Junior Handbook Your essential guide to the 2014 season

Junior registration booklet 2014

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Junior Handbook

Your essential guide to

the 2014 season

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Welcome.................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Football Development Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 5

UHCF Draft Strategic Plan 2014-2018 ...................................................................................................................... 6

Player Programmes & Development Opportunities ............................................................................................... 7

All Star Academy .................................................................................................................................................... 7

Chile Tour - 2015 .................................................................................................................................................... 7

Girls Only ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

It’s a Football Community! ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Parents and Caregivers — What You Need to Know ............................................................................................ 9

Which team? ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Player Grading ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

Fixtures and Cancellations .................................................................................................................................... 11

Gear ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Ground Locations .................................................................................................................................................. 12

2014 Registration Fees ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Keep up to date ..................................................................................................................................................... 13

Fundraising and Sponsorship ................................................................................................................................ 14

Junior Calendar ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

Junior Contacts ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

Junior Sub-Committee 2014 .................................................................................................................................. 18

Junior Grade Managers ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Schools Liaison .................................................................................................................................................... 19

Club Rules and Regulations .................................................................................................................................. 20

The Final Word… .................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Your volunteer committee has been hard at work since last season to make the 2014 season a memorable one. The

Junior section of UHCF carried out a Survey in September and October 2013 from which we have based the

Strategic Plan for the next few years. The committee has been working closely with Capital Football and feel that the

relationship and initiatives will be very positive for the club moving forward.

We wish to acknowledge not only the volunteer committee but the parents of players that dedicate their time towards

the success of the club. However, we are desperately short of volunteers, both on the Committee and for general

assistance, so if you can spare a few hours we are always looking for people to contribute in some way. Please do

make yourself known. Thanks also to the sponsors, coaches and managers for their continued support that

contributes to making the club a successful one.

There are many opportunities to be involved this year. The committee is presenting many opportunities to increase

your coaching and refereeing qualifications and it will be a prerequisite to attend these courses to coach. Look out

for the schedule on the club website or the club Facebook page. These two sites are packed with information and

will be supported by the initiation of the Monthly Newsletter which will be distributed via email and available online.

The club has a strong and proud history. Upper Hutt Juniors has produced many talented players that have

progressed to higher honours. With the continued support of the club we hope that all Junior players will continue to

develop while enjoying the team and club atmosphere. Many children will have the opportunity to be ballkids for the

senior teams at Maidstone Turf and represent UHCF as honour guards for the Wellington Phoenix (already achieved

this twice during January 2014).

Director of Football, Pedro Garcias has indicated that there will be a greater influence for the whole club on how

UHCF Juniors play this year - whole of club approach to football (in line with New Zealand Football). This will be

directed by Pedro through the Grade Managers and Team Managers. Please support these initiatives as UHCF

strives for even greater success. Let the coaches do their jobs by supporting them from the sidelines; not by


Maidstone Turf is the home of the Mighty Rua. This year we are endeavouring to have at least one training on the

turf for all teams and maybe some matches, schedule permitting. This is a fantastic venue and is developing as a

great home base for the club. The Club Executive strongly encourages the Friends of Football initiative to help build

the facility as the main sporting hub in Upper Hutt. Just ask at the club rooms or a committee member on how you

can become involved as a Friend of Football.

Finally we wish you a fantastic and rewarding 2014 season full of opportunity. The only way to make this happen is

to be proactive and become involved. We look forward to an enjoyable and successful season ahead for you, your

family and your club.

Let’s go orange! Upper Hutt City Football | Junior Committee

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Football Development Philosophy

Our role is to provide a positive, rewarding and first class learning environment, one that maximises potential,

encourages a sense of belonging and a life-long passion for football.

Our intent is to share and promote the vision and values of New Zealand Football, delivering best practice in a

challenging and professional setting that is enjoyable, inclusive, community and family orientated. Our club prides

itself on the enthusiasm, dedication and commitment of all its members, supporters and volunteers.

Through assisted discovery and a progressive development plan for all involved in the game, our aim is to develop

talented and intelligent players with individual playing personalities and mental toughness to be competitive.

