SERVING WITH NOVEL METHODS EACH AND EVERYDAY A brief overview of the activities of KYM in Africa between 2010 and 2013.


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A brief overview of the activities of Kimse Yok Mu in Africa between 2010 and 2013. // Serving with novel methods each and everyday. //

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Page 1: KYM AFRICA REPORT 2010 - 2013




a brief

overview of the activities of KYM in africa between 2010

and 2013.

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Kimse Yok Mu holds a special place in our hearts for the service

they provide each and every day. Many charities conduct general aid activities and

we’re deeply grateful, but Kimse Yok Mu on the other hand teaches people how to support

themselves and encourages them to live meaning-ful lives. These are great social and economic endeav-ors,” said Sharif Sheikh ahmed, President of Somalia as he awarded KYM with Somalia’s Meritorious Service Medal. Somalia is one of many countries where KYM carried out humanitarian relief from 2010-2013. africa holds a special place in KYM’s history. africa was the first place outside of Turkey where KYM ventured

to conduct international humanitarian aid. In to-tal, KYM spent 122,800,487 TL over the past four

years on programs based on the african con-tinent, nearly 68% of KYM’s total budget.

Of this amount, 78% went towards sustainable development proj-


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YM initially served people in 18 countries

from its inception in 2006, but has since expanded its services to 45 countries in Africa alone. Geographically, KYM is spread out on over 87% of the continent. Somalia is the recip-ient of many of our services. KYM budgeted 55,600,000 TL for Somalia alone in the past four years. Sudan is of the sec-ond highest concern followed by Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, Sen-egal, and Mauritania. KYM carried out several service activities ranging from humani-tarian relief in the form of food and clothing to sustainable de-velopment projects, education development, and aid specifical-ly for children without parents. Types of aid vary de-pending on the needs and de-sires of the host coun-try, how-ever KYM devoted a total of 15 TL for per-manent and sustainable de-velopment proj-ects. Below, please find a compre-hensive report of KYM’s activi-ties in Africa from 2010-2013 as well as our program targets for 2014. We focus on providing conflict zones with emergency relief and healthcare services, as well as access to clean water and educational programs for vul-nerable children. We also invest heavily in permanent projects such as construction of hospitals and schools referred to as ‘life complexes’.


Between 2010 and 2013, half of our aid to the African conti-nent was in the form of food, clothing, and household goods.

During this period, KYM spent 61,000,000 TL in 45 countries that was spent on food (63.67%) and clothing (23.35%). This fig-ure dovetails with our aid bud-get (49.94%) for Africa.

In 2014 existing relief shall continue and both the number of countries accessed and the total amount of humanitarian relief will increase.

SuStaINabLE DEVEL-opmENt pRojEctS (pERmaNENt RELIEf)

In the past four years KYM erected numerous structures such as houses, schools, dorms, hospitals, orphanages and water wells in 7 countries. Through permanent projects developed between 2010 and 2013, KYM contributed 38,557,282 TL

worth of aid to Africa’s people. This figure

corresponds to 31.40% of the overall Af-rica budget for the last four years. 77.85% of

KYM’s over-all foreign

permanent relief projects budget for

educational and hos-pital complexes was used for sustainable development projects in the Africa Continent. With these projects, KYM aims to provide instant relief as well as long term ben-efits to those in need through sustainable develop-ment projects.

LIfE compLExES

The most important of the current projects are education and hospital complexes being constructed simultaneously in 4 countries. Some of these are already completed. Help col-


KYm left behind

numerous struc-tures such as hous-es, schools, dorms,

hospitals, orphanag-es and water wells

in 7 countries in need.

lected during KYM’s campaign to aid East Africa during the massive drought of 2011 was used to construct 4 complexes that include a hospital, school, dorm and soup kitchen in So-malia- which was affected most from the drought and witnessed resulting migration. In addition, KYM supplied additional aid to Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya. While some constructions in these countries are in progress others are finished already.

In Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu, KYM launched a complex on Benader Land- a site chosen in conjunction with the Somalian government in 2011. With a budget of 15 mil-lion TL, we built a life complex consisting of a hospital, school, dormitory, soup kitchen and three 6-apartment buildings and in an enclosed space of 9,963 square meters. It was completed in December 2013. Health ser-vices are already being offered to the public at the hospital.

