Mooi River Gateway Activation Michelle EloffChanelling Kuthumi Saturday, 18 March, 2006 at Mooi River, South Africa (posted 27 September, 2008) I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of healing, wisdom, ascension and transition; greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of god. Beloved ones our gathering today is in itself a tremendous celebration of love. It is upon this day that the collective consciousness is tapping into the potential and power inherent within fluid love. Today a blanket of fluid love embraces your planet as we anchor yet another ray of the platinum energy, creating a vortex of platinum light to facilitate the healing of Lady Gaia and that of every human being upon the planet, including all other species of consciousness that align with the vibrations we bring forth. At this time there is focus on the importance of bringing love into the presence of all that exists. For with this presence, every soul has the opportunity to tap into their full potential and move beyond all barriers and filters of limitation that have resulted in a limited experience up until this point in their life. Even you who sit here today are still working with the level of limitation that you have as yet not transcended. There are many limitations you have transcended and all of you are moving through layers and layers of old

Kuthumi - Mooi River Gateway Activation

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Mooi River Gateway Activation Michelle EloffChanelling Kuthumi Saturday, 18 March, 2006 at Mooi River, South Africa

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Mooi River Gateway Activation Michelle EloffChanelling Kuthumi Saturday, 18 March, 2006  at Mooi River, South Africa  (posted 27 September, 2008)

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of healing, wisdom, ascension and transition; greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of god.

Beloved ones our gathering today is in itself a tremendous celebration of love. It is upon this day that the collective consciousness is tapping into the potential and power inherent within fluid love. Today a blanket of fluid love embraces your planet as we anchor yet another ray of the platinum energy, creating a vortex of platinum light to facilitate the healing of Lady Gaia and that of every human being upon the planet, including all other species of consciousness that align with the vibrations we bring forth. At this time there is focus on the importance of bringing love into the presence of all that exists. For with this presence, every soul has the opportunity to tap into their full potential and move beyond all barriers and filters of limitation that have resulted in a limited experience up until this point in their life. Even you who sit here today are still working with the level of limitation that you have as yet not transcended.

There are many limitations you have transcended and all of you are moving through layers and layers of old paradigm consciousness and energy at an accelerated rate; resulting in your ability to face, that which perhaps has eluded you for many lifetimes and you, are settling your debt, so to speak, at an accelerated rate during this current time. Some of you have already reached the point were your earth karma is complete and you are now stepping into working with your star or soul karma. This is a different vibration to earth karma and draws your energy along another pathway and in a way it pushes you to anchor the vocation of light that will support you in living your purpose out in every moment of every day.

Commander Ashtar, Lord Soltec and Lady Quan Yin, along with Lord Arkon of Miton and his twin flame Lady Elizabeth, Lord Sananda, Lord Maitreya, the entire Great White Brotherhood, all the Ascended Masters of the light that are moving into the higher vibration of new roles and their Feminine Counterparts are present here today and their presence will remain with all of you to complete this work tomorrow. As we speak there is a fleet of 2000 ships in the area, one mother ship

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specifically. This fleet of ships, each of them are holding the vibrations of star DNA that each of you are tapping into at this time. It doesn’t matter if you do not understand the logistics of what we are discussing with you what is important is that your energy will respond to these vibrations.

Lord Soltec is anchoring the pillar of light upon this piece of land as we speak, for this is the onset of the anchoring of the very first temple of fluid love on earth. These temples have not been permitted to be anchored again up until this point because of the severe abuse of love over the past 2500 years, which is why today is such an important day of celebration; and all of you are being challenged to be in your heart, to be compassionate, to be forgiving and to see your ego as an aspect of you that is afraid of being fully in love, standing in the center of this Divine Essence, an energy that you were created from. The ego is pulling you in different directions trying to convince you why it is not safe to surrender fully to the vibrations of fluid love. Many of you have been spurred on, in you own way, to address your ego and its many factors and today you can welcome an accelerated shift in the ego aspects of self.

