KELLY IS RECORDER LIecteU 10 Succeed Karr'son Phoc bus. C. C. MUG LCR A COUNCILS He Succeeds Mr. Kelly as a Member of the Phoebus Town Council From the Fourth Ward..Body Met in Special Session Last Evening. Councilman Marry C. Kelly was last night unanimously elected town re¬ corder of Phoebus to succeed the late Mr. Harrison Phoebus, by the town council of that town. Several minutes before his election to the rccordership, Mr. Kelly tendcrec his resignation as a member of the council from the Fourth ward and the same was accepted. Mugler Succeeds Him. As soon as Mayor I,. P. Furnes.E culled the council to order the re¬ signation of Councilman Kelly was taken up and acted upon. Councilman Crawford then present od the name of Mr. C. C. Mugler as s successor to Mr. Kelly and Mr. Mugle'i was unanimously elected a member ol the body from the Fourth ward. Mr. Mugler took the oath of office befort Town Attorney Power. Mr. Mugler who is a merchant and property owue: iu Phoebus, is a brother of Council¬ man H. C. Mugler. of Hampton, anil Alderman Philip Mugler, of Newport News. His election places a mcmbo! of the Mugler family on the legislative bodies of the three towns on this side ol' the Itoads. Mr. Mugler is a con¬ servative business man and his elec¬ tion to the town council will give sat¬ isfaction to the business men and pro¬ perty owners of Phoebus. Mr. Kelly's Election. When the question of the recorder came up Councilman E. C. Kaiser nominated Mr. Kelly for the position. There were several applications for the vacancy on the desk and several aspirants in the room, but the name of Mr. Kelly was the only one consid¬ ered by the council. Mr. Kelly, who is a young man, owns property in the town, arid has been a member of the council for the past four years. He is in every way fitted to discharge the duties of town recorder, and will en¬ ter upon them this morning, or as soon as he can have his bond prepared. It was conservatively estimated last evening that at least twenty persons were applicants for the position,, but 1 chose whose names got before the council were Messrs. J. H. B. Goff and C. B. Smith. Every member of the council was present and Town Attorney W. H. Power acted as recorder for the even¬ ing. The council adopted a resolution al¬ lowing William Edwards, who conducts i saloon at the corner of Poplar ave¬ nue, to transfer his saloon licenses to Mr. Samuel Crawford. j The regular January meeting of the nouncil will take place next Thursday evening. The election of Mr. Kelly as recorder and of Mr. Mugler as councilman will .mite in a great measure the political factions in Phoebus. NEW CHAPTER OF K. D. Miss Lillian Ycung Has Been Elected the Leader. "Dixie Circle" of the International Order of Kings Daughters was organ¬ ized in Old St. John's parish house yoslerJay afternoon with a member¬ ship that was very gratifying to the .iromotors. Mrs. C. C. Burton, the State secrc- rary. was present and addressed the meeting prior to the formal organiza- .J.-iV. Tue Rev. Dr. Corbin Braxton Thyan opened the mectinc; with devo¬ tional services, and Mrs. Henry L. Schmolz sang most beautifully 'The Lord is my Shepherd." Mrs. Burton's Address. Mr. Bryan then presented Mrs. Bur¬ ton, who is we'-l known in Hampton, die having been a Miss Cunningham before her marriage. Airs. Burton is '. very pleasing speaker and her ad- Ircss was received with much enthu- «u;sr.i. When Mrs. Burton concluded her re¬ marks the organization of the -..hapto'r was entered into. The new- chapter will be made up of young girls. The election of officers resulted in the unanimous selection of Miss Lil¬ lian Young as leader. Miss Bessie I.e.- Lndwell Booker, as secretary and Miss Maltie Baulch as treasurer. Death of Mr. Marbark. Mr Samuel Marbach yesterday re¬ ceiver; a tclccram announcing the death of his brother. Mr. H. Marbach, which occurred in Philadelphia at an early hour yesterday morning. Mr. Marbach was years obi. Mr. S. Marbatk left last night for Philadelphia to attend the funeral ser¬ vices, which will occur in the Quaker city todav. Three Months for Isaiah Lee. | Isaiah Lee. who was arrested for en- Irring the room of Mr. Claude Curtis, was sentenced to three months in the county jail and to pay a fine of $5 by Magistrate Peter Stevenson yester¬ day afternoon. EDITOR WOOD MARRl D. MISS HOLTZSCHUT BRIDE OF NEWSPAPER MAN. Ceremony Was Quietly