In Ethiopia’s Harar State, KYM began construction of another complex in 2012.This project cost a total of 11 million TL, and consisted of a hospital, school, dormitory, soup kitch-en and a closed space of 8,200 square meters, is completed and furnishing is now underway. Its

planned opening is in June 2014.

The Kenyan city of Malin-di, located on the coast near Somalia, re-ceived its own

life complex in 2012. With a

budget of 10 mil-lion TL, the project

consisted of a hospital, school, dormitory, soup kitchen and a closed space of 6,600 square me-ters. Furnishing is also complet-ed except for the hospital. How-ever, the school, dorm and soup kitchen are fully operational.

In the city of Jinja, Uganda,

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KYm africa Relief between 2010 and 2013

Humanitarian Relief

$ 29.172.059

Total $ 58.431.903

Permanent Relief $ 18.346.632

Water Wells $ 1.752.235

activities $ 2.766.125

Other $ 740.566

Health $ 3.366.701

Education $ 1.683.219

Orphan Projects $ 595.800

Food $ 18.574.210

clothing $ 6.810.924

Household Goods

$ 3.786.925

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construction of a similar project started in 2012. With a budget of 10 million TL, the project consisting of a hospital, school, dorm, soup kitchen and a closed space of 7,625 square meters will be ready for opening by the end of March 2014.

towN of oRhaNIYE

The end of civil war in Dar-fur in Sudan brought peace to the region and subsequently to the rest of Sudan. In the midst of the calm, the government encouraged people in refugee camps to return to their villag-es. However conditions in the towns remained unlivable. To facilitate the return of villagers of Senci, located in Nyala- the capital of South Dafur, KYM spent a total of $327,000 for the construction of a mosque, elementary school, health cen-ter, houses, fountain and wa-ter well to aid villagers as they normalized their lives after the war. Within the framework of the project, the village became a small town and got the name of town of Orhaniye.


KYM considers access to healthcare services as a princi-ple right. Therefore we inten-sified our healthcare services to include medical screenings and cataract surgeries carried out in different African countries over the last four years. In addition, we completed the construction of new hospitals and provided healthcare services in existing outpatient clinics. KYM offered residency training in Turkey to some of the local medical per-sonnel to be employed in these hospitals. This training was im-plemented as a pilot study with 35 people in Somalia and Su-dan.

In 2014, KYM aims to expand studies in the field of health in coordination with the officials of

the African states. We envisage a division of healthcare services into the following areas: Am-bulatory Care Services, Cataract Surgeries, Residency Training to Medical Personnel, Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases, and Preventative Medicine Ser-vices.

ambuLatoRY caRE SERVIcES

Between 2010 and 2013 KYM conducted hundreds of health screenings in 7 countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, So-malia, Sudan, Libya, and Cen-tral African Republic) through 350 KYM volunteer physicians in residence and offered health services in private KYM out-patient clinics in countries like Sudan and Ethiopia. Moreover, the construction of health com-plexes in Somalia, Kenya, Ugan-da and Ethiopia will soon be complete.

We expect that the ambula-tory care services will increase once the hospitals within the life complexes completed in Soma-lia, Kenya, Uganda and Ethio-pia enter into service in 2014. Number of patients treated is projected to rise. In addition, it is planned to increase the num-ber of existing KYM outpatient clinics.

In addition to these services, KYM anticipates providing support existing local hospitals, medical centers, and outpatient clinics in the countries in or-der to make them more bene-ficial to the public. Within this framework, KYM’s volunteer doctors will go to these medical centers and provide on-site sup-port alongside local physicians to better equip them to handle medical emergencies and use supplies on hand as efficiently as possible.

Moreover, we plan to of-fer ambulatory care services to other people in more countries through medical screenings that have been carried out for years

In the past four

years KYM left behind numerous structures such as

houses, schools, dorms, hospitals, orphanages

and water wells in 7 countries in


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african countries receiving relief from KYm between 2010 and 2013





Equatorial Guinea





Sierra Leone



Democratic Republic of congo

central african

Republic Ethiopia







South Sudan




cape Verde


Guinea Bissau







South africa


cote d’Ivoire

Burkina Faso


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with volunteer doctors. With the implementation of mobile medical teams, it will be possi-ble to offer on-the-field ambula-tory care services in rural villages where locals have no access to health services.

cataRact SuRGERIES

KYM’s cataract surgeries are a special project for the African continent. One of the biggest health problems present in Afri-ca is cataracts. It is also among the easiest to treat. KYM phy-sicians have treated 38 million patients with cataracts who live in Africa.

