[EnglishDari version] 1298 هـ شسکؾبپ ا لد يغغ خبکب ثشا س۲۸ - ۲۹ ػمشة۱ ط ل۱۳۸۶ ثشایبا جبغ پبسن يجغتب يهی افغبسای ؽق تت١تؽت ١ ت: با خس جهه انة ثتغت اع ک٠ تمع: ١اع ل٠ى تكتط اي اؼنع، څبؼت١ بؼک WORKSHOP ON GUIDELINES FOR DRAFTING LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS 19, 20, and 22 November 2007 For MEMBERS OF THE YOUTH CAUCUS NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF AFGHANISTAN Organized by: THE INTERNATIONAL REPUBLICAN INSTITUTE Presented by: Mark Hamilton, Legislative Drafting Specialist

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[English–Dari version]

هـ ش1298

سکؾبپ سب ثشا خبک غ يغد لا

۱۳۸۶لط ۱ػمشة ۲۸-۲۹


يجغ پبسنب جاب

ؽسای يهی افغبغتب

: ت١ تؽت١ت تق

اغتتة ث انهه جس خاب : تمع٠ کع

بؼک ١ت، څبؼاي اؼنع تطى تك٠ع لا١




19, 20, and 22 November 2007




Organized by:


Presented by:

Mark Hamilton, Legislative Drafting Specialist

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Prepared by: Mark Hamilton

Translated by: Afghanistan Parl. Assistance Project,

Afghanistan Rule of Law Project


بؼک ١ت : ت١ تؽت١ت تق

،پؽژۀ تم٠ت پبؼب افغبكتب: تؽخ تق

پؽژ اؼ ػعی لب٠ی افغبكتب


Chapter 1:

Problem-Solving Approach to

Legislation ....................................................... 1

: ۱فقم

ن١ بی ز هکلات ثؽزكت

1 .............................................. لبگػاؼی

Chapter 2:

Fundamental Principles and Rules for

Drafting Legislative Documents .................... 22

: ۲فقم

ايي لاػع

22 .................................اقبقی تك٠ع تمـ١ی

Chapter 3:

How to Draft Particular Legislative

Provisions ...................................................... 30

: ۳فقم

ازکب تم١ی هطى ث چ نک

30 ........................................ تك٠ع ی نع

Chapter 4:

How to Draft a Legislative

Document from Scratch ................................. 40

:۴ فقم

تك٠ع اقبظ تم١ی اؾ ؽز يفؽ

40 ..............................چگ يؼت ١گ١ؽظ

Appendix 1:

Law on the Publication and

Enforcement of Legislative

Documents in the Islamic [Republic]

of Afghanistan (Official Gazette

No. 787 of 1999, 1420 A.H.) ....................... A–1

: ۱ ض

لب ؽؾ هؽ

افبغ اقبظ تم١ی

اقلای افغبكتب[خؼی]

۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ )

1-اف ..................... ( ـ ق۱۴۲۰، ۱۹۹۹قبي

Appendix 2:

Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative

Documents (Official Gazette No. 787

of 1999, 1420 A.H.) ..................................... A–5

: ۲ ض

مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١

پ١هبظ اقبظ تم١ی

۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ )

5-اف ..................... ( ـ ق۱۴۲۰، ۱۹۹۹قبي

Appendix 3:

Legislative Process in Afghanistan ........... A–17

: ۳ ض

۱۷-اف ............. افغبكتب ظؼ لبگػاؼی پؽقۀ

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Prepared by: Mark Hamilton

Translated by: Afghanistan Parl. Assistance Project,

Afghanistan Rule of Law Project

1 يفسPage 1

بؼک ١ت : ت١ تؽت١ت تق

،پؽژۀ تم٠ت پبؼب افغبكتب: تؽخ تق

پؽژ اؼ ػعی لب٠ی افغبكتب




:۱ فقم ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ


1. Summary of the problem-solving

approach to legislation.

خلاف تفم ث ؽ بی دم يؾکلات .۱

.ثشدغت لبگزاسی

(1) Description. (۱) ؽشح.

The legislative problem-solving approach is a

methodology that seeks to solve or prevent social

problems based on reason (that is, looking at the facts

as they are in the ―real world‖) and the experience of

those who are connected with the social problem.

ن١ ز هکلات لبگػاؼی ػجبؼت اؾ ٠ک

١تظژی ای قت ک ظؼ پی ز ٠ب خگ١ؽی اؾ

هکلات اختبػی ی ثبنع ک ثؽ جبی ظ١ طك

آ ؼی اقت ک ث زمب٠ك آچب ک ظؼ )اقتاؼ اقت

خظ ظاؼع، تدبؼة آبی ک ثب " ظ١بی الؼی"

(.هکلات اختبػی قؽ کبؼ ظاؼع، ظ٠ع نظ

The legislative problem-solving approach is simply a

way to explain problematic behavior in order better to

understand the behavior. By better understanding the

behavior, we can begin proposing precise legislative

policy responses to change this behavior.

ن١ ز هکلات لبگػاؼی ثطؼ قبظ ٠ک ؼای اقت

ثؽای تهؽ٠ر قک ؼفتبؼ خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ تب اؾ ؽ٠ك

ثؼع اؾ نبضت . آ ضظ قک ؼفتبؼ ظؼقت نبضت نظ

ظؼقت ؼفتبؼ قک، ب ١تا١ پبقص بی پب١كی ظل١ك

تم١ی ؼا پ١هبظ ک١ تب ظؼ قک تػکؽ تغ١١ؽ اؼظ


Thus, the legislative problem-solving approach is a

step-by-step method of finding effective legislative

solutions to social issues or problems.

ثبثؽ ا٠، ن١ ز هکلات لبگػاؼی ٠ک ١تظ گب ث

گب ثؽای خكتدی ؼا ز بی ؤثؽ تم١ی ظؼ اؼتجب ث

.كب٠ ٠ب هکلات اختبػی ی ثبنع

The basic steps are (1) to identify the problem as it

exists, (2) to analyze and explain the problem and

create hypotheses based on the causes of the problem,

(3) to propose solutions based on the these hypotheses,

and (4) to create a system to monitor and evaluate the

chosen policy in order to understand which hypotheses

were incorrect (and why) and to modify the policy


نبقب٠ی هک، (۱): گب بی اقبقی ػجبؼت اع اؾ

تس١ تهؽ٠ر هک ا٠دبظ (۲)آچبی ک خظ ظاؼظ،

فؽ١ ب ثؽ جبی ػی ک هک ؼا ثخظ آؼظ اع،

( ۴)پ١هبظ ؼا ز ب ثؽ جبی ا٠ فؽ١ ب، (۳)

ا٠دبظ ق١كت ظبؼت اؼؾ٠بثی ث ظؼ ظؼک ا٠ ک

قپف آؼظ ( چؽا)کعا فؽ١ ب بظؼقت ثظع

.تغ١١ؽ ظؼ پب١كی ثب ظؼ ظؽظانت پب١كی اتطبغ نع

(2) Details. (۲) جضئبت ب تفبفم.

Here are the steps in more detail: گب بی تػکؽ ثب خؿئ١بت ث١هتؽآ غ٠لا ث١ب ١گؽظظ:

Step 1—Identify and describe the social problem

and the persons and institutions involved in

the problem.

ؽبعبی ؽشح يؾکلات اجتبػی — گبو ال

.اؽخبؿ بد بی ک دس يؾکم دخم اذ

(1) Identify and describe the main problem. (۱) نبقب٠ی نؽذ هک ػع.

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

2 يفسPage 2

(2) What is the problematic behavior and who is

responsible? Identify the persons and institutions

(including current implementing agencies) that

may contribute to the problem.

ؼفتبؼ خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ کعا اقت چ کكی كئي آ اقت؟ (۲)

آؼع اؾ انطبو بظ ب٠ی ک ک اقت ظؼ ا٠دبظ هک

نبقب٠ی (ث ني اؼگب بی تطج١ك کع)ق ظانت ثبنع


(3) What is the underlying problematic behavior?

Identify the problematic behavior of these

persons or institutions.

قک خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ ی کعا اقت؟ قک خدبي (۳)

.ثؽاگ١ؿ ا٠ انطبو ٠ب بظ ب ؼا نبقب٠ی ب١٠ع

(4) Identify other persons that are affected by the

problem (usually in a negative way).

ؼلا ث )انطبو ظ٠گؽی ؼا نبقب٠ی ب١٠ع ک اؾ هک (۴)

.تؤثؽ ی نع (نک فی آ

(5) Identify possible implementing agencies: Any

agencies that now have (or could in the future

have) responsibility for implementing the

legislative solutions to the problem.

: اؼگب بی ازتبی تطج١ك کع ؼا نبقب٠ی ب١٠ع (۵)

ک اقت (٠ب ظؼ آ٠ع)ؽ آ اؼگبی ک فؼلا

كئ١ت تطج١ك ؼا ز بی تم١ی ؼا ظؼ اؼتجب

.ث هک ظانت ثبنع

Step 2—Analyze and explain the problematic

behavior and create hypotheses (explanations)

based on the causes of the behavior.

تذهم تؾشخ عهک ججبل ثش اگض — گبو دو

ثش يجبی ػههی ک (تؾشذبت)اجبد فشض ب

. يؾکم سا ث يب آسد اذ

(1) Analyze the problematic behavior of the persons

and institutions (possibly including current

implementing agencies) that contribute to the

problem in order to create hypotheses about why

these persons and institutions act, or fail to act, as

they do.

ازتبلا ث )ؼفتبؼ خدبي ثؽ اگ١ؿ انطبو بظ ب (۱)

ؼا ک ظؼ ا٠دبظ (ني اؼگب بی تطج١ك کع

هک ق ظاؼع، تس١ ب١٠ع تب ؼی ا٠ فؽ١

کبؼ يؼت گ١ؽظ ک چؽا ا٠ انطبو ا٠ بظ ب

چ١ ؼفتبؼ ی کع ٠ب چؽا ؼفتبؼی ک نب٠كت

. بقت زبي آب اقت، اؾ ضظ هب ی ظع

(2) Seven analysis factors to help determine the

causes of problematic behavior.

فت فکتؼ تس١ی ک ١تاع ظؼ تؼ١١ ػـ قک (۲)

: ؼفتبؼ خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ کک ب٠ع

1– Rules. ۱-لاػع .

2– Opportunity. ۲- فؽيت.

3– Capacity. ۳- ظؽف١ت.

4– Communication. ۴- افب تف١.

5– Process. ۵- پؽق.

6– Interest. ۶- غق ػلال.

7– Ideology. ۷- آ٠ع٠ژی.

(3) There may be multiple and overlapping

explanations for problematic behavior.

ک اقت ظؼ اؼتجب ث قک خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ (۳)

ثب ؽتج خظ ظانت لكبت١سبت گبگ


(4) Create hypotheses or explanations as to the

causes of the problem using the 7 analysis


ا٠دبظ فؽ١ ٠ب ت١سبت ظؼ ؼظ ػ اقجبة ث (۴)

خظ آؼع هک ثب اقتفبظ اؾ فکتؼ بی فت

.گب تس١

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

3 يفسPage 3

Step 3—Propose possible solutions based on these


طشح پؾبد سا دم بی يک ثش يجبی — گبو عو

.ا فشض ب

(1) Formulating solutions. (۱) ا٠دبظ ٠ب فؼي ثعی کؽظ ؼا ز.

1– Finding solutions that address the causes of

problematic behaviors.

خكتدی ؼا زبي ب ٠ی ک ػـ اقجبة -۱

قک خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ ؼا ؼظ ؼق١عگی لؽاؼ


2– Explanations for problematic behavior

dictate potential solutions.

ت١سبت ظؼ ؼظ قک ؼفتبؼ خدبي -۲

ثؽاگ١ؿ ظؼ ٠بفت ؼا ز بی ثبم کک ی


3– Where to look for solutions: (1) foreign law

and experience, (2) professional literature,

and (3) your own country’s past experience.

ث مع ٠بفت ؼا ز ب، ث کدب ثب٠ع ؽاخؼ -۳

( ۲)لا١ تدبؼة ضبؼخی، (۱): ظ

تدبؼة (۳)اظث١بت ٠ب نت خبت كکی،

. لجی کهؼ ضظ نب

(2) Designing implementation provisions. (۲) ؽذ ازکب تطج١می.

1– General categories of solutions: (1) direct

measures, (2) indirect measures, and (3)

educational measures.

العابتت (۱): کتگؼی بی ػب ؼا زبي ب -۱

( ۳)العابت غ١ؽ كتم١، (۲)كتـم١،

.العابت تؼ١ی آؾنی

2– Choose an implementer from the following

types of implementers: (1) courts and

tribunals, (2) administrative agencies, (3)

public corporations, and (4) private-sector


اؾ ١ب اؼگب بی تطج١ك کع غ٠، ٠کی اؾ -۲

سبک ظ٠ا بی (۱): آب ؼا اتطبة ب١٠ع

نؽکت (۳)اؼگب بی اظاؼی، (۲)سبکبت،

قبؾب بی قکتؼ (۴)بی ػب افؼ،


3– Choose between using an existing

implementer or establishing a new one.

اتطبة ک١ع ک آ٠ب اؾ اؼگب تطج١ك کع فؼی -۳

.اقتفبظ نظ ٠ب کعا اؼگب خع٠ع ا٠دبظ نظ

(3) Elaborating alternative solutions. (۳) تهؽ٠ر ؼا بی ز تجبظي .

(4) Assess the costs and benefits of each of the

possible solutions and choose the solution most

likely to solve the problem in the most effective


ؿ٠ ب فؼت بی ؽ ٠کی اؾ ؼا ز ب ؼا (۴)

اؼؾ٠بثی ازتبی ب١٠ع، قپف ؼا زی ؼا اتطبة

ب١٠ع ک ث ازتبي لی هک ؼا ثب ن١ۀ ؤثؽ تؽی

.ز ف ١کع

1– Purposes of cost-benefit analysis. ۱- بفغ- مبيع تس١ ؿ٠ ب.

2– Monetary and non-monetary considerations. ۲- ظؼ ظؽگ١ؽی ػبت پی غ١ؽ پی .

3– Basic methods of analyzing costs and


ؼل ب ٠ب ١تظ بی تس١ ؿ٠ ب فؼت -۳

(a) Comparing the chosen policy with

doing nothing (―status quo‖


مب٠ك ظ پب١كی اتطبة نع ثب (اف)

زبت ظقت ؾ٠ؽ الان ثظ ٠ب ادب

ؼ١ت "تس١ )عاظ ١چ کبؼ


(b) Comparing the chosen policy with

alternative policies.

مب٠ك ظ پب١كی اتطبة نع ثب (ة)

.پب١كی بی تجبظي

(5) Judging between alternative solutions. (۵) لبت ظ ١ب ؼا ز بی تجبظي.

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

4 يفسPage 4

(6) Combining the provisions into a comprehensive


٠کدب کؽظ ٠ب تؽک١ت کؽظ ازکب ث يؼت ٠ک (۶)

.پب١كی کب خبغ

Step 4—Create a system to monitor and evaluate

the chosen policy in order to understand

which hypotheses were incorrect (and why)

and modify the policy accordingly.

اجبد عغتى ظبست اسصبثی پبنغی — گبو چبسو

اتخبة ؽذ ث يظس فى ا ک کذاو فشض ب

، عپظ، دس يطبثمت ثب ( چشا)دسعت ثد اذ

تج اک اص ػم ث يب يی آذ، آسد

. تغشات دس پبنغی اتخبر ؽذ

3. Detailed explanation of the

problem-solving approach to


ؽ دس يسد تفم ث ؽشح يفقم .۳

.لب گزاسیثش دغت دم يؾکلات

The essential job of a professional legislative drafter is

to make sure that the legislation will solve the problem

being addressed by the sponsor (proponent) of the


ا٠ اقت ک اؾ خ ظب٠ف اقبقی لبگػاؼ كکی

/ ١تا غ لب خع٠ع هکی ؼا ک مب نظ ثبت١م

. ف ظؽخغ پ١هبظ کع ظؼ پی ز آ اقت، ز

It is very important to ask the right kinds of questions

of the proponent of the legislation in order to

understand the ―actual‖ intent of the legislation, not

just the ―superficial‖ intent that may appear in the

words of the draft.

ؽخؼ١ک ١طاع )ؽذ قالات ظؼقت اؾ مب كئي

" الؼی"ثظؼ ظؼک عف مع (لب غ کع

ا٠ک ظؼ لبت افبظ " ظبؽی"غ لب، فم عف

.كظ ظبؽ ١هظ، ض١ی تمی ١گؽظظ

The problem-solving approach is a practical tool you

can use to obtain (or seek) the information you and

other policymakers will need to put together legislation

that is actually effective in solving social problems in


ن١ ز هکلات لبگػاؼی ٠ک اثؿاؼ ػی اقت ک ثب

اقتفبظ اؾ آ نب ی تا١ع ث ؼبتی ک نب قب٠ؽ

پب١كی قبؾا ظؼ ؼاقتبی غ لب ث آ ١بؾ ظاؼ٠ع،

ثعقت ث١بؼ٠ع ک ا٠ کبؼ، ظؼ ز هکلات اختبػی

.خبؼ الؼب ؤثؽ اقت

Step 1—Identify and describe the social

problem and the persons and

institutions involved in the problem.

ؽبعبی ؽشح د يؾکم — گبو ال اجتبػی اؽخبؿ بد بی ک دس آ

.دخم اذ

(1) Identify the social problem. (۱)سا ؽبعبی کذ يؾکلات اجتبػی .

Legislation is designed to fix social problems.

Therefore, drafting effective legislation requires the

drafter to be able to precisely identify the social

problem or issue to be addressed by legislation.

لب گػاؼی ثطبؽی ث خظ آع اقت، تب هکلات

ثبثؽ ا٠، ؽذ تك٠ع ؤثؽ . اختبػی ؼا ز کع

كتؿ آ اقت ک تك٠ع کع لبظؼ ثبنع هک اختبػی

٠ب كئ ای ک اؾ ؽ٠ك غ لب ث ز آ العا نظ

.ؼا ظل١مب نبقب٠ی ب٠ع

You must ask yourself and others involved in drafting

the legislation, what is the problem the legislation

seeks to solve?

نب اؾ ضظ اؾ قب٠ؽ کكبی ک ظؼ ؽذ تك٠ع لب

ک اقت هکی ظض١ كت١ع ا٠ قاي ثب٠ع ثپؽق١ع ک آ

؟ظجبي ز کؽظ آ كت١عاؾ ؽ٠ك غ لب

What are ways not to state the problem? ب اع؟ ، کعاآ ث١ب ګؽظظ ظؼ هکجب٠ع ن١ ب١٠ک

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

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(For example, ―There is no law on [topic].‖) ( ،١چ لبی غ (ع)ظؼ ؼاثط ث "ثؼا ثبي

(."گؽظ٠ع اقت

What is the best way to state the problem? ز هک کعا اقت؟ ث١ب کؽظثتؽ٠ ؼا ثؽای

(For example, ―Rural farmers are unable to get their

crops to market in a cost-effective way.‖)

ظبل١ ؼقتب٠ی لبظؼ ١كتع زبيلات ضظ"ثؼا ثبي، )

(."ؼا ثب ؿ٠ ک ث ثبؾاؼ ثؽقبع

If possible, state the problem as a specific action or

omission on the part of the persons and institutions

involved in the problem. In doing this, you must

distinguish between causes and conditions.

اگؽ ک ثبنع، هک ؼا ث نک ٠ک فؼ هطى ٠ب

تؽک فؼ هطى ث اؼتجب انطبو ٠ب بظ ب٠ی ک ظؼ

گب اخؽای ا٠ کبؼ، . هک ظض١ ی ثبنع، ث١ب ب١٠ع

.نب ثب٠ع ١ب ػـت ب نؽا٠ تفک١ک لب٠ ن٠ع

In order to do this, you must identify who may be

responsible for behavior that contributes to social

problems and what exactly the behavior is. That is, you

must determine who — whether stakeholder or

implementing agency (or both) — is responsible for

what problematic behavior.

ثؽای ػی قبضت ا٠ کبؼ، نب زتب نبقب٠ی ب١٠ع ک

چ کكی كئي ث خظ آع قک ؼفتبؼی اقت ک

ظؼ ا٠دبظ هک اختبػی ق ظاؼظ ا٠ک قک ا ظل١مب

ث ا٠ ؼی ک نب ثب٠ع تثج١ت ب١٠ع ک چ . چطؼ اقت

٠ب )آ٠ب افؽاظ غ٠فغ ٠ب اؼگب بی تطج١ك گع — کكی

كئي قک خدبي ثؽاگ١ؿ ی — (ؽظی نب


Remember that, you are not blaming the persons or

institutions you are identifying. (So, for example, it is

not the farmer’s fault that he cannot get his crops to


ث ٠بظ ظانت ثبن١ع ک نب انطبو ٠ب بظ ب٠ی ؼا ک

ثبثؽ٠، ث ػا )نبقب٠ی ١ک١ع، لات ی ک١ع

ظمب ١كت ک ١تاع سلات تمقشثبي، ا٠

.ؾؼاػتی ض ؼا ث بؼک١ت ثؽقبع

That is what is meant by distinguishing between

causes of the problem and the conditions of the

problem. Here, you are describing the conditions.

Later, you will seek to explain the causes.

ا٠ اقت ف تفک١ک ١ب ػـ ث خظ آؼع

ظؼ ا٠ ؽز، نب ث . هک زبلات نؽا٠ هک

ی پؽظاؾ٠ع ثؼعا قؼی ضا١ع دبلات ؽشاظنؽذ

. هک ؼا ث١ب ب١٠عاعجبة ػايمظ

Finally, you must also identify the persons and

institutions that are affected by the problem (usually in

a negative way).

ب٠تب، نب ثب٠ع انطبو بظ ب٠ی ؼا ک اؾ خظ٠ت

ؼلا، ث نک فی تؤثؽ ی )هک تؤثؽ ی نع

.نع، نبقتب٠ی ب١٠ع

(2) Who is responsible? Identify the

persons and institutions (including

current implementing agencies) that

contribute to the problem.

يغئل اعت؟ اؽخبؿ بد چ کغی (۲)

بی سا ک دس يؾکم دخم غتذ، ؽبعبی

ثؾل اسگب بی فؼهی تطجك )بذ


The first step in more precisely describing the social

problem is to separate ―symptoms‖ of the problem

from actual problem behavior. That is, you must be

able to distinguish between causes and conditions.

This is not to say that you should disregard the

symptoms. However, in order best to begin at this

stage, we must move past the ―symptoms‖ and search

for the problematic behavior.

ا١ گب ظؼ غکؽ ظل١ك خؿئ١بت هک اختبػی تفک١ک

هک ؼفتبؼ الؼی هک آفؽ٠ " ػلا٠"ظ ١ب

ا٠ ثع٠ ؼی اقت ک نب ثب٠ع ثتا١ع ١ب . ی ثبنع

ا٠ ث ا٠ ؼی . ػا زبلات فؽق ت١١ؿ ب١٠ع

ی ثب . ١كت ک نب ػلا٠ هک ؼا اؾ ظؽ ث١بعاؾ٠ع

" ػلا٠"آ، ظؼ آغبؾ ا٠ ؽز ثتؽ ضاع ثظ ک اؾ

.ثگػؼ٠ ظؼ خكتدی ؼفتبؼ هک آفؽ٠ ثبن١

When we find the problematic behavior we will also

discover the persons or institutions that either

contribute to, or are affected by, the problem.

ؾبی ک ب ؼفتبؼ هک آفؽ٠ ؼا ظؼ٠بفت١، آ لت ب

١تا١ انطبو ٠ب بظ ب٠ی ؼا ک ظؼ ا٠دبظ هک ظض١

.اع ٠ب اؾ آ تؤثؽ ی نع، کهف ب١٠

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

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At this stage you must ask, who is involved (generally)

in the problem? (This can include individuals,

organizations, and Government agencies.)

ظؼ هک خظ ظؼ ا٠ ؽز، نب ثب٠ع ثپؽق١ع ک

افؽاظ، ا٠ ١تاع نب) ب ظض١ اع؟ کی (ػب )

.(گؽظظبی ظتی ظض١ هک ظؼ ب، اؼگب قبؾب

More specifically, what persons (individuals,

organizations, governmental agencies) and what

behaviors (actions or inactions / omissions) of these

persons actually contribute to (or cause) the problem?

In other words, who is contributing to (or causing) the

problem? And what are they doing (or not doing) that

is contributing to (or causing) the problem?

ب، افؽاظ، قبؾب)اگؽ هطب ثگ١٠، کعا انطبو

( ٠ب تؽک ػػ) چ ع قک (بی ظتی اؼگب

ا٠دبظ آ (٠ب قجت)ا٠ انطبو ظؼ ا٠دبظ هک ق ظاؼع

نع اع؟ ث ػجبؼت ظ٠گؽ، کی ظؼ ا٠دبظ هک ق ظاؼظ

آب ث کعا کبؼ ب٠ی ظقت ی ا٠دبظ آ ١هظ؟ (٠ب قجت)

هک ق١ ی نظ ٠ب ا٠دبظ ٠ب ی ٠بؾع، ک ظؼ )٠بؾع

نظ؟ هک یثبػث ا٠دبظ

(3) What is the underlying problematic

behavior? Identify the problematic

behavior of these persons or


سفتبس يؾکم آفش کذاو اعت ؟ سفتبس يؾکم (۳)

آفش ا اؽخبؿ ب بد ب سا ؽبعبی


Each social problem is caused by more than one

problematic social behavior. Therefore, it is important

to identify each of the problematic behaviors, even

though the ultimate policy or law may not deal with all

of them.

