t- - 'yy S Tf?"" " ''! HTIiBlMlmj'hJM.lWWI 'f Hi mmnwaiiMitsaianaiM rvtr THE 'KENTUCKY GAZETTE Y t . NUMBER sia.1 7FEDNESDAT, April 12, 1707. V VOLUME X'' LEXINGTO N :Printcaon We&nesdays and Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Mam Jireet i ibhere Su('fcfitions, at TiOrnty-On- e Shillings Per Annum, ' Advertisement s, Articles oj Intelligence, Ljj'ayt, fr. are thankfully received, and Printing, in genet al executed jn a neat and tarred manner. FOR SALE, Ti- - felhwinr Traits of LAND, tie proper, tj of Capl'.Thotnas Bedford, (to wit.) 8000 Acres on the waters' qf Slats and Flat creeks, near the Iron VorljS, entered and patented iu the name of William Davis. Also m iooo acres on the north fork of Licking, in W V Mason eounty, half of Samuel Henry's 2000 acre survey. And , ' to-- 3 acres. Nelson county, on Amor's creek, in the name of John Pemberton. 4 TS.-ho- ve lands will be sold low for cam, or exchanged on advantageous terms for Military lands on Green river, or for good lands, con- veniently situated in the Cumberland country. The purchaser will apply to the fubfcnber, liv jng in bott county. YVM. HENRY, Agent August 3, I795j For said Bedfoid. FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL SITU- ATION T - OF A. First qualitied Land. by three hundred and thirty CONTAINING Elkhorn, sour miles ftom the mouth thereof, where it empties into the Kentucky nver,and six miles siomFrankioit: the land is level and lies exceeding well for farming and meadow ; there is thirty-fiv- e acres cleared and under good fence, fevcrU very good cabbins, a good spring and a v Uuable mill leat, hkewife abundance of excellent timber oi dilfei-e- nt kinds, and the range equal to any in toe drf-tn- a a good title will be given by the fnbfcri- - be ber,Uv.nSonthepmifc.taFincoty. JOS A July 22, 796- - tt PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT FOK MAN AND HORSE, On Main ftreet.nextdoor toDoftor Downing's, By WILLIAM ALLEN. DOCTOR DUHAMEL, T ESPECTFULLT informs the pub- - XV, lie, that he has lately began to praiftlfc PJiyfic, at Millerlburg and its neighboui hood and that he proposes to continue with zeal and attention, and on moderate terms. tr Robert & Andrew Porter, HAVE JUST IMPORTED FROM PHIt.4DEI.rHIA, AND ARE NOW OPENING In the Brick Jloufe lately occupied by Meffir John & Samuel Voulethwait, next door J2 Mr.. Stewart's Printing Office, 5 w? lare and general Jjjortmentipf-DR- GOODS, I CHINA, r fJRnr.F.RIRS. I GLASS. . ' IRONMONGERY, DELI and QUEENS SADDLERY, I WARE, BOOKS, I And NAILS of all fiz- - STATIONARY, Which they will felt at a low price for Calh or Country Produce futtable for the JVcw Orleati Market. Lexington, Feb. W'rf I DA-NCING- . K. DEVENPORT, , VTAKES this method of informing the innab-!t?!ta- of Lexineton and its environs, that he in- - lends opening a SCHOOL at Mr. J. Bradford's, "" imTnday the 24m lnitant, wnererne incenus to , ,. teach Dancing, in all its brandies, on the most , improved plan. He will introduce a variety of Heels which hae never been taught in schools. j By bis experience and attention, lie hopes tome rit the approbation of those who mail encourage his undertaking. tf Lexington, March ir - FOR SAI.17. May 1798. 1 hereby all from laid obligation, I am determinedly to pay it until lpellM HENRY March Entertainment FOR MAN in trie house by Mr. Edwards Frankfort, and formerly Gano. 4i 3T TO BE RENTED, r ., i- - rj.....,- - ir J'B. the sown ot miL.r yJi.u, snaaijoTiM Court House, 4t and LOT, the mod convenient any in said Town for; a Fublic House, with Stables &c. foronejeai, or a longer time. For terms apply to Benjamin Holladay, living near Milfurd. SAMUEL ESTILL. Ajf.'X Nov. 7. IVanted Immediately', N Honell, IndurtnouS OVER- - A SEER, who of negroes. Also an AP- PRENTICE to the business. LEWIS LEMAN. jy A NEW 7 WAVS! tuft- - . rprpiveri mV cars - - - j j Ill III- - Llltl UUUll'j iaVk.ll u.v.UliWw" nir. William Kelly in Bouibon, a large and general ailo'rtment of Dry Haid ware, Groceries and Pueerl's Ware ; which lam authori-fe- d to sell upon the low est terms for Cafti, well clsaned Hemp, Wheat, Rje, Tobacco, raw Hides, Furs, full Salt, iugar, and good Flour iri ban els ; lor which said arti- cles of produce, a price will given. 