Performed by the Rev. Dr. Corbin Bryan at 4:30 O'clock Yesterday Afternoon. Mr. Elmer Castleworth Wood, editor of the Hampton Crab, and Miss Mc- tha Holtzschut were married in Old St. John's Episcopal church at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon The wed¬ ding was a very quiet affair, only a few intimate friends of the couple being present. The Rev. Dr. Corbin Rraxton Bryan, rector of the church, officiated. Mr. Wood has conducted a job printing establishment in Hobcofe for several years and is very popular a>r one; the printers on tbe lower end of the Peninsula Miss Holtzschut is iho daughter of Mi-, ami Mrs. Charles H. Holtzschut. who reside in La Sr.lle avenue, and in which section she is universally beloved; , Mr. and Mrs. Wood will reside in T.I::mrton. Miss Haltzschut was attended by Miss Valentine, of Newport News, as maid of honor, and Mr. A. Josic Wood was the best man. Mr. Gus Holtzschut gave his sister in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Wood left on the Chesapeake and Ohio train for a bri¬ dal tour. NETTLES.KEMPTON. Pretty Home Wedding in West Queen Street Last Evening. Mr. J. .1. Nettles, of Mulberry Island, and Miss Jennie W. Kempten were married in the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Bell, in West Queen street, extended, at S o'clock last even¬ ing. Mr. Nettles is engaged in farming at Mulberry Island and Miss Kempton has made her home in Hampton for several years. OTHER HAMPTON NEWS ON PAGE SIX. NOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT I HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED as executor of the estate of Joseph Fidel, deceased, and have appointed as my attorney to settle this estate,- Sidney J. Dudley, Hampton, Virginia. All debtors of the estate will please settle their accounts with my said at¬ torney without delay; and all creditors of the estate will present their claims properly verified, to' my said attorney for pavment. J. J. LOUGHRAN. Executor of the Last Will and Testa¬ ment of Jos. Friel, deceased. December 29, 1904. l-ll-SOt Our Sale is meeting with the success it justly deserves. Shoppers come and go with the satisfaction of making two dollars go as far as three dollars at any other store. Our counters are plentifully stocked with this season's best merchandise which is new and fresh. Come and get your share at this MONEY-SAVING SaLE. You will save more here than it would cost 30U to travel fifty miles. The more you buy the more you save, when you buy at the following prices: Men's single and double breasted lieavy fleece lined Shirts, regular EOcand 59c garments at this sa'e for. 39c Men's Shirts and Drawers at.19o Children's heavy fleeced ribbed Shirts and Drawers at.19r Men's and boy's Shirts, with or without attached collars from.19o up Men's Handkerchiefs at.2c Men's black Hose, ten-centers, at 4 pairs for ...25c Men's h-avy Jorsey Shirts at.39c Neckwear from....*>c up Men's and boys' Suspenders. Cc up Men's Shoes, all kinds and grades from.89o up Children's Shoes from.(59c up Ladie's Shoes at strictly half-price, from.79c up Misses' Shoes from.tf9c up Men's and boys' Caps. .19c up Men's and Boys' Hats .39c up Men's Overcoats in long lengths with belted backs.$2.98 up Men's Suits; those that you will like, from.$2.98 up Men's Pants from .82c up Boy's Suits from ...69c up* Koee Pants from.;..14c up Boys' Overcoats from .SI.98 up A lot of ladies' Underwear that's worth 59c for.....39c Blankets for.42c Comforts for.37c and up Inspect these goods for yourself.you will realize how big the saving is. Nothing reserved, nothing charged, and one price to all. Store open evenings until 8 p. m. during this sale. The Genuine One=Third Off Sale. I HAMPTON, - - - - - VIRGINIA. Good outing; \ .cmriants in lengths from five to ten yards. IS REüffAKT Good yard-wide Percale Remnants in lengths of 2 1-1, '1 1-2, 2 Ü-1 and 3 yards, at 70 THE YARD Other Remnants in Dress Goods, Hamburgs. Silks, etc. This is the day of all the week to visit. ..'HAMPTON'S BEST STORE" S. &. K. STAMPS GIVEN WITH REMNANT SALES. time to make arrangements for their Spring Supply Ferti¬ lizers. The Undersigned of¬ fers the product of two of tht-i largest and mcstreliableman- ufactures in this country. The base of their truck fertilizers is pure bone, making it far more valuable to the farmer than the ordinary Sout h Caro¬ lina base goods. It pays to use the best in fertilizers. Our 25 years of experience in fertilizers is valuable to you. Call and see us or write for prices. Quee». Ö Wine Sts., HAMPTON..VIRGINIA. Real Estate and hi vest merits For Süie, $500.00 mortgage, bearing 6 per cent.till! edge secu'ltv due in one 5 ear. Hood building lot on Lincoln St. Cheap. Rtvervlew lots nt a bargain. For Rent. OldBuckroe Beacb Hotel with 17 acres of land, directly on car line. Modern Home 12 rooms, all modern conveniences, corner property.a beaa&lful home BO per month. Properties for sale and rent in all section;. M. 0. LACKEY, Mgr. P. W. Phillips & Co., Real Eita'e Broken. 