Positive team ethics and respect is held in high regard, developing life skills on and off the field.

Development is a continuum and our success is measured by how far we have come; not by where we are now or

how far we have yet to go.

Pedro Garcías

Director of Coaching

Upper Hutt City Football

Email: [email protected]

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UHCF Draft Strategic Plan 2014-2018

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Player Programmes & Development Opportunities

Upper Hutt City Football has one of the largest junior sections in the Wellington region, with almost 600 players aged

from 4 to 17 representing the club every weekend. From First Kicks for the pre-schoolers just starting out through to

our elite Travel League (formerly JPL and Promo) squads and U17s teams, there are countless opportunities for

young boys and girls at Upper Hutt City Football.

Whether you want to play socially with your friends or push yourself to our top club teams, Federation Talent Centre

and maybe national and international honours, you will find a positive and nurturing environment with a coaching

team that loves football as much as you do.

Upper Hutt City Football follows the Junior Framework developed by New Zealand Football in its Whole of Football

plan. This is specifically designed to ensure every child gets the most from their involvement in football and we

strongly recommend that you take some time to read it. You can find additional information on the Capital Football

website (www.capitalfootball.org.nz) under Football Development in the main menu.

All Star Academy

In addition to the regular team coaching, Upper Hutt City Football offers an All Star Football Academy, run by

Director of Coaching Pedro Garcias. This intensive programme operates throughout the year and is highly

recommended for those players, male and female, who want to push themselves to become even better footballers.

It’s perfect for those with ambitions to progress through the Capital Football / New Zealand Football Talent Pathway.

Details are still being finalised for the winter programme but in the meantime, you can find out more about the All

Stars Academy on the club website or contact Pedro 027 457 0770, email [email protected].

Chile Tour - 2015

Plans are underway for a football tour to Chile (Pedro’s home country) in 2015. It is anticipated that the tour will

include games with local teams, training sessions with Chilean coaches and players, attendance at a number of

professional games as well as sightseeing and the usual tourist activities.

This will be offered first to All Star Academy participants. If you would like further information about the tour, please

contact Dean Chandler, [email protected] .

Girls Only

Under the expert guidance of Lorraine Bowring, Upper Hutt City Football has set the standard for the development of

junior female footballers in the greater Wellington region. In season 2013, the club had over 120 female players

(junior and senior) with three Girls’ Only teams playing in Capital Football’s mixed junior competitions, as well as

teams taking part in the Girls’ Only Sunday competitions.

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In addition to the regular team coaching, Upper Hutt City Football also offers a Girls’ Development Squad for those

female footballers (aged 11-14) who want to further develop their skills. The GDS follows the Girls’ Only Framework

developed by New Zealand Football and is highly recommended for those female footballers who wish to progress

along the New Zealand Football / Capital Football Talent Pathway.

For our Under 10s, we offer Introduction to Girls’ Only Football Workshops during the holidays. There is a nominal

fee for these.

For more information on the opportunities available to female players at Upper Hutt City Football, please contact

Women’s and Girls’ Club Captain, Lorraine Bowring on 021 161 0951, email

[email protected]

It’s a Football Community!

Upper Hutt City Football also provides School Holiday Programmes, a Football for Schools Programme and ASB

Fun Football Centres for local schools. Details of these are published in the Junior section of the club website.

Selected teams take part in several tournaments throughout the year including Kapiti (Easter), Douglas Villa,

Wynton Rufer, Taupo and Karori Cup (Karori v Upper Hutt tournament across several junior grades).

We also host our own BNZ Girls’ Only Kick-It Tournament (March), and interclub tournament for our Hutt Valley

(non- Travel League) teams at the start of each season.

Our juniors are also huge supporters of the Wellington Phoenix, taking part in the “March to the Match” each year

and helping out as ballkids and honour guards at Phoenix games.

