PHE 225 1 PHE 225 Synchronous Sequential Logic Lecture 5 Instructor: Professor Jim Evangelos Electrical Engineering Cecil College North East, MD 21901

Lecture 5 Synchronous Sequential Logic

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PHE 2251

PHE 225 Synchronous Sequential Logic

Lecture 5

Instructor: Professor Jim EvangelosElectrical EngineeringCecil CollegeNorth East, MD 21901

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1. Introduction2. Sequential Circuits3. Storage Elements: Latches4. Storage Elements: Flip-Flops5. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits6. Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits7. State Reduction and Assignment8. Design Procedure

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5.1 Introduction

Digital circuits considered thus far have been combinational.

In combinational circuits, the output depends only and immediately on their inputs. They have no memory, i.e. dependence on past values.

Sequential circuits, however, act as storage elements and have memory. They can store, retain, and then retrieve information when needed at a later time.

This course distinguishes sequential logic from combinational logic.

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5.2 Sequential Circuits

The diagram shows that the outputs in a sequential circuit are a function not only of the inputs, but also of the present state of the storage elements.

A sequential circuit is specified by a time sequence of inputs, outputs and internal states. Combinational logic depends only on present values of the inputs.

There are two flavors of sequential circuits, and the difference has to do with the timing of their input signals. These are:

1. Synchronous Sequential Circuits- Where discrete instants of time determine the behavior.

2. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits- Where the behavior depends upon inputs signals occurring at any instant of time. - Behavior is also determined from which input signals change

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5.2 Sequential Circuits

Storage elements for asynchronous sequential circuits consist of time-delay devices. These are combinational circuits with feedback loops. Because of this feedback, however among the gates, the asynchronous sequential circuit may be unstable at times. Unstable circuits such as these are not considered in our study.

Synchronous circuits employ signals that affect storage elements at discrete instants of time. Synchronization is performed with the aid of a clock generator.

Clocked sequential circuits used to control storage elements are the most common types used. These circuits almost never have instability problems.

Storage elements (memory) used in clocked sequential circuits are called flip-flops.

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5.2 Sequential Circuits

A flip-flop is a binary storage device capable of storing one bit of information.

Prior to the occurrence of a clock pulse, the combinational logic forming the next value at the flip flop must reach a stable value. Consequently, the speed with which the combinational logic operates is critical.

A transition from one state only occurs based on the clock pulse. Not even the output of the flip-flops occurs until the appropriate clock pulse. This is true even if the input to the combinational logic changes. Nothing happens until the clock says so! Brings new meaning to the phrase:

“Timing is Everything”

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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

A storage element can maintain a binary state indefinitely (as long as power is delivered to the circuit), or until directed by an input signal to switch states.

Storage elements that operate with signal levels (rather than signal transitions) are referred to as latches.

Storage elements controlled by a clock transition are flip-flops.

For this reason latches are said to be level sensitive devices, and flip-flops are said to be edge sensitive devices.

Although latches can store information they are not practical for use as storage elements in synchronous sequential circuits. They must be studied however, because they are the basic building blocks of flip-flops.

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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

The SR latch is a circuit with two cross coupled NOR gates or two cross coupled NAND gates, and two inputs labeled “S” for Set, and “R” for Reset.There are two outputs, Q and Q’. A diagram of the cross coupled NOR is shown below with its truth table.

The quiescent state is when both S and R are at zero. A latch has “state” and the state changes when either S = 1 or R = 1, but only momentarily, and always one at a time. Attempting to set S =1 and R = 1 simultaneously will result in an unstable or unpredictable situation due to propagation delay. This is forbidden.

To make things clearer, the QQ’ state machine is shown to the right. Notice the forbidden state in red. And there are two quiescent states. Note how it relates to the truth table. Note that QQ’ state 11 is not possible, why is this?

SR Latch




S=1, R=0

S=0, R=1

S=1, R=1forbidden S=1, R=1


S=0, R=0 S=0, R=0



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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

The SR latch with cross coupled NAND is shown below (note sometimes called the S̅R̅ latch, because it is the inverse of the previous one). Quiescent sate is with both inputs equal to 1. When a state change is desired a zero(0) is set on S or R inputs momentarily, to put it into either the Set or Reset quiescent states. Attempting S=0 and R=0 simultaneously is forbidden for similar reasons given for the NOR coupled latch on the previous slide. Compare this latch to the NOR based latch.

Again, to make things clearer, the QQ’ state machine is shown to the right. Notice the forbidden state in red. And there are two quiescent states. Note how it relates to the truth table, and compare this to the NOR based SR latch. Note that QQ’ state 00 is not possible.

