©o & ©o IEO 2P^^2smiiiiSig 2 £EH?ran5J (SORJSyffiTs IPIESfSJo Whole No. 2905. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 1867. Vol. LVII. No. 5- Poor House Business. Tbo Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor douse "it the 'Jtl Tuesday of each month. 330. ;r. 3LS3E,, Attorney at Law, Ufiire .Market Square, Lewistown, will at- tend to business in MitUin. Centre and Hunting don counties u>v2fi > C ? V-* <J urn JL f j Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA., OFf. LUS his professional services to the citizens of Mifflin county, turn-.- with D. W. Woods, esq., Kma street, below ? atioua! Hotel. mv 2 /"l - ?. -sp m A -\u25a0*. ?*? -i,-V cj "HAI? o . I^dß.JiXj£i2iTj Practicing Physician, Itclieville, .MHHin County, Fa. Tt". DA HI, FN has been appointed an Examining I/Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers reqairing exam- I ins! av. 1:; find him at his oiiice in Belleville, lie,, . die, August 22, 16' 0.-y D i*a XT T I io T R Y . J. S ?Ji § T H Hl>! I".'' I'Fl LLY inform the citizens of Lewistown i'. i . ni'y. a few doors from the Town Hail, in Mains ?utli.it he i- prepared to do all kind of work , i the in >1 a.- proteasion in the most aarntijic won i mr?in Whole Seta, Partial Sets, or Smgie 'teeth in- ; period on Gold. Silver,or Vulcanite Base.urun elegant and workmanlike manner, and oil the most reasotia- ; 5 t.'iins. H \u25a0 guarantees hi- work, or no pay. Partinibir at lent ion pa.d to the extracting and filling of ts -tli in the most approved manner. nov7-t m Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D. B. S, By a IVKAV PROCESS, " .s without the use of Chloro- jft? -?. form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox- ? .e?s.. . -' ide. and is attended by no | Ml danger or bad i t!e<-t>. If. * - j oifiee west Market street, ' L 'A. UsV mar Eisenbise's hotel. LEWISTOWN, where he can !>e found for professional consultation I r-'Mi the rtr-l Monday of each month until the fourth Monday, when he willbe absent on professional I usi- ness one week. ? seplO-lt DENTIST, OFFERS his professional services to tbe citizens ol i Lcwistown ami vicinity. All in want of good, neat | wor:; will do well to give him a call. Ho may be found at all times at his office, three doors ea't of H. M. & It. Pratt's store. Valley street, apw-ly* DENTAL CARD. IR- XV£_ KEEVER, SU It UEON DENTIST. ?TEETH Extracted WITHOUT P*IN | fi| °f N ITRDL'S <'XI I'E or 1 tnrSsMBA Laughing Gas. Teeth m-erted !! j Till the ditfereut styles of oases. Teeth I filled in the most approve I manner. Special atten- j t in given to diseased gums. Ail work warranted. Terms reasonable. "tfice at Episcopal Personage, Corner of Main and Water Streets. jylb NEW STOCK. _ ? The subscriber has ot received ami will Sfsf k ep ? a hand a select -toek of Men's, llovs' | lAj and Youth's Boot.-. Ladies'. M isscs arul Chil- wis.lren's Boots and Siii.es of various kinds and styles, to which he would invite the attention of his fr ads and the public generally. As it is ins intention NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD i y any dealer in the county, those in need of winter j boot.- or shoes are invited to call and examine the above -toek, which will be sold at very small profits. ! but for c.i-ti only, at the sign of the Bio SHOE, next j door to F. J. lloifman's store, sepia JOHN CLARKE. ! MRS. M. E. STEWART, Wist Market si., Lfwistowii, LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S I<urnishing OOD<. Sacks. Cloaks, Hats. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DSESB GOODS and Trimmings. Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Pflillinory and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewistown, April 18, 1866.tf REMOVED. J A. & W. R. BIcKSE Tt AVE removed their Leather .Store to Odd FVI- II lows' Hall, where they will e<instantly keep on band. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting ami Upper L' \u25a0r. K:ps, Atnern aii and French Calf "skins, Mo- : ... Linings ami Bindings, ami a gem IJII assoit- n fShoe Findings, which they will sell ehean for i lintiiest market price paid in cash f,.r i.ides, C ? f Sk us and Sheep Skins. '- ?* * O" " |] gs A * "f. ' wanted, f.-r which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. apitf PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. fPIIE nil DM-igm d has a large stock of iioth l ii n.'-ri a-Je and Ea-tern manufactured Bool*.and whi. ii he ottrr- at prices lower than he has - ? -t f.-ir years : Men's thick, d. B Mk, WtMtsd, fi oin 92.75 to 5."0. " K.p. ?? ?? " " 4HO to 6.00. " t'aif, 4 " " extra 4.50 to 6.00. I v." j; ?,ts, 100 to 3.00. n's thick Brogans. douhle-.-oied, 2.00 to 2.00. L-a -warranted very bad, 1.10. lluv \u25a0 Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2 25. \ - the taxes are to be reduced again on the first day ot \ i_i;-1. it also enables us to reduce our prices. IIDME-JIADE AVOilli of all kinds made to <??" r at reduced prices. So come on boys ami girls 6h I ? xannne f. r yourselves. TruuLs, Valises and Carpet Hags k" pt on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no 4' i- will he given out uuless paid for, and if re- ' i ii good order, the niowy will be returned, if r p. -ted. But when goods have been soiled or u r:i they will not be taken back?please bear this 1:i ! 'i : ,s s en. folks think that wearing for a sb"it time don t injure the sle of them afterwards, augl-if BILLY JOHNSON. 20.000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Penna- KLI.i'ITON is over anil it has been decided l>yabout 2 '.OOO majority timt the Tobacco ami Cigars s >]?< :' r.Vsitiger's Tobacco and Segar Store eantiot be Binp .--ed. either in Quality or Price. h "ik .tt the Prices, get some of the goods, and com- I ? ? .' tii all others, and you will be satisfied thutyou g; t tit" worth '>f your money at Krysinger's, bit singer's Spun Roll onlv Sl-OOper pound. rr\ singer's Navy " " i rv?, itger's Congress " " ?? " ? rvsinger's Flounder " " " " " dlelt Navy " ?* " ? Dronoko Twist " " " " And ping Tobacco at 4" and 56 <-ls per Pi. .'ft and Dry, 4:1-nil 50 ets. Granulated Tobaccos at ''? -- >ts , sti ets.. tl.no. it g . njd {i.ao ]>er It,. B:r,' -c :t chewing, at #1.40 and #l.2'J. -igars at 1, 1 3. 5 ami 10 cts. each, i t?s i n gr at variety; JtLso Cigir Cu-es. Tobacco ? oocl.es and Duxes. Match Safes, and all articles "-nail;, kcrjt m a lii-t-clas- Vobaeeo ami Cigar Store. M'-rehants, I offerthe. above goods at prices that " ?\u25a0nab!.- them to retail at the same prices that I no and realize a fajr profit. o( i2f. E. FRYSINGER. Splendid Syrup Molasses. ON E of the best articles! at 25 p*r qiuirt. at 0ct.24. F. J. HOFFM A N'S. Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts. 01 R artic-N- at tiiis price i*good. Also. White at 17, at 0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S. Dcn'c Forget f PO <ro to (K)FFMAX'S tor your PAT- -1 ENT MEDICINES Blacksmith's! YOt cati buy your Bar Iron at 5.}. Also on hand Steel Horse-Shoe Calks and Horse Siu>eiSt F. J. HUFFMAN'S Hubs, Spokes- Fellows, OTEEL. Runners, Ae. A great assort- k) rnent at F. J. HOFFMAN 3. Coal Oil and Lamps, A T I - J. HOFFMAN'S. I! 00t.24. Gas Burners, \ B a variety o! other beating Stoves il for sale low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Sole Leather, Upper, . / lALF S&ins, Murrnecu, Ac, at U 0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S. Nimrcd Cock! 17* VERY one who wants a good Cooking _J Stove, should cull and see this.at Uc1.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S j NEW ARRIVALS. 