, you would be able to create stability in your life. You will direct your energies in the right direction for success. The 7th, 8th & 9th months indicates turning point in life. Problems have been overcome and the goal is in sight. Travel, transfer, change of places or home is indicated. Message of victory, love & romance. Can buy a vehicle. Finally the last three months bring you an auspicious time. stability in all areas of life. increase in salary or a promotion. Relationships will get stable and romance may lead to marriage. Purchase of property or you might buy a home. Exercise moderation or you may come to regret your expenditures. Birth of a child indicated during this period.

(June 21 - July 22)


new-year astrology special 2017 tarot PredictionS for Sun SignS

ruler: sunElement: FireColour: Gold, orange, White, RedDay: sundayLucky number: 1,4,10,13,19,22Best for marriage &

partnership: AquariusStrengths: Creative, passionateWeakness: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexibleLikes: Theatre, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colours, fun with friendsDislikes: Being ignored, facing reality, not being treated like a kind or queenPredictions and Guidance: start of the year brings abundance, prosperity, stability, travel. New opportunities. Pregnancy indicated. The first three months bring positive time period ending restlessness. Conflict at work. Avoid over spending. Be cautious with contracts. Things will come by hard work not luck. The 4th, 5th & 6th month brings a period of negative emotions. inability to cope up

kAjOL Will explore a new creativity. Illness indicated. Avoid over


SAnjAy DuTT Year of multiple experiences

- abundance, stability, unexpected good messages

Leo Celebrities


with relationship issues. A failure and loss of some kind. You will face humiliation and arguments. Period of mourning. seek advice from a spiritual mentor. The 7th, 8th and 9th month finally brings social activities, romance, business expansion, emotional attachments and travel in your life. But maintain caution in all sectors of your life. A legal situation may arise. Past efforts will bring good results. The start of 10th month brings detachment but all this has finally given you the life experience and made you mature. soon this period ends bring in last two months a very auspicious time. Time of new beginnings and celebrations. Gatherings can take place.

(July 23 - August 22)

ruler: MercuryElements: Earth Colour: White, Yellow, Beige, Forest GreenLucky Day: WednesdayLucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50Best for marriage &

Partnership: PiscesStrengths: Loyal, analytical Weaknesses: shyness, worry, all work and no play, overly critical of self and others

AkSHAy kuMAr You have power for action. Directing energies in right

direction will help

kArEEnA kAPOOrBrings unexpected good news. Indicates birth of a

child and prosperity

virgo Celebrities


Likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanlinessDislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking centre stage Predictions and Guidance: New Year starts with balance in your life. Work will be a lot smoother. Don’t judge a book by its cover. if someone is interested in you give him a chance. This relationship could be just what you are looking for. Do not cling to past memories and feel sad. The 4th 5th and 6th month indicates restlessness and demands efforts as you will face challenges. Competition at work. You will be in a defensive mode. Give space to your partner. All these changes are temporary. soon you will enjoy abundance and prosperity. Money will be available and new opportunities will knock your door. Pregnancy indicated. The 7th 8th and 9th month warns you to be sincere in your work and relationship. Expenses will be very high but money still would be flowing to you. A destructive situation is over. Period indicates lots of travel with business signals new blessings. The last three months indicate obstacles and disputes in all areas of your life. Brings delays. Frustrations process of aggressive litigation and loneliness. soon this temporary phase gets over and brings you success wealth and prosperity. You shall buy a property. Caution. Do not behave aggressively.

(August 23 - September 22)

ruler: Ruler: VenusElement: AirColour: Blue, GreenDay: FridayLucky number: 6,15,24,33,42,51,60Best for marriage &

partnership: AriesStrengths: Co-operative, diplomatic, gracious, social, far mindedWeakness: indecisive, will carry a grudge, self-pity, confrontationsLikes: harmony, gentleness, outdoors, sharing with othersDislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformityPredictions and Guidance: New Year starts bringing an opportunity to expand your effectiveness in the world. Business, financial prosperity and stability come. soon you would be dealing with conflicts at work. Expect some negative messages. if single, go out and mingle. slight conflicts in relationships. it demands some space for both.

