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 Ancestry of Hiram Abiff : Solomon having determined on the erection of the temple,

collected artificers, divided them into companies, and put them under the command of 

 Adoniram or Hiram Abiff, the architect sent to him by his friend and ally Hiram, king of 

Pyre. According to mythical tradition, the ancestry, of the builders of the mystical templewas as follows: One of the Elohim, or primitive genii, married Eve and had a son called

Cain ; whilst Jehovah or Adonai, another of the Elohim, created Adam and united him with

Eve to bring forth the family of Abel, to whom were subjected the sons of Cain, as a

punishment for the transgression of Eve. Cain, though industriously cultivating the soil,

yet derived little produce from it, whilst Abel leisurely tended his flocks. Adonai rejected

the gifts and sacrifices of Cain, and stirred up strife between the sons of the Elohim,

generated out of fire, and the sons formed out of the earth only. Cain killed Abel, and

 Adonai, pursuing his sons, subjected to the sons of Abel the noble family that invented the

arts and diffused science. Enoch, a son of Cain, taught men to hew stones, construct

edifices, and form civil societies. Irad and Mehujael, his son and grandson, set boundaries

to the waters and fashioned cedars into beams. Methnsael, another of his descendants,

invented the sacred characters, the books of Tan and the symbolic T, by which the

workers descended from the genii of fire recognised each other. Lamech, whose

prophecies are inexplicable to the profane, was the father of Jabal, who first taught men

how to dress camels' skins; of Jubal, who discovered the harp; of Naamah, who

discovered the arts of spinning and weaving; of Tubal-Cain, who first constructed a

furnace, worked in metals, and dug subterranean caves in the mountains to save his raceduring the Deluge; but it perished nevertheless, and only Tubal-Cain and his son, the sole

survivors of the glorious and gigantic family, came out alive. The wife of Ham, second son

of Noah, thought the son of Tubal-Cain, handsomer than the sons of men, and he became

progenitor of Nimrod, who taught his brethren the art of hunting and founded Babylon.

 Adoniram, the descendant of TubalCain, seemed called by God to lead the militia of the

free men, connecting the sons of fire with the sons of thought, progress, and truth.

Hiram, Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba. By Hiram was erected a marvelous

building, the Temple of Solomon. He raised the golden throne of Solomon, most

beautifully wrought, and built many other glorious edifices. But, melancholy amidst all his

greatness, he lived alone, understood and loved by few, hated by many, and among

others, by Solomon, envious of his genius and glory. Now the fame of the wisdom of 

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Solomon spread to the remotest ends of the earth; and Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, came

to Jerusalem to greet the great king and behold the marvels of his reign. She found

Solomon seated on a throne of gilt cedar wood, arrayed in cloth of gold, so that at first she

seemed to behold a statue of gold with bands of ivory. Solomon received her with every

kind of festive preparation, and led her to behold his palace and then the grand works of 

the temple, and the queen was lost in admiration. The king was captivated by her beauty,

and in a short time offered her his hand, which the queen, pleased at having conquered

this proud heart, accepted. But on again visiting the temple, she repeatedly desired to see

the architect who bad wrought such wondrous things. Solomon delayed as long as

possible presenting Hiram Abiff to the queen, but at last he was obliged to do so. The

mysterious artificer was brought before her, and cast on the queen a look that penetrated

her very heart. Having recovered her composure, she questioned and defended him

against the ill-will and rising jealousy of the king. When she wished to see the countless

host of workmen that wrought at the temple, Solomon protested the impossibility of 

assembling them all at once; but Hiram, leaping on a stone to be better seen, with his right

hand described in the air the symbolical Tau, and immediately the men hastenedfrom all parts of the works into the presence of their master. At this the queen

wondered greatly, and secretly repented of the promise she had given the king, for 

she felt herself in love wi th the mighty architect. Solomon set himself to destroy this

affection, and to prepare his rival's humiliation and ruin. For this purpose he

employed three fellow-crafts, envious of Hiram, because he had refused to raise

them to the degree of masters on account of their want of knowledge and their 

idleness. They were Fanor, a Syrian and a mason; Amru, a Phoenician and a

carpenter; and Metnsael, a Hebrew and a miner. The black envy of these three

projected that the casting of the brazen sea, which was to raise the glory of Hiram

to its utmost height, should turn out a failure. A young workman, Benoni, discovered

the plot and revealed it to Solomon, thinking that sufficient. The day for the casting

arrived, and Balkis was present. The doors that restrained the molten metal were

opened, and torrents of liquid fire poured into the vast mould wherein the brazen sea

was to assume its form. But the burning mass ran over the edges of the mould, and

flowed like lava over the adjacent places. The terrified crowd fled from the

advancing stream of fire. Hiram, calm, l ike a god, endeavoured to arrest its advance

with ponderous columns of water, but without success. The water and the fire mixed,

and the struggle was terrible; the water rose in dense steam and fell down in the

shape of fiery rain, spreading terror and death. The dishonoured artificer needed the

sympathy of a faithful heart; he sought Benoni, but in vain: the proud youth perished

in endeavouring to prevent the horrible catastrophe when he found that Solomon

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had done nothing to hinder it.

Hiram could not withdraw himself from the scene of his discomfiture.

Oppressed with grief, he heeded not the danger, he remembered not that this ocean

of fire might speed ily engulph him; he thought of the Queen of Sheba, who came to

admire and congratulate him on a great triumph, and who saw nothing but a terrible

disaster. Suddenly be beard a strange voice coming from above, and crying, "Hiram, Hiram, Hiram!" He raised his eyes and beheld a gigantic human figure. The

apparition continued, "Come, my son, be without fear, I have rendered thee

incombustible; cast thyself into the flames." Hiram threw himself into the furnace,

and where others would have found death, he tasted ineffable delights; nor could he,

drawn by an irresistible force, leave it, and asked him that drew him into the abyss,

" Whither do you take me” ? " Into the center of the earth, into the soul of the world,

into the kingdom of great Cain, where liberty reigns with him. There the tyrannous

envy of Adonai ceases; there can we, despising his anger, taste the fruit of the tree

of knowledge; there is the home of thy fathers." " Who then am I, and who art thou

? " " I am the father of thy fathers, I am the son of Lamech, I am Tubal-Cain."

Tubal-Cain introduced Hiram into the sanctuary of fire, where he expounded to

him the weakness of Adonai and the base passions of that god, the enemy of his

own creature whom he condemned to the inexorable law o f death, to avenge the

benefits the genii of fire had bestowed on him. Hiram was led into the presence of 

the author of his race, Cain. The angel of light that beget Cain was reflected in the

beauty of this son of love, whose noble and generous mind roused the envy of 

 Adonai . Cain related to Hiram his experiences, sufferings, and misfortunes, broughtupon him by the implacable Adonai. Presently he heard the voice of him who was

the offspring of Tubal-Cain and his sister Naamah : " A son shall be born unto thee

whom thou shalt indeed not see, but whose numerous descendants shall perpetuate

thy race, which, superior to that of Adam, shall acquire the empire of the world; for 

many centuries they shall consecrate their courage and genius to the service of the

ever-ungrateful race of Adam, but at last the best shall become the strongest, and

restore on the earth the worship of fire. Thy sons, invincible in thy name, shall

destroy the power of kings, the ministers of the Adonais' tyranny. Go, my son, the

genii of fire are with thee! " Hiram was restored to the earth. Tubal-Cain before

quitting him gave him the hammer with which he himself had wrought great things,

and said to him: "Thanks to this hammer and the help of the genii of fire, thou shalt

speedily accomplish the work left unfinished through man's stupidity and malignity."

Hiram did not hesitate to test the wonderful efficacy of the precious instrument, and

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the dawn saw the great mass of bronze cast. The artist felt the most lively joy, the

queen exulted. The people came running up, astounded at this secret power which

in one night had repaired everything.

Murder of Hiram: One day the queen, accompanied by her maids, went beyond

Jerusalem, and there encountered Hiram, alone and thoughtful. The encounter was

decisive, they mutually confessed their love. Had-Had, the bird who filled with the

queen the office of messenger of the genii of fire, seeing Hiram in the air make the

sign of the mystic T, flew around his head and settled on his wrist. At this Sarahil,

the nurse of the queen, exclaimed: "The oracle is fulfilled. Had-Had recognizes the

husband which the genii of fire destined for Balkis, whose love alone she dare

accept! " They hesitated no longer, but mutually pledged their vows, and deliberated

how Balkis could retract the promise given to the king. Hiram was to be the first to

quit Jerusalem; the queen, impatient to rejoin him in Arabia, was to elude the

vigilance of the king, which she accomplished by withdrawing from his finger, whilehe was overcome wi th wine, the ring wherewith she had plighted her troth to him.

Solomon hinted to the fellow-crafts that the removal of his rival, who reused to give

them the master's word, would be acceptable unto himself; so when the architect

came into the temple he was assailed and slain by them. Before his death, however,

he had time to throw the golden triangle which he wore round his neck, and on which

was engraven the master's word, into a deep well. They wrapped up his body,

carried it to a solitary hill and buried it, planting over the grave a sprig of acacia.

Hiram not having made his appearance for seven days, Solomon, against his

inclination, but to satisfy the clamour of the people, was forced to have him

searched for. The body was found by three masters, and they, suspecting that he

had been slain by the three fellow-crafts for refusing them the master's word,

determined nevertheless for greater security to change the word, and that the first

word accidental ly uttered on raising the body should thenceforth be the word. In the

act of raising it, the akin came off the body, so that one of the masters exclaimed

"Macbenach !” (" the flesh is off the bones," or the "brother is smitten”) and this word

became the sacred word of the masters' degree. The three fellow-crafts were t raced,

but rather than fall into the hands of their pursuers, they committed suicide, and their 

heads were brought to Solomon. The triangle not having been found on the body of 

Hiram, it was sought for and at last discovered in the well into which the architect

had cast it. The king caused it to be placed on a triangular altar erected in a secret

vault, built under the most retired part of the temple. The triangle was further 

concealed by a cubical stone, on which had been inscribed the sacred law. The

vault, the existence of which was only known to the twenty seven elect, was then

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walled up.



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The Solstitial Gates

In our Western tradition, beginning with Pythagorus, then Plato, then the neo-platonists,

 Numenius, Macrobius, Proclus, and Porphyry, we have an esoteric tradition about the divine purposes

of the winter and summer solstices. The Greeks described the "descent into generation" into re-birth,

 by the tropical gate of Cancer and the "ascent to god" of the soul after death, by the tropical gate of 

Capricorn, in which the soul ascends into the spiritual ether of the planetary spheres.

Also, the traditional symbolism of the gate of god to the north in Capricorn and the gate of 

men to the south in Cancer represents the actual physical astronomy of our annual ascending and

descending phases of the tropical zodiac as symbolized by the winter and summer solstices.

Traditionally, the Gate of Man was that zodiacal house where the soul, before birth and

intended for incarnation on earth, would descend into the moon sphere waiting for re-birth. The Gate

of the Sun was that zodiacal house wherein the human soul, after death, would ascend into the

 planetary spheres beyond the moon sphere, for its sojourn thru the spiritual worlds, to meet God.

After a lifetime on earth, the human soul exits thru the gate of the sun in Capricorn and to

 begin its journey after death. After its return from the celestial spheres, the human soul will then re-

enter the earth sphere for re-birth thru the gate of man in the sign of Cancer.

The Ancient Wisdom taught that the soul after death, traveled first, to the successive spheresof moon-mercury-venus-sun on its outward journey. During this ascending stage, the soul reflected

on and paid penance for the sins of the past life. This ascending stage ended with what was called

"cosmic midnight."

Thereafter, the second half of the souls journey began wherein the soul descended thru the

same spheres again on its downward path into incarnation on earth and passing thru the Gate of Man

to enter the moon sphere to await rebirth with millions of other souls. While during the first half of 

the journey, the soul reflected upon and suffered for the sins of its past life, during the second half,

the soul takes in those forces necessary to build up his future astral, etheric and physical bodies. These

forces include both preparing its future karma and learning the wisdom taught by the spirits residing

in the different planetary spheres. For example, if one's future karma demanded a person to become

a physician, he must learn medicine and spend time within the sphere of Mercury with the archangel

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In the Hindu tradition, from which the western tradition is derived, these two gates were

called in Sanscrit , PITRI-YANA and DEVA-YANA. The gate of Men and the Gate of the gods, must

correspond to the two solstices. The first, PITRI-YANA corresponds to the summer solstice, or to

the sign of Cancer and the second, DEVA-YANA to the winter solstice, or the sign of Capricorn. In

order to understand the reason for this, it is necessary to refer to the division of the annual cycle into

two halves, the one ascending and the other descending. The first is the period of the movement of 

the sun towards to the north, going from winter to summer solstice,; the second is that of the

movement of the sun towards the south, going from the summer to the winter solstice. In the Hindu

tradition, the ascendant phase relates to the deva-yana and the descendant phase to the pitri-yana

which coincides exactly with the designations of the two gateways we have just mentioned.


This esoteric tradition, that of the two solstitial gates has its symbolism in the Roman

tradition in the two faced god, Janus, also called the janitor. Janus is the god who opens the doors

(januae) of the two gates with the two keys, which are his principle attributes. The doors are the same

as the solstitial gates and the two keys open the thresholds leading from one sphere to another. Both

the doors, as a circle of the sun with tangent lines and the two keys, have been preserved in Masonic

symbolism and seen on every lambskin apron of old.

Janus gave his name to the month of January in the Roman calender, which is the term of the

winter month following the winter solstice and of the astronomical sign of Capricorn, which is the

sign of the Gate of the gods.

It is interesting to note that Janus is also the god of initiation who presides over the

COLLEGIS FABRORUM. This college was also known as the Guild of the Artisans, which presided

over the craft guilds. These craft guilds, by regular transmission of secret practices, later evolved into

craft masonry in the Middle Ages, which by its nature retained its initiatic character. So we have here

the correspondence between the god of initiation and his craft guilds which maintained and retained

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the initiatic signs and symbols of masonry. This is particularly true of the masons building trades, the

 builders of the great cathedrals of Europe, who adopted as their patrons the “two St. Johns.” The so-

called Lodge of St. John preserved by masonic traditions has its direct filiation from the COLLEGIS

FABRORUM, with each John representing one of the two faces of Janus, which in turn, represents

one of the two solstitial gates.



In Christianity, the symbols of the solstitial feasts of Janus became assimilated into the two

feasts of the two St. Johns. These feasts are always held at the same time, at or near the winter and

summer solstices. In the traditional roman calender, these feast dates of December 27 and June 24,

were celebrated as the dates of the respective solstices. In actual fact, the solstices occur a few days

earlier, which respects the astronomical facts, that the sun’s ascent and descent have actually begun

 by the feast dates.

The summer solstice marks the start of the descending one-half of the calender year, while the

winter solstice marks the beginning of the ascending half, of the suns path on the plane of the ecliptic

thru 12 constellations. Thus, there are two phases of the suns movement, an ascending one and a

descending one. What motion that has once attained its maximum, can only diminish in strength to

its minimum. Thus, it is said of St. John the Baptist, whose birth day feast day is the summer solstice,

“He must increase, but I must decrease”, since he was 6 months older in the womb than the infant


It is also interesting to note that in the history of Christianity, there are two churches. To Peter 

was given the exoteric church, the church the masses of people, representing the body of Christ. To

John, was given the esoteric church, representing the head of Christ, by the words, “I wish Him

(John) to remain until I come.” The so-called Johannine church derives from the Gospel of John and

maintains the esoteric tradition of wisdom imparted to Jesus’ disciples after the resurrection and until

the ascension. This secret Christian tradition takes as its patron, St. John the Evangelist and the

Gospel of John, as the greatest spiritual text in western civilization.

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I just saw the apron collection in the Scottish Rite museum in Lexington and every apron

 bore such a symbol of the sun with tangent lines and also a symbol of the two keys. These symbols

are related to this subject matter as follows.

A symbol special to masonry is the circle with a point in the center placed between two

 parallel tangent lines. These tangents are said to represent the two St. Johns. What makes this

symbolism complete is the fact that the circle represents the annual cycle of the sun thru the zodiac,

the point being the sun and the circle being the zodiac. In addition, the age old astronomical sign for 

the sun is such circle with a center point.

The two parallel lines are tangents of the circle at the solstitial points of cancer and

capricorn. They represent limit points beyond which the sun can never pass in its journey thru the

ecliptic plane, in its ascent and descent. Because these two tangent points are symbols for the two

solstices, and respectively, the two gates, they also are symbols for the two St. Johns.

When in a vertical position, these two tangent lines also represent the two “Pillars of 

Hercules.” Historically, the gate of Hercules was placed geographically on either side of the Straights

of Gibralter. The south pillar was in Africa and the north pillar located in Europe. Each pillar 

representing the column of the south and the column of the north. These two columns have a

relationship with the two solstices and the limit of the suns journey.


In the ancient roman coins, we often see the two sided face of Janus, each facing in the

opposite direction. In each hand, he holds a key. This double key symbolism has also been transmitted

 by the catholic church and a good example can be found in the French Basilica in Montreal. These

two keys, when folded over each other, are depicted on virtually masonic apron of old.

 Now it is easy to understand that the two keys represent the keys to lock and unlock the two

solstitial gates of the winter and summer solstices. Remember Janus was the janitor who opens and

closes the doors of the sun’s annual cycle.

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When Janus is considered as the god of initiation, the two keys, one of gold and one of silver,

represent the keys to the so-called greater mysteries and lesser mysteries. The names of this two fold

designation has been borrowed from Greek esoteric tradition, taken from in the Greek mysteries of 

Eleusius, but they have a general application to mystery centers around the ancient world.

The so-called lesser mysteries were concerned primarily with what is called the restoration

of the primordial state, the state of mankind in paradise before the fall. They contained three degrees,

as in blue lodge masonry. They were concerned with a knowledge of nature and emphasized learning

of the seven sciences, as recapitulalted in the seven steps in the masonic second degree.

The greater mysteries were concerned with knowledge that is beyond nature, what is universal

truth and metaphysical knowledge and the supra-human states of consciousness. They consisted of 

four more degrees. Using the example of the seven degrees of Mithras, these higher degrees put an

initiated free soul in connection with the nations group soul and archangel, so as to guide the nations

cultural development, such as with Daniel during the captivity; in higher degrees, in connection with

the nations archon angel, so as to guide the nations destiny, such as with Moses and the archon,

Michael, and in the highest degree, that of the father, where the initiate becomes the father of the

nation and bears its racial karma, as in the case of Elijah and the nation’s father spirit, Jehovah. Other 

great fathers of nations were Krishna, Zarathustra and Hermes.

The initiate who passed thru the lesser mysteries could be called primordial man while the

initiate passing thru the greater mysteries could be called universal man or transcendent man. The

three degrees of the lesser mysteries have been transmitted and retained by the masonic tradition. The

four degrees of the greater mysteries are probably in occultation, like Merlin frozen in his island cave

or the 12th Imam in Islam.

The gold key is related to all the mysteries of the sun and, of course, the silver key is related

to the moon and all of its mysteries.


In conclusion, it is appropriate to quote from Albert Pike and his Monitor, MORALS AND

DOGMA from the 25th degree-KNIGHT OF THE BRAZEN SERPENT as follows:

“The galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the zodiac in two opposite points, cancer and capricorn,

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the tropical points in the sun’s course called the Gates of the Sun. The milky way crossed at

the signs of cancer and capricorn.”

This quotation refers to the symbolism referred to as the masonic symbol of the sun and the

two tangent lines. The points of the tangent lines are the two Gates of the Sun, in the macrocosmic


In the microcosmic sense, the symbols of the two faces of Janus, the two keys and the two

St. Johns refer to the two gates. Albert Pike continues as follows;

“ Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to heaven. One,

was styled the Gate of Men, and the other, the Gate of the Gods. Cancer was the former,

 because souls descended by it to the earth. Capricorn the latter, because by it they re-

ascended to their seats of immortality and became gods.’

And finally, from Pike,

“ Thus the secret science and mysterious emblems of initiation were connected with the

heavens, the spheres and the constellations, and this connection must be studied by

whomsoever would understand the ancient mind and be enabled to interpret the allegories and

explore the meaning of the symbols.”

Respectively submitted,

By: Stephen Cosgrove

October 11, 2007

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There has developed quite a large historical record on the cultic practice of Mithraism

 beginning around 1400 BC to its wane in the 3rd century AD. My focus in this lecture is to discuss

only the initiatic degree system as a prototype of the initiatic systems in the ancient mysteries.

Mithraism recognized seven degrees of divine knowledge. Members could advance from one degree

to the next by undergoing a special initiation, with tests of courage and stamina at each stage. The

seven ranks corresponded to the seven known celestial planets, and scaling them was a metaphor for 

the passage of the soul through the planetary spheres toward heaven

Lets look at a traditional description of the seven degrees of Mithras by the historian Everett


“The symbols of the different grades are found in a remarkable pebble mosaic in the floor of 

a mithraeum dedicated by Felicissimus in Ostia, the port city of ancient Rome. The mosaic portrays

three objects for each grade: one representing the grade itself; one an emblem of a function of the

grade and one for the planetary god associated with the grade.

(1) RAVEN. The first grade was under the protection of Mercury, whose role as a messenger 

of the gods was taken by the raven in the Mithraic myth. The symbols of this degree are the raven a

cup and the caduceus of mercury.

(2) BRIDE. The second grade was under the protection of Venus. There is shown a lamp and

a crown. There is a suggestion of a wedding ceremony and a bridal bath, so the element of water and

 purification b water may have occurred in the initiation.

(3)SOLDIER. The third grade was under the patronage of Mars. The symbols are the pouch

that the soldier wore over his shoulder, a helmet and a lance. There is evidence of branding on the

forehead. The soldier has been associated with the element of earth.

(4) LION. The forth grade was connected with Jupiter The symbols were a fire shovel,

sistrum and thunderbolts. This degree belonged to the element of fire. The inscriptions describe

incense burners and in the paintings, torches are held close to the initiate, perhaps for some

 purification by fire.

(5) PERSIAN. The fifth grade was under protection of the moon. The symbols shown are a

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hooked knife, a scythe or plow and the moon and a star.

(6) SUN RUNNER. The sixth grade, messenger of the sun, was under the protection of the

sun., whose representative he was on earth. The symbols on the mosaic are a torch, the radiate crown

and a whip, which Sol drives the horses of His chariot. The sun-runner and the father are the two

most important members of a Mithraic society.

(7) PATER-FATHER. The highest grade was under the protection of Saturn and the holder 

of this grade is Mithras himself. His symbols are a ring and staff, the Persian cap and a sickle. The title

father, became the practice of the christian community as early as the third century.

The seven degrees represent the order of the seven planets of the ancient world. The initiate

who had passed thru all degrees could, on his death, pass thru the seven planetary spheres to heaven.

According to the paintings in some temples, the candidate was led thru the ceremonies naked and was

at first blindfolded. The initiate took an oath of secrecy before admission to the sect. Other paintings

indicate such actions as the laying on of hands, pouring on of water like baptism, striking with the leg

of a bull placing a solar crown on the head, and fire held close to the body. ”

The important thing to remember is that the initiatic degree system of ancient Mithras

represents the gold standard of the ancient cultic mystery centers. It is the historical cumulation of 

all the ancient traditions that arose before Christ in Greece, Egypt, Chaldea, Persia and India. By the

first century AD, it probably represented the complete reformation of the mysteries by the great adept

Apollonius of Tyana that occurred contemporaneously with the life of Christ in Judea.

We discussed in the lecture SYMBOLISM OF THE MASONIC TWO ST. JOHNS that the

mysteries of Eleusius in Greece were divided into a two tiered system of the ‘greater’ mysteries and

the ‘lesser mysteries.’ Using the correspondence to the Mithras mysteries, one could say the first,

second and third degrees of Mithras correspond to the lesser mysteries.

The first degree was primarily concerned with the purification of the individual of his faults

and desires so as to be receptive to higher spiritual influences that could only descend upon a pure

soul. This could only occur after a spiritual death and rebirth unto a spiritual path shown by the

hierophant of the initiation. The raven is a symbol of this death. A mantra was given to him to repeat

and rebirth was signified by his sins being washed away by baptism in water. The idea of the raven

has lingered in myths and sagas. There are the Ravens of Wotan, the ravens of Elijah and in the

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German Barbarossa saga, ravens are the intermediaries between the emperor under a spell in the

mountain and the outer world.

The second grade was that of the “Occult One”. The candidate wears a veil and carries a

lamp in his hand. He is unable to see the light of truth until the veil of reality is lifted. This is the veil

of Isis that is removed when one accumulates the great secrets of occult wisdom. He is wed to the

cult and becomes its bride, remaining celibate for at least duration of this stage.