At this point, the three ladies who have not as yet joined us are facilitating the connection to all the aspects of self that have experienced fragmentation as a result of abuse and betrayal; and through their journey they bring those energies to this point. Therefore, in the silence of your mind, give thanks to these three souls, even if you do not know them, for taking on the responsibility to connect magnetically with the fragmented aspect of yourself and carried the grid here. As this is being done, we are creating a grid of fluid love within the solar plexus chakra of all of you. Therefore, please close your eyes at this point, lay both of your hands over your solar plexus chakra, begin breathing in deeply as you align yourself and center your consciousness with all the magnificent Beings of the Light, of Star Light, of Fluid Love Light and Presence, who are present with all of us now.

In your mind, if you are comfortable with it, open your energy and call forth the presence and essence of the Masters of Light to merge with your chakras and your energy system. (Pause) Call in the strands of Star Energy that shall link with your divine nature in the process of awakening, in other words, your DNA. This will symbolize the star energy, you, as an individual soul, are anchoring and the energy you will carry forth. (Pause) If you wish any of your personal guides, healing masters or healing angels to be present, please call upon them to join us now. (Pause) Call upon the fluid energy and presence of the collective Alpaca consciousness to weave a platinum spiral of divine love around you and relax and surrender and melt into the oneness of the earth that holds you. (Pause)

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Welcome the elements, welcome the light that guides you and as we do this, the fleet of ships begin rearranging themselves forming the grid that shall hold the vibration together as a collective template of fluid love for your planet and the template that shall become that of all fluid love temples to be anchored on the earth. (Pause) Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, surrender to the energy you have now stepped into. This divine star energy and fluid love comes to you upon the hands of the Masters of Love. Lord Soltec is the Lord of the Science of Love. He has come to earth to insure the vibrations of fluid love merge with the vibrations of the Science of the New World. All of you present here today and those who shall come to find these words in the future are linked to this and part of your collective purpose is to insure that fluid love and the science of love are understood. Take another deep breathe in as you call in the fragmented aspects of yourself. Those energies begin to enter your chakra systems filtering their way into your physical body and the cells of your body realign to welcome these additional aspects of light home. Breathe this energy in and relax. (Pause)

This vibration of love is what you were created from and Lord Soltec is offering every one of you the opportunity to remember the origin of love; and to come to the point of understanding that love is far more than what you have been taught it is. It represents far grander aspects of Father/Mother God than you have been taught; and the dimensions within love that you as yet have not even touched on are now ready to merge with the magnetic field that holds your individual templates together and links it up with the collective consciousness, resulting in the creation of a new grid of peace and humility for your planet. You are a part of this creative template of creation.

With your eyes closed and your energy in alignment with what you have invoked, connect with this grid, feel the power of peace and humility. If you cannot feel it, imagine what it would feel like. Visualize yourself weaving many layers of this grid together and that every person present with you today is connecting in the weaving process. (Pause) Take a deep breathe in, exhale fully, welcome more of those fragmented aspects of yourself back into your body. (Pause) Feel yourself aligning with every divine aspect of light and of love that you are a part of coming together, forming a connection and igniting a whole new level of passion and love. Breathe throughout this process, breath in deeply and exhale fully.

As we speak Lord Soltec is making his way to every one of you individually and he is programming the template consisting of twelve crystals into the front of your body. If you do not wish to receive this programming, please set the intention that he not do this for you. (Pause) Hold out the palm of your right hand. Lady Quan Yin comes to you and she places a dragon fireball in the palm of your right hand. This dragon fireball prepares you for the activation of your fire chakras, which shall

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completely activate tomorrow, taking you through a fire initiation with Lady Quan Yin, with Master Djwal Khul and the collective consciousness of the fire element. (Pause)

Take this ball of power and light and imagine yourself placing it in your solar plexus - the fire element that you are awakening inside of you. Your solar plexus chakra, is your fire element. Those of you who will be present tomorrow, you are responsible for carrying the collective consciousness through the dimensions of fluid love and into the core of the fire elements, were the fire of passion exists. The fire of passion is a vibration of love that burns through the veils of illusion that humanity has become entrapped in; for they have bought into the aspect of the fire element that fuels anger and rage, as opposed to tapping into the element of their fire element representing passion and intuition. Therefore, you are facilitating the recreation of the peace and humility grid that shall bring humanity’s consciousness back into alignment, to utilize the constructive balanced aspects of the fire elements and end the abuse of this energy. Every energy in existence can and has been abused and you beloved leaders of the light, seeds of love; you and those like you all over the world, have heeded the call of your service to Mother/Father God and the planet and you are bringing this cycle of abuse to the end of its time line and igniting the new role of light in peoples lives.

