' ' . ' ., . .. '. '·- ',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: - . '' . ""• . . . : I : - I ' ' I . ' '·. ' . . ',_ I ,-. fc ', ' i'tt, · •' ':; . ... I .,; ' . ' ... . . .. .. . . , . ' lit' ;-t ,; " . . . . ' ' . . .. ' ,' ... ' ,- . : ....... ·. . . t ' .. . _,_,j ___ ,.:.;.__.,....;..._+->-...--·:... .. .. ,--......... . . . -. ---- :-:"' '"' '"' ·" --·-·· ... ' . "I •, ' ,.; I . . ' . ,, :, _,,: , . I ' . . ' . . •,r -• /"""n / ... ' .. . .. ' . . . ·--','· ' ,, ... ' . • ... : •• ·-. : •. .; '.- ' ·', "'·- -'- .,.-·' ->;", '" ...... : • ,' ' ;_·, ' '- -_- > : •. -. , .• '' -' -- •• ' ·- '. ' ·_· : ·- .'· , ' .' --.' _.-:..::..:. J' _I .:-_..._J.. - .:._;.... ; ._- ..:_..:_ '2' .... ........ - .... .::..' .. :_,f.:;.·_ .... ..::. .. :J..-:.,: ............ .. .... ::0. --;:_........ j '. . • . . •· ___ :....._ -- ,.. I --- -- ---,--- - ,. • - "' •·= ·:· ,:_ .. • '- ·- ,._. - •.• __ - -----·· . . ._ · . _, _ . , ' . _ .• N.W 'MEXICO IQI)f Jth. AJ-2312 .-,12· ::(· . . c·p· ·. E'R· . ··.···p-.v- l.i 1tl$ •. vqt,,.iMl .St .• 4S .- - m!W .... Mtf •. . will ' · · · · · ·· · · . . · ·. .r. 4; . . . . .. f · . , . . · · . · . . . . . . ... N. .. .-. ...... n .. Jn tho tM fOU l:llll and renlllng . ' ,. __ ;rt·h· : ' . .... ... Wl llio,QU . ®.Mt ··""· .•.. " . Names accepted .. - . . . \ . " .. . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . • !' ..... "' .......... _,.. " . . of report · ·· · · ·· · · · · · · by ke)'J!.ote tne. . . . . ot ·N, ·:&1. P'ederaJJon Rewrt f.,t .revision ot Rewl?Acan :Women in will lx: gtven by l\!:rs, .Qtilt!>n SQ ad· Williams; llFW dri:ss ,nt'the nQ!)n lunch · man; Mrs. w. G •. SJuoecengost . ln tht:l · · . wUJ clvl) the rvport ot nomlnl;l· . 1$ 11. · cl.vU en• ting imd electl<m Cineering of .. N. M. lection of follom this . .,or. fCIII'- temt · . .. ' St&tt) tlwvm-slw. I;Ulq outstand·. . tepQrt Jqdge w. '.1'1 .Scol¢n wa.$ bex-e · Mon®y. anq .,.®f.!ptecl !ol- . lowing j\U¥ duty tol'' r the tall term. ol .. "' ntinues to A,pril. .. . Mr!l. SablnQ ;A. Tee Smith, S, •. Mrl. MIUYlfi Me•. R; Ml'fl. l3arnes, Alt:Qn l.yxm UcKibbcn, Marlene (;QdWlll Mrs. , WiUle Wright Erl· nco S, ValleJO$. Mrs. Wm. G. 1 .'McCarthy, l,{rs. Elfigo Lovato, • Tom w Jr., Leo. A.. . Joiner, Uichael· P. Mr!!;Jamea A. Snow, Mrs. dy Eldridge, Leon Lock, Co$tll0 Gallego., Mrs. Jobn 'l'horMB, Mrs. Louise Coe Runnel$, Mrs. . Chntla Rowland . . a.Mrl.l:rvin .A. ;sagle(, Lawrence Mrs. Byrl . n. JaY, W., lAlthCl' Iavin, Charles Freeman M'cCorkle, Mrs, Ua· · . rion s. I{enneth C. McnnJ, Lcort H. BJ..ckwelder, Roberta Dunn l..tu'liOn. Candela· rill Padilla 'J;'ruJUlo, Willlrun Dee Proctor, ·HrJ. Holen ·· Bunting e!iH:hardJon, Thomas Altnon Knlsbt, Wayne La- May. The tint jury trln1 wlll be next Monday, Nov. 1. Trofffc: acc:ldent Puts •stx In Zcno hospital A wrNNEnS NAJdE GOES UP QN FJBI.n- 'l1le ·- " eemnontes .. pproprlatf lMt Friday ntxbt th& foot- ball f1dd Jn Clr;rfzQ;ro WllJ named tor the wach ever to hit t.fneo1It CountY- )b.'. .X.... br, much better known as ''Bemle". Cof.cb Lut- came tO CmizOzo ten: the- U!$94) school )'Caf' and tor- Ode .ro. tn full won f!Ver$' . j; .. «'_ ,. .,------- ... ,..,. --·- 'I'bc! only thing a pe;my buyl gamo played on Laabl Field.' ' Tho Can1zoto Grlzzlltt won n1M pmes attd pla)-ed tor tM •taw chnmplonshlp 1n 1959, 1n bOth 100().61 won tho Jtatc champlonahlp, tied for to,\} in 2-o 1n 1962 and won state 1n 1003 and Tbe l9G!S aqu.d 9f Grlzzllq Ss the . algn. and 1M new doc.k and JCOteboud. ! _; __ - ..... _...\ .. ) h- .. ., . ' , Jng civil graduate Mr$, Francl$ E. Perkln.s of award recJplent, llilil a rnemher •Concord, N. H., fourth vice pre- of Who'J'I M'bo students sldent of the Fed.ern- in American \.Ullverslties and tlon ReR\\bllcan Wolnen, will " colleges. . add.re.$8 the .convention. during llis bWilness bnCkgrQund is ·in the morning session. Her inter- drUUng arul transportation for est in· polltfC!f f,iate.s back to her thQ oil industry. He was Pre31· childhood days when her family dent of Prill Ald. :Inc., an oll was prominent at various levels 10()1 manufacturing company at of New Hampshire govcrrunent. Odessa bctore moVing to New At present she is a member or Mexico. . the executive committee of tho At the ago of 28, Mr. Fore· RepubUcnn State Committee of man was the youngest Repre- whlcll she has been asslstnnt sentatlve elected to serve a.s a treasurer and assistant 11tato member of the 8Sth Congress, cbalrmnn. . . Texas Republican. He was The nttcrnoon ccsston wlll be named one ot the f!vo outstand· called to order at 2:00 p.m. The lng young men. ot Texns tor the address at this time will be glv· year 1962. en by ·Mrs. Ira Grayson of Ar- He did activq duty in the tl. · llngton, ViriJlnia, who is vice S. Navy nnd was honorably dis· cbalrmnn of program pl!tnnlng charged. Was n member of the for the National Fcderqtlon ot 0 de ssa Hlghlund Methodist RcpubUean Women. Gray. Churc}) board or stewards, also .non has Jed an active pollUcnl member of the EJ Paso Scottish uro since 1958 when she partlcl- Ritc Association. puted 1n !orm11Uon of the Fair- Tho convention will open with view Rcpubllcnn Club, reglstrotlon Saturday mornfng town, N. J, ·llt 10:00 ln the Chnpa.rrol with The buUet supper at 7:30 1n MfS, · R. K. l(nox. chairman of tho Chaparral will be followed N. M. Republican Federated by nn evening of fun wlth Lin· Women, Mrs. Bob coln County Rcpubllcrua provld· Prichett will serve a,s i>;lrlla· Inc most of tho prosnun. Tak· mcntDrlnn. · Inc part 1n tlM se&alon wUl be Mrs. o; D. McNatt of Nognl Rep. W. G. Shrceensost, county Lincoln County RFW chntrman, vice ,<:bnlrmnn H. II. Shier, Sen. Will give tho welcome, response Joo Skeen, Albert Booky or by Mrs. Lawrence s. Mooro, Hondo, .and county chnlrman Bernalillo County RFW cl1nlr- Bert Pflngatcn. . . * * * * * * Chrlatlan . ' at Alamoaordo The·Weather 'I1le Lubbock Chrl.ltlan Col· 11 L.%. Nllltltf ltge A Olppclln Chorus w1ll o .._ 21 present a of religious etc .... ,. -·-tc. •t the CUb:l Avenuo October 22 ,,._ .... October·23 Chufcb of Olrl.lt 1n Alarnogo""' October 24 at 7:30p.m. Saturday, Octobtr October 25 Octooorro more tJt 1odny-1han- it -dfH(}- · Carrizozo Churches Repertoire for the pcrfor-- October Zl m.:moo · -- - ---·-· n L w 6£1 43 8 G5 25 2 ,'Ia 33 2 18 42 3 73 32 10 18 46 '1 '75 M 5 .. Monday at il:QQ a.m. a Negro. tnan appeared at the Tranklo SUva. nanch l!Sking for tood nnd W!lter. He Will carrying a tiflo and plstoL Not getting what be ttslred for there, ho headed for Capitan. When tM report ot this lncl· dent reache-d tho ahetUra offiet.! they begnn search for him. He Wti.l loeatid '.1\tcsdny at Ruidoso and ndrnittcd ateollng '" car at l>urnngo, Colo., .Stlfido.Y. 'l'he car '\\'ll!l, located not far from 'l'rankie Silva'• where he futd hidden lt. The culprit. n 19 }"rot' old Negro, Arthur Jrunes Collln!l. supposedly from LOs 1s In i!UStody in the Lincoln County Jllil. Dlverd tranfH Rebecca w Hm-- w. Raymer. > Ro4to meab tonJtht , .. 'lbe I.J.ncoln County Assn. will have a di!h supper to- nt G:M p.m. nt -the ·countey 'club. Hembels and !riends are fnvfted to bring famllies, cottcte<f disb ntul !Something to eat with. yrora ago Is our weight. Hospital Report Airnllt•• ... Jts&Jc ·Marquez. Fellpa OlaJ.- Nclllc Gal!egos, Ter- ri Olttscoagn, <::aniz()Zo; Josle Sitton. 'rimmtc Stewart, Nogal: Mrs. Eva SU!Wnrt, Whim Oaks; Mrs. .Aliro Otero, O?rona. Dltmtuacl Mr. IJ())-"11 Hulbert,. Mrs. Troy ltenilco, JC!Silt! !lll.l'(lllcty lair$. T. F. Fallis, 'l'ttrl CntTttozo: :Mr. Lasiter. lJncoln; Mrs. Dclln Otto, Com. no; Thrunle Stewn.rt. Nogal; Mrs. Josle Sitton. Nagnt (trnJU.. fcrred to RoSWell>; Mrs. Com Hawkins, O:lrtlzmo, (tran!lfer- red to Alliaquerque}. atrttta r.rr. (Uld Mrs. 'TrOy Henslee, a baby girL Last the Hospital re· ceivtd n new rolonneter for doing blood tbenili>trles. Mr. Millegan, technician, Jg very hnppy to have this new equip. rnent in his labc:lmtocy, and it is eertruniy an nSset to the hos- piW. 'ntis apparatus WruJ made possible Special Ertd0'\\-1nent Fund. Halloween party at First Baptist Church YoungstCI'$ or nll ages up. to 24 (WU1lllJTicd) nrc expected at '.thO lWlowOOl party .1n the Bap. tlst clmrch Saturday. Each age group will huve n party of their own In Utclr church department. On November 3 Utero wlll bo a dlnn(!l' at the clturcll tPOlUKll'• cd by tho Woman's !fiss{onnry DlstuSJion wiU be on fOl'l'}gn ml$.SloD!I in Dra.zil. Tha Intermediate s u n day SChool Clas!l has dectc-d oUi• ccrs. Tom Stroley Is pre$ldent, Kntby.,Dancro!t' Is musfe leader, Jim Loclro b vlce-ptesldent ond ll:lrb:ll"ll Knnbloclc Is &l:Cl"Ctary. .•. St, Rita •entfit dlnl'lw, Svl'Niay The of Saint 1Utt1 Church wnt ·· a r.fmttcntl plate dttma' Sunday at the Fire Hall. from l2 UJ 2 P. U. All will &a to St. 1Uto Parish. s•rvku at AUemftfy of Goff :Mrs. Opal :Otne WellS of Cmn Quivirn will be guest speclter at the A!Setnbly ot God Cbttrcll for services stru1ing this v.-eek. Trinity goes non·stop aN day Satut'day Day nft(!l' tomorrow fs non· step Saturd:ly for Trinity folks. They ofler scvcml good got· together events to )'OUl' ft.unlly. M'cthodiJtt youth 'A'Cloome )"OUr contrlbutiotl!l to their ''B:lkc and numtn:lgo Solo" at fire hall from 0 a.m.-2 p.m. It you crumot bring Items, please phone 648-221)2 for p1cJc·up. Cblclten dinner In FcJiawnhlp linU or Trinity from 5-7 p.m. Adult SIZ, chlld OOc. Gtorylnnd Singt!r Quartet 7: 30 in Trinity. No adtnl!:5lon. Freewill ofCering. M.Y .F. Unllo- Party 9-11 p.m. Chaplain Kline will attend Dl!ltrlct Oonten:ncc of Methd- dislt ChUrclte9 1n El Pru:t) thls Sattmby (rom 10 o.m. to 3 p. m. Trinity wns opened s.1:Stcr· !by e:JPC-cliDJY for prnyer tmd meditation for' the welfare of o.ll !lailot'll of the U, S. Navy. It o,\."all Navy D:ly. The . Navy hl<mn i!1 "Etem:ll Father, Strong to Save". This Sund:lY is Refonnatfon Sunday. Sermon ill 1 '1.1'llrtin Luther, leader of world Loud Anthem9 Let U• Sing" by Kirk: "Salutation to Uto Dawn" by Muclltr: "'11le Crc- nUon" by nJchter; "Out of Gn!at Dcpth!l" by Bright; and ''Davld'a Lnmcntatlon" by nn- llngs. LNtrary .,.., thlrlnt va<atltn 'llle school library will bo open from 3:30 to 5 on Wed- nesday and Friday nftemoons Fred McDonald Is Legion commander The Copitnn Pest No. 57, elected th!! foUowina offleem at their meeting held Montby night ot the &cllooh Fro1 Me• Donnld, ccmm:utder: G n r v 1c e Jobe, vice ccltlm!lnder: Premn Couena, odjUL'ltlt; Fred Whit• ley, clw.pfuin, fu.mcy A1daz, cer• ce:mt-atooQfn'l.9. , After the Dle<!tlnrr tho Legion· oiros nttcndcd n PI'() meeting where Utey reports rrcm Boyn oM Glrm State reprc.st:n• tatlvcg. LeJ;:fon Comnuutdl!t' Carl PDlmer of CmT".12020 w,ag n auest at the Let;lon tntctlntt. Bertha Cre·nshaw died O,ttober 18 " Mrs. Dertha & Crensh!lw, llbO 65, pnsscd away Oetober lB, 1DG5, nt Odttb, homo or her daughter, Mrs. O,p:1l Mills. Mrs. Crenshaw in aurvlva1 by son, nobcrt A. Whlte Oaka. N. M., tour tbugbtetlil, Mrs. Louella O)unts, nuldoso, N. Mrs. Opat MUtn. Odcun. T('J(QS, Mrs. L.ueUle King, NorU1 Bend. O.regon, 1\trs. nobbfc Fnr· ror, Snntn Om, Cnllt., nJl pre. sent tor t11o .servfttS. n=n 1Jl'Uru1 cbUdrol, 12 s;rrot nrund chlitl· rat. Mra. Cfl.'nslmw was n re- sident of White O:lla from 1!)17 unUl 1917 where they were in Ute ror.chmt: hu!lne:!i. services were held Tbuntby Oetobc:r 21, 1965 ot 2:00 p.m. in Trinity Metlmd!!lt Churcb, with the ncv. J'oo 1'.1'. Drown !rom of· Casket wero Roy Hann:m, Fred L:lMny, Dr.ttk Q>rnclt. P.nymnnd lJttle- tQil. S. 1\t. (Snlly> Otdt, Elliott Moore. lntCirmt'nt rrode 1n White Oaks coneta-y. under U1e direction ot Chapel Ot noces Lucmi·Wooten. Lots 0 vis it i rig artfUnd Carrizozo I . ' .. . ·,

Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -

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Page 1: Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -

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.• CA~iuzoto N.W 'MEXICO IQI)f • Jth. AJ-2312 .-,12· ~~.if • ::(· . ~ . c·p· ·. E'R· . r~-.a·. ··.···p-.v- •#-TfiUrtSDAYt~: l.i 1tl$ •. vqt,,.iMl .St .• -'NUM.~It 4S .- - .~:lJ(l :W.otli~ :At··~ J:~rn~s~ m!W .... Mtf •. J;n~ey . ~~tb will ' · · · · · ·· · · . . · · . .r. 4; . . . . ~ .. f · . , . . · · . · . . . . . . 'o~~ ... N. .. .-. ...... n .. Jn tho 'l'~X· han.~le tM fOU l:llll and renlllng

. '

,. __ ;rt·h· : ' . .... ... Wl llio,QU . ®.Mt ··""· .•.. "

. Names accepted .. -. . . \ .

" .. . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .· . • !' ..... "' "'v··~· .......... _,.. " . . of mmut~ 'tre~rer'~ report · ·· · · ·· · · · · · · AS-,16thc-l)Js.tJ:let...w.Ul~-&.jh!L~Wllt-be-~Pveu by ·~-Kenneth

ke)'J!.ote ad~.a ~t tne. ~lUll . ~~pp. . . . CQilv~ntlon ot ·N, ·:&1. P'ederaJJon Rewrt f.,t l:l~laWll .revision

ot Rewl?Acan :Women in Ruld~ will lx: gtven by l\!:rs, .Qtilt!>n SQ th~ an~dilt.4'o~man'l ad· Williams; Snndov~ llFW ~1\nif-dri:ss wJll'.~ ,nt'the nQ!)n lunch · man; Mrs. w. G •. SJuoecengost . ln tht:l Cl.llilNrt~. · · . wUJ clvl) the rvport ot nomlnl;l· . .· ~r. fo~m~n 1$ 11. · cl.vU en• ting imd electl<m c:pmmitt~. E· Cineering ~uate of .. N. M. lection of Qffi~;ers follom this . .,or. fCIII'- temt · . .. ' St&tt) tlwvm-slw. I;Ulq outstand·. . tepQrt •

Jqdge w. '.1'1 .Scol¢n wa.$ bex-e · Mon®y. anq .,.®f.!ptecl ~ !ol- . lowing ~ !P~ j\U¥ duty tol''

r the tall term. ol ~. w~c:l\ .. "' ntinues to A,pril. ..

. Mr!l. SablnQ ;A. ~oval, .Jes~ Tee Smith, M~. ~ S, V~aa •. Mrl. MIUYlfi :S~ Me•. Quire,.~ R; U<>~toya, Ml'fl. l3arnes, Alt:Qn l.yxm UcKibbcn, Marlene (;QdWlll 'P~. Mrs.

