Jim Marsh Memory Book

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Enjoy memories honoring and thanking Jim Marsh for his 28 years of service as head of school at Westminster Christian Academy.

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Dear Jim - we didn’t want to see this day come, but have so much gratefulness you stayed as long as you did tosee the new campus through! When we were making a decision to send our son to Westminster, we remembersitting in the parents’ meeting. You struck us with so much integrity, compassion, and love for our Lord. Youstated that Westminster would not only accept our children, but would also accept the family as a whole. We have found that to be true. Our boys have had so many amazing opportunities here including two of them winning Baseball State Championships in which you proudly attended. Your dedication to each and every student at WCA has been so evident and we will be forever grateful that God paved the way for all three of our boys to go through WCA. You are a HUGE reason we walked through those doors in 2006 and continue to be blessed by your leadership! Congratulations and God Bless YOU as you continue to walk in His Light. All the Bells - Brian, Kim, Bennett (2011), Bryce (2013), and Blase (2016).

Brian & Kim BellParent

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I once wrote Mr. Marsh a letter of encouragement. It was a time during my senior year when some sad and stressful events were unfolding, and I wanted him to know I was praying for him. He took the time to find me during the next school day, shake my hand, and thank me personally. I was moved by how grateful he was, how seriously he took my gesture. Mr. Marsh affirmed those around him everyday he stepped on campus. He knew my name, without me meeting him or introducing myself, by the time I was in 8th grade. God has made Mr. Jim Marsh into a faithful, compassionate servant of Jesus. Westminster has been blessed by him.

Taylor HughesAlumni, 2012

God has used Jim Marsh in great and powerful ways through his leadership at WCA. As parents, we could not have asked for better preparation for our three sons to go into the world as mighty warriors for God’s kingdom. Commitment, dedication to excellence and faith in our Lord are all evidenced in Mr. Marsh and are the foundations of everything WCA stands for in the community. We will always be grateful to Mr. Marsh for coming alongside us in raising our sons to be men for Christ, and we wish him fair winds and following seas.

David & Susan PollmannParents

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1. He’s a pretty cool customer and not much (visibly) rattles him. But on one graduation night he looked stressed and I remember thinking, “He’s human after all.”

2. As a teacher, he treated me with just as much respect and honor as any multimillion-dollar donor or other“important” person. Everyone is the same to him. A very rare quality.

Dave SchallTeacher & Coach

Thank you for your wise leadership all these years. The Lord has really worked through you. Blessings!

Stephanie Slater TuckerAlumni, 1990

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When I interviewed at WCA 15 years ago, Scott Vonder Bruegge told me that Jim Marsh was possibly the finest head of school in the nation. I was shocked by the statement. But over the years I have come to realize that this was not hyperbole. Jim, thank you for leading us through some very difficult times with integrity and strength and wisdom. Thank you for being a big man without a big head. Thank you for all your overtime hours of service and genuine love of the people of Westminster. May God bless you in your future endeavors. It has been an honor to serve with you, and if you ever need a grunt to help you in a foxhole somewhere, I’m your man.

Andy KerckhoffFaculty & Parent

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My memories as a student at WCA are full and blessed; everything from basketball, to STUCO, to chapel band, and the classes - all rich and fruitful times for me as a student. Your leadership and positive example helped to shape much of what impacted me as a student.

But beyond your leadership, it was the brief one-on-one conversations throughout my time at Westminster that greatly impacted me. One of those conversations occured right after a Chapel band led chapel. Your encouragement to continue using my talents and abilities and your praise of the group’s hard work is something that I remember even today.

And as a teacher at Westminster, that encouragement continued. Being on the “other side,” was a transition, to say the least, but I remember very clearly your positive reinforcement of the job I was doing. Just about a week after my dad passed away, I remember standing on the front steps at the old campus. Your words of comfort and thankfulness for my dad on that particular day were incredibly far reaching for me as I struggled through that loss.

Thank you for your encouragement, thank you for taking the time to care, and thank you for investing in more ways than we count. Westminster was blessed to have you as its leader.

Katie PolskiAlumni, 1997 & Former Teacher

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It is with profound gratitude that I personally thank you for your many years of service to the St. Louis community and the reformed tradition at Westminster. The lives of many young people have been shaped and transformed under your careful leadership, including two of my own, who now serve as deacons at Kirk of the Hills.

You depart WCA in much different circumstances than when you arrived. Much has been accomplished. You deserve a “Job Well Done” from all of us!

To reflect, my favorite memories of WCA are of the first season of football at the school. I believe many of us football dads and fans actually had more fun than the kids. What a thrill witnessing the first touchdown, winning game, and winning season. I could not have been more proud of WCA during that time period. A renovated campus and spirit kept us moving toward the goals of progress in which we find ourselves today.

Congratulations on your retirement, and may God bless your future years in service to Him.

Bill FrenchParent of Alumni & Former Board Member

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Thanks for your leadership in so many ways over the years, not least of which is your heart for diversity and helping cultures to cross. The strides for economic and racial diversity that WCA has taken since the time I became familiar with Westminster nearly 20 years ago have been truly refreshing and extremely significant as the school moves into the future. Thanks for listening to the Lord and sharing your life and vision with so many for so long! May God strengthen you as you move into this next chapter of your life!

Andy KrumsiegParent

Jim is a rare Christian leader who demonstrates warmth and integrity in his lifestyle and demeanor without being smug, condescending, or judgmental. My children have mixed feelings about their experiences at Westminster, but all four of them love and respect Mr. Marsh, as do I. Thank you, Jim, for your loving service to my family and to so many others!

Eve CascellaParent of Alumni

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Your love and commitment to our students is such a blessing. Early in each of my children’s Westminster careers, each of them came home and said, “Mr. Marsh knows my name!” You are a wonderful example to our family of a godly man who is strong and gentle, kind and courageous, full of wisdom and yet very approachable. May God bless you richly as you step into the next season of your life.

Michelle BurkeParent

Thanks for your leadership and guidance to the WCA community through the years. You have been a great example to our kids and our community of what it means to live out a reformed world and life view. To God be the Glory!

The Hoekzema FamilyParents, Students, Alumni & Board Member

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When Jim Marsh was chosen as Headmaster for WCA, our son David was a sophomore and our son Daniel was beginning 7th grade. Daniel and Jeremy Marsh were in the same class and had fun sharing the same last name.

Often we would be approached with caution by others who assumed we were related to Jim and Jackie. Relaxed conversation came when others realized we were ordinary parents of two sons at WCA.

Jim Marsh impacted our sons with his consistent godly leadership. He led them by serving and standing firm on the truth of God’s word.

We thank God for sending Jim Marsh to lead Westminster during the years our sons were students at WCA.

Wayne & Sue MarshParents of Alumni

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There is no way to even begin to capture the respect that I have for you as an educator, as a man, and as a Christian. Few people I know have had the impact on the lives of so many people, whether students or teachers, that you have had, and to see the way you have played a part in steering Westminster from a fledgling school struggling to survive to a school respected both locally and nationally is a tribute to your leadership and wisdom. But the best part is that you are the last person to give yourself any credit for what this school has become. In a world filled with out-sized egos, your humility and tendency to deflect credit to others is extraordinary. Because of your faith, you are quick to give God the glory for what this school has become, which is altogether appropriate, but you have surely been His instrument in guiding this school forward. It has been a privilege to work alongside you for so many years, to learn from you, to be challenged by you, and to see how a man’s simple faith can be used in such a far-reaching way. Thousands of kids’ lives have been changed because of your work here, and thousands of families have been challenged by the truths of the gospel because of your faithfulness. Every one of us wants our life to really mean something; perhaps more than anyone I know, you have built a life of meaning through your willingness to be a servant.

On a personal note, I have been blessed by our friendship – conversations about raising kids, God, baseball, politics, current events, the USMC, the Final Four, and who knows what else. I have nothing but good memories and nothing but good things to say about all the years we have worked together. You have listened to all of my stupid opinions and ideas without rolling your eyes and even allowed me to drag you into the mountains of Colorado two years in a row. Thanks for all you have done, thanks for who you are, thanks for the example you are to me and to many, many others, thanks for your many kindnesses to me. You will be missed, but I am glad the weight of this school will finally be lifted from your shoulders, and you can rest knowing you have enriched the lives of too many people to count.

Scott HolleyAdministrator & Teacher

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Jim, you are truly one of the most amazing people I have ever been associated with. Jesus Christ is so easy to see in and through you in so many ways. It is so unusual to see someone in today’s world who is extremely competent in so many different ways, yet so humble. Only a man of God could act the way you do. In the world we live in, when people are great, they celebrate, tell everybody, and gloat...not Jim Marsh...you honor Jesus Christ in all things. You, our CEO for so many years, have led by example..set a standard, for all to follow. Like Christ who washed the disciple’s feet, you have such a servant’s heart...it is infectious!

Thank you, Jim, for being such an excellent, committed leader for WCA’s ministry in St Louis, and the world...for creating an environment that honors Jesus Christ and is inclusive and excellent at the same time.

Watching God work so directly through you has been a privilege that I am eternally grateful to have watched.

Thank you, Jim, for the legacy in Christ you have left us...thank you for being my friend!!!

May your, and Jackie’s “Next Phase” be as wonderful as the last one!!

Jim DavisParent of Alumni & Former Board Member

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Jim, moving a 7th grader and an 11th grader mid-year to a new city in a new part of the country was a bit staggering. WCA welcomed them with open arms, and you, in particular made them feel involved and connected immediately. A bonus for us was Jeremy and Laura being classmates! For the next 20 years you and Westminster were a blessing to our family. We are so very thankful for you, for your impact and influence in our family, at the Kirk, in all of St. Louis, and hence, around the world. May God richly bless you in this new season of your life, and continue to use you to bless His people.

Wilson & Pam BentonParents of Alumni

As I reflect on my story, I am acutely aware of how Westminster is weaved into so many aspects of my life: relationships, faith, growth, struggle, change. Whether it was a driving force for questions or a source of truth, it has played a tremendous role in my life. I recognize that what Westminster is, and has been, is certainly influenced by the kind of person Mr. Marsh is. I am so thankful to be part of a community that is guided by such a humble, wise and godly leader.

