Corporate Responsibility Report 2008

Jumeirah Group CR Report 2008

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Page 1: Jumeirah Group CR Report 2008

Corporate Responsibility Report2008

Page 3: Jumeirah Group CR Report 2008


Key Highlights 2

About the Report 4

Executive Chairman’s Introduction 5

About Jumeirah Group 6

Our Vision, Hallmarks and Guiding Principles 6

Our global portfolio 7

Growth and expansion 7

Award-winning brands 8

Our Strategic Approach to Corporate Responsibility 9

Engaging our stakeholders 9

Managing our responsibilities 9

Embedding CR 10

Reporting 10

Corporate Governance 12

Governance structure 12

Risk management 12

Engaging our Stakeholders 14

Our Customers 14

Listening to our customers 14

Managing the customer experience 14

Customer health, safety and security 15

Customer privacy and information security 15

Key customer performance results 15

Our Suppliers 17

Managing CR in the supply chain 17

Engaging our suppliers 17

Purchasing in the UAE 17

Our Local Communities 18

Economic benefits 18

Engaging our local communities 18

Our Environmental Responsibility 20

Our environmental impact 20

Managing our environmental impact 20

Reducing our environmental impact 20

Engaging our stakeholders on environmental issues 22

Focusing on our Colleagues 25

Our colleagues – an overview 25

Engaging with our colleagues 25

Our HR strategy 26

Recruitment 27

Employment benefits 27

Recognition programmes 28

Learning and development 28

Health and safety 30

Diversity and equal opportunity 31

Labour practices 31

The Global Reporting Initiative G3 Index 32

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Key HighlightsFocus Areas Achievements 2007 - 2008 Commitments for 2009 and Beyond

Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Ethical Compliance

• Enhancedthegovernancestructuretobetterprotectour stakeholders’ interests

• EstablishedtheCRReviewGroupaspartofthegovernance structure to strengthen overall CR practices

• DevelopedtheEnterpriseRiskManagement(ERM)framework to identify and manage key risks

• IntegrateERMframeworkatalllevels• FurtherdeveloptheBusinessConductandEthics

policy and guidelines to promote ethical behaviour at all

Stakeholder Engagement and CR Reporting

• EnhancedtheintegrationofCRandstakeholdermanagement into overall Company Business Management framework

• ProducedthefirstJumeirahGroupCRReportpublished in April 2009

• EnhancetheCRReporttobetteralignitwiththeexpectations of our stakeholders

• AlignstakeholderengagementwiththeAccountAbility AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

• SeekexternalassuranceontheCRReportfollowingthe AccountAbility AA1000 Assurance Standard

Our Colleagues • IncreasedCRawarenessprogrammes• EstablishedtheLearningandTalentManagement

Systems • LaunchedthenewHRManagementSystem• LaunchedASPIROfast-trackcareerdevelopment

programme• Rolledoutaformalpolicyandguidelinesforthe

Colleagues’ Consultative Committee• ImprovedtheColleagueOpinionSurvey• ImplementedtheJumeirahGroupSavingand

Retirement Plan • Improvedcolleaguehealthcarescheme• Achieved92%inemployeeengagementscore

• Developaglobal‘employerbrand’strategythatpositions us as an employer of choice in the global market place

• AlignstakeholderengagementwiththeAccountAbility AA1000 Stakeholder engagement standard

• ExtendtheTalentManagementSystemtoincludecolleagues at all levels

• Improvethedeliveryoflearninganddevelopmentopportunities at all levels

• Offeracompetitiveemploymentpackage

Jumeirah Group 2

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Key Highlights

3 Jumeirah Group

Focus Areas Achievements 2007 - 2008 Commitments for 2009 and Beyond

Our Customers • Establishedadedicatedpartnershipsdepartment• EstablishedadedicatedR&DandInnovation

departments• Improvedthecustomersatisfactionsurvey

methodology• Achievedthirdhighestscoreincomparisontoother

hotels in JD Power 2007 studies• Achievedthehighestscoreinguestsatisfaction

with employees in comparison to other hotels in JD Power 2007 syndicated studies

• Furtherenhanceandimplementourcoreserviceand brand standards to meet customer expectations

• FurtherdevelopandenhanceourR&Dandinnovation programmes

Our Suppliers • Introducedourfirstsuppliersatisfactionsurvey • FurtherengagewithoursupplierstoenhanceCRin the supply chain in areas related to health, safety, environment, human rights and labour practices

Health, Safety and Environmental Management

• Establishedourfirstcarbonfootprintbaselinemeasurement

• Achieved2.41%reductioninelectricityconsumptionthrough conservation campaigns

• Achieved1.46%reductioninwaterconsumptionthrough conservation campaigns

• LaunchedJ-WiseandGoGreencampaignstoraise colleague awareness on health, safety, and environmental topics

• Developamorerobustcarbonfootprintmeasurement system

• RolloutacompleteEnvironmentalManagementSystem(EMS)

• Enhanceourhealthandsafetyperformance

Our Local Communities • Increasedcolleagues’participationincommunityrelated activities and memberships

• IncreasedtheemploymentanddevelopmentofUAENationals into senior management positions

• DevelopaCommunityInvestmentpolicyandguidelines for a more systematic approach to charitable giving and brand alignment

• EstablishtheJumeirahFoundation.Thischaritablefoundation will support a range of community welfare and educational programmes

• Furtherengagewithlocalcommunitiesinordertounderstand their expectations

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OurfirstCorporateResponsibility (CR)Reportdescribesthemostmaterial and relevant CR aspects of our operations, determined through engaging with our stakeholders. The aspects covered aremainly social and environmental with some coverage of economic topics.Formoreonourstakeholderengagement,seepage9.

ThereportisdesignedtofollowtheGlobalReportingInitiative(GRI)G3Guidelines (meetinganapplication levelC).TheseGuidelinesprovide a globally recognized framework for sustainability reporting andareadoptedbymorethan1,500companiesaroundtheworld.

Thetableonpage32outlinestheGRIIndicatorscoveredandtheirlocationwithinthereport.Our intention is toreportonanannualbasiswhilemeetingGRIrequirementsinincreasingdetail.


Unless otherwise stated, the data and information in this report are for the calendar year 2008 and covers our Dubai-based properties fully managed by Jumeirah Group and where Jumeirah Group has significantinfluenceoveroperations.OuroperationsinLondonandNew York as well as our sales offices are not covered within the scope ofthisreport.Netsalesandcapitalisationaretreatedascommerciallyconfidentialinformation.


WeinviteyoutoletusknowhowwearedoingbycontactingourCRteam at:

Jumeirah Group Dubai Outsource Zone, Building 3 PO Box 214159, Dubai, UAE Tel:+97143647777,Fax:+97143385674Email:[email protected]


Jumeirah Group 4

About the Report

2002In Accordance

C C+ B B+ A A+




Self Declared




Third Party


GRI Checked

“Direct Line”

Page 7: Jumeirah Group CR Report 2008

Executive Chairman’s Introduction

5 Jumeirah Group

WITH A CLEAR vISIOn to becoming the industry leader, our ability to create value for our stakeholders is crucial for the sustainable growth of our company. We can only achieve this by earning thesupport and respect of our colleagues, our customers, our business ownersandpartners,oursuppliersandourcommunitiesatlarge.


We must demonstrate this core organisational competence bybringing Corporate Responsibility (CR) into the heart of ouroperations and daily business activities. In the past two years wehave focused our efforts on embedding the principles of CR into our strategic framework in order to make CR part of our operations and trackourprogress.WeareatthebeginningofajourneyandourfirstCR Report allows us to establish our future commitments and will serveasabenchmarktodemonstrateourprogress.Throughanopenand honest dialogue we would like to invite our stakeholders to join usinthisjourneyaswetakeCRtoahigherlevel.


Travel and tourism is one of the world’s largest economic andemploymentsectorswithconsequently large impacts.Ourcurrentpriority is to focus on the impact of our hotels and resorts, where we canhavethegreatestinfluenceovercreatingpositiveoutcomes.

Wearecommittedtoinvestinginourlocalcommunitiesaroundtheworldandthetourisminfrastructure.Bycreatinguniqueemploymentand career opportunities, sourcing local products and services and helping build local supplier capacity, we aim to bring sustainable economicworthandempowerourlocalcommunities.

Wealsoremaincommittedtoimprovingthelivesofthecommunitiesin which we operate and getting involved in broader community investmentactivitiesthroughestablishingtheJumeirahFoundation(subjecttoDubaiGovernmentapproval).Thischaritablefoundationwill support a range of community welfare and educational programmes,leadbyourColleaguesofExceptionalValue.AllguestsstayingatJumeirahHotels&Resortswillalsohaveanopportunitytocontributetoit.

Wehavealso focussedonour carbon footprint andare lookingatways to measure the environmental impact of our operations. Inthis way we can specify an increasingly ecological approach to the building of new hotels and resorts whenever we talk to owners and investors.


Although this report, published in April 2009, covers our performance data until the end of 2008, we are mindful of the current global economic downturn and the impact this has had on our businesses in thefirstquarterof2009.Whileourpipelineoffuturedevelopmentsremains healthy, we are facing further delays in the dates for new hotelopenings.

A review of our overall organisation structure and cost-base has been initiatedinFebruary2009.Ouraimistomakethenecessarychangesto our existing business model and workforce levels to support the different degree of business we are experiencing now and anticipate inthefuture.

Wecaredeeplyaboutthewelfareofourcolleaguesandwewillensurethat job losses are managed professionally, with the utmost respect and integrity. We have made provisions to ensure mechanismsof support are in place, including career transition assistance to help affected colleagues move forward in their professions. OurHallmarks, Guiding Principles and commitment to CR continue to underpinourcompanythroughoutthisdifficultperiod.

Whilethesearechallengingtimes forall, I remainconfident inthesuccessful future that lies ahead for Jumeirah, as well as our ability toachievethegrowthtargetswehavesetout.Wehaveastrategyinplaceandareworkingtowardsit.Wehavebuiltupagreatcompany,thanks to our colleagues and the support of our parent company DubaiHolding,andwillcontinuetodoso.Inthe2009CRReport,wewillcommunicateourprogressandactionstaken.

I look forward to receiving your feedback on howwe can furtherenhance our approach to Corporate Responsibility for the benefit of JumeirahGroup,andsocietyatlarge.

Gerald Lawless

Executive Chairman, Jumeirah Group

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About Jumeirah


Jumeirah Group 6

Jumeirah Group was founded in Dubai in 1997, with the ambition ofbecomingaglobalhospitalityleader.Justovertenyearslater,thatambition has been realised, with the Group’s portfolio regarded as amongthemostluxuriousandinnovativeintheworld.


• Aglobalbrandwithanamesynonymouswithluxury

• A dedicated team of professionals with broad experience inall aspects of hotel management to offer support from the development phase to the daily operations

• Astrongdistributionsystemwith 11salesoffices inkey locationsaround the world

• A strong emphasis on a personalised approach to the owner/operator relationship

OuR vISIOn, HAllmARKS And GuIdInG pRInCIplESOur success emanates from our Hallmarks, Guiding Principles and our commitment to STAY DIFFERENTTM. These have beenfundamental in inspiring every colleague in Jumeirah to live and breatheourcompanyphilosophyandworksohardtofulfilit.