, WiUle Wright ltc;>b~, ~ Erl· nco S, ValleJO$. Mrs. Wm. G.

1 • .'McCarthy, l,{rs. Elfigo Lovato, •

Tom w • .r~. Jr., Leo. A.. . Joiner, Uichael· P. Jac~on,

Mr!!;Jamea A. Snow, Mrs. G~· dy Eldridge, Leon Lock, Co$tll0 Gallego., Mrs. Jobn 'l'horMB, Mrs. Louise Coe Runnel$, Mrs.

. Chntla Rowland . ~1.ugh, . a.Mrl.l:rvin .A. ;sagle(, Lawrence ~· ~ey, Mrs. Byrl . n. Ltnd~

JaY, W., lAlthCl' Iavin, Charles Freeman M'cCorkle, Mrs, Ua· · . rion s. S~nc:er, I{enneth C. McnnJ, Lcort H. BJ..ckwelder, Roberta Dunn l..tu'liOn. Candela· rill Padilla 'J;'ruJUlo, Willlrun Dee Proctor, ·HrJ. Holen ·· Bunting

e!iH:hardJon, Thomas Altnon Knlsbt, ~tb Wayne La­May.

The tint jury trln1 wlll be next Monday, Nov. 1.

• Trofffc: acc:ldent Puts

•stx In Zcno hospital

A wrNNEnS NAJdE GOES UP QN ~G FJBI.n- 'l1le ·- "

eemnontes w~rc .. pproprlatf lMt Friday ntxbt ~ th& foot-ball f1dd Jn Clr;rfzQ;ro WllJ named tor the ~t wach ever to hit t.fneo1It CountY- )b.'. ~ .X....br, much better known as ''Bemle". Cof.cb Lut- came tO CmizOzo ten: the- U!$94) school )'Caf' and ~t tor- Ode .ro. tn ~ full won f!Ver$'

. j; • .~ .. _';'-~ ~ «'_ ~-~~;;:;_:::;;-:..- "-~~ -~~ ~ ,.

• .,-------... -----~111'!1-----A~ ;wu:vsa....,.-rw~v...._~-- ,..,. --·-·~· 'I'bc! only thing a pe;my buyl

gamo played on Laabl Field.' ' Tho Can1zoto Grlzzlltt won n1M pmes attd pla)-ed tor tM

•taw chnmplonshlp 1n 1959, 1n bOth 100().61 they~ won tho Jtatc champlonahlp, tied for to,\} in 2-o 1n 1962 and won state 1n 1003 and 1~ Tbe l9G!S aqu.d 9f Grlzzllq Ss ~ped und~ the

. ~ algn. ~hll· ~·~ and 1M new doc.k and JCOteboud. ! _; __ - ....._...\ .. ) h- .. ., ~ .



Jng civil e~eerln~r graduate Mr$, Francl$ E. Perkln.s of award recJplent, llilil a rnemher • Concord, N. H., fourth vice pre­of Who'J'I M'bo ~ong students sldent of the Na~onnl Fed.ern­in American \.Ullverslties and tlon o~ ReR\\bllcan Wolnen, will

" colleges. . ~.-=- add.re.$8 the .convention. during llis bWilness bnCkgrQund is ·in the morning session. Her inter­

drUUng arul transportation for est in· polltfC!f f,iate.s back to her thQ oil industry. He was Pre31· childhood days when her family dent of Prill Ald. :Inc., an oll was prominent at various levels 10()1 manufacturing company at of New Hampshire govcrrunent. Odessa bctore moVing to New At present she is a member or Mexico. . the executive committee of tho

At the ago of 28, Mr. Fore· RepubUcnn State Committee of man was the youngest Repre- whlcll she has been asslstnnt sentatlve elected to serve a.s a treasurer and assistant 11tato member of the 8Sth Congress, cbalrmnn. . . a· Texas Republican. He was The nttcrnoon ccsston wlll be named one ot the f!vo outstand· called to order at 2:00 p.m. The lng young men. ot Texns tor the address at this time will be glv· year 1962. en by ·Mrs. Ira Grayson of Ar­

He did activq duty in the tl. · llngton, ViriJlnia, who is vice S. Navy nnd was honorably dis· cbalrmnn of program pl!tnnlng charged. Was n member of the for the National Fcderqtlon ot 0 de ssa Hlghlund Methodist RcpubUean Women. ~ Gray. Churc}) board or stewards, also .non has Jed an active pollUcnl member of the EJ Paso Scottish uro since 1958 when she partlcl­Ritc Association. puted 1n !orm11Uon of the Fair­

Tho convention will open with view Rcpubllcnn Club, Mlddl~ reglstrotlon Saturday mornfng town, N. J, ·llt 10:00 ln the Chnpa.rrol with The buUet supper at 7:30 1n MfS, · R. K. l(nox. chairman of tho Chaparral will be followed N. M. Republican Federated by nn evening of fun wlth Lin· Women, p~ldtng. Mrs. Bob coln County Rcpubllcrua provld· Prichett will serve a,s i>;lrlla· Inc most of tho prosnun. Tak· mcntDrlnn. · Inc part 1n tlM se&alon wUl be

Mrs. o; D. McNatt of Nognl Rep. W. G. Shrceensost, county Lincoln County RFW chntrman, vice ,<:bnlrmnn H. II. Shier, Sen. Will give tho welcome, response Joo Skeen, Albert Booky or by Mrs. Lawrence s. Mooro, Hondo, .and county chnlrman Bernalillo County RFW cl1nlr- Bert Pflngatcn. . .

* * * * * * l.ub~k Chrlatlan C~ob

. '

.alng~ at Alamoaordo The·Weather

'I1le Lubbock Chrl.ltlan Col· 11 L.%. Nllltltf

ltge A Olppclln Chorus w1ll o .._ 21 present a ~rt of religious etc....,. -·-tc. •t the CUb:l Avenuo October 22 ,,._ .... ~ October·23 Chufcb of Olrl.lt 1n Alarnogo""' October 24 at 7:30p.m. Saturday, Octobtr October 25 ~ Octooorro

more tJt 1odny-1han-it -dfH(}- ~ · Carrizozo Churches Repertoire for the pcrfor-- October Zl m.:moo wnrlm!lUltll'~-Qnr!cT · -- - -~- ---·-·

n L w 6£1 43 8 G5 25 2 ,'Ia 33 2 18 42 3 73 32 10 18 46 '1 '75 M 5


Monday at il:QQ a.m. a Negro. tnan appeared at the Tranklo SUva. nanch l!Sking for tood nnd W!lter. He Will carrying a tiflo and plstoL Not getting what be ttslred for there, ho headed for Capitan.

When tM report ot this lncl· dent reache-d tho ahetUra offiet.! they begnn search for him.

He Wti.l loeatid '.1\tcsdny at Ruidoso and ndrnittcd ateollng '" car at l>urnngo, Colo., .Stlfido.Y. 'l'he car '\\'ll!l, located not far from 'l'rankie Silva'• where he futd hidden lt. The culprit. n 19 }"rot' old Negro, Arthur Jrunes Collln!l. supposedly from LOs An..~les, 1s In i!UStody in the Lincoln County Jllil.

• Dlverd tranfH Rebecca Ann~ w Hm-­

~;ey w. Raymer.


Ro4to ~bin.. meab tonJtht , .. 'lbe I.J.ncoln County Assn. will

have a tov~ di!h supper to­~t (~) nt G:M p.m. nt -the ·countey 'club. Hembels and !riends are fnvfted to bring famllies, cottcte<f disb ntul !Something to eat with.

yrora ago Is our weight.

Hospital Report Airnllt•• ... •

Jts&Jc ·Marquez. Fellpa OlaJ.­~:Mrs. Nclllc Gal!egos, Ter­ri Olttscoagn, <::aniz()Zo; M~ Josle Sitton. 'rimmtc Stewart, Nogal: Mrs. Eva SU!Wnrt, Whim Oaks; Mrs. .Aliro Otero, O?rona.

Dltmtuacl Mr. IJ())-"11 Hulbert,. Mrs. Troy

ltenilco, JC!Silt! !lll.l'(lllcty lair$. T. F. Fallis, 'l'ttrl 0~ CntTttozo: :Mr. 'nlc~ Lasiter. lJncoln; Mrs. Dclln Otto, Com. no; Thrunle Stewn.rt. Nogal; Mrs. Josle Sitton. Nagnt (trnJU.. fcrred to RoSWell>; Mrs. Com Hawkins, O:lrtlzmo, (tran!lfer­red to Alliaquerque}.

atrttta r.rr. (Uld Mrs. 'TrOy Henslee,

a baby girL Last wc~k the Hospital re·

ceivtd n new rolonneter for doing blood tbenili>trles. Mr. Millegan, technician, Jg very hnppy to have this new equip. rnent in his labc:lmtocy, and it is eertruniy an nSset to the hos­piW. 'ntis apparatus WruJ made possible throu~ 1h~ Special Ertd0'\\-1nent Fund.

Halloween party at

First Baptist Church YoungstCI'$ or nll ages up. to

24 (WU1lllJTicd) nrc expected at '.thO lWlowOOl party .1n the Bap. tlst clmrch Saturday. Each age group will huve n party of their own In Utclr church department.

On November 3 Utero wlll bo a dlnn(!l' at the clturcll tPOlUKll'• cd by tho Woman's !fiss{onnry S~ety. DlstuSJion wiU be on fOl'l'}gn ml$.SloD!I in Dra.zil.

Tha Intermediate s u n day SChool Clas!l has dectc-d oUi• ccrs. Tom Stroley Is pre$ldent, Kntby.,Dancro!t' Is musfe leader, Jim Loclro b vlce-ptesldent ond ll:lrb:ll"ll Knnbloclc Is &l:Cl"Ctary. .•.

• • St, Rita •entfit dlnl'lw, Svl'Niay

The ~lm'I,E!ll of Saint 1Utt1 Church wnt ·· ~e a r.fmttcntl plate dttma' Sunday at the Fire Hall. from l2 UJ 2 P. U. All p~ will &a to St. 1Uto Parish.

• s•rvku at AUemftfy of Goff

:Mrs. Opal :Otne WellS of Cmn Quivirn will be guest speclter at the A!Setnbly ot God Cbttrcll for services stru1ing this v.-eek.

Trinity goes non·stop

aN day Satut'day Day nft(!l' tomorrow fs non·

step Saturd:ly for Trinity folks. They ofler scvcml good got· together events to )'OUl' ft.unlly. M'cthodiJtt youth 'A'Cloome )"OUr contrlbutiotl!l to their ''B:lkc and numtn:lgo Solo" at fire hall from 0 a.m.-2 p.m. It you crumot bring Items, please phone 648-221)2 for p1cJc·up.

Cblclten dinner In FcJiawnhlp linU or Trinity from 5-7 p.m. Adult SIZ, chlld OOc.

• Gtorylnnd Singt!r Quartet 7:

30 in Trinity. No adtnl!:5lon. Freewill ofCering. M.Y .F. Unllo­w~n Party 9-11 p.m.

Chaplain Kline will attend Dl!ltrlct Oonten:ncc of Methd­dislt ChUrclte9 1n El Pru:t) thls Sattmby (rom 10 o.m. to 3 p. m.

Trinity wns opened s.1:Stcr· !by e:JPC-cliDJY for prnyer tmd meditation for' the welfare of o.ll !lailot'll of the U, S. Navy. It o,\."all Navy D:ly. The . Navy hl<mn i!1 "Etem:ll Father, Strong to Save".

• This Sund:lY is Refonnatfon

Sunday. Sermon ill 1'1.1'llrtin Luther, leader of world ~form.

Loud Anthem9 Let U• Sing" by Kirk: "Salutation to Uto Dawn" by Muclltr: "'11le Crc­nUon" by nJchter; "Out of Gn!at Dcpth!l" by Bright; and ''Davld'a Lnmcntatlon" by nn­llngs.

LNtrary .,.., thlrlnt va<atltn

'llle school library will bo open from 3:30 to 5 on Wed­nesday and Friday nftemoons this\\~](.

Fred McDonald Is Legion commander

The Copitnn ~gfon. Pest No. 57, elected th!! foUowina offleem at their meeting held Montby night ot the &cllooh Fro1 Me• Donnld, ccmm:utder: G n r v 1 c e Jobe, vice ccltlm!lnder: Premn Couena, odjUL'ltlt; Fred Whit• ley, clw.pfuin, fu.mcy A1daz, cer• ce:mt-atooQfn'l.9. ,

After the Dle<!tlnrr tho Legion· oiros nttcndcd n PI'() meeting where Utey 111!~ reports rrcm Boyn oM Glrm State reprc.st:n• tatlvcg. LeJ;:fon Comnuutdl!t' Carl PDlmer of CmT".12020 w,ag n auest at the Let;lon tntctlntt.

Bertha Cre·nshaw

died O,ttober 18 " Mrs. Dertha & Crensh!lw,

llbO 65, pnsscd away Oetober lB, 1DG5, nt Odttb, T~ homo or her daughter, Mrs. O,p:1l Mills. Mrs. Crenshaw in aurvlva1 by son, nobcrt A. ~w. Whlte Oaka. N. M., tour tbugbtetlil, Mrs. Louella O)unts, nuldoso, N. ~L, Mrs. Opat MUtn. Odcun. T('J(QS, Mrs. L.ueUle King, NorU1 Bend. O.regon, 1\trs. nobbfc Fnr· ror, Snntn Om, Cnllt., nJl pre. sent tor t11o .servfttS. n=n 1Jl'Uru1 cbUdrol, 12 s;rrot nrund chlitl· rat. Mra. Cfl.'nslmw was n re­sident of White O:lla from 1!)17 unUl 1917 where they were in Ute ror.chmt: hu!lne:!i. services were held Tbuntby Oetobc:r 21, 1965 ot 2:00 p.m. in Trinity Metlmd!!lt Churcb, with the ncv. J'oo 1'.1'. Drown !rom Olft'~. of· ficillUJt~I. Casket bt>~ wero Roy Hann:m, Fred L:lMny, Dr.ttk Q>rnclt. P.nymnnd lJttle­tQil. S. 1\t. (Snlly> Otdt, Elliott Moore. lntCirmt'nt rrode 1n White Oaks coneta-y. under U1e direction ot Chapel Ot noces Lucmi·Wooten.

Lots 0 vis it i rig artfUnd Carrizozo

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Made· puts cake in·· :fOr ·guests·. . ' ' i

The tiro alarm 101.1nded 7:30 ded the game.· a.m.· sunday foi' a fll'fl at the Mr. and Mrs,-n. G. Stew~.: Macle Edmondson and. Dlxle ai1tl .t'~mlly of ~ogo~!um(l . Sparks home: A pan of gr()~U~e her afithr .J~Arultt 1m4 hY'ban!f · Q.D thq ra_n..M • exp!Qded -when of :RoBwe

1 11 spent ~e wede~~tu~

some water boiled Into It, The with the r p_arcnts .wd', an ~··r•. · · flromcn soon had it out. There. Roy. ·l .. 'JMay. n-Jcnc:ls vJsfte!l . .a~o .. !!J rter WllS considerable damage done them at the game,. · went· on 14 ln the kitchen and the 11moke Mr. and Mr!f, Bud Payne of lleiU' w~,JB bad In the hotise. TheY took camzoto 1ittenll~cnne-J®tbaU Mb.cle out Ill! she WllS ncar col- game Saturday night. ·

i ..

lapse, but when she got started Mrs. Paul Jones entered the have again she put a cake in the oven Ruidoso Hospital Sunday night RoiWelJ, A 119n: ·~ ·. ·. and told the firemen If they to under~go surgery 14onday a · . ·fu!lli--walted a minute, she would mornlg. I do wish you a'speedy and -~ have a cake baked for them. recovery. 10 · he. WI1S ·with hbi grand• Dixie's face WllS burned eomc. Mrs. Annie Petree left by Plll'CIJtiJ, They llald tt had been Thanku to our goQd fire d~part- plane for Nevada to visit her 20 ye11rs !IInce tbelr last v.!Blt mont for that job well done.. I!Qn Eugene and t11mlly for two and they were enjo;yl,rlg the

Mrn. Margaret Burdick of T weeks. · many nice chlulges. It WIUI gOQd or c accom[lanled by her mo- Mr. and Mr$, Dan Do Orc~o- to. sco. th.em .again, 'l'Jley ·We.re thor, Beaslc Hartford of North rio, recently moved from LBs j prou!l ot tho ,¢lurch !ltt~n- . Platt, Nebr., and Mr. Hancock VcgllS, New. Mexico to Dugway, dance, 70 present" Sunday. · sto[l[X!d by cnroute home lp vis- Utah. He is employed with tho Mr, Jess liafrlS accompanied. It me Tue11day, She wao taldng Dugway proving Lab ln re- by bis 11lster, M~ Lou Harris her mothl'r home with her. She search. Mrs, Dl Gregorio Is tbo of Ruidoso Downs, visited. their lu 76 yearn and ljkes Nl'w Mexl- former Judy Locldtart. sister, Mr. nnd Mrs, R. D. King-co. Margaret told me of the Mr. and Mrs; Bruce Murphy 11ton. Lois remained for a few •. death of hl'r huBband Floyd In of Melrose were weekend guests days, · · July 1963. H(' wns Ill one month of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayfield. nnd dll'd of u heart at tuck. lie • . Two year old ~ter Loclt-hud purcna!ICd 0 motel two hart bus recuperated . nicely N I monthll lx-fore hill passing which from his broltcn leg. His pa- oga ah" now munngl'B. • rcnta report him to be good WI . • •

1 ultt'ndl'd u ml'ctlng on thl' new again. . . I •

Hulduno Monday. Mr. and Mro. Jaclt Shaw left ly Re~nllt Dlin •P Saturday evening ror Loveland, Mrs. Faye WOI)tel\ and Mrs. Wl' lulV(l bel'n having lx-null­

ful dnyn with not lou much wind. Vl'ry colrl nt night and tht• il'aVt'B nre guln~. fruit.

Mr. and Mns. Ed GrovC' ot })('IA'On, Tt•~tfl, IIJll'nt BCVl'rnl dayn with thl'lr n1•phPW, Mr. Or­rin Smith Mr. Grov(' waH born In Pint' Sprlngn, N. M., In Lln­roln ('_ounty In 1RH7. Tiwy vlnlt­t'd In Jnml'n CJtnyon l'IIBI of Cloudcroft Friday whero h!l WUII born. Jlln futhcr, J. 0. GriJVl', homl'lll(llldt'd thnt plnce In 1882. Jlc donatt'd lllnd for th(l cemt>tery and chureh there. In 189-1 he t radcd hln homl'­lltt>nd In Jamco Canyon, which Wll!l UJl'n Pint> Spring~~, to Col. Edglnuton who roundc!l the mil­Itary lnntltut(l In Ro:JWcll, for Mr. F.dglngton'n homt:'DI(lad In Comanche Cuunty, Tcxrus, where Mr. and Mm. Ed Grove now Jlv(l. Tiu•y nnd Orrin o.ttendcd old ttmer'n l't'Unlon In Alnmo­uordo Friday at thl' VFW hnU. Orrt1 still has the letter~ of the trnnl!lcUon mentioned above.

