Newsletter Volume 10, Number 9 IN THIS ISSUE Page 3 Words from our Pastor: Is Potential Only For the Few?Page 4 Words from our First Lady (Women’s Dept.) Page 5 Greeters Ministry Ushers Ministry Page 6 Men’s Ministry/Brotherhood Young Adults Ministry Sunday School Multi-Media/Communications Page 7 Pastor’s Aide Outreach (Charity)/VA Nursing Home & Hospital) Hospitality Page 8 YOUTH Dept. Children’s Church Page 9 Fine Arts Dance Ministry Prayer Page 10 CHOIR DEPARTMENT Street Witnessing Community Resources Page 11 CALENDAR Page 12 Auxiliary/Department Leaders November 2011 We would like to thank all of the Word of Life Anniversary and Banquet committee persons who made our 11 th Anniversary a grand success! Thank you WOL family for your sacrifice and support because without you, none of this would be possible through God. Pastor Albert J. Mays, Jr. Evangelist Willie M. Mays www.wordoflife2000.org

Life in the Word Newsletter | November 2011

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Word of Life Ministries, Inc. Church Newsletter

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Page 1: Life in the Word Newsletter | November 2011

Newsletter Volume 10, Number 9

IN THIS ISSUE Page 3 Words from our Pastor: ―Is Potential Only For the Few?‖ Page 4 Words from our First Lady (Women’s Dept.) Page 5 Greeters Ministry Ushers Ministry Page 6 Men’s Ministry/Brotherhood Young Adults Ministry Sunday School Multi-Media/Communications Page 7 Pastor’s Aide Outreach (Charity)/VA Nursing Home & Hospital) Hospitality Page 8 YOUTH Dept. Children’s Church Page 9 Fine Arts Dance Ministry Prayer Page 10 CHOIR DEPARTMENT Street Witnessing Community Resources Page 11 CALENDAR Page 12 Auxiliary/Department Leaders

November 2011

We would like to thank all of the Word of Life Anniversary and Banquet committee persons who made our 11

th Anniversary a

grand success! Thank you WOL family for your sacrifice and support because without you, none of this would be possible through God. Pastor Albert J. Mays, Jr. Evangelist Willie M. Mays


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Worship Services

SUNDAY Prayer: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15—10:15 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Newcomer’s Class: 9:15 a.m.—10:15 a.m. (Last Sunday of the Month) TUESDAY Intercessory Prayer: 6:30 p.m.—6:55 p.m. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. College Student Reception and Integration-6:30—6:55 p.m. (summer) Youth Adult Empowerment Classes: 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. THURSDAY Choir Rehearsal: 7:00 p.m. FRIDAY Noonday Prayer: Noon—1:00 p.m. Joy Night: Prayer 7:00 p.m.—7:25 p.m.; Service: 7:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. (3rd Friday of each month) SATURDAY Congregational Prayer: 9:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Minister’s Training: 8:00 a.m.—8:55 a.m. (1st Saturday) Deacon Training: 8:00 a.m.—8:55 a.m. (2nd Saturday) Prophetic Class: 8:00 a.m—8:55 a.m. (3rd Saturday)


9925 Alcan Street ~ El Paso, Texas ~ 79924


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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

Is Potential Only for the Few?

My focus for the November publication of Life in the Word Newsletter is ―Is Potential Only for the Few?‖ Many times I sit back and wonder: ―Why are the graveyards filled with potential that never came into fruition, dormant ability, reserved power, untapped strength, unused success, hidden talents, and capped capability?‖ In the mid 90s, my University of Maryland graduate professor made a profound statement in my counseling class that "all of us are possessed with academic excellence; however, most will never accessed there maximum potential." In 1991, Myles Munroe penned this statement "All you can be but have not yet become...all you can do but have not yet done...how far you can reach have not yet reached...what you can accomplish but have not yet accomplished. Potential is unexposed ability and latent power. It took me many years to enter into the realization that I have maximum potential. Unfortunately, most of us will never fulfill the deepest desires of God's heart. Though He has done His best to free us from the false attitudes and perceptions that keep us from achieving our real potential, God is often disappointed by the lives of HIs creatures. Perhaps you are a parent who has tried and tried and tried and still your kids haven't worked out. You've tried your best and given your best, but they still have disappointed you. I vividly remembered disappointing my parents by entering into the horrors of life events, but the Lord saved and filled me with the Holy Ghost and

By Pastor Albert J. Mays Jr.