1) F. I.uup is receiving new g , ids every week, di- . root from the eastern laetory, and is prepared to sell Itoots cheaper than the ciifapest, having a huge assortment of all sizes and slylcs. Men's Hoots from J.; 50 to 5 00 Hoys' z 5o t<> 0 50. '1" 2 Ull to 2 3. Children's 1 i! 5 to 2 00. A good assortment of homemade work on hand, and constantly making to order all the latest styles. ' THE PATENT BOOTS are now creating a great css iiement and all who wish to have a pair of those pleasant boots can he accom- modated at short notice. Cull at the old stand. P. F. HOOP. GROVER & BAKER'S C E L E 11 II A T E 1) SEWING MACHINE| \Y?E wish to eai! the attention of Tailors. Shoemak- ' V? el's. Saddlers. Coaeh 'I riinmeis and Families to j these machines, a.s ttit-y ure OPERATED WITH THE GREATEST EASE, BE IN (i CAhhED THE NOISELESS MACHINE, Persons selecting a machine can have their choice OF SHUTTLE STITCH, OR GROVEII & BAKER STITCII, the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shown and explained. Extracts from New York Papers: "The Grover A Haker noiselesa machines are ac- knowledged to be superior to all others." ??The work executed by the Grover & liaker Ma- chine has reci ived the highest premium at every Slate Fair in the United Slates where it lias been ex- hibited." N. H.? We make no charge for LEARNING PURCHASERS TO SEW. We call them the CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS MA- CHINE NEEDLES, SILK TWIST & THREAD- P. V. LOOP, Agent for tlir above, Hoot and Shoe Maker, in the public square, Lewis- j town. novTy PHOTOGRAPHIC. K. At 11. T. ANTHONY &, CO., Manufaelurm of Phitugra] hie MaUri Is, WIIOLES.VLZ A.M> lIETAIL. 501 Broadway, 5. V. In a, hi ii ion to our main business of PH< >TOGRAPII- IC MA I E RIALS, we re headquarte* for the follow- ing, viz: Stereoscopes and stereoscopic Views, Of American ni.il Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups. Siatuary, Ac. Stereoscopic Views of the YVar, From negatives tnuitc in the various campaigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the con- test. Stereoscopic Views on Cllass, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo- scope. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp. Photographic Albums. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 2uo varieties from 50 rents to SSO each. Our Al- j bums have the reputation ol heing superior in beau- ' ty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Cleuerals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the ni"t celebrated Engravings. Paintings, Statues, Ac. < Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. ®J|Tlie prices and quality of our goods can- not fail to satisfy. jel3 ly WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTS NGS, . which will be made up to order in the neat- est and most fashionable styles. apl9 THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE ACE. Sash Stopper and Lock, Supports Either Sash at any Point. Secure Lock Whenever four Sash is Closed!! I r is FAR sup-rior to weights an 1 pulleys and don't I cost one-tilth as much. It can be applied tunny win. ?low. it will never wear out, nor gel out of order. 1 < itizeiis ot Lcwistown and vieimty can refer to Win. ; AIUCA. (Carpenter.) Individual rights and com- plete rigging for .-ale by . . . \VM. J. FLEMING, deeo-tf Menno P. 0., Mifflin co., PA j OUR STARCH CLOSS is the only Article us.-ti hv First Class Hotels, 1 1- si ui4<! ries, a sail Thou.Yumls ol* Fami- lies, ii Hl\ a lte:autiiill the iron pasi MM f .tiily over the cloth, saving much time and far ; lr. oo.MJS done up with it keep clean much longer, ; consequently vviiinot wear out so soon. It tuak's Old Linen look like Nciv. 0U 11 I M i> ER 1 A L uJ, u E Is the Btxt in the World. It is aoluhlo in hard a< well as soft water. It is put up in t? ie latest, neatest, and most convenient form ol any offered to the public. It is Warranted nut to Streak the Clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex- i truordinany induceinents. Address, N'KW YORK ST AIIC'II GLOSS CO., octlu 6m No. 21S Fulton St., New York. CROVESTEEN & CO., PIA N O FOii T E MANUFACTURERS, 409 Broadway, New York. fpll K attention of the Publie and the trade is invited 1 to our Nx w SCALE 7 OCI AVE R< WEWt lODPI ANo I-I .MI I'KS. wliieii for volume and purity of tone are loir.vailed * > any hitherto olf-.od in this m.o ket I bey contain all the modern improvements. French Grand Action. Jiarp Pedal. Iron Frame. Overstrung Bass. eu.-? and each instrument l .-ing made under tlo- personal >upm if Mr. J. M.GROVESTEKX. who h'.s let I a practical experience of over 35 years in their iiianukxoturc. is fullywarranted in every partic- ular. The ?' <}RO VESTF.EX I'IAXO FOR'tES" rrccival ll,e .1 a 11 I ';l J lrrit <? i\u25a0 i aU vthein ut tin <Ubratcl llirW', r?ir. Where were exhibited iustruineut* from the beet me kers of London. Paris. Germany, Philadelphia, Balti- inore. 80-ton and New A ork: and also at the Ameri- ca!) Institute b-r five su teeaaive yearn, 111** gold and silver medals trom both of which can be seen at our v arc-room. By tbe introduction of improvements we make a siil i.-..re perfect Piano Forte, and bv niatiufaeturiug large y. with i strictly cash system, are enabled to of- fer ti.ese iiistruuii'iits ut a price which will preclude all eompetition. Terms Net Cast) in Current Funds. 4tf-Descrtpt)ve Circulars Sent Free. wUMn ' Haines 5 Patent The Best and Most Effectual in Use. \u25a0VI'MEUOFS patents have been issue,) and various i, iii'provcments maiie on Safety Bridles, but there is nothing invidious in saving that the invention pa- i tented by Joseph (J. Hamcs tins place is superior ; to any yet ort'ered. comhining teat tire a of simplicity j and power in guiding and surging a horse or horses ] which no other possesses The essential feature of ; this patent is illproviding the driving rein with shift- j ing bearings, which form the points of attaehrnent ; between the rein and bit rings, and thus net upon the i bit directly, when casv and steady driving will con- trol the mum I. but when it requires a more severe application of the bit. said bearings leave the bit rings and give way to the straps to which they may be at- tached. This is all done by the regular driving line, no extra one being required, whn-ii ought to satisfy every person of the great superiority of this inven- tion to any other. The following certificates from well known gentle- men. some of whom have had much experience with horses will show the estimation in which tins bridle is held : LKWISTOWN, Aug. 21. 1860. Hiving occasion to try the Safely Bridle invented by Joseph O. Haines, of tins town, upon my runaway mare, tlio result has proven to my entire satisfaction tout any leirse can be prevented from running off or kicking. Mr. H. M. Pratt, whose large experience with horses induced me to call upon him to unve my more and test the safety bridle, concurs in the opin- ion that it is the best oridle that lias for its object the . i.lire control of a horse in harness or under the sad- dle. GEO. \V. HOOVER. LEWISTOWX, Aug. 21. 1566. loseph C. Haines?Dear Sir : After hav ing fullytri- ed your "afety Bridle on my untrained colts, l'tiud tiint your invention embraces all that is desirable in i a bridle. Its simple coiis;rneiion, and adaptation to ] any common briih?and any rein, cannot but make ! us use universal. The ease with which it can be ad- : j isted to a soft or hard mouthed horse isan excellent tcaiurc, rendering its use as effectual in preventing running or kicking as any other patent bridle or rein and as easy on the mouth as the common hit.ami as il is always read, at the critical moment, it cannot but recommend itself to all who will try or look at it. Respectfully yours, A. T. UAMILIOX,M. D. LEWISTOWX, December 8, 1860. 