14 S. KING ST., HAMPTON. VA. Real Estate BARGAINS. House and lot, Lordley's Cros3- ing; houso has 7 rooms, cost $1,100 to build, 5 years ago; lot 56x150; renting for $8.50 per month, We offer this property few days only, at $850. Valuable property in Phoebus, 2 acreB, will pay 10 per cent. Splendid farm on York river, 700 acres, at 520 per acre. Farm, 250 acres, Elizabeth City county. Residence property and town lots. $2,000 to loan at 6 per cent., long time. in l Mk Real Estate and insurance. HAMPTON, VA. 1TRUSTEE'S PUBLIC AUC'rION SALE of STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF MILLINERY, together with the store fixtures, lvocated in the. store room, No. 15 E. Queen street, Hampton, Vir¬ ginia. TERMS CASH. This stock was carefully selected by Mrs. Nolle, Guthrie, one of the most experienced buyers in this State. Day of sale January 21, Saturday, at 12 o'clock, noon, 1005. SIDNEY J. DUDLEY. Trustee. H. S. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. ^ . 1 1 1 St Slaughter Sale »f High Glass Millinery In order to reduce ovir stock of-millinery we w'HI today begin disposing of our fancy feathers, all hats and bonnets, velvets and ribbons at sacrifice prices. In many cases we will sell the.goods at. less than actual cost, so that we may make room for the spring stock, which will soon begin arriving. It is an opportunity for every lady to buy seasonable and fresh, uj'-to- date millinery at ridiculously low prices. : The Burses guarantee accompanies every article that leaves our store. M. and C. F. BURG ES, HAMPTON'S LEADING MILLINERS. East Queen Street. Hampton, Va. The Hampton Transfer Co. (Incorporated.) L. F. HOBBS, Mgr. HAULING CARTING and GRADING Residence Phone 419. STEVEDORING EXCAVATING and CONTRACTING 222 W. Queen St. FURNITURE MOVING and STORAGE 'Phone 96. J. w. sows. Pres. j. C. ROBINSON, \3 Vle» -»tos. 4 per cent INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ion HAMPTON. Schmalz Brojr. Old Stand H. H. KIMBERLY. >> Cashier. $ BUY YOUR MEDICINES FROM H&mpton's Leading Drug Store, HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED .BY- SON, Electrical Contractor, Phone 166. ::::::: Hampton, Va, All work done by the underwriter's rules. Snaps for colored Lots 30x100.Price, Easy Terms. Real Estate & 22 E. Queen St., Mil 432, HAMPTW. VA. Ia Marble, Foreign and Domestic Granite.. Spaniel attention ti> lettering *a(J «li granite Joints leaned. Cemetery lots enoioied. &!9EWT0N, HAMPTON, VA. SPECIAL BARGAIN LIST. We are offering for a short time a number of special bargains, thrown on the market by reason of change of plans for the new year by the owners. An opportunity to profit by it fs yours. EAST HAMPTON PROPERTY. $2,000.Will buy two and a half acres well located. New dwelling of six rooms. Large number of strawberry plants, .raspberry bushes and "fruit trees. $2,000.For one-acre lot and-welt ar¬ ranged nine-room dwelling, fronting on Old Point, avenue, 122 feet. This pro¬ perty is well stocked with berries, grapes and good assortfn'ent.' bE' fruit trees. Out houses, including a num¬ ber for poultry raising, in good con¬ dition, i,. ,, .,,!,,(, ;,|m, $400.For one acre fronting 123 loot on Old Point avenue. A good invest¬ ment. $150.Will buy one-half acre near Hampton avenue. $225.For a lot near Diggs' corner. 100-foot front. Easy terms. 10 per cent, off for cash. $1500.Will buy well located lot on Hampton avenue fronting fi5 feet, with four-room cottage. Terms easy. 15 per cent, off for cash. GEO. W. PHILLIPS, Real EstaLe, Insurance, Rents and Loans. 'J and 11 N. King St., Hampton, Va. All That is Best in Flour is found in Our Suppose you try a loaf and be convinced. The Btsker, will deliver it to you d*i!y. !' Full Associated Press report in the Dally Press.

