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Revolutionise your business Staff training at the click of a button

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Mak i n g Le a r n i n g Wo rk , Mak i n g Le a r n i n g Fun

2 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Revolutionise your stafftraining programme

As an approved learndirect Business eCourses delivery partner, Learning Concepts Ltd can offer the full eCourses portfolio.

eCourses are online and CD/DVD-ROM based courses that can give yourstaff the skills they need, quickly and easily. Covering all the areas that arevital to the success of your business, including Computers and Software,Health and Safety, Sales and Marketing and Financial Management, thebenefits to your business are clear:

> You get value for money.eCourses are competitively priced. And because training takes placeon site, employees avoid wasting time and money travelling to a course.

> Start straight away.eCourses are ideal if you need new skills urgently. They are easy to use and we can get you up and running in minutes.

> Training at a time to suit your staff and your business. Learn at a time to suit you and the business, fitting your course in aroundyour working day. And because eCourses are broken down into bite-sized chunks, you can pick up where you last left off.

> Training at a pace that suits you and your staff.Your staff can do courses at their own level and pace, so that they allget the best from their training. They remain in control of their learningand can go over things as many times as they like, or simply fill inknowledge gaps rather than covering familiar ground.

Managing staff training can be challenging. Sometimesit’s a struggle to find the time – or resources – to invest in training even though 65% of businesses believeeffective training quickly translates into tangible businessbenefits.* Take the time to increase the skills and knowledge of your staff and reap the rewards.

*Source: Research carried out by BMG on behalf of learndirect Business – 2005



Course delivery key:




Computers and Software 4

Health and Safety 8

Sales and Marketing 10

Financial Management 12

Leadership and Management 14

Harvard ManageMentor 21

Customer Service 22

Food Hygiene 24

e-Commerce 25

Starting Your Business 26

Growing and Developing Your Business 27

The Apprentice 28

Communication Skills 30

Employment Law 34

Protecting Your Business 36

Managing Information 37

Change Management 38

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

4 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Save your business time and money with ourComputer and Software eCourses.

The modern office is equipped withpowerful tools to help us save timeand operate a successful business. However, unless your employees know how to usethem effectively, such tools are all too often wasted.Misuse or reluctance to use technology wastesyour employees’ time to the tune of 48 minutes aday.* Use these online computer and softwarecourses to give your managers and employees theconfidence to make the most of office technology.*Source: www.smallbusiness.co.uk

Computers and Software


Microsoft Excel

Having a good grip on your financial data can help everything else about your businessfall into place. Microsoft Excel is amazingly powerful – it offers the tools to access,process, analyse, share and display the numerical information you need to run yourbusiness. You’ll learn how to create, manipulate and share spreadsheets, use a range offormulas and functions to make worksheet calculations, and create and format charts.

Excel 2000 8 hrsExcel 2003 8 hrsExcel XP 8 hrsECDL 4 – Spreadsheets 11 hrs

Microsoft Access

Help your staff to avoid ‘information overload’ and give them the skills they need tomake the most of Microsoft Access. Microsoft’s database management system makes it easy to find information, analyse data and create accurate reports. These eCoursesshow you how to create tables and populate them with data, organise information, usefilters and sort data, create relationships between tables and import data from othersources. Microsoft Access is ideal for managing stock and customer data.

Access 2000 5 hrsAccess 2003 5 hrsAccess XP 4 hrsECDL 5 – Databases 11 hrs

Microsoft Project

Deliver your projects on time and to budget! Project 2000 provides you and your staffwith all the tools needed to assign appropriate resources to a project, keep accuratebudgets, monitor timescales and ensure each deadline is met. Learn how to create anduse a Gantt chart to plan, assign a calendar, create a task list and define the timescaleof your project.

Project 2000 4 hrs

Computers and Software – More overleaf...

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

6 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Microsoft FrontPage

Looking for a quick and cost-effective way to create a website in-house? Guiding youthrough the whole process – from initial planning to going ‘live’ on the internet – thiscourse demonstrates how to design and create easy-to-navigate web pages that areboth functional and pleasing to the eye. FrontPage covers the practical skills needed toorganise a website, select an appropriate web server and maintain a site on a regular basis.

FrontPage 2000 5 hrs

Microsoft Word

Well-presented, accurately-written documents boost the credibility of your business.Microsoft Word is packed with features designed to help you produce highly professionalbusiness documents. Learn how to maximise the software’s capability by creating,inserting and deleting text and creating headers and footers. Grasp the basics thenexplore Word’s more advanced features.

Word 2000 8 hrsWord 2003 8 hrsWord XP 8 hrsECDL 3 – Word Processing 11 hrs

Microsoft PowerPoint

A strong visual presentation helps an audience remember you and your message.Whether presented at a conference or communicated over the internet, PowerPointprovides the necessary tools to make a point – powerfully. Learn how to create and modifypresentations by adding text, bullet points and graphics; and enhance your presentationsusing text formatting, colour schemes, charts, tables, audio and video clips.

PowerPoint 2000 5 hrsPowerPoint 2003 5 hrsPowerPoint XP 5 hrsECDL 6 – Presentations 11 hrs

Microsoft Outlook

Improve your communications, optimise your time management skills and maximiseyour efficiency. Using Microsoft Outlook, you’ll be shown how to send and receive e-mails, use the calendar to manage schedules and arrange meetings, create contactlists, record tasks and make journal entries. The software will enable you and your staffto achieve more during the working day.

Outlook 2000 4 hrsOutlook 2003 4 hrsOutlook XP 4 hrs

Computers and Software


European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)

The ECDL is an internationally recognised qualification that improves computer skills,increases IT speed and effectiveness and removes the stress and frustration of notbeing able to use a computer efficiently. This suite of seven courses can be used towork towards formal assessment for the ECDL qualification. The required assessmentsfor the qualification must be purchased separately from an approved ECDL test centre.Research in the NHS found that people regained, on average, 35 minutes per workingday as a result of new skills acquired through structured IT user skills training.