1 have been driving horses since I know anything about them, and have drove some very vieiousliorses and colts. In driving sticli with a common bridle, 1 never feel easy nor comfortable to enjoy the ride. It is more annoying, however, when you have persons with you and you can tell by the r 'countenance tt at they don't enjoy the ude from fcui of yi.ur horse running a little, or even running away. 1 have always tnuiigiit there might be a nridle o. bit so constructed that you could drive and hold horses with perfect ease and safety. The first of this kind 1 happened to see was Dr. Hurt man's. 1 thought it was very good, in the meantime it occurred to hie that the way the lines wonted on the bridle you could not draw the bit and let it drop quick enough on your horses. Some horses and colts when you surge tlieni tightly and cannot slack the lilies quickly, will balk and back wry ugly- I once saw Mr. t'hrists and Stamen's patent with the elastic strap, working on about the same principle as Dr. Hartinan's. Mr. Christ then gave me a bridle to try on my horse. I had the same objection to it 1 had to Dr. liartman's. My attention was next called to Mr. Jos. C. Haines' Patent, of our town. My attention was arrested immediately with the appearance of it. I have been using it for some two weeks quite successfully. 1 have drove along the railroad and other ugly places, feeling quite safe. I think it embraces all you can "et out of a bridle. If the public once get to see this bridle, tliev can't help but understand its simplicity, durability and effective- ness. and taken together, cannot help recommending ltseil'. Railroads are made ami being made through the couutry in every direction, crossing our public roads four or five times in as many miles sometimes. These crossings often occur at very ugly place. All parties are more or less afraid of meeting the trains wheu tliev are traveling for fear their horses will take tright, and not be able to hold them. This communi- ty remembers how seriously Dr. Isaac Hothrock, of Snyder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the new Tannery, last May. He found be could not hold his horse and then gut out of his buggy, ami the iiorse tore hiui around badlv. it." M. KEEVEIt. LKWISTOWN, Pa., August 21,1866. This community is well aware of the fact that in the midst of an extensive practice, Dr. G. W. Hoover was almost killed by the running oif of his mare. I drove this mare in single harness by using the Safety Bridle invented by Joseph C. Ilaines, and I found that she wa.- entirely under my control. I believe the Safety Bridle is all that can be desired for the security of life, limb, ami vehicle when used either upon a docile or vicious horse. 11. M. PRATT. e~ Any persons having fractious horses are invited to bring tnein to the undersigned, or during his ab- sence to Mr. PratL and they can readily be satisfied that any horse can not only lie prevented from kick- ing hut from running away. 1 have named the bridle '"The Eureka," signifying "I have found." JOSEPH C. HAINES. Lewistown, December 12,1566. O E T ZR, IT . IT! EY SAW. I hey say?Ah! well, suppose thev do, l ilt t.iu they prove the *torv true? Siisp"'!.," , na y ;ln se naught But malice, envy, want of thought; vvhy count yourself among the "they," ? io whisper what they dare not say ? 1 hey -ay But why the tale rehearse, Ami lielp to make the matter worse.' -No good , :in possibly accrue I ro'ii telling what may he tiutruo; Ami is it not a nobler plan 1 o speak ol ail the best you can 1 1 hey say?Well, if it should he so, need you tell the tale of woe ? Will it the bitter wrong redress, (r mulce one pang of sorrow less? ill it ".lie erring one r -store Heuceiorth to "go and sin no more?" 1 hey say?Oh ! pause, and look within, See how thy he.trr inclines to sin; \\ at-li. lest m dark temptation's hour 1 hou, too, shouhi'-t suit; beneath its power, Fity the frail, weep o'er their fall, But speak of guo.t or not at all. JVL ISCELL AMY. TJie Way l> Speak Ss> Boys. Many years ago, u certain minister was going one Sunday morning to his school rootu lie walked through a number of streets; as lie turned the corner, he saw assembled around a pump it party of little hoys who were playing at marbles. On seeing him approach, they began to pick up their marbles and run away as last as they could. One little fellow, not having seen him as soon as the rest, could not accomplish this so soon, and before he had succeeded in gathering up his mar- hies, the minister had closed on him and placed his hand upon his shoulder, fhey were face to face, the minister of God and the poor little ragged boy who had been in the act of playing marbles on Sunday morning. And how did the minister deal with the hoy? ior that is what I want you to observe. He might have said to the hoy, What are you doing here? You are break- ing the Sabbath ? Don't you deserve to he punished for breaking the com- mand of God ?' But he did nothing of the kind. He simply said: 1 Have you found all your marbles V ' No,' said the little boy, 4 1 have not' ' Then,' said the minister, 4 1 will help you to find them,' whereupon he knelt down and 1 elped to look for the marliles, and as he did so, remarked, I liked to play marbles when a little hoy. very much, and I think I can heat you, hut I never played marbles on Sun day. The little boy's attention was arrest- ed. He liked his friend's face, and he gan to wonder who he was. The min- ister of the Gospel said : 4 1 am going to a place, where I think you would like to be?will you eomo with mo?' 4 Where do you live?' asked the lit- tle hoy. ? \\ by, in such and such a place,' was the reply. ? Why, that is the minister's house,' exclaimed the hoy, as if lie did not sup- pose that kind man and the minister of the Gospel could be one and the same person. ' Why,' said the man, 4 1 am the minister myself, and if you will come with me I think I can do you some good.' Said the hoy : 4 My hands are dirty; I cannot go.' Said the minister, ' Here is a pump why not wash ?' Said the hoy, 4 I am so little that 1 can't wash and pump at the same time.' Said the minister, 4 Ifyou will wash I will pump.' lie at once set to work, and pump- ed, and pumped, and pumped; and as lie pumped the little hoy washed his hands and face till they were quite clean. Said the boy, 4 My hands are wring- ing wet, and I do not know how to dry them.' The minister pulled out of his pock- et a clean handkerchief and offered it to tho little boj-. Said the boy, 4 But it is clean.' 4 Yes,' was the reply, 4 But it was made to be dirtied.' The little hoy dried his face and hands with the handkerchief, and then accompanied the minister to the house of worship. Twenty years after, the minister was walking in the street of a large city, when a tall gentlemen tapped him on the shoulder, and looking into his face, said, 4 You can't remember me.' 4 No,' said the minister, 4 1 don't.' 4Do you remember, twenty years ago, finding a little hoy playing mar- bles around a pump? Do you remem- ber that hoy heing too dirty to go to school, and your pumping for him, and your speaking kindly to him, and tak- ing him to school.' 4 Oh,' said the minister, 'I do re- member.' 4 Sir,' said tho gentleman, 1 1 was that hoy. I rose in business and be- came a leading man. 1 have attained a good position in society; and on see- ing you to-day in tlio street, I felt bound to come to you, and say it is to your kindness and Christian discre- tion that 1 otve, under God, all I have attained and all that 1 am at the pres- ent worth. C'OMiieliiN. The ancients had an astonishing number of oils, soaps and perfumes. The Romans made large use of smeg- ma, a wash ball, for cleansing the skin in bathing. After taking a warm va- por bath, their bodies were annointed with perfumed oil. Cosmetics were in as large demand among the women ot ancient Rome as they are at the pros ent day, and every imaginable device was had recourse to, by them, for cor reeling imperfections in the color of their skin, hair, eyebrows, Ne. Flinv did not think it beneath his notice to record a number ofpn partitions of this kind, most of them obtained trom dif- ferent plants. Among these the peel- ings ot the pear, whet: boiled, had the credit of imparting to the hair a black color. Bear's grease was lauded tor its reputed property ot making the hair grow out from bald heads. Light hair was procured by applying the Ices ot vinegar and oils ot lentiseus, and black was made while by another wonder workingsubstanco Then there were means promised to make the hair crisp and to curl it. Ovid says that women dyed their gray locks with the juice ot herbs