YCN Student Awards / 2012 - 2013 Submission

LEGO work for YCN

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Our submission for the YCN Student Awards. Five fellow Hyper Islanders and I tackled the LEGO brief. These are the final sixteen slides. Please go to bit.ly/ZRN1hZ if you want to know more about the context of the brief.

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YCN Student Awards / 2012 - 2013 Submission

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We are a team of Hyper Islanders who study Digital Media Management in Manchester. In order to get to know each other and to warm ourselves up for the educational program, we decided to ponder over and participate in the LEGO® brief. Our working method and thinking process were basically sitting together, talking about our own experiences with the brand and writing down our insights and ideas.

The interesting thing is that we’ve learned from each other. We are a heterogenous group, where every individual understands people and brands from his or her own field of profession. Eventually, there were a lot of cool ideas on the table. Now, it is only a matter of giving structure - A matter of telling one story.

Here we go.

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With every step we took, we asked ourselves the most important question: How can LEGO® distinguish itself from its competitors?

The main insight we all agreed on, is simply that LEGO® is still the best. We all know that, our grandparents know that, even our parents know that. They understand the heritage and the functional benefits (like creative problem-solving skills). Also, they feel the brand. They’ve played with LEGO® when they were young and they secretly wish that they sometimes could play with the bricks nowadays. The only problem is that nowadays not all our kids know the story of LEGO®. Some of them don’t know what LEGO® stands for, others don’t feel the brand at all. It may not be pleasant to hear, but in a world of digital, there are a lot of ‘cool’, ‘exciting’ and ‘emotional’ experiences that are more attractive to kids than just building bricks.

Consequently, we asked ourselves the question: How can we make LEGO® relevant for kids who are living in a world of Pixar and Angry Birds?

In addition to this question, we should notice that we come up with a solution that is still on-brand. We should find an idea that still respects the core of LEGO®. That is the “analogue” brick, we can not ignore this.

We came up with a solution: An answer that responds to both the analogue world and the digital niftiness. We came up with a solution that shows and not only tells, an answer that is more on the level of a product or service.

We will tell this story via a campaign that is called “LEGO®: Made for kids.”

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We came up with an answer that responds to the future of play and thus the mission (vision) of LEGO®.

LEGO® is all about two things. It’s the joy of building and it’s the pride of creation. We built a digital platform in the form of an iPad app that translates these values that LEGO® has into the digital world that kids create and interact within.

The concept LEGO® Like is a digital platform on which kids can share their real life creations and also give appreciations in the form of a Like-button. Liking is sharing. It’s giving and receiving social recognition. It’s about participating and being pushed to keep on creating. It’s a new way to engage with the brand and the like-minded.

The app is fun and playful! The user-interface that entails the words, fonts, colors and lay-out convey this message.

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The promotional code is a verification measure to ensure that the child has adult approval to download and use the app.

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We believe that this can be the first app-experience for the kids without the help of their parents.

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A database in which you can find and challenge other users.

Children can create their own custom avatars. This enables them to be whoever they wish to be.

A horizonal list which the user can swipe through in order to see the completed challenges. By tapping, you enter full-screen mode.

Let the swiping begin!

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A gallery with all the creations of LEGO-mates around the world.

Edit the settings of the app. E.g: Choice to switch the camera button for a left-hand user.

A horizontal list of challenges containing blueprints of images where kids can pick challenge(s) they want to explore and complete. From a simple creation as a giraffe to something more complex as a pirate ship.

The camera is omnipresent. It is both in the menu bar and in every user interface in order to stimulate the creative process.

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This is the place where you can swipe through challenges and accept to take them on. If you tap the camera-button, you can take a picture of what you’ve created offline.

The amount and type of bricks you need to complete the task are suggested. However, there are different levels of difficulty with the appropriate amount and type of bricks.

They have the freedom to explore the best way of creating.

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How are we going to introduce this app?

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Inés López

Thomas Waegemans

Jani Modig

Camila Veit Braune

Isabelle Bärgh

Salman Chaudhri

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