revealed to my soul and spirit that I got something that no one else can do on earth but me and that's maximum potential. Fulfilling one's potential is not easy; it takes hard work. Life is crowded and jammed with distractions. They come from all sides, trying to shake you and I from our goal to touch the life cycle of someone else. If you don't have a goal, the ills and flaws of life will find one for us. You must know where you want to go and what you want to become. Potential needs purpose to give it direction. In the seventh chapter of Matthew, Jesus predicts that many will hear His message, but few will follow Him and obey. Many will reject or simply fail to accept-the abundant life He came to offer. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Those words have saved my sanity. I want all who read this editorial to fulfill your potential; but I know only a few will. Many people will never fulfill their divine purpose in life because they don't trust and believe God to revolutionize their life. Without Jesus as Lord and Savior, then life has little or no value. Jesus is the key and answer to potential. I don't believe any of us will attain maximum potential, but we should thrive for it. Let us thrive for maximum potential today. Pastor Al Mays Superintendent Pastor/Founder Word of Life Ministries COGIC

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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

Evangelist Willie M. Mays, 1st Lady

“Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me. Lord, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that thou makest account of him? Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away. Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. Cast forth lightning, and scatter them; shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.” (Psalm 144:1-6).

One Hour Women’s Service: Our Program started at 11:45 at the Church. Our Praise and Worship was lead by Evangelist Melissa Miller. Our Speakers were: Sister Javonna Miller and Evangelist Teresa Colbert. The Lord used them both for His glory; the topic was Forgive/Forgiveness. We had twenty –nine Women at the Service. Afterward we went bowling. We went on the Church Van to the Westside and we had thirteen Women on the Van. The Lord blessed us with twenty-five Women who went bowling. We had fun bowling, and we also had lunch at the Bowling Center. We had on our Church T-Shirts. Our Women Outing was a blessed day. Thank God for unity! I would like to thank the Women of Word of Life for all the food that were prepared for me during my recovery. They prepared thirteen meals for me and my family. I am so grateful for everything that was done for me; the flowers, fruit baskets, phone calls, cards, and most of all your prayers. Thank you so much Word of Life Family for caring. I give God the glory for my husband and my son who took care of me doing my recovery. I will bless the Lord at all time, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. We had a celebration for Emmanuel Rucker for graduating from High School. I would like to thank everyone for their support, especially his parents. The celebration was on a Tuesday night after Bible Study. Emmanuel was very happy to receive the blessings from the members. We had refreshments after the program. I believe we should do unto others as we want them to do to us. We as a Church family should always support one another. Joy Night: The power of God was in the house. We had two awesome speakers: Evangelist Vickie Williams, and Minister Landris Barker. The power of the Holy Ghost was in the atmosphere. Word of Life Joy Night is the last Friday of the month-one hour. This gives our preachers opportunity to teach, and preach. Remember, it’s only once a month. VA Nursing Home: The third Saturday of the month, from 11:00-11:30 a.m. Evangelist Jacquelyn Lax was our speaker. We thank God for the faithful ones who attend every Saturday. The Senior citizens enjoyed the Word and the singing. The Lord used Evangelist Lax to sing a solo, which lifted up the name of Jesus and it was an awesome song, and we give God the glory. Mother Willie Mae Mays

Word of Life Women’s Ministry

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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

Jesus welcomed people -

Visitors & Friends “Focused”

“Then drew near to him all the

publicans and sinners for to hear

him. And the Pharisees and

scribes murmured, saying, This

man receives sinners, and eats

with them.”Luke 15: 1-2, (AKJV).

Let me begin by saying thank you to all the great members of this awesome ministry. Truly, the Lord is continuing to bless. I am excited about what the Lord has done and is doing in this ministry. As we continue to greet God’s people, I would like us to remain focused on our visitors and friends. According to the example of Christ in the book of Luke, Christ welcomed everyone regardless of who they were or how much sin they may or may not have had in their lives. Remaining focus on our visitors and friends as they enter the church grounds will help in letting them know that they are important to the Word of Life Family. Here are a few things I would like us to consider as greeters: 1) We must understand the mind of our guest: They want to be welcomed. They want to observe our church and be provided an easy opening it they choose to come again. Most of all they do not want to feel pressured to return or join the church.\ 2) Welcome everyone: Not only do newcomers need our warm welcome; regular attendees also need a friendly greeting. Develop a good handshake. Be enthusiastic about the day, the worship that is about to take place, and about Christ.