Jumeirah Group’s vision is to be a world class luxury international hotel management company, committed to being the industry leader in all of our activities through dedication to our stakeholders; colleagues,customers,businesspartnersandowners.


Our company Hallmarks have been the basis for our success in the past,andtheywillbuild thepath toour future.TheHallmarksarereflected in the design of our beacon and they will remain at the core ofouroperatingphilosophyalongwithSTAYDIFFERENTTM.


My first response to a guest request will never be no



OurGuidingPrinciplesplayamajorpartinJumeirahculture.Theyare the foundations of our business and bind us together in a united effort, not just to uphold them, but to celebrate them as a good way oflivinglife.Theyexplainhowwefunction:




We work towards common goals through open communication,mutual support andwin-win attitudes.We respect our differencesandbuilduponourstrengths.




Weareopenminded,challengingconventionalthinking,improvingour processes and implementing new ideas faster than our competitors.





STAY dIFFEREnTTm is the driving force behind everything we do. It motivates everyone in Jumeirah Group to build rewardingrelationshipsthroughcreativethinkingandinnovativestrategy.Ourguests are looking for something different, and value the unique experiences of our luxury hotels, striking architecture and thoughtful design. We inspire themwith passionate service, delivered by ourmultinationalteamofwarmandfriendlycolleagues.


Consistent Individuality

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About Jumeirah Group

7 Jumeirah Group


Our portfolio comprises over 3,065 luxury suites, rooms and apartmentswithin 11 luxuryhotels, resortsandserviced residences.The portfolio also includes waterparks, spas, restaurant division,stores,leasedofficesandaworldclasseducationalinstitution..

While our main activity is managing luxury hotels and resorts,Jumeirah Group also manages Jumeirah Living, a luxury brand of serviced residences; Talise Spa, our global spa brand; TheTaste Department, our restaurant division; the thrilling Wild Wadiwaterpark;TheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagement;andJumeirah Retail, which runs 15 stores as well the luxury online store jumeirahcollection.com.Foracompletedescriptionofourportfolioandglobalstrategicpartnershipspleasevisitjumeirah.com.



Currently Managed Hotels&Resorts Rooms&Suites

Dubai 7 2208

London 2 307

New York 1 509

Under development with signed Management Agreement (MA)



We embarked upon an ambitious strategy to expand across theMiddle East, Europe, the Americas and Asia. Our objective is tohave 60 hotels either in operation, under development or under constructionby2012.Development initiativesare focusedonhigh-end projects that will positively enhance the Jumeirah brand as well asbroadenthescopeoftheGroup.

Wehaveambitiousexpansionplanstogrowourportfolioof luxuryhotels and resorts into key gateway cities and aspirational resort destinations worldwide. Several luxury five-star properties arecurrently under development in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan,Kuwait,Oman,Qatar,England,Scotland,Spain,Argentina,US

Virgin Islands,China, Indonesia,MaldivesandThailand.Weeagerlyanticipate the grand opening of Jumeirah HanTang Xintiandi inShanghai–Jumeirah’sfirsthotelintheAsiaPacificregion.

Please visit jumeirah.com/developments for the latest news andupdatesonourexpandingportfolio.


In January 2008, Dubai Holding Commercial Operations Groupcreated two wholly owned subsidiaries – Jumeirah Group LLC (management activity) and Jumeirah Assets LLC (ownership)– to separate the management and operation of hotels from the ownership of assets. This decision, strategically driven byDubai Holding, has allowed us to re-focus in line with an industry benchmarked asset-light management model to excel in our key area of expertise – operating hotels, resorts and associated hospitality businesses.Wenowfocusonmanagementagreements tooperatethebusinessonbehalfoftheownerfornegotiatedandagreedfees.

Dubai Holding Commercial Operations Group LLC

(ManagementActivity) (Ownership)

– Hotels&Resorts

– ServicedApartments&Residences

– Branded Restaurants

– Spa

– ThemeParks

– OwnedRetailShops&Collection

– Education

– Facilities&RealEstateManagement

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In addition to themajor ownership restructure fromasset owner/operator to management company, several major operational changeswerealsoundertakenin2007&2008.Theseincludedthefollowing:

• Management restructure by regions headed by Senior VicePresidents (SVP’s) in Middle East & North Africa (MENA), theAmericas,AsiaPacific,andaRegionalGeneralManagerintheUK.Thishasempoweredregionalteamstofocusonlocalstrategies,supporting the business and new openings

• The closure of Jumeirah Beach Club in early January 2007for a significant redevelopment. A total of 291 colleagues werereassigned within Jumeirah and 20 colleagues resigned to return totheirhomecountries.

• TheopeningofJumeirahLivinginDubaiofferingluxuryservicedresidences.

• Theongoingdevelopmentof JumeirahRestaurants, nowcalledTheTasteDepartment,with the opening of SanaBonta at theDubai International Financial Centre and the noodle house restaurants in several locations in Dubai as well as in Abu Dhabi andJordan.ThebusinessalsoopenedaBytesrestaurantinDubai.

• ThereopeningofJumeirahLowndesHotelfollowingacompleterenovation and the addition of nine further rooms on a new sixth floor.

AwARd-wInnInG bRAndS

Inpart,oursuccessin2008wasreflectedinnumerousinternationalaccoladesincluding: ‘BestBusinessHotelChainintheMiddleEast’forthethirdconsecutiveyearfromBusinessTravellerUKmagazine;‘Best Business Hotel Brand in theMiddle East/Africa’ for the fifthconsecutiveyearattheannualBusinessTravellerAsia-PacificAwards;and ‘Best Hotel Chain in the Middle East’ from Global TravellermagazineintheUSforthesecondconsecutiveyear.

Our commitment to Corporate Responsibility and Business Excellence was further demonstrated at the 2008 Annual Dubai Holding Excellence Awards where we received Gold status and won in six other categories: Best Corporate Responsibility; Best Leadership; Best Employee Satisfaction; Best Customer Satisfaction; BestManagementbyProcess;andBestEmployee.Inthesameyearwe were awarded third place in the first CSR Arabia Awards in the “LargeCompany”category.

WildWadiwaterpark,JumeirahBeachHotelandJumeirahEmiratesTowersweredeclaredexcellent inqualityat theprestigiousDubaiQualityAwards2008forthetourismsector.ThecovetedGoldAward(thehighestawardacompanycanreceive)wasreceivedbyWildWadiwaterpark.JumeirahBeachHotelwontheDubaiQualityAwardandJumeirahEmiratesTowerscollectedtheDubaiQualityAppreciationAward.Foracompletelistofawardspleasevisitjumeirah.com.

About Jumeirah Group

Jumeirah Bab Al Shams DesertResort&Spa

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Our strategic approach to Corporate Responsibility (CR) issummarised in four key components:

• Engaging our stakeholders to understand their expectations, in order to exceed them and add value

• Managing our key economical, social and environmental impacts, risks and opportunities

• Embedding responsible business practices and standards in our day-to-day business activities

• Reporting back to stakeholders on our progress


Wedefinestakeholdersasthosegroups,individuals,ororganisationswhichareaffectedbyorcanaffectJumeirahindeliveringitsobjectives.For JumeirahGroup, they include existing or potential colleagues,customers, business owners, suppliers and local communities. Wealso consider the environment a stakeholder, represented by non-governmentalorganisations,professionalbodiesandregulators.


OurStrategicBusinessUnits(SBUs),StrategicSupportUnits(SSUs)and individual colleagues are responsible for identifying their stakeholdersandtheneedsandexpectationsofthosestakeholders.

Thebelow table summarisesourmain stakeholdergroups, typicalengagementpathwaysandstakeholderexpectations.


Our CR and business strategies are inseparable. To ensure thatsustainable business practices are managed effectively, we are increasingly integrating our key stakeholder expectations and the CR strategies to fulfil those expectations into our Business Excellence ProcessFramework.ThroughthisProcessFramework,theJumeirahGroup Board of Directors sets the Group’s strategy recognising its accountabilitytostakeholders.Thestrategytakesintoconsiderationdata and information obtained from organisational performance analysis,market and competitor analysis, benchmarking and risk/opportunities assessment. The resulting performance targets andindicators are managed through the Jumeirah Group Balanced ScorecardandOnePageStrategicPlan.

Our strategic approach to Corporate Responsibility

9 Jumeirah Group

Stakeholder Groups Expectations TypicalEngagementPathways

Our Colleagues

• Careergrowthanddevelopment• Competitivenessofourpayandbenefits• Socialwelfare• Positiveimpactonthecommunity

• “DirectLine”events(atleastonceperyear)• TrustLine(confidentialhotline)• “RoundtableLunches”withChiefOfficers• Chit-Chat(bi-monthlyinternalnewsletter)• Mercury(intranet)• AnnualColleagueOpinionSurvey• ColleagueConsultativeCommittees(bi-monthly)

Our Customers(e.g.guestsandbusinesspartners).

• Highqualityproductsandservices• Positiveimpactonthecommunity

• Annual“BigTalk”eventswithcustomers• DailyCustomerSatisfactionSurveys

Our Business Owners(e.g.DubaiHoldingandinvestors)

• Riskmanagement• Considerationoftheeconomic,socialand

environmental impacts of our operations• Financialperformance

• RespresentationinJumeirahGroupBoardofDirectors

• Monthlymeetingswithbusinessowners• DubaiHoldingmeetingcouncils

Our Suppliers• Ethicalandtransparentpurchasingandprocurement

practices• Supplierforums• SupplierSatisfactionSurvery

Our Local Communities(e.g.regulators,media,professionalbodiesandcommunitymembers)

• Localemploymentandcareerdevelopmentopportunities

• Managingoureconomic,socialandenvironmentalimpacts

• Jointcommunitypartnershipforums• Jointtaskforcesandcommittees• Mediarelationseventsandmeetings

Our Environment(e.gNGOsandregulators)

• Managingoursocial,economicandenvironmentalimpacts

• JointNGOpartnershipforums

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Our strategic approach

to Corporate Responsibility

Jumeirah Group 10

In late 2008, the Group’s Balanced Scorecard and One PageStrategic Plan evolved to represent the four result areas of the EFQM(EuropeanFoundationforQualityManagement)ExcellenceModel; Customer Results, People Results, Society Results and Key PerformanceResults.Themeasuresandtargetsassociatedwitheachresult area are reviewed on a monthly basis by senior management andreportedtotheBoardquarterly.Byunderstandingresultswecanidentify our economic, social and environmental impacts, risks and opportunities.


Withourdiverse linesofbusinessandgrowingstakeholdergroups,as we enter new markets, our challenge is to clearly identify and prioritise the issues most relevant to each stakeholder group in order tobetterinformourstrategicdecisionmakingandCRreporting.

Our long term objective is to develop our stakeholder dialogue based on the framework outlined by the Accountability AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard. This will help us to alignour actions and communications with the expectations of our stakeholders.


