- ; ; - ( * ,- %> -. L CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to B e Examined Free on Monrky. — i n keejMiarwtth srprogram-adopted- by the Unhn oountgr Kcdkal Society uid which already has been curled on .•in several other community, .tuber- ^Wiim'testi wm*e ma onMonday to ninth grade pupils of Cranfort High " School, It w»s announced yesterday, by H R. Best, supervising principal, the' Board Of Education, at a rebent. meet- Ing, gave its consent for the «lrtnt j* ihe testa- HoweverV^-Plipa* Whose UONS WILL HEAR -OITOMETRIST FRIDAY J5ari, H._ Rtdgeway. of ^Norton,, part president of the New Jersey State Op- tometrie Society..wtUte guesUpeaker at tomomnr ntght - s dinner meeting of the lions Club In the Chimney Corner. Dr. Wilth Df Elisabeth also will attend. Past. Poesldenl O. K. Warner Is In charge of the program. at last Friday night's meeting: Presi- dent, Han? R. Hems, succeeding James A. Strong; first vice-president, Clarence parents give -tested.- their' consent trill. be progT&m* , •, . -: " The testing will be under the direc- tion. ot-Dr. J._* Runnelf, Buperlnten- dent of Bonnie BumSanitarium. He ' will be assisted 1 by local physlrlans. Tbe test consists of a »maU Injection under tbe sUn—similar to tbe.Schlck and Chick tests for scarlet fever and lJUt -dlphtherlaiJ^»hlcli_iiieBly_Jn«Uc»tei 'whether the Individual Is Immune to tbe disease. Inall three Instances a positive reactiontotoaicateoT By. > slightly, reddened area at the site of Because of'the ibnplidty, of the test and the- fart that no danger U Involved to the individual, It Uextremely Im- portant for thehealth of the child and In orden to mwt any possible condi- tions which might be developing, that s*snodd 1 be b«nra.whMher^UM-JOilld has an acUve case or an •nested case of tuberculosis. Without the test it Is lnnowtoe possible-todecide either of the sboveby the appearance of the.In- dividual unless the .condition Is well advanced. -The purpose c* these test* TO ZONE CHANGE TRINITY MEN'S CLUB _ EKttRTAINS LADIES Adjtnfaneat f toJune 7 Hearing on Knapp Application. ~ Althc^ighpunrJehtarint-on thr ap- plication of the Estate of Henry F. Knapp. owner, for permission to bane lots at South said BoUjrwood avenoea ^atdf«Jt«eild«nea'?A^tolwaV treasurer, Tbermann; tall twister, O. J. Janeen; Hon tamer. Ellsworth tt^Downe; and director, Joseph Waralnskl.'. Mr, Was- ner wastocharge, ot Installation cere* Presh* Stewart.._ TRINITY MEN'S CLUB REELECTS TROEBER Other Officer* AUo Renamed ness tone was postponed to 1 June T, because. Oeorge Antbeoy. executor for the estate, had failedtonotify., property Owners within the required. 3*0 feet radius, the Zoning Board, at M* meet- ing Mondsy night mtownship rooms, received and placed on file a petition containing "" •t Annual Gath- — -.: -. - .- ering. William W. TroebCT was reeJected president of the. Men's Club of Trinity Church at the annual .meeting of the executive, committee l«k night at his home lnWestneld. Other officers for the ensuing year, alsoreelected,are: Turer~secreMryr-*c~«»r^™«»w™. ™- respbndlng secretary, Edward Thomas; .^•Jrej»surw1.Carl R. Hoe, Jr. ^_ ^.^ ^ Members of the nominating com-, mlttee were: John K. Cloud, chairman; lutslj TUI sm—hii Hull ai n mirt fKeads of the H a n i Club of Trinity Omrm- attended-Jhe.-elub>_ annual ladtea- night BMetmt In parish hooH last Tfcundar night. It was the largeat tadtea* nignt aBslr held In re- cent years and anexcellent program of tiastramental and vocal music hu- morotaatorles ana Height of hand was GROUP REHfCTS MRS. 0. DE WOLFF om ... President wmiam W. Troeber gave dd f IOB d Don Tern ed the address of . Troeber gave , and Don Tern- (he:ttient«6ni ataUng of Roy King, plsnlst; C. Rich- aids, magician and! card trickster, and -The Three Harmony Belles," radio RefreshmaU were servedjmder the ii of John. Donlphsn snd hl» _-to-tte ... . change of sone b desired to permit erection of a gas station or garage on the' property, now vacant. ' ."The-petition objecting to the change was signed by the following: Nicholas Witttogv M Hollywood avenue; M Wit- ting, 18Hollywood avenue; Howard Oater. 20 Hollywood avenue: Joseph Ialone.M Hollywood avenuer-Eroest Wolff. 11 Hollywood avenue; Christian Witting. MS Fulton street Woodbrldge; Carmen DfTulllo. 24 Hollywood ave- nue; Carlo Cieesare,tt Hollywood ave- -TTt»mt«ttwTiaHr*»d^he-cloBe-of-thf mierftinc» C*rti»c< » Honywcad avenue; Walter C. Jabn. 101 Central avenue: John Qleason. SOS South ave- nue; Ttny LaBate. SMSouth avenue; and Robert Tbdss. 4 Honywood avenue. Taken under advisement, following public, hearing at which there were no ^^ws^^jHi^c^.^*^, for penobafcin to conwit lib meeting of the dbwton, until rait 0 ) A l CONTRACT TO NEWARK FIRM d of $2,700 la Lpweat 1 cetvedby Board of •/' MRS. R, J. ALLEN HEADS ROOSEVELT P.-T. A. _Mrs.K. J.Allen was.elected 1 .and In- stalled as president of the Roosevelt P.-T. A., at the annual meeting Men- WednwdayMomingaubHa* 46th Annual Butineaa Meeting. Mrs. Otto deWolff was reelected' presl- uura, suss uertruog iumy, |JI»H.I|J»I dent of the Wedneadsy Mornlhi" Cliib ttdoseveli School: and fourth; H. n. at the group's fortyrslxth annual busl- " ---•'-' •—•—»• »~ii— ness meeting yesterday morning in the public library. Other officers are: officers r: f&^eS&nTSr^n^^ and Mrs. J. P. Oarrett; recording -sec- retary, Mrs. Adam BarijWWrjMJijjsori responding and Federation secretary. Mrs. Louis Q. Adam: treasurer, Mrs. Chester'D. Marsac; and auditor-Mis. Homer pickent^Airtiffliiei* were-re~ elected save Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Dtekena-who-succeed Mrs^CM day afternoonto the school auditorium. She succeeds Mrs, deorge Wlrth. Other new officers are: First vice-president.. Mrs. Oeorge Doss; second, Mrs. R. arobengleser; third. Miss Oertrude Almy, principal or ttooseveli Schoci: and fourth; H. TC Best, supervising principal; recording secretary. Mrs. R. P. smith; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Ray DilncK, Mrs. Harry A. Armtrong, retiring president of Sherman P.-T. A.,'was the mstailiwomcer/The reUrlnn and'ne* bfflcers were.presented with corsages. R f h t wre served lojlowlng fflcers were.presented with corsages. Refreshments were served lojlowlng medical treatment would be. relaUvely simple, rather than the advanced cases wherein adifficult condition has arisen. ; to case a positive reaction U founc?, the results wUl be sent to the family i tbll jihyslciinr n»c»»Tortuberculosl» were found ln^he Union County schools l^^^fBh^NStm^hriWSJn TAese chairmen of atspdjiw- com- mlttees were reappolnted by President Troeber: Home, John Doolphan; en- tertainment,- Don' Templeton; .and membership. George D, Banldn.»i. ; —Atmuamuurla shuwed--thairthe-»e«- son Just closed has been a successful l a ? 8 e l new la^^fBh^NStm^hriWJn schools where there were no clinics-^ d»U when - and were all in advi, - discovered. BMly eases arc not - menace and may not require treatment in a iaiuMuin.—ATiosiUvB-tubereuliri reaction Indicates tbe presence of. tu- bercle badlU In the body. Kvery caae WWm*iim1tt:t!imr*e!uu with an active case of tuberculosis. |t mayi have occurred In infancy or later in - life. r Tta;TX-rw Jriir determine MJ .tsiwi ^ y w i m i t |giiwi»iwt yaw in M m i»—» Parenti, tt~tbjravo>ai»,:a« privileged -to.uw their ownrphyaiclan^ services in treating their ehiWs ease. In caw they do not wish to a»att- themselves of fur th*r frff tl fc '' house, at JO1 Central avenue from a one to a two-famllw dwelling. The board-.wUL:maJke % raconinrjodaUans to the Township Committee next Tues- day nigh*. < r5iof«mJO«5tflldt: , that he desired to adda kitchenuntt on the second noor. but that no ex- terior change, would be made In the dwelling. He also presented a petition, sined by tBe fothwhn ptupsrty &ma- dwelling. He also presented a petition, signed by tBe fothwhn ptupsrty &ma- teapproyeJrorUie— 6r«T6r lB*organlsaaon?8everal new memben were added, and the club ha» a lubetantial f?f'"*^«« on hand to cany over to-next season. ' . , lUa.1 meeting of the execuUve teTihe wUI „__&» teTihe ttSt^ be'Septembe*. 8..amt;.«ii» tot regular lirtblbw1UbeOctpberJ4 eelinKortbe.club.w1U_be.OctpbJ Prior to the annual meeting last night. President Taoeber .entertained twenty-two members of the executive committee at dinner. The Board ofWucsllon. at an ad- journed meeting Monday night In Orant 8eho6i. awarded to, the Newark Coa| Company tht ebntract tor furnish- ing coal for local schools during the ) firtJWd spcotiveiy."..;..;;. . These chairmen of standing commit tees were oppplnted: Enlertainment, Mrs. E: A. Duntee; finance, Mrs. J. P. aarrett; hospitaUty, Mrs, M. J. SCavy; magazine, Mrs. Harry E. Atwskr; mem- bership. Mrs. Slerrett: program, Mrs. Prank W-'Myen; and publicity, Mrs. Robinson. . . ' . ^XHalrmen'orspeclBl-committees-wero announced as follows: Art, Mrs. plck- ent; civics, Mrs. Frederlck.Franklln; drama, Hit Roy H. Workman; educa- t l d international. tion, Mrs;. William'HUl; literature, Mrs. To D. -Anglemyer; music, Mrs. R. A. Rockwell; public welfare,'Mrs. E. A, 1 Mrs. J. 8. Crulkshank:, building fund, aarrlson: motor; Mrs." J. l for year. The JWd The contract for the erecting of USlfBetoC.itM.IWce Uthe new ath- letic Odd anf MS feet of fenoe, now tbe property of the board, was awarded ^-^ia»Ws|i»i^a!PMs*|P&mpanyw TbeJr bid of tt.70 §lso was the.towest or several sttbmlttfd. Contract for the fumbhlng of educational supplies for tbe ensuing rear went to the Talens Company of Mew York on their bid of Robert O, •6-BT --Th« real-4»tat»-market in Cfaufafd. as been vety actlre Inrecent week'. iccording to reports from local real ate'brokers who. report, many salt i TO SPEAK HERE Only Woman Bank President - to Speak at G. O. P. _ . Mrs. Mary O. Roebllng, president of the Trenton .Trust Company and a inember, o f , t o . B t a t e .Unemployment CompcnsaUon- Commission, -will be guest speaker at the annual sprtns luncheon of the- Womtn'a, Republican Club of Crahford at 1 p. m. next Wed- nesday at Echo Lake country Club. Tcuis R. Flsciier lit U>ni Islaml for gust Hogrcfc. '• * Thomai MncMcoktn: 1.13 Coliitrbln venue to Arthur EsclK'nliiurr for Louis Wciher, builder; 07 'south .Union' venue toOtto L: Brcndcl fpr Siniuhid mber Si Supply Co.; 40 Pawncv Hoicl o-John PrMtori Wiroji ot RLsrllc [or Park_ReaJtjMCo.;__H7 Hill- :rcst avenue to Robert V. Ddam; of estneld for Anna p. Bvyinb'ur; iinp- ijTon- Bluff Btrectto'nichard Hn-^e-f Bayonno for Louis II. Wiimr, A-Jeamlte^M::OeBtratTB ._ . Freda Hess. 30S Central avenue; J. H. Thompson, 4o> Central avenue; Freda F. Hamm. 408 Central avenue; Dorothy 8 Jensentas, ' « I 'Central avenue; George Matey. «M Central avenue; and Mrs. A. M. Lewis, SO* Central avenue. Mr and Mra. r. B. MalUand, owners of pioperty near Mr: Smith.^^but whor«>w reside In Ohio, wrote Mr. Smith that they did not object. use,— . The seeding of the new athletic fleM, located- on Walnut and -Denman avt- nnes, was left to the hands of the bunding andrgroundt eomniltUe, of which R T. Robinson li chairman. Cost for this was eatlmated at (MO. Work on getting the Held Into shape got underway on Monday. President. Joseph A. Plummer was authorised to appoint a committee of three trustees to confer with C. God- frey Pogtt, architect on the new jun- ior-senior high school, -with, power to act relativetobuilding construction de- u n s - w e l l as-arcWtect's fee*-—The aTdepartinent"ofl'ceramlc?,-which; car- rf fTimBt Parents should keep to mind that this U a service of which they may ^btttfci^^ -MOT OCOTIV-«W|*-.«*-»—•«-•»- "" Night" program Tuesday eveningtothe First-Presbyterian Church school audi- torium. The entertainment, arranged by mar*ers of the troop oommittee and Mothers' Club, was largely attended. £S;»vaU.ajemie^^but;.wttcfcia^n^:«<wi pulsory tad forwhlch therBlano charge- At tbe lame time they should - keep In mind that it majr mean a great deal to tbe health and future welfare of their'child. - . Questionnaires will be sent out to the parents of all ninth grade children in - the cranford schools, upon, which they - are requested to indicate whether -they wish to avail themselves of this aer- " •vlce'-cmBren-Tiri&»''pi»lI^«e vlce ) c mBrenTiri&»pi»lI^e will not be given the tot without the signature of the parent or guardian., <3Wdat*b^fMonwUlJie trWnadcat* ".: requestedin .ati.xase£wr^ri««nS desire that the finnlnatirm shall be ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ Jr, was fined by Judge Maleolm ^^imli^MrBlawwe^Stt^^ Scoutaaster ~M. V U Taliaferro, Assistant Scoutmaeteii Frank Jacques, Junior. As- sistant Scoutmaster camp Hopkins and Bugler Kenneth Mortck. The troop committee conducted the Inspection. <~ ' There were game*, eonducted byAlan Wkters, senior patrol leader: an aOradfedriU, under direction of Thom- aa R. AJbans; andcommunity singing, ltd fty Ciwnmlttfiwr"' l y w * , Cordea. with Walter Oustennan at the piano, Following the introduction or mem- ^J?J?Jk Waroock in Police Court Monday night for discharging agun within the town- ship UniltB In jrlolatloo of a township Annual reports showed that the club has had an active year and engaged.ln many worthwhile endeavors or both a bhilanthroptc an*civic-nature.-r»-~'r-i The. dub wiU not have a meeting-next "ed^^.^.^^^^;^^,^^^^^^ ROTARIANS HEAR ERNEST E. McMAHON "BUtg«W-UnlveTsity-gives-toHhe-tox- payersiof New Jersey more than a.dol- lar> : *«Si ; of 'swvicVi"WeverF'dollaf appropriated annuallytothe Bute Uni- versity.' Ernest E. McMahon, alumni secretary of Rutgers, > l d members of the* Rotary "Club 1 at thtlr luncheon meellng last Thursday. In the,MeUjo- dlst-Church-chapeW Mr.iMcMehbn, who la the son of Edward Ci McMahon, business manager of The Cltdzen and bank president in the' State and also aar^niy^dm'ari' tn«nbW v cf«t»^^TOf* aar^niy^dmari tn«nbWcft»TOf employment Compensation Commission, will dlscusf the wort of that commui- slon and'also speak on "Opportunities for Women taBus&es»; ira Bh*will be Introduced-bj-Mrsr Julia- lrHax»rd, i d t of.the club,.who will preside WILL BE OBSERVED Th» Feast of the Holy Trinity :wlU ra^unchWf Reservations for the luncheon should be made In advance with Mrs. George L. Orlswold of boertng Way. HONOR MEMORY busines g Chronicle,^ spoke on "Higher Education A memorial service, marking the sixth annivessary of the death of Mra. Edythe M. Ciirrle, Who for-years wa» actively engaged to temperance work, was con- ducted Tuesday, by Currte^ Mejmortal W. O. T. a Bl*» aleo iervedT for "fo«r yeimaVpreardeht\>f: : the i Unldn^^Oountf Vf.O.T.U. . : A delegation from Oranford is today attending a W. O.T. U. institute JTI^UM UdMBChurch^ Fmid for speeding were the foBow- lng: ioula Mercaldls. Chester atre- nue^Roselle Park, siiiiininiied' by .Pa- trolman Kovacs. *• and « costs; Vin- cent Crisala, Maple avenue.Oar- wbod>. summoned by'Patrolman Peter Miller, $10 and costa: Robert H. PtrgUSOO. SOT Walnut avenue^RAaBe Park,- summoned -by.IJeMX ,.Winiam Fbcber, and » coats; and Helen H. Barnard, 510 HtflerestavenueWest- o e l d , l t * Trinity made. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI SET REUNION DATE The third annual reunion of the As- sociation of Csanford High School Alumni wiU be held at thrHotel Win- field Scott. .Hisabeth, on Saturday, June 13. Musis for the dance wiU be -furnished by Carl Chrosan and hut Am- bassadors. . -"HT . Miss Helen Stanley Is chairman, with Charles Her to charge of tickets and programs; Ann Dreyer ant Ethel SUmoson, ftoanee; and William Ket- - tie and Arthur Brown, publicity. Tickets may be obtained from any Battoli)h,ehalnnBn;«he foUowig.p grain war'offeiaf: Trumpet daetj-Ken> neth Jteick and Alan Waters, accom- panied by Mr. Oustermso; stunts by the varioui patrob; saxophone solo, Kenneth Mocick; violin solo, also by Senneth Morick. Refreshments were Motber«!..qiub. Frank HOtUnghamrrf^ Base sttgt. nunmoned byPatrolnian Page for driv- ing onthe wrong aide of the Jtreetwai toedl «t and Frank Mele of « Fourth aWuTnixabeth. aummoned by K^jos ti a ear without his regjs- ^niemb«rJotih>«CTnmltt«ft.v,TWBi,reun Ion, judglBf'by the fnthiislasm already shown, promises tobe even more, en- joyable than ihose of the past~ ~ T. Fi Ww GABO FASTS' The Ladles* Auxniary 1 tcoCaptt.N,.RJ R»k» Pott, US. V. F. W,^wlU have a cud t S t d th served *y the Following the meeting, a Fathers Club was organized with these officers: President, R, A. Waters: secretary and treasurer, Charles Patterson; and as- sistant secretary, -Thomas A. Albahs, Members of XM camping committee announced tbat'theyjmve secured aa a summer camp for the troop a alto near Kewton. about one-half n»lW from Bwartawood Lake. There are facilities for swimming, boating andfishing and the Scouts will not be. molested by out- siders, as it Is privately-owned prop- erty, -- v - Trinity Episcopal. Church poratejqcsnmunlon f or tbe entire par- E m Sunday. Every comtnunicant of Trtmty Church U askedtoreceive Holy Pnnfftmim either at the 8 or II a. m. gervlce. Other services on Sunday will include: Chnreh school,rB:4S a, m.; TotmrFeopte-s FeUowship^ p. m.; and evening prayer, 8 p. m. Tonight the : Evening: Branchof - the ' OiWwiU h^ Jkcard J»rty Wo,nan* OuiW in the parfah home aWuTnixabeth. aummoned by ^j for operating a ear without his regjs- rt^rTtohla •*- Unetfll. TO HONOR US A tesUmonlal party wTU be givenito honor Lee .Pearson of Cfanfori FMday evening, at the Jersey Clt» Ete Ch* bVWBber. of tbe Western Electric Kearoy Works Oeneral Accounting: De- pSment The dinner Istothe form if a fateweU prior to Mr. Pearaonls transfer to the company* Hawthorne Works at Chicago/ One hundred l. Church ries on research "work beneflciaTto"trio many inddstrles to the state Interested In this field; health and sanltatlon,de- partment which has aaved money and aMed to theprevention: of disease. of to«r»icesren- IiiiCT^faeC^nferen«rJuj r Union County Convention October I, and the State Convention in Vlneland in October, pointed out...' '....,'. •'.; .'; Pounded to 1768, Rutgers was one of the nine Colonial colleges. During its many years of growth and development prior, to becoming a State school-In. 1917 it acquired-considerable landand many buildings, which taxpayers of the State nowshare^Aittioughi manyof th« Middle Western and Westerm colleges weffia^XW^StateconMitntloosand built up out of State funds, Rutgers wss built up by private funds and now, as Steps wene taken to submit another payment on the unnVa quote of the Urn Uonal tl,000,000educational fund.-6ev< twice the amount , An excerpt was read fronk the Union Signal to the effect that Tom Mix, mo- tion picture actor, never hu played a part to a picture calling for his smok ing or. drinking. Be has refused to portray such characters, believing. was said, that such'roles have a bad innuenM ?n the young. . __'.V_l .i The final meeting of the season will bo June 15 at the home of Mrs. Charles 8kUlman,;j08.Oentnalavenue. TO PRESENT PLA« The Sock and Buskin dramatic-club of'Union County Junior College win a two-art corned} JJars^toconiptionert representative at the Kearoy j J a n t ^ t ^ . _ _. iT^prnCiirtheRoaelle High School auditorium. The play is being directed £££!, LHW-fcr; - ^ - • - -»-- OIVE John F. Dleterie of Booth avenue, tot an to aman-ught be-- t «hA east, gave east, gave tot a ntoa man-g tween a trajn anda fence at «h»_Ar- o tation *a»«W avenoe station. BaTnTght _A Oeiinqueot New Jersey employers were warned this week by James O. Hobtnse«v executive director ot tbe Hew Jersey Onanptoyment Com-. peniaUeo Obmmlssion. that all coil- ^bufions for ibe flrat miarter ,rf l«n_dus as of May 1-muit be paid to fun by. May 31. Failure tocomply WiUreaulb to . the Imf"-" 1 "" of. interest charges and pfinf"". Db-ector Robinson, HaT H^fanapeoaltiMwiUbe tavokedaaofMayl. The order af^ feeto aU delinquent*. Including where- extension*, have been Priited" anTwhiclTreSorex][>ehdtd by the university at tne close of tne>ear, revert to the SUte, Mr. McMahon stated.:. _.. '-•.: .•,: ....:.... . . Contrary to common belief, Rutgers operates on a Princeton, ...has granted to May M~ Director Robinson also cslled at- ^ ^ . to the ruling of the Bureau of Internal Revenue that employer . and employe contributions to State I -'tmeamldyment insurance' fund* are deductible to compiling net income subject to Federal, Income tax. A regional Held sendee offlee was established (his week to Room 662, industrial Offlee Bid*, 1080 Broad atreet. Mewat*,to 1 provide advisory aerrlce for employers undei Slate Uhenu^oyiMnt Cp tion Law. - Compensa- larger budget more ' acreage than than Princeton, and also has a larger en- rollment. Rutgerji and' New. Jersey. College for Women, ab present, own ap- proximately 1^80-acres of land, and have jn enrollment of approxtoiatoly lOfldostudentt, 3,000-of which are resi- dent students. Other students are to the Hewark school or to extension -. Despite the fact that It .serves ap- proximately 10,000 students annually, the SUte appropriation to Rutgers and N. J. .0. Is much leu than appropria- tions to many other stales where a lest number olstudents.are benefited by the Siato university, Mr. McMahon concluded* ^ ' Township Engineer T. J. McUugh- lin, a member' of the Lions Club, was a guest at the luncheon. Be was wel- comed by J. Walter Coftee. Charles M. Ray, vice-president, con- ducted'the meeting to the absence of the Rer. Frank If. Sherlock, the pretl- GOOD WILL PAGEANT Children of Orant School, will present a Oood Will pageant in MacConnell Park, Eastman street, tomorrow.. Each class will present a folk dance of a for. elgh country*", '.. ' '.'.'. Tbe kindergarten wiU dance, "Have You-Cver Seen a Lassie?"; grade IW, a Swedish dance; 2H, a Danish Klapp dans; SN, the Bhoemakert dance; 3N, Hansefand oretot; 33, the Norwegian mountain march: 4K,Uie Dixie Polka; (L, Pop Ooes the Weasel; 5H, thi Bcbottlsbe and the Ballon' Hornpipe and BB, the Maypole dance. ., • HAVE' FART IN FROOBAM Miss Bertina Hlbson and Miss Vlr gtola Oraff will have part to 'the Ma: ftte prograin whlen-te- to b»-glven. ai Centenary Junior .College on Saturday afternoon. Mis* Hlbson, the .daughter of Mrs. Lilly Hlbson bY *MEUxabeJh avenue, and a senior at tb*»coUege, b a member of the committee on decora tlons. Miss Oraff, a Junior, the dau^" ter of Mr:#ndMr«> Jaoob Oraff oT' High street, wMJbe «w of a group forester*, who w^l glve^an exhlblticn (EALTV MARKET IS ACTIVE HERE 4«ny Stltt Qoaed Recently; Broken Report Scarcity ~ ot Houae* to Rent. - »«u^us^^,b|f,kfi^if)f4JUiri; n scarcity of propertipr fur ri'iit In township at present. ' Sales-reporU'd recwitly nfcas fol- iwsi- - . -••."..., Charles M. Yonkcl, Cranford Tri«.t ompany n*al Ealate DcparLmcnl .ID iamllton avenue to A. J. Dnvlca of. William McPhcrEOn: 1 Hninnlon rond 'Anna Kasklns tor PrudcnLlnl Insnr- ,nce Company: 108 Mnailn—avenue. st,,to Dn-Nell,Cas'Wldo for.I'ialull Id Trust Company:* properly on flamne iBEe~to^W.lley-Butlcr for A.' lnh ife ug f6r^J. T BcliecrTBulidef. John W. Helns & Son: S8 Slwtford errace to Oeorge Oundrum .«f- Eliza- bBth Jor,Ev«rybodl««; Builrtliig ti Loan. AsBQClBtion:-'311...Bi)tUC«_.BVcnu« 1 _Oiit'- wood, to John Ncuhniut'i' of Clnrwood or Oranford Mutual BulbUng &>bian Association. Recent rentuls follow diaries M. Yeakel, Cranford Trusf ompany Real Estate Drpartincnt: I Roosevelt avenue to P. It. Bchwa watder'for'Uhlfea' BlaHes~-AK<'ncy Roosevelt avenue toEarl H.-Kremi nited State* Agehcyf 13 1 LSSo uelto John T Weytfcmcycr for Bender; 123 Sevcrtn Court to lrvln K. lles-for -Crahford Trust Company; nd apartment•. in .Rlvervlew Apart- ments to Lachlan MncLean for Fidelity nion-Trust Company. '".John W. Helns ft Son," lW_ReHprd venue io~Jr~Howard~Curlctt of West- leld for Centenary Fund and Preach- ers' Aid Society; 8 Riverside biivcto t _ B PIHIng of Westfleld for Fidelity Jnlon Title and Mortgage Ouaranty ompany; 330 Manor avenue to J,,MU- brtI>ttC) August yt^aMano for RlchnVonf Building ciatlon; and 33 Columbia, ayenu^ to William-Holland «t Bloomlngton, md»._- ar Thomas MlUlken of Staten Ieland. Thomas MacMeekln: 38 Hlllcrcst venue to Oeorge C. Johnson or Ploln- neld for Arthur. Petenon The Cranford Real Estate Board re- o*n0y-ll«rt-«uVB»verai thontand dtot—* lars In an effort to Induce prospective home owners to locate In Cranford, ac cording to. Mr. MacMeekln, president of the board. The board has author- ized the taking out of Incorporation papers and by-laws are. now 'being drawn up. The members arc cooper- ating to every way possible to build'up Cranford, according to Mr. MocMeckin .TW CRANFORD RESIDENTS 'A cast of the WestOeia "Y" Players, comprised mostly of Cranforc? residents, and directed by Beech Smith of 5 Grove street, will present "Ten Nljhta in a Bar-room,'* on May 28 and 2§ In the Roosevelt Junior High School, Westfleld. The play 1* on old-time temperance drama by William W.Pratt As to the past, the "V" Players, a non-profit crganlzatlon, will distribute tickets without cost ob theguest ticket plan to Interested parties orgroups The audience vHll'be given an oppor- tunity during the evening to make a contribution commensurate with their opinion of the entertainment value of tne production. FELLOWSHIP' PLANS PICNIC Miss Runner, of Hillside, was the speakes at the meettog of tbe Young ^rie^^ltwraJilRiOf.Ttto ,, last Sunday evening. Her subject was "Educating tbe Blind.".- Committees were appointed to take care of the strawberry festival to be h e » on June 1 at tbe parish bouse. The Fellowship is having picnic at Surprise, XaktSpn Saturday. Thar *U1 lean the "^ bouse at 1:30 p. m. The sato Sunday will be Mr, West ford /bH^'-^ home of Mrs. o. W. Lawrence, 212 Ret- Xcrd SWUM. *n »«IIM» •BHie-nlaMd

JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

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Page 1: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

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- ( *, - %> - . L


TUBERCULIN TESTS__JJULipt!iNNinth Griite Pupi* to Be

Examined Free onMonrky.

— i n keejMiarwtth srprogram-adopted-by the Unhn oountgr Kcdkal Societyuid which already has been curled on

.•in several other community, .tuber-^Wiim'testi wm*e m a onMonday to

ninth grade pupils of Cranfort High" School, It w»s announced yesterday, by

H R. Best, supervising principal, the'Board Of Education, a t a rebent. meet-Ing, gave its consent for the «lrtnt j *ihe testa- HoweverV^-Plipa* Whose


J5ari, H._ Rtdgeway. of Norton,, partpresident of the New Jersey State Op-tometrie Society..wtUte guesUpeakerat tomomnr ntght-s dinner meeting ofthe lions Club In the Chimney Corner.Dr. Wilth Df Elisabeth also will attend.Past. Poesldenl O. K. Warner Is Incharge of the program.

at last Friday night's meeting: Presi-dent, Han? R. Hems, succeeding JamesA. Strong; first vice-president, Clarence

parents give-tested.-

their' consent trill. be

p r o g T & m * • , •, . - : •" The testing will be under the direc-tion. ot-Dr. J._* Runnelf, Buperlnten-dent of Bonnie Bum Sanitarium. He

' will be assisted1 by local physlrlans.Tbe test consists of a »maU Injectionunder tbe sUn—similar to tbe.Schlckand Chick tests for scarlet fever and

l J U t-dlphtherlaiJ^»hlcli_iiieBly_Jn«Uc»tei'whether the Individual Is Immune totbe disease. In all three Instances apositive reactiontotoaicateoT By. >slightly, reddened area at the site of

Because of'the ibnplidty, of the testand the- fart that no danger U Involvedto the individual, It U extremely Im-portant for the health of the child andIn orden to mwt any possible condi-tions which might be developing, that

s*snodd1 be b«nra.whMher^UM-JOilldhas an acUve case or an •nested caseof tuberculosis. Without the test it Islnnowtoe possible-todecide either ofthe sboveby the appearance of the.In-dividual unless the .condition Is welladvanced. -The purpose c* these test*



Adjtnfaneat fto June 7 Hearing on

Knapp Application. •

~ Althc^ighpunrJehtarint-on thr ap-plication of the Estate of Henry F.Knapp. owner, for permission to banelots at South said BoUjrwood avenoea^atdf«Jt«e i ld«nea'?A^tolwaVtreasurer,

Tbermann; tall twister, O. J. Janeen;Hon tamer. Ellsworth tt^Downe; anddirector, Joseph Waralnskl.'. Mr, Was-ner was to charge, ot Installation cere*



Other Officer* AUo Renamed

ness tone was postponed to1 June T,because. Oeorge Antbeoy. executor forthe estate, had failed to notify., propertyOwners within the required. 3*0 feetradius, the Zoning Board, at M* meet-ing Mondsy night m township rooms,received and placed on file a petitioncontaining " " —

•t Annual Gath-— -.: -. - .- • ering.

William W. TroebCT was reeJectedpresident of the. Men's Club of TrinityChurch at the annual .meeting of theexecutive, committee l«k night at hishome lnWestneld. Other officers forthe ensuing year, also reelected, are:

Turer~secreMryr-*c~«»r^™«»w™. ™ -respbndlng secretary, Edward Thomas;.^•Jrej»surw1.Carl R. Hoe, Jr. _ . ^

Members of the nominating com-,mlttee were: John K. Cloud, chairman;

lutslj TUI sm—hii Hull ai n mirtfKeads of the Hani Club of TrinityOmrm- attended-Jhe.-elub>_ annualladtea- night BMetmt In # » parishhooH last Tfcundar night. It was thelargeat tadtea* nignt aBslr held In re-cent years and an excellent programof tiastramental and vocal music hu-morotaatorles ana Height of hand was


om ...President wmiam W. Troeber gave

dd f IOB d Don Terned

the address of. Troeber gave

, and Don Tern-

(he:ttient«6niataUng of Roy King, plsnlst; C. Rich-aids, magician and! card trickster, and-The Three Harmony Belles," radio

RefreshmaU were served jmder theii of John. Donlphsn snd hl»

_-to-tte ... .change of sone b desired to permiterection of a gas station or garage onthe' property, now vacant. '."The-petition objecting to the change

was signed by the following: NicholasWitttogv M Hollywood avenue; M Wit-ting, 18 Hollywood avenue; HowardOater. 20 Hollywood avenue: JosephIalone.M Hollywood avenuer-EroestWolff. 11 Hollywood avenue; ChristianWitting. MS Fulton street Woodbrldge;Carmen DfTulllo. 24 Hollywood ave-nue; Carlo Cieesare,tt Hollywood ave-


mierf t inc» C*rti»c< » Honywcadavenue; Walter C. Jabn. 101 Centralavenue: John Qleason. SOS South ave-nue; Ttny LaBate. SM South avenue;and Robert Tbdss. 4 Honywood avenue.

Taken under advisement, followingpublic, hearing at which there were no

^ ^ w s ^ ^ j H i ^ c ^ . ^ * ^ ,for penobafcin to conwit lib

meeting of the dbwton, until rait


d of $2,700 la Lpweat 1cetvedby Board of•/'


_Mrs.K. J.Allen was.elected1.and In-stalled as president of the RooseveltP.-T. A., at the annual meeting Men-

WednwdayMomingaubHa*46th Annual Butineaa


Mrs. Otto deWolff was reelected' presl- uura, suss uertruog iumy, |JI»H.I|J»I u»dent of the Wedneadsy Mornlhi" Cliib ttdoseveli School: and fourth; H. n.at the group's fortyrslxth annual busl- " ---•'-' •—•—»• — »~ii—ness meeting yesterday morning in thepublic library. Other officers are:officers r :f&^eS&nTSr^n^^

and Mrs. J. P. Oarrett; recording -sec-retary, Mrs. Adam BarijWWrjMJijjsoriresponding and Federation secretary.Mrs. Louis Q. Adam: treasurer, Mrs.Chester'D. Marsac; and auditor-Mis.Homer pickent^Airtiffliiei* were-re~elected save Mrs. Robinson and Mrs.Dtekena-who-succeed Mrs^CM

day afternoon to the school auditorium.She succeeds Mrs, deorge Wlrth. Othernew officers are:

First vice-president.. Mrs. OeorgeDoss; second, Mrs. R. arobengleser;third. Miss Oertrude Almy, principal orttooseveli Schoci: and fourth; H. TCBest, supervising principal; recordingsecretary. Mrs. R. P. smith; corres-ponding secretary, Mrs. Ray DilncK,

Mrs. Harry A. Armtrong, retiringpresident of Sherman P.-T. A.,'was themstailiwomcer/The reUrlnn and'ne*bfflcers were.presented with corsages.

R f h t wre served lojlowlngfflcers were.presented with corsages.Refreshments were served lojlowlng

medical treatment would be. relaUvelysimple, rather than the advanced caseswherein a difficult condition has arisen.

; to case a positive reaction U founc?,the results wUl be sent to the family

i t b l ljihyslciinr n»c»»Tortuberculosl»were found ln^he Union County schoolsl ^ ^ ^ f B h ^ N S t m ^ h r i W S J n

TAese chairmen of atspdjiw- com-mlttees were reappolnted by PresidentTroeber: Home, John Doolphan; en-tertainment,- Don' Templeton; .andmembership. George D, Banldn.»i. ;—Atmuamuurla shuwed--thairthe-»e«-son Just closed has been a successful

l a ? 8 e l newla^^fBh^NStm^hriWJnschools where there were no clinics-^

d»U when- and were all in advi,- discovered. BMly eases arc not -

menace and may not require treatmentin a iaiuMuin.—ATiosiUvB-tubereulirireaction Indicates tbe presence of. tu-bercle badlU In the body. Kvery caaeWWm*iim1tt:t!imr*e!uuwith an active case of tuberculosis. | tmayi have occurred In infancy or laterin - life. rTta;TX-rw Jriir determine

MJ .tsiwi ^ y w i m i t |giiwi»iwt yaw in M m i»—»

Parenti, tt~tbjravo>ai»,:a« privileged-to.uw their ownrphyaiclan^ services in

treating their ehiWs ease. In caw theydo not wish to a»att- themselves of f urth*r frff t l f c ''

house, at JO1 Central avenue from aone to a two-famllw dwelling. Theboard-.wUL:maJke % raconinrjodaUansto the Township Committee next Tues-day nigh*. <r5iof«mJO«5tflldt: ,that he desired to add a kitchenuntton the second noor. but that no ex-terior change, would be made In thedwelling. He also presented a petition,s ined by tBe fothwhn ptupsrty &ma-dwelling. He also presented a petition,signed by tBe fothwhn ptupsrty &ma-


6r«T6r lB*organlsaaon?8everal newmemben were added, and the club ha»a lubetantial f?f'"* «« on hand to canyover to-next season. ' . ,

lUa.1 meeting of the execuUveteTihe wUI„ _ _ & » teTihe ttSt^

be'Septembe*. 8..amt;.«ii» tot regularl i r t b l b w 1 U b e O c t p b e r J 4eelinKortbe.club.w1U_be.OctpbJ

Prior to the annual meeting lastnight. President Taoeber .entertainedtwenty-two members of the executivecommittee at dinner.

The Board ofWucsllon. at an ad-journed meeting Monday night InOrant 8eho6i. awarded to, the NewarkCoa| Company tht ebntract tor furnish-ing coal for local schools during the

) firtJWd

s p c o t i v e i y . " . . ; . . ; ; . .These chairmen of standing commit

tees were oppplnted: Enlertainment,Mrs. E: A. Duntee; finance, Mrs. J. P.aarrett; hospitaUty, Mrs, M. J. SCavy;magazine, Mrs. Harry E. Atwskr; mem-bership. Mrs. Slerrett: program, Mrs.Prank W-'Myen; and publicity, Mrs.Robinson. . . ' .^XHalrmen'orspeclBl-committees-weroannounced as follows: Art, Mrs. plck-ent; civics, Mrs. Frederlck.Franklln;drama, H i t Roy H. Workman; educa-

t l d international.

tion, Mrs;. William'HUl; literature, Mrs.To D. -Anglemyer; music, Mrs. R. A.Rockwell; public welfare,'Mrs. E. A,

1 Mrs. J. 8.Crulkshank:, building fund,aarrlson: motor; Mrs." J.l for

year. The JWd

The contract for the erecting ofUSlfBetoC.itM.IWce U the new ath-letic Odd anf MS feet of fenoe, nowtbe property of the board, was awarded^-^ia»Ws|i»i^a!PMs*|P&mpanywTbeJr bid of tt.70 §lso was the.towestor several sttbmlttfd. Contract for thefumbhlng of educational supplies fortbe ensuing rear went to the TalensCompany of Mew York on their bid of

Robert O,• 6 - B T

--Th« real-4»tat»-market in Cfaufafd.as been vety actlre In recent week'.iccording to reports from local real

ate'brokers who. report, many salt i

TO SPEAK HEREOnly Woman Bank President

- to Speak at G. O. P. _ .

Mrs. Mary O. Roebllng, president ofthe Trenton .Trust Company and ainember, of , to .Btate .UnemploymentCompcnsaUon- Commission, -will beguest speaker at the annual sprtnsluncheon of the- Womtn'a, RepublicanClub of Crahford at 1 p. m. next Wed-nesday at Echo Lake country Club.

Tcuis R. Flsciier lit U>ni Islaml forgust Hogrcfc. '• *

Thomai MncMcoktn: 1.13 Coliitrblnvenue to Arthur EsclK'nliiurr for Louis

Wciher, builder; 07 'south .Union'venue to Otto L: Brcndcl fpr Siniuhid

mber Si Supply Co.; 40 Pawncv Hoiclo-John PrMtori Wiroji ot RLsrllc [or

Park_ReaJtjMCo.;__H7 Hill-:rcst avenue to Robert V. Ddam; of

estneld for Anna p. Bvyinb'ur; iinp-ijTon- Bluff Btrect to' nichard Hn- e-f

Bayonno for Louis II. Wiimr,

A-Jeamlte^M::OeBtratTB ._ .Freda Hess. 30S Central avenue; J. H.Thompson, 4o> Central avenue; FredaF. Hamm. 408 Central avenue; Dorothy8 Jensentas, ' « I 'Central avenue;George Matey. «M Central avenue; andMrs. A. M. Lewis, SO* Central avenue.Mr and Mra. r. B. MalUand, owners ofpioperty near Mr: Smith. but whor«>wreside In Ohio, wrote Mr. Smith thatthey did not object.

use,— .The seeding of the new athletic fleM,

located- on Walnut and -Denman avt-nnes, was left to the hands of thebunding andrgroundt eomniltUe, ofwhich R T. Robinson li chairman.Cost for this was eatlmated at (MO.Work on getting the Held Into shapegot underway on Monday.

President. Joseph A. Plummer wasauthorised to appoint a committee ofthree trustees to confer with C. God-frey Pogtt, architect on the new jun-ior-senior high school, -with, power toact relative to building construction de-u n s - w e l l as-arcWtect's fee*-—The

aTdepartinent"ofl'ceramlc?,-which; car-

rf fTimBtParents should keep to mind that

this U a service of which they may^btttfci^^

-MOT OCOTIV-«W|*-.«*-»—•«-•»- " "Night" program Tuesday evening to theFirst-Presbyterian Church school audi-torium. The entertainment, arrangedby mar*ers of the troop oommittee andMothers' Club, was largely attended.£S;»vaU.ajemie^^but;.wttcfcia^n^:«<wi

pulsory tad forwhlch therBla nocharge- At tbe lame time they should

- keep In mind that it majr mean a greatdeal to tbe health and future welfareof their'child. - .

Questionnaires will be sent out to theparents of all ninth grade children in

- the cranford schools, upon, which they- are requested to indicate whether -they

wish to avail themselves of this aer-" •vlce'-cmBren-Tiri&»''pi»lI^«evlce ) c m BrenTiri&»pi»lI^e

will not be given the to t without thesignature of the parent or guardian.,< 3 W d a t * b ^ f M o n w U l J i etrWnadcat*

".: requestedin .at i .xase£wr^ri««nSdesire that the finnlnatirm shall be

^ r ^ ^ ^ ^Jr, was fined * » by Judge Maleolm

^ ^ i m l i ^ M r B l a w w e ^ S t t ^ ^Scoutaaster ~M.V U Taliaferro, AssistantScoutmaeteii Frank Jacques, Junior. As-sistant Scoutmaster camp Hopkins andBugler Kenneth Mortck. The troopcommittee conducted the Inspection. <~' There were game*, eonducted by AlanWkters, senior patrol leader: anaOradfedriU, under direction of Thom-aa R. AJbans; and community singing,ltd fty Ciwnmlttfiwr"' l y w * , Cordea.with Walter Oustennan at the piano,

Following the introduction or mem-^J?J?Jk

Waroock in Police Court Monday nightfor discharging a gun within the town-ship UniltB In jrlolatloo of a township

Annual reports showed that the clubhas had an active year and engaged.lnmany worthwhile endeavors or both abhilanthroptc an*civic-nature.-r»-~'r-i

The. dub wiU not have a meeting-next" e d ^ ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


"BUtg«W-UnlveTsity-gives-toHhe-tox-payersiof New Jersey more than a.dol-lar>:*«Si;of 'swvicVi"WeverF'dollafappropriated annually to the Bute Uni-versity.' Ernest E. McMahon, alumnisecretary of Rutgers, > l d members ofthe* Rotary "Club1 at thtlr luncheonmeellng last Thursday. In the,MeUjo-dlst-Church-chapeW Mr.iMcMehbn,who la the son of Edward Ci McMahon,business manager of The Cltdzen and

bank president in the' State and alsoaar^niy^dm'ari' tn«nbWvcf«t»^^TOf*aar^niy^dmari tn«nbWcft»TOfemployment Compensation Commission,will dlscusf the wort of that commui-slon and'also speak on "Opportunitiesfor Women taBus&es»;ira Bh* will beIntroduced-bj-Mrsr Julia- lrHax»rd,

i d t of.the club,.who will preside


Th» Feast of the Holy Trinity :wlU

ra^unchWfReservations for the luncheon should

be made In advance with Mrs. GeorgeL. Orlswold of boertng Way.


busines gChronicle, spoke on "Higher Education

A memorial service, marking the sixthannivessary of the death of Mra. EdytheM. Ciirrle, Who for-years wa» activelyengaged to temperance work, was con-ducted Tuesday, by Currte MejmortalW. O. T. a Bl*» aleo iervedT for "fo«ryeimaVpreardeht\>f::theiUnldn^^OountfVf.O.T.U. . :

A delegation from Oranford is todayattending a W. O.T. U. institute JTI^UMUdMBChurch^

Fmid for speeding were the foBow-lng: ioula Mercaldls. 4 » Chester atre-nue^Roselle Park, siiiiininiied' by .Pa-trolman Kovacs. *• and « costs; Vin-cent Crisala, 1 « Maple avenue.Oar-wbod>. summoned by'Patrolman PeterMiller, $10 and *» costa: Robert H.PtrgUSOO. SOT Walnut avenue^RAaBePark,- summoned -by.IJeMX ,.WiniamFbcber, $» and » coats; and Helen H.Barnard, 510 HtflerestavenueWest-o e l d , l t





The third annual reunion of the As-sociation of Csanford High SchoolAlumni wiU be held at thrHotel Win-field Scott. .Hisabeth, on Saturday,June 13. Musis for the dance wiU be

-furnished by Carl Chrosan and hut Am-bassadors. . - " H T

. Miss Helen Stanley Is chairman, withCharles Her to charge of tickets andprograms; Ann Dreyer ant EthelSUmoson, ftoanee; and William Ket-

- tie and Arthur Brown, publicity.

Tickets may be obtained from any

Battoli)h,ehalnnBn;«he foUowig.pgrain war'offeiaf: Trumpet daetj-Ken>neth Jteick and Alan Waters, accom-panied by Mr. Oustermso; stunts bythe varioui patrob; saxophone solo,Kenneth Mocick; violin solo, also bySenneth Morick.

Refreshments wereMotber«!..qiub.

Frank HOtUnghamrrf^ Base sttgt.nunmoned by Patrolnian Page for driv-ing on the wrong aide of the Jtreetwaitoedl « t and Frank Mele of « FourthaWuTnixabeth. aummoned by K^jos

ti a ear without his regjs-

^niemb«rJotih>«CTnmltt«ft.v,TWBi,reunIon, judglBf'by the fnthiislasm alreadyshown, promises to be even more, en-joyable than ihose of the past~ ~

T. Fi Ww GABO FASTS'The Ladles* Auxniary1tcoCaptt.N,.RJ

R»k» Pott, US. V. F. W,^wlU have acud t S t d th

served *y the

Following the meeting, a FathersClub was organized with these officers:President, R, A. Waters: secretary andtreasurer, Charles Patterson; and as-sistant secretary, -Thomas A. Albahs,

Members of XM camping committeeannounced tbat'theyjmve secured aaa summer camp for the troop a altonear Kewton. about one-half n»lW fromBwartawood Lake. There are facilitiesfor swimming, boating and fishing andthe Scouts will not be. molested by out-siders, as it Is privately-owned prop-erty, - - v -

Trinity Episcopal. Churchporate jqcsnmunlon f or tbe entire par-E m Sunday. Every comtnunicant ofTrtmty Church U asked to receive HolyPnnfftmim either at the 8 or II a. m.gervlce. Other services on Sunday willinclude: Chnreh school,rB:4S a, m.;TotmrFeopte-s FeUowship^ p. m.; andevening prayer, 8 p. m.

Tonight the: Evening: Branchof - the' OiW wiU h ^ Jkcard J»rty

Wo,nan* OuiWin the parfah home

aWuTnixabeth. aummoned by ^ jfor operating a ear without his regjs-

rt^rTtohla • * -Unetfll.