3) Anticipate the newcomers: When people enter the door that you do not recognize, approach them by saying something like, “We’re glad to have you here today. I don’t recall meeting you before.” Avoid “is this your first time?” We do not want to embarrass ourselves or offend a regular attendee. 4) Help Newcomers connect: While you are getting to know them, introduce guest to another regular attendee who walks in and suggest they sit together, or feel free to invite first time visitors to sit with you. 5) Say goodbye with warmth: After the service, bid farewell to visitors inviting them to return next week. Ask them if they have any questions. Introduce them to other members and to the pastor. After visitors are gone, feel free to visit with people. 6) Avoid Church Business: Avoid using pre or post service activities to conduct church business that could be done over the phone during the week. Let us remain focus on our visitors and friends. Deaconess Junella Manglona

Greetings on behalf of the WOL Usher Board, Please remember your Dues are $5.00 a month, and if you were not at the last meeting please see me after service and I give you all the updates. We are soliciting donations for uniforms (let God use you.) Upcoming events: Meeting/ Usher training TBA Usher Seminar Usher Fun Day Also, we are in need of a Secretary and a Chaplain for the Usher’s Board. Love always, Deacon Michael Washington Jr.

Greeters’ Ministry

Mission Statement

“To greet our members and visitors as well as making sure every guest feels welcome in the house of the Lord by providing a warm and friendly atmosphere in love”.

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THE BROTHERHOOD The brotherhood is headed in the right direction; we are a brotherhood on the move. I love how God is adding to the brotherhood daily. During the month of October we held what I believe to be the first of many prayer conferences. Thirty brothers attended the fellowship that was held at Minister Williams’ house and God used Minister Barker during the praise and worship service. I believe it all started around 6 am Friday morning when the brothers were asked to fast until 12 noon; then Saturday fellowship brought us closer together and the scripture came alive. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Sunday Morning Prayer was awesome and about 13 brothers logged on to our conference call with seven more having technical difficult but because of what God is doing in the brotherhood they prayed doing the set hours anyway. We prayed that God would have his way and he did just that by showing up and showing out. We are looking for God to do greater things in this brotherhood. I would like to invite more brothers to come and experience the move of God as we go forward as The Brotherhood. Elder Lineard Rucker, Vice President—Word of Life Brotherhood


“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 First, we thank all of the teachers for inspiring and teaching the people of God His word. You all are awesome. We are excited about what the Lord is doing in Sunday school. The Sunday school department is steady moving forward, over the past month we have incorporated several new teachers. We welcome Evangelist Colbert, Evangelist Lax, Minister Rule, and Minister Barker to our team of awesome teachers. Please continue to lift up the Sunday school department in prayer as we continue to allow the Lord to lead us. If you have a desire to become a Sunday school teacher, please see Elder Rucker or Evangelist Williams.

Young Adults Ministry

Multi-Media Ministry We the WOL Media Ministry would like to you for your continued support. It is our prayer that every week we provide outstanding visual presentations that will not only stimulate but compel one to receive God's precious gift of salvation. Always remember "all things are possible to him that believeth" Mark 9:23. May God bless and keep you always... Elder, Darren Colona

If you are interested in being a part of the Multi-Media

Ministry, please see Elder Darren Colona or Sister Monica Merriweather

In Loving Ministry of Deseriann Shantell Strayhorn, 1st President of the Young Adult Ministry



Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011


Please see Mother Mays for more


We visit the nursing home the third Saturday of each month from 11 to 11:30am We visit Beaumont the last Monday of the Month 1to 1:45pm


Praise the Lord at all times, for His Praise shall continue to be in my mouth. Psalms 84:4 states: "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they will be praising thee. Se-lah.”

We cannot say enough about hospitality, it is truly a blessing to serve Gods people. When we think about Jesus, and how he came to serve and not to be served inspires us the more to serve with a willing and loving heart as we continue to serve Gods people. Thank God for every faithful servant that is serving on the hospitality committee our labor is not in vain we will receive blessings because we will not faint (Thank you Lord). Praise God for all the help, peace, love and quickness that was shown on this pass Sunday to Sis. Sherry Leaphart, Sis. Donna Moore, Sis. Colona, Sis. Nelson, Deaconess Junella Manglona and Mother-Deaconess Shirley Jemison. Thank You and God Bless you all in a Mighty way. Love you much. Anyone willing or wanting to serve on the hospitality committee, please see Evangelist, Mother, Rev. Anna Wright.