SR Latch (S̅R̅)




S=0, R=1

S=1, R=0

S=0, R=0forbidden S=0, R=0


S=1, R=1 S=1, R=1

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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

The operation of an SR latch can be modified by providing an additional input signal that controls when the state of the latch can be changed by determining when the S and R lines are “enabled”. For NAND the output of the NAND gates stay at 1 as long as the Enable remains at 0.

Notice, this may seem contradictory to the SR latch on the previous slide, but upon careful examination, you have to remember that the S is NANDED with Enable, and the R is NANDED with Enable. In other words, the wiring of the SR Latch with a NAND control circuit changes the behavior slightly, yielding a slightly different truth (function) table.

SR Latch (with En control)

To make things clearer, a QQ’ state machine is shown to the right. Notice the indeterminate state of this circuit is the same as the forbidden state of the previous slide.




En = 1,S=1, R=0

En=1 S=0, R=1

En = 1, S=1, R=1forbidden

En = 1, S=1, R=1forbidden

En=0 S=X, R=X

En=0 S=X, R=X

set statereset state

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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

We can eliminate the undesirable condition of the indeterminate or forbidden state in the SR latch by ensuring that the S and R are never equal to 1 at the same time! This is done with the D latch. Only two inputs are needed D (data), and En (enable).

The reason why this is called a transparent latch, is because when the Enable signal is given, the data passes from D to Q. This is called asserting the En line. When En is de-asserted, the data on D line does not make it to Q and Q’.

D Latch (Transparent Latch)

The QQ’ state machine is much nicer now (no forbidden or indeterminate red states!).


En = 1,D = 1

En=0, D = x

En=0 D=X

set state

En = 1,D = 0

reset state

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5.3 Storage Elements: Latches

The graphic symbols of all the latches we examined on the previous slides is shown below. The bubbles always indicate complement. Bubbles on input mean negative logic. In the compllemented cases for examplle, S = 0 means asserting Set, and R= 0 means asserting Reset.

D Latch (Transparent Latch)

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

The state of a latch or flip-flop is switched by a change in the control input.

The momentary change (or switch) is called a trigger and it is used to “trigger” a flip-flop.

When latches are used for storage elements a serious problem arises. The state transition of the latches start as soon as the clock pulse changes to logic 1.

If the inputs applied to a latch change while the clock pulse is still at logic-1, the latch will respond to the new values and a new output state occurs. The result is an unpredictable situation.

For this reason, the output of a latch cannot be applied directly using combinational logic to the input of some other latch when all the latches use the same clock signal.

Clock pulses:

Input signals:

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

This is also why a latch is said to be a “level-sensitive” device as opposed to a flip-flop which is a “transition-sensitive” device. As long as the clock “level” is maintained, the latch lets the input change the output.

So, this problem doesn’t exist with flip-flops. The reason is that flip-flops use transition triggering. The feedback path is eliminated that is inherent in sequential circuits using latches.

Clock pulses:

Input signals:

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

As shown in the figure below, this transition can be from the positive edge or the negative edge.

There are two ways to change a latch into a flip flop:

1. Employ two latches in a special configuration that isolates the output and prevents it from being affected by the input changing.

2. Produce a flip-flop that triggers only during the transitions, 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 of the clock signal, and it is disabled during the rest of the clock pulse.

We now examine both approaches:

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

We show the construction of a D flip-flop using two D latches:

Edge-Triggered D Flip-flop

The circuit samples the D input and changes the output Q only on the negative edge of the clock. When Clk = 0, the slave is enabled & Q is equal to the master output, y.

A change in the output of the flip-flop can be triggered only by and during the transition of the clock from 1 to 0.

The behavior of the master-slave flip-flop dictates that:1. The output changes only once2. A change in the output is triggered by the negative edge of the clock3. Changes only occur during a clock’s negative level.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Another construction of edge triggered D flip-flops uses three SR latches as shown:

Edge-Triggered D Flip-flop

S and R inputs of the output latch are maintained at logic 1 when Clk = 0. This causes the output to remain in its present state.

Any change in D while Clk = 1does not affect the output! (more detail of how this works is in your book)

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Edge-Triggered D Flip-flop

When the input clock in a positive edge triggered flip-flop (like this one) makes a positive transition, D is transferred to Q.

A negative transition of the clock (from 1 to 0) does not affect the output nor is it affected by changes in D when Clk is at logic 1 or logic 0 level.

Therefore, this flip-flop responds to the transition from 0 to 1 (a positive edge transition) and nothing else!

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Edge-Triggered D Flip-flop

As you may have guessed, timing and response is critical for these flip-flops.