Since 2008, KYM performed 17,257 cataract surgeries and helped tens of thousands of eyes see the light. Cataract surgeries were performed in 7 different African countries (Sudan, Cam-eroon, Chad, Niger, Central Af-rican Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo). 93% of the surger-ies were performed in Sudan.

Cataract surgery goal for KYM is 17,000 patients in 2014 alone. We aim to bring the number of total cataract surger-ies performed to 35,000 in total by the end of 2014.


KYM aims to fill the gap for qualified personnel through providing training by experts to the local doctors and medical personnel who will become em-ployees at KYM’s hospitals. As of writing, a total of 35 medical personnel from Somalia and Su-dan were brought to Turkey by KYM and provided with long-term training in several fields by medical faculties and research hospitals of renowned univer-sities. Similarly, KYM plans to bring a group of local personnel from Ethiopia to Turkey to work in the hospitals and to obtain relevant medical training. These training programs are aimed towards medical personnel to

Since 2008, KYM performed 17,257 cataracts

surgeries and helped tens of thousands of

eyes see the light. Over the past four years a total of 13,652 cata-ract surgeries were


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be employed at KYM hospitals as only the first stage. Soon, the program will be extended to the personnel of other local hospitals, outpatient clinics, and medical centers.

Moreover, in order to heal Libya’s literal and emotional wounds as it recovers from a brutal civil war,KYM extended a special invitation to Libyan doc-tors to Turkey so that they may train at Trabzon Private Imperial Hospital. In partnership with Turkey’s elite medical staff, Lib-yan doctors conducted surgeries and increased their own knowl-edge to advance medical care in their home country. After an ini-tial scout visit in October 2011, KYM carried out a medical mis-sion in Libya. After a few sub-sequent visits, KYM dispatched a team of doctors to Benghazi to provide local medical care. During the visits in Benghazi, doctors met with the deputy minister of health of the Libyan National Transitional Council and chief physicians of hospitals in Benghazi to ensure seamless coordination. The doctors’ team sent provided outpatient exam-inations and surgical interven-tion at Hawari Hospital and Al Jala Hospital in Benghazi and offered training at the Medical Faculty as well. In 2012, KYM brought doctors from Benghazi to medical faculties in Turkey for training in various fields of surgery.

In 2014, we anticipate train-ing 500 African medical person-nel through residency programs in Turkey or other developed countries and thus offer better equipped services to their people in the medical complexes under construction in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda and em-ploy the latest technology medi-cal equipment.


KYM is taking steps towards

diagnosis and treatment of dis-eases with unknown roots and indigenous to some African countries. We also played a key role in treating identified dis-eases. For example, children in South Sudan were falling into a deep sleep after eating and were unable to wake up for an ex-tended period. The etiology and treatment for the disease were unknown. Upon the request of Sudanese Ministry of Health officials that reached KYM, two children suffering from the dis-ease known as “sleep sickness” were brought to Turkey for ex-amination and treatment. They fully recovered following the completion of their treatment.


KYM researches possible pre-ventions for endemic diseases. For instance, insecticide was sprayed twice a day with two vehicles to fight against malaria in Somalia. Hundreds of people were tested for malaria after-wards.

KYM is deliberating on sim-ilar projects for 2014. Concur-rently, it is envisaged that mo-bile medical teams will be giving informative seminars to African nations regarding diseases and hygiene, thus providing preven-tative medical service.


hoSpItaLSHospitals, which are included

in the same projects with edu-cational complexes and began treating patients in Somalia and will be operational in countries such as Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya shortly, will play a vital role in enhancing quality of life of Africans in need.

