Learning services ~ What’s next? Gulf Islands SD 64 April 25, 2013 G17 to G200

Learning services ~ What’s next?

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Learning services ~ What’s next?. Gulf Islands SD 64 April 25, 2013. G17 to G200. Norms. What do we want our conversation to look like? We can all play a role in keeping each other on task.... Frank, Respectful, Constructive, Purposeful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learning services~

What’s next?Gulf Islands SD 64

April 25, 2013

G17 to G200

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NormsWhat do we want our conversation to look like?We can all play a role in keeping each other on task....Frank, Respectful, Constructive, PurposefulFocus on the Focus - On Task - When everything is important... nothing is importantFrom Group of 17 to Group of 200!Think about this as our “Social Contract.”... like a classroom

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1957 - A Tipping PointThe first year in Canada that more people worked in service and information industries that in agriculture and industry2013 - How are the needs different today from 1963?

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Why Are we here ?

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Our mission: to ensure high levels of learning for all students.

• All children can learn (at a high level, essential standards) But...

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AssumptionsAll students don't learn in the same way.All students don't learn at the same speed.Some students lack prior skills and knowledge.Some students lack proper behaviours.Some students have a home life that is counter-productive to academic success.

No teacher has all the skills, knowledge and time to meet the needs of all students in class/assignment.

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The ShiftMy kids to Our kids - let’s provide a structure for students who may need interventions in his/her daily educationBuild in time for team meetings - let’s empower the staff with tools necessary to help all childrenCollectively build and agree upon essential learnings... Let’s practice and employ measurable interventions that increase student learning and achievement

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Our Mission: To ensure high levels of learning for

all students

Team meetings (built into our weekly schedulesEssential standards (created in teams)Ongoing, Consistent, Formative Assessments

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Remembering Why...

Collective process to provide every child with additional time and support to learn at high levelsNot put upon us... Built by us, for us!

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Making Meaning“Student engagement is an essential component of education. When students are engaged, they are inspired to be creative and collaborative, to develop goals and passions, and to become interested and invested in their own education.”• Farley Cannon, Maddee Nash & Lauren Utter,

• GISS Students, 2012

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How do we deal with change?

How we cope with or handle change is influenced by our mindset. Do we bring a...

Fixed Mindset

Growth Mindset

Flexible Mindset

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The Art of PossibilityLife is composed as a story... it’s all inventedWith new definitions, much more is possible than we often think Giving an ‘A’

Leading from Any Chair

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Response to intervention (RTI)

Access for all students

Regular monitoring

Targeted high quality instruction

Regular teacher collaboration

Tier 3Customized

Tier 2Targeted, Timely

Additional Time, Intensity, Strategies

Tier 1Best, First Instruction with Universal

Access All Students & Staff Prevention • School-wide

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Network of Inquiry & Professional Learning Communities

“Collaborative cultures, which by definition have close relationships, are indeed powerful, but unless they are focusing on the right things, they may end up being powerfully wrong.”

Fullan, Leading in a Culture of Change (1993)

Collaboration Networ

kFocus on

LearningFocus on Results

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Three Essential RtI Teams

Roles & Functions

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Why? the Basic PRemise

All students can learn, and deserve to learn, what is essential so that they can progress to the next grade or level.Most students will be able to learn more than the essentials, and some students will need extra support to just learn the essential outcomes.

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Can you make this guarantee to the parents

of your students?

“It does not matter which teacher your child has at our school; if your child needs extra time and support to learn at high levels, we guarantee he or she will receive it.”

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Our Goal

“To create a systematic process that ensures every child receives the additional time and support needed to learn at high levels.”

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What will Classroom Teachers Do?

Identify essential knowledge and skills that all students must masterUse effective proven strategies to help students learnDevelop common assessment toolsTrack student progress on essential standardsHelp all students learn the essentials and most students to learn additional concepts/skills

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Collaborative Teacher Teams

Personal Learning Communities (PLC’s)Meet with grade equivalent teachers, teachers with similar curriculum, or school and cross-school teams in small schools, to determine and develop essential standards and common assessments.... Use what already exists and modify it!

