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  • 8/3/2019 Lens Pro III Aft


    Plugin for AdobeAfter Effects

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6Users Guide

  • 8/3/2019 Lens Pro III Aft



    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5is a big and universal set of effects for creation ofLenses, Crystals, Glass and Crystalline objects, surfaces and inscriptions.Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 consists of two such filters as Lens Pro3.0and Universal Lens.Lens Pro III filter is a universal tool for designing realistic lenses and 3D-crystals aswell as crystalline 3D-models.

    This set contains:7 kinds of lenses: Ellipse, Square, Droplet, Torus, Border, Clamand Rose;

    15 kinds of 3D crystals: Cube, Cube Bevel, Prism, Prism Polygon, PrismPolygon Bevel, Prism Polygon Bevel and Back, Pyramid, PyramidBack, Pyramid Polygon, Pyramid Polygon and Back, Diamond, Star,Tetrahexahedron, Hexoctahedron, Resolit;

    VRML mode for import of the 3D models in VRML format into your project.

    The set of parameters Particles System will help you to create quickly a system oflens and crystal particles. You can adjust parameters of particles movement andcreate interesting effects as well as animate backgrounds.

    Use the preview mode Contourfor designing the shape of the lens in real time.

    Universal Lens IIthis is a set of universal tools for creation of any glass and crystalfigures and surfaces. This set contains 3 kinds of effects: Triangle Surface, Contour

    Mask and Gradient Mask.

    All effects of lenses and crystals contain a wide range of adjustable parameters oftheir shape, optical properties, position and illumination. Optical properties of lensesand crystals allow adjusting refraction, colour deviation of the glass, its volume,direction and color of high light.

    New features in version 3.0New Rose lens.New 15 3D crystals.

    Import VRML models.New set of parameters for creating reflections on lenses and crystals.New set of 18 different sources of light.64-bit color

    Thank you for choosing Panopticum as your special effects company. If you haveany comments or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact us at thefollowing addresses: [email protected]. We are confident you will not bedisappointed with the effects. And, with a little practice and creative ingenuity, neitherwill the people who see your work.

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6


  • 8/3/2019 Lens Pro III Aft


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 for Adobe After Effects

    Windows 98 / NT/ Windows XP

    Windows NT version 4.0 or Windows 98 or later operating system.

    An Intel processor-based PC with a 486/66, Pentium, Pentium II,

    or Pentium Pro processor.

    At least 32 megabytes of RAM, 64 megabytes of RAM recommended.

    12-bit (4096) display color; true color (16.7M colors) recommended.

    640 x 480 display resolution; 800 x 600 or better recommended.

    5 megabytes of free disk space for installation.

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 for Adobe After Effects / MacOS

    MacOS 9.0 or later operating system.

    A PowerMac (or compatible) with any PowerPC processor.

    At least 32 megabytes of RAM,6 4 megabytes of RAM recommended.

    16-bit (65535 colors) display color; true color (16.7M colors) recommended.

    640 x 480 display resolution; 800 x 600 or better recommended.

    5 megabytes of free disk space for installation.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    System Requirements

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    Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3


    Ellipse Lens is the classic circle lens. By using this lens you can easily and quicklycreate circle or ellipse lens of any kind and shape with various optical parameters,etc. The set of parameters Particles System creates a system of particles of ellipselenses (Pictures 1, 2, 3).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Ellipse Lens:

    Size adjusts the size of the lens.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Square Lens is a classic rectangular lens. The effect lets you create any lens inthe shape of rectangle with numerous parameters, which adjust shape, optics andcolor properties of lens (Pictures 4, 5, 6).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Square Lens:

    Size adjusts the size of the lens.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Ellipse Lens

    Square Lens

    Picture 5 Picture 6Picture 4

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    Torus Lens for creation of lens in the shape of torus with large range of adjustableparameters. The shape of torus varies from a simple circle to torus of any shape,orientation and scale. The set of parameters Particles System creates system ofparticles ofTorus lenses (Pictures 7,8, 9).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Torus Lens:

    Size adjusts the size of the lens.Inner Size adjusts the internal radius of torus lens.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Border Lens easily and quickly creates rectangular border lenses. You can editthe proportion and width of the borders (Pictures 10,11, 12).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Border Lens:

    Size adjusts the size of the lens.Inner Size adjusts the internal radius of border lens.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Picture 11 Picture 12Picture 10


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Torus Lens

    Picture 8 Picture 9Picture 7

    Border Lens

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    Droplet Lens this lens allows you to complete your image with drops flowing downon the wet glass or with crystal tears shed from your hero's eyes. You can edit theshape of the tip of the drople (Pictures 13, 14, 15).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Droplet lens:

    Size adjusts the size of the lens.Height adjusts the height of the tail of drops.Skew adjusts the direction of tail bend in drop lenses.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Proportion 2 adjusts proportions of lenses to X and Y-axes with saving all proportionsat rotation.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Clam Lens many forms of lens are available: from classic circle lens to very complex

    such as star lens with curved tops (Pictures 16, 17, 18).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Clam lens:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the lens.Cubature adjusts the curvature of lens parts between the vertexes.ZigZag adjusts the direction of vertexes bending in star lenses;Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Picture 14 Picture 15Picture 13

    Picture 17 Picture 18Picture 16


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Droplet Lens

    Clam Lens

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    Rose Lens many forms of lens are available: from classic circle lens to very complexsuch as rose lens with curved tops (Pictures 19, 20, 21).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Rose lens:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the lens.