The third grade was that of the “Fighter.” The candidate had to kneel naked, blindfolded with

hands tied. He was then offered a crown on the point of a sword. Once crowned, his binds were cut

with a single stroke of the sword and blindfold removed. Under the sign of the warrior god Mars,

these were initiates who felt their higher self in service in the battle of good vs. evil in their nation.

Their ego was now a community ego. The fighter lived in service to the nation. Of them it was said

“Though thou fightest thou art not the fighter.”

At the completion of the first three degrees, the candidate was not required to proceed

any further into the higher four degrees. The same is true of masonry, three degrees completes the

cycle of initiation, nothing further is required. The purpose of the first three degrees is to lead the

candidate on the path back to the primordial state, that of humanity before the “Fall.” But this is a

long path and in practice, very few candidates actually reach this final result. The goal is a

reintegration of the individual soul with the group soul of both the community or nation and also that

of the soul of all humanity. Thus, one feels at the same time, both a center unto himself and a

 periphery of a circle radiating into the ethnic community.

Using the correspondence again to the Mithras mysteries, one could say the fourth, fifth, sixth

and seventh degrees of Mithras correspond to the greater mysteries of Eleusius in Greece.

The fourth grade was achieved when that third degree candidate had actually achieved

oneness with his ethnic community. He participated in the life of the angelic kingdom and was called

that of the “Lion”. Such an initiate had so developed the occult life in himself that he could represent

the occult not only with words but with deeds. Meanwhile, the consciousness of a person who has

 passed through these four stages of initiation extended further and further into the angelic kingdom.

In ancient Palestine one designated as a “Lion”, had raised himself up to encompass the

consciousness, the ego, of a whole tribe. The “lion” of the tribe of Judah is the term applied to

someone who had reached such a stage of initiation that he bore within himself the ego of the whole

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The initiate of the fifth grade had so overcome his personality that he could take up the nation’s

folk-soul. The folk-spirit lived in him. In Persia such an initiate was called a “Persian”. In Greece one

would have called him a “Grecian”, if it had been the custom. Proof of this is related in the gospel of 

Gospel of John where it is said:

“Philip findeth Nathanael and saith unto him: We have found him of whom Moses in

the law and the Prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph. And Nathanael said unto

him: Can there any good thing out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him: Come and see. Jesus saw

 Nathanael coming to him and saith of him: Behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile!”

By calling him an Israelite, (like a Persian, above), Nathanael is here acknowledged

as an initiate of the fifth grade. The person initiated in the fifth degree participated in the life of the

archangels. When such a person was initiated in the mysteries and received the soul-content which

corresponded to the fifth degree, the archangel looked at the soul of such a person and read in that

soul as we read in a book that informs us of certain things which we must know in order to

accomplish something. The archangel read in the person who was initiated in the fifth degree what

a race or nation needed. Initiates of the fifth degree must be formed on earth in order for the

archangels to lead correctly. Those initiates are the intermediaries between the leaders of the ethnic

group and the people of the nation. They carry up to the sphere of the archangels what is needed in

order for the nations to be correctly guided.

How could this fifth degree be attained in pre-Christian times? It could not be attained while the

soul remained in the body. The human soul had to be elevated out of the body by the hierophant. The

soul had to abandon the earth and enter the spiritual world in order to attain what it needed.

When the sixth degree of the old initiation was reached, the Sun-Hero degree, then in the soul of 

such a Sun-Hero reigned not only what is necessary to lead a people, but what is higher than that.

If you observe the evolution of humanity on the earth, you will see how nations arise and disappear,

how they develop. Nations are born and die as individuals do. What a nation has accomplished for 

the earth must, however, be retained in the earth's evolution. Not only must a nation be led and

guided, but also what that nation or race accomplishes on earth must be preserved beyond that nation.

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In order for this to happen the Sun-Heroes were necessary. In the higher worlds it is possible to read

what lives in the soul of a Sun-hero and gain the strength which carries over the achievements of a

nation into the work of humanity as a whole. And just as the soul of the fifth degree initiate had to

leave his body in order to accomplish what was necessary, so the soul of the Sun-hero had during the

initiation to leave his body and spend time in the sun sphere. During this time, the soul experienced

a meeting with the Christ before He descended to earth and incarnated in Jesus.

And after the three and one-half day initiation, the soul returned to earth with the strength it needed

to take up the nation’s karma and work in into the evolution of humanity as a whole.

The last degree was that called the Father. This person bore the whole karma of the nation.

Moses was such a Father, as was Hermes, Buddha, Krishna and Zarathustra, all Fathers of their 

respective nations. In the mysteries he bore a key. The key to the threshold, the passage from

 purgatory into heaven. St. Peter at the gate of heaven with his key is such a christian symbol.

At the time of initiation, the etheric body of these leaders was outside the physical body and

it observed the nature of their whole nation or race. After deciding what was best for the nation, when

the initiate returned to his physical body, he made laws, customs and rituals, to guide his nation. We

saw Moses do this on the mountain top of Sinai and return with the ten commandments. Since the

Father created each nation’s laws, he became personally responsible for the sins against the laws he

had created. For this reason, the Father had to reincarnate many times into the race to expiate the

karma of the sins of the citizens.

There was an actual union of the folk-soul of the race with the etheric body of the Father 

during the initiation. In the case of Moses, the arch-angel Michael united with Moses and dwelt within


 Now, I have used the Mithras mysteries as an archetype or proto-type of all the mystery cults

that existed from the age of Atlantis until the birth of Christ. How do all these degrees of initiation

fit into the development of a particular race or nation? For each epoch of evolving humanity

 beginning the Aran age with the Hindus, we have Krishna as a Father initiate leader, bestowing on

his nation the laws, religion, customs and cults. In the next epoch of the Persian cycle, we have

Zarathustra as the Father initiate. In the third epoch, for the Egyptians, we have Hermes as the Father 

initiate, for the Jews we have Moses and later Solomon. For each nation, there was created an

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mystery center from which emanated the wise guidance of its citizens by the initiated elite, lead by

the Father. Every nation, in its rise and fall of civilization, followed this archetypal pattern.

For each of the leaders of the respective nation, the initiates of the higher 4 th - 5th - 6th and

7th degrees, there corresponded a respective guiding angelic hierarchy. The evolution of mankind was

guided thru the ancient mystery centers on two levels. First, on the physical level, by the Father and

his subordinates, the LIONS, PERSIANS, and SUN RUNNERS. Second, on the spiritual level, by

an angelic hierarchy, of angels, archangels, archons and powers or elohim. To see how these two

hierarchies operate in the life of a particular race or nation, we can look to the history of the Jewish

nation, leading up to the birth of Christ. This archetypal evolution has been preserved in the

Solomonic degrees of the Scottish rites, for which we are grateful. However, we will now look at it

from a different angle.

First, at the angelic level, there was an inspiring folk-soul, Elijah, who was not merely the

normal angel, aspiring to rise to the level of arch-angel. He had the (miraculous) powers of an

archangel who had descended to the level of an angel. In each of his incarnations as Phinehas (son

of Eleazar), Elijah-Naboth, Elijah-Elisha and St. John the Baptist, he rescued the fallen group spirit

of the people and restored its vigor to fulfill their karmic mission.

At the arch-angelic level, Michael was the guiding folk-spirit, who received orders from the

higher Archai and give orders to his folk-soul. He was also more elevated than the normal archangel,

 being a sun spirit and acting as the countenance of Jehovah. The corresponding Spirit of the Age was

the Greek Archon, which had basically fulfilled his task by the end of the Golden Age of Greece.

In normal cultural evolution, when we approach the second angelic hierarchy, there is no

direct correspondence between the nation and the guidance from the Spirits of Form and Spirits of 

Motion. These higher spirits normally work equally thru all nations of a race or sub-race. However,

with the Hebrew nation, Jehovah-Elohim, as a Spirit of Form worked directly in the Jewish blood

from Abraham, thru the 3 X 14 generations of the Matthew Gospel, to the birth of Jesus.

At the level of the Planetary Spirits of Motion, the Semitic race belonged to the Mars race-

spirit. Again, there is not a normal relationship here. The Mars Spirits themselves work directly thru

the blood producing the Mongolian race. However, in order for Jehovah to intervene and work 

directly thru the blood, a special cooperation had to be reached between the two spirits, so that

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Jehovah ALONE and not the Mars Spirits, could have exclusive influence over the Hebrew nation.

Thus, throughout the second and first angelic hierarchies, all angelic beings worked

cooperatively for the great karmic task of the evolution of the Semitic race; which in the Abraham-

Isaac line would bear the incarnation of the Christ and in the Abraham-Ishmael line which into the

future would continue the monotheistic tradition of the Prophet and the Word. The special angelic

 beings who guided this mission were:

Elijah angel Folk-soul

Michael arch-angel Folk-spirit

Greek Archai Spirit of the Age/Elohim

Jehovah-Elohim Spirit of Form

Mars/Jehovah Spirit of Motion


Alfred North Whitehead once remarked that the entire history of western philosophy consisted

of a series of footnotes to Plato and Aristotle. Madame Blavatsky (in the SECRET DOCTRINE)

says this of Plato,

”The initiated adept, who had successfully passed thru all of the trials, was attached, not

nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a TAU (T), cross, plunged into a deep sleep.

He was allowed to remain in this sleep for three days during which time his spiritual ego wassaid to confabulate with the gods. His body remaining at all times in a temple crypt or 

subterranean cave. In Egypt, where Plato was initiated, it was placed in a sarcophagus in the

King’s Chamber of the pyramid of Cheops and carried during the night of the approaching

third day to the entrance of a gallery, where at a certain hour, the beams of the rising sun

struck full on the face of the entranced candidate. Who awoke to be initiated by Osiris. The

King’s Chamber of the pyramid of Cheops was an Egyptian Holies of Holies.”

Thus, we see here several things. First, the masonic symbolism of the Tau Cross of HiramAbiff. Second, the masonic symbolism of the crypt, where the candidate was placed for three days,

which in our third degree was replaced by the coffin of Hiram. Third, the rising of the candidate from

the crypt or coffin the to rising sun of Osiris in the east. In our third degree, Hiram is raised, but in

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death not life.

Fourth, we see what is called the “Temple Sleep” of the candidate. In all the ancient mystery

centers, the candidate was given a drug that would render him catatonic, usually poison from the

 puffer or stone fish. The Hierophant would lead the candidate in his soul bodies out into the spiritual

worlds, first into the sphere of the moon, then to the sphere of the sun, which has both a lower level

and a higher level, called Devachan. The sphere of the moon was purgatory where the candidate

conversed with all the spirits of his ancestors and the ancient Masters of Wisdom who reside there.

The sphere of the sun was higher and lower heaven, where he conversed with all the spirits of the

angelic hierarchies of angels, archangels and archons. He experienced the “sun at midnight” and met

the ruling spirit of the sun, who later would descend to earth and redeem the world.

The drug separated the candidate’s etheric body from the physical body, leaving the astral,

soul and spiritual bodies to float and travel outwards into the atmosphere. The three and one half days

represented the maximum amount of time the candidate’s etheric body could be separated from the

 physical body without suffering physical death. This temple sleep was practiced as the method of 

initiation in all the ancient mysteries up to the time of Christ. This procedure is no longer available

today, as such a separation would cause death in several hours. When the candidate returned at the

end of the sleep, he would consciously remember the entire personal experience of the three days

 journey by the Hierophant throughout the spiritual worlds. Obviously, he would never be the same

again. For his present life, he would be an initiated third degree of the Mithras (or other) mysteries,

ready to prepare and qualify for the higher 4th-5th-6th degrees. After death, he would again re-

experience the journey thru the heavenly spheres, in his soul bodies, this time for real. After 

experiencing the cosmic midnight, he would descend thru the spheres again in reverse order and

incarnate into a new life on earth, being ‘thrice born’, as was said of Hermes.

As we saw how the initiated Fathers of the mysteries became the leaders of mankind, so too

did the initiates of the lower degrees became the teachers of humanity. Plato was initiated in the

King’s Chamber of the pyramid of Cheops. Pythagorus was also initiated here and learned the secrets

of geometry from the Egyptian priests.

Aristotle was initiated in the Greek mysteries of both Samothrace/Kabiri and those of Elusius.

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Plato was the master of Aristotle. The following scene which took place between Plato and Aristotle,

at a time when Plato was very old, and really at the end of his earthly career. I must of course clothe

in words what naturally occurred in a much more complicated way. Plato said to Aristotle somewhat

as follows: “Many things I have told you and my other pupils may not have seemed correct to you,

 but what I have told you is really an extract of the most ancient holy Mystery Wisdom. Human beings

will, however, in the course of their evolution acquire such a form and such an inner organisation,

which will gradually lead them to something certainly higher than we now possess but this will at the

same time make it impossible for them to accept natural science in the way it is presented to the

Greeks.” Plato made this clear to Aristotle. “Therefore, I will withdraw myself for a time” said Plato,

“and will leave you to yourself. In the world of thought, for which you are so especially endowed,

and which will become the thought-world of humanity for many centuries, try to build up in thoughts

what you have learnt here in my school.” So Plato and Aristotle separated, and Plato therewith

fulfilled, as commanded, a high spiritual mission through Aristotle.

This imagination is of the sort that occurred between John the Baptist and Jesus, where John

says that he must decrease while Jesus must increase. Aristotle really gathered together the whole

ancient wisdom of Plato, the sum total of the cognition of the ancients in the fourth pre-Christian

century, and wrote it down into his 10 categories and natural philosophy and logic sent out a kind of 

system of logic into central Europe, yet he himself stood firmly based on the Greek Mysteries, and

indeed on all the Mysteries of that time. Any scholar will be able to sense that a certain inner 

connection with the secrets of nature underlies the entire Aristotelian logic and philosophy.

Thereafter, the pupil of Plato became the teacher of Alexander, who then went out and conquered

the whole known world and Hellenized it with the Greek system of language, measures and logic. In

the 3 generations from Plato to Aristotle to Alexander, the ancient Greek mystery wisdom of Plato

was first transformed into the new modern wisdom of the logical categories of Aristotle and second,

this new logical wisdom was spread over the known world by Alexander. In this way the entire

foundation of western knowledge was set forth as characterized above by the philosopher, Alfred

 North Whitehead, as a series of footnotes to Plato and Aristotle.

All forms of knowledge in western civilizations came from the ancient mystery centers. The

mysteries extended over different regions of the earth, and took different forms; each region of the

earth according to its people and according to the conditions for that region of the earth, had its own

special form of the Mysteries. They mystery centers were originally distributed according the planets

in a seven fold scheme. The planetary spirit of Saturn has a mystery center in a particular race, as did

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the planetary spirits of Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Vulcan.

Separating the outermost planets from the innermost planets, stood the planet of the sun. The

leader of the sun mysteries was always called Manu. The always living Jewish high priest named

Melchizadek was a manu who donated his etheric body to form the physical bodies of the children

of Noah, after the flood, Japhet, Seth and Ham. In Egypt, we see a certain Menes who was worshipedas the founder of the Egyptian dynasties. In Crete we also see a certain, Minos, who was the founder 

of that culture. Behind the great leaders of humanity we showed above in Krishna, Zarathustra and

Hermes, stood a great Manu, who was the genetic founder of the race/culture. He always emanated

from the sun oracle to establish the order of evolution. This sun oracle named Melchizadek meet a

certain Abraham in Jerusalem and from his descendants came the son of the sun, Jesus Christ.


Madame Blavatsky once said that all great symbols have 7 levels of symbolism, the first and

highest level is astronomical. Returning to our religion of Mithras, the central icon is the tauroctony

in which Mithras is riding on the back of a bull and he slays the bull by stabbing a sword into the

shoulder of the bull. Our scholar on Mithrasism, Franz Cumont, could never adequately explain the

symbolism of this central icon. Of course, Cumont was not versed in the mystery wisdom of the ages

as we masons are. A few years ago, a Boston university scholar, David Ulansey, discovered the

ancient symbolism and wrote a book of his findings (1989). He wrote that the tauroctony representsthe astronomical situation of the stars during the epoch when the spring equinox was in Taurus. The

figures in the tauroctony, the bull, snake, dog, cup, raven and scorpion, represent the constellations

which lay on the celestial equator on or below the ecliptic when the spring equinox was in Taurus.

To understand this claim it is necessary to first understand the astronomical phenomenon called the

 precession of the equinoxes.

An astronomical age is determined by the vernal point of the sun in the plane of the sidereal

zodiac. What the ancients called the "great Platonic year" is now called the precession of the

equinoxes caused by the wobble of the earth's axis due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon.

The length of this solar sidereal year was also determined by the ancients and even today is

determined to be 25,920 years. While there is an apparent eastward movement of the sun thru the

 plane of the houses of the zodiac over the course of a tropical solar year, there is also a reverse,

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 precessional motion of the sun thru the sidereal zodiac over the course of 25,920 years. The vernal

 point is the location of the sun in the sidereal zodiac on the day of the spring equinox. Our present

tropical calender and zodiac places this as 1 degree Aries, when in fact, due to the precession, every

72 years it is 1 degree backwards in the zodiac. As of February 10, 1983, the longitude of the vernal

 point was exactly 5 1/2 degrees Pisces in the sidereal zodiac. For this reason, we live in the

astronomical age of Pisces.

Each year as the sun passes on its yearly cycle of 365 days through each zodiacal house, it

returns to its starting point, the vernal or spring equinox. As previously discussed, this point precesses

one degree every seventy-two years and through one sign of the zodiac every 2,160 years. Thus, the

vernal equinox stands in one zodiacal house for a period of 2,160 years.

The ancients called these periods an "age" of the zodiac and also called these

 periods a "religious age" because each age was accompanied by a particular Messiah or Sun Hero as

we can now say. Hence, each religious age was derived from its zodiacal sign such as the Taurean

Age, Piscean Age, Aryan Age, etc. Because of this relationship, the symbols of all religions have an

astronomical basis, the key to which is the zodiacal house. For example, during the Taurean Age, the

 bull was sacred as depicted by the Egyptians as Apis, and the Persians as Mithras and to Aaron and

the Jews in the desert as the golden calf. In the Piscean Age, the fish was the symbol of deity as

described by St. Augustine, if you join the first letters of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ, Son of 

God, Savior" they will form the word for FISH, which the Fisher of Men fed the multitudes on the

mountainside. There is no need to elaborate on the astronomical basis for religious symbolism here,

 but it is worthy to respect the incredible effort made by the 19th Century occult writers such as

Godfrey Higgens in Anacalypis, Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma and the Madame H.P.B. in Isis

Unveiled. They removed the veil of hypocrisy from the so-called mysteries of the Church and showed

the true pagan mystery cult sources of all great religions.

To determine when the age of Pisces will precess into the age of Aquarius, simply multiply

the 5 1/2 degrees left in this age by 72 years and add (396) to the last determined year of 1983. Thus,

the "Dawning of the age of Aquarius" begins about year 2379, further in the future than many new

age gurus predict. Likewise, subtracting 2,160 years from the end year, we arrive at the beginning

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of the age of Pisces at year 219 AD.

Our scholar, David Ulansey, sets the record straight by saying that the age of Taurus was

historically dated to about 4000 BC to 2000 BC. The tauroctony of Mithras represents the celestial

equator as it was when the spring equinox was in Taurus according to the precessional cycle of the

equinoxes. At that historical time, the position of the Pleiades star group was exactly where in the

tauroctony the dagger of Mithras is shown entering the shoulder of the bull. Mithras represents the

‘sun hero’ of the sixth degree in our Mithras. The bull represents the astronomical Age of Taurus and

its slaying by the sun hero represents the end of the cycle, the end of the Age of Taurus, giving way

to the new age of Aries, ushering in the Greek/Roman cultural cycle. For other actors in the

tauroctony, the dog represents the star group of Canis Minor; the snake, the star group of Hydra; the

cup, the star group of Crator, the raven, the star group of Corvus and of course, for the scorpion, the

constellation of Scorpio. The astronomical symbolism is now complete! The cultic icon of the

tauroctony was, as it were, a complete picture of the stars in the heavens at the end of the age of 

Taurus and the beginning of the age of Aries, preserved in thousands of sculptures, spread throughout

western Europe.

By extrapolation, we can determine the astronomical ages for the five sub-races of the Fifth

Aryan root race as follows:

1. For the Ancient Indian or first sub-root race, the vernal (spring) equinox of the sun was in

Cancer, and the corresponding planet was the moon.

2. For the Ancient Persian or second sub-root race, the vernal equinox was in Gemini and the

corresponding planet was Mercury.

3. For the Ancient Egyptian-Chaldean or third sub-race, the vernal equinox was in Taurus and the

corresponding planet was Venus.

4. For the Ancient Greek-Roman or fourth sub-race, the vernal equinox was in Aries and the

corresponding planet was Mars.

5. For the fifth and present sub-race, the vernal equinox is in Pisces and the corresponding planet

is Jupiter.

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It is always a source of amazement to me that the 20 th century scholars think they are so

smart and the ancients so stupid. The astronomical discovery of the precession of the equinoxes has

historically been attributed to Hipparchus who lived 190 to 126 BC.

Ptolemy indicates that Hipparchus called this cycle the “great Platonic year” although Plato died

some 300 years before Hipparchus lived. By calling this a Platonic year, does he not admit that Plato

wrote of this astronomical cycle in his TIMAEUS hundreds of years earlier? Do we not know that

Plato was initiated in the ancient Egyptian mysteries? Ptolemy also wrote that Hipparchus believed

this cycle to last some 36,000 years. Did not the keepers of the ancient mystery wisdom know that

this cycle actually lasted 25,920 years and for that reason calculated the cycle as the religious ages

discussed above?

One of the keepers of the ancient wisdom was the third century neo-platonist, Porphy who

wrote in his CAVE OF THE NYMPHS,

“Mithras is placed in the region of the celestial equator. And for this reason he bears the

sword of Aries, the sign to Mars; he also rides a bull, Taurus being assigned to Venus.”

Our scholar David Ulansey, should have read Porphy who exactly corresponds the symbolism

above in no. 3. “For the Ancient Egyptian-Chaldean or third sub-race, the vernal equinox was in

Taurus and the corresponding planet was Venus.”


The cult of Mithraism arose about the same time as Christianity and spread about Europe in

the same geographic areas. If for some reason, Christianity died in its infant years, western Europe

would have become Mithraic. Mithraism began to spread in the Roman Empire around the 1st century,

reached its peak around the 3rd century and succumbed to Christianity at the end of the 4th century

with the Emperor Constantine.

It was primarily a religion of roman soldiers. It excluded itself from the Hellenic world we saw

above in the spread of the knowledge of Aristotle by the sword of Alexander. The cult held services

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usually in an underground cave, which dates back to the practice of the Zoroastrians of ancient Persia.

At the entrance of the chapel stood a baptismal font full of holy water. They practiced baptism for 

the initiates. They held a religious service resembling a catholic mass. In a bas relief found in Rome,

the objects include an Eucharistic chalice and the bread of the Eucharist. At the conclusion of the

mass, the celebrant consecrated the wheat bread and water with a sacred juice called Hoama, a name

which closely resembles the Hindu name for their sacred juice, Soma, which was used to induce the

temple sleep.

The days of the week are named after the names of the gods who preside over these days.

Sunday is the day of the sun. The Mithras mass was celebrated on Sunday. The birth date of Mithras

was celebrated on December 25. They greeted each other with a hand shake. The chief priest was

called Father and the members were called brothers. Their theology was monotheistic and included

a heaven, full of saints, and a hell, full of demons, situated in the center of the earth. They believed

in the immortality of the soul and of the resurrection of the dead. Their earth history began with a


We know from history that Emperor Constantine won a great battle against the roman army

after he painted a cross on his shield and flag. He ushered in christianity which became the religion

of the empire and its soldiers. As christianity waxed, so did Mithraism wane. The council of Nicea

in 325 AD set the dogmas for the remainder of the cycle.

Was it a coincidence that these two religions were like sisters, and the ugly pagan sister,

 passed away and died? It has been said that,

"out of the remnants of the old initiation, the initiates, who were contemporaries of the

mystery of Golgotha, spoke about the secret of the Christ to those who were willing to accept

it....the initiates pointed out to the people that the Christ had come in order to solve the riddle

of death...the vestiges of the old initiation methods thru which the initiates at the time of the

mystery of Golgotha and their successors were able to speak correctly about the descent of 

the Christ and the path he took until His embodiment, these vestiges continued until the 4 th


The leading thought here is that there was a Father of the sun oracle, who taught the sun mysteries

in every culture, as opposed to the mysteries we discussed of the Moon, Venus, Mercury, etc. Thus,

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for every culture that followed the sun mysteries, a sun god was worshipped, such as in the Hindu,

a god named Vishna Karman, in the Persian, Ahura-Mazda, later Mithras, in the Egyptian, Osirius

and in the Greek, Apollo. That the other mystery centers had degenerated and that the birth of Christ

was the fulfillment of the sun mysteries. In each of the old sun mystery centers, the life and deeds of 

Christ was taught as its fulfillment and the need for further exposition was over, so the ancient sun

mysteries waned and christianity waxed.