A hunting party of llvo ron­lllltlnu of Mayor Gerald Dean, Grady Eldrldgt>, Virgil Hall, Blll Rnndlo and Dicit Cox SJX>nt ten dnya In the Poao~ SprlnWJ, Co­lo • nren. 1\vo or tho five killed an (llk. Thrro trot of anow fell whllo they \\'t'ftl thC!ro.

ThC! Rourultnblo Club mot at the homt> i>f F1"1111CC!1t Show Oct. 21. Tho dcoorntlona were a llol­IO".v("Cn thcmo . Including the hDilCSJ thero wero tm memoora prolctlt: Lemmo Fcr;zwon, El­thn Mt'M'Cll ,Corrlnno Provine, AIIL'"Illln."l Provine, JlcuJo Jo~ Marlo EdgBt', Genova Walker ... Grncc Murphy and Mary Dean. '1\\'0 1pednl UUI.'IIta wero lle!l.'fl SC!Ill"'l, charter member, and Vern Beall. Frlt'd chleken with nil tho goodies Will tho dlnrulr. Mter lunch tho buslnMs mcot­lng won rolled tb order by Pres­Ident lk>aslo Jonl.'ll. Roll cal.l. then bullln.eas. A thnnkyou noto from Garth ll)"'d(l tor nowers lor Mra. l(cnthlo)"a tunt!ml wna I'Ctl!l. Tlwn a Jetter ot rollwm· tlon of Paulino Britton WDI ac­{'('pted, Dl muctJ Dl they h!ltro to lo.;e her. Vern lk!all Ia n new member of tho club. Lemmo Fcr­IIW!On "-'On tho rnftle, a lovt:'ly Jar or pear ptuei'\'(!;J modo by tJw h03tru. Tho buslncu being m"Cr Con1nrw Provine took ov­er, She held n hrnJn twfstcr. Tho prllU'D wt?ro won by Uelcn Se:uu nnd Loreno FefiZ\l!lcn. Helen S(larn Ill lp('ndinu some Umo In her Sun Valley cnbln. Helen and Vl'rn llilnll \\'W'Q cho.rtcr man­OOnl when the club was ll1'!:llnl· ze-d 30 )"C:ll'll ot;o.

Bllly i"ci'IlWtln of Santn Fo spent tho wa>kcnd horn with hi.J motlwr Loulso Fcmusnn and ho n ttcntlod the cnmc.

Mr. and Mrn. Johnny Werner ond rour ehlldron or Elida spent the wreltcntt with hta fnthcr Trovla Womer. They too nttcn•

Chopel of Roses

TeXIlfl to visit hlu BG year old Gladyn Alexander were hostess• . mother for the weekend. es tor a birthday party tor Mrs.

Mr. and MJ'Il. Hollis Cummln!l Pearl Stearns "Monday, Ma, ns went to El PllllO Sunday to nt- abe iD nftectlonally )mown to all ttmd the Trl State Directors her friends was completely sur• meeting und returned that prl&cd by Jall her friends, Mon­nlght. day at the home of 1\Jrs. Faye

Johnny Wnllter returned from Wooten., Furmln{~ton. lie helped tho Ken- The iifoup, led In the singing ncth Stones move from here to by Eva Zumwalt and aceompa· their home there. He tried to nlcd at the plano by Mrs. Mat· find employment but to no sy ltelly, ·sang Happy Birthday nvnll. llo recently pa5acd his and Memories. Later Mrs. Kcl· ph)'lllcnl for the military nerv- Jy entertplncd the group with Icc. Jacky Wallter and Terry . "Waters ot tho "Minnetonka". Witt alllo p:lll!'.ed their physlcrua. Those presl.'flt from Carrizozo . All are waiting tor a llUmmons. were, Mrs. Matsy lCelly, Sybil

Mrn. Ro:l!llc Belllllcy ·-of Lov· Hulbert, Chnrlotto Forsythe, lngton apent a couple of daYl! and Etlio Peacock. Those from · lUBt weelt with her brother, Mr. . Nogal were, the gUest of honor and Mrn. Robert Dean. ·Mrs. Pearl Steams, Anie Me·

Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Klncnton D:mlelB, Rosalle Dunlap, Doro­occompanlcd Mrs. Rl.'fleh on n thn Zumwalt, Lc.na Kennedy. bulllne55 trip to Cnrrlzozo last Bertha Greer, Cnlllo Johmon, Wednesday. OIUI Greer, Cora Dutton, Jennlo

A . wedding shower honoring Johmon. Eva ZUmwalt, Leora Rita Campbell Freeland \vnB Zumwalt• and grandson Mar~: held at tho Cnpltnn Woman's of LaJ Cruea~, Suslo McNatt. Club Sund!ly at 2:30 p.m. Tho Allee Ma,y, Molllo Dosh, Detty hostensea w~ra Pntrlclt\ MuU~hy, • Quinn, Dlll'lUli.'JIO Stewart and Jnno Dean and Lynne Willlilm!l. d!lugbtcr Yvonne and tho hos• • Puneh and cako were acrvcd. t~s Faye \Voott>n and Gladys A nlco eroY.'d attcru!cd: Alexander.

Mr. and Mn.. Fttd Goodwin Tho honoree rcct!lvcd many of Canyon Clty. Colo. vl!llcd lovely glftJJ. Altho none of the their d!lu&htt:r, Mr. and Mra. family could be prcs11t they Wesley Drou and 4'!ugbters In sent Utclr &lfts and thcJr best Carrizozo, Snturdny and Mr. wishes. liliil l.IR. mr-NIU'd Wfigllt · arn1 MorkKem~dy1nmytmrwttlr other tdcrub hero 1n Olpltan, b1s grarul~mnmtJJ, Mr, and 1\fra.

Mr. Lc!WIJ OUnrn1n!l retwmd Mert Zum'i'--alt v.:bllit h!J fllthcr from hlJ cheek-up at the Mcdl· is undergoing trsr. on hl9 knco ea.1 Center In noswcll last Tuc.t- at the ENM Medleal.~tcr ln d!ly. RoswelL

Ml'1 Lcwll CUmm1nJ motor· Jottnny Bob, tho son of Mr. ed to Alamogordo last ThtJI'Io ruut Mra. Robert Steams of dny to vlalt her mother, Mra. VllUghn wa.a baptlud at tho Addn SeUan for tho dny. Glad chttrcll Sunday •. Ho alto fJ tho to know Mrs. Sellars Is clolng great grandson of Mrs. Pearl nne. Stcartl.9, Nogal, and tht! granct.

Mn. Nell (Judy) lk!rgmnn 110n of l.tr. and l\lra. Johnson returned Tuesdny morning from Steams, and great grandson of tho Ruidoso llospltal where alto Mr. and Ml"'l. Roy Shafer of entered Monday. She" \\-"ruu '-"CrY C:lrrlloro. m. I wish you n speedy fi\COV• Mrs. A. N. Ilunncll, Sr. Lou· ery. • is<! Runnel.! and aon Robert of

Mr. and Mrs. Lc\ru Rnlnell Donlta were rolkra nt tho Dun· nnd family who .once owned lop honw ono dey last we<>k. the Olpltan lfowl oro now Mr. and Mra. Libby Hust nnd trn1klng their home In tho stnte cbughtcrs, and Mrs. Dolly HUJt of Washington. of ~ were Suntby visit·

Mr. R. L. Raines and Miss ora of Mr. and Mts. Tom ZUm· Ol:lrh>no llldd!o of Ru!driso wnlt and Mrs. D:uTrene Ste­Oo\.\-1U, \\-WC united In m::tr- wart and trunUy Suntby. rinCC t\-ilh a qutet dlurch cc- Mrs. Chloo P~tcra was an mnnny thO'O S!ltuni:ly m"Cnlng overrught {lU{'St ct tu:r mother. Ol:!tobcor 23. They will tllllko Mrs. ~ ZUmttr'alt Sntur-cby. thclr homo en the Ruidoso. I Phylls ZUmwalt nltendoo a wlsh )-au wnrldJ of a1mcro long mc-ctmg In Ruidoso Mcntby. )'CmJ of b:lpp1nas tc;eth('r. Fled Uerrltk rctumt-d from

I t\\1!1 p!c:l!UlnUy IUl'Jlrised by Chtc~ Jut Monday. We otso n llhort visit \\-ith l\1r. (k-nrge wcloomo Mrs. Arne McD:mfel9 Tibi\'r'llrth cf Grecnritme, Mo. back from hilt trip to El Past>, Sotun:by momtncr. no V..<UI with • Deming tmlt naggttdl, Ar!znn:1. Mr. ned Mrs. Ernfo Ourrill ond Mr. o.nd Mrs. Ceo. -~nndell Mr. &!ph llarhon of the &aQ10 lett Monday lot n fishing trip plnce. They hnd bcctt'lmnUng at itt :Mcxiro. GlenwQod Springs. C()to. Each Nrs. .l'ody Sitton fu hOmo lt11lc-d the~ elk lind Wllr-o en• ngntn after spending TIJ(!Stby in tcluto ho1ntt when they stop,P«t thQ carrizozo ltospltru and the In Capltnn, Mr-. Tit~"Ol'th It the W~sdaJt thtouall- Sunday -&t -olucsl son of Geofgo A. Tit!!• St. Mary's itt Itos\Wll. She 13 worth, ddcca~ed. J{o vWtcd doing t'lllC but bas to 'fukC! It l1l..'iey hero nfid \\,; wero happy ~~: . · . . . . . to sec hlm. ilo told that Susla Mrs, Rnlpb_ J>unlap tmQ tols

eerrt~•• .. New Mm<. Lone: who f.! tho \'ilfi! of nooort nnd I>oroth!l. Zumv.~t wet() HAl 2 PHON I NUMIIRI Ashurst, ~nd$ · belt \Vlsht'$ to Wedritsdaf attctnoon bustncu

1:01 a.m. t• lilt-~ .. ~~ifl~:S aJ~ J:)~:lJ.~ n~a~::-tr~~:~~-fi~ii s;bu Phone 648·2252 -~ boy St tV."O f.\."cks old. SM llulbert m!tQ Nogal ,Vi!lltors

""t ••t..~.t ,. I.e·....... . . t!$fX\clatty mentiOned wlabfng Frlday. . . . . .. . . ft .,.,..., n she Wttld 1100 Mrs- Md:l ScUart. . ... 'l"imtnY Ste'\\m vrM ·in tho

EL 4•2633 ..._.. · Carol Ann Long b nuu'rl~ Otttizo:to llP~pttal lot a lew. .. 0

.... .~ ~::. · ····" «M Uvliig ld Mil WaUl@. ltfnlld d~... With art a~nt. up~~et .. nl - "'"'"' l\Ot t'1!nlCimber her btlne but ~tomath. . . . -~ ~ th~y Juwo two 1>0)'1 ~ on.f! .... ~ St~!;~! !'?J.t!!~!Ofi

.. ~ ... ·· ... ., ... , ...... _ ..... · ..... ...t ·1 _ · \\'U an On:nu&u" a'<"•" ..,. ml"'l. . -- --~--·- .... --,·· . ... . .. "'r · , · · nertaltne roman Jlld..tmn" _

w~ tttaht. · ~-


,. I


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IIi Cardaoa · ~oft halO

"Ffow~r• for •If occattol1t'* . " . PHONE · 648·2801 •

• . . ··--- .·- • < ' -· •

. Mr. ltrlll Mr.. Wayn& Uo'bba · tlM Uowai-d -~ dinner t{U8ft

.. of "Mr. ai'ld Mrt• RalPh J)untap SUrmy. 1ft t~ at'tt'ttiOI ,· the •t~'-"-' ... .t t .t. ~.t.on....s Mt ... ..,. ' f.--~,.._. iNJ!.I_ .o. __ l':JMU::.U .. .UI!U. --.

Ml.iJ. MM! Kln• Ud Ul\4l •t 'tbf.~. .... . " · Mr. lr\d" :Mrc. 1Wpll I>unlap ~uu~ <wlth Mr. ll'ld Jm.. !to\1• :rtle limit ~ Mr. jnd Mtr. l.ewk Mtrtlt.. ~ Wotkt<l·thf­MtrrU't: ~ ~t4f ·.bottMi· tbf7 Wlt4!Cl With ltl'. w M.rt. -~. JOMii M4 ..... thtkr ...... _ ..

' . 0



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Green Stamp· •

. lorry Lynch

Jiriunie lucero

Robert Silva

Vietor Owenby . ...

Esther Pino

lsabe~ .Miller

' •

Mazola Oil

Oven Cleaner -~ Mwade . ....

. fleefWt1k OH • Hat

Chocolate Quik • •


William W. Gallac:h.er

Howard Harkey ·

Mahuel Camin •

Loi·s. Collins •

Irene 'Barham ' .

Opal Hill I

Marshmallows C.mpflre

r;r Wild G Rice • •

Uncle ltn'J

• 2 Lit. Can

• •• • • 73c •

i '.""' j • - ~~-- '

----··- ..... -·

Ml'l. Lupe Garcia'- Month'• FrH Grocery Supply WlnDttr

Instant Milk • Rug Cleaner I

$ 15 14 Qt. Slxe J


. ·Hershey Candy

¢ Hydrox Cookie$

¢ • Gfw Sin .,IJ(l ...

Sunswut • •·

Quart • • • •

D.a. Lew C.lerie Witt •&.• Fruit Cocktail • • • • 2 i 35( •


All Layer Varieties -- Pacbge Del Monte - 20 ox Bofl4e "'-1.! •

For For

ay Svnlhtne

Krispy Crackers 4t ox. Jar

634 • SVIUW'Mt

Prune Juice • • • • • • A.lri'W'u

Floor. Wax l-~. Oa1J.eri

$1.47 • • • • • • N-.31SC.n ., .. J. ....... c ..

2··~ sse · p~" ~..~-~!~ - .. .. . H- -

Fruit Cocktqil •

• • N .. 3heaa . bChty 1111

Cho· . w •••• • • • 83( . UC:"*t CNtkett .·.


·Mf..3btaft ·Udi· ' · . frtecl Rice. •

• • • f1 . .. • • • 39c tfe..2Y. c. • 29c ' . ....... ,. .....

• • "

• ...



Page 3: Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -

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• 1·8otle pr ClUb $ 05 · STEAK ·

Prlc.. effective

Fo~ Mart 9u•lity Agtd Beef Lb. . Food Mart 9uality Aged B11f Lb. Friday Thru Saturday . ' • . . ... . ~·

Froi•n Haddo~k Breaded Shri~p Halibut Steaks •

or S111 Ju111 Sworclll•h Slt~l 'K•"• Ktll•tv . ,,. 0t Sc~llopt

't:.;:,.•e 7' 9¢ Frottll a· 9' 'f::::~iJ:. 79' ¢ 12 Ot. • • • • u.., ,.,, • • • . . 12 Ot. • • ~ •

• • 1nners ~:!~. . \ . for

Brea- ·d ~tft:'~~·:,!i!"'w~:::" . ~ 2·, 6·9¢ 16 Ot. Loaf • , , • • • , • • • • • • • • for

• -FRESH FROZEN VEGET AILES: I * Broccoli Spears * LeSeuer Beby Peas

• '

* Italian Green Beans . ¢ · Green Giant ~9· Pkg•. , • , • , , •• , •• 2For69

• .

• • ·-

Green Giant No. 303 Can


~')'.: ll 0.

Cam1ation Tall Can • •


• •

• • • • •

No. 300 Can • •


C.tsfomia- Finest MtdiumSU. Jaek.O.bntem Sptetak

. ·rc··. ...... "'"--t. • . . ...... enu: l ... ,,Rt . ""'" ... . . . . . . . . . ~ •






Morton's Frozen

9 •

• ••

• • •

Food Mart Pure Vegetable


Lb." Call

. _ · CAMPBELL'S SOUP ~~;~~~!Yo"~~~·.":' .. . FRUIT COCKTAIL ~~.·~w~'or:· .... · ... .

. 4for69C 39~

·· $ 00 SLICED PINEAPPLE ~~~ .. 2 C.n • • • • ••• . 3 for $100


··"' ,p .,. .. ..


• •

Halloween Special •

CAULIFLOWER larg• Fresh • 15~ Snowbll Heads • • • • U..

........... -· .· Stokely - -· 46 Ot. Can


Texas New Crop Juicers


46 Ot. · Catt · ..

• • .•

' . ~' '

• • • • •

Pillsbury Best

lb. Bag

RIPE BANANAS Golden 2· ..

· Chiquif• Br•nd • • t••· -

Lb. lcag:



Lb. lag


. . . 99~

' .


' ,

. - . --·

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coRoNA - .• , ., .. .M'i'"-' ·" .• · ·. · . , ·. ·":··Mr. Jitim•, Tornts· ·I< H~"~ .. tmt«¥'_:_-. 'tnp · w. AJ:Hu;;, •• ;p~tto. b~ i>ri ~Y msbt ttun;,INCoJ.tl 4:0U.NrY ~gws~· THURt06Y, ~o,,tt ~~ lt65 -------.....;,-........ •. · • . . . . qu¢rque. . · · wer~, Mr. AA4 ~ ..... Alton 1'41.. .. " . · . 1 • • •• ~ • • i.ti 1 ltob I . . 1

• • · 1

Contractor .. to roof new. scho·ol serv~e e~t ~apJtc.n · : Jdal~mif~~~~l;~:~t · ~y ~ :rJiJIJLJ=-W:1 · ~r :·s:!to~;~:u~C: · ic:~~~sa~a:~~:~,. · · . · · · · · · · · Mr. J'~ ¢, 'l'm:re•,· a resl• , P~ we);'()! here ·c>n tlwft:· way. ~~. . · · · . 'l'hi.Uild\ly. v .. ltbJ~ . hi# ...mother. ~lk pl.U'I.Utl& l.lP north. They· .