Kelley SchwartzAlumni & Teacher

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You were amazing to our family. My Dad was diagnosed with brain tumors and then brain cancer during my brother Michael and sisters Megan and Caitrin’s time at WCA. You were so wonderful to me, my mom Nancy, and my siblings during this awful time in our lives. My Dad, Mike, passed away in 1996. He really respected you and really enjoyed talking with you. We will be forever grateful for everything you did for our family to help us be able to get a wonderful Christian education. You are an outstanding man of God, headmaster, and friend! I pray that God blesses your life richly in your future. Westminster Christian Academy will not be the same without you!

Cristin Norman (O’Hearn)Alumni, 1993

I just want to thank you for all the many ways you supported the families. During our time at Westminster 1993- 2002, involvement through The Mothers’ Club was encouraged and integral to the school community. Mr. Marsh never failed to thank the mothers for their many hours of service and truly made us feel appreciated and a part of the life of the school. His godly example was evident not only to the students but also to the parents. We all will miss you very much and know God will continue to use you in mighty ways.

Janet TubbesingParent

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Mr.Marsh has invested into our lives by his mission as headmaster and his calling as father and friend. Our sons received godly guidance and encouragement through their school years and beyond due to long-term friendships forged @ WCA. Thank you Mr. Marsh for your compassionate heart to support those with mental illness and emotional relational challenges. Your incredible gift to empower others to become who God created them to be is still active in our lives as you open WCA to support those bravely living with mental Illness using the education provided through National Alliance on Mental Illness of St. Louis, most recently and long term in your care and concern of students who are challenged with mental illness. Thank you for your commpassion and advocacy for all of God’s children in the community. May your Legacy live on through our family and further into the St. Louis WCA community.

The Dar Walker FamilyParents of Alumni

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It was not a difficult decision to pull our son, Jon, out of our local public school and send him to WCA in 2000. Jon loved being challenged by the curriculum at Westminster but loved even more being poured into spiritually every day. He had great stories to tell us day after day of things that happened there.

Our relationship with you was forged to another level when Jon died. Thankfully most parents there do not share that type of relationship with you. We remember that you were at our house the next morning and that you stayed with us, you hugged us, most importantly you prayed with us and for us. You continued to include us in all things WCA not only through the year that Jon would have graduated, but continued to minister to us every single day since then. We have felt the blessing of your strength and love for over a decade. Just seeing you from a distance at any of the WCA events and sharing a wave or a smile (a Marsh sighting as I call it) brightens our day. We can never thank you enough for the man of God you are, influencing not only the lives of the students but the lives of parents like us.

Zephaniah 3:17

“The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”

Thank you, Jim Marsh, for keeping your vision; for keeping your faith; for following God’s direction; for loving the students and the parents; for loving Jon and for loving us.

Denny & Debbie McClerrenParents of Alumni

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Thanks Jim for your leadership and friendship over the years. There are many things I will always fondly remember and cherish forever. First of all, your leadership and support of me and my programs. You supported my recommendation to require TI calculators long before many schools introduced them into their curriculum. You spent a lot of extra money cutting back the hill for the old baseball field when I came to you and explained that the field was too small for high school baseball. You were in Mexico when we earned our first trip to the final four and you were in Springfield when we won our first state championship. Secondly, the times we spent together on the golf course in Florida and attending SLU basketball games as well as Christian Day at the ballpark last summer will never be forgotten. I wish you a long, healthy and blessed retirement.

Rich Van GilstTeacher

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From the first day we arrived for a school visit, prior to Cami’s attending WCA, Mr. Marsh was welcoming, kind and helpful, giving us a full tour of the school. Having just moved to St. Louis from Portland, OR, we were eager for our daughter to experience a sound academic education within a spiritual atmosphere. She highly respected Mr. Marsh as the authority with a servant’s heart, and one who joined in the fun of social activities. To this day, we are grateful to you, Mr. Marsh, and thank you for helping, through your leadership at WCA, give our daughter the knowledge and wisdom to serve and lead with joy in her world today.

Stann & Gloria LeffParents of Alumni

Mr. Marsh, We especially appreciate your interaction with the students by walking in the hallways among us and addressing us by name. We always knew you had genuine concern for us individually and served the school from the inside out preparing our hearts and minds with the truth of the gospel and Christian faith to then go out and become servant-leaders ourselves. We thank you for being our mentor and role model as we move on to upper education and beyond prepared with the foundation established through your leadership at Westminster.

The Terschak FamilyParents & Students

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Thank you for loving me, encouraging me, challenging me, and literally helping raise me. Your presence in my life was so vital at such a critical time of transition from small town Mississippi to a huge midwestern city and from childhood to adulthood. My memories of WCA are such happy ones and you are central to them all. My favorite image is of you “standing post” in front of the library doors at the “T” of the building while we switched classes and handing out hugs and smiles to all of us. You are the best, Mr. Marsh! I am thankful for your role in my life!

Laura Benton PearsonStudent

Thank you for your friendly greeting every time I saw you at the Coffee Bar on Fridays. It was wonderful to see you interact with students and faculty in the mornings. You cared so much about each individual as well as the body of the school, and it showed.

Laurie BergmanParent

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God has blessed the “St. Louis Christian Community” in a mighty way! He brought you and your family here, and He has used you in ways that only God could have planned. Thank you for your servant’s heart and your obedience to God’s calling!

There are so many memories for me to treasure, as I think of 1985 and your years of service since then! Your first year at WCA was truly a beautiful and very special gift. I am so very thankful that God planned for my family and I to be a part of the community. God gave you wisdom, love and kindness. Thank you for sharing your gifts with John, Susan, Stephen and I.

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Barbara HauserParent of Alumni

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Jim, as you know you have always been a man who has been looked up to by the Duble family because you are a man who is committed to the things to which God has called you...disciple, husband, father, headmaster, brother-in-Christ.

You could have easily been an outstanding boy scout because you are courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean & reverent. As you know, Sharon has declared you “the best boss she has ever had” even though she worked for many years for a boss named Allen Duble...wow!

You focused on God’s work and used that focus at Westminster as its leader through two locations and two building expansions and were always steady at the helm. You were fair and focused to all you worked with and beyond that volunteered your leadership and experience in the inner city...of which many are unaware.

It was such a pleasure to work with you and the Board of Trustees on rebuilding the development department in “friend-raising” and your great ability to interest others in what God had put before them. It was under your leadership that Westminster Christian Academy was a place of prayer and the mothers of Westminster quietly prayed for each student. Westminster became a West County ministry and you never lost your zeal to be God’s minister. Your mark as a godly man and that of your Savior is and will be by His grace ingrained in and through WCA in years to come.

We count it a blessing to call you a brother and friend and thank you for your influence on Troy and Robyn and for being there for the funeral of Troy’s son, Noah Arthur. We love you and your wife, Jackie as well as your children.

Well done good and faithful servant leader!

Allen DubleParent, Staff, Consultant & Friend

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As the building of our new campus neared its end, WCA was conducting tours for parents, contributors, and visitors. It was January and St. Louis had just received snow and ice. The front entrance was not yet complete and a flatbed tractor trailer was parked right up to the front door.

As we carefully edged our way to the entrance between the snow bank and the side of the truck, my shoe slipped off and went under the semi. I had to crawl under the truck to retrieve my shoe and had just put it back on when the truck began to move. It was 17 degrees outside, the truck windows were fogged and the ground was ice over packed snow. All I could do was grab the truck and hang on as it drove away. I could not get a foothold as it was icy. Everyone on the outside of the building was screaming for the truck driver to stop, but he did not hear them. The next thing I know, Mr. Marsh had come out of the building, somehow ran over the ice, caught the truck and was hanging on with me. The truck was driving by some scaffolding, so we grabbed it and swung away from the truck landing in a snow/ice bank about 75 feet from where we started.

Mr. Marsh is a kind and strong man willing to risk his life for someone he did not know. He is a great example of a godly Christ-filled man. I am grateful to the Lord that the headlines that evening did NOT read: Westminster parent kills school master in truck accident! This parent and family are forever grateful to Mr. Marsh and the great school of Westminster Christian Academy. God bless you Mr. Marsh - we love you!

Vickey SilkeyParent

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Thank you for your years of dedication and service to Westminster! Your humble leadership has surely made its mark on the school’s culture and legacy. Best wishes!

Libby DowdallAlumni, 2003

You are such a Godly leader and are loved by all. You will certainly be missed.

Madison BurkeAlumni, 2010

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When I was headmaster of a small Christian boarding school, Jim humbled himself and served us by forging a path whereby we could be fully accredited. He went out of his way to provide leadership and friendship at a much needed time. We are forever indebted for your Christ-like spirit, Jim Marsh.

Andrew BelzFriend

Thank you for your many kind and encouraging greetings over the years. Even more, thank you for your part in educating my children. Westminster has been such a blessing to my family!

Mark SellStaff

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It was my first Saturday morning prayer with Mr Marsh. I didn’t know the man who was leading our school . . . until he prayed. Mr Marsh sat with a shalom-type of peace yet a powerful presence. It wasn’t in arrogance or pride but of true humility before us parents and God. He prayed with an earnest heart for our children as if they were his own. He prayed for the hearts and lives of our children with a greater purpose and vision than most. He prayed with a sure confidence in God and that was the confidence I needed to trust my child’s spiritual and academic education to WCA. He prayed with us, for them, with the assurance of Hebrews 11:1. It was evident that if not a single parent showed up that Saturday morning, Mr Marsh would be there, interceding for our kids as he has done diligently for three decades.

Thank you, Mr Marsh, for leading our children towards God through WCA; many lives have been changed through your prayers and obedience. You will never be replaced and will always hold an honorable place in our hearts. The Lord bless you and keep you. May He shine His face upon you and give you peace.

Rich & Lori BuffaParents

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It has been a true honor to work with you at Westminster during these past nine years! When we first met you and Jackie at the barbeque welcoming you to Westminster in 1985 it never crossed my mind that we’d end up working together, but I’m thankful we have. God has richly blessed us with time together praying, working, and seeking His will.