These are important parameters specified in manufacturer’s data books for specific logic families:

Setup time: D must maintain a constant value prior to clock transition

Hold time: D input must not change after application of a positive transition of the clock.

Propagation delay time: The interval between the trigger edge and the stabilization of the output to a new state.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Edge-Triggered D Flip-flop

A graphic representation of edge triggered D flip-flops is shown:

The Clk and “>” symbol denotes dynamic input (constantly changing). Also on the graphic we can tell if the D flip flop responds to positive or negative edge triggering.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

Flip-flops are constructed from an interconnection of gates. The simplest and most economical flip-flop is the edge triggered D flip-flop because it requires the fewest number of gates.

For this reason, other flip-flops can be constructed by using the D flip-flop and external logic.

Two flip-flops less widely used in digital design are the JK & T flip-flops.

There are three operations that can be performed with a flip-flop:

1. Set the flip-flop to 1

2. Reset the flip-flop to 0

3. Complement the output

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

The D flip-flop can Set or Reset the output depending upon the value of the D input immediately before clock transition.

JK flip-flops, synchronized by a clock, have two inputs and perform all three of the before mentioned steps.

The JK flip-flop is a D flip-flop with gates as shown:

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

The J input Sets the flip-flop to 1. The K input Resets it to 0. When both J and K are enabled, the output is complemented. The operation of the JK flip-flop is characterized by this formula:

D = JQ’ + K’Q

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

D = JQ’ + K’QJ=1, K = 0 D = Q’ + Q = 1 Next clock edge sets the output to 1

J=0, K=1 D = 0 Next clock edge resets the output to 0

J = K = 1 D = Q’ Next clock edge complements the input.

J = K = 0 D = Q Next clock edge leaves input alone.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

The graphic symbol for the JK flip flop is now shown.

Note how it is similar to the graphic symbol for the D flip flop.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Other Flip-Flops

The T, or Toggle flip-flop is another flip-flop, and it is obtained from the JK flip-flop when inputs J & K are tied together:

Toggle flip-flopT=0 (J=0, K = 0) With the Next clock edge, leave the input alone.

T=1 (J=0, K = 1) With the Next clock edge, compliment the input.

The T can be constructed with a D flip-flop & XOR

The expression becomes: D = TQ = TQ’ + T’Q

And the graphic symbol for this flip-flop is shown (note the T):

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Characteristic Tables

A characteristic table defines the logical properties of a flip-flop by describing its operation in tabular form.

You’ll notice Q(t) in the tables, this indicates present state.

Also, Q(t+1) indicates the next state (one clock period later)

Characteristic tables for three flip-flops are shown:

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Characteristic Equations

The characteristic equations can be derived from the characteristic tables shown previously. We show each of these below:

D flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = D

Which states that the next state of the output is simply equal to the input D in the present state

JK flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = JQ’ + K’Q

Where Q is the value of the flip-flop prior to the application of the clock edge.

T flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = T Q = TQ’+ T’Q Note to professor:Make a note of this on whiteboard, it is referred a few slides up.

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5.4 Storage Elements: Flip-Flops

Direct InputsSome flip-flops have asynchronous inputs that are used to force the flip-flop to a particular state, independent of the clock.

The input that sets the flip-flop to 1 is called preset or direct set. To clear the flip-flop to 0, use clear or direct reset.

These features are useful because when power is first turned on in a digital system, the sate of the flip-plot is unknown. Below is what is known as a positive edge triggered D flip-flop with active-low asynchronous reset.

These asynchronous inputs, allow the user to force it to a known state (note the mistake in the book, pg. 204).

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis describes what a given circuit will do under certain operating conditions.

The analysis of a sequential circuit consists of obtaining a table or diagram for the time sequence of inputs, outputs, and internal states. It is also possible to write a Boolean expression that describes the behavior of the sequential circuit.

A logic diagram is recognized as a clocked sequential circuit if it contains flip-flops (of any type) with clock inputs. In this section we are going to show how to represent algebraically the next-state conditions in terms of the present state and the inputs.

