Launching On May 28 2017!Launchgigs1.pdf · LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn

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Page 1: Launching On May 28 2017!Launchgigs1.pdf · LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn
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Launching On May 28 2017! Earn upto $217 Per Sale



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Promote The Biggest Launch Around The LinkedIn Platform on

JVZoo Period!

Launching On May 28 2017! Earn upto $217 Per Sale


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Page 5: Launching On May 28 2017!Launchgigs1.pdf · LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn

Table of ContentsEditors Note

THE 3 secrets of How To Generate A List from LinkedIn’s 500 million SUBSCRIBERS!




What Is Linkedtify

LinkedIn Headline Generator

LinkedIn Publishing Training









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EditorsNoteLaunch Gigs is a magazine for entrepreneurs who launch products and services online, in the

Internet Marketing niche.If you want to discover the secrets that lay behind the people and personalities who dominate the most successful and highest-earning

IM launches, so you can use them to explode your own profits, then you’re in the right place. If you’ve spent any time at all observing the IM niche, you will know that launching your own product can be the quickest and most effective way of getting your name, business or brand in front of your potential customers.

These days there are several product launches every single day. Some marketers make a modest amount of sales, whilst others sell thousands, easily reaching 6 figure net profits, in the same time frame. Although making a launch successful has become much harder in the IM niche, due to the amount of competition, there are a select few who always make their launches work – in a big way.

We get inside the brains of the people who carefully craft these successful launches, from beginners to seasoned veterans... and lay their strategies out for you, in an easy to consume format, to model for your own success.

Every issue of launch Gigs will be packed with tips, tricks and great strategies, strait from the trenches, that you will be able to implement in to your own launches to virtually guarantee their success.

Now is the best time ever to get involved in producing and launching a product, because as the market matures, we’re moving in to very exciting times. Standards are exceptionally high, and to stand a chance competing in this market place an entrepreneur has to embrace the complexity of the current climate and ensure that they have their finger on the pulse in every aspect of the launch process.

Launch gigs will demystify the structure to encourage and inspire anyone looking to expose their ideas, products and services in the market place... ...transforming the process into an easy to understand, simple, format -- giving you the power to go out there are conquer the field with the confidence that this knowledge will give you.

You will discover the most clever, cunning and outright “sheer genius” methods used by some of the most successful and highest-earning marketers in the world – including how to dominate Leaderboards and competitions.

Jonathan Oshevire

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My name is jonathan oshevire, I’ve been a software test consultant now for over 10 years and before I became an entrepreneur, I’d go

to companies and manage the strategy of testing. I’ve been a tester myself and so in my transition to being an entrepreneur, I was also been testing out social media tools.

Name it, I’ve tested it, am talking about Instagram, Facebook Ads, Facebook fan pages, Pinterest and YouTube. Obviously, some of these channels are more expensive than others.

I’ve come across LinkedIn in the last 2 years , On my journey I’ve been testing LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn.

One of the major difference is the calibre of people joining LinkedIn.

Behaviour on LinkedIn is completely different from what you experience on other social media sites. On LinkedIn people take their profile a bit more seriously.

Over 50 % of people on LinkedIn have income levels over 100,000 dollars.





These are real professionals, real business owners, senior level people that run small and median size business both online and offline…

Page 8: Launching On May 28 2017!Launchgigs1.pdf · LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn

When you’re on LinkedIn, the level of data is quite different, the data tells you a lot about the person. If you

browse a person’s profile on LinkedIn, Immediately, you’ll know a few things about their business and professional life.

If you check out the structure of the LinkedIn profile, the headline, the

summary and the achievement section, it can tell a story about that person.

The point is the calibre of people that come on to LinkedIn is a lot more serious and professional, am talking about CEO, CFO, Senior managers, business owners and entrepreneurs.

And that’s why Microsoft paid over 26 billion dollars because they understand the importance of the data of the 500 million people on LinkedIn.



However, LinkedIn Hasn’t Done A Great Job Of Marketing Its Tools!

LinkedIn has a lot of powerful tools but it hasn’t done a great job of marketing those tools to other entrepreneurs and business owners.But before we go over the 3 secrets lets go over some importance facts….

First, LinkedIn has over 500 million subscribers.

According to Kissmetrics one of the most reputable agency firms, when

you compare LinkedIn subscribers to other major social media subscribers, LinkedIn converts better than most of the other social media sites, which is surprising when you think about it because Facebook does have Over a billion subscribers.

LinkedIn in many ways have potentially provided you readymade leads waiting for you right now.

Your One Click Away From Getting A High quality lead

Page 9: Launching On May 28 2017!Launchgigs1.pdf · LinkedIn and I’ve been impressed with LinkedIn. There’s a big difference between all the other social media channels and LinkedIn

There’s Actually #3 Major Secrets To Generating Targeted leads From LinkedIn




The first secret is…1. Creating LinkedIn Groups

Read on, I’ve got great case study ahead!