trom Germany, and that art gives them a more dazzling color than natural. Propertius accuses his mistress ot an excessive use of poma- tum. foolish attempts to change the color of the hair were then, as they are now, often punished by its entire loss. Ovid tells of a young person whose hail* fell out when endeavoring to change its chestnut color to that of black. The eyebrows were dyed black by the eggs ut ants and flies. A more practical plan was to straighten the hairs and dye them with a needle blackened in smoke. False hair was used by the Roman women. Martial ridicules one of the sex who, in her ag- itation at a visit from her lover, puton her false hair upside down. A similar deception was practiced in having ar- tificial eyelids. Tlie preparations intended, to pre- serve the complexion fresh and the skin soft were very numerous in an- cient Rome. The Empress Poppcea, in her journeys, always had with her a number of asses, the milk of which she used as a hath. The froth of fer- mented liquors was used lor this object. The soap most in request came from Gaul (France), and was of two kinds, the soft and the liquid ; it was made with goat's fat and the ashes of the beech. Wrinkles of the skin weresaid to le removed by the ireal of beans. This was also sometimes added to the water for the hath. The Roman satir- ical poets were very severe in their ridicule of those women who daubed their faces vvitli white lead or chalk. Modern chomistry has furnished me- tallic preparations, which have been so misapplied as to he made to enter into tho composition ot' various cosmetics. The effects of using them, such as thoso into which lead, bismuth, mercury, or arsenic enter, are most pernicious?oft- en damaging the health and sometimes causing death itself. The KcbeJ Defences fn Charles- toil ilartmr. Fort Moultrie is a ruin. The walls still stand, hut the barracks are gone. It is now occupied by a company of colored troops. Down the beach is Fort Beauregard, with no guns, how- ever. grinning defiance across the hay. Between the two forts stand a group of ragged palmettoes, their bark scar- red with many a mark of shell and bullet. Sumter, against whose face had been hurled the iron rain from floating and stationary batteries, still stands, its brick wall facing toward the city almost untouched. The front or sea wall is an inclined plane, some thirty-five feet in height. Its interior resembles the dry bed of a lake, and it is not until you have descended and entered the casemates that you per- ceive where its immense strength lay. A small wooden lighthouse now stands on the portion facing the sea, and, it is said, indicates tho spot where a turret- ed iron clad fortress is to he erected. A walk around the battered wall, a glimpse cf a squad of colored soldiers, and an examination of the casemates, and you have seen all there is of Sum- ter. Morris Island shows more traces of the fight than any other portion of tho harbor fortifications. A few guns are still pointed towards the city. Ilav ersacks, knapsacks, and camp equip- ago, are strewn along the beach. Bat- tery Wagner appears to ho nothing but an open earth work, with no protec- tion tor the gunners. Shells, if prop- erly aimed, could have fallen anywhere. Tho fort now consists of two high sand walls running parallel, and is garrison- ed by a squad of colored troops. On the extreme end Vinegar Hill has en- tirely disappeared, and tlio lighthouse is a tiling of the past. Just beyond Lighthouse Inlet is Folly Island, where Cxen. Gillmoro planted his masked bat- tery, mounted the 'Swamp Angel/ which threw shells into the city, and gained a march on his antagonists which was never recovered. PiC'Sircl's i'atcnt tor Tanning l.oatlaer in one Day. The German papers give the follow- ing which is described as a simple and cheap method. The inventor guaran- tees to tan any kind of leather in 0110 day, the work to he perfect, the leather to be as tough and as strong as any that is prepared otherwise. The ma- terials used are oil of turpentine, mix- ed with extract of tannin, and the me- chanical operation is by imparting mo- tion to the sk'ns, which are put into fulling vats. After washing, depilat- ing, and removing the upper skin from the hides v instead of consigning them to the miserable pit, they are put into fulling vats. These contain a decoc- tion of alum in ease the leather is to remain white, or if it is to bo colored i he decoction is that of catechu, sumac, or any other tannin substance. The vat being carefully fastened is put in motion for some hours. By tho mo- tion, the alum or the other substances penetrate the pon s of the skin, and prepare it for tlie reception of the ex- tract which is the principal tanning agent. Tho turpentiuo compound is then poured into the vat, which is again fastened, and subjected to the same ro- tary motion as before. This likewiso lasts some hours. The extract, having to work upon pores already open to receive it, begins its work as soon us the evolutions have commenced, and so powerful is its energy that in less than twenty-four hours the work is ac- complished and tho skin is thoroughly tanned. After tho operation tho skins require only to be freed from the smell of turpentine and the resinous parti- cles that stick to it, both of which are removed by washing. The leather is then hammered, smoothed, and finish- ed in the common way. Small skins, such as those of calf, sheep, and goats, which are chiefly re- served for morocco, are treated in the same way as largo hides, with tlm dif- ference only, that a quantity of salt is added to the decoction of alum, etc., and the time allowed for the operation is about half that taken up for heavy leather. Thus we have a method at once short and cheap, and applicable to white as well as morocco leather, both of which can ho prepared at one and the same time.? &kin and Leather Reporter. G feiims Ward's Threshing Ma- chine. My wife's exceedingly practycal wo- man. I luv her muchly, however, and humor her little ways. Its a recklis falsehood that she henpecks me, and tho young man in our neighborhood who said to me as I was distendin my diafram with a gentle cocktail at the village tavern?who said to me in these very langwidge. 'Go homo old man, onlessyou want another tea pot throwd at you by B. J.' probably regrets hav- in said so. i said, ' Betsy Jane is my wife's front name, gentle youth, and I permits no person to alood to her as B. J., outside of'the family circle, of which lam it principally myself. Your other observations I scorn and disgust, and I must polish you off.' He was a able- bodied young man, and, reraovin his coat, he inquired if I wanted to be ground to powder? I said yes, if there was a powder grindist handy, nothin would ford rnc greater pleasure, when he struck mo a painful blow into my right eye, causing me to make a rapid retreat into tho tire place. I hadn't any idea that the enemy was so well organized. Eat I rallied and went for him in a rather vigris ; style for my time of life. His parents lived near by, and 1 will simply state that fifteen minutes had only elapsed after the first hit, when he was carried | home on a shutter. His mamma met the solium procession at the door and alter keerfully looking her offspring over, she said : 4 My son, 1 see how it is distinctually. You've been foolin j around a thrashin Masheen. You went in at the place where they put the grain into the thingamyjig and let the bosses tread on you, didn't you, my son V Tho pen of no livin orthur could describe that disfortunit young man's sitawation more clearer. Eat I was sorry for him, and I went and nussod him till he got well. His reg'lar orig- inal father had been sent to the war. I told him I'd be a father to him my- self. He smilt a sickly smile, and said I'd already been wussthan two fathers i to him. crier of a court in Ireland once endeavored to suppress the crowd by exclaiming: 'All ye blackguard# what isn't lawyers leave the court. fta#"* Remember the poor?printer#

Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa) 1867-01-30 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032276/1867-01-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf©o & ©o IEO 2P^^2smiiiiSig 2 £EH?ran5J (SORJSyffiTs IPIESfSJo

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Page 1: Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa) 1867-01-30 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032276/1867-01-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf©o & ©o IEO 2P^^2smiiiiSig 2 £EH?ran5J (SORJSyffiTs IPIESfSJo

©o & ©o IEO 2P^^2smiiiiSig 2 £EH?ran5J (SORJSyffiTs IPIESfSJo

Whole No. 2905. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 1867. Vol. LVII. No. 5-Poor House Business.

Tbo Directors of the Poor meet at the Poordouse "it the 'Jtl Tuesday of each month.

330. ;r. 3LS3E,,Attorney at Law,

Ufiire .Market Square, Lewistown, will at-tend to business in MitUin. Centre and Huntingdon counties u>v2fi

> C ? V-* <J urn JL f j

Attorney at Law,LEWISTOWN, PA.,

OFf. LUS his professional services to the citizens ofMifflin county, turn-.- with D. W. Woods, esq.,

Kma street, below ? atioua! Hotel. mv 2

/"l -?. -sp m A -\u25a0*. ?*? -i,-Vcj "HAI? o . I^dß.JiXj£i2iTj

Practicing Physician,Itclieville, .MHHin County, Fa.

Tt". DA HI, FN has been appointed an ExaminingI/Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers reqairing exam- Iins! av. 1:; find him at his oiiice in Belleville,

lie,, . die, August 22, 16' 0.-y

D i*a XT T I io T R Y .

J. S ?Ji § T HHl>! I".'' I'Fl LLY inform the citizens of Lewistown

i'. i . ni'y. a few doors from the Town Hail, in

Mains ?utli.it he i- prepared to do all kind of work ,i the in >1 a.- proteasion inthe most aarntijic won i

mr?in Whole Seta, Partial Sets, or Smgie 'teeth in- ;period on Gold. Silver,or Vulcanite Base.urun elegantand workmanlike manner, and oil the most reasotia- ;5 t.'iins. H \u25a0 guarantees hi- work, or no pay.

Partinibir atlent ion pa.d to the extracting and fillingof ts -tli in the most approved manner. nov7-t m

Teeth Extracted Without Pain!By M. R. Thompson, D. B. S,


.s without the use of Chloro-jft? -?. form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox- ?

.e?s.. . -' ide. and is attended by no |Ml danger or bad i t!e<-t>.

If. *-j oifiee west Market street, '

L 'A. UsV mar Eisenbise's hotel.

LEWISTOWN,where he can !>e found for professional consultation

Ir-'Mi the rtr-l Monday of each month until the fourthMonday, when he willbe absent on professional I usi-ness one week. ? seplO-lt


OFFERS his professional services to tbe citizens ol iLcwistown ami vicinity. All in want of good, neat |wor:; will do well to give him a call.

Ho may be found at all times at his office, threedoors ea't of H. M. & It. Pratt's store. Valley street,




?TEETH Extracted WITHOUT P*IN |fi| °f N ITRDL'S <'XI I'E or 1tnrSsMBA Laughing Gas. Teeth m-erted !! j

Till the ditfereut styles of oases. Teeth Ifilled in the most approve I manner. Special atten- j

t in given to diseased gums. Ail work warranted.Terms reasonable.

"tfice at Episcopal Personage, Corner of Main andWater Streets. jylb


? The subscriber has ot received ami willSfsf k ep ? a hand a select -toek of Men's, llovs'

| lAj and Youth's Boot.-. Ladies'. Misscs arul Chil-wis.lren's Boots and Siii.es of various kinds and

styles, to which he would invite the attention of hisfr ads and the public generally. As it is ins intention

NOT TO BE UNDERSOLDi y any dealer in the county, those in need of winter jboot.- or shoes are invited to call and examine theabove -toek, which will be sold at very small profits. !but for c.i-ti only, at the sign of the Bio SHOE, next jdoor to F. J. lloifman's store,

sepia JOHN CLARKE. !


Wist Market si., Lfwistowii,LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S I<urnishing OOD<.Sacks. Cloaks, Hats. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DSESBGOODS and Trimmings.

Patterns of latest styles always on hand.

Pflillinory and Dress-Makingexecuted in the most approved style.

Lewistown, April 18, 1866.tf


Tt AVE removed their Leather .Store to Odd FVI-II lows' Hall, where they will e<instantly keepon band. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting ami UpperL' \u25a0r. K:ps, Atnern aii and French Calf "skins, Mo-: ... Linings ami Bindings, ami a gem IJII assoit-n fShoe Findings, which they willsell ehean fori lintiiest market price paid in cash f,.r i.ides,C ? f Sk us and Sheep Skins.

'- ?* *


|] gs A*"f. '

wanted, f.-r which the highest market price will bepaid in Cash. apitf

PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE.fPIIE nilDM-igm d has a large stock of iiothl ii n.'-ri a-Je and Ea-tern manufactured Bool*.and

whi. ii he ottrr- at prices lower than he has- ? -t f.-ir years :

Men's thick, d. B Mk, WtMtsd, fi oin 92.75 to 5."0." K.p. ?? ??

"" 4HO to 6.00.

" t'aif, 4 " " extra 4.50 to 6.00.

I v." j; ?,ts, 100 to 3.00.n's thick Brogans. douhle-.-oied, 2.00 to 2.00.

L-a -warranted very bad, 1.10.lluv \u25a0 Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2 25.

\ - the taxes are to be reduced again on the first dayot \ i_i;-1. it also enables us to reduce our prices.IIDME-JIADE AVOilli of all kinds made to<??" r at reduced prices. So come on boys ami girls6h I ? xannne f. r yourselves.

TruuLs, Valises and Carpet Hagsk" pt on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no4' i- will he given out uuless paid for, and if re-' i ii good order, the niowy will be returned, ifr p. -ted. But when goods have been soiled oru r:i they will not be taken back?please bear this1:i ! 'i : ,s s en. folks think that wearing for asb"it time don t injure the sle of them afterwards,


20.000 MAJORITY!To the Voters of Central Penna-KLI.i'ITON is over anil it has been decided l>yabout

2 '.OOO majority timt the Tobacco ami Cigars s >]?<

:' r.Vsitiger's Tobacco and Segar Store eantiot beBinp .--ed. either in Quality or Price.h "ik .tt the Prices, get some of the goods, and com-

I ? ? .' tii all others, and you will be satisfied thutyoug; t tit"worth '>f your money at Krysinger's,bit singer's Spun Roll onlv Sl-OOper pound.rr\ singer's Navy "


irv?, itger's Congress " " ?? "

? rvsinger's Flounder "" " "

" dlelt Navy " ?* " ?

Dronoko Twist " " " "

And ping Tobacco at 4" and 56 <-ls per Pi..'ft and Dry, 4:1-nil 50 ets. Granulated Tobaccos at

''? - - >ts , sti ets.. tl.no. it g . njd {i.ao ]>er It,.B:r,' -c :t chewing, at #1.40 and #l.2'J.-igars at 1, 1 3. 5 ami 10 cts. each,

i t?s i n gr at variety; JtLso Cigir Cu-es. Tobacco? oocl.es and Duxes. Match Safes, and all articles"-nail;, kcrjt m a lii-t-clas- Vobaeeo ami Cigar Store.

M'-rehants, I offerthe. above goods at prices that" ?\u25a0nab!.- them to retail at the same prices that Ino and realize a fajr profit.

o( i2f. E. FRYSINGER.

Splendid Syrup Molasses.ON E of the best articles! at 25 p*r qiuirt. at

0ct.24. F. J. HOFFM AN'S.

Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts.01 R artic-N- at tiiis price i*good. Also. White at 17, at

0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S.

Dcn'c ForgetfPO <ro to (K)FFMAX'S tor your PAT-


Blacksmith's!YOt cati buy your Bar Iron at 5.}. Also

on hand Steel Horse-Shoe Calks and HorseSiu>eiSt F. J. HUFFMAN'S

Hubs, Spokes- Fellows,OTEEL. Runners, Ae. A great assort-k) rnent at F. J. HOFFMAN 3.

Coal Oil and Lamps,A T I - J. HOFFMAN'S.I! 00t.24.

Gas Burners,\ B a variety o! other beating Stovesil for sale low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.