ظؼ ا٠دبظ ؽ هک اختبػی ث١هتؽ اؾ ٠ک ؼفتبؼ هک

ثبثؽ ا٠، ثب آک پب١كی ب٠ی ٠ب لب . آفؽ٠ ظض١ اقت

ثب تب آب قؽ کبؼ طاع ظانت، ی ثبؾ ا٠ ض١ی

اقت ک ؽ ٠کی اؾ ا٠ ؼفتبؼ بی هک آفؽ٠

.نبقب٠ی نع

You can use the checklist of questions below in order

to help identify problematic behaviors.

نب ی تا١ع اؾ فؽقت غ٠ اقتفبظ ک١ع تب نب ؼا ظؼ

:نبقب٠ی ؼفتبؼ بی هک آفؽ٠ کک ب٠ع

Checklist of questions for identifying

problematic behaviors: خت نبقب٠ی ؼفتبؼ (چه كت)فؽقت قالات

: هى آفؽ٠

1. What are the overt manifestations of the


؟ ظؼ سؽ ػب چ اقتنکبي ثؽلا قبضت١ .۱

2. Who is directly affected by the manifestations? ۲. چ کكی كتم١ب اؾ ا٠ ثؽ لا قبضت تبثؽ ی


3. Where is it happening? ۳. هى ظؼودب الغ نظ؟

4. When is it happening? ۴. چ لت الغ نظ؟

5. Whose behavior causes or contributes to the

problem directly?

قن وعا افؽاظ ث نى كتم١ ثبػث ا٠دبظ هى .۵

نع ٠ب ظؼ ا٠دبظ آ ق ظانت اقت؟

6. Whose behavior causes, contributes to, or permits

the problem indirectly?

قىن وعا افؽاظ ث نى غ١ؽ كتم١ ثبػث هى .۶

نع اقت ٠ب ظؼ ا٠دبظ هى ق ظانت ٠ب اخبؾ

لع آ ؼا ی ظع؟

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

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NOTE: This checklist is not comprehensive. These are

examples of the most basic types of questions that are

generally applicable. Moreover, not all of the questions

above may always be applicable in the examination of

every social problem. The drafter should ask whatever

questions are appropriate.

ا٠ فؽقت قالات ٠ه كت خبغ تب ػ١بؼ :تزكش

بی تػکؽ فق ظؼ الغ قالاتی اع ک . ثبنع

. ؼلا ظؼ چ اؼظ ؼظ اقتفبظ لؽاؼ ١گ١ؽع

ػلاتب، لبث ٠بظ آؼ اقت و ى اقت تب قالات

فق ظؼ لت خت تهط١ى هى اختبػ لبث

اجت ظ١ف تك٠ع کع ؽذ قالات . تطج١ك جبنع

. تبقت ثب ع اقت

(4) Identify other persons that are

affected by the problem (usually in a

negative way).

عبش اؽخبفی سا ک اص يؾکم يتأثش يی (۴)يؼلا آبی ک ث )ؽذ، ؽبعبی بذ

.(فست يفی يتأثش يی ؽذ

Who is affected by the problem? ؟ تبثؽ نع اقت اؾ هک تػکؽ چ کكی

In what way are these persons affected? ا٠ انطبو اؾ چ ؽ٠می تؽؼ ١هع؟

(5) Identify possible implementing

agencies: Any agencies that now have

(or could in the future have)

responsibility for implementing the

legislative solutions to the problem.

اسگب بی تطجك کذ ادتبنی سا ؽبعبی (۵)ش اسگبی ک ايکب داسد ى اک : بذ

يغئنت تطجك سا دم (ب دس آذ)تمی دس لجبل يؾکم سا ث ػذ داؽت


What is an ―implementing agency‖? "؟ ٠ک ب٠ع ګی تطج١ك کع چ اقت

The term ―implementing agency‖ means an

organization or person assigned the duty to implement

a given rule. Usually, the implementing agency is one

or more governmental organizations (or officials). But

sometimes a pseudo-governmental or nongovernmen-

tal entity is given responsibility for implementing the


ػجبؼت اؾ قبؾب ٠ب " اسگب تطجك کذ"ايطلاذ

نطی ی ثبنع ک ظف نع اقت تب ٠ک لب ی

اؼگب تطج١ك کع ؼلا . لبػع ؼ١١ی ؼا تطج١ك ب٠ع

اب . ظتی ی ثبنع (٠ب مببت)تهک اؾ ٠ک ٠ب چع اؼگب

قبؾبب١٠ک اق )ثؼی البت، ث ٠ک بظ للاثی ظتی

٠ب غ١ؽ ظتی ظ١ف قپؽظ ی (كتؼبؼ آ ظتی ی ثبنع

.نظ تب لب ؼا تطج١ك ب٠ع

When addressing a social problem through legislation,

it is essential to choose an appropriate implementing

agency (or agencies) to carry out the solution to the


ؾبی ک ظؼ خكتدی ز ٠ک هک اختبػی اؾ ؽ٠ك

اؼگب (٠ب چع)لبگػاؼی ی ثبن١ع، اقت ک ٠ک

تطج١ك کع بقت ؼا اتطبة ب١٠ع تب ؼا ز اتطبغ نع

. ؼا تطج١ك ب٠ع

It is also important not to exclude a potential

implementing agency before an appropriate legislative

solution has been chosen. This is because often the

choice of solution will determine the choice of the

appropriate implementing agency. And solutions are

not chosen until a thorough analysis of the problem is


ا٠ اقت ک لج اؾ اتطبة ؼا ز تم١ی بقت،

جب٠ع اتطبة ٠ک اؼگب تطج١ك کع ثبم ؼا اؾ ظؽ

ا٠ ثطبؽ اقت ک اتطبة ؼا ز، ؼاثط . ث١بعاؾ٠ع

ؼا . كتم١ی ثب اتطبة اؼگب تبقت تطج١ك کع ظاؼظ

ز ب تب ؾبی اتطبة ی نع ک اؼؾ٠بثی خبغ

.کب اؾ هک خظ ث ػ ١ب٠ع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

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Step 2—Analyze and explain the

problematic behavior and create

hypotheses (explanations) based

on the causes of the behavior.

سفتبس يؾکم آفش سا تذهم — گبو دو تضخ بذ ثش يجبی ػايم

اعجبة سفتبس يؾکم آفش، فشض ب .خد سا ػبس عبصذ (ب تضذبت)

(1) Analyze the problematic behavior of

the persons and institutions identified

in step 1 that contribute to the

problem in order to create hypotheses

or explanations about why these

persons and institutions act, or fail to

act, as they do.

سفتبس يؾکم آفش اؽخبؿ بد بی سا ک دس (۱)

گبو ال يذث فکتس بی ک دس ظس ب داو

يؾکم عى داسذ، يسد تذهم لشاس دذ تب فشض

ب ب تضذبت خد سا دس يسد اک چشا ا

اؽخبؿ ب بد ب آ طس ػم يکذ ب اص

يکهفت بی يذن ؽب ػذل يی کذ، يغتذل


(2) Seven factors to help determine the

causes of problematic behavior.

فت فکتسی ک دس تؼ اعجبة ػايم (۲) .سفتبس يؾکم آفش کک کشد يتاذ

The legislative problem-solving approach uses 7

analysis factors to help explain why the problem is


ن١ ز هکلات لبگػاؼی ظؼ ت١ر ا٠ک چؽا

هک خظ ظاؼظ ٠ب ظؼ زبي لع اقت، اؾ فت فکتؼ

.تس١ی کک ی گ١ؽظ

Each factor focuses on one aspect of a behavior and

asks questions that will lead to a better understanding

of the problem and more meaningful policy responses.

ؽفکتؼ ثبلای ٠کی اؾخج بی ؼفتبؼ تؽکؿ ی کع

قالاتی ؼا طؽذ ١كبؾظ ک ظؼ ت١د آ، ب١ت هک

ث ظؼقتی ف١ع ی نظ قپف پب١كی بی طمی ظؼ

.لجبي آ اتطبغ ی نظ

The 7 factors are described below. فت فکتؼ تػکؽ غ٠لا ث١ب ی گؽظع:

1– Rules. ۱- لاػذ.

The term ―rules‖ most often refers to law, rule, or

social norm that affects a stakeholder (regulated

person) and contributes to the problematic social


ؼلا ث لب، اي ٠ب ؼ اختبػی " لاػع"ايطلاذ

نط١ک )كجت ظاظ ١هظ ک ثبلای نطى غ٠فغ

تؤث١ؽ گػاؼ ثظ ظؼ ظؼ قک (طبت لب اقت

.هک آفؽ٠ اختبػی مم ١عانت ثبنع

Some examples of ways in which the rules contribute

to the problem are the following:

ثؼی اؾ اثبي ؽلی ک ق١ ثظ ا٠ لاػع ظؼ ا٠دبظ

: هک ؼا ؼکف ١كبؾظ، ػجبؼت اع اؾ

1– Laws that are vague or ambiguous. ۱- لا١ی ک ظاؼای اثب ثظ چع پ ١جبنع.

2– Laws that permit or require the problematic


لا١ی ک قک هک آفؽ٠ ؼا اؿای -۲

.١گؽظاع ٠ب آؽا دبؾ ١عاع

3– Laws that do not address the causes of the

problematic behavior.

لا١ی ک ث ؼفغ اقجبة ػا قک -۳

.هک آفؽ٠ ؼق١عگی ١کع

4– Laws that do not provide for accountability

in their implementation.

لا١ی ک ظؼ ؼاثط ث تطج١ك آ ث ع -۴

.زكبثعی ا١ت ظاظ ١هظ

5– Laws that grant too much discretion in their

implementation or that too greatly restrict


لا١ی ک ظؼ اؼتجب ث تطج١ك آ ٠ب يلازع٠ع -۵

ث١م اؾ زع ظؼظؽ گؽفت ١هظ ٠ب يلازع٠ع

.ث١م اؾ زع سعظ قبضت ١هظ

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2– Opportunity. ۲- فشفت.

The term ―opportunity‖ refers to the circumstances,

occasion, chance, or probability that a stakeholder has

to engage in the problematic social behavior or to obey

or disobey a law, rule, or social norm.

زبت، لغ، چبف ٠ب ػجبؼت اقت اؾ " فشفت"ايطلاذ

نطى غ٠فغ ثب٠ع ظؼ قک ازتبی اقت ک ثؽ جبی آ

هک آفؽ٠ اختبػی ظض١ ثبنع ٠ب ا٠ک اؾ لب، لبػع

. ٠ب ؼ اختبػی ابػت کع ٠ب ػعي ب٠ع

One possible example is the opportunity of

governmental officials to engage in corrupt behavior

(such as accepting or soliciting bribes).

٠کی اؾ بی آ كبػع ثظ فؽيت ث مببت

بع لجي )ظتی ظؼ آغهت نع ث فكبظ اظاؼی ی ثبنع

.(٠ب ت ؼن

3– Capacity (or ability). ۳- (ب لبثهت)ظشفت

The term ―capacity‖ refers to the ability (or inability)

or capability that a stakeholder has to engage in the

problematic social behavior or to obey a law, rule, or

social norm.

(٠ب ػع لبث١ت)لبث١ت ػجبؼت اقت اؾ " ظشفت"ايطلاذ

٠ب تاب٠ی ای اقت ک نطى غ٠فغ ثب٠ع ظؼ قک هک

آفؽ٠ اختبػی ظض١ ثبنع ٠ب ا٠ک اؾ لب، لبػع ٠ب ؼ

. اختبػی ابػت کع

Capacity also includes any obstacles that my impede

or prevent the stakeholder’s ability to engage in the

problematic behavior or the inability to engage in

desired behavior.

ظؽف١ت چب نب ؽ گ بؼی ١هظ ک ک

اقت قع ؼا ٠ب ثبػث خگ١ؽی لبث١ت نطى غ٠فغ ظؼ

ادب قک هک آفؽ٠ ٠ب ػع لبث١ت ی ظؼ ادب

. قک طة گؽظظ

(In practical terms, ―capacity‖ often overlaps with


تعاض " فؽيت"ؼلا ثب ک " ظؽف١ت"ػلا، ک )


Some possible examples that address the ―capacity‖

factor are: Inability to obtain credit, lack of expertise,

or lack of transportation (for example, a farmer who

cannot get produce to market).

تؼك " ظؽف١ت"ثؼی اؾ ثبي بی ازتبی ک ث فکتؼ

ػع لبث١ت ظؼ ثعقت آؼظ : ی گ١ؽع، ػجبؼت اع اؾ

اػتجبؼ، فمعا تطى ٠ب فمعا قب٠ تؽاكپؼتی

ثؼا ثبي ظمبی ک ی تاع زبيلات ضظؼا ث )

.(ثبؾاؼ ؼقب١ع ی تاع

4– Communication. ۴- افبو تفى.

The term ―communication‖ refers to the effectiveness

with which a law, rule, or social norm is

communicated to the stakeholders affected by the law,

rule, or social norm. If people do not know what

actions the law permits, requires, or prohibits, how can

they possibly be expected to act in conformity with the


ػجبؼت اؾ ؤثؽ٠تی اقت ک "افبو تفى"ايطلاذ

غؼ٠ؼ آ لب، لبػع ٠ب ؼ اختبػی ث انطبو

غ٠فؼی ک طبت لب، لبػع ٠ب ؼ اختبػی كتع،

اگؽ ؽظ عاع ک لب ادب کعا . افب تف١ ١هظ

کبؼ ب ؼا دبؾ، لاؾی ٠ب غ لؽاؼ ظاظ اقت، چطؼ

١تا اؾ آب تلغ ظانت ک ظؼ طبثمت ثب لب ؼفتبؼ


It also includes communication between implementing

agencies (regulators) and stakeholders and among

different implementing agencies.

ا٠ ع نب افب تف١ ث١ اؼگببی تطج١ك کع

انطبو غ٠فغ ١ب قب٠ؽ اؼگببی (تظ١ کع)

.طتف تطج١ك کع ١ؿ ١گؽظظ

5– Processes and procedures. ۵- پشع ب طشصانؼم ب.

The term ―process‖ refers to criteria and procedures

(or other pragmatic or logistical aspects) that (1)

explain the decision-making process that leads a

stakeholder to decide whether to conform or not to

conform to a law, rule, or social norm, and (2)

٠ب )ػجبؼت اؾ ؼ١بؼب ؽؾاؼ ب " پشع"ايطلاذ

پؽق (۱)اقت ک (قب٠ؽ خج بی ػی ژقت١کی

ت١ گ١ؽی ؼا تهؽ٠ر ظ ثبػث ١هظ ک نطى

غ٠فغ ت١ ثگ١ؽظ آ٠ب اؾ ٠ک لب، لبػع ٠ب ؼ

قک هک آفؽ٠ (۲)اختبػی پ١ؽی کع ٠ب ض١ؽ،

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encourage or discourage the problematic social

behavior by a stakeholder. This factor is particularly

important in the case of an institution (such as a

governmental agency, a corporation, or other complex

organization), in which the decision-making process is

not vested in a single individual.

اختبػی ا٠ک تق ؽخغ غ٠فغ ػی ١هظ ؼا ته٠ك

ا٠ فکتؼ ث٠ژ ظؼ . ٠ب ی ؼا اؾ ادب آ ظكؽظ ١كبؾظ

بع اؼگب ظتی، نؽکت قبی ٠ب )اؼتجب ث بظ ب

ک ظؼ آ پؽق ت١ گ١ؽی (قب٠ؽ قبؾببی طت

تق ٠ک فؽظ يؼت ی گ١ؽظ، اؾ ا١ت ؾ٠بظی

.ثؽضؼظاؼ اقت

How an institution’s complexity, structure, and

procedures can affect how the institution decides on its

course of action — especially when it comes to

obeying or disobeying the rules.

پ١چ١عگی، قبضتبؼ ؽؾاؼ بی ٠ک بظ چطؼ

١تاع ظؼ س ت١ گ١ؽی آ بظ پ١ؽا کبؼ بی

طيب ؾب١ک ع ث — ضظل ؤثؽ ثبنع

.ابػت ٠ب ػع ابػت اؾ لب تؼك ثگ١ؽظ

6– Interest and incentive (or disincen-


ق ب رق ػلاك -۶ ب ػايم ) يؾ . (ثبصداسذ

The term ―interest‖ refers to the incentive or

motivation (both material and non-material) for a

stakeholder to engage in the problematic social


ق ٠ب اگ١ؿػجبؼت اؾ " يفؼت"ايطلاذ نطى ه

غ٠فغ ظؼ ظض١ نع ظؼ قک هک آفؽ٠ اختبػی ی

. (ثؽاثؽ اقت ک ا٠ فؼت بظی ثبنع ٠ب غ١ؽ بظی)ثبنع

This is the stakeholder’s perception of the personal

costs and benefits of complying with the law, rule, or

social norm.

ا٠ اقت ظؼک ازكبـ نطى غ٠فغ ظؼ ؼظ بؼف

بفغ نطی ی ظؼ اؼتجب ث ثؽآؼظ قبضت

.مت١بت لب، لبػع ٠ب ؼ اختبػی

Many types of personal incentives or motivations may

constitute an interest that is sufficient to affect or

contribute to the problematic social behavior.

ق بی نطی ١تاع فؼتی ؼا ث١ب الكب تؼعظ ه

ث١بؼظ ک کبف١كت ثؽ قک هک آفؽ٠ اختبػی تؤث١ؽ

. گػاؼ ثبنع ٠ب ظؼ آ ق١ ثبنع

This factor also includes ―disincentives‖ that

discourage good behavior.

١ؿ " ػا ثبؾظاؼع ٠ب غ کع"ا٠ فکتؼ نب

. ١هظ ک دؽ ث ػع اخؽای قک ضة ١گؽظظ

Some possible material incentives (or benefits):

Money or increased employee fringe benefits.

پي ٠ب ؿا٠بی نغی ثع ثبلای کبؼع نب ثؼی

.ازتبی بظی ١هع (٠ب فؼت بی)اؾهلبت

Some possible non-material incentives (or benefits):

Personal or political power or the esteem of family,

friends, associates, and others.

ازتبی غ١ؽ بظی (٠ب فؼت بی)ثؼی اؾهلبت

ػجبؼت اع اؾ لت نطی ٠ب ق١بقی ٠ب لعؼ ػؿت

.ضباظ، ظقتب، اثكتگب غ١ؽ

7– Ideology. ۷- طشص تفکش ب آذنژی .

The term ―ideology‖ refers to the values and attitudes

that shape how we look at the world and therefore

shape our decisions.

اؼؾنب ؼل ػجبؼت اؾ " آذنژی"ايطلاذ

اقت ک س ی ؽؾ ظ٠ع ب ث خب ؼا نک ؼفتبؼی

. ظاظ ؼ٠ ؼفت تب١ بؼا ١ؿ ث١ب ١بؼظ

Ideology also encompasses any subjective motivations

that do not constitute ―interests‖.

ق غی ١جبنع ک آ٠ع٠ژی ظؼثؽگ١ؽع ی ؽ آ ه

. ١كت" فؼت ب"تهک١ ظع

These are the backgrounds and personal values each

person brings to any set of circumstances and affect

how the person behaves in the face of those


اؼؾنبی نطی ؽ نطى ک ی قاثك ا٠ اقت

ؼا ظؼ نؽا٠ طتف لؽاؼ ظاظ ظؼ مبث آ نؽا٠،

. س ثؽضؼظ ی ؼا ١ؿ تست تؤث١ؽ لؽاؼ ١عع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

11 يفسPage 11

(3) There may be multiple and overlap-

ping explanations for problematic be-


دس استجبط ث سفتبس يؾکم آفش، يک (۳)اعت تضذبت يتؼذد يتذاخهی جد

.داؽت ثبؽذ

Remember that often more than one factor may

interact to affect or contribute to the problematic


ث ٠بظ ظانت ثبن١ع ک ک اقت ث١هتؽ اؾ ٠ک فکتؼ ظؼ

ا٠دبظ ٠ب لع ؼفتبؼ هک آفؽ٠ ؤثؽ ثبنع ٠ب ظؼ آ ق

.ظانت ثبنع

For example, a rule affecting a person may require the

person to do something that cannot be completed

because the person lacks the capacity to do it. In this

example, the ―rule‖ factor has combined with the

―capacity‖ factor to explain the problematic behavior.

ث ػا ثبي، ٠ک لبػع ٠ب لبی ک تخ ٠ک نطى

اقت، ک اقت ی ؼا کف قبؾظ ک ا کبؼی ؼا ادب ظع

ک ثؽای ی لبث تک١ جبنع چ ظؽف١ت ادب آ ظؼ ی

ثب فکتؼ " لبػع ٠ب لب"ظؼ ا٠ ثبي، فکتؼ . خظ عاؼظ

ظؽف١ت ٠کدب گؽظ٠ع ؾ١ ت١ر ؼفتبؼ هک آفؽ٠ ؼا

.كبػع قبضت اقت

(4) Create hypotheses as to the causes of

based on the causes of the problem

using the 7 analysis factors.

ثب اعتفبد اص فت فکتس تذههی فشض ای (۴)سا اجبد بذ ک اعجبة ػايم يؤثش دس

. اجبد ب لع يؾکم سا ثب بذ

Step 3—Propose possible solutions based

on your explanations.

طشح پؾبد سا بی يک دم — گبو عو . ثش يجبی تضذبت خد ؽب

In this session, we will discuss (1) where to look for

solutions, (2) what to consider when deciding how to

implement the solution, (3) the importance of

elaborating several alternative solutions, and (4) how

to test the possible solutions for adequacy, including

how to conduct a basic cost-benefit analysis.

ؼا بی ز (۱)ظؼ ا٠ خك ب يسجت ضا١ کؽظ ک

وعا چ١ؿ ب ؼا ث ضبؽ (۲)ؼا ظؼ کدب خكتد ک١،

ا١ت ت١ح ز ٠ب (۳)تطج١ك ز آ ع ظؽ ثگ١ؽ٠،

اؼؾ٠بثی ؼا بی ک (۴)تهؽ٠ر ؼا بی ثع٠ ز،

. ز ث ضبؽ ث ؼا اعاضت ؼا بی فکؼی اقبقی

(1) Formulating solutions. (۱ )دم سا کشد ثذی فسيل ب اجبد .

The next step is to propose solutions for each of the

causes of problematic behavior you have just

identified, and then to combine the solutions into a

policy that will address the social problem you

originally identified.

العا ثؼعی ا٠كت ک ؼا بی ز ؼا ث ضبؽ ػ اقجبة ؽ

٠ک اؾ هکلات ا٠ک نب آؽا اض١ؽا ظؼ٠بفت ا٠ع پ١هبظ کؽظ

ا١كی ثب ٠کدب ظ ک پث نک ثؼعا ؼا بی ز ؼا

ؼظ تبػی ؼا ک نب ايلا تهط١ى ظ ا٠ع، جهکلات ا

. ؼق١عگ لؽاؼ ضاع ظاظ

1– Finding solutions that address the

causes of problematic behaviors.

جغتجی سا دبل بی ک ػهـم -۱اعجبة عهک ججبل ثشاگض سا يسد

. سعذگی لشاس دذ

Now you must (1) propose possible solutions to each

of these causes, and (2) use the individual solutions to

build a comprehensive policy.

ؼا بی ک ز ؼا ثؽای ؽ٠ک اؾ (۱)زبي نب ثب٠ع

ؼا بی ز افؽاظی ؼا ث (۲) ، ا٠ لب٠ب پ١هبظ ک١ع

.ضبؽ پب١ك فؽاگ١ؽ ث کبؼ ثؽ٠ع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

12 يفسPage 12

2– General categories of solutions. ۲-کتگسی بی ػبو سا دبل ب .

There are 3 general categories of solutions: (1) direct

measures, (2) indirect measures, and (3) educational


( ۱ )٠دب ق کتگؼی ؼا ز خظ ظاؼظاظؼ العابت غ١ؽ كتم١، (۲)العابت كتـم١،

.العابت تؼ١ی آؾنی (۳)

(a) Direct measures. (انف) الذايبتت يغتـمى .

Direct measures address factors associated with

interest or incentive. Direct measures include both

punishments and rewards.

ؼظ ؼق١عگ ػلال ٠ب اگ١ؿػا ؼا ثب كتم١ العابت

کبلبت دبؾات نب العابت كتم١. لؽاؼ ې ظع


Some examples of direct measures might include (1) a

fine for violating a policy (punishment), or (2) tax

benefits that encourage certain types of businesses or

activities (reward).

خؽ٠ (۱) نب كتم١ثؼی ثبي بی العابت

ب١ غ (۲)، ٠ب (دبؼات) تطف اؾ پب١كی ظؼثؽاثؽ

.ؼا ته٠ك ی کع فؼب١ت بهطىک ااع

(b) Indirect measures. (ة) الذايبت غش يغتمى .

