Kuthumi - All the Goddess Archetypes

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CHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE ELOFF© January 2006"The next phase of the human healing process, with regards to the Goddess force, is: How the Goddess Is perceived.The illusion has been created that a Goddess has to look a certain way. There are, by the way, 13 Goddess templates or imprints, which means that there are 13 body types, there are 13 feminine or Goddess archetypes. The problem is, that society has only allowed one of those body types and one of those archetypes through. That is the one that all of you have come to know as the thin, sex kitten woman. "The Barbie" archetype as named by sister Antoinette. That attitude and level of consciousness has resulted in numerous dysfunctions in society for both men and woman. It has resulted in billions of women shying away from their divine imprint, rejecting their authentic self, their authentic nature and their authentic being. It has also created an illusion for men, who strive to "own" that particular kind of woman and to be seen with that particular Goddess on his arm. This creates a certain status or power for him, because he has achieved or has conquered and he owns. Women need to take their power back. Women need to see how powerful they truly are by being authentic, and by rejecting the illusion that society has created and demands from them to adhere to, in order to be acceptable. If women insist, and persist to try and mould themselves into a form that goes against their blue print shape, they will manifest disease in their body. They will find that the negative emotions related to this will consume them. They will also notice that their efforts to force their body into a shape or form that goes against their divine template, will be sabotaged. Beloved ones, the media has played the biggest role in supporting and maintaining this illusion. Many magazines and movies claim to be changing their stance and promoting healthier ways of sculpting or moulding the body, however, at the end of the day, every advertisement has a woman who looks very similar in shape to every other woman on the page, the only difference is the face. "

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Goddess in full Expression (All the Goddess Archetypes)


January 2006

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged.

To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.co.za

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose.

All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forth upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of celebration, of joy and of trust .. greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts as we gather with you upon this day as we hold you firmly in the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands on God.

Beloved Daughters of light, today it is that we want to discuss with you a very important topic. In fact, one that is in a manner of speaking, a powerful influence or driving force in the shift of humanitys consciousness into light. And that is the power of a woman, or the power of the Goddess energy.

Many, many years ago, women held positions of great power. They were respected for their wisdom, they were respected for their ability to nurture and create. However an imbalance came into being when certain women, or goddesses, abused that power. Women used men as slaves, just as many women are experiencing currently, and so it was that men came into power, eventually, and instead of bringing it into balance, they simply relived the original abuse by the feminine energy. Now your planet is being given the opportunity to bring masculine and feminine energy into perfect balance and alignment on your planet.

You have already witnessed that some women, not all, have lost the plot so to speak, and instead of becoming empowered women, feminine, nurturing creators, some of them have tried to reshape their energy to become like mens. That is where the misunderstanding has caused the danger of further imbalance. In order to be a powerful woman does not mean, you have to become like a man, and in order for a man to bring his feminine side into balance does not mean he has to become like a woman or change his sexuality. All you are asked to do, is to be the authentic self and empower the self at the same time. The feminine principle, cannot go without the masculine principle, and vice versa. The seed of Father Gods energy is required to fertilize and ignite the life span of the Mother Goddesses ability to nurture and create.

So the time ahead of humanity is one of a certain amount of volatility. The reason why we say this, is because women who hate men, for individual reasons, who would rather the planet were free of men, will go through very intense clearing process. The same applies to men who deny their goddess energy. You know your classical macho man; he will also have to address the Goddess principal within. It is a necessity, in order to bring balance.

The power of the Goddess energy is one that opens windows of opportunity for levels of information and frequencies of light to support and uplift the ascension program which is being created for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. The feminine energy is what emanates the spirit of the creator aspect of every human being. And the God, masculine aspect is what inspires action and the manifestation of what is being created.

When a person conceives an idea, it is the feminine energy that is tapped into. Feminine energy responds to the information of the Universal Mind, conceives of it, and holds it within the sacral chakra just like a human is conceived in the womb and spends nine months in gestation.

The masculine energy or God Force is what takes the idea and makes it happen, implements it physically, so that it manifests as a reality. When a person feels stuck, stagnant, uninspired, de-motivated and depressed, there is generally a large part of the self that is disconnected from the Goddess aspect of self. Remember the Goddess conceives, the God initiates or activates.