In 2008, we formed the CR ReviewGroup chaired by the ChiefOperating Officer (COO), Frank Vanderpost, to ensure that ourCR strategy is embedded within the operations framework of the business.TheGroupCRDirector,MohammadAlGhaffari, reportsdirectly to the COO who is a member of the Chief Executive Officer’s(CEO’s)CommitteewithresponsibilityforCR.Inaddition,each property has a CR Champion who meets bimonthly at our CR Networkmeetings.

Our CR performance is reported quarterly by the CEO of Jumeirah Group, Guy Crawford, to Jumeirah Group LLC Board of Directors through the Executive Chairman’s Committee. TheCEO is ultimately accountable for the Group’s CR performance.

EmbEddInG CRWehavedescribedabovehowourmanagementstructureembraceCRissues.WearenowincreasinglybuildingCRrelatedpracticesintopoliciesandtrainingprograms.


Key company policies for responsible and sustainable business practices are developed, reviewed and updated accordingly at corporate, regional and individual property levels to ensure continued alignmentwiththestrategy.

Our Board provides guidance based on global and local business environment, legal requirements and societal values. Boardmembers also consider alignment of systems to Vision, Guiding Principles and Hallmarks, core company policies, defined authority levels and recommendations from specialist committees such as the CorporateResponsibilityandHealth&SafetyReviewGroups.


CR education through training is essential to bring cultural and behaviouralchangetowardimprovingourCRperformance.

In2007,welaunchedourfirstinternalandcustomisedCRworkshopaimedatseniorandmiddlemanagement.Atotalofsevencustomisedworkshops were conducted at Jumeirah Centre for Training andDevelopmentwithattendancebyover100managementcolleagues.

WehavealsoincorporatedaCRchapterinourcompanyinductionprogramme and our colleague information handbook - Navigator.The chapter highlights the general concepts of CR as well asJumeirah’sapproachtoCRforallnewcolleagues.

Inaddition,weencouragecolleagues toattendvariousCR relatedworkshops and seminars provided externally and at The EmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagement.

REpORTInGThe final component of our approach to CR is our commitmentto transparencybyreportingbacktostakeholdersonourprogress.Transparencyiscriticaltoouroperationsandachievedthroughtheengagement activities outlined later in this Report, in addition to internal and external publications and communications that are part ofthewayweoperate.

We are also committed to disclosing information on our globalactivities in increasing detail and will follow the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)G3SustainabilityReportingGuidelines.TostrengthenourCRReport,wewillseekanindependentassuranceofthereport.This requirement is stipulated in ourCR ReviewGroup Terms ofReference.

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Corporate Governance

Jumeirah Group 12

Webelievethatoureconomicperformancecanonlybeenhancedthrough transparent and ethical business practices and the establishment of a corporate culture and strong corporate governance framework which embeds Corporate Responsibility in allofourendeavours.

In2007,theChairmanofDubaiHolding,HisExcellencyMohammadAl Gargawi, restructured the organisation by establishing separate Boards of Directors for each of the entities, including Jumeirah Group, to enhance accountability. At the same time, entity CEOs wereappointed as Executive Chairmen, and new CEOs were appointed toensureadequatesuccessionplanningwasunderway.

InadditiontochairingtheBoard,theroleoftheExecutiveChairmanof Jumeirah Group is to assist the newly appointed CEO to oversee alloperationalaspectsincludingallprojectdevelopment.

ThefirstmeetingoftheJumeirahGroupBoardofDirectorswasheldinJune2007.SubsequentmeetingshaveseentheappointmentoffourhighlyexperiencedIndependentNon-ExecutiveDirectorswithstrongtrackrecordsinthehospitalityindustry.Theseappointmentsare highly significant and will increase the depth and diversity of views and backgrounds on the Board, to enable a more effective decision-makingprocesses.

The Jumeirah Group Board of Directors has also delegatedoperational authority to three separate Committees, which meet on a quarterly basis (see diagram on page 14). The newly formedcommittees are as follows;

• Audit and Risk Management Committee: Consists of three Independent Non-Executive Directors and the Chief of GroupAuditandRiskManagementofDubaiHolding.

• Remuneration and nominations Committee: Consists of three IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirectorsandtheChiefHROfficerof Dubai Holding and advises the Board on Remuneration matters andonthecompositionoftheBoardandBoardcommittees.

• Executive Chairman’s Committee: Consists of the Executive Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Development Officer, and the Chief Legal Officer.TheExecutiveChairman’sCommitteedelegatesauthorityto the various working groups of Jumeirah Group through the ChiefExecutiveOfficer’sCommittee.

Committees, Review Groups and other stakeholder engagement pathways outlined on page 9, provide our business owners and colleagues with the mechanism to make recommendations to the JumeirahGroupBoardofDirectors.


Risk management is a key component of Jumeirah’s CR. It isdetermined by the ability to assess and take accountability for managing the main economic, social and environmental risks and insistonpracticesthatwillenableustomanageourriskeffectively.

In 2008,we established aRiskManagement department to carryoutriskmanagementactivitiesacrossourbusinesses.OurEnterpriseRisk Management (ERM) methodology draws on the frameworkof the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the TreadwayCommission(COSO)whichprovidesastructuredandtransparentapproachtomanagingrisk.ThisincludesastronggovernancefocusestablishedatBoardlevel,riskinformationsystemsandreporting.

As a direct consequence of the Group’s growth and expansion, locally and internationally, we face more and increasingly complex risks.Jumeirah Group revenues are increasingly affected by the economic and political stability of those countries in which we operate.Therefore, we will continue to strengthen our risk managementapproach to ensure all significant areas of risk are identified, understoodandeffectivelymanaged.


Weare committed toupholding rigorous ethical, professional, andlegal conduct in all of our activities and relationships in order to maintain our reputation for honesty, respect and integrity in line with ourHallmarksandGuidingPrinciples.

We will further develop and enhance our Business Conduct andEthicspolicyandguidelinestopromoteethicalbehaviouratalllevels.

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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Structure of Jumeirah Group LLC

13 Jumeirah Group

BOARD OF THE DIRECTORS OF JUMEIRAH GROUP LLCGeraldLawless(ExecutiveChairman) FadelAlAli(Non-ExecutiveDirector)

FarhanFaraidooni(Non-ExecutiveDirector) SaeedAlMuntaliq(Non-ExecutiveDirector)

SirDavidMichels(IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector) AlanParker(IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)




Alan Parker (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

Sir David Michels (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

MichaelWilliams (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

Abdulrahman Al Harab (ChiefofGroupAudit&RiskManagement-



Chairman: ChiefFinancialOfficer



Sir David Michels (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

Alan Parker (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

MichaelWilliams (IndependentNon-ExecutiveDirector)

Erik Slotboom (ChiefHumanCapitalOfficer-DubaiHolding)



Executive Chairman

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Development Officer


Chief Legal Officer


Chairman: Chief Executive Officer

All other Chief Officers of the Jumeirah Group


Committees of the Board of Directors

Committees to whom the Board of Directors has delegated authority

Committees of the Executive Chairman’s Committee has delegated authority

WorkingGroupreportingtoaCommitteeofthe Board of Directors

WorkingGroupreportingtoaChiefExecutiveOfficer’s Committee


Chairman: Chief Operating



Chairman: Chief Security



Chairman: ChiefInformation




Chairman: Chief Human

Resources Officer


Chairman: Chief Sales and

Marketing Officer


Chairman: Chief Development


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Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Customers

Jumeirah Group 14



Our customers are classified into hotel guests, clients who purchase bulk room nights, conferences or events; and partners such as tour operatorsandairlines.


Our approach to guest relationships focuses on multiple sources of continuous feedback through the availability of regular interaction channels such as daily, weekly and monthly newsletter, courtesy calls and visits, Hotel General Manager’s cocktail receptions and organizedactivitiesandspecialevents.

Other examples of feedback channels include the yearly BigTalk,a program of joint customer and colleagues workshops to help understand what existing and potential customers think of our products and services and how we can innovate to attract new guests aswegrowtheJumeirahbrandandSTAYDIFFERENTTMphilosophy.

We also conductCustomer Satisfaction Surveys, which consist ofdaily electronic questionnaires capturing all aspects of the guest experience.SinceJune2007,wehaveengagedJDPower,a leadingmarket research company in the hospitality industry, in order to survey our guests and provide monthly reports summarising guest

perception. In addition to this, we also conduct regular internallyadministered satisfaction surveys for some of our smaller customer groupssuchasthestudentsatTheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagementandtenantsinJumeirahEmiratesTowersOfficesandBoulevard.


Based on the feedback from our customers, we have found that they value:

• Highqualityandpersonalisedproductsandservices

• Positiveimpactonthecommunity



OurHallmarksarethekeytodeliveringourservice.OurCustomerSatisfactionIndex(CSI)showsthattheconsistentapplicationsofourHallmarks results in more than ten percent increase in overall guest satisfaction.

We develop products and services based on guest needs andpreferences, which we gather and store in secure guest profiles.Profiles are used to help us deliver our commitment to a personalised guest experience. Our hotels and resorts also design and deliverrepeatguestamenityprogrammes.

We have various ways of measuring how effectively we produce,market, sell and deliver our products and services and these results form the basis for improvements. Examples include internal andexternal quality reviews, conducted every six months; quarterly mystery guest assessments; Key Performance Indicators includingmarket share, occupancy rate and Revenue Generation Index;Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) which measures all aspects ofthe guest experience; and guest feedback which is collected and revieweddailyatindividualpropertiesatexecutivelevel.Weregularlyassess our performance against the above measures to identify gaps and prioritise improvement activities and resources at corporate, regional,propertyanddepartmentallevels.


In 2008, we established a dedicated partnerships departmentwith team members responsible for global, regional and loyalty programme (Sirius) marketing partnerships. Global strategicpartnerships have been established within the travel, finance, retail

Transparencyandopendialoguelaythefoundationuponwhichthe trust of our colleagues, customers, business partners, owners andotherstakeholdersarebuiltupon.Therefore,itiscriticaltomaintain and grow our reputation established over a decade as acompanydedicatedtodialogueandstakeholderengagement.

OurSTAYDIFFERENTTM brand promise reflects our customer’s desire to be recognised as an individual and engage them in real life personal ex-periences.Trueluxuryisemotional,memorableandaboveallpersonal,and this is what we believe today’s sophisticated luxury traveller relates andrespondsto.

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andluxuryindustries.Partnershipmarketingusestherelationshipsformed with key partners to support, promote and position the brandthroughvaryinginitiatives.Partnershipsareacquiredbasedona set criterion such as brand fit, global reach, transparent and honest relationship.Readmoreaboutourglobal strategicpartnershipsbyvisitingjumeirah.com.


Health, safety and security for our customers, colleagues and subcontractors are paramount and comprehensive measures are in placeatourproperties.

Our health, safety, and security functions ensure compliance with statutory requirements through developing policies and procedures across thecompany.Relatedperformanceandactionsfor improvement are reported quarterly to the Board by the Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

A comprehensive schedule of audits, inspections and drills is carried out both internally and by independent bodies to check awareness, complianceandreadinesstodealwithemergencies.

Colleagues are trained in fire, high level security threat scenarios and emergency evacuations with regular emergency simulated evacuationsanddrillsareconductedacrossallofourproperties.

Restaurants and kitchens in Dubai operate in accordance with Dubai Municipality health and hygiene standards and are regularly auditedbothinternallyandexternally.