Indirect measures address factors associated with

opportunity, capacity, communication, and process.

Such measures are generally not rewards or


فؽيت، ظؽف١ت، و اثـكت ث العابت غ١ؽ كتم١

ػ ث يؼت العابت چ١ . اقت پؽق بؼاث

.ثبنعپبظال ٠ب دبؾات ی

(c) Educational measures. (ج) الذايبت تؼهی آيصؽی .

Educational measures are generally aimed at

influencing ideology, but may also deal with capacity

in situations in which the capacity factor involves a

lack of information or expertise.

١جبنع فکؼ فغعف العابت تؼ١ی ث يؼت ػ

اب نب٠ع ثب ظؽف١ت ب ؼب کع ظؼ زبلات١ک ظؼ آ

.لاػبت ٠ب بؽ٠ ثبنعػا ظؽف١ت ب هي ػع ا

3– Explanations for problematic

behavior dictate potential


تضذبت دس يسد عهک سفتبس -۳ججبل ثشاگض دس بفت سا دم بی

. ثبنم کک يی کذ

It is important to think of the analysis factors not only

as factors that affect or contribute to problematic social

behaviors, but also as factors that new policy or law

should focus on in order to change the problematic


ا٠ ؽؼی اقت تب ث فکتؼ بی تس١ی تب ث ز١ث

فکتؼ ب١٠ک ظؼ ؼل هک آ١ؿ اختبػی کک ی

کع ٠ب آؽا تبثؽ ی قبؾظ فکؽ ب١٠ ، ثک ث ١

فکتؼبی تس١ی ثد١ث فکتؼ ب٠ی فکؽ ګؽظظ ک لب

خع٠ع ٠ب پب١ف خع٠ع ث ضبؽ تغ١ؽ ظاظ ؼل هک آ١ؿ

. ثبلای آ ب تؽکؿ اقت

The table below shows the general types of solutions

that are suggested by the particular category of

problem they address.

خعي آتی اػکؽ هب ی ظع ک ااع ػی ؼا بی

ز ؼا ک تق کتگؼی بی طو هکلات ک

.ؼظ ؼق١عگ لؽاؼ گ١ؽظ، پ١هبظ نع اقت

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

13 يفسPage 13

Problem Factor Possible Solution(s) دم سا بی يک يؾکلات (ػهم) فکتس

Opportunity Indirect measures that include (1)

eliminating opportunity to engage

in the problematic behavior, or (2)

providing the opportunity to

engage in the desired or preferred


اؾ (۱)العابت غ١ؽ كتم١ نب

ث١ ثؽظ فؽيت ب٠ک ظؼ

( ۲)هکلات ظض١ ی ثبنع، ٠ب

فؽا قبضت فؽيت ب٠ک ظؼ

ؼل بی اؼخ١س ٠ب نب٠كت

. ظض١ اع


Capacity Indirect measures, educational

measures that include (1) limiting

the capacity of the stakeholder to

engage in the problematic

behavior, or (2) capacity-building

to improve or enhance the role

occupant’s ability to engage in the

desired or preferred behavior.

العابت غ١ؽ كتم١، العابت

سعظ کؽظ (۱)تؼ١ی ث ني

ؼل بی ظؽف١ت بی ؽاخغ

اؼتمبء ظؽف١ت ب (۲)غ٠عض، ٠ب

ث ضبؽ ثجظ ٠ب اؾظ٠بظ ؼي

لبث١ت بی انغبي کع گب ک ظؼ

ؼل بی طة نب٠كت ظض١

. اع


Communication Indirect measures that include

provisions for informing those

affected by the rule or law, so that

they are aware of what the law or

rule requires, permits, or prohibit

and can therefore conform their

behavior appropriately.

العابت غ١ؽ كتم١ ا٠ک نب

ازىب ثؽای الاع ظاظ آب١ى

تق لب ٠ب مؽؼ تبثؽ

گؽظع، تب آب آگبی زبي ب٠ع

مؽؼات تج، غ وع دبؾ

ؼا ثعاع ؼفتبؼ نب ؼا طبثك

. آ ػ١بؼ قبؾع

اطلاػبت استجبطبت

Process Indirect measures that simplify or

eliminate overly complicated

processes or procedures.

الػظابت غ١ؽ كتم١ ا٠ک ثبػث

تك١ ٠ب ؼفغ پؽق بی ٠ب ؽؾ

اؼ بی ث١م اؾزع پ١چ١ع


پشع ب

(طی يشادم)

Interest Direct measures (reward and

punishment) that include (1)

eliminating or reducing the

interest or incentive to engage in

the problematic behavior, or (2)

introducing or increasing the

interest or incentive to engage in

the desired or preferred behavior.

(پبظال دبؾات)العابت كتم١

س ٠ب اؾ ث١ ثؽظ (۱)و نب

بفغ ٠ب اگ١ؿ ا٠ک ؼل بی

( ۲)هک افؿا ظض١ ی ثبنع، ٠ب

ؼؽفی ٠ب اؾظ٠بظ ػلا٠ك ک بفغ ٠ب

اگ١ؿ ؼا ک ظؼ ؼل بی تؽخ١ر

.ظاظ نع طة ظض١ اع

رفغ کشد

Ideology Educational measures that show

the negative aspects of the

ideology and the positive aspects

of the solution.

العابت تؼ١ی ا٠ک ک خج بی

فی ثجت فکؼ ؼا هب ی



4– Where to look for solutions. ۴- ث يمقذ بفت سا ب دم، ث کجب ثبذ . يشاجؼ د

Your own ideas, based on logic and your experience,

are the first place to look for solutions.

ا١ خب١٠ى نب ظؼ آ ؼا ز ؼا ظؼ٠بفت ب١٠ع،

فىؼ ب ضظ نب اقت و ثؽاقبـ طك تدؽث

.اقتاؼ ثبنع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

14 يفسPage 14

Other possible sources for solutions include (1) foreign

law and experience, (2) professional literature, and (3)

your own country’s past experience.

: قب٠ؽ بثغ ى ثؽا ظؼ٠بفت ز نب گؽظظ ثؽ

اظث١بت ٠ب نت خبت (۲)لا١ تدبؼة ضبؼخی، (۱)

. تدبؼة لجی کهؼ ضظ نب (۳)كکی،

The Regulation on the Procedure for Preparing and

Proposing Legislative Documents (Official Gazette

787 from 1999 (1420)) instructs Government drafters

to look to ―experiments and experiences of other

Islamic countries, scientific works, [and] proposed

opinions of … specialists‖ (Article 18), and

―applicable legislative documents of … Muslim

countries, and the experiences gained from their

implementation, scholarly literature… [And] opinions

of experts on the subject‖ (Article 19) as bases for

initial legislative analysis and input.

تهؽ نع )مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ تم١ی

(( ـ ق۱۴۲۰ )۱۹۹۹قبي ۷۸۷ظؼ خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ

تب ث " ظاظ ی نظث كظ ٠كب زىت عا٠ت

تدبؼة قب٠ؽ وهؼ ب اقلا، وبؼ ب اوبظ١ه،

، (۱۸بظ ) "ظؽ٠بت پ١هبظ تط١ ؼخع ب٠ع

قب٠ؽ وهؼ ب ا٠ک ظؼچب ث اقبظ تم١ "

و اؾ ایا اؾ تدبؼة ثبنعؽػی الاخؽا ی اقلا

[]... لبی اظث١بت ػی ث ظقت آع اظتطج١ك

. ظؽ٠بت تط١١ ظؼ ؼظ ػبت ث ضـ

س١ث كع اقبقی لازظبة (۱۹بظ ) "اقتفبظ ب٠ع

.تس١ تدؿ٠ تم١١ی ث کبؼ ثؽظ ی نظ

(a) Foreign law and experience. (انف) لا تجبسة خبسجی .

Foreign law and experience — including both

successes and failures — can be an important source

for solutions.

ث ني پ١ؽؾ ب بوب — لا١ ضبؼخ تدؽث

. ٠ه جغ ثؽا ؼا ز ١جبنع— ب

(b) Professional or academic lite-


. ادثبت ب ؽت جبت يغهکی (ة)

Professional or academic literature may also provide a

good source of ideas for proposing solutions.

اظث١بت كى ٠ب ػ چب ١تاع ٠ه جغ ضة

. فىؼ ب ؼا ثؽا پ١هبظ ؼا ز ١ب قبؾظ

(c) Your own country’s past


. تجبسة لجهی کؾس خد ؽب (ج)

Your own country’s past experience can also provide

ideas for solutions.

تدبؼة گػنتۀ وهؼ ضظ نب ١ؿ ١تاع فىؼ ب ؼا

. ثؽا ؼا ز ١ب قبؾظ

(2) Designing implementation provisions. (۲) طشح ادکبو تطجمی .

You must make it clear in your policy that is

responsible for implementing the policy’s provisions.

نب ثب٠ع ظؼ پب١ك ضظ ا٠ؽا ار قبؾ٠ع و چ وك

. ثؽا تطج١ك ازىب پب١ك كؤي ١جبنع

In addition, for the policy to be effective, you must

choose an implementer that has adequate structure,

processes, and resources.

ثؽػلا، نب ثب٠ع خت ؤثؽ٠ت پب١ك، ٠ه تطج١ك وع

ؼا و قجه، ؽؾ ػ بثغ وبف ظانت ثبنع، اتطبة


1– Choosing an implementer. ۱-اتخبة تطجك كذ .

Once you have considered the types of measure you

need, you must next choose an appropriate body to

implement the measure.

ؾب١ى نب ااع العابت ؼظ ؽؼت ؼا ظؼ ظؽ

گؽفت١ع، ظؼ لع آ٠ع ٠ه نطى بقت ؼا و ا٠ العابت

.ؼا تطج١ك ب٠ع اتطبة بئ١ع

Who will be responsible for administering the

provisions of the legislation?

چ کكی كئي تطج١ك ازکب ا٠ لب اقت؟

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

15 يفسPage 15

What governmental agency or official, or private

organization or person, is responsible for oversight of

the persons that are involved in the problem (identified


کعا اؼگب ٠ب مب ظتی، قبؾب ٠ب نطى كئي

هکی ک )ظبؼت اؾ کكب١كت ک ظؼ هک ظض١ اع

؟ (ظؼ ثبلا نبقب٠ی گؽظ٠ع

There are 4 basic types of implementers: (1) courts and

tribunals, (2) administrative agencies, (3) public

corporations, and (4) private-sector organizations.

سبک (۱). چبؼ ع اقبق تطج١ك وعگب خظ ظاؼظ

نؽکت (۳)اؼگب بی اظاؼی، (۲)ظ٠ا بی سبکبت،

. قبؾب بی قکتؼ ضيی (۴)بی ػب افؼ،

Each type of implementer has both advantages and


ؽ ع اؾ تطج١ك وعگب فبظ ؾ٠ب ب ؼا ثب

. ضظ ظاؼظ

(a) Courts and other tribunals. (انف) يذبکى دا بی يذبکبت .

Courts: Courts are the most formal tribunals in a State

for resolving disputes between various parties.

سبو ظؼ ٠ه وهؼ اؾ خ ؼق تؽ٠ ظ٠ا :يذبکى

ب سبوبت ثؽا ز بؾػبت ظؼ ١ب ازؿاة طتف

. ١جبنع

Other tribunals: Other less formal types of tribunals

are sometimes established to deal with specific issues.

ااع ظ٠گؽ اعو غ١ؽ ؼق ظ٠ا :دا بی يذبکبت

سبوبت ثؼ البت خت قؽوبؼ ظانت ثب كب٠

.هطى تبق١ف ١گؽظظ

(b) Administrative agencies. (ة) اسگب بی اداسی .

Administrative agencies include governmental

ministries, departments, and other public entities.

اؼگب ب اظاؼ نب اؼگآ ب ظت، ؾاؼت ضب

. ب، ثطم ب بظ ب ػبۀ ظ٠گؽ ١جبنع

(c) Public corporations. (پ) ؽشکت بی ػبو انفؼ .

Publicly owned corporations can also be important

tools in carrying out public policies.

نؽوت ب ػب ١ؿ ظؼ پ١هجؽظ پب١ك ب ػب اؾ خ

. ق١ ب ١جبنع

(d) Private-sector organizations. (ت) عبصيب بی عکتس خقفی .

Private-sector organizations include hospitals,

universities, research institutions, charities, and other

non-governmental organizations.

اظاؼات قىتؼ ب ضي نب نفبضب ب، پت

ب، اظاؼات تسم١مبت، اػب ب اظاؼات ظ٠گؽ غ١ؽظت

. ١جبنع

2– Choosing between using an

existing implementer or establish-

ing a new one.

اتخبة بذ ک آب اص اسگب تطجك -۲کذ فؼهی اعتفبد ؽد ب کذاو اسگب

. جذذ تطجك كذ اجبد گشدد

You may find that existing implementers are unable

successfully to implement the measures called for in

your policy.

نب نب٠ع ا٠ؽا ظؼ٠بث١ع و تطج١ك وعگب خظ ظؼ تطج١ك

العابت و ظؼ پب١ك نب ؼ ظقت گؽفت نع، ثطؼ

. فمب لبظؼ ١جبنع

In such a case, you will have to weigh whether to

establish an entirely new entity or to use an existing


ظؼ چ١ ٠ه زبت، نب ثب٠ع ا٠ ؼا قدم بئ١ع و آ٠ب

بظ وبلا خع٠ع ؼا تبق١ف بئ١ع ٠ب بظ خظ ؼا ث

. وبؼ اعاؾ٠ع

Is a new official or agency needed to administer the


آ٠ب ث ٠ک مب ٠ب اؼگب خع٠ع ١بؾ اقت تب ظ١ف تطج١ك ا٠

لب ؼا ثؼع گ١ؽظ؟

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

16 يفسPage 16

Is an existing agency appropriate to administer the


آ٠ب اؼگب فؼی نب٠كتگی آؽا ظاؼظ ک لب ؼا تطج١ك


Does the administrator need additional powers,

resources (such as funding), or personnel?

بع ککبی )آ٠ب ؽخغ تطج١ك کع ث لعؼت، اکببت

٠ب کبؼعا ث١هتؽ ١بؾ ظاؼظ؟ (بی

If an existing agency is appropriate to administer the

legislation, does the agency need expanded authority,

resources (funding), or personnel?

اگؽ اؼگب فؼی نب٠كتگی تطج١ك لب ؼا ظؼاظ ، پف، آ٠ب

يلاز١ت اکببت ٠ب کبؼعا آ افؿا٠م ظاظ نظ؟

(3) Elaborating alternative solutions. (۳) طشح سا دم بی ثذم .

At this stage, it is important to include several possible

solutions. Later, you will choose from among these

possibilities to identify your final proposed policy


ظؼ ا٠ ؽز، ض١ اقت تب ؼا ب گبگ

ثؼعا نب ظؼ ١ب ا٠ اىببت . ى ز ؼا نب بئ١ع

اتطبة ضا١ع وؽظ تب پب١ك ؼا ز پ١هبظ نعۀ ب٠ ؼا

.تهط١ى بئ١ع

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17 يفسPage 17

عبصی لب ثشای يؾکلات دم يفکس کبسی سق

:تؾشخ تضخ يؾكم

:يؾكم افه

:ؽخـ ب بد

سفتبس سػ يؾكم


:دم ب ل يؤثش :يؾكمثشای يضػبت تؾشذبت :فكتس ب تذهم كذ




افبو تفى


رق ػلال

ب يفکسآذنژی

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18 يفسPage 18


Description of Problem:

Main Problem:

Person or Institution:



Analysis Factor: Explanation(s) for Problem:

Potential Solution(s):





—to citizens

—to and between

relevant agencies and



Interest or Incentives

—material, financial



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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

19 يفسPage 19

(4) Assess the costs and benefits of each of

the possible solutions and choose the

solution most likely to solve the

problem in the most effective way.

ض ب يفؼت بی ش کی اص سا دم (۴)ب سا اسصبثی ادتبنی بذ، عپظ سا دهی سا اتخبة بذ ک ث ادتبل لی يؾکم سا

. ثب ؽۀ يؤثش تشی دم فقم يکذ

In order to determine which of the various possible

solutions will be most effective, you must ask the

following questions:

خت تؼ١ ظ ؼا ز ب ؤثؽ گبگ، نب ثب٠ع

: قالات غ٠ ؼا طؽذ قبؾ٠ع

Do the foreseen benefits of the policy outweigh the

costs? If so, how does the ratio of costs and benefits

compare to the current situation (the ―status quo‖) and

other policy alternatives?

آب يبفغ پؾج ؽذۀ پبنغ اص يقبسف يتش اعت؟

اگؽ چ١ اقت، كجت بؼف بفغ ظؼ مبث زبت

پ١هبظ تبة ظ٠گؽ چطؼ (غ خظ)خظ

. مب٠ك ١گؽظظ

To answer these questions, you must conduct a basic

cost-benefit analysis of each of the possible solutions.

خت پبقص ظ ث ا٠ قالات، ثب٠ع ٠ه تدؿ٠ تس١

فبظ ؽ ؼا ز ى ؼا ؼا اعاؾ - اقبق ؽف


1– Purposes of cost-benefit analysis. ۱-يبفغ- يمبفذ تذهم ض ب .

The cost-benefit analysis provides a threshold for

whether a particular legislative policy solution to a

social problem will be more effective than the current

state of affairs. That is, a chosen policy must provide

more benefits than it costs.

فبظ ٠ه آغبؾ ؼا ثؽا ا٠ى ؼا -تدؿ٠ تس١ بؼف

ز هطى تم١ ثؽا ز ٠ه ؼۀ اختبػ اؾ

ا٠ ؼ اقت و، . لف خظ ؤثؽتؽ ضاع ثظ

. بفغ ٠ه پب١ك تطت ثب٠ع اؾ بؼف آ ث١هتؽ ثبنع

The cost-benefit analysis also helps to quantify the

costs and benefits of each possible choice of policy

solutions in a comparative way. This enables choosing

the most effective among the alternative proposed


فبظ چب ظؼ تؼ١ و١ت _تس١ تدؿ٠ۀ بؼف

بؼف بفغ ؽ اتطبة ىۀ ؼا ز ب پب١ك ث

ا٠ وبؼ اىب . ٠ه ؽ٠ك مب٠ك ١ؿ ىبؼ ١ب٠ع

اتطبة ؤثؽ تؽ٠ ؼا ز ب پ١هبظ نعۀ تجبظي ؼا

. اىب پػ٠ؽ ١كبؾظ

2– Monetary and nonmonetary con-


دس ظشگشی يضػبت پنی غش -۲ . پنی

It is important to consider in a cost-benefit analysis

both monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits.

ظؼ تدؿ٠ تس١ بؼف بفغ، ظؼ ظؽ گؽفت

بؼف بفغ پ غ١ؽ پ ؽ ظ ض١


3– Basic methods of analyzing costs

and benefits.

سػ ب ب يتد بی تذهم ض ب -۳ . يفؼت ب

In order to determine the relative costs and benefits

associated with your possible policy solutions, you

must (1) ask what would happen if there were no

change in the current policy (that is, if you kept the

―status quo‖), and (2) compare the costs and benefits

associated with the alternative policy solutions.

ثؽا ا٠ى بفغ بؼف ؼا و ثب ؽذ ز ى نب

چ الغ ضاع نع (۱)ؽا اقت تهط١ى ظ١، ثب٠ع

بؼف (۲)ؽگب پب١ك خظ تغ١١ؽ ب٠ع،

.بفغ ؼا و ظؼ پب١ك ثع٠ خظ ظاؼظ، مب٠ك ب١٠ع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

20 يفسPage 20

(a) Comparing the chosen policy

with doing nothing (―status

quo‖ analysis).

يمبغ د پبنغی اتخبة (انف)ؽذ ثب دبنت دعت صش الاؽ ثد

تذهم )ب اجبو ذاد چ کبس . ("ضؼت فؼهی"

At this point, it is probably relatively easy to determine

the costs of taking no action (that is, keeping the

―status quo‖).

ظؼ ا٠ع،نب٠ع كجتب خت ت١گ١ؽ طبؼج

و ا٠، ؼ١ت خظ ؼا سفظ ) ىؽظ ػىؽظ

. ق ١جبنع (١عاؼظ

Also make sure to include in the analysis any benefits

of taking no action (since someone is often benefiting

from the current state of affairs).

چب اب زبي ظ و ظؼ تدؿ٠ تس١ ؽگ

اؾا٠ؽ چ )فؼت اتطبغ ظ ػىؽظ نب گؽظ٠ع

.(٠ه فؽ اوثؽا اؾ زبت خبؼ اؼ كتف١ع ١گؽظظ

(b) Comparing the chosen policy

with alternative policies.

يمبغ د پبنغی اتخبة ؽذ (ة) . ثب پبنغی بی يتجبدل

Next, analyze each of the alternative policy solutions

to determine how they compare to each other in terms

of how well they eliminate or reduce of the current

social problem.

ظؼآ٠ع،ؼا ز پب١ك ب تجبظي خت ت١گ١ؽ و

چگ ابؼا ثب ٠ىع٠گؽ ظؼ ؾ١ و چگ اب ؼا ز

پؽث ب اختبػ ؼا اؾ ١ب ثؽظانت ٠ب وبم ١عع

.، مب٠ك گؽظظ

Also make estimates of the relative monetary and non-

monetary costs of implementing the alternative policy


چب طبؼج ؽث پ غ١ؽ پ تطج١ك ظ

.ؼا ز تجبظي پب١ك ؼا تط١ ظ

(5) Judging between alternative solutions. (۵) لضبت د يب سا دم بی يتجبدل .

After conducting a basic cost-benefit analysis of the

various possibilities, you should choose the most

effective solution to include as a part of the larger

comprehensive policy.

طبؼج اىببت -ثؼع اؾ ثؽا اعاضت تس١ اقبقې فؼت

تؼعظ، نب ١تا١ع ز ب٠ت ثؽ خت ن١ت ېه

.ثطه اؾ ٠ه پب١ك فؽاگ١ؽ ؼا اتطبة ب٠ع

(6) Combining the provisions into a

comprehensive policy.

کجب کشد ب تشکت کشد ادکبو ث فست (۶) . ک پبنغی کبيم جبيغ

After you have chosen provisions that deal effectively

with each of the causal factors you have identified, you

will combine the provisions into a comprehensive


ثؼع اؾ آ نب ازىب و ثب ؽ وعا اؾ فىتؼ ب اتفبل و

نب آؽا تهط١ى ظ ا٠ع، ازىب ؼا ظؼ ېه پب١ك

.فؽاگ١ؽ ثب سك ١كبؾ٠ع،اتطبة ضا١ع ظ

You can use the checklist below to ―test‖ whether the

comprehensive policy will be an adequate solution.

نب ١تا١ع چه كت آت ؼا و ا٠ب پب١ك فؽاگ١ؽ ٠ه ؼا

.ز وبف ضاع ثظ اتسب ب٠ع

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لبگزاسی ثشدغت يؾکلات دم بی ؽ

21 يفسPage 21

Checklist to Ensure Comprehensive Policy

will Provide an Adequate Solution: فشعت ث يظس اتخبر ك پبنغ جبيغ ك ك

:سا دم كبف سا فشاى يغبصد،اطب يجخؾذ

1. Does the policy actually induce the desired


آ٠ب پب١ك طة ؼفتبؼ ٠ب قن ؼا ثطؼ الؼ . ۱

، اقتتبج ضاع ظ؟

2. Alternatively, does the policy eliminate or reduce

the problem behavior?

تبثب،ا٠ب پب١ك پؽث ؼفتبؼ ٠ب قن ؼا اؾ ١ب . ۲

ثؽظ ٠ب وبم ١عع؟

3. Does the policy systematically address each of

the causal factors you have identified?

ا٠ب پب١ك ؼ ظ ؽ وعا اؾ فىتؼ ب و . ۳

نب تهط١ى ظ ا٠ع ػا ١ب٠ع؟

4. Does the policy prescribe appropriate

implementing agency behaviors likely to result in

(a) effective implementation, and (b) implemen-

tation that is consistent with good governance?

ا٠ب پب١ك ؼفتبؼ اظاؼات ازتبي تطج١ك وع و . ۴

ازتبي ظاؼظ تب٠ح آ ظؼ غ٠ اؼائ ١گؽظظ تؼ١

تطج١ك و ثب (ة)تطج١ك ثؽ، (اف)ضاع ظ

زىت ظاؼ څة ظؼ قبؾگبؼثبنع؟

5. Can the government allocate sufficient resources

to ensure effective implementation?

ا٠ب زىت ١تاع بثغ وبف ؼا ث ظؼ ا١ب . ۵

ثطه١ع تطج١ك ثؽ اضتبو ظع؟

6. Are there sufficient provisions for reviewing the

law and making changes later if required?

ا٠ب ازىب وبف ثؽا تدع٠ع ظؽ ظ لب . ۶

آؼظ تغ١ؽات خع٠ع ؽگب ١بؾ ثبنع خظ ظاؼع؟

Step 4—Create a system to monitor and evaluate

the chosen policy in order to understand

which hypotheses were incorrect (and why)

and modify the policy accordingly.