Our juniors (and their families) are also very welcome at our own senior games. Our top men’s and women’s team

both play in the region’s top league (Men’s Central League and Women’s Central League) and would love to see our

juniors and their families cheering them from the sidelines on game day. The noisier the better! Weekly senior

fixtures are posted on the club website and also on the Capital Football website (www.capitalfootball.org.nz).

And our Orange Days are legendary! The wilder and wackier your orange costume – the better!!

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Parents and Caregivers

— What You Need to Know

Which team?

For those players in 9th Grade and above, one of the first decisions you need to make is whether or not your child

wishes to take part in the grading sessions for our top teams. This process starts in 9th grade in preparation for entry

into the Travel Leagues in 10th grade and above.

Travel League teams are essentially our 1st and 2nd teams in each grade. Players in these teams are expected to

commit to two training sessions per week during winter and pre-season training and commit to their team by being

available on game days (usually Saturday mornings) throughout the season. Travel Leagues are made up of teams

from the wider Wellington region.

During the season players may move between teams to ensure we have all players in the correct teams based on

performance and attendance at trainings and games.

Alternatively, non-travelling teams (Hutt Valley) usually train once a week (although this depends on your team’s

approach to the season), plus commit to games once a week throughout winter. UHCF will enter between 4-8

teams per grade into the non-travelling leagues. Registrations in each grade will determine the final number of

teams in each grade.

Player Grading

The Grading Process

Coaches will meet with Grade Managers to confirm the grading format.

Players will be invited to attend and participate in the trials.

Players will be assessed during the trials.

Selectors will meet after each trial to discuss player attributes.

After the 2nd (or 3rd session if required), the Travelling Squad will be selected. Thereafter Non-Travelling League Teams (HV Competition) will be named.

Parents / Caregivers will be contacted by their Grade Manager informing them of the team their player has been selected to.

Players who wish to play in a more social oriented team with their friends, should make this known to the selectors at their first grading appearance.

Players do not have to attend grading. No attendance at Grading = Non-Travelling League (HV competition team).

Travelling League Players must attend grading for selection. Grade managers may vary this rule on a case by case basis.

The Grade Manager is the final arbiter of any selection disputes.

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The Grading Format

The club grading format has been developed to provide consistency across the grades and to assure players and

parents alike that the grading process is conducted in an equitable and fair manner. It also ensures players are

placed in teams suitable to their level of ability.

Key Assessment Areas

NZF Whole of Football (Mini Football) Grading Criteria:

Technical competency – the ability to perform basic skills under pressure

Game Intelligence – decision making, anticipation, pro-activeness

Physical capacity – speed, agility, strength, endurance

Additional Considerations – character and personality

New Zealand Football Whole of Football (WoF) best practice recommendations have been incorporated into the

grading process to assess technical competency and enable selectors to gauge player ability. Specific age-groups

will place emphasis on some areas more than others. The aim of grading is to ensure players get the opportunity to

show their wares.

Most grades conduct at least two grading sessions which are progressive with selectors mixing players to get a good

look at all attending. Small-sided and age-group appropriate sided games will be played for a maximum of 15-

minutes duration.

Selectors aim to give all players equal game time and opportunity to rest and take on fluids. Selectors should also

take into account previous knowledge and past performance of returning players. The committee will supply at least

one impartial experienced coach to assist coaches in selection. It should be noted that the coach must be able to

select HIS or HER team. The impartial selector is basically there to assist and ensure the grading process is fair and



Designed to develop accuracy and shooting using both feet.

Using standard goals, each player will take 3 realistic strikes (i.e. with some power, as they would in a game) from

varying angles (right, centre and left) with the objective to score goals. Players must touch the ball to the side of the

cone and strike at goal using the related foot to the cone (right foot – right cone, left foot – left cone and either foot is

allowed for the central cone). A cone or pole should be placed approximately 2m inside each goal post. Shooting

distance should be relative to the age and ability of players.


Encourages the use of both feet by passing over a short distance.

Players should demonstrate their ability to conduct a basic side foot pass with both feet between 2 cones set

approximately 1 metre apart with the distance dictated by the coaches and commensurate with player age and level

of ability.