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hand, you sinners and purify your hearts, you double minded. James 4:8

PASTOR’S AIDE By Mother Shirley Jemison

And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding,

and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love [his]

neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and

sacrifices. Mark 12:33

Thank to all the pastor aide commit for your support in keeping the arms of the Pastor and First Lady lifted up and also keep them in prayer. We are so blessed to have two willing vessels to be obedient to God’s word and tell us the truth. They set a good example for us to do the right thing. I’m praying for each of you to keep up the good work for God. God bless you all, God Bless, Sis Shirley Jemison



Drawing near to God requires you to take two actions.

First, you must cleanse your hands. You must cleanse

your way of living. Second, you are to purify your heart.

You must make certain your attitudes, thoughts, and

motives are right in God's eyes and are in harmony with

God’s word. Let us draw near to God to let our light

shine so others may see Christ in us. Thank you to all

who have donated food and clothes. May God bless you.

God Bless You. Thank you, Sis. Jemison

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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you to the youth leaders for all of your hard work, I thank God for all you do and your sacrifices for the children and their spiritual growth and development. And to all of the youth of Word of Life, I love you so much you have no idea, keep up the good work and make the devil out of a liar. Remember we are a ―youth on the move‖. Evangelist Melissa Miller

Word of Life


Children’s Church To God Be the Glory for the things he has done! As WOL continues to grow, so does our department. God is yet blessing Children Church along with the teachers and assistants. Continue to keep us in your prayers as we teach our future leaders!!! Upcoming Events: We are looking forward to redecorating our room very soon. Teachers meeting TBA

God Bless,

Missionary Washington


Please see Sis Merriweather if you are okay with your child being a part of the multi-media ministry’s efforts to

connect with others within the El Paso community via visual aids such as commercials for our church.

Email: [email protected] to receive more information.

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NEED GRAPHICS FOR YORU AUXILIARY? Does your auxiliary need an event announcement slide, a feature slide for Sunday Morning (i.e. Men’s Sunday, Women’s Sunday, Youth Sunday, Young Adult Sunday, Joy Night), a banner design, an auxiliary logo, or t-shirt design for an event? Do you want to add some interactivity to your Tuesday Night Bible Study with a PowerPoint Presentation? If so, please contact me for all your graphic design needs. I will work with you on your ideas and bring your design concepts to life! Send your ideas or design requests to [email protected]. Sisterly in Christ Deaconess Joy Jacobs


Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

Dance/Praise Ministries under the direction of Deaconess Joy Jacobs

Little Blessings of Praise (ages 2-8) praise Rhythm & Praise (Youth – ages 8-13) dance Holy Motions of Praise (Teens – 14-18) dance

Dance/Praise Ministries under the direction of Minister Monique Strayhorn

Anointed Hands of Praise (ages 3—adults) sign-language Christ’s Anointed Creations (ages 3—adult) dance (Adults – YWCC, MEN, YOUNG ADULTS)

By Minister Monique Strayhorn

Ministry of Dance

It Says Write The Vision and make it plain ...I write with knowing that God has been good and that no one else can receive the GLORY and that that no one else can receive the Praise… BUT GOD! To the Youth: continue to stay in position because God is Moving in a way that only He can. I have seen the hand of God move on our youth; they have so much to offer and more than that, they have to stay focused on where God wants to take them ... for our God is truly Awesome! To the women’s dance ministry: I see that the presence of a "Vision that Brings Hope and Change when Articulated with Enthusiasm" and that's what God is doing when we come with a mindset to do what God has equipped us to do like the song we danced to …"I BELIEVE". The Just shall live by his FAITH…continue to stay focused and thank you all—every youth, every young adult and every woman and man supports the ministry. Continue to be Steadfast Unmoveable Always Abounding in the work of the Lord. Know that you are Blessed and Highly Favored. Minister Monique Strayhorn

Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psalm 149:3


Dance - Poetry - Music - Drama

If you are interested in being a part of the Fine Arts

Ministry, please see Deaconess Joy Jacobs.

PRAYER You can never go wrong when you PRAY GOD’S


2 Chronicles 7:14-15

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble

themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their

wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive

their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open

and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.

