Lets Take A Moment and Talk About The Most Important Person In The World - You Isn’t it strange, that the very thing that provides the money for your home (mortgage / rent), home contents, car, entertainment, food, school and university fees for your children, utility bills, holidays, your yacht, and an ongoing income (financial security) for you and your family is probably not insured, we are of course talking about…YOU. Your two most valuable assets are your Health and your Wealth; which you have accumulated over many years of hard work. You have spent your lifetime putting your assets together (your property, investments and cash etc). Unfortunately your assets can be taken from you at a moments notice, with severe and quite often catastrophic consequences for you and your family. Well if you will allow me; I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together “You see, I believe I can render you and your family a great service, as I have done for many people over the last 20 years or so. And in so doing, I have made it a practice of telling my stories, ideas, and concepts to as many people as possible “Who care to listen”. As they may be of value to you in your future; do you have a few monuments, without cost or obligation, after all it’s your life’s work we are talking about” "Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing nothing at all…costs a lot more" ... a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell; and great was the fall of it. MATTHEW vii: 26, 27.

Lets Take A Moment and Talk About The Most Important Person In The World - You

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Lets Take A Moment and Talk About The Most

Important Person In The World - You

Isn’t it strange, that the very thing that provides the money for your home (mortgage / rent),

home contents, car, entertainment, food, school and university fees for your children, utility

bills, holidays, your yacht, and an ongoing income (financial security) for you and your

family is probably not insured, we are of course talking about…YOU.

Your two most valuable assets are your Health and your Wealth; which you have

accumulated over many years of hard work. You have spent your lifetime putting your assets

together (your property, investments and cash etc). Unfortunately your assets can be taken

from you at a moments notice, with severe and quite often catastrophic consequences for you

and your family.

Well if you will allow me;

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

“You see, I believe I can render you and your family a great service, as I have done for many

people over the last 20 years or so. And in so doing, I have made it a practice of telling my

stories, ideas, and concepts to as many people as possible “Who care to listen”.

As they may be of value to you in your future; do you have a few monuments, without cost or

obligation, after all it’s your life’s work we are talking about”

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

... a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand;

And the rain descended, and the floods came,

and the winds blew, and beat upon that house;

and it fell; and great was the fall of it.

MATTHEW vii: 26, 27.


For the majority of people, "Life and Critical Illness (Heart Attack, Stroke, and Cancer)

insurance” should be the first type of investment security to be purchased.

Particularly where a dependent family is at stake, it is the height of folly to urge investment in

other directions, and it is quite beside the point to offer laborious explanations of the relative

merits of various classes and types of other investments.

The first duty of every person is to protect themselves and their household against want in

case of premature death and the contraction of a critical illness, and this can be done only

through the purchase of an adequate amount of Life and Critical Illness insurance. In

addition, as is well known, Life and Critical Illness insurance offers a convenient and safe

method of accumulating wealth at a very fair rate of return.

But the greatest purpose of Life and Critical Illness insurance is to protect. It takes time to

save, and where dependents must be protected, Life and Critical Illness insurance alone

guarantees the accumulation of a competency against the contingency of the saving period

being cut short by an untimely death or sickness, by providing money for immediate and

future delivery for people and their families when they need it most; on death, and the

contraction of a critical illness, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, while at all times protecting

their current and future wealth.

The majority of people live and should only be concerned with the Life and Critical Illness

(Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer) insurance stage and are removed by thousands of dollars from

the point where they can judiciously become direct investors along other lines.

“Nobodies lifetimes work, should be eroded on their death

or the contraction of a Critical Illness"

The 4 Most Important Questions You Can Ask Yourself

1. If you died today, right now, is everything taken care of; what problems are you

leaving for your family? What will THEY do…WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

2. If you suffered a heart attack, or contracted cancer and could not work; What

problems would that cause YOU? What will YOU do…WHEN THE MONEY

STOPS? More importantly if you suffered a heart attack, or contracted cancer during

your retirement, do you want to spend your money that you have put aside for income

generation or would you like to spend other people’s money – insurance money?