A period of traumatic emotional experiences. Pregnancy indicated. 4th, 5th & 6th month indicates you juggling with options which make you indecisive. investment suggested. Auspicious months. Whishes fulfilled. Lucky time. Marriage can happen. Pregnancy indicated.

if you don’t want to be a parent be triple careful. True love would come your way. People are going to be more attracted towards you. The 7th, 8th & 9th month depicts a period of betrayal, loneliness, illness & injury. Bad investments. Loss of belongings & reversal of fortune. health can be a major point to be considered.

Things will not be moving in your life during this time. The last three months bring in confusions, tensions and problems in life. Do not remain blind folded. You could be the victim of someone’s evil intensions.

But this destructive situation could get over very soon and there will be new beginnings after a loss.

ruler: PlutoElement: WaterColour: scarlet, Red, RustDay: TuesdayLucky number: 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90Best for Marriage &

partnership: TaurusStrengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friendWeakness: Distrusting others, jealous, secretive, violentLikes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passionDislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, positive people.Predictions and Guidance: New year brings growth and business expansions but with lot of complex responsibilities that will lead to some stress. share your responsibilities. This is an motionally turbulent period. Facing stressful relationships. A challenging time in life is on. Trying to create balance. The 4th, 5th and 6th month brings good news of the beginning of all good things - love, beauty, care, health and joy. Pregnancy or child birth seems to be indicated. Marriage can happen. inheritance is indicated. Things will now not be as bad as you fear they may be. You will be gearing up in your life for much better things to come. The 7th, 8th & 9th month ushers in a super auspicious period. Destiny completely favours you and so your efforts will bear fruit sooner than you thought. A spirit of fortune comes in. Business and relationships will both prosper. This is your time for recekiving recognition. Good chances that you will enter exports. Exploration of new horizons. Put in your best efforts. A very spiritual and ‘Karmically’ oriented time. The last three months bring grief or setback. Will face a dominating relationship. health issues related to heart specially can arise. Feeling of detachment and loneliness sets in. But will still bring new creative ventures. A new career, business or a major change in life tyle is foreseen.

AMITABH BACHCHAn Take extra care of your health. Your long-time desire could be fulfilled

rEkHAPople to get more

attracted. Detachment, loneliness to haunt you

Libra Celebrities

AISWAryA rAI Avoid hasty decisions. New opportunities with rewards.

very lucky time

SHAH rukH kHAnA year of more recognition. Good fortune period. Share

your success with others

Scorpio Celebrities

lIBrA ScorPIo(September 23 - October 22) (October 23 - November 21)


new-year astrology special 2017 tarot PredictionS for Sun SignS

ruler: JupiterElement: FireColour: Violet, Purple, Red, PinkDay: ThursdayLucky number: 3,12,21,30

Best for Marriage and Partnerships: GeminiStrength: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humorWeakness: Promises more that can deliver, very impatientLikes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoorsDislikes: Clingy people, being constrained off the wall theories, detailsPredictions and Guidance: start of the year brings delay in financial gains. Mental restlessness and impulsiveness comes in. Give some space in your relationship. But soon fortune shifts bringing much prosperity. This suggests a new career and a major change in life tyle. harmony in all sector of your life. The 4th, 5th & 6th month indicates pleasure, abundance money. This is the best ime for you to reap rewards. Do not remain blindfolded. Period again changes for the worse and brings current plans and projects to a halt. sudden unexpected mishap may take place. Take care of health and your finances. For relationships this is a make or break period. You feel bound and restricted. seek the advice from your trusted spiritual mentor. in the 7th, 8th and 9th month, business and your personal life appears to be going through a stable phase. But a period of frustration lingers on bringing news of betrayal. A bad and difficult situation reaches its peak but soon ends and you very soon be gearing up in life experiencing some new horizons. health issues are on a peak point. The last 3 months bring a very positive time in your life. This for you is a period of success, victory, honour, promotion, public acclaim much awaited reward. Marriage can happen. Pregnancy news positive. Legal triumphs. Money will be available to you. Brings stability in all sectors of your life. Financial planning is advised.

ruler: Ruler: saturnElement: EarthColour: Brown, Grey, BlackDay: saturdayLucky number: 1, 4, 8,10,13,17,19,22,26