Dance Poetry Music


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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

The season is changing, leaves are turning golden and the dead leaves are falling from the trees. This past Sunday I was able to reflect on the past, present and future of the choir. As I reminisce about the past, I believe in my heart that God heard the cries and petitions of His people. Many people counted the Word of Life Choir out, thinking we would never grow out of our humble beginnings. People left and new people came and there was even a time when we were stagnate. Psalms 34:1 says, ―I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth‖. Even David in his seemingly desolate situation continued to remain faithful to the almighty God. WOL choir has grown tremendously, not just in numbers but in discipline, and developing the spirit of excellence that is prevalent in the ministry. We now realize that we are not just singing a song, but ministering through music. In our present, I am proud to say we are the best choir in El Paso, evidenced not only at the recent support of Westside Christian Fellowship’s 5


Annual church anniversary and the 11th Annual Pastor’s Aide program,

but consistently on Sunday mornings. Just as the season is changing around us, we are shedding leaves and preparing for a new season. On today as I go into my 5

th year as choir president ,realizing that I have not

been easy, I am thankful for those who continually pray for me and grateful to the many faithful members of Word of Life Choir presently and throughout the years and celebrate with you as we go into our new season. Minister Lois Richardson Choir President

Choir News

STREET WITNESSING: WILL YOU BE A WITNESS? Word of Life Street Witness is a ministry committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ with all people. Through street witnessing, we pray that we touch lives and that someone who does not know Christ will get to know Him as Lord and Savior. We will make an impact on the community, in the name of Jesus...Amen. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 Minister Michael Williams Street witnessing takes place every fourth Saturday at 10am after prayer. If you are interested in being a part, please see Sis Hayward

COMMUNITY RESOURCES The community resources section will be posted in each newsletter and

online as resource tool to assist anyone living within the El Paso or

military community.

Community Resource of the Month: 2-1-1 Texas, a program of the Texas Health and Human

Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from over 60,000 state and local health and human services programs. Website: www.211texas.org

Military Community Resource of the Month:

Tutor.com/military, Tutor.com for U.S. Military families is funded by the Department of Defense MWR Library Program. Get help from a professional tutor anytime you need it. FREE for eligible military service members in the Army, Marines, Navy or Air Force and their dependents. Tutors are online 24/7 and available to help in more than 16 subjects.

If you have a resource that you think would be beneficial to the

members of Word of Life, please send it to [email protected] or

see Sis. Monica Merriweather

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Life in the Word Newsletter

November 2011

CALENDAR December 2011 1st & 2nd: TWJ Revival at Restoration Fellowship 4th: Speaking Engagement at Phillips Chapel 7that 7pm: Strategic Planning Meeting 10th: Daycare for members 11th: Winter Musical at 3pm 16th at 7pm: YWCC Banquet 17th: YWCC PGM/Shopping Trip 18th at 9am: Youth Dept. Sunday School Play 18th: Gift Exchange and Christmas Dinner after 21st: Community Outreach (cookies/gifts donations) 25th: Christmas Day: Sunday School: 9:15am Morning Worship: 10:30am January 2012 29th: Word of Life Ministries Annual Prayer Breakfast 4th: Speaking Engagement at Phillips Chapel Service times are listed in the front of the newsletter and online at www.wordoflife2000.org From the secretary’s office: Please schedule appointments with me to see the Pastor. This enables the Pastor to schedule his calendar appropriately. Sis. Sherry Leapheart


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Auxiliary/Department Leaders

Children’s Church Ministry Missionary Lawanda Washington

Choir Department Minister Lois Richardson

Communications/Multi-Media Director of Operations Elder Darren Colona

Communication/Multi-Media-Admin Director Community Resources/Newsletter Editor Sis. Monica Merriweather

Fine Arts Ministry/Dance Ministry Deaconess Joy Jacobs

High School to College Transition Sis. Michaella Washington

Hospitality Mother Ann Wright

Men’s Department Minister Michael Williams

Outreach Mother Shirley Jemison

Mother Willie Mae Mays

Pastor’s Aide Mother Shirley Jemison

Strategic Planning Elder Mosley Hobson

Street Witnessing Sis. Charline Hayward

Sunday School Department Elder Lineard Rucker

Usher Board Deacon Michael Washington

Young Adults Ministry Minister Barker

Sis. Roberts

Young Women’s Christian Council Prayer

Evangelist Willie M. Mays

Youth Department Evangelist Melissa Miller

Dance Ministry Minister Monique Strayhorn

Follow us on Twitter: @wordoflife2000

Greeters Ministry Deaconess Junella Manglona

Deacons Brother Robert Goodwin