اجبد عغتى ظبست اسصبثی پبنغی — گبو چبسو اتخبة ؽذ ث يظس فى ا ک کذاو فشض ب

، عپظ، دس يطبثمت ثب ( چشا)دسعت ثد اذ تج اک اص ػم ث يب يی آذ، آسد

. تغشات دس پبنغی اتخبر ؽذ

Monitoring and evaluation provisions often include

reporting provisions, which are discussed in more

detail in Chapter 5.

ايي ٠ب مؽؼ بی ظبؼت اؼؾ٠بث ازىب اوثؽا نب

ؼظ ثسث لؽؽ ۵في و ظؼ ی ثبنع، گػاؼل ظ

. ګؽفتع

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22 يفسPage 22





:۲ فقمتمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

1. Fundamental rules for drafting

legislative documents. .لاػذ اعبع ثشا تغذ لب. ۱

Effective drafting requires careful analysis of the legal

problems involved, arrangement of matter in a logical

sequence, and accurate expression of the concepts set


ػ١ۀ تك٠ع ثؽ ا٠دبة ١کع تب ؼلات ظض١ زمل، تؽت١ت

ػبت ظؼ ٠ه تكك طم ث١ب ؼن ار فب١ تؼ١١

.نع ثؼت ض١ی ستبب ؼظ تس١ اؼؾ٠بثی لؽاؼ گ١ؽظ

Constitutional limitations must always be observed. سعظ٠ت ب١٠ک تق لب اقبق غ نع اقت ثب٠ع اؼ

. ؽاػبت گؽظظ

Most legislative proposals deal with matters that have

been the subject of one or more previous enactments.

ثك١بؼ اؾ پ١هبظات تم١ ثب كب٠ی قؽ وبؼ ظاؼع ک آ كب٠

ع ٠ه ٠ب ث١هتؽ اؾ ٠ک لبی ک لجلا غ نع اقت، ١ؿ لؽاؼ

. گؽفت اقت

A new measure must be carefully related to earlier

enactments to produce, as far as possible, a consistent

body of law that will achieve the purpose without

producing unintended consequences.

العا خع٠ع ثب٠ع ث لا١ی و لجلا غ گؽظ٠ع ثطؼ ستبب

ؼث ظاظ نظ تب ثتاع زت الاىب ظؼ ا٠دبظ دػۀ كتسک

خبغ لب ع الغ نظ تب عف لبگػاؼی ؼا ثع ت١ع تب٠ح

. بطة ثعقت سمك قبؾظ

Often, the drafter must work under severe time


تك٠ع کعۀ لا١ اوثؽا تست سعظ٠ت ب نع٠ع ؾبی وبؼ ی

. ب٠ع

Here are some other fundamental considerations: ثشخ اص ايس اعبع دگشک ثبذ يسد تج لشاس

:گشد، خذيت ؽب ػشك يگشدد

1– Organization of a draft. ۱-تؽت١ت كظ .

2– Brevity (conciseness). ۲- ثب اظبؼ چع ک )تهؽ٠ر طتؽ پؽؼی

.(ستی ؾ٠بظ ؼا تهؽ٠ر ظ

3– Verbs. ۳-افؼبي .

4– Nouns. ۴-اقبء .

5– Word choice. ۵-اتطبة وبت .

6– Defined terms. ۶-ايطلازبت تؼؽ٠ف نع .

7– Maintaining focus on the reader. ۷-زفع تؽکؿ ثبلای ضاع .

(1) Organization of a draft. (۱) تشتت طشح ب يغد.

A draft bill or amendment to a bill should be well

organized. Always keep the organization of a draft in

mind when working with its individual provisions.

اظاؼات .ؽذ ٠ب تؼع٠ لب ثب٠ع ضة تظ١ گؽظ٠ع ثبنع

ؽذ وع كظ لب و ثب ازىب خعاگب وبؼ ١ب٠ع

.اؼ ثب٠ع ا٠ؽا ث ضبؽ ظانت ثبنع

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

23 يفسPage 23

Compare with: Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents

(Official Gazette 787), article 34, paragraph (1), which


مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ : مب٠ك ک١ع ثب

، ک فؽا ( ۱)، فمؽ ۳۴بظ (۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی )تم١ی

:ی ب٠ع

―The articles (paragraphs) of the legislative docu-

ment shall as usual be organized in parts and

chapters and each part and chapter shall be given


قع تم١ی زكت ؼي ظؼ اثاة (فمؽات)اظ "

ف تظ١ ثؽای ؽ ثبة ف ػا ظاظ


See also: Article 36, which provides: ؼا ګب ک١ع ک فؽا ی کع۳۶چب بظ :

―The articles (paragraphs) of the legislative

document shall have logical connection and


قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ظاؼای تكك طمی (فمؽات)اظ "

".ثظ ثب٠کع٠گؽ آگی ظانت ثبنع

(2) Brevity (conciseness). (۲ ) ثب اظبس چذ )تؾشخ يختقش پشيؼی .(که يذتی صبد سا تؾشخ د

Use short sentences and terms: Use short, simple

sentences rather than complex or compound sentences.

If a shorter term is as good as a longer term, use the

shorter term.

: ثكبسثشد جلات افطلادبت كتب يختقش

ثىبؼثؽظ خلات وتب قبظ كجت ث اقتفبظ اؾ خلات

ؽگب ٠ه ايطلاذ وتبتؽ كجت ث ٠ه . غك تؽو١ج

.ايطلاذ ٠ ضة ثبنع،قپف ١تبا آؽا ث وبؼثؽظ

Compare with: Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents

(Official Gazette 787), article 37, which provides:

مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ : مب٠ك ک١ع ثب

ک ، ؼا ګب ک١ع۳۷، بظ (۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی )تم١ی

: فؽا ی ب٠ع

―Every article (clause) shall contain a complete

subject matter and as usual it shall consist of a

legislative provision.

ثب٠ع زبی طت ک زكت (فمؽ)ؽ بظ "

.ؼي ظؼ ثؽگ١ؽعۀ ٠ک زک تم١ی ثبنع

―If necessary for a proper understanding and

application, multiple legislative provisions which

are related to each other in terms of contents may

be combined in one article (provision).:

ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت ثؽای ظؼک تطج١ك ظؼقت، "

چع زک تم١ی ک اؾ ز١ث ستی ثب٠کع٠گؽ اؼتجب

" .تز١ع نع ١تاع (فمؽ)ظاؼع، ظؼ ٠ک بظ

Omit needless words: In interpreting a legislative

document, a court will probably presume that every

word is there for a reason. Therefore, if a provision

would have the same meaning if a word were omitted,

you should omit the word.

ظؼ تؽخ :كهبت غش ضشس اص يب ثشد ؽذ

تفك١ؽ ٠ه اقبظ تم١، سى نب٠ع ؼ فؽ ب٠ع و

اؾ ا٠ؽ، . ؽ٠ه اؾ وبت ظؽ ث ٠ه ظ١ ثىبؼ ؼفت اقت

ؽگب ٠ه زى ف ٠ىكب ؼا ظانت ؽ گب ٠ه و

.زؿف گؽظ٠ع ثبنع، نبثب٠ع ا٠ و ؼا زؿف ب٠ع

(3) Verbs. (۳) افؼبل.

Use the present tense: Always use the present tense

unless the provision addresses only (1) the past, (2) the

future, or (3) a sequence of events that requires use of

a different tense.

١ه زبت خبؼ ثب يف ا٠ى : ثكبسثشد دبنت جبس

آ٠ع ػا گؽظ٠ع (۲)ؾب ب،(۱)ازىب تب

٠ه تا ؼضعاظب و كتؿ (۳)ثبنع،اقتفبظ نظ٠ب

.ثىبؼثؽظ ؾب ب طتف ثبنع

A legislative provision speaks as of any date on which

it is read (rather than as of when drafted, enacted, or

put into effect).

٠ه ؽذ تم١ چ اؾؽ ع تبؼ٠ص زؽف ١ؿع خبى

كجت ث ا٠ى چ لت ؽذ ،غ،٠ب )ضاع ١هظ

.(٠بظؼ ؼؽ اخؽا گػانت نع ثبنع

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

24 يفسPage 24

Use the active voice: Avoid using the passive voice

unless the actor cannot be identified.

خگ١ؽ اؾ ثىبؼثؽظ فؼ دي :ثكبسثشد فؼم يؼهو

.گؽ ا٠ى فؼي تهط١ى گؽظ٠ع ثبنع

Example: يثبل :

The use of the passive voice in the following provision

obscures who bears responsibility for taking the action:

اقتؼبي کبت دي ظؼ زک غ٠ نطی ؼا ک

(غهل)ك١ت تطج١ك لب ؼا ث ػع ی ګ١ؽظ ج

.ی قبؾظ

―Appropriate actions shall be taken to carry out

the program.‖

العابت بقت ثب٠ع ث ضبؽ اخؽای پؽګؽا اتطبغ "


The better way is as follows: ن١ ثتؽ آ لؽاؼ غ٠ اقت:

―The Minister of Justice shall take appropriate

actions to carry out the program.‖

ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ ثب٠ع العابت بقت ؼا ث ضبؽ ادب "

."ظاظ پؽګؽا اتطبغ ب٠ع

(4) Nouns. (۴) اعبء.

Generally, use singular nouns: A subject, direct

object, or other noun should be expressed in the

singular, since the singular usually includes the plural

in legislative documents.

٠ه فبػ،فؼي :ثطس كه، اعب يفشد اعتفبد ؽد

كتم١،٠ب قب٠ؽ اقب ثب٠ع ثطؼ فؽظ ث١ب گؽظظ،ظؽ ث

. ا٠ى ؼلا فؽظ ظؼ خغ ظؼ اقبظ تم١ نب ١جبنع

A legislative provision speaks to each individual or

entity subject to the provision.

٠ه زى تم١ اؾ ٠ه نطى خعاگب ٠ب فبػ كتم ظؼ

.زى زؽف ١ؿع

The reason for this is that use of the singular

eliminates an unnecessary layer of possible relation-


ظ١ ثؽا ا٠ اقت و اقتفبظ فؽظ س١ث ٠ه لهؽ غ١ؽ

.ؽؼ اؼتجب ى اؾ ث١ ثؽظ ١هظ

Example: يثبل:

―Any employee who . . .‖ works the same as

―Employees who . . . .‖ But it avoids either of the

following ways of misreading it:

کبؼ ی کع، " . . ..کبؼعا "ک بع ." . .ؽ کبؼع "

اب اؾ غ ضاع ؽ ٠ک اؾ ؼل بی آتی خ ګ١ؽی

:ی ب٠ع

1– That an implicit precondition exists that at

least 2 employees must be involved before

either is covered by the provision.

ا٠ک نؽا٠ معبتی ت٠سب انبؼ ی کع ک -۱

لج اؾ . زع ال ظ کبؼع ثب٠ع ظؼ آ ق١ ثبنع

ا٠ک ؽ ٠ک اؾ آب تست پنم زک لؽاؼ


2– That the statement applies only to a group of

employees, as such.

تب ث ګؽپ (كتم١ب)ا٠ک ث١ب١ فی فك -۲

کبؼعا ث کبؼ ثؽظ ی نظ،

(5) Word choice. (۵) اتخبة كهبت.

Use words consistently: Do not use different words in

a single legislative document to refer to the same


اؾ وبت طتف ظؼ ٠ه قع :كهبت پبذاس ثكبس ثشد ؽد

.تم١ و ث ػ١ ف ؽاخؼ ١هظ اقتفبظ هظ

A court will presume that different words have

different meanings.

٠ک سک ثب٠ع، کبت طتف ؼا ک ؼبی طتف ظاؼع

.ظؼ ظؽ ثګ١ؽظ

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

25 يفسPage 25

Similarly, do not use the same word in two different

senses in the same legislative document.

ث ١ تؽت١ت، کبت هبث ؼا ث ظ ف طتف آ

.ظؼ ػ١ قع تم١ی ث کبؼ جؽظ

Use Dari and Pashto terminology: If possible, do not

use terminology from other countries.

ظؼ :افطلادبت ػهی دسی پؾت سا ث کبس ثشذ

يؼت اکب ايطلازبت ػی ظ٠ګؽ کهؼ بؼا ث کبؼ

. جؽ٠ع

Compare with: Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents

(Official Gazette 787) article 39, paragraph (3), which


مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ : مب٠ك ک١ع ثب

، ک فؽا (۳)، فمؽ ۳۹بظ (۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی )تم١ی

: ی ب٠ع

―The terminologies in the official languages of

the country shall be used in the preparing the

legislative documents.‖

ز١ ت١ۀ اقبظ تم١ی ثب٠ع ايطلازبت اؼظ "

".ثؿثببی ؼقی کهؼ اقتؼبي نظ

(6) Defined terms. (۶) افطلادبت تؼشف ؽذ.

The use of defined terms promotes clarity, brevity, and


ث کبؼ ثؽظ ايطلازبت تؼؽ٠ف نع ثبػث بزت،

تهؽ٠ر طتؽ پؽ ؼی تكك ايطلازبت ی


If a term expressing a concept is used in a sense other

than the sense in which the term is commonly

understood and the term is used more than once or

twice in the draft, choose a term to describe the

concept and define the term in a terminology

(definitions) or other appropriate provision.

اګؽ ٠ک ايطلاذ فکؼ ؼاث کعا ف ظ٠ګؽآ ث کبؼ

ی ثؽظ ک ايطلاذ ث ؼ کی لبث ف ثبنع

ايطلاذ ث١م اؾ ٠ک ؽتج ٠ب تکؽاؼا ظؼ كظ ث کبؼ

ؼفت ثبنع، ايطلازی ؼا اتطبة ب١٠ع ک فکؼ ؼا ث

نک ثتؽ آ تهؽ٠ر ظ ايطلازبت ػی خ ؼا

٠ب کعا نک بقت ظ٠ګؽ آ تؼؽ٠ف (تؼؽ٠فبت)ث نک

. ب١٠ع

Compare with: Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents

(Official Gazette 787), article 39, paragraph (2), which


مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ : مب٠ك ک١ع ثب

، ک فؽا (۲)، فمؽ ۳۹بظ (۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی )تم١ی

:ی ب٠ع

―The terminology used in the legislative

document shall have the same meanings as the

generally accepted legal terminology. If a term

has many meanings, it shall be clearly defined

and explained in the document.‖

ايطلازبت ظؼ قع تم١ی ث ؼی ازع ٠ک ظؼ "

طسبت زملی لجي گؽظ٠ع اقتؼبي ١هظ، اگؽ

ايطلاذ اؼظ اقتؼبي ؾ٠بظ ظانت ثبنع، ظؼ قع

".تم١ی ت١ر تؼؽ٠ف ١گؽظظ

(7) Focus on reader. (۷) دفع تشکض ثبلای خاذ.

A draft must be understandable to the reader. ٠ک كظ ثب٠ع ث ضاع ګب لبث ف ثبنع .

These drafting suggestions should be applied in a

manner that makes the draft clearer and easier to


كظ ب ثب٠ع ث دی ث کبؼ ثؽظ نع ا٠ پ١هبظات

. ک ف كظ ؼا ار تؽ آقبتؽ ثكبؾظ

Compare with: Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents

(Official Gazette 787), article 39, paragraph (1), which


مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ : مب٠ك ک١ع ثب

، ک فؽا (۱)، فمؽ ۳۴بظ (۷۸۷خؽ٠ع ؼقی )تم١ی

:ی ب٠ع

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

26 يفسPage 26

―In order to prevent any misinterpretation or

misapplication, the provisions of the legislative

document shall be accurate, clear, and, if

possible, detailed and understandable.‖

ثظؼ خ گ١ؽی اؾ تفك١ؽ تطج١ك غ، ازکب "

قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ظل١ك، ار زتی الاکب ؤخؿ

".لبث ف ثبنع

2. More on Organization: ۲. ثشای تظى طشح لاثذث ب ثؾتش :

Questions for discussion: عؤالات يسد يجبدث:

Why is organization important? چؽا تؽت١ت اقت؟

How does organization affect readability? تؽت١ت چگ ثبلا ضاب ثظ تبث١ؽ ی گػاؼظ؟

How does having a consistent organization for

legislation help the drafter and the reader?

ع ظؼ لب قبؾ چگ ث تك٠ع ظانت ٠ه تؽت١ت ز

کع ضاع وه ١ب٠ع؟

(1) Basic structure of a legislative


: عبختبس اعبع ك عذ تم (۱)

The basic structure of a legislative document is shown

below. Note that not every part will be contained in

every legislative document.

قبضتبؼ اقبق ٠ه قع تم١ لؽاؼ غ٠ ت١ر ظاظ نع

تخ ب١٠ع و ؽ قع تم١ تب اخؿا غ٠ ؼا . اقت

. ثبنع

Preliminary Part: لغت اثتذا:

(Title of Document) (ػا قع)

Table of Contents (for legislative documents that have

10–15 articles or more).

٠ب ۱۵–۱۰ثؽا اقبظ تم١ ا٠ى ث١م اؾ )فؽقت ػب٠

.(ث١هتؽ اؾ آ بظ ظانت ثبنع

Introductory Part: لغت يمذيبت:

Chapter 1

General Provisions

فقم ال

ادكبو ػي

Article 1: Basis or authority. ج ٠ب يلاز١ت: ۱بظۀ.

Article 2: Purpose(s). اعاف ٠ب مبيع: ۲بظۀ.

Article 3: Definitions or terminology. تؼؽ٠فبت ٠ب ايطلازبت: ۳بظۀ.

Main Part: لغت اعبع:

Chapter 2

(Main Provisions)

فقم دو

(ادكبو اعبع)

Article 4: General principles. ايي ػ: ۴بظۀ.

Article 5: Rights and duties. زمق ظب٠ف: ۵بظۀ.

Article 6: Basic program authority or establishment

of agency or office.

يلاز١ت ب اقبق ثؽب ٠ب ا٠دبظ اظاؼ ٠ب : ۶بظۀ


Article 7: Authority to issue regulations. يلاز١ت ثطبؽ ايعاؼ مؽؼات: ۷بظۀ.

Article 8: Implementing and administrative provi-


.تطج١ك ازىب اظاؼ: ۸بظۀ

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

27 يفسPage 27

Article 9: Civil penalties. دبؾات ع: ۹بظۀ.

Article 10: Criminal penalties. دبؾات خب٠: ۱۰بظۀ.

Article 11: Reporting requirements. ىبت لاؾ ثؽا گؿاؼل ظ: ۱۱بظۀ.

Final Part: لغت ب :

Chapter 3

Closing Provisions

فقم عو

ادكبو ب

Transitional provisions: ادكبو اتمبن:

Article 12: Transition rules. لاػع اتمب: ۱۲بظۀ .

Article 13: Treatment of pending matters. ثؽضؼظ ثب ػبت ؼك: ۱۳بظۀ.

Final provisions: ادكبو ب:

Article 14: Conforming amendments. تطبثك تؼع٠لات: ۱۴بظۀ .

Article 15: Repealing provisions. ازىب اغب٠: ۱۵بظۀ.

Article 16: Savings (or severability) provision. (٠ب تفک١ک پػ٠ؽی)ګعاؼی زک : ۱۶بظۀ.

Article 17: Publication. هؽ: ۱۷بظۀ.

Article 18: Effective date (entry into force). تبؼ٠ص افبغ: ۱۸بظۀ .

Article 19: Termination of authority provision (also

called restricted validity or ―sunset‖


چب ثب )اؾ ث١ ثؽظ ازىب يلاز١ت : ۱۹بظۀ

.(ازىب اغب٠ ١ؿ ٠بظ گؽظظ

Annexes: ضبى:

The purpose of an annex (or appendix) is to provide

details for concepts contained in the main text of the

law that cannot be easily expressed.

فؽا ظ زؿ٠بت ( ٠١ک)اؾ تا کؽظ مع

٠ک فکؼ اقت ک ظؼ ت ايی لب ګدب١ع نع

. تهؽ٠ر آ ظؼ ضظ ت ث آقبی نع ی تاع، ی ثبنع

Annexes are often comprised of lengthy lists of words

and/or numbers (persons, tariffs, timetables, etc.),

explanations of technical details that need to follow the

rules of a discipline other than law (chemical formulas,

mathematical equations, sampling methods, etc.), or

concepts that need to be expressed by means other than

words and numbers (maps, organizational charts,

forms, etc.).

ب٠ ث يؼت ػ اؾ كت بی ٠ کبت ٠ب

، (انطبو، تؼؽف ب، تمك١ البت ب، غ١ؽ)نبؼی اؾ

تهؽ٠ر خؿ١٠بت تط١کی ک ؽؼت ث پ١ګؽظ ايي

فؼي بی ک١١بی، ؼبظلات )لا١ ث زؿ اؾ

٠ب فکؼ . ظاؼظ، (ؼ٠بی، ؼل بی ٠ی، غ١ؽ

ب١٠ک ؽؼت ث تهؽ٠ر غب١ ث خؿ اؾ کبت

(مه ب، چبؼت بی قبؾبی، فؼ ب، غ١ؽ)نبؼ

. ی ثبل ظتهک ی ثبنع

(2) Use reading aids to assist

understanding the structure and

content of legislation.

اعتفبد اص عبم ککی يطبنؼ (۲)خاذ ثخبطش کک دس صي دسک

فى عبختبس يذتبت لب طشح .ؽذ

Reading aids, such as tables of contents and headings

that are clear and concise, can help the reader of a

legislative document to more easily understand the

structure and the content of the document.

قب٠ وى ثؽا ضاع، بع فؽقت ػب٠

ػب٠ و ار ؤخؿ نت نع ثبنع، ١تاع ثب

ضاعگب قع تم١ وه وع ثبنع تب قبضتبؼ

. ست٠بت قع ؼا ضثتؽ ظؼن ب٠ع

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

28 يفسPage 28

Headings and tables of contents. اعتفبد اص فشعت يذسجبت ػب.

How does a table of contents assist the reader (and the

drafter) in understanding the structure of legislation?

تك٠ع کعۀ اقبظ )فؽقت عؼخبت چگ ضاع

ؼا ظؼ ؾ١ ف ظؼک قبضتبؼ لب ؼظ ظؽ (تم١

٠بؼ ١ؽقبع؟

How does the use of headings assist the reader (and the

drafter) in understanding the content of the detailed

provisions (parts of a law or regulation)? (Advantages

of using headings.)

تك٠ع )اقتفبظ اؾ فؽقت عؼخبت چگ ضاع

اؼظ اؾ )ؼا ظؼ ظؼک ست٠بت ازىب ف (کع

ؿا٠بی اقتفبظ اؾ )وه ١ب٠ع؟ (لب ٠ب ؽؾاؼ


Headings: ػب :

Use a heading for each designated component of the

legislative document (that is, chapters and articles).

ثؽاې ؽ لكت هطى قع تم١ اؾ ػا اقتفبظ

. ب١٠ع و ػجبؼت اع اؾ ف بظ ب

A heading is a catch-line that describes the subject

matter of a particular component of your regulations.

ػا ػجبؼت اؾ ضط اقت و ع ٠ه لكت

. هطى مؽؼ ٠ب لب ؼا تهؽ٠ر ب٠ع

Descriptive headings should illustrate the logic and

arrangement of your legislative document.

ػب٠ تهؽ٠س ثب٠ع طك ظ قع تم١ ؼا تهؽ٠ر

. ت١ر ب٠ع

Descriptive headings help readers locate the provisions

of the legislative document that apply to them.

ػب٠ تهؽ٠س ؽا ضاعگب وه ب٠ع تب ازىب

. قع تم١ ؼا ثبلا آب لبث تطج١ك اقت، نبقب٠ ب٠ع

What is the relationship between headings and tables

of contents?

ث١ ػب٠ فؽقت عؼخبت چ اؼتجبی خظ ظاؼظ؟

Tables of contents: فشعت يذسجبت :

The table of contents of a legislative document should

clearly show the basic structure of the entire document,

including the chapters and the articles within those

chapters. The text of the headings in the table of

contents should be identical to the corresponding

headings in the body of the document.

فؽقت ػب٠ قع تم١ ثب٠ع قبضتبؼ اقبق تب قع ؼا

. ثطؼ ار ث ني في اظ في هب ثعع

ػب٠ و ظؼ فؽقت تم١ غوؽ نع ١جبنع ثب٠ع ثب

. ػب٠ ست٠بت قع ا ثظ طبثمت ظانت ثبنع

(3) Hierarchy of the parts of a law or


. عهغه يشاتت ثخؼ بی لب ب يمشس

Each legislative document has a certain hierarchy of

the provisions within the document.

ازىب ؽ قع تم١ ظؼ ظاض قع ظاؼا قك ؽاتت

هطى ١جبنع

Chapters contain articles. Articles contain paragraphs.

And so on.

ف ب ظاؼا اظ ثظ بظ ب ظاؼا فمؽات ث

١ تؽت١ت غ١ؽ غ١ؽ

A description of the basic elements of a legislative

document in Afghanistan is below.

تهؽ٠ر اخؿا اقبق قع تم١ ظؼ افغبكتب لؽاؼ غ٠

. اقت

Chapter 1

Chapter Heading

Chapter 1

Chapter Heading

Article Heading

Article 1:

ػا يبد

: ۱ يبدۀ

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:۲ فقم

تمـی تغذ اعبعی لاػذ افل

29 يفسPage 29

(1) Paragraph. (۱) فمؽ .

