KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?

KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?

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Page 1: KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?


Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and

What does it look like in KPS?

Page 2: KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?

Assessment as the Driver.

Using a broader range of assessments to match learning and the ways it is encountered.

Evidencing learning by children showing what they can do, know and understand.

Assessment improving learning and not only proving it.

Designing with children how best to do this Producing a carefully planned blend of

approaches to offer validity and opportunity Create an accurate picture of progress in

learning over time.

Page 3: KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?

Kirkliston Primary School Evidencing children’s achievement – a holistic approach

Personal Learning Planning:

dialogue and Target-setting


Interaction: Teacher/teacher

pupil/pupil Pupil/teacher

Observations A chievement fi les Marking

Quality feedback

Formative approaches:


self and peer assessment children’s ability to generate success criteria

Summative pieces: inc. teacher resources check ups end of outcomes assessments reading comprehensions writing – VC OP pieces NA R

Standardised tests: - baseline - spelling - GL M aths and Reading

Learning journey jotter

progress over a significant

period of time

Tracking English & L iteracy pathways

M aths & Numeracy Talking to each other Shocks and surprises


- using a range of write, say, make and do

- with opportunities for application, breadth and challenge

- planned opportunities to share practice, moderate and monitor

= teacher’s professional judgement to report developing, consolidating and secure

Page 4: KIRKLISTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Why do we need a wider range of evidence of learning?...and What does it look like in KPS?

What Now? Shared with parents but more work

required. Improve the engagement of children

in the choice of assessment styles to evidence their learning

Find a practical and manageable way of storing the evidence…any suggestions?