1 KENYA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INAGURAL STATEMENT MARKING START OF KANINI KASEO SOCIAL INTEGRATION CENTRE 9 TH FEBRUARY 2012. Hon. Peter Kiilu, MP. Makueni Consttituency, Mr. J. Otieno DC Kathonzweni District Mr. Athanas K. Nganda, Area Concilor, Area Chief, Assistant Chief, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen; I feel highly honoured to represent the Kenya Community Association in the County of Merseyside, United Kingdom in this function inaugurating its first intervention of empowering marginalized and needy communities in their Motherland Kenya. I further convey the goodwill, greeting and best wishes of all communities within the County of Merseyside whose outpouring generosity resulted in the £3,200 (Kes 400,000) being used for the first phase of the food for work project being initiated here in Kanini Kaseo today. The project is estimated to cost £6,000 (Kes 750,000) for land preparation and £24,000 (Kes 3 mln.) for water. The Kenya Community Association is composed of Kenyan migrants within the last 25 years settled in Merseyside and those who subscribe to their vision and values which means we do not live as a closed community but in communion with other people of different ethnicity. Our capacity to embrace, live, associate, appreciate and value others is pivotal in our engagement with different communities and peoples. This project is anchored on the human response to need. It further recognizes the capacity of human enterprise to overcome the factors that lead to their marginalization, under performance or needs. Our initiative is therefore part of the global and national response to the extensive drought conditions last year that engulfed most of East Africa including Kenya whose effects are still present.

Kanini kaseo social integration centre (1)

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Hon. Peter Kiilu, MP. Makueni Consttituency,

Mr. J. Otieno DC Kathonzweni District

Mr. Athanas K. Nganda, Area Concilor,

Area Chief,

Assistant Chief,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen;

I feel highly honoured to represent the Kenya Community Association in the County of Merseyside, United Kingdom in this function

inaugurating its first intervention of empowering marginalized and needy communities in their Motherland Kenya.

I further convey the goodwill, greeting and best wishes of all communities within the County of Merseyside whose outpouring

generosity resulted in the £3,200 (Kes 400,000) being used for the first phase of the food for work project being initiated here in Kanini

Kaseo today. The project is estimated to cost £6,000 (Kes 750,000) for land preparation and £24,000 (Kes 3 mln.) for water.

The Kenya Community Association is composed of Kenyan migrants within the last 25 years settled in Merseyside and those who

subscribe to their vision and values which means we do not live as a closed community but in communion with other people of

different ethnicity. Our capacity to embrace, live, associate, appreciate and value others is pivotal in our engagement with different

communities and peoples.

This project is anchored on the human response to need. It further recognizes the capacity of human enterprise to overcome the

factors that lead to their marginalization, under performance or needs. Our initiative is therefore part of the global and national

response to the extensive drought conditions last year that engulfed most of East Africa including Kenya whose effects are still present.


The global and national response has been overwhelming and still continues to be. Kenyan migrants all over the world through their

various associations sent their contributions which included those offered by the communities around them. The money funding this

initiative is part of such efforts.

The money sent by us today is from a fund raising event presided by Mr. Jeremy Laibutah, First Counselor, Kenya High Commission,

London marking the annual October commemoration of Africa History Month in Merseyside sponsored by the Plus Dane Group in

partnership with various corporate bodies and community organization. Among them were Liverpool Mutual Homes, Riverside

Housing, Workers Education Association, Frontline Church, Mast Group, Yemeni Association, Bangladesh Association and several

others. We are most thankful to the Chief Executive Officer of Plus Dane Group Mr. Ken Perry and Chairman Mr. Richard Kemp who

took personal interest and organized the money presentation ceremony in their Board room. This illustrates the level of commitment

and compassion held by the outside world on the afflicted in East Africa. It Merits here to mention the devotion of Maureen Chendo,

Engagement Officer, Plus Dane Group who was instrumental in coordinating and managing the fundraising efforts.

We hope that the giving spirit demonstrated by these corporate bodies, charities and individuals in Merseyside, United Kingdom will be

replicated by others here in Kenya financially. Any material or financial support through the Trustees will be appreciated with thanks

and encourage our partners in Europe.

