M. VARMA AND S. SAXENA : LACTOSE INTOLERANCE References 1. Suskind RM : Gastrointestinal changes in the malnourished child : Symposium on gastrointestinal and liver disease. Ped Clin North Am 22 : 873, 1975 2. Trawell HC, Davies JMP, Dean RFA; Kwoshiorkor, Ist edition, London, Edward Arnold 1954, p. 150 3. Dean RFA : Digestion in kwashiorkor. Mod Prob Pediat 2 : 133, 1957 4. Chandra RK, Pawa RR, Ghai OP . Sugar intolerance in malnourished infanls and children. Brit Med J 4: 611, 1968 5. Bilir S: Acquired disaccharide intolerance in children with malnutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 25 : 664, 1972 6. Bowie MD, Barbezat GO, Hansen JDL : Carbohydrate absorption in malnourished children. Am J Clin Nutr 20 : 89, 1967 7. Prinsloo JG, Wittman W, Pretorious PJ, Kruger H, Felliagham S ~,: Effect of different sugars on diarrhea of acute kwashiorkor. Arch Dis Childh 44: 593, 1960 8. Herbst J J. Sunshine P, Kretchmer N : Intestinal malabsorption in infancy and childhood; Adv Pediatr 16 : I 1, 1969 9. Shah PM : Nutrition Subcomrrittee of the Indian Academy of Pediatries 1971-72, Report of the Convenor. Indian Pediatr 9 : 360, 1942 10. Nelson WE : Textbook of Pediatrics, 10th ediuon Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1975, pp. 40:842 IN MALNUTRITION 277 11. Asatoor AM, King EJ : Simplified colori- metric blood sugar method. Biochem J 56 : 44, 1954 12. King EJ : Microanalysis. In Medical Biochemistry, 3rd edition. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1956 13. Gopalan C, Rama Shastri BV, Bala- subramanian SC : Nu[ritive Value of Indian Foods. National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, 1978 14. Magotra ME, Phadke MV:Anemias in infancy and childhood. Indian Pediatr 12 : 493, 1975 15. Forfar JO, Arneil GC : Textbook of Paediatiics, 2nd edition Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone. 1978, p. 1169 16. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition, The practical significance of lactose intolerance in children. Pediatrics 62 : 240, 1978 17. Paige DM, Mellits D. Chiu FY, Davis L, Bayless TM, Cordano A : Blood glucose rise after lactose tolerance testing in in- fants. Am J Clin Nutr. 31:222,1978 18. Masan JR, Hay RW, Leresche J, Peel S, Darley S : Treatment of severe malnutrition in relief. Lancet 1 332, 1974 19. James WPT : Effects of protein calorie malnutritmn on intestinal absorption. Ann N Y Acad Sci 176 : 224, 1971 20. Brunser O, Ruo A, Monkeberg F, Maccioni A, Contereras I : Jejunal mucosa in infant malnutrition, Am J Clin Nutr 21 : 976, 1968 ANNOUNCEMENT Literature on diarrheal disorders A number of excellent series of off- prints on diarrheal disorders are available to investigators working in this field. The topics are : Environmental health and diarrheal disease prevention; Child care practices related to diarrheal diseases; Clinical management of acute diarrhea; Rotavirus and other viral diarrheas; Escherichia coil diarrhea; Cholera and other vibrio-associated diarrheas; Enteric infections due to Campylobacter, YerMnia, Salmonella, and Shigella; Oral rehydration therapy-recent advances. ~These can be obtained by writ- ing to Dr D. Barua, Programme Manager, Diarrheal Disease Control Programme, Worm Health Organisation, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.

Literature on diarrheal disorders

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1. Suskind RM : Gastrointestinal changes in the malnourished child : Symposium on gastrointestinal and liver disease. Ped Clin North Am 22 : 873, 1975

2. Trawell HC, Davies JMP, Dean RFA; Kwoshiorkor, Ist edition, London, Edward Arnold 1954, p. 150

3. Dean RFA : Digestion in kwashiorkor. Mod Prob Pediat 2 : 133, 1957

4. Chandra RK, Pawa RR, Ghai OP . Sugar intolerance in malnourished infanls and children. Brit Med J 4: 611, 1968

5. Bilir S: Acquired disaccharide intolerance in children with malnutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 25 : 664, 1972 �9

6. Bowie MD, Barbezat GO, Hansen JDL : Carbohydrate absorption in malnourished children. Am J Clin Nutr 20 : 89, 1967

7. Prinsloo JG, Wittman W, Pretorious PJ, Kruger H, Felliagham S ~,: Effect of different sugars on diarrhea of acute kwashiorkor. Arch Dis Childh 44: 593, 1960

8. Herbst J J. Sunshine P, Kretchmer N : Intestinal malabsorption in infancy and childhood; Adv Pediatr 16 : I 1, 1969

9. Shah PM : Nutrition Subcomrrittee of the Indian Academy of Pediatries 1971-72, Report of the Convenor. Indian Pediatr 9 : 360, 1942

10. Nelson WE : Textbook of Pediatrics, 10th ediuon Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1975, pp. 40:842


11. Asatoor AM, King EJ : Simplified colori- metric blood sugar method. Biochem J 56 : 44, 1954

12. King EJ : Microanalysis. In Medical Biochemistry, 3rd edition. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1956

13. Gopalan C, Rama Shastri BV, Bala- subramanian SC : Nu[ritive Value of Indian Foods. National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, 1978

14. Magotra ME, Phadke M V : A n e m i a s in infancy and childhood. Indian Pediatr 12 : 493, 1975

15. Forfar JO, Arneil GC : Textbook of Paediatiics, 2nd edition Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone. 1978, p. 1169

16. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition, The practical significance of lactose intolerance in children. Pediatrics 62 : 240, 1978

17. Paige DM, Mellits D. Chiu FY, Davis L, Bayless TM, Cordano A : Blood glucose rise after lactose tolerance testing in in- fants. Am J Clin Nutr. 31:222,1978

18. Masan JR, Hay RW, Leresche J, Peel S, Darley S : Treatment of severe malnutrition in relief. Lancet 1 �9 332, 1974

19. James WPT : Effects of protein calorie malnutritmn on intestinal absorption. Ann N Y Acad Sci 176 : 224, 1971

20. Brunser O, Ruo A, Monkeberg F, Maccioni A, Contereras I : Jejunal mucosa in infant malnutrition, Am J Clin Nutr 21 : 976, 1968


Literature on diarrheal disorders

A n u m b e r o f exce l l en t ser ies o f off-

pr in ts on d i a r r h e a l d i s o r d e r s a re ava i l ab l e

to i n v e s t i g a t o r s w o r k i n g in th is field.

The t op i c s a r e : E n v i r o n m e n t a l h e a l t h

and d i a r rhea l d i sease p r e v e n t i o n ; C h i l d

care p rac t i ces r e l a t e d to d i a r r h e a l

diseases; C l in i ca l m a n a g e m e n t o f a cu t e

d ia r rhea ; R o t a v i r u s a n d o the r v i r a l

d ia r rheas ; Escherichia coi l d ia r rhea ;

C h o l e r a a n d o t h e r v i b r i o - a s s o c i a t e d

d i a r r h e a s ; E n t e r i c i n f e c t i o n s d u e t o

Campylobacter, YerMnia, Salmonella, a n d

Shigella; O r a l r e h y d r a t i o n t h e r a p y - r e c e n t

a d v a n c e s . ~These can be o b t a i n e d by wr i t -

i n g to Dr D. Barua, Programme Manager, Diarrheal Disease Control Programme, Worm Health Organisation, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.