ECDL – Skills Suite (all seven modules) 80 hrsECDL 1 – Concepts of Information Technology (IT) 11 hrsECDL 2 – Using Your Computer 11 hrsECDL 3 – Word Processing 11 hrsECDL 4 – Spreadsheets 11 hrsECDL 5 – Databases 11 hrsECDL 6 – Presentations 11 hrsECDL 7 – Electronic Communication 11 hrs

Keyboard and Typing Skills

Employees with poor keyboard and typing skills can cost your business time andmoney, while errors and inaccurate documents look unprofessional. This course willhelp employees gain confidence and improve their typing skills in just 90 minutes,allowing them to focus more effectively on their work.

Keyboard A-Z (KAZ) 3 hrs

IT Applications

IT proficient staff are more efficient, more effective and more productive than those who shy away from computers. Make sure your employees have the skills they need to make software work for your organisation. Providing an introduction to databases,spreadsheets, e-mail and the internet, this eCourse will help your staff get to grips withthe basics of popular IT applications.

IT Applications 2 hrs

Computers and Software

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

In 2005, 35 million working days were lost to work-related ill health and injury. That’s 1.5 days per worker.* This range of online health and safety eCourses cover some of the key areas you andyour business need to be aware of, from popular introductory courses through to specificcourses on manual handling and stress.

*Source: Health and Safety Executive, www.hse.gov.uk

Introduction to Health and Safety at Work 40 mins

This course gives employees a basic understanding of the Health and Safety Act

1974. It provides an overview of each individual’s responsibilities, as well as the re-

sponsibilities of their managers and the employer.

Health and Safety – Law and Practice 2 hrs 30 mins

Health and safety is an important issue for every workplace. This simple, theoretical

course gives those responsible for health and safety a basic understanding of the

relevant laws, and how they affect both employees and employers.

Introduction to Managing Health and Safety 1hr 30 mins

Find out how to identify and deal with potential hazards and causes of ill health in the

workplace. This course helps you understand how your business can meet its moral

and commercial responsibilities, protecting both your organisation and employees.

Manual Handling 30 mins

This course explains how to assess the risks involved in moving, lifting or carrying

heavy or awkward items, and outlines the correct techniques to use. It can help re-

duce the risk of workplace injuries, which may lead to long-term absence and costly

legal action.

8 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety


Fire Safety 30 minsThis simple, easy-to-follow course helps employees understand some of the causes of fire in the workplace, and provides information on which extinguisher to use fordifferent types of fire. An increased awareness could prevent fire-related injuries andfatalities, and costly fire damage.

Preventing Accidents 2 hrsThis course gives managers a good understanding of what hazards are and how toidentify and control them. Your business will benefit from managers who can anticipateaccidents before they happen, safer staff and a better health and safety record.

Environmental Awareness 40 minsThis introductory course takes you through some of the main environmental issuesfacing businesses today. You learn about various ways employees can change theirhabits in the workplace to reduce waste and promote greener practices.

Dangerous Substances 30 minsDangerous substances can be found in nearly every workplace, including flammableliquids, gases and dusts. This course aims to increase your awareness of thepossible risks and improve your understanding of what precautions to take.

Managing and Handling Stress at Work 50 minsThis course helps managers identify the different causes of stress and highlightseffective strategies for managing stress. This can have a positive effect on yourbusiness, as managers are able to recognise stress-related problems and minimisetheir impact.

Avoiding Slips, Trips and Falls 20 minsMost accidents at work can be avoided with careful housekeeping. This coursehelps employees identify the common causes of each type of accident and providestips on how to alert colleagues to potential hazards.

Electrical Safety 30 minsCreate a safer working environment for you and your staff. This course shows youhow to avoid electric shocks and fires, and also how to help to increase your safetyand the safety of others around you. It also shows you how to help should anemergency occur.

CPR Essentials 40 minsThis course explains what to do when someone suffers a cardiac arrest – CPR is a technique that at least one person in your business should learn. You areshown on screen how to deal with the situation, so you are able to help should theworst happen.

Computer Safety 30 minsThis course provides an introduction to the current Health and Safety Regulationsand the importance of the personalised work station, including guidance on how toadapt computer equipment to suit the individual.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

10 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Sales andMarketing

Effective sales and marketing planscan help your business win and retainloyal customers, as well as boost yourprofitability and reputation. Our Sales and Marketing eCourses will help youdevelop, promote and deliver the right product, atthe right price and the right time. Providing a simpleintroduction to sales and marketing, these courseswill teach you how to identify and focus on yourcustomers’ needs, to shape your products andservices accordingly.


Sales and Marketing

Steps to Success – Professional Sales Skills 8 hrsLearn how to identify the different stages of the sales process and close a saleeffectively. This useful and practical course provides an insight into how and why acustomer buys. It also covers key techniques that can help you improve your salesskills and win more business to increase the profitability of your organisation.

The Apprentice – Selling, Pitching and Presenting 3 hrsBased on the successful TV show, this course uses clips to showcase examples ofsuccess – and failure – featured in the programme. It can help you, your sales teamand anyone else involved in pitching and presenting to develop the skills that arecrucial to this area of business.

Call to Order – Converting Telephone Enquiries into Sales 2 hrsIncoming enquiries are the lifeblood of many businesses – but surprisingly few have the skills and techniques in place to convert the casual enquiry into a firm sale.Featuring Rowena King and Paul Bigley, this course outlines a simple, five-stepapproach to call conversion. It will enable employees to make a real and immediatedifference to conversion rates by delivering the key skills they need to prepare forcalls, present the product and the price and conclude the order.