We are going to use state tables and state diagrams to formally represent the behavior of the digital circuit.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

State Equations

The behavior of clocked sequential circuits can be described algebraically by means of state equations. A state equation specifies the next state as a function of the present state and the inputs. Consider the circuit:It is possible to write a set of state equations for the circuit:

A(t+1) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)x(t)B(t+1) = A’(t)x(t)

The left side of the equation with (t+1), denotes the next state of the flip-flop one clock edge later. Since (on the right) all equations are a function of the present state, we can omit t, and write the equations more simply:

A(t+1) = Ax + BxB(t+1) = A’x

The Boolean expressions for the state equations can be derived directly from the gates that form the combinational circuit part of the sequential circuit, since D values of the combinational circuit determine the next state. The present state value of the output can be expressed as:

y(t) = [ A(t) + B(t) ]x’(t)

by removing t, for the present state we get the common form:

y = ( A + B )x’

Later we show that this circuit is a 0 detector.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

State TableThe state table for the circuit we just analyzed is shown to the right. The derivation of the state table requires listing all possible combinations for the present states and inputs.

The next state of the flip-flop must satisfy:

A( t+1) = Ax + Bx

Similarly, the next state of flip-flop B is derived from the state equation:

B(t+1) = A’x

The output column is derived from the output equation:

y = Ax’ + Bx’

In general, a sequential circuit with m flip flops and n inputs needs 2m+n

rows in the state table. The Next State section has m columns, one for each flip-flop.

It is sometimes convenient to express table 5.2 slightly differently, having only three sections: present state, next state, output.

We show this with enumerated vales for the inputs.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

State DiagramThe graphical representation of a state table is the state diagram. The state diagram of the circuit discussed is shown. The numbers in the bubbles indicate the next states. The numbers along the lines indicate input/outputs of the present state.

Steps presented thus far have been this:

Circuit diagram → Equations → State Table → State Diagram

Notice, there is no difference in the information conveyed with State Table, or State Diagram, it is just in presentation.

Also, notice this circuit is a zero detector. After a string of inputs of 1’s the first 0 detected gives an output of 1, and returns the state of the circuit immediately back to state 00. This happens in all of the states, given an input of zero!

You would never discover this is a zero detector circuit without the State Diagram!

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Flip-Flop Input EquationsThere is a convention using flip-flop input symbol to denote the input equation variable and a subscript to designate the name of the flip-flop output. For example, the following input equation specifies an OR gate with inputs x and y connected to the D input of a flip-flop whose output is labeled with the symbol Q:

DQ = x + y

The sequential circuit we used before consist of two flip-flops A and B, an input x, and output y. Using our convention, we can re-write the equations like this:

DA = Ax + ByDB = A’xy = (A + B)x’

DA and DB correspond to the next states Q(t+1), but A and B as you may recall reflect the current states.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with D Flip-FlopsWe summarize a procedure for analyzing a clocked sequential circuit with D flip-flops by means of a simple example. The circuit we want to analyze is described by:

DA = A x y

The DA implies a D flip-flop with output A. The x and y variables are inputs. No outputs are given, which implies the output comes from the output of the flip-flop.

A(t+1) = A x y

So the next state is equal to 1 when there is an odd number of 1’s among A, x, and y.

The circuit has two states, either 1 or 0.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with JK Flip-Flops

In general, a state table consists of four sections: • present state • inputs• next state• outputs

The first two are obtained by listing all binary combinations. The next-state values are obtained from the state equations. The outputs are determined from the output equations.

When a flip-flop other than D type is used, such as JK or T, it is necessary to refer to the corresponding characteristic table or characteristic equations to obtain the next values. (see slide 28 for the characteristic equations).

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with JK Flip-Flops

An example is shown with the following setup:

The circuit has no outputs, therefore there will be no output column in the state table.

The circuit is characterized by these flip-flop input equations:

JA = B KA = Bx’JB = x’ KB = A x = A’x + Ax’

Notice, that in the state table the present state and the input columns represent all the eight binary combinations. The JK flip-flop inputs are from table 5.1

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with JK Flip-FlopsThe input equations for the two JK flip flops were listed (on slide 28).

JK flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = JQ’ + K’Q

Where Q is the value of the flip-flop prior to the application of the clock edge.

For our case, with the two flip-fops, the characteristic equations of the flip-flops are obtained by substituting values A and B for the name of the flip-flop instead of Q:

A(t+1) = JA’ + K’AB(t+1) = JB’ + K’B

Substituting values for JA,KA, JB, KB:

A(t+1) = BA’ + (Bx’)’A = A’B + AB’ + Ax’B(t+1) = x’B’ + (Ax)’B = B’x’+Abx+A’Bx’

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with JK Flip-FlopsSo this is how the Next State columns are populated, from these equations:

A(t+1) = BA’ + (Bx’)’A = A’B + AB’ + Ax’B(t+1) = x’B’ + (Ax)’B = B’x’+Abx+A’Bx’

And from the State table we can draw the state diagram: Note that since the circuit has no

outputs, the directed lines out of the circles are marked with one bit only, designating the input, x.