TO HONOR U SA tesUmonlal party wTU be givenito

honor Lee .Pearson of Cfanfori FMdayevening, at the Jersey Clt» Ete Ch*bVWBber. of tbe Western ElectricKearoy Works Oeneral Accounting: De-pSment The dinner Is to the formif a fateweU prior to Mr. Pearaonlstransfer to the company* HawthorneWorks at Chicago/ One hundred —

l. Church

ries on research "work beneflciaT to" triomany inddstrles to the state InterestedIn this field; health and sanltatlon,de-partment which has aaved money andaMed to the prevention: of disease.

• of to«r»icesren-

IiiiCT^faeC^nferen«rJuj rUnion County Convention October I,and the State Convention in Vlnelandin October,

pointed out...' '....,'. •'.; .';Pounded to 1768, Rutgers was one of

the nine Colonial colleges. During itsmany years of growth and developmentprior, to becoming a State school-In.1917 it acquired-considerable land andmany buildings, which taxpayers of theState nowshare^Aittioughi manyof th«Middle Western and Westerm collegesweffia^XW^StateconMitntloosandbuilt up out of State funds, Rutgers wssbuilt up by private funds and now, as

Steps wene taken to submit anotherpayment on the unnVa quote of the UrnUonal tl,000,000educational fund.-6ev<

twice the amount ,An excerpt was read fronk the Union

Signal to the effect that Tom Mix, mo-tion picture actor, never h u played apart to a picture calling for his smoking or. drinking. Be has refused toportray such characters, believing.was said, that such'roles have a badinnuenM ?n the young. . __'.V_l . i

The final meeting of the season willbo June 15 at the home of Mrs. Charles8kUlman,;j08.Oentnalavenue.

TO PRESENT PLA«The Sock and Buskin dramatic-club

of'Union County Junior College wina two-art corned}

JJars^toconiptionert representativeat the Kearoy j J a n t ^ t ^ . _ _ .

iT^prnCiirtheRoaelle High Schoolauditorium. The play is being directed£ £ £ ! , LHW-fcr; - ^ - • - -»--

OIVEJohn F. Dleterie of • Booth avenue,

tot an to a man-ught be--t « h A

east, gaveeast, gave tot an to a m a n - gtween a trajn and a fence at «h»_Ar-

o tation * a » « Wavenoe station.BaTnTght


Oeiinqueot New Jersey employerswere warned this week by James O.Hobtnse«v executive director ot tbeHew Jersey Onanptoyment Com-.peniaUeo Obmmlssion. that all coil-^bufions for ibe flrat miarter ,rfl«n_dus as of May 1-muit bepaid to fun by. May 31.

Failure to comply WiU reaulb to. the Imf"-"1"" of. interest chargesand pfinf"". Db-ector Robinson,HaT H^fanapeoalt iMwiUbetavokedaaofMayl. The order affeeto aU delinquent*. Including

where- extension*, have been

Priited" anTwhiclT re Sorex][>ehdtd bythe university at tne close of tne>ear,revert to the SUte, Mr. McMahons t a t e d . : . _.. '-•.: .•,: ....:.... . • .

Contrary to common belief, Rutgersoperates on aPrinceton, ...has

granted to May M~Director Robinson also cslled at -

^ ^ . to the ruling of the Bureauof Internal Revenue that employer .and employe contributions to State I

-'tmeamldyment insurance' fund* aredeductible to compiling net incomesubject to Federal, Income tax.

A regional Held sendee offlee wasestablished (his week to Room 662,industrial Offlee Bid*, 1080 Broadatreet. Mewat*, to1 provide advisoryaerrlce for employers undeiSlate Uhenu^oyiMnt C ption Law.


larger budgetmore ' acreage


Princeton, and also has a larger en-rollment. Rutgerji and' New. Jersey.College for Women, ab present, own ap-proximately 1^80-acres of land, andhave j n enrollment of approxtoiatolylOfldostudentt, 3,000-of which are resi-dent students. Other students are tothe Hewark school or to extension

-. Despite the fact that It .serves ap-proximately 10,000 students annually,the SUte appropriation to Rutgers andN. J. .0. Is much leu than appropria-tions to many other stales where a lestnumber olstudents.are benefited bythe Siato university, Mr. McMahonconcluded* '

Township Engineer T. J. McUugh-lin, a member' of the Lions Club, was aguest at the luncheon. Be was wel-comed by J. Walter Coftee.

Charles M. Ray, vice-president, con-ducted'the meeting to the absence ofthe Rer. Frank If. Sherlock, the pretl-


Children of Orant School, will presenta Oood Will pageant in MacConnellPark, Eastman street, tomorrow.. Eachclass will present a folk dance of a for.elgh country*", '.. ' ' . ' . ' .

Tbe kindergarten wiU dance, "HaveYou-Cver Seen a Lassie?"; grade IW, aSwedish dance; 2H, a Danish Klappdans; SN, the Bhoemakert dance; 3N,Hansefand oretot; 33, the Norwegianmountain march: 4K,Uie Dixie Polka;(L, Pop Ooes the Weasel; 5H, thiBcbottlsbe and the Ballon' Hornpipeand BB, the Maypole dance. ., •

HAVE' FART IN FROOBAMMiss Bertina Hlbson and Miss Vlr

gtola Oraff will have part to 'the Ma:ftte prograin whlen-te- to b»-glven. aiCentenary Junior .College on Saturdayafternoon. Mis* Hlbson, the .daughterof Mrs. Lilly Hlbson bY *M EUxabeJhavenue, and a senior at tb*»coUege, ba member of the committee on decoratlons. Miss Oraff, a Junior, the dau^"ter of Mr:#ndMr«> Jaoob Oraff oT'High street, wMJbe « w of a groupforester*, who w^l glve^an exhlblticn


4«ny Stltt Qoaed Recently;Broken Report Scarcity ~

ot Houae* to Rent. -

»«u^us^^,b | f ,kf i^ i f ) f4JUir i ;n scarcity of propertipr fur ri'iit In

township at present. 'Sales-reporU'd recwitly nfc as fol-iwsi- - . - • • . " . . . ,Charles M. Yonkcl, Cranford Tri«.tompany n*al Ealate DcparLmcnl .IDiamllton avenue to A. J. Dnvlca of.

William McPhcrEOn: 1 Hninnlon rond'Anna Kasklns tor PrudcnLlnl Insnr-

,nce Company: 108 Mnailn—avenue.st,,to Dn-Nell,Cas'Wldo for.I'ialull Id

Trust Company:* properly on flam neiBEe~to^W.lley-Butlcr for A.' lnh

ifeug f6r^J.TBcliecrTBulidef.John W. Helns & Son: S8 Slwtforderrace to Oeorge Oundrum .«f- Eliza-

bBth Jor,Ev«rybodl««; Builrtliig ti Loan.AsBQClBtion:-'311...Bi)tUC«_.BVcnu«1_Oiit'-wood, to John Ncuhniut'i' of Clnrwoodor Oranford Mutual BulbUng &>bianAssociation.

Recent rentuls followdiaries M. Yeakel, Cranford Trusfompany Real Estate Drpartincnt: I

Roosevelt avenue to P. It. Bchwawatder'for'Uhlfea' BlaHes~-AK<'ncyRoosevelt avenue to Earl H.-Kremi

nited State* Agehcyf 131 LSSouelto John T Weytfcmcycr for

Bender; 123 Sevcrtn Court to lrvln K.lles-for -Crahford Trust Company;

nd apartment•. in .Rlvervlew Apart-ments to Lachlan MncLean for Fidelity

nion-Trust Company.'".John W. Helns ft Son," lW_ReHprd

venue io~Jr~Howard~Curlctt of West-leld for Centenary Fund and Preach-ers' Aid Society; 8 Riverside biivc tot_B PIHIng of Westfleld for FidelityJnlon Title and Mortgage Ouarantyompany; 330 Manor avenue to J,,MU-

b r t I > t t C )


y t ^ a M a n ofor RlchnVonf Buildingciatlon; and 33 Columbia, ayenu^ toWilliam-Holland «t Bloomlngton, md»._-ar Thomas MlUlken of Staten Ieland.

Thomas MacMeekln: 38 Hlllcrcstvenue to Oeorge C. Johnson or Ploln-

neld for Arthur. PetenonThe Cranford Real Estate Board re-

o*n0y-ll«rt-«uVB»verai thontand dtot— *lars In an effort to Induce prospectivehome owners to locate In Cranford, a ccording to. Mr. MacMeekln, presidentof the board. The board has author-ized the taking out of Incorporationpapers and by-laws are. now 'beingdrawn up. The members arc cooper-ating to every way possible to build'upCranford, according to Mr. MocMeckin



'A cast of the WestOeia "Y" Players,comprised mostly of Cranforc? residents,and directed by Beech Smith of 5Grove street, will present "Ten Nljhtain a Bar-room,'* on May 28 and 2§ Inthe Roosevelt Junior High School,Westfleld. The play 1* on old-timetemperance drama by William W.Pratt

As to the past, the "V" Players, anon-profit crganlzatlon, will distributetickets without cost ob the guest ticketplan to Interested parties or groupsThe audience vHll'be given an oppor-tunity during the evening to make acontribution commensurate with theiropinion of the entertainment value oftne production.

FELLOWSHIP' PLANS PICNICMiss Runner, of Hillside, was the

speakes at the meettog of tbe Young^rie^^ltwraJilRiOf.Ttto , ,last Sunday evening. Her subject was"Educating tbe Blind.".- Committeeswere appointed to take care of thestrawberry festival to be he» on June1 at tbe parish bouse. The Fellowshipis having • picnic at Surprise, XaktSpnSaturday. Thar *U1 lean the "^bouse at 1:30 p. m. The s a t oSunday will be Mr, Westford /bH^'-^

home of Mrs. o . W. Lawrence, 212 Ret-Xcrd SWUM. *n »«IIM» •BHie-nlaMd

Page 2: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

'. ' ' rr " j '


Tut CHAMOEO CimoNictr, Ifttblttlted MM..Combined In' 1921

Entered lit the Post omcc at Cranford, N Ja scco-id Class MutUr.

H>urto> at Cranfprd New J


L Our Platform for 1937*MynlMpal11iiUilin«jQJcCr»nford.

1 Municipal Bponwrehlp of Holiday Celebrations.

4 Publirlie PnMJc Eipendltor*5. BnUiilrirt Cranfota. *


• * I -

Shall We Forget July 4th?While plans are moving forward rapidly

"in Roselle, Garwood and other nearby com-munities for ar municipal celebration of JulyFourth, nothing has been done in Cranford

- -relative to our recent suggestion that a similarobservance of this very important National

.holiday be carried out here this year.As we stated before; such a "celebration

could be staged without entailing a great dealof expense. ^There could be baseball games in

" the mornintfbetween tKe firemen "and police^men or other organizations; games and a pa-rade for the children in the afternoon, and aband concert, short address on the meaning ofIndependence Day, and a fireworks display in

•"""thVeve rmrig'"**" r a '*"~> ' '" t ' ' '" "--'••""•"•<•••""•*-"*' *The main item of expense, for fireworks,

could probably be raised largely through con-tributions from parents who would undoubt-

- «dly support a. municipal sponsorship of sucha display rather than have their children takeany risk*.with fireworks. ' *" "

In Nornahegan Park, Cranford has anideal eetiing for the staging of such a celebra-tion and display of fireworks. There are am-ple facilities for parking and the park is suf-ficientry'removed from town to eliminate anydanger of property damage from the fire-works.

We invite our readers, and particularlyrepresentatives of the' various organizations in

'M\ fown, tb\yoice" theurjbpjniona on^udi'A" cele£' ^brafioain^IeUera ft lhts.jtiewspaperl Shall we"-properly observe this banner day in the his-

tory of the United States or shall we forget-July Fourth _

' Whmt Our Readers ThinkAppearing alongside of this column to-

y are three""Eetter»-t&'th?Editor' in "re-sponse to an editorial in last week's issue,entitled "A Dangerous Precedent." •/

More letters of this type will be neces-sary if we are to stop the gradual breakingdown of property Values in Cranford. . TheCitizen and Chronicle is attempting" to crystal'lize public opinion on this subject. We cannot3o~it~aloner"neithef ~oein we/do it Vvith'butthree.letters.

-.p.™ Jjtis.up t«J resi^entsJnt.all parts,of.the'community to let themselves be heard iff orderthat those in authority may have a fair pictureof what is desired here in respect to modifica-

t i o n s in the present zoning code and planning, for the future. .

We invite comments from our readers_not only on this subject but also on other mat-ters which are of community-wide interest.

Re-dew -<»fiT)*'t3$w « J Chroniclemight eheck^wp on'thtoutdves by using the

Ten Essential* of "Sound Life"One of the mysteries that surround a

study of life is the comparative little that menand women have been able to learn aboutthemselves.

For this reason we are always more orless interested in any discussion of a "sound

jUfe" and passion town1 readersjsome. recent,~6t)5exi^6nTTrnWeH6y' DY. "Harry"AT C*ver-

street, a teacher of philosophy and psychol-ogy.

x Dr. Overstreet lists ten essentials, includ-ing work! of .the kind you'like t c do "very

.nfach." health, companionshfp, expanding•areas of awareness, gratefulness, the disposi-"'"t&g??*4*&*,.gninatniang for the less

it the author ofOf course, the individual has a perfect right

disagree with the scientist. In fact, .onestudies life as Jan amateur has just as

much opportunity to understand it as thethe impt eminent scientist if his conclusions

upoV-proper experience and tnteili-aregent thii

EncouragingThere is evidence thai many Congress-

men, just at this time, are talking about econ-omy in national affairs and that they are readyto go further than the President suggests to-wards balancing thejjttdget. t

It is an encouraging sign, we admit, butthis is not election year and we fear that thefever for economy .will afeout before thevoters go to the polls next year! HoweVer,there is always hope for the best and we trustthat the Congressmen will stick to their tunesfor at least two years. \

" ' . \Adroit heads of the family have how ma-

neuvered'lhe tribelinto a'debnteJoyeJtlftiiejeJspend the vacation this summer in thexhopethat, perhaps, the disagreement will enablethem to dodge the expense altogether. \

TKe slick salesmen are looking over theirsucker lists, convinced that the season is aboutto begin all over the United States.

May we suggest that you send in yoursubscription payment promptly and thusavo|d _the_ risk of. missing your.copy.of. thisjournal?

Wonder what has become of the Collegegraduate who got out of school abouttwentyyears ago with the idea that the world waslooking for-an honest m a r t r - - - " ' <l

Every time .we read ahoutthe new booksWe are impressed with the number of epochalworks that the publishers have discovered and

U - S t o t e OUss night.School.

13-Hsjn School B

bi Graduating Ex-ercises. Lmeotn SebooL

IS—RoosewU draduaticg

17-Hlgh School Oommenceiserjt.Roosevett SebooL

V- - -May 17, 1»37.EdilorNciltoen\nd Chronicle,

Cranfrtd, K. J.Dear Sir. \-Your rdltorUl "A Dangeroi

dent' in the\May 13 Issue onJect of zonlngXand two family bemes.deserves commenditlon tandfrom all home dwnsrs in Cranfordhave been very much interested '- y-heartlly approve of'jour_ M Harming Board. AT'the mo.ment we have a Commission designedto pass on all applications for altera-tions and constructions a? pertainingttr'OTr<lccafr Zoning-Ordinance* APlanning Board/Working with such acommission would be Ideal "IT they

Advertising in the Citizen and Chronicleis a commodity, just like wheat, cloth, etc.—we don't give Jt awaybecause, if we did, wecouldn't stay in business.

There are men and women so much in-terested in public affairs that they forget theirown family affairs.

ho^aj^h h

There are people wplay-i>ridge and talt—theyof. Cranford's foursomes.

ouldt you can't


Social securify will never replace jvtdual security^BO/go ahead with your own'Stout.' " - « - ^ ? ^ W ' - - J - ' T ' - ' " - . ' -" J:JIZ12:

It is abpiit time for-some of the newyear's baseball jnaryels to go back t6 the bushleagues.

ar Own Idea: No section ever pros-r. broughjsJjeajfclab&rj JSMLthe wprJ ert.et them spend it. f

Correct this sentence: "Itake up your time, but—"

want to

_ Pessimism is often confused with know-ing the facts about a given condition.

Fishing is fine,-even if you don't catchany fish; it's restful when it isn't strenuous.

If the nations of the world cooperate toiirjbrove commerce they might forget somewar ideas.

Not everybody who talks about the truthwants to discover it.


'• Not every hold-up is, a legal crime andguns often are unnecessary,

• We are willing to admit that the modernscientist is ahead of us.

The popular man is the guy who tellsyou what you want to hear. :

Working ahead of time is' our idea ofhard work. • ~ •

"People often go out of fheir'way tcThunttrouble. — , ~~ ,


down of-the restrlcllohs In^last A toneswill ultimately brinjc jm>ut a generaldepreciation In prorafty values. <

Your continued jefforts In this matterwill be greatlyMrppreciated. - - -

Very truly yours,CWADSWORTri,

ID Berkeley Place,ford, N J,


Sidney nuiman, labor leaderr"Labor-hat-nothing to gain and ev-

erything* to lose when people, In theirimpatience, overthrow Democratic pro-ceases."- . - • — — - - - _ .

^.UndteMW m. new «burch wastrectea on High atoeet

About the year 1S»S a aronpof en-d tattaal women started alt-

g i r t e d b> Mew Y « . p££Tinthe fenn at btHnonlMr even-Meetings tor both men- and women,S T w a i h e M « « > • parlor of Mrs.

crane's borne to Alden atreeta n C U became

fellowship, the

bttuly M protonttoaforfaavtsfimyears. Paiat stirti-fn-i —» - - -BOOTOWIMBftUHsV.

Utwgttefor ?•*."


CranfodhkllBardwartin soon an , L


MOVE IN YOUR OWN HOME~ _- and pajrfor iteach month just as ydu formerly did rent."" " "

lEnjoy the pride and pleasurejoLhoroe ownership while payingfor it.

Buyers/if property look tolaws ajKthelr protection, bothand after buying. The duty of aIng/Commission and theCommittee is to abide by.the latent

inirreMrTettons adopted. It shouldbe unnecessary for home owners tohave "to eWear"*rr masse" before-Zoning' Commission and TownshipCommittee to protect then- propertyagainst "modifications of Inferior char,acter." I am firmly. convlncecVthst al-lowing such modncatlflfrs) tends tobreak down the strength of the sonlngprinciple and also breaks faith withhome owners who~have> purchased andinvested, with the specific understand-ing that then' property rights would bsprotected.

I would be glad to Join you and anyothenf Interested: t« -jake steps Imme-diately-to. 4totf- tkur gfa*w;i»wikragdpwn'of property «*luu In OranroraV

- CHARLEB p. HANSEL.309 Uilon "Avenue. ~|

_ May 16.18JT. iEditor, Citizen and Chronicle,

oranford. N. J. r _

* I was extremely gratified to tee andread your editorial In but week's Issueof your paper In which you condemnthe action of the Township Committeehi their approval of the conversion of sone family house Into a two familydweUlngion. Berkeley Place.

One can easily visualise certain situ-ations where exception* _ to thenuKnt he a distinct bettermentnelghbcihood but to grant these per-mits purely on the basis of personaldesire anrt against ^** vrtuhfn, titnearly property-owners surely da* nevenearby property owners surely was nev-er intended by the law. However, nil'nigs of this nature coupled with Cran-ford's unprecedented high tax rate fornext year may have as a contributingcause the lack of community Interestdisplayed by the great majority of dti.sens In Civic affairs.

Tours for better planning in Cran<ford.

P. R. ZUNDEL,14 Berkeley Place. '

May IB, 1937.Editor, Cltucn and Chronicle,

Cranford. N. JDear Sh-:

Permit me to commend you for thesplendid editorial In your May 15th is-sue of The Cltlsen and Chronicle rela-JH**.to .ft^jrantlufcof, permits ftrjKHb.verting one family' houses into dwell-ings of two or more apartments. Therecent tendency of those In authorityto grant this permission should causeanprfhnwlnn among all our citizens asIts effects will be felt beyond any sin-gle locality. - -

Tour famnalgn In behalf of"a betterand more attractive qranford, as anaideattal.eommnbUy, Is worthy of the

Consult us today as to the payment plan you desire.

Cranford Mutual Bldg. & Loan Assn.^ „ cKxsrouav OLDEST PTNAKCUL "INSTITUTION™ -

<<••-* ' - o m »^*. H. TO s P. K. -'* mass cm

. n s chosen the «rst superintendent,S meeflng. were first held at Mrs.Crane's. Mbvmr »«»ot from place to

• £ , * . including the opera House »ockvbere they suffered a heavy loss by

* fire in HI* the c o o g w U o n flnall^*. . -celved JU »

...j^tnrri iwnnT* • l^bernade" wa» begun hi IBM, .etw

Urged and completed In 1M4. and dedi-* c»!td on April SI, MSB. Ohe present

pastor Is Rev. E. V. Richards.Bttore leaving the subject of the

thurch. one more quotation U to order:August S, ISM, -The first annual ex-cursion of the Presbyterian. Methodistand Fr tT*"»" Churches left the sta-ttoH at I'M tiris-moralng for OceanOnne**


Licensed driven of motor vehiclesto New-Jersey, who have driven 25,000

' miles or more without a recortable ac-cident, as denned m the Motor Vehicle





coUthethethe8clOulentuatto Itlai




Act. are «o iwMotor Ve

«Jti» -a. Jistln-ACL MKC V* «« W n » -WM»->P I - n i i;.' <-^

•gutshed Award ofMeriti tar" the recently ealorganlsedVlIew Jersey Bate DriversOommlttet of .which George P. Warren,3f ts Statv CSjajhTnaif"1"- --•

In desolbtng the oommtttee's pro-rnun. Mr. Watren said: "Much *tten-

- Uon has bein'oBBtewa gpbn «aft drtr-ers who are responsible for highway ac-cidents. There are, however, thousandsof careful driven In Hew Jersey whohave conscientiously cooperated In thecrusade for safety. These sift driven


. - ^ , ' , . . ^ ^ . ?

an .award, of, merit wn!i&can:fci at-tached to their car, as wen as thclrfiames being pabHdaMt in their localnewspapers. By reeognttUW food drtr-ers on our highways, the reckless andindifferent driven will be' more readilyIdentified."

mauatsaaA thousand douar scholarship, the

-tift of the Catholic Daufhters of Amer-ica. State Court of Hew Jersey, willopen at the College of Saint Elisabeth,convent. New.Jewy. ta.Sertember,wet.. The Khotarship is. «peA^4ojajK

cafeigtri who *:+ rAja>nf TpTffi»;




Sute-oLHew Jersey-and a high schoolgraduate fuIfUUnt the requirements setby the commute* on scholarships at, the,college Applicant* must offer the (1Uteen units of Mgh-sehoot- credit re-quired for regular ailmlsslnn, rank inthe highest quarter ojf the class, and berecommended by the principal of the

. Wstujchpcl.,** j«iiallfleA,»r.««Ujswork. This scolarshlp will be awardedon the merit of competitive examina-tions which win be held Saturday, June12. at 9:10 a. m. In the Administration

Make Toast andflrew Coffee ElectricallyYou can't live on toast and coffee but it does •form the backbone of many impromptu mealsand electric appliances make it easy to getthose meals ready. Yon can toast two sand-wiches at a time off the Grillette. You canmate grilled dishes on it too. It comes indifferent styles and pticefare as low as $1 .19 -

_cash. Cord tfnd plug extra. Electric percola-"ton are priced from $3.95 cash up. Smallcarrying charge if you buy any appliance onthe divided payment plan. - ,


Building of the college and In SaintPeter High School, Somerset! street,New Brunswick.-Two examinations,Scholastic Aptitude Test and a Schol-arship Achievement Test will be given.For neither « — " M i l U special prep-

" -iration mranwT' Luncn«m"*wm"^e-served to the scholarship tagdldstes atU:3a Those who wish to compete

,-™«t aratrln-Berson w by tette* te**«ean. sister Marie- Jose.-nc* later, thanMay JSth. With the application mustbe submitted evidence that all require-ments have been met A fee of *> winbe charged to cover the cost o» the ex

AasJtasr Mother: Are you afraidto crn tb* yuuuasters cakes, pit"and fried foods for fear of up«t•tomachi? C h a n n to Spry, thenew purer «LMregrt»bIe shorteiHng

Spry. The Mb. can sayes money.



iS t BOOni AWMOl, st

-^ - T,

...t....y. JJ -T .