Sue and I appreciate the time you invested in Janna and Jason throughout their years as students at Westminster. The evenings we enjoyed sitting side-by-side watching Jeremy and Jason play basketball are rich memories, and we are thankful that our boys have remained such good friends over the years. (It sure would be fun to watch just one more game with them playing together!)

Jim, after being around WCA on a regular basis, I more fully understand and appreciate all that you have done and continue to do in your service to our Westminster community. I also recognize the honor, respect, and esteem that our faculty and parents bestow upon you. You have been a blessing to so many!

We pray God’s continued rich blessings on you, Jackie, and your family as you seek His ways and follow His lead. You are all blessings to the Sefrit family.

Jim SefritFriend, Head of Upper School & Former Board Member

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I remember Mr. Marsh taking a small group of students to Colorado (with Mr. Holley) for a leadership development trip in the summer before my freshman year. I was given the opportunity to go and one thing I distinctly remember is Mr. Marsh being very selfless and sharing with his resources when we were out hiking in the Colorado wilderness for several days climbing mountains. We were with hiking guides who seemed to know where we were going, but nonetheless, I still to this day was impressed with him particularly saving up his water and sharing it with others when it seemed our resources were getting low. Not to mention, the fact that he took the time to go on a trip like this with a bunch of students at all was a very significant investment of his time and summer, but his character always left a very positive impression on me.

Bryan MillerAlumni, 1997

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Thank you for all the years of service and dedication to Westminster Christian Academy!

Dr. Daniel & Melissa GaitanParents

Thanks so much for your leadership over the years. We appreciate your service and what it had meant to our family.

William & Emily CastleParents

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Leading many is hard.

Leading many while consistently growing is harder.

Leading many while consistently growing and doing it well is very hard.

Leading many while consistently growing and doing it well and showing up to hundreds of extracurricular activities with a smile is unheard of!

Jim, thank you for making a difference for me and my family. Please know you are appreciated.

John HartwigParent

What a blessing to know that while my husband and I worked, Mr. Marsh prayed for, taught, corrected, enjoyed, tolerated, played with, watched out for, laughed at, engaged, encouraged, and loved on my three daughters. All three have great stories and memories of their time with you and WCA!!

Mary GamacheParent of Alumni

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We just want to say a word of thanks for all the years you encouraged and supported us, believed in us and ministered to us in the classroom, on the soccer field or the tennis courts. Debbie still remembers the day you picked her up from the airport when she was looking at WCA and how you took the time to make her feel welcome. I also appreciate the wisdom you had to offer to us when we were at a crossroads in life. You took the time to get to know us and you have seen our family grow over our time at WCA. God blessed us with a leader like you, a leader who was humble enough to seek the face of God in your decisions, but courageous enough to lead us into unchartered waters, often times in faith. Thank you for your example, your dedication to Christian education, and your heart of service. We will miss working with you, but you have left your mark in our lives and for that we are thankful. May God continue to bless you as you move on to your next calling in life. We are blessed to count you as our friend.

Daniel & Debbie LegtersTeacher

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I was a new graduate of Dordt College and coming to interview at this well established Christian school in Missouri that I knew very little about except the “legend of Jim Marsh.” My college professors had told me what a great man he was and how well he had shaped the culture and growth of Westminster Christian Academy. Naturally, when I saw my first interview of the day was going to be with Mr. Marsh I was slightly nervous. I was expecting to meet this prestigious man that would be extremely intimidating to talk to because of all his accomplishments.

Every expectation I had of Mr. Marsh was so wrong. When I walked into his office I felt like the most important person in the world. Mr. Marsh has a way of being so personal, intentional, and welcoming that it makes everyone around him feel comfortable. It was awesome for me to feel this way as a nervous new college graduate during the interview process, but it has been even more encouraging to see that he is this way with everyone he meets. I see Mr. Marsh greeting students at sporting events, chapel, and in the hallways with that same smile and comfort I remember experiencing my first day here.

Mr. Marsh, thank you for your intentionality with every person you meet. The small personal interactions you create make a bigger difference than you realize. I am truly honored and humbled to have worked in the same place as you even if it was only for one year. You have dedicated your life to Christian education and God has obviously used you to further His kingdom. You have truly brought new meaning to loving and sharing the gospel with “all your soul and all your might.” Thank you for all you have done!

Nicole ScholtenTeacher

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It was Spirit Week 2011. In addition to all the typical festivities there were tours of the new campus held during the day. During one of the group tours there was a woman with high heels named Vicki struggling to walk on the ice. There was also in close proximity a construction truck moving towards her. People in the group yelled for the driver to stop but he could not hear. Mr. Marsh quickly moved to hold onto her and the truck until the driver stopped. Amazing!

Nancy LillenbergParent of Alumni

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It has been a complete honor and pleasure to have you as Head of School. You have been a beacon and pillar to the Westminster Community. Your kindness, fairness and strength will surely be missed. We pray all of God’s blessings would be yours.

Cal & Tellia ThompsonParents

How is it possible I was just entering jr. high the year you began and now it’s been 28 years? My math skills have not improved with time, but I couldn’t possibly be that old!?!

I have wonderful memories of my time at WCA. Congratulations to you and enjoy your well deserved retirement.

Jennifer BanksAlumni, 1991

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I am extremely grateful for Jim’s relentless drive to make Westminster better than it has been before while striving to preserve the heart of WCA that has been there from the beginning. God uniquely gifted Jim for this mission. We are grateful to Him that He gave us and the other families of WCA this gift.

Mike ShermanParent

My amazing Jim Marsh memory is the fact that all my children, while teens in process, all had and still do currently, have only positive memories of Jim Marsh.

How amazing is that?


Barb PettyVolunteer & Parent of Alumni

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It’s hard to share more than one. The two that stand out are the decision to move ahead with the construction of the new facility (on the plane to Chicago) and the “Green Monster”emerging from the rough on the 12th hole of Tavern Creek.

What a blessing to have shared these years. What a greater blessing to share even more of what God has planned for your life in the future.

Larry CollettParent & Grandparent

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Congratulations on your 28 years of sterling, godly leadership as Head of School at Westminster Christian Academy of St. Louis. While it has been 28 years serving the St. Louis community, my calculation is that you have had a total of 44 years in Christian education!

Jim, what a blessing, what an infusion of holiness and divine will, you have been for the Christian education of His children in Michigan, Florida, Missouri and throughout the world! You have touched and influenced so many lives. You have provided inspiration and encouragement for so many of your fellow administrators – thank you!

Do know the CSI community and I are very proud of how you have followed God’s leading in seeing and articulating so clearly where God wanted to take Westminster Christian Academy during your 28 years there. With courage and with brilliant insight (You have that special gift for connecting all the dots for the big picture so well!), great communication skills, warm and engaging relational skills, second-to-none strategic thinking ability, and unbridled enthusiasm, you have led the WCA community of St. Louis to achieve God’s will for Christian education! This is such a powerful testimony for making our Lord’s will and goodness and faithfulness known to a watching and skeptical world. God is glorified. The world is less skeptical. His people rejoice and celebrate. And the youth are growing in love to serve God and others. And know, Jim, all of us draw inspiration and courage from God’s work in the WCA of St. Louis community.

And as much of an inspiration the WCA program is for us, know that you, Jim, have been, still are and always will be an inspiration for me and all your CSI colleagues. You are seen as a true Spiritual Leader which Blackaby describes as one who “moves people onto God’s agenda.” That is what all of us have seen you do and with God’s blessings accomplish at WCA – you are an example of Spiritual Leadership.

Your leadership moved the students and the parents and the staff and the churches and the community on to God’ s agenda for the Biblical “what” and the “how” in educating His children. WCA is now known CSI-wide and worldwide for “Cultivating Christian Minds and Character” just as Jesus wished to have them cultivated when He said, “Come, follow me.”

And, Jim, what I also observed and deeply appreciated was how you led the WCA community in developing a strong and sustaining culture around the very core components for “Cultivating Christian Minds and Character”at the Ladue facility. You focused on keeping the main thing the main thing without ever wavering!

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And once that special WCA Christian education culture had been developed for a strong sustainable program, then and only then, did you lead the WCA community to a facility which would better support the WCA culture to better achieve God’s agenda for more youth to have the WCA education! Awesome! Outstanding leadership in leading others onto God’s agenda for WCA…I thank the Lord and congratulate you!

Additionally, I want to thank you for your personal friendship. Yes, we are Jersey boys, we are Calvin education grads of 1969, and we are fellow CSI administrators. And over those years we went from acquaintances to a growing friendship when you hired Jeff Meengs at WCA. And then Laura married Jeff and they lived for several years in that Ladue facility apartment. Yes, Eleanor and I stayed in that apartment and showered across the hallway a good number of times! We have fond memories and a good part of Jeff’s heart for ministry is still with WCA!

And when our Barry, Unity Class of 1999, became interested in the AFA, I called you and you were most helpful with advice and materials about the AFA and the parental involvement! Your Jeremy was of the AFA Class of 1995 so between Jeremy’s insights and your patient passing on information, Barry, Eleanor and I got a great orientation to the AFA with encouragement to become involved. You served us so well. And those 4 years with Barry at the AFA were awesome. The parental AFA experience is something we share.

And then we approached the more recent years when God was bringing clarity for a WCA move to a new location to better carry out the WCA mission. I remember with fondness intense phone conversations talking about planning and leading and seeking to determine, “How do we know if this is what God wants? If it is, we can move forward with confidence because He will bless it in a way the world has never seen before!” Jim, our conversations for determining God’s will, for communicating His vision, for identifying the best leadership practices as we discussed the work of Collins, Blackaby, Quinn, Drucker, Senge, Blanchard, etc. were for me inspirational and a regular source of encouragement. You became the Barnabas, an encourager, in my life…thanks for caring and bringing hope and compassion into my life.

Jim, may God bless you and may he keep you fresh and enthusiastic as you take off and pass the leadership mantle of WCA and take up the leadership mantle as Director of the Van Lunen Center for Executive Management in Christian Schools.