3. If your savings habit over the last 10 years continues to you are 65, will you be happy

with the result; will it provide for the retirement that you are looking for; after 40

years of work will you be pleased with your life’s work towards a comfortable

retirement? No - Where will this money come from?

4. If you cannot pay the university fees for your children now, how are you going to pay

them when they become payable? Where will this money come from?

How you answer these four questions; will clearly indicate to you, the merits of us getting


Would money, a cash lump sum, help in these circumstances – “Of Course” it would. Well

why don’t you protect yourself and your family (and your wealth, by insuring your money)

with Life Insurance and Critical Illness (Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer) insurance, and secure

your and your family’s financial security.

You see there is a 50% probability that you will get a critical illness – for example have a

heart attack or contract cancer – during your lifetime; and on average this will occur before

your 47 birthday. Now the question is, what effect will this have on you and your family;

what will you and your family do… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

So Lets Talk About you plc.

Are YOU PROTECTED, after all you insure your home and contents, your car, and in some

cases your yacht; but what about the very thing that pays for everything…YOU?

Isn’t it strange, that the very thing that provides the money for your home (mortgage / rent),

home contents, car, entertainment, food, school and university fees for your children, utility

bills, holidays, your yacht, and an ongoing income (financial security) for you and your

family is probably not insured, we are of course talking about…YOU. Its amazing how we

demand full replacement cost protection (new for old) on our homes and personal

property….and full replacement cost protection (new for old) on our cars, motorcycles,

yachts, and all of the material things; but have to think about insuring the CEO of the family

for full replacement value.

Its amazing we are willing to spend 750 USD pm on car loans or car leasing (a depreciating

asset) 250 USD pm on car insurance, 100 USD pm on cable TV, 75 USD pm on a mobile

phone etc….but have to think about insuring the very thing that pays for everything; we are

of course again talking about…YOU…together with entertainment, food, school and

university fees for your children, utility bills, holidays, your yacht, and an ongoing income

(financial security) for you and your family.

Don’t you think its strange, that the very thing that provides the money for “everything”; is

probably not insured, again we are of course talking about…YOU.

The bottom line is that many people and many families are simply not financial prepared for

the premature death of the financial (money) providers for themselves and their family.

Together with the cancelation of employment and the income it provides; should you the

income (money) provider contract a critical illness for example cancer.

Have you thought about, and pictured what would happen to you, and your family… WHEN


The most valuable asset is one that provides the most amount of money when it is needed

most…only life and critical illness insurance can do this; by providing money for immediate

or future use…when it is needed most. Now you insure your home and contents don’t

you….And you insure your car don’t you….Why not insure the very thing that pays for


Why We Go To Work

Most people go to work for one reason only; to earn money so that they can provide for their

and their family’s financial security, by providing MONEY.

Many would agree that this is true; so the extrapolation of the truth is; what will happen to

you and your family’s financial security… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

What are you going to do when the money STOPS?...You see because you have always

earned money you think that you will always have money…this is incorrect…one day you

will not be able to earn money…disability, illness, unemployment, old age, death…the

question is …..”How much of today’s money do you want to put aside – while you are able to

work – for your tomorrows…your family’s future financial security”

Picture the money stopping what does it look like for you and your family?

I Don’t Need Life Insurance

Perhaps You Don’t

But Your Widow and Children Do

Who’s Relying On YOU

Perhaps the following will help

When Martin died I lost so much – lover, confident, companion, counsellor – he was a

thousand things to me. And at the same time, THE MONEY STOPPED.

That last spending spree was over. It was time to pay the piper. But I had no money. And it

was the one thing that could have taken Martin’s place to some extent.

Money cannot compensate two children for the loss of a father. Money cannot reach out in

the middle of the night and caress you. Money cannot come home at night with a brief case, a

twinkle and a hug. But money can give you ease. And peace of mind.

And I had no peace of mind. Martin had left no money.