Maybe not a coincidence that the mysteries of Mithras had so

many common cultic rituals, such that when the roman world was ordered by Constantine to convert

to christianity, this transition occurred very rapidly because the foundation had already been laid by

the Mithras cult? After the Christ incarnation and its spiritual recognition by the Father hierophants

of the old sun mysteries, the old pagan sun cults merged with christianity, over a period of 300 years,

and preserved the best aspects of each, such that pre-nicean christianity preserved both the best of 

the ancient sun mysteries and the secret of the Christ incarnation.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Cosgrove Jan. 2008


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In the original primordial age of mankind, there was but one caste, the Hindus called it

 HAMSA. This showed the primary unity of the two functions of spiritual authority and temporal power. The Hindu LAWS OF MANU instituted the division of mankind into castes. The caste

system is completely misunderstood in western and for this reason it is necessary to understand

the spiritual reasons for these class distinctions.

In the Hindu classic THE BHAGAVAD GITA the principle of class is discussed at length.

The natural order requires that there be a distribution of social functions based upon natural

abilities. The GITA says “ Always do your duty without attachment. Even a wise person follows

his own nature, as all beings follow their own natures. It is better to do your own dharma even

imperfectly, than someone else’s dharma perfectly. Even better to die in your dharma than in

another’s, which brings great fear. “

This social law is determined for the evolution of humanity throughout the Aryan epochs

and further described by Rene Guenon as follows.

“Caste is not in principle strictly hereditary. Since there can not be two persons identical

and equal in all respects, there are inevitably some differences among those belonging to

the same cast. There are more common characteristics, within a given species, amongindividuals belonging to the same caste than there are among those of different castes. One

could say that the distinction between castes in the human species constitutes a veritable

natural classification to which the distribution of social functions necessarily corresponds,

in effect, each man, by reason of his proper nature, is suited to carry out certain definite

functions to the exclusion of all others. And in a society established on a regular traditional

 basis, these aptitudes must be determined according to precise rules, so that, by the

correspondence of the various functions with the principle categories in the classification

of individual natures, each finds his proper place. .thus, the social order exactly expresses

the hierarchal relationships that result from the nature of the beings themselves.”

When the primordial unity of the single caste  HAMSA. ruptures, it separates into the

respective functions of spiritual authority and temporal power as represented in the Hindu classes

of Brahmins and Kshatriyas. The Brahmin class corresponds to the traditional priesthood. Its

essential function is to transmit traditional esoteric and religious doctrine, in which every social

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orginization finds its fundamental principles and reason to live. Knowledge and teaching are its

attributes and wisdom its symbol. The source of the traditional doctrine is revelations directly

from the spiritual world, transmitted thru a series of avataras, manus and rishis.

The Kshatriyas class corresponds to the traditional royal class of which the divine king is

its supreme representative. This class includes all types of governmental functions. The king and

his court represent the administrative function. The judges represent the judicial function and the

king’s army represent the military function. These three functions of administrative, judicial and

military regulate and stabilize society. They protect the social order while maintaining outward

 power to insure compliance. While spiritual authority is the provence of the Brahmins, temporal

 power is the provence of the Kshatriyas.

From these two classes derive the terms sacerdotal power and royal power. Spiritual

 power operates from the divine sources and is invisible. It is affirmed only by itself and is

independent of any exterior support. Temporal power is visible and affirms itself thru the military

force. In the natural order of things, the Brahmin class informs the Kshatriyas class. The

knowledge of the Brahmins is of a higher order, more transcendent, than that of the Kshatriyas.

Here begins the distinction between exoteric and esoteric knowledge. Esoteric knowledge belongs

to the Brahmins, whom in place form the doctrines of the traditional sciences, religious practices

and cultic rituals, which are then passes down to the Kshatriyas in a lower exoteric form, suitable

for understanding by the lower classes. Esoteric above, exoteric below.This two fold hierarchy also forms the distinction between the so-called greater mysteries

and lower mysteries of the ancient wisdom. The higher mysteries were reserved exclusively for 

the Brahmin class and the lower mysteries were reserved for the Kshatriyas class. This distinction

corresponds to the sacerdotal initiation and the royal initiation. The content of the royal initiation

was the scientific knowledge of nature, including geometry, astronomy, mathematics, architecture,

language, etc. The knowledge conferred in the sacerdotal mysteries was beyond nature, the

realm of metaphysics and pure divine intelligence. Obviously, the priestly class performed the

initiations for both classes while preserving the legitimacy of its members for both classes. The

divine right of kings derives from this initiation into the lower mysteries. For example, we know

historically that the kings of Egypt were always initiated by the priests into the mysteries.

Throughout the middle ages, the kings of Europe, from Charlemagne in the 9 th centaury to

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Maximilian in the 16th century, were anointed with holy chrism oil by the popes. And in the last

centuries, the kings and royal families in England were all initiated York rite masons.

Herein too we find the distinction between the sacerdotal art and the royal art. These

classes designate the practical application of the knowledge taught in the corresponding initiations

togther with the working tools of the craft respective to their domains. For sure, the ancient craft

guilds and the cathedral builders of the middle ages were well prepared adepts of the sacerdotal

arts up to the times of modern speculative masonry which is often called a royal art.

Wisdom and strength are the respective qualities of these two classes and of the sacerdotal

and royal powers, as well the symbols of the two pillars of masonry. The word Druid can be

 broken down into the two words DRU and VID. DRU or DERU translates into oak and strength.

The sanscrit word for wisdom is VID and relates to mistletoe. Thus, dru-vid is the mistletoe of the

oak, wisdom and strength united in one single word. The ancient Egyptian sphinx is also a symbol

of the two powers united in one. The human head represents wisdom and the lion body represents

strength. The head directs and the body acts. Spiritual authority directs and informs temporal

 power. In our lecture on the symbolism of Janus, the two functions were united in one god of 

initiation, Janus, who also holds both the two keys of sacerdotal and royal power.

In christianity we have the two functions of priesthood and royalty united in the person

and two names of Jesus and Christ. Jesus descended from the tribe of Judah and the House of 

King David. In the Dead Sea Scrolls we see the prophecy that in the end of days there wouldappear “the prophet and the (two) messiahs of Aaron and Israel.” The priestly line was

represented as the messiah of Aaron and the kingly line by the messiah of Israel or Judah. Also, in

the genealology given in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, we see the descendants of the two

children of king David separate into the lines of Solomon and Nathan, only to unite again 28

generations later in the parents of the Jesus child.

The third class ordained by the Laws of Manu is called the Vaishyas which corresponds to

the merchant class and the fourth class is called the Shudras which corresponds to the serfs or 

working class. The Laws of Manu say, “the King should order the Vaisya to trade, to lend money,

to cultivate the land or to tend cattle and order a sudras to serve the twice born castes. The vaysia

must know the value of gems, of metals of cloth and perfectly know all measures and weights. He

must know the excellence and defects of commodities, be acquainted with the wages of servants,

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know the various languages of men, with the manner of storing goods and the rules of purchase

and sale. The Sudras are servants of his betters, may be compelled to do servile work, shall not

commit an offense, which shall cause loss of caste, and may not read the sacred texts.”

We in the western world have seen such class division in the middle ages. The clergy or 

 priesthood corresponds to the Brahmin; the kingly nobility and knighthood warriors correspond to

the Kshatriyas; the third estate Burgers correspond to the Vaishyas and the serfs and indentured

farming tenants to the Shudras.

Each class depends on the higher for its transmission of temporal power. The practice of 

the anointing of Kings during the middle ages showed the transmission of sacerdotal power to

royal power and a king was not legitimate until such investiture occurred. Properly speaking, the

world order supports itself on this ancient fourfold class structure. However, the world order 

collapses when this division of labor revolts. It is interesting to look at world history from a

different prospective , that of the decline of the royal power invested in the Kings of Europe.


The modern western mind now accepts the reality of the progress of cultural civilizations,

that they rise and fall. The concept of progress is relative, not cumulative.

The Knights Templar were founded in 1119 to protect the pilgrims travelling to the holyland. Hughes De Payens and several other french knights organized the order which rapidly

spread throughout Europe. They were at the first hand a militant army of christian warriors. The

order was organized in the traditional manner with four orders, the knights, sergeants, chaplains

and servants. They fought military battles in the east, winning some and losing some. They were

always respected as fierce warriors.

Secondly, they were financial geniuses, having invented the modern checking account

system. They were bankers whose castles had safe storage vaults. They loaned money and the

order became wealthy.

Lastly, the order was informed by the Cistercian priesthood and initiatic in the traditional

sense above described. They penetrated the initiatic orders of Islam and returned home with great

occult secrets.

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The demise of the order is well known in western history. On Friday, October the 13th

1307, King Phillip the Fair ordered all the Knights arrested and imprisoned. He stole all their 

money and closed their banking network. While in prison, the Knights were tortured and

confessions extorted.

King Phillip’s accomplice in this nasty affair was Pope Clement V. He was the pope of the

great schism, when the papacy was removed from Rome to Avignon, France in 1305. He was a

 pawn to King Phillip. At the council of Vienne in 1311, the anti-pope Clement issued a papal bull

dissolving the order of the Templars. Between 1307 and 1312, Jaques De Molay and his fellow

knights languished in prison. A panel of cardinals sentenced the remaining Templars to life

imprisonment. Upon hearing this, the Templars recanted their confessions. Unfortunately, upon

also hearing this recantation, King Phillip immediately had the imprisoned Templars burned at the

stake in March 1312.

This horrible demise of the Templars left social scars at many levels. At one level, it can be

said that this was the first revolt of the royal power of the king against the sacerdotal power of the

 priesthood in western civilization. Modern people underestimate the middle ages, with that

horrible expression, the dark ages. Truth be told, during the middle ages, the spiritual authority of 

the priesthood still had a direct connection with the spiritual center of the world, called the

Omphalos. At no time in the history of western civilization, was traditional society more

connected with that hidden source of all spirituality. Beginning the 14


century, westerncivilization ruptures from its own unique tradition. Henceforth, the temporal power of the kings

usurped the spiritual authority of the priesthood for its own political ends. Pope Clement and

Philip the Fair were very evil, satanic persons, who ushered in the revolt of the Kshatriyas in the

west. Unfortunately, temporal power brings about its own ruin when it denies its subordination to

the spiritual authority.

Fortunately, both the pope and king died within a year from the murder of Jaques De

Molay. The legacy of the Templars lived on into the founding of the Scottish rites of freemasonry

and further into the Jacobite causes of the French revolution. However, the European feudal

system of government began its fatal decline. The history of France since the 14th century is a

microcosm of the larger decline of traditional forms in western civilization. It is surprising to

observe that the feudal system was the best suited for the king to perform his traditional functions.

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But when, the king rejects the sacerdotal power, he begins a process of centralization of the

government functions. These spread out thru the nobility and soon, the king finds his most

dreaded enemies in the same nobility he created after rejection of the priesthood. Thus, the king

works to create a nation as a substitute for the feudal system. And in doing so, he relies on the

Vaishyas caste to help him. In the courts of Louis XI and Louis XIV, we see a large bourgeoisie

arise and surround the kings as the third estate. However, in doing so the king sows the seeds of 

his own destruction. In France, we see the first European country to abolish the monarchy

 because of the nation building of the bourgeoisie.

During the middle ages, we had a unified christian culture populated by separate feudal

kingships. There were rules for warfare. During the french revolution, we find for the first time, a

frenzy of murder, rape and pillage, not of the conquered nation, but between the revolutionary

citizens themselves. The guillotine in Paris was a symbol of the hatred of the bourgeoisie for the

monarchy. We will see this same revolutionary zeal repeated when the sudras caste revolts against

the bourgeoisie in the Russian revolution. No feudal war between kings ever saw such devastation

and destruction as seen in a class war between castes.

Along with nation building comes national religions. King Henry the 8th was the first to

invent a state religion. The sole purpose of the subjugation of the priestly order to the will of the

royal order was to ensure the domination of the political order. With the rise of Protestantism

came the first national churches. In every country where there was a protestant revolution, a statechurch arose to entrench its establishment in political power. The reformation was the most visible

symptom of the rupture of that unified christian culture that so marked the high spirituality of the

Middle Ages. By the end of the reformation, all Europe had been swallowed by the fervor of 

revolution, all national boundary lines had been established and the christian unity of Europe had

 been finally destroyed. It can be said that a major purpose of the first world war was for England

to destroy the last monarchy in Europe, the Hapsburg empire of Austria.

Throughout the western world, we have seen the historical pattern, where the kings usurp

the spiritual authority of the priesthood. Then the kings share their new found temporal power 

with the lower castes of the bourgeoisie. Then the bourgeoisie subsequently abolishes the

monarchy. It does not matter much if the monarchy lives on nominally as in England, the end

result is the same. The economic sphere of the bourgeoisie gains supremacy of the political

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sphere. We also see this pattern in modern democracies.

This pattern of the revolt of the castes leads to only one tragic result. Usurpation calls

forth further usurpation, which can only lead to the final usurpation of the Sudras over the third

estate. This is what happened in the Russian revolution, when the lowest caste rose up in murder,

rape and pillage against the higher. Bolshevism is the final chapter of the demise of the traditional

caste order, because it can go no lower. And as we saw in the collapse of Russian communism in

1989, it has to be a short lived phenomenon, because it marks the last phase of a given historical



 Now when I say the end of a given historical cycle, I am referring the Hindu yuga cycles.

It is only in the last cycle, that of kali yuga, that the breakdown of the traditional order can occur,

when the lower caste can usurp the higher. These four Hindu cycles are also found in traditional

Greek and Roman tradition here referred to as the four ages of mankind, the golden age, the silver 

age, etc. they refer to the four stages that mankind progresses in the path from the primordial

unity of Hamsa, thru a process of increased materialism away from the center to a final end of an

entire cycle of manifestation.

They are also referred to by the book of Daniel in the dream of Nabuchudonsor with the manmade of gold, silver, bronze and iron, each referring to a kingdom of mankind.

The first cycle is called the Krita yuga that begins about 58 thousand BC. This was the

golden age of mankind referred to by Hesiod, an age of wisdom and primordial unity with the

world center. The second age is called Treta yuga beginning about 32 thousand BC. This was an

age of agriculture and urbanization and the institution of royalty and feudal kingships. The third

age is called Dvarpara yuga which began about 14 thousand BC. It was an age of religion and

 philosophy, an age when mankind begins its move away from tradition. The final age is called Kali

yuga which began in 3,102 BC. This final age lasts about 5,000 years and ends at the beginning of 

the 20th century. It has a twilight holdover of about 500 years.

The lengths of the ages themselves last in a ratio of 4 : 3 : 2; 1. Thus, the first age lasted

some 25 thousand years, the second age some 18 thousand years, the third some 12 thousand

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years and the final kali age, lasted some 5 thousand years, for a total of about 60.5 thousand

years. Each cycle of four yugas lasts this 60.5 thousand years . There are 7 human cycles of 

manifestation, each lasting some 60.5 thousand years each. Thus, for this last big cycle, we have

the first appearance of humanity around 419 thousand BC; the second cycle around 359 thousand

BC; the third cycle around 298 thousand BC; the fourth around 238 thousand BC; the fifth

around 178 thousand BC; the sixth around 118 thousand BC and the seventh and last big cycle

around 58 thousand BC. The sixth cycle beginning about 118 thousand BC probably corresponds

to the age of the neanderthal man and the seventh cycle to the age of the cro-mangan man, with

homo-sapiens appearing around 32 thousand BC, which corresponds well with the age of the cave

drawings in France.

For the Hindu tradition, the cycle of manifestation of humanity ends at the end of kali

yuga, about 2,442 Ad. This is not good news for anyone making plans for the 21st


However, western occultism extends the yugas into another cycle.

Regardless of the merit of the lengths of these yuga cycles, the final cycle of Kali yuga is

called the Dark Age, similar to what western historians called the middle ages. It is the hindu god

Shiva age of the destruction of traditional forms. This destruction follows the path of the

separation of temporal power from spiritual power. Knowing that the Chinese civilization is far 

older that western culture, extending back to the seventh root race Age of Atlantis, we can see

humanity living thru those ancient yugas, when we come to a point in history, where the westerncycle seem to recapitulate the entire preceding cycles, that took place in the east, many thousands

of years ago. We can see the middle ages characterized by the unity of christianity and its close

 proximity with the center. Then, during the 14th century, we see the initial break from unity with

the revolt of the royalty of King Philip from the priesthood of the Templars. Then, for a short

time, the sharing of power between King Philip and Pope Clement. Later, the comes the sharing

of power between the monarchy of the King Louis courts and the third estate and finally, with the

French revolution, the complete abolition of the monarchy. The three fold devolution was nearly

complete, first, the abolition of the sacerdotal power, then the abolition of the royal power and

finally, the rule of the third estate. Modern western society is the rule of the third estate, that of 

the merchant class bourgeoisie over the two higher castes.

Then along comes Karl Marx in the 19th century. He said that the history of humanity was

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the history of economic power of the bourgeoisie. He also created the theology of the fourth

revolution, that of the Sudra against the third estate. With the Russian revolution, the cycle was

now complete. All three lower castes have revolted against the higher. For the Hindus, it was no

surprise that the end of Kali yuga came during the time of the Russian revolution. The cycle of 

manifestation was complete.


Our dear brother Eric said in his last lecture said that masonry affects different people in

different ways, which is very true. He also mentioned that he was not sure that the masonic

rituals in themselves worked equally on each candidate who experienced them, such that a very

large number of initiated masons, leave the order, retaining nothing of its intrinsic worth. Nothing

could be further from the truth!

First, in each masonic ritual, there is a transmission of spiritual authority from the spiritual

world to the temporal world. In each lodge, during each ritual there is the presence of angelic

spirits. Geoffrey Hodson in his book, THE KINGDOM OF THE GODS says,

“all valid ceremonial orders throughout the world, and especially those which, like

Freemasonry, originated in the Lesser and Greater mysteries and are still representative of 

them, also receive benediction, the presence and the cooperation of angels andarchangels.”

He goes on to describe a certain angelic type called the rose angel and also says,

“Rose angels any be thought of as incarnations of divine wisdom and love. When in the

 performance of certain rituals of Freemasonry, angels of this kind are likely to respond to

the invocation and cooperate in the distribution of power and its application to general and

individual needs. This particular rose angel stands some 12 feet tall.”

Second, there is the general feeling, that during the performance of the masonic ritual,

nothing special is felt by the initiate, such that he feels different about himself after the ritual than

 before. Again, nothing could be further from the truth!

Although the initiate may not actually feel the reception of the spiritual influence into

himself, this in itself does not mean that nothing passed between worlds. For example, when a

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 person takes a consecrated Eucharistic host on his tongue during the sacrament of communion,

most people do not experience the real presence of Christ on his tongue or in his body. However,

this lack of feeling in no way diminishes the spiritual fact that transubstantiation has occurred.

There is in fact no disadvantage that the initiate suffers no consciousness awareness of the

transmission of a spiritual influence. One might say that the transmission creates a potency that

lays dormant in the initiated until further personal development occurs on the path to


Third, this latent state of dormancy has an analogy in the natural world. At one time in the

evolution of this planet, the earth was ALL LIFE. Then, some of the life forms passed on, leaving

their non-living bodies over as a shell. A large accumulation of these shells form together to form

the foundation for the emergence of a new, higher form of life. Such is the geology of Cambrian

life forms such as corals, that later form limestone and even later form marble. This process is

represented by the washing of the feet at the last supper, where a lower hierarchy of life, forms

the foundation of a new, hierarchy of life forms.

At the present time in planetary evolution, the earth can not produce a living plant

spontaneously. Plant life can only come forth from a seed from a pre-existing plant. However, we

know intuitively that the age of ALL LIFE did once exist, otherwise, there could have been no

 beginning, there could have been no chicken without an egg! In our present age of earth, one

cannot reap without first having sown. This is also true for the transmission of spiritual influences.A seed must be planted in each initiate before he can advance in spiritual development.

This is precisely what ritual initiation gives to the candidate at any masonic service. The

seed of future spiritual development is implanted by the communion between master and

neophyte. In is not without merit that the meaning of the word ‘neophyte’ in the ancient mysteries

meant ‘new plant’! In fact we can say that the definition of initiation is the initial transmission of a

spiritual influence in a seed state. With this initial transmission, one joins a spiritual affiliation with

the corresponding elementals and angels in the spiritual world. And this affiliation lasts both in this

lifetime and the next.

 No brother mason can look at another mason and say that nothing happened when they

were initiated by the master into the first, second and third degrees of the fellow craft. Even if one

says that the fellow mason, took nothing in this life and left the craft, we cannot say anything

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about what effect such initiation will have in the next life. It is often said that many of the

 prophets of the Old Testament were reincarnated at the same time during the Life of Christ so as

to help accomplish the great deed of mankind. There are still many other great deeds to be

accomplished before the prodigal son returns home to his father.

A final aspect of the latent state of dormancy to consider is what 18 th century masonry

referred to as “unknown superiors.” These so-called mysterious travelers seem to pop up out of 

nowhere, plant a seed of esoteric knowledge and then disappear as fast as they appeared and for 

the most part, remain nameless.

It was said of Dante, that while traveling in Spain he met a mysterious stranger, who took 

him to a mountain top, where Dante saw in vision the spiritual worlds, above and below, without

which vision, he never could have written his fabulous poems. A certain person named Brunetto

Latini, did live in Spain at that time and Dante did recognize him as his master and mentor. But it

is difficult to say that this Latini was Dante’s unknown superior, since Dante assigned him a place

in hell with the sodomites!

In the late 12th century, a strange but inspiring new form of literature appeared in Europe.

It was called the era of courtly romance and its precursor was a certain Frenchman named

Christian de Troyes. He created the motif of the Arthurian romances and was the first author to

speak of Lancelot, Camelot and the Fisher King. The cycle ended with the most fabulous christian

drama of the age in The Story of the Grail (Perceval). But from where did his source materialcome from? The unfinished Grail story was dedicated to a certain Philip of Flanders, whom

Christian credited as the original source of his manuscript of the Grail story. Philip died in the

Crusades at Acre in 1191, which is also about the time that Christian died, or at least at the same

time that the Grail story became unfinished. Philip was christian’s secret master, was he also his

unknown superior?

A more familiar case was with the great German occultist, Jacob Boehme, to whom

appeared a mysterious stranger at his shoemaker shop. Boehme said he never appeared again and

Boehme went on later in life to write many occult treatises and become the founder of the German


Likewise, a certain gardener and botanist appeared one day to the Austrian, Rudolph

Steiner, in his youth. Years later, Steiner lectured extensively on the life of Christian Rosenkruetz

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and the secret occult Rosicrucian brotherhood of the 16th and 17th centuries. Modern scholars

now believe the Rosicrucians were the founders of the Age of the European enlightenment as well

the writers of the first masonic rituals.

The spiritual fact is that any person who has been initiated may never have any clue

as to what this means to him spiritually. He may have no awareness of the true nature of the

initiation nor where it will lead him in life. The mysterious traveler may appear anytime, anywhere,

to anyone, unannounced and afterward, one’s life is forever changed.

The spiritual fact is that masonry is an initiatic chain with an affiliation with known and

unknown superiors whose souls reside above, in the spiritual world of angels. Membership in this

chain ensures an uninterrupted transmission of spiritual influences by ritual and deed.

Traditionally, the transmission has been oral, however, there is a large corpus of books on

masonry, its rites, symbolism and history. However, no one who only reads these books can ever 

 be a mason nor participate in the chain, because the transmission requires a vital element for 

which books could never serve as a vehicle. This vital element is the oral transmission combined

with the signs, seals and oaths of masonry.


My purpose in explaining the traditional caste system is to show the correspondence between the different types of initiation and their relationship to the caste system. Before one can

understand to what level of initiation the masonic craft degrees aspire, it is necessary to show the

overall picture.

As we started with the Hindu classic THE BHAGAVAD GITA, so we shall end this

lecture. The GITA is different from many Hindu treatises in that it teaches of both a supreme god

and a personal god, much like the christian Father and Son. The GITA also teaches of a personal

immortal soul, in contrast to Buddhism, which denies any personal ego or immortality. In the

GITA, the personal soul, after death, ascends to MOKSA which is like our traditional heaven,

wherein the soul unites with the supreme god. And unlike other traditional Hindu doctrines,

where knowledge is the only supreme path to Moksa, the GITA teaches of three paths to god.

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The first path is called the Jnana Marga. This is the path of wisdom, thru knowledge of 

divine things, similar to the traditional Hindu doctrines above mentioned. It is characterized by

knowledge thru the mind or intellect and also of wisdom achieved thru intuition of divine truths. It

is also the path of traditional yoga practices.

The second path is called Bhakti Marga. This is the path of love and devotion. It is

characterized by charity with religious faith and prayer to a personal god and gods, much like the

christian practice of prayer to Jesus and the angels and saints in heaven.