So a person experiencing this, needs the support to reconnect with the Goddess self. First of all, take some time to write down every thing that you are de-motivated about, uninspired by, or disillusioned about. Write down how it feels being stuck. What it feels like to be stagnant. We would also suggest that you begin your sentences with .

I feel uninspired because of

(the next sentence will begin with),

Feeling stagnant feels like .

I am angry because I see my life as stuck and stagnant, I feel uninspired and de-motivated

and this has come as a result of .. (and continue to write).

I have lost touch with my Goddess energy and my ability to create and be inspired by new ideas because

. (And continue to write).

I feel hopeless and helpless because

. (And then to continue the sentence).

By beginning the sentences in this manner, beloved ones, it creates an avenue of expression that the inner child or any wounded aspect of the self can follow through with.

When one says to a person write down what you feel a wounded person who feels completely de-motivated or uninspired, would not have a clue where to begin. And if they do not know where to begin, they will feel even more de-motivated, more hopeless and helpless. After having written on each of the sentences we have initiated, the individual will have better clarity, and a little more understanding around their situation and how they have disconnected from their Goddess energy and who or what has contributed to the severing of that energy. The anger is always part of the process, because beneath the anger the hopelessness and helplessness resides, and it is usually manifested as a result of fear.

This process we suggest for men, and women who have lost touch with their ability to make vital and necessary changes in their life. Men who feel cut off from their ability to provide for their family. Men who are angry at women because the relationship with his mother resulted in him feeling disempowered, ill-equipped and unable to apply himself in order to motivate a force of energy that would create a sustainable living program for himself. The absence of the Goddess energy has resulted in a number of atrocities world-wide. Men have misunderstood and abused the power of their God energy and instead of being protectors, guardians, providers and initiators, they became fighters, war broke out, violent behavior emerged, and rape and murder has become a large part of your worlds crime rate. Men have forgotten their place in the structure of all life that the Goddess energy fills.

Another area of humanities development that will undergo great change and shift, as I am sure many of you have already guessed, is religion. Especially religious cults, communities, churches and anything of such a nature that denies the Goddess her rightful place beside the God force. If this behaviour continues to play itself out in this manner, the changes brought to earth will be extremely challenging, our reason for saying this is that by 2012 your Earth needs to have come to a point of balance. It is called the critical mass which needs to be at that point, which means, a minimum of 92% of Earths inhabitants need to have achieved that balance. In other words they need to have experienced the awakening process in what ever form it unfolds for each person on a personal level.

However, let us also say, currently, there are 6 billion give or take; humans on your planet. With the Earths changes and the opportunity being presented to humanity and to souls who are younger than other more "traveled souls", may choose to relieve themselves of the earth experience; and go through a time of healing and higher learning on the earth planes, and reincarnate at a later stage, which means that up to 2 billion people are estimated to leave the planet by that time. It is an estimation, and also depends on how free will is used by all souls. How they respond or react to the opportunity spiritually and on all other levels presented in order to assist and facilitate their soul development.

The feminine energy/Goddess energy, adds dimension to the souls progress, because the Goddess is the inner wisdom, the inner intelligence, and the aspect of self and the universal aspect that draws itself within and is able to explore inner worlds and inner planes that the God aspect of self absolutely cannot do, because it has not been created to function in that manner. Now, those inner worlds hold valuable, vital, wisdom and knowledge that is meant to be utilized to further support the expansion of consciousness, and the evolution of every soul.The same as the God energy is able to explore information, way beyond what many of you have come to know as the universal mind, it moves, expands beyond any and all parameters, gaining new ground, discovering new information, it goes outward. The Goddess energy cannot discover that, because, it was not designed to do so.

So do you understand the importance in the balance between masculine and feminine, and do you see why the Goddess energy is so important to the (r)evolution of human kind.

The next phase of the human healing process, with regards to the Goddess force, is: How the Goddess Is perceived.The illusion has been created that a Goddess has to look a certain way. There are, by the way, 13 Goddess templates or imprints, which means that there are 13 body types, there are 13 feminine or Goddess archetypes. The problem is, that society has only allowed one of those body types and one of those archetypes through. That is the one that all of you have come to know as the thin, sex kitten woman. "The Barbie" archetype as named by sister Antoinette. That attitude and level of consciousness has resulted in numerous dysfunctions in society for both men and woman. It has resulted in billions of women shying away from their divine imprint, rejecting their authentic self, their authentic nature and their authentic being. It has also created an illusion for men, who strive to "own" that particular kind of woman and to be seen with that particular Goddess on his arm. This creates a certain status or power for him, because he has achieved or has conquered and he owns.

