Kekkonen making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

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Page 1: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Kekkonen ���making your Clojure web APIs more awesome

ClojuTRE 2015Tommi Reiman


Page 2: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Topics•  API all the things!•  Challenges•  Kekkonen•  Done

Page 3: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

API all the things!•  Clojure(Script) APIs•  RPC•  Web APIs•  REST APIs•  Future?

Page 4: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Clojure(Script) APIs•  Namespaces and functions (Vars)•  Extension via multimethods & protocols•  Simple, beautiful, no remoting

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RPC•  Expose the tagged Clojure functions outwards•  Easy remoting•  refactoring? external clients?

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Web APIs•  Map Clojure functions into http endpoints•  Thinking in HTTP terms•  Swagger docs

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REST Apis•  Map Clojure functions into resources•  Resource containers•  Swagger docs (yada!)

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Future?•  Datomic & DataScript•  Falcor/Netflix

–  A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching



•  The Web after Tomorrow–  http://tonsky.me/blog/the-web-after-tomorrow/

©  Nikita  Prokopov  

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Hmph.•  We build complex UIs•  Reagent is cool•  Need to do remoting, public api-docs too•  Business rules need to be enforced both on

server (all) & frontend (part)–  Shared code is cool, but number of combinations…

•  REST doesn’t even try to solve these issues

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CQRS? ���making your Clojure web APIs more awesome

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Commands & Queries•  http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html •  Verbs (actions) instead of Nouns (resources)•  Command log (auditing) as a bonus•  != Event Sourcing•  Great for user interactions

–  Rules usually per interaction, not resource–  Fine-grained à lot’s of actions

©  Mar.n  Fowler  

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Commands & Queries


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Page 16: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Rethinking the APIs•  Idea–  Expose simple Clojure functions as message handlers–  Manage handlers in virtual namespaces–  Data-driven, no macros, no magic–  Explicit extensions via protocols, options and meta-data–  Transports abstracted away, http via ring

•  Lessons learned from ring-swagger & compojure-api–  Clients as first-class citizens

•  Remote api documentation as data: rules as data•  Public http api documentation via Swagger

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Thanks to•  Prismatic Schema, (Plumbing)•  Elegance of fnhouse•  Ring-swagger•  Best parts of compojure-api•  Schema-tools

Page 18: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Concepts•  Handlers & namespaces

–  Functions with meta-data, contextàresponse•  Context

–  A message context consumed by the handler–  Opinion: should contain :data –key with the actual payload

•  Registry–  Collects and enriches handlers into namespaces–  Handler invocation & input (pre-)validation–  Holds global state

•  Ring-adapter–  http-bindings for invoking the handlers + schema coercion

•  API–  Wrapping everything up + exception handling

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SwaggerUI   O  

O  O  



ac.on  &  context  


M  M  


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Extensions•  Registry/Ring/API Options–  Declare things, plug-in transformers

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Extensions•  Handler & namespace meta-data–  Explicit way to extend handler functionality at runtime–  Context enrichment, Authorization, Api-doc info, …

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Page 26: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

Client-side?•  Expose handler data to the clients as clojure (or

JSON) data–  list all, available or validated

•  Either ask from server or apply the rules for the local dataset–  Server: simple, more traffic–  Client: shared validation-functions, 2+ datasources

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Page 28: Kekkonen - ClojuTRE · Kekkonen! making your Clojure web APIs more awesome ClojuTRE 2015 Tommi Reiman @ikitommi

TODO•  Finalize the lib (1-2 months?)•  Feedback from the community•  RE-Kekkonen (a reagent template)•  Async (just rewrite the api-middleware)•  Event sourcing

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Thanks.  hVps://github.com/metosin/kekkonen  

[email protected]    #ring-­‐swagger  at  Slack  @metosin  at  TwiVer  

 hiring  are  we.