I . . • q~~t pt Alam.o~ord(l smcc :1$4$ to eatmm rl.i®~ ',fbey, pJI14.. t ~AAd 'E Mnf •. GRil1vrs"'ftJJI. . Mrs, ~e Job.e ~ij. 41l~n~. . bro~sht <>n'* J'Jl.k__!~e. "J.'hey re-

b ·f ld · h · ·c mid a' retired clvll sew.t~ f'!tn~ ned w $J>end ~ w~t®Ut ill~~. -o · e, .1:\'Xu w~~ . (li;'J , Mt•. NQ!.'A s.ww_t, . :MJ:rj. port,Iot. of Al.\fw .... ,. tllat way. e ore co weal . er sets at. . orona . PlOY~JC, clled' WedneSda~ act; Jn tbe hO~ ot thell" ~te ahster ~ ~ ::· lAule ,To~. ~~ QJl . l.Qute \TQ~; Urn. M:~ttie )M:Qnt~ ' . Mr. lWil Ml:$. Rolllllcd ~~-. · · . · . ~0 at Veterans Hospital Jn ..U· . l\11"$, .EUzab<!th S~l,~. ·. r . · ~oy ~ontiomery · Rem-y Cia.:. somel'Y> .M~. Dola S~Plllil .lllld . sef! ~ ~h~tk~ ~ ~hy

• . bl.lquerque. He wM 65 Ye~ old:. · ~. 'Ro~ Scrif>ner an!l · ~ ~ · 'l'lill · ~ . J)()(l lkan M,u; .. MPf .Al~f111 'l'ally .a:ttcmd® An..., P · 0 · · · · re Work on Corona's neWI school · cey of Corona:. · · Mr. 'l'o.l"res was a world w~ . Macy ~ lPld ~. ;rr, :!3. Un· cy, · ~ !.' S Y • , .... (In Jda 1ne $inging c(Qnventton m C9~ Stmd!W B!tern.QQn. tme~~ts: of. the

buildings has been going alQng Mr. and M~. WaYJJe Lind· . X veteran, bl?fll in Lincoln, N, . d®lqbi;l, wenf down tlie vD.Uey ,wfilre In . QCQJ1'o .nil ~ . Y . M on Sundaf. . . T~ Hol!b.s :f~ly, • fine, with rapid progress being sey ot AJb\lquerque vb!lted. her . M., Jn ;1.900. He mame4 · -w~ , :on li'Ji!lay. w - 11~n~ the day nl~t to 1\tt«m.d ~, A. . ~. C, . , l\h", Hem'/ :c'@.}' ~m4 . _Mr, Mf, Ho))lla ot.U;>!i Lun1:u:r' made the past week or two. parents, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Joe At- fonner Sofia Senm of Qlplt~ . wltb_ Mr. and Mfl!, Chlll'le$ . m. tiu~. · . -Berle TaU.Y were in :M:oU!ltafu..; SattlJ:'day nl~b~ 'J'he rcd-brlclc walla arc aimost ·JdJl$ofl the-~t -wcekfi!ru:J;~nnd- -·lina~liwd 1n Olpi_fan: untll1.1!4S "HiigliC.~-~- ---.----- -···----~--~~~~r.--.Rl£i~e-wa:H!J J\!bu- ·; ·mr-~ Safu~iiY.: on~ busiri~s; -· · .• JJobl:!trhome. completed; and we hope the helped with the Mblpplp~ o'oeat«-·WJri!Jl'tb~t. ttnPllY .moved to"Atll.-"". ---~- · - -~.- ---- ·· - ,... - · ··qtJ~41Jc ;a.q.w.or- on.·bWI~· · · · · · •». ·~ · · · · · ----··

::ra~~~ t~e :U~l~~~~s s:r~~: . tlcp:: tt:;::n~:.u£Qbbr, ~riel m~gl'~· S.Ul'Wv~ by llis Wit~. • (~ ' L A .. -. u; '. ,. ~.N· • c'· '·.H·· .... gq~~inCIJ~~~&=rw:J. . . . ' For You. . • • " •. ·. All· J)Qy.~ too much snow or cold weather John lJookJ Were U{llon~ those., thre.:~ S.O!W· James, E4w~, and . . . .·. • ·. .'. .. . . . . J1J.itlny nlB~t ·~. ~a~Y'· .. • • begins. To date the weather Jn. .. going.. .. .clk..-.lluntfng. -:reeentl}'..-·-.Jullml;--t.~ll-Qf:--A!Umogordo,~-two .. ----- .. - -·--- .• ·c-·---r-c~. ----·- .. Mi,'l$,·Jda:Wa!le-of--.Marru>gQr,. ··. ~---: this area has been very good They hunted near • £ag1e Nest claughwcy, 1\11\i'Y PhlUiplf ot S»p~ a.tfy 'J.iobbt . Jlq was. m CJ!lqncn 'I:hu~Y · for outdoor worlt ..._ real In· in the Morino Valley. · · · nwale1 .caJif(!l1lta, !lJld Tllete!Ja ·· ·• and Fri®Y ~lting trJen~ Mil· . dian summer with lots of sun· , Mrs, Jdhn Ropqr hm~ beE!n Fiumara of N'aney~e<:, one CQrrec:Uon~ An. Item ill last ~OQ!Qng after )ler cattle, She uhlne! convalescing at Belen JiosplW J ~andson, ~lscthlll a llon, lUl· . weeks column !!hwl\i hi\VC re~cl · WM a ~Cl!t of· Ml'!J, ~ttl~

Mrs. Elmo Tracey plaD!I to thls week, following major sur- l'/ Joe 'l'QJ!res; fn the. seryice, like :thls; Mr •. alld ¥1:8 •. J3¢rle • 'M<!ntg<>nwi'Y wlllle .b~~t. . . .· · ac!;ompany her slstcr·ln.Inw, · gory. Her son, Martin, and her f!tatloned o.t 'Ft. Pol,lf, 1-q.,"four• 'l'l!lly1 Mrs. .£¥?uie J:nbe, ~rs. Mr$. Moll1e Bo~ Md Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Fahr of Castro Val· : mother, M~. John Jngram, re· teen other granc;lclUldren, .Qne · Mattie Mont~Jmeey and Mr. Suzie McNMt ot. Npgnl, Mrs.· Icy, Calif. to HawaU next week. port her making progress ln. her 11l11ter, Mn~. Sofia Zampm, Slltl ~enecy Claey_ E!re vl!!ltots an!l · 1,lattifi! M<mtgonu:ey and hUr, Mru. Tracey wlll leave for San recoveey. ~ey were visiting .Be!."rtadlno, callfornlll. . ~PP.Cr guests in the Roy Mont· Henry ~ · we~ June eon Francisco to join Mrs. Fahr !or her the first o( the week m FU.nera.l $Crvlces will be held gomeey home on Sunday night. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Berle the trip Saturday, Oct. 30. Mrs. Belen. In Capltan1 Monday, Oc.tobcr 25. Suppel,' guests in the Joe 'l'nlly on Thllrl>day. Trnccoy'a oon, .Dennis, who Is ln Among the l!lckY elk huntel'IJ · •· ' the Navy 11tntle>ned In Hawaii this scasori arc-_ Lee ~pbcll1 , , '

will have two weeks leave to Alva and DIU Winchester who ·n k. . '

visit his mother and nupt while hunted '" Colorado ~ Rand . . ·rae · ·S· they are there. Mrs. Fahr's hus· Perkins who hun.Wd · up near band wps unable> to make the Taos. ' ' · · · trip, therefore, Mrs. Fahr asked Mike Crow a 1958 graduat4' l•r•ara Hark~)' · • Mrs. Tracey to accompany her, of Corona, ,HlBb School stopped • and Mrs. Fahr will pay all ex- for a brief . vlslt wltb friends Th~ regular mecthll; Qf the JlNllles of tho trip. When they onb day Jast·week. ·He now ro•. Anh cho tUJ!W RWns !!!~d at 0tho . rl'turn Mrs. Tracey wiiJ visit side t Lo B · h Calif d omov •ra.l'lf, ose- ~ ..... key, ct. at LoH An·aclcs with her daugh- he !a: acco~pa~(gd,by a trl:d .~. J~ Tho mc~~ls'f15 pr~· u•r and son-In-law, Mr. and. D. Rogers also of Long Beach' ccc Th y a. c~~crc unced Mrs. Flip B,lack. and by hl.!l mother, Mrs. HarrY ':1~ th: D~~~~~n ~;sth:~~t • The Torrance County Singing 1'. Crow who has. bj?cn visiting · Coin. 11s the group joined hands

Convcontlon held nt Corona Sun· 1n Clovla. in a circle, nose J{arkcy l'Cild dny, Oct. 24, wao well attended Mr. and Mrs, L, L, Argon· a. pra)'er, PrcJldent Ve.mclle by vl.!litoro and good olng,ern bright and some ot their friend!!, Hightower welcomed tho sp<:cUU from many places .. The next and Mr. and Mrn. L. G. Hart gueats, Mrs. Milford Glover, Singln!( Convention wiiJ he held vfslted frlcnds hero recently. District President o( Albuqucr· at Claunch the fourth Sunday They nrc all Conner residents C,JUo and Mrs Mlllord Rogers In April. · · ot Corona, now .llvJng In .Albu· al$o or Albuquerque. Mrs. Ev~

C'.orona Firemen 11porwored a qucrquc. • • Wilson ave the 4th study ~m danr<> nt Coronn Saturday night Mr. a~d Mrs. Elmo Shelton New N!UoD!I. Anne Ferguson Octohl'r 23, which wrus attended and oon, Jonothnn, of Santa Fe presented· the devotional tor by nuwy rwoplc from Car and vloited her parents, Mr. and t~c meeting. There were 9 nc-ar. Anothl'r dance will be Mrn. T. ·W. Jamen the paat members and 3 guests 'present. hl'ld, opollllored by tho Amcrl- weekend. Tho Confirmation class WM r.nn Legion Saturday Nov. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Porter and held at thO LY Jackson home which l.!l the rtrst d!ly of deer chlldren of Las Lunas were · Sunda wlth 5 nttendln ncnwn. We hope tho weather visitors In Corona, and atten(led ~ next ~ass will be held :t will not be too cold at that the danro Saturday night. . th

0 DArn '/ Ro""l' home Sunday llmr. . . Chnrley Elbert Wade and hll 0 0 .~ '

l':ml'Rt l..ul'rna was winner of fiancee, Miss Naney Curry, both at ~rs llowaril -Harke nnd a hunting rtrle at the dance from Las -Cruces vl!lltcd hia pa. lin 'Mrs. E I lllll'k~y nnd Sntunlny night. rents, Mr. and Mrs. JesStl Wade ft~ 'Dorothy Strotcy a~d child· •

Mr. nnl Mro. Dutch Roblllllon and his grandmother, Mrn. Car· rcn ·attended the plllno party nnd oon Dl'rral, of Grnntn and rio Mac Jarnagin, he~ tho P:lSl alvcn by Mrs. Jane Sho.tcr 1n . Rl'X Roblllllon of NMNU Porta· weekend · h h · •-·t s · ....... ~ -.. · ll'fl v!JIIt'd th I t M M .d M E 1 R cr orne WI> n""""Y• , .. o c r paren s, r. r. nn ~ rs. ar oper nnd children . all plnyed plano sc~ and Ml'll J. E. RoblllllOn nt the their grnnd!:on, J. C. Holmgren, lccUons. Plans wero made to lloblru:on nancb the pallt week· were visiting their dnur.hter al_ld tonn a plano club and also (lt­l'nd. aon-ln·lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Wcs· . tend 1ho Plano Convention ln

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Porter loy Weehunt at .AlnmoRordl> tho Albuquerque Saturday Novcm• nne! children and hl.o brother, p:tllt woolconrl bcr 13 ' Charll'n of · Albuquerque hnve Mr. nnd Mrs. Clint Roper and Most ot tho Ancho tamllles moved to Corona. Tho two their two ooys wero v!JJtlntt ro- were at the grunc Friday night brothl'l'!l am worltlnu at the lntlves and fr!tmds In _p>rona, to sec tho Grizzlies tnnreh on to roclt quarry on tho Surrnlt l!lllt week. an ovcrwhC?lmlng victory, ruld ranch . Mr. nnd Mrs. Ro~tenc Alford allo tor tho dedication of Laabs

Mro. Lucille Porter wM nUll of El Pano Nntl. Gas StnUon Field. We hear nuny fine·com· nt Ioln, nunoio thin wcclt .with .recently lea~ tho Rainbow pllments on the b:utd nnd they hl'r fnthl'r, John Sutton, who &to at tho wuth end pt town. arc a flrul looking sight in their hna IK't'n ccrloualy 11J for ccvernl 'this Cafe w~ Conn.'llly mana$!C4 nc.w un1!orm!l .as. they mnrcb . wl't•lul. She lo expceled home by "A:r. nntl "Airs. Dill Kessler. thru their Intricate tornintJOJI!I. ll.OOn. Judy o ltltcllen on main stre-et They a1sa are playing with moro

Mn~. Edna Trnccy and daur.h· was dosed for ccvernl days Jut · accuracy and aro an nssct to tcr, Dobbie, and wn, numcll week. lcnvlna only tho ltnlnbow tho school nnd hla wife Judy and ehlld· Cafe OJX!n for bu!llness In Cora- 'l'bc nn:ncy Ropers y,.'Crc 1n

. .



'' .

: You can always 'trust •

our experience! ~est assured . • . any

prescriptions filled .. here are compound-ed with oxtra care!

• • • "Accurate Prescrlptfon hfvk ...

. , o,.,. Dolly I te 6 • Svntl.,. 1:30 1e UUO





· Paden Drug Store . . I

· C. t "'"" • t..t• IVIIIf • o.lly Wllnl · Dial 641-2361 • carrltoo




0 f .. \ c .:

' . . I

• ' .

.METHODIST YOt,ITH • • . . ' . ' .. . . . .· .

·. ·Sale·· . .

Fir. H•ll 9 a. m. . . . Tq 2' P• m. . ' .

CMcken '

5 .. 1 P:-M. At Church • AcMt $l.2$ Chll" · .

' ~

. Methodist Gloryland 9uartet 7:30 P. M. • At Chyrch .. No Allml~


Metho4bt Youth •


Hallow•·~ Pcsrty 9-11 P. M. .


NO Admission

l't'J1, Rhond!l and Courtney, nnd M tho past wccltcnd. Ft. Sumner on Sattl.l'day to at• Shane Tracey all of Albuquei"· " tend to thC?Ir farm. Glenna quo wem here for tho \1.-Wkend, Stoneman of RUidO!IO and her , New high perfomlance•up tO 39~m.i.in. v-a. and attended tho dance Satur· Ala 1190n 111 you cot on Eaay brother Lyn or Unlveralty Park dey nluht.. Mrn. Tracey Is n Strcot. somebody starts Utu'· h n h daughter of Mrs. WOJ!e E. Trn· ing up tho pavement. were guests In t 0 O})(!l' omo

on Sund!ly. -~



3·CYCLE WASHER tXtaA-VALUI flAtu liS • • • ·


• NoJUtAt.eyet. for W...binc ~fu CltD*~; ~ · ey$ .tot tlt tov:t dim~ 4ltllcatw •• , ~u iiO.Ut ey$ ellmlna\ii pre«<lkbia: -~d bl~d ewbblnt • aaa~e­·Mbt--!1-V.I* a~d l\~~JeeUonllbl.-IInk · ····~_... - -~~~I••MrMotltet~~.,..., •• a~lioW,Wi~lt .. ~·"*'-Ci"1 IICA ... ~~QI~...,..~Woow..w•ii it.W.w.


-company ·~

Gary Hightower of Unlver· slty ,Park was home over the wceltcnrl Ho attended tho game ln Cnrrtzozo Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Straley and chUdtl!n ot Socorro ruld Pats mother, Mrs. Hcndrleks or Las Cruces v!Jited with tho George Strnleya on Saturday. Ml'l. lltmdtlcks also visit~ with Jnckle Silvers nnd went thru "My House of Old 'lbinp."

Gunther C. Kroggol, oWDC!r of Uto DlCS()l Elcetrle Co. In Socor­ro visited with Jac:kle Slh·-era IMt Saturday. Mr. Kl:'o«gcl was an old time tUfdcnt of Car· riulzo and this was hi! first visit to tho Ancho community 1n a numoor or )'Clll'!'.

Mt: and Mrs. Price Miller, nnd a gtrh, l.tn. A. w. DraJar, Mrt. Lucy Bloodworth and Mrs. X.U. Lee Date n1l attended Sun· d.t)t. urvlccs at tho. Aslembly ot God Churclt. Brother Wells, Mnr, Dtake Cllld Mrs. Blood· , worth an! COUI!ns.

, .. ~·· Wlfttto

.. , ,of kl . ·•t 'thtfr


New features-like a doubly convenient"his and hers" transmission. New'"convenience•like a dual-action wagon tailgate.


1966 Falrlane !500/Xl. Hardtop

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. ' • •


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a I a n ·e· r· ··s . , a· ,,, · u n·· · · · · .· .· .,.. .··I. · .. · .· . . ·. . . . )',(~ ltomt).n Sqn!:ber. hAUmt . lvtadfl!\$. ~ddau&hter, t.Ydta .. •. ·. . ' . · .. · . '. . ~· · ·.· ·' .. . . , .· · .· · , · ns·•· · ~tu~ fl'Qrti Dall411;· WM~ fille ~!:A Will. f!WY here ;for.~· While. · ·

..... ·.·. ..... . . . ·.. . : . · .. • · .. · · · · .. · · · ·... .• . .· .. .·. ·· ·. ~~~tlntQ ,.~Itt W1th1 . .. llot~· aml (lq... . ~l'. all(}. :Mr$, Walter ltenn ..• . . • • . . . . : , ·

1 . .. · · · · . · . · ··. . . · • . , , . , · .. . · , . . . +"-'"~ e ., •• on ~ . or . wo weekJI. hq.v~~h.a®c,l Ml'$. &, JJaca.'s

.. , , . . . , . · . . . . . • . . . .· . • .. , • Parlene •n,l) Vl®nta. Cho.~ Jlpu~, and Ml'!l .. ~ca: !md her

:) '

* · * * ' * ·• * * : . . Th~ C.nitan 'l'lgers~ ~~ch~ · · . sp•cwAt. B.Ul.~.llTJN . T .. rn sta~l~ .. · · 'f;,~r; v}:,!!!.ngR!!;!!,F11wrch.~ ~hue~ ~~~ters Will be roo~g to ' . . by ltlelvln Rc>me).'() ·wraptlet'J;up • •i · .. ._ , ·. ·. . ea lt ·. · · """" · 1 . ~ • ..,.':'.,. . ..,..,,..,.v. · """' ~ ., .....,.4.,..w;o. · · · . . • . ' . ' ' t'h J;)Jatri t· .2.0 f I tbQn mm ' ,..v,, Jllt M., wlm • ~N ...... ' p ® ......... ~ .... ,............. 6 ~e atten(llr)g beauty ~<>Ql, Qtw Laslte is h m f

Co. rona· Ppnald McKil;lllen , 4 . 34 pl~nship S.~~ ~.d.t' ~·con: ton rtt.onf,. playl Tltffa ~rll• ' ~Jzpz~ ......................... ~, . 2 · ·Woid ·was Ncelve!l from ·~11~ :t}Je hospUal ~n~ baclt eon rfu~

· · . · Vll'~n Owel\. . . Q · .. ~ · .t" t ... .;. ....... .-; .. .;, .,.,. " th. Ia 34 ·f-· ··h• ........... f-· .... "~~um ................ :_. ......... ,,~ · .~ · ~ l!eo Go""~ he ill do1"" "'"'" • j b .

