This story starts late last year, when one of our COC pastors and his wife bought their beautiful young daughter “Grape” to Chiang Mai to get some tests done. She was having some issues with headaches and other issues. Well they received the worst possible news. She had a tumor in her brain which was causing the problems and they needed to operate to remove the tumor. The COC and Haven Foundations put out a call for prayers, support and donations to assist in helping the family at this time. Thankfully the operation went well and they got all the tumor the first time, but that was just the start of the long road to full overcoming and recovery. Unfortunately, Grape was not able talk after the operation and also had a lot of physical rehabilitation to do. Everyone understood it would take a while for things to return to normal. So, in May, Pastor Jonathan decided, he would join Grape and in solidarity, would shave his head to raise some money to help the cause. Personally, I have never shaved my head and have always been very scared because I have an “ugly” head and didn’t want to hurt anyone’s eyes. I thought, I could do this, so I said I would also get my head shaved. My mum passed away from cancer and this was another way I could remember her and help young Grape! The photo in the top left was from a week after the shave. Update - Grape is going through chemo and still needs our prayers, but she is getting stronger and able to talk. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Shayne in Thailand From Life in a Northern Town My name is Shayne Rochfort and I am a servant of God, volunteering in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am the Legal Advisor at Christian Outreach Centre Thailand (COC) and The Haven Project. I am helping coordinate visas and work permits and the whole work in local churches and communities all over Thailand. My main role involves everything and anything, STILL. Please consider partnering with me, building God’s kingdom in Thailand. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross! Philippians 2:5-8 (NIV) How good is good pizza? Chiang Mai definitely has a few secret places for the locals and this is one of them! Pizza and Pasta do these massive discs of cheesy goodness, a whole 25 inches across and full of chunky toppings. I tried very hard, but could only eat two small slices, 555 (Hahaha - five in Thai is pronounced Ha). Overall, the four of us could only eat 6 pieces, which leſt me the lucky one with leſtovers for lunch the next two days. They have some regular sized pizzas available, but you’ve got to try the big fella once at least and for 1400 baht, it’s not too expensive. Shayne’s Pizza Adventures The people of Chiang Mai are truly incredible and I have been very fortunate to meet so many awesome friends, this edition will focus on life in Chiang Mai outside of the working week. My time is never my own as I am always on the lookout to help a new friend out or work on relationships with others doing life in Chiang Mai. Shayne meets the Governor Straight after Songkran, I was requested to attend a conference for Foundation chairmen and others regarding all the fun parts of foundation life, including tax and finances, work permit and visa procedures and at the end we had to do a ceremony involving the Governor of Chiang Mai. We each shared a small blessing and prayer with him, exchanged some perfumed water and that was it. I am pictured here receiving my certificate with the organiser of the conference, our lawyer, Khun Joe.

Life in a Northern Town - Issue 19

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Shayne's monthly, bi monthly, whenever news and information about his life in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.

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Page 1: Life in a Northern Town - Issue 19

This story starts late last year, when one of our COC pastors and his

wife bought their beautiful young daughter “Grape” to Chiang

Mai to get some tests done. She was having some issues with

headaches and other issues. Well they received the worst possible

news. She had a tumor in her brain which was causing the

problems and they needed to operate to remove the tumor. The

COC and Haven Foundations put out a call for prayers, support

and donations to assist in helping the family at this time.

Thankfully the operation went well and they got all the tumor the first time, but that

was just the start of the long road to full overcoming and recovery. Unfortunately,

Grape was not able talk after the operation and also had a lot of physical

rehabilitation to do. Everyone understood it would take a while for things to return to


So, in May, Pastor Jonathan decided, he would join Grape and in solidarity, would

shave his head to raise some money to help the cause. Personally, I have

never shaved my head and have always been very scared because I have an

“ugly” head and didn’t want to hurt anyone’s eyes. I thought, I could do this,

so I said I would also get my head shaved. My mum passed away from cancer

and this was another way I could remember her and help young Grape! The

photo in the top left was from a week after the shave. Update - Grape is going

through chemo and still needs our prayers, but she is getting stronger and able

to talk.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Shayne in Thailand From Life in a Northern Town

My name is Shayne Rochfort and I am a servant of God, volunteering in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

I am the Legal Advisor at Christian Outreach Centre Thailand (COC) and The Haven Project. I

am helping coordinate visas and work permits and the whole work in local churches and

communities all over Thailand.

My main role involves everything and anything, STILL.

