Lets get healthy , understand the wellness evaluation Week 3

Lets get healthy, understand the wellness evaluation Week 3

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Page 1: Lets get healthy, understand the wellness evaluation Week 3

Lets get healthy , understand the

wellness evaluation Week 3

Page 2: Lets get healthy, understand the wellness evaluation Week 3

What to do

Introduce yourself and your Nutrition club if you are in one

Give your testimonial

Explain the Wellness assessment – We will take your height and then ask you to step onto our Tanita scales these are medical scales and show us what is happening inside your body and how best to develop a nutrition plan based on your desired results you have written down here.

We as health coaches focus on the body composition not weight- body composition tells us more about your health including Body fat and gives us a true reading of where you are at and where you need to be

Use your nutrition club pitch book – if you don’t have one you can order one through Damian and Beatrice – this will guide you through how to talk about aloe, herbal beverage and the Nutritional meal and explain some of the back ground as well as the set the scene for the wellness evaluation

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Imagine Your Self Here!!!Changing lives ALL IS POSSIBLE!

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Now Let’s Introduce Herbalife Cellular Nutrition & Discuss YOUR Wellness Evaluations


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What Is Cellular Nutrition

The human body is composed of between approx 100 trillion cells. Your body is designed by its creator with its own intrinsic capacity to repair, heal and renew itself.


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But how well your cells function, and the quality and integrity of the new cells your body creates, depend on the nutrients they are provided on a daily basis. You are, indeed, what you eat. Cellular nutrition is simply the strategy to provide the cells with all the nutrients they need at optimal levels.


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The cells can then decide what they need to function optimally. It puts the wisdom of the body to work by providing what it needs. Give the body the right nutrition and it will take care of itself.


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Based on ongoing research now led by Dr David Heber at University of California, Los Angeles' Mark Hughes Cellular and Molecular Laboratory, a patented program of nutritional supplements have been developed and successfully used over the past three decades by tens of millions of people all over the world. This cellular Nutrition is known as..


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Your Body Requires

114 Essential Nutrients Daily Herbalife Makes Getting

All Of Them As Easy As 1-2-3!

Formula 1- Macronutrients

Formula 2- Micronutrients

Aloe & Fat burning –Antioxidant beverage

Get with your coach to get samples & start your healthier

life today!


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Formula 1- A nutritional shake drink that can replace or complement a meal, depending on your health status. This provides the body's cells with all the macronutrients it needs e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber.

Formula 2- A multivitamin/mineral tablet that supplies the cells with their micronutrients: vitamins, minerals and trace elements along with vegetable extracts.

ALOE & Herbal Beverage –A cold pressed aloe drink that promotes regeneration of the villi for absorption of your Nutritional Shake and the tablet described above. It rehydrates and fills the refuels muscles with nutrients depleted during exercise. Thermo is antioxidant energizing beverage puts you into fat burning zone 33% faster


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FIT CHALLENGE!This is a Typical Diet to get Sick, Overweight and Die at an early age.


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The Obesity in our Children Is

considered an Epidemic!



Statistics are alarming!

Year 1980 Year 2005

Overweight 33% 67%

OBESITY 14% 33%For the first

time in history a 5 year old child is not expected to outlive their


N.Z Herald NZ 2nd fattest Nation in the world behind USA

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1990 20102000 20081995

Obesity in our youth is now an Epidemic!

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WEIGHT Its Just A Number. Look

at this

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2.2 Kg of muscle vs. 2.2 kg of fatThis is why you can not accurately assess your

progress by just weight. You are losing fat while gaining lean muscle.

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Body Fat %

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Rating Women Men Consequences

Obesity II 40% or more 35% or more Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Strokes,


Obesity I 30%-40% 25%-35%High Risk of: Diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, strokes, arthritis, menstrual

Problems and high/low blood pressure.

Overweight 25%-30% 20%-25%Fatigue, digestive problems, circulatory

problems and artery pressure problems.

Normal 20%25% 15%-20%More energy , Vitality resistance Slower


Athlete 15%-20% 10%-15%Lean, minimal fat storage, not a

recommended range for women who are trying to conceive

Underweight 10%15% 5%-10%Anorexia, bulimia, Bones decalcification,

Muscle loss.

DANGER 0%10% 0%-5%Asthenia, degenerative sickness,

osteoporosis and death.

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Body Water


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Less than 45% 45%-55% More than 55%

MALE Less than 50% 50%-60% More than 60%

Drink a



half of




in Li


of wate




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Muscle MassThe weight of muscle in your

body.Muscles play an important role because they act as the body’s engine in consuming energy (calories). As you exercise more, your muscle mass increases, which in turn accelerates the rate of energy or calories consumed. Increasing your muscle mass will raise your metabolic rate, helping you reduce excess body fat and lose weight the healthy way.

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Key elements of the body are Lean Muscle 1 gram PROTEIN to 1KG of weight Water Bone

1. How to calculate your customers protein number *Needs will depend on age, gender lifestyle Men 100-200 gm protein per day ( more red blood cells and are bigger) Women 50-100 gm Protein per day ( some women may not get enough, women may need

more depending on the amount of muscle you have and your lifestyle ) Balance of plant and animal proteins If you want to increase lean muscle you need to increase protein by 1.5 to 2 times You need to have your protein counter with you and then work out their protein number

do this by taking muscle and times it by 2

This is why you need a protein shake – cost effective , fun, simple and magical- and inexpensive When you feed the muscle you need to feed it and this will support the skeleton. If your

not getting enough protein your body will not be able to function optimally and other nutrition will not be able to use effectively.

Your meant to eat at least 4-5 times per day If you don’t feed your body and have enough muscle your body will go into


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Physique Rating 1 Hidden Obese 2 Obese 3 Solidly-built 4 Under

exercised 5 Standard

6 Standard Muscular

7 Thin 8 Thin &

muscular 9 Very muscular

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Daily Cal Intake This is the number of calories you

should be eating a day. It’s hard to believe that sometimes

you need to eat more to lose more. Once your body thinks is will be fed enough daily, it can get rid of the fat it’s storing.

If you reduce your calorie intake by 500 a day for seven days, you will lose 500 g a week.

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Metabolic Age Metabolic age is different from chronological

age. Your chronological age is your age by calendar

years. Your metabolic age depends on your metabolism

or overall chemical processes of the body, which is based on your health.

If your metabolic age is lower than your chronological age, you are fitter or in better health than average. If your metabolic age is higher than your chronological age, you are less fit and healthy than average.

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Bone Mass

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Low Bone Density

Healthy Bone Density

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FIT CHALLENGE!Visceral Fat – Is the fat in the abdominal cavity (Stomach) surrounding the vital organs

1-12 is acceptable healthy range

13 to 59 is unacceptable and changes need to be made in your lifestyle