Jack PostmaCSI Colleague

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Whity and I want to share our appreciation for your godly, humble leadership over the last 28 years of service to WCA.

Our family has been so blessed to be a part of the Westminster community and we have the unique opportunity to see the fruit that the WCA experience has produced in the lives of Katie, Carla, and Molly.

You were such an important part of providing an excellent Christian education for our girls as well as having an amazing vision for what God could do to grow WCA into the outstanding school that it is today!

Thank you for being a wonderful example of a godly, servant leader. You will be missed!

We pray that you have a joyful, peaceful retirement.Blessings to you and your family

Judy & Whity MeyerParents of Alumni

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We want to thank you for your years of service to WCA. Having been at WCA for 13 consecutive years, we know how much you have invested into the lives of our three children, and the many other students that have walked the halls of WCA. Many blessings as you start a new adventure in your life.

Jeremiah 29:11

Steve, Peggy, Tyler, Amibeth and Brink ThompsonParents & Alumni

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your faithful service as Westminster head of school for the past 28 years. The Lord has used the work of your heart and hands for his glory and for the good of all who have been associated with Westminster Christian Academy. May your retirement be punctuated with God’s resounding, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” With our deep appreciation and well wishes. God bless.

Bill & Liz MeeksGrandparents

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Thank you for all your work over the years. You have blessed my family by your dedication and commitment to Christian education and by making Westminster a Godly place to learn.

Lisa AppelbaumParent & Staff

I want to thank you for the work you have put in to making WCA the strongest asset in regards to my spiritual life. As you know, college has the power to change anyone at a moment’s notice. I credit you and the Westminster vision that you established for preparing me to not only stay strong in my Christian faith, but for giving me a strong foundation to build upon. Personally, I believe that you have been the biggest blessing to Westminster and I pray that the future headmaster continues the work of your vision for this school.

Tim ReedAlumni, 2010

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Just want to thank God for allowing our family to be part of the Westminster community and school for our children. We are so honored to be part of Jim Marsh’s last year. As we have experienced this past year with transiton and uncertainty, my encouragement for Jim is to just thank God for this new chapter of his life. Know that God will be with you every step of the way Jim and God has a continued plan for your life, A verse I would like to encourage you with Jim is “Do not let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth:meditate on it day and night, so you are careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you, wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9. God Bless you Jim! You will be missed.

Rich & Karen RagsdaleParents

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Our memory that we would like to share with you involves our son Robby Maher.

Robby came to WCA in 7th grade with the other students from Central Christian School. We hired a shadow for Robby to keep him mainstreamed into regular classes. Robby’s shadow the first year was Tracy Bailey.

I was serving on the WCA Board and you told me that WCA was not equipped to serve Robby’s educational needs since WCA did not have a Special Needs program.

About the same time, you said how bad you felt that WCA could not serve him and you wanted to know if we would work with you and Sherry Blough to evaluate different Special Needs programs so that WCA could meet all the needs of Covenant families that wanted to provide a Christian education for their children. So you, Sherry, and my wife Barb, teamed up with Sue Pitzer to evaluate different programs and Robby went onto 8th grade at Parkway West Middle. In 9th grade, Robby went part-time at Parkway Northeast Middle and part-time at WCA. During that 2 year period, the team of individuals listed above worked to develop a Special Needs program, hired a lead teacher and classroom teacher and WCA established the Learning Center –TLC!

Robby was back at WCA his freshman year. Teachers were learning so much from Kate – she really helped them understand the special needs of students, different learning styles and helped students in the TLC to learn unique ways for them to learn. TLC started with a small number of Special Needs students and has now grown to be a model program within the Christian and non-Christian educational community.

Robby passed away on February 11, 1998, in the middle of his freshman year. After a 16-year journey that allowed God to work through the brokenness of a broken child, there was still incredible fruit in his life and the lives of the other students, teachers, and parents that surrounded him.

You’re a great man of faith, a faithful prayer warrior, and God gave you much wisdom to lead WCA into the Christian school that it is today. God used you to touch so many lives, for many years. At the beginning of school, TLC would have a meeting with families that had participated in WCA’s TLC and to hear the incredible stories of how TLC helped a child and blessed the parents was just one of the incredible ways that God used you to meet all the educational needs of the Covenant families.

May God continue to bless you as you begin a new chapter of your life with your family!

Bill & Barb MaherParents

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I am so thankful that I get a chance to honor Mr. Marsh. I was blessed to attend Westminster my junior and senior years. Even though it was only two years, I was personally and spiritually impacted by Mr. Marsh. I will always remember his welcoming smile each and every day. He was someone who knew the perfect balance between authority and friendliness. I felt comfortable approaching him just to say “hi” or to talk with him about an issue. My family and I also knew him on a personal level because his son Jeremy was in my class and a friend of mine. Mr. Marsh was also a man of spiritual leadership. To me, he was a daily example of a man who faithfully served God.

Thank you, Mr. Marsh, for making an impact on my life. I love reflecting on my years at Westminster; they arespecial memories.

Cami Leff Van DixhornAlumni, 1991

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You have been a true blessing to Westminster Christian Academy. Both our children Rachel (‘11) and Austin (‘14) have benefited greatly from your leadership. We wish you the very best!

John & Buffy RainesParents

We thank you for all you have done for us.

Dottie & Bob AhlParents of Alumni

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In some ways the years have flown by quickly but, when I start counting all that has happened to Westminster Christian Academy over the time you spent as head of school, it seems hard to fit it all into either of our careers there. We have been joyful observers of God’s work and we have had the privilege of being used by Him to accomplish it. How good is that?

When you were being interviewed for the job of headmaster, you came into my office and asked me questions. To this day, I remember that they were really good questions to which I gave you straight answers. Yes, we were in big trouble financially, there were serious leadership issues, the faculty was unhappy and seriously underpaid, student discipline was harsh, academics and athletics were almost all weak, special needs of students were barely tolerated and I could go on… I still wonder why you took the job and yet I know our Sovereign God brought you to WCA.

One of the first things you did was to help the school board understand that you and your administrative team were in charge of the day to day affairs of the school. You helped them understand and accept their necessary and supportive role. You also began to empower the faculty to contribute to decision making, provided job descriptions and clear responsibilities for department heads, and began hiring the best teachers available… always believing that the school would only be as good as its faculty. You grieved over the financial hole the school was in and pushed for reform.

All your hard work paid off and WCA began to grow and the Lord led you to see the need for long term planning. I will never forget the meeting in a conference room that had been built where the old wood shop had been. You presented the need for vision for the future to a room full of “key players” and asked them to help put together this plan. There were some suggestions and lots of conversation but nothing jelled. You left there frustrated but ended up (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit) sitting down at the computer for hours and coming up with a document that guided WCA for years – creating a fluid model that would lead the school into the future.

One of the memories we both share is the Possum Trip with the class of 1986…the class nobody wanted to take on their senior trip. Taylor University provided 2 busses that converted to bunk beds so we could all sleep while the bus traveled to the Smoky Mountains then on to the beach and Key West and Disney World. One morning we had a picnic pancake breakfast at John Pennekamp State Park followed by a pancake Frisbee throwing event with the leftovers - all before going snorkeling with the whole group.Personally, what meant the most to me over the years of working together was the encouragement and support you gave to almost any idea I had. You empowered me to make plans and move forward by being receptive to brainstorming, providing feedback and finances to make things like the move from a

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“junior high” to a “middle school” possible. This also includes the growth and development of the Learning Center from an embryonic effort involving hiring a teaching aide (in a closet space) to the beautiful array of services offered today. The most satisfying result for you and I has to be the love and respect for the Learning Center that comes from the school community…wow! I will leave it to others to mention things you empowered them to do – adding football, restructuring the philosophy of the athletic program, improving the AP program, etc.

You always said that things get done with the right people on the bus and with someone wearing the hat associated with that task…but I believe it also takes a leader who not only delegates responsibility but enables it with encouragement and by being available to consult along the way. I always valued your open door and listening ear.

Though I am thrilled with the new campus, the old WCA campus on Ladue Road will hold more memories for you and I than for any of the alumni who graduated there. Not only did all our children go through school there but we spent most of our working lives there. You attended way more sports and social events than anyone should ever have to live through but there was joy in journey. We watched, with excitement, all the physical changes made in the campus over the years to accommodate a growing student body. We saw two wonderful families call an apartment in the building “home”. Faculty would come and go but get stronger and better over the years. A dowdy ugly campus would someday win municipal awards for beauty.

Everyone is so glad you stayed to lay a foundation for the future and guide the move to the new campus. I remember a conversation we had when I left WCA when we celebrated the fact that God allowed us to participate in his plans for a school that would provide Christian education for generations to come. We talked about how small our view was of that plan early on but how we now see it as legacy work and are so honored that God chose us to and led us and how all glory goes to Him.

I join the voices wishing you a wonderful retirement and time with Jackie, children and grandchildren. The legacy work continues with them - now more than ever. Children and grandchildren who know who they are in Christ along with knowing the people they come from are truly blessed children and secure children. Enjoy your time with them and may you and Jackie influence these little ones in powerful Godly ways.

Sherry BloughFormer Faculty & Parent of Alumni

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As a grateful grandmother of three WCA alumni, I’d like to thank you for your many years of service to the school.

At Westminster, my grandchildren (Emily, Melissa, and Tim) were especially blessed to be able to continue theirwonderful Christian education under your leadership. From there, they were well-prepared to move onto higher learning and on into adulthood. Their faith and Christian values remain strong.

God speed!

Anne AbendscheinGrandmother of Alumni

I have only heard good things about Mr. Marsh, and whether I see him at a WCA or CCS event, he always has a warm smile and greeting for me.

May God bless you, Mr. Marsh, and congratulations on your many years of service.

Estell WilliamsParent of Alumni

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Some of my first memories of you trace back to the Possum Trip of ‘86, as we crowded in buses and travelled through the Southeast. As a brand new headmaster, you stepped right into our teenage world and personally connected with us.

As a fellow educator, I have had the pleasure and blessing of working and serving with you through the years. You have led Westminster with integrity and grace. You have encouraged, cheered, and championed Christian education. Your leadership has played an instrumental role in my growth as an educator. Thank you. The encouraging notes you have sent me over the years are ones I will always treasure.