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Analysis with T Flip-FlopsThe characteristic equation for T flip-flops is:

Q(t +1) = T Q = T’Q + TQ’. Now we consider an example with 2 flip-flops:

Here we show the two input equations and one output equation:

TA = BxTB = xy = AB

To get the next state, we substitute the TA and TB values for in the characteristic equations:

A(t+1) = (Bx)’A + (Bx)A’ = AB’ + Ax’ + A’BxB(t+1) = x B

And from the State Table we can build the State Diagram ! Notice the output is in the state circle itself. This is because the output depends upon the present state only, not the input!

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5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Mealy and Moore Models of Finite State MachinesThe most general model of sequential circuits have inputs, outputs, and internal states.

The two models of sequential circuits are shown below:

Edward Forrest Moore (November 23, 1925 in Baltimore, Maryland – June 14, 2003 in Madison, Wisconsin) was an American professor of mathematics and computer science, the inventor of the Moore finite state machine, and an early pioneer of artificial life.

On the previous slides we dealt with several examples:

Mealy: Outputs depend on inputs. Thus the output is the value that is present immediately before the active edge of the clock.

Moore Outputs do NOT depend on inputs. The outputs are synchronized with the clock, because they only depend on flip-flop outputs that are synchronized with the clock!There is a Fundamental difference

between the two!

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

• We came across Verilog HDL in section 3.9, and behavioral modeling with Verilog was introduced in 4.12.

• Behavioral models are the abstract representation of the functionality of digital hardware. It describes how a circuit behaves, not the internal details.

• Truth tables, state tables, state diagrams all describe this behavior, but so does HDL!

• HDL has added value, because it can be simulated to produce waveforms demonstrating the behavior of a machine.

• Synthesis: When something is synthesizable we mean the process of translating source code into a set of hardware structures that implement the functionalities described in code. In contrast to circuit simulation, which is a testing procedure used to ensure the synthesized circuit does implement the intended behavior. Usually simulation is done just in software.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

Two types of abstract behaviors in Verilog HDL.1. declared by initial is called single-pass behavior and

specifies a single block statement (begin..end or fork..join pair). Synthesis tools do not accept descriptions using initial.

2. declared by always means the behavior is cyclic. This behavior executes indefinitely, until the simulation is stopped. Using initial only executes once.

The book contains three ways to make a free running clock, review these examples.

These use a #, delay control operator, which is commonly used in single pass behaviors.

Another is the @, event control operator and is used to suspend activity until an event occurs.

Behavioral Modeling

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

The general form of the use of the event control operator is as follows:always @ (event control expression) begin// Procedure assign statements that execute// these must be of reg typeend

The sensitivity list can specify level-sensitive events, edge-sensitive events, or a combination of the two. (the third option is not synthesizable).

always @ (A or B or C)If A, B, or C change, the statements between begin and end execute.Since edge sensitive transitions can be either posedge or negedge, but not both, HDL takes care of this, for example:

always @ (posedge clock, negedge reset)

Behavioral Modeling

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

A procedural assignment is the assignment of a logic value to a variable within an initial or always statement. This is in contrast to a continuous assignment discussed in 4.12 with dataflow modeling.

A continuous assignment has an implicit level-sensitive sensitivity list consisting of all the variables on the right-hand side of its assignment statement.

Remember that a variable having type reg remains unchanged until a procedure assignment is made to give it a new value.

Two kinds of procedure statements: blocking and nonblocking. (=) is used by blocking statements, (<=) is used by nonblocking.

Behavioral Modeling

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

Blocking assignment statements are executed sequentially in the order they are listed in a block of statements. Nonblocking assignments are executed concurrently on the right hand side, the left hand side is not assigned until all the expressions are evaluated.Consider these two examples:

Behavioral Modeling

B = AC = B + 1

B <= AC <= B + 1

At the completion of the assignments on the left (blocking), B contains A and C contains the result B+1.

At the completion of the assignments on the right (nonblocking), C also contains the result B+1. The difference is that during the individual assignments, the values A and B+1 are not immediately assigned, instead they are put into a temporary storage, and at the end of the statements, they are all assigned in one shot.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

There are two general rules for blocking (=), versus nonblocking (<=) assignment:

Behavioral Modeling

Rule 1. Use blocking (=) assignments where sequential ordering is imperative and in cyclic behavior that is level sensitive (i.e. combinational logic).