Our lifeguards and paramedics play a key role in ensuring safety and quickresponsetoincidents.InDubai,lifeguardsaretrainedthroughtheInternationalPoolandWaterparkLifeguardTrainingprogrammeoperated by Jeff Ellis & Associates, Inc, world-renowned specialistsfor aquatic safety risk management. In addition, each property israndomly audited four times a year and receives a rating based on total lifeguardperformance.Since2001wehavemetorexceededthesetstandardsofthisprogramme.

AllourparamedicsarelicensedinIntermediateLifeSupportwhichisrenewed yearly and registered with the Dubai Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS). Every two years they undergocompulsorytrainingtoensurethattheystaycurrent.

Compulsory training includes BLS (Basic Life Support) refreshertrainingandACLS(AdvanceCardiacLifeSupport).PALS(PaediatricAdvance Life Support) training is also offered for our paramedics.

MonthlyCME(ContinuingMedicalEducationservices)facilitatedbya physician are conducted to ensure our paramedics are up to date withinthepractice.

In addition, surprise simulation exercises are externally facilitatedand conducted every month at each property. The simulationstest the response time for medical treatment and general medical emergencyresponse.

Our swimming pool and potable water treatments and checks are in linewithWorldHealthOrganisation(WHO)standards.WealsohaveaWork Permit system to ensure external contractors complywithhealth,safetyandenvironmentalrequirements.


In 2007we established a dedicated IT Security function to bettermanage access control, telecommunications, security architecture, application development, physical security, business continuity and disasterrecoveryplanning.ITanddatasecurityisauditedbyDubaiHolding and an independent auditing firm and we benchmark against bestpracticesdocumentedbya leading researchcompany.Guestdataisprotectedinaccordancewithlocallegislativerequirements.


Wemeasureour customer service and satisfaction results throughcustomer satisfaction surveys, telephone test calls and mystery guest assessments.


On comparing the JD Power proprietary survey results with the syndicated survey results, Jumeirah ranks third among the most establishedhotelcompaniesintheworld.

Jumeirah’s index for customers’ satisfaction with employees ranks first in comparison to other hotel companies as per JD Power &Associates 2007 syndicated studies. The index is calculated basedon a number of questions that relate to employee attitude, service levels,courtesyandpersonalisedservice.

Also, as part of the Dubai Holding Excellence Award, an independent research company is engaged by Dubai Holding every year to measurethecustomersatisfactionlevels ineachentity.Theresultsof the survey conducted in 2007 indicated that Jumeirah’s customer satisfaction levels are well over the average of the top ten percent of hotelcompaniesinEurope,AsiaPacificandNorthAmerica.

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Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Customers

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Telephone Test Calls measure the efficiency of our ‘ManageEnquiries and Reservations’ process across our properties and Central Reservations with approximately 200 test calls per month, conducted by the International Federation for Hospitality (IFH).In linewithournewCoreServiceStandardscriteriachangesweremade at the start of 2007, supported by a comprehensive, company wide trainingprogrammebasedon lessons learned in2006. Wehave seen improvement in most areas during 2007, particularly in roomreservationsandfood&drinksservicesduetothestructureddeploymentofthesenewstandards.


OurMystery Guest Assessment is conducted by LeadingQualityAssurance(LQA),thegloballeaderinhospitalitymysteryshopping,carrying out assessments for over 1,000 leading luxury hotels worldwide.Asaminimum,weconductbi-annualassessmentsandanumberofourpropertieshavechosentohavemorefrequentLQAassessments.Typicallyasinglevisitcoversbetween1,000and1,500standards.


PerformanceIndicator 2006 2007 2008

CustomerSatisfactionIndex(CSI)** 94.60%93.71%(1sthalf)


MysteryGuestAssessment(MGA)score N/A 88.4% 87.4%

TelephoneTestCalls(TTC)score 65.44% 77.06% 88.51%



and new surveymethodology (July toDecember 2007)which is conducted by JD


Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Customers

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Our centralized Supply-Chain & Logistics (SC&L) department isan integral part of Jumeirah’s continuous success in providing high qualitygoodsandservicestoitsguests.

Wecurrentlyhavemore than4,000suppliersofwhich2,061wereactivesuppliersin2008.Approximately200suppliersmakeup80%ofJumeirah’sspendongoodsandservices.


Our corporate buying policy seeks to ensure the planned, efficient, financially beneficial and ethically sound provision of high quality, bestvalueproductsandservices.TheethicsJumeirahfollowswhenengaging a supplier are demonstrated in our tendering process which follows the below principles:







WehaveinvitedourtopsupplierstoourSupplierForum.Theseforumsallow us to discuss with our suppliers any strategic changes within SC&Ldepartmentor Jumeirahwhichmayaffect theprocurementprocess.Wealsoprovideoursupplierstheopportunitytodiscussanychallengesorsuggestionstoimprovebothofourservices.

In 2008 we introduced the Supplier Satisfaction Survey enablingour suppliers to provide their opinion on our supply-chain practices and processes. This initiative was targeted at our food supplierswhoaccountfor45%ofourpurchasingvolume.About70%offoodsuppliers surveyed consider the performance level of our supply-

chainprocesstobeaboveaverage.Weintendtocarryoutthissurveytwice a year with our food suppliers and extend it to other suppliers during2010.


In 2008we placed over 359,000purchase orders, one percent ofwhich were sourced to local suppliers with purchasing value of about onepercentoftheannualspend.Purchasedproductsincludecamelmilk,freshmilk,lambmeat,dates,potatoes,tomatoesandfish.

Due to the UAE having a relatively young market and not producing a large variety of products; the majority of our purchases are internationalproductssourcedthroughagentsinDubai.

However, we are actively working with SME (Sheikh MohammedEntrepreneurs, also known as Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Establishment for Young Business Leaders) to increase theirparticipation in the supplier base to levels more reflective of the diverselocalbusinesscommunity.

Jumeirah includes SME suppliers in its tendering process, giving them an equal opportunity of winning Jumeirah’s business. In anenvironment where strategic sourcing efforts can make it difficult for small niche companies to play a role, it has been identified that on occasions these suppliers are not competitive or are unable to meet thevolumesrequiredtomeetJumeirah’sneeds.

We will actively seek to identify these suppliers and match theirunique capabilities to meet Jumeirah’s varied business needs. Assuppliers grow and strengthen their businesses, jobs will be created and economic development opportunities are expected to flourish withinthelocalcommunity.

17 Jumeirah Group

We foster a transparent, ethical and mutually beneficialrelationship with our suppliers. This is demonstrated in ourtenderingprocess.

WewillcontinuetoengagewithoursupplierstoaddressCRinthe supply chain including practices related to local sourcing, humanrights,labourstandards,health,safetyandenvironment.

Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Suppliers

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Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Local Communities

Our local communities are made up of diverse groups with an interest in Jumeirah’s operations. Such groups include non-governmentorganizations(NGOs),regulatorsandprofessionalbodies.


Westronglybelieve thatwecanpositively contribute to the socio-economic welfare of our host communities by creating unique employmentandcareerdevelopmentopportunities.

In2007,wetooktheinitiativetoconductastudytohelpusunderstandour contribution to socio-economic development and poverty reduction in our colleagues’ countries of origin. A representativesampleof263colleagues from23countrieswere interviewed.Thestudy concluded that:

• 94.7% of interviewees come from developing countries withmedium Human Development Index (HDI) while 14.7% comefromunderdevelopedcountrieswithlowHDI.

• 83.3%ofintervieweescontinuouslysupporttheirfamilieslivingintheirperspectivecountriesoforigin.

• 75.2%receivehighersalariescomparedtotheirformerwork.

• 82.2% indicated that their currentworkingand livingconditionswith Jumeirah are either better or much better compared to previousemploymentconditions.

In addition, the study estimated that more than two thirds ofJumeirah’s total annual salary is paid to colleagues in lower grades

who come from poorer backgrounds. Based on the World Bankdefinition of poverty and extreme poverty lines, this amount can take more than 30,000 people out of poverty, or more than 60,000 peopleoutofextremepoverty.


This section outlines how we work with our local communitystakeholders to develop our communities. Information on howwe provide local employment opportunities for UAE Nationals outlined in the section Our Colleagues and about how we are working to manage our environmental impacts and engage our local communities in environmental issues in the section Our EnvironmentalResponsibility.

Thereareanumberofbothformalandinformalmethodsbywhichweengageandinteractwithmembersofourlocalsociety.Webuildpartnerships with community bodies to engage on specific topics of mutual interest both to us as an organisation and to the local community.Thisisachievedbyeithertakingpartinorcommittingresources to joint initiatives. In addition, each of our properties isempowered to initiate relationships with local organisations in order to build strong, long-lasting positive relationships with our local communities. Some of themain engagement pathways and jointinitiativesaredescribedbelow.


Jumeirah Group is a founding member of the Emiratisation TaskForce through theDubaiDepartmentof TourismandCommerceMarketing(DTCM)inassociationwithTanmia(TheNationalHumanResourceDevelopmentandEmploymentAuthority).

TheHospitalityMaharatProgramme,oneofthetaskforceinitiatives,is designed to provide training and employment opportunities for UAE Nationals and this programme is fully embraced and integrated within the Emiratisation programme at Jumeirah. In addition, ourExecutive Chairman, Gerald Lawless, represents the Hospitality SectorintheEmiratesNationalDevelopmentProgramme.

Wealsoactivelywork togetherwithDTCMinpromotingDubaiatseveralexhibitionsandroadshowsacrosstheworld.WiththeDubaiDepartment of Economic Development we have participated in the annualDubaiQualityAwardssince2000tosupportandpromoteDubaiasaCentreofBusinessExcellence.

We are committed to being a responsible neighbour bycontributing to the welfare of our colleagues and the wider businessandlocalcommunitiesinwhichweareapartof.

When engaging with our local community stakeholders,we found they expected us to make a positive impact in our communities, provide local employment and career development opportunities and manage our environmental impacts,withafocusonclimatechange.

Wehaveactivelyworkedwithvariouscommunitystakeholdersthis year to meet these expectations, and our focus next year will be on adopting a more integrated approach to community investmentandestablishingtheJumeirahFoundation.

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TopromoteCRwithintheregion,weactivelyworkwiththeDubaiChamberCentreforResponsibleBusiness.In2008,wewereinvitedto the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to comment on the proposednewLabourLaw.


Wedevelopedrelationswithanumberoforganisationsonsubjectsrelated to sustainability such as the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG). We actively participate in EEG’s forums including the CSRNetwork and provide sponsorship to raise community awareness on sustainability related issues, such as for the Clean Up UAE 2008 campaign.

Internationally,wepartneredwiththeInternationalBusinessLeadersForum (IBLF) International Tourism Partnership (ITP) on subjectsrelatedtosustainabilityinthetourismandhospitalityindustry.Othercharitablepartnerships include ‘Save theChildren’ foundation, theDubai Centre for Special Needs, Dubai Autism Centre and the Make-A-WishFoundation.

All colleagues are also encouraged to participate in various community activities and charitable events such as marathons, blood donations, beach clean-ups and the Sirius swim around Burj Al Arab fundraisingeventforMédecinsSansFrontières.