•i.J , \

Page 3: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

-rr ?*q % ^ „ j,



art, ; . - , ! ••


•The Out Out Oats lor young men,U 4 U


Thewfest Saptitt Cbonfc (CMond

'organised to Onwtortl on. *me 1,i M W a new <*"na *»»J2n. indlJrMW

(rtcUd on Hia* attest-MM « snap « en-

* * **

I the home «* Ma» storttn. In. Bbe and Mla« Miriam H.

session throughout the summer. Dur-ing the past two seasons the Dug Outbaa been weU attended. BeginningJune Soothe-Lamplighters Class ol•young ladies, will join the Dug Out Intheir summer meetings.

Members of the Men's Class and oth-ra lnteretted..Jn attending1 Sunday

School the whole year round are alsoInvited.' Last year a number of mentook part In the mld-sinunr class meet-

S p a *

j , M.

. _ _ me*and women,held to the parlor of Mrs.

crane's home to AMen streetL, v l o u s to U0» »fi"Oronn«eU became^ g ^ d In the Christian and Mis-

sionary• the


_ , Antaaee movement, and urgingadoption of sadtsv fellowship, the^ r t t the>»«•<* "£?££the

t h e — • . . .

n s chosen the «t*V superintendent,£ d meeflngs were fljst held at Mrs.Crane's. MovUW about

Urged andeomp*H«» to 1W4,awl dedl-M MSB T* Vmi

Urged a d p" eated on April M. MSB-

pastor Is Her. K..V. Blchardt.Brtore leaving (he. subject ol the

thurch. onemorequotation Isln.order:-August ft MM, -rxheflrtL siuBfaV ex-cursion* the Presbyterian. Methodist

" and Fpl°vy*"»" Churches.Mt the sta-*»Ul»n<>r»^toOeean



—Licensed, driven of motor vehicles; m Newijeneji whoha»e driven 25,000' miles or mow wstnoot a reportable acr

ddent, aa defined to the Motor VehicleAct. J J l i U J l U n

en, will bs secured from college memt e n of the class and members of thel|en's Class. - - ' ' "

The Dug Outs have averaged over 59young men throughput the past season.Many, men of prominence have, beenbrought to the class. Ill class has-the<UstlncUortthis year of having 4ts totcollege graduate. Seven members ofthe class are now attending colleges Inthe South, West and East. A number ofthe tjraduaflng cliss'oTiCraSIb'KlH8chool are regular members of the DugOut Most of these are planning toenter college this fall. The college grad<uate_jriU enter toe Seminary this fallto begin.his preparation for the'Chris-

CharVa Crotby, of Troop 16, Oranfotd

g, teKJ^XtaBoard ot Review, l

the medal which Oiantord Poat,.»«,American Leglotv oflera annually to theaoout who makes the greatest progma

scouting during the year.. Crosby'sotal Is 100 points. Kenneth Morkk, ofTroop W, la in second place with nine-ty, and Henry BarUU, ot Troop 19, Uthird,wlth elgfity-five. All three haveenough badges to quality for EagleScout, but lack of service will prevent!ro^y^rrpm_.recelvlng the 3 5 k until

the tall court of honor.- .J? -i-r—-Others at the meeting to earn the

necessary badge* for Eagle rani and andditional' twenty-five point* were

deorge Leavltt. of Troop W. and, AlanWaters, ot Troop 7>. Crosby also tiedRoy Daniels-, ot Troop TO. for the t » l »

a week at camp, offered In that troop

progess contest Richard OUT. ofTroop 76, is the only other sccut to

J. B. Pali-man, Scout Executive ot-Un-ion Counctlr"contlnues to -teacli this

Nelson Terry, of the same.troop,' passedthe first class review (eit

Merit badge tests also were'passed byClarence V Victor, Jr., and WlUianiWoecker, otW^MUlard Breytogle, o t j tWlUlam Cordes and Donald Petit; ot791 Robert Backmeyer. Jack Catts and

fc^jilJi'secure outstanding men from variouswalks of life to bring to the Dug Opttheir views on the Christian life andhow to live i t .. .'. ' .

The Dug Bttes hive been quietly add-ing to their numbers and will rivaltheir colleagues In the fall. They havenearly fifty enrolled. Last' week-endthe Dug Ettes spent an overnight aSurprise Lake Cabin, under their lead-er, Mrs. J. B. Polrman. •

.The. r«v)ew. .was-conducted, by. Chalt-.man' A." S-'rc^tl^'OhariesTiipmlngerjHarold Buck, Louis Welersbach, William(L Ireland, Robert Pope and Scoutmas-ters George Paey and Paul Catts. .

Scouts will have two more opportuni-ties to earn points In the. contests atthe District-Board-of Review June 1.0and the Council Star, Life and EagleBoard of Review June 11.


A very able presentation of the com.*dy, "Three Live Ohoets," was given iithe Roosevelt School Friday evening b

fubhed" AwaH o f Merit tylhe'reoetiOy cast Ihcluffea-Marlan-Jeinlson,' PeggyoiganliedVMew Jeraer Safe Driven Wetjen, Camp Hopkins, William Bate-Oommlttee of which George P. Warren, man, Victor Radlhukl, Fred Schroder,

Barbara Waters, Robert Lal«r.-HoracePotter/Helen Franklin, Philip ConleyRobert Byrnes and Jean French. Miss

jIn describing the committee's pro-

maenMl4:;*Wuch>tten-^ ^ b l e ? 1 B E p w i ^ers who are revonslble for highway ac-cidents. Theieare, however, thousandsof caretul driven In NewxJeney who

> have conscianUoosly cooperated in thecrusade for safety. These sale drivers

to car, as wen M'inames being piayi*1**^ In their local

wwspapers. Byrecogninngtooddrtv^ers on our highways, the reckless andindifferent drlvIdentified."

1 will be' more readily

WMLAKBHIPA thousand dollar scholarship, the

.gift ot the Catholic Daughters of Amer-ica. .State Court of Hew Jersey, will

• ' open at the College of Saint Elisabeth,

Despite: mdement weather the performance'was attended by a goodcrowd who snowed their appreciationby hearty laughter and much applause.

The following committee' chairmenI. crsdlt-for4hplr effortserve-spe

Leo Sacarney for stage management,

Nancy Sinclair for publicity.—While the dub- has beenvactlve-Ior

ne time within Its own meetings, thiswas. Its ttrst attempt to appear beforethe-footlights. The proceeds willused to finance a trip' to New Yorkwhere the jnemberswill see the' prisepIayrliHlgh;Tor."

'" a m p RONS INTO CAR .'. Edna Mlchawlte, three and one-halfyears Old,of 19* North avenue, east.

_ ._J3tate ajidanlgli.achpolgraduate fnlfllUng the lequlranents setbythe icholanhlps.aVtlierallege.-AppuoaBt« must offer the -« .teen, nnltr rf «gh-sebort-c«dlt - re-quired for regular admission, rank Inthe highest quarter of the class, and berecommended by the principal of the

U f l d » l l, JstuJdiool_a» j q n s U f l e . , » _ « Q «work. This scolarshlp will be awardedon the merit of compeUtlve examina-tions which win be held Saturday, June12. at 9:10 a. m. In the AdmlnlstntlonBuilding of the college and In SaintPeter High School, Somerset street,

- New Brunswick.-Two-exammatlons, •Scholastic Aptitude .Test and a Schol-arship Achievement'Test w|ll be given.For neither exemlntlon Is special prep-

" Iration mtmredT" Lnnenebn"irut--b«-served to the scholarship candidates at12:30. Those who wish to "compete

ihTadetoTaTaivoperatrijbjJ. UsowsU 6f.;36-Spruce;stm6tL::TheM S ^ h r i h ' ^ r t h f ^ M l d r e nwas playing In the Btreet on-favenue, east, and ran into Miss U ;skt's car as she was driving along,'ac-cording to the report turned In at po

t The child was taken

Linden, to the office of Dr. RowlandBlythe, where medical treatment waigiven.


Wc^BrtW^preaictatofthe Paefcmt Hamstring Corporation,


Mia Ruth MarUt of Crantord, astudent at the OaDea* of William and

Western Southernthe twrites from Houston. Texas, ot one ofMs Interesting eld* trips:

"This morning, we drove from Hous-ton to Qmltbs MuB between C:N and», just about 100 miles. We p a w l theremains of the.foBowIng, all on thepavement, mostly near the edge: TnreearmacHUos, one hog. one owl. on» ter-rapin, one horse and one dog; '

"The slaughter' was caused by theanltnals^belng bBSW andTlaaed Tno^menUrlly by the. lights o* night trucks,with perhaps an oeeaslonal^lrunk. Ithappens'every night. The truck thatcollided with the hone was alongsidetoe road' considerably ' 'stove In' to

the Natknal Convention of tne, KappaDeUa Sorority. As delegate, Miss Mer-kkwul be sent to Richmond, Vs., wheretfae Kappa Delta Convention will bheld from June » ttuvugh July 3.,

Mlsi Mettle Is vloe-president ot thesenior class at, the college. She Is also

the French Club, the


It had a load of .chickens InThe neighborhood was littered

with-featbnn,-"What happened to all these dead

animals? Not one was there when wethis afternoon. The horse

hWol^d^^adragged the hog -off down Into theditch alonsMe. There were at leasttwenty-five of. them enjoylngi the feast.You can imagine what happened to (he

l u"A picture of the buziards and "the

nog wouldr have been" a knockout. 1


The first grade of- Roosevelt'Schoolpresented a demonstration lesson for agroup of Rutgers students In.CreativeEducation In New Brunswick Saturdaymorning. , (•.••'.

The program Included Ryythm Band

takea' The hog: care."



\i •

;~Mon"ttianl«li the '

I Paureeu. IS ;avenue,

at 1*M p . .

i old, of 14treated by Dr.

i gardens* day ;*°? « o a t l i | scratehes on hUk« sustained when tht

gram held last week under auspices ot ltheCHnWB OJBieffOIBb.-Ionrteen cfup mtmbna were l

bicycle on which he was riding ran Into

assisted by Mrs. Kellogg Sloan. Theevent was the dub* Initial step In stim-latlng a community Interest to beauti-fying gardens.

Th» chib met Monday at the OardenCenter, Cedar Brook Park, Plalnneld.

Oerman dub, program chairman ot W ] A tour of the iris garden was conductedPan-Hellenic Council, a member of the'-- — - — --senior tribunal, of the Literary Societyof thoMsy Pay rmmmivt**. ""* ot theYoung Women's Christian AssocUll-n

Your Garden TSi» WeekBy A. O. McLeaa, EHeasisB Service,

• N. 1. OaUeg* ef Agrieallwe

The most" important things for thetardeoer to oombat-now are weedJ.Jn-sects,'and diseases. Examine gardenplahU at regular Intervals tor-plantlice and other Insects A tpry of nlcoWnef p^th'pn^'s

A tpray of nlcowill con-Wnf p^p

trol these Insects, or any of the comf d l f

by Miss Harriett* R JUaUowayMrs. Albert O: Ingalls, president;

Mrs. H, F Southard, edltor-of the Oar-On d u b News, together with Mrs.W W Plumnter, Mrs. Oeoi«« H Han-rt. Mrs R N VonHofen, Mrs. F CWsdsworth. Mrs.°H, P. Y«tss, and Mrs.W. F. Swltsler wUl attend tlie springconference of New Jersey. Oarden Clubtat Rutgers University gymnasium, NewBrunswick en May 4 In the after-noon,, gardens. In New. Brunswick andPlalnrVld will.be visited.

CRW ANblMONitOtnAEDSun Anderson of Aldcn street hantrol these Insects, a y

mercial sprays of proved value for such been elected captain cf the freshmanwork may be used. Read'the labels of [tennis leain at Browu Unlvcrslliy, ac-tnde spray products carefully to, find,fording to word received litre yest«r*pu^wnat they contain.: day Sam was one of the onutandjng

It there is still transplanting to. do, ] members of the Crnnford High Bchoolpesure toreduoeTUieleaf area to cor-'terinbi team. «

Phone CRanford^0483» ALDEN STREET


tried to^etifc^liotack.-- Tjle^^»B«ards respondto-tbosl»e;«Mhe rooUi lie-)a * t t e H h b > n t t a ^ C t t ' 4 0 » » « » tr

Owen Brymer, worshlplul matter ofBayonne Lodge, 99, P. & A. M., will beguest speaker «,tbejnn*JjneWUTg of

the feeding rooto are lost when a plantIs dug, so It Is quit* difficult (or them'to supply the entire, too of the plantwith enough water to keep It in goodcoqdftlon. Do hot be afraid to cut efta good portion of the leaves when mov-ing planUin vigorous growth, for manywould probably dry up and be lost if allwerelef,ton. . -

the'Men's Club of th* Cranford Metho-dlsb Church tonight. Tlie dinner, whichwill be held In the chapel, will be servedb^ the Ladles'Aid Society. Among »neouf^fsawntuMtt willtarCapt.-JamesB. Dryden, fornWly^f Cranford. .

"Flowers In the church service lastSunday were placed by Mr. and Mr*.Howard' E. Bryers In memory of theirpareiUs.

is to be sure the soil is well firmedaround tlw roots and In close contactwHh them, Washing the soil In serves

*lr,epa««Uopuparid .brings the soil In direct contactwith'JJM roots, In addition to furnish-ing plenty of moisture so that the rootscan-use It" at. once. ,Alter tlw plantshave" been watered in, transplantingrake a, little' dry earth over the top ot

sele*ltttt spontaneouslralterhearlng -Itonce. Jeannette Kuhlken, Janet KelUIng, Sarah J. Brooks and BettyDITulUo

composed and sung by Robert Orobea-gleser, An original song", made'up byth«::class;i^ras.'r«ttB«-*r^ohn.«puffleld,Suzanne PhUlippe and Tom Andersen.Original stories were Illustrated andread by .Nancy Allen, Lawrence Brown,Suzanne PhUlippe, John DuffleldC JoanProtzman, Frederick' Ross, Edward

»wmo«<iax»aB MEBCE* < ^ MH e w J e y ? ^

time, FrolW," sponsored by the GrandCouncil. Royal Arcanum, In honor ofGrand jtegept" Oeorge-^Wi-'MWeer-otRoselle Park, will be held at the mix-

i All

£ » t t e B e i J i » ^ B C S ^ , ; i

and: Jane Tlutchlson. One"LtttkNpId • L a d j M ^ ^

tlghteen parents provided tranlpjor-tatlon for-the children.-.: ^ _ _ /

' : — ! — — • ' 7

BETTY LOYXLAND HONOREDMtas Betty Loveland, daughter ot

Professor and Mrs. Ernest K Lovelandof Springfield avenue, has been honoredat Cedar Crest College, AUeiitowri," Pa.where she is a student In the secretarialscience department. Miss Lowland Isone ot the highest eight In her class in

h h d h I hosen as"memberone ot the h g gEnglish; ohd-she Is chosen as"member

f T h ^ ^ I b ^ ^ I l M i a r a - S o c i e t y - ^ :

/ WINS FIB8T PRIZE/ WINS FIB8T PRIZE/Everett Ward, Jr.. ot 108 Holly street,a student at,: the •Orand Central ArtScheo.l?-I'ew-^0*'O"yA«DI^0«tl»:!«at an'exhlbltlon given by the class oJ t t » r T ^ D l i a r w n l # B ^most entirely of professional artists./-

and putting oflmurtV of th* air sup-ply for the ptarit"rooi«r '"

•Dohltas and bwfdliig.plants should beIn the ground now and seed sowing fin-ished, unless the gardener is saving

should be finished within a short time,unless tome 'conns are planted In twoweeks or so for late flowers.

-lt'»:s good time t» sell-second-handmusical instrumenU^.A.Want Ad willsell that piano, violin or saxophone.



In fillure. Interest wllj be credited tothe aecoanU of oar Savings Deposi-tors as of June 1st and December 1st

' eieh Veir. elfeetlve theTfinT of "thecoming month.

UNION COUNTY TRUST.COMPANY," ' 100-SbiithAvenue; Cranford, Nri." - -

Mmttf.Fttoal OWMI liiyrMM CtrNtalUi

, _ . ,


Smrtv Hedge Shear*, etc., SharpenedGENERAL BLACK8MJTH AND JOBBING



WoUerK. Pasnachb. W CenttalayenueJTEL. -GR. t-UMDr. Oeorge B. Oaroer, osteopathlc BUT;g«on ot Newark, was guesLspeaker. He

•Acute Diseases offreshments were served by Mrs. Fasnchtafter the meeting.

Dean. Stater Marie JoseroatlatettbaBMay JSth. With the.application mustbe submitted evidence that aU requlre-menU have been met A fee of *2 willbe charged to cover the cost of the ex-

Aaxieas'Mother: Are yon afraidto rhre th* yotmgaters cakeft, piesaaaT fried foods lor fear of upsetstomachs? Change to Spry, thenew purer aunragetable shorteningthat's Mylfreieamed. Cakes will be

'lighter and mind In half the .time,ipastry flakier, fried foods crlsper.'And everything so digestible. Try

. Spry. The Mb. can saves money.

Get the world's" good aew» daily thrdUgh\^



• Ih id ix ftl£ii"tif"TMr CHIMTMS' SOENC'I 'HJteMiToa Kcamidercil br minr • libertl mfucilibn. Itr ckia, unKncd -n » i ud wcll-routadtd cditond (uturn, iacludini tin VtMfM u u i u Section, nub th. MONITCK tht ideal wmpipnfor tht horn.. It i H c o t i i copy, er > c«ata s Jar oa n k ••enptiio, delinrad to jour door, ind It obttimbll M thtfollowinic location- ^

Christian Sdemca Roadlng RoomMiln Street. Cranfoid. N. I.



Sunday.May 23-325 Miles for $3^5ONI CINT A MILM

"thUi^61or»urslghlsee1nrtrip thwugh plrtarsaxiue dtlea andM h W Places of P e & s f a d S J I

p thwugh plrtarsaxiuefaiito and Sew Jersey I

WKwroinj r u n --aM«UI Iriia oltli «lstr. I>if« Cran-fcrt I ". A M , Brtunu Crjnfort

•ur ws.ius.rd I I M i tom-- -* 1


at ARM EL'S ~



Broad Street - « " • » , *• - Wealfield,Tel. WE. 2-4440


Open Mon.,-Thur8., Sat. Evenings Until 10 P. M. -


• . ' ;

AtleasthwOlleokBkaaewsbera esattliUcm FLOOR-U

taasfsee e f laeUag



, -m amau Atmim. *,


TeleptenwOUnrord 64)508 -


\ •»:

Screen, -nd Sciien Doori, Screen Wire uid MoUing,MothVProof Cedar dowrt lining.

Abo Roofinnpnd InwUti«« Matemb,. Cedar and

Chertnut Port*, Aibor. and TreDite., ,*' ' OBAMFORD, ML *

BIRD BATHS (149 to $3.25Apply • »

S OSprayers Diuten

Red Arrow Triogen

Nicotine Pyrox IMlH



-LAMJI03REB&14-inch, $7.75 . lWnch, $8.10

GraM Catcher*, 95c

SILENT YARDMAN MOWER16-inch, $15.00 16-inch, $16,00

" Atk for Our Trial Mower

PORCH CHATRB.DaaMs Seat sad Back







1 i• I





Page 4: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

Vi I1 t cnjil<r of south Union av-,111111 ih il hirlKim with'pneumonia.

M,, J r Wooding of' 3-Sylvester, . , , ! i ending * t time In Wul-li Imd C mn and Providence. B. I.

ii. J U Mrs j"rrPurneU moved re-, , , iv I-rm 22 Berkiley Place to 31

ill. -Jr it

«li" J noyal Walsh of: BaimlcrcID ill nlTlalniil Jier fridge-luncheondull en Mmi—iy

Mr ami Mr*~~°Jo5eph. Warslnsk,m rd io -ntl> from Walnut avenuetoheir m» homo In Willow slrcl.

Mi intl Mrs j"j Brown of Orchard• ti c iiintilncdforcpcktallsonS.it-

Mr and Mrs. Joseph. A. Plummerand .family of -Riverside Drive leftTuisdny to spend a week at their sum-mer iiome-'at'Orafton, Vt.

Ffcdcrlcjc S. Franklin, Jr., of Lsn-caster, Pa., spent'the week-end at thehome of Ills -mother, Mrs. Frederick 8.Franklin of Linden, place.

Mrs. Charles Maxfleld of 206 Hamp-ion.*tfcs£. 'isjucatienijM jQrsngelJile;mofial Hocpjtal wh;re she underwentan operation.

Dr. and Mrs, 'Ecl'yard B. Wolfe of 23Burchfleld nvenue spent the week-endat their summer home at Lake Mohawk,Sparta. . • • ;..

-Mis. Anna-n.IUy.andMlM. Margaretli'iycf Montpcller, Ind.. "are guests ofMr. ar,<t Mrsi Charles M. Bay of 30

i sixth street and Mr. and Mr».

Miss Ann Houston of linden .placecelebrated her shrth birthday with aparty on Wednesday afternoon. Quests

snt Inftlwtfffl this Misses BarbaraMaxwell, Osil Stoddard. Marjlyh Bmld.Patsy Fulmer and • Marda Houston.Oames and refreshments were enjoyed.

Among Cranford people who attendedte Catherine Olbbs' Spring Promen-

ade at the Rita Carlton Hotel on Bat-urday-night~were-the-Misses-HelenDey. Winifred Miller, Sadie Mae Per-dvaL Thomas MsrMeesin, EdwardKUlian and Milton Boyer.

Mr. rrnnk Cihlll of - Washington.13 c »T. th- v.(rlt-ind guest of Mr.md Mis llnnj lUssell •of-Burclificld

M>> I hn S Oirrlwn cf 30fr-nnd Mrs -X


,Dr. ond Mrs. B. M. Erwin of Bewick-ley, PH., flopped off en route from St.PetersburR; Fla.i'to spend « week withMr. and: Mrs.. John P. Pas(.. of Plare-ihon't place.''. ''^ ' .


- encts-nrAtl'niHc-Ciiy.i'rS1-"

Mr C S rrancli of Hampton streetwho lm riturned home frc-Tj Harknessp u i l r n N V niter on operation, Liilolnr v u v nlioly • :

Mi iinrl Mil John •$,;- B!ecker_ ofHi m l 1e. N Y , will be the week-end( in •,! I Mr nnd Mrs. 'Ralph L, Lovellcf Ortnve1* plncp

-> - —o—• - -rrr*.--\'~Mi- AlfieJ II Guest of-Rtilrlgh

mn lmil us dinnir cucsts on Mont'ay

Miss IsaebUe Pranke of Manor ave-nue has returned from a two weeks' va-cation In the South, during which timeshe attended theMsy D v celebrstlonat"8weet Briar College, Vs., and wastfle guest of Miss. Caroline Hirers InNorth Carolina, attending the Junior

CHAFTEB INITIA1X8Bremner Chapter, Order ol DeMolay,

conducted an Initiatory degree tost

jsssgvf; zssr&z- H ^ . « S ^ * £hirned to t lwrhvisit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.Robert C. Miller of Casino avenue.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph E. Krejen of411 HIsth'Btreet attended a partyat thehome of Miss Marlon E. King of Eliza-beth In honor of Miss Atleen Nelson,who will be married May, 29.'

Be said that In order to be successful 3nunatle Club are heroes; lovers, bur-

_.l^s .WliUam.NMleJ_i!r^_of,lL3_A!denstreet gave a buffet supper at ner-henwWednwday cwnlrtg.. Her guests werethe mcmbiTS of the executive board of

Ml flii'nn UiLk'y of Craig place is I.H'KIWIIIII; fi m liming had her. tonsilsnnd idenolds removed nt Jhe.EHitnbethOmnnl llo'pllnl liif.1. Thursday, •

Mi Wultrr Wurlh and chllilruiMir> Ann -iiul Mnrcla of UlooniinB-

TilJl "aiciiuf ilia nijuyruu a iVrt) wefcks,*\iifitlon In Nc» Bnmpshlre

Mrs Clurlis UfaxHold cf 208 Hnmp-' (on slrft t. a pnlfent at Orange Me-

iniiljl Hcpltnl v,herc she underwent

r .AI)r C "M- ciuirifcSTcrSi Sprlngflcid1

avviiu ii taking'a.week's vacation atStiver Lak;. N. Y. During his absence.;his efftces ore being remodeled. • ;

M'S Agnes EltinBer-of^NeW-Mulls,N - T , 1" ft-gucsr at mt-Homerct»r»rd-<uihtcr, Mrs Ida Putscher, of iaiza-bcth avenue . ' . ."'- . y i - .