He didn’t even have Life Insurance*. In a quirky arrogance, Martin had distained the 10,000

USD insurance policy. “Its just peanuts” he scoffed.

He was so wrong. It wasn’t peanuts. It was peanut butter – and milk and hamburger and juice

and shoes. It was the orthodontist and the paediatrician. It was summer camp. It was LOVE.

“I could die happy” Martin told me once, “if only I knew that you and the children were

provided for”. But we weren’t. Despite the 14 months of dying (where they had to spend

their life savings), he left our affairs in a terrible mess (THE MONEY STOPPED; they had

spent their life savings because they had no life and critical illness insurance)*.

Strange for a man who was scrupulously orderly. But he had never found the strength to

straighten out our finances, to discuss how the children and I would manage on our soon to

be rigorously reduced income. The strength to act, to initiate, to plan had left him.

Source: Widow by Lynn Caine 1974 (note the book was written in 1974 and is a true story; sadly there are

many “Widows and Orphans” just like Lynn and her two children. One in every 6 women in North America

over the age of 20 is a Widow)

* “Why did they spend their own money…when could have spent insurance company


So how much are your tomorrows worth to yourself and your family?

Now you can “Secure and Insure” yourself and your family TODAY; so that you and your

family can carry on in the event of your premature death or the contraction of a Critical


Remember “When you stop everything stops, because THE MONEY STOPS” and without

insurance, all of your previous successes, achievements, and wealth are wiped out – all that

hard work by you throughout your lifetime is taken from you – your “life’s work” is taken

from you.

It isn’t that most people do anything wrong, its that they do nothing….and if you do

nothing you can only expect to get nothing. Now “Some people” aspire to more than

nothing! How about YOU…what do you want for yourself and your family?

Now it doesn’t have to be that way – you can choose to do the right thing and making sure

everything is taken care of, for you and your family; by arranging adequate life and critical

illness insurance on your life (the money and income provider) who pays and provides for

everything…again we are talking about…YOU.

Still not convinced then please take a look at “THE FACTS”.

Why you need protection

We are living longer but not necessarily always enjoying good health

Life expectancy for Hong Kong people is 80 for males and 86 for females1

Medical advances mean you are more likely to survive a serious illness

Each year nearly 20 million people survive heart attacks and strokes; many requiring

continuing, and costly, medical care2

10 million people survive strokes each year. Of these stroke victims 40% experience

moderate to severe impairments requiring special care3


1. Hong Kong Population Projections 2010-2039

2. World Health Organisation – www.who.int 2008

3. World Health Organisation – www.who.int and The University Hospital – www.universityhospital.com

both 2008

More Hong Kong people suffer from Cancer

“Based on Hong Kong Census & Statistics Department figures, cancer was the leading cause

of death which accounted for about 30% in 2011. There is also an increasing trend for Hong

Kong people suffering from cancer as well and according to Hong Kong Cancer Registry, 1

in 4 men and 1 in 5 women in Hong Kong will contract cancer”1

Source: 1

“Leading causes of death by sex and age, 2011” in Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (2012 Edition) by Census and

Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Reasons to Plan

Every year more than 30 million people in the world survive cancer, heart attack or stroke1

People are 5 times more likely to suffer a critical illness, than to die before retirement2

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the UK3

Every year around 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke1

During a lifetime there is a 1 in 51 chance of suffering from heart disease

The chance of prematurely dying between the ages of 25 and 64 is:

- 1 in 6 for males

- 1 in 9 for females4

UK Cancer Statistics5

– see also Appendix A

The average person has a 1 in 31 chance of suffering from cancer in their lifetime

Every year, there are 298,000 newly diagnosed cases of cancer

6 months is the average time people take off work to recover from chemotherapy and

radiotherapy, after a diagnosis of cancer6

There is a 1 in 3 chance of suffering from cancer

1 in 4 cancer cases are diagnosed under the age of 60

Of all cancers cases that are diagnosed:

- 1 in 10 per year are adults between the ages of 25 and 49

- 45% are women, with breast cancer between the ages of 25 and 49.