IntheannualColleaguesOpinionSurveyconductedin2008,82%of our Dubai-based colleagues agreed with the statement “Thecompany encourages and supports my involvement in community activities”,comparedto76%in2006.


Across all levels of leadership, we encourage membership of professional bodies and associations, conduct regular visits to schools anduniversities andprovide internships.Our seniormanagers areregularly invited to share their knowledge as guest speakers at nationalandinternationallyrenownedconferencesandevents.

AkeystrategicpartnershipisTheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagement partnership with Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne. TheEmirates Academy of Hospitality Management is the only higher education institution to have an exclusive and extensive academic associationwiththisworldrenownedinstitution.ThisallowsstudentsundertakingaBScdegreewithhonoursinInternationalHospitalityManagement tostudywith themdirectly. Inorder tomaintain the

partnership, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne reviews our curriculumannually. In supportofourpartnership,wehavealsoestablishedanewboardofGovernorsforTheEmiratesAcademy,whichincludesrepresentationfromEcoleHôtelièredeLausanne.


EarlyonaFridaymorninginDecember2008,adultsandchildrenalikefrom‘SpecialNeedFamilies’–acharityorganisationbasedin Dubai, flocked to the shores of Jumeirah Beach Hotel for the very first Aspiro charity event. More than forty children fromthirty families took part in water sports and fun activities on the beach, Aspiro, Colleagues of Exceptional Value, Management Trainees, The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Managementstudents, and other colleagues from different properties all joined together in making this day a memorable one for the children. Each child was assigned a volunteer to watch overthemsotheparentscouldhavesomefuntoo.

A grateful parent commented:” People don’t understand what it is like being the parent of a special need child. Today waswonderful.Everythingwasreallythoughtout.Thebuddysystemwasgreat.”

Engaging our Stakeholders

Our Local Communities

19 Jumeirah Group

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Our Environmental Responsibility


Our environmental impact arises from operating our hotels and resorts.Weconsiderthemostimportantaspectsofourenvironmentalimpact to be:

• Indirectenergy(purchasedelectricity)consumptioninourhotelsandresortsandrelatedgreenhousegas(GHG)emissions

• Theimpactofourhotelsandresortsonbiodiversity

• Waterconsumptioninourguestrooms,laundry,swimmingpoolsand gardens

• Wastegenerationinourhotelsandresorts

Thelocationofourhotelsandresortsposesspecificenvironmentalchallenges.Theverywarmweatherclimate in theUAEmean thatsignificant amounts of energy are needed for cooling buildings.Furthermore, water in the UAE is mostly derived from sea waterthroughanenergy-intensivedesalinationprocess.


We continually seek to reduce negative environmental impactsresulting from our activities by adopting environmentally preferable businesspracticesandinnovativetechnologies.

Inordertoeffectivelymanageourenvironmentalimpact,weaimtoimplement a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) in 2009which incorporates themanagement of ourGHGemissions.Belowwedetailthestepswehavealreadytakentoreducethe impact our operations has on the environment including the primarysourceofGHGemissions,electricityconsumption.


Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today. In 2007 we established a task force with

representatives from key organisational divisions, with the following objectives:

• MeasuretheGHGemissionsofourglobalactivities

• EstimateourfutureGHGemissionsbasedonour5yearexpansionplan

• IdentifyGHGemissionsreductionopportunities

• Analysecustomerincentivesandloyaltyprogramopportunities

As a result, we have developed four strategic components to our GHG emissions reduction strategy:

• Reducing the overall environmental impact of our operations

• Engaging with our customers to reduce their impact and to assist us with reducing ours

• Engaging with our colleagues to reduce their impact both at work and at home

• Influencing our suppliers to provide more environmentally sustainable products and services



In2008,weestablishedacarbon-footprintbaselineagainstour2007levelsofemissions.Themeasurementwascalculatedinaccordancewith theGHGProtocol and guidelines set by theWorld BusinessCouncilforSustainableDevelopment.Wearenowworkingactivelyto reduce our carbon footprint and have assigned internal reduction measurementsandtargets.

According to our 2007 GHG emissions assessment, the primary sourceofouremissionsisindirectenergyconsumption(purchasedelectricity)whichaccountsfor85.2%ofthetotalemissions.Ontheother hand, emissions resulting from our colleagues travelling both onlandandbyairaccountsforonly0.9%ofthetotalemissions.

The remaining sources of emissions include direct energyconsumption (5.1%), use of refrigerant from air-conditioning (4.7%),andemissionsembodiedinwaterusage(4.1%).

At present, our key challenge is to produce a comprehensive, accurate, consistent and timely measurement of our GHG emissions consideringour growingportfolio.Wehave chosennot todiscloseour GHG emissions figures until such a measurement has been achieved.Thisisatargetfor2009.

Wehaveincreasedourfocusonunderstandingourenvironmentalimpact and reducing our electricity andwater consumptions.Withsomegreatreductionsinelectricityandwaterusageduringtheendof2008,oureffortsarenowbecomingmorevisible.

Plans are underway to enhance our Environmental Management System (EMS) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) measurementsystem in 2009. This will enable us to better manage ourenvironmental impact and reduce our GHG emissions.

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Our Environmental Responsibility


Our operations within the Middle East use electricity mainly to generate chilled water for air conditioning. This is estimated tobeintheregionof50%to60%ofthetotalelectricitybill.Wehaveconcentrated our efforts on reducing this consumption, with some of theinitiativesareoutlinedbelow.

Wemonitor our electricity consumption on a regular basis and in2008 produced a monthly report comparing consumption from 2007tothesameperiodin2008.Acampaigntoreduceconsumptionculminated in the last quarter of 2008 and we achieved reductions of 8.33% in October, 14.80% in November and 13% in December2008comparedtothesameperiodin2007.Thisequatestoatotalreduction of 9.7million KWH (2.41%) which has a value over USD870,000atthecurrentelectricitypurchaserate.

Some examples of electricity saving initiatives include:


Our integrated use of computer controlled Building Management Systems (BMS) in all of our properties helps to reduce energyconsumption in unoccupied guest rooms and efficiently manages garage exhaust fans, water tank overflows, chilled water optimum temperaturecontrol,andscheduledlightingprogrammes.

We have upgraded our BMS at Madinat Jumeirah resort allowingustocontrolthechillerplantmoreefficientlyinlinewithdemand.PowerFactorCorrectionequipmentwasalsoinstalledtomakemoreefficientuseofthepowersupplied.


Our air conditioning chillers are connected to our BMS in order to optimise their efficiency,. This has been increased throughthe installation of pre-coolers. In addition, we have reduced thedemand on the chillers by increasing the temperature at which air conditioningkicksinforunoccupiedareas.

For example, at Jumeirah Emirates Towers we have upgradedthe thermostat to automatically increase the air conditioning temperaturesettinginvacantguestrooms.Whentheguestchecksin

the system automatically drops the room temperature to 23 degrees centigrade.AsimilarsystemwillbeinstalledinJumeirahBeachHotelinthenearfuture.

In addition to the above initiatives, we have installed over 1000interlocking devices in Madinat Jumeirah resort that turn guest room airconditioningoffwhenaroompatiodoorisopened.


The vastmajority of incandescent lights in our guest roomswerereplacedwithCompactFluorescentLights (CFL) thereby reducingthe electricity consumption as well as the heat load. In turn, thisreduces the loadon the air-conditioningunit.Wehave alsomadeextensiveuseofCFL’s inpublicareasatourpropertiesandoffices.Inaddition,TheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagementhasinstalledsolarpanelstoprovidehotwaterforthemainkitchen.


Wehave installedanumberofVariableSpeedDrives (VSD) inourhotelsandresortssuchasinJumeirahBeachHotel.TheVSDregulatethe speed of electrical motors in line with the demand as opposed to running the motors at full speed therefore reducing electricity demand.

We have installedmotor soft starters which not only prolong thelife of our equipment but also bring the equipment gradually into operation avoiding the use of switch gear which produces spikes in our electrical consumption. Soft starters alsomatch usagewithdemandandasaresultproduceasavingonelectricalconsumption.


Typically,mostofthesolidwasteinhotelsisgeneratedbytheprovisionoffoodandbeveragehandling(e.g.foodwaste,cans,glassbottlesandpackaging) or from the housekeeping department (e.g. amenitiesandplasticspackaging).Othertypesofwasteincludesewage.

We have been working proactively to reduce, reuse, and recyclematerialswhereverpossible.Allofourhotelsand resorts inDubaihave one or more recycling schemes in place such as for aluminium cans,glassbottles,cardboards,officepaper,batteries,etc.

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Materials are received, stored and managed by each property using sophisticated purchasing software. This decentralised approachreduces the amount of goods to waste and the need for expensive central storage facilities which, in return, increases our electricity consumption.

WehavepartneredwithDubaiMunicipalitytopromotetherecyclingof discarded IT equipment that can be re-used by schools andhospitals in developing countries. When we replace for examplelinen, crockery or tableware we pass on the items to colleagues or charities.Inaddition,ourcontractedlandscapegardenersshredandrecycleourgardenwastetocompostmaterial.

Wewillcontinuetoenhanceourwastemanagementprogrammebyreducing waste generation and increasing recycling efforts wherever possible.


Water consumption ismost significant in cooling towers inour airconditioningsystems,swimmingpools(withahighevaporationrateduringthesummermonths),ourcentralisedlaundries,irrigationforour extensive gardens and the daily consumption of our guests and colleagues.

In the last two months of 2008, we reduced our consumptionin November by 3.2% and in December 2008 by 12.1% comparedto the same period in 2007. This equates to a reduction of 55,917cubic meter which has a value of about USD 151,405 at the current purchasedwaterrate.Weexpecttocontinuewiththesesavingsnowthat we have completed some of our major water saving projects highlightedbelow.

Generally, our waste water is sent to Dubai Municipality water treatment plant and then sent into a network around Dubai for use inirrigation.Wemakeuseofthisrecycledwateratanumberofourproperties.

At Madinat Jumeirah we switched from using potable water to using recycled water and have installed a computer controlled irrigation system.Thissystemwilldeterminetheamountofwater thateacharea needs in order to survive as opposed to the current system which justwaters for thesamepredeterminedtimeeachday.Thissystem is the very latest in irrigation technology and is estimated to reduceourirrigationwaterdemandby15%to20%.

The central laundry facilities at Madinat Jumeirah and Jumeirahcentral laundrybothuse recycledwater in the initial rinse.Weare

also exploring the option of an integrated recycling plant that will allowustorecycle70%to80%ofthewaterfromourlaundry.

Recently we installed a new storage tank at Mina A’ Salam that has allowed us to convert all of the Mina A’ Salam garden irrigation to recycledwater.JumeirahEmiratesTowersgardensarefullyirrigatedwith recycled water and we are installing a system at Jumeirah BeachHotelthatwillallowustouserecycledwater.Inaddition,flowreducers have been installed in the majority of our guest bathroom basinsandpublicareatoilets.