The second secret is 2. Increasing Your Connections.

Yes, you can turn connections into leads.

The third secret is 3. Publishing Fresh Articles

On LinkedIn Publishing!

I want you to be in That 1 % That Will Benefit And Profit From LinkedIn

Now let’s go over the 3 secrets of being successful and generating leads on LinkedIn

Now the first secret is the big secret.

Am using this method to generate a ton of leads. Let me just tell you a quick story about how I did it!

I was an affiliate for amazon products, amazon has an affiliate programme where you can sell books and other physical products. An author came out with a book called

Lean In.


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At that time, this book was getting a lot of attention and was selling well on amazon, and I wanted a piece of the pie. As I was experimenting and testing online, one of the stuff of was testing was creating a groups on LinkedIn.I created A LinkedIn group related to this book

I started to feed this group, shared

authors content and other awesome content, I then stepped away from this group. I set it up and then stepped away from it for about two weeks. When I came back to this group, kid you not there was about 500 leads wanting to join this group.

These are real people looking to learn and engage with the community and discuss the book. Real fans of of the author looking to consume her content. I saw some sales on LinkedIn via amazon, I never knew that you can get so many views and sales just by building a group.

So I also created optin page to build my list

Yes, LinkedIn allows you to put out a welcome message when people join your LinkedIn group, and in that

welcome message I added an optin page!

Now, I gave away excerpts of the book, if they opted in…. this was a great incentive for people to join my group

This was a revelation to me because I started to see my list grow just because I gave away excerpts of her book and other valuable content.

Every day I saw people wanting to join this group, after I accepted them they stared to join in the discussion, and share content. Now obviously, I felt the only reason am generating all these leads is because it’s a famous person.

Well relatively famous…

What about if I just made it niche only. Will that make any difference?

So, I created a Career Minded Women Group…

I had a career minded women app at that time, so I decided to create a career minded women group. I informed a few people know about it, and again bang I was seeing great results after just a week.

As long as the group are likeminded people that want to share great information, people will engage and take part.

You’re building a real following, you’re starting your own movement by having a LinkedIn group. You can start building a relationship they start to know you and you become the go to person and they perceive you as the authority in your space

That’s how I came across LinkedIn groups…and that’s why am telling you now this is the first secret. As an entrepreneur, you need to have this set up, and you’ll start to see an increase in leads, you’ll start to find a new professional audience.

People have built …


Entire Businesses, Marketed Their Products And Services and Sold Out Paid Events with Just A

Single LinkedIn Group.

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Today, you can join up to 100 groups and you can create up to 30 groups of your own groups.

A single LinkedIn group can accommodate over one million individuals.

When you’re thinking about creating your group, you want to join and create groups that are a natural fit for your line of business.


LinkedIn allows you to send messages to your members once every week.

And the news gets even better!

The messages you send to your members will always go directly to their Email Box.

Hope you understood what I just said…

Not a single message you send will end up in their Spam Or Trash Folders.

In other words, the delivery rate of LinkedIn messages is EXELLENT! The major email platforms recognize and respects LinkedIn as …

One of The Most Important Websites Today!

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I hope the real impact of creating and joining a LinkedIn group is finally sinking in?

What’s more interesting to you is that LinkedIn is a hit among


MORE THAN $100,000 A YEAR!

Which equates to one thing

High-Income LinkedIn users equals Qualified Leads!

Remember that as a group owner, LinkedIn allows you to send messages and announcements to your members once a week.

Now picture this…if you can create 30 groups, each with only 200 members, how many people would you be reaching out to on a weekly basis?

15,000 individuals!You’d be able to …

Reach Out To A Lot Of Potential Leads 4 Times A Month!

How Exactly Do You Get High-Earners To Join Your Groups?

Let me introduce you to Linkedtify!

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LINKEDTIFYLinkedtify is a suite of software and training to help you get the most out of


Linkedtify will help you engage with prospects, increase connections with optimized messaging and build your list through creating Groups in your own niche.

With the Linkedtify software you will be able to create great looking LinkedIn group banners pages, that will entice people to join your group…

The Linkedtify tool will remove any technical obstacles for creating groups and help you

generate the type of leads you’ll probably take years in capturing…



Now let’s move on now and talk about the second secret.

The second secret to generating qualified leads on LinkedIn seems obvious but is powerful, but a lot of people neglect this secret because they just not aware how powerful it is…

The second secret is to increase your connections on LinkedIn….

More connections equal more leads!

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You want to…

Connect – Engage – Capture

One of your goals is to increase your connections, because you want more people to view your

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profile so that they can see what you have to offer!

You want your connections to share your updates, the more connections you have , especially if those connections are your target audience then it’s even more beneficial and more profitable.