Rule 2. Use nonblocking assignments (<=) when modeling concurrent execution (i.e. in edge-sensitive behavior such as synchronous, concurrent register transfers) and when modeling latched behavior. Concurrent register transfers are synchronized by a common clock. We cover this in chapter 8.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

Note that in 5.1, Q must be declared a reg type because it is assigned a value in a behavior. Latches respond to input signal levels, so the two inputs (D, enable) are listed without edge qualifiers in the sensitivity list following the @ symbol in the always statement. Notice this is nonblocking (<=) assignment per Rule 2.

HDL Models of Flip-Flops and Latches

Note that in 5.2, we have two positive-edge D flip-flops in two modules. The first only responds to a clock; the second includes an asynchronous reset in addition to the clock. Output Q is declared as reg because it is the target output of a procedural assignment statement. The keyword posedge ensures that the transfer of input D into Q is synchronized by the positive edge transition of Clk. A change in D at any other time does not change Q.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

HDL Models of Flip-Flops and LatchesThere is a certain rule to keep in mind when dealing with the second module.

(1) Each if or else if statement in the procedural assignment statement is to correspond to an asynchronous event.

(2) The last else statement corresponds to the clock statement

(3) The asynchronous events are tested first.

Hardware always has a reset signal, and it is strongly recommended that all models of edge sensitive behavior include a reset (or preset) input signal to establish the initial state of the flip-flops.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

HDL Models of Flip-Flops and LatchesIn this example, we’ve got construction of a T and JK flip-flops from a D flip flop. And the characteristic equations are:

JK flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = JQ’ + K’Q

Where Q is the value of the flip-flop prior to the application of the clock edge.

T flip-flop: Q(t + 1) = Q T

In the TFF, the declared wire DT is assigned exclusive OR of Q and T, and the instantiation of DFF with DT being passed in for D produces the required T flip-flop.

The JK flip-flop is specified in a similar manner by using the characteristic equation to define the replacement for D in the instantiated DFF.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

HDL Models of Flip-Flops and LatchesIn this example, we show another way to construct a JK flip flop. Here we use the characteristic table instead of the characteristic equation. The case multiway branch condition check the two-bit number obtained by concatenating J and K.

So, we compare two bit numbers 00, 01, 10, or 11. The four possible conditions specify the value of the next state Q after the application of the positive edge of the clock.

As soon as any one of the conditions is met, the appropriate assignment for Q is made on the positive clock edge signal.

Note that case should be indented inside the always (it is not in your book.)

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

State diagram-Based HDL ModelsAn HDL model of the operation of a sequential circuit can be based off the state diagram. The state’s binary assignment is done with the parameter statement. This is a Verilog constant. S0 = 2’b00 and is preferable to S2 = 2 because it ensures only 2 bits are used.

The circuit for the Mealy zero detector detects a 0 following a sequence in a series of 1s in a serial bit stream.

The three always statements operate concurrently.

The first always statement checks for state change.

The second always picks up the state change in its sensitivity list and updates the next_state.

The third always also detects a change in state and updates the value of output.

Also note that the second and third will pick up changes in the input (x_in) and update next_state and y_out accordingly .

The test bench code (still part of Example 5.5) is shownon the next slide

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

State diagram-Based HDL ModelsThe test bench is code used to test the Mealy Zero Detector. Notice for example how t_y_out is due to the dynamic behavor of t_x_in.

the fork…join construct is used to have statements execute in parallel so the time delays are relative to a common reference at t=0. The Mealy glitch is a transient logic value, notice how it doesn’t line up with the clock.

The $finish is a system task and causes the simulation to terminate unconditionally after 200 time units.

Each time unit division on the scale below is 3 time units.




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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

State diagram-Based HDL ModelsNext we show the Moore Zero Detector, with its state diagram. In this example, the output of the circuits is independent of the input and is taken directly from the outputs of the flip-flops. The state transitions are described by a single clocked (edge-sensitive) cyclic behavior by ONE always block of code!Important observations:(1) The output only depends on the state(2) reset “on-the-fly” forces the state machine back to S0

(00) (3) The state transitions are consistent with the state


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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

Structural Description of Clocked Sequential Circuits

We are showing alternative ways to model a circuit. Compare the two modules, which are highlighted.

The second way, includes the behavior of the T flip flop itself, instead of the state machine. The circuit with T flip flops is now shown above with it’s state machine.

An alternative to the Toggle_fip_flop is also shown. This alternative describes the flip-flop in terms of its characteristic function. The two models are interchangeable, and equivalent.

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5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits

Structural Description of Clocked Sequential CircuitsFinally, we build the test bench to test the two approaches:

The stimulus module provides common inputs to circuits to simultaneously display their output responses.

The first initial block specifies a toggling of input x_in that occurs at the negative edges transition fo the clock. Notice 16 clock “ticks”.

The second initial block provides eight clock cycles with a period of 10ns.