2007 2008 %Saving

Electricity(KWH)* 402,439,009 392,749,502 2.41

Water(cubicmeter)** 3,841,892 3,785,758 1.46

*Electricityconsumptionasabulkfigure for the followingproperties:BurjAlArab,

JumeirahBabAlShams, JumeirahBeachHotel, JumeirahEmiratesTowers,Madinat





Involving guests in our environmental programme and gainingtheir feedback and suggestions is a key factor in improving our environmental performance. As of July 2008, survey questionswere included in our Customer Satisfaction Survey regarding our environmentalperformanceandhowwecanfurtherenhance.Theprogramme is still in its infancy and we will continue to engage with guests in order to introduce innovative ways to enhance our overall environmentalperformanceandtoreduceourGHGemissions.

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Our Environmental Responsibility

Jumeirah Beach Hotel

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Our Environmental Responsibility

23 Jumeirah Group


In late 2008, Sirius announcedanewpartnershipwithBlueVentures Carbon Offset (BVCO). Sirius members are nowable to exchange their Sirius Points for the purchase of fuel efficient solar stoves for communities in Africa. BVCO is anexiting, new, not-for-profit carbon offsetting programme which operates to benefit both communities and the environment by reducingcarbonemissions.Allprojectsdeliverrealeconomic,environmental and health benefits to some of the world’s poorestandmostisolatedpeople.

TheorganizationhastodatefocusedonsouthwestMadagascarand South Africa where people currently use wood and charcoalinthree-stoveopenfire.Thecookingmethodishighlyinefficientandharmfultobothpeopleandtheenvironment.By using BVCO-supplied solar stoves, smoke production is heavily reduced and the safety aspects of the stove massively improved.Thesocialandeconomicbenefitscansimilarlybeenhanced, producing a lower cost of living as well as the need for local employment in stove constructions, distribution and monitoring. Through education and awareness campaigns,communities also gain a greater understanding of efficient cookingmethods.Withjust150SiriusPoints,ourguestscanbuyone stove, 450 Points buys three stoves which is the equivalent ofoneindividual’saverageannualcarbonfootprint.


Inthepasttwoyearswehaveincreasedourinternalenvironmentalinitiatives in order to involve and empower more of our colleagues to reduceourenvironmentalimpact.

Wehave increasedparticipation inactivitiesorganisedbyEmiratesEnvironmental Group such as the Can Collection Drive, national clean-upcampaignsandmonthlycommunity lectures. Inaddition,WildWadiwaterparkorganizesquarterlybeachclean-upsaimedatraisingawareness.Wehavefeaturedmoreenvironmentalarticlesandtips via our internal communications channels including our intranet “Mercury”andourbi-monthlynewsletter“Chit-Chat”.

In2007welaunchedourJ-WisemascotandGo-Greencampaignsto raise colleagues awareness on health, safety and environmental topics.Collateralwasdistributed toourproperties including J-wiseposters and computer stickers to remind colleagues to switch off theirmonitorsandcomputerswhennotinuse.

In2008,weinstalledvideoconferencingtechnologytoreducetheneed for ground and air travel. We also provide regular colleaguetransportservicestoreducetheneedforpersonaltransport.


In response to the statement “The company’s actions support thewell-being of the environment” in the annual Colleague Opinion Surveyconducted in2008,86%ofour colleagueswho respondedtothesurveyinDubaiagreedwiththestatement,comparedto80%in2006.

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Our Environmental Responsibility

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CASE STUDY: PROMOTInG BIODIvERSITY The PavilionDive Centre of Jumeirah Beach Hotel has been involved in diving educationwithin local schools for the last 5 years. TheCentreoffersaprogrammecalledTawasul(Arabicforreachout),focusing on environmental education and raising awareness and interestamong theyouth.Programmesofferedat thePavilionDive Centre focus on techniques that preserve underwater life, resourcesandalsoculturalheritage.

The Centre also offers a 12 week programme that consistsof 5 PADI speciality certification programmes based aroundenvironmentalawareness,restorationandconservation.

The specialities have affiliation to National Geographic ReefCheckandCoralWatch,bothreefmonitoringprogrammesthatare affiliated to the University of California and Queensland.Included in the program are the UNEP and UNESCO YXCtraining programmes aimed towards sustainable lifestyles and responsibleconsumption.

CASE STUDY: WILDLIFE PROTECTIOn TheMadinatJumeirahturtle rehabilitation unit is a pilot project organised in conjunction withtheNationalMarineAquariuminPlymouth,England.Sickor injured turtles that were brought to veterinarians by members of thepublic are referredon to theWildlife ProtectionOffice,and then brought to a large enclosure in the sea-water canals of the Mina A’ Salamhotel.Thetimespentthere,inwhatwehopeis the final stage of their rehabilitation process, allows for a final period of feeding and monitoring the turtles before releasing thembackintoUAEterritorialwaters.

InDecember2007, 12 turtleswere released inpreparation forthe New Year, as we expect new turtles to be brought in on an ongoingbasis. Someof the turtleswill leave carrying trackingdeviceswhichmonitortheirjourney.ThisgivesthescientistsinDubaivaluablebehaviouralinformationastheturtlestravel.Theprogram also raises awareness among the general public and school children on the importance of protecting endangered seaturtles.

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Focusingon our Colleagues

25 Jumeirah Group

As we expand internationally our aim is to develop the same hospitality mindset that has made us a successful company within the luxury service provider market. Our Hallmarks and GuidingPrinciples are the foundation of our identity and are consistently communicated through formal training programmes and informal communicationandarelivedbyeverycolleagueeveryday.


Jumeirah Group is an employer in the global market place and has attractedcolleaguesfrommorethanonehundrednationalities.Thisdiversity enables us to meet the needs of guests and colleagues from many different value systems, cultures and languages, whilst reflectingoursharedorganisationalculture.

OurnewHRManagementSystemwaslaunchedinDecember2008.Thiswillenableustomanagetheincreasingnumberofcolleagues,making information more accessible and improving management reportingincludingourCRReport.


EMPLOYMENTTYPE UAE Americas Europe Asia Pacific

TOTAL11,694 10,531 621 477 65

%Full-time 99.4% 98.2% 88%* 100%

%Part-time 0.6% 1.8% 1.7% 0%

%Fixedtermcontract 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% 0%

%Permanenttermcontract 99.6% 98.2% 10.2%** 100%







We exchange relevant information through a number of channelssuch as internal newsletters, our intranet “Mercury”, briefings, inductions, cross functional meetings and networking events.Colleagues are encouraged to provide feedback through structured opinionsurveys,questionnairesandregularcommunicationsessions.

Conferences, workshops, retreats, social and community related events are held to facilitate team building, encourage better communicationbetweenteamsandsharebestpracticeglobally.


We believe colleague involvement in decision-making processesbenefits Jumeirah in many ways, including enhanced commitment and trust, a more harmonious employee relations climate, better qualitydecisionsandenhancedchangemanagementprocesses.

To encourage colleague involvement, we have created ColleagueConsultative Committees (CCCs); groups of colleagues whoare formally elected by peers to represent colleagues across our operations in Dubai. In 2007, we rolled out a formal policy andguidelines including the roles, responsibilities, election process, communicationprocedure,andmeetingfrequency(onceeverytwomonths)of theCommittee. InDubai,mostof our colleagues arenow represented in the CCC’s and we aim to ensure that all of our colleaguesarerepresentedbytheendof2009.

The CCC’s take part in joint consultation with management ongeneralmatters.Colleaguesareabletocontributeideasandsolutionsto business issues such as new policies or working practices, or any matterspromotingthegeneral interestsof Jumeirahcolleagues.Asa result of the CCC’s, several improvements have been introduced, most notably the implementation of our flexible working hours policy.


COS, our annual colleague survey introduced in 2002, is our main colleague feedback tool designed to understand satisfaction levels anduseresultstoidentifyandprioritiseneedsforimprovement.

COS takes place once a year and is a confidential survey of all colleagues, conducted by an independent company. A detailedquestionnaire is filled out anonymously and measures satisfaction amongst colleagues in a wide range of areas such as colleague welfare,accommodation,meals, leadership&management,careergrowth,compensation&benefitsandtraining.

Jumeirah places a strong emphasis on the development of talent across the Group and recognises the importance of attracting and retaining the best people to support future growth. We strive to provide anenvironment where the best people choose to work, grow, and make animpact.

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Our colleagues

We share the results with colleagues and develop action plans toimprove on the areas where we know scores can be higher. Wealso explore results with colleague in focus groups to gain further information and understanding of particular issues and work with colleagues to identify priorities and solutions. Improvements inresponse to results are driven at corporate, regional, property or departmentallevelsasappropriate.

One of the most prominent mediums by which we share our yearly COS results with all colleagues highlighting priority areas for improvement is through our annual internal newsletter “Looking back,lookingforward”.


Atotalof8644colleagues (82%of the totalworkforce in theUAE)respondedtothesurveyin2008.

Colleagues told us we have improved:

• Allsurveytopicareashavesignificantlyimprovedsince2007;by4%ormore for immediate supervisor performance, Rewards&Benefits,andTeamwork.

• Resultsareabovetheglobalbenchmarkonfiveoutofsixsurveytopics,withCustomerFocus(10%above)andRewards&Benefits(9%above)toppingtheranking.

• Employee Engagement - 92% overall score, where 86% ofcolleagues would recommend Jumeirah as a good place to work, 92%areproudtotellothersthattheyworkforJumeirah,and86%feelJumeirahmotivatescolleaguestodotheirbestwork.


• Continuousgrowthforcolleagues

• Performancedevelopment

• Satisfactionwithqualityoffood/beverageatplaceofwork

• Competitivenessofourpayandbenefits


At least once per year, there is an opportunity for colleagues to hear directly from Jumeirah Executive TeamandChiefOfficers atthe “Direct Line”. The ExecutiveChairman visits all business unitsto meet colleagues face to face and answer any questions they may have.This isalsoagreatopportunityforthemanagementteamtorecognise success and give updates on the latest projects, company news,managementappointments,etc.

Questions&AnswersessionsfromDirectLinearedocumentedandcirculated to all colleagues after the sessions so everyone has a clear and commonunderstanding aboutwhatwas discussed.Questionraised by colleagues through channels such as “Direct Line” are also included in the newsletter with answers, future commitment, or updatesonprogress.


GembaistheJapanesewordfor‘realplace’or’shopfloor’.Themostcritical area for any business is the shop floor where all the planning and discussions about strategy are put into practice. On GembaDays, general and senior managers take on colleague roles and responsibilities to better understand and empathise with their roles anddiscoverhowtobringextravalueintheworkplace.


This company-wide initiative, an acronym for Very Original IdeasCan Enhance Success, is linked with our core Guiding Principles and provides a focus for colleagues’ creative and innovative ideas.VOICESisatooltoensureeachcolleague’sideasandtheirsuccessesarebeing supported, recognisedand rewarded. Since its inceptionin August 2006, VOICES has generatedmore than 10,000 ideas,871 of which have been identified for implementation and 907 have alreadybeenimplemented.

Of the many ideas in the innovation pipeline, a tangible value to the company of over USD 500,000 has been calculated, resulting in improvements to processes relating to customer service, operational excellence, colleague satisfaction, communication, health and safety, theenvironmentandnewbusinessopportunities.

