Kristel Tan UI / UX Designer & Photographer visual showcase

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Kristel Tan • UI / UX Designer & Photographer

visual showcase

BU IT Help Center | Technical Consultant | Sep 2013 - Aug 2016 • Provided Level 1 support to Boston University students, professors,

and alumni regarding both software and hardware related issues

Tumvi, Co. | Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer | Apr 2015 - Jan 2016 • Co-founded a startup based in Boston, revolutionizing the college

dining experience with a mobile app that provides menus, nutritional tracking, and ratings

• Pioneered decisions in the app’s user experience and company branding

UBS | UX/UI Intern | Summer 2015, Summer 2016 • Prototyped software to aid UX researchers and business analysts in

redesigning an internal wealth management platform • Conducted / attended user tests with key stakeholders and delivered

UI specs to developers

UBS | Software Engineering Intern | Summer 2014 • Created JUnit test cases and authored a portion of a rules engine to

ensure business requirements were met • Delivered wireframes and documentation for a redesign of an

internal partner management tool



Boston University | 2013 - Present Pursuing B.A. in Computer Science Graduating c/o 2017 (currently a senior)

Relevant Coursework Software Engineering, Advanced Computer Systems, Concepts of Programming Languages, Computer Systems, Probability in Computing, Geometric Algorithms, Intro to Algorithms, Intro to CS II, Combinatoric Structures, Intro to CS I



CIDAR Lab | Technical Administrator | Aug 2016 - Present • Develop and update the lab's Living Computing Project Wordpress

website • Set up and plan meetings using Confluence tools and Boston

University online resources

≤ 1 year

> 3 years

2 - 3 yearsPython, Java,


Axure RP, Sketch

3, UI/UX Design,


C, C++,


RStudio, Matlab,

Haskell, XML,


Adobe Creative

Suite, DSLR


Microsoft Office



UBS ConsultWorks [WebApp]

A working prototype for a redesign of an internal wealth management platform within UBS. This prototype was evolved from the brainstorming phase of the project and aided stakeholders in making key user experience decisions.

UBS Quickbite [WebApp]

A working prototype for a lunch ordering system within UBS, the brainchild of a team of interns I worked with. This prototype was user tested with UBS employees for proof of concept and later presented to senior management.

UBS Investment Proposal Tool [UI Specifications]

An example of visual design specifications that I delivered to a team of developers in UBS as a guide for front-end development. I collaborated with these developers to ensure that the UI was coded as accurately as possible.

Phagebook [WebApp]

A high-fidelity prototype for a social networking and ordering webapp. The platform is intended to help the synthetic biology community interact with each other, update projects, and order materials for their labs.


Tumvi [Mobile App]

A detailed mockup of a college dining mobile application that evolved from its predecessor, BUFood. The app sought to revolutionize the college dining experience by providing mobile menus, nutritional tracking, and ratings. This mockup in particular helped to scope the app’s features and aided developers.

DevXApp [Desktop Website]

A detailed mockup of the Boston-based tech startup’s website re-design.

DevXApp [Mobile Website]

A mobile-optimized mockup of DevXApp’s company website.


Kristel TanLead UI / UX Engineer

[email protected]+1 732.429.8961www.devxapp.comlinkedin.com/in/tankr



    [super viewDidLoad];        NSString * showAds = [SSKeychain passwordForService:@"ShowPopUpAds" account:@"Main"];        if (![showAds isEqualToString:@"YES"])    {        self.adBanner.hidden = true;    }    self.adBanner.delegate = self;        self.longestWord.text = [SSKeychain passwordForService:@"LONGESTWORD" account:@"MAIN"];    self.shortestWord.text = [SSKeychain passwordForService:@"SHORTESTWORD" account:@"-MAIN"];    NSArray * wordDistribution = [[SSKeychain passwordForService:@"WORDDISTRIBUTION" ac-count:@"MAIN"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];    NSArray * percentDistribution = [[SSKeychain passwordForService:@"COMPLETIONDISTRIBU-TION" account:@"MAIN"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];