The third path is called Karma Marga. This is the path of work and duty. It is

characterized by devotion to the social order and requires work in agreement with the law of 

one’s being an the duties imposed by caste. God intends every man to work in connection with

society and the social order is considered to be divine. This part is directly in opposition to the

Buddhist practice of inaction and intentional withdrawal from society by living in seclusion and

 begging for food.

Thus, whatever path is chosen, that of wisdom, devotion or service, the path leads to the

same final end, which is union with the supreme god head in heaven. When the mind is purified

from desire, and personal egoism is destroyed by love and charity and the body is fulfilled by

service, the person becomes one with god. Body, soul and spirit are fulfilled by each of the three


 Now, cultic initiation is appropriate to each of the three paths. The Jnanaic pathcorresponds to the “greater mysteries” of which we have spoken in past lectures. The bhaktic and

karmic paths are more appropriate to the “lesser mysteries.” In the lecture on the Mysteries of 

Mithras, I made the comparison that the three degrees of masonry correspond more to the lesser 

mysteries and the four higher degrees of Mithras correspond more to the greater mysteries.

Within the greater mysteries lie the source of the destiny of nations.

Also, the three paths correspond to the traditional caste system. For the Brahmin caste,

corresponds the Jnanaic path. For the Kshatiyas caste, corresponds the Bhakti Marga and for the

Vaishyas caste, corresponds the Karma Marga. This classification is in accordance of the

traditional principle that people are organized according to their birth given individual nature. The

Brahmin or priestly class is particularly suited for the Jnanaic path which aspires to wisdom. The

Kshatiyas or royal and warrior caste is particularly suited to the Bhakti Marga which aspires to

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devotion and religious practice. And the Vaishyas or merchant caste is particularly suited to the

service and worker path.

Following this path of analysis, it is also a certain result that as the three paths correspond

to the three castes, so do the traditional forms of initiation correspond to the same threefold

order. The Brahmin caste is informed by the manu of the cycle. As such, this is the domain of the

greater mysteries and of the initiatic degrees of the Mithraic Persian, Sun Runner and Father.

These are the initiates and their corresponding angels who lead nations, make the laws, create the

language, create the musical and art forms and bear the karmic destiny of the nation. The primal

wisdom of the manu for the cycle was given to the Brahmin caste in the vehicle of the Hindu

Vedas. The word Veda means wisdom and these hymns are the oldest expressions of wisdom

extant on the planet. They are intended to last the entire cycle. The Vedas teach of art, science,

 philosophy, religion, medicine, diet, health and discipline, nothing more is really needed for 

civilization to evolve. The authorship of the Vedas is attributed to the seven rishis. Each rishi

represents the cumulative widsom of each of the seven root races of Atlantis. Thus, as each

successive rishi incarnated in Hindu culture and disclosed his wisdom thru song, the cumulative

wisdom of the past age is recapitulated and revealed to the more modern age. In addition to the

Vedas as a book of wisdom, there was given to the Hindus the seven yogas which form the most

rigorous method to achieve complete metaphysical union with the god head thru the Jnanaic path

of the priesthood.In the west, it cannot really be said that there has been a continuous historical transmission

of initiatic forms that strictly conform to the three castes as is the case in the eastern forms. The

western tradition is characterized by mixed forms, that apply to more than one caste at the same

time. The Jnanic initiations that correspond uniquely to the priestly sacerdotal path were those of 

the religious orders in the various catholic monasteries, such as the Cistercians, Carthusians,

Charterians, Dominicans and Franciscans and of course, some cultic monasteries such as the

Manichaeans, Ebionites, Albigenes and Catharists.

It can be said that each monastery held a certain occult secret that was shared by its

membership after the appropriate vows and rituals. Usually it related to some event in the Life of 

Christ not revealed by the Gospels. It was no mistake that the complete first century writings of 

Dionysius the Aeropagite turned up in a small Parisian monastery dedicated to this same patron

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saint. At the Court of Charles the Bald in the 9 th century, these manuscripts were translated by

John Scotus Eriugena and preserved until the 12th century, when they became the source texts of 

the Cistercians order that founded the School of Chartres, an esoteric neo-platonic christian


Or that Nicholas De Cusa happened to be on the same ship traveling back from

Constantinople in 1437 when he met a mysterious man named Gemistos Plethon who happened to

 be carrying with him, all the great original Greek texts of Plato and Aristotle secreted from that

great library just before the Islamic invasion and fall of the byzantine Empire. These texts of the

Greek philosophers and scientists, that had been lost for 1200 years, were brought to the court

of Cosimo de’Medici, translated and published which, in turn, ushered in the Renaissance.

Those orders in the west that correspond to the royal initiations of the Kshatriyas caste

arose in the medieval orders of Chivalry and cults such as the Fedeli d’Amore and Knights

Templar. The Knights were a classic example of the mixed forms of initiation. They were priests

and warriors, members of both the royal and warrior castes. The Templars were informed by the

 priesthood of the Cistercians, an order founded only 2 years after the beginning of the first

crusade. As spiritual patrons of the Templars, St. Bernard of Clairveaux was the prime mover of 

the order, incorporating into it the ancient esoteric wisdom of the Irish Celtic church. These

Bhakti-marga paths of initiation have now completely disappeared in the west, since the demise of 

the Knights Templar in the 14


century.And this finally brings us to craft masonry. Our masonic cultic rituals specifically

correspond to the karma-marga path of the Vaishyas caste of merchants and craftsman, for by

definition, the original masons exercised a craft, as did the carpenters and architect-designers of 

the great medieval cathedrals. With the separation of masonry into the operative and speculative

 branches in the 18th century, the practice of a craft (operative masonry) is no longer required for 

initiation into speculative masonry. Our York rite craft masonry is also a hybrid mixed form since

the creation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, which separated off any supposed Scottish

origins of the rituals. The purpose here was to forever keep British masonry dedicated to the

 protestant House of Orange and dismiss outright the catholic Stuart dynasty and its implications

with the Templars and the Scottish origin of freemasonry.

With the Templars, we saw the hybrid form of priest and warrior, a combination of the

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first and second estates. With British masonry, we see a hybrid of the royal families of the

Hanoverian kings initiated into the speculative masonic craft, a combination of the second and

(split) third estates. Without a priesthood, there is no transmission from a sacerdotal source in the

latter British form. One certainly could argue, that the Templar masonry brought over from

Scotland with the Stuart King James I in 1603 was a higher initiatic form than that crafted by

Anderson with the revised rituals for the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England in 1723. We

know fairly well that an Invisible College existed for around 100 years whose members included

Robert Moray and the Royal Society, Elias Ashmole and Francis Bacon. It is safe to say that they

 practiced ancient masonry in the true hermetic Anglo-Saxon form brought over by King James.

Within 15 years of the death of the last Grand Master of the ancient form, Christopher Wren, a

new form of masonry appeared in 1717. This new form had been stripped of any Hermetic and

religious symbolism that existed in the operative masonic guilds of the middle ages. The oath of 

fealty in the ancient rituals dedicated to the Stuart monarchy and the catholic church were

controverted into an oath of fealty to the Grand Lodge of England. This reconstructed form of 

masonry continues to this day in England and America.


My intention in this lecture was to show the place that craft masonry fits in the overall

scheme of traditional forms of initiatic transmission of spiritual influences. First we have the four traditional castes and the historical revolt of the lower castes against the higher. The degeneration

of the caste system went hand and hand with the devolution of time thru the corresponding cycles

of the four Hindu yuga ages. This is the path of human evolution thru the ages and may be called

many things from the historical dialectics of Hegal and Marx, to the decline of civilizations

described by Spencer, to the clash of civilizations also described by the modern political analyst,

Samuel Huntington. In each correspondence, there was a decline from a higher order to the

lower, not a Darwinian evolution from a lower order into a higher. For each order there was a

corresponding form to transmit spiritual influences from the sacerdotal to the royal and from the

royal to the crafts. Unfortunately, as did the traditional castes decline into disorder, so has the

transmission of spiritual influences also declined thru the initiatic orders. In the west, craft

masonry may be the last initiatic order to survive.

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Respectively submitted,

By: Stephen Cosgrove

September 24, 2008

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For those who subscribe to the Scottish origin of freemasonry, tradition has always held

that the Knights Templar, after the destruction of their order in 1313, took refuge in Scotland and

were warmly welcomed by King Robert the Bruce and together founded the mother lodge of 

Kilwinning and the Order of Heredom. Scottish history professor David Stevenson in his scholarly

 book THE ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY describes the early 15th and 16 century origins of 

masonry in the Scottish guilds. The first truly masonic document has often been credited to the

first Schaw Statutes, a collection of 22 paragraphs, setting forth rules, regulations and fines for 

disobedience. Schaw was the master of works appointed by the king. It appeared in 1598 and

 provided a flood of new evidence about masonic organization in Scotland. The system was based

upon the creation of lodges, presided over by a warden who was also a master mason.

The duties imposed and oaths administered were over two groups, those of the apprentice

and fellow craft. In the masonic catechisms which appeared later, when the apprentice became

“entered” he was given the secret name of Boaz and to the fellow craft was given the secret name

of Jachin. These of course are the two pillars of Solomon’s temple. However there is no reference

to the secret word of the master mason until the Slone and Trinity College catechisms appearing

some hundred years later in 1711. Indeed, the Sloane catechism gives the secret word of the third

degree as “mahabyn”and the Irish catechism of 1711 gives the word as “matchpin.” Other 

catechisms give a medley of words such as “maughbin” and “magboe and boe.” What this means

is that none of the authors of these catechisms had any clear knowledge of what these words

meant or even if they were traditionally correct.

In the original Shaw statutes, the lodge was run by fellowcraft and master masons and the

warden was the actual head of the lodge. However, no clear distinction was made between

fellowcraft and master masons. They shared in common the secret word and grip. The master 

mason was clearly not a separate degree and charge. However, by the end of the of 17th century,

the practice in Lodge of Edinburgh ceased to recognize the fellowcraft and master as

synonymous degrees. In the Sloane catechism of 1711, to call a quorum for a meeting, there was

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needed two entered apprentices, two fellowcraft and two masters, now with the later two having

separate words and grips of recognition. Thus, there occurred in Scotland during the 17th century,

a conversion from a two grade to a three grade system in the lodge.

The confusion over the secret words of the third degree demonstrates that there was

confusion over the adoption of rituals from a trigradal system. This assumes that the third grade

of master mason, with a separate, word, grip and degree, arrived into Scotland during the 17th

century, from an outside source, presumably, from Britain. There is good reason to assume that

the separate third grade development first in England and was later transposed over to Scotland

and merged with its two grade system. Scotland may have been the cradle of masonry, but

England quickly became its beacon.

Professor Stevenson’s research shows that at the time of the first Schaw Statutes “the

main or only ceremony of initiation came on promotion to fellowcraft. By the time of the second

Schaw Statutes, the grades of entered apprentice and fellow craft were established. ” Stevenson

concludes that,

“ English gentlemen as non-operative masons were not organized into lodges of a Scott ish

or modern kind, but met in fluid ad hoc occasional lodges, for the purpose of initiation

only. Most Scottish lodges were largely operative in membership. England can claim the

first entirely non-operative or purely speculative lodges. Moreover, English masons

evidently had only one degree rather than the Scottish two and this alone implies

considerable differences in ritual. In England, rituals were based upon Scottish practices,

 but they were soon elaborated and altered. The Scottish two degrees were extended to

three, perhaps completing an evolutionary practice already begun in Scotland. The

Scottish system of permanent lodges was crowned in England with the first grand lodge

(in 1717). English masons developed the lore of the Old Charges, which comprised an

important part of their pre-history of freemasonry, making unusually elaborate claims to

the superiority of their craft.

But there is no evidence that this was reflected in any way in a unique organization of their 

masonic craft. The English innovations of a grand lodge, the recognition of a third degree

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and elaborate ritual, were the icing on the cake baked in Scotland.”

So it is very clear from professor Stevenson’s research, that the third degree was at some

time implanted by English reformers into former Scottish two grade system of masonic rituals.

Likewise, Scottish historian, Robert Cooper in his book, Cracking the Freemason’s Code 2006,


“The earliest known ritual in manuscript form is the Edinburgh Register House, which is

dated 1696. Unlike the modern system of three degrees it is clear that originally there were

only two ceremonies. The first was for giving and receiving the individual words of the

entered apprentice and the second was for the giving and receiving the individual words of 

the fellows of craft. There was no mention of the master mason’s degree.”

Also in accord is the research of Professor Henrick Bogdan (of Goteborg University in

Sweden) who says in his book, Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation (2007) ,

“ Prior to 1730, the many craft rituals had consisted of only two rituals. Documents show

that Jachin was the entered apprentice secret word, while Boaz was that of the

fellowcrafts. In Samuel Prichard’s MASONRY DISSECTED , we find the first known

description of the three degree system. In the Graham MS from 1726, the manuscript

includes an early version of the Hiram legend, in which Noah has the part that after 1730

is ascribed to Hiram ”


So where did this third degree come from? My humble take is that Scottish masonry was

imported into England when King James the VI of Scotland became James the first of England in

1603. James can truly be called the “Freemason King.” He was initiated into the Lodge of Scoon

and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35, where his portrait hangs to this day. When William Schaw

wrote his masonic statutes in 1598, he tried to make Scottish masonry a royal institution by

making the King the grand master of all lodges. However, this was thwarted by the other lodges

who gave their allegiance to the family of William Sinclair of Roslin. After he moved to London

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and became King of England, he engaged a royal court of masons. His favorite pastime was

 playing the role of King Solomon in court dramas, which is the same role that the master of the

lodge takes in ceremony. King James made masonry fashionable with the royal court of England

as well with the leading intellectuals of the age. Francis Bacon, the single greatest scientific mind

of the time, was his close friend, fellow mason and mentor. James probably played a greater role

than any other single person in spreading the craft thru the ranks of the aristocracy, merchants and

scientists of the age. Thru him, the link between craft masonry and the royal art was forged.

However, I suggest that James had a much greater influence on masonry that history recalls.

It was also during the rein of King James that the first Rosicrucian manuscripts of the

FAMA and CONFESSIO were published in Germany in 1614 and 1615. These tracts produced

enormous enthusiamm amount intellectuals throughout Europe. The times were indeed

challenging. The reformation had destroyed all former religious values and institutions. The

 publications spoke of a new society of equality and a general reformation of the whole world thru

the study of natural science and Hermeticism.

These collections of Rosicrucian manuscripts also appeared in Scotland in the library of 

Lord Balcarres. He was a collector of alchemical manuscripts. Written In his own hand were

translations of these Rosicrucian tracts dated in 1633. This predates the English versions

 published by Thomas Vaughan in 1652. More than a coincidence is the fact that Lord Balcarres

daughter married Britain’s most famous mason and founder of the Royal Society, Sir Robert

Moray. Moray was also the patron of Vaughan and most likely passed on the Scottish versions to

him for publication.

Professor Stevenson says “In reality there was, it is all but certain, no Rosicrucian

 brotherhood, either newly founded or long established.” However, he does defer to a much

greater scholar of the enlightenment, Dame Frances Yates , who in her book, THE

ROSICRUCIAN ENLIGHTENMENT says “the European phenomenon of freemasonry almost

certainly was connected with the Rosicrucian movement ” and “ the members of the House of 

Stuart tended to be carriers of freemasonry.” Yates gave great credence to the essay by Thomas

DeQuincy in 1824 that says “ Freemasonry is nothing more or less than Rosicrucianism as

modified by those who transplanted it to England.”

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The difference between a scholar who writes the lines and the occultist who reads between

those lines is one of traditional ancient wisdom. Such an occult traditionalist was the early 20 th

century Frenchman, Rene Guenon, who wrote that, “ Esoteric doctrines can be transmitted only

thru initiation. Modern masonry resulted from a partial fusion of the Brotherhood of the Rose-

Cross, which had preserved gnostic doctrine since the Middle Ages, with the ancient building

guilds of the masons, whose tools had moreover already been used as symbols of the Hermetic

 philosophers. ”

The earliest known reference to the mason’s word is from a poem published in Edinburgh

in 1638 which says,

“For we be brethren of the Rosie Crosse

We have the mason’s word and second sightThings for to come we can tell foretell aright.”


Obviously not considered an actual historical personalty by mainstream academics,

Christian Rosenkreutz, first became known in Germany thru a handwritten treatise in 1604 called

THE CHEMICAL WEDDING, by Johann Valentin Andrea. This was later published in 1616,

 probably as a response to the publications of the FAMA and CONFESSIO in 1614/15. It was

stated that he was born from German aristocratic descent and lived from 1378 to 1484. These are

referred to hereafter as the ‘three manifestos.’

According to Dr. Rudolph Steiner, Christian Rosenkreutz was born into a previous life in

the middle of dark ages of the Tartar-Mongol invasions of the 13th century where he lived a short

life in seclusion with 12 other initiates. Around 1250 Seven of these initiates were incarnations of 

the seven Hindu rishes who carried within them all the cumulated ancient wisdom the of seven

epochs of the former Atlantean age. In addition, four contained the wisdom the first four epochsof the post Atlantean ages, being the ancient Hindu epoch, the Persian epoch, the Egyptian-

Chaldean-Babylonian epoch and the forth, Greek-roman epoch. The 12th initiate contained the

wisdom of the present 5th epoch, particularly that of the early scientific method. In this occult

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manner, these 12 initiates represented the collective wisdom of all ages since the beginning of the

Atlantean age. Together these 12 gathered around the 13 th, in a manner similar to the 12 apostles

gathering around the Christ as 13th, and rayed their wisdom into the youthful aura of Christian

Rosenkreutz. Dr. Steiner further describes the events of his life:

“ This soul of C. R. had lived a former life during the incarnation of Christ and His

crucifixion. In the incarnations that followed, he prepared himself for this mission thru

humility of soul and thru a fervent life devoted to God. He was a great soul, a pious,

deeply mystical human being, who had not just acquired these qualities during this life, but

was born with them. He grew up entirely under the care and instructions of the twelve,

who gave him all the wisdom they could give. The intent

of the twelve was to unite the various religions into one great whole. At a certain time, he

refused to eat and wasted away. After a few days the body of the 13th became transparent

and he lay as though dead. The twelve gathered around him a certain intervals and all

knowledge and wisdom flowed thru their lips. At a certain time the 13 th awoke like a new

soul that had experienced a great transformation. He had experienced the same event that

St. Paul experienced at Damascus . His new form of wisdom was as though given by

Christ himself. What he now revealed to them, the twelve called true christianity, the

synthesis of all religions. The 13th died young and the twelve devoted themselves to the

task of recording what the 13 th had revealed to them. The occult process that had occurred

to Christian Rosenkreutz was such that his etheric body was preserved in the spiritual

atmosphere of the earth, providing inspiration to the pupils, their successors and formed

the Rosicrucian stream of christianity. ”

It was in the next life that the historical Christian Rosenkreutz appeared during the 14th

and 15th century as described in the FAMA and CONFESSIO. This legend tells that he was raised

in a cloister and at the age of 28 he began a seven year journey to the great mystery centers of the

east, including Damascus, where he experienced the St. Paul vision again, Egypt and Fez. He

learned Arabic and studied with the hermetic and spiritual masters of Islam. He most likely met

the Arab philosophers known as the Brethren of Purity and studied their 52 Epistles, an

encyclopedia like collection of essays on natural and mathematical sciences, psychology and

theology. These epistles probably became the source for the famous Book of M, which was

recovered when his tomb was opened in 1604. He returned to Germany and formed his secret

society whose pupils traveled throughout Europe undistinguished in the undistinguished guise of 

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medical doctors who cured for no fees. He died at the age of 106. He is an eternal personalty,

such as we learned of Melchizadek, Elijah and John the Baptist. He incarnates every one hundred

years so that he lives in every century. He is considered of the of two great fathers of western

spirituality that directs human evolution. Dr. Steiner said the painting by Rembrandt of the “Man

in Armor” (1655) depicts his portrait.

The question to be asked is why is this personalty of Christian Rosenkreutz or Father 

C.R.C. important to masonry? Well, Dr Steiner goes on the say in 1904 that “ By the time that

this incarnation of Christian Rosenkreutz came to an end , he had initiated about ten other people

into the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross. This small group of people then gave a certain legend, a

kind of myth, to a larger, more exoteric fraternity, through whom it then became generally known

to the world.”

 Now we know that historically over the last centuries, many researchers had assumed a

connection between masonry and the Rosicrucians. However, with Dr. Steiner’s lectures on the

subject at the beginning of this century, he became the first to identify Christian Rosenkreutz as

the actual creator of the temple legend and that it was given to masonic fraternities before the

time of Father C.R.C.’s death in 1484.

It would seem very likely that the first masonic traditions reflecting the entry of the temple

legend into masonry would occur in Germany. Actually, Germany has a long history of stone

masons organizations. In 1250, that dark year of the 13th century, the first grand lodge of masonry

was held at the city of Cologne to erect the new cathedral. This was an immense undertaking. In

1275 a congress was held in Strasbourg which records the earliest use of the mason’s symbols of 

square and compass. Strasbourg held other Congresses in 1498 and 1563. In 1459, the year of the

CHEMICAL WEDDING, the Strasbourg statutes were ratified by the Ratisbone Assembly. The

first grand assembly of European masons was held in Cologne in 1535 by the Bishop. Nineteen

lodges from Germany, Vienna and Zurich attended and the result was the famous, but often

doubted, Charter of Cologne written in Latin. Finally, in 1563, the Ordinances and Articles of the

Fraternal Stonemasons were renewed at Strasbourg. These statutes clearly set forth familiar masonic rules such as: (1) apprentices were set ‘free’ after completion of their duties to their 

master and (2) the three degrees of entered apprentice, fellowcraft and master were clearly

indicated by secret oaths and handshakes.

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That societies of masons in several countries were established before the Grand Lodge of 

England in 1717 is historically clear. However, that there were variations in degrees is also clear.

As I mentioned above, in Scotland the Schaw Statutes had the traditional names for the three

degrees, although, there were only two separate degrees. Initiatic Scottish masonry probably

developed from the influence of the Knights Templar whose legend has it that Robert the Bruceestablished the Order of Heredom in 1313 to accommodate the newly arrived Knights from

 persecution and death in France. German initiatic masonry probably developed from the Trotten

mystery centers. It can be said that there was always an historical Anglo-Saxon initiation into the

masonic guilds and corporations whose members built the great cathedrals of Europe and whose

hermetic symbolism is carved in the vaults, arches and alters. However, the third master mason

degree did not carry the Temple Legend of Solomon and Hiram until after the year 1459.

It is my position that before 1459, if there was a third degree in initiatic masonry, the myth

of the degree was of the legend of Noah which was supplanted by the Myth of the Temple legend

after 1459 in Germany. Why the Noah legend?

Professor Stevenson states in his books that a version of the Old Charges of Scotland

dated to 1726 refer to a ritual wherein the Sons of Noah raised the dead body of Hiram from the

grave looking for a secret connected with the rebuilding of the world after the flood. Also, in

these Old Charges, the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin are not the same as those in the temple of 

Solomon. Rather they are pillars on which all the esoteric knowledge of the Atlantean age were

written in secret script to be preserved for after the deluge of the flood. Likewise, Albert Pike

makes reference to the so-called “ antediluvian Pillars of Enoch” in which Enoch knew that the

world was to be destroyed by either fire or water. So he made two pillars, one of brick and one of 

stone, hoping that at least one pillar would survive the deluge. On the pillars he inscribed all the

arts and sciences, the Book of Enoch..

In the so-called Matthew Cooke manuscript (1410) which is the second oldest English

Book of the Old Charges, is found a similar legend of the two pillars, one of which was found by

Pythagorus and the other found by Hermes. Later, when Hiram was building King Solomon’s

Temple, the pillars were re-discovered and formed the basis for Solomon’s wisdom. There is

evidence to show that in a one degree system, both pillars were used in the first degree ritual and

when the degrees were split into two degrees, that one pillar was used in each, as is the present


This theme also appears in the rituals of the French Order of Elect Cohens founded by

Martines De Pasqually around 1775. The rituals derive from the Rite of Misraim and attempt to

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go back to the origins of masonry in Egypt. The rites had seven degrees, like the ancient degrees

of Mithras and the lectures tell a creation myth as if taken right out of the book of Enoch. It too

describes the pillars of Solomon’s temple as being raised before the flood (during Atlantis) and of 

surviving the inundations of the flood long after.


To me it is a telltale sign that in the margin of the CHEMICAL WEDDING is the famous

alchemical symbol of the “Monas Hieroglyphica” of the English magus, John Dee. The sign also

appears on the title page. We know historically that the Rosicrucian movement began exoterically

with the publication of the three manifestos in 1614/15/16. But we also know that theCHEMICAL WEDDING was actually written in 1604. This date is important because it is part

of the tradition that the tomb of Father CRC could not be opened until 120 years after his death in

1484. It also seems to me that great preparations were made over the 120 years to prepare for the

grand opening of the tomb.