Sell It to Me! Essential Skills for All Salespeople 2 hrsWhether the team sells face-to-face or over the phone, this course is a greatintroduction to the art of selling. Famous faces including Josie Lawrence, RobertLindsay and Martin Clunes explore a wide range of everyday scenarios – frommeeting the customer and establishing their needs to dealing with customerobjections and closing the sale. It gives employees a better understanding of thekey skills needed to make the sale.

Marketing 3 hrsSuccessful marketing can really boost the profitability and reputation of anybusiness. This course provides a simple introduction to the subject, its conceptsand its principles. Gain a basic understanding of the theory and practice ofmarketing and learn how to analyse marketing methods.

e-Marketing 45 minsBuild your understanding of e-marketing processes and technologies, including thelegal implications of selling online. This course explains how to market a product orservice online and includes expert opinion and content from Google and theindustry body for e-retail, the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG).

Marketing – Unleashing the Potential of Your Business 5 hrsFinding customers and providing them with what they want, when they want it, is an essential part of running any business. This course provides an introduction tomarketing and offers a good basic grounding in marketing concepts and principles.You can apply these principles to your business to help you develop, promote anddeliver the right product at the right price and the right time.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

12 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Financial Management

According to a recent YouGov survey,over 50% of managers lack confidencein financial decision making.* Our range of eCourses will help you understand therelationship between profit, expenditure and revenue,as well as showing you how to assess your financialenvironment, understand profit and loss accounts and prepare and manage budgets.

*Source: YouGov/Intellexis survey of 650 UK managers, 2006


Financial Environment 3 hrs 30 minsThis course shows managers how to interpret financial information and, in doing so, make better decisions. It covers important elements of finance, how financialinformation fits into a wider business context and the effect it can have onorganisations of all sizes.

The Balance Sheet Barrier – The Basics of Business Finance 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French and John Cleese, this course is a helpful introduction fornon-financial managers to the main features of a balance sheet, a profit and lossaccount and a cashflow forecast. By demystifying financial jargon, the course willhelp them interpret financial information and use it to make better business decisions.

Cost-Benefit Analysis 2 hrs 30 minsThis course explains how to generate and prioritise ideas for change within abusiness context. It also looks at how you can assess the wider implications of change and take these into account when developing a financial case.

Working to a Budget 8 hrsExamine the use of budgets, how they are produced and how they are used withinan organisation. This course describes how to go about preparing andimplementing a budget and why setting and working to a budget is important.

Staying Afloat – A Guide to Cash Flow 3 hrsLooking at your own business situation, this course will help you develop reliablefinancial forecasts for future stability and success. Practical examples andsuggested techniques help you improve your awareness and planning skills.

Cash Accounting for the Small, Rural Business 5 hrsThis course introduces the most suitable and preferred methods of cash accountancyfor small, rural businesses. It helps you understand and adopt the key principles thatapply to your enterprise, whether it’s a farm, a shop or a bed and breakfast.

Financial Management

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

14 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Leadership andManagement

According to the Chartered ManagementInstitute, leadership is one of five keyareas most likely to impact on futurefinancial performance. Our comprehensive range of Leadership andManagement eCourses will help you recruit the right people, motivate your team and understandstaff development needs, as well as develop keyskills like effective delegation, problem solving and time management.

Leadership and Management – More overleaf...


Leadership 3 hrsPeople are the most valuable resource in most companies. Using theory and apractical case study, this course examines the qualities that good leadersdemonstrate and suggests ways to evolve them to motivate individuals and teams.

The Apprentice – Leadership and Management 3 hrsThis course can help managers and business owners develop the skills needed tobecome organised and effective managers, as well as influential leaders. Based onthe award-winning BBC TV show, this course uses clips to showcase examples ofsuccess – and failure – featured in the programme.

Training 2 hrs 30 minsThis introductory course will help you learn new techniques to improve the way you train your staff. You can use it as a starting point for establishing a well-trainedworkforce that is generally more loyal, motivated and productive.

Coaching 2 hrs 30 minsEffective coaching brings out the best in individuals and teams. This course will helpyou understand and use modern coaching techniques, helping your businessimprove productivity, employee commitment and staff retention.

The Helping Hand – Coaching Skills for Managers 2 hrsFeaturing Robert Lindsay, John Cleese and other famous faces, this courseprovides a comprehensive introduction to the entire coaching process. By followingthe five key stages in a successful coaching programme, managers will benefit froma more skilful and knowledgeable team, a more efficient department and happier,more productive staff.

You’ll Soon Get the Hang of It – The Techniques of One to One Training 2 hrsOne-to-one training is widely recognised as one of the most powerful approachesto workplace learning. Featuring Hugh Laurie, this course is a useful introduction to the key skills needed to deliver effective one-to-one training. By exploring thepsychology of what motivates people to learn, the science of how knowledge isretained and the practicalities of delivering a one-to-one training session, managerswill build a solid understanding of the art of successful one-to-one training and howto practise it in their own workplace.

The Best of Motives – Informing and Involving 2 hrsFeaturing Gary Olsen, Gwyneth Strong and other famous faces, this course is ahelpful introduction to the art of motivation. Managers will be shown how to shareinformation, how to encourage staff to take control of their jobs and how to involvethe team in decisions. The techniques explored in the course will enable them toempower the workforce, eliminate apathy and improve productivity.

Motivation 3 hrsStaff motivation is vital in a competitive business environment. This course will helpyou understand what motivation is and identify basic motivating factors, such asrecognition and feeling involved.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

16 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Leadership and Management

Building the Team 3 hrsFind out how to combine the right blend of individuals, strengths and aptitudes withthis starter course. You’ll discover the characteristics of good and bad teams, andlearn how sound team management gets the best results for your business.