Please consider partnering with me, building God’s kingdom in Thailand.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross! Philippians 2:5-8 (NIV)

How good is good pizza? Chiang Mai definitely has a few secret places for the locals and this is one of them! Pizza and Pasta do these massive discs of cheesy goodness, a whole 25 inches across and full of chunky toppings. I tried very hard, but could only eat two small slices, 555 (Hahaha - five in Thai is pronounced Ha). Overall, the four

of us could only eat 6 pieces, which left me the lucky one with leftovers for lunch the next two days. They have some regular sized pizzas available, but you’ve got to try the big fella once at least and for 1400 baht, it’s not too expensive.

Shayne’s Pizza Adventures

The people of Chiang Mai are truly incredible and I have been very fortunate to meet so many awesome

friends, this edition will focus on life in Chiang Mai outside of the working week. My time is never my own as I

am always on the lookout to help a new friend out or work on relationships with others doing life in Chiang Mai.

Shayne meets the Governor

Straight after Songkran, I was requested to attend a conference for Foundation chairmen and others regarding all the fun parts of foundation life, including tax and finances, work permit and visa procedures and at the end we had to do a ceremony involving the Governor of Chiang Mai. We each shared a small blessing and prayer with him, exchanged some perfumed water and that was it. I am pictured here receiving my certificate with the organiser of the conference, our lawyer, Khun Joe.

Page 2: Life in a Northern Town - Issue 19

I am committed to being in Thailand. I would like to

let you know that if you are able to partner with me in

my work, then you can do so through One Mission

Society. There are many ways you can support me, through prayer as well as financially. This partner-

ship is helping serve the great need for Thai people to come to know Jesus.

My prayer card with all the details is available at

http://issuu.com/shayneinthailand/docs/prayercard .

Please include my missionary number #803833 with any donations.

You can support me financially by :-

Cheque - Please make cheques payable to: OMS International, PO Box 897, RINGWOOD, Vic 3134.

Include a note with my name.

Direct Debit - If you wish to make a payment directly through your bank, pay to: Westpac.

Acc Name: OMS International Australia- Inc. BSB: 733172 Account Number: 628724.

NOTE: In the transaction details please be sure to include your name and ROC.

Credit card donations - can be made through the website.


OMS phone – 03 9870 8559

Supporting Shayne

PO Box 90




Phone +66801202074

Email -

[email protected]

Skype - shayneinthailand

COC Thailand Foundation

inc The Haven Foundation


Praise for God’s blessing on the work of COC Thailand and the Haven Foundation. We have been experiencing lots of growth and lots of pain.

Please pray for the finances and ministries of COC Thailand and the Haven Foundation. It is a massive work and without the financial sup-port from individuals in Australia, UK and other places, the work would not continue.

Please pray for Thailand. It’s beautiful, but with the current political climate, we are experiencing continual changes to laws and processes.

Please pray for my work with COC, it’s growing and it’s fun, but it is busy and challenging.

This year has been pretty

hectic with everything

going on. But, there have

been a few wonderful

opportunities to celebrate

with friends in Chiang Mai.

I have had a good number of chances to see

different sorts of weddings during my time in Thailand

and my most recent one, I was actually being a sort

of interpreter for the American groom getting

married at COC. It was a pretty stressful

activity, but with some more practice I

could be really useful, maybe I could

actually do it without the practice


I experienced my first Thai-Chinese

wedding in which there was no English

translation. The second wedding was an

American who is working with the

foundation to a beautiful Thai girl. And the next was

between an American and an Indonesian girl, which

was right in the middle of a full on American style,

week celebration holiday for all the bridal party and

family. All four very

different styles but the

outcome still the same, a

fantastic celebration of

two lives coming



COC Thai Church Service

Comings and Goings, but more goings! Weddings

One of the not so fun parts of living in Chiang Mai is

friends leaving. I am in Chiang Mai for a long time and

have resigned my fate to every couple of months

saying goodbye “forever” to some really amazing


So while they are around, connect, have fun and then

say “goodbye”, rinse and repeat!

The whole cycle of movement

happens across all my circles, but

more regularly in my couchsurfing

group. Each year, a new crew of

teachers will replace my friends,

the teachers who are moving on or

moving home having satisfied their

need to explore South East Asia

and gain some experience along

the way.

Pictured above is Ozzie, a genuine nice guy, who was

always full of encouragement for everyone in every


Pictured right is Andrew, who really could be wearing

the “S” shirt, for the number of friends and groups he

connected with around here. Both

excellent individuals who I wish all

the best for their future endeavours.

You have both told me you are

coming back and I am holding you

to your word!

Hello … what’s your name?

Welcome to Chiang Mai!