Sole Leather, Upper, .

/ lALF S&ins, Murrnecu, Ac, atU 0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S.

Nimrcd Cock!17* VERY one who wants a good Cooking

_J Stove, should cull and see this.atUc1.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S j

NEW ARRIVALS.1) F. I.uup is receiving new g , ids every week, di-

. root from the eastern laetory, and is prepared tosell Itoots cheaper than the ciifapest, having a hugeassortment of all sizes and slylcs.

Men's Hoots from J.; 50 to 5 00Hoys' z 5o t<> 0 50.'1" 2 Ull to 2 3.

Children's 1 i! 5 to 2 00.

A good assortment of homemade work on hand,and constantly making to order all the latest styles. '

THE PATENT BOOTSare now creating a great css iiement and all who wishto have a pair of those pleasant boots can he accom-modated at short notice.

Cull at the old stand. P. F. HOOP.


SEWING MACHINE|\Y?E wish to eai! the attention of Tailors. Shoemak- 'V? el's. Saddlers. Coaeh 'I riinmeis and Families to j

these machines, a.s ttit-y ure




Persons selecting a machine can have their choice



the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shownand explained.

Extracts from New York Papers:

"The Grover A Haker noiselesa machines are ac-knowledged to be superior to all others."

??The work executed by the Grover & liaker Ma-chine has reci ived the highest premium at everySlate Fair in the United Slates where it lias been ex-hibited."

N. H.? We make no charge for


We call them the


NEEDLES, SILK TWIST & THREAD-P. V. LOOP, Agent for tlir above,

Hoot and Shoe Maker, in the public square, Lewis- jtown. novTy


K. At 11. T. ANTHONY &, CO.,

Manufaelurm of Phitugra] hie MaUri Is,WIIOLES.VLZ A.M> lIETAIL.

501 Broadway, 5. V.In a, hi iiion to our main business of PH< >TOGRAPII-

IC MA I E RIALS, we re headquarte* for the follow-ing, viz:

Stereoscopes and stereoscopic Views,Of American ni.il Foreign Cities and Landscapes,

Groups. Siatuary, Ac.

Stereoscopic Views of the YVar,From negatives tnuitc in the various campaigns and

forming a complete Photographic history of the con-test.

Stereoscopic Views on Cllass,

Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo-scope. Our catalogue will be sent to any address onreceipt of stamp.

Photographic Albums.We manufacture more largely than any other house,

about 2uo varieties from 50 rents to SSO each. Our Al-j bums have the reputation ol heing superior in beau-

' ty and durability to any others.Card Photographs ofCleuerals, Statesmen,

Actors, etc., etc.

Our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSANDdifferent subjects, including reproductions of theni"t celebrated Engravings. Paintings, Statues, Ac.

< Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp.Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D.,

will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with theirorder. ®J|Tlie prices and quality of our goods can-

not fail to satisfy. jel3 ly

WILLIAM LIND,has now open


Cloths, CassimeresAND

VESTS NGS,. which will be made up to order in the neat-

est and most fashionable styles. apl9


Sash Stopper and Lock,Supports Either Sash at any Point.

Secure Lock Whenever four Sash is Closed!!I r is FAR sup-rior to weights an 1 pulleys and don'tI cost one-tilth as much. It can be applied tunny win.?low. it will never wear out, nor gel out of order. 1

< itizeiis ot Lcwistown and vieimty can refer to Win.; AIUCA. (Carpenter.) Individual rights and com-plete rigging for .-ale by


. \VM. J. FLEMING,deeo-tf Menno P. 0., Mifflin co., PA j

OUR STARCH CLOSSis the only Article us.-ti hv First Class Hotels,1 1- si ui4<! ries, a sail Thou.Yumls ol* Fami-lies,

ii Hl\ a lte:autiiill the iron pasiMMf .tiily over the cloth, saving much time and far ;lr. oo.MJS done up with it keep clean much longer, ;consequently vviiinot wear out so soon.

It tuak's Old Linen look like Nciv.0U 11 I M i> ER 1 A L uJ, u E

Is the Btxt in the World.It is aoluhlo in hard a< well as soft water. It is putup in t? ie latest, neatest, and most convenient formol any offered to the public.

It is Warranted nut to Streak the Clothes.Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex- itruordinany induceinents. Address,

N'KW YORK ST AIIC'IIGLOSS CO.,octlu 6m No. 21S Fulton St., New York.



409 Broadway, New York.fpll K attention of the Publie and the trade is invited

1 to our Nxw SCALE 7 OCI AVE R< WEWt lODPI ANoI-I.MI I'KS. wliieii for volume and purity of tone areloir.vailed * > any hitherto olf-.od in this m.o ketI bey contain all the modern improvements. French

Grand Action. Jiarp Pedal. Iron Frame. OverstrungBass. eu.-? and each instrument l .-ing made undertlo- personal >upm if Mr. J. M.GROVESTEKX. whoh'.s let I a practical experience of over 35 years intheir iiianukxoturc. is fullywarranted in every partic-ular.The ?' <}RO VESTF.EX I'IAXO FOR'tES" rrccival ll,e

.1 a 11 I ';l Jlrrit <? i\u25a0 i aU vthein ut tin <UbratclllirW', r?ir.

Where were exhibited iustruineut* from the beet mekers of London. Paris. Germany, Philadelphia, Balti-inore. 80-ton and New A ork: and also at the Ameri-ca!) Institute b-r fivesu teeaaive yearn, 111** gold andsilver medals trom both of which can be seen at ourv arc-room.

By tbe introduction of improvements we make asiil i.-..re perfect Piano Forte, and bv niatiufaeturiuglarge y. with i strictly cash system, are enabled to of-fer ti.ese iiistruuii'iits ut a price which will precludeall eompetition.

Terms Net Cast) in Current Funds.4tf-Descrtpt)ve Circulars Sent Free. wUMn '

Haines 5 Patent

The Best and Most Effectual in Use.\u25a0VI'MEUOFS patents have been issue,) and variousi, iii'provcments maiie on Safety Bridles, but thereis nothing invidious in saving that the invention pa- itented by Joseph (J. Hamcs tins place is superior ;to any yet ort'ered. comhining teat tire a of simplicity jand power in guiding and surging a horse or horses ]which no other possesses The essential feature of ;this patent is illproviding the driving rein with shift- jing bearings, which form the points of attaehrnent ;between the rein and bit rings, and thus net upon the ibit directly, when casv and steady driving will con-trol the mum I. but when it requires a more severeapplication of the bit. said bearings leave the bit ringsand give way to the straps to which they may be at-tached. This is all done by the regular driving line,no extra one being required, whn-ii ought to satisfyevery person of the great superiority of this inven-tion to any other.

The following certificates from well known gentle-men. some of whom have had much experience withhorses will show the estimation in which tins bridleis held :

LKWISTOWN, Aug. 21. 1860.Hiving occasion to try the Safely Bridle invented

by Joseph O. Haines, of tins town, upon my runawaymare, tlio result has proven to my entire satisfactiontout any leirse can be prevented from running off orkicking. Mr. H. M. Pratt, whose large experiencewith horses induced me to call upon him to unve mymore and test the safety bridle, concurs in the opin-ion that it is the best oridle that lias for its object the. i.lire control of a horse in harness or under the sad-dle. GEO. \V. HOOVER.

LEWISTOWX, Aug. 21. 1566.loseph C. Haines?Dear Sir : After hav ing fullytri-

ed your "afety Bridle on my untrained colts, l'tiudtiint your invention embraces all that is desirable in ia bridle. Its simple coiis;rneiion, and adaptation to ]any common briih?and any rein, cannot but make !us use universal. The ease with which it can be ad- :j isted to a soft or hard mouthed horse isan excellenttcaiurc, rendering its use as effectual in preventingrunning or kicking as any other patent bridle or reinand as easy on the mouth as the common hit.ami asilis always read, at the critical moment, it cannot butrecommend itself to all who will try or look at it.