Team Spirit? How to Be an Effective Team Member 2 hrsFeaturing Charlotte Coleman, Don Warrington and other famous faces, this courseis a valuable introduction to team working skills. By focussing on the key componentsof good teamwork, the course will help employees become more proactive teammembers and enable the business to enjoy the efficiencies that motivated,productive teams can bring.

Resolving Conflict 3 hrsThis course looks at conflict in the workplace, its causes and what you can do tohandle it effectively. It helps managers and team leaders create a positive workingenvironment through a range of strategies, which can be used to prevent conflict.

Supporting Individuals 2 hrs 30 minsThis course helps managers develop a better understanding of counselling, advisingand mentoring – and knowing when to use them – so they are better equipped tocreate a positive, supportive working environment for their team.

Absence Management 2 hrsThis course offers a step-by-step guide to identifying reasons for employees’absence from work. It also helps you understand the laws relating to absence, andhow to find ways to reduce it where appropriate.

Time Management 2 hrs 30 minsMany hours are unnecessarily ‘lost’ in the workplace each week. This course helpsyou to analyse how you spend your time at work and shows you how to free uptime through delegation or rescheduling. It provides guidance on how to prioritisework effectively.

Dealing with Time-Wasting Situations 40 minsThis course helps you recognise where time is wasted at work and how to deal withtime-wasting factors effectively. It shows you how you can free up your time tofocus on what's important, which could improve your productivity.

Project Management – Leading a Project Team 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French and other famous faces, this course introduces the skillsand techniques required to lead a project successfully. By following the step-by-stepguide to defining, planning, implementing and evaluating a project, managers willlead a project team more confidently and deliver results on time, on budget and on brief.

Planning Work 2 hrs 30 minsThis course helps managers understand why and how a good plan works. It’s anideal starter course that shows managers how to break down any task or projectinto its component parts and map out a clear route through the process.


Leadership and Management – More overleaf...

The Unorganised Manager – Organising Yourself 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, Nigel Lindsay and other famous faces, this course is asimple introduction to the techniques of good organisation. Managers will learn howto improve the way they plan and prioritise their workload, schedule their workingday and delegate to colleagues – and so free up more of their time to focus on anddeliver business objectives.

The Unorganised Manager – Organising Others 2 hrsEnsure managers are an asset rather than a liability by giving them the skills theyneed to organise effective, efficient and productive teams. Featuring John Cleese,Nigel Lindsay and other famous faces, this course is a valuable introduction to theskills of organisation. Managers will be shown how to set team objectives, focus on key result areas, define standards and establish targets.

Delegation 40 minsThis introductory course shows you effective delegation and how to plan andmanage the process. You can use it as a starting point as you learn about skilfuldelegation and how it can help to build a stronger, healthier business and get thebest out of your team.

Problem Solving Skills 3 hrsAn ideal introduction to a set of tools, theories and techniques for solving problemseffectively. This course shows you how to take a systematic approach to any kind ofproblem, identify root causes and implement creative and enduring solutions.

Effectiveness and Efficiency 2 hrs 30 minsA helpful introduction to boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of your business,this course defines the two concepts and distinguishes between them. It alsoexplores how to identify where problems are occurring and offers differentapproaches to assessing productivity and work methods.

Performance Indicators 2 hrs 30 minsEffective measures of performance can reveal how well your team is doing. Thiscourse introduces the concept of performance management and explains howperformance can be measured. The techniques and information outlined in thecourse will enhance existing management skills, leading to more focused targetsand improved performance through employee engagement.

Identifying Self Development Needs 2 hrs 30 minsThis course helps individuals take responsibility for their own development andanalyse their skills gaps. It takes you through the process of creating a personaldevelopment plan to help you work towards ‘filling the gaps’ in a focused andeffective way.

Managing and Handling Stress at Work 50 minsManagers with good stress management skills can help your business succeed byrecognising stress-related problems and minimising their impact. This course explainseffective strategies for managers to help themselves and the teams they manage.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

18 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Leadership and Management

Minimising Stress 2 hrs 30 minsThis course helps managers and team leaders protect their staff from the effects ofstress. It provides guidance on how to recognise symptoms of stress and gives you theskills you need to support others and help them work effectively when problems occur.

Manage Own Stress 2 hrs 30 minsThis course improves your knowledge of stress and shows you ways in which youcan learn to cope with it. It’s designed to help make sure stress-related illnessdoesn’t affect your performance or the productivity of your business.

Writing Job Descriptions and Person Specifications 40 minsHelp your business improve its recruitment process. This course will show you howto prepare objective job descriptions and person specifications that will help youfind and select the right staff for your business.

Attracting Candidates and Producing Job Adverts 40 minsTo attract the right candidates, job adverts must be accurate and appropriate. Thiscourse provides an introduction to preparing and placing an advert that successfullyreaches and attracts a good selection of the best candidates.

Shortlisting Candidates and Interview Techniques 40 minsTo get the maximum value from the recruitment process, managers need a numberof key skills. This course provides a basic introduction to shortlisting and outlinesessential guidelines for successful interviewing.

It’s Your Choice – Selection Skills 2 hrsFeaturing Hugh Laurie, Dawn French and John Cleese, this course provides a usefulintroduction to the do’s and don’ts of the selection process. The step-by-step guideto preparing for and conducting the selection interview will give managers the skillsand confidence to select the candidate who’ll make the most positive contributionto the business.

Candidate References and Selection 40 minsThis course shows you when and how to seek useful references. It explains how tointerpret what they tell you – and what they don’t. You’ll find out how to keep yourreference checks within the law, avoid pitfalls and make the right selection.

Overview of Appraisals and Performance Management 40 minsLearn how to conduct effective appraisals to help staff achieve their goals. The easyto follow, step-by-step format of this course means you can work at your own pace,making it ideal for anyone new to the world of appraisals and performancemanagement.