• t - . , Jl!m

0 3 m::. Vl.uc""''ii a • .,~. -·"" ~oll! o~ e ... . .... ·• . _...,.....,,, ... , '"" ):)e~r . 3 3 ••• • :-~ ,..,.,...,, • o • J

' ' • ' ' ', . J.b. ery.Shwen . . 5' ~;: T!ger~Pem.on ~am~ 1~0. Th!!' 'n~hem tltl• ...... frlclay and. . Cl''"d"""'';t'":"'"'""·''"'"'"".". .... . 3 .Alhe js in " Vetel';lns ~osplm! m. . Tho"'n" nnd T-~e T.asite .. - . . ~ . · · .,rcy · 1U'P ""'' . "l'l er detense: cnn ~ a bl ·, '~"' tM I~• ·Of thtnt• R!» . · "'" ""'"~ .. "7'"'""~"""-"' " . bt.Jqu,e:rque suffering from a · ,,.....,. · ..... .,... + · ~ '•' -' . I I - --·-. 'l'QJili!lY __ Simmoll$ l 16 Mrr. f tbl 1n ~ ff l;r; ·'thoUI!I C(lme tfii'Of,l h . 'I' Vauglm ....... ~~ .... ~'"'''""' a 4 heart !lllment •. ·' ., Wf)l'e home for the wc:ekend, COmp 8 8_ · .5105Qft · . Joe· _:W1ncm~ste~.- ~-- _. l:- - ~? ~ ~~!i~ll t !

0 w. t ··.fl·~tlifu~,.,-.. If · ·c11;, · - - g • -· - - . . c _CQrQp~ _, ..... "!' .. ,.,.'!,., ...... :2 ... ~ ·"·::~: • . . _ _ _ . > · _ _ . __ ~-- ' _ trolp. Et-IMV. 'J.)1ey arc Qn,ii>Y.Jr!g

· . , Melcor¥.~uez --0 --·'1 ;o..t~ nod~b·.unr•-i:·----·---- ·· -1- !1 1--~ 11~1 ciO.Wt:llptarlnt __ .Me~ ............ ,.,., .. ~,.,.,."_o _5 ____ ----~-----.--------~· __ l!CllQQl but~ enjoy thell'

. _. . .' :Mitch Tynie · Q _2

"4 ... ve M. ~ ~ ......... ~OOJ:e. ¢tUM n ""•"' lC!IQ lit v.-r' f~r~• · . , I . · - vlSlts-bome;;-· -:''' ... · --- ---- -- -- ---. The. Corona C;;wdiMl!!' com- Joe Garcia ' ' 0 '"'"""1 00 ~ ;nm,by Bil.iy ~8~- wbo. ~ ... champton.atJp IR!t.;w~t..Yx.. . Ana $Of~' ' 0 d ·L·•ncoln 'Town . M\'. nnd.:Mrs .. Cumpten mml~

...r.u_ ---~ pleted tbelr 1965 twt~all liC\l• Kebneth llalsell . 0 1 went 75 ;rl!l'(lll with the hl.!lp .JMC;tecl to. h-,v, • m~ matur. . Cloudcroft p, Vaug~ 7 · . . . ~ trip to Hagertmm .on buslm~~.

-.~ ~n; bY1Riwlnginllef~i¢"t9-the- ·~dd:V-'Tomz·~~~~~·--o-----1--=-~!Jl-~UPle :9ll<~ .. 'Jl.l~~~~. 'f!le __ m~ th.l$ YfJ!r _~I'Ct t~tlr r .. __ ~'l'Hilu'oll.~ 28,_:f:!a~~b Q~ . ly Mn. ldgar PhilliP' la!it wee~ They·~ enjoying .r~ 'l'~;~.tum Coyot~ at T{l.iwn by a . llobby Torrez • . · o 1 ~nu CUPifa..n SCI>~ Cllm~ lifter. cord ~m.- thllt fffW~•v•':'ftot Tatum ~, CorQJUJ. 6 ~ ~ -· · ~ · · - - ----- -- --·~--------.. -vlstts -from--mllllf"-frlQllds. -Aild-.. --..

,sco~ of 45-6, The .Caf<Uno,ls ~· · nn fntercPpteil PAS~> deep 1n '"' much. . . . . . . CArrizozo 39, Mel.J:vse o . Mr. an\\ ~. Roman M!\es Nlatlves. ln fact X th~ and· st!l,rtel\ tbe s.e~on .strou~ but · ~mQn territo,ry. · , ·· . A tltl~t. m•tr;b ~tw .. n Roy· Capitan 14, Pextel.' o t<>Qltl\Irs, Ro~da .R,omero back sincerely bopo theY are enjoY•

we:J;'e pla~rne!l by h\11!Hes lllltU G.J.ilzzl·aes · .e-. .-. st · . 'l'h~ l'lger 4efe~, WM doing IJ'Id C::•P•!• -'t01,1ld JHt "-apl!1fl · to her home in ROf.IWcll, Mon- in~ life in Llnwln.' TheY at-they fiilhlhed the :!le!lSOn 'close n I'"" ~ )oP joQ ·Q.ll ro~ht ·ot stopping ~~~· .. • .. I . ~ qn<l went

0~ to Carlsbqd tended the MctAQdlst Church ' to tbe l!Qttom ot tlle list. . •.(Vli\(!b ):)~ubcrt on· bla !;r!d ..:..:..:-----:----------·~-- s-. n. P. atr·,,.·,o' New.s· .. vern$, accompa. ed by tbelr ln QipiWJ) lllllt Sl,lndl;ly • . Coi.'Qrni put up II. good de-- on Buffaloe$ 8WilCJ.?i~db.oldin$theDemoJlS .. ---~-,-~-~'~ ... 'Of tlaughtedbot).n,h,cJ'llUsbandand. B!U'neyAJ,dn?;wentonanellc: fenslve b.attle for the {~rst half . to'l'hA to~ of 137 Y~ gained. ~t P'4ly Md went QVI;!r. 4 ly Lola R. f;tJava: ·tu~~~:uty ~~~d~~~=~ex:'ot~~ · bunt, but bad no lqek, due pro· and the score w~

20-0 at.h~- Carrlzoz.o•s Grlzzlles won .. e ......-moJlS ~~v""' to open ~· from I.a?.lay to Petllita, . · · · 11 tl 1 · · • .. bably to bad weo.tber.

time, li'ollowlng q,alf·tlme acti· their fifth district game of the pllly $d almost Jmmediately was goog for the J!AT •. w~tb Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ortiz were are a t e .t red today, The Apodneas were up fi.'Qm ,vltles, they canw back .strong season by spanking Melrose, 39- . ,fulnbled..recov:ew by Zane ):.es- l~ll;i lett Sn. tqq .~ame, the ~. ,v~ltlng relative~> in San J>atrl· Mr. l\fanuel Benavld~ just Roswell for a few days lllst

, and held 'the Coyotes ·to only 0, in a District 2-C contest Fri- Jte and the Tigers were on their molll! trled. to move ~ut could clo Sunday, Th~y wete a.ccom· beam of the death of a cousin, we1;1k. onp. score in the third !Hlriod day night at Carrizozo, · 40. The ball eb,anged lumds. go no where, li'inlll 11core lW. paniC<\ Jw ~o apd ·TarnlnY· Jime Toms. H~ passc(t away BUI Wilson was at Lovelace while maJqng one tally of ~ell' Fullback-To~ Ortiz scored again When J?ex1:(!1' lnterce,Pted', . A vlc:tory mar~ up the mtd;. . .. Ji'red . SancM;~; \VtUI. m a car in Alamogordo on Saturday. Clinic in Albuquerque for flvc oWP. .The $Wre/wa.s ~t up by

11 three TPs an(!. wmgbar;k t,.eroy tu;~4 put the ball ~ plaY, on the dl~ 1:1t the field, lots of ·tshout~ · QCCldent Frldnf cvenlng, be Is Mrs. OfeUa Madrid arrived days. He Is hopeful that tlley

35 yard pass from Kenneth Me- Najar I!CQI;'ed ,two TD$ for tJ)e Tiger ®. DemoP~J CO!lldn t move ing and yelling, capped the big In the :R~doso Hospital. He 1s so.fely at her (laughter's home are going to be able to correct Cloud to Dondld :M~bben, pUt- winners, and W.Uback Ed Lova~ tu;~d ldcked on 4-l?• The 'l'J.gers Saturday night in Capitan lind badly injured, but 1s doing bet- in Oldohoma. l\trs. M!U'Cclln!\ the condition causing hlS 1!1-tlng the t:ardinllls in

11corJ.ng to accounted tor· the · other took the ball on "ilieir ·~-yard the Tigers, .. with only a non- ter. · Gomeroz lett fol.' her home in ness.

position. The' srune CQmblnn- score. Une and bad to kick. ~gain conference· game wlth Ruidoso A. we(lding shower was held CaUfornia tl!e lntter pnrt of the Mary Helen LaMay anli tion of McClottd to MCKlbbcJl Lovato picked up

161. y{ir¢1 . Dexter tumble<\ and the Tigers left to play, are looking for- at the San Pqtrieio school Sun- · week. 'fPelr mother, Mrs. Lu- "Deke", vis! tee\ the Schrecen·

completed the se.rl~ putting the in 10 carries while Ortiz ram- were back In the ru)Ullng bus- ward to the State playoff · day for Zeke Plneada nnd Ade- . jan was feeling much bettel" gosts nnd Mrs. Clark Pfingsten Card1nala on the . scoreboard. bled for

151 yards in

12 carries !ness, this time on their 48. against a northern team. Una Snnchez, tbey wUl be mar~ last week, which made it pos- Tuesday.

The attempt for the extra point and Najar gained 52 )'llrdi! in Billy LaMay made 12 yards " by Bngley was no good but a three totes as 'the Grizzlles around right end, but 11 15-yard ·- · • "' ·

flag on the play gave the Car- gained asp yards on the groUnd. clipping pelllllty set the Tigers . .~ nnQUu:r t)han,c;e. This kick . Th~ drizzlle:~.. in. snlnlng 11 back. QB LaMay hnd to cat

wn. also ruled no good. The Co- total of 4.40 yards em offense. the ball on nn 11ttempted pass · yotcs <:ompleted thell.' scoring dld not permit Melrose to enter ntld It was 3rd down with 30 ln the final peri()d of play. The CarrfwM terrltocy during the · yards to CO• The kick was Wk· card1nals h11vc given their en,. enUre .Jlrune. Melrose had 59 , en by Dexter on their 45. Dau­tlrc terun excellent experience yards rlushlng and 43 passing bert made It 1·10 on the Tiger tht. year so are Joqking for· for a total offense figure of 102 40 as the quarter ended.

• ward to n ~ season next yards. A 5-yard penalty set Ule De­

, · ye;ll'. ' Carrizozo with 10 penetrn- mons baclt and the Tigers took The coaching staff ill very tlons has l'S firnt dowll!l to eight the· kick on their 3l-yard line.

pleased With the detennlnatlon for the Joscrn FB Ray Sanchez made It 1-10

ot these boys nnd were 1 d ' on the 42 only to fumble and

by th to. t that ... P eascly Lovato broke loose fo'l' a 50- the ball went to the Demons on

e c .. ,ero WM on yard scoring run in the first ~e Ticer 48 The DcmoM tum-one boy who quit; a.fter stnrt- quarter and quarterback Dusty bled and· ~vercd and a 15-ine football, in the early part voss pWlSCd to Najar for the yard penalty set them bnclt 80 ot the SC.:I.SOll. This lndJcawt:~ extra point to give Carrizozo they bad to ldck. An offside tho biJ!h quality of boys who a 1..0 Jefld. --• tu1vc cone out for the nport In th nd f peuwty cost the Ticers five.

_ _. b L.-d ... d •-- e !>Ceo rome, Ortiz Herrero made good yardQtle a.... t;lVe '"' .. ,e etennu.u· ecorcd from. three yard!! out for Cnplto.n aU during tho came :!onU% sta~ out there ~d glvo nnd 'f'o:s passed to Najo.r for and went right up the middle

a cy o.vc. the cxtro point to put Zozo tor n!c:c cll.IM giving the Tlcero Tho outstanding player for In front 14..0. a 1-10 en their 49. Another

the game Wll!J Donnld McKibben A 40.yard scoring run by Or- fumblQ put the Demons ln bua­nnd the Canllno.Ls of the week t1% and a 20-yard jaunt to PI1Y· ln~ on tho 49. Daubert went ore Dick Bngley and Carl~ dirt by Najar boosted the Grl;- for nine )'tU'd.s. Dave Il:lrber Marquez. Slnec thero were .a zllcs.lnto a 26.0 halftime mar· made tho stop and the Ticero number of boya who have glven cin. held. Penalty flngn went down thclr talents to the terun but Najar scored trom 30 ~ on tha Demon punt. Coach no­hll\'C had no recognition. It 1s cut In the third tromc aru1 Or- .mcro Will walking up and down felt that this would bo a cood t1z rnn 40 )'OJ'Cls tor n fourth· tho .s!dc!llnc at this point. stlff­Umo to glve them the l'CCOl!· quarter TD. for tho finlSblng lcru;ed to get the mctlf(lae over n!Uon they decrvc by pre:cnt- touches on the victory. VOSl to hl.s captnln to have the De-Ins tbelr p!ct\ll'CS thl.s v.wlr. p:usscd to end Mlke Petty for mons kick ncnln, they did .

• the final point. Isidro Pcrolm made a daz-. Statbtkl Score Jty QvartiH zlfnz punt return, nulllficd by

ru. ~co':tmt::m~~rr; ·• ~~ [ · ~ 1~ --g ~ = J. ,~~cJ:·ir~Pfi·r:~~oo ~ Tlltum. , ... tor .the TiE;Crs on their ·10. llcr-

Flrnt . do-o\m, 8-19:· net yarciD rem went cut to the 2G with cnlnccl passlris. BO-'I'r; net ylh. Cloudcroft races nnutht?l" nt hts urn-a. Tho n-gnlnctl nwblng, 49-3&9; passes Cet'O went llito a shotuun for-attempted. ~: ~ com- over Vau-"'n matton. pass mcomptcte. Thetr plcted. 3-3: punts. G for 21, '$'• klcl: wns ohort and tho DcmoM 1 for 35: pcnnlU~ 15-50: num- - Cloudcroft's Brorn ron ~t hnd the b:lll on tho Tiucr 34 bet of plays, 49-52. Vaughn Snturtby afternoon tor A long pi£9 by DcxtA!r ~

• "".. 1 t in D, ... _, 2,. one of their better pleys of the Canrtnal Tackle Clult · a 4'.&."t v c ory 11 ,.,.. ... ct - C\'ttling. The Demon receiver

First number ~ts Til- clas'I'hb • .,A~- f went up flMtlng and come tum gnmo totcl, &CCOnd number 0

uc..u'U nrc now C\"m or dmm with the ball .hi a CJ'OtiP represents season .total. !!i'Ut ~ ~~et wnrtare of Tigt!rs. Daubert was thrown t.erry Bond 10 55 Tyrono Mitchell, Fred Pitt tor loss, p:w Incomplete and Kennoth McCloud 10 41 aru1 EddJe Brown rocb ra~ tho bnlr ended 0.0. Dick Dagley 2 4() m-er for toochdOMI!I for the 'ntc Demons k!ckcd a flut ball Carlos MtU'qUcz 3 36 ncar& David Oolem:m ron O'.'cr tnken by the Tigm~ on their 35.

the tl\-o p()ints after touchdown. They fumbled on the 2nd down,

• •

core ntest • • •


t. H_. wlll ,.!111 el ,.., .. ,, e- Mdl wetlc In tfllt ....

" All lfllrl•• •vat ... In Newt alnc. lttfete ·- u­'· n wlft "Jadqlt. Me!MY'' yeV IIIVII lftll end tcere.

• 4. If ne - tvetMI exact aure $15 will a.. led<,.HH. S. In caae ef tie any wiM unb !llef!t1 wiU lte 41YI4H. 6. IMII ntrlH te tHw .. In Ul, c:onu.o, H. M. IIJOI,

7. ~ """' ... hlp w-1 ... ., .u.r.

AT Dexter ·October 29


• IS ee I

I ' . Get Score Contest Cards from these business places!

• •

Shafer Feed .Store OK F•••• • carrll••

Ot.ro Co. Eledric Cooperative, Inc. Strvlnt .otm, Llnceln, ChaVH C.UntJM

J. IS. Ritter Distributing Company Allttrt RHerh • C.rrllos•

Erma's Beauty Salon Irma • Terri • Patty

• · Thorton's Groc.ry & tMrktt

J. 1. Thorhln • carrlz.n


Mont. VIsta Service Station W• Give S&H Gr.an Stamp~

The Dlner Mittie J11m' • Carrluce

West.m Texaco Trude C.nttr No. 2 On 54 lwth ""ff May carrtuu

Franldtn Varilty · Owentth anti Jwlta

54 care Welcelm anti ltuth Armetrllnt

• w • w THIS


Cloudcroft will close out th!!ir and tho Demoru~ had 1-10 on league schedule next v.-eek wht!ll tho Tiger 36. 'Ibey made it to they journe)f o.-er to ~. Ute .20 before a S.ynrd penalty Their final ~ason game will be &et them b:ick to the 25 and a N 6

bad tms from center set them Uncoln County Motors, Inc.

Mamn Jteltartl, OWner


• •


Quiet day- nothing special p!Mned-

perfect time to en­Joy Long Distance.

Visit with the. famlfy 6r old friend•·

What a Joyful-way to start the w••fd

rrl. agnlnst the Artesia "C' back with. 25 ·-...:r- to ""0. On team in~ .1'"".... .. Tho Dears tw.-e nnw won thclr an attempted p:w Lynn Me­

laSt twn d!strlet outings after Donald and Is!dro Peroltll dropping a 2();() ckclslotr at the caught the Denron p:lSSer mrur-hands of Carrlrozo. lng lt 4-27.

Cloudcroft GWDI \Jfctorlt!S Jy ~~~nd· t ~~ t:lnl· m.-et Melrose, Vaughn and Ooro- • • · uru of na while droppSng dccls!nr.s to , scrumnage whkh had IW rllect Carrizozo Tatum and Capitan. on the state ~~ the oune, but

• a Demon runnet grabbed up the ball ardl run. (Tho .ball has

LOJtDSIUJtO D.OUNCU to be touch~d beynn!l the line AUIOOIO WARJtiOJtS 2t t of serlmmagc). It W33 Ti~s "tlie~Mavel"telcs ball at the point tht! Deman

- ttounced 1he Rutdoso Wairlors playao took ihe baiL ·20-0 Sttutdi.y · ntght en the ne b!g tltaY of tM evmng tOiler's field. came on the ·next play. Billy

On tJl&. first lJiay from tcrim· l'AM'ay . ~ around right w .,..._.,_'L.... -•""-£ - ..,~ end, with key blOCkS by Da\>-e g~ • .&AJ1U5Diltl hauuaelc u=·· Barbel' and ano, ther --. b" aid V..t~ sUpped AtOUnd etid ...... ~, "'

ttw OO)'&rda and the toucbdOwn. went '75 yatd'a" tor- the f'JtSt '.tht! lck:k wu btoeked, and the ~_,The c»n\--miOit 'WU gOOd. WatrlOrli tnUJ«l Cf.O Wltb the OOTled ova" by Rat Slinclte%.