1 have also Iron and Nails lest in my hand, to be sold for Cain. sew good Horses under seven years old, be wanted, AMOS EDWARDS'. March, 1797. tf LAST NO riCE, The partnerfliip of M'Coim Sr Caftleman has been some time diflolved, by mutual consent, which was made bv i jbrmer advertisement. All oerfons inifeliterl fn them, earnestly retjuelted to make'nivment: of tlieir refpeftlve accmints to James M'Qoun, belore the joth of April rtext. Those who do not avail themselves of this notice, mav depend on having their accounts put the- - hands of cmcersfor coUetlon,asno filrrtier indul- gence can be given. JA?ESM'COUN, JOHN CASTLEMAN. March 11. A LL persons indebted to the late William Tandy, are hereby called on foi payment andihole havmg any Claims, aie aenreci to ex- hibit them without delay, properlv authenticat ed, to the EXECUTORS. Favette, March ZI, I797 is to inform the fublic, that a furvcj THIS anon .1 Mllitury wjrrant, :n the name tf Jff),n Cook, the North Jork of Goose creek aadtbeSo-a- bruncb ef HirroPs trcek, jy:: V"f . ,.,,. acr"' J"."" j "" j i""1.' t AM'"i .f , ftent ilT-te- i the Rule tf Virtinta, to the said lohn Cook ; and at the Cud land, 11 about to be Urgclj irnprovea, werrco'i require an pcrjOfit havtnr am clum to the fasd lind, tcr make them knout!, that we mat not he tnjateJbj impronrjtb toe SAMVEL fEtlltELL. ' AAAON FONTAINE. March 9, 1797- - 6v FOR SAiLh, 400 Acres of Military Landr T YING m the county ot Clarke, a E j bout twelve miles from Lexin .. n .. .V.& mnntr nil lol,,irv frn 'U IOI1 UIl LUC llltllll ,w .uw.i, ,viy itnence 10 v.iurivc :OMl L jiuiiic, ujum ins tht land ot " h KVi I t 1 . ". This land lies we 11, IS. all Of the firltl i:. f InlirnlltlUlfl tifla vision, otherwise I (hall petition different I have file twelve thonfand on Little Kentucky, and Floyd's Fork, be- tween eighteen and thirty miles from the Falls rinin. of a rood quality, and lies level, which" t will sell on rcafonable terms for caOr or ne- -J eroes, and make a general deed. R NETHEKIiSWD. March 16, 1797- - tf W: -- ? Blank Deeds 'for J ale. Thetrattor LAND on Whicn ee(i Df general warranty will begiv I now live, lying about two miles from en- - ny person inclined to see it will ington, near the Georgetown road, containing be eratified by jnr. Taylor. hundred acres; it is well watered and tim- - o about acr'es deared-t- he title indif may be known applying to mr. putable. For temis- apply to the fubfciiber fepll Colby in Lexington or to Capt, who now resides ia the premises- - Richard 1 errell on francis dill. Aaron b otttaine. tf MaTch24- - . - JefTerfon, March y, 1797. Williaiii Worley ot - WHEREAS hasobtained by way J persons for whom I loca- - of deception, an obligation of mine ted landy are desired to come forward and pay Fifty Pounds, to be paid in a horse off their refpectWe in older for a di- - otiouni.ui a m,u,-- i, f"- - w demands agamlt me for land, are frf wad to dlfchaie fhf fnme. in forewarn persons taking an alignment as jiot by law, G0LL1AN 30, 1797 Private & HORSE, the fubferiber lately BY Haiden in bv Daniel RICHARD. M. GANO. April in underllands the ma- nagement Tanning CAST STORE. intn Goods, pioof Whifltey, generous will Bourbon, ff known are into proper Jfx con!.uti VTI the for acr,c;.pfjand, warranty Lex- - Ihetenns--two by Jo- - Beargrafs. for balances, dedred Iam