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image brochure of juwi Group, project development wind energy, solar energy, bio energy, green buildings, hydropower, geothermal, enregy mix, renewable energies

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The juwi board (f.l.t.r.):Jochen Magerfleisch and company founders Matthias Willenbacher and Fred Jung.

3 Anything is possible

4 We make it happen

6 We construct your power plant

8 Our energy sources

10 Innovations for the future

12 We provide independence

14 Everything remains in your region

16 Economic and reliable

18 For a livable future


Energy is here – decentralized and renewable. Natural resources are

available in nearly infinite quantities, the technologies are at hand,

and the development processes have been tried and tested. There is

a wide range of projects that give proof. Working together to promote

renewable energies efficiently and reliably: this is our drive, our

passion. They are safe, renewable, and profitable – and they represent

a win-win scenario for everyone.

Renewable energies not only protect the climate and the environment,

they also free people, companies, and communities from financial

burdens. The decentralized generation and use of renewable energies

helps to create value in regions. New jobs are created, infrastructure

is improved, tax and leasing revenues increase. In short, renewable

energies make it possible to combine profitable business with a

respectful relationship with people and nature.

It is our goal to produce 100 percent decentralized, renewable en-

ergies – and to do it as quickly as possible. We want to work toward

this goal together with you. There are plenty of opportunities to get

involved. juwi combines all of the skills needed for a successful project,

under one roof. Consultation, site assesment, planning, financing,

implementation and operation – at juwi you get everything from a single

provider. This applies to power and heat production plants as well as

to the integration of energy-efficient technologies and sustainable

products – such as electricity and wood pellets – into our everyday

activities. Our references show that we successfully deliver what we

promise – together with all of our partners.

Renewable energies are economically viable, reliable, and they promote independence.


Jochen Magerfleisch Matthias Willenbacher Fred Jung

Annual worldwide power need Solar energy Geothermal energy Hydropower bio energy Wind energy


WE GENERATE ClEAN ENERGYRenewable energies are economical and reliable – juwi has shown

that since 1996. As a general contractor, we cover the entire process

chain for the construction of systems for using wind, solar and bio

energy. From consultation and site assessment all the way through to

planning, financing and construction, as well as technical and business


We integrate all partners in the planning process, take their wishes

into account, and solve conflicts of interest. Around the world, more

than 1,400 qualified juwi employees are working passionately to

achieve a comprehensive renewable energy mix. We combine various

types of energy, thereby providing for the basic conditions needed to

offer a complete supply of environmentally friendly power to private

households, companies and communities based on demand.

WE IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCYIt is equally important to use this energy intelligently and efficiently. For

this reason, in addition to constructing and operating renewable power

plants, juwi also develops concepts to improve energy efficiency, for

example in the areas of building technology, electric mobility and the

storage of renewable energy. Through the construction of production

plants for natural, climate-neutral wood fuels in many regions in

Germany and by opening regional offices for photovoltaic rooftop

systems, juwi offers many people the opportunity to actively participate

in the energy revolution in their area.


Renewable energies provided close to 20 percent of global energy consumption in 2010. This figure will continue to rise within the next years.

Excellent conditions for the journey into the era of renewable energies: The potential is large enough to completely cover the world’s power

and heat requirements with renewable energies.

Potential of renewable energies exceeds worldwide energy requirements

Renewable energies are available everywhere. juwi demonstrates in numerous projects how to combine renewables in a clean energy mix, for example in the Energy Landscape in Morbach, Germany.


Consulting Planning Development Financing

Construction Management


The construction of wind farms, solar energy, and bio energy installations is our core competence. For each project we combine our know-how from different areas.

juwi develops a strategy that takes into account the interests of all

partners while integrating all installations into the landscape and

nature. What kinds of energy can be used efficiently in a particular

location? What interests need to be taken into account as the project

is being planned? We answer these questions first. Once the basic

requirements are fulfilled, juwi designs the entire process for the

construction and operation of the plant. We then procure the contracts

needed to lease or purchase areas and pieces of land. We manage

the application and approval processes, take the needs of the region’s

residents into account, and contract subcontractors and system

manufacturers. Suppliers, skilled workers, and technicians work hand

in hand – sometimes over the course of many months. juwi coordinates

and supervises their work with a great deal of skill and experience. This

way, we facilitate the fast and cost-efficient construction of renewable

power plants.

juwi also looks for investors and develops financing models. We select

banks, obtain cost-efficient lines of credit, and integrate regional

energy suppliers as additional financing partners. The juwi group also

supports you if you want to implement your projects using community

participation financing models.

juwi remains your contact partner once your plant is connected to the

grid. We monitor and optimize the efficiency of your power plants over

a period of more than 20 years. Regular inspections, continuous remote

monitoring, and close cooperation with the manufacturers guarantees

high technical availability for your plants. In addition, we take care of

all business tasks for the project. This includes managing questions

regarding taxes and insurance and delivering detailed reports to


For a successful project you will make many decisions. Your advan-

tage at juwi: You get all services one-stop. Our staff will accompany

you from the initial idea to the economic operation of your plant.