    Amplitude adjusts the curvature of lens parts between the vertexes.Rose Type 1 turns on/off the mode in which inside angles become acute.Proportion 1 adjusts proportions of X and Y-axes of the lens.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens.

    Below is the description of various 3D crystals and parameters that define their shape.

    Cube Crystal a cube-shaped 3D crystal, which can be transformed and rotated(Pictures 22, 24).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Cube crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facets

    Picture 20 Picture 21Picture 19

    Picture 23 Picture 24Picture 22


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Rose Lens

    Cube Crystal

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    of the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Cube Bevel Crystal

    Cube Bevel Crystal a cube-shaped 3D crystal with bevel edges, which can betransformed and rotated (Picture 23).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Cube Bevel crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Bevel adjusts the bevel of crystal's faces.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.

    Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Prism Crystal a 3D crystal in the shape of prism that can be transformedand rotated. (Pictures 25, 27).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Prizm crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Basedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Bevel adjusts proportions of the crystals.

    Picture 26 Picture 27Picture 25


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Cube Crystal

    Prism Crystal

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    Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.

    Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Prism N-gon Crystal

    Prism N-gon Crystal creates 3D crystals in the shape of a polygon prism. Thecrystals can be transformed and rotated (Pictures 28, 30).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Prism N-gon crystal:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the crystal.

    Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Basedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystal facet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facets

    of the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Prism N-gon Bevel Crystal

    Polygon Prism Bevel Crystal creates 3D crystals in the shape of a polygon prismwith bevel edges. The crystals can be transformed and rotated (Picture 26).

    Picture 29 Picture 30Picture 28


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Prism Crystal

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    Geometry Parametrs of of Prism N-gon crystal:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Basedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Bevel adjusts the bevel of crystal's corners.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.

    Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Prism N-gon Bevel and Back Crystal

    Prism N-gon Bevel and Back Crystal creates 3D-crystals with original shape.The crystals can be transformed and rotated (Picture 29).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Prism N-gon Bevel and Back crystal:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Height of Side defines the height of side facetsBasedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Bevel adjusts the bevel of crystal's corners.

    Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Prism Crystal

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    Pyramid Crystal this is a 3D-crystal in the shape of triangular pyramid. The crystalscan be transformed and rotated (Pictures 31, 32).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Pyramid crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.

    Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystal facet.Bevel adjusts proportions of the crystals.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facets of the crystal becomevisible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Pyramid Back Crystal

    Pyramid Back Crystal a 3D-crystal in the shape of two triangular pyramids growingin different directions from their common base. The crystals can be transformed androtated.

    Geometry Parametrs of of Pyramid Back crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.

    Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystal facet.Bevel adjusts proportions of the crystals.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Picture 32 Picture 33Picture 31


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Pyramid Crystal

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    Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Pyramid N-gon Crystal

    N-gon Pyramid Crystal a 3D-crystal in the shape of polygonal pyramid. The crystalscan be transformed and rotated.

    Geometry Parametrs of of Pyramid N-gon crystal:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Basedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.

    Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Pyramid N-gon and Back Crystal

    N-gon Pyramid and Back Crystal creates 3D crystals in the shape of two polygonal

    pyramids growing in different directions from their common base. The crystals canbe transformed and rotated (Picture 33).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Pyramid N-gon and Back crystal:

    Vertex Count adjusts the number of vertexes.Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Height of Back defines the height of the back facetsBasedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Pyramid Crystal

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    Diamond Crystal 3D crystal in the shape of cut diamond. User can set the numberof facets, distance between center and border and type of facets cutting(Pictures 34, 35, 36).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Diamond crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.

    Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Height of Side defines the height of side facetsHeight of Back defines the height of the back facetsBasedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Base of Backdefines the size of the second base crystal facet.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formedfrom the first base crystal facet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Bevel adjusts the bevel of crystal's corners.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.

    Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Picture 35 Picture 36Picture 34


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Diamond Crystal

    Star Crystal

    Picture 38 Picture 39Picture 37

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    Star Crystal 3D crystal in the shape of polygonal crystal. Its facets and vertexesmay transform the crystal into a star. User can set the number of facets, distancebetween center and border and type of facets cutting (Pictures 37, 38, 39).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Star crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height adjusts the height of the crystal.Basedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formedfrom the first base crystal facet.Bevel adjusts the bevel of crystal's corners.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.

    Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Resolit Crystal 3D crystal in the shape of a cube with a cut geometric pattern. Usercan obtain many unusual crystals by adjusting its parameters. The vertexes and facetsof the crystal can be easily transformed by user (Pictures 40, 41, 42, 43).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Resolit crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Height of Side defines the height of side facetsBasedefines the size of the base facets of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystalfacet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Star Crystal

    Resolit Crystal

    Picture 41 Picture 42Picture 40

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    Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.

    Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Tetrahexahedron Crystal

    Tetrahexahedron Crystal creates a 3D crystal in the shape of cube with additionalvertexes in the center of its facets. The vertexes and facets of the crystal can beeasily transformed by user. You can set the number of facets, distance betweencenter and border and cut of facets (Picture 44).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Tetrahexahedron crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystal

    facet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    Hexoctahedron Crystal

    Hexoctahedron Crystal 3D crystal in the shape of a cube with additional vertexesin the center of its original facets and sides. The vertexes and facets of the crystalcan be easily transformed by user. Besides, user can set distance between centerand border and type of facets cutting (Picture 45).

    Geometry Parametrs of of Hexoctahedron crystal:

    Size adjusts the size of the crystal.Peak 1 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the first base crystal


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Resolit Crystal

    Picture 44 Picture 45Picture 43

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    facet.Peak 2 sets the height of the additional peak formed from the secondbase crystal facet.Transposition when engaged, the crystal makes a 90-turn.Rotation adjusts the rotation of the lens by X-axe.

    Rotation Y adjusts the rotation of the lens by Y-axe.Rotation Z adjusts the rotation of the lens by Z-axe.Perspective adjusts the depth of the perspective drawing.Draw Back Faces engages the mode, when back facetsof the crystal become visible.Vertex Noise defines the dispersion of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.Noise Frequency sets the frequency of random fluctuations of the crystals vertexes.

    By using Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 you can get lens with wide range of opticalcharacteristics. Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 has a lot of parameters that adjust theoptical properties of lens such as: Curvature, Refraction, Aberration and Color ofLens, etc.


    Here you can see Ellipse lens with different parameters of refraction:Picture 46 - the value of refraction is maximum.Picture 47 - the value of refraction is 0.Picture 48 - the value of refraction is minimum.


    These pictures show a lenswith various parameters ofcurvature:Picture 49 - the value ofcurvature is maximum.Picture 50 - the value ofcurvature is minimum.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Resolit Crystal

    Optic Effects

    Picture 47 Picture 48Picture 46

    Picture 49 Picture 50

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    The following pictures showa lens with diversifiedparameters of aberration:

    Picture 51 - the value ofaberration is maximum.Picture 52 - aberration is off(minimal).

    Glass Color

    The following pictures show a lens with different parameters of glass color:(Pictures 53, 54, 55, 56).

    Color DispersionNext pictures show a particlessystem of lenses withdifferent parametersof Glass color:Picture 57 - value is off(minimal); Picture 58 - thevalue is maximum;Color Change Frequencysets the speed of randomlens color change.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Optic Effects

    Type of Jitter lets you choose a setup of automatic color and gloss dispersionamong the facets. So very facet will have its color and glossintensity.

    Color Jitter Value adjusts the color dispersion on the facets of the objectShine Jitter Value adjusts the gloss dispersion on the facets of the objectSpeed of Jitter adjusts the speed of coloring alterationPeriod of Jitter determines the period of coloring alteration for some jittersDraw Border designates whether to draw or not the triangles bordersBorder Color Sets the color for triangle border.

    Picture 51 Picture 52

    Picture 53 Picture 54 Picture 55 Picture 56

    Picture 57 Picture 58

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 contains many parameters that adjust the highlight effectsuch as: Light Type, Rotation of Light Source, Declination, Light Color, LightSize, Light Shine, etc (Pictures 59, 60, 61).

    Basic Light Parameters

    Type of Light unfolding list with choices of the type of light source:

    HotSpot light source and highlights in the shape of circle.

    Star star-like light source and highlights.

    Star Invert star-like light source and highlights. As the light source turns,the highlights spin around their axis, but in the direction opposite to that of thelight source movement.

    Star Static star-like light source and highlights. The highlights dont spin as

    the light source turns.

    Window light source and highlights in the shape of window.

    Combine Star StarIn star-like light source and highlights. As the light sourceturns, only the farthest highlight spins around its axis.

    Combine StarIn Star star-like light source and highlights. As the light sourceturns, only the closest to the center highlight turns around its axis.

    Combine HotSpot Star circle-like light source and star-like highlights.

    Combine HotSpot Star Inv circle-like light source and star-like highlights.As the source of light turns, the highlight in a shape of star spins around itsaxis in the direction opposite to that of the light source movement.

    Window HotSpot light source in a shape of window and circle-like highlights.