Preparing for the Appraisal Discussion 40 minsManagers who understand the appraisal process are better placed to motivate anddevelop their staff. This introductory course explains the importance of adequatepreparation, so that both the appraiser and appraisee are fully involved in settingobjectives and assessing performance.


Leadership and Management – More overleaf...

The Dreaded Appraisal – Both Sides of the Appraisal Interview 2 hrsBusinesses that conduct effective appraisals give themselves a real competitiveedge – they are able to measure employee effectiveness, give feedback onperformance and identify training and development needs. Featuring Dawn French,Robert Lindsay and other famous faces, this course provides a step-by-step guideto conducting an appraisal interview.

The Appraisal Discussion 40 minsDiscussing progress and development is central to the appraisal process. Thisintroductory course explains how to structure, deliver and record an effective andprofessional appraisal discussion in a positive and focused way.

Ongoing Appraisal 40 minsThis introductory course explains the appraisal process and how to get the best outof it. To be effective there should be a continuous cycle of discussion, review andfollow-up action between one annual appraisal discussion and the next.

Performance Matters – The Importance of Praise 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, this course explores why praise is such a vital managementtool. By understanding why morale is closely linked to performance and why employeesrate ‘feeling valued’ so highly, managers will be able to make praise part of thebusiness culture and reap the rewards of a more motivated, productive workforce.

Performance Matters – The Need for Constructive Criticism 2 hrsDelivering criticism is rarely easy, but performance issues are part of everydayworking life. Featuring John Cleese and other famous faces, this course shows howto prepare and deliver criticism and advises how both parties can move on aftercriticism has been delivered. With the practical guidance provided, managers willbecome more confident about delivering criticism and the business will benefit fromimproved workforce performance.

I’d Like a Word with You – The Discipline Interview 2 hrsFeaturing Hugh Laurie, Paul Merton and other famous faces, this course provides auseful introduction to the techniques used when conducting a successful disciplineinterview. It will give managers new skills so that they can use the process to improvepoor performance without damaging morale, causing unrest or falling foul of legislation.

Can You Spare a Moment? Counselling Skills for Managers 2 hrsA business with the right systems in place to counsel staff will be able to preventpersonal problems affecting performance, reduce rates of absenteeism and increaseproductivity. Featuring Ricky Gervais, John Cleese and other famous faces, thiscourse introduces basic counselling skills so that managers can encourage staff tobe more forthcoming about their problems and work with their team to ‘nip problemsin the bud’ before they affect performance.

Giving and Receiving Feedback 2 hrs 30 minsThis course introduces you to the ‘communication cycle’ and covers the differentforms and styles of giving and receiving feedback. You’ll discover practical tips andtechniques to help you give and receive feedback positively and effectively.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

20 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Leadership and Management

Introduction to Meetings and Meeting Types 30 minsFind out how to avoid the pitfalls and use meetings wisely. This introductory courseexplains the basics about when, why and how to achieve effective meetings in yourdaily business.

Meetings, Bloody Meetings – Making Meetings More Productive 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, Robert Hardy and other famous faces, this course has been designed to help businesses minimise the waste of time, money and humanresource that result from poorly run meetings. Exploring a five-step approach to planning, structuring and recording meetings, it will help managers ensure themeeting experience is as productive, informative and motivating as possible.

More Bloody Meetings – The People Side of Meetings 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, Caroline Quentin and other famous faces, this course isdesigned to help businesses manage behaviour in meetings and ensure they are as productive and effective as possible. It focuses on ‘The Three Laws of Meetings’to help those who run them counter unhelpful and obstructive behaviour, recognisethe characteristics of a good meeting and devise an action plan to improve theirmeeting management skills.

Meeting Planning and Preparation 40 minsMany employees frequently complain that their meetings are unnecessary, irrelevantor inefficient. This course helps you get the most out of your employees and theirtime. By organising effective meetings, you can save your business time, moneyand resources.

The Paper Chase – Cutting Back on Paperwork 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders and other famous faces, this course will help any business to enjoy the benefits that working without clutter can bring:improved office efficiency, a reduced carbon footprint, an end to lost files, reducedcosts and a better working environment.


More than one million managers around the world rely on HarvardManageMentor’s management practices, programmes and content.*

Managers need to have a wide range of skills and be able to think on their feet to resolveproblems in the workplace. Harvard ManageMentor’s range of resources are designed formanagers who want to enhance their management skills and improve their day-to-dayperformance. The resources are built around learning material drawn from leading practi-tioners, renowned experts and business leaders.

* Source: Harvard Business School Publishing press release

Harvard ManageMentor

Harvard ManageMentor

Harvard ManageMentor is ideal for managers at all levels who face a wide variety of

business challenges on a daily basis. It is a practical, engaging resource to help you

develop your management skills and apply them to your job straight away. You can

access a range of topics, including Developing Employees, Budgeting, Persuading,

Negotiating and Strategic Thinking. Resources include worksheets, step-by-step

guides, interactive activities, video clips and over 500 tried and tested practical tools.

You can access Harvard ManageMentor at any time for 12 months, which allows

you to develop your skills at a time and pace that suits you.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

22 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Customer Service

Poor customer service can lose you business. In fact, 50% ofconsumers say it’s the main reason they switch.*Covering all aspects of customer service, from identifying customer needs andexpectations to building relationships and addressing customer concerns, this selectionof eCourses will help you improve the customer focus of your business, leading toincreased sales and customer loyalty.*Source: Successful Direct Marketing Methods, 7th Edition, Bob Stone and Ron Jacobs

Steps to Success – Professional Customer Service 7 hrsHigh quality customer service can make a business stand out from the crowd. This course provides comprehensive training in all aspects of customer service,from building relationships to addressing customer concerns and solving problems.It helps you refresh and develop your customer service skills to ensure the needs of your customers are being met.