Project development from A to Z


juwi has more than 80 wind turbine project locations worldwide and the potential for growth in

the wind sector continues to increase, especially with regard to attractive onshore locations and

locations abroad. By the end of 2015, we will have developed wind power projects all over the

world with a total capacity of more than 2,500 megawatts. Already today, wind power is available

at a price of between five and nine euro cents per kWh, thereby making it the most economic

form of energy. Clean wind power is smoothly integrated into the energy supply network and

purchase is guaranteed at fixed rates in many countries. In addition to site assessment, planning

projects and implementing them, we also take care of all project financing as well as technical

and commercial management.


juwi is active in all different branches of renewable energies: wind, solar, and bio energy as well as hydro-power and geothermal energy. We have successfully completed a large number of projects around the world.

• Number of wind turbines worldwide: > 485

• Installed capacity: > 800 megawatts (MW)

• Investment volume: approx. EUR 1.2 billion

• Annual energy yield: approx. 2 billion kWh

• Annual CO2 saving: approx. 1.6 million tons

Guanacaste Wind Farm | Costa Rica

• 55 turbines

• Total capacity: 49.5 MW

• Annual yield: approx. 240 million kWh

• Corresponds to the annual consumption of

approx. 70,000 households (according to

European standards)

Wind energy Facts and figures

juwi plans, constructs, and operates rooftop and free-field solar power systems in every size

all over the world. By 2015, we plan to build systems with a total capacity of more than 4,500

megawatts. We offer you the best solutions: Purchase your own turnkey PV system or lease your

rooftops and free-fields to us. The owner of a leasing area incurs no cost or time expenditure –

but does benefit from attractive and secure leasing revenues for over 20 years. juwi continues

to develop offers for off-grid systems that produce solar power independently from the power

grid and offers components at competitive conditions.

In the area of bio power, our range of products is as diverse as the different sources of bio

energy itself. We plan, construct, and operate biogas power plants, heating plants and combined

heat and power plants. We place particular importance on maintaining a seamless process

chain: from supplying the plant with the best available raw materials to delivering heat and

power to consumers on site. The juwi energy cabin offers a compact heating system with an

integrated fuel storage system. We also produce eco-friendly wood pellets and Palaterra, a

nutrient-rich black soil that increases land productivity.

• Number of systems worldwide: > 1,500

• Installed capacity: > 800 MW

• Annual investment volume: approx.

EUR 2.2 billion

• Annual energy yield:

approx. 800 million kWh

• Annual CO2 saving: > 500,000 tons

Lieberose Solar Park | Brandenburg

• Installed capacity: approx. 71 MW

• Predicted annual yield:

approx. 71 million kWh

• Module surface area: approx. 660,000 m2

• Number of thin-film modules:

approx. 930,000

• 5 biogas plants | several energy cabins |

2 pellet production plants

• 2 wood chip heating plants

• Terra Preta production facility

• Investment volume: approx. EUR 30 million

• Annual CO2 saving: > 10,000 tons

Energy Landscape Morbach

• biogas plant

• Pellet production plant

• Wood chip heating plant

• Terra Preta production facility


• 14 x 2-MW turbines

• Rooftop and free-field solar power systems

Solar energy Facts and figures

Bio energy Facts and figures



In addition to planning and constructing wind farms and solar and bio energy plants, juwi pro-motes the expansion of renewable, decentralized supply systems with innovative concepts.

ElECTRIC MObIlITY & STORAGE TECHNOlOGIES juwi combines clean energy production with the needs of modern

transportation systems and promotes the expansion of electric

mobility: We build solar carports to shelter parking spaces and

develop power parking lots with simple and practical payment

systems. juwi is working to integrate electric vehicles into its fleet,

and many employees are already driving electric company vehicles

fuelled with renewable power. In addition, juwi is participating in the

development of storage technologies. Through its participation in

SolarFuel GmbH, juwi researches various methods of transforming

hydrogen and carbon dioxide into natural gas using clean power in

order to save energy. This is a key element of the creation of a power

infrastructure based on renewable energy.