    Window Star Invert light source in a shape of window and star-like highlights.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Hilight Effects

    Picture 60 Picture 61Picture 59

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    With the movements of the source of light the star-like highlights spin aroundtheir axis in the opposite direction.

    Window Star Static light source in a shape of window and star-like highlights.The star-like highlight do not spin as the light source turns.

    HotSpot Window the circle-like source of light and highlight in a shape ofwindow.

    Star Window star-like light source and highlight in a shape of window.

    Star Invert Window star-like light source and highlight in a shape of window.As the source of light turns, the star-like highlight spins around its axis in theopposite direction.

    Star Static Window star-like light source and highlight in a shape of window.The star-like highlight stays without spinning as the light source turns.

    Rotation of Light Source adjusts the rotation of the light source.Declination defines the height of the light source.Light Color adjusts the color of light.Light Size sets the size of the light source.Light Shine adjusts the brightness of light.

    Additional Highlight Parameters

    Highlight Declination Correction adjusts the spacing of additional highlight fromthe center of the lens.Highlight Size Correction adjusts the size of additional highlightHighlight Shine Correction adjusts the shine of additional highlightAdd Angle adjusts the rotation of highlights around their axis.Curvature of Surface defines the curvature of highlights surface.

    Light effects for Crystal

    Facet Light Type pulldown with the choice of the light type on the facets of crystal

    Color Light, Highlight, Colored Shadow.Facet Light Shine adjusts the lumionous intensity on the facets.Facet Light Direction 1 adjusts the rotation of light on a facet.Facet Light Direction 2 adjusts the declination of light on a facet.Color Facet adjusts color of a facet.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Hilight Effects

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    Mirror set of parameters for creating reflections on lenses and crystals(Pictures 62, 63, 64, 65).

    Mirror parameters

    Mirror Layer Source pulldown with the list of various types of mirror layers.Blend adjusts the brightness of the mirror layer.Blend in Screen Mode adjusts the superposition of the mirror layer in Screen.Blend Dependence on Thickness defines the dependence of mirror layersuperposition on the lens convexity.Value sets the convexity of the lens for mirror layers.Offset X adjusts the displacement on the X-axis.Offset Y adjusts the displacement on the Y-axis.Tesselation turns on/off the mosaic pattern of underlying image.

    Mirror Model pulldown with the list of different modes of mirroring:


    Screen Mode

    Thickness Dependence

    Screen Thickness Dependence.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Mirror Effects

    Paticles System

    Picture 66 Picture 67Picture 65

    Picture 62 Picture 63 Picture 64 Picture 65

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    The set of parameters Particles System will help you to create quickly a system oflens and crystal particles. You can adjust parameters of particles movement andcreate 000interesting effects as well as animate backgrounds (Pictures 65, 66, 67).

    Fast work and real time preview of the particles system of lenses

    are available in the Contour mode.

    Seed of Random changes random position of lenses in the array.

    Further you will find the description of another module included in Lens Pro 3 set.

    Panopticum Universal Lens III is a module specially designed for video editingin Adobe After Effects 5.0 and later. It helps user easily create glass effects in very

    short time. The glass type effects include titles, faces and silhouettes, glass surfaces,and other objects of different shapes. The shape is determined by any layer containingan image (no matter static or animated the image is). Image source can be treatedeither as contour (by opaque areas) or as glass thickness gradient (by image pixelsbrightness).

    A composition containing titles or images on the transparent background canserve an example of treating the image as contourand obtaining the effect of glasstitles or objects. The glass will look like a liquid confined in a mould.

    If treating the image as gradient, the glass surface thickness will depend on thebrightness of corresponding pixel in the initial image. Setting the appropriate imageas a source will lead to creation of animated glass faces, silhouettes, etc. User canchange optic properties of these objects, set the glass color, lighting, additional colorshading, etc.

    An innovating algorithm of the plug-in allows to see any parameters changes inreal time. This feature helps designer achieve the effect he planned easily and quickly.Moreover, it makes work with our plug-in a creative session in the process of designingcomputer art masterpieces.

    Parameters description

    The first parameter in the Effect Controls window is Information. It contains informationabout plug-in version and two buttons: Help and About. Below you will find otherparameters of the filter.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Paticles System

    Universal Lens III

    Picture 68 Picture 69

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    Source Layer lets user define the source composition or video, which determinesthe glass surface shape.Source Interpretation Contains two possibilities of treating the image source.Tessellate spreads the glass shape over the whole surface of initial image.Use Alpha makes transparent the surface areas that dont contain glass objects.Source Place sets the location of glass objects n the initial image.

    Optic group contains parameters responsible for the optic properties of glass objects.Refraction adjusts magnification/demagnification of the image under the lens.Curvature adjusts the curvature of the lens surface.Aberration defines the intensity of chromatic aberration.Color Lens sets the glass color.