George- - Adam&, fW j -- - gSPECTFULLY informs Ills JL friends and the public in ge- - nerdl, that he has opened Taven, in thatcomnlodlous house on Mam itreet the thiid door below Cross flreet ; where those who please to himvfon, Mudifnh, Lincoln, Haidin and peajs. is ne law lit the comts, defnintf purchase tracls, with their cu(lo:n. fliall meet with ev- - ery polfible attention. For Sale, Six fHotrsAKD ACRES dp LAND ENTEUED for maj. John Mofbv, dec. and in the name ofLittleberry Mof-b-y, heir at law of said John Molby ; lving on main Licking, being part of ten thonfand acres, utijimiinguconenuncieapoies aDove tue moutnv rf"erek;hatrns ""'J1 Licking n the side, sour below the louth v,rt- - m- - . r i.. ,j,.j; a 1 ,i, - U.vW..6, B.m .uu "'ll V i.it iv; j. -- .iJ miiivbvuui; tv Wi.n u. uiw . I .? .!. II 11- - t I janu, as lie purcnaier whidc aupoieato ma& the neceft'ary enquiries previous to his making any title is supposed by those Who have carefully examined it to be Upon paying part of the purchase mo- ney, a reasonable credit will be given for the balance, James BrovjUiAtto. in fait For Mojly , juu. June 1 5, 1796 N. 15. I will alio dispose of any other Lands in Kentucky claimed byfaid Moiby. ALL T NDEETED to the late partnerihip of IRw! JL & BR.YSON. are reauefted to oavtheira Bl counts ornotes to Thomas Irwin or JohnS mitz, wno only tan give dilcharges. One months indulgence will be given. FOR SALE, THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAN D In' THIS STATE: LAND, lllfmnniiprnrpicvidoil hereaftet' this adjacent thedilfeient will proposals.-"-Th- e unquesti- onable Liltleberry Lexington, PLRbONS OOO tlie.WaterS Or kV, the who has cudodv, Rough creek, into feJernto Scott, Lexing-Gree- n fubfcnber ton, Frankfort. 4000 acre,' on Cumberland road, March 1797, Pottinger';. in GreeS ten miles Barnett's stats- - Dallas Regard. 1600 acres near Severn's valley, on the Salt river. ?ooc? acres in Shelby county, ing Leatheman s lettlement, 400 acres on main hlkhorn, six miles .from Fiankfort, 4J acres cleared. AISO, 200 acres' ofan Illinois grant, opjo lite talis ot Ohio. And laige body qf Land in the biff ol fennellee rier. Ins wrll lnloruVithole who incline' Mtp purchase, that I have larely-retu- i ed from exploring molt of the Snentioned lands, particulaily that on Tenneiree and find it to be body of soil, timber, water and range, fupc- - rior to any I have ever seen. i'he aboe mentioned tradl on Elkhorrt, will be either sold or rented. For apply to- fubferiber in Lex- ington. BENj. S. COX, Feb. tf Take Notice ,(n(,r.,n i F.t.Vi.z.fts am iniormea certain mr. Geoige Adams, of town of Lexington, hL..nW hats the difFei ent court this Hate, and sold them my ami' facluiing therefore this is to notify the public, that intend hereafter putmyname in each of my hats to prevent the character of my fliop be- ing injured by any fnch person. As intend moing fhorrly to George- town, the ticket that will be in each hat.will certify that were made in that place, tf TOHN LOVl'REY. s, Wanted, 'K Young Man, an .a's- - fiAant a store, about the age of years, who can well recommended,and can write a hand. Apply the Printer hereof. W-anu- Immediately, sour good Journeymen BreeeSes m E ... wA Kfrtn :.:;',', ,cWao,!l'l Buimcorf" --- '- uV.-vV- ; JCiVXVJlJ X XJUl. Lexington, April f3t- - V (lASKwUlbe'giveAforgoodWHISKEV. FOR SALE, SfJi HuNbRtD motisAUb' acres 6 VALUABLE ITUATED in the Counties of S Fiaitklin, Clarke, Bourbon, Ma- - tG' scene. he taxes mall paid, and savor cA easier lnctunbi dnc.es diicharged at thesjt 'y anri 111 by law. The fubferiber, who will fefide in .town, is authuriied to dilpofc of the above mentioned pio perry bya power of actomey, recor- ded in the office vfthe court ot ap- - Vila' an ODPortunitV of tontrartlnn' l lliriltll wrt lirn wui any muic ilaces. Charles IF. Bird. mean.