John Dee was born in 1527 in London. He went to college at age 17 and showed a strong

 proclivity toward the natural, mechanical and mathematical sciences. Advanced courses in these

sciences were not available in mainstream colleges, so he began a long series of travels to other 

countries for private studies of these subjects. He studied geography and cartography in Holland

and studies for several years at the Louvain University in Belgium. His public lectures in Paris on

Euclid made him famous and much sought by international scholars. His personal library

contained all the great books on alchemy, magic, neo-platonicism, Kabbala and Hermeticism as

well the leading scientific treatises on geometry and optics. He developed a natural philosophy

 based upon astrological influences combined with a mathematical analysis of phenomenon. Dee

and Giordano Bruno were probably the most educated and intelligent men of the 16th century and

all such men were dissatisfied with university programs, so their minds became pre-occupied with

occult Hermeticism. While it can be said that Bruno was the spirit of the Age of Gabriel and

accomplished a complete reform of Hermetic philosophy in his travels throughout Europe, Dee probably never met him. In a strange way, when Bruno came to England in 1583, where he

composed his most important works, Dee went the opposite way to Prague and when Dee

returned to England in 1589, Bruno went to Prague, like two ships passing in the night. However,

they did have a strong connection together with Dee’s long time student, the poet Phillip Sidney,

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to whom Bruno dedicated two books.

Dee’s Monas treatise was published in 1564 . In 1583 he went to Prague to visit Emperor 

Rudolph II. Prague was the intellectual and scientific center of Europe at the time. The court of 

Rudolph served as host to Tyco Brah and Johannes Keplar as well a secret center for the

Rosicrucian dispersion. He stayed in the Bohemian area for six years before returning to England

in 1589. He also traveled extensively throughout Germany during this time. Was it likely that

during his travels in Prague and Germany that he became an emissary for the new Rosicrucian

movement? The timing was right.

Ashmole state s that in June of 1589 Dee meet the famous hermetic philosopher, Henricus

Khunrath in Bremen. Dee’s influence is apparent in that when Khunrath published his

extraordinary treatise “The Amphitheater of Wisdom” in 1609, Dee’s monas symbol appeared as

a drawing and references were made in the text to Dee’s publications. Khunrath was a very

important link between occult religious philosophy and the Rosicrucian manifestos. Both Dee andKhunrath espoused a philosophy of magic, Alchemy, Kabbala, and the mathematical arts with

architecture and scientific methods united in an intensively religious theme of nature and the

divine plan.

Dame Francis Yates in her book, the ROSICRUCIAN ENLIGHTENMENT, argues that

the three Rosicrucian manifestos expressed the direct influence of John Dee, with portions of the

CONFESSIO actually having word for word quotations from Dee’s MONAS treatise. The secret

 philosophy behind the manifestos was the direct inspiration of Dee’s Monas symbols and mystical

mathematical occult science. Yates suggests that the trip that Dee took during the 1580's in

Bohemia and Germany became the scene of the outbreak of the Rosicrucian movement 25 years

later. She says “the strangely exciting suggestion is that the Rosicrucian movement in Germany

was the delayed result Dee’s mission in Bohemia over 25 years earlier.”

 Now, when Dee returned to England, he found his library and scientific instruments stolen

or broken. He was broke and his reputation as a magician and alchemist didn’t leave him with

many friends. Although during his heyday, he held audience with the greatest kings and princes of 

Europe, his experiments with magic, angelic evocation and scrying in crystals, did not leave him in

good grace with the new King James who was scared off from anything supernatural. In June of 

1604, Dee appealed to King James to clear his name from charges of conjuring devils. The King

ignored him and Dee died a lonely and broken man. However, the King had a very close friend

with sir Francis Bacon.

Francis Bacon was truly one of the most remarkable persons to live at any time, in any century.

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He was a philosopher, member of parliament, attorney general, scientist, lawyer, jurist and author 

of poems, plays, and books on education and science. His name is synominous with the scientific

method, in fact, the Baconian method is the scientific method of observation, inductive reasoning,

experimentation and thesis. He played the leading role in establishing the British colonies in

America, including Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland. He was knighted in 1603, createdBaron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount St Alban in 1621. Although his political career ended in

disgrace in 1621, he survived all scandals and died in his bed of pneumonia in 1626.

He was very careful to avoid any association with the leading occultists and hermeticists

of this radical age. He specifically rejected the Copernican theory and the magnetic theory of 

William Gilbert because of their deritative from Georgiano Bruno, who was put to death by the

church in 1600. In all of his writings he never mentioned the German rosicrucians, of masonry or 

the hermetic-kabbaistic influences. The total separation between science and the royal arts was

 probably maintained so as to remain in good favor with King James, who although an initiated

mason, disparaged of the work of John Dee and his likes.

However, as we have recently discovered about the life of another great scientist, Sir Issac

 Newton, there appears to have been a double life. In Newton’s library papers which have

historically remained unread, it was found that he wrote over 200,000 pages on alchemy. A recent

 biography on Bacon describes similar hidden tendencies revealing that his thought arose out of the

 post renaissance Hermetic tradition of magic, alchemy and kabbala.

In 1618, Bacon leased the York house, a large stately mansion with 40 fireplaces,

in which he lived with his wife. Over the ensuing years, Bacon would host banquets at

York House that were attended by the leading men of the time, including poets, scholars, authors,

scientists, lawyers, diplomats, and foreign dignitaries. Within the banquet hall, Francis gathered

the greatest leaders in literature, art, law, education,

and social reform.

On January 22, 1621 a 60th birthday party was held at York house. A select group of men

assembled in the large banquet hall in without fanfare for what has been described by biographers

as a Masonic banquet to pay tribute to his lifelong achievements. Only masons attended. Lifelong

friend, Ben Johnson, gave a masonic dedication to Bacon. So we know that Bacon was a mason

in the court of King James, but was he also a Rosicrucian?

The double life of Bacon seems to be revealed only after his death. Amoung his unfinished

 papers was a manuscript that later became published as the NEW ATLANTIS. Dame Yates has

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carefully compared this novel with the three German Rosicrucian, manifestos. She writes,

“The novel was his allegory for a utopia, an ideal religious and scientific society. In their 

great college, called Salomon’s house, priest-scientists pursued researches in all the arts

and sciences. They were given a scroll with a stamp of cherubim wings, not spread, but

hanging downwards, and by them a cross. So was the Rosicrucian FAMA sealed at the

end with the motto “under the shadow of Jehovah’s wings,” and these wings often appear 

as emblems in other Rosicrucian literature. New Atlantis was governed by Rosicrucian

 brothers, invisibly traveling as ‘merchants of light’ in an outside world from their invisible

college, now called Salomon’s House and following the rules of the fraternity, to heal the

sick free of charge, to wear no special dress. The island had something angelical about it,

rather than magical, and its officials wore a red cross in his turban”

Dame Yates concludes that “though the name Rose Cross is nowhere

mentioned by Bacon in the NEW ATLANTIS, it is abundantly clear that he knew the Rose Cross

fiction and was adapting it to his own parable.” Later in 1662, a certain John Haydon published a

 book and came out of the closet and declared both himself (doubtful) and Francis Bacon as

Rosicrucians. He reviewed the symbolism in the NEW ATLANTIS and decrees the obvious

 parallels with the three manifestos. When Bacon says that they have some of the lost works of 

Solomon in New Atlantis, Heydon explains that they have the book of M, which was the lost

work found in the tomb of Father CRC as described in the FAMA.

As to how the third degree Temple legend was supplanted into the rituals of the English

lodges, there are the ususal suspects. Men such as Robert Fludd, Michael Maier. Comenius and

Michael Sendivogius are a few. However, what can be said of no other adept than Francis Bacon,

is that he was a close confidant of and probably sat on a frequent basis in the masonic lodge

associated with King James.


In conclusion, I have tried to show that in the old Scottish ritual system, there was a one

degree ritual and then after the second Schaw statutes, a two grade degree system that was

carried over to England during the Reign of King James I. At some time in the early 17 th century

in the Kings court, the original Scottish two degree system was modified into a three degree

system. The third degree describing the Temple Legend of King Solomon and the building of the

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temple by Hiram was not always the motif. Most likely the Old Charges in both Scotland and

England had a one or two degree system that had in place a sort of Noah legend with the pillars of 

Jachin and Boaz serving as the preservers of the ancient Atlantean wisdom for delivery into the

new Aryan age. The Rosicrucian contribution to pre-existing initiatic freemasonry was the

supplanting of the Temple legend for the old Noah legend based upon the Pillars of Enoch. This

temple legend was created by Christian Rosenkreutz some time around 1459 and spread by the

Rosicrucian fraternity, first to Germany and Bohemia, then to England and finally to Scotland, as

evidenced by the hand written translations found in the library of Lord Balcarres.

King James the VI was an initiated Scottish mason when he became King of England in

1603. He carried over from Scotland the ancient masonic rites, and made masonry fashionable in

his court and spread its membership throughout England. How the Rosicrucian third degree

 became implanted into the King’s court is a mystery. But, it is likely that the famous magus, John

Dee, brought it with him when he returned to England from Germany in 1589. His occultism was

not acceptable to the King’s court, but the King was adorned to another mason and Rosicrucian,

Sir Francis Bacon. It likely that the new third degree was folded into the existing ancient rites

 brought over from Scotland by Frater Bacon, sometime around 1610. By 1630, the first reference

to the masonic word appears in a poem, inextricably bound to Rosicrucian symbol,

“for we be brethren of the Rosie Cross,

we have the mason’s word and second sight.”

Respectively submitted,

By: Stephen Cosgrove

January 15, 2009

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I will begin this lecture of John the Baptist with a short discussion of the lives of the old

testament heroes of the Jewish nation Phinehas and Elijah. Of Phinehas it is said in Numbers 25:

“ For they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods; and the people did eat, and

 bowed down to their gods. And Israel was initiated unto Baal-phegor, and the anger of 

Jehovah was kindled against Israel. And Jehovah said unto Moses, take all the chiefs of 

the people, and hang them up unto Jehovah before the sun, that the fierce anger of 

Jehovah may turn away from Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye

every one his men that have joined themselves unto Baal-phegor.

And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midian

harlot woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children

of Israel, while they were weeping at the door of the tabernacle; and when Phinehas, the

son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from the midst of the

congregation, and took a spear in his hand; and he went after the man of Israel into the

 brother house, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman in the

genital parts. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. And those that died bythe plague were twenty and four thousand.

And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying, Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron

the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, in that he was jealous

with my jealousy among them, so that I consumed not the children of Israel in my

 jealousy. Therefore say unto him, Behold, I give unto him the peace of my covenant of 

 peace, and the covenant of the priesthood shall be both to him and to his seed after him,

the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; because he was jealous for his God, and made

atonement for the children of Israel. “

So we see that at a very critical time in the history of old covenant, the Jewish peoples

were lead into pagan worship, idolatry and whoredom, a savior rose up and slew the evil

Madianites, rather brutally, and this appeased the wrath of Jehovah. We know from the history of 

the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that the wrath of god was severe. Here, Jehovah slew

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these 24 thousand pagans with a plague. As a reward, Jehovah promised the high priest office to

Phinehas and his descendants. However, we also know that elsewhere the high priest office was

 promised to Aaron, brother to Moses, who did miracles to relieve the jews from Egypt. Maybe

this was a different type of high priest office, similar to that of Melchizadek?

Phinehas was held up as a model to succeeding generations as mentioned here in

 Ecclesiasticus 45.

“Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, is the third in glory, by imitating him in the fear of the

Lord: And he stood up in the shameful fall of the people: in the goodness and readiness of 

his soul he appeased God for Israel. Therefore he made to him a covenant of peace, to be

the prince of the sanctuary, and of his people, that the dignity of priesthood should be to

him and to his seed for ever. “


I said in the Mysteries of Mithras lecture that Elijah was the folk soul of the Jewish culture

during the old Testament covenant. What does this mean?

First, in the hierarchy of angels, we have in the beginning three types. Ones that work as

individual guardian angels, ones that are messengers for specific divine purposes and third, those

who have graduated from the lower two tasks, become the folk souls of a particular nation or 

culture. While guardian angels inspire an individual person and archangels inspire a whole nation,

folk souls inspire the individual egos of persons as a community spirit, as the collective folk soul

of the whole people. The folk spirit works by making myths and fables for the culture. He does his

work by inspiring leading individuals in dream sleep and these people write the fables, myths and

stories. Grim’s Fairy Tales is such an inspiration from the German folk soul.

Elijah had great powers. He vanquished some 450 pagan priests of Jezebel on his alter on

mount Carmel. He performed miracles. This was because he was more than the usual 3rd level

angel. He was in fact an archangel who came down into the lower angelic hierarchy to guide the

Jewish nation. As such, he had the enhanced powers of an archangel to perform miracles.

Second, as folk soul it was his duty to rescue the Jewish nation from spiritual decadence.

Whenever the Jewish nation reached backwards into pagan depravity, Elijah appears to rescue the

nation and restore direction on the path to the incarnation. Moses did the same when he went up

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the mountain and came back with the 10 commandments, after the jews lapsed into bull worship

and Phinehas did the same above.

In a worse development than bull worship, the Jewish peoples had again lapsed into pagan

sacrifice and worship, this time, under the evil king Ahab and his evil queen, Jezebel. Elijah built

an alter of twelve stones and called down pillars of fire by his powers over the elements as an

archangel. He destroyed the alters of Jezebel and killed 450 of her priests of Baal. He rescued the

nation from paganism. The penalty for killing the priests of Baal was the murder of the gardener 

 Naboth by King Ahab.

In a former life as the old testament Phinehas, he also rescued the nation from decadence.

We know from 2 Kings that “the mantle of Elijah fell on Elisha” and the miracles he performed

were similar to those of Elijah. So now we have the chain of incarnations of this great folk soul as

Phinehas, Elijah and then Elisha. Do the jews recognize this great chain of everlasting lives of 

their folk soul? Yes, it has long been custom, when eating dinner, to leave an empty chair for 

Elijah, in case he stops by for refreshment.


So why were these two historical events so important? The first of Phinehas and the

second of Elijah? They are important because they spoke to the presence of evil in the destiny of 

Israel in the context of the most important event, the incarnation of Christ into the son of Man,

Jesus of Nazareth.

There are always two currents present in the evolution of humanity, that of the good and

that of evil. The worship of Jehovah by the people of Israel represented the good path and the

worship of Baal, the evil path.

The son of man is an expression that represents the perfect human. In the spiritual world

there is present an archetype of this perfect man, created before the fall. The nine angelic

hierarchies above mankind all strive to develop on earth this perfect human archetype, consisting

of body-soul and spirit in the Pauline sense. We know from the gospel of Matthew that it took 42

generations to create the perfect body for the incarnation. We know from the gospel of Luke, that

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it took 77 generations to create the perfect soul for the incarnation. During the baptism in the

Jordan, the Christ brought His own spirit, completing the plan of the Divine good to reproduce

this perfect heavenly man on earth as the Son of Man.

The opposite of the divine good, is of course, the evil of the anti-christ. These forces

worked thru history to hinder, retard , and prevent the coming of the Son of Man. They endeavor 

to create the equal and opposite of the Son of Man. We can call this evil man the Son of Earth. In

the same sense that the Son of Man is the celestial archetype of that which comes from above thru

the nine angelic hierarchies, so the Son of Earth is an archetype of that which comes from below

thru the nine strata of the mineralized earth. As the Son of Man is healthy, good and of life, so the

Son of Earth is sickness, evil and of death.

These two currents manifested during the Atlantean Age as the forces of white and black 

magic. During the Aryan Age, the forces of good manifested in the Persian epoch as the wisdom

and religion of Zarathustra. The corresponding evil forces manifested in the culture of the

Turanians. Great battles took place between the Persians and the Turanians which history has

forgotten completely. This conflict appeared in Israel during the Jewish covenant as the battle

 between Jehovah worship and Baal worship.

The stage for the battle was set when Moses returned from the mountain to find his people

worshiping the golden calf. This was not yet, Baal worship, but it represented a prefiguration of 

what was to happen in the future. The worship of the golden calf represented a change of 

direction-a reversal of the dedication of the Jewish people to follow their guiding spirit, Jehovah.

When Moses led his people out of Egypt, this event was a nationwide cultural rejection of the

apis-bull worship of the Egyptian priests. It was a moment that a new direction towards the future

was struck out against the pagan worship. Lapsing back again into bull worship, represented a

turning back on the past and left open the door for Baal worship in the future.

The first national crises occurred after Moses led the Israelites out of the 40 year stay in

the desert. They were living in a place called Settim, where the “people committed fornication

with the daughters of Moab, who called them to their sacrifices and adored their gods.” The

 people of Moab and Madian were lustful and evil and their leaders were magicians. Balaam was a

sorcerer, the son of a soothsayer, and practiced divination on alters of sacrificed animals. The

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 priests of Baal had misdirected the children of Moses to such an extent that the bible says “Israel

was initiated to Baalphegor, ” Baal being the devil and phegor being its idol.

To save the nation of Israel from the deadly wrath of Jehovah, Phinehas steps in and with

a spear, slays the two evil doers in the carnal act. Although the plague of Jehovah was stayed,

some 24 thousand were killed. The fate of Israel hung on a thread. The devastation was so great,

that the Lord ordered a new census to determine how many Israelites survived. Only two persons

remained that were last numbered by Moses in the desert. For the Lord had foretold that they

should die in the wilderness. This was the first ethnic cleansing at a time when such practice was

still politically correct.

The second national crises occurred during the period of Kings, when the Israelite peoples

had again lapsed into Baal worship. The condition of state of Israel was again grievous. When

Elijah had all the children of Israel gathered together on Mount Carmel, he asked,

“How long before you halt between two sides? (That of Baal and Jehovah) if the Lord be

God, then follow him. But, if Baal, the follow Him.”

 No choice could be clearer, either follow the path of good or the path of evil. “And the

 people answered Elijah not a word.”

Even worse than the indifference to chose good over evil of the people of Israel was the

degenerated state of the priesthood. Elijah said “I only remain the prophet of the Lord. But Baal’s

 prophets are 450 men.”

This was the proportion between the two currents of good and evil at the time of the

Kings, 450 to 1. Something larger than the spear of Phinehas was needed to restore the moral life

to the Israelites. This time it was the call of fire and lightning down from heaven upon the 12 fold

alter of Elijah. Afterwards, Elijah led the 450 prophets of Baal to the river Cison and killed them.

The people of Israel fell on their faces and proclaimed “The Lord he is God.” Faith restored in the

face of utter evil.

Later, Elijah anointed three new kings and priests who wielded the sword of Justice and

only seven thousand remained whose knees had not bowed before Baal. Again, the fate of Israel

hung on a thread after a second ethnic cleansing.

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The third national crises in the history of Israel occurred during the time of John the

Baptist. The kingship of the House of David, thru which the incarnation was prophesied to occur,

was sold to the Hasmonean dynasty. Roman legions had conquered and ruled the known world.

The incarnation was at hand. The prophet Malalchi had spoken of this state of affairs.

“Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day

of the Lord...lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

This was no idle prophecy. It was a specific recognition of the spiritual fact that someone

was to come to prepare the way for the choice between good and evil. That person was the oft

incarnating folk soul of Israel-Elijah-in the new person of John the Baptist. But this was the last

time he would come. After the incarnation, his job was finished. In his two previous appearances,

Elijah had saved the people of Israel from the path of Baal and re-directed the cleansed remainder 

onto the path of Jehovah. It was not the specific acts of Phinehas with the sword nor the fire from

heaven with Elijah, nor the ethnic cleansing of thousands of evil persons that was important. What

was importance was the spiritual fact that each deed was performed by the folk soul of the nation.

As leader of the nation, the act of the folk soul was like a great shock that convulsed the entire

nation. No ordinary person could have accomplished this change of current from evil to good.

The forgiveness of the Israelites in each instance by Jehovah was in fact a healing that corrected

the nations group karma and re-directed the nation on the path of good.

 Not with a sword nor with fire on the mountain but this time Elijah came with the most

 powerful weapon ever, HIS VOICE. The voice of John the Baptist did not perform miracles, but

it spoke directly into the souls of those who he had baptized. His voice filled the baptized with a

new consciousness that awakened them to the light of the coming Christ. Had not John prepared

the way, there would not have been a group of enlightened souls who could gather around the

Son of Man and fulfill the divine plan of the angelic hierarchies.

In the gospel of Matthew, coming down from the transfiguration, the three apostles ask 

Jesus “why do the pharisees and scribes say that Elias must come first” ? And Jesus replies “Elias

is indeed to come first and will restore all things, but I say to you that Elias has come already.

Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist. ” What could be

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more clear than the words of Jesus himself that Elijah is to come and he is present now in the

 person of John the Baptist. So the priests of the Jewish nation recognize that Elijah is a

reincarnating personalty who must come before the messiah to restore the order.


There was the wonderful scene in the  Luke gospel, when the pregnant Mary travels to

visit Zacharias and Elizabeth to chit chat about babies. They were probably singing and dancing,

 bumping butts and then bellies. But when the bellies bumped, the baby Jesus stirred in alarm.

Sister Emmerich describes the scene as follows:

“ Elizabeth learned in a dream that one of her family had become the mother of the

 promised Messiah. She had at once thought of Mary and longed to see her. They had

never met before. On the next day she sat gazing out of the house and Mary arrived from

far off. They greeted each other warmly and at that moment, I saw a shining brightness in

Mary and a ray of light passing from her to Elizabeth, filling the latter with a wonderful

 joy. Elizabeth said the Magnificat and the infant in her womb leaped for joy”

Why did this stirring in the womb occur? In one sense, we saw that in the former lives of 

Phinehas and Elijah, strong spiritual forces rayed down to accomplish great deeds. The fire from

heaven that rayed unto the alter of Elijah came from above to below, from outside to inside. Justthe opposite occurs during the visitation of Elizabeth. Here the ego forces of the Jesus infant stir 

the ego forces of the infant John. The quickening comes from within the two infants, from inside

to outside, not from without as in the former instances.

In a second sense, the Luke gospel reflects on the old ages of Zacharias and Elizabeth.

We know from Paul that the Christ was the second Adam. Thus, an old soul of the first Adam

should be born to old parents, such as Zacharias and Elizabeth. And the young soul of the second

Adam, should be born to young parents. Mary was about 13/14 years old at the time of her 

 pregnancy. How old was the “old soul” of John? How about as old as Adam himself??

We know from Plato, that the soul of the androgynous single person of Adam Cadmon,

the first human, was split by the separation of the sexes into two souls, a male half and a female

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half. This is what Plato referred to a one’s “soul mate.” These two souls can be called a brother 

soul and sister soul. The old Adam was the first human born upon the earth. The pure sister soul

of the old Adam is the “new Adam”, the soul given to Jesus.

A close relationship existed between these two souls. The souls of John and Jesus were spiritual


The old soul of the first Adam was the brother soul and it incarnated over thousands of 

years into the souls of Phinehas and Elijah and later into the soul of the infant John. John’s sister 

soul incarnated into the infant Jesus. Thus, when these two pregnant ladies bumped bellies, the

two soul mates reunited for the first time in human history and they leaped for joy!!


During the murder of the innocents by Herod’s army for the two years while Jesus was in

Egypt, John lived in the desert with his family. At about age six, he was lead further into the

desert by his mother and left alone. There were two reasons for this. The first, has to do with

 public school education. Things were no different then as now, the longer one stays in public

school, the dumber one becomes. It is a spiritual law, that if an important personalty is to

incarnate, the youth of the child is spent away from the degenerate aspects of society in general.

Moses was left on an ark. The young David lived in a cave and was raised by shepards until it was

time to claim his throne. Even up to the time of King Arthur, the young Arthur was raised in the

wilderness by Merlin.

The second reason is related to his early preparation as bearer of the messiah. John lived

alone in the desert. He ate fruit and berries so as not to be poisoned by the traditional diet given

 by society (even though kosher). He prayed and fasted to increase his spiritual awareness,

 protected from the cultic rituals of the Sadducees and Pharisees. He was instructed in all

knowledge by angels, with whom he was in constant communication.

As a young man, he studied with the Essene community at Qumran. There he learned the

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genealology of the Coming Christ. He was taught to baptize by the Essene community whose

 practice used deep pools of water to submerse the initiate. The baptisms by John were a real

initiation. When he totally submersed a person, to a point of drowning, that person’s etheric body

separated similar to what happens at the time of death or at drowning. Then the initiate sees his

whole life pass by in pictures before himself. He sees his sins and transgressions. The spiritual

effect was a complete transformation of the person’s soul life to behold the glory of the

approaching Christ.