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Designed to measure close control whilst at pace.

Players set out from a start point and weave in and out of at least 6 cones placed in a line using the inside outside of

both feet and return the ball to the start point in a reasonable time set by the coach. Distance between cones to be

set by coaches. Coaches should look for how closely the ball is controlled and the shielding of the ball while

rounding cones. Also coaches should look for balance and speed.


The aim is to keep the ball off the ground for as long as possible.

This challenge is a way of promoting self-practice away from the formal environment and although not a key

component of the game it aims to provide players with more touches of the ball whilst practicing. This can be done

in a group or individual setting.


Designed to measure the ability to turn/change direction when travelling at pace and in tight areas.

This can be done in a group or individual setting

Grading for the 2014 season is now complete. If you have any questions, please contact the Grade Co-

ordinator for your grade. You can find their contact details on the club website (Junior section).

Fixtures and Cancellations

Your team manager will advise you of the time and location of your weekly games. However, you can also find

these on the Capital Football website (www.capitalfootball.org.nz), usually from the Wednesday before the game.

Simply click on Fixtures and find the relevant grade. Once you have found your game, you can then click on the

little Game Reminder icon and SportingPulse will send you an email reminder of your game. (You will need to

create a SportingPulse account first).

Last season Capital Football had most of the cancellations on its website by the Friday night, but it is advisable to

check again and listen to the radio, Newstalk ZB 89.3FM, 1035 AM on Saturday mornings after the news from 7am

onwards. Parents, please be proactive and use your initiative. Don’t just wait for your team coach or manager to

contact you; chances are they are rushing around trying to organise their kids, just like you are!

Coaches and managers, you may wish to use an online facility called Teamer to manage your team and keep

members informed. You can find this at www.teamer.net .

You may also choose to communicate with your team via Facebook. If doing so, please set this up as a Group and

not a new Upper Hutt City Football page. The only Facebook page should be the overall club one.


Players from 7th -14th grade will be provided with a club-issued playing top. Players in our top Travel League and

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JPL teams will also be provided with club shorts. These remain the property of the club and are to be returned to

your team manager at the end of the season.

Players will require club socks, shin pads and boots (and shorts depending on which team they are in). These can

be purchased from Maidstone Sports, 2 Geange Street, Upper Hutt (everything) and official club sponsor, Football

Central in Wellington (www.footballcentral.co.nz) (boots and shinpads only).

Ground Locations

See Capital Football website.

2014 Registration Fees

First Kicks (4-6)

$85 per player ($3.69 per week)

7th-12th grade

$95 per player ($4.13 per week)

13th & 14th grade

$120 per player ($5.22 per week)


$140 per player (possible additional $40 if training on turf – TBC)

For those families with more than one child, you will receive a $10 discount voucher which can be put

towards your team photos this year.

What your fees cover:

Capital Football fees

At least one training session (weeknights between 4.30pm-7.00pm) on Maidstone Turf

And/or game (TBC) per week at the Maidstone Turf.

All equipment, shirts and coaching.

First Kicks will be run at Maidstone Turf, Saturday morning from 8am to 9am.

No additional Turf Fee charges or separate turf bills and payments.

Prizegiving certificates, medals & trophies.

Majority of Tournament fees paid

That is outstanding value.

The season runs from Friday 4th April 2014 to 31st August 2014.

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This season all junior teams will train (or play) on the all-weather astro-turf at our recently redeveloped multi-million

dollar facility at Maidstone Park at least once a week. This, combined with an increase in fees from Capital

Football does mean a slight increase in Registration Fees for the season, but we're sure you'll agree it's more than

worth it for the additional benefit of being able to train or play regardless of the weather.

Online Payments

Club's bank account details for online payments: 03 0502 0081963-03.

When completing an online payment please include players SURNAME, FIRST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH when

asked for particulars for the club's bank statement.

If you cannot make an online payment please contact Debbie Stephens on 021-2441395 or

[email protected]

Keep up to date


Want to know what’s happening at Upper Hutt City Football Club?