Women need to take their power back. Women need to see how powerful they truly are by being authentic, and by rejecting the illusion that society has created and demands from them to adhere to, in order to be acceptable. If women insist, and persist to try and mould themselves into a form that goes against their blue print shape, they will manifest disease in their body. They will find that the negative emotions related to this will consume them. They will also notice that their efforts to force their body into a shape or form that goes against their divine template, will be sabotaged.

Beloved ones, the media has played the biggest role in supporting and maintaining this illusion. Many magazines and movies claim to be changing their stance and promoting healthier ways of sculpting or moulding the body, however, at the end of the day, every advertisement has a woman who looks very similar in shape to every other woman on the page, the only difference is the face.

Let us add at this point, and this is vital to bear in mind, if a woman or a man is seriously over weight, in other words obese, and their excessive weight is endangering their health, it is vital that the person take the necessary steps to bring their life into balance. A healthy lifestyle is vital. Obesity is not a Goddess template.

It is vitally important that people realize, that the 12 principles of life, the golden principles of life, support the manifestation of the Goddess energy, in such a way, that the 13 templates of the Goddess energy can be maintained in a healthy manner. Now a person can be slim and have the current modern image of the "Goddess", but emotionally and mentally, is seriously wounded and unhappy. So the physical form, the shape of the body, what the face or body looks like, has absolutely nothing to do with the power of the Goddess.

A Goddess in distress is dangerous, destructive, and unable to contribute to the reconstruction of the Goddess template, the same as a man, whose God energy is wounded, he too is dangerous and destructive. These are usually men who are in positions of power, not just men in business or with money, any man who wields power where people fear him, rather than respect him as a mentor, these men usually perpetuate the process and abuse of the base chakra and other activities related to the base chakra.

Now in order for the "God" to heal his wounds, the Goddess has to acknowledge her power, her inner beauty, her intelligence, and her capability to create whatever her soul desires in accordance with the Highest Will of Gods plan. Women need to acknowledge that they are equal to the God force; that the Goddess has equal rights. That it is her Divine right to stand along side the God energy. In general temptation has been considered to be presented by a female - the temptress. This just gives you another idea of how distorted humanitys ideas around the Goddess principle and women truly are. All you ladies here today and all the women who will come to read these words, make a promise to yourself today, that you will make the effort to acknowledge yourself as the unique Goddess that you authentically are. Commit to yourself that you will surrender and allow your Divine Goddess template to emerge gracefully and harmoniously and that you can and will lead by example and represent the authentic Goddess.

As each woman allows herself to move into her natural mould physically, emotionally, intellectually and mentally, the whole template for mother earth will transform, because the power of the authentic Goddess, the power of the authentic woman, automatically gives birth to the authentic God - the man who feels safe enough within himself and empowered enough within himself to be the Divine God that he was meant to be, so that he can fully embrace his Divine Goddess aspect and participate in the process of bringing into full manifestation the gold print for humanity.

Have a look at women, take some time out, go and have a cup of tea or coffee and watch the women who walk past you look at their physical structure .. and you will see how different they are but you will also recognize the various templates. Certain models in society have touched on a couple of them:

There is the pear shaped body; the apple shaped body; the shape that has broad shoulders and tiny waist, pear shaped being full round hips, with a smaller upper body, the apple shape being round, as in the torso, and the hip area being round, perhaps thinner legs and arms. You also have women who are square, wide shoulders, wide hips, there is not much shape in the waste. You have you classic hour glass shape, tiny waist, full hips, full breasts, full behind. You have your athletic build, now there are two types of the athletic build. The very slim one, and the very muscular one. The slim one is a woman of more petite frame but athletic in her appearance. Then there is one where the woman is tall in physical height but athletic and very muscular in shape. Then you have your women who are very short or small in their physical frame but have perhaps the hour glass shape or fit any of the other descriptions we have given. A number of these woman reject their height and will not accept that template. You have woman who are very tall, we can call this your model material, legs that end by their ears, yes, that is another template. (laughter) Then you have your mother Goddess, or the Earth mother template. This is a woman who is full in the breasts, and buttocks and also full in her tummy area, full arms, full legs, with a very open face, a very open energy. Now this is the template that one has to be careful of, we are not referring to obesity, it is the woman, who for as long as she can remember has had this shape, regardless of how many diets she goes on or how much she excercises, the shape of the body does not change.