-- , co practice persons l0 G, TROTTER, and SCOTT, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND N OW O R L E, At their Store direcTly opp0rue the JP market house, a large and neat J? ASSOR 1'AI KlM'P 1. j imw . acres On person him in will which empties mnflr, Twtter & river. ,' or near franklin county, 1 2, '' near (tation. k " ' " 1000 acres the Kg benfl of " ' ' river, aboje SeVCItty-fiv- e waters of join the a bend 1 n- - above a terms the 2". , - . . i . v 1 a V hatter the to houses n as 111 1 10 1 they as in fifteen come fair to fcrrREE or rmnr Ifirnivmn ' -- . . 6- -t JiAl X i be iiinej n m ui F SA !? M r u m c Well Anted to all ns, which ther win ieii on the most reducqd terms, or CASH tf WL fl enty Dollars reward, give the above reward for a Hnfft fiat ltravcd trom one of the town m nC .cxtngton some time in Inly last. of the ifilmwi. mg description, viz. A bright afi about sour- - teen hands high, eight qi nine years old, very lengthy, soma very rejnaikable vhite spots on his bieaft, netk and back, branded with D ofi the near uuttock As the time for bringing the horse to the public ftray-pe- has elapftd, it IS RUNAWAY from tie fubferiber, the tentfl hit, a likely Negro Fellow named Ilhniael, about tjventy-'fi'- years of age, five feet nine or ten inches jughy flout, well inane,- - ins upper lore teeth a: Uttle wide, it is supposed that he is detained by (he mitigation ola certain Mrs. Mary Netherland, ot fames 01 nei anoasces tne laid Mjry Netherkmd, was formerly the wise of John Hctierland of Virginia. Also, s Negro Fellow, named1 bob, (who wai violently taken from me by 4 cer- tain Martin Hawjdns,) about forty y2rs of age, with a blemifli in one of his eyes, about fiye feet eight or nine inches high, limps in his walking, occasioned by a hurt in bis hips. Al- fo, (runaway,) the fourteenth inft. 3 Negro Fel- low, named FIull, about forty years of age five feet nine or ten inches high, well set, ancl has a ls.rge sear on one of his legs, otcafioned by an old sore, which is not yet cured. The above said negroes, I expea, will pass as.the property of the said Mrs Mary Netherland, and notwithftantnng againlfc John Netherland, it is hoped, no person ot clia-raft- er, will be lo uncharitable as to condemn hira? until full investigation Of the ciitum- - iiani-- c uevwecu linn ana tpe lara Mary can Ije heard all persons will be1 particularly eautiou from purchafmg ot hiring said nccroes from sad Mary, or other Perfqns, and alio, the laid Ma ry is legally oiveued ot all power cf mak hire life of any property behiaging to the said John it .!.-- .! "j j r .1 cicnanu, ana mrtner, any property in wy PVel,1( Ponging to tne laid John Nether lahdlam'ready to defiver to said Mrs. Nether- - land, on her legal application, agreeable totlxjir mutual leparation. I he above reward, will be given, far the the three regroesdehvered to me on Hickman creek, Fayette County, or lodged in any jail in the slate, or twenty-fiv- e dollars ?achy.and all .reasonable charges, paid by B. NETHERLAND. Agent for JOHN NETHERLAND. March 16, 1797- - tf w NOTICE, m. . of oW attorney, will attend With1 the " commiflioners appomted bv the coirt of Shelby, on the twenty-nint- h da .Aprrf flext, at. aiettlement of John Bowman's aft dw?rd Worthmgton's, affignees" of Thrns Brian, orr Fox run, adjoinirtg Miller's l&tejtlicn and there to take the depositions of witnefies, and perpe- tuate their teitimony rerpeelirgfaid(ettTeni;iit, and do such other aijts as may be agieeatflj to law. JOHN nOlPMAN. EDicAtiD worthjngton: .March lf 179?' 3ta -:- .,.i-,-,:fi,j Ai -- "WlillrM OREAZ January 17, I797 " Totpn rn- - lw slip fiihrrrihpt- - I J J at BoonfboTough,bayIforjeCo?V tsvo jears eld last spring, ore hind faotAvJiiK, no brand 4 .J