And as a friend, I will never forget your unending support when Brian was sick. Thank you for your commitment to my little family.

May this next season of your life bring the greatest blessings and the most glorious of divine surprises.

Susan MaynorAlumni & Former Teacher

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Two words come to mind when I think of you and it’s because of two of my favorite memories of you.

The first word that comes to mind is “humble.” Even though you are the leader of our school, I have always felt that you make an effort to connect to the people/community. You recognize us by name, you show a genuine interest in how we are doing, and your door is always open to those who need to bend your ear. One of the strongest examples of your humility is when you addressed the faculty at devotions last year. It had been a particularly hard year for many and your words addressed this very compassionately and humbly. It made a huge impression on me.

The second word is compassionate and gracious....ok, it’s two words. :) I experienced one of the most difficult years of my life while working at Westminster. Anxiety and other health issues made it impossible for me to continue working several years ago for a period of 4 months. During that time, I was simply overwhelmed by the way you and the rest of the Westminster community wrapped their arms around me and gave me the time and financial support that I needed to heal. You all went above and beyond supporting me in my time of need, and I will never forget it. It was a humbling and difficult experience, but it taught me the beauty of living in Christian community. It was life changing, and I hope to be able to support others in the way I was so graciously supported.

Thank you so much for all you have done for me and for this school and community. It’s not always easy to tell if you are making a positive impact on others, so I am here to tell you that you have! God has loved this school very well through amazing leaders like yourself. I pray that this new chapter in your life is a blessing to you and that you will not forget the blessings that God has done in and through you during your time at Westminster!

Ashley WoodallTeacher

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You are a living testimony of Psalm 78:1-4, a passage we have heard you share in proclamation of God’s faithfulness to His Word, His people, and His work in our midst. Surely God and His deeds are praiseworthy. The prayer times you have made available to the WCA community have been a special encouragement, and we have counted it a privilege to partner with you to pray together. We also praise God for the way He has worked through you, shepherding and leading at Westminster with integrity of heart and skillful hands (consistent with the closing verse of Psalm 78).

May God continue to bless you as you persevere to do the good works God has prepared for you this next season (Ephesians 2:10).

Grateful to God for you.

David & Stephanie AlbertsonParents

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Thank you for your years of service to Westminster Christian Academy; I am very grateful for my time there. Though I graduated over ten years ago, I clearly and fondly remember your leadership and your care for the students. And I also recall you joining us to throw a football around in the carpool line after school!

I wish you all the best in whatever is next for you. With much respect and warm regards,

Joe MaddenAlumni, 2001

Mr. Marsh lives out his legacy for Christ each day. In countless ways, he showed encouragement to our children. He always approached problems with prayer and godly focus. He was able to joke with our boys and be real with them. We felt a special confidence in sending our children to WCA knowing that Mr. Marsh was the leader - a God-centered leader. We will always remember him and the blessing he was to our family. He was a huge influence in Josh’s and Matt’s lives as he allowed Christ to work through him!

Diane & Steve DarrParents of Alumni

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I will always remember how Mr Marsh said hello to me every time he saw me. Though he must have interacted with thousands of students over the years, he treated us all like he knew us personally. And I remember how, at graduation, when we were crossing the stage and giving him lollipops, he shook my hand and said, “Congratulations, Erin.”

Erin GuthrieAlumni, 2011

Mr. Marsh always had a smile on his face and his hand outward for a handshake. We are so grateful that all three of our children have been able to attend and graduate from WCA with Mr. Marsh at the helm. Thank you for your many years of leadership, your Godly example to our children - God bless you as you enter this new season in your life.

The Pannkuk FamilyParents of Alumni

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Our memories of Jim Marsh go back to when he came to WCA during the time our daughter Jennifer attended the school. We have watched his faithfulness in serving the Lord, the students, their families, and the staff. He has surrendered his life to God and allowed Him to guide him every step of the way. Now, 28 years later, we still continue to enjoy the fruit of his dedication as we see our grandchildren enjoy WCA so much. We thank the Lord for using him in growing His kingdom for His glory.

God bless, Jim Marsh, and “thanks for the memories.”

Glenda & Jim FialaParents of Alumni & Grandparents

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I remember sitting in your office for my official interview with you for my position here at WCA. You asked me one question and then I rambled on for another hour or so (shocking I know) and then I stopped when I realized I had been rambling and asked if you had any other questions. You laughed and said that I had covered everything. How many times I have rambled on with you…in fear, in sorrow, in joy, in stress, in excitement, and let’s not forget the tears…and no matter what I was rambling about you always listened. Really listened. You validated me. You respected me and at times I believe delighted in me. Your support, encouragement and validation have meant everything to me. Thank you for that. And I’m just getting started.

When I told my children that you were leaving, the responses were short but perfect. Andy said, “What a great man”. Brandon said, “What an awesome, Godly leader”. And Lauren said, “Awwww what is Westminster going to do without Mr. Marsh?” You have not only taught me about biblical leadership, but you showed my children what that looks like as well. They are so different from each other and yet each, like me, has appreciated your strength, your vision, your wisdom, your humility but also your love for what you do, who you do it with and so very clearly, whom you do it for.

I cannot imagine the halls or fields of Westminster without you walking around, smiling, recognizing everyone and calling each by name. I once told you after an end of the year faculty lunch that I didn’t want anybody else to say goodbye to me when I leave WCA. I am excited for the next phase God has for you. I can only wonder at all God is going to continue to do in and through you, but Jim Marsh, I am holding you to your promise that you will come back and say good bye to me when God calls me to a new adventure.

I could not love, respect or appreciate you more and will miss you every single day, but will be adult about it and pray for you rather than cry and feel sorry for myself. Well, ok, maybe I will cry just a little bit ;)

Anne DeRousseTeacher & Parent of Alumni

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Your retirement has caused Karen and me to reflect on God’s faithfulness and our gratefulness for the role thatWestminster in general and you specifically have played in shaping the life of our family in St. Louis.

After Annika was born, but still in the hospital, Karen remembers being in your office as you shared that your granddaughter Lucy was very close in age to Annika. You said that connection played a significant role in your prayers for Annika. You read Isaiah 43:2, ”when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” We reflected on that verse frequently as Annika went through her surgeries and hospitalizations. The encouragement, compassion, and Christian brotherhood that you showed us during that time is something we will never forget. And now eight years later Annika and Lucy are sitting side by side in class at CCS. God is good.

In my 3rd year of law school I was struggling to break in to the St. Louis brokerage community. Your connection and introduction to Tad Edwards directly led to my job at A.G. Edwards. Thank you for taking the time to make the introduction. God is good.

In addition to the serious matters involving family and work, I also have great fondness for the memories of our times on the golf course, discussions of University of Miami football, and even fantasy basketball (New Jersey All-Stars). God is good.

Congratulations Jim on your retirement from Westminster, and thank you again for your friendship.

Karl & Karen PollackFormer Teacher

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The summer before senior year, I went to South Dakota for Summer Seminar. Mr. Marsh came with us for the first part of the trip. It was unique to have him there participating in the discussions and activities. I remember hiking through the Badlands and enjoying a conversation with Mr. Marsh, just getting to know him. It was a special experience to connect with the head of my school in a different way. Mr. Marsh always took the time to get to know his students and was a daily presence throughout the school year. Westminster has benefited in so many ways from his leadership and it will not be the same without him.

Amibeth ThompsonAlumni, 2010

Leaders everywhere have so much to learn from you. You dream your own dreams while sharing in the dreams of others. You humble yourself and apologize. You encourage with sincere and specific compliments. You’re not threatened by ideas and creativity - instead, you embrace them and the people with them. You don’t seek power and position as a thing to be grasped but use your position to serve. Over the years, I have walked into and out of your office a lot of times - and when I leave, I always know I have been heard and cared for well. By God’s grace, you have inspired and blessed me and many others - more than you’ll ever know.

Nathan TalleyAlumni, 1993 & Teacher

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Bittersweet to see you go! We are so blessed that WCA has become what it is today with the help of your hard work, vision and commitment. You have impacted The Kingdom!

Looking forward to seeing you around a lot when the grandkids enroll!

Paula KapferAlumni, 1989 & Parent

Your support of the Fine Arts has been deeply appreciated. Thank you for working for the wonderful facility and resources we have today.

The Fine Arts Dept fondly remembers your short tenure as Department Head! Only an administrator who truly loves the Arts could struggle through the daunting task of teaching us “bullet points” and “action steps”. If you get bored in your retirement, you will always be welcome here.

Helen ScottTeacher

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We are so thankful to have had our four children graduate from WCA. What a blessing it was to know that the Head of School bent his knee to the Lord as he led the school. The Lord blessed Mr. Marsh with the gift of giving his time. No matter what event was happening he was there quietly leading by his presence. My favorite memory is of Mr. Marsh playing UNO with his freshman Neighborhood boys at his round table in his office. For to him the students were most important. He had pushed aside the plans on the table for the new building to just spend time in conversation with the students. What a wonderful opportunity for them to see faithful leadership. Thank you for showing us Jesus, Mr. Marsh:) God’s blessings to you and your family!! :)

Julie RobertsParent

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Wow, it is hard to know how to even start this note. It has been such a privilege to work under your leadership. I have never met a more well-respected leader. In all my years at Westminster and as a part of this community I have never heard anyone say a negative thing about you. That is very impressive and a testament to your character. You are such a godly man and Christ’s love radiates out of you. You so beautifully exhibit the characteristics of servant leadership and humility as you constantly go out of your way to care for others. I have learned and grown so much under your guidance and leadership.

One of the qualities I most appreciate and respect about you is how intentional you are with people. You have a gift of making those around you feel loved, appreciated, and encouraged. When I am talking to you, you always make me feel special and heard. I will never forget my first week at Westminster. I was walking through the hall and you stopped me and asked, “Allison, how is your first week going? Are the 7th graders treating you ok in math class?” I was floored that you not only knew me by name, but also knew exactly what I taught. I had been a part of the Westminster community for only a couple weeks and yet you made me feel known and appreciated. I love running into you in the Grand Entry before school or in the hallways during the day. Your smile and words of encouragement always brighten my day.