InNovember2007VOICESwasawardedGoldAccreditationstatusby ideasUK, a professional, not-for-profit association dedicated to the developmentofefficientandeffectivestaffsuggestionschemes.


The Jumeirah Group HR strategy provides global support for itsexisting businesses and regional office networks, as well as those underdevelopment.Itisdesignedtomeettheneedsofthebusinessthrough an integrated process involving key representatives across theGroup.Thisprocessenablesbestpracticesystemstobesharedthroughout the organisation, while allowing consideration of local practices and requirements and ensuring the overall strategy remains consistent,competitiveandinnovative.

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27 Jumeirah Group

Jumeirah Group HR has identified the following priorities:

• Todevelopaglobal‘employerbrand’strategythatpositionsusasan employer of choice in the global market place

• Tomeet the volumeneedsof thebusiness as it grows throughefficient, timely and cost-effective resource planning

• Toprovideatalentmanagementsystemthatdeliversleadershipsuccession plans that are supported by quantifiable and objective performance and behaviour-based criteria

• To offer a global compensation and benefits strategy that iscompetitive, market sensitive and business intuitive

• To deliver learning and development opportunities at all levelsof the organisation that continuously improve performance and capabilities


To ensure recruitment and selection is carried out consistentlyand effectively, Jumeirah Group partners with local recruitment consultancies that share its vision and values. These relationshipshavedevelopedthroughtimewithcommitmentfrombothparties.

Currently each part of the business manages the relationships with preferred nominated suppliers and all HR representatives responsible for recruitment meet monthly to share relevant candidates and support in filling vacancies. Recruitment and selection is alsoachieved by building relationships with colleges and schools and throughexistingcolleagues.

EMIRATISATIOn – UAE national Development Programme

At Jumeirah we are fully committed to hiring, developing and retaining UAE Nationals who are keen to start a career in hospitality andtourism.

Currently, 162U.A.ENationalsareworkingwithus inawidevarietyof departments. We have a dedicated Emiratisation team andprogramme in place to attract more Nationals into our exciting industryinlinewiththeobjectivesoftheUAEGovernment.

WearesupportedinoureffortsbytheDepartmentofTourismandCommerce Marketing Taskforce for Emiratisation in the TourismandHospitalityIndustry.Weareafoundingmemberofthistaskforcewhich runs industry specific training and developments programs in associationwithTheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagement,alsopartofJumeirahGroup.

For the recruitment and development of UAE Nationals we alsowork very closely with local colleagues and universities as well as government bodies such as Tanmia and the Emirates NationalDevelopment Programme, where our Executive Chairman Gerald LawlessisamemberoftheBoardofTrustees.

Currently, two of the eight Jumeirah Group Chief Officers are UAE Nationalsandapproximately4.5%ofseniormanagementpositions(e.g.Directors)areUAENationalscomparedto0.8%in2006.


Our UAE National colleagues have access to a wide variety of coursesspecificallydesignedforthem.Theseincludeanorientationprogramme in tourismandhospitality calledAlTawteenanda sixmonth mentoring programme which includes access to a dedicated Emiratisationcoordinatorineachproperty.

In recognition for our commitment and drive for Emiratisation inthe tourism and hospitality industry, we received the Dubai Human DevelopmentAwardin2006.


At Jumeirah we strive to offer competitive salary and benefits packages.Everyyear,prior to theannual salary review,we runandparticipate in the Dubai Hotel Remuneration Survey, to benchmark both pay and benefits against the majority of hotel companies in Dubai,ensuringweremaincompetitive.


Jumeirah provides company housing or a housing allowance (depending on the colleague’s preference) for all colleagues intheUAE. Ourownprimaryhousingvillage,OasisVillage, ishometo over 7,000 colleagues and offers facilities and services such as a supermarket, a bank, a library, a medical clinic, a mosque, sports facilities, fitness and social activities and transportation to work and fromworkdaily.In2006,theDubaiMunicipalityawardedJumeirahforthebestcompanyhousinginDubai.


Based on colleague feedback, we extended our medical coverage to include all colleagues who are now entitled to private healthcare under the Jumeirah Healthcare Scheme with access to 55 hospitals and clinics. The scheme benefits from a large local network andprovides support on a 24 hour basis. Readmore about colleaguehealthcareonpage30.

Our colleagues

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In2007,weimplementedtheJumeirahGroupSavings&RetirementPlan to provide a market competitive, internationally consistent total remunerationpackage.IntheUAE,theplanisopentomanagementcolleagues,whoarenotalreadycoveredbytheUAEFederalPensionScheme.Thisisinadditiontoendofservicegratuity.


Ourcolleaguesreceiveaflighttickethomeatleasteverytwoyears.Wearrange familyvisitvisas to theUAE forcolleagues’ families. In2008, we organised 2071 family visit visas – this is a unique service onlyafewcompaniesofferintheUAE.

Other employment packages also include duty meals, transport, uniformsandlaundryservices.Colleaguesareoffereddiscountsonhotel rooms, restaurants, theWildWadiwaterparkandat JumeirahRetailoutlets.


A number of formal and informal mechanisms are used to recognise and reward our colleagues’ contribution, effort and achievements:


One of our methods of recognising colleagues is the Colleague of theMonth(COM).Colleaguesarenominatedbytheirdepartmentheads or colleagues for doing something above and beyond what is expectedofthem.Thisisthenvotedonbytheotherdepartmentswithin our properties. Nominees and winners receive letters ofrecognition, cash prizes and a certificate. COM winners are thennominated and shortlisted through a democratic process to be Colleague of the Year, a recognition awarded at the annual colleague party.


Colleagues who reach 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 year service milestones with the company are celebrated in a variety of ways from presentation of the Jumeirah gold Beacon and a certificate at three years through to a formal luncheon and presentation of gifts from the Companyfor25&30yearcelebrants.


Our‘ColleaguesofExceptionalValue’programmelaunchedin2006seeks to recognise and reward those who consistently perform at an exceptionallyhighlevel.Thisisthehighestformofrecognitionwithin

Jumeirah aimed at front line colleagues up to professional level (Assistant Managers). Eligible colleagues are those unsung heroesfrom around the organisation who do an exceptional job or are a role modeltotheircolleaguesineverythingtheydo.

Apart from financial rewards (about USD 2750 over the 12monthprogramme), each Colleague of Exceptional Value is encouragedto act as a motivator in a range of company activities including Orientation and team building activities and they have the opportunity to travel with Jumeirah management to recruit new colleaguesworldwide.

Therearecurrently86enrolled intheprogrammewithcolleaguesbeing enrolled every sixmonths. At themoment, theprogrammeis limited to Dubai but is being considered for roll-out in our other regions.

lEARnInG And dEvElOpmEnT

When we looked at colleague satisfaction drivers amongst ourcolleagues, career development was identified as one of the main factors.

Jumeirah is committed tocontinuousdevelopment.All colleaguesparticipate in ongoing professional and personal development and we have dedicated Learning and Development teams at corporate, regional and property level to ensure that development meets the needsofcolleaguesandJumeirah.

As they begin their careers with us, all colleagues receive a comprehensive Company Orientation. As colleagues’ careersgrow, they are enrolled in internal courses, external development events, online programs, workshops and are sponsored to complete professionaldegreeswhere required.Regularperformance reviewsareinplacetopromoteindividual’spersonalandcareerdevelopment.Alltheseaspectsarecoveredinmoredetailbelow.

Our colleagues

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29 Jumeirah Group


New colleagues, including senior managers, attend a one-day ‘JumeirahOrientation’programme.TheOrientationintroducesnewcolleagues to the Company and covers the key information about the Vision, Hallmarks, Guiding Principles, structure and philosophy ofJumeirahGroup.DuringtheOrientation,ourExecutiveChairmanandChiefOfficerscomeon stage fora ‘meet theexecutive team’session.OthersessionsincludeCorporateResponsibilityandethicalconduct,asessionaboutDubaiandcrossculturalawareness.

New senior managers attend an additional one-day Leadership Orientation to ensure their understanding of their role in modelling behaviours and leading their teams consistent with our values and GuidingPrinciples.


InternaltrainingprogrammesincludeITtraining, languagecourses,customer service training, supervisory programmes, leadership excellence programmes, cultural management, corporate responsibility,health&safety,stressmanagement,personalfinancialmanagementandmanyothercourses.

Weoffermore than200differentcourses (withanaveragecoursesatisfactionrateof4.73outof5)deliveredbymorethan54dedicated,qualifiedandprofessionaltrainers.WealsohaveaLearningGatewaywhich offers 25 online courses that were chosen because of their closealignmenttoJumeirah’sLeadershipcompetencies.

Sponsorship programmes are also offered for colleagues to study in oneoftheaccrediteddegreeprogrammesatTheEmiratesAcademyofHospitalityManagement,whichisalsopartofJumeirahGroup.

In addition, we organize many awareness sessions and seminarscovering specific topics such as employment laws and commercial contracts.18hoursoftrainingpereverythreemonthsaremandatoryforallcolleaguesatnon-manageriallevel.

Theaveragetraininghours incompanytimeforcolleaguesatnon-managerial level per year in 2008 was 86hrs compared to 93hrs in 2007.

While we focus on the quantity of formal training hours foroperational colleagues, we are currently working towards introducing compulsory, role specific training programs for management and leadershipcolleaguesduringthecourseof2009.



our commitment in promoting and developing financial education inthehospitalityindustry.


Cross training means training in a job other than the person’s current job.Itcanbeinthesamedepartmentoradifferentone,inthesameor different hotel or business unit. The cross training programmegives colleagues the opportunity to work alongside colleagues who possess specialist expertise to which they may otherwise not be exposed.Ithelpscolleaguestomakemoreinformeddecisionsaboutalternative careers in our exciting industry and prepares them for a possible future career change/growth. Cross training programmetypicallyis60hours(tobecompletedina3monthtimeframe)andisdoneaccordingtoaformaltrainingplan.


As part of our aim to develop future leaders, Jumeirah has a dedicated ManagementTraineeProgrammeinplace,allowingfreshgraduatesto join the organisation and train in a variety of departments dependingontheirareaof focus.Theprogrammeisalsoopen forhighperformingcolleaguesthatarealreadyemployedbyJumeirah.

Besides the formal training programme, trainees have access to a wide range of additional resources including dialogue and frequent meetings with senior managers in the company, mentors, internal training courses as well as learning opportunities and resources through The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management.Management trainees in the programme are employed by Jumeirah and compensated with a salary that is competitive to an equivalent statusinthelocationofthetraineeship.

The Management Trainee Programme is designed so that allparticipants reach a level of competence required to take on a junior managementpositionattheendoftheprogramme.


A In March 2008, Jumeirah launched ‘Aspiro’, a fast-track careerdevelopment programme for high-achieving students from leading hospitality and management degree programmes as well as existing Jumeirah colleagues. The programme comprises of three levels,CorporateTraineeProgramme,CorporateManagementProgrammeandCorporateExecutiveProgramme.

As part of the new programme, Jumeirah is also actively recruiting Arabic speakers and nationals from top universities and institutions throughouttheMiddleEast.