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q2r4h/data/1420.pdf · FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL SITU-ATION T-OF A. ... j By bis experience and attention,

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Tf?"" "''!HTIiBlMlmj'hJM.lWWI 'f HimmnwaiiMitsaianaiM rvtr


NUMBER sia.1 7FEDNESDAT, April 12, 1707. V VOLUME X''

LEXINGTO N :Printcaon We&nesdays and Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Mam Jireet i ibhere Su('fcfitions, at TiOrnty-On- e Shillings Per Annum,'

Advertisement s, Articles oj Intelligence, Ljj'ayt, fr. are thankfully received, and Printing, in genet al executedjn a neat and tarred manner.

FOR SALE,Ti- - felhwinr Traits of LAND, tie proper, tj of

Capl'.Thotnas Bedford, (to wit.)

8000 Acres on the waters'qf Slats and Flat creeks, near the Iron VorljS,

entered and patented iu the name of WilliamDavis. Also

m iooo acres on the north fork of Licking, inW V Mason eounty, half of Samuel Henry's 2000 acre

survey. And ,' to-- 3 acres. Nelson county, on Amor's creek,

in the name of John Pemberton. 4TS.-ho- ve lands will be sold low for cam, or

exchanged on advantageous terms for Militarylands on Green river, or for good lands, con-

veniently situated in the Cumberland country.

The purchaser will apply to the fubfcnber, livjng in bott county.

YVM. HENRY, AgentAugust 3, I795j For said Bedfoid.




First qualitied Land. by

three hundred and thirtyCONTAINING Elkhorn, sour miles ftom

the mouth thereof, where it empties into theKentucky nver,and six miles siomFrankioit:

the land is level and lies exceeding well forfarming and meadow ; there is thirty-fiv- e acrescleared and under good fence, fevcrU very good

cabbins, a good spring and a v Uuable mill leat,hkewife abundance of excellent timber oi dilfei-e- nt

kinds, and the range equal to any in toe drf-tn- a

a good title will be given by the fnbfcri- - beber,Uv.nSonthepmifc.taFincoty.

JOS AJuly 22, 796- - tt


On Main ftreet.nextdoor toDoftor Downing's,By WILLIAM ALLEN.


T ESPECTFULLT informs the pub- -

XV, lie, that he has lately began topraiftlfc PJiyfic, at Millerlburg and itsneighboui hood and that he proposes

to continue with zeal and attention,and on moderate terms. tr


AND ARE NOW OPENINGIn the Brick Jloufe lately occupied by Meffir

John & Samuel Voulethwait, next door J2Mr.. Stewart's Printing Office, 5

w? lare and general Jjjortmentipf-DR-


Which they will felt at a low price forCalh or Country Produce futtable for theJVcw Orleati Market.

Lexington, Feb. W'rfI


K. DEVENPORT,, VTAKES this method of informing the innab-!t?!ta-

of Lexineton and its environs, that he in--lends opening a SCHOOL at Mr. J. Bradford's,

"" imTnday the 24m lnitant, wnererne incenus to, ,. teach Dancing, in all its brandies, on the most

, improved plan. He will introduce a variety ofHeels which hae never been taught in schools.

j By bis experience and attention, lie hopes tomerit the approbation of those who mail encouragehis undertaking.

tf Lexington, March ir -


May 1798. 1 hereby allfrom

laid obligation, I am determinedlyto pay it until lpellM


EntertainmentFOR MAN

in trie houseby Mr. Edwards Frankfort,

and formerly Gano.

4i 3T

TO BE RENTED,r ., i-- rj.....,- - ir J'B.the sown ot miL.r yJi.u, snaaijoTiMCourt House,4t and LOT, the mod convenient

any in said Town for; a Fublic House,with Stables &c. foronejeai, or a longer time.For terms apply to Benjamin Holladay, livingnear Milfurd. SAMUEL ESTILL.

Ajf.'X Nov. 7.