I cannot imagine Westminster without you. You have created such a wonderful and encouraging atmosphere at our school. Your perseverance and vision have impacted this school community and changed it for the better. You will be greatly missed and never forgotten. I look forward to still seeing you around often. Thank you for everything!

Allison PautlerTeacher

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Everyone always asks what it was like going to high school with my Dad, and I always answer that it was great. And that’s the honest answer. Not many people could pull off being a Dad and a headmaster at the same time without being annoying and overbearing, but he did. It helped that students, teachers, parents, everyone loves Mr. Marsh. I love him too! Although my teenage self would not show it, I deep-down cherished the rides to and fromschool, Friday morning breakfasts at Bread Company, running into my Dad in the halls, seeing my dad in thestands as I played in countless soccer, volleyball or basketball games. He was ALWAYS at my games to watch and cheer. I love Westminster. It is a wonderful place. And I’m so proud of my Dad, for who he is and all that he has done. With all that he has given to WCA, he has also managed to be the best Dad in the world...pretty amazing!

Becky Marsh AdamsAlumni, 1998

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You have been such a role model to our family!! Your leadership and friendship has been such a blessing to all of us!! You will truly be missed but we are praying for God to bless you richly as you have blessed us!

Much love and many prayers,

Laura & Mike McDanielParents

Thank you for letting God transform Westminster through you! Your heart and your hard work are an example to all of us, praise the Lord! May your retirement be filled with great joy.

With gratitude to you and God,

Rosemary OliverParent of Alumni

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One thing that sets Mr. Marsh apart is his love of the students! The students sensed it and knew it! He attended hundreds of after school events for upper and middle school students that were the same events year after year just different students and he was always joyful and genuinely interested in all. He has a fantastic gift of remembering names! One of my memorable moments was the first time WCA beat MICDS in football in 2006 at MICDS! I remember Mr. Marsh was out on the field celebrating with all the fans, families, and players. It was a great day! May God bless you Mr. Marsh in all your future endeavors.

Sandy BlackwellParent

The Munson family wants to thank you most sincerely for all the years of service to the Westminster community.

We especially want to let you know how much you have meant to our entire family over the years. You will foreverbe remembered for how much you have impacted each of our lives.

We pray that you and Jackie enjoy robust health and happiness in your next phase of life.

The Munson FamilyAlumni

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Thank you, Jim, for your 28 years of service to Christian education here at WCA!

You have been a catalyst for CE not only here locally but throughout the country. May you continue to promote it, for the honor of the Lord and for the benefit of Christian families.

Hermie and I wish especially to thank you also for the blessing you have been to Tim and Steve in encouraging them. They have both respected and appreciated your valued leadership.

May God bless you and Jackie as you leave the area. Let us all seek our Lord’s enabling grace through faith to live out our remaining years in obedience to Him and His word! Then we will rejoice in either His coming or our going to be with Him!

Joe & Hermie HallGrandparents, Parents, Former Volunteer, Faculty & Board Member

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As the daughter of the headmaster, of course I have many unique memories of your leadership that extend far beyond my 6 years of school at WCA. The short and sweet ones include kisses and hugs in the foyer before departing our ways in the morning, hearing you clicking down the halls in your fancy shoes only to see your smiling, waving mug in the classroom window shortly after, and stealing candies from Lynn Johnson’s desk while I waited for you to finish up your daily tasks before we headed home for the day. I also distinctly remember you telling me to be nicer to my JSB date (a privilege most fathers don’t have), and, of course, remember all the torment I experienced on the snowy days we all showed up at school because Mr. Marsh held school rain, snow, or shine.

Being “Mr. Marsh’s daughter” has been and will continue to be a defining part of my identity. You should know, Jimbo, I take tremendous pride in this for many reasons, I’ll only share two in this letter. First, I have a distinct memory from junior high of being over at Jessie Tiernan’s house and Jessie telling her mom how much she liked being at our house because, “Mr. Marsh always asks me questions.” Mrs. Tiernan responded by saying, “he has a gift for engaging and hanging out with teenagers.” I’ve thought back on that moment often, particularly as we go ANYWHERE in St. Louis and these young people come up to hug or shake hands with “Mr. Marsh.” I think sometimes in the hubbub of fundraising and building new campuses that this unique gift of yours goes unrecognized, but I’m certain it is a powerful personal legacy among SO many WCA students...Mr. Marsh asked them questions, smiled at them, took interest in them, remembered them, and perhaps waved at them from a classroom window...

Second, and this is something I didn’t notice or fully appreciate until I became an educator myself...PASSION. I’ve never met and I’m certain I never will meet someone that’s even close to equitable to you in this regard. This is the lasting Jimbo Marsh legacy that will FOREVER imprint the halls, the classrooms, the meeting spaces, the teacher’s lounges, the academic hubs (☺), and, most importantly, the hearts and minds of the hundreds of teachers and students you’ve led in your 28 years at Westminster Christian Academy. In the midst of the grumbling, the push to not rock the boat, the persistent temptation to be satisfied with what is rather than what could be, Jim Marsh PUSHED, he NUDGED, he INSPIRED, he CONFRONTED, he dreamed BIG, and by God’s grace, and with the help of the many whose hearts were stirred and inspired, you’ve made impacts, big-time, for the kingdom of Christ. Two years ago during the WCA spirit week community night I cried as I watched a true COMMUNITY lip-syncing performance...students of different colors, shapes, sizes, abilities, all coming together, smiling, performing, and obviously having the time of their lives. Brought tears to my eyes then and did again as I wrote this. Such a beautiful, poignant example of your vision: excellent Christian education in the context of true community. I couldn’t be more thankful for you example and couldn’t be more honored to be “Mr. Marsh’s daughter.”

Meredith MarshAlumni, 1995

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Page 80: Jim Marsh Memory Book

Words are truly insufficient to express our deep, deep appreciation for your impact on our family. The many times you and others at WCA blessed us with love, compassion, understanding, and generosity helped us through difficult circumstances.

The education that Ben, Betsy, and Sam received was the best. Your leadership created an environment where teachers were encouraged to support their students growth mentally, physically, and, most important, spiritually.

As you “ride off into the sunset”, know that our prayers will continue to support all your future challenges.

Mark & Eveln BowmanParents of Alumni & Teacher

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After I was selected for a program in Washington DC, Mr. Marsh sent me a personal letter of congratulations. I still have it on my desk and look at it every once in a while. Mr. Marsh does an incredible job of loving each individual student well, a tough job for a man in charge of a whole school!

Parker BridenAlumni, 2013

Your persistent and long term efforts have produced a wonderful institution for the Christian Community in St. Louis. Congratulations on a job very well done.

Sam ChimentoParent

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One of my favorite memories of Mr. Marsh occured after my time at WCA. I was a sophomore in college in Chicago and I get a knock on my door on a weekday afternoon. I think I answered with a short “who is it!” To my surprise, I opened the door to find Mr. Marsh and Mr. Drexler. They were in town for a conference and made a special trip by campus to see me. This reminds me still to this day how often Jim Marsh displayed the love of Christ to the student body he served so well all these years. He will always have an open invitation to Busch Stadium as long as I work for the Cardinals. He was instrumental in developing my world view and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I will forever be thankful for Westminster Christian Academy and Mr. James Marsh!

Joe PfeifferAlumni, 1993

I remember meeting with you on my interview day, and realized that we agreed on so many big topics in education. I loved your philosophy of the home-church-school relationship, as well as how you thought about inclusion. I have loved working for you this year, and you will always have a special place in my heart.

My favorite memory of you was when I turned in my contract this past Spring (2013). I wasn’t sure if I was going to come back or not because I was getting married and didn’t know where Mark was going to be able to get a job. I ended up staying for another year, and you gave me a hug when I turned in my contract! I was touched by the gesture, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you giving Mark’s name to other schools. I pray that God will continue to bless you in the future as you follow His will for your life.

Rebecca KampTeacher

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We don’t have a specific memory to share - just that every time we greeted you you welcomed us with a firm handshake and a warm hug - and of course a smile that lit up your face. No matter what the occasion, big event or just a day at school, you always made us feel like we were the most important person in your life at that moment. Our kids were pretty involved, and you were at most of the events we attended for them, showing your support to the kids and families by being there for them. Megan especially loved you. She was touched by the fact that when they were on leadership retreats you were right out there with them playing basketball or running or whatever sport she was involved in. She commented, “Mom, it’s so cool that he really cares about us. He doesn’t just say it, he shows it!!” Coming from a high schooler, that’s quite a compliment - but a true picture of what you mean/meant to the kids and the families there. When we think of WCA, you will always come to mind. Your shoes will be hard ones to fill, Jim! Thank you for all you have given to our kids and to us, and we wish you all the best as you take this time now to enjoy your family!

John & Cindy MenzelParents of Alumni

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Mr. Marsh is one of the people in this world I look up to the most. His consistent, kind, godly leadership has transformed the city of St. Louis and has made an indelible mark on the Kingdom. Unfortunately, most people think of teenagers as problems to be fixed or worse yet, many people don’t think of them at all. And yet, for decades Jim Marsh has led a movement of training up the next generation for the sake of Jesus. He has created a place where teachers want to work and students want to grow. Rather than turn his back on the next generation of leaders with a ‘figure it out yourself’ attitude, he has spent his life pouring into kids. He has done this by assembling the finest teaching staff in any High School in America. He has done this by supporting sports teams, drama teams, and other extra curricular activities where kids can build relationships and feel understood. He has done this by living an exemplary life, to the degree that even his teachers feel like they should call him ‘Mr. Marsh.’

Personally, I have had the pleasure of watching Mr. Marsh as one of the kids on his 8th grade basketball team, one of the students at his school, and as the husband of one of his teachers. And Mr. Marsh is the same man regardless of where you might see him serving. He is kind, humble, wise and a leader of leaders.

I have watched him cheer at countless sports events. I have seen him handle tough situations with kids with grace and understanding. I even saw him scrub the floor just outside the business office (at the Ladue Campus) on his hands and knees after a Senior prank.