Mrs Artow MlskcTly, of .Park Drive.' Is'r'ntrrtalrlng her sister, Mrs. LloydMcLran, of Dawncrs Drove,-' Chicago,1 1 1 " . "'•"

Mr« EdWnK of Hopewell was aucck-ciuL puput at <hff home of-herdauithter Mre R Pope'-of-Springfieldavenue. " '

Mr. and-Mrs. M. J. Seavy and daugh--ter, Margaret Ann, spent the week-end

Mr, nnt1 Mrs. John H. Low of Spring,eld^avipiuu^ente^rtalned' 'flt dinner en

MondayTnlghtfoF Mr. rsturievaht ofPloilda. Otlier Biiests present were.MrSaiul Mrs. Cl'nrles Messerve1 nnd Mr.and, Mrsv rrod Srhrpder

The puplfs of Mrs."Sam E. King ofMadison' avenue will Rlvo n recital onFrt ay e\ ruing at arcystoncs, theKaltenbnch hoirr at 8 o'clccsf During^ the evening Mrs. Daphne DameCarmcn""sopi;ano "olTSunmSTtr wW Itag

Mr and Mrs Flmcr E Dey of Centralavenue entertained with' a- supperpnrtivon Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. S.Martin Soreniion of Tennent Orchards.Other guests present Included Mr. amM i ^ i i l l H i k Mr. and Mr*; John



avenue entertained, on Sunday afternon when a musical program was enjoyed. Selections were rendered byMiss Edna Schafer, Joseph, Wood, MissJane'Kanskl. who played her own commttroiB^^a^iMrsTTO^n^D^

-rrrttr"^ Hclns cf Hamplorf"foadr,lielor"an executhe meeting of "the'Llons Clilb*otrhls-honw-on-Tutsday-evenlngiwhenbe entertained the new officers.Andchairmen of the committees.

*MFS. Lofllj MaTQie?rororcnard street,W;jllam. H.Ja«Tje.r,pf.Jtopje,place.l*«f<»cirW^BlWf«rtJt*oIi<>™nse-

nicnue will spend the coming ,week-«ndIn Baltimore where pieywill be exten-sively entertained^'' • '

Mrs. Jarvls and~Miss MUdred DeMlltof Huntingion, Long Islands were'«vekiEiid guests"of M. W.Kayncs andfamily of Hamilton avenue. On Sat-urday thty attended the annual Par-enU Day festival and pogennt at N_e

Ml<s Margaret Haynes is a stucient.

~- ^S%asfinrWusra^'oislnT'ave-

1\ Moncny wlth,a party at heV home.Games were enjoyed and- refreshmentsecned to these guests: Misses BettySmith, Penelope Btoddard, Ann Btod-dard. OaU Btoddftrd, Lucretti ^Bush','Marilyn. Wadman, Helene Rosenberg,Elsie Rosenberg and Rowland! Smith1.Raymond Smith and Richard Smith. '

Paramount.Cleaners are High GradeCleaners.,.- •'•; :. . f '."• Adv.

men, Other' guests'. Included: Mr. andMrs. R. A. Rockwell of Cranford, MissElizabeth Wood' and Mr: and Mrs. Donald'Collins cf-Roaelle,-Robert Sosntanof--Westfleld,>..AlU!»Jr;Brm«li.-ol-Sum

Thompson"pwena Pray, Miss JHelcuBass.Mr. andLoKman; al'orCranfordu

pr. and &bs.~Rank T. IHaxsonjOrchard street entertained for cocktails on Sunday. Quests present In-cluded Mr, and Mrs. Howard U. Brown,

Oe0r^^AV"LW«/-Mfttttnrl;MrS-JbhneJ».'Christy; Mrs. Frederick A., Yard, Mr.and Mrs. H.oword Bonncville br Sum-mit, Mr.' and Mrs. C. E. Halght ofMontdalr, Dr. nnd Mrs. James B.Davidson of-Montclalrr Mr. and MrsLeslie Crump, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D.Towler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster Skerrratt. Dr. and,Mrs. Qeorge Angen,' Mr.and Mrs. Roderick Snlltb. Mr,: and

le of- WestaeW, Mr.

Mrs, .Andrew B, JJiirleyv Mr. and Mrs.BarryitXt;'1Mrrw«l-Mrs.--M*rvln»HaU,

:CfJ0LWd«feSP)iand"Mrst'ke!ldgg-Sloan; Mr.-and-MrsHoward Jensenlus. Mrs.'J. Balrd Simp-sin, Mr. anr? Mrs. Elrrer E. Dey, Mr.and Mrs. Bverard Kempshall and Mr,and Mrs. Prahk-Young..--,—.„.._

Are y»n set In your ways JIaJr..;. I was, says Annt Jenny. I used lo

think my cakes wouldn't taste rlK>.t'lass I used the most expert,;.eshorteningJ. 'eouM^g«.JBirt JSAY,_I've found opry gives the richestbut flavored, cakes ever, so. lightand velvety, too. AndmUwd In halfthe tune,mind you; Tou just mak<

» ^ cake today with Spry ami -n>


'Ten Nighls.in a Bar Room; A "YT PUrrra Pmentatloa


Rootevelt Junior- High School(CUrk 8L and Tattle Pkwy.)



More than ISO members, formermembers and ' Mends attended thetwenty-first «~——i dinner of the Men'sBible Class of the Hist PresbyterianChurch last Thursday night hi thechurch M**yifl| auditorium, mendedIn the group ware O-. C. Lewis cf Cran- 4 s 'ford, president of the Union CountyFederation of Men's Bible Claases; for.mer members torn this section. »ewYork and Philadelphia; and a delega-tion from the Benilworth BWe Casss.many of'themembers of whicn faly were affiliated with the Cranfordclass. _._„„ . :

The dinner was In the form of a tes-timonial to Fred W. Lange. founderand leader of the groups who. as one oft h k t


Muriet MaeOhte, daiighto olMia. Frances MacQhle of John streetand the late Mr^MacOnle, was marriedto a Wesley Collins. Jr, son of formerSheriff a Wesley > Collins and Mia. Col-,Una of East Broad, street, Westfleld, at4 o-eloek BWurday afternooa in-TrmUyBptoopal Church here. The ceremonywas performed by the'Rev. Frank M.Sherlock, the rector. A reception for'the families and. Intimate friends fbl-loved at the MaeOble home.-Msss Audrey ICsoOhle, a sister of thebrlde-dect. was maid of honor, andBobertE Oomns was ills Jsrother's b^ttman.. After a motor trip through theSouth, the couple will reside in Roselle.

Mr. Conins-ta with SbeffleU Farms,

class and read • number of eongntn-Utory telegrams from former otneersand mtinlifia.* '.

Uoyd M. Haas, president. «as toast-I master, and the principal speaker wa»D H K t b

It Will Be AU Right On the Night," byJason Knot, was" presented by Harry81ms, Harry Meeker, Arthur Johnson,William Cook, Jack SehsHer, WaldoMowen, Arthur Lahr, WUuam Jacksonand Oeorge Wtoltmeyer. Duncan Mc-Fee.was accompanist and Edwin Ensorhad charge of properties. A buffet sup-per was served by the mothers.

- 8ODAUTY MEET9-The—Young Ladles1 8odalltyrof-St..

Michael's :Churohr-Ju>ld--4U-meeting,Monday evening. About-fortymembers; were present. It was an-npunoed that there would be a cardparty June 10 at the home of MissMary tii Battlata. Plans were made fora reunion, to be held In June, end forthe annual picnic. MlasEtSyn HayekIs chairman of the retmton tvHn Visa.Mildred Price bead of th* refreshmentcommittee and .the Misses GertrudeSheehy and-Dorla Oourtnax, entertain-ment

- nUtNCKCLVsVTAUtaiTIHIsV »Last Wednesday the Ocrele Francals,

French Club of Cranford High School;went to New York .on Its annual tour.The first on the schedule of events wasthe FrtnchUner.Ila de Franoo.^WhenthUriiagninoci* ship hsd been exploredfrom top to bottom,' the club had dln-

cJ> nestaurant; • Hext-theFrench students visited. Radio CityMimtg H^H m$ Mmm Ow mftwitiy |J"-lure, "A Star Is Born,"Parisian stage show. :

and* beautiful


In the past, it has been discovered

that he can serve his fellow-man toaccordance with the tatter's problems.

It was announced that the annulmembership and., attendance contestwas won by the- "Red Army" of whichMr. Patterson Is general.

Plans have been made tor a picnic tobe held to-Homaheean Park-lhe flntweek In June, The next meeting of theclass will be In the fan. -

nth news of these ver-satile people around/town leaks but;but who would, h t w thought that Ma-rie Carter has a dual personality andbads a double life, one In private andone fcr her public; that Mrs. Louts RiceIs really an old maid, lorable, kind, andmodern In an old-fashioned way; thatJack tales Is bashful spd modest but

movie fan and spends afternoonsnrartlrlng Greta. Oarbo poses; that

Style» can't accllinste:herself* dtttotu j a t ! a h

Robot o*">'-inoBionV' Jr, formeVlywith the Leblgh Coal * Supply Oom-panjt. was admitted as an Attcroey andCounsellor at Law by the Appeuate Di-vision of the Supreme'Court, of, NewYork on Monday. HelsnowassocUttdIn the general practic of law Iwtth thel * * t t tTt- wi-v w w 1 B 1 • Tp rwT i ^ B I •

and Brown. 70 Ptnei street. New York.Mr Thomson h a graduate of PlngrySchool, Hayerford College, and Ford-ham Law School " /

have a hfirtsrV;thst Armstrong Da-mooscan dish out the dryest remarkstver uttered: that EUe Mldgeley U asweet young girl from tbeTcountry (Justlike you and me); that Vbglnia Syfces Is

very efficient secretary; that DickKaul thlnksall blondss are yellow peril;that Tlertor Jvans J : r t » d

The meeting of Bos* Villa recentlywas for the study of Tschalkovtky andmany . of ibis wonderful composiUonswere rendered including several two-

i o e l t i ith four hands. Mrs.^jjj hostess

CBANTORD BOWtUS LOSE •In a special bowling match at Jersey


ON SHOW! C O H U i mA. MUler and E. C, Rearlck of Cran-

ford arxl E. C. Usher of Oanrood aremembers of the committee m charge

' the Western Electric Kearoy Workslea: Club's spring Jlower show which,be held tomorrow night,at. the

team of, cranford lost, two out. of threegames to the dranvllle Council, 114, Jr.O. U. A. M. The South Sides wUl bowla teturn- match ViUi Orenvule CouncilttsmatthpCastao-lieieuextThnrsdi

Include Or Prar^-O.-ITjittner/PrAngerrO. Prank, W.Austui and O, Kurts.


moeUng o r tha senior Christian En-deavor and the Totttg People'e Societyof. the First Presbyterian Church, Mrs.J. B. Falrman spoke about "Turning the

mmm^&m*0mmmmplied the music accompaniment. GeorgeMeyers and Elisabeth Johnson werev i s i t o r s . ' ' ; . ' . . . ;_ . '•/>•''•'•'•.-'•=."-^

- - t V T r * DANCE SATTJBDAT <*A sport dance will be held Saturday

night Ih Roosevelt School under aus-pices of the High School P.-T. A. CarlOrasan's orchesta will play. ; . '

XANSKAKSAugust Bungenstoek o f / t B Bpring-

neld aveuneXWestem' Efectrsc KeamyWorks-Bafetj^ptfaculty sndiftf* thsBi sMigtf TfHJ f\ ITirPnlverslty-last Thuraday,

Save in InstallmentsAnd Buy for Cash.

There «r» som« people who do not approve e( buying on \Ih* insUllment plan. Possibly they are right

Bui no on* Ctn object to SAVINS on th« instalrmmtplan~in order to buy for CASH.

Th* Vacation and Tax. Club* mvei *xsctly that purpose.Not only do*t it aecumulst* th* money with which to payfor your vacab'onot your taxes, but for any other purposeto which you choose to apply i t

iSuppose you are planning to buy a nS^ car tin' monthsfrom now snd it is goinj to cost $73O. You pay into the

_ T a » ana .Vaeatioii Club $3p. • wttjk fo^twefltyefiv* wwki;^ri»h buy your ear at/A* cssh pnc«, and enjoy it aTol more

than you would if you Kad a lono l i i tof p s y m i n t s ^ m e e t

Or if you have inwrinw pwmiumt to&k» ear* of, or sny"otKer preViOHilyknown mip»n«*?which-murt;ba-paid in i", next .siK months, divide the amount

that Tlertor Jvans weOTpewtang»dslpper trousers; that Eric HarttenH ahanrturtnr morle star.

Yes, faUn^U*» taihespu^ willmake *Personsl Appearance" one of thecleverest shows ever' staged In

ANNOUNCK .ENGAGEMENTAt a recepUon held at the >ome ol

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Frank of 73Lawn Terrace pn Saturday evening, th,eengagement of Miss..Lynn Lear ofWestneld to Ollf ton L. Prank, son of

by Mr.Learr*

BOLD SUCCESSFUL PAKTY •Mrs. Charles Christian, won the dark

and' door-prise awards at theJotatcsrd party held lsst-reektothe*Casino by Cranford Post, 212. American

and Mrs. F. A. Reeve won other doorprises. The party was well attended.

IS EUECTEO LtlUtABIANJames A. Knowles of Casino avenue

was elected librarian of the Huguenotodaty-of New-Jersey- a t the annual

meeting' Baturdsy afternoon^tHtheWlnneld Scott Hotel, EUsabeth.

Freest Delicatessei

.Th* n*w s*nes b*«ins,A^»dsy, Msy2*lh. W* shall be ^glad to.giv* you any'further informsKon you deiir*. _

' , - - ' ' • ' • ••••• •• ' • ' ' . • ' " I . • ; ' " '


12th With Sefire Tied• t l t o l .

' The pitching classic of the season wash ( l d on the Orange diamond Mondaynttcrnoon when, with the score 1 to 1,the Cranford vs.;-Orange game wascalled in the twelfth, taring because of

mg the grind and went Uie entire route-nob Anderson tor Crsnford and Her*

— - nirnn- for Orange:-,.. ,.,^.-^-,,., .,-.:,-•.-Bob Anderson supplied the batting

! punch with .two blta includtaa- • dou-i ble, which with the help of momentary

wildness by Hrrmann, resulted In•-——ersirford's^only-ruh.- Sl»h»n.men.»ent

do»n swinging before, the tirelesspitching of Bob.. Nugent scored Or-

home. ,- .; - .....»; ..-' The summary; .

-' ' ' Cranfera,

i Wil l f lniWWfVf^i, r^reiits oi Miis'

the couple will be married some time

Quests were present from Plalnfleld,

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENTMr: and Mrs. John B. Church of 62

AHWde'»vtijue;aj^unce;thc:sngSKtH W ; g Kmentuof their dsughter, Anne, to John

Of ,Mrs.B.T. Bryant of"-•- "iauabeth:^


A son, Alan, was born on May.-n laMr. and Mrs. Donald McCcrd or 20south Sixth street. .•..:'.. .-.•;.,;„'_

-Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Kaouneier o(SOdi Casino avenue announce tlte birth


Use Moore PaintFROM

Skillman's Hardware

Nugent, If .....Bagan.cf-._....Manglerl, l b ^

1 Gieenburg,. lbMontouri, rf

_i, Marmone, rf


TEL. CB. «-«Ml






is Always .Always

beetlefoliage ta year shade trees.Let H^eUmuate'then feryoa witho n power sprayers. We have the lat-


/• Estimates CkMrfally Given' Wltboat OUIgatlm

PLainfield 6-10020

G. Otto Bennettl


*» think akeas sack thls«a,she"* wlsk that year Gift ifar the I

Mixmuter Food Mi«r, anplete withElectric Mott,

fyrex—All Glaw—Double


The lntra-mural sports program,~«hlch~ ls»dlrecl«l"by J. W. Coffee, "1sveil under way. During the month ofAprir two softbaU teagueswere formed,one including, boys of Roosevelt andthe other boys from Lincoln and Sher-man Schools. Gomes are played everyafternoon.. Bach squad has twelve boys

. on their list of players. .. ;. r \ r :- Intra-grade school, softljall and haiball games will-be started next week.

Jack Beinlx'and Sam Koury werewinners In' the marble tournament heldinthe grade schools._Bolh boys; repre-

tentative date, for the Gtammar School' l Y l C h h i l l t b h l U

SOex Coffee JVUkw with Trmy,6 or 8ca.>-SiK«al _ _

tnpionshlpjtolbe-held^pXLtbi}j . . . . Jchooi playground. •,

These sports, under the capable direc-tion of Mr. Coffee, are proceeding veryrapidly and are extremely popular withalTUie boys,,.:Mr. Coffee Is,giving the

the training and competition he leads-them through. ' . • • '• Standings In the Softball leagues fol-low: - •;.• -.-•; - '. ••-.. ••:':. ;•'--. .

" Booserdt Sottbsll Leagae• • - . " '• •.'•• O P . . . W & •

Athletics ™i™i_._.7 '_"':'. e 1 JBS1Cardinals .™.._.__.. .6 ^ 4 '3 'JB&tIndians ..;~...._.._.,^_jj 3'• 2 '

311 rVlidigonPlunfieU, N. J.


LUERYFRIDAY, MAY 2 1 , 8 : 3 0 P. M.

North Plainfield Higfa School

Oppouto Thatcher

Have m RedW« hsjw aaneeoUeeU—

Thi» Sunnnerimiaal-ptsnls

and an kind!!

Llncota-Sherman Softball Leagoe

. -. OP w-tr-.-Stin plenty of time to plant Everrreens, hardy•"• • ' ; : • ' , • . • • . . - - '.. *f Perennial B a n t s . " T

• • • , - ••.'-• Grass Seed « o and *S« per p e n d .

JOHN R. BAUMANN,$22.50^$3.45 Delivery Anywhere In Union and

••• Cranfoird Bows to lindenThe Cranford' High •School nine

dropped, its third game of the season»hen they! w e n t ^ Ljnden Tuesday aft;tmoonand were handed a 5 to 3 de-feat. . • 1 •. ;.-• *' Harold Grime*: pitched for the tea looys and, did a very fine Job even

I N S . E C T I C I D E B

106 UNION AVE, N., CRANFORDPhone CRajrford 64)092 ICECSEAM

318'E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD.. Phone WEitfidd ZOVG

ntEE DEUVEKlN. tinien Ave. aaJ AUen BL

Phone CR. 6-0116

] " . - - ; , ^ ^ % '

BATOBTSTtP-OWC A N 8 _ _ _ _ _

WINDOW SHADES•s fnta- __

DAEH CAN qPENEBg•aUresa.,,, .,, „ , / , ..



\j£*H&J$Lxo. &3&Z^ i. Mt+ioS- u

Page 5: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

Jr •*•/•" ' i' * .nsJ «

. ' .


«Hil«lnlm a rabstltute tor the

12th With Score Tied " "at 1 to 1.

ByNEALIMLTThe pitching classic ot the seuon w»»

h , l d o n the Orange dfamomJ M - * ?III l u v i i •*•** • • • • • • • • » - --—— ' - - - — —

afternoon when, with the icoce 1 to 1,• hr Cranford vs.; ttange game wascalled in at twelfth tanJr* because <*aarkwss Both pitcher* *elfr up Anying the grind and went the entire routeBob Andereon tor Cnnford and Her-mann tor Orange*- —

Bob Anderson supplied the battingpunch with two hlta lndudir* • dou-ble which with the help of momentarywlldness by Hermann,, resulted In

-canford • only tun. -Sixteen men wentdo»n swinging before, the Unlesspitching of Bob. Nugent scored Or-ange s run after he knocked out a dou-bis and Snout rtngled. to bring bJm,home.

The summary:Cranfw*

R H EAn?inoli, cf u> 0 1^ 0(1 Pceltler, ss 0 ' 0 1W Pocltltr, 2b 0 0 1

O Q 0

School; who Ovlsed the new plan,the New Jersey State Coachen1 Jk&so-elation at their annual meeting lastThursday In Bizabeth, that under hisplan Cranford would be rated In firstplace for 1934, 1939 and 1838 Thiswould have given Cranford the 8tate

lamnlonsnlp In football for the past

Sayre,IfTerry, c ,Lowland, 3blliFubio, 3bJones, 3b .Sailer, lb

Nugent, If . \Bagan. cf . .Manglerl, l b .Gicenburg, lbMontourl, r f .Mnrmone, rf .

Honnann, p _./.. -..

Score by Innings: " - \Cranford . _ ..000 100 000 OOOVl

^ " r t i w •i.iftlO QOQ-- OOP- 00ft'ifc

three years.Mr. CoUlton devised his system afterstudy of the results or 8000 football

imes, lneludlng every high schoolgrid battle In New Jersey for the pastfour years.

Colllton, from his your-jear studyHas rated the strength of' every team

the State, adjusting his rajlngsfrom year to year as their football tor-tunes rose and "Tell, until he can sub-mit a Hgure denoting the »tandlng_ofevery one of New Jersey's 130-oddschool elevens, regardless of their clas-sification In the official Groups 4, 8and 9 He has placed schools Into nine

Vr; -a: O. D; «C *, O.ITaha JTeams were alloted 100 points for beat-Ing a Class A team, 00 for beating ~Class B team, and so on downseal*.

ColUton placed "eeypiOeen at theState's-Group 4 schools, seven Group

jprgup i^school ,inhis Class A,, ThVgne graSp/a,. schoolvhlch. """""'" ~ ' —•""••* - "ford, 8/significant fact, as under theJlcUnson system last year Bemards-ritte and pomptoiyLakes were declarediolnt North Jersey Group'2 championsbecause both/had been undefeatedagainst comparatively weak opposition,while Cranford had lost Uo games

Mcst qfthe 60 coaches present seemedfavor of Mr. Colliton's pro-

any ties or - close decisions ortechnicalities. Cranford'lost the .Statefootball championship in 1033 to Ber-nardsvllle because ot a technicality. Inlhat"y«ar,"Cranfora* won" nine •straightgames and lost the last one to an un-defeated team and was rated the high-est in 'the picUnson and Colllton sys-tems, biA lost the championship. i

Under the Colllton system, Cranfordwas_the only Group 2 school in the Adivision In 1836, the nearest otherGroup 2 school being placed hi Class.C

though he was defeated. Harold onlyallowed Ux hits and moat of the fiveuns may bo attributed to poor Qcldlne


The lntra-mural sports program;~«hlch" Is "tttrecletThy J. tr. coffee, "tewell under way. During the month ofAprir two softball leagies were formed,one Including., boys of Roosevelt andthe other boys from Lincoln and Sher-man Schools. Gomes are played everyatterroon. Bach squad has twelve boys

_ on thrir_llst_orptoyenK_ . . . . \ _Inlro-grade school softbatl and-hard

ball games wiU.be started next week.Jack Belnlx 'and 8am Koury were

, winners In' the marble tournament heldin the grade schoola. Both boy* repre-

~scnled~ Cranford in the Union Countyr r M«n*leroh«inp*»iWp*"liei*at Witta^—anco FBrk?, .Thursday ftfternooB,-May-27rl» the

tentative date for the Qtammar SchoolThick. Championship to be held on the

_ {toosevelt School playground.These sports, under the capable direc-

tion of Mr. Coffee, a n proceeding veryrapidly and are extremely popular withall the boys. Mr. Coffee ls,glvtng the

the training and competition he leadsthem through.

Standings hi the Softball leagues fol-low:

BooMvelt Sehban LeagaeOF ff t

Athletics .„ __ ™_._7 6 I .887Cardinals .„.„„_.1.6 V*4 a '.687Indians ... »_. „.__ J 3 2 * ..Cubs _ _ _ H M « - . * — . 8 - . 8 —,Braves .6 3 3' ,Giants . _ „. j j a 4

Dodgers"IndiansSenators . _ .Cubs

Cardinals .Yankees .

Giants . . . ;

Llncota-Shermui SottbaU Uagoe

— .7

4 . 3000 , 1 M0

nineCranford Bows to linden

The Cranford High •School''rapped Its third game of the season»hcn they went to Linden Tuesday aft-ernoon and were handed a 5 to 3 de-feat . i' Harold Grimes pitched for the'localboys and, did a very fine job even


ICE CREAMraw muvm

N. Units Are, aai Alden BL

Phone CR. 6-0116

in Eighth to Win,6 to 4,

Duplicating its feat ot a week ago,the Cranford A. O. nine stated a rallyin the eighth Inning Bandar afternoonit Nomahegan Park to defeat the Koa-bergs, 6 to 4 Cranford will cross batswith Plalnfleld on Saturday and Weet-fleld, Sunday - Both- game*-wuVbeplayed here.

In last Sunday's fame, the Kotberg*were leading, 4 to 2, when a single byCooney Enright,' two hit batsmen, asingle by Al Bohulnskl and a double byReggie.Ungnrteldt pulled the ganw outof the lire br Cranford. •


FtcdcrtckfiQti, tt , M .« .Enright, lb

Mauren, IfBotullnsky, cf. „ «..Waddel, rf .