These remaining three shapes in actual fact, you can say are sub-templates of the athletic shape, which often becomes what we will call the crone shape, in other words, the mature women. Many women have found that their body changes in shape as they change in wisdom, as a result of life experience and hormonal change, their body will fall into those three sub-level categories. This is often perhaps when breasts change shape, buttocks may change shape, we believe some people humorously would say, "gravity sucks"(laughter). So, mature Goddesses who are often referred to as the Crone, you all need to give yourself the space to transform into the mature Goddess. So the athletic template may loose its muscle tone, and may add softness around the tummy area, around the hip area, and perhaps even the upper arms and breasts.

Then there is also the hour glass shape that becomes its mature Goddess and may also add a level of softness to it. What we are trying to say beloved ones, is that the mature Goddess accepts the natural changes that come with becoming the wise Goddess. As each woman can surrender to her coming of age, she accepts and integrates the new template in a far more harmonious and peaceful way. The last template of the mature Goddess, is either the very tall or the very short template, that has always been naturally skinny but may find that they are challenged with skin sagging, not much in the weight gain area or the adding of softness area, but the skin sags.

The information that we will give you now is not something that you will find in a jar of cream that you apply in the morning, it is an inner energy an inner light, we will call it your etheric botox! (laughter) Beloved ones, it is very simple and in actual fact, inexpensive Attitude, that beloved ones is one of the keys to longevity.

The Goddess fears the aging process. Her fear ignites the death hormone and automatically results in the breakdown of the body the degeneration of the body Now beloved ones, look at any woman, and in fact, men too, who have been and are still on a spiritual path. A woman who accepts herself, who is positive about life, who is animated by every aspect of spirit and who works with light, appears ageless. You may be totally astounded by the womans age in physical years by comparison to her physical looks. As we have said, the miracle is not in a jar of cream it is on the inside.

The more light you feed yourself with and the more self- love you practice, the younger you will feel and appear. The majority of the representations of the energies of the ladies and the masters of the higher planes are ones of great beauty. Physical beauty. This is not solely because the person, having drawn it, wants to simply present an idealistic image that may be mirroring their own inner desires, they are in actual fact portraying truth, because the masters, both ladies and lords, have chosen to deny the death hormone, so to speak, they remain forever young. The truth in fact is, that peoples bodies looks that is, would generally reach its maturing by the age of 35 and maintain the 35 year old physical appearance, until that person chooses to drop the physical body.

So you can reverse the aging process by investing, not money, but energy and time in healing your inner self. Turning on the faucet to the Goddess energy to flow through you, choosing positivity, choosing truth, lightness and love and people will want to know what your secret is. It is a fact that it works. Take the time to research female masters and the adepts of the physical world who have been on a path of light, and look at their skin, they radiate, even if their hair changes in colour, it is still filled with light, because the woman surrenders to the natural cycle of change, and that beloved ones, is just another aspect of the power of the Goddess. As a young woman, the Goddess energy holds a certain frequency, as the woman matures in age and becomes a mother, generally there is another frequency of Goddess energy, and as she matures after that, there is another aspect of the Goddess energy that comes into being. This is often referred to as the Triple Goddess or the Maiden the Mother and the Crone energy.

When a woman stops her monthly menstrual cycle, she moves into another realm of experiencing and expressing the Goddess energy, the same as the virgin does, and when the virgin becomes a sexually active woman, she taps into another level of the Goddess energy. All three holding a very specific power. The Triple Goddess energy is what gives a woman vital tools and support structures to evolve with her femininity. However in the male dominated world and the world of illusion, the triple Goddess has been slaughtered to a large degree. Now it is time to resurrect those aspects. This is why "worshipping" the Goddess energy is becoming something that more and more people are being drawn to. Paganism for instance, has become an active practice again. It is becoming very popular in actual fact. Many people are now beginning to accept Paganism as a white art. A practice of light. People are beginning to recognize that Mother Goddess is as important as Father God. Every woman needs to allow this practice and process to emerge for herself .