First place to look is the club website

www.upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz . Once we really get into the

season, this will be updated at least weekly with news, senior

fixtures, photos, match reports, club events and so on. Head to the

Junior section and you’ll find info on School Holiday Programme

dates, All Star Academy dates, Fun Football Programmes etc etc.

And we’d love your match reports and team photos! Please send

these to [email protected] (be aware however,

that some children don’t want their photos taken, so please check

with the parents in your team first).


Logged into Facebook? Please do “Like”

our Facebook page. This is one of the

most popular local football pages in the

region (if not the country!) and it’s a great

source of information and updates.

Comments and feedback are very

welcome, but please keep it friendly folks.

You can find us at


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We dipped our toes into Twitter last year and hope to use it a bit more this season, particularly for instant updates

from our senior games. Follow us www.twitter.com/UHCFOOTBALL


We’re introducing a monthly newsletter this year, to be issued just after each monthly Junior Committee meeting to

keep you up to date with Junior news and events. Please note, this doesn’t replace any emails or communication

from your manager and/or Grade Managers, or you proactively looking up our website or Facebook pages. It’s just

another way of getting information to you so that you don’t miss out on anything important.

If you don’t want to receive these newsletters, you will be able to unsubscribe using the link on the newsletter. Bear

in mind however, that you could miss out on important club information if you do!

Fundraising and Sponsorship

Junior Fundraisers

This season, we’re planning two major fundraising events to help with the cost of purchasing new junior gear and

equipment. Please do help us to spread the word and encourage support for these events.

1) Rua Gutbuster Fun Run. This will be a whole of club event, with all funds going towards junior gear. The

event will be run in stages, to suit different age groups and abilities. Planning is underway so keep a look out

on Facebook and club website for more info.

2) Goal Day. It’s a great fundraiser for the club, but we do realise it needs to be done earlier, so, watch this


Individual teams may also choose to have their own fundraising events to help with, for example, tournament

participation costs. The club can help you promote these; just send details to [email protected] to

be included on the club website and Facebook page.

Friends of Football

Friends of Upper Hutt City Football is an ambitious fundraising initiative to raise $50,000! Cost is as little as $5 a

week for a year and in return you’ll receive a special Friends of Football supporters’ package which includes your

name engraved on the new deck as a lasting momento of your support. For more information or an application form,

please contact Phil Gorman, [email protected]

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Do you, or anyone you know, own or work for a business which would be keen to support local junior football?

Various sponsorship options are available from as little as $100 for a trophy at prizegiving, to $1000 for your

company name on a playing strip. For further information, or to discuss how sponsoring Upper Hutt City Football

Juniors could benefit your business, please contact Gillian Patterson, [email protected]

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Junior Calendar

These dates may be subject to change. Updates will be provided through your Grade Manager/Team Manager, on

the Junior calendar on the club website (www.upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz) and club Facebook page.


20 Coaches and Managers Meeting

23 Junior Tournament (Hutt Valley teams)


, 9th, 11

th grades

29 BNZ Girls’ Kick-It Tournament, Davis Field

30 Junior Tournament (Hutt Valley teams)


, 10th

, 12th

, 14th



4/5/6 First weekend of winter football

19/20 Easter Holidays, no league games or First Kicks

Kapiti Coast Tournament (top team 10th


Grade, U17s)

26/27 No league or First Kicks games

27 Karori Cup (TBC)

Top two teams from each grade.


11 Stop Out Wynton Rufer Tournament


and 10th Grade

12/13 Team Photos (TBC)

18 Stop Out Wynton Rufer Tournament


and 8th Grade

25 Reserve date for Wynton Rufer Tournament

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12/13 No league games or First Kicks (school holidays)

19/20 Decision pending from Capital Football


30/31 Last weekend of the season (weather dependent)


6 (TBC) Wests Tournament


teams (1st teams can enter at own cost), 7


th grade

Douglas Villa Tournament

1st teams, 7

th – 14

th grade and Girls Only

Other teams can enter at own cost

18/19 Prize Giving


11/12 Taupo Tournament.