• gatne only. ~'illd. , 'The Demons ~ the _ball on In tM .M:ccmd period, M&•"er· their. 2J, . 4Wck. kiCked . and the

· . tclt Tony~ took a 20-)'llht 'l1gm ilad it on .theh' 32. On . . 800dng toN .ftom qtlllrtttbilCk ·~ and 1 the 'l'fg~ kicked.'

.. , . ~ - .

.. m . ~ R""...._._....,. for the aec• 'I'll&~ toox the belllrom t~N---~ ;;;.:..i ,,~.1!';----d- . - ~- -- ~ ~-~J!IIU JIM' to 'fhe !SO .U

UOAf ....,.._...5 .t.l!h ., &~.~ at..r...s ....,,,..,.,... .... ~ ._ ... -- UJe" UlUU 'Awcu. ~ cuu,;;u4


A tr.1 •t·the old autue of libertY' play was ool'gttt' t:Old bY the- 'l"Jger dd'm.e OH· 4th 1IDd 9 the ~ ktcked. A Pb!J, Ullq to s~wa.. good,

' •

• Herrera COt!JltM tor more yard· ...... lhOthet '_..,...._,.,.. . ... __ . . .,. ... , . . ~.,. on UJ(7

~&m stopped thla" drive. ':the ~ .. ~ ()Q anothet long pus .to f1M! Tlgei'-~->wen; .. pt!tlllfzed !Oi:'.lntenttonal tround·

.. ·p A·. R. .. ·r·· , v·. lng Of be1l, ·had to ldek •.. . . . The' '11ger• had the bill . - · ·.


Held ' ..... ift....;. '"'"t. ... -11. ... ~..... .... o· .... ill-,~-·~ "'own· .. ·. theft .33 With 4.:41 lett to ~ ->-------~~!~-~~-·· ~'"---~--~~-·~- -~· ttmm. we~~.t .u. ~ ,~~-e~· ~t·~­

filnf • til,... D1lh w.\r_. C1tN Or Chff.-(M ... tselu.u. . ·-a TP~-totiav~ The p

FUN AND 1PRIZES FOR. THE KIDS! ... ~ ~~~~ ihe .Att· . ~ With !th and·11. ·~ .

Oct. 30 .· • . 7:30 '. ,.., 12:30 :MOhil took ()Vel' Oii tbeh' 151 •.. . ' !S-yatcl l)etillty ~f them te-t•

,' .I!Lj,; ..... -· .................... -... _ •• _ .... __ .. _ .. _.'1 ... " ... ~-·...,;·~ .... • ... "':' ... · ... C'J .. •• ..... ':-•. ~~ ... ·! ... m-4m ... · ....... ~ .. : ................... 'iiil" •.• .... 1St aild 15. Itldto Pmlta fix~ ~ tet'cfptecl a I>c!mon pDf on· the •

'· -. ' . •I




At Carrizozo October 29

• 0 0

• so At Capit~n October· 30

. • '


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home tean~s. • ·• • !fley · · · - ··· -- · wiU -appreciate .-youf -- -·

• support!

-- . -- . . . . .• • . . I "

Nile• Bar & Package Store IHie O'arlen, OWner

Arrow Gas Company Ou & ~t.r Uncel!t Cwnty

Uncoln County IJalKh Cltlaens Stat• alftk

Vue~ lar KIM ai'MI lalft

Zurnwalt 66 S.rvic. CUff nmwalt • c:arrrz ...

4 Winds Rtsfaurant and lounge · o... FH4 w Drf.nb .

ftowerfand In Carrizozo Ph. Ml-211• • Flewwt fer all Occatltlnl

Dun Hardware • C.plfan CCIII'Ifltt. hUtllftio I"JJ,IIM

Mllel Fountain & Sundries ·Have.· An oltf..ratbl•ne• •• , .. tl,ttan

C.melf Stindatcl statlolt L. L. "'vtch'* c.m.H .. c:.t. ...

·ew.rt ~~,.,.supply O*.n .. c.....·. ' . . - -. -

Ctntnl N. M. ar.ctne· Caop~ratlw Ownel *1-,.... w. letri ·

A. e. thontton Sawmllf •·· wa.J:Ut&w··"'$Ht.t..,.._. Ctn~l Pa~ & UquorStoN .., ........... .,., .... C.d•••• .

. Hlnfc lt\Hn. ·etty S.rvke


' I t~t~H ,. •• eta . . I

Page 6: Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -

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E D I T 0 R I A L. ·' ' · . •

"A p.1ge for lndependflnt thought'' .· · ..

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . .

A summer kindergarten

Could be that we listen and read too much but the sum and


--substance of recent listening 1 to Supt. George White of Rul· doso I arul reading I School Re­view and Newsweek) Is that Carrtzoz could make bet tor usc

does not preclUde Carrl.zo1.:1> from taking a strong dOf!e of "dropout" medicine;

Carrizozo has . the problem •. not unique In any way, of C~J-

- tabllshlng a .le\(el of lcarhtng for students from two schciols.

, *' .. r - ' •


. \•,

' . . ... - ... " ' . -- "'"·~.-~,,!1\, .. •.,··-?'<!..,.._,..:,.."'~""':.,_¥.,.,..-"""""~A~ t ;,.;....,,.:....,:

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. 1~' J.INCOI.N c~~NTY ·~IW$, TH~Il$~AY~ QQ'OtErt ,_, 1f., .· .. ·• . . .··· , , . . .. . ; ..... ' .. ,._ ' . .. ' " ' ' . ~

: Elfttive · po5~tl~s on a· l M ticKird·· - . • .. ' ~ • .

. · to be, .. filled at I·

ni-11Ti<!lil~chQQI~ and teocl!_(!rsj at the same time give local stu­dents w head start on productive educutlon by setting up a sum-

It Is not a simple prob!~rn· A;· 1 f,., •. , klndergarden would h e l p 1 ri d

• i

1 I

i If

' .j

mer klndegarten. Local tcaehel'll know that the

"dropout rate" In New Mexico Is terrmle, llCcond-hlghP,st In the nation. That lack of ability to ke~ up, language barrier, and not much help from low-Income homes nre the major contribu­ting Jactors to the "dropout" situation.

Tax payers, If they stop to think at all, will realize that school buildings and facllltlet! ldll.' In the summer are doing no good whutaol'ver. That ln­utl'ad of building more class­room space, the day Is fast ap­proaching when teaching opace now available will have to be put to full-Ume use.

According to Supt. White otat£>-wldo klndcrgarden costs nrc moro than tho ntate wants to bear - which mean1 that oth<>r Items of education aro dl'l'med most Important. '11lls


this ret~pect. Carrlzo;~;o also has the problem of language.

Frank, a senior In Carrizozo school, Is an extra sharp boy who re~ods ·rather aver u g e and says 'he thinks In Dutch, his rirst language. Students ot Spanish extl'llction have the same problem, only It's worse 'because there are many more ot them.

An editorial by John Harty In School· Review Is titled "Let's find out". Mr. Harty's sugges­tions tor Improvement ot the dropout situation only sklm the surface of the· problem.

The flrot days ot ·school are crltleal - much more critical than the budget Zozo school of. tlclals wrestle all the time -Instead of just finding out. we much prefer to do something about lt.

A klndergarden Is a sltua· tlon where you limply could not lose and tho gains might be tremendOWJ.

Route to chllmpionship •

Thl' 'Newa sports reporter 1 ulw editor and printer's coach I wllntollnl'd three gaml'll played by tht> Capitan Tiger football tenm lhlu y£>ar 1. Thl'lr loweot nrorlng ~eume. 2. Tho one gaml' th1•y )ODt. 3. The big game n~tnlrust Dexter.

A quick rl•vlew of DIJitrlct 2..(" reronl goeo lllte thlll·

The Tlgl'l'll lwat Dextl'r 14-10 n team thu 1 had wlnll oy1•r Vnu~thn and Tatum. -

Tiu• Tll!el'll 10:11 to Carrizozo, u t11am that loot to both Vaughn unrl Tntum

The Tll!l'fll whiJIJX'd Tatum 26·0, n tram thnt IX'nt Ml'lro::o, Cloudrmrt. C'nrrlzozo, Vuur:hn untl Cnrunn

Tiw Thtern rn.Sited up t 71 110lnt.a In Dlatrlet play to their UJIJIOIIl'IIIA 2J

It would ncem. from tjll' rl'·

Marta ret

Iteam a

Alteut thlt IIUtltlent

''I' II lw out huntlnll 1:00n nntl tnttn1r my J!UilD with m" nun nrw llmnrown£>1'11 l'nltcy • wnuld It rovl'r th£>(1 nntl dnmnnr to my uun• nml hunting rqulp­mC'nl, nnd nlro my pl'mnnnl liability for n hunttn~: a('('ldent ?"

J. G. Moore Agency Dllil 641-2911 - Clrrllue

cord above, that a team has to be at the tough onCB and that Is just what tho Tigers have done.

A good probability exists that the Tiger defense has been undcr-roted all season. When teams like Dexter, Vaughn, and Tatum (all equipped with opeed!Jtem and capable offense) nrt' held to 11 total zero !!COre -you know the Tigers hnd some­thlnlr working for them . . . • maybe It's bent called "desire."

Plnytna their opcnlnu cnmo ocnlnut Cloudcroft, tho Tlccrs 11lmply had not jelled na a tt>am. Both defcrlll<! and orrcrum wan rngr.cd. It wom't luck that won for them becouac tho ona croro rome on a sustnlned drive - but that wrus not the tl'nm that took tho field ago.lruJt Dexter last Saturday.

For llUI'O no one around Capi­tan v.-ould admit It, but tho Tls:t>ns munt have been jUllt a lit tie nhoolt on romlnr, to Zozo.

, They plnyro thl'lr poore~t ~:rune or the ncooon hero. Tho blcrgcDt ntngle fnl'tor during thlll gnmo wnn thot lhr GrJull!.'ll were do­Ina no bt>ltcr. Tho Zozo came rnllowl'd th£> Cloudl.'fOfl ~:run.e.

What hnppl'nod tho followtnn wwk WUll proof or the puddln{I. Artrr 11 lo:1.1 to Zozo the Tlgcrn rnml' up ond whlppt'd Vaunlm had. 34-7. '11lo Grlzzllen went do\lo'll to Tntum nnd !rot their nhot at tlle dlntrlct title 7 -:W.

An nlt>rt deferu:o piUll gu)'ll that ran brl'nlt up tho gnmo oro th11 t"'-o prominent fenturos of th<> C".apltnn Tlgttrn. We'll be groatly dlooppolntcd tr · they don't ltct'p the state clmmplon· llhlp In Llnroln County.

He who hns nothlmr but vir­tuco Jg not much better than ho who hruJ nothing but faults.

See The Lincoln County News For


Sierra Blanca




.. No,~ •.

Federal land Balk Assodallal OF ROSWELL .. ·~ ---......... . ..

... o. ........... -.1 .. •••

llrnl, N!Wf


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NIW 'HAT FOil 811tNIE 1'0 T.ROMP - lhr-nle L11b1 I~ • man who nHdi plenty of hata 10

that he •l~ays h•• one to lfomp on whfrt the

,.,.~.. . • .. ···-"''"r.-c • ~~~ . THaWAV ,.. OPTH••m •

. . .. ......_.

po-1ng pn tough. Tl\tl z-. Cl\!lrterllaek' Club flxe4 him cJ'p with • bra~ ~ Stetaon l!llt Frl· day, all d.c:orated In JChoel coJon. (Nna Ph9to)

. . letter from the auditor asking for restitution was ~dispatched to Gonzales l.ast week. Armijo said Gonzalc11 had promised to return the rnpncy.


We'vp got our own brand of Mrs. ~ Smith on Gonzales, a young certified aporta reporting Which goes In· ... _, public accountnnt from AIJ>u· to more detail than larger news- art· -. .......... 'board . querque, hns been . suffering papers, and for a reason - we .-.----.. trouble and embarrnssmcnt ever like to read about sports, par- ' slnco he's been on the job but Ucularly football and frequent· M"' Bradley Smith has been It hnan't lnterlerrcd with his ly read twice abbut the blg elected secretar,y of the cxecu- putting togetllcr n reiJU1rkably games. Lots of Lincoln County tlve board of tho Western As- good ta.x eollcctlon record In people saw the Capltnn·Dexter soclatlon ot Art Museums. the bureau ot revenue. game, but we have totmcr Lltl· The association Is composed When leclslators set up the coin CounUam all over the of museum, university, college spending progrom lrult winter county on our IUbscrlptlon Ust nnd community 'gallcey direc· for the year starting July 1 who could not attend ·tho game. tors nnd cumtors west or the · they and all the others who They should get a fair Idea ot MlsslsslppL worked on the progrrun figured the r.amc from reading the Mrs. Smith served as ECC· the stnte would spend $2 mil-News this wee~. rotary to the Yullll1 Art Center lion more than It took In dur-

W • W and Is a charter member of tng the ychr. There's n generation that tho Yuma' Flno Arts Assoctatlon D u r c n u collecUons have

board of d11'cctora. h never heard of Hoot Gibson or She 11 accrctnr,y to tht~ Yuma s own n cain In tho prust se-n rumble scat: who never Museum Art Association art CCC• vcral montha that not only tll!)tcd bomcmado root beer or knocked out the nntlcJpated n com. silk clgnrotte; never tfon. ller paintlnca have been deficit but offer a strong pro-h f h hung In exhlbll!J at the Yullll1 •·- r 1 card o 01JU1 a Beach and Ta· Art Gallery, nnd nhe hnll par- m..c.r o a coup c or million aur-rawo; Ct1nnot lmnntno CtlS ro• piM at the ~locc o! tho year. · tlonlnc and bell bottom trou- ·tlclpated In fpcal and atntc com- Some ob:crvcro have down· cera: CllftS little about digging pe:!r~.n.Smltb l!l 0 n~tcr-ln·lnw crnded the burcau'o collection mayapple root or mal~lng rob- or ltts, Brock Comett anti Nel- rocord ruJ belna' the result of bit traps; never clulscd on leo lie Lea D!llt.er or Cnrrlzow and Improved bWJln~ condltloll!l In wagon tor chips; never had a n fonner Carrizozo roaldent. the state but there arc cold haircut with hand-powered cllt>- fi{IUl'Cll to show that a cood pers; never woro n mustard p.:1rt of the go.ln 1s tram lm· poullloo on a chest or an Mn• • • J prov,cd collccUon mcthoas. fcllda bag hung around the Inside The CapitO ncclt; never crnnkcd nn nuto- VAIUID REACTION

* * * •

Ma~ho .. Pistrict

re-elects board •

Landowneta in 'tho . :Macho J)lstrlct, In an election held yesterday, re-elected the ~­sent Board ot Supervfsora• G. W. Sllanks, Alton Com, and R • C. Bird were elected as ra.nch supervisota: C. E. D~l u fann supervisor; and J. Lewis Merritt as 111perv~r-at-lal'ge.

A tolnl of 139 votes was cast in the elceUon, In which ten candidates ran.

As Is cwsto,nery, lmmcdlately fo1Jowlng thelelecUon the Board selected otfleera tor tho bmllng year, and the following were chosen tor tho various oftlce.rs: G. W, Shonka, Olnlnnan; C. E. Danlncl, Vlee-Clmlrman; Alton Corn, Scerotary·Treasurer.

The Board wishes lt. known Umt their job Ia to ccrvo the




* * ·* • I landownera and c:ooperators of the Macho District wit!\ their conservation ettoitJ, and in· \lites all lnteretted persons to their meetings, whlctl ~~re nor­mally held on the 3rd Wed­nelday ot each month, at 1009 South Atkinson, Roswell

· · hyWJnOW Overinditl~ In drink will

give yol.t a hansover, Whereas overlnduJeence ita food wll1 &lve you an overhang.

Chapel of Roses

1:10 &m. to 5:11 p.m. HAS 2 PHONI NUMIIIll

At Nltht ,..

Phone 648-2252 EL 4·2633 Nogal



By Ace Reid

""'"'""' . ..... , -


mobile; enjoyed o moonlight ay Wlll HarriiOC'J ON CAR OPINION ronoo--r!de:~11ent-n--pcnny-postor----~·~~ ---·-~---·~·~ --- __ 'J'ba state cnr ruling. by ~thtlliC:----J.--fH ~: hitched up a ho:rcc:ror· SANTA FE - Max Gonzalez, AG, roqueated by Demo Slntc rlcd a bucltet of crot: chewed state revenue comml!m!oner Sen. Jcr...c Ortiz Y PJno of Snn· root tnr; or felt a depm::~lon. nl.nro the finlt or the year, b In Fe, npprors to have lmocltc-d

llrum't life been aood to U!l ha<;lng a bard time n!)Ju!ltlf18 ott the usc of ells~ stllt.o o!.d tlmern? - Contribut~d. 10 the dltdpllnc of publlc ~m- rom by tho revenue bu~u of-

W 1 w ptoyment. flclals, but lt waa vlctvcd by Too mnny pbC('S to go thb When he crunc on the job ll!l como ruJ opening the door to

Saturday by about three, be- the ctate'a chief true rollretor fufthcr abuse of stnt.o auto­nldcu aU that ll Ia a blrUuby he ll:lld he \vnuld continuo hb mobllct~ under tho c:laltQ Uult that ought to be cclcbra«'d private hwllncl::l to the ~tent they were being used to clmse with nppropt1at.o gilt) nnd (lcs- or handling the acrountlnz a;~ arc rent "~"t ,_J.... ttlt(>J. You can 'either smoke, work of £C1.-cral firms, wo:k "6'' .... ,.,. drlnlt or cat the mollt acccp. which Included s:cvcral "true agninst priwtc usc of atnto ~c~and~~~o~~ ~nnd~-~~ Conn on the right - the editor He Wllll ap~ntly unnwaro plcu(ltt9 m:aklns; (llld l!censln,g will no longer bo 39 otter thlo ot n rogulatlon Clllnblished by as Slntc owned, lfiit it hiisn't S t ,..,~., his ptcdc(X's:;or that rolle-d ror prevented rucec~lvc mkuse of a u • ......, • the 2,000 n•..,.te ...... _.,d .,.,., ...... w w dlsmissnl of any buroo.u of rc\.-~ "" v"''"' .......,.."". 1 nuc cmployro rought doing nc- IWl' crus Md trucks. .

The four-yc:JN~Id told b1s countfug work for taxp:l)"ttS l The lnw provides t1 fine of ltlndellltll'tM teacher he w!lf . and bo.clted nwo.y from doing not len thon $50 and up to soon to hnvc n btlby brothct". the prlwte WDrlt when the l'e· 1hrco months In ;fall 'tor viol~ ''Ho-.v du )-au know It will w n ~·•..,.u b ~"t t b"- tion of the stntc ear taw. but boy?" ~ trocher aslted. ~lt;nt~!.was rou~>'' 0 pu ..., It l!!lJ been entlrely ignored.


"Last Umo Mommy got sick. &he eamc with a haby s!5ter," the )'Glltlg&ter replied. '"'l'hlS time, Ibddy's sick."

w.w [)ro!;c up Johnnie Oleyon last

Sunday, not the prcttleat drlvo lh tho county hut tnterottnrr. Stopped by to- visit Sid Goodloo but he 1.\o-ruJ up come other can­yon.