1– Subparagraph. ۱- اخؿاء.

(a) Clause. (اف) خؿ.

(4) Numbering the different parts of a

legislative document:

ک ؽبس گزاس ثخؼ ب يختهف(۴) :یلبعذ

Chapters: Generally, all chapters should be numbered

consecutively, starting with ―1‖ (or ―one‖).

تب ف ب ثب٠ع ثطؼ ػ قك اؼ نبؼ : فقم ب

("٠ه"٠ب )" ۱"گػاؼ گؽظع، ا٠ نبؼ گػاؼ اؾ

.آغبؾ ٠بثع

Articles: Always number all articles consecutively,

starting with ―1‖.

تب اظ ؼا ١ه قك اؼ نبؼ گػاؼ بئ١ع، : ياد

. ثبنع" ۱"و نؽع آ اؾ

Use of numerals instead of words: It is preferable to

use numerals (that is, ―1‖, ―2‖, ―3‖) rather than words

(that is, ―one‖, ―two‖, ―three‖).

ثطؼ ثبي )ظؼ ػ غبت : اعتؼبل اػذاد ػك نغبت

، "۱"ثطؼ ثب )ث اقتؼبي اػعاظ ("ق"، "ظ"، "٠ه"

. تؽخ١ر ظاظ ١هظ ("۳"، "۲"

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30 يفسPage 30




:۳ فقم ؽکم چ ث يؾخـ تمی ادکبو

ؽذ يی تغذ

1. Titles of legislation. ۱. ػب عذ تم.

(1) Why have an official title for


ثشا لب چشا ك ػا سع جد (۱) داؽت ثبؽذ؟

In Afghanistan, the title of a law appears in several

places: (1) on the cover of the Official Gazette, (2) in

the table of contents of the Official Gazette, and (3) at

the beginning of the law itself.

ظؼ افغبكتب، ػا ٠ک لب ظؼ خب بی طتف ظبؽ

ظؼ فؽقت (۲)ظؼ پل خؽ٠ع ؼقی، (۱)ی ګؽظظ

ظؼ نؽع ضظ ت لب (۳)عؼخبت خؽ٠ع ؼقی

But if the title is different in these places, which one is

the ―official‖ title? Probably the one at the beginning

of the law, but there is no specific legal authority for


پل خؽ٠ع ؼقی ، فؽقت )اب اګؽ ػا ظؼا٠ خبب

اؾ فؽق ظانت ثبنع، (عؼخبت خؽ٠ع ضظ ت لب

کعا ٠کی اؾ آب ػا ؼقی سكة ی ګؽظظ؟ نب٠ع

ػا١ک ظؼ نؽع ت لب ث کبؼ ؼفت، اب ا٠ ػا

. کعا يلاز١ت ضبو لبی عاؼظ

It might be better if the official title of the law was

stated explicitly in the text of the law itself. Then there

would be no question what the title of the law is.

ثتؽ اقت ک ػا ؼق لا١ يؽ٠سب ظؼ ت لا١

ثؼعا ١چ کعا پؽقم ظؼؼاثط ثب ػا . جهت نظ

. طاع ثظ

(2) How to easily differentiate between

earlier laws with the same name by

using the year of enactment in the title.

ك سا لا گزؽتۀ ث آعبیچگ يتا (۲) تفکک اص ىداسا ػ ػا غتذ

دس آ اص عبل تقتثب اعتفبد. د .ػا

One problem in Afghan legislation is that there are

many laws that have the same name, such as the

Environment Law, Mass Media Law, etc.

ظؼ لا١ افغبكتب ٠ک هک خظ اقت ک اکثؽ

لب س١ : لا١ ث ٠ک ب خظ اقت، ؼ ثبي

. ؾ٠كت، لب ؼقب ب ګؽ

As a result, it is often difficult to tell which ―Mass

Media Law‖ you are talking about.

ظؼ ت١د اکثؽا ثكب هک اقت ک ثګئ١ع ک ظؼؼاثط ث

. کعا لب ؼقب ب ګؽ يسجت بئ١ع

A very simple solution is to add the year at the end of

the title of the law.

٠ک ز ثك١بؼ قبظ ا٠كت ک ظؼ اضؽ ػا ؽ لب

. تبؼ٠ص ؼا غکؽ بئ١ع

Examples: ثطس يثبل:

Mass Media Law of 1386 ۱۳۸۶لب طجػبت قبي

Mass Media Law, 1386 ،۱۳۸۶لب طجػبت

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(3) Where to place the official title and

how to designate it as the title.

ػا سع دس كجب جبثجب ؽد چگ (۳) .يتا آشا يذث ػا تؼ د

If you want to designate the official title of a law, it

should be done explicitly.

اګؽ نب ١طا١ع ٠ک ػا ؼق ؼا ثؽا لب

. ثؽګؿ١٠ع، ثب٠ع ثك١بؼ ار ثبنع

That is, there should be a provision in the law that says

clearly, in effect, ―The official name of this law is….‖

ا٠ اقت، ظؼ ؽ بظ لب ثب٠ع ٠ک ثع ثبنع ک ا بظ

. ؼا ار خج ػ ثعع

This should be done at the very beginning of the law,

preferably in the first article.

ا٠ کبؼ ثب٠ع ظؼ لع طكت تؽت١ت لا١ يؼت ګ١ؽظ،

. تؽخ١سب ظؼ ف اي

Example: ثطس يثبل:


Article 1:


: ۱يبدۀ

The title of this law is the ―Mass Media Law of 1386‖. ۱۳۸۶لب طجػبت قبي " ػا ا٠ لب اقت ."

2. Defined terms (definitions). ۲. (تؼشفبت)افطلادبت تؼشف ؽذ.

(1) Why use defined terms? (۱) چشا اص افطلادبت تؼشف ؽذ اعتفبد ؽد؟

Defining a term allows a simple term to be used for a

more complicated definition.

تهؽ٠ر ٠ک ايطلاذ ثطؼ قبظ ثؽا تؼؽ٠ف ٠ک خ

. ثك١بؼ ج اقتفبظ نع ١تاع

Using a defined term also prevents repetition of the

definition numerous times in a legislative document.

اقتفبظ اؾ ؼل تهؽ٠ر ايطلاذ، اؾ تکؽاؼبزت ثبؼ

. ثبؼكظ لب خګ١ؽ ١کع

Defining the terminology used in a legislative

document also promotes brevity, clarity, and


ک ظؼ كظ (تؽ١بژ)تؼؽ٠ف ايطلازبت ػ

لب اؾ ا اقتفبظ يؼت ګؽفت ثبنع، چب ب٠

. اضتبؼ، ظ تؽت١ت كتسک ثظ اقت

(2) General rules for drafting definitions


: لاػذ ػيی ثشای تغذ تؼشفبت لا (۲)

1– Draft the main (substantive) provisions of

the legislative document first, then draft the


ظاؼای ب١ت الؼی ٠ب تکی )اي لا١ ػع -۱

اقبظ تم١ی ؼا تك٠ع ب١٠ع، ثؼعا (ثطظ

.. تؼؽ٠فبت ؼا تك٠ع ب١٠ع

2– Avoid unnecessary definitions. ۲- اؾ اقتؼبي تؼؽ٠فبت غ١ؽ ؽؼی خګ١ؽی

. ب١٠ع

3– Do not define a term that is used only once

or infrequently.

٠ک ايطلاذ ؼا ک فم ٠کجبؼ ٠ب عؼتب اقتؼبي -۳

.نع تؼؽ٠ف ب١٠ع

4– Do not define a term in a way that conflicts

with ordinary or accepted usage.

٠ک ايطلاذ ؼا ث نکی تؼؽ٠ف ب١٠ع ک ثب -۲

.اقتؼ ػبظی ٠ب لجي نع آ ظؼ تبظ ثبنع

5– Do not include part or all of the term being

defined in the text of the definition.

لكت بی ٠ک ايطلاذ ٠ب آؿا ک -۵

.تؼؽ٠ف نع ظؼ ت تؼؽ٠فبت نب كبؾ٠ع

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6– Do not include a substantive rule within a


ظاؼای ب١ت )لا١ی ؼا ک تکی ثطظ ثظ -۶

ظؼ تؼؽ٠فبت نب كبؾ٠ع (الؼی

7– Do not use ―must‖ (or an equivalent) in a


ظؼ ٠ک تؼؽ٠ف ث (٠ب ؼبظي آؽا)کبت ثب٠ع -۷

. کبؼ جؽ٠ع

8– Place a definition where it is most easily

found by the reader.

٠ک تؼؽ٠ف ؼا ظؼخب٠ی ثګدب١ع ک ث ثك١بؼ -۸

.آقبای تق ضاع ظؼ٠بفت ګؽظظ

9– How to list definitions. ۹- تؼؽ٠فبت ؼا چطؼ فؽقت ب١٠.

(3) What terms really need defining? (۳) كذاو افطلادبت الؼب ث تؼشف ضشست داسذ؟

For example, special terms and ―terms of art‖, but not

terms used in their ordinary sense.

، اب "ايطلازبت ؽ"ايطلازبت ضبو : ثطؼ ثبي

ايطلازبت١ک ث ف ؼی آ ث کبؼ ثؽظ نع


(4) Placement within a draft. (۴) جبثجب عبصی تؼشفبت دس داخم يغد

For example, in a separate ―Definitions‖ provision or

in the provision where the term is used?

٠ب ظؼ اظی "تؼؽ٠فبت"ث گ ثبي، ظؼ ثطم خعاگبۀ

و ايطلاذ ظؼ بدب ثىبؼ ؼفت اقت؟

(5) Methods of defining terms in


.سػ ب تؼشف افطلادبت دس لب (۵)

(a) Use of ―means‖, ―includes‖, and

―does not include‖ in definitions.

يؾتم اعت " ،"ث يؼ"اعتؼبل (انف) دس "غت... يؾتم ثش " ب "ثش

. ثخؼ تؼشفبت

Examples: ثطس يثبل:

The term ―cat‖ means any feline animal. ف ؽ ٠ک اؾ ز١ابت ضبعا پهک " پهک"ايطلاذ

.ؼا افع ی کع

The term ―cat‖ includes a lion, a tiger, and a housecat. نب ن١ؽ، پګ پهک ضبګی ی " پهک"ايطلاذ


The term ―big cat‖ includes a lion and a tiger, but does

not include a housecat.

نب ن١ؽ پګ ی ثبنع اب " پهک ثؿؼګ"ايطلاذ

.پ١هک ضبګی ظؼ آ نب ی ثبنع

(b) By reference to a definition of the

same term in another law.

اص طشك ساجغ عبخت ث تؼشف ػ (ة) .افطلاح دس لب دگش

It is often advisable to reference the definition used for

a term in another related law. This is especially

important when drafting a subsidiary legislative

document (such as a regulation authorized by a law).

هؼ ث ا٠كت ک ظؼ اقتؼبي بزت ايطلاذ ث

ا٠ ثكب . لا١ ظ٠ګؽ ؽث ؽاخؼ يؼت ګ١ؽظ

اقت ظؼ لت١ک ثبلا ضبک كظ ٠ک لب ت کبؼ

ؼ ثبي ٠ک مؽؼ ت٠ت نع تق )يؼت ١ګ١ؽظ

. (٠ک لب

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This helps to ensure that the same terminology is used

consistently throughout a body of related law (such as

the fields of criminal law or commercial law).

ا٠ کک ١کع تب ا١ب زبي نظ ک اؾ ايطلازبت

ػ ثکبؼ ؼفت ٠کكب ثطؼ ظاعاؼ اؾ لا١ ظ٠ګؽ

ؼ ثبي ظؼ قبزبت )ؽث اقتفبظ يؼت ګ١ؽظ

. (لا١ خؽا٠ ٠ب تدبؼت

However, make a reference to the definition in the

other law; do not just copy that definition into your

draft. This prevents problems if the original definition,

in the other law, is later amended.

چب، ؽاخؼ ث تؼؽ٠ف ظؼ لا١ ظ٠ګؽ ثع٠ ؼ

١كت ک ػ١ تؼؽ٠ف ؼا ظؼ ضبک لب ضظ اقتفبظ

ؾ٠ؽا لت١ک ظؼ لب ظ٠ګؽ تغ١ؽ ١ب٠ع، ثبلا . بئ١ع

. لب نب تبث١ؽ اؼظ ١هظ

Example: ثطس يثبل:

The term ―_____‖ has the same meaning given that

term in [article ___ of] the Law on __________

published in Official Gazette No. ___ dated ______.

بظ ]ػ١ ؼی ؼا ک ظؼ ايطلاذ " _____" ايطلاذ

ک ظؼ خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ __________ لب [__

. ث هؽ ؼق١ع ؼا افبظ ی کع____ /__/__قبي ___

(6) Organization within a definitions


. تشتت دس داخم يبدۀ تؼشفبت (۶)

Order the terms within the definitions provision in one

of the following ways:

ايطلازبت ؼا ظؼ ظاض تؼؽ٠فبت زک ث ٠کی اؾ ؽق

.غ٠ تؽت١ت ب١٠ع

1– Alphabetical order. ۱- افجبتؽت١ت خؽفث .

2– The order of the terms’ importance. ۲- ثظ ايطلازبت ا تؽت١تث .

3– The order in which the terms appear in the

legislative document.

ثؽ زكت تؽت١ت ايطلازبت لك١ک ظؼت -۳

.تم١ی پع٠عاؼ ګؽظ٠ع اقت

3. Citations to other legislative


اص عبش اعبد (مم لل)اعتؾبدات .۳ . تمی

A drafter sometimes needs to refer to another

legislative document or to a provision in another

legislative document. These are called (external) cross-


There should be a standard format (and wording) for

making references to other legislative documents. And

once chosen, that format should be used consistently in

all new legislation.

Examples: ثطس يثبل:

―article ___ of the Mass Media Law published in

Official Gazette ___, dated _____ A.P. (_____ C.E.)‖

لب طجػبت ک ظؼخؽ٠ع ؼقی قبي __ بظ "

." نكی ـج هؽ ؼق١ع اقت_____

―the Mass Media Law published in Official Gazette

___, dated ____ A.P. (_____ C.E.)‖

نكی _____ لب طجػبت ظؼ خؽ٠ع ؼقی قبي "

." ث م ؼق١ع اقت

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4. Cross-references within a

legislative document.

اسجبع ث ايبک يختهف دس داخم عذ .۴ . تمی

Often a drafter needs to refer to other provisions within

the same legislative document. These are called

(internal) cross-references.

General rules: لاػذ ػيی

1– Use cross references sparingly and carefully. ۱- ؽاخؼ اؾ ٠ک فؽقت ث فؽقت )ؽاخؼ تمبث

آ ( ٠ب فؽاضی)ؼا ث ضبؽ تم١ى ظ معاؼ (ظګؽ

.ستبب ث کبؼ ثؽ٠ع

2– Make a cross reference a reader’s aid. ۲- ؽاخؼ تمبث ؼا س١ث ع ٠ک ضاع ث کبؼ


5. Severability provisions (and the

effect on a law of the invalidity of

a part of that law).

آ ثبلای تبثش)ادکبو لبثم افکبک .۵ثخؾی اص آ (ػذو اػتجبس)لب ثطلا

. (لب

1– What is a severability provision? ۱- دكى لبثم افکبک کذاو اعت؟

A severability (or savings) provision is one that

specifies how a court should interpret a law if one or

more of the law’s provisions are found to be


ػجبؼت اؾ آكت ک ٠ک (٠ب ګعاؼی)افکبک ٠ک لب

سک ثب٠ع ٠ک لب ؼا چطؼ تؼج١ؽ ب٠ع ؽګب ٠ک ٠ب

ث١هتؽ ازکب لب غب٠ؽ لب اقبقی ثبنع، هطى ی

. قبؾظ

2– Is a severability provision really

useful or necessary?

آب دكى لبثم افکبک الؼب يفذ ب -۲ ضشسی اعت؟

Sometimes a drafter uses a severability provision if the

drafter believes that there is a possibility that a

provision in the draft is unconstitutional, but the

sponsor of the draft insists on including the

questionable language.

(From a drafter’s point of view, this ensures that the

drafter cannot be blamed if part of the law is later

found invalid.)

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3– How do the rules of statutory

interpretation affect the need for a

severability provision?

لاػذ تفغش لا ضشست دکى -۳ افکبک سا چطس يتبثش يی عبصد؟

There are no formal rules of statutory interpretation in

Afghanistan, so it is difficult to say how a severability

provision would be read or whether the law would be

interpreted so that only the unconstitutional provisions

are found invalid, instead of the entire law being found

invalid because a small part of the law is unconstitu-


4– Types and examples of severability


. ااع ايثبل ادكبو لبثم افکبک -۴

Example: ثطس يثبل:

Severability (or Interpretation)

Article ___:

(ب تفغش)تفکک پزشی

: ___يبدۀ

If a provision of this law is found to be invalid [or

unconstitutional], such invalidity [or unconstitutional-

ity] shall not affect any other provision of this law.

٠ب غ١ؽ ]اګؽ زک ٠ک لب اػتجبؼ ضظؼا اؾ ظقت ظع

ثب٠ع [ ٠ب غ١ؽ لبی ثظ]چ١ قم اػتجبؼ [لبی ثبنع

. ثبلای ظګؽ ازکب ا٠ لب تبث١ؽ عانت ثبنع

6. Effective dates, ―sunset‖ (self-

repealing) provisions, and ter-

mination of authority provisions.

" افل کذ ادکبو"تبسخ بی افبر، .۶ فغخ ادكبيی (خدثخد نغ ؽذ)

.ک فلادت يذذ

What are the differences between effective dates of

legislation, ―sunset‖ provisions, and termination of

authority provisions?

فكص " افي کع"فؽق ث١ تبؼ٠ص بی افبغ لب، ازىب

ازىب يلاز١ت ظع ظؼ چ١كت؟

(1) Effective date provisions. (۱) ادكبو تبسخ افبر .

Types and examples of effective date

provisions in legislation: : ااع ايثبل ادكبو تبسخ افبر دس لب

1– Effective on publication. ۱- بفز ؽذ ثؼذ اص ؾش .

If no other date is stated. the ―default‖ rule is that the

legislative document takes effect when it is published

in the Official Gazette.

اگؽ کعا تبؼ٠ص ظ٠گؽ ظؼ٠ ؼاثط غوؽ هع ثبنع، لبث

. اقت" پ١م فؽ"اخؽا ثظ لب ثؼع اؾ هؽ ٠ک

See article 9 of the Law on Publishing and

Enforcement of Legislative Documents in the Islamic

Republic of Afghanistan (Official Gazette 787 of

1999), which provides:

لب جغ هؽ افبغ اقبظ تمــ١ی ۹طفب بظ

خؽ٠ع )خؼی اقلای افغبكتب ؼا لازظ ب١٠ع

:، ک فؽا ی ب٠ع(۱۹۹۹ قبي ۷۸۷ؼقی نبؼ

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―The legislative documents as set forth in article

5 shall come into force as of the date of

publication in the Official Gazette unless

provided otherwise in the legislative documents


اقبظ تم١ی عؼج بظۀ پد اؾ تبؼ٠ص هؽ "ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی بفػ ١گؽظظ گؽ ا٠ک ظؼ

ضظ اقبظ تم١ی ؼ ظ٠گؽ پ١هج١ی نع .ثبنع

―International contracts, agreements and

protocols shall be subject to their own special


لؽاؼ ظاظب، افمتب ب، مب بی ث١ " ."ای تبثغ زک لب ضبو ضظ ١جبنع

Example: ثطس يثبل:

―This law takes effect on the date of its enactment.‖ "ا٠ لب اؾ تبؼ٠ص ت٠ت آ ؽػی الاخؽا ی ثبنع ".

This means the date of the final approval required

under the Constitution.

.٠ؼ تبؼ٠ص ت٠ت ب٠ی ث متب لب اقبق

2– Effective a certain number of

days after enactment or


يشػی الاجشاء ؽذ چذ سص ثؼذ -۲ . اص تقت ب ؾش

Example: ثطس يثبل:

―This law takes effect 60 days after the date of its


ؼؾ ثؼع اؾ تبؼ٠ص ت٠ت آ ؽػی ۶۰ا٠ لب "

."الاخؽا ی ثبنع

3– Effective when regulations


يشػ الاجشا ؽذ ثؼذ اص افبر -۳ . يمشسات

Example: ثطس يثبل:

―This law takes effect on the date the implementing

regulations required under article ___ of this law take


ا٠ لب ث تبؼ٠طی بفػ ١هظ ک مؽاؼت تطج١می آ "

ا٠ لب ؽؼی لعاظ گؽ٠ع ___ ک آ ث اقبـ بظ

."اقت، غ بفػ گؽظظ

4– Effective a certain number of

days after regulations enacted.

چذ سص )بفز ؽذ چذ سص -۴ثؼذ اص تقت لاذ (يؾخـ . يمشسات

Example: ثطس يثبل:

―This law shall be enforceable with respect to persons

governed by this law 60 days after the date the

implementing regulations required under article ___ of

this law take effect.‖

ا٠ لب ثب ظؼظؽظانت انطبي١ک تست پنم ا٠ "

ؼؾ ثؼع اؾ تبؼ٠ص بفػ نع لا٠س ۶۰لب الغ نع اع،

ا٠ لب لاؾی لعاظ ___ مؽؼات ک ث اقبـ بظ

."گؽظ٠ع اقت، ؽػی الاخؽا ی گؽظظ

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:۳ فقم

ؽذ يی تغذ ؽکم چ ث يؾخـ تمی ادکبو

37 يفسPage 37

5– Effective on a certain date. ۵- بفز ؽذ دس ک تبسخ يؾخـ .

Example: ثطس يثبل:

―This law takes effect on 1 Hamal 1387 A.P. (21 March

2008 C.E.).‖

۲۰۰۸ بؼچ ۲۱ طبثك ۱۳۸۷ا٠ لب اؾ اي ز "

."ؽػی الاخؽا ی ثبنع

(2) ―Sunset‖ (self-repealing) provisions. (۲) (خدثخد نغ ؽذ)" افل کذ"ادکبو.

(a) What are ―sunset‖ provisions? (انف) سا یکذاو ادکبو" افل کذ" ادکبو ؟ گذ

―Sunset‖ provisions are provisions that repeal one or

more provisions of a law (or the entire law) at a certain

time in the future.

ازکب١كت ک ٠ک ٠ب چع زک لب " افي کع"ازــکب

. غی ١کعؼ١ ظؼ آ٠عؼا ظؼ ٠ک لت (٠ب تب لب)

(b) Usefulness of ―sunset‖ provisions

for legislation.

.ثشای لب" افل کذ" فائذ ادکبو(ة)

Among other things, these provisions are useful to

help ensure that changed circumstances are taken into

account before ―renewing‖ the law (by changing or

extending the termination date in the ―sunset‖


اؾ خ فائع ا٠ ازکب ٠کی ا٠كت ک ا٠ ازکب ظؼ

لب " تدع٠ع" نؽائ لج اؾتغ١١ؽ ت١م نع اؾ٠ک

" افي کع"تق تغ١١ؽ ٠ب تع٠ع تبؼ٠ص اغبء ظؼ ازکب )

.(ظؼ ظؽ گؽفت نع اقت

(c) Examples of ―sunset‖ provisions. (ج) افل کذ" يثبنبی ادکبو."

―This law shall be effective beginning ___ days after

its publication in the Official Gazette and ending on

[specific date].‖




―This law shall be effective from [specific date]

through [specific date].‖



―This law shall take effect on [specific date] and shall

cease to be in effect on [specific date].‖



―This law shall be effective beginning ___ days after

its publication in the Official Gazette and ending ___

year(s) after such date.‖




(3) Termination of authority provisions. (۳) ادکبو فغخ فلادت.

(a) What are termination of authority


سا یفلادت کذاو ادکبوفغخ ادکبو (انف)؟ گذ

Termination of authority provisions are provisions

that, in the future, terminate powers or authority given

to an official or other person by a law or regulation.

ک لعؼت ٠ب اع يلاز١ت ػجبؼت اؾ ازکبیفكصازکب

ث بؼ ؼقی ٠ب تق لب ٠ب مؽؼ يلاز١تی ؼا ک

. اؾ ث١ ی ثؽظ ظؼ آ٠ع ،نطی ظ٠گؽ اػطبء نع اقت

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:۳ فقم

ؽذ يی تغذ ؽکم چ ث يؾخـ تمی ادکبو

38 يفسPage 38

(b) Usefulness of termination of

authority provisions.

. فلادتفغخ ادکبو يفذت (ة)

Among other things, these provisions are useful to

help ensure that the officials or other persons given the

power or authority do not abuse it.

ک بؼ ؼقی ٠کی ا٠كت اؾ خ فائع ا٠ ازکب،

يلاز١ت ٠ب لعؼت اػطبء نعک ث ی ٠ب نطی ظ٠گؽی

.ب٠ع قء اقتفبظ اقت، اؾ آ

(With these provisions, even if the power or authority

were abused, it would automatically terminate at a

certain time in the future or upon the occurrence of a

certain event or circumstance.)