Say for example you put out a status update on your LinkedIn news feed, very similar to Facebook. When you give a status update, like sharing a post, or sharing something of value on your newsfeed, most of your connections will be alerted.

A big percentage will be alerted that you’ve just put out a post, and say for instance you have just over 1000 connections, if most of your connections can see that your putting out real content and your posting regularly, you become top of mind.

If they’re your target audience, you’ll notice they’ll like and comment on your updates. When you send them a personal message they’re more likely to respond.

And from there you can send them to your optin page, where you can provide even more value at the same time building your list.

However, before increasing your connections, you first need to make sure your profile page is set up correctly and is 100% complete. LinkedIn rewards those that have 100% complete profiles, which means when your niche, or your name is being searched on google or LinkedIn, you become higher up in rankings, this is all down to LinkedIn’s smart algorithms.



98% of people on LinkedIn get it wrong, their profile is bland, it’s 30 % complete with absolutely no call to actions.

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When visitors view your profile, you want them to see you as the go to person, the expert, you should stand out immediately.

People start to see you as the authority because your putting out great content, they start to see your products and services, and what you have to offer.

Guess what? Since you are top of mind, and because they now see you as the leader in your niche, they start to review what you put out, they’ll start asking questions, your replying to their questions.

Some will like your stuff , some will share your content , many will start to buy

from you and recommend your products and services.

After You Connect Follow Up ImmediatelyA lot of people connect with each other on LinkedIn but they never follow up, they don’t understand the power of the follow-up!

THE GAME CHANGERWhat about if you can connect and engage immediately with your prospects

the first time you connect with them?

What happens when this happens…

By doing this, you’ve just connected cold traffic into a warm lead, just by following up, remember 90 % of your competitors are not doing this.

By following up, your changing the game on LinkedIn. I’ve studied the successful business owners on LinkedIn and they are following up.

They’re offering value straight away and if you do it the right way, you can turn cold traffic into warm traffic.

Yes, on LinkedIn you can turn cold introduction into a warm lead and eventually into a hot lead.

Now with Linkedtify software

You can seriously optimise your profile page to make it 100 % ready…

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Create beautiful looking LinkedIn banners in just few minutes. Banners that will make you stand out from the competition!

Every time you change your profile, LinkedIn alerts your connections and naturally some people will want to find out about you and so they view your profile, when they do they will be stunned by your banners.

These banners draw the viewer in, making them see other parts of your profile…

With Linkedtify you can create all

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1. Custom Banners2. Call To Action Banners3. Newsfeed Banners

These really make you stand out, get your audience viewing and responding to your messages!

You’ll also get access to six Linkedtify messenger apps. These will help increasing your connections

but really helping in the engagement…

there simple but highly effective message generators. It consists of 5 messaging apps …

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The problem is many people don’t know what to say when it comes to connecting with someone on LinkedIn, they connect and never say anything only using LinkedIn’s default message.

The people that are able to communicate and follow-up the conversations are the ones winning.

They’re the ones getting more connections, more engaged connections, they are getting referred to other connections and they’re the ones getting new clients consistently, week after week.

Let’s go through a few app, first we have the Connections

CONNECTIONSThese swipes are great to use when you want to make a first connection on LinkedIn.

Effective first message swipes allowing you to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn.

The tool generates proven connection messages. You get a variety of messages to choose from and we continue to add new ones all the time as we are getting feedback from the users.

FOLLOW-UPThen you have the Follow Up App

Most people on LinkedIn never follow up, and that’s why you’ll separate from the rest when you use this tool to respond to messages on LinkedIn!

You’ll know exactly what to say after someone responds to your message. You get a variety of messages to choose from.

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Normally you can message your first connections directly on LinkedIn, but not your

second connections This is where referrer generator plays its part…

You can use the referrer generator to get your first connections to refer you to their second connections.

If your successful with this method this will start to increase your connections, you’ll be able to turn your second connections into first connections and you can start messaging directly.


WHO VIEWED ME APPWhen someone views your profile on LinkedIn, you’re immediately alerted and you’re shown exactly who’s viewed you, unlike other social media platforms.

This is very powerful because you can then reply and follow-up. No other social media platform gives you this advantage.

With this app, you’ll have a variety of message swipes generated with which to reply to anyone that viewed your profile.

Another strategy is to view your target markets profile. You should be viewing your target’s profiles because most will view you back and when they do, you’ll be able to use this app to get a connection and get the engagement going.

This can be very effective when done right.

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We all need the right words to be able to compliment a colleague or prospects, sometimes were just not as creative as we would like to be.

The LinkedIn Recommendation generator is the solution. This tool will help you come up with a variety of recommendations.

I’d advise you to provide recommendations when you can, because

Recommendations Is The Only Opportunity You Get To Write In Another Persons Profile!