So, part of your healing process, beloved ones, would also be the restructuring of your triple Goddess templates, going back to the virgin template, healing the wounds at that time. Tapping into the authentic power of the virgin Goddess, what she represents, what she offers, and what you would have learned or gained during that time until you became a sexually active woman. That particular time of sexual activity is often referred to as the mother time - the second phase of the Goddess experience. You can go back to that time, whether you had children or not, does not matter, go back to that time, and explore it, heal the wound, and tap into the levels of wisdom and opportunity that presented itself, or presents itself during the mother phase of Goddess template.

Now the crone or the mature woman template usually comes into being around the time that is considered midlife crisis or change of life, or when the woman ceases to have a monthly menstrual cycle. If you are not at that point yet, know that by developing and healing the earlier two aspects of your Goddess energy, you can experience the full power of the triple Goddess in the last phase of your Goddess template.

Now the archetypes also manifest in a number of ways.

You have your (1)Maiden or the Virgin, your (2) Mother or the sexually active goddess, and the (3) Crone which is the wise old woman, those are three archetypes. You then have the (4) Seductress or the temptress, the (5)Victim, the (6) Nurturer, (7) The Rescuer and the (8) Martyr. You also have the (9) Male goddess, this is the woman who is so into her masculine energy, that she has lost touch with her feminine energy The (10) Weeping woman is a woman, who is so into her feminine energy that she has completely lost touch with her ability to provide for herself in any way. This is different to the victim archetype. The (11) Fierce wounded woman, the (12) Passive wounded woman, and the (13) Master Goddess.

We will give additional explanations on the 13 archetypes, which will give all of you beautiful goddesses the opportunity to understand, or at least recognize, where you are. None of the archetypes are worse than others. Your goal is obviously the last archetype, which is the Mastered Goddess.

The twelve archetypes, that we are about to give you, is not to say, that any other is better or worse off, each one of them, is for a purpose of healing, and in actual fact, one of the ways that these archetypes can be worked with is by applying the twelve golden principles of life. (e-mail michelle@... for more info on this) With the archetypes, we have given you, we will give you the shadow aspect of that particular archetype and we will tell you what the awoken aspect of that archetype is which will all culminate in the Mastered Goddess.


During the first 12 years of life, that is generally the virgin maiden time, prior to the female beginning her menstrual cycle she goes through the process of creating her self- esteem, her self-worth, her self-concept, how she will accept herself, how she will apply herself and how she presents herself to the world. That archetype shifts slightly, once the menstrual cycle has been initiated, and this is where she begins to learn how to apply her feminine power with the opposite gender. The virgin time, however, can also be dangerous in the sense of a mature woman presenting that archetype and behaving as the ignorant young virgin who cant do anything for herself. In that sense it is a kind of manipulation. We will only give you bits and pieces, to give you all the information will take a very long time. We will ask this channel at some stage, to add onto this, perhaps this is a good reason for you to get together for a weekend so that we may focus on the Goddess energies!



This is when the woman becomes sexually active. This also depends on age and when the female chooses to give herself to a man. Now in the years past in many cultures or older ways, women only became sexually active in their late teens, sometimes mid twenties, which means that that maturing process was slightly more delayed, however, in more modern times as well in some ancient cultures, women became sexually active when they were still in a Virgin state of consciousness which also posed problems because they were presented with energy that they did not understand how to utilize. And some of the women who became sexually active later in life, also became confused by the new energy as a result of her sexual activity.

In the base chakra of every woman there is a seal of energy, this is referred to as the virginity. That seal, when broken, opens the feminine consciousness to the mother energy, the mother wisdom, and this is when a woman begins to develop new aspects of herself and her consciousness. She explores her power and how it can further be used with the opposite gender. She starts finding out about her creative abilities, and also comes to deal with if it is her life time choice, with the process of producing children.