Best for Marriage and Partnership: CancerStrength: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managersWeakness: Know it all, unforgiving, expecting the worst, condescendingLikes: Family, tradition, music, quality craftsmanshipDislikes: Almost everything at some point of timePredictions and Guidance: The New Year 2017 indicates that till now whatever tensions you were carrying in the life may see a turnaround, your current tensions will soon transform into resolve. New beginnings and fresh hopes are seen on the cards. The relationships for which you were not so happy will improve. Many of yourt wises will be fulfilled. And the cards also so Rewards. Financial gains may give you some extra surprise in life. A marriage or stable relationship is possible. The Card says its a Lucky time for you, so be very very grateful to be connected with your inner core and the divine in you to receive the maximum benefit. For many of you looking forward for a family way, Pregnancy or child birth is indicated. some opposition & power struggles may be witnessed. some period of dillusionment may be there. Travel, transfer, change of place or home is indicated. The 7th, 8th & 9th month brings message of love. Opportunities abound. Loss of belongings. Foreign travel or business. Gearing towards new career or new beginnings. Guard against spoken words to avoid conflicts. in the last three months life would seem slow with less excitement. success in career, exams, business or personal plans. Your spark will be appreciated and recognised. Guard against your mood swings. Follow your intuition durting the time of disappointments that you may face.

Arjun rAMPAL A year of mixed emotions.

Brings recognition in abundance

DIyA MIrzAYou will explore new

business ventures. Your work will get recognition


DEEPIkA PADukOnE Overall a good year.

Promises more rewards and immense recognition

HrITIk rOSHAnYour dreams to come true. You will reap rewards of

your efforts

Capricorn Celebrities

SAgIttArIuS cAPrIcorn(November 22 - December 21) (December 22 - January 19)

ruler: Ruler: UranusElement: AirColour: Blue, Blue-Green, Grey, BlackDay: saturday, sundayLucky number: 4,8,13,17,22,26Best for marriage and

partnership: LeoStrength: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarianWeakness: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloofLikes: Fun with friends, helping, intellectual conversation, a good listenerDislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, boring situations, people who disagree with themPredictions and Guidance: start of the year opens new career, business & stability in all sectors of life. scholarships indicated. Money will be available. hard work indicated. Period also highlights a temporary phase of clashes & loss & humiliation. ‘Take it easy’ is the mantra. Take care of your health. Don’t overload yourself

jACkIE SHrOFF very stable time this year.

Share responsibilities. health can be a major concern

PrEITy zInTA Overall a promising year.

Relations would move more towards positivity

Aquarius Celebrities


with too much of burden at work. The 4th, 5th & 6th month brings reunion and harmony. Quarrel resolved. Marriage can happen. Birth of a child indicated. Lot of movement in this period. Gearing up to explore new horizons. The 7th, 8th & 9th month indicates a radical change, re-birth, renewal and transformation. End of past & beginning of something better. Pregnancy indicated. Marriage can happen. Leave your dictatorship or else you will have to suffer a setback. Growth in business & love relations. The last three months indicates fresh proposals, unexpected good news, and abundance. You will reach a peak time of your success in your life.

(January 20 - February 18)

ruler: NeptuneElement: WaterColour: Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, sea GreenDay: Thursday, MondayLucky number: 3, 7, 12, 16,21,25,30,34,43,52Best for Marriage and

partnership: VirgoStrength: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical, very helpful, intellectWeakness: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape

AAMIr kHAn This year destiny completely

favours you. Success and opportunities abound

kAnGAnA rAnAuTA very promising year. A shift of fortune. New relationship

knocks at your door

Pisces Celebrities


reality, can be a victim or a martyrLikes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, spiritual themes, swimming, reading, writingDislikes: Know it all, being criticized, past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kindPredictions and Guidance: New Year starts with starts with indications of a very auspicious time. Abundance, fertility, expansion and fulfillment in all aspects of life. indicates balance in love. Reunions. Partnerships in business. Money & opportunities will be available. Marriage can happen. The 4th, 5th & 6th month indicates business success. Nothing seems impossible to you. indicates marriage and childbirth. You would be about to fall in love. But don’t be over-confident as there is slight sign of unpleasant results. Professional advancement & promotions. The 7th, 8th & 9th month says destiny completely favours you. Luck period in life. success & a high self esteem. A shift of fortune. Time to reap rewards but take care of your health. Emotional disturbances can be there. shows possessiveness towards material world. Do some charity. sign of illness or injury. The last three months indicate opposition in all sectors of life. Views differ. Arguments arise. struggle continues.