    Lighting group of parameters is responsible for illumination of the glass object.Light Color sets the color for the light source.Rotation of Light Source defines the direction of the light source.Declination adjusts the height of the light source.Shine adjusts the intensity of light.

    Specular defines the reflectance of the glass surface

    Color Shading parameters subunit lets user put some additional lighting to thecontours of glass objects. This feature is particularly useful when the glass object ishard to recognize on the initial image. Thus Color Shading makes the image moreexpressive.Color Shading Type consists of the list of possible contour lightings.Shading Blend 1 adjusts the position of the first accent lighting.Shading Color 1 adjusts the color of the first accent lighting.Shading Blend 2 adjusts the position of the second accent lighting.Shading Color 2 adjusts the color of the second accent lighting.Shading Lighting defines the accent lighting brightness

    There is a possibility to save and load your preferred parameter settings to avoid theirmanual adjustment every t ime you start working with the plug-in.


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Universal Lens

    Glass Foam

    Small IntroductionPanopticum Lens Pro III Glass Foam is an addition module for such video editingprograms as Adobe After Effects and those, which support that standard. This modulelets user apply various kinds of lenses and crystals to the video. The module resemblesa lot another plug-inPanopticum Lens Pro III. Except, its main difference lies in the

    Particles System section. User will be able to create complex patterns and effectivebackgrounds, make incredible compositions containing glass objects, etc. The lensesmade with the help of Glass Foamwill change their color and size depending on theimage indicated as aSource Layer.The set of lens objects can move in chaotic orwell-ordered way, according to indicated law of movement. Very interesting effectsof boiling of your image may be obtained by activating Z-buffermode and animatingDepth Swing parameter. Combining the Panopticum Lens Pro IIIplug-in with otheradditional filters will make your video a piece of very beautiful and unique computerart. No one, who doesnt have the plug-in, will be able to repeat the complex andfascinating effects of your video. We hope that our module will help you to realizeyour most daring and ambitious projects and that you, our users, will discover thegreat possibilities of this package.

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Glass Foam


    Using Panopticum Lens Pro III Glass FoamCreate a new composition in Adobe After Effects and import there any image or videofile. Select Pan Lens Pro III (Glass Foam)from the menu Effects\PanopticumEffect.A composition of regular grid with lenses at the nodes will appear on yourscreen.

    Note:If the flag Qualityis deactivated on the layer, then all the lenses will be sketchedas circles. In order for all the lenses to be drawn selectPreview Modefrom he listbox.This mode is situated at the end of the parameters list. No matter what kind of previewmode you choose, your scene will be drawn with the best quality if you activate theQualityflag. You can get the same quality by choosingMake Moviefrom theCompositionmenu and determineRender Settings parameter as Best Settings.Using any preview mode is recommended when setting parameters of shape,distribution and movement of the particles.

    Such parameters lists asGeometry, Optics, Lighting and Mirrorwere describedin details in the previous chapters ofLens Pro III.Thus our main concentration willbe theParticles Systemsection.

    Distribution of particlesAt the top of the list you will find parameters adjusting the distribution of particles andof their types.Seed of Random sets the initial value of random-number generator.Use Particlesactivates the mode of particles system.Use Z-Bufferactivates the cutting of intersecting parts of lenses.Objects Type Dispersion the dispersion of lens types in the set. The followingtypes are available:

    Given Types uses lenses of defined type only;All Types uses all types of lenses;Lenses Only uses lenses only;Crystals Only- uses crystals only;Prisms Only- uses lenses only;Pyramids Only - uses lenses only;

    Objects Dispersion adjusts the type of dispersion of particles over the imagesurface.The following kinds of dispersion are available:

    Uniform even distribution of particles;Cells regular distribution of particles;Cells 1 another variant of regular particles distribution;Cells 2 another variant of regular particles distribution;Radial radial regular particles distribution;Radial 1 another variant of radial regular particles distribution;

    Helix spiral distribution of particles;By Layer distribution according to indicated image.

    Distribution Source lets define the layer or image, which will be the source oflenses or will influence shape and color of the lenses in certain points.Objects Number defines the number of objects in Uniform distribution or indistribution By Source.Subdivision 1 sets the number of subdivisions in regular distribution.Subdivision 2 sets the number of subdivisions in regular distribution.Life Time the time of particles life in random distribution.Min Life Time minimal time of particles life.

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Glass Foam

    Changing the shape and color of lensesIn order to get an artistic effect, user can determine the law of automatic change inthe shape and color of lenses and crystals.Size Change Law sets the law of automatic change in the size of lens objects.

    The following states of the parameter are available:Noise the sizes of lenses change randomly with predefined frequencyand to a predefined value;Dependence on Source the sizes of lenses depend on the image brightness,which will be under the lens. The image can be defined with the help ofparameterDistribution Source;Dependence on Source Non Uniform another variant of interdependenceof lens size and the image under the lens.