By doing this especially your target profile you’ll get viewed back and you want them to see your profile

So that was the second secret increasing your connections, very important!


SECRET NUMBER 3 #Now the third secret to generating targeted leads using LinkedIn is publishing fresh articles on

LinkedIn PublishingA number of years ago LinkedIn launched LinkedIn publishing

This was only available to influencers like Richard Branson and Gary Vee

Only the top well known people could publish on LinkedIn publishing.

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LinkedIn brought together some of the biggest influencers of our time to share their stories to inspire us, and these articles generated a ton of traffic!

When INFLENCERS published an article the content was consumed very quickly, many people commented and shared the publications!

Again, I’ll keep reminding you that the people engaging on these platforms are professionals, decision makers, business owners and entrepreneurs all looking to make a difference!

All looking to take their business to a different level.

Just a year after the influencers where given the platform LinkedIn then decided to open up the platform to everyone else.

If you logged into your LinkedIn right now, you’ll notice that you have the ability to put out content, you can now share your products or services to a much wider and informed audience.

A lot of marketers and business owners are not aware that they even have this facility.

If your article is amazing, LinkedIn won’t only share your article to your connections but it will go beyond your connections.

Think about that…

If you only had 1000 connections but LinkedIn thinks that your article will benefit other subscribers, using its own algorithm it will share your article to millions of subscribers.

This is one of the reasons you can’t ignore LinkedIn Publishing!You’ll start seeing other networks liking, sharing and commenting on your articles.

Now… I know what your thinking

I don’t know how to write amazing articles, in fact I don’t know how to write at all!

Or some just don’t have the time to create an article…

but that’s ok, because you can completely outsource the article creation and have fresh content published on LinkedIn Publisher for your target audience to consume whenever you like …

LinkedIn publisher rewards you for publishing great articles because they’ll present your articles beyond just your connections, they expose that article to your target audience.

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LinkedIn publisher is massive and will only grow bigger now Microsoft and LinkedIn have joined forces.

This is another way to drive traffic to your articles and you place links on your articles you can drive traffic back to your site.

That’s the third secret not a lot people knew you can do this daily. If you have all three secrets setup for you business am confident you will generate traffic for your business

IN SUMMARYYou know your profile needs to be 100 % ready for high rankings.

You know you must increase your connections as they equal leads.

You know you need to provide updates to stay top of mind.

LinkedIn’s, giving you a tool that allows you to see exactly who’s viewed you, this is so powerful…

You will be in the 1% that have setup their profile correctly, meaning high rankings when searching.

When a visitor comes to your profile page their doing a double take, your profile page is outstanding because your using Linkedtify software to optimise it!

They can see immediately that this personal profile page is different from a lot of people out there…

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LINKEDTIFYI have a brand new product out called

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Linkedtify is software and training, it will optimise your profile by 1000%, get you more engagement, increase your connections and ultimately get you more leads.

The suite of software comes with a messenger app, I’ve shown you a glimpse, but let me remind you what you’re going to get from Linkedtify

You’ll get the Linkedtify messenger apps. It comes with five apps

1. Connection

2. Follow-up

3. Who viewed me

4. Recommendation

5. Referral


All these apps were built to help you increase connections and get superior engagement.

You’ll have so many banner types to choose from… Call To Action, Custom Built Banners and more

You can put your companies details on these banners… websites, telephone number and emails…etc

You’ll have the software to create group images, LinkedIn Newsfeed images and company page images, the banners have been designed like this to enable you to stand out from the crowd

We’ve also added in the LinkedIn Publisher Images

Just look at the quality designs to get the type of engagement that the influencers are getting

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After you place these types of images on your articles, people would want to read your articles further.

You’ll also have access to …

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When someone is searching for you on LinkedIn or a search engines like google, the first thing their going to see is your headline.

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Many on LinkedIn have really boring headlines.

You can Grab immediate attention with a persuasive headline and entice people to view the rest of your profile, then you can showcase your products and services and get them clicking through to your website.

With Linkedtify you’re going to connect , engage and then capture leads…

On top of the software we have advanced training, something you need to take LinkedIn to a different level.

You’ll learn how to increase your connections, how to get more traffic on LinkedIn publisher and LinkedIn Groups.

I want you to become the authority in your niche


When it comes to LinkedIn publishing I have in depth training taking you deeper into why you should be on there even if you’ve not written an article before in your life.

Then training takes you into Slide Share a lot of entrepreneurs are leaving money on the table with slide share…

Slide share gets 70 million views a month and I show you how to generate leads from just slide share owned by LinkedIn.

I told you the story how I built my group. I go step by step in helping create a group, THAT’S A CRUICIAL PART OF THE TRAINING.

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Promote The Biggest Launch Around The LinkedIn Platform on

JVZoo Period!

Launching On May 28, 2017! Earn upto $217 Per Sale


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