Hospital projects are under-way in a total of 4 countries. They have 35 beds on average; consist of 2 operating rooms, two delivery rooms, one surgery intensive care unit, one neona-tal intensive care unit, 12 out-

KYm’S 2010-2013 RELIEf IN


• Total of TRY 122,800,487 in relief to 45 different countries

• Somalia is the largest receiver of relief at TRY 55.585.405

• Total of TRY 61,307,999 routine humanitarian relief in form of food, clothing and household goods

• Total of TRY 38,557,282 in aids in 7 countries for houses, schools, dorms, hos-pitals, orphanages and water wells

• In 4 countries; construc-tion of huge life complexes with schools, soup kitchens and dorms

• In 7 different countries medical screenings for thou-sands of people in 64 events with 350 volunteer doctors of KYM

• 17,257 cataract surgeries• Residency training for

35 medical personnel in Turkey

• In 9 countries with 435 new water wells access to clean water for nearly 500,000 people

• In 9 countries embrac-ing 5,947 orphans (through aids such as food, clothing, stationery, sheltering oppor-tunities)

• In 6 countries bestowed education complexes with a total area of 20,785 square meters to 2,610 students

• Joint projects with 22 African solution partner or-ganizations

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patient rooms, radiology room, and laboratory.

Once they provide services, the hospitals offer treatment in the highly sought-after fields of Emergency Services, Oral and Dental Diseases, Anesthesiolo-gy and Reanimation, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Eye Diseases, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, ENT, Neurosur-gery, Orthopedics, Traumatolo-gy, and Urology on location.

outpatIENt cLINIcSIn Kenya’s Dadaab Camp

where health, populated largely by Somalian refugees, health ser-vices are vital. KYM constructed a 280 square meter outpatient clinic with three exam rooms, one pharmacy, and one surgery room. In addition, doctors of-fered services between March 2012 and May 2013 and admin-istered services such as medical screenings, medication distribu-tion, and mid-level surgical in-terventions.

KYM Medical Center, which opened in Ethiopia’s Harar state, began accepting patients in March 2012. Under the super-vision of three volunteer doc-

tors from Turkey, they treated an average of 90 patients daily. KYM plans to raise the number of patients accepted with each passing day and has set a target of treating 180 patients daily.


İkbal Gürpınar Medical Cen-ter, opened in Sudan’s Darfur state in June 2011 with a total cost of USD 100,000, consists of 12 beds, one lab, one opera-tion room, an emergency room, and a pharmacy. The medical center provides services in the fields of pediatrics, gynecology, dental care, eye exams, and in-ternal medicine.

accESS to cLEaN watER

Until the end of 2013, KYM operated its clean water project in Africa by mainly focusing on opening water wells. Un-der this project, in 9 countries of Africa (Burkina Faso, Chad, Cameroon, Kenya, Niger, Cen-tral African Republic, Senegal, Somalia and Sudan) we drilled water wells to meet the basic requirements of the public.

Until this day, total number of KYM water wells opened and under construction in Africa has reached 592. The number of wells opened and providing access to clean water is 435. African countries with most water wells opened are in Niger (133), Chad (80) and Sudan (69). While the average num-ber of people benefitting from construction of a water well depends on population, KYM has provided approximately 500,000 people with clean water thanks to the water wells drilled in African countries since 2011.

3,682,498 TL of the 4,861,534 TL Water Well bud-get used up to the present was allocated for projects in Africa. This corresponds to a rate of 75.77%. In addition, cost of single water well drilled in Af-rica is an average of 6,220 TL. The budget utilized for African water wells reached 2,631,234 TL in 2013 especially.

KYM intends to expand the “Water Wells” project and trans-form it into Clean Water Project in 2014. Four areas of activities are projected to this end:

Opening Water Wells - 1000 is our current target for new wa-ter wells in 2014

Clean Water Complexes - In the clean water complexes to be realized with bigger budgets, We intend to provide access to clean water for more people by developing electricity and solar powered systems.

Water Backpacks (Water Saddlebags) - Since the above two items are insufficient; KYM will distribute water back-packs-jerry cans that will make it more convenient for people because they can be carried on their backs. 2014 target is to distribute 30,000 to 40,000 of these backpacks.