Another thing happened during John’s baptisms. In his clairvoyance, he could see the

separated etheric body of the person. During this time of transformation from the old to the new

covenant, there was also a transformation of different soul types. A separation was being made

 between those people who would embrace the new covenant and the glory of the coming

redemption of mankind at the death on Golgotha. These people had an etheric body that extended

out from the head with two horns like on a ram. The painting of Moses by Michelangelo in the

Sistine chapel shows this form clearly with the two horns protruding out of the forehead of 

Moses. These people of the future new covenant were called lambs.

The people of the old covenant that were not fit to be baptized by John were called

serpents or vipers. Their etheric body was too decadent and dense to transform into the new

shape of the lamb. John refers to these people , represented by the Pharisees and Sadducees, when

they approach him for baptism as a “Brood of vipers.” ( MATTHEW AND LUKE 3:7) He was

referring to the decadent generations that can’t be saved by baptism. Therefore, John did not

 baptize everyone that asked nor did Jesus cure every ill person that asked. The generations of the

lambs and the serpents were separated. When John sees Jesus coming at the Jordan river for His

 baptism, John majestically says “behold the lamb of God.”


About the only source of information about life of John comes from the visions of Sister 

Emmerick in her 4 volume narrative, the LIFE OF CHRIST . She describes the following:

“While in Herod’s prison, John had desired to deliver a discourse to bear testimony for 

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Jesus. He sent a message to Herod to allow him to address his disciples and all others who

might desire to hear him. Herod did not hesitate to grant his request. The disciples were

led to the open square of the castle where he was kept. Herod and his wicked wife sat on

elevated seats surrounded by numerous guards. Then John was led from prison and

delivered his discourse.

Under the powerful inspiration of the holy ghost, the Baptist spoke of Jesus. He declared

him the beloved son of God announced by the prophets. His doctrine was the same as his

father’s. He proclaimed Jesus the one outside of whom no salvation could be found. He

exhorted his disciples to follow Jesus.

After his discourse, John sent several of his disciples with a letter to the synagogue of 

Capharnaum. In it he repeated all that he had said in testimony of Jesus before Herod. An

unusually large crowd was assembled for the Sabbath. They were here Jews from all

quarters and they listened with great joy to John’s testimony of Jesus and their faith gained

new strength.

Jesus went to Juttah, the birthplace of the Baptist. Many people were there, including

some of the Essenes. Mary told them that she had prophesied to Elizabeth that John would

see Jesus face to face only three times. First, as a child in the desert when on their flight

into Egypt when they passed him. Second, at Jesus’ baptism and the third, when at the

Jordan he saw Jesus passing and bore witness to him. Later, Jesus taught in the

synagogue. Jesus talked of the murder of the high priest, the first Zachary. He was killed

 between the alter and the sanctuary in the temple. There was something significant in the

words, between the temple and the alter. They might as well be applied to John’s death

since, in the life of Jesus, it also stood between the temple and the alter, for John died

 between the birth of Jesus and his sacrifice on the alter of the cross. John’s relatives asked

Jesus in a trembling voice “ Lord, will we ever see John again.” Jesus answered them withtears, “NO, that the corpse was lying untouched, though the head had been abused and

thrown in a sewer; but that too would be preserved and would one day come to light.”

When Saturnin, with the disciples, reached Machaerus, they climbed the mountain upon

which stood the castle of Herod. They carried necessary tools, clothes and sponges for 

which to take of the body of John. They climbed over three ramparts and two moats to the

vicinity of John’s prison. When two soldiers on the guard at the entrance to John’s cell

had perceived them, the disciples boldly meet them and said “ We are the disciples of the

Baptist. We are going to take away the body of our master, whom Herod put to death”.

The soldiers offered no opposition, but opened the prison door. They were exasperated

against Herod on account of John’s murder and were glad to share in this good work.

In the prison cell I saw an apparition of a tall shining lady. I found out later that it was St.

Elizabeth. I watched her rendering all kinds of assistance with the corpse. I saw then

opening the body and remove the intestines, which they put into a leather pouch. Then

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they placed all kinds of aromatic herbs and spices and bound the corpse firmly in linen

 bands. Meanwhile, some of the other disciples gathered up a quantity of blood that had

flowed on the spot upon which the head had fallen, as well as that upon which the body

had been laid.

The Essenians afterward held a religious service in which they honored John not only asone of their own, but as one of the prophets promised to t hem. The holy souls among the

Essenians were possessed of great knowledge and prophetic knowledge upon the coming

of the Messiah. For four generations before the birth of Mary they had ceased to offer 

 bloody sacrifices, since they knew the coming of the lamb of God was near. They had

contributed much toward the spiritual training and guidance of Mary’s ancestors and other 

holy patriarchs. The education of John in his youth was their last great work.

It had been known at Machaerus, thru the domestics of Herodias, where John’s head had

 been thrown. But until the vaulted sewer could be opened and drained, the head, which

was resting on a stone projecting from the wall, could not be reached. Two months flowed

 by. By that time, many of Herod’s outbuildings were removed and the whole castle wasfortified for defense. The sewers were cleaned out and repaired. There were some women

from Juttah and Jerusalem were waiting until the deep, steep sewer in which John’s head

should be cleaned. While the workman went to take their meal, these women were

introduced into the sewer. Soon they perceived the head sitting upright on the neck upon

one of the projecting stones. The head was pitiful to behold. The dark skinned face was

smeared with blood, the tongue, which Herodias had pierced, was protruding from the

open mouth; and the yellow hair, by which executioner and Herodias had seized it, was

standing stiff upon it. The women wrapped it in a linen cloth and bore it away with hurried

steps. On their journey thru the mountains, they came across a soldier who, having by a

fall received a severe wound to the knee, was lying on the road unconsciousness. Here too

they came upon Zachary’s nephew and two of the Essenians, who had come to meet them.They laid the holy head upon the wounded soldier, who instantly recovered consciousness,

arose, and spoke, saying he had just seen the Baptist and had helped him. All were very

much touched. The head was delivered to the Essenes near Hebron and some of the sick,

having been touched with it, were cured.”


We see in both MARK CH 6 and in MATTHEW CH 14,

“And King Herod heard of him, for his name had become well known; and he kept saying,

‘John the Baptist has risen from the dead and that is why miraculous powers are working

thru him; but others were saying ‘it is Elias,’ but others were saying, ‘it is a prophet, like

one of the prophets.’ but when Herod heard of this, he said, ‘it is John whom I beheaded;

he has risen from the dead.’”

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 Now, these comments from Herod are made in reference to Jesus and His miracles,

mistakenly thinking that Jesus was the resurrected John the Baptist, even though Jesus was

already teaching when John was still alive. However, there is some truth to this misconception of 

Herod. Esoteric christianity teaches that after his death, the soul of John lived on as the group

soul of the twelve apostles. What does this mean?

An analogy can be made to the group souls of animals. In an animal, the corporal body is

 born, lives and dies on the physical plane. However, the soul of the individual animal, and of all

other souls of its particular species, lives on an angelic plane, high above the physical plane. The

group souls of animals is a well recognized spiritual fact, not only in occultism but in theology as

well. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote of it saying that for every extinct species on earth, there is a

released angel in heaven. The relationship between an individual soul and its higher counterpart is

such that the individual lives under the guardianship, direction and wisdom of its species as an

angelic intelligence. The migrating bird is lead, not by his individual instinct, but by the group

intelligence of its species.

Likewise, the released soul of John worked as an aura around the individual thoughts of 

the apostles and directed the individual deeds of the apostles. Because of this relationship, Jesus

expected higher deeds from the apostles. Jesus’ feeling was such that the apostles could

understand things that were higher than before because of this angelic soul presence they could

tap into for guidance and wisdom. They could perceive what they could not attain as individual


The gospel of  MARK describes this increase in wisdom in the two scenes of the miracle of 

the loaves of bread. In the first scene, the division of five loaves feeds five thousand and the

second time, seven loaves was divided among four thousand. There have been many

commentaries on this miracle, which taken literally, could really be called an act of magic.

However, in a certain context, the increase of the loaves corresponds to the increase of wisdom

of the apostles. In MARK 6 :30 it is told that the apostles came together to meet Jesus and

reported to Him all that they had done and taught. And Jesus said to them “ come apart into a

desert place and rest awhile.” Does this mean that Jesus directed the apostles to go to a solitary

 place and meditate? To put their minds in a condition where they could clearly see the working

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aura of John in themselves and raise their consciousness to a higher clairvoyant level? Regardless

of how one views the miracle of the loaves, for the apostles, they saw spiritually, the increase in

the loaves as an increase in their wisdom.


As a final mystery to ponder in the many lives of John, we come to the gospel of JOHN

CH 11. It is interesting that the JOHN gospel devotes a whole chapter to the miracle of the rising

of Lazarus. The whole gospel is really in three parts. The first part is CH 1 thru 10. The second

 part is CH 11, the rising of Lazarus and the third part is CH’s 12 thru 21.

CH 10 ends with the words “ and many came to him and said: John performed no miracles, but

all that he said of this man is true.” John was proclaiming that the testimony he gave on the

ministry of Jesus was true. It is important to recognize that in this first part of the John gospel,

there is no mention of the mysterious figure of the “disciple whom Jesus’ loved.”

Then we have the 11th Chapter, entirely devoted to the story of the raising of Lazarus.

The scene is in Bethany, the village of Mary Magdalen, her sister Martha and brother Lazarus.

Lazarus was sick and dying. The sisters went to Jesus to plead for cure. Jesus was not concerned

and stayed two more days. By the time Jesus did arrive, Lazarus was four days dead. Here Jesus

says probably the most significant words of His ministry, “I am the resurrection and the life, he

who believes in me, even if he die, shall live; and whomever lives and believes in me, shall never 

die.” No sweat, Martha ! Lazarus will live if you believe in Jesus.

Then we have the final chapters 12 thru 21 at the end of which it is said “This is the

disciple who bears witness concerning these things, and who has written these things and we

know that his witness is true.” It is remarkable that the same words are spoken at the ends of 

 both CH 10 and CH 21. Thus, at the end of the first part, we are told to accept everything said by

John the Baptist about the ministry of Jesus and at the end of the second part, we are again told to

accept everything said by the “disciple whom Jesus loved” about he ministry of Jesus that

occurred after CH 11. In the middle chapter 11, it is said of Lazarus that “Jesus loved him” and in

the last chapters 12 thru 21, we meet for the first time, the mysterious “disciple whom Jesus

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With the words, “Lazarus, come forth” a new form of christian initiation took place. This

initiation of the new covenant replaced the pagan initiations we discussed of the old covenant in

the MYSTERIES OF MITHRAS lecture. Not only did he rise from the dead, but the risen Lazarus

took a new name for his personal initiation by the Christ. Henceforth, the risen Lazarus is the

disciple JOHN, the disciple whom Jesus loved and who later wrote the Gospel of John, the Acts

of John and the Apocalypse. But to solve this new mystery we need to discuss the biography of 

the other St. John, the evangelist.

Respectively submitted,

By: Stephen Cosgrove

St. John’s day Dec. 27, 2008

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This is a portion of the approximate content of the first section of the Temple Legend as

 published by Charles Heckethorn in his book SECRET SOCIETIES:

There was a time when one of the Elohim created a human being whom he called Eve.

That Elohim united himself with Eve and she gave birth to Cain. After this, another 

Elohim, named Jehovah, or Adonai, created Adam. Adam also united himself with Eve

and from this union came Abel. Thus we see that Cain is a direct descendant of the gods,

 but Abel is a descendant of Adam and Eve who are human. The sons of Cain were

subjected to the sons of Abel, as a punishment for the transgression of Eve.

The sacrifices which Abel made to Jehovah were pleasing to him, but the sacrifices

 brought by Cain did not please him because the birth of Cain was not ordained by him.

The result was that Cain committed fratricide. He killed Abel and for this he was excluded

from communion with Jehovah. He went away into distant lands and founded his own race

there. Adam again united himself with Eve and from this union came Seth, also mentioned

in the Bible, who took over the role of Abel. Thus we have two generations of mankind:

the race of Cain, who was a descendant of Eve and one of the Elohim, and the other race

which had human parentage and was brought into existence at the command of Jehovah.

Among the descendants of Cain are those who have been creators of art and science, as,

for instance, Methuselah, the inventor of the Tau script, and Tubal-Cain, who invented the

furnace and taught the use of working of metal ores and iron. He dug subterranean caves

in the mountains to save his race during the deluge, but only tubal-Cain and one sonsurvived. In this line of descent, stemming from the Elohim, were all those who trained

themselves in the arts and sciences.Hiram also descended from the race of Cain, and he

was the inheritor of all that had been learned by the others of his line in technology and

art. He was the most significant architect we can imagine.

Out of Seth’’s line came Solomon, who excelled in everything which came from Jehovah.

He was endowed with the wisdom of the world and all the attributes of calm, clear,

objective wisdom. This wisdom can be expressed in words which go straight to the human

heart and can uplift a person, but it is unable to produce anything tangible of a technical

nature, in art or science. It is a wisdom which is a directly inspired gift of God-(revelation

in the scholastic sense).

The wisdom of Solomon can be expressed in the symbolism of the temple. What is this

symbolism? Humanity lived before in the Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. The ark that Noah built

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was destined to preserve mankind for this present Aryan Age. Why are the dimensions of the ark 

given in so precise terms in the bible ? The ark was built so that the human body in the present age

would have the right proportions. Man carries within him the measurements of Noah’s ark 

expressed in the ratio’s of 300 long by 50 width and 30 depth. Expressed in minutes of a circle,

this relates to a body six feet long, the foot being 10 degrees and the degrees being five minutes.

This amounts to a length of 60 degrees or 300 minutes; a width of 50 minutes and a depth of 30

minutes, the same dimensions as the ark.

The human body will be different in next ages after the present Aryan. What is the thought

form that will build up man’s future body? It is the dimensions of Solomon’s temple! So it is the

divine plan of those great leaders of mankind, the sun-heroes and fathers we saw in the Mithras

degrees, to implant this thought form into the folk dreams of humanity many thousands of years in

advance, to prepare the human temple in the future. This is called in masonry the “building of the

temple.” All of western civilization is by nature a temple cult.

The Knights Templar revived the idea in the 12th and 13th centuries of building King

Solomon’s temple, but they were destroyed by the French king, Philip the Fair. Their legacy was

 preserved on one level by Scottish freemasonry and on a higher level by their successors, the

Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians implanted into the two grade rituals of Scottish masonry, at some

time, the third degree brought over by King James I to England in the early 17 th century. This

third degree was the shortened story of the Temple Legend of King Solomon.

In the Temple Legend, we have two characters. King Solomon represents the Abel/Seth

generational line descending from the union of Jehovah and Adam, then Adam and Eve, begetting

Abel. The other line is represented by Hiram Abiff, a descendant of the Cain line who is skilled in

the arts and crafts. The Old Testament derives from the priestly Abel line and represents female

intuitive wisdom. Male wisdom was not able to attain to intuition. It confided itself to building

and work, constructing buildings and making tools from metals. The Cain Hiram line represents

the male wisdom which is manifest in masonry. The whole female sex is excluded from masonry.

Freemasonry created the Temple legend as a counter part to the Bible Legend. Solomon, with all

his wisdom, could not build the temple himself, he needed the help of Hiram, the artificer. So

these two generational lines came together in the building of the Temple of Solomon. This pattern

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repeats itself throughout history.

This is the story of King James I of England. As we learned in the lecture on John the

Baptist, with his incarnations in Phinehas and Elijah, the egos of certain great individualities

reincarnate over successive lives carrying on a particular impulse or tradition. King James bore the

incarnation of the great King Solomon, but in a unique way. In him the two generational lines of 

Abel and Cain were partly joined into one personalty, his Gemini nature was two fold. James was

naturally born into the priest-kingly line of Abel, but he was also a mason of the highest degree

and importance. As a representative of the Cain-Hiram line, he didn’t build much as king, the

Solomonic Castle at Whitehall was much a failure. So it was not a full union of the two lines.

However, he ushered in a renewal of the masonic brotherhoods that will last for centuries.


Archons of the Epochs

We discussed in the MYSTERIES OF MITHRAS lecture the nature of the sun’s sidereal

great year cycle of 25,920 years caused by the precession of the equinoxes which in turn is caused

 by the wobble of the earth’s axis due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. The vernal

equinox stands in one of the twelve zodiacal houses for a period of 2,160 years.

Each astronomical cycle of 2,160 years is followed some 1,200 years later by a ‘cultural

epoch or age’ or what was called a ‘religious age’ because each was accompanied by a particular 

messiah or sun hero The ancient wisdom recognized that a change from one precessional cycle to

another reflected a change of consciousness from one level to another. The creative hierarchies

located in each of the constellations pour forth spiritual impulses to guide humanity and to

commence such a new age, give birth to an avatar, manu, messiah or Naros.

We also briefly discussed how these cultural epochs are related to the present Aryan Age.

Before the Aryan age was the Atlantean Age also of seven cultural epochs each of 2,160 years.

Before that, humanity as we know it, began in the middle of the Lemurian Age. So humanity has

lived so far in three epochs of the Lemurian Age, seven epochs of the Atlantean Age and so far 

five epochs of the present Aryan Age, with a sixth and seventh coming in the future. The dates for 

the five Post-Atlantean cultural epochs are as follows:

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1. Cancer begins 7227 BC Hindu/Indian

2. Gemini 5067 BC Persian

3. Taurus 2907 BC Egyptian/Chaldean

4. Aries 747 BC Greek/Roman

5. Pisces 1414 AD European

We can see that a new Anglo-Saxon European cultural epoch begins in 1414 AD and will

last for 2,160 years. So we can say quite accurately that the beginning of the 15th century is truly

the Dawn of a new Epoch. We learned also in the MITHRAS lecture that individuals are guided

 by guardian angels, that nations are guided by archangels and now we can say that the cultural

epochs are guided from the next hierarchy by individual Archons. These archons guide and direct

the change of human consciousness that rises to a higher level during each successive epoch.

There is a special relationship between each successive epoch. The seventh is a

recapitulation of the first, the sixth a recapitulation of the second and the fifth a recapitulation of 

the third. The fourth is unique. In this way human history becomes cumulative with the results of 

each epoch becoming incorporated into the next and raised to a higher level.

The third epoch was the Egyptian- Chaldean and so our fifth epoch must also recapitulate

it as a resurrection of the Egyptian culture in our time. This is the task of Hermeticism. However,

this recasting of the spiritual influences into our age appears in a materialistic form reflecting the

tenor of our age. For example, many of the priests in the Egyptian temples of initiation were

reborn in our age as scientists. This is fitting since they were the most intelligent leading men of 

their society, so they become in our society.

If you don’t believe me take a look at Johannes Kepler. He of course set the stage for 

modern astronomy with his three laws of planetary motion. However, he did so by resurrecting

the ancient Egyptian astronomical wisdom into a modern materialistic form. In his treatise

 HARMONICES MUNDI , he wrote of himself,

“ I have stolen the golden vessels of the Egyptians to build a shrine to god out of them far 

 beyond the boundaries of Egypt. I write this book for today’s readers as well for those of 

the future. If it has to wait one hundred years for its reader, god Himself has waited six

thousand years for him who looks at His creation with understanding.”

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There is not any better example of the resurrection of Egyptian wisdom than that of 

Kepler y who personally acknowledges that his modern book of astronomical science was stolen

from the golden vessels of the ancient priest’s temple. He was the model for all future science.

This brings us to the modern task of masonry. What is the repository of the ancient

wisdom of the Egyptians ? Masonry of course. The symbols of the first degree, such as the apron

and the two pillars, are all taken from the ancient rituals of Egyptian stone craftsman. The seven

fold stairs of the second degree compels the candidate to pursue the seven sciences so this

wisdom may be recast into modern form as done no more majestically than by Kepler. The ritual

of the third degree, recast by the Rosicrucians, is a decree to rebuild the ancient temple wisdom of 

Solomon and to find the lost word. And it is King James, Solomon reincarnated, who stands at

the threshold of the renewal of the masonic brotherhoods !

Arch-Angels of the Mystical Chronology

The first of the two new ages beginning in the 15th century relates more to the task of 

Hermeticism and freemasonry. The second of the new ages begins in the 16 th century and relates

more to the Rosicrucian impulse behind the reformation and European enlightenment.

In 1508 there was written a "little book on mystical chronology" by a certain JohannesTrithemius (1462-1516), Abbott of Sponheim. His sources had been a similar manuscript written

 by Peter of Abano (1215-1313) who was a learned scholar and translator of the Kabbalistic and

astrological books of Rabbi ibn Ezra. The first English translation of the little book was by the

English magician, William Lilly. Later it surfaces in the occult writings of the Frenchman,

Eliphas Levi (1855) and passed on by him to Anna B. Kingsford and Edward Maitland, two more

English, but Christian occultists. From Maitland, the book passed on the W. Wynn Wescott, all

of whom were members of the T.S. and close friends of the good Madame H.P.B. Indeed, there is

a small footnote to Trithemius in volume I of the SECRET DOCTRINE, although not another 

word of it is mentioned. Wescott published it in 1896, presumably as a magic ritual for the

members of the Golden Dawn.

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The subject matter of the book was a treatise on the “ intelligences or spirits who move

the spheres called a “ spirit of the age.” This concept is very similar to the Zeitgeist concept made

famous from Hegel’s Philosophy of History. In German, ZEIT means ‘time ’ and GEIST means

‘spirit.’ For Hegel, the Zeitgeist is an individual spirit that describes the intellectual, cultural,

ethical and political climate, ambiance and morals of a particular national era. This spirit of a

nation is one of the manifestations of the World Spirit. That Spirit is essentially alive and active

throughout mankind's history. The spirit of a nation is an intermediate stage of world history as

the history of the World Spirit. The World Spirit gives impetus to the realization of the historical

spirits of various nations.

 Now, I don’t know if Hegel had read the mystical chronology, but his national spirit

corresponds to the archangel of the nation and his world spirit corresponds to the archon of the

epoch. For Trithemius, in each cultural epoch of 2,160 years, an archangel of a nation is raised to

the next higher hierarchy in the place of an archon. There are seven planetary archangels and they

rule for approximately 1/7 th of the epoch or about 354 years and 4 months. It’s a wonderful

divine plan of the hierarchies. Imagine in the USA if the senate majority leader was regularly

elevated to the position of president for six months to learn the duties of that job. Things would

go much smoother in the Senate !

Trithemius begins the cycle in the beginning of humanity with the archangel Oriphiel as

 planetary ruler of Saturn. He then describes what happened during his rule. He then proceeds

with each of the successive archangels through their terms to complete one 7 epoch cycle and

then another seven epoch cycle. Beginning the third cycle we have as follows:

1. Oriphiel, from 245BC to 109BC;

2. Anael, from 109BC to 463 AD;

3. Zachariel, from 463 to 817;

4. Raphael, from 817 to 1171;

5. Samael, from 1171 to 1525;

6. Gabriel, from 1525 to 1879; and

7. Michael, the sun spirit beginning 1879.

What is interesting is that in describing the last third of the rule of Samael, he says that

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there will be a break from unity with “ a new religion being instituted.” On 31 October, 1517,

Martin Luther affixed to the castle church in Wittenburg, which served as the black-board of the

university, his Ninety-five Theses which history tells us began the protestant reformation which

ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This was also the period of the groundswell of the

Rosicrucian movement. Dame Yates tells us in her book THE ROSICRUCIAN

ENLIGHTENMENT that “ the movement as it developed in Germany did take on an anti-catholic

 bias . They were magical, hermetic, Cabalistic Lutherans.” They were greatly disposed to defeat

and destroy the pope and the catholic church and replace it with a more humanistic and secular 

christian religion. We will see more of this bias in the saga of the Battle of the White Mountain.

Entering the new Age of Gabriel beginning 1525, we see profound intellectual changes

coming into Europe. The actual Spirit of the Age of Gabriel was Giordano Bruno, thru whom the

spirit lives and speaks. He was born in 1548 and died at the stake in 1600. Dame Yates wrote a

wonderful book about his life which is a must read. She described him as a revolutionary ex-

Dominican friar who “ preached an approaching reformation of the world, based upon the return

to the Egyptian religion taught in the hermetic treatises. He was imbued with the deepest

Egyptianism, which was demonic and revolutionary, demanding a full restoration of the Egyptian-

Hermetic religion.” Trithemius had also said that “a great religious sect will rise up to replace the

ancient cults.”

Like Kepler, Bruno also recast the ancient wisdom into the modern forms. He traveled to

all the major universities of Europe and lectured on the Copernican heliocentric theory of the solar 

system and its three motions. He told his audiences that most of the stars in the heavens were not

single points of light, but huge galaxies, full of millions of stars. The professors were astounded !

He told that man was made from out of the cosmos, a macrocosmic being condensed into a seed

or monad to enter physical life and that this monad expands again when the human dies. His

Monadology was later developed by Leibniz, who was said to have joined a Rosicrucian society in

 Nuremberg in 1666. He reformed Hermeticism the way that Apollonius of Tyana reformed the

ancient mystery centers during Christ’s lifetime.