Respectfully yours, A. T. UAMILIOX,M. D.LEWISTOWX, December 8, 1860.

1 have been driving horses since I know anythingabout them, and have drove some very vieiousliorsesand colts. In driving sticli with a common bridle, 1never feel easy nor comfortable to enjoy the ride. Itis more annoying, however, when you have personswith you and you can tell by the r 'countenance tt atthey don't enjoy the ude from fcui of yi.ur horserunning a little, or even running away. 1 have alwaystnuiigiit there might be a nridle o. bit so constructedthat you could drive and hold horses with perfectease and safety. The first of this kind 1 happenedto see was Dr. Hurtman's. 1 thought it was very good,in the meantime it occurred to hie that the way thelines wonted on the bridle you could not draw the bitand let it drop quick enough on your horses. Somehorses and colts when you surge tlieni tightlyandcannot slack the lilies quickly, will balk and backwry ugly- I once saw Mr. t'hrists and Stamen'spatent with the elastic strap, working on about thesame principle as Dr. Hartinan's. Mr. Christ thengave me a bridle to try on my horse. I had the sameobjection to it 1 had to Dr. liartman's. My attentionwas next called to Mr. Jos. C. Haines' Patent, of ourtown. My attention was arrested immediately withthe appearance of it. I have been using it for sometwo weeks quite successfully. 1 have drove along therailroad and other ugly places, feeling quite safe. Ithink it embraces all you can "et out of a bridle. Ifthe public once get to see this bridle, tliev can't helpbut understand its simplicity, durability and effective-ness. and taken together, cannot help recommendingltseil'. Railroads are made ami being made throughthe couutry in every direction, crossing our publicroads four or five times in as many miles sometimes.These crossings often occur at very ugly place. Allparties are more or less afraid of meeting the trainswheu tliev are traveling for fear their horses willtaketright, and not be able to hold them. This communi-ty remembers how seriously Dr. Isaac Hothrock, ofSnyder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the newTannery, last May. He found be could not hold hishorse and then gut out of his buggy, ami the iiorsetore hiui around badlv. it." M. KEEVEIt.

LKWISTOWN, Pa., August 21,1866.This community is well aware of the fact that in

the midst of an extensive practice, Dr. G. W. Hooverwas almost killed by the running oif of his mare. Idrove this mare in single harness by using the SafetyBridle invented by Joseph C. Ilaines, and I found thatshe wa.- entirely under my control. I believe theSafety Bridle is all that can be desired for the securityof life, limb, ami vehicle when used either upon adocile or vicious horse. 11. M. PRATT.

e~ Any persons having fractious horses are invitedto bring tnein to the undersigned, or during his ab-sence to Mr. PratL and they can readily be satisfiedthat any horse can not only lie prevented from kick-ing hut from running away.

1 have named the bridle '"The Eureka," signifying"I have found." JOSEPH C. HAINES.

Lewistown, December 12,1566.

O E T ZR, IT .


I hey say?Ah! well, suppose thev do,l ilt t.iu they prove the *torv true?Siisp"'!.," , na y ;ln se naughtBut malice, envy, want of thought;vvhy count yourself among the "they,"

? io whisper what they dare not say ?

1 hey -ay But why the tale rehearse,Ami lielp to make the matter worse.'-No good , :in possibly accrueI ro'ii telling what may he tiutruo;Ami is it not a nobler plan1 o speak ol ail the best you can 11 hey say?Well, if it should he so,

need you tell the tale of woe ?Will it the bitter wrong redress,(rmulce one pang of sorrow less?ill it ".lie erring one r -storeHeuceiorth to "go and sin no more?"

1 hey say?Oh ! pause, and look within,See how thy he.trr inclines to sin;\\ at-li. lest m dark temptation's hour

1 hou, too, shouhi'-t suit; beneath its power,Fity the frail, weep o'er their fall,But speak of guo.t or not at all.


TJie Way l> Speak Ss> Boys.

Many years ago, u certain ministerwas going one Sunday morning tohis school rootu lie walked througha number of streets; as lie turned thecorner, he saw assembled around apump it party of little hoys who wereplaying at marbles. On seeing himapproach, they began to pick up theirmarbles and run away as last as theycould. One little fellow, not havingseen him as soon as the rest, could notaccomplish this so soon, and before hehad succeeded in gathering up his mar-hies, the minister had closed on himand placed his hand upon his shoulder,fhey were face to face, the minister ofGod and the poor little ragged boywho had been in the act of playingmarbles on Sunday morning. Andhow did the minister deal with thehoy? ior that is what I want you toobserve.

He might have said to the hoy, Whatare you doing here? You are break-ing the Sabbath ? Don't you deserveto he punished for breaking the com-mand of God ?'

But he did nothing of the kind. Hesimply said: 1 Have you found all yourmarbles V

' No,' said the littleboy, 4 1 have not'' Then,' said the minister, 4 1 will

help you to find them,' whereupon heknelt down and 1 elped to look for themarliles, and as he did so, remarked, Iliked to play marbles when a little hoy.very much, and I think I can heat you,hut I never played marbles on Sunday.

The littleboy's attention was arrest-ed. He liked his friend's face, and hegan to wonder who he was. The min-ister of the Gospel said :

4 1 am going to a place, where Ithink you would like to be?will youeomo with mo?'

4 Where do you live?' asked the lit-tle hoy.

? \\ by, in such and such a place,' wasthe reply.

? Why, that is the minister's house,'exclaimed the hoy, as if lie did not sup-pose that kind man and the ministerof the Gospel could be one and the sameperson.

' Why,' said the man, 4 1 am theminister myself, and if you will comewith me I think I can do you somegood.'

Said the hoy : 4 My hands are dirty;I cannot go.'

Said the minister, ' Here is a pumpwhy not wash ?'

Said the hoy, 4 I am so little that 1can't wash and pump at the same time.'

Said the minister, 4 Ifyou will washI will pump.'

lie at once set to work, and pump-ed, and pumped, and pumped; and aslie pumped the little hoy washed hishands and face till they were quiteclean.

Said the boy, 4 My hands are wring-ing wet, and I do not know how to

dry them.'The minister pulled out of his pock-

et a clean handkerchief and offered itto tho little boj-.

Said the boy, 4 But it is clean.'4 Yes,' was the reply, 4 But it was

made to be dirtied.'The little hoy dried his face and

hands with the handkerchief, and thenaccompanied the minister to the houseof worship.

Twenty years after, the ministerwas walking in the street of a largecity, when a tall gentlemen tappedhim on the shoulder, and looking intohis face, said, 4 You can't rememberme.'

4 No,' said the minister, 4 1 don't.'4Do you remember, twenty years

ago, finding a little hoy playing mar-bles around a pump? Do you remem-ber that hoy heing too dirty to go toschool, and your pumping for him, andyour speaking kindly to him, and tak-ing him to school.'

4 Oh,' said the minister, 'I do re-member.'

4 Sir,' said tho gentleman, 1 1 wasthat hoy. I rose in business and be-came a leading man. 1 have attaineda good position in society; and on see-

ing you to-day in tlio street, I feltbound to come to you, and say it is toyour kindness and Christian discre-tion that 1 otve, under God, all I haveattained and all that 1 am at the pres-ent worth.