لعؼت ٠ب يلاز١ت اػطبء نع قء اقتفبظ اؾ اگؽ )

٠ک زبظث ٠ب ٠ب لع ؼ١ؼق١ع ٠ک لت فؽا ثبنظ،

يلاز١ت ؼا ظؼ آ٠ع ا٠ ازکبث١ب آع نؽا٠ ؼ١

( .اؾ ث١ ی ثؽظ

(c) Examples of termination of

authority provisions.

. فلادتفغخ يثبنبی ادکبو (ج)

―The authority granted to the Minister of ___________

under chapter (or article) ___ of this law shall be

terminated on [date or event].‖




7. Reporting provisions. ۷. ادکبو گضاسؽذی.

(1) What are reporting provisions and

why are they used?

ادکبو گضاسؽذی کذاو ب اذ چشا اص آ (۱) اعتفبد ثؼم يبذ؟

Reporting provisions require an agency or other person

to submit reports on the effectiveness of the


ؿ ثؽ آ ازکب گؿاؼنعی اظاؼ ٠ب نطی ظ٠گؽی ؼا

. اؾ ؤثؽ٠ت لب گؿاؼل ظع١كبؾظ ک

(2) How to draft a reporting provision. (۲) چگ يتا ادکبو گضاسؽذی سا تغذ .د

What needs to be specified in a reporting provision? کعا ١بؾعی ب ثب٠ع ظؼ ازکب گؿاؼنعی هطب تػکؽ

ظاظ نظ؟

Legislative reports may contain any amount or type of

information that may be useful in assessing whether

the legislation should be changed to be more effective.

ؽ٠ب ١تاع ظؼثؽگ١ؽع ؽ اعاؾ بی تم١یگؿاؼل

اؼؾ٠بثی ا٠ک آ٠ب ظؼ ک ثتاع ظؼ ثبنع یع ؼبت

ع تی آؼظ نظ،تؼع٠لاآ لب خت ؤثؽ٠ت ث١هتؽ

. نظالغ

At a minimum, a legislative provision requiring an

agency to submit a report should include the following

basic information:

٠ک زک تم١ی ا٠دبة ی ب٠ع، ؾب١ک ٠ک اظاؼ

ګؿاؼل ض٠م ؼا تك١ ی ب٠ع، اللا ؼبت غ٠ ؼا

ثب٠ع ظؼ آ ثګدبع

1– Who submits the report. Reports are often

submitted by the President, a particular

Minister, or some other agency official.

.گضاسػ سا چ کغی اسائ يی کذ –۱

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:۳ فقم

ؽذ يی تغذ ؽکم چ ث يؾخـ تمی ادکبو

39 يفسPage 39

2– To whom the report is submitted. Reports

are often submitted to the President, the

Council of Ministers, the National

Assembly, and/or the Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court.

.گضاػ ث چ کغی اسائ يگشدد –۲

3– When and how often the report must be

submitted. Deadlines for submitting reports

are often a specific date or event, or within a

certain time period before a specific date or

event. The frequency for submitting a report

may be monthly, quarterly (every 120 days

or 3 months), biannually (every 6 months or

twice a year), annually (every year), etc.

.گضاسػ چ لت چذ ثبس ثبذ اسائ گشدد –۳

4– What information the report must

include. Reports should contain information

that will be useful in assessing the extent of

a problem legislation is intended to address

or the effectiveness of the legislation (or the

implementing agency) in addressing the


کذاو يؼهيبت ثبذ دس گضاسػ ؽبيم عبخت –۴


(3) Examples of reporting provisions. (۳) يثبل بی ادکبو گضاسؽذی.

Reporting Requirements [or: Annual Reports]

Article ___:

[ب ګضاسػ بی عبلا]يغتهضو بی ګضاسػ دی

:___ يبدۀ

(1) The Minister of __________ shall submit a report

about ___________ to [the President, the Council

of Ministers, and each chamber of the National

Assembly], not later than _____ each year.

ثب٠ع ګؿاؼل ض٠م ؼا ظؼ ؼظ _________ ؾ٠ؽ (۱)

نطى ؼ١٠ف خؼ، ]ث ________________

ظؼ [نؼای ػبی ؾ٠ؽا ؽ دف نؼای ی

.تمع٠ ب٠ع_____ اض١ؽ ؽ قبي لج اؾ

(2) The report required under paragraph (1) of this

article shall include the following information:

ا٠ بظ ثب٠ع ؿبظؼ (۱)ګؿاؼل تست پبؼاګؽاف (۲)

: ؼبت آتی اػکؽ نب ګؽظظ

1– A summary of ____________________. ۱– ضلاق اؾ _______________________.

2– A detailed description of ___________. ۲– تهؽ٠ح ٠ک ____________________.

3– An assessment (or analysis) of _________. ۳– اظبؼ ظؽ ثؽای تس١ تدؿ٠ _______.

4– _______________________________. ۴– .___________________________

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40 يفسPage 40




:۴ فقم ففش يشده اص تمی اعبد تغذ

يگشد فست چگ

What to do when there is no (pre-

prepared) draft جد (لجلا ت ؽذ)دس فستک طشح

ذاؽت جبؽذ، چ ثبذ کشد

1. Information to submit to

legislative staff (and how to

submit it).

) ث لبذابيؼهيبتفشعتبد . ۲ (. طشص فشعتب ا

The most basic information needed is the following: اقبقی تؽ٠ ؼبت١ک ؽؼی ی ثبنع، لؽاؼ غ٠


(1) Clear and complete statement of


: ؽشح اضخ يکم خظ يؾی (۲)

A request for assistance should provide a statement of

the problem and policy underlying a request that is as

clear and complete as possible.

تمبب ثؽای کک ثب٠ع ت نؽذ بۀ هکلات ض

هی ا٠ک ظؼ تمبب اقت تب زع ک ار ک

. ثبنع

This will enable the drafter who is assisting you to

have a thorough understanding of both the factual and

legal setting of the problem to which the legislation is

directed and the policy to be carried out by the


ا نبا٠ نؽزب لبگػاؼ ؼا لبظؼ ضاع قبضت تب ة

کک ب٠ع اؾ لؼ١ت الؼی زملی هکی ک لب

ؼظ ظؽ ثطبؽ آ غ ١گؽظظ پب١كی ا٠ک ثب٠ع ظؼ

لب ؼظ ظؽ تؼم١ت ؽاػبت نظ، ظؼک کب ظانت

. ثبنع

(2) Responsible individual: (۲) ؽخـ يغل :

A written request for assistance should be

accompanied by the name, title, telephone number, and

e-mail address (if available) of the individual who has

primary responsibility for responding to questions

concerning the policy and other issues arising in the

drafting process.

پ١هبظ کتجی ثؽای کک ثب٠ع نب ػبتی چ اق،

نطی ثبنع (اگؽ خظ ثبنع)مت، نبؼ تف ا١٠

ک ك١ت اثتعائی ؼا ظؼ لكت خاثگ٠ی قالات

ؽث ث ض هی ظ٠گؽ ػبتی ک ظؼ خؽ٠ب

. ؽز تك٠ع ثخظ ١ب٠ع، ظاؼظ

(3) Deadlines: (۳) ضشة الاجم :

If the assistance requested needs to be provided by a

particular time or before a particular event, the request

for assistance should clearly state a reasonable

deadline for the assistance.

ظؼ يؼتی ک لاؾ ثبنع ؼبت تمبب نع ظؼ ٠ک لت

هطى ٠ب لج اؾ ٠ک الؼ هطى فؽا نظ، ظؼ

ظؼضاقت ؼبت ثب٠ع ثؼت ار ٠ک ؽة الاخ

.بقت ؼمي ظؼج گؽظظ

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:۴ فقم

يگشد فست چگ ففش يشده اص تمی اعبد تغذ

41 يفسPage 41

2. Checklist of information to

submit when requesting drafting


اسائ کشد نغت تطجم يؼهيبت . ۲لت ک ضشست دسخاعت کک ث

.جؾت لا ثبؽذ

You should provide legislative staff with as much as

possible of the following information:

:ثبي بی ؼبت ؽؼی ف١ع لؽاؼ غ٠ اع

1– Proposed name or subject of draft. ۱- ثؽای (ؽذ نع) ب پ١هبظ نع ٠ب ع


2– Purpose of draft (the problem to be solved

by the legislation).

هکی ک ثب٠ع اؾ ؽ٠ك ا٠ ؽذ ) عف ؽذ -۲

.(تم١ی ز گؽظظ

3– Legal authority for the draft (―basis‖ for the


ثؽای " جی") يلاز١ت لبی ثؽای تك٠ع -۳


4– Ministry or agency that now has direct

responsibility for the issue. (If more than

one, list the primary ministry or agency and

then any secondary ones, specifying the

extent of responsibility of each.)

(زبلا) ؾاؼتطب ٠ب اؼگبی ک ظؼ زبي زبؽ -۴

ظؼ ). ك١ت كتم١ ع ؼا ثؼع ظاؼظ

يؼتی ک ث١هتؽ اؾ ٠ک ثبنع، كت

ؾاؼتطب ٠ب اؼگب ا١ قپف اؼگب ظی

.ثب غکؽ زع كؤ١ت ؽ ؾاؼتطب ٠ب اؼگب

5– Proposed implementing agency (or

agencies) – if not the same as any ministries

or agencies already identified.

–تطج١ك کع پ١هبظ نع (اؼګبب)اؼګب -۵

ظؼ يؼت ک ٠کكب ث ؾاؼت ضب ب ٠ب

.اؼګبب ک لجلا نبضت نع اع جبنع

6– Any special terms or terms of art that needs

to be understood in order to properly assess

the relevant legal framework and the

legislative proposal itself.

آ٠ب ايطلاذ ٠ب ايطلازبت ٠ژۀ ثؽای ف١ع -۶

خظ ظاؼظ تب چبؼچة زملی ؽث ضظ

پ١هبظ تم١ی ظؼقت اؼؾ٠بثی نظ؟

7– Present state of the law (list of all existing

in-force legislative documents on the issue).

كت تب لا١ خظ ) زبت فؼی لب -۷

. (ؽذ لا١ؽػی الاخؽا ظؼ ؼظ

8– Changes anticipated from the current law. ۸-تغ١ؽات تلؼ ظؼ لب فؼی .

9– Anticipated fiscal impact on the

Government (if any), including both

revenues and expenses.

ظؼ ) تبث١ؽات تلؼۀ بی ثبلای ظت -۹

، ثهي ؽظ ع (يؼت١ک خظ ثبنع

.ػب٠عات بؼف

10– Any draft legislative language already


آ٠ب کعا ت تم١ی اؾ لج ثؼت ؽذ آبظ -۱۰

.نع اقت

11– Any proposed deadlines or dates when you

will need a draft.

٠ک نب ک ؽة اؼد ٠ب تبؼ٠ص آضؽ٠ -۱۱

. ؼا ؽؼت ظاؼ٠عكظ

12– Any confidentiality requirements. (This may

be needed sometimes in politically sensitive

environments, like the National Assembly.)

ک ). آ٠ب سؽ١ت اقبظ ١ؿ طؽذ اقت-۱۲

ثؼی البت ؽؼت ث ب زي زكبـ

. ثبنع (ق١بقی، بع نؼای ی

13– Special instructions (additional comments

or instructions).

.(ظؽ٠بت ٠ب عا٠بت ابفی) عا٠بت ٠ژ -۱۳

14– Date of submission. ۱۴-تبؼ٠ص تك١ی .

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OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 787 (1999, 1420 A.H.) (ق ـ 1420 ،۱۹۹۹) 787 ؽبس سعی جشذ

1-اف يفسPage A–1





تمی اعبد افبر ؾش طشص لب

افغبغتب اعلايی [جسی]



ال فقم ػيی ادکبو

Article 1: [Purposes] يبدۀ ال:

This law has been enacted in order to notify all the

official and non-official entities, and citizens of the

nation of the laws, decrees, regulations, charters,

approvals, and other documents having legislative

nature and to regulate the manner of their publication

and enforcement.

ا٠ لب ث ظؼ طغ نع تب اظاؼات ؼقی غ١ؽ

ؼقی اتجبع کهؼ اؾ لا١، فؽا١، مؽؼات،

اقبقب ب، ث ب قب٠ؽ اقبظ٠ک ب ١ت تم١ی

.ظانت تظ١ ؽؾ هؽ افبغ آ غ گؽظ٠ع اقت

Article 2: [Legislative documents to be published

in Official Gazette]

:يبدۀ دو

Legislative documents shall be published in the

Official Gazette of the Islamic [Republic] of


اقبظ تم١ی ظؼ خؽ٠ع ا٠ک هؽ٠ۀ ؼقی ابؼت اقلا

.افغبكتب ١جبنع، هؽ ١گؽظظ

Article 3: [Authorized licensee of Official Gazette] يبدۀ عو:

The Ministry of Justice of the Islamic [Republic] of

Afghanistan shall be the authorized licensee of the

Official Gazette.

اقلای افغبكتب يبزت ات١بؾ [خؼی]ؾاؼت ػع١ۀ

.خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی ١جبنع

Article 4: [Frequency of publication of Official


:يبدۀ چبسو

The Official Gazette shall be published on a monthly

basis, and a special issue of it can be published as


خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی ب ٠کجبؼ هؽ ١گؽظظ ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت نبؼۀ فق اؼبظۀ آ هؽ نع




دو فقم اعبد ؾش طشص

Article 5: [Documents to be included in Official


:يبدۀ پجى

The following documents shall be published in the

Official Gazette:

:اقبظ غ٠ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی هؽ ١گؽظظ

1– The official declarations of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan which require

public notice, namely: laws, approvals, and

other parliamentary legislative documents.

اقلای [خؼی]اػلا١ بی ؼقی -۱

افغبكتب ک ا٠دبة الاع ػب ؼا ب٠ع،

.لا١، ثبت قب٠ؽ اقبظ تم١ی پبؼبی

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:1 ض

اعلايی [جسی]لب طشص ؾش افبر اعبد تمی


2-افيفس Page A–2

2– Decrees and other legislative documents of

the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan with

legislative nature.

اقلای [خؼی]فؽا١ قب٠ؽ اقبظ تم١ -۲

.افغبكتب ک ب١ت تم١ی ظانت ثبنع

3– Regulations, charters, and approvals of the

Council of Ministers with legislative nature.

مؽؼات، اقبقب ب ثبت نؼای -۳

.ؾ٠ؽا ک ب١ت تم١ی ظانت ثبنع

4– International contracts, agreements and

protocols to which the Islamic [Republic] of

Afghanistan is a signatory as well as the

decrees about their approval.

لؽاؼ ظاظب، افمتب ب مب بی ث١ -۴

اقلای [خؼی]ای ا٠ک اؾ خبت

افغبكتب ابء ١گؽظظ فؽا١ ظؼ ثبؼۀ

.ت٠ت آب

5– The legislative documents that the Supreme

Court has the authority to approve based on

the rule of law.

اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک طبثك زک لب، قتؽ -۵

.سک يلاز١ت ت٠ت آؽا ظانت ثبنع

6– Other legislative issues whose publication is

required by the rule of law, and the

commercial signs of courts and the

documents registration announcements.

قب٠ؽ ػبت تم١ی ا٠ک هؽ آ ث خت -۶

زک لب لاؾ ثظ ػلا٠ تدبؼتی سبک

اػلابت ثجت اقت

Article 6: [Sequence of documents in Official


:يبدۀ ؽؾى

In the first section of the Official Gazette there are

official publications of the Islamic [Republic] of

Afghanistan that require public notice: laws, approvals

and other legislative documents of the National

Council (Assembly).

[خؼی]ظؼ ثطم اي خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی اػلا١ بی ؼقی

اقلای افغبكتب ک هؽ آ ا٠دبة الاع ػب ؼا ب٠ع،

.لا١، ثبت قب٠ؽ اقبظ تم١ی نؼای ی

In the second section are the presidential decrees of the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan and other

documents with legislative nature.

اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]ظؼ ثطم ظ آ فؽا١

.قب٠ؽ اقبظ ٠ک ب١ت تم١ی ظانت ثبنع

In the third section of it are regulations, charters and

charters of the Council of Ministers having legislative


ظؼ ثطم ق آ مؽؼ ب، اقبقب ب ثبت

.نؼای ؾ٠ؽا ک ب١ت تم١ی ظانت ثبنع

In the fourth section of it are the international

contracts, agreements and protocols to which the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan is a signatory as

well as the decrees on their approval.

ظؼ ثطم چبؼ آ لؽاؼ ظاظ ب، افمت ب ب مب

اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]بی ث١ ای ا٠ک اؾ خبت

.ابء ١گؽظظ فؽا١ ظؼ ثبؼۀ ت٠ت آب

In the fifth section are the legislative documents that

the Supreme Court has authority to approve based on

the rule of law.

ظؼ ثطم پد آ اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک ث خت زک لب،

.قتؽ سک يلاز١ت ت٠ت آؽا ظانت ثبنع

In the sixth section are the rest of the issues

publication of which is required by law and the

advertisements of commercial courts that relate to

documents registration and commercial signs.

ظؼ ثطم نه آ قب٠ؽ ػبت١ک هؽ آ ثسک لب

لاؾ ثبنع اػلابی سبک تدبؼتی ک ث ثجت اقبظ

.ػلا٠ تدبؼتی اؼتجب ظانت ثبنع

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:1 ض

اعلايی [جسی]لب طشص ؾش افبر اعبد تمی


3-افيفس Page A–3

Article 7: [Publication of legislative documents by

other means]

:يبدۀ فتى

(1) The legislative documents as set forth in article 5

of this law may be published in other publications

of the country after they have been first published

in the Official Gazette

هؽ اقبظ تم١ی عؼج بظۀ پد ا٠ لب ظؼ قب٠ؽ (۱)

خؽا٠ع کهؼ، ثؼع اؾ هؽ آ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی دبؾ


(2) The legislative documents mentioned in

paragraph (1) of this article that require speedy

publication may be broadcast through the

Government mass media before being published

in the Official Gazette.

ا٠ بظ ک هؽ آ ا٠دبة (۱)اقبظ عؼج فمؽۀ (۲)

اقتؼدب١ت ؼا ب٠ع، لج اؾ ا٠ک ظؼخؽ٠عۀ ؼقی

هؽ گؽظظ، اؾ ؽ٠ك قب٠ اؼتجب خؼی ابؼت

.هؽ نع ١تاع

(3) When necessary, the legislative documents

mentioned in paragraph (2) of this article can also

be announced via telex and telegram.

ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت اقبظ عؼج فمؽۀ ظ ا٠ بظ (۳)

.ؼ تکف تگؽا ١ؿ اثلاؽ نع ١تاع

Article 8: [Publication in Dari and Pashto] يبدۀ ؾتى:

The legislative documents as set forth in article 5 shall

be published in both Dari and Pashto languages.

اقبظ تم١ی عؼج بظۀ پد ث كب بی پهت ظؼی

.هؽ ١گؽظظ

Article 9: [Effective date of legislative documents

published in Official Gazette]

:يبدۀ ى

The legislative documents as set forth in article 5 shall

come into force as of the date of publication in the

Official Gazette unless provided otherwise in the

legislative documents themselves.

اقبظ تم١ی عؼج بظۀ پد اؾ تبؼ٠ص هؽ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ

ؼقی بفػ ١گؽظظ گؽ ا٠ک ظؼ ضظ اقبظ تم١ی ؼ

.ظ٠گؽ پ١هج١ی نع ثبنع

The international contracts, agreements and protocols

shall be subject to their own special law.

لؽاؼ ظاظب، افمتب ب، مب بی ث١ ای تبثغ

.زک لب ضبو ضظ ١جبنع



عو فقم بئی ادکبو

Article 10: [Submission of legislative documents by

Office of Administrative Affairs of the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan]

:يبدۀ دى

The Office of Administrative Affairs (OAA) of the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan is obligated,

following the legal procedures, to send the originals of

the legislative documents as set forth in subparagraphs

1 and 2 of article 5 for publication to the Publishing

Department of the Ministry of Justice.

اقلای افغبكتب کف [خؼی]ؼ٠بقت اظاؼۀ اؼ

بظۀ پد (۲ ۱)اقت ک اي اقبظ تم١ی عؼج فمؽۀ

ؼا ثؼع اؾ ی ؽاز لبی غؽ هؽ ث ؼ٠بقت

.هؽات ؾاؼت ػع١ اؼقبي ب٠ع

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:1 ض

اعلايی [جسی]لب طشص ؾش افبر اعبد تمی


4-افيفس Page A–4

Article 11: [Submission of legislative documents by

Office of Administrative Affairs of the

Council of Ministers]

:يبدۀ بصدى

The Office of Administrative Affairs of the Council of

Ministers shall, following legal procedures, send for

publication the originals of the legislative documents,

as set forth in subparagraph 3 of article 5 to the

Publishing Department of the Ministry of Justice.

ؼ٠بقت اظاؼۀ اؼ نؼای ؾ٠ؽا کف اقت ک اي

بظۀ پد ؼا ثؼع اؾ ی (۳)اقبظ تم١ عؼج فمؽۀ

ؽاز لبی غؽ هؽ ث ؼ٠بقت هؽات ؾاؼت

.ػع١ اؼقبي ب٠ع

Article 12: [Submission of legislative documents by

Supreme Court]

:يبدۀ داصدى

The Supreme Court shall, following legal procedures,

send for publication the legislative documents as set

forth in subparagraph 5 of article 5 to the Publishing

Department of the Ministry of Justice.

( ۵)قتؽ سک کف اقت ک اقبظ تم١ی عؼج فمؽۀ

بظۀ پد ا٠ لب ؼا ثؼع اؾ ی ؽاز لبی غؽ

.هؽ ث ؼ٠بقت هؽات ؾاؼت ػع١ اؼقبي ب٠ع

Article 13: [Submission of legislative documents by

Offices of Administrative Affairs of the

State and of the Council of Ministers]

:يبدۀ عضدى

The Offices of Administrative Affairs of the State and

Council of Ministers shall send for publication in the

Official Gazette the legislative documents as set forth

in subparagraph 4 of article 5 of this law to the

Publishing Department of the Ministry of Justice.

اظاؼ بی اؼ ابؼت نؼای ؾ٠ؽا کف اع ک

بظۀ پد ا٠ لب ؼا (۴)اقبظ تم١ی عؼج فمؽۀ

غؽ هؽ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی ث ؼ٠بقت هؽات ؾاؼت

.ػع١ اؼقبي ب٠ع

Article 14: [Effective date and effect on other laws] يبدۀ چبسدى:

This law shall come into force as of the date of

publication in the Official Gazette and with its coming

into force the law regarding the manner of publication

and enforcement of legislative documents as published

in Gazette No. 591 (787) dated 31/6/1364 (24/6/1420)

shall be repealed.

ا٠ لب اؾ تبؼ٠ص هؽ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی بفػ ثب افبغ آ

لب ؽؾ هؽ افبغ اقبظ تم١ی تهؽۀ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی

. غی نؽظ ١هظ۳۱/۶/۱۳۶۴ؤؼش (۵۹۱)نبؼ

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OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 787 (1999, 1420 A.H.) (ق ـ 1420 ،۱۹۹۹) 787 ؽبس سعی جشذ

5-اف يفسPage A–5





اعبد پؾبد ت انؼم طشص يمشسۀ




ال فقم ػيی ادکبو

Article 1: [Purpose] يبدۀ ال :

This regulation has been enacted to regulate on an

equal basis the affairs related to the manner of

proposing the legislative documents to the superior

authorities of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan.

ا٠ مؽؼ ثظؼ تظ١ ٠کكب اؼ ؽث ث تؽت١ت

اقلای [خؼی]پ١هبظ اقبظ تم١ی ث مببت ػبی

.افغبكتب غ گؽظ٠ع اقت

Article 2: [Scope] يبدۀ دو :

This regulation shall regulate the procedure for

preparing and proposing legislative documents whose

approval is within the authority of Amir-ul Momenin

(the Leader of the Faithful) and the Council of


ا٠ مؽؼ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ؽا ک

ت٠ت آ اؾ يلاز١ت ا١ؽ اؤ١ نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

.١جبنع، تظ١ ١ب٠ع



دو فقمتمی کبس (گضاسی پلا) طشح تشتت

Article 3: [Legislative plan as basis for

preparation of legislative documents]

: يبدۀ عو

The preparation of legislative documents shall be

carried out according to the plan of legislative


کبؼ تم١ی (پلا)ت١ۀ اقبظ تم١ی طبثك ث ؽذ

.يؼت ١گ١ؽظ

Article 4: [Ministry of Justice to prepare draft

legislative plan]

: يبدۀ چبسو

The preparation of the draft of the plan of legislative

activities shall be one of the duties of the Ministry of

Justice of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan.