54% of people have no life insurance7

Only 13.7% of people have critical illness insurance7

4 in 5 cancer patients suffer a loss of income and/or higher costs as a result of their



1 WHO 2010

2 healthcare-solutions.co.uk

3 www.bupa.co.uk

4 American survey 2007

5 Cancer research UK 2011

6 www.criticalillness.co.uk

7 Barclays Survey 2010 (UK)

8. www.macmillan.org.uk October 2014

The Facts

Almost everybody knows someone who has suffered a heart attack, heart bypass, cancer, or a

stroke, and survived; with improvements in modern medicine leading to higher recovery

rates. Critical Illness insurance can pay out a TAX FREE lump sum of money if you are

diagnosed as having contracted a critical illness.

Critical Illness “The Facts”

You are 5 times more likely to suffer from a critical illness than to die before your


1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women will contract one of the illnesses covered by a standard

critical illness policy before they reach 70 years of age.

95% of strokes occur in people aged 45 and older. From age 55 the rate of strokes

doubles every 10 years.

Hong Kong

Cancer accounts for 75.5% of critical illness claims, with the average age being 43.7

years old.

6% of all claims are for strokes, with an average age of 47.5.

4.8% of claims are due to heat attacks, with an average age of 48.8.

Critical Illness Insurance

It’s Not Life Insurance


Cancer is currently the No. 1 killer disease in Hong Kong, while cardiovascular

disease (i.e. heart disease) and cerebrovascular disease (i.e. stroke) are No. 2 and No.

4 respectively1 - see also Appendix B

Source: 1

“Leading causes of death by sex and age, 2011” in Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (2012 Edition) by Census and

Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The Cost Of Surviving

Critical Illness Claims By Gender

Source: www.friendslife.co.uk





Critical Illness Male Claims History


Heart Attack







Critical Illness Female Claims History


Multiple Sclerosis



“Why spend your own money…when you can spend

insurance company money”

The 4 Most Important Questions You Can Ask Yourself

1. If you died today, right now, is everything taken care of; what problems are you

leaving for your family? What will THEY do…WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

2. If you suffered a heart attack, or contracted cancer and could not work; What

problems would that cause YOU? What will YOU do…WHEN THE MONEY

STOPS? More importantly if you suffered a heart attack, or contracted cancer during

your retirement, do you want to spend your money that you have put aside for income

generation or would you like to spend other people’s money – insurance money?

3. If your savings habit over the last 10 years continues to you are 65, will you be happy

with the result; will it provide for the retirement that you are looking for; after 40

years of work are you pleased with your life’s work towards a comfortable

retirement? No - Where will this money come from?

4. If you cannot pay the university fees for your children now, how are you going to pay

them when they become payable? Where will this money come from?

How you answer these four questions; will clearly indicate to you, the merits of us getting


Remember that there is a 50% probability that you will get a critical illness – for example

have a heart attack or contract cancer – during your lifetime; and on average this will occur

before your 47 birthday.

Now the question is, what effects will this have on you and your family; what will you and

your family do… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

If you contracted a critical illness and was diagnosed with a few years to live – how would

you want to live the last years of your life; working to survive, spending your life savings

leaving nothing behind for your family. And how would everything be taken care of for your

family on your premature death… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

Well instead of spending your assets that you have spent your lifetime putting together (your

property, investments, cash etc); “You can spend insurance company money” instead.

This will leave your assets in place and untouched for the reasons they were established; for

example the provision of a family home, school and university fee planning, and your

retirement fund, and most importantly it will provide an ongoing income for your family. In

short the reason why we all go to work; is to earn money so that we can provide financial

security for ourselves and our family.

The alternative is to sell the family home, spend the children’s education fund, and

spend your retirement fund – leaving nothing for your family. Most importantly no

ongoing income to replace yours – remember you pay and provide for everything.