•• •



b•nW ·~· · . CO .. ti,NI) $VMyS • 1'UC11; ntJ~ SVIOMS~. WiU I.OCA'I'ICif&

1•11 OtlllltAW. H•tah1i A.lat••-.i...W.w-M••••• .. u ••

. ~· ·Muttc· Co. N•w-P~-U.••

itO*WILI., MIW MIXtcc. Pfttftll MAi··UI .

' .


"Madame, that blonde sounds fint, but ~n't you be mer, definite about the cow market an<l

the next rain." •



VAUGHN Mlmltw F.D.I.C.

Y011 Ccm't Never Tel it might be

an early winter •

354-2201 ea,itanc.rlect.


LaMay ~ --- ------·- -

. -I


Lit- · ,. ...... ..,.. ••R•wM~ At,._ c._


Fill · Your,

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. .

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• 'I




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Page 7: Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -

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" ··p·.· ·~u· ·· · a·t· . '! ··c,- · · , sT.4'.l$ OE~ M;e:xtci · 'ot: WtWll: ~· :ll.l:v~~ :~~v· ~~~·· . · 'tHI .. l,ltt~QJ,tt ~~liHTX .N,W$~ THUA•r>.AYw ~Q.IJil. ~ft..JfO, tile~,~ auc:n ~ CQtton, Un~, wool ~pplleq ~bQv~ t4~ ~ar <>f. th~ h ·. ·.. ' .. '· . co~OJ?•J:liN:COW .l ~~-J)y.tMl>liJ~t>CQ~t,9t. !i.l_)j!il\i).i;Jt,.'J..t •. J .. ii.];!!-.. Lm .. &JDM#..t ')) 1 •• 1.1>.!1. .•.. iu\. .. .( .. ) . .i.,il,j. .• !lU.lt, as Wt!U~·tl.u'. Mtlcleil ~d(]~r Md on the bl'l$.~et. One · ' . . ..... ·.. .. . . .. . . .. . nt• ',lllljl.p;RQ~'I'E ®Vln' • J,.IJ:l!:()lq. :.Q>tmty~ t'l~W · Me)().,<:Q, .· · '.~a. V!in ; Jifl~ #iS W'~rt. ~~,_!IVbig Jl ma® ot JJ¥1()11, · WQQd, pJg~tle pound of duat Jbould, t111a.t

.. L ' ·N 0 l rc E . .~ lm ~~.RQF ~ . . . ::{®~~jJ~~::~~'j)a.=.' '' :~f~~e~~J:~~ ~tll:111~~~Q~f~ .::~f .. :ta!: . f::~~ ·=· ~~be a:a:gr tllcift)::~:=~ Agent's -.. • · ·· · · · ·· · · ·· ·. ·· •·· -~ ~'l' w;q,;t. ; ) ·.. . . qlaimtl -~~t tl:le .. e$t\\W o~ County Nm~, Octo~r :.tli. ~~ sa.me w~thln ;tlix m%ntb.$ tl'Om _ ~f the feq®t~. l'>t ~se i~~t,s. >;;-~;>ffl~ tot'. ful'th~r ~f<>rni~tion

. r!~~.,ym· · .~tt•i,''·· • · ·Am> TEST~NT · ~ No.:t,:loa , ·~~~ tf~u~li:~>;r:~:t . ~=~· x>u~.u b~ Nov;n\tm · .'. t~e ~}t an~thf14'~~~tC965' . · ws~11~~w':!tto~pe~~:tt= ·on c:attte lice conm>J. · · 1'!>JHj!o .. ,. - ·· ., • ·•~H·•• · · . · ) . .the SSJiltt tQ .tbe<Jin~rslgtlC!\.in ... . . • .. ·· ··--· - ·. . ·· . · Adm!nl!ltrMriX milk,.s;YrtJp, .ll.lld .others nll»' be · .

1 , tJt~,.:~':",!'~:r! ·· of )3~ U,:J!;/- , f.:he ~~:; liM Witl\itl tt~ft·· .:m l'!Wl;·~W~: ~l);RT : u.·FJifreti J-ones : . · · . inJured.~>' t~em. · · ·· ·• · 'Controlled. buming·

.. .I

. · ·· ""' ·· · .· .• . ) .· time p;rescn~-•bY l~w. STATEOFNSWMExtCO ) SS A~torney f!>r. Admlni.$t,ra1flx Area.s. .·ou~de. tM home. · · · · ..

~ · · '21&;~it~ ~<~;?Ji;~~~c~W)~ 1:-Y~·-J)~j~.;iJ ---: - · P~:n~t~J'~ ~~~J:5··- C:Ou~ri--6~-IiN~ow .. ~~f ·· c;~~~yl{~~eW~'ilie Uneoiit. · ~~~iO:~StT~~:\~ferf:v::;- ~PC~rf· of_ ejpenm;tnt- -·- ·- __ . tllere W.IU ,·be . offered . tQ. . the . t,fOTJC~ QF .FUfAI. H~RING . r. Q, J3()~. 3~7 . . .. . . . .. • ) ss:. ' (!o~nty News Qqtol:ler 28, 1965. . hOU!>e, lf 1M <n"lll~et!l <lo er}ter . ' I

hlghea~ bJdJler, but .a.t pot l~s . . . . , , ON . . . · C9rpna, New 'Mex.ico . :tN TJUi,j M:A'J"J.'E;R OF . ) SS. I.ast publl$hed N.'overn.her 1.8', ~c. lio.me, aNas lll'OUn.d fire• Four one-ttunrter a~ plots · th!Ul the appl'!lise~ valu~, at a FINAL.. A~~OUN'r & ltEPO~ Exe(lqtrix · · ) SS 1965. · places, clark ~vices lwblnd ot na.Uve rangetMd Will be ·

1 . ~-~~!~n~~~~~~:---t'>' 8~1~~!1\f~()~~ck---eo:S~ l!fe::~:t-~:ia~~::!!- Til~ ESTATE-,0!!'---- -·---US~ -~-e-m~·-·-~---- -- · furnt.. ~~~·1a~asf..lw~~.«b~.:_-~JnlrMd..AlF..t. ·stanton,...b~..te(lb..~.---J , • · •. . . ., . . - · ' • • · ) SS. · · nOTICE , e s Su0 11 """ ...... a. . • . . 9r... nlclnns froD:l New l,feXJ..c:q Sta.te

·'· N()ve~ber . 1965 next, at the Gracie J,uck En~ctl~d, ll~el lisbed N<>V• .11, 1965, • w L. nURNF.iiT > ss. CALL FP.R eiPS · dane, dieldrin, •lindane, sevin tlnlvel'Slty and :tM t,r, s. nureau Bureau. ot I.;a.nd l'i{a,rn~gement, Luck Mayet't tQui!ll) ~ck Pear.- , STATE' OF NEW MEXICO • · · , .. ' ··> ss Se!\led bids• will be received ~;md tox.aphene a~·.effective U.:' of Lllnd Marla.gemeJ:lt, Dlvlsion 9t .:t.dll.~ & Mine~ ce, Mary wu J,uck Skipper, · . · · · · · ·. . , ,.. · · • f c til sectccld.e when \l$ed according · · · · }Togl'(IID MaJU~,gement ~ I~ml Reba Jeah Luck BarQel"~ ~sther cpUNTY. OF IJNCO...,., a/k/a./ WA.IlrER L. > ss. b; the VlUnge o ol'On!l- un t<> ma.nufncturer's 'dl111cUons. Tile con~lled bqrnlng Is Office, u, s. ;P,ost Offl.ce' ~ Fed· . Pearl welt; aU unkno~ heirs .. IN 'l'HE PnOBATJi,l COURT l SS. 4.00 P·~· Wednesdny November. · These same chemica.Js will eon- part of a five. year experlmen-eral Building, South Federal . of Barney Lee Ulck, dece~; IN 'l'liE :MA'ITER OF ) BURNETT ) SS. 17, 1965 for M Auto Pa.tl'Ol the trol the crickets outside of tal. pl'Oject to study the ef!ects Pla.ce, SMta Fe, New ~exico, Md . t6 aU. unknown persons ) . ) SS. Villa.ge has _for sale. _ the home. · , ot' fire on both de~irable and the foU<>wing tract$ 0~ J'aiul: claimtng any lien or rig}lt, title THE ESTATE OF ) /n/k/a. WALTER_ l SS. As is, one A.uto Patrol l'Oad Both dal and beef cnttie undeslra.ble rnnge plants, Dr.

(New Me~c<> Principal Me. or interest, in, or to,· the estate > No. 1025 . J SS.. grader. Cat #10. · fte h ry U inf t d witt! DOn Dyer, NMSU. who Js dl-rldlan New :Mexico) · of said decedents. NORA; HAlU)ING, ) BURNETr, l SS. Can be seen at Simmons Auto ure.o t ~a.fu Y ltlil es ~d . recting the project sa.ys tha.t

Pa.r' el N 1 T 1 s R 14 E Greetings· · ) ) ss. Repair In Corona. 00 ear Y e · now this week's bum will be the . ·· !! · .o. ·· · V. ·• ' ' · ' D~co.sed • . . • • • ) DECEASED • • . . . • . > SS. The , Villige of Coroll!l re• Is the best time to get rid of first In tijts series. Here work ~~·~Jv~mv$845~ 80

0000 ~f · You arc each of you hereby NOTICE OF Hi:ARING NOTICE OF .APPOINTMENT servea the right to reje<:t any II~, whUe the weather !swarm. ·will ~e do'nc In January April

. PP · · ue · • ' cost 0 notified tha.t R~~ecc~ :Mc~illlion 1 · · ON . OF APMINISTRATRIX and all·• bids and to waiver all Trea.t nll cattle before _they go and June of ·next ye~r: The pu:::rc:e~oNQ~~3ri s., R. 14 E ... ~:d ~~~::: h~ r1r~ fnboth: FINAL ACCOUNT & REPORT Notice is hereby given that technlcnlitles. Into winter quarters. ·· burning Is done a.t different Sec. 34, S%SW;~ T. 2 s. R. 14• a.bove amed Proba.te Court Md OF on the 7th da.y of October. 1965, VIllage of Corooo Boa.rd of A spray or dust appllca.tlon sea.sons to obtain a variety of E. Sec. 3, Lot 4, 120,;13 Aeres, caUse, nher Final Account and ANCILlARY INDEPENDENT the 1:1ndersi~ed was uppolnted Trustees or rotenone or pyrethrum can conditions, said Dyer. Appraised Value ~.260.00, cost· Report, and tha.t the Proba.te . EXECUTIUX Adminlsthdtlx of the Estate of Thomas A. Huey, Mayor . bq_ used on both dntry cows be- The oren being burned this ot publication $23.99. . Court has set the 26th dlly of STATE OF •NEW MEXICO, W. L. Burnett, a./It/a, Walter First published In the Llncoin lqg milked and beef animals. wcclt is located In the A!rpol·t·

l"ll!:'Cel ,No), 3 T. ~ S., n.l4 E. Novern.her :J.a6.5 at 10:00 .A.M., TO: Martha. Aun Harding, All L. Burnett, a/It/a Wa.l ter County News October 28, 1965. If needed, nmke a second a.ppll· South Mesa Pasture. south of Sec. 6, L!>t 7, SE%SW~, ao.26 in the Proba.te ·chambers, in ttJe Unknown Heir& of . Ollie B. ~urnett, Deceased, in the above Last published November 4, cation about 14 da.ys 11tter the Highway 380. Acl-es $84.5.00 ,A.pprafsed Value, Lincoln County, Courthouse, in Harding, now deceased: to ALI,. ruuned Co~t. a.nd having qun- 1965. first treatment. cost ot publication $~.99. Carrizozo New Mexico, 4Ui the UNKNOWN HEIRS of Norn · For lice control on beef a.nd

!.l'he land will be sold subject time and place for hearing ob- Harding, Decea.sed; and to a.ll dairy cows not being mlllced, to the folloWhJg reservlitions to jectlons, if any, there be to. the UNKNOWN PERSONS claim- _ sprnys contAining either co-rnl, the Unltl!!l States: right-of-way npprtlisnl and settlement pf sa.Jd ing a.ny lien upon or right, title . · · · lindane, mnla.thion, methoxy-for ditches Md cnnals under · i"inal Account and Rep_ort, Md or Interest in or to the es- , chlor· or Ronnel can be used. the Act of Au(ll.ISt so, 1890 (26 the dl!>charge of Rebecca Me- ta.te of decedent, Norn Harding, . . Do not usc any of these sprnys Stat 391); and oU Md ens un. Million Luclt as ~cutrix; Md GREETINGS: , on cows being mtllced. der the Act of July 17, 1914 at said tiJtle and place the Pro- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE;N • Apply sprnys with a power (38 Stat 509), The authorized ba.te Court will proceed to de- tha.t Ma.rtha Ann Harding has • sprnyer a.t 250 and 400 po_unds officer reserves the right to re- tenntnc heirship of satd dece- filed her Final Report and Ac- • · · pressure. Usc a.bout ono gallon :feet MY and a.ll bids prior to dent, the ownerehlp of his count as Ancillary Independent • of spray nmterlnl per nnimnl. the time of Issuance of tinnl estate, and the interest of each Executrix of th~ Estate of Norn Apply dust liber..Uly over the certificate. respective cJaiJno.nt thereto;and HardIng, decca.sed: fogether • back, shoulders, and nroumJ the

The Bureau of Land 'Manage- the person entitled to the dis· with her petition pmying for bruw of the tall. Usc n stiff ment has not checked the rC· trlbution the1110t. The attorney .her discharge; that the Honor- ·• , brush and rub the dust well Into cords of Lincoln County to as- tor the above named Executrix able ~tin Wooten, Probate tho hair. Ample dust should be certain tho -existence or adverso 1s :Morrl!! Stagner, whoso poot Judge of Lincoln County, New .; . clolm!J. . offlco addreos is Box 925, Clovis, Mexico, htl!l set the 8th dll)' of


• Oct. 25 - Sbepherd pie, but

tered green beaJlS, cheez;e stlcim, apple-sauce ca.k~. milk, bulter, hot buns. ·

. Oct. 26 - Pinto beans and chill, but tercd nli~d spinach, cherry cobblcJ•, milk, butter, hot co:r:n brea.d . • . Oct. Z7- Com dogs, mushed potat()('s, tossed salad, sllct'd peaches and c:-uke, mlll1, butter, hot buns.

Bld!J may be made by the New Mexico December, 1005, at the ho~ of principal or his agent, either wITNEss HONORABLE ,10:00 o'cloclt A.M., nt the perso~ ot the B:llo or by AUSTIN WOOTEN Judge of Courthouse at Cnrrlzozo, New nm.ll, Bids for a parcel m\l$t be tho Probate Court ' of Ll,nccln htexlco, as the clay, time and for nlJ tho lands 1n the parcel County, New Mexico, and the place for hearing objecUom, If Bids sent by nw.n wU1 be con- seal of thl.o Court the Gtb clay any there be, to the final re-


sldered only lf received at tho of October, 1965. port and account: that nt the Division of Lands .t: Minerals · ltllc:C Hust oald time and pmcc tho Probate Program Manacctncnt .t: Land PROBATE COURT CLERK Court wlll comlder so.ld Final Olfice, P. 0, B9x 144.9, Santa First published !Dithe Lincoln Report and ~nt. IUJ~ -.y!ll Fe, New Mexico 87lS01, prfor to County News October 14, 1965. proceed to determine tho helr-10:30 a.m., on November 23. Lrult publlshed Nov. 4, 1965. ship of Nom Harding. Deceased; 1005, Blds submitted by nw.n the ownership Of her estate, and must bo 1n sealed envclQpct, ac- STA.Tl:: OF NEW MEXICO tho Interest of each respective companied by certified thccb COU'N'J.'l{ OF UINCOLN claJmant thereto or therein, and 29 h G · PI • -post-offico money orden bank nPntE PROnATE COURT thtl perions entitled to dlstrl- . t real aiDS p~ogram contractor

·draft., or cashier's checb made IN Tim MA1*l'Elt OF) butlon the1110f, payable to the Bwuu of Land > 'lbo ruune Md uddress or the ~ for tho runounts THE LAST Wlill > Attome)' fQr the Ancillary In- Ellis Schildknecht of Capitrui, ot the b~ plUJ Cblt.ofpublla· _... __ .._,·...,....,....,.. ) .dependent Executrix Is JOHN recently becrune the 29th Gt't'nt t!on. 'lbe envelopes must be .ru•w ·.l·.&:;:)·.a·~u. ) W. THOMPSON, P. Q, Bo}c m, Pl!ilns ti P worils: "coutlon" or "warning" tnarted fn tho lower' !eft-hand , ,;- ,,.,.. ) Nt>.1090 RuldOIO, New Mexico. conserva on rogram -indicates that tho nmteriall.o co~ . NM 0555341 "PubUc OF CHAru..ES D. ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I contmct hOlder ln tho Upper a hazardous substAnce. Snleltld, Parcel No-.--., Salo ) b,nvc hcre.unto act my hand and Hondo Soil and Water Conser- ''Dancer" refers to products

• II -

Ellis Schildknecht of Capitan becomes •

* *

.• .r


OPERATES EV£N IN SUB·ZERO COLD held at 10:30 a.rn., NOVember MOORE, • > ~ of the Ptobate Court on vatlon District. The Schlld- defined ll!l extremely toxlc, and ---~ .~ ---- -- - ·· .... ·· ·· }· tbla-1$th-ilay-Df -Getober_lOOS.- knecht ronch ill 11 ~v.calt lilbcts w1n carry Uie SkUll ana

'lbe hhthest bidder at the saJo DECEASED. > /1/ Inlce Uuat operation. CJ"'$Sbont'll. _.:.. -AUTOMATIC"•• ; -8Et.1",;pftiMINCl.~ •• NOISEtUS' ·