IVanted Immediately',

N Honell, IndurtnouS OVER- -

A SEER, whoof negroes. Also an AP-

PRENTICE to the business.LEWIS LEMAN.

jy A NEW 7WAVS! tuft- - .rprpiveri mV cars- - -j jIll III- - Llltl UUUll'j iaVk.ll u.v.UliWw"nir. William Kelly in Bouibon, a

large and general ailo'rtment of DryHaid ware, Groceries and

Pueerl's Ware ; which lam authori-fe- d

to sell upon the low est terms forCafti, well clsaned Hemp, Wheat,Rje, Tobacco, raw Hides, Furs, full

Salt, iugar, and goodFlour iri ban els ; lor which said arti-cles of produce, a price will

given. 1 have also Iron and Nailslest in my hand, to be sold for Cain.

sew good Horses under seven yearsold, be wanted,

AMOS EDWARDS'.March, 1797. tf

LAST NO riCE,The partnerfliip of M'Coim

Sr Caftleman has been some time diflolved, bymutual consent, which was made bv ijbrmer advertisement. All oerfons inifeliterl fnthem, earnestly retjuelted to make'nivment:of tlieir refpeftlve accmints to James M'Qoun,belore the joth of April rtext. Those who donot avail themselves of this notice, mav dependon having their accounts put the-- hands of

cmcersfor coUetlon,asno filrrtier indul-gence can be given.


March 11.

A LL persons indebted to the late WilliamTandy, are hereby called on foi payment

andihole havmg any Claims, aie aenreci to ex-

hibit them without delay, properlv authenticated, to the EXECUTORS.Favette, March ZI, I797

is to inform the fublic, that a furvcjTHIS anon .1 Mllitury wjrrant, :n the name

tf Jff),n Cook, the North Jork of Goose creekaadtbeSo-a- bruncb ef HirroPs trcek,

jy:: V"f. ,.,,.acr"' J".""j""j i""1.' t AM'"i

.f , ftent ilT-te- i the Rule tf Virtinta,to the said lohn Cook ; and at the Cud land, 11 about

to be Urgclj irnprovea, werrco'i require an pcrjOfithavtnr am clum to the fasd lind, tcr make them

knout!, that we mat not he tnjateJbj impronrjtbtoe SAMVEL fEtlltELL.

' AAAON FONTAINE.March 9, 1797- - 6v


400 Acres of Military LandrT YING m the county ot Clarke, a

E j bout twelve miles from Lexin.. n .. .V.& mnntr nil lol,,irv frn 'UIOI1 UIl LUC llltllll ,w .uw.i, ,viy

itnence 10 v.iurivc :OMl L jiuiiic, ujumins tht land ot "h KVi I t 1

. ".This land lies we 11, IS. all Of the firltl

i:. f InlirnlltlUlfl tifla

vision, otherwise I (hall petition different

I have file twelve thonfandon Little Kentucky, and Floyd's Fork, be-

tween eighteen and thirty miles from the Fallsrinin. of a rood quality, and lies level, which"

t will sell on rcafonable terms for caOr or ne- -J

eroes, and make a general deed.R NETHEKIiSWD.

March 16, 1797- - tfW:--?

Blank Deeds 'for Jale.

Thetrattor LAND on Whicn ee(i Df general warranty will begivI now live, lying about two miles from en- - ny person inclined to see it willington, near the Georgetown road, containing be eratified by jnr. Taylor.

hundred acres; it is well watered and tim- - oabout acr'es deared-t- he title indif may be known applying to mr.

putable. For temis- apply to the fubfciiber fepll Colby in Lexington or to Capt,who now resides ia the premises- - Richard 1 errell on

francis dill. Aaron b otttaine.tf MaTch24- -. - JefTerfon, March y, 1797.

Williaiii Worley ot -WHEREAS hasobtained by way J persons for whom I loca- -of deception, an obligation of mine ted landy are desired to come forward and pay

Fifty Pounds, to be paid in a horse off their refpectWe in older for a di- -

otiouni.ui a m,u,-- i, f"- - wdemands agamlt me for land, arefrf wad to dlfchaie

fhf fnme.

in forewarnpersons taking an alignment

asjiot by law,

G0LL1AN30, 1797

Private& HORSE,

the fubferiber latelyBY Haiden in

bv DanielRICHARD. M. GANO.



underllands the ma-





pioof Whifltey,












for acr,c;.pfjand,



by Jo- -


for balances,


George-- Adam&,fWj -- - gSPECTFULLY informs IllsJL friends and the public in ge- -

nerdl, that he has opened Taven, inthatcomnlodlous house on Mam itreetthe thiid door below Cross flreet ;

where those who please to himvfon, Mudifnh, Lincoln, Haidin and

peajs. is ne law litthe comts, defnintf

purchase tracls,

with their cu(lo:n. fliall meet with ev- -

ery polfible attention.