Every child that she gives birth to breaks another seal, and opens her up to another level of consciousness, so it adds even further dimensions to her process of awakening. And generally, the mother stage of life is where one learns the most about one self. During that time the danger of that particular archetype is that the woman may begin to live (project) her life/fears/wants either through her children, husband/partner, or through her career.


The mature woman reaches a point in her life, where she has hopefully achieved a greater degree of self-acceptance, especially if that was a related issue to a wound initiated during her virgin years. She will have developed a deeper sense of self-love, self-application and inner knowledge as a result of her virgin and mother experiences. This is the phase where the mature Goddess is given the opportunity to release herself through forgiveness, through the letting go of the wounds of the virgin and other stages and have come to envelop herself as a powerful Goddess. The shadow aspects of this is that the woman can become a bitter, cynical "old hag" if deeply wounded, especially if she does not give herself the space and time and the self-love to release and to forgive others and herself. She can also find that her cynicism and disillusionment can taint or harm other females in her life who are either in the virgin or mother phases of their life if she chooses to project the shadow aspect of her consciousness and journey.

The power of the wise Goddess, is that she can help the virgin and mother Goddesses heal their wounds and not have to wait until they reach the third phase of their life to heal it. It is usually in the third phase of the Goddess that a woman is able to accept her authenticity, in terms of physical appearance, and inner beauty, but it is possible to do so a lot sooner with the proper foundation and influences in life.


This archetype usually plays itself out in the early years, but is not limited to that age, anything from as young as 14 and upwards. Now the temptress is generally a wounded woman who seeks love and acceptance and will tempt the opposite gender so that she can manifest her need for love and acceptance. The temptress also places conditions on her love which is often what leads to further wounding and her so called down fall. This woman will place an immense amount of emphasis on her physical appearance and may resort to plastic surgery in her younger years to try and maintain the glamorous image of the Fantasy Dream Girl. Her need to be desired by men manifests a sense of security for her inner child. She feels wanted. The other shadow aspect of this archetype is that the woman may be so desperate for love and acceptance that she loses herself in her relationships and doesnt set boundaries. The men may also be very possessive, and abusive which makes it more difficult for her define her true self. The positive aspect of the temptress, is that once having experienced the power of that seduction, she can use that self-confidence; her sexuality, to build a healthy relationship with her partner. This will maintain self-confidence, but will also teach her the importance of self-acceptance and self-love. In this case this is when plastic surgery may be a means to the end for a woman being able to fully embrace herself, especially if there is severe physical difiguration, but does not become a slave to plastic surgery which is the danger it poses to the women trapped in the shadow aspect of this archetype. Let us also add for the Temptress, she is also on the positive side, fortunate to have that archetype, for she will do well in the arts such as dancing, singing, and acting, in fact entertainment in general.


The Victim archetype manifests early in life. These are woman who would have experienced some level of abuse either physical, emotional, mental, or verbal, early on in their years. And because of the disempowering experience, she becomes more and more disempowered. She too, becomes disillusioned and cynical and an unhealed victim archetype can result in the cynical old hag that we spoke of earlier. The victim archetype is a sure death sentence for the triple Goddess and results in the Goddess being paralyzed and disempowered for the duration of the incarnation. A Victim Archetype that is healed results in the Mastered Goddess, but the victim archetype also develops a system as it heals that can assist other victims in empowering themselves, so this is why we say, all 12 of the original archetypes that we speak of all lead up to the 13th Archetype the Mastered Goddess. The shadow aspect of the archetype when healed becomes the wise aspect. The victim denies herself the opportunity of becoming empowered, of becoming independent and self-sufficient. But her healed aspect opens up the opportunity and often her Divine plan with regards to her life work.


The nurturer archetype is the one who takes care of everyone around her; the danger is that it is to her own detriment where she denies herself the same nurturing or mothering, and begins to measure her self-worth based on how others respond to her nurturing the more she is needed, the worthier she feels. This can leave a woman feeling unacknowledged. It can leave her also feeling resentful, washed out, and extremely fatigued, it also separates her from her authentic self, especially if she is living through the people she is nurturing. The positive, wise aspect of the nurturer is one who can provide for her family, friends or any other loved ones to the degree that she gives them the opportunity to discover more about themselves. She gives them a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, an ear that will listen, and at the same time she nurtures herself , she creates balance, she empowers herself, she leads by example as she nurtures others, you can say, she is the balanced Goddess.