Top team 9th

– 14th grade, Girls’ only teams, boys U17s

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Junior Contacts

*****URGENT!!! Can you help us fill the gaps?*****

Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager, Events Manager, Heretaunga College Liaison, Fun Football Manager

(term 2 onwards)

We'd also love to hear from anyone who can help us out for an hour or two for specific events such as

tournaments or photo nights. You don't need to commit to being regularly available or come to Committee

Meetings - just an occasional hour or two.

Contact [email protected] for more info.

Junior Sub-Committee 2014

Position Name Home Phone Mobile Email

Club Captain (Juniors)


Secretary Jen Tyson 0274407388 [email protected]

Treasurer Jimmy Young 970 2100 021 873 060 [email protected]

Club Captain (Women and Girls)

Lorraine Bowring 972 0951 021 161 0951 [email protected]

Director of Coaching Pedro Garcias 027 457 0770 [email protected]

Registrations and Recording Officer

Debbie Stephens 528 8892 021 244 1395 [email protected]

Marketing / Comms Gillian Patterson 565 4065 027 262 1767 [email protected]

Sponsorship Vacant

Equipment Officer John Blaikie 029 474 9041 [email protected]

Trophy Officer Suzanne Modd 526 8311 021 152 3698 [email protected]

Tournament Controller

Linda Gillanders 526 6996 027 472 8200 [email protected]

Member Linda Blaikie 526 6240 027 460 0095 [email protected]

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Junior Grade Managers

Position Name Home Phone Mobile Email

First Kicks James Lamb 027 266 9295 [email protected]


Grade Jimmy Young 9702100 021 873 060 [email protected]


Grade Louise Poland 527 4948 027 756 4504 [email protected]


Grade Chris Lamont 528 6893 029 399 1640 [email protected]


Grade Tim Peirce 027 253 5862 [email protected]


Grade Allan & Gabby Boag 528 2624 021 379 671 [email protected]


Grade Donna Springgay 971 9085 027 429 5486 [email protected]


Grade Suzanne Modd 526 8311 021 152 3698 [email protected]


Grade Linda Gillanders 526 6996 027 472 8200 [email protected]

Youth Jon Martin 529 7363 [email protected]

Schools Liaison

School Name Home Phone Mobile Email

Fun Football Centres

(Primary Schools) Kerry Oram [email protected]

Heretaunga College Vacant

Upper Hutt College Sonia van der Vegt 526 3244 027 779 9928 [email protected]

HIBS Jon Martin 529 7363 [email protected]

St Pats College Tim Peirce

027 253 5862 [email protected]

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Club Rules and Regulations

Please note that the club is also subject to the Rules and Conditions of Capital Football, Federation 5

(www.capitalfootball.org.nz – Resources tab).

1. The Club’s Junior section is open to all children up to the age of 17, regardless of colour or creed.

2. All membership fees will be paid at registration, unless the committee has agreed on alternative

arrangements. Any child who is not financial at the start of the playing season will not be allowed to take the

field in competition. First Kicks registrations are welcome throughout the season. Fees will be payable on a

pro rata basis.

3. All children, providing that they are financial members, injury free, and free of disciplinary measures, will be

allowed to play in the weekly Capital Football competition, and whatever tournament they are chosen for.

4. The main ideal, for playing, will be enjoyment.

5. The Club and its Coaches will endeavour to teach children the basics of the game, ball skills required and the

rules of the game.

6. Wherever possible, the Club will provide the best possible Coaches who will be familiar with the game of

football or instruct would-be Coaches in how to coach and the laws of the game by the means of coaches

and referees courses.

7. The grades will start at First Kicks which includes children born 2009 and will go as far as 14th Grade where

after they will play for their college and/or our U17s teams.

8. The 7th and 8th Grades will not be graded and will be arranged in geographical areas or schools wherever

possible. The team will be known by sponsor name or school.

9. The 9th and 10th Grades will be graded, in deciding who is the first or second team coach, the task is to be

given to the Grade Manager and should go to the most suitable applicant. Experience and qualifications

should be considered when making the selection.