Rlsko, o...»Orlmes, pStiles, 'p ,.

Koabergs ..* . ...100 002 100—4Oranford • ,_.__._;.._002 000 04x—«

Two-base, hit*—Braun, Frederlcksca;three-base- hit—McCteky. Dbubleplays—Ungerfeldt,' Enright: McClosky,York, Trleshman. Hit by pitthed ball—By Neabor, Ttturtn anf i -on bans*-Off Orlmes, 2; off Stiles, 1. • Struck out—By Neabor, 3; by Orlmes, 3; by Stiles,

Winning pltcher-«tUea Losingpitcher—Neabor. Umpires-Kane." "''

-Wagnir.'of Ildikh, heldlhc locals tohits, Podtler brothers each get-ir and Orlmes the other.

ow, Cranford «U1 go to Chatham and attempt to tnke the Chathamboys into\amp Dob Anderton will bein tne-hiDUiJd"ancl-Metwhi-Terry be-llnd the'The

taglnoll, cf. ..Poeltler.ss. ..

W. PoelUer. 2b -.rimes, p .> ,ndereon, rf

•ftdfer. Sb^-rtyre, If .

Terry, cBatter, l b .JonM

_ \

-"Jonea-hattBd forSayreta-»th.-\ linden _

- BVornbaum, 2b,... ..~*.~..~._ 1Davis, 2b ^v - 0 "Osmun, c . . - .- . — - • -0Jackuc, ss •• - i ^Tevlln, rf - 1Vena, cf ..,.. . c 0>

Welllpg, lb . ..Kasmin, 3b - .Wagner, p 0 - 0Bllan . . -- JL~- ~~~~ --• V •

1 "" " " 1 1Bllan batted for Kasmin In 9thScore by Innings:

Cranford T- 010 000 020-3Ml. 120,.

Umpire—A. Lud.

Trfteirvi* "l«se Spry the nerihtlraan&ertmarihaitmlrtay

.-tMaflakleit, tenderest pastry youever ate, says Aunt Jenny Anadigestible—say. I've seen Calvin(that's my husband) eat threepieces for supper andBleeplUw ababy all night after, G«t the bisMb. can of Spry. You save money I

I i I I , I L f \ leWPRICESl

3b.n» s

Karosick, ss ..>...McClosky.UYock, rt - _Braun, cf - .Hlgglns, 2b ...Jjedjsh. c . . .Neabor,j»

Buy With Confidence.. A & P Food Valoes

M E A T S - Sensational Prices for the Best Quality

4 . 10

R H. 1..1

, » . l....1. .0


...1. 0 0. . 0 0


- f000

John J. Adams, 30 yean old, of 39 Al-bany, street, New Brunswick; WilliamBaiter, 4B years old, of 813 fordingplace, Baltimore, Md., and Paul Huff,41 years old. of 2913 OeRitt place,

iday morning by Lieut. William Fischer,Secgt. Oeorge I* JtosendB.te,anit EMrol.iman Anton Kovacs, on complaint -ofDetective, William G. Ryan, of the Cen-tral Railroad Police, were sentenced tofive days, each, in.thejcounty Jail whenarraigned later in the day'beforei JudgeMalcolm Warnock on charges of il-legal traln-rlding.

Legs of Lamb ^ ^ ,, -25cSmoked Hams -^- - 10l-k - 25c

Six«aUplo411MOk-Fed 411M. lb.

Prime Ribs of Beef Cut FromRrttSRib. lb.

Frankfurters su»i«. •». 2SrPlate K Navel Beef *£££ • " 1 5 c

Fresh Caught Mackerel ^ 10c

Beef Liver- s*ctadQumKtjrSllced Bacon SunnVncu V.

ibV-23c-i*f. 19c

Fillet - Cod or Haddock ib. 19*

Rent that srare room ttuoogh • IK*tie classified ad. 0 0 M M «A








AD oar Cakes and Pastrta* aremade n U l i . G M n KMer aa*


tary condltl— aad '—lens


Strawberriesq* 1 7QBox ZL

U. S. No. 1 GRADE

New Potatoes5 - 1 7 c


CocomaltGulden's MustardCut Rite Waxed PaperBabbitt's Cleanser 3Royal Baking Powder ^MelloWheat 280.^ 15c



Bartlett PearsAN&WHtnDill PicklesSnider's Sliced BeetsCollege Inn Tomato Juice

*• * 15c*10c


BUTTER . 3 5 cFineGranuktod

SUGAR io.49cSunnyficU


8 O'clock








EslilttZ .Member Select 6ane Gilld. FerpetiiateMemocy Thnwrt .<

__ L. MANNING & SONDlspUy Y a i * - « 5 WB8T FBONT STREET, PtAWnaXD, 1». I.


•* Nearby BepresentatlTe - {i~ ROBERT -.R. STEPHENS "


' -, THESE



infold — 107 Walnut Av«.f CranfordTELEPHONE CRAMFORD 64120


^ir^i^,^>-.J-, . ,U .^ rf+4." 1 .<-"• -\S'



Page 6: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

tMi<> > ft! a ; g rj


31st street

., "Lffgj^ag^^jg&gjgie1?

r-~ 1-1NEW

IS ON DUTY HERESeek* Unlicensed Canine., Li.

censed PeU May Be TakenM

Ann* Loverchw* of 30th street fa) avictim of scarlettaa

St. Theresa* Society wUl hold g cardnarty tomorow night in the flmboute.

The firemen's csrd party at<the fire-Eouse on Friday night n i well at-tended. • '• :-' ' ' .

Paul Van DerZe* U busy formulating

Tlw newly created office of dog war-den Is already producing results. Atany rtfe" stray dogs are not so prevalentin t ie Borough.. :

All unlicensed dogs are liable to be-^fl;.v. «t all hours. Licensed dogs are. liable to ji imie alter .10. P.large in the streets. / .


1 •A bert Stapprrfenne. 10 years old. of

64 Pa&Mlc • av*c<ri., and Miss BettyHoclfy. 1« yests old.'of &nnwsrthboulevard, wen seriously Injured Frl-oay night at11:30 QWorkwhile walking

hi thCTwew

founder1! day celebration to.be held lacommemoration of the 30th anniversaryof the ruundlngof'lhettiwn. -

l ibs Ray escorted a small group ofer pupils on sstiht-eeelng trip to New

Ifork on Saturday. The lttnery of thetrip-Included the - xoo._aqu»ri»jn, *ndiiuiiierom-itep»-»t-hot-dog-atanda,candy stores, etc.

The committee In charge of the Me-morial Dsj> parade on Sunday, May 30,are-urging mll'Uw^tlswulo come «rtand paraA> with their respective civicortanlxatlon. Details of the day« pro-

^ . _ . . _ * k _ B_B * m - * . . .jranTwOI be" avatisble next week:Albert SUpefenne, son of l i t . and airs.

William Stapefenne of ftusalc-avertue.who s»ffer«»««ou» injuries M7»."5suit of bring struck by a car driven W

l i a h t d t

"ttracESfViifalongside'!!*, highway.

Tli- driver, of the ear. Frank Ixso. ofTtentleMi BUtet ha* bien released oy

l j.nolle- pending_outcoine of thclr.,lnliir-Ics. Btapperteniaft'wKha passable .skullfiutut?. fractured ' rib), abrasions ofUu face and right eye and contusionsof both legs. ls: reported Irt a -«rl6us"condition by authorities at the ESIiar

"b iF'Gin^irilosplfil The conaTOotrof Miss Hoesley. with a compoundfracture or the right ankle, was report

'ed a "gcod."i p Both -were taken to the office, of Or,

Albert Welts. KenUworth boulevardand removed lo the hospital following

,' emergency treatmrnt. Patrolman Ed-ward Stupak inmllgated. ,

MILUGAN-SCtrCBLINOM l » Josephine Peuerling,

V t a l KCnUghUrf or Mr. and Mrs. Charles- E.Deuerilng ot Michigan avenue, wasmarried t> Joseph Bertram atUugsn of

r Anpandale on Msy'll a t 8C,J0hn1Church tn Elisabeth, the Rev. LyUleton-S.- Hubbard ntvisllng The newly.

—wsddfd txunle-wlUitjsldeJn Snnsnrtaie

Binottat aMMha»-rpThe summer round-up of

children who arc to enter school tn<fall will be held in the McKmley 8at » a. m. HWnesday, May. Js Dr.Jones, the school I •lthexamine-aU theehUdrtn.

•pester. wtU

Bent thattie dtsttOed sd.


Fines and easts, totaling 1110, wereasssssed In .Police Court last weekby Judge Maleota B. Wsrnock.

Largest of the fines was meted outi Richard J. Bergstrom of 23 south

Ninth street, who was summoned ontsomptstnt of Wslter W. Wilson, sssts-taot-measures of : Union County. :v Berg-

i found guilty of having given"short wetghUm coal deliveries in threeinstances and was fined |3S snd $1 coston each count, making a total of S75

Fined for speeding were: ReginaldHuSM^iSii«O^.I?^l»lP^:fA and S3 costs:- Nell Clark, 3M Drakeavenue, Rahway. 15 and S3 costs; How-ard Diem, 185 Shephard avenue. New-ark.

tun . . .13 cosU. Tbe^flfst three were arrestedby Pafrolman Thomas Woods and thelatter bji Patrolman'. Peter Miller..

John atelner of l i f Frestoh "avebue,summoned> by Patrolman.JHwsrd• :for parking on a crosswalk, was flned«l.

George West and FreoV Carey of 3MCen®nlsU»V!« r « U o n H f r

Hotpital. Hi> cbndlOon is reported tobefah-. • ; •"' •••'. ,

Boy Scouts, under' the leadership ofJoseph B^Uglto. met 1 * * - - * £ * ! £ - AITO BACK AT TEKNTONbasrownton Monday gouUlned for the summer, activities. A

h d t h i toutotal of a boys have

their ten-otal of a boy pferfoot tests. At next week's jneeUng.patrol leaders and a. scribe will be sp-uoltitfd.

Paul Van Der Zee, In charge of theWPA library landscaping project, re-ports the work SS per cent completedA nipple, 'tone wall will be built st thesouthwest corner of the lot. —

Athletes of the local school competedin a HeW meet with the pupUs of theNew PrevMenee Schoo} at New Provi-dence on Friday. Kenllworth won amajority of the events which Includedthe 39,80. snd 100 yard dashes, 3 legged« ( • • , broadband high. Jumps snd relayraces Mew Providence wffl meet Ken-Uworth In a return meet at KenUworthon Tuesday, June 1.

POUCS COURT NEWS"At Police Cdrjrt Hearing- wr-Mondsy

i a » h t : T l « x » * .Louise Apets of 11 Rptnore Place; Oranford. $5 snd costs of court on a chargiof speeding.

Richard W. King or M Newark ave-nue was given a suspended sentence on-• chsrge of psifcini his car In the•Wet overnight without lights.

-We* BanttUo ot-VM 4th. surenue,Ussbeth. wss given it suspended sen-tence on a charge of peddUng without


A new kind of nUlroad trip has beenplanned for aunday by the New JerseyOeotral Balb»m»-Tbe Laeture R«URoam Trip. Ob that morning • specialtrain, with diner, will leawMew Yorkand travel through more ttan to citiesIn-New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Thepicturesque, the mstoTtcs'rsndUresting win unfold as the.passengaslook put broad windows; in every carwill be a .broadcast amplifier. Throughthese loudspeakers wlU come the voiceof an experienced lecturer who,.fromhis station In the front car, will broadg k The Lesson-Sermon also Includes thecast about every Interesting sight aStf knowing passage from the Christianacene_en..ioute~:—„ •„-,—.— sdem»-testbookr--"Scknoe-ano. Health

The. trip will cover 32S miles andcost, but *3-» for the'entlre tour;.:. PromNew York through Jersey Into Penn-

were each nne4 »10, ps^rnemt of whicwas suspended during good behavior.

—Eastern auto racing fans, will beadfor Trenton on Memorial Day, Sunday.Hay SO; for on'Jhat day the maniac ofdirt trscks, alMr giving their cars gooduhe-ups at Reading and Langhorne.

tfS4htlrilMtab* a r p r e n o t S « pUc their death-defying bids for cham-pionship honors on the half-mile track.Ralph Bankhuon, embarking on histwenty-seventh year as a racing pro-mettr,"wUl arrange-the tuugiam andfans need have no fear. They haveseen other Hanklnsoti shows and knowthat be will produce only the be»L-

FLAN ANNVAX MKETINaA gsraen party to )» held on Friday«tUlx*pof4toOttoaa««TOOtmatU»lxpef4a

Undberg, New PrOTdence"Hoad; ltour.tahulde, wlU bring tti cfcse the 1936-37 program of the Westfleld Chapter,Oaughssn of the American Revolution,This will also be the: Chapter's annualmeeting.- Mra-WUliain lane Bnlce. of

t ^ b f a i

Clotted Cream of DevonshireThe clotted cream gf Devonshln

Is made by allowing the mjlk tstatid for. 24 hours. It U then heu:ed In a shallow pgri over a alovcharcoal' fire for a "half or othrecquarters-ot-an hour-without boilingAfter standing another-pday. Ifncream is skimmed oft nnd serve4


-8O0LA«D»0Or-wmbethesuo-jeet of ttw Ivssspn-aermon In silChurches of Ohrlst, Seienttst, on Sun-day, May SS.

The Golden Text in "Rejoloe the soulof tor servant; for unto tbee, O Lord,

> I lift up my soul" (Psalms MM.Among kh* dUUons which comprise

is- the followingfrom, the, Bible; "WhatT know ye notthat your body is the temple of theB^?i»^TT^rtfchB c ^ ? U i c » w ! i ^ ^ ;have of Ood, and ye ate not your own?For ye are bought with a price: there-fore glorify Ood In .your body, and inyour spirit, which are Oott's" „<* Oor-mthlani 6:19, 30).

ccal regions, downJJie pleasant Schuyi-kiil-Valfey and thence to Valley Forgeand Qebrge',Washington's headquarters

for. walkingnboutthis fainouj plsoe. Then throughthe grsat city of Phllfldelphlar startingUie_ return ,trip_to^_ajriyejat J*e* 'IP"^

'•-.-Uajte4<apaeBriTieo^^l^na^ance-tickets-ar».being:bought. In additionto the New York and Jersey City stops,passsngera may board the train for thisipeclal tour at Cranford.

with Key to the Scriptures" by MaryBaker Eddy: "When we- realise thatLife UBptrit, never to nor of matter,U»l«,v.uwJer^«w^,,j«lU.-,«?P»nd,intoself-completeness,' finding sil In Ootl,good, and needing no other COMCIOUI-

Spirit an3its formations are theonly realities of being. The universe ofSpirit Is peopled *lth spiritual eolngs,and Us government U. divlns" Science.Mania the offspring,i hot bit the lo*-^ j 8

BOME TOMOEROWBSAKS BOME TOMOEROWThose liustllng Bears of Manager Os-

car VittwUT be back in Ruppert Sta-dium Friday to begin a two game seriesWrnKTBalflmore Orioles. TheiTonSunday they go to Jersey.City to meetTravis Jackson's Olants for the firstlime this season, single" gamer arescheduled f i t Sunday and Ucnday,.atJersey City and (hen the rivals come toNewark for games on Tuesday andWednesday. After that the 1 Bean pscktheir bags snd head for Syrscuse wherethey are to play four games, tenntnatrIng (heir' stay In the Salt City. Sunday

ggy!5f"Claw Hand," Curious WeaponA curious weapon, used In India

centuries ago. was the "daw htocVAWhen a matt entered a fight, h« car-l d d i his right hand and

ltigercrawitnttedto th*tJn»trshis left hand. Apparently, says Col-lier's Weekly, it was believed thatthese claws, even when worn byman, would do considerable dam-sue. ,

All lot One's Own «ooti t h e a g yfor one's own good csn only be car-ried out at the expense of one'sneighbor.

ClassiH nents(AUr

FUBNISBSD BOOMSLAROK' furnished room, suitable, for

Also single8-27

SINGLE furnished room; breakfast Ifdesired. Three minutes to train. IS

-Orovr-fltreet ^Telephone ORsnfordS-0TS6-J. «*




two or three persons.-room. 17 Alden Street

FOSIAXBPOT Stove for summer water heating.

*3J». Phone CRsnford e-1291-W.

WALMTJT Secretary, Oate Leg Table,Radto^Qresaer. Call at 30 West HollyStreet, "Apt. No, 8, between 4 and

FURNISHED room, residential section,

street, Cranford.

POUR furnished roomi with-privatebath. In resUentlal section.CRonf ord o-Ml«.


WIN MOVIE PASSESWinners of pisses to, the. Cranford

Theatre for correctly answering ques-tions In lsst week's Issue of this paper

e: Molly Hopkins, 17 Central ave-nue; Betty. Mulr, 40 Hilksrest avenue;Martha Am* Clement, 7 Hamilton ave-nue: Charlotte- Fenter, 104 Hlllcrert av-enue. and Roland Scheller. Jr.. 7 Park

AFAKTMENTB FOK; BENTSUBLET — Small J-roorrS .apartmeht,-furnished,-for-July-and 'August,..See"SuWFl^^UffiiirAvenue 'or" call

ROT water Pot Stove; Utility Sink andother household articles. Reasonable7 Walnut Avenue, Cranford. _ .

CHILD'S Wardrobe, 8 drawers, com-partment for slothes; also largo crib.Phone CRanford 6-1783.

F0LUEQ Brushes—For jour personaland household, tenahej^ Call h. /LMeKee, Phone CRanford 8-0601-M. U

avenue. Correct answers follow: Elis-swbthtown Consolidated Oas Co.; 2, Ar-mour's Big Crop 8-M; 3,' CranfordPaint and Hardware; •*,••Scsrbrough's.eerrk* fltaUooi and 5,~Cr»nfor* Mu-tual Building and Loan Association,.

. INSECTICIDBaKILL bean beetles, caterpillars, other

Insects. -Davis-Derris»Surphur Com-poUhd. Non-poisonous to humansand Uvestock. 30 gallons spray, 40cat Skillman's Hardware Store.

U R S l a r u J l e k i nPieces, *»v"i«rgsnew Fur Costs,.ISO and up. Finefurs repaired and remodeled.. Easyterms.- A Ksntner. US Walnut Ave-nue, Cranford. Phone CRan. 6-1618. •



ALL the current books have been addnito the Rental Library of The Book-shop, 4 Alden. Street, Cranford

•acia~causfs youStomach Ulcers, Oas Fains, Indiges-tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating,Nausea, get free sample doctor's pre-

thStore, 5-37

Festaers Besvier-Tttar-OoU|—Technically, a pound of feathers

IS heavier than a pound of gold, be-cause feathers'are weighed avoir-dupplsy 7.000 grains to * mundUnd|precious rnetalsart welgtigdltroy.'8,740 grains to a pound. „_,!._„....,

- OsneralWallacala. Two WarsGen. Lewis Wallace, author pf the

famous novel.."Ben. HUri" servedl h i U t t U t o l t h M l

n t i r TTirmrn ffssnii

BICH-Top-SoU torTJale—Delivered 1the load. Falrriew {lanor Farm.Qua Drejrer, (M .Springfield Avenue.Phone ORanfonlo-l<34-J. 5-21L,

KEY RINO with .two keys. Return toO t t e n and Chronicle office.

ence, salary expected. 'Box'408, careof Citizen and Chronicle offlce. > 3 7

LEATHER Key dpntaneTjwuh _three_keys. OaU ORanford.6-lU7.

wllh,riUttncUfin;tolnand »vU war!. Reis. i w i •• •' ' '

OENBRAL houseworkers, wltb jRfer%e n e ^ » i ^ Ml«ett"S BnpioymeniAgency, 331 Elmer Street, Westfltld


Briass m a Bsslgett Sure, yon cangrn him an Uw oaks* and plea hswants. Just ass Spry, the i » w t J - ' -onamed stirmgetablc shortsSavte you snoney, gtvas the I

last, bMt-Usttaj csles ani

real ecoronty. get the S-lb. 'can!

If you have somelittle folks like these to

we know you'll want togive them the maximumprotection afforded by


K' ,

11 Mansion Terrace. >

JBELP WANTEO-BUlo .WANTED man over 31 for store and

deUvery work Address Box 409, careCitlsen and Chronicle offlce. . ; .

/sumioaATrs NOTICE

DattaMd. «~ lirth* onto of CBARLI8A.OTT0,

ita ~vl tbc CaufelT Of UAlou iBadt. slat ilar of Aprllr A D, Ml. upon thelldlkm of lh» ucimitari. aa Iiaeular ol

,. nuta ol aald dfcaaatd, nollea la barabjIrra to lha crcdllora or aald dectaaad lo ai-Ibit Is tba aubatilbtr undar oaUl of anima-

tion tbalr clalnu and draunda ajalut tba aa-lata- ot aald dvrtaard wtlhln all months treatIda data of said ordar. or thar sill ba fortterbarnd rram proamitlm or ncorrriaf Uw aaaaanlnit Iba aubacrfbars CRANrOBTJ IBUHf COMI'ANI.


Paperhanglng at a reasonable-rate..Work fully guaranteed 8S JohnsonAvenue. Pbone CRanford 6-1424-J. .


^eesned. Mo

ford. TeL.0R»«V06W-M.

PLTJICBrKO, heaUnsj, tinning. Qualitywork at reasonsble prices. Estimatesfurnished. • MlclariM»llnsrl, 101 E.South Avenue. Telephone CRanford •


CANABBS BOABDEDCANARIES boarded and cared for dur-

ing the vacation months, $1 per «cekPhone only beween, 11/ and 12 a. m..CRanford 8-1337. ,107 Orange Ave-nue. • •- • 1 0 , a

C A O M TBtmr COSIfAN- - or cranrora; K;"».r "

NOTICE OF INTCNTIONTake nolle th.t JOHN CH1NCTL4B. lalanda

to applf lo Uw Harar and COUMU at Wa Boc-out-B of Cirwood, K, j , for a Plnanr BetaU

ttblacllona, tf-Vosv «rwuht*lirlattlr In »r)tlnf to Waller 8. 1oiish "Clerk, ot tba Sorousirof Ie SorouriTof

(Sltnilil) JOBS CUE


• " and CouncU of tb» Bor-. , - I ,-ror-»-Plfnarj- Reull

I'ooiumpllon llcmae ror Dremlaea alliiatnl alMT South Armue. Oinrood, New Jeraej.

Oblectlona, If anjr, aliotild be mad* Imteed.tel> In wrlflnt to Walter- 8 McMawia, Bor-

oush Clark, ot lha Borouih of uanrood. N^43-17 (filmed) IHA.NK 8ALK8IO

TJFHOtalEBT^DECOstATfNOUPHOLBTEBER, decorator, curtains,

slip corers, shades, cabinet work andalso an furniture repair. FredKsnt-iter-aVSea.'formeily with W. Baum-garten, io-aauthJrjnlanJlTenue. tiifrtf94Ha

vising princpIn Bisex Coiatty. was sppotnlwi sapei-vising prindpsi «* the Oeraood schools


g lsst * & *Wuren Wi Hahey.

nriBcipal here for the^psst twenty years,.ho has resigned to accept a position


as 5upwiw"» a» i1 • — ^^RcgionaTHSh School in SprlQgtkld.," Mr. BtounWwho U mijried and h « | eiunWirno Is

wss selected from, a Held of pel

IBOHCAI. WlSirSIKORA'S Aquaria offers valUsneiia

plants1 at 18s doe. Qreat reductionIn prices on all tropical fish. 53tNorth Onion Avenue.-Phone CBan-ford e-oacn-iv "


8EASHOBE EXPRESS8EASHORE Express carrying'baggage

and houselAld-furnlture.,,Aliio use lhouseholdigo^s fof saTe."S» "Nbrtr, 'Avenue, WestOeU. Call Henr> PTownsend, WBrtfleld 3-1631. t (-

^The well fti ntdn dott not believe inhunger"

" " MAT " - . - " ~tl-Hsod ofth» Dtportmmt

oi Acjricultur* made) a •barnMT of 1h# Prasl. '

• lint lo cross tha ocean,L sailad lor Europe; 1819

31—The A d v a n c e a n dBaacua) sail far lbs Arctic

A —racjlons in Mcrxcn o( Sit2 lohn Franklin. 1850.