For Sale,Six fHotrsAKD ACRES dp LAND

ENTEUED for maj. John Mofbv, dec. andin the name ofLittleberry Mof-b-y,

heir at law of said John Molby ; lving onmain Licking, being part of ten thonfand acres,utijimiinguconenuncieapoies aDove tue moutnvrf"erek;hatrns ""'J1 Licking n the

side, sour below the louthv,rt- - m- -

. r i.. ,j,.j; a 1 ,i,- U.vW..6, B.m .uu "'ll V

i.it iv; j. -- .iJ miiivbvuui; tv Wi.n u. uiw.I .? .!. II 11- - t Ijanu, as lie purcnaier whidc aupoieato ma&

the neceft'ary enquiries previous to his makingany title is supposed by thoseWho have carefully examined it to be

Upon paying part of the purchase mo-ney, a reasonable credit will be given for thebalance,

James BrovjUiAtto. infaitFor Mojly , juu.June 1 5, 1796

N. 15. I will alio dispose of any other Landsin Kentucky claimed byfaid Moiby.

ALLT NDEETED to the late partnerihip of IRw!JL & BR.YSON. are reauefted to oavtheira Blcounts ornotes to Thomas Irwin or JohnSmitz, wno only tan give dilcharges.

One months indulgence will be given.






adjacentthedilfeient will

proposals.-"-Th- e




OOO tlie.WaterS Or kV, the who has cudodv,Rough creek, into feJernto Scott, Lexing-Gree- n

fubfcnberton, Frankfort.

4000 acre,' on Cumberland road, March 1797,Pottinger';.

in GreeSten miles Barnett's stats- - Dallas Regard.

1600 acres near Severn's valley, onthe Salt river.

?ooc? acres in Shelby county,ing Leatheman s lettlement,

400 acres on main hlkhorn, six miles.from Fiankfort, 4J acres cleared.

AISO,200 acres' ofan Illinois grant, opjo

lite talis ot Ohio.And laige body qf Land in the

biff ol fennellee rier.Ins wrll lnloruVithole who incline'

Mtp purchase, that I have larely-retu- i

ed from exploring molt of theSnentioned lands, particulaily that onTenneiree and find it to be bodyof soil, timber, water and range, fupc- -

rior to any I have ever seen. i'heaboe mentioned tradl on Elkhorrt,will be either sold or rented. For

apply to- fubferiber in Lex-ington.

BENj. S. COX,Feb. tf

Take Notice,(n(,r.,ni F.t.Vi.z.fts am iniormea certainmr. Geoige Adams, of

town of Lexington, hL..nWhats the difFei ent courtthis Hate, and sold them my ami'facluiing therefore this is to notifythe public, that intend hereafterputmyname in each of my hats toprevent the character of my fliop be-

ing injured by any fnch person. Asintend moing fhorrly to George-

town, the ticket that will be in eachhat.will certify that were madein that place,


s, Wanted,'K Young Man, an .a's--

fiAant a store, about the age of years,who can well recommended,and can writea hand. Apply the Printer hereof.

W-anu- Immediately,sour good Journeymen BreeeSes

m E ... wA Kfrtn:.:;',', ,cWao,!l'lBuimcorf" --- '-



Lexington, April f3t- -

V (lASKwUlbe'giveAforgoodWHISKEV.

FOR SALE,SfJi HuNbRtD motisAUb' acres 6

VALUABLEITUATED in the Counties ofS Fiaitklin, Clarke, Bourbon, Ma- -

tG'scene. he taxes mall paid, andsavor

cAeasier lnctunbi dnc.es diicharged at thesjt 'y

anri 111 bylaw.