Our colleagues

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Jumeirah applies a performance management system that focuses ondevelopingindividual’sstrengthsandleadershipcompetencies.Aprocess of ongoing performance discussions, quarterly reviews and a formal annual appraisal for all colleagues facilitates a collaborative developmentculture.Appraisaltrackingwillbesystematisedin2009togiveusup-to-daterecords.Whileweaimfora100%completionof performance reviews, we estimate that currently 60% ofcolleagues receive formal reviews and have a resulting documented developmentplan;andthisissomethingweaimtoworkon.

Weusevariousperformancemanagementtoolssuchpersonalityandabilitytestingtools(e.g.MyersBriggsTypeindicator).360feedbackisalso used to gather information to identify colleagues’ development needs, set personal development objectives and monitor colleague’s progressthroughindividualcareerdevelopmentplans.


WehaveappointedaDirectorofTalentwhosemainobjectiveistoensure that the career growth and individual career and development plansareintegrallylinkedtooursuccessionplans.

In2008,wefocusedonestablishingaTalentManagementSystem(TMS) for all senior management and high potential middlemanagers through extensive talent reviewmeetings. The valuableinformation we have gathered from these reviews is now stored in theTMS,whichisusedprimarilyforsuccessionplanninginlinewithourambitiousgrowthplans.Whenavacancyarises,colleaguesinoursuccessionplansarethefirsttobeconsideredfortheseroles.

Having established a Talent Management System for seniormanagement, we will now be looking at extending this to all middle managementandultimatelyfrontlinecolleagues.


In2008, 1664colleagues (16%)achievedapromotionandanother650(6.3%)transferredtoadifferentposition.WehavealreadyseentransfersbetweenDubai,London,NewYorkandShanghai.Whereverpossibleouraim is tohave20%ofcolleagues inanynewopeninginternallytransferredfromotherJumeirahproperties.


Jumeirah Group regards health and safety as an essential element tothesuccessoftheCompany.ItistheGroup’spolicytotakeeveryreasonable and practical step to provide and maintain a safe and

healthy environment for all colleagues, contractors and third parties toworkin.

We have health and safety committees covering all properties todiscuss matters related to colleagues’ health, safety and security.All colleagues in UAE are represented in these committees in joint consultationwithmanagement.

Effective health and safety practices are encouraged through training, supervision and appropriate equipment. Health and safety is alsopartofourcoretraining.Appropriatejobspecificcoursesarelicensedand permits are provided for jobs such as buggy drivers, lifeguards andchefs.

Internalmonthly food hygiene audits are carried out in colleaguefood and beverage areas and colleague facilities are audited annually byDubaiMunicipality. Audit reports are used to identify areas forimprovement and colleague satisfaction with health and safety initiativesismeasuredthroughourannualColleagueOpinionSurvey.

Jumeirah also seeks to ensure that the health and safety of the public, visitors, customers, contractors and vendors is not jeopardised at any timewhilstusingtheCompany’spremisesandfacilities.Weprovide24-hour access to medical services and our dedicated clinics attended toover10,500colleagues,5,500guestsand300contractors.

Our paramedics also conduct health awareness training. Apreventative medical education, for our colleagues, teach about a variety of medical topics from maintaining a healthy lifestyle to long termillnesslikehypertension,diabetesandheartdisease.

Additional emergency equipment was installed in the Oasis Village clinic to allow a quicker and higher level of response to emergencies andtobringtheclinicinlinewithlocalandinternationalstandards.We have also instituted free health checks at our properties topromotepreventativecare.

Our colleagues

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31 Jumeirah Group


We proactively assist our colleagues in maintaining an effectivebalance between the demands of their work and personal lives.Some examples of how we do this:• WeareoneofthefewhotelcompaniesinDubaitooperatea5day

working week for our managerial and administrative functions• Besidesnormal leave in linewithFederalUAELabourLaw(e.g..

annual,maternityandsick leave),weofferpaidHaj(pilgrimage)leave for up to 15 days and up to 4 paid days each year for study leave

• Weofferstressmanagementcoursesaspartofemployeetraining.• We encourage participation in sponsored sports activities and

tournaments.• Weorganiseregularteambuildingoutdooractivities• Weareworkingonmoreflexibleworkinghourssolutionstosuit

colleagues and business requirements

dIvERSITY And EquAl OppORTunITYAs an equal opportunity employer, Jumeirah actively promotes a working environment which is free from discrimination and where all colleagues are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect in line with our Hallmarks and Guiding Principles. The 100 nationalitiesthat make up Jumeirah give us a unique opportunity to learn, to understandandtovalueourdifferences.

Jumeirah does not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including discrimination based on race, colour, nationality, age, disability or religion.Thisincludesequaltreatmentwithregardstocompensation,working conditions, discipline, benefits, and equal access to opportunitiesforadvancement,training,transferandpromotions.

We also expect our guests, community members, suppliers,contractors and their employees to be treated by our colleagues with respectandintegrity.

Our UAE workforce consists of 67.8% male and 32.2% femaleemployees(comparedto73.7%male,26.3%femaleinJanuary2008).



India 2957 Kenya 350

Philippines 1960 Indonesia 324

Sri Lanka 994 Pakistan 275

Nepal 500 Myanmar 267

China 493 Uzbekistan 231



%Femalecolleagues 32% 6.3%increasesince‘06*

%Colleaguesbetween18-25yearsold 23% Estimated**

%Colleaguesbetween26-35yearsold 49% Estimated**

%Colleaguesover36yearsold 21% Estimated**


** Data estimated based on Colleagues Opinion Survey results conducted inSeptember.2008witharesponserateof83%or9730colleagues.7%ofcolleaguessurveyeddidnotrespondtothequestionregardingtheiragegroup.



Less than 1 year 23.5%

1 - 2 years 16.0%

2 - 3 years 14.9%

3 - 5 years 22.9%

Above 5 years 22.7%


We have well-designed and practiced human resource policiesin place covering all aspects of employment such as the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics policy and the Equal Employment Opportunitypolicy.

WeseektoenhanceourHRpolicies,whilstenablinglocalisationofhost country practices in order to enhance operational effectiveness and efficiency, embrace national differences and meet legal obligations in the host country. The revision of these HR policiescommencedin2008andwillcontinueinto2009.

Our colleagues

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GRISection PageNumber(s) Coverage


1.1 Executive Chairman Statement about the relevance of sustainability to Jumeirah Group and its strategy 5


2.1 Nameoftheorganization. 6

2.2 Primarybrands,products,and/orservices. 7

2.3 Operationalstructureoftheorganization. 7

2.4 Locationoforganization’sheadquarters. 5

2.5 Countriesinwhichtheorganizationsoperationsarelocated. 7

2.6 Natureofownershipandlegalform. 7

2.7 Marketsserved. 6, 7, 14

2.8 Scaleofreportingorganization. 7, 25

2.9 Significantchangesduringthereportingperiod. 7, 8

2.10 Awardsreceivedinthereportingperiod. 3, 26, 30


Report Profile

3.1 Reportingperiodforinformationprovided. 4

3.2 Dateofmostrecentpreviousreport(ifany). N/A

3.3 Reportingcycle. 4

3.4 Contactpointforquestionsregardingthereportoritscontents. 4

Report Scope and Boundary

3.5 Processfordefiningreportcontent. 4, 9

3.6 Boundaryofthereport. 4

3.7 specificlimitationsonthescopeorboundaryofthereport. 4

3.8Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparabilityfromperiodtoperiodand/orbetweenorganizations


3.10 Explanationoftheeffectofanyre-statementsofinformationprovidedinearlierreports,andthereasonsforsuchre-statement. N/A

3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report N/A

3.12 TableidentifyingthelocationoftheStandardDisclosuresinthereport. 32


3.13 Policyandcurrentpracticewithregardtoseekingexternalassuranceforthereport. 2, 10





12, 13

Jumeirah Group 32

Global Reporting Initiative




Partial coverage

N/A Not applicable to this report

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Global Reporting InitiativeG3Index

33 Jumeirah Group



Partial coverage

N/A Not applicable to this report

GRISection PageNumber(s) Coverage




12, 13

4.4 Mechanismsforshareholdersandemployeestoproviderecommendationsordirectiontothehighestgovernancebody. 9, 10, 12, 25, 26

4.9Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organization’s identification and management of economic, environ-mental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards,codesofconduct,andprinciples.

9, 10

4.10Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and socialperformance.


4.13 Membershipsinassociations(suchasindustryassociations)and/ornational/internationaladvocacyorganizations 18, 19

Stakeholder Engagement

4.14 Listofstakeholdergroupsengagedbytheorganization. 9

4.15 Basisforidentificationandselectionofstakeholderswithwhomtoengage. 9

4.16 Approachestostakeholderengagement,includingfrequencyofengagementbytypeandbystakeholdergroup. 9

4.17Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topicsandconcerns,includingthroughitsreporting.



Economic Performance Indicators

Aspect: Market Presence

EC6 Policy,practices,andproportionofspendingonlocally-basedsuppliersatsignificantlocationsofoperation. 17

EC7 Proceduresforlocalhiringandproportionofseniormanagementhiredfromthelocalcommunityatlocationsofsignificantoperation. 27

EC9 Understandinganddescribingindirecteconomicimpacts,includingtheextentoftheimpacts. 18

Environmental Performance Indicators

Aspect: Energy

EN3 Directenergyconsumptionbyprimaryenergysource. 20

EN4 Indirectenergyconsumptionbyprimarysource. 21, 22

EN5 Energysavedduetoconservationandefficiencyimprovements. 21, 22



EN7 Initiativestoreduceindirectenergyconsumptionandreductionsachieved. 21, 22

Aspect: Water

EN8 Total water withdrawal by source 22

EN10 Percentageandtotalvolumeofwaterrecycledandreused. 22

Aspect: Emissions, Effluents, and Waste

EN18 Initiativestoreducegreenhousegasemissionsandreductionsachieved. 21, 22, 23

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Global Reporting InitiativeG3Index

GRISection PageNumber(s) Coverage

Aspect: Products and Services

EN26 Initiativestomitigateenvironmentalimpactsofproductsandservices,andextentofimpactmitigation. 20, 21, 22, 23

Social Performance Indicators


Aspect : Public Policy

SO5 Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying 18, 19

Labour Practices and Decent Work

Aspect: Employment

LA1 Totalworkforcebyemploymenttype,employmentcontract,andregion. 25

LA3 Benefitsprovidedtofull-timeemployeesthatarenotprovidedtotemporaryorpart-timeemployees,bymajoroperations. 27

Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety

LA6Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees that help monitor and adviceonoccupationalhealthandsafetyprograms.


LA8Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community membersregardingseriousdiseases.


Aspect: Training and Education

LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category 29

LA11Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managingcareerendings.

28, 29, 30

LA12 Percentageofemployeesreceivingregularperformanceandcareerdevelopmentreviews. 29, 30

Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunity

LA13Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership,andotherindicatorsofdiversity.

13, 27, 31

Product Responsibility

Product Responsibility Performance Indicators

Aspect: Product and Service Labelling

PR15 Practicesrelatedtocustomersatisfaction,includingresultsofsurveysmeasuringcustomersatisfaction. 14, 15, 16



Partial coverage

N/A Not applicable to this report

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TheEmiratesAcademyofHospitality Management

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