C'OMiieliiN.The ancients had an astonishing

number of oils, soaps and perfumes.The Romans made large use of smeg-ma, a wash ball, for cleansing the skinin bathing. After taking a warm va-por bath, their bodies were annointedwith perfumed oil. Cosmetics were inas large demand among the women otancient Rome as they are at the prosent day, and every imaginable devicewas had recourse to, by them, for correeling imperfections in the color oftheir skin, hair, eyebrows, Ne. Flinvdid not think it beneath his notice torecord a number ofpn partitions of thiskind, most of them obtained trom dif-ferent plants. Among these the peel-ings ot the pear, whet: boiled, had thecredit ofimparting to the hair a blackcolor. Bear's grease was lauded torits reputed property ot making thehair grow out from bald heads. Lighthair was procured by applying theIces ot vinegar and oils ot lentiseus,and black was made while by anotherwonder workingsubstanco Then therewere means promised to make the haircrisp and to curl it. Ovid says thatwomen dyed their gray locks with thejuice ot herbs trom Germany, and thatart gives them a more dazzling colorthan natural. Propertius accuses hismistress ot an excessive use of poma-tum. foolish attempts to change thecolor of the hair were then, as they arenow, often punished by its entire loss.Ovid tells of a young person whosehail* fell out when endeavoring tochange its chestnut color to that ofblack. The eyebrows were dyed blackby the eggs ut ants and flies. A morepractical plan was to straighten thehairs and dye them with a needleblackened in smoke. False hair wasused by the Roman women. Martialridicules one of the sex who, in her ag-itation at a visit from her lover, putonher false hair upside down. A similardeception was practiced in having ar-tificialeyelids.

Tlie preparations intended, to pre-serve the complexion fresh and theskin soft were very numerous in an-cient Rome. The Empress Poppcea,in her journeys, always had with hera number of asses, the milk of whichshe used as a hath. The froth of fer-mented liquors was used lor this object.The soap most in request came fromGaul (France), and was of two kinds,the soft and the liquid ; it was madewith goat's fat and the ashes of thebeech. Wrinkles of the skin weresaidto le removed by the ireal of beans.This was also sometimes added to thewater for the hath. The Roman satir-ical poets were very severe in theirridicule of those women who daubedtheir faces vvitli white lead or chalk.

Modern chomistry has furnished me-tallic preparations, which have been somisapplied as to he made to enter intotho composition ot' various cosmetics.The effects of using them, such as thosointo which lead, bismuth, mercury, orarsenic enter, are most pernicious?oft-en damaging the health and sometimescausing death itself.

The KcbeJ Defences fn Charles-toil ilartmr.

Fort Moultrie is a ruin. The wallsstill stand, hut the barracks are gone.It is now occupied by a company ofcolored troops. Down the beach isFort Beauregard, with no guns, how-ever. grinning defiance across the hay.Between the two forts stand a groupof ragged palmettoes, their bark scar-red with many a mark of shell andbullet. Sumter, against whose facehad been hurled the iron rain fromfloating and stationary batteries, stillstands, its brick wall facing towardthe city almost untouched. The frontor sea wall is an inclined plane, somethirty-five feet in height. Its interiorresembles the dry bed of a lake, and itis not until you have descended andentered the casemates that you per-ceive where its immense strength lay.A small wooden lighthouse now standson the portion facing the sea, and, it issaid, indicates tho spot where a turret-ed iron clad fortress is to he erected.A walk around the battered wall, aglimpse cf a squad of colored soldiers,and an examination of the casemates,and you have seen all there is of Sum-ter. Morris Island shows more traces

of the fight than any other portion oftho harbor fortifications. A few gunsare still pointed towards the city. Ilaversacks, knapsacks, and camp equip-ago, are strewn along the beach. Bat-tery Wagner appears to ho nothing butan open earth work, with no protec-tion tor the gunners. Shells, if prop-erly aimed, could have fallen anywhere.Tho fort now consists of two high sandwalls running parallel, and is garrison-ed by a squad of colored troops. Onthe extreme end Vinegar Hill has en-

tirely disappeared, and tlio lighthouseis a tiling of the past. Just beyondLighthouse Inlet is Folly Island, whereCxen. Gillmoro planted his masked bat-tery, mounted the 'Swamp Angel/which threw shells into the city, andgained a march on his antagonistswhich was never recovered.

PiC'Sircl's i'atcnt tor Tanningl.oatlaer in one Day.

The German papers give the follow-ing which is described as a simple andcheap method. The inventor guaran-tees to tan any kind of leather in 0110

day, the work to he perfect, the leatherto be as tough and as strong as anythat is prepared otherwise. The ma-terials used are oil of turpentine, mix-ed with extract of tannin, and the me-chanical operation is by imparting mo-tion to the sk'ns, which are put intofulling vats. After washing, depilat-ing, and removing the upper skin fromthe hides v instead of consigning themto the miserable pit, they are put intofulling vats. These contain a decoc-tion of alum in ease the leather is toremain white, or if it is to bo coloredi he decoction is that of catechu, sumac,or any other tannin substance. Thevat being carefully fastened is put inmotion for some hours. By tho mo-tion, the alum or the other substancespenetrate the pon s of the skin, andprepare it for tlie reception of the ex-tract which is the principal tanningagent. Tho turpentiuo compound isthen poured into the vat, which is againfastened, and subjected to the same ro-tary motion as before. This likewisolasts some hours. The extract, havingto work upon pores already open toreceive it, begins its work as soon usthe evolutions have commenced, andso powerful is its energy that in lessthan twenty-four hours the work is ac-complished and tho skin is thoroughlytanned. After tho operation tho skinsrequire only to be freed from the smellof turpentine and the resinous parti-cles that stick to it, both of which areremoved by washing. The leather isthen hammered, smoothed, and finish-ed in the common way.

Small skins, such as those of calf,sheep, and goats, which are chiefly re-served for morocco, are treated in thesame way as largo hides, with tlm dif-ference only, that a quantity of salt isadded to the decoction of alum, etc.,and the time allowed for the operationis about half that taken up for heavyleather. Thus we have a method atonce short and cheap, and applicableto white as well as morocco leather,both of which can ho prepared at oneand the same time.? &kin and LeatherReporter.

G feiims Ward's Threshing Ma-chine.

My wife's exceedingly practycal wo-man. I luv her muchly, however, andhumor her little ways. Its a recklisfalsehood that she henpecks me, andtho young man in our neighborhoodwho said to me as I was distendin mydiafram with a gentle cocktail at thevillage tavern?who said to me in thesevery langwidge. 'Go homo old man,onlessyou want another tea pot throwdat you by B. J.' probably regrets hav-in said so. i said, ' Betsy Jane is mywife's front name, gentle youth, and Ipermits no person to alood to her as B.J., outside of'the family circle, ofwhichlam it principally myself. Your otherobservations I scorn and disgust, andI must polish you off.' He was a able-bodied young man, and, reraovin hiscoat, he inquired if I wanted to beground to powder? Isaid yes, if therewas a powder grindist handy, nothinwould ford rnc greater pleasure, whenhe struck mo a painful blow into myright eye, causing me to make a rapidretreat into tho tire place.

I hadn't any idea that the enemywas so well organized. Eat I ralliedand went for him in a rather vigris

; style for my time oflife. His parentslived near by, and 1 will simply statethat fifteen minutes had only elapsedafter the first hit, when he was carried

| home on a shutter. His mamma metthe solium procession at the door andalter keerfully looking her offspringover, she said : 4My son, 1 see how itis distinctually. You've been foolin

j around a thrashin Masheen. You wentin at the place where they put thegrain into the thingamyjig and let thebosses tread on you, didn't you, myson V Tho pen of no livin orthur coulddescribe that disfortunit young man'ssitawation more clearer. Eat I wassorry for him, and I went and nussodhim till he got well. His reg'lar orig-inal father had been sent to the war.I told him I'd be a father to him my-self. He smilt a sickly smile, and saidI'd already been wussthan two fathers

i to him.

crier of a court in Irelandonce endeavored to suppress the crowdby exclaiming: 'All ye blackguard#what isn't lawyers leave the court.

fta#"* Remember the poor?printer#