The fubferiber, who willfefide in .town, is authuriied todilpofc of the above mentioned pioperry bya power of actomey, recor-ded in the office vfthe court ot ap- -

Vila' an ODPortunitV of tontrartlnn'llliriltll wrt lirnwui any muic ilaces.Charles IF. Bird.

mean.-- , co practicepersons



A N D N O W O R L E,At their Store direcTly opp0rue the JP

market house, a large and neat J?ASSOR 1'AI KlM'P 1. j imw .

acres On person him in willwhich empties mnflr, Twtter &

river. ,' or near

franklin county, 1 2,''

near (tation. k" ' "

1000 acres the Kg benfl of " ' '

river, aboje SeVCItty-fiv- e

waters ofjoin



n- -



terms the


, - . . i . v1 a

V hatterthe

to houses nas 111

1 10



asin fifteen

comefair to

fcrrREE orrmnr Ifirnivmn' -- . .

6- -t

JiAl X

i be


nm ui


!? M r u m


Well Anted to all ns, which therwin ieii on the most reducqd terms,or CASH tf

WL fl enty Dollars reward,give the above reward for a Hnfft

fiat ltravcd trom one of the town m nC.cxtngton some time in Inly last. of the ifilmwi.

mg description, viz. A bright afi about sour- -teen hands high, eight qi nine years old, verylengthy, soma very rejnaikable vhite spots onhis bieaft, netk and back, branded with D ofithe near uuttock As the time for bringing thehorse to the public ftray-pe- has elapftd, it IS

RUNAWAY from tie fubferiber, the tentflhit, a likely Negro Fellow

named Ilhniael, about tjventy-'fi'- years of age,five feet nine or ten inches jughy flout, wellinane,- - ins upper lore teeth a: Uttle wide, it issupposed that he is detained by (he mitigationola certain Mrs. Mary Netherland, ot fames01 nei anoasces tne laid Mjry Netherkmd,was formerly the wise of John Hctierland ofVirginia. Also, s Negro Fellow, named1 bob,(who wai violently taken from me by 4 cer-tain Martin Hawjdns,) about forty y2rs ofage, with a blemifli in one of his eyes, aboutfiye feet eight or nine inches high, limps in hiswalking, occasioned by a hurt in bis hips. Al-

fo, (runaway,) the fourteenth inft. 3 Negro Fel-low, named FIull, about forty years of agefive feet nine or ten inches high, well set, anclhas a ls.rge sear on one of his legs, otcafionedby an old sore, which is not yet cured. Theabove said negroes, I expea, will pass as.theproperty of the said Mrs Mary Netherland,and notwithftantnng againlfcJohn Netherland, it is hoped, no person ot clia-raft- er,

will be lo uncharitable as to condemnhira? until full investigation Of the ciitum- -iiani-- c uevwecu linn ana tpe lara Mary can Ijeheard all persons will be1 particularly eautioufrom purchafmg ot hiring said nccroes from sadMary, or other Perfqns, and alio, the laid Mary is legally oiveued ot all power cf makhirelife of any property behiaging to the said Johnit .!.-- .! "j j r .1cicnanu, ana mrtner, any property in wyPVel,1( Ponging to tne laid John Netherlahdlam'ready to defiver to said Mrs. Nether- -

land, on her legal application, agreeable totlxjirmutual leparation. I he above reward, willbe given, far the the three regroesdehveredto me on Hickman creek, Fayette County, orlodged in any jail in the slate, or twenty-fiv- e

dollars ?achy.and all .reasonable charges, paid byB. NETHERLAND.

Agent for JOHN NETHERLAND.March 16, 1797- - tf

wNOTICE, m. .

of oW attorney, will attend With1 the "commiflioners appomted bv the coirt of

Shelby, on the twenty-nint- h da .Aprrf flext, at.aiettlement of John Bowman's aft dw?rdWorthmgton's, affignees" of Thrns Brian, orrFox run, adjoinirtg Miller's l&tejtlicn and thereto take the depositions of witnefies, and perpe-tuate their teitimony rerpeelirgfaid(ettTeni;iit,and do such other aijts as may be agieeatflj tolaw. JOHN nOlPMAN.

EDicAtiD worthjngton:.March lf 179?' 3ta

-:- .,.i-,-,:fi,j Ai-- "WlillrM OREAZ

January 17, I797"

Totpn rn- - lw slip fiihrrrihpt- -I J J

at BoonfboTough,bayIforjeCo?V tsvo jearseld last spring, ore hind faotAvJiiK, no brand