Demanding Customers – Customer Care Made PERFECT 2 hrsBusinesses that thrive in today’s competitive environment have the skills in place to turn negative customer reactions into positive customer experiences. FeaturingDawn French, Robert Lindsay and other famous faces, this course will helpemployees deliver an outstanding customer service experience to even the mostdifficult of characters.

Telephone Behaviour – The Rules of Effective Communication 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, Rebecca Front and other famous faces, this course willimprove the way your business is represented on the telephone. From theimportance of starting the call with a ‘verbal handshake’ to repeating key phrases to show callers they’re understood, the course is packed with practical rules to help staff conduct a more professional telephone call from start to finish.


Customer Service

On the Receiving End – Making Call Centres More Effective 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French, this course is a straightforward introduction to the skillsneeded to be an effective call centre operative. By learning how to ‘read’ thecustomer, how to manage emotions and how to map the call by explaining theoptions and agreeing a solution, call centre staff will be able to remain calm,detached and 100% professional when dealing with difficult customers and testingsituations.

If Looks Could Kill – The Power of Behaviour 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French, this course introduces proven techniques to help businessprofessionals control their own tempers and shows how their behaviour can actuallybe used to improve customers’ attitudes and create new sales opportunities.

Who Sold You This, Then? Effective After-Sales Service 2 hrsFeaturing Hugh Laurie and other famous faces, this course is a helpful introductionto the techniques that strengthen the relationship between an organisation and itscustomers. It details the four cornerstones of successful after-sales service – defendthe sales person, defend the product, defend the organisation and defend thecustomer – and allows service staff to develop an action plan to improve the waythey relate to customers.

Complaints and Quality Management – Quality through Customer Service 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French, Jane Horrocks and Stephen Tompkinson, this courseintroduces new techniques to change the way businesses approach complaints.Staff will develop skills to help them use complaints to find solutions to problemsrather than apportioning blame, and understand how taking a positive approach to complaints can lead to business success and satisfied customers.

No Complaints? Complaints and the Customer 2 hrsFeaturing Michael Kitchen, Stephen Tompkinson and other famous faces, thiscourse is a great introduction to handling even the most difficult of complaintseffectively. The techniques explored will help staff defuse anger, establish the facts,agree an appropriate course of action and supervise the solution so that they canmeet – and even exceed – the demands of dissatisfied customers.

An Inside Job – Meeting Internal Customer Needs 2 hrsMost businesses recognise that exceptional service is vital to winning and retainingcustomers – but very few treat internal customers with the same level of respectand support. Featuring Hugh Laurie, this course is an introduction to the concept of the internal customer. By following the techniques outlined in the course, staff willsoon enjoy tangible benefits: closer, more efficient working relationships and a senseof trust and shared purpose.

Understanding Customers 3 hrsIdentifying customers’ needs and expectations will enable your team to deliver a quality service, creating a positive image of the business and increasing customerloyalty. The valuable information provided in this course will help you enhanceexisting skills and help to develop a customer-focused attitude, which will help yourbusiness create better relationships with its customers.

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At best, a serious case of food poisoning could damage yourbusiness’s reputation. At worst, it could endanger your customers’lives. Ensure the safety of your business and your customers bygaining a thorough knowledge of basic food hygiene principles. You will learn how to store, serve and handle food safely, including the rules for chillingand cooking food and the dangers of cross-contamination and poor personal hygiene.

24 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Food Hygiene

Basic Food Hygiene 8 hrsEnsure the safety of your business and your customers by gaining a thoroughknowledge of basic food hygiene principles and practice. This course will helpyou to establish and maintain high standards of food hygiene within yourbusiness. The high quality, interactive content provides learners with an effectivegrounding in food safety and the knowledge to sit one of the following RoyalInstitute of Public Health (RIPH) qualifications:

• Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene• Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

26 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Only 40% of recent start ups said they didn’t face any realobstacles to start up.*Providing practical advice on all aspects of starting a business, our courses guide youthrough the entire start-up process, from drawing up a business plan to marketing yourproducts, financing your business and dealing with business laws and regulations.*Source: 2005 Annual Small Business Survey

Starting your Business

Make or Break 1 – Starting your Business 5 hrsThis course helps you understand the risks involved in starting a business, andgives you the knowledge to deal with the most common problems and pitfalls thatcause new businesses to fail. It guides you through the entire start-up process, fromdrawing up a business plan to selling and marketing your product, financing yourbusiness and dealing with business law and regulation.

Building Blocks for e-Business 30 minsBring your business online and increase your business opportunities. This courseintroduces and describes the components necessary to build a successful e-business. It explains how selling online opens up a potentially huge global marketand includes helpful guidance on how to make the most of the opportunities offeredby the internet.

Legalities of Online Business 30 minsWorking within the law is an essential part of business success, yet e-commerce is such a new area that many people are uncertain of the legal aspects of onlinebusiness. This course explains the legal side of doing business online and helps youto make sure your online business practices meet all the current legal requirements.


Successful growth can lead to lasting stability and an increase inprofits, helping to secure the long-term future of your business.

Learn how to plan the future growth and development of your business and minimise therisks associated with expansion. Our eCourses help you learn to identify new businessopportunities and improve your knowledge of the public sector procurement process.

Growing and Developing your Business

Make or Break 2 – Growing your Business 5 hrsSuccessful business growth can lead to lasting stability, security and an increase inprofits. This course is designed to help you grow your business through carefulplanning. It explores a range of issues, including sales, staff and finances, andshows you how to minimise risks throughout the expansion process.