    Value of Size Dependence sets the extent to which the size of the lens will dependon the underlying image.Size Dispersion sets the maximum value of random size change.Size Change Frequency sets the speed of random size change.

    Color Change Law defines the law of automatic change of the color of the lens.Value of Color Dependence determines the dependence of the glass color on theunderlying image.Color Dispersion sets the maximum value of random glass color change.Color Change Frequency sets the speed of random glass color change.

    Setting the movement of lensesThe parameters described below allow assigning compound motion of the particlessystem composed of lens objects.Wrap activates the mode of wraparound of the lens pattern, when it leaves theborders of the image.Wind Strength sets the strength of wind.

    Wind Direction sets the direction of the wind.Type of Particles Swing defines the law of the lenses swinging:None theres no swinging;Vertical Line the swinging will be vertical;Horizontal Line the swinging will be horizontal;Radial the vibration of lenses will be circular;Vertical Harmonic the swinging is harmonic vertically;Horizontal Harmonic the swinging is harmonic horizontally;Harmonic Radial the vibration of lenses will be harmonic and circular.

    Swing Frequency defines the frequency of lenses swinging.Swing Amplitude defines the amplitude of lenses swinging.Type of Add Offset Jitter sets additional swinging of the particles.The parameter helps to make particles motion more chaotic and thus, make the scene

    even more dynamic and expressive. The following types are available:None no additional swinging;Chaos Jump chaotic travel of the particles;Swing additional oscillation of the particles;Vertical Swing additional vertical swinging;Wave the particles are swinging according to sinusoid;Chaos Wave chaotic undulation of the particles.

    Offset Add Value defines the amplitude of additional oscillation.Speed of Add Jitter defines the speed of additional oscillation.Frequency of Add Jitter adjusts the wavelength, when the parameterType of Add

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Glass Foam

    Rotation a simple rotation of the particles, each in its own direction.Swing oscillation of the particles.Harmonic Swing the tips of the droplets make harmonic oscillations. Theirswinging amplitude sometimes increases, sometimes decreases.Link to X-Rotation automatic bend of the droplets tips depends on the

    X-axial turn of the lens.Skew Amplitude sets the maximal bend of droplets tips.Skew Speed sets the speed of oscillation of the droplets tips.

    Setting automatic dispersion of parameters of shape for lenses

    and crystals.An automatic dispersion of parameters adjusting the shape of lenses and crystalscan be assigned by using particles systems of the Panopticum Lens Pro IIIpackage.Inner Size Dispersion sets the range of random dispersion for Inner SizeparameterforTorusandBorderlenses.Proportion Dispersion sets the range of random dispersion of the values ofProportionparameter.Height Dispersion defines the range of values for parameter Height.Base Dispersion defines the range of values for parameterBase.Bevel Dispersion sets the range of values for parameterBevel.Amplitude Dispersion lets define the range of values of the parameter Amplitudefor Roselens.Vertex Count Dispersion sets an automatic dispersion of the vertex number inlenses and crystals.

    Conclusion for Glass FoamThis chapter described theParticles Systemsection of our additional module forspecial effects Panopticum Lens Pro III Glass Foam.Using this plug-in will helpyou save your time while creating unique compositions containing lenses and crystals.Incredible backgrounds and special effects for your video can also be easily madewith the help of this module. Great number of animated parameters and their variouscombinations will let you make multitude of special effects. Our module in combinationwith other effects can become a valuable contribution to your professional tool-kit,which will help you succeed and stay on the top of the competition.

    Panopticum 3D-Objects

    IntroductionPanopticum 3D-Objects is a tool designed especially

    for fast 3D-models rendering. Besides, it contains severaldistinctive effects applicable to 3D-models.

    Panopticum 3D-Objects is a new plug-in for Adobe After

    Effects 5.x and other packages supporting the same standard.

    A novel fast and high quality rendering procedure makes

    the Panopticum 3D-Objects a plug-in one of a kind.

    Expect your work to become more creative and efficient

    the help of this plug-in.

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Panopticum 3D-Objects

    Panopticum 3D-Objects makes a part of our package Panopticum Lens Pro III. Thus, rendering

    of glass 3D-models is its main focus. Nevertheless, there are other visualization models as Wire and


    Our module will let you use any 3D-object in your composition from a standard 3DS or WRML file.

    There is a moderate number of 3DS and WRML 3D-models files included in our plug-in. Internet

    will serve you a great source of numerous free 3D-models with these file extensions.Throughout the Panopticum 3D-Objects are controls to facilitate your 3D-model movement, rotation,

    bringing them nearer or farther, perspective visualization, etc. Moreover, there are special abilities

    of various destructions and assembling of the objects, different types of their appearance

    and disappearance and random fluctuations of objects forms.

    Glass mode contains many parameters for adjusting the optic properties of the object.

    Besides, such features as light types and sources, textures of mirror reflections and many others

    are also adjustable.