More and more people are stirring to the calling of their souls, wanting to know their purpose; yet many have not as yet remembered that every soul on earth has the same purpose. It is your vocations that differ, yet the purpose is exactly the same and your purpose beloved ones is to give, to love unconditionally. Your purpose is to forgive, to anchor prosperity consciousness on earth and to love what you do. That is called service. Therefore, give, serve, anchor prosperity on earth and love unconditionally. By doing that you are living your purpose. Your vocation determines how you will live your purpose. I have said before that every moment that you are alive is an opportunity to live with purpose. Lady Gaia has a purpose and it is your time to merge with her and support her, as she is willing and ready to support you.

Continue to anchor the fragmented aspects that our three wandering souls, the ladies that didn’t make it here at the beginning, have brought forth. Welcome those aspects into your heart chakra specifically, now. Breathe all the parts of you that accept separation consciousness as your lot in life. Welcome all the aspects of you that were trapped in a state of duality due to systems of belief that you have grown out of. Call yourself home. Earth is your home for now beloved ones and all of you here today are being asked to anchor yourself on earth; to accept that you are in a human body on earth, for it is your role to bring spirituality into physicality. Spiritual energy is not meant to be unfeeling for all time; for it is your belief systems that

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separate you from the world that you perceive now as unfeeling. The fleet of ships present, bringing the vibration of fluid love, is as real as you perceive yourself to be.

By surrendering to the fact that you have chosen a physical body and are on earth at this time, anchors the vocation aligned with your purpose, and you feel supported. There are a number of you that we are supporting, at this current time, in grounding back in your body. You have been living outside of your earth template because of abuses you have experienced, because of your perception of earth and life and especially love not supporting you. Your lack of trust in love had manifested a break in your energy fields. This is why a number of you have felt disconnected, as if your life is hanging in a limbo and you are not sure where to go from here. Some of you have been in limbo for many years. Some of you have been living out the same pattern over and over again because you believed, either consciously or subconsciously, that there was nothing more for you to do.

As the vibration of fluid love fills up every level of your being and every level of your consciousness, you are being welcomed home. (A sneeze) Thank you for sneezing on the truth! Mother earth is a star child. She is a seed of light. You are all a part of her. You could not exist upon her body and be supported from her body if you were not one and the same. You are as she is. You embody the same elements. The mineral structures of your body on a vibrational level are identical. Your skeletal structure is supported by the crystal kingdom, her skeletal structure and the crystals of your planet are the conduits for anchoring fluid love, for her and therefore for you. The vibrations present within the Alpaca as a physical being, exudes this fluid love presence into the ethers, creating a stirring of energy for all of you. Those of you, who are not already feeling the stirring of deep emotion in your heart chakra, know that over the next 72 hours, this stirring of immense deep emotion will come to the fore, because Lord Soltec is opening your heart to the love that exists within you.

The platinum ray that is being anchored, as we speak with you, is bringing in one of the most important vibrations for Mother Earth and the Goddess presence, because it is combined with the consciousness of star seeds of the science of love, the soul presence, the heart of the planet, and the heart of you. Lord Soltec asks each of you now to take anything that has weighed heavily upon your heart, any aspect of yourself or your life that you have pushed aside because it has been too painful to address, any aspect about yourself you have rejected because it has been too painful to face or embrace, anything that causes you discomfort, confusion, shame or guilt; bring it to the fore where he can see it. (Pause)

Now, imagine the Alpacas in their light bodies now walking amongst each of you, their light bodies weaving the grids of healing around you and igniting its vibration