(February 19 - March 20)


BATUK MAhARAJ, a high-flying astrologer character, played by saurabh shukla in the film Lage Raho Munna Bhai, gives a satirical insight into

superstitions and the control of an astrologer over his

new year astrology special reel-life aStrology

Charms fortheCharmers

By GEETA SInGHGeeta Singh has spent 20 years covering cinema, music and society, giving new dimensions to feature writing. She has to her credit the editorship of a film magazine. She is also engaged in exploring the

socio-economic diversity of Indian politics. She is the co-founder of Parliamentarian. She brings two bouquets on Change Makers in Sports and Entertainment

powerful client. This reel character gives real life glimpses of many celebrities. Their faith and beliefs are underscored by some of their peculiar belief that certain things will bring them perpetual luck.

it is interesting that the top men and women in their own fields too feel that certain things support their success. sachin Tendulkar, for instance, always put the pad on his left foot first. The Master Blaster believed that putting on his left pad first brings him luck. he also got his lucky bat repaired before the 2011 World Cup. saurav Ganguli always had his guru’s photo in his pocket during matches. Virat Kohli wears the same pair of ‘lucky’ gloves in the belief that it helps him score high in every match.

And Bollywood blast Bipasha Basu always carries nimbu mirchi (lemon and green chilli) with her. Ranveer singh ties a black string around his ankle and Arjun

Kapoor never lets go of his talisman gifted by his mom.

SAnjAy juMAAnINumerologist sanjay B Jumaani has made it big. he is consulted by businesses like Reliance industries, Birlas, Godrej Family, Kotak Mahindra Bank, haldiram’s, etc. and also celebrities such as the Vineet Jain, the Bachchans, salman Khan, Anil Kumble, Ajay Devgn, irrfan Khan, Ekta Kapoor and even Union minister smriti irani. Jumaani suggests changes in spellings of names, such the two ‘r’s in irrfan, along with changes in jewellery and wardrobe to usher in luck..

shahrukh Khan’s iPL team’s success is also connected to the suggestions of Jumaani. shahrukh consulted him when Knight Riders were at the bottom of iPL for four years and changed their jersey from black to purple, removed the sign of the skull from their helmets… the team picked up two trophies soon after.

As a matter of fact, sanjay B Jumaani has also changed his own name going by what the numbers say. he became sanjay B Jumaani with the ‘B’ (of his father) in between and the extra ‘a’ in Jumaani. his father Bansilal Jumani was also a numerologist. he got the taste of fame when he met Manmohan Desai. Three decades later on the suggestion of a friend Farhad Nathani, Bansilal along with his son sanjay started predicting the fate of films

due to be released. Nathani was impressed by Bansilal’s accuracy and introduced him to Rakesh Roshan, the movie director. The numerologist duo warned Roshan that ‘Kaho Na Pyar hai’ would not work. The numbers were not good. Then they put two ‘a’s in the title- Kaho Naa… Pyaar hai. The film was the massive hit.

OnE IS nOT EnOuGHTV czarina Ekta Kapoor is known for being zealously religious and superstitious. Jumaanis are not the only soothsayers she has. she has a long list of astrologers and numerologists. Generally, she is seen wearing black platform heels. As per sources, these platform sandals have been blessed by her personal astrologer. she has the sandals in several colours and always uses them whenever she has to attend any event or function.

Of late, Ekta’s family astrologer Janardhan told her that she is under the Rahu graha, and will continue to be so for the next 18 years. To reduce the negative effects of Rahu dasha he told Ekta to take care of Arowana fish. it is believed that these fishes absorb the planet’s negative

effect and if they die, the Rahu effect gets diminished. Ekta immediately kept six Arowana fishes in her Andheri office. A source said, “Ekta makes it a point to personally feed these fishes every day.” The

Jumaani reins at the top, not just in Bollywood. Even Mukesh Ambani launched his Jio 4G at the time prescribed by him

Ekta Kapoor is famous for her

superstition. At all events she only wears platform

heels blessed by her astrologer

They have charmed us, but they need their charms to protect them. Bollywood is notoriously fragile, hence most actors and actresses employ some form of luck-pushers



new year astrology special filMy aStrology

cost of Arowana fish is around Rs 55,000 to 60,000 each.significantly Arowana, a freshwater fish, native to

south East Asia has acquired popularity in india’s western region as an auspicious symbol. Arowanas are considered lucky by many people, particularly those from Asian cultures.

Now her serial Naagin is soaring high on TRP. And Ekta gives Anu Gaur, her astrologer, credit for this. Anu Gaur is everything in Ekta’s life at this moment. she consults the learned lady for every big or small decision both on the personal and professional front. she even gave a role to Anu in her serial Naagin.