KELLY IS RECORDER Slaughter High GlassMillinerychroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045830/1905-01-13/ed-1/seq-5.pdfKELLY IS RECORDER LIecteU 10 Succeed Karr'son Phocbus. C. C. MUGLCR

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KELLY IS RECORDERLIecteU 10 Succeed Karr'son

Phoc bus.


He Succeeds Mr. Kelly as a Memberof the Phoebus Town Council Fromthe Fourth Ward..Body Met in

Special Session Last Evening.

Councilman Marry C. Kelly was lastnight unanimously elected town re¬corder of Phoebus to succeed the lateMr. Harrison Phoebus, by the towncouncil of that town.

Several minutes before his electionto the rccordership, Mr. Kelly tendcrechis resignation as a member of thecouncil from the Fourth ward andthe same was accepted.

Mugler Succeeds Him.As soon as Mayor I,. P. Furnes.E

culled the council to order the re¬signation of Councilman Kelly wastaken up and acted upon.Councilman Crawford then present

od the name of Mr. C. C. Mugler as ssuccessor to Mr. Kelly and Mr. Mugle'iwas unanimously elected a member olthe body from the Fourth ward. Mr.Mugler took the oath of office befortTown Attorney Power. Mr. Muglerwho is a merchant and property owue:iu Phoebus, is a brother of Council¬man H. C. Mugler. of Hampton, anilAlderman Philip Mugler, of NewportNews. His election places a mcmbo!of the Mugler family on the legislativebodies of the three towns on this sideol' the Itoads. Mr. Mugler is a con¬servative business man and his elec¬tion to the town council will give sat¬isfaction to the business men and pro¬perty owners of Phoebus.