کبؼ تم١ی اؾ ظب٠ف ؾاؼت (پلا)ت١ۀ كظۀ ؽذ

.اقلای افغبكتب ١جبنع [خؼی]ػع١

Article 5: [Sources of proposals for inclusion in

draft legislative plan]

: يبدۀ پجى

The draft of the plan of legislative activities shall be

prepared based on proposal of the ministers, the Chief

Justice of the Supreme Court, the Minister of Justice,

independent general departments and the heads of

other central offices of the Islamic [Republic] of


کبؼ تم١ی ث اقبـ پ١هبظ ؾؼاء (۶پلا )كظۀ ؽذ

ؼئ١ف قتؽ سک، ؾ٠ؽ ػع١، ؼ٠بقت بی ػی

اقلای [خؼی]كتم آؽا قب٠ؽ اظاؼات ؽکؿی

.افغبكتب تؽت١ت ١گؽظظ

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:2 ض

يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

6-افيفس Page A–6

The ministry or the department must, prior to making

the proposal regarding inclusion of the relevant issue

in the legislative plan of action, shall take into

consideration the need for approval, amendment,

completion, or annulment of the relevant legislative


ؾاؼت ٠ب اظاؼ ثب٠ع لج اؾ اؼائۀ پ١هبظ خت ني

کبؼ تم١ی ثؽ ؽؼت (پلا)ع ؽث ظؼ ؽذ

ت٠ت، تؼع٠، تک١ ٠ب اغبی اقبظ تم١ی ؽث غؼ

. ثؽؼقی ب٠ع

Article 6: [Timing and content of proposals for

inclusion in legislative plan]

: يبدۀ ؽؾى

The proposals for the plan of legislative activities shall

be sent to the Minister of Justice at least 3 months

before the end of the year along with an explanation of

the need for the plan.

کبؼ تم١ی ثب٠ع زع ال ق (پلا)پ١هبظات ظؼ ثبؼۀ ؽذ

ب لج اؾ ضت قبي ثب ت١ر ؽؼت ؽذ آ ث ؾ٠ؽ

.ػع١ اؼقبي گؽظظ

The explanatory reasons shall contain the following: ظلا٠ ت١سی ثب٠ع زبی طبت غ٠ ثبنع.

1 – The table of contents of the legislative

documents in force about the issues to be

newly regulated.

فؽقت اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ؼاخغ ث – ۱

.ػبت١ک دعظا تظ١ ١گؽظظ

2 – The reasons for regulating the proposed

legislative document.

.ظلا٠ تظ١ قع تم١ی پ١هبظ نع– ۲

3 – Providing financial and material resources

that are considered for implementation of

the legislative document.

اؼائ بثغ بی بظی ا٠ک ثؽای تطج١ك قع – ۳

.تم١ی ظؼ ظؽ گؽفت ١هظ

4 – The estimated time for presenting the plan

to the Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan.

ػع تط١ی اؼائ ؽذ ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا – ۴

.اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]

The explanatory reasons shall not exceed 3 typed pages. ظلا٠ ت١سی ثب٠ع ابف اؾ ق يفسۀ تب٠پ نع جبنع.

Article 7: [Option to request additional explana-

tion before inclusion in legislative plan]

: يبدۀ فتى

The Minister of Justice may, prior to the inclusion of

the proposal in the draft of the plan of legislative

activities, demand the party making the proposal to

provide additional explanations regarding the need for

approval, amendment, attachment, or annulment of the

legislative document.

ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ ١تاع لج اؾ ني پ١هبظ ظؼ كظۀ ؽذ

کبؼ تم١ی اؾ مب پ١هبظ کع ؼاخغ ث ؽؼت (پلا)

ت٠ت، تؼع٠، ١ ٠ب اغبی قع تم١ی، ت١سبت

.ابفی لاؾ ؼا طبج ب٠ع

Article 8: [Presentation of draft legislative plan to

Council of Ministers]

: يبدۀ ؾتى

The Minister of Justice shall present the draft of the

plan of legislative activities 1 month before the end of

a year to the Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan and shall provide his

written observation on the proposals which he believes

are unnecessary and baseless and were not included in

the plan.

کبؼ تم١ی ؼا ٠کب لج (پلا)ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ كظۀ ؽذ

اقلای [خؼی]اؾ ضت قبي ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

افغبكتب تمع٠ ی ب٠ع، ؿب ث آ ؼاخغ ث

پ١هبظات١ک ث ظؽ ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ غ١ؽ ؽؼی غ١ؽ

نب هع اقت، (پلا)كتعي ثظ ظؼ كظۀ ؽذ

.ظؽ تسؽ٠ؽی ضظ ؼا اؼائ ١ب٠ع

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:2 ض

يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

7-افيفس Page A–7

Article 9: [Confirmation of legislative plan by

Council of Ministers and approval by


: يبدۀ ى

The annual plan of legislative activities shall be

confirmed by the Council of Ministers and shall be

approved by the President of the Islamic [Republic] of


قبلاۀ کبؼ تم١ی تق نؼای ؾ٠ؽا (پلا)ؽذ

اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]ت٠ت اؾ خبت مب

.ظؼ ١گؽظظ

Article 10: [Contents of legislative plan generally] يبدۀ دى :

The plan of legislative activities shall contain the list

of legislative documents that can be formulated within

the planned time period, names of the directors who

prepare the plan, and the time for its [the plan’s]

presentation to the Council of Ministers.

کبؼ تم١ی زبی فؽقت اقبظ تم١ی لبث (پلا)ؽذ

ؽذ ظؼ عت پلا نع، اقبی آؽا كؤي ت١ ؽذ

.ػع اؼائ آ ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا ی ثبنع

Article 11: [Specific contents of legislative plan] يبدۀ بصدى :

The plan shall contain the following: ؽذ زبی ق ثطم غ٠ ١جبنع:

1 – A list of the legislative documents whose

approval shall be within the authority of the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan.

فؽقت اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک ت٠ت آ اؾ – ۱

اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]يلاز١ت مب


2 – A list of the legislative documents whose

approval shall be within the authority of the

Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan.

فؽقت اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک ت٠ت آ اؾ – ۲

اقلای [خؼی]يلاز١ت نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

.افغبكتب ١جبنع

3 – A list of the legislative documents which are

about the amendment or completion of the

applicable legislative documents.

فؽقت اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک ؼاخغ ث تؼع٠ ٠ب – ۳

.تک١ اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ثبنع

4 – In case it is deemed necessary during that

year, according to either the initiative of the

Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] or at the suggestion of the

Minister of Justice, the plan can be


ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت ث اثتکبؼ نؼای – ۴

اقلای افغبكتب ٠ب ث [خؼی]ؾ٠ؽا

پ١هبظ ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ ظؼخؽ٠ب قبي ظؼ ؽذ

.تغ١ؽاتی آؼظ نع ١تاع (پلا)

Article 12: [Notification by Council of Ministers of

inclusion of legislative documents in

plan and deadlines for their submission

to the Council]

: يبدۀ داصدى

The Council of Ministers shall report to the Minister of

Justice and to the director in charge of the preparation

of legislative documents on the inclusion of a

legislative document in the plan and the time period

for its [the document’s] submission to the Council of


نؼای ؾ٠ؽا ث ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ آؽ كؤي تؽت١ت اقبظ

ػع اؼائ (پلا)تم١ی اؾ ني قع تم١ی ظؼ ؽذ

.آ ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا الاع ی ظع

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:2 ض

يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

8-افيفس Page A–8

Article 13: [Coordination, assistance, and monitor-

ing implementation of legislative plan

by Ministry of Justice]

: يبدۀ عضدى

The Ministry of Justice of the Islamic [Republic] of

Afghanistan shall be responsible for ensuring

coordination and provision of educational assistance to

ministries and departments in relation to the

preparation of legislative documents, as well as

monitoring the implementation of the plan.

تؤ١ آگی کک ػی ثب ؾاؼت ب اظاؼات ظؼ

تؽت١ت اقبظ تم١ی چب ؽالجت اؾ تطج١ك ؽذ

اقلای افغبكتب [خؼی]ث ػعۀ ؾاؼت ػع١ (پلا)


Article 14: [Consent of Ministry of Justice to

certain legislative proposals]

: يبدۀ چبسدى

Proposals on drafting the legislative documents which

are not commonly important and also the amendment,

completion, or abrogation of some of the valid

legislative documents not included in the plan shall be

presented to the Ministry of Justice for its consent.

پ١هبظات ظؼ ثبؼۀ ت١ۀ كظۀ اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک ظاؼای

ا١ت ػب جبنع چب تؼع٠، تک١ ٠ب اغبی لكی

١گؽظع، خت (پلا)اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ک نب ؽذ

.کكت تافك ث ؾاؼت ػع١ اؼائ ١گؽظظ

Article 15: [Responsibilities of other ministries and


: يبدۀ پبضدى

The ministries and departments which participate in

the compilation work of the legislative documents that

are included in the plan shall simultaneously

implement their own internal documents that are to be

issued in connection to the implementation of

mentioned legislation.

ؾاؼت ب اظاؼات ک ظؼ کبؼ ؽذ تع٠ قع تم١ی

کبؼ تم١ی انتؽاک ١ب٠ع، ثب٠ع (پلا)نب ؽذ

ؿب ثب آ ت١ۀ كظات اقبظ ظاضی ؽث ث ضظ ؼا

ک ظؼ ؼاثط ثب افبغ قع تم١ی ػکؼ يبظؼ گؽظظ، ػی






عو فقمتمی اعبد عبخت آگ ى ت طشص

Article 16: [Committees for preparation of legis-

lative documents]

: يبدۀ ؽبضدى

(1) The minister or the director of the department

responsible for preparing the legislative

document shall appoint an authorized committee

consisting of the officials of the ministry or the

department as well as experts in order to prepare

the legislative document.

ؾ٠ؽ ٠ب آؽ اظاؼ ا٠ک كؤي ت١ۀ قع تم١ی ی (۱)

ثبنع، خت ت١ۀ قع تم١ی ١ؤت ثب يلاز١تی ؼا

هت ثؽ بؼ٠ ؾاؼت ٠ب اظاؼ تط١

.تؼ١ ی ب٠ع

(2) If the preparation of the draft is undertaken by a

number of ministries or departments, a mixed

working committee shall be formed from their


ظؼ يؼت١ک تؽت١ت كظ تق چع ؾاؼت ٠ب (۲)

اظاؼ يؼت گ١ؽظ، ثب قبـ ت١ هتؽک آؽا

ا٠ ؾاؼت ب اظاؼات، ١ؤت طت اؾ ب٠ع گب

.آب تهک١ ١گؽظظ

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:2 ض

يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

9-افيفس Page A–9

The director put in charge of preparing the

legislative document shall guide and coordinate

the activities of the committee.

آؽ٠ک كؤي تؽت١ت قع تم١ی ی ثبنع، فؼب١ت .١ؤت طت ؼا ؼب٠ی آگغ ١كبؾظ

Article 17: [Committee for codification of highly

important legislative documents]

: يبدۀ فذى

In order to codify highly important legislative

documents, a committee can be constituted by the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan or by the Council of


ث ظؼ تع٠ اقبظ تم١ی ثك١بؼ ، ١تاع ١ؤتی اؾ

اقلای افغبكتب ٠ب نؼای [خؼی]ؽف مب

.ؾ٠ؽا تهک١ نظ

Article 18: [Bases for initial legislative analysis and


: يبدۀ جذى

The delegation shall begin its work by relying on

Islamic Sharia Hanafi jurisprudence, applicable

legislation of the Islamic [Republic], experiments and

experiences of other Islamic countries, scientific

works, proposed opinions of Afghan nationals and

specialists, and other necessary sources.

١ؤت کبؼ ضظ ؼا اؾ طبؼۀ فم زفی نؽ٠ؼت اقلای،

اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ابؼت اقلای، کهؼ بی اقلای

تدبؼة زبي اؾ تطج١ك آب، اثبؼ ػی، ظؽ٠بت

پ١هبظی هؽ نع اتجبع کهؼ تط١ اؼظ ظؼ

.ع قب٠ؽ اظ لاؾ نؽع ١ب٠ع

Article 19: [More specific bases for initial legisla-

tive analysis and input]

: يبدۀ ضدى

The committee shall commence its task by studying

the Hanafi jurisprudence (Fiqh) of the Islamic law, the

applicable legislative documents of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan and Muslim countries, and

the experiences gained from their implementation,

scholarly literature, the published opinions proposed

by citizens of the nation, opinions of experts on the

subject, and other necessary materials.

گب ؽذ تع٠ قع تم١ی ثب٠ع طبثمت ؼ١بؼبی

زملی بفػ ظؼ كب٠ی ک ظؼ قع تم١ی ز ف

اقلای [خؼی]ضاع گؽظ٠ع ثب اعاف ض هی

افغبكتب تؼ١ نظ، ضلاب، غب٠ؽت ب قب٠ؽ ال١ک

ظؼ اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ظؼ كب٠ ػکؼ خظ ظاؼظ،


Article 20: [Considerations in drafting legislative


: يبدۀ ثغتى

(1) While drafting the legislative document, the need

for development and stability of the legal system

in related issues shall be taken into account to

obviate any subsequent amendments and


ظؼ تؽت١ت قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ؽؼت تکب ثجبت (۱)

ظب زملی ظؼ كب٠ ؽث ع ظؽ گؽفت نظ تب

.اؾ تؼع٠لات ب٠ ثؼعی خ گ١ؽی ثؼ آ٠ع

(2) While drafting the legislative document, the

expected consequences resulting from the

legislative document should be evaluated and

identified. In addition, it should be determined

which applicable legislative document will be

amended, complemented, or abrogated as a result

of the coming into force of the new legislative


تؽت١ت قع تم١ی ثب٠ع تب٠ح تلؼۀ بنی اؾ (۲)

تطج١ك قع تم١ی اؼؾ٠بثی تهط١ى گؽظظ

چب ؼ١ نظ ک ظؼ اثؽ فبغ قع تم١ی خع٠ع

کعا ٠ک اؾ اقبظ تم١ی بفػ، تؼع٠، تک١ ٠ب غ


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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

10-افيفس Page A–10

Article 21: [Additional sources for input on legis-

lative analysis]

: يبدۀ ثغت کى

In addition to the representatives of the ministries,

departments, and interested experts, the authorized

representatives from large academic institutions and

the mass media can also be invited to attend the study

and discussion of the initial draft of the legislative

document. The initial draft of the legislative document

is complete by taking into account the observations,

suggestions, and opinions that are presented.

ظؼ خؽ٠ب غؼ ثسث ؼی ؽذ ا١ۀ قع تم١ی ػلا

اؾ ب٠عگب ؾاؼتب، اظاؼات تط١ غ٠ؼلال، اؾ

ب٠عگب ثب يلاز١ت ؤقكبت ثؿؼگ ػی قب٠

الاػبت خؼی ١ؿ ظػت ثؼ آع ١تاع، ثب ظؽ

ظانت لازظبت، پ١هبظات ظؽ٠بت اؼائ نع، ؽذ

.ا١ۀ قع تم١ی، تک١ ١گؽظظ

Article 22: [Procedure for obtaining consent of

other ministries and departments for

draft legislation]

: يبدۀ ثغت دو

The drafted legislative document along with the

written explanation by the minister or the head of the

department in charge of its preparation is first sent to

the ministries of planning, finance, and other relevant

ministries and departments of the Islamic [Republic]

of Afghanistan for the purpose of obtaining their

consent and then it shall be submitted to the Ministry

of Justice for final scrutiny. The consent shall be

obtained in accordance with the procedure established

by the Council of Ministers.

قع تم١ی تؽت١ت نع تأ ثب ت١ر کتجی اؾ ؽف ؾ٠ؽ

٠ب آؽ اظاؼ ا٠ک كؤي تؽت١ت آ ی ثبنع، طكت ث

ؾاؼت پلا، ؾاؼت ب١ قب٠ؽ ؾاؼت ب اظاؼات

اقلای افغبكتب غؽ کكت افمت [خؼی]غ٠ؼلالۀ

اؼقبي تؼبلجب خت تعل١ك بئی ثؾاؼت ػع١ قپؽظ

کكت افم ثبقبـ تؽت١جی ک اؾ ؽف نؼای . ١هظ

.ؾ٠ؽا تؼ١ نع اقت، يؼت ١گ١ؽظ





چبسو فقم اداسات ث سعذگی جت تمی عذ اسائ تشتت


Article 23: [Presentation of legislative documents

to Council of Ministers]

: يبدۀ ثغت عو

The legislative document shall be sent to the Council

of Ministers of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan

irrespective of which governmental department is

authorized to approve it.

قع تم١ی يؽف ظؽ اؾ ا٠ک کعا ٠ک اؾ اظاؼات

ابؼت يلاز١ت ت٠ت آؽا ظاؼظ، ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

.اقلای افغبكتب اؼائ ١گؽظظ [خؼی]

Article 24: [Method of presentation and content of

legislative explanations]

: يبدۀ ثغت چبسو

(1) The legislative document shall be sent to the

Council of Ministers jointly by the minister or

director of the department responsible for

drafting it.

قع تم١ی تق ؾ٠ؽ ٠ب آؽ اظاؼ ا٠ک كؤي ت١ۀ (۱)

آ اقت ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ هتؽکب ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

. اؼائ ١گؽظظ

At the same time that the legislative document is

presented, written explanations are also presented

by the minister or head of the department in

charge of drafting them.

ؿب ثب تمع٠ قع تم١ی، ت١سبت کتجی تق ؾ٠ؽ ٠ب آؽ اظاؼ ا٠ک كؤي تؽت١ت آ اقت ١ؿ

.اؼائ ١هظ

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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

11-افيفس Page A–11

(2) The explanations shall contain the following: (۲) ت١سبت زبی طبت غ٠ ی ثبنع:

1 – The necessity and purpose of the submitted

legislative document.

ؽؼت عف ت٠ت قع تم١ی اؼائ – ۱

. نع

2 – A brief evaluation of the valid legislative

documents related to the issue.

اؼؾ٠بثی طتؽ اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ؽث ث – ۲

3 – A brief evaluation of the contents of the

legislative document and the new provisions

that are introduced into the legal system.

اؼؾ٠بثی طتؽ ستای قع تم١ی ازکب – ۳

.خع٠عی ک ث ظب زملی اؼظ ١گؽظظ

4 – Expected consequences resulting from the

application of the legislative document.

.تب٠ح تلؼۀ بنی اؾ تطج١ك قع تم١ی– ۴

5 – The list of ministries and departments

whose consent have been received and the

differences that have existed.

فؽقت ؾاؼت ب اظاؼات١ک ظؼ ؼظ قع – ۵

تم١ی تافك نب اضػ نع اضتلافبت ک خظ

.ظانت اقت

The explanations shall not exceed 5 typed pages. ت١سبت جب٠ع اؾ پح ؼق تب٠پ نع ابف ثبنع.

(3) If the implementation of the legislative document

entails considerable financial and material

expenses, the financial and economic calculations

and documentation, statistical data, and other

necessary information which justify and support

the proposal submitted shall be attached to the

explanations together with the conclusions of the

Ministry of Finance on the matter.

ظؼ يؼت١ک تطج١ك قع تم١ی كتؿ بؼف (۳)

بی بظی لبث لازظ ثبنع، ثب٠ع سبقجبت

عاؼک بی التبظی، اؼلب ازبئ١ی قب٠ؽ

ؼبت ؽؼی ا٠ک پ١هبظ اؼائ نع ؼا خ

كتعي قبؾظ ثب ت١د گ١ؽی ؾاؼت ب١ ظؼ ؼظ

. ت١سبت گؽظظ

Article 25: [Presentation of legislative reports at

Council of Ministers]

: يبدۀ ثغت پجى

Within the Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan, the main report regarding

the legislative document shall be presented by the

minister or director of the responsible entity and the

secondary report shall be presented by the Minister of


اقلای افغبكتب گؿاؼل [خؼی]ظؼ نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

ايی ظؼ ثبؼۀ قع تم١ی تق ؾ٠ؽ ٠ب آؽ كؤي اظاؼ

گؿاؼل فؽػی ظؼ ثبؼۀ قع تم١ی تق ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ ظاظ

. ١هظ

The Minister of Justice is also the main reporter. ؾ٠ؽ ػع١ ١تاع گؿاؼل ظعۀ ايی ثبنع.

Article 26: [Confirmation by Council of Ministers

and presentation to Government]

: يبدۀ ثغت ؽؾى

The legislative document whose approval is within the

authority of the Government shall be presented to the

Government of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan,

if it is confirmed by the Council of Ministers.

قع تم١ی ا٠ک ت٠ت آ اؾ يلاز١ت مب ابؼت اقت،

ظؼ يؼت١ک اؾ ؽف نؼای ؾ٠ؽا تبئ١ع گؽظظ، خت

.اقلای افغبكتب اؼائ ١هظ [خؼی]ؼق١عگی ث مب

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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

12-افيفس Page A–12

Article 27: [Ministry of Justice to receive original

document for publication in Official


: يبدۀ ثغت فتى

The original copy of the legislative document that is

approved by the Government of the Islamic [Republic]

of Afghanistan and the Council of Ministers shall be

sent to the Ministry of Justice for publication in the

Official Gazette.

اقلای [خؼی]اي قع تم١ی ا٠ک تق مب

افغبكتب نؼای ؾ٠ؽا ت٠ت گؽظظ، خت هؽ ظؼ

.خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی ث ؾاؼت ػع١ اؼقبي ١گؽظظ




پجى فقمتمی عذ يذتای عبختبس اعبعی افل

Article 28: [Required objectives and expectations

for legislative documents]

: يبدۀ ثغت ؾتى

The legislative document shall meet the objectives and

expectations of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan,

the rising demand resulting from economical, social,

and cultural development, ensuring the sovereignty of


[خؼی]قع تم١ی ثب٠ع خاثگی اعاف ضاقت بی

اقلای افغبكتب، طبجبت پ١هؽفت ؼؾ افؿ

التبظی، اختبػی فؽگی کهؼ، تسک١ زبک١ت

اقلای تکب ظقتگب ابؼتی، تؤ١ زفع زمق

.آؾاظ٠بی اتجبع تسک١ لب١ت ثبنع

Article 29: [Legal requirements for legislative doc-


: يبدۀ ثغت ى

The legislative document shall not contradict the

Hanafi jurisprudence of the Islamic Sharia, the

Constitution of the Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan,

laws, decrees, and other legislative documents. In

cases where amendments or abrogation of the legal

standards are foreseen in the applicable legislative

document, the need for such amendment or abrogation

shall be explained.

قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ثبفم زفی نؽ٠ؼت اقلای، لب اقبقی

اقلای افغبكتب، لا١، فؽا١ قب٠ؽ اقبظ [خؼی]

تم١ی تبظ جبنع، ظؼ زبلات١ک ظؼ قع تم١ی بفػ، تؼع٠

٠ب اغبی ؼ١بؼ بی زملی پ١م ث١ی گؽظظ، ثب٠ع ؽؼت

.تؼع٠ اغبی آ ت١ر نظ

Article 30: [Single legislative document to cover

specified matter, incorporation of

previously successful standards of


: يبدۀ عی او

(1) In order to prevent numerous similar legislative

documents on a specific issue, the legislative

document shall regulate and cover all the issues

related to a specific matter.

ثظؼ خ گ١ؽی اؾ تؼعظ اقبظ تم١ی هبث (۱)

قطر ظؼ ٠ک ع هطى، قع تم١ ثب٠ع

دع كب٠ ؽث ث ع ؼ١ ؼا تظ١

.ازتاء کع

(2) If considerable amendments are expected in

terms of the legal sequences or if there are

numerous legislative documents in force on a

subject, all the standards which have in practice

been proven successful shall be incorporated in

the legislative document and the other legislative

documents shall be abrogated.

ؽگب ظؼ ٠ک قع تم١ی تؼع٠لات لازظ ظؼ ظ (۲)

زملی پ١م ث١ی نع ثبنع ٠ب ظؼ يؼت١ک اقبظ

تم١ی تؼعظ ظؼ ٠ک ع بفػ ثبنع، ظؼ قع

تم١ی تب آ ؼ١بؼ بی ک ظؼ ػ افمب اؾ آؾ

ب٠م ثعؼ آع ثبنع، گدب١ع ١هظ اقبظ تم١ی

.ظ٠گؽ غی لؽاؼ ١گ١ؽظ

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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

13-افيفس Page A–13

Article 31: [Standard for amendment of existing

legislative documents]

: يبدۀ عی کى

If the applicable legislative document fully maintains

its importance and only some of its provisions require

amendment and completion, in that case, new text for

the provisions that can be amended and complemented

shall be added.

ظؼ يؼت١ک قع تم١ی بفػ ا١ت ضظ ؼا ثطؼ ک

زفع کع يؽف ثؼی ازکب آ ا٠دبة تؼع٠ ٠ب تک١

ؼا ثب٠ع، ظؼ ا٠ يؼت ظؼ قع تم١ی ت خع٠ع ازکب

.لبث تؼع٠ ازکب تک١ی ظؼج ١گؽظظ

Article 32: [Determination of responsibility for

carrying out legislative documents]

: يبدۀ عی دو

If necessary, the extent of the responsibility of the

individuals and departments who are subject to the

legislative document, shall also be clearly determined,

in case of violation of the provisions of the legislative

document by them.

ظؼ قع تم١ی اظاؼات انطبي١ک قع تم١ی ثبلای آب

تطج١ك ١گؽظظ، ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت ثب٠ع زعظ كؤ١ت

آب ظؼ ثؽاثؽ تطف اؾ ازکب عؼج آ ١ؿ ثطؼ ظل١ك

.ؼ١ گؽظظ

Article 33: [Titles] يبدۀ عی عو :

The title of the legislative document shall be brief and

shall describe its basic details.

