Harmonic Highlights Report for Johnny Depp June 9, 1963 8:44 Owensboro, Kentucky PRO ASTRO REPORTS www.astro-reports.com [email protected]

Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

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Page 1: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

Harmonic Highlights Report for

Johnny DeppJune 9, 1963


Owensboro, Kentucky



[email protected]

Page 2: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

When two planets are separated by a particular angle, astrologers believe that the influences of the two planetscombine to create a strong effect on a person. In ancient astrology and much modern astrology five angles are

considered very important: 0, 60, 90, 120, and 180 degrees. These important angles are known as "aspects". In

modern times, many astrologers also interpret aspects of 30, 45, 135, and 150 degrees. Some astrologers also

use a variety of other angles, such as 72, 144, 40, 80, and many other angles. In the late 20th century a branchof astrology known as "harmonic astrology" developed and practitioners of harmonic astrology believe that there

are many hundreds of different aspects, so harmonic astrology has greatly increased the complexity of

astrological interpretation. Not all astrologers are convinced that these additional aspects are important.Harmonic astrologers also group together various aspects which they believe to have a similar influence. For

example, the fractions of 1/9 (40 degrees), 2/9 (80 degrees), and 4/9 (160 degrees) of a circle are known as

"9th harmonic aspects". Given below are interpretations of the following 6 aspects: (1) the semisextile aspect,

which is 30 degrees, (2) 24th harmonic aspects, (3) 16th and 32nd harmonic aspects, (4) quintiles and

biquintiles, also known as 5th harmonic aspects, (5) the septile, biseptile, and triseptile aspects, also known as7th harmonic aspects, and (6) the novile, binovile, and quadnovile aspects, also known as 9th harmonic aspects.

These additional aspects are known as minor aspects or harmonic aspects. There are many other aspects used inharmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this reportdescribes some of the most important Harmonic Highlights in your astrology chart.

I recommend that you read this report after reading an interpretation based primarily on the most commonly usedaspects. I think you will be impressed by the ways in which the aspects interpreted in this report describe majorissues in your life and in your personality that are not described as clearly by the more commonly used aspects.

Hopefully this analysis of harmonic aspects will be useful and helpful to you. If you are an astrologer and youcurrently do not use harmonic aspects, reading several Harmonic Highlights Reports of friends and family may

make you a believer in harmonic aspects. Adding these additional aspects to your interpretation does add greatercomplexity and detail to your analysis, and keeping a clear, integrated view of the astrology chart becomes more

difficult, but astrology is likely to grow in sophistication as it evolves and develops in the 21st century.

Aspects noted as "very strong" in the report have an orb of less than 1/3 the allowable orb and appear at the

beginning of the report. "Strong" aspects have an orb of less than 2/3 the allowable orb, and aspects that have anorb that is 2/3 or greater of the allowable orb are printed at the end of the report.

If there are any midpoints conjunct or opposition midpoints within a 15 minute orb, these are also interpreted.

These four-planet patterns are also known as isotraps or planetary pictures.

Finally, planets conjunct or opposition the midpoint of two other planets are interpreted. These midpoint

structures are also known as direct midpoint structures because the angular distance from the planet at themidpoint to each of the other two planets is the same. Direct midpoint structures with an orb of less than 15

minutes are analyzed first followed by those with a 30 minute orb, then a 1 degree orb, and finally up to a 1 1/2

degree orb. Therefore the midpoint structures with smaller orbs are interpreted first followed by midpoint

structures with larger orbs.

For the benefit of astrologers, given below are the orbs used for each aspect. Note that according to harmonic

theory, orbs are defined so that all harmonics occur equally often by chance, and hence the orbs are not rounded

to the nearest degree.

Aspects and orbs:16th harmonic          :  1 Deg 00 Min32nd harmonic          :  0 Deg 30 Min

Page 3: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

24th harmonic          :  0 Deg 40 Min5th harmonic           :  3 Deg 12 Min7th harmonic           :  2 Deg 17 Min9th harmonic           :  1 Deg 47 Minsemisextile            :  1 Deg 20 Min

Page 4: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

Sun 16th harmonic (1/16) Mercury, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 16 Min):

        You have a deep inner need to see things more clearly. You may have keen eyesight or excellent ability to

tune musical instruments or you may be involved in improving the literacy or communication abilities of others.

Sun 24th harmonic (5/24) Mars, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 10 Min):

        You have excellent stamina. You will see your goals through to the end, and you are able to work veryhard, train or meet obstacles that would make others feel exhausted or very stressed.