Winning the Contract 4 hrsThe public sector represents a huge opportunity for small businesses, specificallythose that can provide quality, cost effective products and services. This shortcourse gives practical advice to help your business find out about public sectoropportunities and provides a step-by-step guide to the bidding process. You willdiscover how to respond effectively through the key stages, and how tosuccessfully plan, compile and present your tender response.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

28 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

The Apprentice

Based on the award-winning BBC TVseries, The Apprentice, this range ofDVD-ROM courses cover topics thatare vital to business success. Entertaining and fast-paced, the DVDs use clipsfrom the TV series to illustrate the learning – so youcan learn from the candidates’ mistakes, as well asthe tasks they completed successfully. You caneven try out interactive ‘business challenges’ in thestyle of the TV show.


The Apprentice – Negotiating to Win 3 hrsOne of the most important skills in business is the art of negotiation. In sales,purchasing, or between managers and employees, effective negotiation can make areal difference to the performance of a business. This course can help businessowners and employees develop the skills needed to negotiate effectively in allaspects of business.

The Apprentice – Leadership and Management 3 hrsBusiness owners know that the performance of their managers can make all thedifference between success and failure. But managing variables, projects andpeople in a constantly-changing environment is a difficult skill to master. This coursecan help managers and business owners develop the skills needed to becomeorganised and effective managers, as well as influential leaders.

The Apprentice – Selling, Pitching and Presenting 3 hrsIn business, you’re constantly selling, pitching and presenting. Whether you’readdressing a large audience, meeting a prospective customer or discussing ideaswith a colleague, you’re promoting your business, your product and yourself. Thiscourse can help you, your sales team and anyone else involved in pitching andpresenting to develop the skills that are crucial to this area of business.

The Apprentice

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

30 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Good communicators are good foryour business, building excellentrelationships with colleagues,customers and suppliers.

Our communication eCourses will help youremployees improve how they interact with othersby becoming better listeners, asking effectivequestions, and developing robust briefing andnegotiation skills.

Communication Skills


Communication Skills – More overleaf...

Written Communications 2 hrs 30 minsWriting is an essential form of communication for any business. This course will helpyou understand the basic principles of effective writing and give you the confidenceto put your thoughts and ideas into words.

Communication Process 2 hrs 30 minsThis course will help you improve the way you interact with people at work. Fromunderstanding body language to learning active listening and questioning techniques,you will gain a good grounding in the principles and practice of effective communication.

Straight Talking – The Art of Assertiveness 2 hrsFeaturing John Cleese, Jennifer Saunders and other famous faces, this course will help any business professional take the first steps towards a more assertiveattitude. Whether they need to learn how to say ‘no’ to unreasonable requests from customers or deliver constructive criticism to a team member who’s under-performing, this course will give them new skills to ensure that their voice is heardand that their ideas and opinions are respected.

The Apprentice – Negotiating to Win 3 hrsThis course can help business owners and employees develop the skills needed tonegotiate effectively in all aspects of business. Based on the award-winning BBC TVshow, this course uses clips to showcase examples of success – and failure –featured in the programme.

Negotiating – Tying the Knot 2 hrsImproving the negotiation skills of managers across the company will have asignificant effect on the profitability of any business. Featuring Dawn French, NeilFlynn and other famous faces, this course will help managers prepare properly fornegotiation, polish their personal negotiation style and turn things around whennegotiating gets tough.

Introduction to Negotiation 40 minsThe ability to negotiate successfully is an essential skill for many managers andsales people. This course offers a basic insight into the key elements of negotiationin the workplace, and the advantages of reaching mutually satisfactory conclusions.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

32 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Communication Skills

Report Writing – The Art of Writing a Good Report 2 hrsTo protect and enhance its reputation, a business must ensure that every piece of written communication it produces creates the right impression. Featuring Dawn French, Reece Dinsdale and other famous faces, this course delivers astraightforward, step-by-step guide to writing better business reports. It exploresthe importance of setting objectives, explains how to organise information andincludes practical tips to make the report more readable.

Producing Project Reports 2 hrs 30 minsProject reports are an excellent way to communicate information to others withoutthe need for meetings. Whatever the purpose of a report, it is crucial that itscontents are accurate, clear and credible. This introductory course is for anyoneinvolved in the report-writing process.

I Wasn’t Prepared for That – Overcoming the Fear of Making Presentations 2 hrsFeaturing Dawn French, Robert Lindsay and other famous faces, this courseintroduces the skills needed to plan and deliver a well-prepared presentation. Bydeveloping the techniques explored during the course, employees will be able toinfluence, motivate and engage their audience and use the presentation opportunityto promote the business and its products.

Presentations 1 – Preparing for the Presentation 40 minsOf all the forms of communication, the presentation is the most effective way toinform, motivate, persuade and convince. This course explains the basics of goodpresentations and helps you to become more confident by preparing thoroughly.

Presentations 2 – The Presentation 40 minsPeople who get their message across clearly and effectively will present yourorganisation in a positive, professional light. This course explains how to structureand deliver successful presentations, and provides guidance on how to deal withdifferent types of audience.

The Persuasion Process 40 minsThis introductory course introduces you to some of the concepts behind effectivepersuasion, which can help businesses sell more products, negotiate better dealsand get more from their workforce.

Briefing Skills 2 hrs 30 minsEffective briefing allows managers, team leaders and project co-ordinators tocommunicate their goals and expectations from the beginning of every project.Whether you are dealing with an agency or talking to your team or colleagues, thiscourse will help you brief people clearly and constructively.


Communication Skills

The Grapevine – Communicating in a World of Change 2 hrsBy improving the way it communicates with its staff, a business can go a long waytowards eliminating conflict, raising morale and safeguarding productivity. FeaturingPeter Capaldi, Geraldine James and other famous faces, this course has beendeveloped to help managers refresh and develop their communication skills so thatthey can play a more active role in motivating staff and persuading them to ‘buy in’to business objectives.