Bruno was probably not a Rosicrucian. The archangel Gabriel represents intelligence

which re-cast in the modern form, becomes modern science, in the tradition of Francis Bacon and

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Comenius. Bruno ushered in the modern approach to science by first crushing all previous

conceptions as to the nature of man and his place in the universe. And after him, the universe is a

very large space of millions of galaxies. And it is King James, Solomon reincarnated, who stands

at the threshold of the renewal of the Egyptian sciences recast into modern forms !


James Charles Stuart was born on June 19, 1566 at Edinburg Castle in Scotland.

His father, Lord Darnley, was murdered before young James was one years old. His mother, Mary

Queen of Scots, subsequently ascended to the Scottish throne, but she was forced to abdicate in

favor of her son when he was only 13 months old. Reformation leader John Knox preached the

sermon at his coronation. James' mother, Mary, was imprisoned in England by her cousin Queen

Elizabeth and 19 years later, in February of 1587, was executed for her part in the conspiracy to

assassinate the Queen. King James never knew his mother.

And so, like many monarchs of the time, King James was not raised by his parents

 but rather by tutors. Of his four tutors, perhaps one of the most influential was George Buchanan,

a staunch Calvinist. It was under Mr. Buchanan's strict teaching methods that King James became

one of the most learned and intellectual men ever sit on a throne. Buchanan was 64 years old

when he began tutoring the young king. He taught him Greek, then Latin and history,

composition, arithmetic, geography, dialectics, rhetoric and theology. Certainly a primer in the

subjects of the seven sciences on the steps of the second masonic degree. King James spoke fluent

Greek, Latin, French, English, and Scots and was schooled in Italian and Spanish. The King once

remarked, that he could speak Latin before he could speak his native Scots. Because of his

linguistic capabilities, King James typically did not need a translator when conducting business

with other heads of state.

At age eight it was said of him that he was “the sweetest sight in Europe for strange and

extraordinary gifts of ingine, judgment, memory and language.” He once spontaneously translated

a chapter from the bible from Latin into French and then into English. When James made his

formal entry at age 13 into Edinburgh as the Scottish King VI, a central scene from King

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Solomon’s life was acted out in front of him. He was initiated into the masonic Lodge of Scoon

and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35, where his portrait hangs to this day. After the death of Queen

Elizabeth, he ascended to the throne of England in 1603 as James the First.


We discussed in the last lecture of the TEMPLE LEGEND that England under the reign

of King James became the hotbed of Rosicrucianism, speculative masonry and generally led

Europe in the progress of the enlightenment. How did this come to pass, when the birthplace for 

these movements was in Germany ? Father CRC was incarnated into Germany, the Rosicrucian

manifestos were first published there and Germany had a long history of craft masonry dating

 back to at least 1250.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Rhine lands and those south to the Danube were

largely Catholic, while Lutherans predominated in the north, and Calvinists dominated in certain

other areas, such as west-central Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. However, minorities

of each creed existed almost everywhere. In some lordships and cities the number of Calvinists,

Catholics, and Lutherans were approximately equal. The Bohemians, desperate for allies against

the Holy Roman Emperor, applied to be admitted into the Protestant Union which was led by

their original candidate for the Bohemian throne, the Calvinist Frederick V, Elector Palantine. The

Palatinate was a collection of small German states located on both sides of the Rhine river under 

administration of the Holy Roman Empire. The Bohemians hinted that Frederick would become

King of Bohemia if he allowed them to join the Union and come under its protection. However,

similar offers were made by other members of the Bohemian Estates to the Duke of Savoy, the

Elector of Saxony, and the Price of Transylvania. The Austrians, who seemed to have intercepted

every letter leaving Prague, made these duplicities public. This brazen and desperate plea

unraveled much of the support for the Bohemians, who had seriously overplayed their cards. In1619 Frederick V accepted the throne of Bohemia.

A bohemian revolt had been in progress for a year when Frederick took the throne. The

revolt began when two catholic councillors had been sent to Prague to run the government in the

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absence of the King. They were seized by some Bohemian Hussites, subjected to a mock trial,

humiliated and thrown out the castle window landing in a pile of manure, which saved their lives.

Had the rebellion stayed local, it would have soon ended. However, after the death of Emperor 

Matthias, the new Emperor Ferdinand was compelled to call on his nephew, King Philip of Spain

for assistance. In a short time, this religious conflict drew in most of the nations of Europe into

the 30 years war.

The Battle of the White Mountain took place on November 8, 1620. An army of 15,000

Bohemians lead by Christian of Anhalt were routed by a catholic army of 27,000 lead by a

combined army of Ferdinand II, the Holy Roman Emperor, and the Catholic League. At the

 battle scene, Christian deployed his army on the slope of a hill blocking the road to Prague.

According to legend, a monk delivered a picture of St. Mary which had been defaced by the

Protestants. This enraged the catholic troops and in just two hours of fierce battle, the Catholic

Leagues army cut through the center of the enemy embankment on the hillside and smashed the

rebel’s army. With the Bohemian army destroyed, the victorious army entered Prague and the

rebellion was quenched. King Frederick fled Bohemia with his wife Elizabeth. He had been king

only one winter and he hence came to be called the Winter King. This dealt a serious blow to

Protestant ambitions in Germany. Most citizens welcomed the restoration of Catholic monarchy.

Bohemia had been subject the past two centuries to Hussite and other Protestant dissent.

The protestant cause was quick to blame King James on the brutal defeat of his son-in-

law, the Winter King. They argued that he should have sent in a large British army to save the

day. In fact, James was broke. He spent his entire reign fighting with parliament over money

support. Parliament only gave the monarchy the same stipend of a century before. Since the King

controlled the royal navy and the navy controlled the seaports, James only significant source of 

income came from illegal taxation of imports and exports.

After the defeat of the White Mountain, James did call a Parliament in 1621and ask to

fund a military expedition to Bohemia to rescue Frederick and restore the protestant cause.

However, Parliament was more ambitious and wanted to declare war on Spain to steal its new

world gold as Queen Elizabeth had done in the past. James was provoked and closed the


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The problem this little battle ignited was the following 30 years war between the catholic

Holy Roman Empire and the protestant countries. Europe and particularly Germany were

devastated by famine and extensive destruction of entire regions. The participating countries left

the war virtually bankrupt. In Germany, the populations in many states had been reduced by 50

 percent. The male population suffered even greater losses. The Swedish army alone destroyed

some 2,000 castles, 18,000 villages and 1,500 towns. So it was not possible for the Rosicrucian

enlightenment to continue in Germany, it had to relocate.

What did this protestant defeat mean to the Rosicrucian enlightenment ? Since he

moved the capital from Vienna, Prague had become the center in Europe for the study of the

occult arts of the kabbala, magic and alchemy under the rule of Emperor Rudolph II. This was a

hermetic golden age. An incredible collection of esoteric philosophers and Paracelcian doctors

either lived there or visited there. This included such famous men as Michael Maier, Giordano

Bruno, Heinrath Khunrath, Comenius and Oswald Croll. Tycho Brahe and Johannes Keplar had

also been summoned to Prague by Rudolph. As we were told in the last lecture, John Dee spent

eight years here.

This followed the tradition set by Charles IV who preceded Rudolph as emperor. He was

said to be the “ last initiate emperor on the throne of Europe.” He constructed the famous

Karlstein castle which he intended to be a “Grail Castle ” which he used as a private retreat and

meditation center.

King James had given his daughter, Elizabeth, to the cause. She married the White King

and they accepted the crown of Bohemia in St. Vitus Cathedral in 1619, the last official act of the

Hussite clergy. This coronation marked the achievement of those who wanted to put into action

the new age reforms spoke of in the Rosicrucian manifestos. The White King hoped to create a

 brilliant culture deeply committed to the Hermetic and Rosicrucian philosophy as well to the

scientific method in the development of the new sciences. Unfortunately for the severely

 protestant cause of speculative freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, both the national church and the

state of Bohemia disappeared after the ignominious defeat at the battle of the White Mountain.


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It was not just at the end of the failed protestant experiment in Bohemia that the tide of 

the masonic and Rosicrucian movement moved to England, in fact it had been a hot bed for the

 pre-enlightenment ever since James became King in 1603. James could truly be called the “

freemason king ” as did Robert Lomas in his spectacular book THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE.

Lawson says of Sir Francis Bacon,

“ He had never been a particularly good scientist but in the latter third of his life he took 

an interest in techniques for studying nature. It was, however, only after the arrival in

England of King James that this interest in science developed. ”

Why this profound change in Sir Bacon, whom in his own right is considered one of the

greatest scientists and philosophers of his age and any age of western civilization ? More than

 patron, he was a spiritual inspirer and not just of Bacon and Shakespear, but in Central Europe in

the lives of Jakob Boehme and the Jesuit poet, Jacobus Baldus. ( All of whom actually looked

quite similar in their faces) Thousands in England and Europe looked at him as the incarnated

soul of Solomon. He was truly the “ King Solomon of Britain.”

James while he was King of Scotland in 1590 visited Tycho Brahe at his island retreat at

Hven, Sweden. He wrote three sonnets about Tycho. Tycho’s more famous student, Johannes

Kepler, dedicated his main work HARMONICE MUNDI to King James saying “ no more suitable

 patron for my work than the great king, who has shown his special fondness for the philosophy of 

Plato.” Kepler was considered a Rosicrucian by Dame Francis Yates because his circle of friends

had published the three German Rosicrucian manifestos in 1614-16.

Robert Fludd dedicated three volumes of work to the Solomon king. In his most important

work the dedication is addressed to,

“ TER MAXIMUS, emperor of the heavens and the earth, a shining ray of the divine light,

to whom the truths of nature revealed in this book are dedicated, which open a way to the

heavens as by Jacob’s ladder, and are presented to the deity on earth, King James.”

James personal physician was sir William Paddy and his attending physician was the

scientist Sir William Harvey, who discovered of the circulation of the blood. Both of these good

doctors were friends of Rudolph’s physician, Michael Maier. Maier in fact also came to England

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and stayed for five years.

Maier arrived just before Christmas and immediately went to the King with an unusual

Christmas greeting card. It was on a 33 X 24 inch parchment on which was drawn an eight

 petalled rose emblem with a cross in the middle. A musical score was enclosed and there were

also four poems, of which two were addressed to James. This card was undoubtably the earliest

known Rosicrucian symbol to appear in England. As I mentioned in the last lecture, although the

Rosicrucian manifestos were not printed until 1614, there were circulated in manuscript form

years before. Maier was corresponding friends with a certain August von Anhalt who had

received a copy of the FAMA in 1610. Curiously, the brother of August was Christian von

Anhalt, the general of the army of Bohemian rebels who were defeated at the Battle of the White

Mountain years later. These are what we can call “brothers of the rosy-cross.”

In 1614, Isaac Casaubon published an important study on Hermeticism dating the

manuscripts to an age after the birth of Christ, not before, as part of an ancient Egyptian corpus.

This widely read text was dedicated to King James. A biography of the poet William Donne stated

that “ Casaubon came to England at the King’s invitation. ”

At the beginning of the 17th century, there were three leading figures in England,

Shakespear, Bacon and King James working in the spheres of art, science and religion. In his

revolutionary book, THE ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING, Bacon actually compares James

to Hermes Trismegistos saying,


“ There is met in your majesty a rare conjunction, as well of divine and sacred literature, as

of profane and human: so as your Majesty standeth invested of that triplicity, which in

great veneration was ascribed to the ancient Hermes; the power and fortune of a king, the

knowledge and illumination of a priest and the learning and universality of a philosopher. ”

Bacon in this book also compares James to King Solomon saying, “ You rival Solomon in

so many things.” Bacon’s NOVUM ORGANON is also prefaced and dedicated to James saying,

“ This regeneration and renewal of the sciences is rightly due to the times of the wisest and most

learned of all kings.”

Likewise, with Shakespear, it has been often written that the play MACBETH was called

‘King James play’ for it dealth with the history of the Kings of Scotland and the first joint ruler of 

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the thrones of Scotland and England. The play MEASURE FOR MEASURE was performed in

1604 before the King in his Solomon’s temple at Whitehall. The character Vincentio very closely

resembles James as the enigmatic character who dressed up and role played the court of Solomon.

Frances Yates wrote that the character of CYMBELINE was in fact that of King James.

Its very clear that thousands of persons, of all persuasions, throughout all of Europe called

James the ‘ Solomon of Britain. ’

Dame Francis Yates called “ The Battle of the White Mountain a crucial event in

European history. The defeat was total. The victory riveted the Hapsburg domination on Europe

for another generation and initiated the 30years war. James I conducting his foreign policy by

divine right and without consulting parliament was beginning a chain of events which would

eventually destroy the Stuart monarchy.” The citizens of England wanted desperately to have

helped save the Winter King and his monarchy, but James split with Parliament, for many reasons,

and the protestant cause went abandoned. This defeat weighed heavy on his heart in his last

years. It just may have broke his heart. He was mostly ill for the years after the defeat. James

consolidated his affairs so as to have his son Charles succeed him. He died on March 27, 1626. At

his funeral Bishop John Williams of Lincoln preached the sermon, observing, "King Solomon died

in Peace, when he had lived about sixty years...and so you know did King James"


In conclusion, there is one more comparison between King James and Solomon, which is

quite incredible in its own right. In the Old Testament, Solomon has many personal faults. Our 

Temple Legend version from Heckethorn even makes him complicit with the murder of Hiram in

 jealously over Queen Sheba. This plot was never brought forth in the third degree. It was his fall

from grace that Jehovah warned him,

“ But if you go and serve other gods and prostrate yourself before them, I will renounce

this house and Israel shall become a byword and an object lesson before all peoples and

this house shall become a ruin. ”

God must have foreseen what was coming in Solomon’s life, for he had many personal

faults, including fornication with many hundreds of foreign women. Later in III KINGS 9, 11-13,

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Jehovah becomes furious with Solomon and says “ Because you have done this, I will tear the

kingdom from you.” However, Jehovah relents and stays the punishment saying, “ Nevertheless,

for the sake of your father David I will not do this in your day, I will tear it out of your son’s


Here is the final correspondence. With James this destiny of Solomon also came true. It

was not during the reign of King James that his kingdom was destroyed and divided, but during

that of his son, Charles, that England was racked with revolution and civil war. Jame’s son

Charles was beheaded by Cromwell on the balcony of a castle, befitting the fallen King, the

 banquet hall of the Solomonic Whitehall !

Respectively submitted,By: Stephen Cosgrove

February 4, 2009

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Returning again to the ANCESTRY OF HIRAM ABIFF set forth in our copy of the

Temple Legend, it is remarkable that the ancestry described in the legend is exactey the same as

set forth in GENESIS. The is the seven fold generational line of Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael,

Methushael, Lamech and finally, Lamech’ three sons, Jabal, Jubal and Tubal-Cain. The legend

also says that only Tubal- Cain and his unnamed son survived the flood. Whereas, in the

generational line of Noah, his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japeth all survive the flood. It seems the

odds against the Cain descendants are outnumbered 3 to 1.

We of course know nothing about the lives of the first five generations of either Cain or 

Seth. The Genesis story is more symbolic that informative and the same names appear at the same

time in both lines. However, we know that Noah was the Manu of the first cultural epoch of this

Age, so it is likely that the generations of Cain or Seth thru Methushael were names for the

Manu’s of the Earlier Lemurian and Atlantean Ages. Each Age has seven root races. Mankind

appeared in the middle of the Lemurian Age, so there were 3 epochs during the Lemurian Age

and seven more during the Atlantean Age for a total of 10. These 10 generations corresponds well

with the 10 generations in Genesis for the 10 fold generations in the Seth line thru Noah. The

Seth generational line appears ten-fold in this respect. The original race of Semites appeared

during the fifth root race of the Atlantean Age. There is some relationship here between, maybe

Enoch, as Manu of the Semites in Atlantis and Melchizadek as Manu of the Semites during the

third Egyptian-Chaldean cultural epoch of the this Age.

The Cain generational line appears sevenfold. This motif is further expressed in Genesis

4:24 where Lamech is seventy-seven fold and in Genesis 5:30 where he dies at the age of 777

years. This cipher of 777 may represent that Lamech as Manu of the Atlantean Age lived thru 7

races of 7 epochs and 7 archangelic regencies from the Mystical chronology.

It is important here to further discuss the relationship of a manu and the symbolism

of the flood. A manu is a progenitor of mankind in the sense that all men come from the seed of 

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manu. In Hindu terminology, there are 14 cycles in each kalpa, each presided over by an

individual manu, who is both the seed of the race and the lawgiver for the cycle . Each manu is a

determined and conscious survivor from the previous cycle and thru him the sacred tradition is

 preserved and transmitted.

A so-called flood is a normal and recurrent feature of any cycle of manifestation in the life

of Brahma, the creator god. The Hindu manu, Vaivasvata, travels in an ark or ship in a voyage

across the still waters of the flood, beneath which lie the manifested forms of the past cycle, laid

to waste. At the end of the quest across an horizontal surface, conceived as a voyage across the

sea of life, the ark comes to rest by tying up in a harbor. Or is often seen, tying the ship up to a

tree or to a mountain top. The correspondence with the biblical flood is quite close, with the ark 

of Noah coming to rest on the slope of Mount Arafat after the flood subsides. In addition, the

Hindu manu has a brother called Yama. Like Adam he is, not the first born, but the first to die. It

is also interesting that Noah was said to have taken seven persons with him on the ark. While

disguised as his children and their wives, this is really a symbol for the seven rishis who preserved

the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and who also reappeared as teachers of the young Christian


So while the three sons of the Seth line go out after the flood and re-populate the world,

the sole survivors of the Cain line are left alone, like John the Baptist, in the wilderness. The sons

of Seth represent the three higher castes of the priesthood, the royalty and the merchant class.

The sons of Tubal-Cain represent also the third estate, but of hard working craftsman. Why



In the Temple Legend, when Hiram-Abiff casts himself in the sea of fire created by the

 broken vessel of the molten sea, his ancestor Tubal-Cain gave him a great hammer and told him to

“ accomplish the work left unfinished thru man’s stupidity and malignity.” What was the great

work left unfinished? It was the work of extraction of the mineral kingdom.

The cross is on one level a representation of the kingdoms of nature. The lower vertical

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arm represents the plant kingdom. Its roots are in the ground as its head. Its reproductive organs

face the forces of the sun. Man is the inverted opposite of the plant. The upper vertical arm of the

cross represents the human kingdom. Man’s head looks upward toward the sun to receive the

spirit while his reproductive organs hang downward. The correspondence is so exact that the

nutritive forces of the plant follow the inverted structure of a man. The roots of the plant feed the

human head, the leaves and stems of the plant feed the chest region of man, and the feet of the

 plant, its sun ripened seeds and fruits, feed the abdomen of man.

The animal stands half-way between plant and man. The horizontal spine of its vertebra

forms a crosspiece against the direction of growth. The plant head grows downwards into the

earth, man’s head grows upward into the air and the animal spine forms a barrier between the

two kingdoms. In all, the three arms of the cross represent the three kingdoms of living nature.


Beneath the cross is the mineral kingdom. All three kingdoms draw their life forces from

it. This reality corresponds to the washing of the feet by Jesus during the last supper. Jesus bows

down to the apostles in humility even though he is the Christ. Likewise, the three higher kingdoms

of nature bow down to the mineral kingdom in reverence. The mineral kingdom is not represented

in the form of the cross. This is because mankind is already living in this kingdom, transforming itwith the hammer of Hiram-Abiff. The cross and its three kingdoms represent the three kingdoms

that mankind will have to live into the future. In the next three manvantaras, mankind in the fifth

cycle will live into the plant kingdom, in the sixth cycle, into the animal kingdom and finally, in the

seventh cycle, into the human kingdom. When the lowest mineral kingdom has been lifted into the

human kingdom, all nature and all lower beings will have been redeemed. This will be the seventh

day of creation!

St. Paul in a wonderful imagination says in ROMANS VIII that “ we know that all

creation groans and travails in pain together until now.” This means that all of the lower 

kingdoms of nature partake in the sacrifice of raising mankind to the seventh day of creation. As

we know, below the mineral kingdom work the elemental nature spirits of earth, water, air and

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fire. The evolution of this planet is an inverse growth process of condensation. The once large

 planet earth slowly grows smaller by stages of contraction. The former mass of fiery warmth

condensed from fire to air to soft liquid and finally into the condensed form of the solid rocks of 

today. In a great and long process of transformation, the hot fluid condition passed over into the

solidified masses. All that we know today as the metals, minerals and solid rock were once part of 

a fluid mass that had to condense and become solid so as to provide a foundation to support

organic life. When the organic life forms of the plant kingdom laid down their corpses to form

 pools of coal, oil and gas, how could there have possibly been enough green matter to form these

huge reservoirs of oil and gas, unless the earth was several times larger than it is now? The ferns

must have been 100 feet tall and the evergreen trees, like the giant sequoias left over today, must

have been thousands of feet tall!

As fire condenses into air and air condenses into water and water condenses into earth,

these elementary spirits of nature become entrapped or bewitched into matter. They become

 bound to smaller and smaller forms of matter inside the contraction process. Look at the modern

atom, we once thought that the atom was the smallest piece of matter. Now we know that the

individual pieces of matter can be split into smaller and smaller forms. Matter is infinitely divisible

! And so become the nature spirits that inhabit it.

As man extracts mineral resources, the nature spirits trapped within are released. When

stones are quarried, when oil and gas are burnt and when sugarcane is processed into drugs, the

nature spirits are liberated from their pain of sacrifice laid down during the process of creation.

Here is a secret to human evolution. The nature spirits that are released go to work in the service

of humanity ! Think of a jailer who goes to the prisoner and says “ I will unlock your cell door if 

you become my servant for life.” Well, the same is true in the spiritual world, for the servants of 

mother nature. Nature laid down the gifts of the sun’s energy in the reserves of oil, coal and gas

for the exclusive use of humanity!

Those cultures that fire up the furnaces of molten metal become the victors of battle. It

was the swords of Alexander the Great and the Roman army that conquered the world. Metal

ships sink wooden ones as well guns beat bows and arrows. Think of how quickly the British

culture arose to rule the world soon after coal was mined and used in stoves and furnaces.

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Likewise, modern China did not slowly rise to a world power in just the last decade, it began to

feed like a monster on natural resources of oil and coal. The rise and strength of a civilization is

directly proportional to its consumption of these natural resources. The USA should never forget

this when it struggles to look for alternate energy sources.

But this was not always the case. If we look at the first cultural epoch of the Hindus, we

see a culture that did not extract earth resources or grow crops that eat the minerals of the earth.

They were very spiritual and mystical peoples. They considered the physical world as MAYA, as

though a veil had been placed between man and nature. There were not scientists nor substantial

farmers. Like the sons of Adam, Abel/Seth, they took from the earth only what was given to

them. If the found a gemstone, they made it into jewelry, but they did not dig a mine to quarry the

stone. Their fanatical worship of cows is a remnant of this atavistic mentality.

In the next cultural epoch of the Persians, we see for the first time a group of people who

actually farmed crops with hard work by tilling the soil. They killed the Hindu cow and ate it! By

the third cultural epoch of the Egyptian- Chaldean, we see the progression to mineral extraction in

quarries, the cutting of huge blocks of stone, and the building of great temples and pyramids. The

extraction of earth resources and the transformation of the mineral kingdom into human products

is the hammer Tubal-Cain gave to Hiram-Abiff! This is also the symbolism of the building of 

Solomon’s Temple which could not have happened without the hammer. The Adam, Abel/Seth

and Solomon generational line may have produced great philosophers, priests and kings, but they

could hardly tie their shoelaces.


In our Temple Legend, the casting of the Brazen sea by Hiram would have raised his glory

to the utmost height. But King Solomon hired three fellow-crafts to sabotage the effort making it

an utter failure and great humiliation of Hiram before Queen Balkis. One level, the Brazen sea

represents the fusion of the higher and lower principals during this mineral cycle. The sea could

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not have been made by Hiram until he had immersed himself into the earthly fire and purified

himself. Until then it would have congealed. He mixed fire and water which corresponds to what

John the Baptist said of the coming Christ, ‘He will baptize you with fire and water.” The Brazen

sea represents the wild astral fire of the passions. He had to experience the fire of the passions of 

the astral body and conquer them to become pure to cast the mold. The mix of the fire and water 

in the Brazen sea was cloudy, like our soul until it becomes pure of passions.