Uranus 5th harmonic (quintile) Neptune, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 10 Min):

        You appreciate many different kinds of art and music, and you are perceptive and sensitive to subtle andsophisticated creative genius. You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire, uplift, or


Sun 7th harmonic (triseptile) Moon, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 03 Min):

        You enjoy being quietly engaged in an activity. You enjoy places where people are quietly and busilyworking or studying. You have a mature and thoughtful outlook on life. You appreciate mastery that comes fromyears of practice. You gravitate towards works that require mastery rather than things that are flashy but less


Venus 7th harmonic (biseptile) Pluto, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 41 Min):

        You are devoted and dedicated to your loved ones. You sustain good friendships and you are willing towork to make a relationship that is important to you work.

Jupiter 7th harmonic (septile) Saturn, very strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 32 Min)

        You tend to be cynical and skeptical of politicians, actors, and other people often regarded as importantand influential by others. You respect those who have cultivated great mastery through great dedication and


Sun 16th harmonic (1/16) Venus    (Orb: 0 Deg 33 Min):

        You can be successful in a career that requires doing something that is aesthetically pleasing. You may also

have high standards for yourself, and be very uncomfortable if clothing is not well coordinated or your weight or

health are not optimum. In one way or another, making things attractive is important to you, and this trait is so

personal and deep that others may not realize its importance to you.

Sun 5th harmonic (quintile) Uranus, strong    (Orb: 1 Deg 32 Min):

        You can succeed in an area that requires creativity or ingenuity. You appreciate creativity, and technicalexpertise probably doesn't excite you as much as innovation. There is a light-hearted side to you that enjoys

jokes, games, cleverness of all kinds, and freedom from dull repetition.

Sun 5th harmonic (biquintile) Neptune, strong    (Orb: 1 Deg 22 Min):

Page 5: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

        You have a natural ability to understand and appreciate different artistic styles. You can intuitively grasp

how the dreams, hopes, aspirations, and religious beliefs of people are creatively expressed through traditions,

music, arts, and life style. You have a rich imagination and sensitivity to draw upon in your own creative work.

Mars 5th harmonic (quintile) Neptune, strong    (Orb: 1 Deg 48 Min):

        Simply producing useful and functional objects and services is not sufficient for you. Putting a creative andimaginative quality into whatever you do is much more suitable to you. Fantasy and fiction appeal to you, and you

are fascinated by imaginative ideas.

Jupiter 5th harmonic (biquintile) Pluto, strong    (Orb: 1 Deg 39 Min):

        You have an innate sense of social sophistication and culture, and you have a taste for success that attracts

you to participate in a life style of success and high achievement.

Mercury 7th harmonic (biseptile) Pluto, strong    (Orb: 1 Deg 29 Min):

        You are a good researcher. You have the persistence, tenacity, and drive to dig below the surface and findout what the underlying causes or influences on something are. You may pursue an area of investigation that very

few people pursue, and you are likely to incorporate historical or symbolic elements into your theories and

research. You may also find mystery novels very entertaining.

Moon 9th harmonic (novile) Saturn, strong    (Orb: 0 Deg 44 Min):

        You can be a great ally to the underdog and the disadvantaged, and you also can be very resourceful and

identify valuable resources that a community, business, or even an individual have overlooked. You can be aneffective community planner, family therapist, or a person who gives really valuable and lasting assistance to

people. You do not indulge people's weaknesses, and you do find ways to identify core issues and discoversolutions to them.

Moon 32nd harmonic (11/32) Pluto    (Orb: 0 Deg 26 Min):

        You are fascinated by deeper feelings and you have a need to express your deepest fears, hopes, sorrows,and joys through emotionally intense experiences. You may have an interest in suspense movies or books,

extreme sports, or depth psychology.

Mercury 24th harmonic (7/24) Pluto    (Orb: 0 Deg 39 Min):

        A key to success in life for you is to specialize in a few areas that interest you and become fully engrossed in

them. You are inclined to become fully engrossed in a book or in some activity which interests you, and this can

be used to advantage in helping you develop expertise and depth of understanding or excellent technique in the

area that you choose to focus on.

Sun 5th harmonic (quintile) Mars    (Orb: 3 Deg 10 Min):

        You have a knack for developing creative ways to achieve your goals. Rather than meet obstacles head on,you have a talent for developing graceful maneuvers that are more effective. You can excel at a sport or

competition that requires finesse and creativity as well as strength and power.