 n[5] intValue]],[NSNumber numberWithInt:[wordDistribution[6] intValue]], [NSNumber numberWith-Int:[wordDistribution[7] intValue]], [NSNumber numberWithInt:[wordDistribution[8] intValue]]];    [self.chartView addSubview:secondBarChart];            if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)]) {        if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2.0) {            if([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height == 568){                self.highscoreLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 72.5;                self.recentScoreLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 72.5;            } else{                self.highscoreLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 30.0;                self.recentScoreLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 30.0;            }        }        else {            // not retina display        }           if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {            } else {     UISwipeGestureRecognizer *swipeLeftRight = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTar-get:self action:@selector(swipedLeftOnView)];     [swipeLeftRight setDirection:(UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionLeft)];     [self.view addGestureRecognizer:swipeLeftRight];         UISwipeGestureRecognizer *swipeUpDown = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTar-get:self action:@selector(swipedRightOnView)];     [swipeUpDown setDirection:(UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionRight)];     [self.view addGestureRecognizer:swipeUpDown];    }


To apply, please e-mail [email protected] a cover letter, resume, and brief description of your past experience.


Interested in starting your career with DevXApp?

Join the team. We’re hiring!

We are looking for talented individualswho are passionate, self-motivated, and adaptable.

• Skilled in the Adobe Creative Suite• Preferred experience with Sketch • Familiar with Human Interface Guidelines• Equipped with a digital portfolio of prior designs and creations

Graphic Designer

• Skilled in Java and/or C++•  Knowledge of JSON, Parse, or RESTful APIs•  Experience with the Android SDK• Prior development experience

Android Developer

• Skilled in Python, PHP, or other web languages•  Knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and JQuery•  Experience with databases and using a front-end framework such as Bootstrap

Web Developer

• Skilled in Swift and/or Objective-C•  Knowledge of JSON, Parse, or RESTful APIs•  Experience with APIs and common frameworks• Prior development experience•  Familiar with Human Interface Guidelines

iOS Developer

DevXApp [Print Materials]

A small collection of advertisements distributed by DevXApp, including a flyer, banner, and business card.

BU Food App — Version 2.0 [Mobile App]

A re-design of the college dining mobile application initially created by DevXApp.

Boston University Smash Tournament [Stream Layout & Logo]

A Super Smash Brothers gaming tournament organized by Boston University’s Video Game Society. The branding for the event was a contemporary and polished twist on the classic video game. The stream layout overlaid a live video stream of the tournament.

Boston University Smash Tournament (cont’d) [Stream Layout & Logo]

BUST 2 was the follow-up tournament to its first semiannual event.

Boston University Smash Tournament (cont’d) [Stream Layout & Logo]

BUST 3 was the follow-up tournament to its second release, making history as the biggest New England tournament for the Smash community. For this tournament, I went a flatter and paper inspired design.

A Mobile Themed Hackathon [Digital Ad]

A Facebook event page banner for a hackathon hosted by BU’s Global App Initiative.

Water Walk [Digital Ad]

A Facebook event page banner for a walk sponsored by BU’s UNICEF Campus Initiative.

I Will AIM Program [Graphic Design]

A training and coaching program intended to help individuals achieve their professional dreams, created by certified motivational speaker Will Lukang. The top three graphics are minimalist visual representations for a few of Will’s key principles and the bottom image is a simple logo.


Boston University Asian American Christian Fellowship [Typography]

A t-shirt design competition entry for one of BU’s religious organizations on campus. This project incorporated a fun play and practice on typography.

Miscellaneous Photoshoots [Digital Photography]

These are a few samples of my personal photography endeavors, all of which I enjoy taking as a hobby and editing for practice.

(732)•429•8961 | [email protected] | linkedin.com/in/tankr