Mr. Kelly's Election.When the question of the recorder

came up Councilman E. C. Kaisernominated Mr. Kelly for the position.There were several applications forthe vacancy on the desk and severalaspirants in the room, but the name ofMr. Kelly was the only one consid¬ered by the council. Mr. Kelly, who isa young man, owns property in thetown, arid has been a member of thecouncil for the past four years. Heis in every way fitted to discharge theduties of town recorder, and will en¬ter upon them this morning, or as soonas he can have his bond prepared.

It was conservatively estimated lastevening that at least twenty personswere applicants for the position,, but

1chose whose names got before thecouncil were Messrs. J. H. B. Goff andC. B. Smith.Every member of the council was

present and Town Attorney W. H.Power acted as recorder for the even¬ing.The council adopted a resolution al¬

lowing William Edwards, who conductsi saloon at the corner of Poplar ave¬nue, to transfer his saloon licenses toMr. Samuel Crawford. jThe regular January meeting of thenouncil will take place next Thursdayevening.The election of Mr. Kelly as recorder

and of Mr. Mugler as councilman will.mite in a great measure the politicalfactions in Phoebus.


Miss Lillian Ycung Has Been Electedthe Leader.

"Dixie Circle" of the InternationalOrder of Kings Daughters was organ¬ized in Old St. John's parish houseyoslerJay afternoon with a member¬ship that was very gratifying to the.iromotors.

Mrs. C. C. Burton, the State secrc-rary. was present and addressed themeeting prior to the formal organiza-.J.-iV. Tue Rev. Dr. Corbin BraxtonThyan opened the mectinc; with devo¬tional services, and Mrs. Henry L.Schmolz sang most beautifully 'TheLord is my Shepherd."

Mrs. Burton's Address.Mr. Bryan then presented Mrs. Bur¬

ton, who is we'-l known in Hampton,die having been a Miss Cunninghambefore her marriage. Airs. Burton is'. very pleasing speaker and her ad-Ircss was received with much enthu-«u;sr.i.When Mrs. Burton concluded her re¬

marks the organization of the -..hapto'rwas entered into. The new- chapterwill be made up of young girls.The election of officers resulted in

the unanimous selection of Miss Lil¬lian Young as leader. Miss Bessie I.e.-Lndwell Booker, as secretary and MissMaltie Baulch as treasurer.

Death of Mr. Marbark.Mr Samuel Marbach yesterday re¬

ceiver; a tclccram announcing thedeath of his brother. Mr. H. Marbach,which occurred in Philadelphia at anearly hour yesterday morning. Mr.Marbach was years obi.Mr. S. Marbatk left last night for

Philadelphia to attend the funeral ser¬vices, which will occur in the Quakercity todav.

Three Months for Isaiah Lee. |Isaiah Lee. who was arrested for en-

Irring the room of Mr. Claude Curtis,was sentenced to three months in thecounty jail and to pay a fine of $5 byMagistrate Peter Stevenson yester¬day afternoon.



Ceremony Was Quietly Performed bythe Rev. Dr. Corbin Bryan at 4:30O'clock Yesterday Afternoon.

Mr. Elmer Castleworth Wood, editorof the Hampton Crab, and Miss Mc-tha Holtzschut were married in OldSt. John's Episcopal church at 4:30o'clock yesterday afternoon The wed¬ding was a very quiet affair, only afew intimate friends of the couplebeing present. The Rev. Dr. CorbinRraxton Bryan, rector of the church,officiated.

Mr. Wood has conducted a jobprinting establishment in Hobcofe forseveral years and is very populara>r one; the printers on tbe lower endof the Peninsula

Miss Holtzschut is iho daughter ofMi-, ami Mrs. Charles H. Holtzschut.who reside in La Sr.lle avenue, andin which section she is universallybeloved; ,

Mr. and Mrs. Wood will reside inT.I::mrton.Miss Haltzschut was attended byMiss Valentine, of Newport News, as

maid of honor, and Mr. A. Josic Woodwas the best man.Mr. Gus Holtzschut gave his sister

in marriage.Mr. and Mrs. Wood left on the

Chesapeake and Ohio train for a bri¬dal tour.