As a result, the pair (A,B) goes through sequence 00, 01, 10, 11 and back to 00. The change in the count is triggered by positive edge of the clock, provided x_in = 1.

If x_in = 0, the count does not change. y_out is equal to 1 when both A and B are equal to 1.

Each time division is 10 ns in the timing diagram →

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

Analysis of sequential circuits starts from a circuit diagram and ends with a state table or diagram.

The design (synthesis) of a sequential circuit starts from a set of specifications, and ends in a logic (circuit) diagram.

Two sequential circuits may exhibit the same input-output behavior, but have a different number of internal states in their state diagram.

There are certain properties of sequential circuits that may simplify a design by reducing the number of gates and flip-flops it uses. And as expected, this reduces the cost of a circuit.

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

The reduction of the flip-flops in a sequential circuit is referred to as the state-reduction problem.

State Reduction

Since m flip-flops produce 2m states, a reduction in the number of states may (or may not) result in a reduction in the number of flip-flops.

Also, the reduction in the number of flip-flops could even result in an increase of the combinational logic (an unintended and unexpected consequence).

We begin our discussion with an example state machine. In our example the states will be denoted with letters, and not binary digits…..

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

There is an infinite number of input sequences that could be entered into this circuit, resulting in a unique output set.

State Reduction

This state diagram has 7 states. Suppose we are interested in a certain bit sequence, 01010110100. We test our current state diagram, and obtain the following outputs with state transitions:

Suppose we could find a sequential circuit that does the same thing in less than 7 states. If identical inputs are applied to the two circuits and we get identical outputs, then the two circuits are equivalent!

state a a b c d e f f g f g aInput 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0Output 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

The problem of state reduction is to find ways of reducing the number of states in a sequential circuit without altering the input-output relationships.

State Reduction

To begin to reduce the number of states, we need to build a state table from the state diagram:

Two states are said to be equivalent if, for each member of the set of inputs, they give exactly the same output and send the circuit either to the same state or an equivalent state. In which case, one of the states can be removed.

Putting this into practice, we inspect the table to the right, and we look for two present states that go to the same next state and have the same output for both input equations. States e, and g are two such states!

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

So, one of the states must be removed.State Reduction

This gives us a new table! But upon inspecting this new table, we realize present state f has the same next states for the same inputs as present state d. Present states d and f also have matching outputs!

Our original state diagram had 7 states, this one has 5 ! And using our original table with test inputs, we see that our new state diagram works just as good, and is equivalent!

We decide to remove g. So we remove the last row, and everywhere else the occurrence of gin the original table is then replaced by e.

Therefore present state f is removed and replaced by d. We get a another new reduced state table, we inspect this state table and decide we cannot reduce it any further.

state a a b c d e f f g f g aInput 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0Output 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

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5.7 State Reduction and Assignment

State AssignmentFinally, in order to make our state machine useful in the world of digital electronics, we must use binary numbers to represent our states. Note that our original state machine (7 states) would require 23 = 8 combinations, with one combination unused. In our 5 state state machine we wind up with 3 unused states. Unused states usually (but not always) results in a reduction of logic gates.This table shows three possible Assignment schemes we can use for our states in our new 5 state state machine.

The table above, is the table we chose, with Assignment 1, binary. Sometimes, when a state table uses binary assignments we refer to this as a transition table, to distinguish it from a state table that uses symbolic names for the states.

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5.8 Design Procedure

The sequential building block used by synthesis tools is the D flip-flop. Together with additional logic, it can implement the behavior of the JK and T flip flops. Designers don’t concern themselves with which flip flops they use, instead their focus is on correctly describing the sequential functionality that is implemented by the synthesis tool. In the slides that follow we illustrate manual methods using D, JK, and T flip-flops.

A combinational circuit merely requires a truth table for its implementation. A sequential circuit, requires a state table for its specification. So, the first step is to obtain this state table, leading to the state diagram.

A sequential circuit is made up of flip-flops and combinational gates. The design procedure consists of choosing flip-flops along with combinational circuits that produce a circuit which fulfills the stated specifications. The number of flip-flops is dictated by the number of states.

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5.8 Design Procedure

The procedure for designing a synchronous sequential circuit can be summarized by these steps:

1. From the word description and specifications of the desired operation, derive a state diagram of the circuit.

2. Reduce the number of states if necessary.

3. Assign binary values to the states.

4. Obtain the binary-coded state table.

5. Choose the type of flip-flops to be used.

6. Derived the simplified flip-flop input equations and output equations

7. Draw the logic diagram (the circuit).

Steps 4 through 7 in the design is accomplished by exact algorithms and is automated. This part of the design procedure is known as synthesis.