' t


' l <

i I 1

will btl ~ to pay inuncdJ. NOTICE 01' HIAIUNG . . Probate Clerk Planned conserv-ation work I..abcls also give an indication atcly tho amount thereof. Any ON (P.C. S~) conslsl!l of approximately 275 of the principal hamrd 1n such ad\."mte clntmnnts of the above- FINAL ACCOUNT First publl.sbed ln the't.lnc(,ln · .ncrc3 of Cholla cactus control, words as "On!IUiblo", .. vapor dcscrlbed lmld should !ile their TO: Marth a J. M: o or c, County News October 21, 1965. 75 acres of Pinon-Juniper con· hnnnful". causes burru", "ab-claim.l, or ®JecUObl. with 1M Cbo.rles D. Moore IV, Richard Lrult published November :U. trol, 10 a.cres of rangeland im· sorbed through the nltln", Wlderalgned on or before tho G. Moore, Evelyn Anne Moore 1005. provcmcnt by mechanJcol seed· • time designated for ,'tale. Any H'nrdy, Ralph D. Wanek, Guard· ing, and the construction of a Remember homo chemical

r tontlguota:'t~ ('lalmtng a -lrul Ad ~ten, Joshun N. Kahn IN THE THIRD system or road bars to prevent products nrc needed and can be prelemtco rl&bt must ••ert 'trustee, fl Paso National Bonlc. JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT erosion on roads with steep oofe when U!led properly,· Bin· .-uch rJgb~ to· the Widerafll)ed Trustee, Md t() all unknown QF TilE slopca. These structural and ve- a.ccldenl!l happen through care-Within 30 da)tB frocn the above heirs of Qlnrles B. Moore, De- STATE OF NFJW MEXICO gcta.tlve practices along with less use, stomge and dlspollll]. aato date. However, contlguOWI ceased, and nlJ unknown per- wrntiN AND FOR good grasslond llUUUigement Care .In ustna gasoline and ~ wJll bot be able to ,._ IOns clalmlng any Uen upon, Qr LINCOLN CO'UN'IY wlll complete the conseJVation kerosene would cut dcntructlve ICl't: their ptderenee' rlght. to right, t!tlo or lntcmf In or to SUMMONS AND NQTICI necas on the Schildknecht fnnn fires by as much as 20 per- · any puccl for wbkb bids t1ro the estate . of said Decedent, OF PltfDINCY OF iUlT ranch. cent. not recclved. . . • GREETlNG: THE STATE OF NEW l.U:n. The objective of the Gn!at Bailed on studlcn by the No-

For t'clnlburunlent to own· NO'l'IC:S is hereby given thnt co, TO: THE FOLLOWING Pla.Jns ConservatiQn Program Is tion.nl Fire Protection Associn-t'rll ot authorized Improvements the Anclllary Executrix of the -N AM: ED DEFENDANTS BY to assist ranchers and fhnncrs tlon. poor procUces In the sto­on tho landS payment of cost Estate ot Olnrlcs B. Moore NAME IF LIVING, IF DECEAS· 1n developing Md CMrying out, ring and handling of the two of publleat!o~ and otht!l' re- (o.l.${) known as C. B. Morn), De- ED 11tElR UNKNOWN HEIRS: on a voluntary basis, a plan of flrunable llquld!l are n prime quimnenl!l, see 43 CFR 2243. cell5Cd, baS filed her Final .Ac- 1\tRS, :MILES R. DUNN, it A. operntiom that wlll bring about muse or fnnn fires. 'Iho lands described 1n this no- count and Report and that the DUNN, AMANDA T. SNIDER, greater stability through gmz- The !lllfest method of storing t!cc wn be segregated from Court bas appointed 1be 7th MARY A RUSHING, E. o. SNI· lng and cropping systems and gasoline Is in an underground nlJ !omt!l of approprlat!on. In- day ot December, 1965, at 2:00 DER, Giro. W. RUSHING, the application of enduring eoll trutlt. Above ground, gasoline eluding locatlons under the mJn. P.M., nt the Office ot th~ Pro- NANCY A. RUSHING, w. A. ond water conservation prac- anti ltcro:;ene contain em should fng laws from the cbte of first bate Judge In the l.ineoln Coun- DUNN, HENRY rA. DuNN , tices. To carry out this program be located at least 40 feet from publication of this notice. Fer ty .Courthouse, Carrizozo, New NANCY F. DUNN, JOHN D. Public Law 1021, 84th Con~. . buUdingg. Keep conta.lncrn in further information. write: Mexico, as the time and place U1'I'EU, MRS. EDNA JARVIS, provides for nssurnnco ot con- sound, Jealt-froo condition. Store !Uehael T. Solan, Clifef, Divl· fot" hearing objections, lf any, C. H. DAVIS, GLYNNA FAY tlnuing co:~t-share assistance to snw.ll amounts In claty cans. ston of I..and!l &: Mii1el'a19 Pro- to said Final Account and He. DAVIS, MAGGIE JOHNSON hlfichern tmd farmers wbo pre- Lnbel nlJ contdlnern plainly ro grrun Management&: Land Of- Ptlrt. lor det.enrtlnation of heir- and RAYMOND INMAN; THE sent a satisfactory plan for there is no danger of a mix-up. fire, P. 0. Box 1449, Santo Fe, ship of said DecedeHt and own· UNKNO\'VN HEIRS OF Tim their entire unit Including a In handling gru:oline and lte-Nil,W :Mexico 87501. " ershfp of his estate, the inter· FOLLOWING NAMED DE- time schedule for establishing rosene, keep away from flame

.First publlibcd In the Lincoln est of each respectiv-e clnitnant CEASED PERSONS, t 0 • w 1 t: conservation practices. and heat - Md enforce a no eountY New September 3(), thereto ond therein. and the ABE R A 1\t B. HELMS, alm Any landowner in Lincoln smoking rule. Do all rctuellnu ~. I..ast published October 28, diScharge of the Ancillary Ex· AnERAM B. HELMS, aka, A. County desirinu further infor- outdoors. where dangerow~ vn-1965. ' . ecutrix. B.·HEt.MS, CLYDE C. INMAN, matfon regarding the Great porn cannot aC{!Wnulat.e, Before

The nttomey for the Ailcll· MRS. JACKIE JI. INMAN and Plains Program 1s Invited tQ starting up a motor, wipe up STA'IE OF NEW MEXICO Jnry Executrix is Mary Simp. nOBERT F. MORAN, and ALL visit the SoU Conservation Ser- nlJ spilled gasoline.

lNC01~TYnr2iru~coCO~ son Goggin. .200 West Las ummoWN CLAIMANTS OF vice' office 1n Capitan. Open Invitations to disaster us:. v4 u.r:u CrUces Ave., Lns Cruces, New IN'l'EREST IN T.ali: PREMISES nrc these prnctlct!3:

lN THE ~'ITER OF )) Mexico, . DESCRIBED IN TUE coM.. 1. Storing gasollne nnd kero-WITNESS the Honorable PLAINT ADVERSE TO THE sene In glass jugs or bottles.

'l'HE ESTATE AND OF > Austin Wooten. J'udge of the · PL:Al:N'rin Defendants. 2. Usbig either of these ffa. . > Probate Court of Lincoln Coun· . You , ruul' ea:clt of you ~ mable Uqulds to freshen stove

'l'im LAST wn..t. .AND ) ty, New Mexico, and the seal hereby tlotitied that on the 11th fires. TES'I'AMt<;NT OF .~ No, 391 ~t~~~urt this 15th day of day of October,_ 1965, :Mnfe H. 3. Using gnsollfio ns a cleaner.

--ro .. ~.:-£..:~- --- ~- ~-,> - - ···· ·- · Irifce-1IusF -------c --~:~~~~~;~~~~~~ ay-covnti Aiferitrialp&-Dili11•i rxfJ~~Jr1J~-lii~J:tX:~ ,unuuJ.-. . Pro!Jnte Clerk . . . . !fextco, 11 complatnt agnlnst · . . . . . ish discoloration ott the surface •

. i ... -._.. ...... ..,..., > p<U'Stpublished in the Lincoln :vou llnd each of you Callse No . SboepoUsb,oven.cleancr¥w~; · The meat is not spoiled. Though ~ ....... .1"""' .) eoun.t:v Newa_oct. 211954 .• l..rult 77.·. 9$ ott the clvil d~ket Of JJ<ild ahd hair-waving loUon don t lt ntnY Mt be as flavorful as it

) published N 11 1005: co sound harmful, but these Jtcms shOUld ~ . 1.11Lt.trn, ~A.!ed • • ) .. .... . ov. • .... • .· . urt, the t:enl!l'dl object there. plus kerosene, bleach, toilet . Tills discolor.,tion ~ called

NOTICE (), EXICUTCJk ·not· TilE DISTRict COtmT of . belilg to· ~et and 4et· at · elearter, ~medlctne, turpentine "lteet.e.l" bum'', lt'.S caused b., a. · · NOTICE iS HEREBY ·~ · . NQ. 38 ~ .. Probate ~t 111 . Pla.lntifl .the . title to . lighter fluid, deodorant, dey lOlls o! moJature from the sUr• that the undemgrw!d wu,. ott STATE or NEW MEXIco certa..ln real. estate PartlC\1!lll'ly cleatling fluid and Plant $pray face ot th!l mellt, Xt · .li ari indf· the 23td day ot AUgu&t,. 196!;, .. __ .... ~ . . .. · . · ) tescridbed .. fn the.· Com~lain! may be .':\ potentlnl clonger in cation that the wrap'"'lng· llwr ~duty appOinted EXecutor ot the Cbtm'n!' OF LINCOLN ) · .. , AI · catile.u follows-, to Wit. yoUr home. . , . been punctured

1 or that the mo. ...

Es~te ot FOUJttaht AJexe-f- . . ) SW /4 -·--a.M Section 2 . }; ~" . f ·th· . ...., •~ . • •Arial. ..a- . .. ,,.,, ......... ~........... • . · . ~- ·IN ......... ......, .. *..- ..... .,. . 'rowrublJ; 10 Sooth, Rang~ g n .... :.o ese Pn•uuc.., con "' . us .. ~ to wrap the frozen .ou.uer·~~~bythe_Probate ~us:. .m.a,1.".1.c.A v"' ) East. NM'.P:M ta.Jns-somo h~:t4ntous subStan(:(J meat was not moisturn•vapor

Tired of playing eoklmo evCJry time you have to thaw out that old jet pump of yours7 Get with our Aennptelr Submersible. We'll Install lt. You forget lt. Comt In and ask about Its five-year warranty.




• uarez


7:50 (MST) 11 BIG RACES Your ticket to thrills and glamor Is an action night of greyhound 11<:1"1 at Juarez Track. Excitement reigns with magnificent greyhounds In every race and the fun of parf.mututl bettln«: the

---Dally.--Doubfe.1--Qulnlefu-every--raee-,--Per,.- -­fecti on the 4th atld 7th races nlglrtly,

··and the 49er Gold Rush Cash Poor Satur-day nights. And tfie fun· Is CQ!hfilernented by the finest rn food arid beverages, . served by tht courteoUI staff fn the . comfort ' ~ complete temperature con· 1· trot •. Aeru of ftea parklOJ and varet petklllg tQCI!

CoUrt ""' IJncolll Qlw'lty. Md . . . . . .. . ·. . • - • . • . . that could caUSQ Ulnes!{ or death proof, · • . having qualified a. $u¢h Execu:O 1'HE LAST ~ AND . SS'. . . YO'O' .. J\RE :Ft1RTHER Non... lf qmen internally, . Ot coUJ.'$0, "One vf tho fi1()5t. important

·--·ca·. all having clalint FlED that · tm1e.u you enter would be Jnct.!-liYt!_!l!~t.~ .. 1l~t ~ _ ·t~tlfi. to.}'r.Ot~L~2 _qualf.tt.!lt _

• ...... a .. ·m· "At · · a.op uswg .· .. ~em · ue me. atl5 you put u.a: thO· fttezt!l'

~arro ~t ~ ,::· wtttJS"R. r.oM~ ~ · ·.~J,e""· t,~ur.e·~~.t~:.ep~tc~1 ~ri~Yt~~~.ec.···t":P~th&!'!~t·.~ ·-to the \iiklerligned lit the ttl.itl.. ) • ~J" blnyt· 1~efa.~~·.· the famUv,. .P!U1i. cti.larl'.•·· """''""' And •':;po·· .o ,....... '"'"'~t-. :;:._v.,"'n.·· · ",:;: ner a:i1d Withfil ""'- time · e- m. ~ASED > Jt;. ..... ...w "'' " .,u...... •· •· .............. . .. ,,., ~ ................ "" ~-. we lW ...-.·lc• .0. F . A_f.....,. MI·NT· . . .· ,, '"'· .t:<tli .... -" ........ _ ..... ,.. chllclrt!ri ftc>tb fl~ cart.. .sure you ~1 tbC pocki~ tight .. .,....,ucu .,, _..,, nv• rr.., n1 ~ u;. ,o&U-.:u """"'"' tit¢~< .b..r .. 'IU .. t........ 'thee ..-...AU"fl . 1~•.'i ' .

DATED OCI'Ol!ER 1.1985. OF .XICU1RIX . . OU'rf%~. 'New Mex.-. r-ro"peri).'and~rfng .. ~;; oot YF1eld erJc1a.! .... t.t· ·~ bcgtntdn .. ·~ . ... . .. t.IIJUC :Mn.Lim. N'otlCl! U hereby glvert ~t. . · ' ot tlinoettt:b btY®rtptm~ ; to Jnvade "hOmes and. lighted

!' · FJdt ~In 'the~ ~ ~ ms. on.tM'ttb Wi:lm':Ss my hand and.· fc!a1 :ltnow wlwlt you. ~· buying. ·areas. COUnty Neft: Octobet 1. 1965. (fay of October; 1965. ·duly 11P. ut u.ld c»urt M tJm. 11tJi day ~ the label.&1d t't!Jld t1* 11tese ttickett $boWd l)e·ldll·

. tat~ OCtoQtr .1HS... poilltfa ~tiiX: ~ tbe f:itite . ~ ~, 1!65. ·· · JMatt, Pdnt. Look fot" tbHe ~ llnc:e they ·mar •tfack tu•

- . . .- . .. ' .. ~ - -- "' ... _, . . . .

Page 8: Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · ' ' . . ' ., . . '. '· '·-',-,,· ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' .. ., . . ' ' ' ... . . \ ' ·.: -


' - •• ,- ' • ' " '. ,, • ' _,' v' •• '·

' "


CWSIFIED AD RATES One tlnM, per word "·-- $c Twa tlmtt, ptr ~ . ...;.. ..... -~ ThrH tlnMJ, per wOrd -- :k ClauUIICI display, per lncJ1 $1 Front pap ruder• per line 50c lllnd all handllnt chart• •H• $1 (Minimum chii'fe iiny a&n5CJ


FOR SALE - Four room house In· Capitan. AnyQ110 In· tacrcsted may cantact :Mrs. Herman Otero at El Palsano Cafe, Capitan. 44-3c

FOR SALE - No, 1 recleaned. pinto bcanD. Dry land grown at Gran Qulvera. Vernlc Wells . Sec or call James L. Wells. Phone 648·2247, Carrizozo.


FOR SALE - Two acres, two good hOUllcs, barre, ·chicken house. $5,000 for place, $2,500 down. Contact Ernest Otero, General Delivery, Bosque, New Mexico. 43-3p

FOR SALE - HoWle, two­bed room with fireplace, practl· cally new. Southeast comer Lin­coln and Third St., Capltan. Can be uhown at uny time by pe~n llvtng there. P. E. Smlth, Fort Stanton, N. M. Phone 354·2681 dnyu or 354·2i>44 evening. Uc

APPLES FOR SALE - $3.00 n bWlhcl. Mru. Lena Kennedy, Nogal. 44-1p




Gc:lt place mats, 10'h x 13% lnehen, with excltlnc map and historic flltiJrctl and places 1n Lincoln County area.

Pkg, of 25 ..... ...... ....... 69c Pkg. of 50 .. . .. ......... 1.29 Pkg. of 100 . . . ... ........ 1.99 Per thotllmlld ........ ,.... 14.00

• Prlntcd with handsome brown Ink on flrtcat paper.




L-P GAS For AppUaneet, or



. ,,, ·-· ... - • ··; ,.,, .•. ·.c· ··· ··o -.·.· ·- • .,,~ r ,·-- '.'' . ' • ., • ',-._. ,---,- ·• •• -,- '' ''<'~P--" .••• ._-- • •. 1-·~ •; • ,' -- • • '.' ,, •• •• ·• (f .. _

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ATI'ENTION - We will bo picking up n spinet plano 1n your area, small monthly pay· menta, 1at payment 1n Dec. Write Credit Mgr., JENT'S HOUSE of MUSIC, 2650-34th, Lubbock, Tcxns. 43-3c

TRADE - Pearl's Dar and Cato In Capitan Cor farm or ranch. Call 182, Caplt£111, New Moxlco. 45-3p

AAA REPRESENTATIVE -Those deJirini: membcrlhlp Jn the Trlplo A pleuo phone Paul Drush, fle8.2298 or write &% 3lS, C&rr!zozo. Uno

NOTICE - Will tho party t11nt lett the couch at tho Fallis Upholstery Shop on Sept. 11 pleaso stop by £111d explain whnt they want dono with lt. 43-1c

PERSONAl-IZED C Jl n IS T· MAS GREETINGS - Thb Lin· coin County NOWJ llu tho 1005 Desert and IIJch Country Sand· stoc Creations. Veey unUJUOI and attractive Olrlstmaa gn!Ot• lnsa. Dig 10 ~ dlscount--otl·J.IJt given on aU order placed be­tore November 15. - 45-Cp

INSTRUCI'ION: MEN WANT. ED. Ages 20-45. Doublb your pay. Enm up to $10,000 per ycai' as a Die&et Dffver aClcr short training. Sco tho eoun· try, pleasant work. Wo gtvo ac· tual tra.lnlng. No cxpcrlenco nl'CeiSlll')'. Wrlto Box 398 ~ Lincoln County Ncwa bcroro Oet. 30. Give name, nge, and phone where can bo reached.


. ',. ~ • • ' _-1"'

AVIIO Erramouspc Ranch. Jnc,, due­

no y operado de ErramottJPC Ranch del Condado do Llncoln pono nhttonla quo csta probldo do puar a casnr, Todo e1 quo pasara en cso tcrcno alra a~ tado p&l'-Ja leyde-New-Mexlec>

Fint publlshed Jn tho Lincoln County Ncwa October 21, 1005. Lut publlshcd November 4, 19 65, .

G. IL "Shorty" Stoneman, Mil'· , ---:~~~~~~--­GOFER MATCHES - Rub.

Phone CL 7 ""025 - Ruidoso

RAPIDATION PUMP SALES -Water well drllUng. concrete work. atool tank conJtruetlon. Let UB holp with )'OW' Fall \\o-ork. ltuey Dros., P. 0. Dox 368, Phono 354·2665, Capitan.·


FARM A RANCU LOANS­lJneoln County MOrt!;ago Corp. (NSL), Dox 1257, RulilOM, Urm

bcr 1tamps and padJ, roll tlck· ots, Mqlc Markert4 typowrltcr rlbboJll and paper, allspccla.lty auppUea. For We at Lincoln County Nowt. ttn

wANfl& ·


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oiX.f 11AVEL TOP

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Come 'to Eddie's Place


Satqrday Night

• •

Big Haloween Prize for belt costumed man and woman

Saturday, October 30 MUSIC IY

the Knights of Alamogord~

Nike Hall in Carrizozo •




Means Motor Supply



You Take Home MORE MONEY.

When You·

Shtp To

• RANCHERS Be FARM£RS Clovis, NeYt Mexico


• uct1on '··A-'•."'-··' ·~·Facilififl---- ··• -~··- •• ·• ·,·---•~'-·---"'--'· ~:~IN11tf ·cti'on

Whdt Pat"''~* ahd Wlntft feed . ..L..: .......... " .......... ·r ·· """' · • ··~J· . .. . . I'I;F . . . . . II~-· II ·-·· n \IUf l .• oaaa..,aJ . - . . " ." -

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