Questioning Skills – Why Are Questions Important? 30 minsThis course will help you learn which type of questions to use in different situations.It is designed to help you improve your communications skills and make it easier foryou to build good relationships with both customers and colleagues.

An Introduction to Listening 30 minsGood leaders are good at listening, which means hearing, interpreting and reactingto what is said. This course will help you understand how to turn listening into anactive process and make the most of this valuable first step towards more effectivecommunication.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

34 �� �������Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Employment Law

There are more than 100,000 employmenttribunals in the UK each year, costingBritish business more than £250 million.* Our range of eCourses will provide you and your staffwith an understanding of the key legislation operating inthe UK workplace. It includes a general introduction toemployment law and more subject-specific courses cov-ering age, race, gender and disability legislation.

���������The Forum of Private Businesses

Employment Law


Employment Law 3 hrsEnsuring your business practices and procedures are in line with currentemployment law could help reduce the likelihood of unpleasant disputes leading tocostly legal action. This course provides an overview of the most important rightsand responsibilities of employers and employees, enabling you to manage your staffwithin the law.

Flexible Working 40 minsThis course provides general information on different working patterns and thebenefits that flexible working can bring to both employees and organisations,including increased staff retention and improved morale. It gives you a goodunderstanding of the regulations and procedures employers must follow.

Age Awareness 1 hrAge discrimination has an increasingly high profile in the workplace, and it is vitalthat businesses understand the laws relating to it. This course gives managers agood basic understanding of the regulations and how they affect employers andemployees.

Disability Legislation 40 minsThis course provides general information about employing people with disabilitiesand gives you a good understanding of the regulations and procedures employersmust follow. Your business will benefit from managers who understand disabilitylegislation, helping to ensure you meet your legal and social responsibilities.

Race Legislation 40 minsThis course guides you through the key legislation relating to racial discrimination. It helps you to make sure your business can meet its legal, social and moralresponsibilities – and offer equal opportunities to all, regardless of race, colour,ethnicity or national origin.

Gender Legislation 40 minsThis course outlines the new and established regulations in this specialist area. It helps managers and HR professionals gain a good basic understanding of theprocedures which employers must follow to make sure that they comply with the law.

Religious and Age Legislation 40 minsCreating a culture of equal opportunity could help your business increase its staffretention, improve workforce morale and fulfil its legal and social responsibilities.This course covers discrimination and harassment laws, and the more positiveaspects of engaging a multicultural workforce of all ages.

Ex-Offenders Legislation 40 minsThis course gives you an overview of the regulations and procedures employersmust follow when recruiting, selecting and employing people with a criminal record.It will help you ensure your business is compliant with ex-offenders legislation andpromote, in turn, a culture of forward-thinking, non-discriminatory practice.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

36 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Protecting Your Business

Security 1 hr 30 minsEvery business needs to safeguard its people, property and information, as well asbeing alert to threats such as theft, fraud and computer hacking. This course guidesyou through the important first steps towards reducing the vulnerability of yourbusiness. It outlines how to identify potential breaches of security and demonstratestechniques to minimise or eliminate risks.

Freedom of Information Act 2000 40 minsThe right, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to request information heldby public authorities came into force in January 2005. This course explores thedifferent types of information that can be requested under the Act, and helpslearners determine which information is routinely available, which requires specificaction and which is exempt from the provisions of the Act.

A report by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)revealed that in 2005, fraud in the UK cost victims at least£12.98 billion – and probably a great deal more. These eCourses will help your business safeguard its people, property and information,as well as being alert to threats such as theft, fraud and computer hacking.


Recording, analysing and presenting business informationeffectively can help you to understand how your business isperforming, what your strengths and weaknesses are and howyour operations could be improved. These eCourses explain why businesses record, store and analyse information, how to develop and maintain effective systems for storing and accessing information and how to analyse information to help you make the right business decisions.

Managing Information

Analysing Information 2 hrs 30 minsThis course explores the difference between data and information. It introduces dataanalysis techniques including ratios, percentages and averages, and explains howthese techniques can be used to monitor business performance. It shows you how togather, interpret, analyse and present business information to identify your business’skey strengths and weaknesses and decide how its operations can be improved.

Using Information for Decisions 2 hrs 30 minsPoorly made or rushed decisions can put your business at risk. This course shows you how to take a logical and structured approach to the decision making process. Itintroduces a sequence of steps designed to help you plan and implement decisions sothat you can choose the best option and have greater confidence in the final outcome.

Maintaining Information Systems 2 hrsRecent advances in IT and communications technology mean organisations canaccess more information than ever before. This course looks at why businessesrecord and store information. It explores the different storage solutions available andconsiders how information can be organised effectively so that people can find whatthey need quickly and easily.

Tel: (0191) 566 0978 Email: [email protected]

38 eCourses Revolutionise your business. Staff training at the click of a button.

Research suggests that while organisational change is taking placeat an ever-increasing rate, less than 60% of re-organisations meettheir stated objectives.* Every organisation needs to adapt to survive and grow, but many are not fully prepared for change. If you are responsible for planning, implementing or managing organisationalchange, these eCourses will help you ensure that the process runs smoothly and you meetyour planned objectives.*Source: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Change Management

Planning Change 3 hrsEvery organisation needs to adapt to survive and grow, but many are not fullyprepared for change. Effective planning can help the process of change run moresmoothly and yield improved results. This course offers a thorough grounding indifferent theories and concepts of change management. It will help you develop anunderstanding of what is needed to plan and implement an effective programme ofchange.

Implementing Change 3 hrsOrganisational change is challenging, but effective management of the process canlead to a positive experience. A good understanding of the underlying principles canhelp you control the process of change and achieve your planned objectives. Thiscourse contains quality background information to help build your knowledge ofhow to direct change, keep track of progress and be flexible where necessary.

Registering for yourOn-Line Courses

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