ػا قع تم١ی ثب٠ع طتؽ ثبنع ستای اقبقی آؽا

.ث١ب کع

Article 34: [Organization and introductory provi-


: يبدۀ عی چبسو

(1) The articles (paragraphs) of the legislative

document shall as usual be organized in parts and

chapters and each part and chapter shall be given


قع تم١ی زكت ؼي ظؼ اثاة ( فمؽات)اظ (۱)

ف تظ١ ثؽای ؽ ثبة ف ػا ظاظ


(2) Introductory provisions wherein the reasons for

and objectives of the approval of the legislative

document are explained may be included in the

highly important legislative documents.

ظؼ اقبظ تم١ی ثك١بؼ ١تاع ازکب معبتی ؼا (۲)

نب قبضت ک ظؼ آ ظلا٠ اعاف ت٠ت قع

.تم١ی ت١ر نع ثبنع

Article 35: [Numbering of provisions] يبدۀ عی پجى :

The articles (paragraphs) throughout the legislative

document shall be numbered consecutively.

.قؽتبقؽ قع تم١ی ثب٠ع كك ثبنع (فمؽات)نبؼۀ اظ

Article 36: [Logical connection and unity of provi-


: يبدۀ عی ؽؾى

The articles (paragraphs) of the legislative document

shall have logical connection and unity.

قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ظاؼای تكك طمی ثظ (فمؽات)اظ

.ثب٠کع٠گؽ آگی ظانت ثبنع

Article 37: [Unity of content of individual provi-


: يبدۀ عی فتى

Every article (clause) shall contain a complete subject

matter and as usual it shall consist of a legislative


ثب٠ع زبی طت ک زكت ؼي ظؼ (فمؽ)ؽ بظ

.ثؽگ١ؽعۀ ٠ک زک تم١ی ثبنع

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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

14-افيفس Page A–14

If necessary for a proper understanding and

application, multiple legislative provisions which are

related to each other in terms of contents may be

combined in one article (provision).

ظؼ يؼت ؽؼت ثؽای ظؼک تطج١ك ظؼقت، چع

زک تم١ی ک اؾ ز١ث ستی ثب٠کع٠گؽ اؼتجب ظاؼع، ظؼ

.تز١ع نع ١تاع (فمؽ)٠ک بظ

Article 38: [Cross-references to other provisions] يبدۀ عی ؾتى :

Reference of one legislative document article (clause)

to another article (clause) and reliance on the

legislative documents which have already come into

force shall be made only when there is a need to

establish mutual connection among the legislative

provisions or to avoid repetition.

ظ٠گؽ قع (فمؽ)ث بظ (فمؽ)ؼاخغ قبضت ٠ک بظ

تم١ی اقتبظ ث اقبظ تم١ی ک لجلا بفػ نع اع، يؽف

ظؼ اؼظی يؼت ١گ١ؽظ ک ظؼ آ ؽؼت اؼائ

اؼتجب تمبث ث١ ازکب تم١ی ٠ب اختبة اؾ تکؽاؼ ظؼ

.ظؽ ثبنع

Article 39: [Clarity of provisions, meanings of

terms, use of foreign terminology]

: يبدۀ عی ى

(1) In order to prevent any misinterpretation or

misapplication, the provisions of the legislative

document shall be accurate, clear, and, if

possible, detailed and understandable.

ثظؼ خ گ١ؽی اؾ تفك١ؽ تطج١ك غ، ازکب (۱)

قع تم١ی ثب٠ع ظل١ك، ار زتی الاکب ؤخؿ

.لبث ف ثبنع

(2) The terminology used in the legislative document

shall have the same meanings as the generally

accepted legal terminology. If a term has many

meanings, it shall be clearly defined and

explained in the document.

ايطلازبت ظؼ قع تم١ی ث ؼی ازع ٠ک ظؼ (۲)

طسبت زملی لجي گؽظ٠ع اقتؼبي ١هظ، اگؽ

ايطلاذ اؼظ اقتؼبي ؾ٠بظ ظانت ثبنع، ظؼ قع

.تم١ی ت١ر تؼؽ٠ف ١گؽظظ

(3) The terminologies in the official languages of the

country shall be used in the preparing the

legislative documents.

ز١ ت١ۀ اقبظ تم١ی ثب٠ع ايطلازبت اؼظ (۳)

.ثؿثببی ؼقی کهؼ اقتؼبي نظ

Article 40: [Names of institutions, use of abbrev-


: يبدۀ چهى

(1) Names of the ministries, departments,

organizations, and institutions used in the

legislative document shall correspond with their

official names.

ب ؾاؼت ب، اظاؼات، تع٠ب ؤقكبت ثب٠ع ظؼ (۱)

قع تم١ی ثطؼ ظل١ك ثب ب بی ؼقی آب طبثمت

.ظانت ثبنع

(2) The use of initials or abbreviated name shall be

allowed only if such abbreviation is officially


اقتؼبي ب اضتبؼی ظؼ قع تم١ی يؽف ظؼ (۲)

يؼتی دبؾ اقت ک چ١ اضتبؼ ث يؼت

.ؼقی لجي نع ثبنع

Article 41: [Order of mention of abrogated legis-

lative documents]

: يبدۀ چم کى

The applicable legislative document or its chapters,

articles, and clauses which are superseded by the new

legislative document shall be mentioned in the order of

the date of their approval. The documents which have

lost their validity in practice but are not immediately

abrogated shall also be recorded as a legislative

document subject to abrogation.

ظؼ اض١ؽ قع تم١ی، اقبظ تم١ی بفػ ٠ب في، اظ

فمؽات آب ک ثؼع اؾ فبغ قع تم١ی خع٠ع غی ٠ب تؼع٠

١گؽظظ، ث تؽت١ت تبؼ٠ص ت٠ت آب تػکؽ ی ٠بثع،

اقبظ٠ک ػلا اػتجبؼ ضظ ؼا اؾ ظقت ظاظ اب ثؼت

يؽ٠ر غی لؽاؼ گؽفت ١ؿ ث ز١ث قع تم١ی لبث غ،

.ظؼج ١گؽظظ

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يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

15-افيفس Page A–15

Article 42: [Use of separate list for numerous legis-

lative amendments or abrogations]

: يبدۀ چم دو

In case the number of the legislative documents to be

amended or nullified is large in relation to the approval

of the new legislative document, the list of those

documents shall be attached to the new legislative


ظؼ يؼت١ک ظؼ ؼاثط ثب ت٠ت قع تم١ی خع٠ع، تؼعاظ

اقبظ تم١ی لبث تؼع٠ ٠ب غ ؾ٠بظ ثبنع، فؽقت اقبظ

.تم١ی ػکؼ ١ۀ قع تم١ی ١گؽظظ



ؽؾى فقمبئی ادکبو

Article 43: [Rejection and remand of noncompliant

legislative documents]

: يبدۀ چم عو

The legislative document which is contrary to the

contents of this regulation shall not be accepted for

proceedings and shall be remanded to the department

that drafted it.

قع تم١ی ا٠ک غب٠ؽ ازکب ا٠ مؽؼ ت١ نع اقت

ثؽای ؼق١عگی لجي ١گؽظظ ث اظاؼ ا٠ک آ ؼا تؽت١ت

.ظ اقت، كتؽظ ١گؽظظ

Article 44: [Responsibility for monitoring and


: يبدۀ چم چبسو

Monitoring the implementation of this regulation is the

responsibility of the General Office of Administrative

Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Islamic

[Republic] of Afghanistan.

ؽالجت اؾ تطج١ك ا٠ مؽؼ ث ػعۀ ؼ٠بقت ػی تظ١

.اقلای افغبكتب ١جبنع [خؼی]اؼ نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

Article 45: [Effective date, publication, and effect

on other laws]

: يبدۀ چم پجى

This regulation shall come in to force as of date of

approval and shall be recorded in the Official Gazette.

With the coming into force of this regulation, the

Regulation on the Manner of Preparing and Proposing

Legislative Documents Projects, as published in the

Official Gazette No. 562 on 31st Saratan 1363 (1984),

shall become null and void.

ا٠ مؽؼ اؾ تبؼ٠ص ت٠ت بفػ ظؼ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی هؽ

گؽظظ ثب افبغ آ مؽؼۀ ؽؾ اؼ ت١ پ١هبظ پؽژ

( ۵۶۲)بی اقبظ تم١ی تهؽۀ خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی نبؼ

. غی نؽظ ١هظ۱۳۶۳ قؽب ۳۱ؤؼش

Page 60: پبؾکسٔlegislativeconsulting.com/resources/AFG/Workshop...[English–Dari version] ش ـه 1298 پب کس إل د غي غ کبخ اشث ب س
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افغبغتب دس لبگزاسی پشعۀ :3 ض

بؼک ب١ت

USAID( / ARoLP)پؽژ اؼ ػع لبئ افغبكتب


17-يفس افPage A–17

ؾ٠ؽ، ؼئ١ف اؼگب ظتی، ؼ٠بقت بی كتم ظتی ؽذ

لب ؼا پ١هبظ ی ب٠ع تب ظؼ پلا کبؼی تم١ی قبلا

95لب اعبعی، يبدۀ . نؼای ؾ٠ؽا نب گؽظظ

5، يبدۀ يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی

(ق ب لج اؾ نؽع قبي)پ١هبظ ؽذ لب

غؽ ن١ت ظؼ پلا کبؼی تم١ی قبلاۀ نؼای

.ؾ٠ؽا ث ؾاؼت ػع١ فؽقتبظ ی نظ

6–5يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبد

پ١هبظ ؽذ لب ظؼ پلا کبؼی تم١ی قبلا

گدب١ع نع تق نؼای ؾ٠ؽا ؼئ١ف خؼ

.تآ١٠ع ی گؽظظ

12–8يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبد بی

ث١هبظ " ظؼ ػؽي تظ١ اؼ لبئی" لبی امبت

.ؽذ لب ؼا ث زکت ی قپبؼظ

95لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

4يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

پ١هبظ اؾ قی ؾاؼت بی پلا ب١

قب٠ؽ ؾاؼت ب اؼگببی غ٠عض ؼظ تؤ١٠ع

.لؽاؼ ی گ١ؽظ

22يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

ث " تعل١ك بئی"پ١هبظ ؽذ لب غؽ

ؾاؼت ػع١ قپؽظ ی نظ (ؼ٠بقت تم١) 22–16يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبد بی

پ١هبظ ؽذ لب اؾ قی ؾاؼت ػع١

ث ) قب٠ؽ اػبی ک١ت تم١ (ؼ٠بقت تم١)

ني ؾاؼت ب بظ بی ک كئ١ت ت١

ؼظ ثؽؼقی (ؽذ لب ؼا ث ػع ظاؼع

.لؽاؼ ی گ١ؽظ 22–16يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبد بی

پ١هبظ ؽذ لب تق ؾاؼت ٠ب اؼگب

ث نؼای ؾ٠ؽا تمع٠ ( ؾ٠ؽ ػع١)ؽث

.ی گؽظظ 25–23يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبد بی

ت٠ت پ١هبظ ؽذ لب تق كی خؽگ

.ی گؽظظ

ث "پ١هبظ ؽذ لب غؽ ت٠ت ٠ب ؼظ

قپؽظ ی نظكی خؽگ ث " يؼت ٠ک ک

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

.پ١هبظ ؼظ ی گؽظظ

يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی،

43، 26يبد بی

پ١هبظ ؽذ لبی ک ظؼ پلا کبؼی تم١ی گدب١ع

.هع ثبنع

يشاجؼ ؽد ث يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی،

12، 7، 6يبد بی

ظؼ يؼت١ک ؽذ قع تم١ی كتؿ ت٠ت

لا١، ؼبعات ث١ ای : ثلا )نؼای ی

...ثبنع (غ١ؽ

97، 94لب اعبعی، يبد بی يشاجؼ ؽد ث

ظؼ يؼت١ک پ١هبظ ؽذ لب ؽؼت ث ت٠ت

مؽؼات، اقبقب ب، : ثلا )نؼای ی عانت ثبنع

...(ؽؾ اؼ بی ظاضی، غ١ؽ

" زکت"پ١هبظ ؽذ لب ث ت٠ت

.ی ؼقع (ؼئ١ف خؼ)

26يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يذۀ

پ١هبظ ؽذ لب ث ت٠ت نؼای ؾ٠ؽا

.ی ؼقع

26يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

پ١هبظ ؽذ لب ث ؾاؼت اؼ پبؼبی ]

[.قپؽظ ی نظ

ظؼ )كظ ثؽای تن١ر ث ؼئ١ف خؼ اؼائ ی گؽظظ

ؼؾ ؼظ گؽظظ، تن١ر نع 15يؼت١ک ظؽف عت

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ .(سكة ی گؽظظ

15ظؼ يؼتی ک ؼئ١ف خؼ ظؼ ظؽف عت

...تن١ر ب٠ع (ثۀ ػکؼ ؼا)ؼؾ

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ظؼ يؼت١ک كی خؽگ ث ؼا دعظا ثب

...ظ ثث آؼای ک اػبء ت٠ت ب٠ع

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ؼئ١ف خؼ ث ؼا ثب غکؽ ظلا٠ ؼظ آ

. كتؽظ ی ب٠عكی خؽگث

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ظؼ يؼت١ک ؼئ١ف خؼ ث ػکؼ ؼا ظؼ

... ؼؾ ؼظ ب٠ع15ظؽف عت

.94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ظؼ يؼت١ک كی خؽگ تاع ث ؼا دعظا

...ثب ظ ثث آؼای ک اػبء ت٠ت ب٠ع ب٠ع

طشح يزکس سد گشدذ دثت

.لب سا کغت ی بذ

.طشح يزکس لب يذغة يی گشدد 94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

افمۀ ؾاؼت ػع١، ٠ب (1)

14، يبدۀ يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی

پ١هبظ ؾ٠ؽ ػع١، ٠ب (2)

اثتکبؼ ػ نؼای ؾ٠ؽا، ٠ب (3)

(4)11يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

(.٠ب ؼب ؼئ١ف خؼ)زک ؼئ١ف خؼ (4)

فلادت خبفی دس صي پؼ ثی ؾذ نی تؼبيم ]

[چ اعت

ظ ثب ث١م اؾ ظ ت اؾ اػبی دك١ نؼای ی

ث اقتثبی لا١ ؽث ث ثظخ اؼ )ؽذ لب

.ؼا پ١هبظ ی ب٠ع (بی

95، 97لب اعبعی، يبد بی

اػبی دكی ک (ۺ20)پ١هبظ ث آؼای ٠ک پد

.پ١هبظ ث آ اؼائ نع اقت، تآ١٠ع ی گؽظظ

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

پ١هبظ ظؼ ظقتؼ کبؼ دكی ک پ١هبظ ث آ اؼائ نع

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ . اقت لؽاؼ ی گ١ؽظ

پ١هبظ ػؽ ت٠ت، تؼع٠ ٠ب ؼظ، ث دف ظ٠گؽ تك١

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ . ی گؽظظ

پ١هبظ ظؼ دكی ک اؾ آ اغبؾ گؽظ٠ع اقت ت٠ت

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ . ی گؽظظ

ظ )ظؼ يؼتی ک ث ثع تؼع٠ ت٠ت گؽظظ

...(كط بع تق ؽ ظ دف ت٠ت گؽظظ

كط بی تؼعظ ظؼ ؽ ٠ک اؾ )اگؽ تؼع٠ نظ،

...(دك١ ت٠ت گؽظظ

لا يأخز

تهؽ نع ظؼ لب اعبعی جسی اعلايی افغبغتب،

( ـ ل1383 )818خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ فق اؼبظ

تهؽ نع ظؼ خؽ٠ع ،لب طشص ؾش افبر اعبد تمی

( ـ ق1420 )787ؼقی نبؼ

تهؽ نع ظؼ ،يمشسۀ طشص انؼم ت پؾبد اعبد تمی

( ـ ق1420 )787خؽ٠ع ؼقی نبؼ

دس دس فستک سئظ جس يقث سا تؼذم بذ]

ا فست يذث طشح لب جذذ ثب آ يؼبيه

[ .فست يگشد

[دس صي، کذاو فلادت خبؿ پؾجی گشدذ]

٠ؼی )ظؼ يؼت١ک نؼای ی ظؼ زبي اؼمبظ ثبنع

...(ظؼ ؼضتی جبنع

فشيب تمی ثؼذ اص تؽخ سئظ

.جس دکى لب سا دبض يی ؽد 79لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ؼئ١ف خؼ فؽا١ تم١ی ؼا تب ظؽف عت

ؼؾ اؾ تبؼ٠ص اؼمبظ ا١ خكۀ نؼای ی 30

. ث آ تمع٠ ی ب٠ع

79لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ظؼ يؼت١ک نؼای ی فؽب تم١ی ؼا ؼظ

79لب اعبعی، يبدۀ ...ب٠ع

.فشيب تمی اص اػتجبس عبلظ يی گشدد 79لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

عتش يذک ؽسای يهی

تن١ر نع سكة بفػ ی "قع تم١ی

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ ."گؽظظ

ؼؾ 15ظؼ يؼت١ک ؼئ١ف خؼ ظؽف عت

...١چگ العای ب٠ع

94لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ؼؾ 15ثب ؽة الأخ )پ١هبظ ؽذ لب

خؽگ قپؽظ ی هؽا ث (ثؽای ت١ گ١ؽی

97لب اعبعی، يبدۀ . نظ

...ظؼ يؼت ؼظ نع

...ظؼ يؼت ز اضتلاف تق ١ئت طت

100لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ظؼ يؼت ػع فم١ت ١ئت ث ز اضتلاف،

كی خؽگ ی تاع ظؼ خكۀ ثؼعی آ ؼا

.ؼظ ؼق١عگی لؽاؼ ظع

100لب اعبعی يبدۀ

كظۀ قع تم١ی ث ؾاؼت بی پلا ب١ قب٠ؽ

.اؼگببی غ٠ؽث فؽقتبظ ی نظ

22يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

دف ػکؼ ؼظ طشص انؼم بی داخهیپ١هبظ طبثك

.غؼ ثؽؼقی لؽاؼ ی گ١ؽظ

88لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ی " هؽ آ ا٠دبة اقتؼدب١ت ؼا ب٠ع"اقبظ تم١ی ا٠ک

تاع لج اؾ ا٠ک اؾ ؽ٠ك خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی هؽ گؽظظ، اؾ

ث هؽ ( ٠ب قب٠ ظ٠گؽ)قب٠ اؼتجب خؼی ظت

7لب طشص ؾش اعبد تمی، يبدۀ . ثؽقع


ظؼ يؼتی ک كی خؽگ ث ؼا ثب ظ

...ثث آؼای ک اػبی ت٠ت کع

100لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

اقبظ تم١ی ث ؾثب بی ؼقی تؽخ گؽظ٠ع ظؼ

.خؽ٠عۀ ؼقی هؽ ی گؽظظ 16لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

13–10، 8، 6، 5، 2لب طشص ؾش اعبد تمی، يبد بی

27يمشسۀ طشص ت اعبد تمی، يبدۀ

ثؽای ز اضتلاف، ١ئت طت ث تؼعاظ كبی اؾ

.اػبی ؽظ دف تهک١ ی گؽظظ

100لب اعبعی، يبدۀ

ؽؼت "ظؼ زبت تؼط١ نؼای ی ظؼ يؼت

اؼ ؽث "ث اقتثبی )ث پ١هبظ ؽذ لب " ػبخ

79لب اعبعی، يبدۀ ... ("ث ثظخ اؼ بی

دس فستک ؽسای يهی پؾبد طشح لب دنت ]

سا تؼذم بذ، دس ا فست يذث طشح لب جذذ

[.اصطشف ؽسای يهی ثب آ يؼبيه فست يگشد

[دس صي، کذاو فلادت خبؿ پؾجی گشدذ]

Page 62: پبؾکسٔlegislativeconsulting.com/resources/AFG/Workshop...[English–Dari version] ش ـه 1298 پب کس إل د غي غ کبخ اشث ب س


Prepared by Mark Hamilton

Afghanistan Rule of Law Project (ARoLP) / USAID


18-يفس افPage A–18

Minister, agency head, or independent Government

department makes proposal for drafting a legislative

document (to be included in Council of Ministers’

Annual Legislative Work Plan).

Const., Art. 95

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 5

Proposal sent to Ministry of Justice for

inclusion in Council of Minister’s Annual

Legislative Work Plan (3 months before

beginning of year).

Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 5–6

Proposal included in Annual Legislative Work

Plan approved by Council of Ministers and the


Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 8–12

Chief Justice submits proposal for drafting a

legislative document ―in the domain of

regulating the judiciary‖ to the Government.

Const., Art. 95

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 4

Proposal approved by Ministries of

Planning and Finance, and other

relevant ministries and agencies.

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 22

Proposal sent to Ministry of Justice

(Taqnin Department) for ―final


Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 16–22

Proposal reviewed by Ministry of

Justice (Taqnin Department) and other

members of the drafting committee

(including sponsoring ministry or


Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 16–22

Proposal presented by the relevant

minister or agency head (and by the

Minister of Justice) to Council of


Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 23–25

Proposal approved by Wolesi Jirga.

Proposal submitted to Wolesi Jirga for

approval or rejection ―as a whole‖ (except

legislative decrees issued during interim

period) (1-month deadline for action).

Const., Art. 97

Proposal is rejected.

See Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 26, 43

Proposal not included in Annual Legislative

Work Plan.

See Leg. Proc. Reg., Arts. 6, 7, 12

If proposal requires approval of National

Assembly (i.e., laws, international treaties,


See Const., Arts. 94, 97

If proposal does not require approval of

National Assembly (e.g., regulations, charters,

internal operating procedures, etc.)…

Proposal approved by ―Government‖


Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 26

Proposal approved by Council of


Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 26

Legislative document is translated into official

languages and published in the Official


Const., Art. 16

Law on Publ., Arts. 2, 5, 6, 8, 10–13

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 27

[Proposal submitted to Ministry of

Parliamentary Affairs.]

Proposal presented to President (15-day

deadline for rejection or considered

approved). Const., Art. 94

If President approves (endorses)

proposal within 15 days….

Const., Art. 94

If Wolesi Jirga reapproves by two-

thirds majority…

Const., Art. 94

President returns proposal to

Wolesi Jirga with reasons for

rejection. Const., Art. 94

If President rejects (vetoes) proposal

within 15 days… Const., Art. 94

If Wolesi Jirga does not reapprove

by two-thirds majority…

Proposal fails and does not

become law.

Proposal becomes law. Const., Art. 94

(1) Consent of Ministry of Justice, or

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 14

(2) Suggestion of Minister of Justice, or

(3) Initiative of Council of Ministers, or

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 11(4)

(4) Order of the President (or Vice President).

[no specific authority, done in practice]

Ten or more Members of either chamber of

the National Assembly make proposal for

drafting legislation (except budget and

financial affairs laws).

Const., Arts. 97, 95

Joint commission of both chambers

must try to resolve differences.

Const., Art. 100

Proposal approved by one-fifth (20%) of

chamber in which it originated.

Const., Art. 97

Proposal included in work agenda of chamber

in which it originated. Const., Art. 97

Proposal submitted to other chamber for

approval, amendment, or rejection.

Const., Art. 97

Proposal approved by chamber in which it

initiated. Const., Art. 97

If approved without changes (identical

version approved by both chambers)…

If amended (different versions approved in

each chamber)…


―Const.‖ = Constitution of the Islamic Republic of

Afghanistan (2004)

―Law on Publ.‖ = Law on the Publication and

Enforcement of Legislative Documents in the

Islamic [Republic] of Afghanistan, Official

Gazette No. 787 (1999)

―Leg. Proc. Reg.‖ = Regulation on the Procedure for

Preparing and Proposing Legislative Documents,

Official Gazette No. 787 (1999)

[If President amends proposal, must be

treated as new proposal from Government.]

[no specific authority]

If National Assembly is not in session and if

there is ―immediate need‖ (except in ―matters

related to budget and financial affairs‖)…

Const., Art. 79

If National Assembly is in session…

Legislative decree approved

by President has force of law. Const., Art. 79

President submits legislative decree to

National Assembly within 30 days after

convening its next session.

Const., Art. 79

If National Assembly rejects legislative

decree… Const., Art. 79

Legislative decree is nullified

(repealed). Const., Art. 79

National Assembly Supreme Court

Legislative document is

―considered approved and

enforceable‖. Const., Art. 94

If President takes no action within 15

days… Const., Art. 94

Proposal sent to Meshrano Jirga (15-day

deadline for action).

Const., Art. 97

If rejected…

If commission resolves the

differences… Const., Art. 100

If Wolesi Jirga passes proposal by

two-thirds majority…

Const., Art. 100

If commission does not resolve the

differences Wolesi Jirga may

reconsider proposal at its next

session. Const., Art. 100

Drafted legislative document sent to

Ministries of Planning and Finance, and other

relevant ministries and agencies.

Leg. Proc. Reg., Art. 22

Proposal processed according to the

chamber’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

Const., Art. 88

Legislative document that requires ―speedy

publication‖ may be broadcast through

Government mass media before publication in

Official Gazette (or other means).

Law on Publ., Art. 7


[If National Assembly amends

Government proposal, must be treated as

new proposal from National Assembly.]

[no specific authority]