GREEN POWER, WOOD FUELS & SOIl SUbSTRATAWith concepts for regional direct marketing, juwi offers people who

live near renewable power plants the opportunity to profit directly

from this clean and affordable energy. The first pilot projects have

begun successfully in the collective municipality of Wörrstadt. Here,

both communities and private citizens are taking advantage of the

power generated by the neighboring wind power installations. In

many regions – for example in Morbach (Hunsrück) and Langelsheim

(Harz) – juwi produces wood pellets, a climate-neutral source of

heat for residential estates, schools, administrative buildings, hotels,

and small settlements. The raw materials stem from regional wood

processing industries. This way, juwi adheres to the principles of a

decentralized circular economy by avoiding extra transportation and

helping the consumer to become independent of price increases in oil

and natural gas. In addition to wood fuels, juwi also produces Palaterra

– a nutrient-rich black earth which increases the nutrient and water

content of the soil and improves the productivity of usable soil – at its

production facility in the Donnersberg district (Rhineland-Palatinate).

GREEN BUILDINGSEnergy-efficient technology for cutting-edge, low-consumption

buildings – that is one of the keys to efficient climate protection and

the realization of an energy supply composed entirely of renewable

energies. juwi provides municipal and commercial clients with custom

concepts for new or renovated buildings or extensions to existing

buildings. Among other things, we focus on offices and commercial

buildings, kindergartens, schools and university buildings, hospitals

and retirement homes, fire stations, hotels, residential estates and

industrial properties. For example, juwi has realized the possibilities of

energy efficient construction and building equipment at its company

headquarters in Wörrstadt and at its subsidiary building in Brandis,

near leipzig.

Efficient buildings with solar power production and the integration of electric vehicles into

everyday life are key components of an innovative renewable energy system.


in the energy sector. Thus, you can follow the price increase of the

continually decreasing fossil and nuclear energy sources from a

safe distance and achieve new, long-term financial freedom. For a

community, this can mean that you have more money to invest in the

well-being of your citizens – for example, in education, childcare and

social projects.

The independence of the juwi group will benefit you. As an owner-

managed company, we can react quickly and flexibly – without share-

holders, stockholders, company hierarchies or political concerns that

keep us from acting pragmatically in the best interest of our customers.

This makes us reliable long-term partners for your energy projects.

Working together with you to produce clean energy directly on-site,

we become independent of imported oil, coal, and gas from our world‘s

crisis regions. We avoid the often dangerous process of acquiring raw

materials, save on expensive transportation, and in doing this, help

protect the environment and our climate. Together, we can shore up

our supply because it is easier to compensate for breakdowns with

many small regenerative energy installations than with just a few large

power plants.

Communities, companies, and private consumers work independently

to create and use their own energy: With this decentralized supply ap-

proach, we help you to free yourself from the monopolistic structures


With our concepts and installations, we use the natural resources in the places where the heat and power are needed: decentralized, in your region.



Decentralized energies stimulate the economy, secure jobs, and prevent costs for the import of expensive raw materials.


When your region produces a great deal of power from renewable

energies, many parties benefit in various ways: Investors generate

stable incomes from the compensation for clean power and heating

energy. Each wind or solar project also generates revenue from

business tax, which communities can count on over an operating

period of more than 20 years. This opens up new opportunities for the

city or community that can be used to benefit citizens. Private and

municipal landowners receive lease payments from system operators.

Last but not least, private citizens can take advantage of the benefits

of renewable energies as part of community participation financing

models or as customers of economical public power deals.

Each project draws investment into the region and means that jobs

cannot be outsourced to foreign countries. Construction companies,

appraisers, and tradesman shops all profit. The planning, construction

and maintenance of the installations and the necessary infrastructure

will fill their order books well into the future. Farmers and foresters

supply raw materials for producing climate-neutral fuels, such as wood

pellets, and are contributing to the creation of a new sector.

Renewable energies facilitate the creation of many new jobs. In

Germany, around 350,000 people are already employed in this sector.

That‘s four times as many as ten years ago.

Many regions profit from the tourism-related benefits of the boom

in renewable energies. The best example is the Morbach Energy

Landscape, east of Trier. Since 2003, 27,000 visitors from 80 countries

have visited the location in Hunsrück to see juwi‘s planned and realized

energy mix with their own eyes. Wind farm festivals, energy tours,

hiking days and exhibitions also convince visitors elsewhere of the

strategy that it is possible to solve global energy problems through

clever on-site projects.