Sun 9th harmonic (binovile) Pluto    (Orb: 1 Deg 35 Min):

Page 6: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

        You are a team player and are inclined to a leadership, coaching, or teaching role where you can motivate

the team to achieve its objective. People are willing to listen to you or follow you. Usually you are able to

effectively influence and motivate others, but occasionally someone may feel that you are pushy or demanding.You are sincere and charismatic, and your deep and passionate feelings can be infectious and motivate others,

but do be aware of a tendency to force your aims and goals on others who are genuinely and honestly not

interested in your endeavors and concerns.

Mercury 9th harmonic (novile) Jupiter    (Orb: 1 Deg 18 Min):

        You are very broad-minded, love almost all cultures and ethnicities, and you find it easy to incorporatealmost any philosophical or religious system into your own life. Your approach is to unify rather than categorize

and separate. You may find it difficult to understand how others can tenaciously cling to one particular viewpoint,

argue its virtues over another, and emphasize differences rather than similarities. Your holistic perspective makes

you a good negotiator or peace-maker.

MIDPOINTS CONJUNCT/OPPOSITION MIDPOINTS(if there are any with up to a 15 minute orb)

Sun/Pluto opposition Jupiter/Neptune:    (Orb: 0 Deg 09 Min):

You think and act on a large scale. You need an environment that provides you opportunities to grow, to spreadyour wings, to explore, and to be involved with many people. A narrowly focused area of specialization and/or

solitude is not for you. You are a dreamer with grand visions. Follow your dreams. Be sure to back up yourdreams with clear plans and good preparation as well.

DIRECT MIDPOINT STRUCTURES (allowable orb = 1 1/2 degrees)

Moon Opposition Venus/Uranus 0 deg 01 min

You enjoy lively music and dance. You have a good sense of rhythm and probably you have an infectious laugh.You enjoy jokes and tricks. It is likely that you will fall in, and out of, love several times before "settling down"

with one person, so it may be best if you do not marry to early in life. Although you are romantic, you do not liketo feel smothered or too restricted by your partner.

Moon Opposition Mercury/Mars 0 deg 26 min

You have an aptitude for psychology and history, and with training you can become very good at understandingthe historical and psychological roots of current trends and the behavior of people. Also, you are sometimes very

impatient with people who do not express themselves clearly, and you appreciate people who can communicate

clearly and directly.

Moon Opposition Mercury/Uranus 0 deg 23 min

You have quick reflexes, which gives you talent in some sports, playing a musical instrument, or any other activitythat requires quickness and agility. You are very clever and have a good sense of humor. You pick up on things

Page 7: Johnny Depp - Astrology Reports · harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic

that other people miss. You function well in a fast-paced environment but can become nervous and high-strung

from too much stress.

Uranus Conjunct Sun/Neptune 0 deg 51 min

Your imagination and idealism are unusually strong. It is likely that you believe in various paranormal phenomena

that most people are skeptical of. In order for your dreams, visions, and fantasies to develop to their greatestpotential, it is best if you avoid drugs, alcohol, and stimulants.

Moon Opposition Venus/Mars 0 deg 51 min

You are a very deeply loving, emotional person and you bond very closely to loved ones. Because your feelings

run very deep, be very careful in selecting a marriage partner as it can be extraordinarily difficult for you to part

ways once you have given your heart to someone. The extent to which you are happy in your romantic

relationships and family relationships probably is the main determinant of your overall happiness.

Venus Opposition Saturn/Uranus 1 deg 14 min

You have some conflicting feelings when it comes to your love relationships. You want to be devoted and

responsible to the people you love, but you also want to feel uninhibited, unrestrained, and free. Without realizing

it, you may make loved ones feel that they are annoying you or bothering you. Try to be patient and calm whiletrying to resolve any relationship problems that you encounter.

* * * * * * *

Given below are the planetary positions and other data on which this report is based:

Sun      18 Gem 03              Jupiter  13 Ari 59Moon     13 Cap 49              Saturn   23 Aqu 05Mercury  25 Tau 17              Uranus    1 Vir 35Venus    26 Tau 06              Neptune  13 Sco 25Mars      3 Vir 13              Pluto     9 Vir 38

Tropical  Placidus   Standard Time observedGMT: 14:44:00   Time Zone: 6 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birth place: 37 N 46 27 87 W 06 48