7/23/2019 jurnal OSCC http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/jurnal-oscc 1/17 Aldy Novrizal 0906554390  Liviu Feller, Johan Lemmer  Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2012, 3, 263-268  Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation and Treatment

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Aldy Novrizal

0906554390 Liviu Feller, Johan Lemmer

 Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2012, 3, 263-268

 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma:Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation

and Treatment

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Oral cancer is the sith most common cancer !orld!ide"ore than #$% o& all oral cancers are'is( &actors &or oral SCC

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Habits Of 

Chewing Tobao

)n the


The highestincidence andprevalence o&

oral SCC

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  The ai! of this artile

to revie! the epidemiology, clinical

&eatures, and prognosis o& oralSCC+

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Oral "CC fre#$ently a%et

Epidemiology o& Oral SCC


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O'A( "CC )N &*"T*'NCO+NT')*"

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ventral s$rfae of the tong$e and the ,oor of the !o$thventral s$rfae of the tong$e and the ,oor of the !o$thlined by thin non-Carinogens an a$!$lateOral "CC

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.ri!ary t$!o$r iss!all and no

evidene of regional

ly!.hnodeinvolve!ent or

distant !etastasis

/'ONO")" )" 1*"T

Clinical Features and Course o&Oral SCC

 TN2 stage T-t$!o$r size N-

nodal!etastasis 2-

distant!etastasis ofthe .ri!ary

t$!o$rorrelates well

with thes$rvival rate

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already of s$bstantial size and linially detetable"CC of the li. hard .alate and !aillary"CC of the tong$e of the ,oor of the !o$th and of t

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Ethnicity and SocioEconomicStatus as They 'elate to Oral SCC

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red$e the inidene of the diseaseis to detet the disease in its initial stagesto .ro!.tly instit$te e%etive and e7ient treat!ent

Prevention and Control o& OralSCC

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reduce the incidence o& oral SCC *y almost-$%

abstinene fro! the$se of tobao betel

#$id and ons$!.tionof aloholi beverages

together with an

inrease in fresh fr$itsand vegetables in thediet

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As a /ratitioner8

routinely per&orm

oral so&t tissueeaminations !hoare (no!n to practice

ha*its associated!ith increased ris( o&

oral cancer

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 The treat!ent of oral "CC

: eision;resetion

<: radio-thera.y

3: syste!i ytotoi he!othera.y

4: blo=ing of e.ithelial growth fator ree.tor*>-'

5: or a o!bination of these

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eradiate the aner

/ri!ar y Ai! of the treat!ent

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The use of tobacco and betel quid, heavydrinking of alcoholic beverages and a diet lowin fresh fruits and vegetables are the majorrisk factors for oral SCC.

The 5-year survival rate is oor at about 5!",mainly because about two-thirds of ersonswith oral SCC already have large lesions at thetime of diagnosis.