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within you. Allow your senses to respond to the fluid love. (Pause) Imagine the soft fleece of the alpacas touching your skin. With every touch, another level of clearing and healing takes place. (Pause) This vibration of healing now extends into all the multi dimensional, alternate and parallel extensions of yourself. Take a deep breath in as this energy changes its direction and begins to focus on Mother Earth. Feel the energy moving into her body and activating the same healing for her. (Pause)

Welcome the support and love of the Alpaca consciousness. (Pause) Imagine the great big beautiful brown eyes starring directly into you eyes. Try and recognize the wisdom, the peace, and the humility. Acknowledge that these creatures are fluid love; they know you, they know your heart, they know your soul because Mother/Father God created them to know you, to be the activators of your memory regarding fluid love, its power and its potential. They will continue to walk through all of you in their light bodies walking all around you weaving your personal grids and strengthening the template of peace and humility that we are anchoring.

Now, focus your attention on the magnificent light temple of love that has been created as we have been speaking. This light temple fills up the entire space that we are occupying with you right now. We want all of you now to concentrate on your heart chakra. Try and feel the presence of love within your heart chakra and imagine it growing in intensity, until this intensity of love becomes a radiant glow shining forth from your body, so much so that your physical form disappears and all that is present is this powerful radiating light called love. (Pause) This blinding light is what facilitates the coming forth of twelve thousand new star seeds in the form of Masters of Light, Teachers of love and Guides of Healing that shall work with the souls of your earth. These twelve thousand beings of the light shall become members of your personal guide team, guiding you to merge with your vocation or take your current vocation to another level so that you may fully live your life purpose. All of you present in this temple can expect a miraculous healing to take place over the next seventeen days. A miraculous shift in consciousness and energy relating to any aspect of limitation that you have been grappling with, be it physical health, be it an obstacle that has blocked you in your physical life, fear that has inhibited your ability to anchor what you need in your physical life. It will take place on a physical level because you are anchoring the love of spirit in the physical realm. Therefore, you are called upon to express it physically, to lead by example physically, to physically create the expression of fluid love so that others can tangibly integrate the energy and believe what they feel is true but as yet have not had the courage to go deeply into it, to source it and make it a part of them. Each of you represents a divine aspect of fluid love. You carry the vibration of star DNA within you. You must choose how you wish to anchor fluid love physically so that the masters of this

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process can support you and facilitate everything you need to make it reality. Have I made myself clear? (Acknowledgement)

So beloved ones again visualize this magnificent temple that we are now in. Allow your imagination to show you the power of fluid love and how, when in the temple of such unconditional presence, your heart can fill with forgiveness, your mind can fill with clarity and you know even if it is just for an instant, that it is possible to create a world of unconditional love. Acknowledge to yourself during this time, that you have the potential inside of you to bring this wisdom, this inherent knowing to others so they too may know their truth, so they too may connect with the truth that exists within the heart of every human being. (Pause)

When you have an insight that brings lightness to your heart and clarity to your mind, share it with others, for it may very well be the answer to their prayers. Do not hold your miracles and revelations to yourself share it with others. You are the givers of the dawn, for the dawn has come, the bringers have brought it. You are the givers of the dawn, the new age of golden consciousness. Dawn embodies the golden energy. As the sun comes to light at the break of each day, that light is the vibration of golden consciousness existing on earth, that moment when the golden energy breaks the darkness of the night. If you insist on withholding your wisdom and the knowledge that you have and the love and compassion that you embody and not sharing it with others, you will become ill. This illness may be a sense of stagnation, a feeling of un- fulfillment; you may not necessarily become physical ill.

Beloved ones, you are messengers of Mother/Father God and everything that they represent and everything that they embody. Therefore live your purpose, give, and serve by sharing the prosperity in your heart and in your soul. Share the treasures of your mind, your heart and your consciousness so that unconditional love will reign at the end of the cycle. Every one of you was blessed with an energy that will sustain you on earth. These are tools that you created yourself; things that you mastered in past time lines. It is your duty to use these tools to bring lightness and joy to your life. You were not meant to live a life of stagnation, of frustration and emptiness. It was something that you experienced but it is not your lot until the end of your days.