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5.8 Design Procedure

As an example of the design procedure, we use a design that detects a sequence of three or more consecutive 1’s in a string of bits coming through the input line.

We can come up with a state diagram of a Moore model sequential circuit. Note that it stays in S3 state as long as there are three or more consecutive 1’s detected.

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5.8 Design Procedure

Once we have the state diagram, the rest of the design follows the synthesis procedure.

Synthesis Using D Flip-Flops

In fact, the circuit can be designed by using an HDL description of the state diagram. Here, however, we go with a state table designed by hand.

This table shows the states of two D flip flops (four states total).

S0 =

S1 =

S2 =

S3 =

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5.8 Design Procedure

The characteristic equation of the D flip-flop; is Q(t+1) = DQ, which means that the next state values in the state table specify the D input condition for the flip-flop. The flip-flop input equations can be obtained directly from the next-state columns of A and B and expressed as sum-of minterms form:

Synthesis Using D Flip-Flops

A(t+1) = DA(A,B,x) = S(3,5,7)B(t+1) = DB(A,B,x) = S(1,5,7)

y(A,B, x) = S(6,7)

Where A and B are the present state values of the flip-flops, x is input and DA ,DB are input equations.

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5.8 Design Procedure

We take the equations on the previous slide,

A(t+1) = DA(A,B,x) = S(3,5,7)B(t+1) = DB(A,B,x) = S(1,5,7)y(A,B, x) = S(6,7)

And use Karnaugh maps!

Synthesis Using D Flip-Flops

Now we have the simplified Boolean expressions!

The advantage of designing with D flip-flops is that the Boolean equations describing the inputs to the flip-flops can be obtained directly from the state table. Software tools automatically infer and select the D-type flip-flop from a properly written HDL model.

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5.8 Design Procedure

Finally, we create the schematic of the sequential circuit:

DA = Ax + BxDB = Ax + B’xy = AB

Synthesis Using D Flip-Flops

This is the circuit for a three or more consecutive 1’s in a string of bits detector!

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5.8 Design Procedure

Excitation TablesThe design of a sequential circuit with flip-flops other than D type is complicated by the fact that the input equations for the circuit must be derived indirectly from the state table. For D-type, the input equations are obtained directly from the next state. This is not the case with JK and T type flip-flops. In order to determine the input equations for these, it is necessary to derive a functional relationship between the state table and the input equations.:

The flip-flop characteristic tables for the JK and T types provide the value of the next state when the inputs and the present state are known. During the design process we know the transition from the present state to the next state and wish to find the input conditions that will cause the transition. So, we need a table that lists the required inputs for a given state transition. This done with an excitation table.

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5.8 Design Procedure

Excitation TablesBelow we show excitation tables for JK and T flip-flops. Note that these tables show the present sate Q(t) and next states Q(t+1) and columns for each input to show how the transition occurred. (note a small error in your book, = should be +).

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using JK Flip-FlopsThe manual synthesis procedure for sequential circuits with JK flip-flops is the same as with D flip-flops, except that the input equations must be evaluated from the present state to the next-state transition derived from the excitation table. To illustrate the procedure, we synthesize the sequential circuit specified in the following table:

S0 =

S1 =

S2 =

S3 =

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using JK Flip-FlopsThe flip flop inputs from the table specify the true table for the input equations as a function of the present states A, B, and input x. They can be simplified with Karnaugh tables!

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using JK Flip-FlopsNote the increase in the number of don’t cares. This is good, as we fill up these maps, it makes the combinational circuit even simpler. This is the advantage of using JK Flip-Flops! Nonetheless, D flip-flops are easier to implement in automated design flow.

The resulting circuit is much simpler! (compare to slide 69)

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using T Flip-FlopsThe procedure for synthesizing circuits using T flip-flops is demonstrated with a binary counter. An n-bit binary counter consist of n flip-flops that can count in binary from 0 to 2n – 1. A three bit binary counter’s state diagram is shown below:

Notice there are no inputs (or outputs shown). This is because the state transitions in this case only depend upon the clock.

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using T Flip-FlopsThe state table can be easily derived from the state diagram. Note that the Present State column is always one state prior to the Next State, in the State transition diagram. Note the flip-flop inputs needed to “toggle” the bits between states.

From the state table, we can build the k-maps, populating 1’s where the flip-flop inputs are 1:

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5.8 Design Procedure

Synthesis Using T Flip-FlopsThe input equations under each map specifies the combinational circuit for the counter. Using these with three flip-flops, we obtain the logic (circuit) diagram:

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