• 14 x 2-MW turbines

• Solar power plants on rooftops and in free-fields

• Biogas installation with approx. 500 kW of electrical capacity and

approx. 700 kW thermal capacity

• Wood pellet factory with an annual production of 12,000 tons

• Wood chip heating plant with approx. 740 kW thermal capacity

• Production facility for Terra Preta (planned)

The Morbach Energy Landscape


Distance doesn‘t matter. The operations and maintenance team guarantees a smooth operation of plants and an ideal yield, for example with rotor blade inspections.


Renewable energies are already established in many areas. The technical systems are powerful and highly sophisticated.

Many community energy providers have recognized the efficiency

and reliability of renewable energies. This means that juwi renewable

IPP GmbH, together with seven companies, has already developed

subsidiaries that build and operate wind, solar or bio energy plants

in individual regions. We have cooperations with Pfalzwerke AG lud-

wigshafen, the utilities Stadtwerke Mainz AG, Stadtwerke Aachen and

partners from Offenbach, Kiel and Bern. Both parties profit from the

joint-venture: juwi from the local know-how of cooperation partners;

the utilities from juwi’s experience and expertise.

The use of these systems in a 100 percent renewable energy combina-

tion guarantees high supply reliability – today and in the future. juwi has

long-term supply and maintenance contracts with the leading system

and component manufacturers. Thus, project by project, we have access

to the best technologies for the particular region at good conditions.

The power produced by our systems is guaranteed by law in many

countries to be purchased and compensated at a set price. This

enables banks and investors to calculate the effect of our projects

over periods of more than 20 years. In addition, at good locations,

we are able to pass on the cost benefits of economic wind power

production directly to our customers. The power is not compensated

for by Germany‘s Renewable Energy Law (EEG); it is sold directly to

communities or to residents as part of a public power model.

juwi generates the best yields by taking on the technical management

of the power plants. In addition, we are happy to take over all of the

business and organizational management of a project. This way, we

can continually optimize the efficiency of the power plants and the

profitability of your investment.

Cooperations with regional partners



We are convinced that only a clean, sustainable energy system can preserve the means of liveli-hood for future generations.

A respectful treatment of the environment is our benchmark, not only

in project management. Our headquarters in Wörrstadt, Rhine-Hesse,

give proof of that. juwi employees work in a state-of-the-art, energy-

efficient office building. Photovoltaic modules on facades, carports,

and roofs produce clean solar power on an area of 12,000 square

meters. juwi’s headquarters have been extended several times. It is

equipped with efficient building technology and currently offers space

for work and communications as well as for creativity and relaxation

on approximately 17,000 square meters. Generous outdoor facilities

for sport and recreation, the children‘s day care center “juwelchen“,

and a fitness room are part of the ensemble. All of this contributes to

the employees work-life balance, as well as the cafeteria “juwitality”

where meals are mainly prepared with ingredients from the region.

juwi’s history begins in 1996. Fred Jung and Matthias Willenbacher

realize their first wind projects in Rhineland-Palatinate. In 1999, juwi

enters into the photovoltaic market, and in 2001 into the bio energy

market. The company starts its international activities in 2000 with

wind and solar power projects in France and the Americas, and

enters into markets in Southern and Eastern Europe. In 2008, juwi

moves its headquarters to one of the world’s most energy-efficient

office buildings in Wörrstadt. One year later, juwi starts to be active

in the areas of geothermal energy, hydropower and e-mobility. In

2010, juwi enters into markets in South Africa, Chile, India and Great

Britain, and creates a new business area “Green Buildings”. In 2011,

juwi celebrates its 15th anniversary with more than 1,400 employees

worldwide and participates in storage technology research.

juwi is a great place to work. That is what a majority of juwi employees

thinks. By voting in the renowned “Great Place to Work” competition,

they helped juwi to be among the Top 20 in the category business with

500 to 2,000 employees in 2011. In 2010 juwi was among the Top 50.

The award, in addition to other criteria, documents the excellent

team spirit and the good atmosphere that juwi employees enjoy and

that they live every day. juwi has been awarded several times for its

business philosophy and its headquarters, amongst others with the

German Climate Protection Prize in 2008 and the Clean Tech Media

Award in 2009.

Great place to work

Track record

Last updated: 09 / 2011

Energie-Allee 1 55286 Wörrstadt, Germany

Tel. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-0 Fax. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-7001

[email protected] www.juwi.com

Please visit www.juwi.com for our energy experts in your region.

juwi Holding AG

juwi Group Activities Worldwide

Wind energy Solar energy Bio energy