Surely you do not what your life story, your life’s work to end like that

The answer is simple: insure the very thing that provides for everything; the money for your

home (mortgage / rent), home contents, car, entertainment, food, school and university fees

for your children, utility bills, holidays, your yacht and an ongoing income (financial

security) for you and your family…again we are of course talking about insuring…YOU.

Well if you will allow me; I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a life

time putting together.

Why don’t you take a look at the questions on the next page – Client Notes.

It may help you collect and organize your thoughts.

Client Notes: Life Is Serious

We will ALL either “Live too long or die too soon”; so

So Lets Get Serious and Put YOUR Family First

“The provision of financial security for you and your family”

Complete Section A: If you died today – how much are your tomorrows worth to your


How many “months” can YOUR FAMILY continue financially, how much money

“cash” have you left them? What will YOUR FAMILY do…WHEN THE MONEY

STOPS? What is the minimum income pa your wife and family requires to carry on? Where

will this money come from?

Additional –

School Fees - Where will this money come from?

Debts, loans, mortgages - Where will this money come from?

Complete Section B: If you could not work again due to ill health (cancer / heart attack) –

how much are your tomorrows worth to you and your family?

How many “months” can YOU continue financially, how much money “cash” do you

have? What will YOU do…WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

What is your income shortfall pa to carry on? Where will this money come from?

The most valuable asset is one that provides the most amount of money when it is needed

most…only life and critical illness insurance can do this; by providing money for immediate

or future use…when it is needed most. It guarantees the right amount of money will be paid

to the right person at the right time. No other investment can do this – NONE. Now you

insure your home and contents don’t you….And you insure your car don’t you….Why not

insure the very thing that pays for everything…YOU

Complete Section B: When you retire –

1. What is the minimum income pa you require? Where will this money come from?

Question: If your saving habit over the last 10 years continues to age 65, will you be happy

with the results; will it provide the retirement that you are looking for? After 40 years of

earning money, are you pleased with your life’s work towards a comfortable retirement?

Where do you want to be when you retire…how much do you need for yourself and your

family…well did you know that you can insure and secure that amount today.

Your Answers:

£ / $ / HKD £ / $ / HKD

Section A: If I Died Today

Minimum income pa family requires?

(For example 10 times current pa income)


School Fees / University 150,000 USD per child

Debts, loans, mortgages


Employee Life Insurance

(Typically a small amount, say 2 years salary*)

Current Personal Life Insurance Sum Assured

Cash in Bank Account

Do not include other liquid assets as your family

will need those assets for retirement expenses.

And lets not talk about selling the family home;

where would your wife and children live?

Total Cash Required / Shortfall

(Where will this money come from?)

Section B: If I Contracted Cancer Today

(30%-50% probability in my lifetime – see Appendix A)

Total Cash Required / Shortfall - similar to above?

But again do not include liquid assets as you and your family

will need those assets for your retirement expenses.

*Also increase amount by the employee life insurance,

as you have not died; but you no longer work.

You have lost your income money, but your

expenses continue. (Where will this money come from?)

Section C: My Retirement – (Where will this money come from?)

Average Life expectance age 85

What is the minimum income pa I require?

Total Cash Required / Shortfall

If your saving habit over the last 10 years continues to age 65, will you be happy with the

results; will it provide the retirement that you are looking for? After 40 years of earning

money, are you pleased with your life’s work towards a comfortable retirement?

Where do you want to be when you retire…how much do you need for you and your

family…well you can insure and secure that amount today.

How you answer these questions will clearly indicate to you, the merits of us getting together.

Next Steps

I will be pleased to talk through the concepts outlined in this brochure with you; and to

explore your options.

As I would like to help you keep together

What you have spent a lifetime putting together

With over 20 years of experience, I have developed some interesting stories, ideas, and

concepts that may be of value to you in your future, and I would like to share these with you

without cost or obligation.

People tell me that I have rendered a great service to them; so I make it a practice of telling

my story to as many people as possible…“Who care to listen”.