H—Tamous Brooklyn Bridge)» openod to public traffic,t. 1B83.

iS-DsSololandsd In Florida^p lns*arch.oigold,J53lL

iS-Gsn. Klrby-Smith sunt»/'-dsrsd InTwtas, •ndtogIheOjIlWor 1865;

3t—Century of ProgrtstvIxposltisfreeRMd kt


MOVWQ—TBCCsUNO-STOEAGEWB specuUlze In long distance moving

of foil and part vanloads of house-hold goods fc> all long distance pointsLatest equipment. Loads fully in-sured. Phone for estimate. BlssetBros. Xoc, PJalnneWL. . "






- I -'"*". SALES

i * y £


FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY!Whit* Oak Vt M—SOcRubber or Latflwr LiftaClOc


"WANTEDMEN to Join Court .Cronfoni, Inde-

? t J s u r-.ance «wH


st|eifcance jfr For lnfor-matlon apply to E. "6. Miller, 3 » "H h " t C f d omatlon apply to E. 6.Horth Avenue", East, Cranford; or JBrockaeld, 2tt Second Avenue, Car-wood. _ _ . "

BEPATBSEXPERT repajpt-pn all makes Radio,

Refrigerators; •Vacuum Cleaners, andother household appliances. Oil lamp

'electrified, Westfleld Electric andaiftJShop (formerly Savage) S3 ElmStreet, Westfleld. WErtfleld 3^224


HOTDIO-STORAOE-PACKINaLET us estimate jn any ot your moving

or storage problems. Modem equip'jnent and experienced, courteou* men.Agents for Allied Van Unes, Inc.

"long distance movers. Robbing i.Allison, Ino^ 313 South Avenue, EMtHioneCBsnford«-O8«e. «

^rusjaaia^-uat DBOOBAHNO -fOBEPB WARSroSKI — QnsUty war'

at • resaxnaHe->>prke. telepbona-CRanford S-OtM-W or ORsnforil

•40U. •

SANHOUSEWIRINO, fixtures, general re-

pairing, WMhtogr machines, vacuum^dsfaer»sridsppllsnoMrnotorrepsto^and srmhBs^wmdlng.- Danlsi i.

Heytam; t BrjmskU Arenue. Fbone

surte his newJoUes on. July .*.•While-the salaiy of-the new superr

vislce prindcal hss not been definitely; set by the beard, tt will, ta all probahll-(ity, be to the] iirigtibTWTaorid'of gSJOP'S

7:' yei . & • B»ls»^ salsry,~dlirlng the\ past year, wss Wt**- :.Hk>ie»er,.ta ad-

fev^"'*fcj* m *VtiO4






rhigh school, the ntatt grade cf whichwiU be ellmlnaWi by the new regionalh i g h s c h o o l . . : . - . • . • ' • ' • •

Mr. Blount attended the BtaimrVld

of bachelor ot fcttem from Ratcers Uni-versity toltas. He majored tneduca-tion and wss graduated wtth honors. In1933. he recetred hto.masterVi degree IdHuealiori~fWBT~Billgeis, aud snbse-r

qucntljr studied sdmmlstrstaon at New-ark State NormaL He holds a pama-nent supmrisort certtOcate In New.

""supervwing nrtodpai at. Cedar .GiSve,*he ias a. teacher of Ecclbh tn Bound

,Brook Js jh School. • •- --'~^t.: -.-,, m a*ntloh;to his cdueaUosuracUvi-. ties, Mr. Blount at cue UmQ was direc-

tor of the Bmnrnftflrl .mjmlrlpsl ptay-ground, assistant director o f jhe Mont-







. man. sad diwclcr ct) tts* West EssexCommunity. Cbesi andacti ic In othercommunity endeavors, \ ' .•; •-.••••

•'' AUhough h t w m i ^ assiiine hU newduties urita July 1, Mr. B k n n i wut be

tween now. snd then ta order to fsmll-' lorlze himself wttja the Oarwood syitem.

The spplicsnta for the position wereInterviewed b> the teachers' commit-tee comprised of Charles A. Bradshaw,chairman; Mrs. Herman Johnson andRonald D. OXesry. The* eliminated

, all but filghtof the spnllcsntB, whqap-


pcared before the board last Thursday•when the ftusi setectaon was

The trustees hate iccetnd the inlg-natioa of Eeitat~ BotaOtn. manumltraining UtTtfroctor. who h$s accepted ft

The board wm, h d d a n adjournedmeeting tonight to award contncU tdrsuppUes. hUs for which were opened

"at the lajtJnwettw;—piss^-i-as::"


—&^pmf±m^mmMrs. Anna Oalowskl. with- fifty-sev-

en points, carried off the sweepstakesprize in thtC«uwo<)dOsrden. Club'ssecond annual spring flower show heldSaturday nlgHt' in S t l b t K a psrishKUL Mora u ^ K » flower lovers were

~~"' There "were 170 entrteV"flfiy morethan In the show a year ago. The-showwucr^noiu* to members. Despttethetnclemant weather of last week,iths

% quality of bloom was especially fine.t Sectional prises were awarded as fol-

low: Sections A through I. Mrs. MsryLuchka; forty-one potitb; sections J

_ w& K. Mrs. L C. Packer; nineteenpoints; sections L and M. Mrs. Hrman

—v Weime. fuuljJope potnts;-s»cUoll-N., Mae Schubert: snd section O. Oslowskl.


were brought to the show to be lodged" to their development Mr*: K. Cow-ell was second, Mr. Flammer wss third

ANNOUNCH ENGAGEMENTAnnouncement abs been made of the

engagemnt of Miss Jcsqpnlne Bsgonesen - g M i a n , Hi «a«lsaB —-—-f— • • 1 — ane*fjVUb»'|

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rag-oiuse. ot 801 South, avenue, to Freder-ick Fajzcne, son of Michael Fslsofje, ofWUowavenue. > , . - , : . •" ; •/./,

Miss Ragonese attended the GsrwoodKhools and fa a graduate of Drakenuslness College, EUsabeth: "Ur: Fal-zone Is employed by. the Rodlc Robber^'rjoratlonioftisawood; .-•. •• •' - , ;

The ar^nounoemettt was ——«** Sstar-day night , t a party given by Mr. a id"'s- Rsgcnese, attended by more than

aoo guestejssra Oarwood. Westfleld,Craoford. RoriDe. RcseDe F>n*. Kenlft^•^mrssoetn.H*WTrora; City, PerthAmboy and Briogeport, Conn. Among'now present Twere Mayor and Mrs.uuis J. Foueneni snd Assistant Unionc»<mty Presecotorand Mrs. IiOui» Lon-rohardi, of Elizabeth. • : - •"

COCNoTllEaniNta rXMTPONEDRegute meeting of Borbogn Council.5 * Toesda* BW*. »ss post-

P00"1 <mta Prliyevetitog. because a





. f1f " " ' - -

Page 7: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in


fr 7^ T

' i/.*

Robert R.

Robert R. Meant yyaanoM. a i m .i l H Cedar Crrtwe ^ a ^


'Summoned by Sergt Dennis Comls-fcey on charges of tailing to- observetraffic lights, the following autoists werearraigned In Polioe Court Monday nightbefore Recorder Carroll K. Sellers: MayAddicts, (08 Raymond street, Westneld.sentence suspended and *2 cost ofcourt: Oedwick Iverson, 130 Broomrt R. Meant y y . r __^,_^^_^_^.^ .

principal <H Cedar Crrtwe a^au^s&eeVrfewarsTieritence suspended andt « awotaWI sanei - —'• • —

District captains to direct a cam"palgn to sslielt funds to defray expensesof tbe eelebratkttptamrt tor Indepen-dence Day, July 4, ham been appointed

follows: lbs. Fred Duthanek, PeterM. Briksen, Leo Ragonen. I n Olbson,Ahdtew.Moikaand Anthony Ouerriero... Mr.J^yflDfiw .has rum IHITMIII thalr

itsirac principto S e x C o u n t y . « awotaWI sanei-vising principal «* tbe Oarwobd schools

^ Board or Btaotkn aft a regular

Warren m Hater,„ pal here tortt» past twenty yean,.bo h » resigned * • * • • » * * » - " • •

B «raperrislnf n p t p

«lonaTBSB» School in Bprtagneld.Mr BlounW who is married and b»s

was selected tnm a Odd of

_ bis newjduties on. July 1."while the aalaur o l . thenew super?vising prmdcal has Hot been definitelysK by the board, it win. in aU probabll-

— " -••••- & . B»5t»^aiuU$r«nrlng the

ft cost; Joseph Kullman, 440 Stocking-avenue; Roselle, $2 and 12 cost; Ka-

leel George, M Bread street, Newark, f 1and $1 cost; Sidney A. Wood, 5M EastThird street, Plainneld, %1 and $2 cost:John Paola, 245 Forest road, Fauwood,t l and tt.cbst; Joseph M. Cerrata, 161West-Coifsx aventjts-Roselle- Parkrtaand tacost; Mrs. Dolores Kahl Schae-fer.~T,I WiiiBfjsfreet, Cranfordrsus^peoded sentence and 12 cost. The" lat-

1ae-i-*tU-.«s^ iw-was wittoBMiexiyjy-ChWf-AJoert W,A s h f l e l d . • • . - . J • • • . • - • •


ir, was $4310. However, m ad-

yifayjattl?high school, the nlnSi t n d e cf whichwill be eliminate*, by the new regionalhigh school. . . •.

Mr. Btount attended the"publicTscho6b~sarwee*re<t the degreeol bachelor of kttem from Ratters Uni-versity in i m . He mmjored to educa-tion and was graduated with honors. In1933. he Retired idejnastera degree Id

V—tc5eali6n~ftt«raul«eia.' and submcqucntb- studied administration at New-ark State NormaL He holds a pama-rient suporrborti eeAfscate, In New

- ThrOanrood SscondBnnd, composedof thirty-five "first: year" band stud-ent*>««vejtwo-(!otu:«rl«--durlng.thsrpiut.

sette the group first "played Tor "the" Juh-lor High School students and later forthe, Washington School pupils. .•. -"

Win Visit Farit"puplis brfherSA'cIass*will

to the Jockey Hollow Park on Sat-urday where" tfiey will have" a picniclunch and visit the historical points.Parents who have volunteered to ac-comp&ny"thechllaTen tnclude:^Mr. andMrs. M. Feiige, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nuss-bautn, Mrs. Sachsel. Mrs. Ogrodnlck, P.Ericksen and Mrs; Gebaiier.

supervising principal at Cedar Orote.he was\teacher at Ecclish tn Bound

,Brook J g h School. • •- --"~^t .....,?.: In aaiaoh;to; his edueaUonaTacUvi-. ties, Mr. Blount at cue time was direc-

tor of the BlrrtniMrt mBnlrtnal play-- ground, assistant director of the.Msnt^

On Monday'morntau;.the BO classpresented.'a mest interesting play on

leading roles were taken by Lillian Cul-mone. Richard Sachsel, Arthur.Sach-

Arthur tit BattlJto, Nettle Yawy-

.. man. and director of)<he Wkat_Community1 Chest, and active hi other

' community endeaTOrs, . ' .•; •-.• •••* •'' AUhcx^h h e w f f l i ^ assjnne his new

duties untU Jurj 1. Mr. Hknni will be


tween now. and then to order to famll-' larize hirdself with the Oarwood aystetn.

The applicahta for tbe position wereInterviewed b> the teachers' commit-tee comprised of Charles, A. Bradshaw.chairman; Mra. Herman Johnson andRonald. t>. Oteary. They eUmlnated

thwartic^ntit,d l

- Teachers Han PicnicThe Oarwood Teachers' Association

la planning, m picnic at Surprise Lakeo n M a y 2 4 . ; • ; • " ' . •; ....

• *

wood'Schools .will conduct a yialUngNight School win be In session for twohours at which time; parents will have

i opportunity to view their children atwork.. This will take the place "of theannual exhibition. However, there will

peared before the board last Thursdaymght^when the float setectton wasmade. • • -' • " • ~ - . ^ - . • -

• The trustees have received the resig-nation of Herbert' BobfUn. manualtraining instructor, who bas accepted a


The.board « m , h d d an adjournedmeeting tonight to award contrartt forsupplies, bids for which were opened

"at the last


Mrs. Anna OakmU. wttb fifty-sev-en points, carriedjft the twjtputakespriJB in tht Garwood Oarden dub'ssecond i a i d ! flower show heldSaturday nltnVin SL Mark* parishKUL M t OO fl li re

y pKUL More) tnan POO flower l i m n were

- ltt-attendance,~ ' There "were

ttattendance, - - , ~< ~ - r' There "were 110 entriesP-flhy morethan In the show a year aga The show« u c pen only to menmers. Despite theInclement weather of last week, ith-quality of bloom was especially fine.

Sectional prtses were awarded as fol-low: Sections A'thronghJU K n . MaryLuchxa, fortjHjne points; aeotkna Jtmi K, Mrs. L C. Packer; runeteenPoints, sections L said H. Mrs. Hnnan

•—. Weime. fuutyJorse r^atntsrseetloa IT.Mae Schubert: and section O. Oalowskl.

Mrs. Oanwski won the Tirtag It back- , ; - ^ V c ,cpr<^?^«-<on*es*-,in.~ Which

plants._dMrie«ife»t •rn»»r,1. t h e . x m t e r .mre brought to the snow to be fudged« t o their development l b s . K. Cow-ell was second, Mr. Flammer was thirdsn4.Mrs.,Paeker was fourth. —

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENTAnnouncement abs been made of the

ongagemnt of Idas Josephine Sagonese,daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Rag-onese. of « 1 Sooth arenne. to Freder-ick Patent, son of Michael nbnae . ofWllow avenue." Mi&sBagonese attended tbe OarwoodKhooU and Is a cradnate of DrakeBusiness College, EUsabeth. Mr. Pal-zone is employed by the Rodic RubberCorporation, of'Oarwood.

*nie announmueut was »w<* satar-*>? night at a party gl im by Mr. and"'s Kagcnese, attended by more than

guetta ttotn Oarwood. Westfleld.Cranfow. RoseDe. BcseDe Park. Kerdr-•ofthTHhibrth, New Tork dtyrPertKAmboy and Bridgeport. Conn. Among;h(** t


; present wen Mayor and Mrs.Jf»» J PontenclU and Assistant Unioncounty Presecumr and Mrs. louts Lon-Rohardi, of Eusabcth. '

man of the committee to arrange for adisplay of flreworts.

The municipal observance of Inde-pendence .Day is being arrangedthrough the cooperation of locaV organ-isations under tbe direction of a com-mittee, appointed by Mayor Louis J.FontsneUl and headed by Councilman

rade, patriotic addresses, block, dancerid display of flreworkj.-.Thc next meeting of the committeeuTtenc^htr^'^7^*'^^^^


Mr.- and Mrs. ffcnry Hughes of - 81!Beech avenue announce the birth' of a

rV^nalrf Warn? «ii /Iprtl VI,' '•X.-.T-.—r-^ .y..........._. JCrCHasggtr;,': , c .

UuioVfi on r t w o mojataiVvliilf'WltlfTjWbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrf.,Adams; of 409 Locust avenue.

Miss. Blanche Seaman of Newark,'Mel'vln Hurley of Elisabeth, Miss MarieDe Freltos and William Parkas of Oar'wood' visited W e s t , Point AcademyS u n d a y . :..• ' . . . .'••

Lewis Romano of Third avenue, aTCTlrJent-of-Oarwobd for many-yea»lwas honored Sunday ey a party In cele-bration of his birthday. It was attendedby.-many relatives' and friends- from

. T w I . P U y .Ciafwooav' . . . . . . . . . . .

The Garwood Women's Club willmeet Wednesday at the home of Mrs,

Alfred I^Freita^ortirBaststrertcelebrated his eighteenth birthday an-niversary Tuesday, evening with a fanv

A very successful mother and daugh-ter banquet was held Saturday eveningat St. Paul's Church., It was aeryed bytheJmerrpf'the'crraiirt":n'!I''•*'•".•"

The fourteenth'birthday anniversary

day with a surprise party at his homeat 99 Fourth avenue. It,was given byhis parents, Mr/and Mrs. MUce> WanatPrize for the donkey game was awardedto Jchn Kursdrat. Hefreshmenu wereserved. Ouests were the Misses Irene»"<« Mary Kasin, Norma Fisher, Adel

that evening.

Merle Patten and

winning, high places in the archery

The Oarwood P.-T. A. will hold Usfinal-meeting of the year'this afttr-

P, N, 8. BREAKFASTMore than 300 members and guests

of tbe Holy Name Society of the Churchof fit Anne were present Sunday at lhesodttyVj annual communion breakfast,held in the parish hall following the 70-dock.mass, It wasthe^ljrgeat^urn-

^ 4

out in the andot fy reoagratfflatlonrfor-thVlarge -iHert-dance from aTSomnranlty the size ofOarwood were extended, by. John A.Matthews of Newark, master^of theCourt of Chancery of New Jersey, whowajl bronered guest and principal speak-er, arid by the Rev John M. Walsh,pastor and spiritual director. Postmaiter John Dugan was toastmastcr.

MARK WEDDtNQ DATEOn Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Norloff.'or Willow avenue cele-brated their 38th wedding anniversary.Quests were present from 'Westfleld, Linden, Elizabeth, anjhonor guest was William .Glasgow, ScoUand. Mr.

States. Mr.married inhare, beenmany

tired, is enjoying a visit the United•Norloff were

May 17, 1908, andita.PjjparwOQdJor.


tntLJAU HLEEUAN, Inlfnd to ipflf to thHanr and Council of tlio Uorouih of OirwoodV \ . f 1'l B l l l Dllrlblkin lltoinf

s m u t a . n t l i i i m . and Amur ••.,ivUwr). at a*.. «afa««ula. tn . ta. Tot aala U

mmutti jiMfaw _B» vMtM a» the sbm-aUlea m i i l M

Wlaa to an dlrerte* I akau cipoae lor aala3f MiMto Tnirhia. !• Bw Walrlet Caurt Roaee,• S i Court l w e , k Ule cltr of KUaabMk,

"•'•"•^-—BnAT.TBni tTU DAT Of- :

imat, A. »., nit,al m s'eloek Bua4ar< Itwu o'clock Da;rJavlnil Tlaae, la UM alternoon of aaM

ALL tkaaecerUla Umetaor parceU of lindand' • ' 1«l» deecrllml, aU-

ewj at New Una.

tort, u ua CMUf af Uaton and BUM «f KJmer: - • " ' • - ; • "

TUtgTtttACTl BSOINM.VQ at Iha pointforawd ri» tbe Manwlkin nf the Boutherli•Ma of BouUi Avenue «Uu the BouUiwiMeilielue or Lluculn AventMtrtnvure Vt'eatt lr alooiaald ahle uf Boulh i m w Oue Hundred an3

lve .(IIS, feat le) a point) Ih.nc. Brain-erii at rldit anslea lo aald »luV,or Boulh Ave-uue One Huudred and rUIr iftel fret to aMiil i thence Wtttttlj parallel viltb BoulhAvenue .-tflMi ("),. f«t. >»"e or leaa I. the

. .Id lot u laid dnvm on a rrrtalrt man no»*ou file In the ouV«> of the Itrilsler of aatd>unlrof l in lorr entitled "SuiiBlrtiienUrjr-llati-if I'ruperlv' at Cranfanl, I'nlim County. N, J.,

and deeded br llrnlaniln T. Ham and

Tun Hundred and Tew and NlinMy-eeren Hun1

rtdlha Cli:.»7l feel to lhe .NurUiwealerle aideL<f Hurniilde Avenue I Ihenre Nnrtheeilerly-aloni)aalil al<lt>. nf Bumulde Avrnua. Twn/HundredCOD) feet to aald aide <>r l.lnctil.u Avenue;,Ihonre Northvinterly alone until .Aide nf Lin-mln-Avenue -Twt* nuodred aud-Twcntr-eU-MtdOne- Temh U » . 11 fuel la the'liolnl or plan ol4»sWnIlul.''~:--T'.:—•.•--:- v —-,::. •

SECOND TRACT: BIClXMMl ai the nnlntformed l>r th« Intrrarctioli uf the, ffoulherll -aldr

...irleeu Will fret to a ihilht: thfnco North.raiterly at richl anilea to 'Unniln Avenue Onillundml and fjrit-llre ami HieTvnllia (ir.J.51fill lo the Koutlieaslarllt mrnrr nl land nownr fnrmcrly of rredarlck 1. VttnBalin: lhanreNotlhwcalerl;.along aald lant mentioned landVlflr-clsht IliBI feet l» a mini: Iherwe. North-erlr allll alons Mid tail rnrnlliinKil land andat rljht kn«lni lo Bilulh Atrnue line Hundredand Twenlj (IJO) fett: H «lld aide of HoutliAvenue: and thenca Wwferljr- alonf aald aide

btereal free. AatU ta. Itst.

ItMtMStSHDtlrrs SULB^-la qutanrr.*t Maw-Jena*.

Brtwem Craitord Ttujt Coav«ar. * carpor*.I I M . at ata., flnaiplalnarila, aael.Newua) A. Bar<M i l . at ala,. itareasula. n fa. for a»la of

!?flr1ureTS; ab.te.Uled writ *f torifaciaa lo m directed I aball amaa* for aala Vt

at one o'rhek rtundard l » o o'clock DatlkhtBavlnsl Time, la the ancmoo* & aaUl dai.

ALL that carialn tract-or parcel of laud and'

lord. In tbe Counu ol V i t a i M Bula of N »

'Stt lSNINO at the point fimotd by IkeXonheiJy aide of Boulh Avenue and the Weal,erlr aide of Lincoln Clare lulh eilendcd la.Ihflr luletMrllon point! thenra Weaterli a l waald *I<W-ol. Soulb.JUenue-.ua tuetlu Un iliu.of land ot adjoluliif owner) Ihenre Northellt-• . . - L . ' — . — |p iald aid* of Bouth Avtnui

II* feel lo the line of land of tha Central (allroad Company of New Jrrae;: thence Kalleri)

(eel.lo aald~ajde~of Lincoln'I'lare and ilHouUierly aloni aaM aide of Lincoln liare IIIfeel to the pofnl or place of brtlnnlnl.

Kxceptlnt oul of tlte' aliova Menllimeu amnldc-vrlbed land and premise! aq much thereof aahaa keen taken lo round the northweal cornelof Boulh Avenue and Lincoln M a n on a n u nwllh a radlui of IT.M feet ' "

ui'irnM: rlbed land and premlan:tract or parrel of land and prem-

• • alluale.

BKOINMN'n al a pnlnl tn lhe wealerht lineof Centennial Avenue Iformerlr Lincoln riare)tllri.nl one hundred aevrnly (IID) feet nwui-crly from the point formed br lhe lnlera«-llnr>of th» noftherly alda of Boiilh Avenue and thiwealerlv- aide of CrntennUI Avenue (former!)Lincoln-I'larr) both etlenuVd to their Inter-_ ^ . - a l ^ u ^ ^ I > . A • ' • ^ 1 ^ V.A#»IL*.!*••• auil i t l "ll#1naT fcTjlA It1

' - CentralNewlMi

Lincoln- I'lacej noin eileuueu lo ineir miwwcllnn rwlnl. u l * heslnnlnt pnliil helni alM litile dl.ldlni line between lanoe of Iha CentraRailroad of New Jrraejr and lhe s.ld Newlm

During the Monday mornhig Chapelexercises the Garwood "O" was award-ed to Richard Sachsel,'Leonard Schlec-

,Xeter_Homyock. John Wanca, Hen-ir.riruJH, Robert Bloom, Arthur

Bley, Thomas Casale, Thomas JJmonc,Henry Englehart, Fred Hauch, JuliusToO. Philip Castaldo, Joe Peluslo, Jo-seph Bowers and Manager Rosarto Ma-rtao, _ '

AtUva same.Ume «He.WC»ere awards _ _i a l h e lolkming^chcer. Icaders:_Anne evening at ihe.Dak*UKUI6uiieJ_yamiKobryn, Irene Eascln, Mary Kascin, ,Helen Rorotni, (Dorothy Bowiby, Elea-nor Barry, Norma Fischer, Helen Du-shanek and BHtirA_Scalzadonna.

'John Micdo was -awarded a certifi-cate for his good showing in the UnionCounty marble tournament and Homer

and Dorothy' BbwibyT ~tCharles Morrison, Prank Kolojeskl,John Wanca,, John Kundrat, JosephHakuska, Bd»-ard, Tomchek, AnthonyBeabunas and Thomas Catale.' •

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powanda an-nfiunce_tjie_bu-th ofjin eight pound sonWilliam, Friday at 4 a. rp, ab theirhome on Second avenue

Charles Onsko of East street cel»-brated his birthday anniversary yester-day at his home.

Oarwood Civic-Republican. League,

able-prtoes jrtll_be_a!war'dea_ani ^frcshments served. Air games will beplayed. • • " "ayed. .