You are the fleet of liberation souls; and the beings of the light who circle and create the grids as we speak, are the activators of this memory in you; and it matters not your age, from the little child that is participating today to those of you who are the oldest in earth years here. All of you are important and what you have to offer is important. Never think that you are too old or too young to learn something new. All of you have something valuable to offer and that is the most important key vibration of anchoring the fluid love temple on earth today.

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This temple activates the memory that reminds each of you that you are a vital link in the chain of life, that you are important, that God created this opportunity with you for you have a purpose. Nobody is on the earth without purpose and if this is your last day on earth, may you leave knowing that you have a purpose. (Pause) Share your knowledge with others. Stop waiting for the distant day when you will know more, when you will feel more, that you perceive might be a better time to share. Do it now, for that distant time will always be a distant time, for when you reach that distant time you will think there is still a distant time before you and no time will be the right time for you.

Take what you already have and use it wisely, use it creatively; and thank God for all that you know, for all that you are, for everything that you have experienced, because you have been groomed for this moment in time and every moment that shall follow this one. Why? Because you are important, because you matter, you are currently made of matter, therefore you are important. It does not matter what your history is. It does not matter what you have thought, what you have done, or what you have said in the past. What matters is that you are here now; that you are willing to embrace love, to experience it and that you are willing to make whatever change your soul deems as necessary to experience a deeper sense of love and a more fulfilled life. There is room for tons more passion in all your lives - all of you here. There is room for so much more. (Pause) The time is now come for all of you to hand over to Lord Soltec and Lady Quan Yin that issue that we asked you to call forth earlier on. (Pause)

Remind yourself, it is safe to hand this over, for it is no longer part of your identity, no longer do you need this issue to motivate you in any way whatsoever. No longer do you need it as an excuse to keep you stagnant, stifled, fearful, ashamed, or full of guilt. All of you are free to move forward and today’s initiation wipes the slate clean for you to start anew. The alpacas are still weaving their energy through you and around you. If there is anything else you wish to hand over to Lord Soltec or Lady Quan Yin please do this now as we accelerate the anchoring of the fluid love grids, the template of peace and humility and your personal divine DNA energy strands. (Pause)

Remember to breathe throughout the process. If you hold your breath you stop the flow of energy. (Pause) Before we complete this activation and feel the templates of your energy within the fluid love of the fluid temple here today, I wish to address each of you individually. There is information I must impart, therefore, please give me your name and I shall give you your information. Please proceed from the person on my left, moving around the group.

Personal Messages shared.

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Take a deep breathe in and as you exhale, acknowledge the grids of peace and of humility that have been anchored today. Welcome the opportunity to embrace more of yourself. If you wish to know more about your personal vocation that shall allow you to serve and to live out more of your purpose, then set that intention for your self now. (Pause)

Give thanks to all your personal guides, angels and masters for being with you today. Give thanks to the alpacas that have woven this blanket of fluid love around you and within you. They acknowledge that their presence remains connected to you and you may call upon this presence for comfort and healing. Give thanks for this. (Pause) Give thanks to Lord Soltec and Lady Quan Yin, and very important give thanks to yourself for making the choice to be here today. (Pause)

We will not take your consciousness out of the sacred temple, for you are connected to this temple and you may come back at any time, upon the inner planes and if it is in alignment with brother Peter John and sister Veronique that you may come physically then please, clear it with them and hold this light. There are crystals that have been lying on the earth, which have been charged with the energy that you have experienced today. We ask each of you to take one of these crystals as a gift from spirit to you embodying the 6th dimensional fluid love, the energy of the platinum ray that has been anchored today, the strands of love that come to you from the alpaca consciousness and all the divine aspects of your self. Keep this crystal with you as a reminder of what you have anchored today, what you have healed and what you have welcomed.

Beloved ones may each of you be blessed. May you continue to know how deeply you are loved, how important you are to all of us and that without you the plan on earth cannot be completed. May all that you need to bring your life into perfect balance and harmony, in alignment with the divine plan of all that is, come to you under grace, in perfect harmonious and miraculous ways. Trust in the many invisible arms that always hold you and know that we are with you always in all way. May you heart sing with joy. May your mind be in the stillness of peace and may you go forward knowing that you life is divine and perfect.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet you in blessing and love. Adonai.