When he dove into the fire of the earth, he experienced this fire of passion. Here he was

helped by his great ancestors, Cain and Tubal-Cain, who gave him the hammer and the golden

triangle. The hammer represented the great work of humanity in the extraction of earth resources

and their transformation by human skill and work. As sons of Hiram, this is also the task of 

masonry in our time. It is not without suprise, that after King James reestablished the fraternal

 brotherhoods of Europe, the Royal Society in London arose from nothing, to pursue the arts and

sciences, thru which the mineral kingdom could be transformed with human labor and thinking. It

is also not without surprise, that the leading figures of the Royal Society were all masons!

Hiram also emerged from the fire with the golden triangle. This triangle represents the

three higher principals of manas, buddhi and atma. These are the Hindu terms for what we call in

the west, the father, the son and the holy spirit. As in the great macrocosm, there exists this trinity

of god, so in the microcosm, there exists the corresponding principals of the divine trinity in

mankind. After being purified of his passions by the earthly fire and with the golden triangle in

hand, Hiram emerges and completes the casting of the Brazen sea. This means that he has

successfully fused the fire and water of the passions and made the Brazen sea clear and pure in

texture so it could consolidate into the mineral kingdom.

Hiram also represents the human ego in man. The Brazen sea represents the three lower 

 principals of man as the golden triangle represents the three higher principals. The physical body is

the cast, the etheric body is the molten sea of metal and the fire is the passion of the astral body.

Between the brazen sea and the golden triangle is the hammer of the human ego. If the ego looks

to the spiritual worlds and takes the golden triangle into its soul, the work is completed, the

molten sea is cast in pure form. Likewise, as St. Paul said, “not I, but Christ in me ”, if we as

masons take the Christ into ourselves, as our higher ego, our golden triangle, then we have cast

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the Brazen Sea within ourselves.

Before Hiram was murdered by the three fellow-crafts, he threw the golden triangle into a

well. On it was inscribed the secret word of the master. This means that although Hiram,

successfully passed thru the trial of fire and water and emerged to cast the Brazen sea, so mankind

must also pass thru the same trials of Hiram before it passes on to the next plant kingdom. The

golden Triangle must be incorporated into all of humanity to raise the lower kingdom into the

next higher. And it is for the mason to recover the lost word.


We discussed in the MITHRAS MYSTERIES lecture the concept of the Temple Sleep.

This was the ancient form of initiation that took place in all the mystery temples. During this

sleep, the hierophant separated the etheric body from the physical body for a period of three days.

This is also the symbolism of the three days in the bible, as for example, when Jonah was in the

mouth of the whale for three days. During this separation, the soul of the initiate observed the

nature of the whole race. When he returned, he gave the nation its laws and religious rituals. This

 person, whom we called the Father in Mithras, also took on the karma of the race because he was

the lawgiver and assumed the guilt of the sins committed by its citizens. Moses and Elijah appear 

during the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor as such the Lords of Karma for the Hebrew


During the age of prophets, when Moses was initiated as Father of the Hebrew race, the

archangel, Michael, united and dwelled in him. Michael was the folk spirit and archangel of the

nation. Likewise, during the age of kings, Solomon was initiated and in him was united the folk 

spirit of the nation. This was the case with all the fathers of the ancient cultures. During the

initiation ceremony, the group soul of the nation united with their etheric bodies. And as Lords of 

Karma, the spirit continued to live on in them, thru many incarnations, until the karma of the

 people subject to their laws had been expiated.

As we saw in the last lecture, the generational line of Adam, Abel-Seth down to King

Solomon, bore the female initiation wisdom thru its priests and kings. This wisdom was a

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revelation from above, passing downwards into the initiate. These Abel-Seth priests and kings

were under the influence of Jehovah. Like Abel tending his flocks, they did not have to work for 

it, the wisdom came naturally like the flow of water down a falls.

Obviously, this wisdom did not flow to the sons of Cain. They had to gather their wisdom

alone from the physical world thru toil, suffering and death. They may not have had revelations

from Jehovah, as did Solomon, who chose wisdom when the angel appeared to him. But the sons

of Cain were artificers, who constructed temples, roads and bridges. They studied astronomy,

geometry and mathematics. This also was wisdom and it came from the earth and flowed

upwards, thru thinking and hard work. They were also not the leaders of society, as priests and

kings, so they did not partake in the Temple Sleep initiation. But a time came when a son of Cain

had raised himself up enough so that he was ready for initiation. But this new type of initiation

had to be different from that of the Abel-Seth generational line of kings.

A few years ago, when I decided to go thru the Scottish Rite degrees, I was on a degree

team doing the third degree. We are at the grave scene and King Solomon is lamenting over the

fact that the secret word of the murdered master has been lost to history. A prayer is said for 

inspiration to decide upon the naming of the substituted word. After speaking the substituted

word, king Solomon says that at some appropriate future time the lost word will be restored, in

the meantime, we draw strength from the lion from the tribe of Judah. This of course is a very

specific reference to the coming of Jesus Christ, presumably as the restorer of the lost word.

During this degree, I had the following imagination of great glory!

“Hiram was at the borderline of a new initiation. However, he could not yet receive it as

the great spirit of the sun had not yet descended to earth for incarnation. The Christ is the sun

spirit that is greater than the moon spirit Jehovah and greater than the wisdom that Jehovah gave

his initiates of priests and kings. Only the Christ himself could initiate Hiram! For Hiram

represented the wisdom of the individual gained by the hammer of hard work. The wisdom of the

group soul of the nation would no longer be as important as the wisdom of the single human soul

who carried the Golden Triangle in his arms.

Sadly, Hiram was raised to death and not to life. But his raising was a pre-figuration of the

time when Christ would come to earth and raise all of humanity to a higher life, beyond the toil,

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suffering and death of the sons of Cain. This is in fact the historical case, for when Jesus raises the

initiate Lazarus from the dead, he is in fact raising the old soul of Hiram. And by this act of 

resurrection, Christ is closing the cycle on the sons of Cain and opening a new cycle of initiation,

where the Christ is the hierophant. For what was NOT accomplished by King Solomon, in

attempting to raise Hiram from the grave, was in fact accomplished when Christ raised Lazarus

from the grave.”


In 1909, E. G. King wrote a book entitled "The Disciple That Jesus Loved: A

Suggestion" which put forward the theory that the disciple was actually the rich young man

mentioned in Mark 10:21. Now, I haven’t read this book, but I can tell you what it probably said.

First, that the rich young man later grew up to become the disciple whom Jesus loved and

that in the last years of his life he became also the author known as John the Evangelist,

mistakenly attributed to the apostle John. John, ben Zebedee as well his brother James, were

 poor, very ignorant fisherman, and John could never have had the intelligence and inspiration to

write the gospel of John, which is probably the greatest single story written in western civilization.

 Nor could he have written the Apocalypse of John, which is probably the single greatest book of 

 prophecy in western civilization.

Second, we know from the gospels that both John and his brother James twice failed Jesus

in their understanding of significant spiritual events. First in the scene of the transfiguration on

mount Tabor and second, in the garden of Gethsemani, when Jesus asked them to watch and

stand by. In both instances, the Zebedee brothers went asleep and dumb!

Third, none of the special Zebedee stories are included in the Fourth Gospel (e.g. the

calling of the Zebedees by Jesus, their presence with Jesus in the house where Jesus raised Jairus ’

daughter, the Transfiguration on the Mount, and also of the special request for special seats in

Jesus’’ kingdom when it comes.

Also telling is the fact that this Gospel includes none or almost none of the special Galilean

miracle stories found in the Synoptics with the exception of the feeding of the 5,000 and the

walking on water.

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Also, there is the problem of his age. According to tradition, John suffered a martyr’s

death, like his brother James. If he was of the same age as Jesus, he could never have lived to the

ripe old age of 100 years as is attributed to the person of Presbyter John, who is supposed to

have written the apocalypse at the isle of Patmos. Traditionally, in sacred art, the disciple whom

Jesus loves is portrayed as a youth, with fair skin, short hair with no beard and whose head rests

on the chest of Jesus.

So what do we know of Lazarus? Well as usual from the New Testament, not much.

There is a clue in MARK 10:21 of the story of the rich youth whom Jesus told to sell his wealth

and give it to the poor. The youth followed Jesus but did not give away his riches. This was the

young Lazarus and it is symbolic that MARK said that Jesus “ loved him. ”

So we will have to turn again to sister Anne Catherine Emmerick for a fuller story. She

says of Lazarus,

“The father of Lazarus was named Zarah and was of noble Egyptian descent. For services

rendered in war, he received from the roman emperor property near Jerusalem and Galilee.

He was like a price and was very rich. He had acquired even greater wealth by his wife,

Jezebel, a Jewess from the sect of the Pharisees. He became a jew and was pious and

strict. The parents of Lazarus had in all fifteen children of whom six died young. At the

time of Christ’s teachings, there were four: Lazarus, Martha, about two years younger,

silent Mary, looked upon as a simpleton and Mary Magdalene, five years younger than the

simpleton. Magdalene, the youngest child, was very beautiful and full of frivolity and

seductive art. Her parents died when she was only seven years old. Lazarus had inheritedlarge possessions, landed property, gardens, and many servants. Martha had her own

house and Mary Magdalene lived in her castle in Magdelum. Lazarus was already long

acquainted with the Holy Family. All the early expenses of the ministry, he supplied out of 

his own wealth. ”


The resurrection of Lazarus was both an initiation and a resurrection. As a resurrection we

should think of the following.

All humans share the experience of forgetting, sleeping and death. All three are part of the

same process, that of the waking day consciousness descending into darkness and extinction.

Forgetting and sleeping are not a final and irreversible event. Actually, we don’t forget anything,

we just push something down into the sub-consciousness and it pops up at some later time in life.

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Likewise, we always return from sleep. But death is a final and irreversible event. However, only

for the physical body. All religions of all times in all cultures have taught that consciousness

survives the extinction of the physical body.

In contradistinction to forgetting, sleeping and death are the reverse life processes of 

remembrance, awakening and resurrection. Memory is the process of drawing back from

the sub-conscious something that we forgot. Awakening is likewise the process of drawing the

waking day consciousness back from the darkness of sleep. And resurrection is of two types. First

there is the perfect resurrection of the Christ for eternity. Second, is the partial resurrection, for 

someone like Lazarus, who resurrects but later in life, dies. It is not eternal.

The gospels use several terms to describe these processes, like “arise, appear, awaken and

resurrect.” All are partial manifestations of the Resurrection Body. The resurrection body of 

Christ was perfect, what the Hindu’s call Atma. In the west, we believe in the immortality of all

three, that of body, soul and spirit. The body is immortal and the seed that carries this immortality

is the resurrection body. When we die, this seed is left on earth, while our soul and spirit ascend

to purgatory and heaven. When the soul and spirit descend into another incarnation, they reunite

with the seed of the resurrection body. For the risen Christ, the body, soul and spirit were equally

immortal and deathless.

For Lazarus, he was “ re-awakened. ” He was called back into the same, now healed body,

so that he takes up again his former life, which he lives out until final death. This re-awakening isa stage on the path towards resurrection. We see this process in the life of the saints. They live in

 both heaven and earth. They partially manifest themselves in “appearances” on earth to perform

miracles and healings. They can temporarily appear in their own physical body because the

advanced spiritual development of their soul and spirit manifests their will to assume for a short

time, the partial revival of their resurrection body. The catholic saints represent a stage on the

 path to resurrection. And in each successive incarnation, they get closer to the final goal.

 Now we have talked about the influence of heredity in the genealogical lines of Abel and

Cain. The god of Abel/Seth was Jehovah and he was also the god of heredity. He established the

 principal in evolution that his forces of influence travel thru the blood of his descendants. Each

descendant looked up to its ancestors Abraham, Issac and Joseph as branches on a tree. In each

generation, the soul coming into incarnation had to pass thru the gates of a race, nation and family

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 before being born on earth again.

In contradistinction to the chains of heredity is the evolution of the individual human soul

or ego. The ego wants to evolve in freedom, free from the influences of heredity. When god made

man in his image and likeness, his likeness were the forces of heredity that imprison the soul into

its ancestral past. Whatever the physical mechanism of heredity may be, the fact is that the

incarnating soul is cast into the mold of race, nation and family in opposition to the souls desire

to be free to create its own Image of god. As the ego evolves, it becomes stronger in its control

and mastery of the forces of the physical body. The stronger the soul is, the greater the

independence of the soul from its bloodline. It becomes more an individual type than a family


This is because, although we may inherit our bodily type, with it face, muscles and organs,

the work of the hammer of the ego on a daily basis in exercising its will, makes physiological

changes that go to the core of the body. On the outside, a person may be an exact copy of his

race, nation and family. But on the inside, there is a structural and functional individualization of 

the parts of the body closest to the working of the soul and spirit. The brain and the nervous

system are those parts of the body that are directly influenced by the ego forces of will. The

changes made to the organs of the body by the forces of thinking, feeling and willing, that take

 part of each person’s life, last permanently and are imprinted onto the seed of the resurrection

 body.The Sons of Cain represent the gene pool for those individual souls striving for freedom

from heredity. As we discussed earlier, they were outnumbered 3 to 1 by the Sons of 

Jehovah/Abel. They were outcast from the hereditary generational lines of priest and king. Tubal-

Cain represented the both the hammer of industry and the ego of the Brazen Sea, that controlled

the three lower bodies of man. The three higher bodies of man, the Golden Triangle, are the three

 paths of the resurrection body to perfection.

It is said of high initiates that they look the same in each successive incarnation. This is not

 because they look more representative of their family type, because family types change in each

incarnation over time. But, like the saints on their path to resurrection, the souls of the initiates

 become more free in each incarnation to let their personal ego design their own image of god,

their own resurrection body. Going back to the symbolism of the cross, the horizontal arm

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represents the hereditary lines of race, nation and family. The vertical line represents the creative

force of the ego’s will for self-realization of its personal resurrection body, which is different for 

each of the billions of people on earth. This is why as Christians, we believe in the resurrection of 

the body on judgment day!


The resurrection of Lazarus was both an initiation and a resurrection. As an initiation we

should think of the following.

When Jesus was called by Martha to save her brother, we see the themes of forgetting,

sleeping and death. Jesus had allowed “ forgetting ” by remaining a further two days after called

 by Martha. Jesus allowed “ sleeping ” when Martha said “ our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep.”

And Jesus allowed death, when Jesus said “Lazarus is dead. ”

This was the same death of Hiram-Abiff, but raised to a higher level. Lazarus was raised from

death, re-awakened to life and lead back to death again. The soul of Lazarus did not return to the

same old inherited body which had become a corpse of putrid organs. He returned to a renewed

 body, whose inner organs had been re-created with new organic matter. This was possible

 because during his Temple Sleep, his etheric body was perfected and as such was able to re-

connect the old dead tissue and organs with the renewed life forces of his immortal etheric body.In this sense, the buddha achieved perfection in his astral body and it became immortal.

Likewise, Lazarus/John achieved perfection in his etheric body which also became immortal. In

Christ, we see the first perfected physical body and His resurrection body rose from the dead on

Easter Sunday to become immortal. Whereas, Christ achieved immortality in all body, soul and

spirit, Buddha and Lazarus/John achieved immortality, like the saints, only in soul and spirit, not

in the body.

It is interesting that the apostle Thomas says to the other disciples “ Let us also go, so that

we may die with him. ” They did not want to commit suicide, but to follow the same path that

Jesus had laid down for Lazarus. Many occultists look at the tomb scene of Lazarus as more an

initiation than a resurrection. In fact, most occultists take a docetic approach, saying that there

was not a resurrection from death, but only a temple sleep. For them I say this. As we have

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discussed several times, the temple sleep lasts for three days. Its easy to fall prey to the fact that

the tomb of Lazarus closely resembles the priest’s temple of initiation. But, in this instance, the

gospel is very clear that Lazarus was in the tomb for four days, not three. And Jesus himself 

declared Lazarus to be dead. So the scene of the tomb of Lazarus was both a resurrection and an

initiation. In fact, Lazarus was the first initiation performed by the greatest hierophant of all time,

Jesus Himself.

Special attention should be shown to the expression “Jesus loved.” In the MARK gospel,

when speaking of the rich young ruler, Jesus looked upon him and loved him. In JOHN”S Gospel

it was said that Jesus “ loved Martha, and her sister Mary and Lazarus.” Nowhere in all the

gospels is it said that Jesus so loved a person as he did Lazarus, His beloved disciple. In the

ancient mysteries, this expression of love, was reserved for the best pupil of the hierophant, the

one who had achieved the highest level of initiation by the master. We see in 1 KINGS that when

King Hiram of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon to build his temple he said “for Hiram always

loved David.”

I said earlier that the raising of Hiram was a prefiguration of what was to come in the

future when the Son of the sun would come to earth and create a new initiation, especially for the

sons of Cain. The first christian initiate was the risen Lazarus, who took a new name “John,” as is

the tradition in all mystery initiation. In this sense the sickness of Lazarus “ was not unto death,

 but for the glory of God.” During the four days that Lazarus spent in the spiritual worlds, heexperienced the form of a new initiation, one for Christians and for the Sons of Cain .

It is interesting to note that in the Dead Sea Scrolls there are at least two references to this

age long battle between the sons of Cain and the sons of Seth. In the War Scroll it says,

“ A star has marched forth from Jacob, a sceptre has arisen from Israel. And he will shatter 

the temples of Moab and destroy the sons of Seth.”

And in the Damascus Document it says,

“ The sceptre is the prince of all the congregations and when he arises he will destroy all

the sons of Seth.”

This new initiation takes seven stages drawn from the passion of Jesus before His

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crucifixion. The first stage is the washing of the feet. The second, the scourging. The third the

crowning with thorns. The fourth, the bearing of the cross. The fifth, the crucifixion. The sixth,

the entombment and the seventh, the resurrection. Lazarus experienced these stages of the passion

of Christ during his four day temple sleep before they actually happened. His description of the

 passion in his Fourth Gospel of John has been preserved for our benefit.

The stages of the passion are the stages of the karma experienced by mankind by the

universal Fall of mankind. Christ experienced them for Himself as the representative of humanity,

as the “new Adam.” We have discussed the foot washing. This stage like all other stages are

representative imaginations or pictures for meditation. They are spiritual exercises meant to

replace the gospels in the future, as the gospels have less and less value as mankind becomes more

materialistic and secular and every generation wants to re-write the words of the gospels with less

spiritual meaning. As spiritual exercises they are also meant to awaken the feelings, as opposed to

thinking and willing. To arouse a deep and profound respect for the sacrifice that Christ made

during His passion, death and resurrection.

This path is also the Rosicrucian path. I had said in an earlier lecture on Christian

Rosenkreutz, that he had lived an earlier life during the time of Christ. This life was that of 

Lazarus. He was reborn in a next life as the child in the 13 th century who lived among the 12

initiates who taught him the ancient wisdom. It is only fitting that the soul of the former Tubal-

Cain, Hiram Abiff and Lazarus generational line, proud Sons of Cain, should become thereformer of the masonic brotherhoods in the 15 & 16th the centuries.

The symbol of this Rosicrucian path is the black cross with seven red roses in the center.

The black cross represents death and the roses are the new life that gradually proceeds from

death. Death and resurrection are the two fundamental currents of the christian path, prefigured

 by Hiram Abiff and fulfilled by the risen Lazarus/John.


Lazarus/John is said to have lived about 100 years. This would be roughly equal to three

33 year periods. The first Bethany period ended with his rising from the tomb. His second period,

that of Provence France, began when Lazarus/John and his two sisters along with Maximin, one

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of the 72 disciples, Chelitonius, the blind man whose sight had been restored by Jesus, Sarah,

maid of Mary Magdalen and Marcella, maid of Martha, seven in all, were put in a small boat off 

the coast of Palestine and towed out to sea and cut loose. The boat washed ashore in St. Maries-

de-la-mer, some 50 miles west of Marseilles. In the beginning, they lived in a subterranean grotto,

which is now the crypt of the St. Victor’s basilica. Mary Magdalen went on the live the life of a

hermit in the caves of Sainte-Baume in Provence. St. Maximun preached the gospels and build a

 basilica which bear the relics of him and Mary Magdalene. Martha went on the live in Aix-en-

 provence and Tarascon, where she founded christian communities. Lazarus/John remained in

France for about 30 years and served as bishop of Marseilles.

After the death of his sisters, Lazarus/John moved to Ephesus in Asia Minor to begin his

third period. He lived there for about 40 years as bishop of Ephesus and was known as Presbyter 

John. Mary, mother of Jesus, and the apostle John Zebedee had been living there for some years

in a little house on the hillside overlooking the city. This home has been re-founded and rebuilt

with a replica here in Jamaica, Vermont. John Zebedee was martyred in Jerusalem some years

 before Lazarus/John arrived. While in exile on the isle of Patmos, Lazarus/John wrote the Book 

of Revelations. Besides being bishop of Ephesus, he appears to have also been bishop of those six

other christian communities mentioned in Revelations as Smyran, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis,

Philadelphia and Loadica. From Patmos, he returned to Ephesus to write the Gospel of John as

well the Epistles, which Sister Emmerich says occurred some three years before he died. He of course became the founder and after his death, the inspiration for the tradition known as

Johannine christianity, which draws its source from the Forth Gospel. He was buried at Ephesus

in the great basilica that was later built which bears his name.


In several of these lectures we have spoken about the role of the manu in the beginning of 

a cycle who comes to be the progenitor of a given race or culture. We know this person by many

names, Enoch, Noah, Melchizadek, Menes of Egypt and Minos of Crete. His particular 

characteristic is that of an incarnation from above to below. He descends from the spiritual worlds

above, like a Hindu Avatar, to earth and incarnates into a worthy candidate. He becomes the

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teacher to a Mithras father initiate, who in turn leads a nation as lawgiver, as did Hermes, Moses

ands Solomon.

In contradistinction to the process from above to below is what we can call the Buddha

 process. It works in the opposite direction, from below, upwards. The Buddha and his spiritual

 predecessors all have a particular characteristic that is opposite to that of the manu. They were all

 born as simple human souls. They did not have the benefit of being sons of gods or of having lofty

angels and archangels incarnate in them to raise them to higher levels of human evolution. Each

Buddha raised himself to higher and higher levels thru successive incarnations, until they had

achieved nirvana from out their own effort.

Each buddha sounds a lot like our Sons of Cain, who with their hammer have to forge

their own Golden Triangle from their own efforts, thru the trials of toil, suffering and death. By

 birthright, to Solomon was handed a kingdom and the wisdom of the gods. Not so to a Buddha

nor a Son of Cain. From out of the heavens came Jehovah, whose gifts and splendor shown down

on the sons of Abel/Seth, who became the priests, judges and kings of old testament history. From

out the earth, came Cain and from out of that sanctuary of fire in the center of the earth, came the

god Vulcan, whose sons were Lamech, Tubal-Cain and Hiram Abiff. From the Temple Legend we

are told of a great prophecy when Hiram was cast into the sanctuary of fire.

“ A son shall be born unto thee whom thou shalt indeed not see, but whosenumerous descendants shall perpetuate thy race, which, superior to that of Adam,

shall acquire the empire of the world; for many centuries they shall consecrate

their courage and genius to the service of the ever-ungrateful race of Adam, but at

last the best shall become the strongest, and restore on the earth the worship of 

fire. Thy sons, invincible in thy name, shall destroy the power of kings, the

ministers of the Adonais' tyranny. Go, my son, the genii of fire are with thee! "

Hiram was restored to the earth.”

Then came the turning point of human history. A son was born, the child of a rich ruler,

whose family was close to that of Mary and Jesus. He became so close to Jesus that he was called

the beloved disciple. He died as Lazarus, was restored to life as John the Evangelist and died in

Ephesus leaving us the great books of the Johannine tradition. He was the first christian initiate

whose hierophant was none other than Christ Himself. He was later re-born in the 13th century as

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Christian Rosenkreutz, the founder of the Rosicrucian tradition. He was again reborn in the 15th

century and reformed and restored the masonic brotherhoods with the legend of the Temple.

In relation to the manu’s of old, he will become in the future the first manu from out the

Sons of Cain. He will become the first truly human (and not divine) manu evolving from below to

the above, the progenitor of the new human race leading into the next great cycle.

On April 30, 1789, George Washington took his oath as the first president of the United

States. His hand was placed on the alter bible from the St. John’s lodge in New York city before

the grand master Robert Livingston. The bible was of course the King James version.

Washington was a revolutionary of the brotherhoods that saw the royalties of Holland, France,

Germany, Sweden, Italy and other European countries fall by the sword of the third estates.

Beginning with the masonic reformations of the 16th century, the royalty of Europe bore witness

to the hammer of the Sons of Cain who truly did “destroy the power of kings, the ministers of 

Adonais (the priesthood’s) tyranny. ”

The wounded Hiram Abiff threw away the Golden Triangle on which was written the lost

word of the master. But the triangle has three sides on which can be ascribed three words, not just

one. The lost word restored of the third degree is none other than the three words of Jesus when

he restored life to his beloved initiate, “ Lazarus Come Forth.”

Respectively submitted,By: Stephen Cosgrove

March 13, 2009

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