This initiative is driven by two factors. First is the plea originating from here, Kanini Kaseo to us through Scholar who pleaded on your

behalf for food assistance to those that were starving. We responded with remittance of Kes 40,000. At that point we were made

aware of the women group resolve to improve the land in order to increase food production and thereby cushion the community from

the cyclic food scarcity occasioned by poor crop yields. The second driving force is our vision of empowerment to ourselves and those

we interact with. We are therefore through this engagement meeting two needs, first providing food to alleviate effects of current

scarcity and secondly putting in place land and facility improvements that will guarantee food sustainability. In other words this

empowers the community towards self sufficiency.

Empowering communities is recognized by governments of Africa individually, collectively and by their development partners. This is

captured in various instruments such as Kenya Government’s vision 2030, AU/EU strategy plan 2010-2013, AU/NEPAD Africa Action

Plan 2010-2015 and Nairobi Strategy of September 2011 among others. We are pleased to note that this initiative in Kanini Kaseo

meets and is within this vision.

The Kenya Community Association vision statement is “Empowering Kenyans to achieve and maximize their potential” which is

anchored on the foundation of “You are a seed of possibilities”. We thus view, perceive or act as a medium, platform or agent to


unlock the potential and capacity of those we associate with to make use, attain or fully exploit the potential that surrounds them. Our

involvement and undertaking here in Kanini Kaseo is driven by the above objectives and values.

We are encouraged by the overwhelming support our initiative received by all concerned namely the community, government

representatives as well as those holding elective offices which is affirmed by the dignitaries assembled before you and by your MP

being one of the trustees of the funds. We look forward to this support translate into facilitating actions. In order to realize the full

potential of this project, a number of facilities will be required. To this end we call for urgent revision of your development plan

submitted to us last year to capture current expectations and vision. We do hope the various agencies and government departments

will assist in their provision where applicable and appropriate.

We would like to thank the three trustees Sister Scholar Nganda, lecturer Kenyatta University, Hon. Peter Kiilu, MP, Makueni

Constituency and Mr. Cleophas Kiio, Director, Kenya Bureau of Statistics and lecturer in two of our leading Universities who have

accepted our invitation to be custodians of the funds remitted and any other funds that will be received for this project or expansion of

this project to other parts of our Nation.

We must recognize that there are several initiatives here in Kenya and elsewhere committed to empowerment of rural communities.

We pledge to work alongside them and network with them to make our and their impact in whatever all of us do meaningful. It is

further our intent to network with our national universities where applicable in applying their competencies and knowhow in uplifting

the capacity of rural communities.

In the journey of evolvement of our Charity to this historic moment of engaging in this program in our motherland it would be

honourable for us to acknowledge those who helped define with clarity our vision and understanding. Mr. Godwin Bateren CEO of

Chara Trust has been our mainstay and pillar of strength throughout our 15 years existence. The enormity of human resourcefulness

was gained from the Barka Foundation activities and its founder Mr. Thomas Kadowski whom we accessed through Chara Trust.

Ms. Helen Connor and her mother Sylvia Connor co-founders of Inspiring Leaders Kenya NGO were invaluable and through them had

access to Prof Elena P. Antonacopoulou of University of Liverpool Management School and Dr Kristian Mjoen, Norwegian University of

Science and Technology who helped in clarifying our identity, vision, self worth and potential. There are many more but this illustrates

the power of networking and interaction to create linkages and impact.

We end with the faith that Kanini Kaseo shall be partners carrying our vision and hope that will influence and transform the lives of

many others in our country and other parts of our continent. For in Kanini Kaseo resides our letter of recommendation and living


example of what can be done and achieved in Africa and other marginalized communities elsewhere. Your success will be the success

of others like you waiting to be helped and touched just as it is being done to you today.

In closing we acknowledge with thanks the generosity of Mrs Benedicta Muthoki Chalse Nganda for transporting our representatives

from and back to Nairobi another demonstration of self giving towards the success of the project.

May God be our help and guide in this partnership of solidarity.