Now I don’t know if my services will be of any benefit to you; because if you don’t find

yourself in a better position financially, having met me…then I am of no value to you.

However I guarantee that you will have a better knowledge of how to make the most of your

most valuable asset…. YOU!

Helping you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

I have helped many people and their families by rendering them a great service, which I

would like to offer to you and your family.

Should you wish to get together to talk further then please let me know…I look forward to

meeting and being of service to you.

You can also find out more about me, including testimonials and the services that I provide,

by reading my blog at www.wealthmanagementhongkong.com

Gary Williams

MBA (Durham) BSc (Hons) FPC MAQ CeRER

“With over 20 years experience as an International Independent Financial Adviser; I provide

specialist advice, together with extensive international experience. Providing my clients with

the experience and expertise that they are looking for” – Why Don’t you “Give us a try”!

Appendix A – Half Of UK People Will Get Cancer

By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website 4th

February 2015

One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives,

analysis suggests.

Cancer Research UK said this estimate, using a new calculation method, replaced a forecast

of more than one in three people developing the disease.

It said longer life expectancies meant more people would be affected.

But it was not inevitable and improving lifestyle, such as losing weight and quitting smoking,

could have a major impact, the charity added.

The good news is cancer survival figures are also rising.

The seemingly sudden jump in diagnosis estimates is down to researchers developing a more

sophisticated and accurate method for analysing the risk of cancer.

However, both the new and old methods show the same long-term trend - a rise in the

lifetime risk of developing cancer.

Nearly 54% of men will develop cancer, compared with just under 48% of women, the

figures indicate.

Food pipe tumours

Fewer deaths from heart disease and infections mean more people are living long enough to

develop cancer.

But lead researcher Professor Peter Sasieni, from Queen Mary University of London, said: "It

isn't inevitable.

"There is quite a lot we can do to prevent cancer and hopefully in many years' time I'll have

been proven completely wrong."

He is referring to lifestyle factors including obesity, red meat consumption and smoking that

increase the odds of a tumour developing.

Lung cancer cases are still increasing in women.

Breast cancer is likely to remain the most common cancer among women

He told the BBC that a healthy lifestyle could lower the lifetime risk from 50% to 30%.

Breast and prostate cancers are likely to remain the most common cancers in women and men


However, some cancers are rapidly becoming more common.

Tumours in the food pipe, caused by acid reflux in obesity, are being seen more often in


Head and neck cancers caused by the human papillomavirus are increasing and oral sex is

thought to be behind the rise.


Dr Harpal Kumar, the chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: "We have reached what

many would regard as an important milestone.

"We need to plan ahead to make sure the NHS is fit to cope, if the NHS doesn't act and invest

now, we will face a crisis in the future - with outcomes from cancer going backwards."

Dr Emma King, a head and neck surgeon at Poole Hospital, in Dorset, said rising cancer

cases would have a "huge impact on clinical services offered by the NHS".

The NHS needs to act to avoid a future cancer crisis, experts say

She said there needed to be more focus on prevention and strategies to ensure cancers were

caught early.

It is far easier to treat an early stage cancer so a patient is more likely to live and it saves the

NHS money.

Sean Duffy, the national clinical director for cancer at NHS England, said: "Cancer survival

rates in England are at an all-time high, but this new forecast shows it is more important than

ever to take a fresh look at how we can do even better."

He said there needed to be action on three fronts - better prevention; swifter diagnosis; and

better treatment, care and aftercare for all patients.

Remember then, that there is a 50% probability that you will get a critical illness – for

example have a heart attack or contract cancer – during your lifetime; and on average this

will occur before your 47 birthday.

Now the question is, what effect will this have on you and your family; what will you and

your family do… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

If you contracted a critical illness and was diagnosed with a few years to live – how would

you want to live the last years of your life; working to survive, spending your life savings

leaving nothing behind for your family. And how would everything be taken care of for your

family on your premature death… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

Strokes Rising Among People Of Working Age

By Smitha Mundasad, BBC News website 12th

May 2015

There has been a worrying rise in the number of working-age men and women having

strokes, a charity has warned.