Pretty Home Wedding in West QueenStreet Last Evening.

Mr. J. .1. Nettles, of Mulberry Island,and Miss Jennie W. Kempten weremarried in the home of the bride'ssister, Mrs. Bell, in West Queenstreet, extended, at S o'clock last even¬ing.

Mr. Nettles is engaged in farming atMulberry Island and Miss Kemptonhas made her home in Hampton forseveral years.


NOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN. THATI HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED asexecutor of the estate of Joseph Fidel,deceased, and have appointed as myattorney to settle this estate,- SidneyJ. Dudley, Hampton, Virginia.

All debtors of the estate will pleasesettle their accounts with my said at¬torney without delay; and all creditorsof the estate will present their claimsproperly verified, to' my said attorneyfor pavment.

J. J. LOUGHRAN.Executor of the Last Will and Testa¬ment of Jos. Friel, deceased.

December 29, 1904. l-ll-SOt

Our Sale is meeting with the success it justly deserves. Shoppers comeand go with the satisfaction of making two dollars go as far as threedollars at any other store. Our counters are plentifully stocked withthis season's best merchandise which is new and fresh. Come and getyour share at this MONEY-SAVING SaLE. You will save more herethan it would cost 30U to travel fifty miles. The more you buy the moreyou save, when you buy at the following prices:

Men's single and double breasted lieavyfleece lined Shirts, regular EOcand 59cgarments at this sa'e for. 39c

Men's Shirts and Drawers at.19oChildren's heavy fleeced ribbed Shirtsand Drawers at.19rMen's and boy's Shirts, with or withoutattached collars from.19o upMen's Handkerchiefs at.2cMen's black Hose, ten-centers, at 4 pairsfor ...25cMen's h-avy Jorsey Shirts at.39cNeckwear from....*>c upMen's and boys' Suspenders. Cc upMen's Shoes, all kinds and grades

from.89o upChildren's Shoes from.(59c up

Ladie's Shoes at strictly half-price,from.79c upMisses' Shoes from.tf9c upMen's and boys' Caps. .19c upMen's and Boys' Hats .39c upMen's Overcoats in long lengths withbelted backs.$2.98 up

Men's Suits; those that you will like,from.$2.98 up

Men's Pants from .82c upBoy's Suits from ...69c up*Koee Pants from.;..14c upBoys' Overcoats from .SI.98 upA lot of ladies' Underwear that'sworth 59c for.....39c

Blankets for.42cComfortsfor.37c and up

Inspect these goods for yourself.you will realize how big the savingis. Nothing reserved, nothing charged, and one price to all.Store open evenings until 8 p. m. during this sale.The Genuine One=Third Off Sale.


Good outing; \ .cmriants inlengths from five to ten yards.


Good yard-wide PercaleRemnants in lengths of 2 1-1,'1 1-2, 2 Ü-1 and 3 yards, at


Other Remnants in DressGoods, Hamburgs. Silks, etc.This is the day of all the weekto visit.



time to make arrangementsfor their Spring Supply Ferti¬lizers. The Undersigned of¬fers the product of two of tht-ilargest and mcstreliableman-ufactures in this country. Thebase of their truck fertilizersis pure bone, making it farmore valuable to the farmerthan the ordinary Sout h Caro¬lina base goods. It pays to usethe best in fertilizers.Our 25 years of experience

in fertilizers is valuable to you.Call and see us or write forprices.


Real Estate andhivestmeritsFor Süie,

$500.00 mortgage, bearing 6 per cent.till!edge secu'ltv due in one 5 ear.Hood building lot on Lincoln St. Cheap.Rtvervlew lots nt a bargain.

For Rent.OldBuckroe Beacb Hotel with 17 acres ofland, directly on car line.

Modern Home12 rooms, all modern conveniences, corner

property.a beaa&lful home BO per month.Properties for sale and rent in all section;.