Meet with intervention staff and administration to discuss and formulate plans for supporting students needing extra support

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Teachers commit to... Working in collaborative teacher teamsMeeting weekly in PLC’s or Networks with colleaguesHelping all students learn the essential learning outcomesUse effective teaching strategiesUse common assessments to track student progress and effectiveness of instructionIdentify students needing additional time and support

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School or Regional Leadership Team -

“Guiding Coalition” Members:School administratorsRepresentatives from each collaborative teacher teamSpecialized Support Staff

Primary Responsibility: To coordinate collective efforts in the school to help all students learn and master the essential learning outcomes.

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Leadership team tasksAgree and Articulate VISIONSchedule and allocate resources for collaboration, core instruction and interventions in all tiersCoordinate school wide human resources to best support instruction at all tiers, especially tier 3• Learning Services

Teacher • District Psychologist

• School Counselor • Speech & Language Pathologist

• Librarian • Curriculum Coordinators• Educational Assistants • Community Health


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Leadership Team commits to...

Lead school-wide behaviour expectations, including attendance, awards and recognitionEnsure sufficient and effective resources are available to provide tier 3 interventions for students needing intensive support in reading, writing, number sense, motivation, attendance and behaviourLead the school’s universal screening efforts to identify students needing tier 3 intensive interventions before students failAssist and monitor essential learning outcomes and evidence of school-wide student learning

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School / Regional / District Intervention TeamMembers include:

Focus on students needing Tier 3 intensive supportTo master essential learning outcomesAddress deficits in universal skills (reading, writing, numeracy)Address chronic absenteeism, behavioural, motivational concerns

• Principal • Specialized Staff - reading, math

• Counselors • ESL, Speech, Psychologist• Learning Services Teachers

• Community Resources - public health, social workers, therapists• Librarian

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The Intervention Team commits to...Determine specific learning needs of each

student needing intensive supportDiagnose cause(s) of students’ struggles in tiers 1 & 2Determine most appropriate interventions for studentsRegularly monitor student’s progress to see if interventions are achieving the desired outcomesRevise student interventions when desired outcomes are not being achievedDetermine when special education identification is appropriate

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Ok. Listen up... How many of you say the heart has five


How Important is Evidence?

One surgeon to another...

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be purposeful!

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Need to Know

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Universal screening

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AssessmentAssessment for Learning ..... formative... information (Eg: DART)Summative - the sum of what we’ve taughtAssessment WHILE Learning - Checks for understandingAssessment AS Learning... focuses our work... with incredible results - Where do we fall in the balance?

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The Balanced Assessment Model

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Cycle of RtI

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Time & Structures#1 Reason for assessment - shared learning

Carving out the time...

To discuss and agree on essential learnings

To agree on level of rigor... what will it look like when student understands

To design common assessments

To review and learn from common assessment results

To devise and implement interventions to achieve mastery

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Time for collaboration

It is disingenuous for a school or district to claim that collaboration is essential for student learning, then not provide time for teacher collaboration.

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Finding the time

Instruction + Time = Learning

When do we provide additional time for students to receive additional support to know, do, understand the essential learnings?

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The question is not...

Should we build flexible time into our schedule?


How will we build flexible time into our schedule?

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RtI in the early grades

Getting people together... Built into scheduleDinner meetings for additional collab timeTime in lieu

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Our job is to teach the kids we have.• Not the ones we would like to

have.• Not the ones we used to have.• Those we have right now.... all

of them. • Anonymous

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Morphing our system

How will we best use our talents, our resources (time, people, $$), our ingenuity, to develop a systemic response to instruction and intervention (RtI2) that ensures all students learn?

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With Passion & Persistence

Learning By Doing