Like Ekta Kapoor noted producers J. Om Prakash and Mohan Kumar too believed the success of their films depended on the letter ‘A’. Rakesh Roshan and Karan Johar had an obsession with a letter ‘K’. All the films of Rakesh Roshan start with letter K.

After coming out of jail sanjay Dutt was also seeking blessings of different gurus and astrologers. sanjay is worried about his career in filmdom as well as looking for other options to start a business. For this, he took advice from astrologer Jeetendra Patel. A source saying, “his astrologer has told sanju baba that financially, he is going to enter a brilliant phase, a period of stable income.

“she asked me to chant some mantras and locked me in. i was terrified. i didn’t do it and i came out and told her that i had. Then she started taking me to Pallavi, her astrologer friend, frequently. One day, Pallavi told me to go to a graveyard at 12 midnight and throw certain things there. i was chilled to the bone! i didn’t go.”

he said, “My mother was very worried and she called the family’s Panditji to come home and meet me. The first thing Panditji asked me was: “Khana banati hai tumhare liye?” When i said yes, he said, “Apna impure blood milati hai khaane mein black magic ke liye.” Being a metropolitan kid studying in London and New York, i was always away from such things.

“i remember going to my Tarot reader after she started making me doing pujas. she told me she sensed a woman from a pahadi (hill) region was employing black magic against me. i knew only one person back then, my girlfriend Kangana, who used to go to himachal for pujas there. My Tarot reader said she saw

something really bad happening and warned me to get out of the relationship.” The same Pandit later on came on salman’s Dus Ka Dum shoot. he looked at Kangana in the middle of the show and said: “Aap ka pishachini yog hai.” But the star simply laughed it off as some joke.

Power projects, food projects and hotel projects, he will excel in these. The Pandit has also told him that the actor’s wife, Maanayata is his Devi. in fact, he has asked sanjay to start all his projects in her name.”

‘BLACk’ kAnGAnABut while most people deploy such powers for their personal fame and money, there is the curious case of Kangana ranaut and her black magic.

Recently, the enfant terrible Kangana Ranaut flew to Manali to visit her astrologer to get advice for her personal and professional life. And this, when the hrithik Roshan-Kangana Ranaut legal battle is playing out in the media. Will hrithik survive her powers?

Not long ago Kangana’s ex-beau Adhyaman suman spoke about her weird behaviour. Adhyaman disclosed some demoniac and spooky details about Kangana. in an interview, he broke his silence after seven years.

“One day Kangana called me home in the night for a puja. i reached at 11.30 pm as the puja was to start at 12 midnight. she had a small guest room in her apartment and she had covered it in black, including the curtains. There were some idols and holy fire all around. some of the objects were scary.

Kangana’s ex-beau Adhyaman Suman has said that she asked him to do strange things, and his family priest says she feeds him to pass on her bad blood to him

Their Talismans

Shakun, Apshakun, kala tika, tabeez, Nazardosh these are some of the favourite words of hindi Tv serials. But our Bollywood stars too are driven by rigid beliefs, quirky superstitions and lucky charms.

Amitabh Bachchan

When Bachchan was passing through the worst period of his career due to the bad conditions of ABCL, he was advised by the astrologer to wear sapphire ring. Then Kaun Banega Crorepati happened in his life which marked a miraculous return back to stardom. Big B wears two watches on the same wrist and carries three cell

phones. And he doesn’t watch the live telecast of cricket matches. for, he believes that leads to the team’s loss.

Salman khan

Salman never forgets to wear the turquoise bracelet. It was a gift from his father Salim Khan. The actor

has confessed that initially he just wore it as a fashion accessory. But it was after the success

of his film Tere Naam that Salman started believing that the precious stone in the bracelet was attracting positive energies.

Shahrukh khan

Shahrukh’s fascination with the number 555 is not a secret anymore. he has this special three digit number for his fleet of cars. Even in his blockbuster Chennai Express, his bike had a number plate of 555. Previously he insisted that his passion to buy cars with the number 555 isn’t a superstition but a style statement. But now he doesn’t shy away from admitting 555 as his lucky number.

Aamir khan

Aamir considers Christmas as his lucky charm to release his films. Dangal, PK, Taare zameen Par, Ghajini,

Three Idiots, Dhoom 3 all his blockbusters released

around Christmas.