10. For the 11th Grade to 14th Grades, in deciding who is the first or second team coach, the task is to be given

to the Director of Coaching, Coaching Co-ordinator, Grade Manager, or Chairperson, and should go to the

most suitable applicant. Experience and qualifications should be considered when making the selection.

Where the Grade Manager is also an applicant to coach the team, another Committee Member or Grade

Manager will replace them on the Selection Committee.

11. Coaches can be removed if they encourage their team to cheat, swear, or use foul play.

12. They can also be removed if they consistently do not turn up for games, do not have practices, or it is outwith

their ability to teach their players the basics. They can also be removed if two-thirds of the team’s parents

object to the Coach taking their children, but this must be submitted in writing in the form of a petition. The

same arbitrary committee as in paragraph 10 will sit in judgment of a Coach guilty of these misconducts.

13. Any Player suspended by the Governing Association could face additional suspension if deemed necessary

by the Arbitrary Committee from paragraph 10.

14. The Committee shall have the power to suspend for any such time, as it sees fit, any Team Player, Official,

Member, Parent, or Person who shall be guilty of any breach of these rules, objectionable or improper

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behaviour during or in connection with any match or of such other acts that the Committee deem misconduct.

15. Any Player under Doctors orders for injury or sickness will not be allowed to take the field until clearance is


16. The Coach can discipline any Player not turning up for games or practice for no reason or not informing the

Coach. No child will be penalised if practice or games conflict with religious beliefs or part-time work.

Substitutions are to be equally applied around all the team.

17. Assistance from Parents is encouraged, but coaching instructions and direction of the players is the

Coaches, Managers or his/her appointed stand-ins responsibility.

18. The equipment, balls, cones, practice bibs, team jerseys, team shorts (if applicable), team gear bag are the

property of the Club. Club equipment including jerseys, are not to be used without the permission of the

Equipment Officer. Team Playing Strips are to be kept throughout the season. They are not to be taken

home by individual players. The exception to this rule is female players, where it is not deemed

appropriate to remove the shirt on the field. Jerseys should be washed immediately after use. (Dried mud

stains the fabric).

19. Do NOT use pre wash soaking solutions. All equipment, jerseys, shorts, gloves, bibs and gear bags are to be

washed before returning at the end of the season. NO shirts or equipment are to be swapped between

teams. Contact the Equipment Officer if you have any queries.

20. Players selected for away tournaments must provide a signed medical release form (supplied by the club)

before being allowed to travel to tournaments. A Player cannot attend an away tournament if the medical

release form is not handed to the Team Manager/Grade Manager before travelling. An adult must

accompany all players travelling away or staying in accommodation.

21. Representative Football Tournaments will always have precedence over club tournaments, as laid down in

the Federation rules, but if it only involves practice, every endeavour will be made to release players for Club


22. Players must attend the grading session in their own grade for their age group first before being invited to

attend the grading session for the grade above (or below for girls who can play down a grade and 2 grades

at 14th grade). They may play in a higher grade than their age dictates if it is considered beneficial for both

the club and the individual. A player should make every effort to attend trials at both levels to avoid missing

out on a position in graded teams at both levels. Any player who wishes to be considered for this MUST

discuss with their Grade Manager. Each individual case will be reviewed annually by the Grade Manager.

23. The Management Committee can do any amendments, additions or alterations at any future time providing

SEVEN of the same committee is present at a normal monthly meeting.

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The Final Word…

Edited from Northern Gold Coast Netball Association

Please remember

1. These are kids

2. This is a game

3. The coaches are


4. The referees are human

5. This is NOT… the English Premier League, (or even the Hyundai A-League!)

6. Enjoy the game

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Clubrooms: Maidstone Park Turf, Park Road, Upper Hutt Postal Address: PO Box 40-415, Upper Hutt


Upper Hutt City Football (Juniors) would like to thank and

acknowledge the support of these sponsors and charitable trusts

which provide us with funding to enable the successful operation of

our club.

Please do support these organisations where you can.