The Commercial Club of ths JJncolnSchool hiked to Echo Lake Park Mon-day after .school;'to hold a meeting anda hot dog roast. ,

Saturday' afternoon Local No. •a of thebjd-.lls

meeting at lhe Lincoln School gymnas-ium The girls of the shop were takeninto the Local The Local tpw has beenorganized to about 95 percent Thegirls are organised 100 percent.

The Oarwood Recreational SoftballLeague began Monday evening Theopening game was played b>ibe WhiteArrows and St Anne's. St Anne's eas-ily won, 19 to 8. Tuesday the Lmcolnsdeflated" the Rodlq" Rubber Company,"16 to S

BETTE DAVIS In "MARKED WOMAN"Come .Early and Bee 3 Features

"Marked Woman" Starts at l»:5t P. M.



i( e sorger - HeletL. , jr j i ^BANCROFT BUKGE88 TRENT





drumto i-straini b l u t withacUonI...w,>A




and the JONES family


Mali Ikam

Ml • c a m to tke eouloweit vrHh k raiHua oraenaUea u d an-leatlu (U.I) feet » JuMnc.t n w « m «M Bn-taMka (iwi fKriSra•r leaa ta • polal la Ibe Mrtkrrljr aMa «» BuulhAnaiwi tfceaee awlberlr be Uw dbtalca MTa

5 Iffhatk mamM Wikalr InUraar-

• j - ^.J1 JiLS™"*. •»•«>•«•» eJont IM »•«•erij aMa ot CwtenUI Anauw iroruerlf Un-cola Maoel nu hun*ed axl Ulf-Uni and Bve-te.HB-tS».»»-f«rt w - t t i r j ^ l ur phtrtrct

reea IM.SI

U 1. BRKNNAN p. 1. TOlt



ptoaatd to hart them,




M iBe OofDnanldJTTiclireai •Tlbtnewly erewncd King Gears* VL


...-,_..,. ...v ....._, , . , r . . . . - , . _ . . - .'•:.


, THIS WEEK?. Rea* eantialr/ Ih* ajantlaaa below. T h e n flwl the answers la DM

ads appearing In this b r a of the CITIZEN AND. CHRONICLE.By reading every ad earcrally yonil lind the arnwer to each ejaesltoa.After yeaiOnd las correct answers^ fill |n the answers below eath ques-tion and mall ti bring Imnmllallj to lhe CITIZEN AND CHBONICOf/oOce. 3 Alden Ulnet.

— AM atl«w«t» imaat tm It. hy a «. en a.lnrf.yTo Ibe five winner*, The Cltlsen and Chronicle will give ene ticket

lo the CranTsrd Tbealra good for *ne shnring M :

%,. corns tKt sweathtam of *Ro« Mant" snd

~ outloWcanp*...whenl fnan lsbol<)...and s. 'woman'* lip* IM wittmgl


1.—Who advertises "Have a real Bower f>Men this sHramer"?

^m» adTerttawJ-Kew Jtrwft most tntque And

3.—WhoMt telepItMM ntambn- b CR. 8-1M9T

Fcwr wwds In this advertiser's name—who Is HT



4 Si-W -

S*1LARK OABUt, app««rlng In M*tro-Ooldwyr>Mayar]i\^l "PanteU," a n : " ! awitchad lo Dodg. btcsai* ithtndlts n m»gnlnc«nUy...lfi otonblitaglrftonomtal...and bas sll tin swift smoothaMS I aajoy fat driving."

Tbsakyou,llr.asnl*l Voa'ia cmof uuthoolmndsot

tnototfata flit country ovtr-tMopt* "bo, Ilk* roonwef, canA d b l d b h h l n ( t o D 8 a g t l

SM Ibis naw-Dodgal DrW* II Aqd mMtsbvr, Dsdganow dallms for just a bw dollars men than Uwlowsst-prfctd carsl

nd Cuncil oor « 1'lnurr Btlall Dlalrlbulkin lltoin

iltu.ifd al 401 North Arenue

U « it (01 Sorth Are,d Wlllla A l s o


our. banrood N J . and William Klegnan realdea al 417 South A T « U < Carvrood. > J .

OtdecUoua, If anr. aliould be mads IronedUlrly-In wrltlnr to Walter a UrUanua Boh

-*1 a f * " liSMl&ati

"Tihr mrrlln ufTjuiumli Cumuli.« 5 « ^ te TttBdaj night, was pott-

Page 8: JJULipt!iN - digifind-it. · PDF fileL CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1937 FIVE CENTS TUBERCULIN TESTS __JJULipt!iN Ninth Griite Pupi* to Be Examined Free on Monrky. —in

^^J _, a __5

WRS*l»K. Oond, editor < * ^ , « £ ?



of Obtted Ststtes 3Kb Century mintstamps in the second annual stamp e«»hmft rtatadHBe

tieen nailed oat tenns-in-.Cis.fisd in wast at

ReguUr meeting of ttu Onion CountyuntyTMnoersTrlll partbetoto Cranfora D t t i t r M *

American Legion Auxiliary - - -S c w T o f cTanford Unit wUl be Incharge of arrangements and. entertain-

•Me "post and unir last veek Wld asuccessful Joint card party in the

' S u S n T ^ n i coiMnlttee In charge In-cluded Mrs MiUer, Mrs. Thomas Al-

John Mudrock and Charlei

and post' will have a^toTvSrim* 8ShWrPepMtmwt-Ewunander VUltam T. Reian wUl vlsl.{rTpost. Mr.WgM wUl preMtJlmed-,U taTthe outstanding

^Si a.tfs} poppy w » *",f»n:fortrhss'been changed W * l 21'and£ announced by Mrs. John Mud-


The Mother.' Club l> serving" a drawmeln: i u ^ r ln~thi~BiDKmeflt-6r thrPresbyterian Churcih tonight. Follor-

. SrrtM on"rundVrt«e chairmanship olN. Mrs. John Mayer.

• . the Memorial Day — --'' • •• wl)l have lunch

It commtttee ,lr;

Thursday In Ellsabe^^^Mlller>Mrs. Earhart. Mn. Crounse. MMayer irid Mrs. Beer. . . ' • - . . .

Mrs. Slefkin wUl be hostess at a sll

will hold a special meeting to completeplans for sending scouts to the Wash-ington jamboree. •: • . •—

The'Mother* plan to serve • hani-burgerj>icnlc. supper to the scoubi'andKwlrweiu*iit-BphoLskrPsrk; beforethe District Court of Honor on June U.

as -hel4. recent-p,attUM^yten?«tnj,^following; passed tests: Philip Mcaln-il», mspping; Peter- Wargb. mapplnj.Uiiift and service;" Carroll Smith, was

rr tremetedTas a tenderfoot.Paul Larsen of ' l Bloomlnadale ave-

BueTTriB rejoined the troop. EwinAurand of 31 Hmora avenue was trans-ferred from Troop 57 pf Flint, Michwhere he obtained, the rank of First

had, alffo. sprvrd as a

1 MARKED WOMAN \ ~t "Marked Woman," which w<ll pla)

Sunday, Monday .nd Tuesday attheOranford Theatre, will be previewed, si10.50 p. m Saturday. \

' Bette Davis, who won last yeari^ Academy award i s ttoPttreetV*. greatest

• actress, makes her IW7 bid for renewedHonors in this gripping story taken

.from headliOBU that have Bashe?across the front pages of America!

' newspapers for many months.

- Davis ample opportunity for the sort,xt• diversified acting that won her the1 award of the Academy of Motion Pic-

ture Arts and Sciences last year for thebest performance by any actress.

In the co-feature Slim SummervUle! Jed Prouty, Bhirley Deane, Spring Byt uigton.BusjellOkascn1KennieaHow

ell, Oeotge Ernest, June CarUon7TPI»-. enoe Bcberts.and BUly Mahan share

the Joys and sorrows -of the Jones fam-Uy In their latest film tor Twentieth

. Century-Fox. "Off to the Races."

CHOBtlS CUR!.Moviettlor* should have, sturdy eon

stltuUons. as proved by, this incident;

Ir •

"The King and the Chorus Girl,'- picture -whlob-oomes- to-the. Btalto.

The star Is Pernsnd-aravet, OooU^nestaTfum Idol belng^lntroduoed to

American audiences In this picture. Onescene required him to visit Joan Bkn-deft as the chorus girl. In her secondfloor •partment.

The apartment was 20 feet above-thestage, and during one day Qravet had

scene, an outdoor one. he "woWVfiiU. dress suit, heavy coat, muffler and

stoves. *— "Let's make a Western picture neat

so I can ride a. horse," qravet smilinglypanted following his tSrd upward Jour-

Others In the cast of the sparklioxcomedy romance are Edward EverettBarton. Mary Nash, Alan Mbwbray

Sftttktt*. r"A Doctor's Diary," with Oeorge Ban-

,«racVAlen.«i ijt^,o.i»Jheas««)cWeleali«»:-~ - I,

WUl Roger. In "Ambasasdor BUI" andWarren William In "Oiitoast," wlU bethe Rlalto's attracUona for Monday anTuesday.

:V »

; • Ths NuthatchThe nuthatch |» a slate-colored

bird whose unusual_shapcJ .herdgives him" a "snoopy" nnoearnnf:His travels are from the top n( tintrunk, head down, tn the b»-* of itree, flndh.a hli fooJ tn the uppncrevice* of tlie bark. 1'? also givehi* attention lo (Re' heavicibranches, scanning toysicte and urtderslde. creeping around in. moilsurprising fmhion. • "

Pals* U Key te AgeThe prehistoric Hop! Indians of

Ariiona-wer* compefled by a rtU-

tlst> are able to estimate the age* ofiheae rarUeit American h f

Thursday, May IS. 19S7, at two P. M.Mreotor Helm presiding. BoUxall

shewed all members presentMinutes of the meeting of April 58,

HIT, were approved as per printed eop>kt on the members' desks.

Resolution that all bills approved beordered paid, w u adopted.

Communication from Hell McLeodAssociation requesting further leave.ofabsence for Walter Carberiy. ElevatorOi»faW,*wirK«rre<rtoTubmrProTFerty, Grounds and' Buildings Commit-tee. - '" v " •'. ''' •" . ".,

Request from Borough of Hoselle foritreet jnarklng of Ocunty Roads was re-ferred to Road Committee.

Communication from Btate HighwayDepartment advising of final accept-

• • and

ertckO. Sigfcr, Sergeant-at-Arms,wasreceived from County Clerk and re-ferred to Finance Committee.

Request 'from. Township of Hillsidethat csnant «triet- from- Salem, avenueto Lehigh Valley Railroad' be taken overss a County road, was referred to Road

Cranfordv cifunjratteriiilon 'to a » T . . . . .on Columbia averiueV was referred to-Bridge CcmnttUee. '. \ '_ Communication; from Second WardRepublican dub. reoommendlng theadoption «t -Voting machine, was referreid to Speclal'Coinmltiee..

Communication from A-I. walker oRoselle Park culling attention to brok

leader: — Elwln~ was— assigned ~ toPanther Patrol.

The campore* leather badges, ((ward-ed last year for 100 per cent attend-

rBtal! camporees-held in the,vari-jua towns of Union Council, was de-ilgned by Eagle Scout Frank Hamnx

The Troop Committee held Its regular,monthljt meeting Tuesday nlght<.at thehome of A P. Sends. 210 Elm street.—XneJUolhers' Club held Its meetingat the home .of Mrs B...Pope, SIS3erlngfleld avenue om Tuesday evening:Mrs. E A, Dunfee, who has been verytctlve in scout work and the founderof the «Uuv was presented a. giftirpmthe members In token of their appre-ciation for her unexhausted efforts of

Commltteer———LT—. ' . \ ' •'•Public Notice f rom <War Departmenl

In reference to closing navigation _a'South First Street bridge for.repairs,was-referred-to BrldgerCommHtCT.-"--^

Advice of the temporary appolntmenof Percy Watt u Index. Ork; was re


NEW ENVnorE CACHETJune 2 Is a date of dual slginfkaSbe

on a special envelope cachet sponsoredby the Wekearny Stamp Club In com'memoratlon of the birth of. Oners!Philip,Ktatttjv June,Alexander Oraham Bell's discovery1 othe principle of the telephone June 2.V». The cachet, designed by, Aldo-

Contl, art director at the Western Elec-tric Kearny Works, pictures the famousmilitary hero, and the celebrated inven

inscriptions; The-cachet.envebe forwarded gratis to dolleclors whosend'a three cent stamp to WUIiam- P.;

Buckley,-president-'of-tb* -WekeutnyStamp Clubrioo centrahayenuerKearny, _Mr, Buckley jiuggests_that jhetoree^cent Army"Stamp be used,-Tn»

cnBetteDavbU •Marked Waprevlswed Satarday evening at theCranferd Tbeatre,

aeK-roitrana at - stembnaoiThere are. said' to be IB self-por

traits of Rembrandt tn existence.

*.«*•! Waltwea Calk* P«aayoung of walnut* ate called

Top Hat, TinyBurr Gherkins

Top Hat Stuffed'_ Burr Gherkins .

Cheerio Co3ctoil'Wafers

Beech NuTFruited .

Arnold & Aborn ,Columbia Ja.ya and


Wtdnesday to be examined as to «asH-flcaWons for Jury service. Sheriff U *

Rlgby. TJsdanhertffs Alex CaapktBand WUUam Darroch and thatr *•»*•Unu wUl be present on that, nigh*.Each local resident required to appearat the meeting will receive a' nctte*through the. mails this" week, togetherwith a card which he Is levstrss

flU out and present next Wadmsdafevening. Summation of uuJspsOlve

the county. Among other things, theprospective Juror Is afforded an opperrtunity of choosing the term he.waprefer to'serve to the event hk name isd r a w n . • •. • ' • . " " - ; • •:

of-oomplatwt-yort. ofipproacbes over D. L. and W. R. R. atirsll*yRo»<Hft Berkeley Heights wsseferred to Road Committee. the resort ofAadlt for the year 1H*

ubmitted ; | o County Auditors. Mesrs.J t b ^ f e d i

Construction of new bridge at Inwood

dvedtromitheCourityClerkPerred to Finance Cominittee.'-'Communication from1; CommissionerRunyop of toe Board of Public Works,

Parktoz signs on one ride of street,was referred to Road Committee.

O l r t l f O k l i ^ aCompany stating they have recently In

big' to terms vf full malntenan(» con-tract, was referred to PubUo Property,Qrounds and Buildings Committee,

Request for. further leave of-absence,without payr (or. Marion Angen. was received from the Register and referredto Finance bommWe*.

CommunscaOoo (ram the Sheriff en-closing request from Mrs. Kettaer, JailGuard, asking for leave of absence, wasreceived and filed. . ' .

Copy of a resolution from Town ofWesCfleM,- requesting County Jo takeover as a Ooubtji road Union avenue,Oranford, to Central avenue, WestfleW,

Following reports were received andfiled: Weights and Measures, ThirdDistrict Court! Home Extension Agent;

Other Watch* from $10.50.BUDGET TERMS--—

Mil Physician; County PhyilcUn;Uc Property, Orounds and l g6 a ^ ^ C o u n t y Tressurer;ate>Jie report of Finance Committee upon

, 14 years old, son of(Ofmxan

:'ofecT8«»dar in rbuiw** Me-s be was admitted

Friday*** a

Watt, m years old. veteranteatr/jepmsi •ommgat

r of Central andMr; Wall

isnCnntbrd.t had Bved in WMneld aboat for-

stnet, New Tork. There were, morethan 100 frames, including approxi-mately 1.500 sheets of stamps, enteredin the exhibit.

Tort, to WesOWd. he had always beenaped as a. pdntor. working m severalil shops, snd for the past several

yean he bad his own•uiisliii nf IMHstwite ss the enhj SBrvtvor.Funeral aerrkes win be held tomor-

COMMITTEE TO KEETFinal plans for the local observance

of Memorial Day on Monday, May SI,win be completed at a-meeting of theMemorial Day Committee at 8 p. m. to-

m the township rooms, it Is an-b^HSfc^"S'Wl^e7halr:

_; PabUe Baths let B. 0. ^~-The Romans had nearly 1,000 pub-

lic baths in the year 300 & C.Wone Age. salt nines ^

_Salt mines Bear .HallBtadt,_Aus;tria, were worked in the Stone age.

T i r a j > i ^ * "

Vol. XL, . No. 14.

Last week plans were discussedfor a reception to be held May 34. Atihl«J«e»ptJoa,»p|sx,wiU..be,given to---:show how scoot badges help In thenear future. At the rally at RooseveltSchool, Barbara Plummer was presentedthe first class badge and Doris Bogartwas giving the 5-year service stripe. Thesecond class badges and attendancepins will be given at a troop rally.. _ ^ - _ _ ^ - ^ - •-^neanor-Wass.-Scrlbft—

Town ia State, One ofTen in Nation Wkh NoDeaths From Tntfic Acci-dents b M36 and 1987.

Osnford is the only mmndpaUty'm

the United State* with si pumlsHtsji of

lltt "brtdge to low bidder.Approving work of elimination of

grade crossing-at Lake avenue, knownas Goodman's crossing. ' . "~

Temporary appointment of WUUamBrown as,Night Watchman, at CountyY a r d . / : . ' - ; . ':." ' • . . . . : ' . > .

Furnishing Road materials.Confirming appointment of Lams B.

District OoartApproving leave of absence: wUhoot

pay for Marion Angen of Register's

Approvlngtimporary appotaljnent c*Prey W«U as Index Clerk. .

Approving appointment of Roy".Clewier eV Helper B Cnstodton-lISepartmtnt. .< . ' • .•••' , . ' . '.'•'•.

Recommending mortgage given ss se-curity tor payment of monies due -lor

Stats Hospital, be cancelled and dk>charged,;^— .•: .-... •- 1-. ...J.

of absence for Wal-

'Approving 'temporary aw»Jntii>rut ofCharles Ivans as Knglmmen .

Approving acceptance of legacyby Mary R Oardlner for us* of BonnieBurn.

Approving- provisions for Issuance, of



^ PRICEI For 7 Days Only

HOVENAN i g h t C r e a m


Novena Night Cream Isbased on one of, HelenaRubinstein's great Salonsuccesses, her Youthify-ipg1 KwHtftriT Oil ^cea^ment. It rebuilds yourbeauty- while you sleep.Dry, tense, lined skinsrespond quickly. , Yoameet the new day withthat, fresh,, smooth look

Mrf-=youthl- TMsK-lr-thebeauty1 'opportunity ofthe year! Make the mostof it!

_ traffic fatajttks to estheiriSM or'1106, It was announced tin* week bythe Nsttonal Safety Ooundl from itsiKSdquarters » Chicago. ~ ~ T T _

CrantordV several weeks ago, readiedHonorable nynlion in the IMS MathnslSafety Contest, for .He record of no

traffic accklmt* last year.

The pMritj and exceptional quality of thla delicious, "creamery fresh" LoueHa But-ter are-«*rt«dy known to hundreds of thousands of homekeeperi who use Jt ragu-lart/. You w3i be enthusiastic about Louella once you try the Finest Butter In America.

y ^Sweet Cream

• • " > • .

«tre reduced "an average of more than1 per cent last, year by sixteen Spates,and lWdUes of more thanlOjOOBpopu-laUon outside those' States. This re^auction is more remarkable because itwts accomplished hi spite;of record

and the.'automobile mileage _ _ . _ » _motor vehicle registration ever recorded.

The check-up was made, as part of

Wi- f^ouella has won oVer.nvs hundred, prises for quality.Every pound contalHs ths rich, sweet . crsamTrom

•.•.... t e j quarts of? pure milk. . ( •• .'•'..-••Accepted by Amencan'Medicai /Asioc/ation Committee on Foocs

' Corin at Its Bcctl Now Specially PiicctJlsfla>Rancy Crushed or Golde B BanUm ; /_^ ; _f_j__ _-

taWx*fc of perfection-and ramicd. Immediately with all the- sroodiiess Intact,

palgn to reduce accidents. Last year,being the first in this special drive, hasjh-en results which may be accepted as

al cil sta

Fruttrves~ - •* .. (Except Strawberry)

Chwiy. BUtkberrjr. Peach. Plncapplo nni) naspberry on your pantry shelf.


jraj jrSaHWmei1;

I C S Varieties glass IOApproving

bonds of U>e County of Union. *Approving; leave of absence for Saha-

tore Cscorso, enfployee of the Custod-ians Department v

Authorising PubUo Property. Orotmdsand Buildings Committee to adverUs*

• 5—23% on Your Bread Bill 'heat-flo Roasted Means Coflee SatisfactionOld Age Asstslance,-Department Instl-utlons and Agencies, sutlng at a re-ent'audit of Union

Board records were found -perfeoU}c l e a r . ' "': : • : • • • - - ; • . r :'• •''•

Request from Onion County Chapte

Coff«« «- I8eBREADBread

A popular Uona—mlia and mellow flavor.

for an oppropf latiori « ISOOtoward expenses of OouvenUon, was reerred Jo Finance Committee.Commufu^^UmTroinBomerser

Its J936-37 season of activities with itsof Indexing' in Oounty ClerkiThere being no former business annual banimet Monday night at Echo

take Country Club. The affair.-which

ly Board" of Freeholders agreeing to dared the Board adjourned

year,7 andUie cooperaUonTALLORINGBergel will ccsithanesthe coming year.

The program wa* opened by MissOlg» Specht, amember of thednb.,wbooffered two planb selections. Ursl Balph

Made from sound»^ce« s > g i f iaf

• - • (BOO Quatity Meats Combine Quality and Value :

Fatted FowlPrime Chuck Roast

pbe done," the nati

New Jersey munldpaliUes with 100percent reduction* of traffle accidents

"j-tar include: West New YOraVLyhdhurst and Ifbrrbtown.

Other New Jersey town* died forreductions - during t h e - year-: follow;

son, 26 per cent; EUsmbeth, 17 per cent:East Orange, 40; Bayonne, a ; ltbnt-"clnlr, 80; Orange and Dover, esxh.50;

Weehawken, each 67; Isaplewood, Se--caucus and-Wi»Ul«ld» «ach-S0;" H t





Klof t



eratihi t9the!Crai


Musical, Play Peateres of An-riual Banquet «t Echo


. .,.„-.._,_

• in e , .m....Mackerel > 9C

• Boneless Steer seef

Pot Roast1Store Sliced Bacon . M-» pk> 19*Mealy Tender Franltttirtm » 25cSpiced Luncheon Meat % n> 12c

GsuJsn-firetn PRODUCE — Spnnq Jonip for Family and Food Budget

ASPARAGUS lure*bunch

Oranges ££s -«35c



Onions ¥.1 5» ' .9 C

L e t t u c e ^ ^ |QC

bySpecht. KathrW BJornsen ofOrange, dancer, gave several number*,

* interpretmg the original f»mir*!111"*1*."<* her husband, Tirglo BJomaen, who,,was.at the.nlanrt. Mr. B>

' odered several piano solos.'The program was concluded with a

clever and «mn«iig; ).B~ afl playa T h eHouse of Juke," under direction of Mbs

.^UceMathews. Taking part werehMrs.Frederick 8. Franklin, Sr, Mrs. FloydB shannon, Mrs. Dwlght Copaland,

.•Mrs. Charles Tutner, and. MrsvJR.1H.

- J The-nW meeting "of the dub"wml» October 11.

A Cooptnb* Organization — Largely Owned hy Its Customers and Employees.l f f * - T » » < l ?iS«»e* gjw. fttectlve to'Satuday nliM. Grocery prices to Wed. May « .


Arthur Brown has been nominated'or president of the Association ofClanford High School Alumni by the

.group's nominating committee. Othernominees for offices follow:

First vice-president. Miss Helen Stan-.«;>:_second. Cyrus Dadd; secretary,Taylor Prawr; assistant. Miss JaneStanjer; treasurer, John MCOrath; andassistant, IUSB Louise MerUe.

Nominees, for members of the cxeco>'tile committee are: .Wmiam Kettle,Miss Katherlne-Rauchfnu, Henry Sba-«?n, Charles Mey, Miss Ann Dreyer,

Dorothy Garrett, Robert IaneX

N R STOKES W1LDCL0SE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.la CraoloiiL Y o « cooperation in shopping early wffl enableshopping early wffl enable our

iyfiglu rccreaDon.

'»i will take place at the flwwimi, at 8 pi m. next Wednesday in

ClMeland School auditorium.Charles Mey Is the current president

ol the association..vfhns a r e P^Biesttag. rapidly for the,'iird annual reunion and, dance which*UI be held on Ame 13 In tb» WtafleM

- Scott Hotel, Blxabetb,

o n identstreinglostMa/Uttnvlbe i