To bring water services by wa-ter tankers to those deprived of clean water due to distance to water resources or medical con-


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Agricultural Applications - Besides access to clean water, KYM targets that people can contribute to their own lives in terms of economics. With pilot studies to be launched in 2014, we will create usable cultivation areas and livestock raising op-portunities.

oRphaNS pRojEctS

In 2013 will increase aid to children without parents to en-compass safety, shelter, food, clothing, health, and education support. Through the scholar-ships and opportunities offered for high school and college ed-ucation, KYM opened the door for a bright future for orphans. In addition, KYM construct-ed dorms for countries in de-mand while undertaking the reconstruction, modifications, and furnishing of the dorms in need of repair. KYM put a smile on orphans in nine African countries thanks to donations. 62.41% of the overall reliefs un-der the qualified orphans’ proj-ects, which over the past two years were handled as a separate field of activity and have reached 2,006,220 TL, were delivered to African orphans. KYM assisted 5,947 orphans by covering their needs for food, clothing, educa-tion, and shelter.

KYM, strives to provide not only aid, but through making ends meet by own production that young orphans and de-pendent mothers with orphan children can stand on their own feet. We launched vocational courses in countries needed. To this end, we initiated a pilot study in Sudan.

KYM believes it is not enough to look after an orphan with temporary help. Once orphan kids reach the age of majority, the state’s protection or care of private institutions comes to an end. These youngsters whi con-tinued their lives in a way paral-lel to the relief they received all of a sudden enter an era in their

lives when they need to survive without any help. At this point, employment resources already scarce in under-developed coun-tries also become the nightmare of the orphan youngsters.

Therefore, existing relief will continue and the Orphan Proj-ects will be expanded. With these projects, it is hoped that the orphans will become indi-viduals contributing to their countries. Thus they will con-tribute to the social security and economic development of the country.

Some of the projects foreseen are as follows:

• Vocational courses (to be developed in more coun-tries)

• Setting up an Orphan Education Fund and ex-tending scholarships to orphans for high school and college education in partnership with private schools.

• Setting up the educational environment for orphans in remote villages of Af-rica those are otherwise unable to receive any education under normal circumstances.

EDucatIoNaL pRojEctS

In recent years, education complexes are built in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Ethi-opia and Niger, some are com-pleted while others are close to completion. KYM offers an ed-ucation opportunity for thou-sands of students.

Furthermore, KYM responds to educational needs of the or-phans and deprived students through the education oppor-tunities offered. Under the ed-ucational support provided, 259 successful Somalian students gained the chance to receive ed-ucation in Turkey. In addition to this support, 20 Sudanese or-phans were given free education support, 56 college-level Soma-

NumbER* of watER wELLS bY END 2014







Burkina Faso



80 (72)

92 (12)

156 (23)

51 (6)

12 (12)

42 (3)

22 (3)

42 (0)

95 (26)

total: 592 (152)






14, f






ts r



g to






t a

re s




r co





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lian were granted full scholar-ships and 136 college-level So-malian orphans were provided with scholarships.

KYM will add new projects to its Educational Projects in 2014. Educational grants offered to or-phans or poor students will be increased in a way to cover more countries. Number of students considered to receive grants is 1,100.

It is also among priorities to build 2-classroom desert schools in locations in Africa that lack any educational opportunity.


KYM disaster response team ASYA, for instance, delivered TRY 250.000 worth of emer-gency aid materials such as food and blankets to refugees taking shelter in Mauritania after flee-ing from the civil war and again in Mali in 2013. We intend to offer succor to mankind during all types of disaster across the world, more actively, and to-gether with its volunteers in 2014

Educational studies are planned in Turkey and in dif-ferent countries of the world with an aim to raise awareness of

people prior to disasters. Num-ber people educated in disaster management in 2013 stood at 100,000 while we expect to raise this figure to 150,000 in 2014.

Besides these projects, KYM will increase the training level of the 350 professional volun-teer personnel of ASYA in 2014. At the same time, we foresee an enhancement in the functional feature of emergency state logis-tics, which plays an essential role following disasters.

StRoNG paRtNER-ShIpS IN afRIca

One of the most important factors in KYM’s successful completion of tens of millions of TRY worth projects in the last four years is forming strong partnerships with several signifi-cant players. In determining the needs of the African countries and delivering these aids, KYM works in cooperation with state officials. KYM representations in these countries, solution part-ners, and local KYM volunteers, as they know best the needs, culture, traditions of the coun-tries; provide the most efficient working conditions with local communities.

KYM put a smile on

orphans in 9 african countries thanks to the aids

made available.

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