Marketing Your Career in the 21st Century with Lorraine Goodman & Max Weinstein

LinkedIn & Facebook Handouts

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How to use LinkedIn and Facebook Pages like a pro

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Marketing Your Career in the 21st Century with Lorraine Goodman & Max Weinstein

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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



Why Social Media? “It’s up to you to figure out the value you’re going to produce and then just do it.  Invest yourself in your community through intelligence, help, insight and guidance. It’s about becoming that expert that you once relied upon to get your story out there. Your job moving forward is to find the social consumer, engage with the social consumer. Build authority for yourself and the organization you work with and then design the entire ecosystem around experiences that can be shared and should be shared.”

How Employees found Current Job

UP FROM 11% IN 2010 16%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Recruiter Agency

Career Fair

Online Social Network

Company Career Site

Internal Job Listing

Internet Job Board


Referral from Personal or Business Contact

Why LinkedIn? •  150 million members in over 200 countries and territories.

•  Adding >2 new members EVERY SECOND

•  People with more than twenty connections are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five.

•  People with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn

•  LinkedIn allows you to make your “complete” profile available for search engines to index.

•  LinkedIn produces twice as many leads as Twitter

•  All 500 of the Fortune 500 are represented in LinkedIn. In fact, 499 of them are represented by director-level and above employees.

Complete Profile Includes:

•  Appropriate photo: •  Make it approachable and professional •  Consider branding across Social Media

Platforms and Personal Websites •  Executive Summary & Skill Set

•  Be creative with Headline. Should reflect WHO you are, NOT what you do.

•  Three recent positions •  Education & Specialties •  At least 3 recommendations

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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



Use Groups: Best Practices 1.  Learn from your network

•  Groups  offer  an  excep.onal  opportunity  to  reach  out  to  the  people  that  you  want  to  talk  to  most.

2. Discover your passion

•  Groups  offer  the  opportunity  to  be  a  student  again 3. Engage with your community

•  Group  managers  enjoy  unprecedented  access  into  professional  fields  and  experts

4. Develop a focused audience

•  LinkedIn allows you to link your blog and develop more followers

5. Show your Expertise: Deliver high quality, curated content

•  The better the content, the more attention it will attract.

More About Groups:

LinkedIn Apps Use Skills: Best Practices

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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



LinkedIn Today & Signal LinkedIn Today: Your Customized Newspaper You can see what news the world's professionals are sharing and tweeting in LinkedIn:

•  Allows you to customize your Front Page and follow industries and top news sources.

•  Lets you like and share articles with your network or save them to read later. •  Sends you news updates and digest emails.

LinkedIn Signal: The Water Cooler Lets you see and filter updates and tweets from LinkedIn professionals who choose to make their updates visible to anyone.

•  Browse real-time updates with content summaries and direct links to the full content.

•  Filter updates to show only those that you care about. •  Search for keywords, topics, companies or people across the updates stream. •  Save your search and check for updates later. •  Find trending links and Industry top headlines.

Best Practices: LinkedIn •  Create a LinkedIn profile & Get Vanity URL

•  Professional Headline & Photo that says who YOU are •  Search resumes of people who have jobs you want

•  Create a COMPLETE profile •  When asking to connect, DO NOT USE DEFAULT TEXT.

•  2% rule: Ask people to ‘recommend’ you – then return the favor

•  Join Industry Groups

•  Upload videos, papers, etc. directly to LinkedIn •  Download & Use JobsInsider Toolbar

•  Interact: Post, Respond, Answer


Pop Quiz:

How many people have a Facebook profile?

How many people have a Facebook page?



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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



Reasons to have a Facebook Page

�  845 million active users as of December 2011

�  Creating a profile page for your business is in violation of Facebook’s terms of service

�  You can only have 5,000 friends on a profile

�  No limit to number of “likes” on a page

�  More opportunities to customize with apps �  Find apps by using the search bar

The Facts �  There is no more Landing Tab for new visitors*

�  Cover image is 851 x 315 pixels

�  Tab images are 111 x 74 pixels

�  Profile picture is 180 x 180 pixels �  Needs to be scalable to 32 x 32 pixels

�  Starting April 26. The new profile picture will be 160 x 160 pixels and will sit at 23 pixels from the left and 210 pixels from the top of the Page.

�  Standard Picture in post is 404 x 404 pixels

�  Highlight and Milestone 843 x 403 pixels

Cover Images Cover Images

Cover photos cannot include:

�  Price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website”

�  Contact information such as a website address, email, mailing address, or information that should go in your Page’s “About” section.

�  References to Facebook features or actions, such as “Like” or “Share” or an arrow pointing from the cover photo to any of these features.

�  Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”.

�  Covers must not be false, deceptive or misleading, and must not infringe on third parties’ intellectual property.

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Ways to post �  You can post from the

�  Status Box �  Highlights bar


New Features �  Tab width has expand from 520 pixels to 810 pixels wide

�  Pining Post �  A pinned post will be the first one displayed on your profile

for 7 days

�  Highlighting posts �  A highlighted post is the entire width of the page

�  Milestones

�  Fans can message pages

Interacting �  Use Facebook as Page

�  This allows you to interact with other pages as your page opposed to your profile.

�  Click the drop down arrow on the top left of the page and select your page.

�  Post as Page

�  Manage -> Edit Page -> Your Settings

�  Do not Publish until ready

�  Manage -> Edit Page -> Basic Permissions

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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



Tagging �  When writing an update tag other pages that you follow

by typing an @.

Events �  Invite all of your fans to events

�  When logged in as your fan page click on the Facebook logo in the upper right.

Monitor and Engagement

�  Find different ways to engage �  Test �  Monitor �  Adjust �  Repeat

�  Facebook Insights �  Find out your demographic and what content they like.

Best Practices Facebook �  Do not push tweets to your Facebook account.

�  Better to do it the other way around �  https://www.facebook.com/twitter/

�  Do not Spam – follow 80/20 Rule �  80% shared content (articles, videos, links) �  20% promotional materials

�  Re-order your tabs

�  Respond to every comment

�  Post a welcome video

�  Link to one of your tabs from external sites

Useful LinkedIn Links •  http://learn.linkedin.com/

•  http://learn.linkedin.com/training/

•  LinkedIn 101: The basics of LinkedIn: Your Profile, Joining Groups, Settings, Search and more

•  When: Wednesdays at 1 pm CST

•  http://Learn.linkedin.com/job-seekers

•  http://Learn.linkedin.com/nonprofits

•  http://learn.linkedin.com/company-pages/

•  http://www.linkedin.com/static?key=browser_toolbar_download

•  http://www.youtube.com/user/LinkedIn

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Social Media Marketing: Goodman & Weinstein©



Useful Facebook Links

•  https://www.facebook.com/help/?ref=ts

•  http://www.youtube.com/user/theofficialfacebook

•  http://www.allfacebook.com

•  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMBTD0vNYqs

Sources & Suggested reading

�  The New Rules: David Meerman Scott

�  Social Marketing to the Business Customer: Paul Gillan & Eric Schwartzman

�  blog.guykawasaki.com/2007/01/ten_ways_to_use.html#ixzz1RkoQgMNz

�  www.insidecrm.com/features/facebook-marketing-toolbox-012308/

Connect [email protected] [email protected]

Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/lorrainegoodman


Twitter http://www.twitter.com/lorrsg


Facebook http://on.fb.me/maxweinstein


Web http://www.maxweinstein.net http://lorrsg.wordpress.com