    Our teams effort in creation of our products is dedicated to make your work more pleasant and efficient.

    Installing and using Panopticum 3D-Objects

    Install the Panopticum 3D-Objects in the Adobe After Effects plug-ins directory (for example, Adobe/AfterEffects 5.5/Plug-Ins/Filters/Panopticum). Start After Effects and open some video file or create

    a new composition with a Solid Layer. Choose Panopticum 3D-Objects from Effects/Panopticum

    Effects menu. Nothing will change on the screen until you load a 3D-image from a file.

    To do that click on Options in the Effect Control window. Please note, that activating/deactivating

    the Quality flag sets the rendering quality of your 3D-image.

    Parameters descriptionThe first item in the Effect Control window of Panopticum 3D-Objects is Information.

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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Panopticum 3D-Objects

    It contains brief information about the product version and two buttons Help and About.

    Below there is a Rendering Mode item with the list of visualization modes. The choice of the visualization

    mode will determine the type of the object appearance as if it is made of wire, solid or glass.

    (Please, dont forget about the Quality flag).

    Geometry list consist of the size, position, rotation angles and other parameters of object visualization.

    Size determines the objects size.

    Line Width sets the width of the line in Wire object appearance mode when the flag Quality is check


    Rotation by X adjusts the objects rotation around the -axis (assuming the coordinate system in

    which the X-axis is pointing at the observer and the Z-axis is pointing upward).

    Rotation by Y adjusts the objects rotation around the Y-axis.

    Rotation by Z adjusts the objects rotation around the Z-axis.

    Transposition helps change the objects axes orientation and thus, change the order of the objects

    rotation around the three axes. Sometimes this can be very useful as the objects rotation in the spacedepends on the order of its axes rotation.

    Perspective adjusts a perspective distortion when projecting the object on the screen.

    Perspective Point helps setting the point of perspective.

    Draw Back Faces sets whether to make visible or invisible the hidden lines of the object, which can

    be very useful in Wire or Glass visualization modes as well as when applying some special effects

    described below.

    Vertex Noise adjusts random oscillations amplitude in the space for the objects vertexes.

    Noise Frequency adjusts the oscillations frequency.

    Completeness list contains the parameters

    of 3D-objects successive appearing and

    disappearing.Completeness Mode determines the

    manner of objects successive appearing and

    disappearing choosing from Rough, Fade,

    By Segments Rough, By Segments Fade,

    By Whole Segments Fade. Completeness

    parameter shows the effects realization stage

    of completion. Please note that the parameter

    can be animatedfrom 0 to 1 as well as

    1 to 0.

    Completeness Zone determines the

    method of object segmentation, when someeffect of appearance by segment is chosen

    from Completeness Mode list.

    Destruction list of parameters consists of those responsible for the objects destruction or assembling

    by pieces flying in/away.

    Destruction Mode contains the choices of objects destruction or assembling:

    Bomb makes the object explode and its pieces fly away from its center;

    Volume Bomb after the objects explosion the pieces fly away in the axes directions;

    Erosion and Volume Erosion the explosion occurs not with the whole object, but by segments

    top-down or bottom-up, depending on the stage animation from -1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.

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    Panopticum Triangles this plug-in lets youdepicture any image as a set of triangles. Unlike

    Panopticun 3D Object, Panopticum Triangles createsa 3D model automatically of any flat mask. Usermay move, rotate, break to pieces or frame the 3Dmodel. The properties of material of which the modelis made can also be adjusted. For example, if itsa glass model, user may define optic properties of

    the glass such as refraction factor, chromatic aberration, color, etc. There is a possibilityto illuminate 3D models with various light sources. User may also use a RefractionMap. Each triangle composing the model can have different color and its own glossintensity. Adjusting the dispersion of colors and gloss on the triangles will help youmake magnificent effects along with many other features of your 3D model.

    Panopticum Triangles


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Panopticum 3D-Objects

    Gradual Erosion and Gradual Volume

    Erosion the difference of these modes from

    the previous ones is that the unexploded object

    segments quiver and shake before the


    Tornado the pieces of broken object whirl

    like in tornado.

    Gradual Tornado is similar to the previous

    effect, except the object destruction occurs


    Destruction Phase determines the effect

    stage. The parameter can be animated

    from 0 to 1and vice versa. Negative values

    of the parameter may lead to unusual effects.

    Destruction Force adjusts the explosive power determining the velocity of flying away pieces.

    Destruction Dispersion adjusts random velocity fluctuation flying away pieces.Destruction Turbulence adjusts random tumbling nature of the flying away pieces.

    Tornado Blend sets additional tilt for tornado effect in order to add some expressiveness.

    Rotation Speed adjusts the speed of tornado rotation.

    Gravity sets the force of gravity.

    Wind Force adjusts the force of wind.

    Wind Direction, Wind Direction 1 adjust directions of the wind.