In England in 2014 there were 6,221 hospital admissions for men aged 40-54 - a rise of 1,961

on 14 years earlier, a Stroke Association study shows.

Experts said unhealthy lifestyles were partly to blame for the rise, though the growing

population and changes to hospital practice also played a part.

Overall the rate of strokes is going down in the UK, however.

Researchers say based on their findings strokes should not be considered as a disease of the


Huge costs

Strokes are caused by blood clots or bleeds to the brain and can lead to long-lasting disability.

The majority occur in people aged over 65, and though rates are decreasing in this group, this

report suggests growing numbers of younger people are at risk.

Experts analysed national hospital admission data spanning 2000 to 2014.

These findings highlight the importance of ensuring your blood pressure and cholesterol

are under control, as well as having a health check at the age of 40Dr Mike Knapton,

British Heart Foundation

Trends for people in their 40s and early 50s appeared to be getting worse.

In women aged 40-54, there were an extra 1,075 strokes recorded in 2014, compared with


These findings highlight the importance of ensuring your blood pressure and cholesterol are

under control, as well as having a health check at the age of 40Dr Mike Knapton, British

Heart Foundation. Experts said growing obesity levels, sedentary lives and unhealthy diets -

which raise the risks of dangerous blood clots - all played a part.

And they argued strokes among this age group had long-lasting personal and financial

impacts on individuals and their families, as well as on the economy.

Recovering patients can find it difficult to return to work and should have more support from

employers, the report suggests.

Jon Barrick, of the Stroke Association, said: "These figures show stroke can no longer be

seen as a disease of older people.

"There is an alarming increase in the numbers of people having a stroke in working age.

"This comes at a huge cost, not only to the individual, but also to their families and to health

and social care services."

Alastair Morely was 34 years old when he had a stroke on New Year's Day four years ago.

Talking to the BBC, he said: "I had an excruciating headache, was being sick, couldn't walk

or talk very well."

It was later found that Mr Morely had a heart condition which had triggered the stroke and

after his rehabilitation the solicitor had a phased return to work.

"It was tough but I was lucky that I was young and my brain remapped around the damaged

area," Mr Morely added.

Pete Rumbold, from Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, was 49 when he had a stroke in

November2011: "It left me paralysed down the left side, unable to speak, swallow or see."

He warned that there were no outward signs he was at risk: "I was very fit, in the gym six

days a week and I eat healthily, but I had high blood pressure and didn't know about it."

"I hadn't been to the doctor for seven or eight years so my blood pressure wasn't checked for

a long time."

The Stroke Association said that even younger people should be aware of the warning signs

such as dizziness, difficulties with speech and changes in the face.

'Complex picture'

Dr Mike Knapton, at the British Heart Foundation charity, said the increase in stroke rates

among younger men and women was worrying and needed to be taken seriously.

"These findings also highlight the importance of ensuring your blood pressure and cholesterol

are under control, as well as having a health check at the age of 40," he said.

He added: "Although there is an increase in sedentary activity and obesity levels now, it is

only part of this complex picture."

Things to consider:

We are getting better at spotting the signs of stroke. And there are now new

drugs that can be used to treat people rapidly.

The population is rising and this accounts for some of the increasing numbers of


This study provides a snapshot of how stroke rates are changing but no study could

account for all the factors that could be responsible.

Appendix B – Cancer In Hong Kong Source: Hong Kong Hospital Authority www.ha.org.hk 2014 and the Hong Kong Cancer Registry


“Cancer has emerged as a major health problem in Hong Kong. Altogether 24,342 new

cancer cases and 12,316 deaths were registered in 2007. The corresponding numbers in 1998

were 20,091 and 10,691. This represented an increase of 21% in new case and 15% in death

in 10 years”. Source: Hong Kong Cancer Registry www3.ha.org.hk/cancereg 2014.

Appendix C – Critical Illness’s Worldwide

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