She will also know how to set boundaries in order to maintain balance, where as the victim would have no idea of how to set boundaries. The shadow aspect of the nurturer also does not know how to set boundaries and would often have children, partners, relatives and colleagues take advantage of her generosity and will place unrealistic expectations on her. She takes on too much, usually relying on chemical substances to lift her out of depression and may find herself becoming depressed because she gains a lot of weight, feels unloved, resents the fact that she does not have time for herself, but does not do anything about it because she is too busy doing for others. This in fact then becomes the identity which she believes to be her true self.


Is the one who will be there for everyone at anytime, regardless, she will always be there to fix the problem, to make the peace often sacrificing her own energy and sacrificing opportunities for herself . This can be confused with the nurturer, however the rescuer usually ends up in situations where she will be saving the one who is down and out. She will take on all the problem children and try to fix them, including wounded men. She will often find her trust betrayed by these ones. And many of these women end up in relationships where the partner takes advantage of her over and over again, by making promises that are never kept, so perhaps physically abusing her, promising never to do it again, but repeats the pattern of behaviour. The abuser is generally a person who has serious emotional issues of their own, whose inner child seriously wants rescuing & nurturing but does not have the emotional awareness of what to do to heal the wound and manifest a healthy nurturing relationship. A good example is an alcoholic or drug addict who displays depression, they are insecure, sometimes even unemployed and along comes the rescuer to save them and show them a better life. The rescuer however does not know if the victim in fact wants be rescued or if the wounds being so deeply ingrained have in fact become their identity and they use it to manipulate their way through life. Bearing in mind this is not always a deliberate conscious act. It is often unconscious, they simply dont know any other way. The rescuer in the wise aspect can recognize the so called down and out ones, and give the opportunity to heal their wounds by personal choice, therefore she can lead them in the right direction to self-empowerment, she does not do it for them, or sacrifice herself by convincing herself that they will change. She gives them the power to do it for themselves and takes time to work on her own issues to ensure she is in touch with her authentic self, whatever that may be at that time for her.


The martyr which will also includes some of the aspects of the rescuer and the nurturer, perhaps some aspects of the victim, will generally unconsciously do everything in her power to rescue everything and everyone at the same time, however, she will do it in a passive aggressive way often verbally expressing her levels of resentment, frustration and anger. She is the complainer, always whining about her desperate feelings and awful lot in life but doesnt take opportunities to empower herself, simply because she is often afraid of what will become of her if she breaks out of her comfort zone. She thrives on other people pity and loves to hear how wonderful she is to have sacrificed so much to help others. She also makes sure everybody knows how much she is doing for everyone. She doesnt know how to do it any other way. Whereas the rescuer or the nurturer internalizes a lot of that emotion or may be in denial regarding the shadow aspects of those archetypes. The martyr will be open about it to a large degree, either verbally, or at times through aggressive behavior which displays her lack of coping skills, because her life may be filled with many levels of stress. The martyr often will also search for acknowledgement of her actions and her deeds and can manipulate to a great degree. The martyr who has transcended the shadow aspect and moves into her wise aspect, can point out what needs rescuing, what needs fixing, what needs adjustment and delegate. She can make others conscious of how they can work together to create change and she is able to communicate her needs in a mature and clear way.

Male Goddess

Is the one, that we mentioned earlier, who loses herself by believing that in order to be equal to a man; she must become a man. On the negative side, like the temptress, these women can also be sexually promiscuous. The difference would however be that this particular archetypes sexual promiscuity would be more like a conquering kind of expression, chasing and conquering rather than tempting or seducing in order to get love and affection. This particular archetype is also one which is often adopted by women who would have to provide for themselves from a young age or who are single parents; they instinctively tap into that archetype in order to nurture and especially protect and provide for their young. The wise aspect of the masculine archetype is the woman who recognizes the need to be active. She uses her intellect and the power of her femininity to create opportunities for herself, find ideals and put them into action. Women who have built their own businesses from scratch, but have not lost touch with their femininity, and women who have achieved powerful positions within large companies and have not lost their femininity are a perfect example of the wise aspect of this archetype. She has learned how to use her masculine energy to put into action what she has conceived of creatively. She has a good business sense. She uses her money wisely, she can plan, she can delegate. She provides and sustains her life in a balanced way.