    ConclusionPanopticum 3D-Objects plug-in was created for the purpose of working with 3D-images

    in Adobe After Effects and other compatible packages. It contains a big variety of adjustable parameters.

    The Panopticum team is pleased to provide you this simple and yet powerful product

    to make you work more exciting.

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    For installation of Panopticum Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 for One (1) Computer

    Panopticum, LLC Electronic End User License AgreementNOTICE TO USER: THIS IS A CONTRACT. BY INDICATING YOUR





    This Panopticum, LLC ( Panopticum ) End User License Agreement (the Agreement )

    accompanies software ( Software ) and related explanatory written materials

    ( Documentation ). The term Software shall also include any upgrades, modified versions,

    updates, additions, and copies of the Software licensed to you by Panopticum. Panopticum

    grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the Software and Documentation, provided that

    you agree to the following:

    Use of the Software. You may:

    Install the Software in a single location on a hard disk or other storage device of up to the

    number of computers indicated in the upper left hand corner ( Permitted Number

    of Computers ) of this Agreement. Make one backup copy of the Software, provided your

    backup copy is not installed or used on any computer. HOME USE. The primary user of each

    computer on which the Software is installed or used may also install the Software on one

    home or portable computer. However, another person may not use the Software on the

    secondary computer


    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    Panopticum Triangles

    Applying the Panopticum Triangles to your image will lead to depicturing your imagewith a set of triangles. If you want the triangles to form a special picture as an inscriptionor a silhouette, just indicate the appropriate layer containing the mask you need. Anyopaque image on the transparent background can serve as a mask.

    The Triangles Shape parameters list contains parameters adjusting the appearanceof the 3D model.

    Shape Source Layer lets you define the mask image;Need Skeleton determines whether your model needs or not to havea central ridge the line that goes through the center of a silhouetteand on which all thetriangle vertexes meet.Border Roughness indicates the accuracy of correspondence of the modelborders to those of initial mask.Density sets the number of triangles.Scale Z defines the 3D model relief. The 0 value of the parameters givesa flat model. The degree of the model relief is directly proportional to the value

    of this parameter.

    All other parameters are identical with those of Panopticum 3D Object.

    License Agreement


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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6

    License Agreement

    at the same time the Software on the primary computer is being used.

    Copyright. Panopticum and its suppliers own the Software, and its structure,

    organization and code are the valuable trade secrets of Panopticum and its suppliers. United

    States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions also protect the Software. You must

    treat the Software just as you would any other copyrighted material, such as a book. Youmay

    not copy the Software or the Documentation, except as set forth in the Use of the Software

    section. Any copies that you are permitted to make pursuant to this Agreement must contain

    the same copyright and other proprietary notices that appear on or in the Software. You

    agree not to modify, adapt or translate the Software. You also agree not to reverse engineer,


    disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. Trademarks

    shall be used in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification

    of trademark owner's name. Trademarks can only be used to identify printed output produced

    by theSoftware. Such use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that

    trademark. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual


    rights in the Software.

    Transfer. You may not rent, lease, sublicense or lend the Software or Documentation.

    You may, however, transfer all your rights to use the Software to another person or legal


    provided (1) that you transfer this Agreement, the Software, including all copies, updates and

    prior versions and all Documentation to such person or entity, (2) that you retain no copies,

    including copies stored on a computer, and (3) that the receiving party accept the terms and

    conditions of this Agreement. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL PANOPTICUM OR








    Governing Law and General Provisions. This Agreement will be governed by the laws

    in force in the State of New Jersey excluding the application of its conflicts of law rules.

    This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. If any part of this

    Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the

    Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You agree that

    the Software will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any

    manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws,

    restrictions or regulations. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you

    to comply with its terms. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an

    authorized officer of Panopticum.


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    Panopticum Lens Pro 3.6


    Panopticum Lens Pro is a very powerful tool for creation of magnificent effectswith lenses of any kind, shape, optical characteristics, etc. Use it and enjoyworking with our software.

    The information in this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change

    without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Panopticum, LLC.

    Panopticum, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear

    in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement

    printed at the end of the document and may only be used or copied in accordance

    with the terms of such license.

    Panopticum is a trademark of Panopticum, LLC. Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe AfterEffects

    are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer,

    Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark

    or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other products or name brands are trademarks

    of their respective holders.

    Panopticum, LLC7277 Via Vico WYSan Jose, CA 95129 USAPhone: (408) 891-9224Fax: (408) 904-5657http://www.panopticum.comTech Support: [email protected] 2001 Panopticum, LLC.All rights reserved.

    http://www.panopticum.com/mailto:[email protected]?subject=About%20Lens%20Pro3.6mailto:[email protected]?subject=About%20Lens%20Pro3.6mailto:[email protected]?subject=About%20Lens%20Pro3.6http://www.panopticum.com/http://www.panopticum.com/