M. 0. LACKEY, Mgr.P. W. Phillips & Co.,

Real Eita'e Broken.14 S. KING ST., HAMPTON. VA.

Real Estate

BARGAINS.House and lot, Lordley's Cros3-

ing; houso has 7 rooms, cost$1,100 to build, 5 years ago; lot56x150; renting for $8.50 permonth, We offer this propertyfew days only, at $850.Valuable property in Phoebus,

2 acreB, will pay 10 per cent.Splendid farm on York river,

700 acres, at 520 per acre.

Farm, 250 acres, ElizabethCity county.Residence property and town

lots.$2,000 to loan at 6 per cent.,

long time.

in l MkReal Estate and insurance.



STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS STOCK OFMILLINERY, together with the storefixtures, lvocated in the. store room,No. 15 E. Queen street, Hampton, Vir¬ginia. TERMS CASH. This stock wascarefully selected by Mrs. Nolle,Guthrie, one of the most experiencedbuyers in this State.Day of sale January 21, Saturday, at

12 o'clock, noon, 1005.SIDNEY J. DUDLEY. Trustee.

H. S. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. ^. 1 1 1 St

Slaughter Sale »f High Glass MillineryIn order to reduce ovir stock of-millinery we w'HI today begin disposingof our fancy feathers, all hats and bonnets, velvets and ribbons at sacrificeprices. In many cases we will sell the.goods at. less than actual cost, so thatwe may make room for the spring stock, which will soon begin arriving.It is an opportunity for every lady to buy seasonable and fresh, uj'-to-date millinery at ridiculously low prices. :The Burses guarantee accompanies every article that leaves our store.


East Queen Street. Hampton, Va.

The Hampton Transfer Co.(Incorporated.)



Residence Phone 419.



222 W. Queen St.



'Phone 96.

J. w. sows.Pres.

j. C. ROBINSON, \3Vle» -»tos. 4



Schmalz Brojr.Old Stand

H. H. KIMBERLY. >>Cashier. $


H&mpton's Leading Drug Store,


SON,Electrical Contractor,

Phone 166. ::::::: Hampton, Va,All work done by the underwriter's rules.

Snaps for colored

Lots 30x100.Price,

Easy Terms.

Real Estate &

22 E. Queen St.,Mil 432, HAMPTW. VA.

Ia Marble, Foreign andDomestic Granite..

Spaniel attention ti> lettering *a(J «li graniteJoints leaned. Cemetery lots enoioied.


SPECIAL BARGAIN LIST.We are offering for a short time a

number of special bargains, thrownon the market by reason of change ofplans for the new year by the owners.An opportunity to profit by it fs yours.

EAST HAMPTON PROPERTY.$2,000.Will buy two and a half acres

well located. New dwelling of sixrooms. Large number of strawberryplants, .raspberry bushes and "fruittrees.$2,000.For one-acre lot and-welt ar¬

ranged nine-room dwelling, fronting onOld Point, avenue, 122 feet. This pro¬perty is well stocked with berries,grapes and good assortfn'ent.' bE' fruittrees. Out houses, including a num¬ber for poultry raising, in good con¬dition, i,. ,, .,,!,,(, ;,|m,$400.For one acre fronting 123 looton Old Point avenue. A good invest¬ment.$150.Will buy one-half acre near

Hampton avenue.$225.For a lot near Diggs' corner.

100-foot front. Easy terms. 10 per cent,off for cash.

$1500.Will buy well located lot onHampton avenue fronting fi5 feet, withfour-room cottage. Terms easy. 15per cent, off for cash.

GEO. W. PHILLIPS,Real EstaLe, Insurance, Rents and

Loans.'J and 11 N. King St., Hampton, Va.

All That is Best inFlour is found in Our

Suppose you try a loaf andbe convinced.

The Btsker,

W» will deliver it to you d*i!y.!' Full Associated Press report in theDally Press.