Mr. Marsh has loved Westminster well. To be honest, it’s really hard for me to even think about a Westminster without Jim Marsh. And yet, his legacy will live on. It lives on in the outstanding staff and faculty of WCA. It lives on in the thousands of students walking around in different cities all over the world, whose lives were transformed by being at Westminster. It lives on in the testimony that Westminster has before the unbelieving world in St. Louis.

So Mr. Marsh, thank you. Thanks for serving Jesus with your life and pouring your heart into teenagers. You will not be forgotten, and we are so honored that we got watch Jesus work through you.

Jared HuffmanAlumni, 2001

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Linda and I wish you the Lord’s richest blessings for the future as you move to another stage of life, which we trust will be both fulfilling and exciting! Thanks for your consummate leadership these many years at WCA. Truly, God blessed this institution, its faculty and staff, and its students with your presence and the friendship you displayed. We greatly appreciate your vision and winsome ways of conveying that to staff, Board, and parents/friends in a fashion that glorified God in the process. Thanks, too, for the great interest (and hours) you took to attend school functions of all kinds, and for knowing by the name all the WCA students present and past, and their parents, thus making the WCA experience one of “family.”

On a personal note, we rejoice often when we recall time spent together watching our two little “soul mates” Becky and Becky first play on the softball field at Covenant Christian School, then onto the sports fields/gyms at WCA, and now graduated as vibrant, accomplished women – each a testament to her faith and training.

Linda & Fred JohannsenParents of Alumni & Former Board Member

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It has been such a privilege to work under your leadership the past five years. I have learned from your grace, wisdom, and compassion for families and students. I know God will continue to use these gifts and your passion for Christian education in the next phase of your life.!

Kathy KariganDirector of Guidance & Counseling

Jim, you are the definition of a visionary leader. You have been an inspiration, an encourager and a good friend. It has been an honor and a genuine pleasure to serve on the Westminster Board alongside you. Your impact on Westminster will not be forgotten.

Bob WilkinsonBoard Member

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We are so blessed to have you as a part of our lives and a wonderful influence that Westminster was for Julie! It isn’t often that we have known someone who reflects the qualities of our Lord, has become a friend, and who represents the hope and faith that was so important for Julie. You have had a big part in our assurance that she is home with Christ Jesus!

You have our eternal admiration and appreciation, and we will look forward to seeing you occasionally in the future. We send you these thoughts in the love of Christ Jesus.

Perry & Gail JonesParents of Alumni

I have always been astounded at your ability to remember names and faces. There was nothing like being stopped in the hallway as a student and asked, by name, how my day was going. Also, when returning as an alumna, no matter how many years have passed since last seeing you or what campus I am visiting, you always remembered me. It instantly made me feel back at “home”.

I am truly sad to see you go because I know that you have made thousands of students and alumni feel the same way - like they are always welcome back “home” and forever apart of the Westminster community.

Much love and many wishes for a wonderful retirement and beyond!

Emily Smith PurvesAlumni, 2005

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Having the opportunity to see you not only in school, but also outside of school has really been a blessing! Your continual leadership and servant’s heart modals what a man of God should look like. I can still remember some of your talks; your speech on finishing the race well at one of the first chapels, your talks on getting better not just bigger during the big move, and hearing your heart on diversity during committee meetings really inspired me.

When you talk about changing something you never hesitate to actually move forward to see things changed. You didn’t just talk about community…you lived it! From basketball performances to my choir performances, and a few individual one on one meetings, you have been committed to me and so many other students. I can only say Thank you! I pray that God continues to richly bless you. I am excited to continue to see how God uses your legacy at Westminster and also what is yet to come my friend!

David AlexanderAlumni, 2010

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As I think back over my nineteen wonderful years of association with Westminster Christian Academy, I am grateful for the many memories I have as a Westminster parent, volunteer mom, and employee of the school. You figure prominently in all of those memories – your wise, steady, gracious leadership made Westminster an excellent place for my children to receive an outstanding education and become prepared to face a world in need of Jesus Christ. I’m thankful for the spiritual teaching and guidance they received under your leadership, which no doubt contributed to their strong walks with the Lord today. As a volunteer parent in the business office, I found you to be a friendly and approachable head of school; you always seemed to know everyone’s name, and you made a point of making each person feel special and welcome. As a school employee, I observed more closely your strong, steady leadership and wise decisions, and I was impressed by the great care and compassion you had for your students. Finally, I have had the incredible opportunity to serve as your assistant these past seven years, and it has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. I have watched you lead, guide, and counsel faculty, students, and administrators; your door has always been open to them, and you have never been too busy to stop what you were doing and listen with great patience and attention. I have been impressed by your love for Westminster Christian Academy and your deep desire and untiring efforts to pursue excellence and glorify God there. I have been challenged in my own life by your unerring devotion to the Lord and your desire to please Him in all that you do.

The Westminster Community has been abundantly blessed to have you as its leader for 28 years, and you will be greatly missed. I will also greatly miss working with and for you. You have been a wonderful boss and friend, and I will always treasure the memories I take with me of the privilege it has been to serve under your leadership at Westminster Christian Academy.

Becky VanValkenburgExecutive Assistant to the Head of School & Parent of Alumni

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It has been my honor to know you when I was both a student and teacher. As a new student to Westminster in tenth grade, you welcomed me and greeted me by name in the hallways. You even attended some JV soccer games, which were not heavily spectated by non-family members. Thank you for demonstrating your care for all students.

Then, five years after graduation, I came back to your office to ask about the possibility of teaching at Westminster. “What do you think you could teach?” you asked, as I had just graduated with a major in Economics and a minor in French and International Business. “Math or French,” was my reply and I taught both for the next five years. Thank you for believing that I could be a teacher and setting me up for success through mentors, learning opportunities, and leadership opportunities.

One of these opportunities included the chance to run with your vision of having a bustling, robust summer camp on campus. This way, the gifts that God has blessed us with could be shared all year. Thank you for trusting me with your vision and sharing the joy of watching an idea grow into reality, all supported by the gifts and talents of so many people in the school.

May God bless this next chapter in your life, as you have blessed many chapters in my life.

Abby Doriani KarstenAlumni, 2000 & Teacher

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Thank you for your unwavering support over the last 12 years. Your leadership, kindness and constant words of encouragement, have been a blessing in my life. I have many of your hand written notes, kept over the years, as assurance I was in the place of the Lord’s calling. The work you have done for Him at Westminster Christian Academy, truly was and is a stellar example to follow, for which I am most thankful.

Mark JenningsMaintenance

You were my “headmaster” for six years at WCA and seven years at FLCS before that. I wouldn’t change that for the world. Walking into school with you each day--and parting with our traditional handshake and “I love you, son/dad”--is a unique part of my upbringing that I will cherish for life. Your passion for Christian education has touched so many families, but probably none more than your very own. Many leaders of large organizations are not able to devote the kind of time needed to be good dads. You did. And it has made all the difference. I love you.

Jeremy MarshAlumni, 1991

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“We speak our words of praise in a world that is hellish; we sing our song of victory in a world where things get messy; we live our joy among people who neither understand nor encourage us. But the content of our lives is God, not man. We are not scavenging in the dark alleys of the world, poking in its garbage cans for bare sustenance. We are traveling in the light, toward God who is rich in mercy and strong to save. It is Christ, not culture, that defines our lives. It is the help we experience, not the hazards we risk, that shape our days.” - Eugene Peterson

I know I’ve shared this quote with you before, but it seems even more appropriate now. I count myself as just one among many people unusually blessed by God to have worked alongside you, seeking God’s best for Westminster Christian Academy. In our six years together I believe I have had the privilege to serve with you in your finest moments.

I’ve learned from you. I know of many others also changed by God’s power working through your life and leadership. My thoughts on this could fill pages, but as I consider lessons learned by observing you, these most significant ones leap to my mind.

Real vision is more than words and dreams, it is a deep abiding conviction that is divinely empowered.

Serving well means doing hard things that few will ever see, and even fewer will ever understand.

Perspective means looking beyond the rules, policies, and procedures and seeing the relationships at the heart of things.

Wisdom comes from listening and learning, genuinely putting yourself in the shoes of the other person.

Effectiveness comes from staying true to yourself, your guiding principles, and the mission and values of the ministry.

Hard work is awaiting every day, but it’s important to not take yourself too seriously.

Faithfulness means waiting with hope that the seeds sown here at Westminster bear fruit in lives we may never see.

Jim, thank you for all you’ve invested in me and for all you have poured out for others.

You’ve changed me, and I’ll always be grateful.

Zach ClarkDirector of Advancement

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I want to thank you for your years of service and dedication to Westminster. I remember before we had kids attending WCA the many times you preached at our church and your dedication to the LORD.

I especially want to thank you for your leadership and support for the STEM curriculum and especially your strong support for the FIRST Robotics program. I remember Lisa Harding telling me that you were fully behind the robotics program and that we could come to you if we ran into any kind of issues. The support from you really encouraged me during that first season. At the end of the season, hearing you say that robotics was the highlight of your year, really hit home how much you were pulling and rooting for us. Thank you so much!

Paul DeGrootParent

I wanted you to know how much I have appreciated your humble and gentle wisdom, leadership, and encouragement. Even from Chicago, I have been able to see your dedication and love for God and the students at WCA. I pray that God continues to bless you and your family.

Sarah StanfieldCommunications Staff

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Congrats on a job well done. WCA is what it is today because of your heart, faith and character. Personally, I thank God for you because you always believed in me and made me feel like I could follow my dreams. Through your encouragement and support I watched God move in my life in ways I couldn’t have asked for or imagined as a young high school girl. Thank you for your friendship and your example. I’ll never forget that first amazing Jr. Class Carnival and the feeling that God had moved and we could trust Him for big things. You believed in me and allowed us to take a big risk, so thank you for your trust, faith and leadership. Many blessings to you as you move on to a new chapter of your life. May God richly bless you in all ways!