Weeping Woman

This is the woman who is not just the victim, she is the whiner and the manipulator, we call her the weeping woman because she will often abuse and manipulate people emotionally and may resort to tears to get her own way or to get out of a situation. She is also in another manner of speaking highly sensitive, takes offence easily, is not willing to use criticism in a constructive way and will harbor resentment and anger. She may manifest as a passive aggressive on some level or she will internalize her anger and manipulate even more by using emotional blackmail. These women also tend to manifest disease in their physical body, more so than any other archetype and use their disease, illness or ailments, as a manipulation as well. They make it their identity and manipulate people around them as a result of this. The woman who transcends this and becomes the wise aspect of it, learns to utilize her sensitivity in a way to read energy psychically. She is in actual fact very intuitive if she learns to tap into the positive aspects of this particular archetype. She learns to separate her wounded self from her mastered self and is able to use criticism constructively. She is able to look at herself and consciously and efficiently make the necessary changes by keeping her lower ego in check and build upon her life.

Women who have turned their lives around, and who have been faced with terminal disease or, severe debilitation as a result of illness or illnesses and have learned about the wise aspects of themselves and have realized how their weeping wounds have resulted in in-fection and In-flamation and have turned it around, serve and lead by example, by showing others how to transform their illness and empower themselves, and even women who are not completely cured but do not use their disease as a crutch is considered to hold the wise aspect of this archetype. A woman who manipulates in this manner is called the weeping woman, because her weeping wounds motivate her from the core.

Fierce Wounded Woman

This is the woman who in general is pissed off with life. And that is exactly how she is described. She is aggressive, impatient, intolerant, and believes the world owes her something. She might also be lesbian, or extremely controlling in her personal relationship with a male partner. She runs the home, makes decisions, but not in a supportive manner, in an aggressive way. Her partner would be referred to as a hen pecked. These are women who do not give their children the space to learn about themselves and is often emotionally abusive, verbally abusive, and can also be physically abusive.

The wise aspect of this is a woman who can take that energy and use it to motivate herself to make changes in her life or in the world that initially created that deep anger. She can help other aggressive women heal the chip on their shoulder and bring themselves into a sense of balance, and give her the opportunity to give her goddess self a voice. These women can initiate great movements of change and transformation and open the doors to major transformation that impact on society in a positive way. They are the ones who are out to stop violence and abuse and other such worthy cuases. In some instances these women may at times appear to be highly insensitive, and very analytical; some of them are in very high positions in business. Not all of them however. Even if these women appear to be insensitive, they are in fact, extremely sensitive, and their aggression is the reaction to their immense sensitivity in that particular arena and have built very solid defenses around themselves. These women, like other archetypes are prone to substance abuse; alcohol and pills specifically.

Passive Wounded Woman

This particular woman can often come across as a passive aggressive person. She does fall into some other categories too, in the sense that she may manipulate, she may also deliberately arrange circumstances so that she can make other people very aware of their short comings these are sometimes the ones who give the silent treatment, who will switch off and will not give you so much as a glance for a week or more, perhaps less. In fact some people have said it is easier to deal with the aggressive archetype, than the passive aggressive, because it is like walking on egg shells. This person is a time bomb on the inside and you never know when she will strike. The danger of the passive aggressive is that she will internalize her anger, she will switch off her emotions which desensitizes her to the true needs of others in her environment, especially those closest and dearest to her, like children, partners, close family and friends. This begins to develop a chasm within her relationships, and then one day she will break down because her children/family/spouse do not support her or her husband has run off and had an affair etc. The wise aspect or the transformed aspect is the woman who gets in touch with her anger, and like the wise aggressive archetype, learns how to use it to motivate her, to get herself going. The wise passive aggressive has also learned a large amount of emotional maturity. She has learned the importance of communication, of constructively and creatively dealing with conflict, she also deals with her wounds from the past as will the aggressive archetype around perfectionism and control. She will also learn how her behaviour separates other people and isolates her from the rest of the world, worsening her situation. She will do well in a position as a councellor, or psychologist, in order to help others overcome the self.


Are all the wise aspects of those archetypes.

Michelle Eloff