Akshay kumarNowadays Akshay

Kumar’s films earn more than 100 crores. And he has a very peculiar belief

that if he stays during his film release the film flops. So during release of his film he

tries to stay out of India.

Hrithik roshan

Since the first film Kaho Naa Pyaar hai hrithik Roshan put his makeup in front of the same mirror. he finds this mirror as his lucky charm.

raj kapoor

known as a great showman of hindi film industry Raj Kapoor was not immune to superstition. If someone sneezed while taking shot then he would stop shooting take time for a while put ‘Lights Off’ for

two minutes and resumed shooting. Similarly, he had a blind belief that if his heroine wears white sari the film will be hit. So in his films there was always one scene of a heroine in a white sari.

Lucky charms, talismans, numbers and days… even black magic… Bollywood’s gliteratti take all these seriously



HACkInG HEATin the Forbes list, Russian President vlaDimir PuTiN is the world’s most powerful person in 2016. Putin has been number one for three consecutive years. But last year for Americans he was an epicenter of the alleged controversies related to hacking and leaked emails. Us intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Trump defeat hillary Clinton, and not just to undermine confidence in the Us electoral system. But Putin’s ties to newly elect President-elect Donald Trump and potential members of his administration have been a rallying point for opponents and a signal of changing relationships for supporters.

L’AFFAIr MyTHICAL?One scandal refuses to die down. Recently, KaNGaNa raNauT spoke openly about her alleged affair with actor HriTHiK roSHaN. she claimed to have felt naked in front of the whole world when the emails she sent to hrithik were leaked to the media. in this messy and volatile episode between hrithik and Kangana, where many emails and photos were leaked, the fact of the matter is that a huge part of the alleged relationship seemed to have transpired on emails. There are no pictures of the actors together outside the professional stage in their alleged relationship that spanned many years. Now their is a legal battle on. And this comes at a time when hrithik’s next film ‘Kabil’ is going to open in January next year.

OvErnIGHT SEnSATIOnKaNHaiya Kumar paved the way to politics through his offensive comments linked with the case of ‘Anti-national’ slogans at JNU. he became an overnight sensation when he was arrested on the charge of sedition. The student leader who has always been critical of Narendra Modi was later roped in by the Left to campaign for assembly elections in Kerala and West Bengal. With more than 50,000 followers on Twitter and a biographical book titled “From Bihar to Tihar”, Kanhaiya Kumar has made his space through strife.

FLAk FOr HuMOurTaNmay bHaTT of AiB fame is caught in a controversy over his crude jokes titled “sachin v/s Lata Civil War” posted on snapchat last year. in the video, Tanmay was seen taking jibes at 86-year-old melody queen Lata Mangeshkar and 43-year-old cricketing legend sachin Tendulkar. A police complaint was also filed against him as he faced the wrath of political parties. Tanmay with his AiB buddies has given a new definition to black humor in india. Young viewers welcomed their irreverent humour. But his jokes attracted flak that resulted in more than a dozen FiRs against him.

DruGS, BEAuTy AnD TEnnISThe Russian former world number one and the richest woman athlete in the history of tennis, maria SHaraPova was handed a two-year drug ban following a positive test for the drug meldonium. her ban was later reduced to the fifteen months. One of the golden girls of tennis, sharapova’s reputation suffered a damaging blow with news of a failed doping test at last year January’s Australian Open. she was the world’s highest-paid female athlete for 11 straight years until her ban, had retained major sponsorships with Nike, Porsche and Evian Water. Though sportswear giant Nike stood by sharapova, others swiftly terminated their contracts. But five Grand slam winner sharapova has the potential to be back in competitive play in time for the 2017 French Open.

BLABBErMOuTH SWAMI OMLast year ‘sseason of Bigg Boss was one of the faded and colourless seasons of the reality show. Only one contestant saved its TRPs by his blabbermouth. swami Om AKA viNoDaNaND JHa, one of the most controversial commoner contestants has endless controversies and viral videos. in one of the videos, he was seen commenting on sRK, Aamir Khan and saif Ali Khan. he says, “i have asked sRK, Aamir and saif, who have married hindu girls to adopt hinduism else i will kidnap them and convert them into hindus forcefully.” he used spirituality, love jihad, dance,




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a lot of turbulences are already there: wars, famine, earthquakes, epidemics… and there is going to be more in 2017, which is governed by the Sun. and then the Sun itself will restore balance and make us move towards a golden age

WhEN our Editor at P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n magazine told me that we

are doing a special issue on astrology in the January Edition of 2017, i was a bit surprised, but also happy that someone was thinking on those lines. As a student of astrology, i know and believe that astrology or Jyotisha is Para Vidya. some call it super science.