Stefanie BiceAlumni, 1988

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I want to thank you so much for the incredible leadership and service that you have given to the Westminster community over the last 28 years. Upon reflection, I realized that I have known you since 1989, when I was eight years old and my sister, Katie, started at WCA in the 7th grade. After I graduated in 1999, following six great years at Westminster, you were still in my life from time to time because of Molly’s years at WCA, until she graduated in 2008. During my time as a student, I was blessed to experience your kindness, warmth, and wisdom. Whether seeing you in the halls, watching you cheer on our girl’s basketball team in the stands, or hearing you speak at a school event, I knew that our Head of School truly cared about his students.

God has blessed me with the opportunity to work at Westminster and I am so thankful for your support and encouragement of my role here. I cannot tell you how fortunate I feel to have been able to work alongside you, learn from you, and be inspired by you over these past few years. My respect for you only continues to grow as I have understood more of what you do, been moved by your vision and passion for Christian education, seen firsthand how you have cared for our WCA students and families, and observed how you have tirelessly given yourself to the mission of preparing students to engage and change the world for Jesus Christ.

A cherished memory I have of you involves my interview process as a hopeful employee. I must say, giving my testimony and being interviewed by the Board of Education was rather intimidating. But I will never forget your warmth and encouragement as I walked into and out of that interview. Your smile and sincere words, “You did great!”, calmed my heart and mind, and allowed me to put aside any anxieties I had in that moment and trust in God’s plan for me. What a blessing to experience that type of support. It only confirmed what I felt years earlier – that you truly care for your students…even years after graduation!

Thank you for being such an incredible advocate for excellent Christian education, a man that cares deeply for each student and family that comes through Westminster’s doors, and a leader that has given others, both in and outside of the Westminster community, a true picture of what a godly man looks like, as well as a true picture of what it looks like for someone to engage and change the world for Jesus Christ.

I wish you much peace and joy in this next phase of your life. You will be greatly missed and I look forward to seeing you in the future!

Carla MeyerAlumni, 1999 & Guidance & Counseling Staff

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Page 100: Jim Marsh Memory Book

It was 29 years ago when we at Westminster interviewed you for the position, and shared our mutual visions.

To think back on where we were then. A little school house, a small student body, and no money. As a matter of fact, there wasn’t even another school like ours in the country to use as a model. What a start, but then again, what faith!

Then you were brought into the picture. You and the board had the mutual vision of a “quality Christian education” –a private independent Christian school.

Then, we challenged you to “fill the building”.

Well 28 years later, through your leadership, the school has outgrown that facility (you more than filled the building), and WCA is now the model for non-church operated, quality Christian education nationally.

This has truly been miraculous to watch take place. And it has been thrilling to watch you grow and perform these faith driven accomplishments.

We will miss you tremendously but, we will have the same Lord to work through the next leader who takes your place (this is our comfort).

Thank you for all that you have been to all of us. God bless you in your next endeavors.

Jack KramerParent, Grandparent of Alumni & Former Board Member

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Whenever I picture Jim, I see him standing, observing and assessing the activities around him – and always with a composed and grateful expression. One day I found him in an empty hallway, by himself, reading word for word the background of a student’s work of art. He was genuinely interested and appreciative of what he saw. It reminded me how just how deeply he cares about this school – every kid and every family that’s ever walked the halls.

Thanks for pouring your life into this place and demonstrating what it means to love well and lead well. We’ll miss you, Jim.

Bill HughesParent & Former Board Member

My memories of Jim Marsh center on hearing his thoughts - and him sharing his heart - at various school events over the last few years. These have included the Tuesday morning Men’s Prayer Group, the Diversity Task Force and the home meetings where the new campus was being presented. More than anything else, Jim has always represented stability to the school - and strength. He has been forward thinking and has encouraged others to jump on board. I’ve always appreciated his leadership - and our family wishes Jim the best in the years ahead!

John CannonParent

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The first time we heard Mr. Marsh speak before our daughter Ally started going there, we were impressed with the ease of his words and the aura of integrity surrounding him. It was also very easy to detect his strong faith. Our second year at WCA is when the new campus opened. I’d always find myself thinking about how incredible it would be to be so blessed to see your dream come to life. I’d ask my daughter how’s Mr. Marsh doing with the new campus and she’d say” he just walks around smiling all the time.” We’ll certainly miss your strong, caring presence at school and can never thank you enough for all you’ve done to lead God’s plan for Westminster! Our family wishes you only the best of everything in the years ahead and that God will continue to bless your life.

Sam & Karen DalbyParent

I wanted to let you know how great it has been for me to work with you and for you in my role as the Executive Director of the Independent Schools of St. Louis, and how much I will miss you as you begin this new chapter in your life. Your strong support and kind manner has always served to bolster my strength in the face of some difficult times.

Though I wish you well as you begin your new journey, I want you to know that I will miss your cheerful smile, your friendly manner and your cooperative spirit. I wish you the best and I am hopeful we can stay in touch.

Thank you for your leadership and serving as a model for so many.

Genie Newport GuilliamsProfessional

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Mr. Marsh’s daughter, Meri, was one of my best friends in high school. We were cheerleaders together, and since my mom worked, the Marshes often invited me to come to their home after school and have dinner on nights before basketball games. Some things really impressed me while spending time at the Marsh home and eating dinner with the family. First, they actually ate dinner together as a family. Second, Mr. Marsh led the family in devotions every night at the dinner table. Maybe this does not seem impressive to some, but it was to me. Growing up, I ate dinner with my father, maybe once a week. My parents divorced when I was 12 and my older sisters were grown. My mother worked several jobs to support the two of us and send me to WCA (along with the generous scholarships that I received). This family dinner along with sharing the Word was a foreign concept and left a lasting positive impression on me. All of my encounters with Mr. Marsh away from WCA just reinforced to me that he was consistent and faithful no matter what setting he was in. He was the same man whether at work or at play. Thank you, Mr. Marsh, for always being faithful and for setting a good example of what a loving father can be!

Shannon Burnley PattenAlumni, 1995

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I am very thankful that I have the opportunity to honor Mr. Marsh by sharing a memory that literally shaped the rest of my life.

After attending the Wentzville public school system through 6th grade, my parents provided me the opportunity to go to WCA in 7th grade. I attended WCA through my ninth grade year. After ninth grade, I decided that playing baseball at Wentzville HIgh School was more important than continuing my Christian education at WCA. Wentzville was one of the best baseball programs in the state at the time and I wanted to be part of that. (How things have come full circle as now WCA is the best baseball program in the state!!)

At some point late in my 10th grade year, I ran into Mr. Marsh at a WCA sporting event. I had continued to stay in close contact with my friends and former teammates at WCA after I transferred. Mr. Marsh and I had a conversation about my time at Wentzville and he let me know that if I ever wanted to return to WCA, that I’d be welcomed back with open arms. Even as a young and immature student, I always admired Mr. Marsh’s authentic love for the Lord, his quiet confidence and noticeable wisdom. He is one of the few men in my life that I have tried to pattern my own life after.

A few weeks after our conversation, I received the following hand written note from Mr. Marsh that I have kept to this day. To think that the Headmaster, with whom I respected so much, was praying specifically for me and my return to WCA was absolutely humbling. How could I not go back to WCA after receiving this personal note? I know this is just one of numerous examples of how Mr. Marsh cared for each and every student at WCA as if we were his own children.

Returning to WCA obviously impacted every aspect of my life. I can’t imagine where I’d be today had Mr. Marsh not persuaded me to return to WCA. I will be forever grateful to Jim March and Westminster Christian Academy.

Matt ErkmannAlumni, 1993

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Page 106: Jim Marsh Memory Book

Congratulations on your retirement! Little did I realize when I first dropped off Emily on her first day of 7th grade what an incredible journey we would be on for so many years. Your leaving Westminster has been bittersweet for all of us, but we are excited to see what God leads you to do in the future. You have been a true inspiration to the entire Reed Family, especially Emily, Missy and Tim, and we so appreciate you and your vision for Westminster. Our children are so blessed to have had such a godly man at the helm of their school, and we will be forever grateful for your guidance and leadership. We will miss you, and we hope you know we are so honored to be part of the Westminster community! Thank you for all your years of service to such an incredible school and for being such an integral part of all of our lives.

Patty ReedParent of Alumni

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Jim has shared the blessings and challenges of partnering with us as we guided four daughters through their middle school and high school years at Westminster. Together experienced great blessing and significant challenges and through them all God has been faithful and Jim has led as his servant.

Jim’s vision casting and faith prayers are foundational for all that God has accomplished. Thousands have been blessed and we are personally grateful to have walked and served together!

Bob & Jane-Ellen MarkParents & Board Member

We feel truly blessed that our children have been a part of Westminster Christian Academy. Without you and your faith, foundation and vision, WCA would not be what it is today. You have invested your time and expertise into growing the school but most importantly it is a gift how you have invested your time into each and every student.

Thank you!!

Ron & Tina CatlettParents

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I knew right away when Michelle Burke told me that we needed to send a “high-level email about Mr. Marsh” that it was going to be a difficult day. If I had my selfish way, I would have liked to keep you around here for about 20 more years or so. :) After drying my tears and being consoled by the advancement team throughout that week, I wanted to write you a note then to let you know how much I would miss you, but I couldn’t find the words to tell you!

You have been beloved by the Reed family for many, many years. You have shown Missy, Tim, and me what it is to live lives of strong, genuine faith, and I know my parents, too, have looked up to you as you have led by incredible example. I am forever grateful to them for sending me to this school for that primary reason – that I would be surrounded by and impacted by individuals like you, who they knew would help guide my steps in “the way I should go.”

You may have no idea how much your daily warm smile and kind “hello” have meant to me all this time – both as a student and as your colleague. Your kind, gentle spirit has been a great blessing to me and in more ways than I can count, and I am going to miss hearing your heartfelt greetings, words of encouragement, and lovable laugh echo throughout the Business Office each day. I have the utmost respect for you and will forever admire you as one of the godliest men I have ever known. I pray you enjoy a restful, fulfilling retirement with Jackie and relish all the wonderful years ahead with family and friends. Much love to you, Mr. Marsh.

Emily ReedAlumni, 2004 & Communications Staff

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