As we are told in our Astrology classes, any science must fulfill three fundamental principles Cause and effect: When there is a cause, there is definitely an effect. in astrology it is seen that if a planet occupies a particular house it has a particular effect. replicability: The results have to be the same in all places and all times. Mix two atoms of hydrogen with one of oxygen, whether you do so in New York or New Delhi, the result will always be water. Likewise astrology also gives replicable results. No matter where you are located and when, the effects of the planets and the Nakshatras are the same. Standardardised methodology: Modern science is based on standardardised method in any experiment, in astrology too you have a standardised methodology. You need to have the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth to get the natal chart to predict. in a scientific experiment, you change one of the parameters and the result changes. similarly if you change any input of date, place or time the result will change. so astrology conforms to all the three parameters to be called science.

PArA-SCIEnCEBut astrology goes a bit farther than sciences. Modern science can predict about visible causes and visible effects but cannot deal with an invisible cause and invisible effect. so astrology is not just Vidya (science) it is Para vidya (that which goes beyond textual science, that is, it is super science).

All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just four per cent of the universe. The other 96 per cent is made of stuff astronomers can’t see, detect or even comprehend.

These mysterious substances are called

by satya dattaLast Word


dark energy and dark matter. Astronomers infer their existence based on their gravitational influence on what little bits of the universe can be seen, but dark matter and energy themselves elude detection.

“The overwhelming majority of the universe is: who knows?” explains science writer Richard Panek, who spoke about these oddities of the universe at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. “it’s unknown for now, and possibly forever.”

InvISIBLE rEALMso what exactly happens in this invisible realm? how does this realm that constitutes 96 per cent, influence and rule us? What is the real base of astrology?

Many Masters say that Karma is the root cause of all success and failure in this life as well as in our past and future lives. What you do and what you do not makes what you truly are. According to the principles of Jyotisha, we ourselves choose the planetary positions we are suppose to be born in so that we can pass our spiritual tests of the Kriyaman Karma, or Karma that we are creating in the present.

so is there a free will? Of course there is free will. Whenever a person is born at a particular moment, the planets, nakshatras and the invisible universe releases a particular set of energies to him or her, based on the balance sheet of his past Karma. having received those energies, however, the soul may decide to use it properly or improperly, and astrology and

these allied subjects are the blue print to understand the same. But of course you need a proper master to get that guidance. semi-trained persons try to make money or impress others with their half baked knowledge and this is where astrology gets a bad repute. so whatever it is, the planets and the nakshatras are gift of the supreme to guide us and balance our Karma.

yEAr OF Sunso no matter whichever country you are born in, if you have taken birth in this three dimensions, you have been given a particular set of energies

from the universe. You may align with the same or choose not to align, the choice is yours. That may have given us a little to become make us makers of our own destinies. (We are very tiny, just in three dimension, there may be infinite dimensions higer than us)

Recently, a lot of news is coming that Mother Earth is passing through a transition. There will be diseases, deaths, earthquakes, floods, economic turbulences (demonetisation is already in front of us) and so forth. That we are living during this age is also because of our own Karmas and humanity’s Karma: greed, jealousy, anger, violence, etc.

But each moment is giving us a choice, choice to suffer in silence or to make the world a better and happy place to live in.

We have left behind 2016, numerologically governed by Mars, which brings a lot of turmoil. We have entered 2017. if you add up the value 2017, that is 2+0+1+7, it becomes 10, which on linear addition becomes 1. The number represents sun. According to hindu mythology sun came to the Universe to restore a balance of energies. But its first act is to battle everything that is wrong, so that the pure spiritualism can play out undisturbed. he is coming again. so naturally there will be calamities and catastrophes, so that evil is battled out and the Golden Age starts to evolve, with the onset of some hopeful future years and beyond. it is in this transition period that we all have to make the bravest of choices of not succumbing to evil and be righteous in all our deeds.

the Sun hAd Been creAted AS the BAlAncIng fActor, So It wIll reStore

the IMBAlAnce we wItneSS now